Eddy County Commission Meeting Tuesday, May 19, 2020 - 8:30 A.M
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Eddy County Commission Meeting Tuesday, May 19, 2020 - 8:30 a.m. Eddy County Administration Complex - Room 211 101 W. Greene Street, Carlsbad, NM 88220 AGENDA Pledge of Allegiance Salute: I salute the flag of the State of New Mexico and the Zia symbol of perfect friendship among united cultures. Invocation - SheriffMark Cage TIMED AGENDA 8:30 A.M.: 1. Public comments/announcements. (Only emailed, mailed, or online submitted public comments will be read.) 2. Service Awards: None. 3. *Bid Award: a. IFB 20-02; Morse Watchman Electronic Key Watcher Touch Locker System - Roberta Smith. TRAILING AGENDA 1. Approve: a. *Commission Meeting Minutes for April 21, 2020. b. *Commission Meeting Minutes for May 5, 2020. c. *Special Commission Meeting Minutes for May 7, 2020. d. *Expense Approval Report for April 2020. e. *Purchase Card Approval List for April 2020. 2. *Request for Additional Funding for Brine Well Remediation Project - Allen R. Davis. 3. *Eddy County Ordinance No. 0-20-97 Amending Ordinance 0-17-87; Amendment to Ordinance 0-17-87 Modifying Dedication - Cas Tabor. 1 of 184 4. *Eddy County Ordinance No. 0-20-98 Amending Ordinance 0-93-21; Amendment to Ordinance 0-93-21 Modifying Dedication - Cas Tabor. 5. *Resolution and Agreement Consent Agenda: Since all of the items listed below have been distributed to the Commissioners in advance for review and are of a routine and non-controversial nature, they will be enacted by a single motion. Any Commissioner or the County Manager may remove an item from this Resolution and Agreement Consent Agenda if separate discussion is desired. Any item so removed shall be placed on the Trailing Agenda immediately following the approval of this Resolution and Agreement Consent Agenda or later, at a specific time or place on the Trailing Agenda. a. Resolutions: i. R-20-43; Revision of the Eddy County Purchasing Policy - Kristen Novotny. ii. R-20-44; Revision of the Eddy County P-Card Policy - Kristen Novotny. iii. R-20-45; Revision of the Eddy County Travel Policy - Jessica Stygar. iv. R-20-46; Indigent Medical/Hospital Claims - Veronica Parras. v. R-20-47; Authorizing Transfer of a Portion of the Funds from the Eddy County Indigent Account to such Accounts as Determined by the County Manager and Finance Director - Cas Tabor. b. Agreements: i. A-20-44; Professional Service Agreement for Healthcare Services - Veronica Parras. ii. A-20-48; Equipment Service Contract for Assessor Carlsbad Office Copier - Gemma Ferguson. iii. A-20-50; Agreement to Facilitate Video Arraignment for Artesia Magistrate Court between the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC), City of Artesia, and the County of Eddy - Warden Billy Massingill. iv. A-20-51; Agreement to Facilitate Video Arraignment for Magistrate Court between the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) and Eddy County Detention Centers - Warden Billy Massingill. 6. Department Updates. 7. Travel Request Consent Agenda: Since all of the items listed below have been distributed to the Commissioners in advance for review and are of a routine and non-controversial nature, they will be enacted by a single motion. Any Commissioner or the County Manager may remove an item from this Travel Request Consent Agenda if separate discussion is desired. Any item so removed shall be placed on the Trailing Agenda immediately following this 2 of 184 Travel Request Consent Agenda or later, at a specific time or place on the Trailing Agenda. PRIOR: None. FUTURE: None. 8. Emergency Business. 9. Legislative Update. 10. Legislators and Elected Officials' comments/announcements/updates. 11. County Manager's comments/announcements/updates. 12. County Commissioners' comments/announcements/updates. 13. *EXECUTIVE SESSION: The Board may go into Executive Session in accordance with the State of New Mexico Open Meetings Act, Section 10-15- 1-H(2) & (7), which authorizes the Board of County Commissioners to go into Executive Session to discuss: a. Limited personnel matters: i. Renewal of Memorandum of Understanding for Eddy County and the Cities of Artesia and Carlsbad for Public and Government Affairs Services - Allen Davis. b. Threatened or pending litigation: i. Eddy County Purchase - Cas Tabor. 14. *Re-open meeting - Motion Must Be Certified. 15. Take action, if any, on any matter relating to the Executive Session. a. Limited personnel matters: i. Renewal of Memorandum of Understanding for Eddy County and the Cities of Artesia and Carlsbad for Public and Government Affairs Services - Allen Davis. b. Threatened or pending litigation: i. Eddy County Purchase - Cas Tabor. 16.