An Analysis of Developmental Governmentality in the Cold War Period
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AN ANALYSIS OF DEVELOPMENTAL GOVERNMENTALITY IN THE COLD WAR PERIOD A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES OF MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY BAŞARAN BİLGİN IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY DECEMBER 2006 Approval of the Graduate School of Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Sencer Ayata Director I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science. Assoc.Prof. Dr. Sibel Kalaycıoğlu Head of Department This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science. Prof. Dr. Meyda Yeğenoğlu-Mutman Supervisor Examining Committee Members Assoc.Prof. Dr. Ayşe Gündüz Hoşgör (METU, SOC) Prof. Dr. Meyda Yeğenoğlu-Mutman (METU, SOC) Assist. Prof. Dr. Galip Yalman (METU, ADM) PLAGIARISM I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Last name: Başaran Bilgin Signature: iii ABSTRACT AN ANALYSIS OF DEVELOPMENTAL GOVERNMENTALITY IN THE COLD WAR PERIOD Bilgin,Başaran M.S., Department of Sociology Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Meyda Yeğenoğlu-Mutman December 2006, 149 pages This thesis tries to provide a modest contribution to the critical studies on the history of development by exploring Cold War development practices. It questions the role of these practices in constructing a new regime that was conducive to govern the relationship between the West and the Third World after the Second World War. It suggests that development practices were composed of techniques and rationalities that were designed to solve the urgent problem of governing populations without using sheer force and sovereign power tools where these methods were not practical in the context of decolonization and Cold War. For this kind of inquiry, this thesis takes into account power relations embedded in the development practices and, by utilizing Michel Foucault’s theories, perceives these practices as an essential way of disseminating biopolitical methods to the Third World. Role of the development discourse in governing populations is analyzed with relation to the notion of governmentality, which refers to modes of thought and the techniques of accomplishing rule in a discourse. In line with this theoretical framework, the first part of this thesis explores three schools of thought -modernization, dependency and world system- in order to explain the ways of producing thought and knowledge iv pertaining to development and the involvement of power relations in this process. Additionally, analyzing development aid and development planning which were the techniques to institutionalize development practices in the Third World countries and to render them technical that were managed only by experts without muddling with politics constitute the second part of this thesis . Keywords: Development, biopower, governmentality, modernization school development aid, development planning v ÖZ SOĞUK SAVAŞ DÖNEMİNDEKİ KALKINMACI YÖNETSELLİĞİN BİR ANALİZİ Bilgin, Başaran Yüksek Lisans, Sosyoloji Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Meyda Yeğenoğlu-Mutman Aralık 2006, 149 sayfa Bu tez Soğuk Savaş döneminki kalkınma pratiklerini inceleyerek, kalkınma tarihine eleştirel yaklaşan çalışmalara iddiasız bir katkıda bulunmaya çalışır. Bu pratiklerin, İkinci Dünya Savaşı sonrasında Batı ile Üçüncü Dünya arasındaki ilişkileri yönetmeye yardımcı olan yeni bir rejimin kurulmasındaki rolünü sorgular. Kolonilerin özgürlüğü ve Soğuk Savaş bağlamında, kalkınma pratiklerinin nüfusu kaba kuvvet ve egemen iktidar araçlarını kullanmadan yönetme sorununu çözmek için tasarlanmiş teknikler ve rasyonellikler tarafından oluşturulduğunu öne sürer. Bu tarz bir soruşturma için, bu tez, kalkınma pratiklerine gömülmüş iktidar ilişkilerini dikkate alır ve Michel Foucault’nun kuramlarını kullanarak bu pratikleri biyo-politik yöntemlerin Üçüncü Dünyaya yayılmasının temel yolu olarak algılar. Kalkınma söyleminin nüfusun yönetimindeki rolü bir söylemde yönetimin başarılması için gerekli tekniklere ve düşünme tarzlarına gönderme yapan yönetsellik kavramıyla ilişki içinde anlatılır. Bu kuramsal çerçeceye uyarak, tezin birinci bölümü kalkınmaya dair düşüncelerin ve bilgilerin üretilme şekillerini ve bunların iktidar ilişkilerine bağlılığını açıklamak için üç düşünce okulunu - modernleşme, bağımlılık ve dünya sistemi – inceler. Ayrıca, kalkınma pratiklerini Üçüncü Dünya ülkelerinde vi kurumsallaştıran ve bu pratikleri politikaya bulaşmadan uzmanlar tarafından gerçekleştirilen teknik bir işe dönüştüren kalkınma yardımı ve kalkınma planlamasının analizi tezin ikinci bölümünü oluşturur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kalkınma, biyoiktidar, yönetsellik, modernleşme okulu, kalkınma yardımı, kalkınma planlaması vii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I express my sincere gratitude to my thesis supervisor Prof. Dr. Meyda Yeğenoğlu- Mutman for her invaluable guidance and commentary throughout the research. Also, I would like to thank the committee members Assoc. Dr. Ayşe Gündüz Hoşgör and Assit. Dr. Galip Yalman for their critical evaluation and insightfull comments. Many people have given me emotional and mental support in writing this thesis. Fist of all, I would like to thank my family for their support and confidence in my intellectual capacity. Without them, this thesis would have never been possible. Additionally, I would like to thank Yağmur Özkan for her emotional support when I felt depressed and panicked. Finally, I have special thanks to Ahmet Devrim Gözükara for his help in the proofreading process of this thesis and his invaluable friendship. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS PLAGIARISM ............................................................................................................iii ABSTRACT................................................................................................................ iv ÖZ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ........................................................................................viii TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................ ix CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................... 1 2. OVERVIEW OF THE HISTORY AND PRACTICES OF DEVELOPMENT ... 10 2.1. The History of the Idea of Development ............................................................ 10 2.1.1. The Idea of Progress and Evolutionism ....................................................... 10 2.1.2. Intention to Development............................................................................. 13 2.2. Colonial Development ........................................................................................ 15 2.3. Overview of Cold War Development Practices.................................................. 18 2.4. Post-war Context................................................................................................. 26 3. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ........................................................................ 31 3.1. Post-development................................................................................................ 31 3.1.1. Shortcomings of Post-development School ................................................. 35 3.2. Power-Knowledge............................................................................................... 39 3.3. Biopower............................................................................................................. 42 3.3.1. Biopower and Development......................................................................... 45 ix 3.4. Governmentality.................................................................................................. 48 3.4.1. Governmentality and Development ............................................................. 51 3.5. Dispositif............................................................................................................. 53 3.5.1. Dispositif and Development......................................................................... 55 4. POWER-KNOWLEDGE IN THE DEVELOPMENT DISCOURSE .................. 58 4.1. Introduction......................................................................................................... 58 4.2. Modernization School ......................................................................................... 59 4.2.1. Classical Studies in the Modernization School............................................ 61 4.2.2. The Nation-State and the Third World......................................................... 69 4.2.3. Underdevelopment and Poverty................................................................... 74 4.2.4. Subjectivities................................................................................................ 80 4.2.5. Critique of Modernization School................................................................ 86 4.3. Dependency School............................................................................................. 88 4.3.1. Failure of Dependency Theory....................................................................