Western Cape Water Supply System Reconcilliation Strategy: Overview
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APPENDIX C CCT WWTW Current and Projected Return Flows 550,000 525,000 500,000 475,000 ORGANIC LOAD HANDLED BY ALL TREATMENT WORKS 450,000 425,000 400,000 Kg Chem Ox Demand / day 375,000 350,000 325,000 300,000 y = 2,633x + 865,962 Jul-97 Oct-97 Jan-98 Apr-98 Jul-98 Oct-98 Jan-99 Apr-99 Jul-99 Oct-99 5,000,000 Jan-00 Apr-00 Jul-00 4,750,000 Oct-00 Jan-01 Apr-01 4,500,000 Jul-01 Oct-01 4,250,000 Jan-02 Apr-02 Jul-02 RATE OF GROWTH = 3.3% pa 4,000,000 Oct-02 Jan-03 Apr-03 3,750,000 Jul-03 Oct-03 Jan-04 3,500,000 Apr-04 population equivalents Jul-04 Oct-04 3,250,000 Jan-05 Apr-05 Jul-05 3,000,000 TOTAL FOR ALL WORKS ALL WORKS: FLOW 850 800 750 700 650 y = 0.1084x + 404.54 600 550 500 450 y = 0.2167x + 233.46 Ml/d 400 350 300 250 200 150 ANNUAL RATE OF GROWTH: 100 total flow = 0.7% 50 dry weather flow = 0.7% 0 Jul-1997 Jul-1998 Jul-1999 Jul-2000 Jul-2001 Jul-2002 Jul-2003 Jul-2004 Jul-2005 Jul-2006 Jul-2007 Jul-2008 Jul-2009 Jul-2010 Jul-2011 Jul-2012 Jul-2013 Jul-2014 Jul-2015 Jul-2016 Jul-2017 Jul-2018 Jul-2019 Jul-2020 Daily Flow Dry weather flow design ADWF Linear (Daily Flow) Linear (Dry weather flow) ALL WORKS: ORGANIC LOAD 6,000,000 5,500,000 5,000,000 4,500,000 4,000,000 3,500,000 y = 2,633x + 865,962 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 Population Equivalents 1,500,000 ANNUAL RATE OF GROWTH: total load = 3.6% 1,000,000 500,000 0 Jul-1997 Jul-1998 Jul-1999 Jul-2000 Jul-2001 Jul-2002 Jul-2003 Jul-2004 Jul-2005 Jul-2006 Jul-2007 Jul-2008 Jul-2009 Jul-2010 Jul-2011 Jul-2012 Jul-2013 Jul-2014 Jul-2015 Jul-2016 Jul-2017 Jul-2018 Jul-2019 Jul-2020 Population Equivalents design organic load Linear (Population Equivalents) Population Equivalents Ml/d 100 120 140 160 180 1,050,000 1,200,000 1,350,000 1,500,000 20 40 60 80 150,000 300,000 450,000 600,000 750,000 900,000 0 Jul-1997 CWC proj.1 Daily flow to CapeFlats Flow bypassed 0 design organicload Jul-1997 Jul-1998 Cape Flats Flow bypassedto Jul-1998 Jul-1999 ATHLONE WASTEWATERTREATMENTWORKS Jul-1999 Jul-2000 Jul-2000 Jul-2001 Jul-2001 Jul-2002 ATHLONE WWTW:ORGANICLOAD Jul-2002 Jul-2003 Jul-2003 Jul-2004 ATHLONE WWTW:FLOW Population Equivalents Jul-2004 Jul-2005 Linear (Dryweatherflow) Dry weatherflow Jul-2005 Jul-2006 Jul-2006 Jul-2007 Jul-2007 Jul-2008 Jul-2008 Jul-2009 Jul-2009 Jul-2010 Jul-2010 Jul-2011 Jul-2011 Jul-2012 Linear (PopulationEquivalents) Jul-2012 Jul-2013 dry weatherflow=5.6% total flow=4.2% ANNUAL RATEOFGROWTH: total load=3.1% ANNUAL RATEOFGROWTH: Linear (Dailyflow) Hyd Cap Jul-2013 Jul-2014 Jul-2014 Jul-2015 y =827x-374,961 Jul-2015 y =0.1514x-103.09 Jul-2016 y =0.1909x-162.08 Jul-2016 Jul-2017 Jul-2017 Jul-2018 Jul-2018 Jul-2019 Jul-2019 Jul-2020 Population Equivalents Ml/d 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 400,000 450,000 500,000 550,000 600,000 650,000 700,000 750,000 800,000 850,000 50,000 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 Design OrganicLoad 0 Jul-1997 Jul-1997 BELLVILLE WASTEWATERTREATMENTWORKS Jul-1998 Jul-1998 Jul-1999 Jul-1999 Ml/d Jul-2000 Jul-2000 BELLVILLE WWTW:ORGANICLOAD Jul-2001 Jul-2001 Jul-2002 Jul-2002 BELLVILLE WWTW:FLOW period Kraaifontein inthis Some flowdivertedto PST's added Jul-2003 Jul-2003 Population Equivalents Jul-2004 Jul-2004 Jul-2005 Jul-2005 Rated HydCap Jul-2006 Jul-2006 66 Jul-2007 Jul-2007 Jul-2008 Jul-2008 Jul-2009 Jul-2009 Jul-2010 Jul-2010 Jul-2011 Jul-2011 Jul-2012 Bottelary Area handle flowfrom 25 Ml/dextensionto Linear (PopulationEquivalents) Jul-2012 total load=3.3% ANNUAL RATEOFGROWTH: Jul-2013 Jul-2013 Jul-2014 Jul-2014 Linear (Ml/d) Jul-2015 Jul-2015 Jul-2016 Jul-2016 Jul-2017 Jul-2017 Jul-2018 Jul-2018 Jul-2019 Jul-2019 Jul-2020 Jul-2020 Population Equivalents Ml/d 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 400,000 450,000 0 5 BORCHERDS QUARRYWASTEWATERTREATMENTWORKS 50,000 Jul-1997 0 CWC proj.1 Daily Flow Design OrganicLoad Jul-1998 Jul-1997 Jul-1999 Jul-1998 BORCHERDS QUARRYWWTW:ORGANICLOAD Jul-2000 Jul-1999 Jul-2000 Jul-2001 Jul-2001 Jul-2002 BORCHERDS QUARRYWWTW:FLOW Jul-2002 Jul-2003 Jul-2003 Jul-2004 Jul-2005 Population Equivalents Jul-2004 Jul-2005 Linear (DailyFlow) Dry weatherflow Jul-2006 Jul-2006 Jul-2007 y =0.0733x-62.292 Jul-2007 Jul-2008 Jul-2008 Jul-2009 Jul-2009 Jul-2010 Jul-2010 Jul-2011 Jul-2011 Jul-2012 dry weatherflow=2.6% total flow=3.1% ANNUAL RATEOFGROWTH: Linear (PopulationEquivalents) Jul-2012 total load=1.3% ANNUAL RATEOFGROWTH: Jul-2013 Jul-2013 Linear (Dryweatherflow) Design ADWF Jul-2014 Jul-2014 y =0.0741x-63.416 Jul-2015 Jul-2015 Jul-2016 Jul-2016 y =630x-457,747 Jul-2017 Jul-2017 Jul-2018 Jul-2018 Jul-2019 Jul-2019 Jul-2020 Jul-2020 Population Equivalents Ml/d 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 10,000 12,500 15,000 17,500 20,000 22,500 25,000 2,500 5,000 7,500 0 Linear (DailyFlow) Daily Flow