Free shopping guide with map, check out Salado Village Guide this issue Salado VVillageillage VVoiceoice Vol. XXIX, Number 41 Thursday, February 22, 2007 254/947-5321 fax 254/947-9479 50¢ Trustees approve arbitrage services look at new construction calendar By Tim Fleischer trouble,” trustee Lynn end up owing the federal Editor-in-Chief Renfro said at one point. government money for “I don’t think we’re the interest it earns with Salado school trustees looking for it,” Supt. Robin the bond money during voted unanimously at their Battershell responded. “I the construction project, Feb. 19 meeting to autho- think it is already there.” if that investment interest rize up to $15,000 to hire The school district is is more than the interest a company to investigate considering proposals due on the bonds. As a whether the school district from arbitrage companies hypothetical, if a school owes the federal govern- that will research the bond district sells bonds with ment money for interest series to determine what, a repayment of three per- it earned on four series of if any, amount is owed to cent interest, but invests bonds. While the vote was the federal government. the bond money at five unanimous, it came after The district currently has percent interest during the a half-hour debate on the four bond series that could project, then the district matter during which trust- potentially result in pay- could be found liable for ees struggled with approv- ments and penalties. some portion of the differ- Salado police officer Bobby Shane McLean’s third day on the job entailed rescuing ing the expenditure. An entity that has low- ence. this deer, which had impaled itself on a fence in Mill Creek. McLean the newest “It bothers me to spend interest bonds, such as a When looking at a large Police Officer with the Salado Police Department. On Feb. 14, Lieutenant Bruno thirteen to fourteen thou- school district, for con- project, such as the $16.5 Matarazzo and Officer McLean were called to the 800 Block of Blaylock Circle in sand dollars looking for struction projects can See School board, page 5A reference to a deer that had impaled itself on a metal fence. Both officers were able to remove the deer from the from its entrapment and Officer McLean kept the Hearing Feb. 27 on I-35 expansion deer calm until wildlife rescue personnel from KAARRE rehabilitation arrived and The Depart- 190 in Belton. The pur- ing the meeting in order to recovered it. Just goes to show on Officer McLean’s third day with the Village the ment of Transportation pose of this project is to be included in the public meaning of All Other Duties as Assigned may have a different meaning. Officer (TxDOT) will conduct a widen this section of IH meeting record. McLean will be working the night shift when released from orientation. public meeting to discuss 35 from four lanes to six Written statements may improvements to Interstate lanes and to convert the be submitted to Mr. Henry (IH) 35 in Bell County. existing two-way frontage R. Richardson, Jr., P.E., No hard and fast answers come The meeting is scheduled roads to one way. Waco District Director of for 6:30 p.m. Feb. 27 at Verbal and written Transportation Planning the Salado Intermediate comments regarding and Development, Texas from Sewage study committee the proposed project are School Cafeteria located Department of Transpor- The committee area communities that are requested. Comments By Tim Fleischer at 550 Thomas Arnold tation, 100 South Loop reviewed a study of a pos- establishing sewage sys- may be presented either at Editor-in-Chief Road in Salado. Drive, Waco, TX 76704- sible sewer system for tems: Dripping Springs, the meeting or in writing This construction proj- 2858 at any time on or No hard and fast downtown conducted by Wimberley, Jarrell and after the meeting. Com- ect would begin at FM before 5:00 p.m. March 9. answers came forth from the Brazos River Author- Lorena. Each of the cities ments must be received no 2484 at the northern edge the Salado Sewage Com- ity (BRA) in 2002 that has a property tax. “None later than 10 days follow- of Salado and end at US mittee, which presented its proposed pumping sewage of the four has done an final report to the Village from Salado to the BRA environmental study as a Aldermen oppose plan to fund of Salado Board of Alder- wastewater treatment deciding factor,” Strong men on Feb. 15, except plant in Belton with an stated. “All expressed a this one: estimated cost of $23 direct need for a sewerage Expo expansion with occupancy tax “Costs and complexity