NOTICE OF PREPARATION City of Oceanside, California __________________________________________________________________________ To: California Office of Planning and Research Responsible and Trustee Agencies Other Interested Parties Subject: Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report Project: General Plan Update - Economic Development Element (EDE) and Energy / Climate Action Element (E-CAP) Lead Agency: City of Oceanside Date: May 31, 2017 Pursuant to Section 15082(a) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, the City of Oceanside (City) will be the lead agency and will manage the preparation of a program environmental impact report (EIR) for the proposed project described below. The City has concluded that the project could result in potentially significant environmental impacts; therefore, an EIR is required. The project description and location are included herein. The City requests input regarding the scope and content of the EIR. Pursuant to Section 15103 of the CEQA Guidelines, responses must be sent at the earliest date and received by the City no later than 30 days of the date of this notice. The public comment period associated with the release of this Notice of Preparation (NOP) will commence on Wednesday, May 31, 2017, and end on Friday June 30, 2017. Should you have any questions regarding the project, please contact Russ Cunningham. Please mail, email, or fax written responses to: City of Oceanside Planning Division Attn: Russ Cunningham, Principal Planner 300 N. Coast Highway Oceanside, California 92054 Email:
[email protected] Phone: (760) 435-3525 Fax: (760) 754-2958 Project Location: The project area consists of the City of Oceanside located in San Diego County, California (Figure 1).