Coal Tar Products

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Coal Tar Products criteria for a recommended standard... OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE TO COAL TAR PRODUCTS U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Public Health. Service Center for Disease Control National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health September 1977 Far sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 DHEW (NIOSH) Publication No. 78-107 PREFACE The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 emphasizes the need for standards to protect the health and safety of workers exposed to an ever-increasing number of potential hazards at their workplace. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health has projected a formal system of research, with priorities determined on the basis of specified indices, to provide relevant data from which valid criteria for effective standards can be derived. Recommended standards for occupational exposure, which are the result of this work, are based on the health effects of exposure. The Secretary of Labor will weigh these recommendations along with other considerations such as feasibility and means of implementation in developing regulatory standards. It is intended to present successive reports as research and epidemiologic studies are completed and as sampling and analytical methods are developed. Criteria and standards will be reviewed periodically to ensure continuing protection of the worker. I am pleased to acknowledge the contributions to this report on coal tar products by members of the NIOSH staff and the valuable constructive comments by the Review Consultants on Coal Tar Products, by the ad hoc committees of the American Occupational Medical Association and the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, and by Robert B. r O'Connor, M.D., NIOSH consultant in occupational medicine. The NIOSH recommendations for standards are not necessarily a consensus of all the consultants and professional societies that reviewed this criteria document on coal tar products. A list of Review Consultants appears on page vi. John F. Finklea, M.D. Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health The Division of Criteria Documentation and Standards Development, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, had primary responsibility for the development of the criteria and recommended standard for coal tar products. Earl S. Flowers, Ph.D., of this Division served as criteria manager during the initial phases of the document development, and Jack E. McCracken, Ph.D., served in this capacity during the later phases. SRI International (formerly Stanford Research Institute) developed the basic information for consideration by NIOSH staff and consultants under contract CDC-99-74-31. The Division review of this document was provided by Keith H. Jacobson, Ph.D. (Chairman), Jon R. May, Ph.D., Douglas L. Smith, Ph.D., and Elizabeth A. Egan (Division of Surveillance, Hazard Evaluations, and Field Studies) with Charles C. Hassett, Ph.D., and Seymour D. Silver, Ph.D. The views expressed and conclusions reached in this document, together with the recommendations for a standard, are those of NIOSH. These views and conclusions are not necessarily those of the consultants, other federal agencies or professional societies that reviewed the document, or of the contractor. v REVIEW CONSULTANTS ON COAL TAR PRODUCTS Dennis I. Chamot, Ph.D. Council of AFL-CIO Unions for Professional Employees Washington, D.C. 20013 James P. Hughes, M.D. Medical Director Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corp. Oakland, California 94623 Alonzo W. Lawrence, Ph.D. Vice President Environmental Resources Koppers Company, Inc. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15230 Mark M. Luckens, Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Pharmacy University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky 40507 Fred Newson Industrial Hygienist Utah Department of Social Services Division of Health Environmental Health Services Salt Lake City, Utah 84110 Nick Proctor, Ph.D. Toxicologist Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corp. Oakland, California 94623 Steve Wodka International Representative Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers International Union Washington, D.C. 20013 CRITERIA DOCUMENT: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR AN OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE STANDARD FOR COAL TAR PRODUCTS Table of Contents Page PREFACE lil REVIEW CONSULTANTS vi I. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR A COAL TAR PRODUCTS STANDARD 1 Section 1 - Environmental (Workplace Air) 2 Section 2 - Medical 3 Section 3 - Labeling and Posting 4 Section 4 - Personal Protective Equipment andClothing 6 Section 5 - Informing Employees of Hazards from Coal Tar Products 10 Section 6 - Work Practices 11 Section 7 - Sanitation 17 Section 8 - Monitoring and Recordkeeping 17 II. INTRODUCTION 20 III. BIOLOGIC EFFECTS OF EXPOSURE 23 Extent of Exposure 23 Historical Reports 28 Effects on Humans 30 Epidemiologic Studies 53 Animal Toxicity 74 Correlation of Exposure and Effect 115 Carcinogenicity, Mutagenicity, Teratogenicity, and Effects on Reproduction 117 IV. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA AND ENGINEERING CONTROLS 123 Environmental Data 123 Engineering Control of Exposures 125 Sampling and Analytical Methods 126 V. WORK PRACTICES 138 vii f Table of Contents (Continued) Page VI. DEVELOPMENT OF STANDARD 143 Basis for Previous Standards 143 Basis for the Recommended Standard 145 VII. RESEARCH NEEDS 154 VIII. REFERENCES 156 IX. APPENDIX I - Method for Sampling Coal Tar Products 165 X. APPENDIX II - Analytical Method for Coal Tar Products 168 XI. APPENDIX III - Material Safety Data Sheet 173 XII. TABLES AND FIGURE 183 viii I I. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR A COAL TAR PRODUCTS STANDARD The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommends that employee exposure to coal tar products in the workplace be controlled by adherence to the following sections. The standard is designed to protect the health and provide for the safety of employees for up to a 10-hour work shift, 40-hour workweek, over a working lifetime. Compliance with all sections of the standard should prevent or greatly reduce the adverse effects of coal tar products on the health and safety of employees. The standard is measurable by techniques that are valid, reproducible, and available to industry and government agencies. Sufficient technology exists to permit compliance with the recommended standard. The criteria and standard will be subject to review and revision as necessary. These criteria and the recommended standard apply to exposure of employees to coal tar products. The term "coal tar products," as used in this recommended standard, includes coal tar and two of the fractionation products of coal tar, creosote and coal tar pitch, derived from the carbonization of bituminous coal. Coal tar, coal tar pitch, and creosote derived from bituminous coal often contain identifiable components which by themselves are carcinogenic, such as benzo(a)pyrene, benzanthracene, chrysene, and phenanthrene. Other chemicals from coal tar products such as anthracene, carbazole, fluoranthene, and pyrene may also cause cancer, but these causal relationships have not been adequately documented. "Occupational exposure to coal tar products" is defined as any contact with coal tar, coal tar pitch, or creosote in the work environment. 1 r From the epidemiologic and experimental toxicologic evidence on coal tar, coal tar pitch, and creosote, NIOSH has concluded that they are carcinogenic and can increase the risk of lung and skin cancer in workers• Therefore, the permissible exposure limit recommended is the lowest concentration that can be reliably detected by the recommended method of environmental monitoring. While compliance with this limit should substantially reduce the incidence of cancer produced by coal tar products, no absolutely safe concentration can be established for a carcinogen at this time. The environmental limit is proposed to reduce the risk, and the employer should regard it as the upper boundary of exposure and make every effort to keep exposure as low as is technically feasible. Section 1 - Environmental (Workplace Air) (a) Concentration Occupational exposure to coal tar products shall be controlled so that employees are not exposed to coal tar, coal tar pitch, creosote, or mixtures of these substances at a concentration greater than 0.1 milligram/cu m of the cyclohexane-extractable fraction of the sample, determined as a time-weighted average (TWA) concentration for up to a 10- hour work shift in a 40-hour workweek. (b) Sampling and Analysis Methods for sampling and analysis of coal tar products shall be as provided in Appendices I and II. 2 Section 2 - Medical Medical surveillance shall be made available, as specified below, to all employees occupationally exposed to coal tar products. (a) Preplacement medical examinations shall include: (1) Comprehensive initial medical and work histories, with special emphasis directed toward identifying preexisting disorders of the skin, respiratory tract, liver, and kidneys. (2) A physical examination giving particular attention to the oral cavity, skin, and respiratory system. This shall include posteroanterior and lateral chest X-rays (35 x 42 cm). Pulmonary function tests, including forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume at one second (FEV 1.0), and a sputum cytology examination shall be offered as part of the medical examination of exposed employees. Other tests, such as liver function and urinalysis should be performed as considered appropriate by the responsible physician. In addition, the mucous membranes of the oral cavity should be examined. (3) A judgment of the employee's
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