1 ITRODUCTIONS TO KABBALAH AND JEWISH MEDITATION in English "Mikdash" - Kabalistic Jewish Meditation “Ways of Peace" Publishing 2 © 2018 Mikdash "Mikdash" - Kabalistic Jewish Meditation “Ways of Peace" מיקד"ש - מדיטציה יהודית קבלית "דרכי שלום" All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmited in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permision of the Auther or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of any licence permitting limited copying issued by the Copyright Licensing Angency. Introductions and Kabalistic Meditations by: Rabbi Yakov Shepherd Translations by: Rabbi Yosef Sod, Rabbi Shmuel Gruen, Rabbi Peretz Aurbach, Rabbi Dovid Schwartz, Rabbi Yonatan Payson, Yosef Angarita, Ahdee Shepherd Type Setting by: Ahdee Shepherd Cover Design by: Batsheva Jacobs Distributed by: "Yeshivas Hamekubalim Nefesh HaChaim" Israeli Non Profit Organization580628527 972-(0)58-3208890 kingdavidkabbalah.com We will be happy to recieve comments and feed back so that the next edition will be more exact and user frienly for the bennifit of Klal Israel Rabbi Yakov A Shepherd
[email protected] From The Tomb of King Dovid, Mount Zion - Jerusalem 3 Intorduction to Kabbalah Volume 1 4 rerequisites P For Successful Kabbalah Learning 5 3 Conditions of the Rashash for Effective Kavanot ar Shalom Sharabi was born in Jewish Sharab, SYemen. He moved to Palestine, then under Ottoman rule, after an unpleasent event that happened while selling jewlery in Yemen, he would go door to door to sell jewlery and once he nocked on the door of a gentil woman, she showed interest in what he was selling she requested that he come in and unfortunatly he understood her intentions were not pure, not having aother choice he jumped out of her window and knew that she may take revenge on him because he insulted her that he did not want to coperate, so he left Yemen, to Israel, he went strait to Jerusalem.