THE DEERSTALKER April 2011 THE DEERSTALKER web address: NSW Deerstalkers Association COMMITTEE FOR 2011 President: Darren Plumb Formed: 7th June 1972 Ph: 0248447071; 0412021741 Life Members: the late Gordon Alford Bob Penfold Secretary & Wayne McPhee Public Officer: Greg Haywood Jack Boswell 1 Struan Street Paul Wilkes Tahmoor NSW Steve Isaacs 2573 Ph: 02 4681 8363 Affiliated To: Australian Deerstalkers Federation Treasurer: Nalda Haywood Game Management Council (Australia) Inc. Snr. Vice President: John Natoli Contributions: Ph: 04138514336 The editor and editorial committee reserve Jnr. Vice the right to modify any contributions. President: Peter Birchall 26/39-41 Railway St., All contributions are to be mailed or Engadine. emailed to: Club Armourer: John Natoli. Dal Birrell - Editor Game Management 14 Blackall Street Representatives: Greg Haywood, Bulli NSW 2516 Steve Isaacs Mark Isaacs, Greg
[email protected] Lee, Peter clark, Les King, Darren Plumb. Advertisements: Licence Testing Advertisements for products sold by Co-ordinator: Greg Haywood NSWDA Members are accepted and printed free of charge provided a discount is given to club members. Video Library: Terry Burgess Cover Photo All Memberships & General Cor- John Desanti with a lovely even Fallow trophy respondence to be posted to: taken early in this year’s season. PO Box 519 PICTON NSW 2571 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Calendar FROM THE EDITOR of This year we will publish five issues of this newsletter. To ensure that we get each Events issue out on time, there will be deadlines for submission of materials to be included. If material reaches me after a deadline, it will be included in the next issue, if appropriate.