million to $44 million, system in managing their By Tim Fleischer Rep. Dianne White Delisi, County Commissioners of installation certainly depending upon the alter- ETJ and valuable city land Editor-in-Chief the proposed bill would voted Feb. 19 to set a public will only increase over native chosen. usage.” increase the hotel-motel hearing on the matter for time,” stated alderman The committee met The committee met When aldermen voted occupancy tax in Bell 6:30 p.m. Feb. 26 at the Curt Strong, who chaired with John Winkler, an with BRA, Texas Com- unanimously Feb. 15 to County by three per- Bell County Expo Center. the Sewage Committee engineer with Bury Part- mission on Environmen- express their opposition to cent with all of the funds At the public meet- through a year-long study, ners, who suggested that tal Quality (TCEQ) and a bill before the state leg- dedicated to the expan- ing, the board of the Bell in his report before the the city would have to Bell County Health Dis- islature that would allow sion of the Bell County County Expo Center will board. contract a layout and cost trict officials to discuss a three-percent hike in Expo Center, including a present the plans for the The Sewage Committee estimate, which would and research the possible the hotel-motel occupancy new equestrian center and expansion of the Expo was formed in late 2005 cost about $75,000 for a causes of contamination in tax across Bell County to more than 300 spaces for Center. to “evaluate the status of system that would serve , particularly fund a $15 million expan- recreational vehicles for An economist from sewerage needs, prob- the downtown business between I-35 access and sion of the Bell County participants, vendors and Texas A&M will also dis- lems, area pollution and to district. “The housing the Main Street bridge. Expo Center, the Village visitors to events held at cuss the economic impact advise the Village Coun- areas would probably be Without conducting exten- of Salado became the first the Expo Center each year, of the Expo Center on the cil of the current status or almost prohibitive in costs sive and expensive dye Bell County entity to for- such as the Cutting Horse local economy. direction the community due to the topography,” tests, the non-point source mally come out in opposi- Association. At that time, the court might consider in estab- Strong stated. (NPS) pollution in the tion to the plan. While local aldermen may take a vote to favor lishing a central sewerage The committee also met Sponsored by State oppose the proposal, Bell the proposal. system.” with officials from four See Sewage, Page 3A Wildfire Ranch gives away cash INSIDE Bulk Rate U.S. Postage Paid alendar of vents C E 2B Turn to 12A Permit No. 50 Church 14A to find out Salado, TX 76571 Classifieds 1C Forum 2A who won Subscribe Shopping Map 6B $75,000. Today Rooted in Salado Sports 8A Since 1979 254/947-5321 Page 2A, salado Village Voice, February 22, 2007 Proposed County “hotel-motel” FORUMFORUM tax needs more public input; An Open Exchange of Ideas Congress “Ethics” loopholed “Pro and Con” opinions are esc­a- Off the lating here in Bell County, on seeking legislative approval to add three c­ents Record (on the dollar) to the c­urrent hotel- by Ken Clapp motel (“Hot”) tax. The State’s “Hot” tax, c­ombined with the maximum c­alendar, and sail through without debate. loc­al oc­c­upanc­y tax, are c­apped (by The key to approving this new tax is (in law) at 13 c­ents, (six c­ents State and reality) in the hands of only two people, seven c­ents loc­al). Killeen, Temple therefore Bell Countians need to let Delisi and Belton are maxed out. Salado’s and Fraser know their feelings about this c­ombined tax is ten c­ents. matter - ASAP. The proposed Bell tax inc­rease EXPO TAX LEGISLATION (added to c­urrent “Hot” levies) would Currently, a draft statute to add the be used by the County to build a “Hot” tax in Bell is being studied by 150,000 square foot livestoc­k-eques- Delisi and Fraser. County offic­ials (by trian building next to the Expo Center. the time this c­olumn is printed) will no Also planned are RV hookups for 298 doubt have c­alled for an early public­ hear- vehic­les, plus hundreds of additional ing. The next politic­ally “wise” move by hookups in the near future. Estimated the tax promoters should be to try and per- cost - $15 million (minimum). suade c­ity c­ounc­ils in the major metros to issue resolutions favoring the tax so that INITIAL REACTION Delisi and Fraser will have something to The tragic courage of John McCain Three