THE Mexican Guide
Class _Illl^_i: Book ___:1j_ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT 4 Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from Tine Library of Congress littp:// Public Buildings. CITY OF MEXICO AcadcmiatleBclhis Artcs.O, 103 AX7TH0BIZED FOR PtTBLIC ATION WITH THE MEXICAIN GUIDE By GENERAL CARLOS PACHECO, Minister of Piibltv H'or, U-a, 18fi5. I TO TOURISTS AND OTHERS about to visit Mexico, The Missouri Pacific Rail- way System offers a choice of the pleasantest and most direct routes from St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas City, and also (via Texas and Pacific Railway) from GALVESTON and New Orleans. From all above points connection is made at El Paso, Texas, with the Mexican Central Railway, so that via either of the MISSOURI PACIFIC routes passengers can be sure of a Speedy and Comfortable trip to Mexico. Pullman, Sleeping, Dining, and Buffet Cars of the newest and best patterns through to El Paso in all express trains. For further information apply to W. H. NEWMAN, Gen'l Traffic Manager, ) ^'^' ^O^'S, MO. H. C. TOWNSEND, Gen'l Pas. & Ticket Agt., \ O. G MURRAY, Traffic Manager, ) DALLAS, B. W. McCULLOUGH, Gen'l Pas. & Ticket Agt., f TEXAS. JNO. E. ENNIS, Pas. Agt., S. H. THOMPSON, Cent. Pas.Agt., 86 Washington St., Chicago. iiig Liberty St., Pittsburg, Pa. A. A. GALLAGHER, So. Pas. Agt., N. R. WARWICK, Pas. Agt., 103 Read House, Chattanooga, Tenn. 131 Vine St., Cincinnati, O. E. S. JEWETT, Pas. & Ticket Agt., A. H. TORRICELLI,New Eng.Agt., 528 Main St., Kansas City, Mo. 214 Washington St., Boston, Mass.
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