*Adjourn. *Asterisks Denotes Vote Required 3 of 184 NOTICE OF COMMISSION MEETING PROTOCOL In accordance with the updated State Orders from the Governor, the Commission Meeting scheduled for May 19, 2020 at 8:30 a.m., will be held in the Commission Chambers at the Eddy County Administration Complex. The Commission, along with the Clerk, the County Attorney, and the County Manager will be present. Appropriate social distancing will be in place. Red Rocket will broadcast the audio portion of the commission meeting via the County social media site, www.facebook.com/pg/EddyCounty/videos/?ref+page internal and the Eddy County website, www.co.eddy.nm.us. The material shown during the meeting will be done remotely. Those Elected Officials, Department Directors or County employees that may need to address the Commission will be asked to be available in the County Administration Building and they will be called upon (notified) as needed to present items or address questions and they will be admitted to the Commission Chambers for that purpose. Because of the continued restrictions, the public won't be able to be present at the meeting, but they can listen online. Public comments can be provided online through the County website, www.co.eddy.nm.us. All public comments must be received by 5:00 p.m., Monday, May 18th • Those comments will be read to the Commission and recorded for the public comment portion of the meeting agenda. The County appreciates your patience and understanding as we continue to move forward with "reopening" of servie s for the County. Th$_ Allen R. Davis Eddy County Manager 4 of 184 AGENDA REQUEST Department Submitting: Finance/Procurement Department Head Approval (Initials): Q,L5 Contact Person: Roberta Smith Phone: 575-887-4820 Agenda Date Of: May 19, 2020 Agreement or Resolution#: IFB 20-02 Agenda Item Title: IFB 20-02 Morse Watchman Electronic Key Watcher Touch Locker System Brief Description/Background: IFB 20-02 for Morse Watchman Electronic Key Watcher Touch Locker System was solicited on April 27, 2020. This IFB is due May 14, 2020. All bids will be opened and evaluated for responsiveness and a recommendation for award will be made at the meeting. The Bid Tabulation Sheet will be sent out on Friday May 15, 2020 before Close of Business in preparation for the BOCC meeting on Tuesday, May 19, 2020. Financial Impact (Revenue & Expense): Will Need Budget Adjustment 1000-600-58910-00000 No Action, FYI Onl Make/Pass Motion X A rove Resolution Discussion / Direction Other reement roval 'V, Initials: 5 of 184 EDDY COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING April 21, 2020 Be it remembered that the Eddy County Board of Commissioners held a regular meeting in the Eddy County Administration Complex-Room 211 on April 21, 2020 at 8:30 a.m. Davis called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance and the Salute to the New Mex ico State flag. Wood gave the invocation. PRESENT: ERNEST CARLSON CHAIR, DISTRICT 1 - REMOTE STEVE MCCUTCHEON VICE-CHAIR, DIST 4 JON HENRY CHAIR, DIST 2- REMOTE LARRY WOOD COMMISSIONER, DIST 3 - REMOTE SUSAN CROCKETT COMMISSIONER, DIST 5 - REMOTE ALLEN DAVIS COUNTY MANAGER CAS TABOR COUNTY ATTORNEY- REMOTE ROBIN VAN NATTA COUNTY CLERK RONDA NELSON DEPUTY CLERK - REMOTE CAROL HENNINGTON INFO SYSTEMS DIR STEPHANIE YBABEN RED ROCKET MEDIA TIMED AGENDA 8:30 A.M.: 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS. (ONLY EMAILED, MAILED, OR ONLINE SUBMITTED PUBLIC COMMENTS WILL BE READ.) Davis stated the public comments received were more pertinent to tomorrow afternoon's meeting, so they would be read tomorrow afternoon at that meeting. 2. SERVICE AWARDS - SERVICE AWARDS HAVE BEEN GIVEN TO THE EMPLOYEE'S SUPERVISOR TO DISTRIBUTE. EMPLOYEES WILL BE RECOGNIZED AT THE NEXT AVAILABLE OPEN COMMISSION MEETING. a. RHONDA HATCH, ASSESSOR'S OFFICE-15 YEARS b. JUDY JENSEN, CLERK'S OFFICE -15 YEARS c. KATHY WALTERS, PUBLIC WORKS, ARTESIA-10 YEARS d. ANTHONY PONCE, DETENTION -10 YEARS 3. BID AWARDS: 6 of 184 a. *RFP 20-02 ANNUAL AUDIT SERVICES - ROBERTA SMITH: Smith stated a solicitation for the annual audit of the Finance Department records had been submitted on March 16. Three proposals had been received; Carr, Riggs & Ingram, Beasley Mitchell & Co., and Johnson Miller & Co. Each had been deemed responsive, qualified and acceptable. The recommendation was to award the RFP to Carr, Riggs & Ingram for Annual Audit Services. Crockett moved, seconded by Wood, to award RFP 20-02 as recommended. Voting yes: Wood, Crockett, Mccutcheon, Carlson and Henry. Passed 5-0. RFP 20-02 was recorded as Timed Agenda Exhibit 3.a. b. *RFP 20-03 OIL AND GAS PERSONAL PROPERTY AUDIT- ROBERTA SMITH: Smith stated the RFP had been solicited March 11, 2020. One proposal had been received by Total Assessment Solutions Corporation (TASC). The company had been deemed responsive and the recommendation was to award RFP 20-03 to Total Assessment Solutions Corporation, aka TASC. Henry stated he was aware of this being a continuation of the oil and gas audit. He referenced a letter sent December 1, 2017 from the Taxation and Revenue Department. He quoted the second paragraph, "If there is any question that Taxation Revenue Department is solely responsible for valuing centrally-assessed property, it is definitively answered by the New Mexico Court of Appeals in the recent decision of Cable One Inc.