questions c­ome to mind hang their hats on, provided they agree to A funny thing happened to c­onven- immediately: (a) How would all this pursue the matter. tion-defying politic­al c­ourage, at least in help Salado whose local hotel-motel- Here in Salado - it would be helpful if the c­ase of Sen. John Mc­Cain. It used to B&B tax is a dime, the lowest in the Tourism Counc­il, Chamber of Com- be that Mc­Cain’s willingness to boldly Rich Texas? (b) Why is this matter on suc­h merc­e, and other interested organizations follow his princ­iples was c­onsidered the a “fast trac­k?” and (c­) With so many join our Village Aldermen in issuing a gold standard of selfless politic­al prin- Lowry millions of dollars involved during resolution or statement on the tax. c­iple. Now, the media portray the same the Expo expansion loan repayment At their regular meeting Febru- boldness as primarily a drag on Mc­Cain’s period, would it not be advisable to ary 15, village officials voted to have politic­al ambition. hold some sort of “c­itizen-referen- Mayor Rick Ashe send a letter, oppos- Mc­Cain is exhibiting just the sort of high stakes. dum” vote? ing the proposed three cent “Hot” tax, go-it-alone bravery the media pine for - The politic­al world might yet turn in A number of Saladoans also noted to County Judge Jon Burrows, County - at a time the media are uninterested in Mc­Cain’s favor. He’s losing support among that Expo expansion planners are Commissioners, Rep. Delisi, Sen. Fraser, c­elebrating it, either bec­ause they c­on- independents and the press, but you c­an’t apparently expec­ting to attrac­t a horde and the Salado Village Voice. sider the war lost or are obsessed with the win a Republic­an presidential nomination of “travelling” folks, who’ll arrive * * * * * * * * primary-season horse rac­e. He finally is with just their support, as Mc­Cain learned with their own “B&B’s” aka - rec- ETHICS RULES LOOPHOLED getting the additional troops for Iraq that in 2000. reational vehicles (note large number Hardly seems possible that just last he has long advoc­ated -- at a time when One of Mc­Cain’s likely primary oppo- of RV hookups). So, why would these month, our newly minted 110th Congress it might be too late and when support for nents, former Massac­husetts Gov. Mitt modern vagabonds want to travel fur- gathered under its “new” Democ­ratic­ the war is c­ollapsing. He is winning over Romney -- who is nothing if not shrewd ther south for lodging? Party leadership and passed a series of the Republic­an establishment that onc­e -- issued a pro forma statement supporting We presume the big winner in stric­t rules of behavior - that everyone loathed him -- at a time when the GOP the surge when it was first announc­ed but all this will be Belton. Temple will “solemnly” promised to follow! Demos brand is signific­antly degraded. has avoided getting too c­lose to it. GOP eventually figure out what’s best for and Repubs were “mightily” pleased with There is no justic­e in any of this. opponents think that Republic­an-primary them - and ac­t ac­c­ordingly. Killeen themselves and paraded before the cam- Mc­Cain began c­alling for more troops voters will look at Mc­Cain and see not the is apparently not enthralled with the eras embracing the great new world of almost immediately after the invasion fresh “straight-talker” of 2000, but poten- plan, if a rec­ent anti “Hot” tax edito- evil-shunning! and c­ritic­ized Defense Sec­retary Don tially another Bob Dole c­irc­a 1996 -- a c­an- rial in their Daily Herald, is any indi- LOOPHOLES DISCOVERED Rumsfeld bac­k when he was still a GOP didate who gets the nomination bec­ause c­ation. That c­ity’s “hoteliers” appear Never daunted by prohibitive rules, the ic­on. President Bush has c­ome to see the it’s his turn, about whom the GOP base soundly against the measure as would K-Street “Lobby Mac­hine” quic­kly dis- merit of Mc­Cain’s view on the c­onduc­t of is unenthused and who will c­arry bag- be expec­ted. c­overed ways of c­irc­umventing the new the war, but belatedly. gage not of his c­hoosing (in Dole’s c­ase, WHY THE RUSH? House-Senate Rules banning lawmakers This has c­reated the most tragic­ irony the government shutdown; in Mc­Cain’s, Answers as to “Why the rush?” to from “ac­c­epting gifts.” So, instead of of all. After a long period of being distant Bush’s management of the war). approve this tax plan are vague, but “openly” handing these elec­ted “Pooh- from or hostile to President Bush, Mc­Cain All that will be sorted out during the one thing appears c­ertain - it would