Jul-1997 Jul-1997 Jul-1998 Jul-1998 Jul-1999 Population Equivalents Jul-1999 Jul-2000 Jul-2000 Jul-2001 Jul-2001 Jul-2002 CAMPS BAYSEAOUTFALL Jul-2002 CAMPS BAY:ORGANICLOAD Jul-2003 Jul-2003 Jul-2004 Jul-2004 CAMPS BAY:FLOW Jul-2005 Jul-2005 Linear (Dryweatherflow) Dry weatherflow Jul-2006 Jul-2006 Jul-2007 Jul-2007 Jul-2008 Jul-2008 Jul-2009 Jul-2009 Jul-2010 Jul-2010 Jul-2011 y =43.028x-38026 Linear (PopulationEquivalents) Jul-2011 Jul-2012 Jul-2012 total load=3.4% ANNUAL RATEOFGROWTH: Jul-2013 dry weatherflow=1.4% total flow=0.8% ANNUAL RATEOFGROWTH: Jul-2013 Jul-2014 Jul-2014 design ADWF Jul-2015 Jul-2015 y =0.0004x+1.6452 Jul-2016 Jul-2016 y =0.0007x+1.1883 Jul-2017 Jul-2017 Jul-2018 Jul-2018 Jul-2019 Jul-2019 Jul-2020 Jul-2020 Population Equivalents Ml/d 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 1,050,000 1,200,000 1,350,000 1,500,000 1,650,000 1,800,000 25 50 75 150,000 300,000 450,000 600,000 750,000 900,000 0 Jul-1997 CWC proj.1 Daily Flow 0 Population Equivalents CAPE FLATSWASTEWATERTREATMENTWORKS Jul-1998 Jul-1997 Jul-1999 Jul-1998 Jul-1999 Jul-2000 Jul-2001 Jul-2000 CAPE FLATSWWTW:ORGANICLOAD Jul-2001 Jul-2002 Jul-2002 Jul-2003 CAPE FLATSWWTW:FLOW Jul-2003 Jul-2004 Jul-2004 Jul-2005 design organicload Linear (DailyFlow) Dry weatherflow Jul-2005 Jul-2006 Jul-2006 Jul-2007 y =-0.2791x+476.66 Jul-2007 Jul-2008 Jul-2008 Jul-2009 Jul-2009 Jul-2010 Jul-2010 Jul-2011 Jul-2011 Linear (PopulationEquivalents) Jul-2012 dry weatherflow=-2.3% total flow=-1.1% ANNUAL RATEOFGROWTH: Jul-2012 total load=2.6% ANNUAL RATEOFGROWTH: Jul-2013 Jul-2013 Linear (Dryweatherflow) Design ADWF Jul-2014 Jul-2014 Jul-2015 Jul-2015 y =-0.1687x+355.84 y =1,674x-1,006,587 Jul-2016 Jul-2016 Jul-2017 Jul-2017 Jul-2018 Jul-2018 Jul-2019 Jul-2019 Jul-2020 Jul-2020 550,000 525,000 500,000 475,000 ORGANIC LOAD HANDLED BY ALL TREATMENT WORKS 450,000 425,000 400,000 Kg Chem Ox Demand / day 375,000 350,000 325,000 300,000 y = 2,633x + 865,962 Jul-97 Oct-97 Jan-98 Apr-98 Jul-98 Oct-98 Jan-99 Apr-99 Jul-99 Oct-99 5,000,000 Jan-00 Apr-00 Jul-00 4,750,000 Oct-00 Jan-01 Apr-01 4,500,000 Jul-01 Oct-01 4,250,000 Jan-02 Apr-02 Jul-02 RATE OF GROWTH = 3.3% pa 4,000,000 Oct-02 Jan-03 Apr-03 3,750,000 Jul-03 Oct-03 Jan-04 3,500,000 Apr-04 population equivalents Jul-04 Oct-04 3,250,000 Jan-05 Apr-05 Jul-05 3,000,000 TOTAL FOR ALL WORKS ALL WORKS: FLOW 850 800 750 700 650 y = 0.1084x + 404.54 600 550 500 450 y = 0.2167x + 233.46 Ml/d 400 350 300 250 200 