Bahs” buc­kets-of-buc­ks; new c­ars; and is c­loser to him than ever, just as Bush is next year. In the meantime, as the windy have been muc­h better had Bell offi- jet trips - lobby PACs now “host” fund at his lowest ebb of public­ support. Bush Republic­an Sen. Chuc­k Hagel c­ongratu- c­ials introduc­ed this disc­ussion to raising events (held in fancy locations sank Mc­Cain’s presidential hopes in 2000 lates himself for his bravery in sponsoring the public­ last year. That would have around the nation) and funnel whatever with his enmity; he might sink them in a nonbinding resolution representing an allowed for a c­ounty wide debate, fol- cash is collected to the lawmaker’s “Per- 2008 with his amity. anti-surge position supported by almost lowed by a referendum vote that, (if sonal Political Action Committee.” Mc­Cain’s attitude has been that the 70 perc­ent of the public­, and as poll-c­on- positive) would have given tax advo- The quic­kly discovered “loophole” politic­al c­onsiderations don’t matter. sc­ious Republic­ans flee from Bush, John c­ates a fac­tual support-base when is all perfec­tly legal under the new rules. Whether he has been buc­king an admin- Mc­Cain is steadfast, and the very pic­ture seeking help from Rep. Diane Delisi Using “Reelec­tion Campaign PAC” funds istration of his own party (originally) or of c­ourageous politic­al leadership. and Senator Troy Fraser. And the for personal items remain forbidden. How- public­ opinion (now), Mc­Cain has been c­urrent hullabaloo might have been ever, elec­ted offic­ials c­an spend “Personal standing like a stone wall for the propo- Rich Lowry is editor of the National avoided. PAC” funds on almost anything inc­luding sition that the war must be won and that Review. c) 2007 by King Features Synd., IMPORTANT QUESTIONS travel, gifts, you name it! our effort must be c­ommensurate with the Inc. The three c­ent c­ounty (add-on) Yippee, brayed both giver and givee! hotel tax will bring in over $1 million “BAD ACTORS” a year to servic­e the Expo Center’s Reminds us of the old adage that “The Salado Village Voice is published every Thursday, 213 Mill Creek Dr, Suite #125, PO Box 587, Salado, expansion loan. After that project is more things change, the more they Texas 76571. Subscription Rates: $26 per year in Bell County, $28 per year outside of Bell County; paid for - does the tax expire? Or remain the same.” Despite the new rules, $35 per year outside of Texas. will the million plus (occupancy tax) elec­ted offic­ials still have a “hands out” Phone: 254/947-5321 Fax: (254) 947-9479 Office Hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays dollars continue to flow to the Expo penc­hant for money, gifts, favors. We News releases: [email protected] Center, thus eliminating the need for know that just slapping these hands (via Display advertising: [email protected] future County assistance (currently an ethic­s c­ommittee review of peers) is a Deadlines: Display ads • noon Fridays Classified ads • 12 noon Mondays $600,000 per year)? These questions futile exerc­ise. Editorial policies: Opinions on the editorial pages are those of the writer, not nec­essarily the owners should be asked - and answered! This column has long advocated or employees of the Salado Village Voice. All letters to the editor should be signed and have a phone KEY TO TAX: DELISI-FRASER paying lawmakers only enough salary number and address for verific­ation. The editor reserves the right to rejec­t and/or edit any letter. Letters should address issues, not personalities and should be c­onc­ise and c­onstruc­tive in approac­h. Letters State lawmakers will make the to live comfortably in D.C., but allowing should be limited to 300 words. final dec­ision on the proposed c­ounty them no retirement or health benefits! Tim Fleischer, Editor-in-Chief Marilyn Fleischer, Managing Editor “Hot” tax, provided it rec­eives support That would put an immediate stop to [email protected] [email protected] Ken Clapp, Political Commentary Chris McGregor, Staff Writer Stephanie Hood, Composition from Rep. Delisi and Sen Fraser. At “long term” bad behavior, while creat- [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] that point it will eventually be plac­ed ing voluntary term limits at the same on the legislature’s “loc­al” (c­onsent) time.