150 ANNUAL RATE OF GROWTH: 100 total flow = 0.7% 50 dry weather flow = 0.7% 0 Jul-1997 Jul-1998 Jul-1999 Jul-2000 Jul-2001 Jul-2002 Jul-2003 Jul-2004 Jul-2005 Jul-2006 Jul-2007 Jul-2008 Jul-2009 Jul-2010 Jul-2011 Jul-2012 Jul-2013 Jul-2014 Jul-2015 Jul-2016 Jul-2017 Jul-2018 Jul-2019 Jul-2020 Daily Flow Dry weather flow design ADWF Linear (Daily Flow) Linear (Dry weather flow) ALL WORKS: ORGANIC LOAD 6,000,000 5,500,000 5,000,000 4,500,000 4,000,000 3,500,000 y = 2,633x + 865,962 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 Population Equivalents 1,500,000 ANNUAL RATE OF GROWTH: total load = 3.6% 1,000,000 500,000 0 Jul-1997 Jul-1998 Jul-1999 Jul-2000 Jul-2001 Jul-2002 Jul-2003 Jul-2004 Jul-2005 Jul-2006 Jul-2007 Jul-2008 Jul-2009 Jul-2010 Jul-2011 Jul-2012 Jul-2013 Jul-2014 Jul-2015 Jul-2016 Jul-2017 Jul-2018 Jul-2019 Jul-2020 Population Equivalents design organic load Linear (Population Equivalents) Population Equivalents Ml/d 100 120 140 160 180 1,050,000 1,200,000 1,350,000 1,500,000 20 40 60 80 150,000 300,000 450,000 600,000 750,000 900,000 0 Jul-1997 CWC proj.1 Daily flow to CapeFlats Flow bypassed 0 design organicload Jul-1997 Jul-1998 Cape Flats Flow bypassedto Jul-1998 Jul-1999 ATHLONE WASTEWATERTREATMENTWORKS Jul-1999 Jul-2000 Jul-2000 Jul-2001 Jul-2001 Jul-2002 ATHLONE WWTW:ORGANICLOAD Jul-2002 Jul-2003 Jul-2003 Jul-2004 ATHLONE WWTW:FLOW Population Equivalents Jul-2004 Jul-2005 Linear (Dryweatherflow) Dry weatherflow Jul-2005 Jul-2006 Jul-2006 Jul-2007 Jul-2007 Jul-2008 Jul-2008 Jul-2009 Jul-2009 Jul-2010 Jul-2010 Jul-2011 Jul-2011 Jul-2012 Linear (PopulationEquivalents) Jul-2012 Jul-2013 dry weatherflow=5.6% total flow=4.2% ANNUAL RATEOFGROWTH: total load=3.1% ANNUAL RATEOFGROWTH: Linear (Dailyflow) Hyd Cap Jul-2013 Jul-2014 Jul-2014 Jul-2015 y =827x-374,961 Jul-2015 y =0.1514x-103.09 Jul-2016 y =0.1909x-162.08 Jul-2016 Jul-2017 Jul-2017 Jul-2018 Jul-2018 Jul-2019 Jul-2019 Jul-2020 Population Equivalents Ml/d 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 400,000 450,000 500,000 550,000 600,000 650,000 700,000 750,000 800,000 850,000 50,000 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 Design OrganicLoad 0 Jul-1997 Jul-1997 BELLVILLE WASTEWATERTREATMENTWORKS Jul-1998 Jul-1998 Jul-1999 Jul-1999 Ml/d Jul-2000 Jul-2000 BELLVILLE WWTW:ORGANICLOAD Jul-2001 Jul-2001 Jul-2002 Jul-2002 BELLVILLE WWTW:FLOW period Kraaifontein inthis Some flowdivertedto PST's added Jul-2003 Jul-2003 Population