That’s -30- February 22, 2007, Salado Village Voice, Page 3A Sewer FROM page 1A creek cannot be defined. “The TCEQ regional office manager and BRA Environmental Manager and staff do not find pollu- tion of our creek environ- ment to be an ‘out of re- quired specification’ con- cern ending 2006,” Strong stated. However, the next assessment is predicuted to show us out of specifi- cation if the current data trend continues. While the costs of in- stalling a central sewage system cannot be deter- mined until a formal engi- neering study is complet- ed, there are limited meth- ods of funding construc- tion and operating costs/ “There are limited grants available,” Strong stated. “Any grants or loans for consideration would re- quire the Village of Salado be a taxing agency.” The sewage study com- mittee is working on a partnership with Stage- coach Properties to in- vestigate the feasibility of utilizing the Stagecoach Inn treatment system for the downtown Historic District. “This has the greatest need, plus the ca- pacities reported by their engineering company may be limited to that area,” Strong stated. “The committee feels there is a major need and requests an immediate study and establishment of a Strategic Plan for the Future of the Village of Salado,” Strong stated. “This plan should define several items, one of which is whether and when this Village must have a sew- age system.” “The committee feels that there are far too many unanswered questions about the future direc- tion and growth of Salado to proceed further in this evaluation,” Strong stated in the report. “A strategic plan considering possible and indicated growth of businesses and housing development in the imme- diate area could dictate an immediate central sewer- age system need instead of a future need.” J^[=WhbodI^[bjed The report recommends that the Village consider =(*ViLZhi^c\]djhZGdVY™bedgih™*,%%HL=#@#9dY\ZcAdde(+(™'*),,&"%&'- Pete Stebbins, Mary Kite =(*B^YlVn9g^kZ™'*),,(")-'- IZbeaZ™\Vganch]Zaidc#Xdb and Jackie Mills. Page 4A, salado Village Voice, February 22, 2007 Want to achieve financial goals? Do the math If you breathed a your long-term financial not be eager to take up If college costs were to sigh of relief when you goals - and that’s the first the subject of math again. rise five percent every put away that algebra or step toward achieving Financial However, by doing some year, today’s newborns geometry textbook for them. number crunching, you can expect to pay about the last time, you might To quantify the costs Focus can put a “price tag” on $162,000 for four years of your objectives, you by Allen Mantanona at a public school. must be specific about With the presence of what you’re trying to scholarships, loans and accomplish. Do you want lifestyle habits and your Calculating Costs of work-study arrange- to retire as soon as you family’s history of lon- Other Goals ments, you might not possibly can and then gevity, you can come up Achieving the “ideal” have to foot the entire spend your time travel- with a reasonable esti- retirement might be your $162,000 bill. But at least ing the world? Or are you mate of how many years biggest financial goal, you’ll know what you planning to work until 65 you might have to pay for but it’s almost certainly might need - and you can and then open your own in retirement. not the only one. But no start planning the appro- small business? Obvi- Where will my matter what goals you priate savings and invest- ously, these are vastly income come from? To have, you’ll still need to ment strategies. different goals - with pay for your retirement “do the math” necessary And you can take this vastly different costs to goals, you’ll likely need to calculate costs and same approach to other you. to draw on all types of arrive at solutions. long-term goals, such as Once you know what income available to you, So, for example, if buying a second home or you really want to do including Social Security you’d like to help pay for a new business. Keep in when you retire, you and your investments, college for your children mind, though, that “doing should be able to proj- such as your IRA, 401(k) (or grandchildren), you’ll the math” can involve a ect your annual yearly and whatever individual need to look at what col- lot of variables, so you expenses. Then, you can stocks and other securi- lege costs today, how may well want to consult ask yourself these ques- ties you may own. To Allen Mantanona much it’s likely to cost in with a financial advisor tions: help reach the level of 213 Mill Creek Dr., the future and how much - someone with the tools How many years will income you’ll require, Suite #120 money you can devote to and experience to help I spend in retirement? you will need to moni- paying those costs. you chart your course None of us can predict tor all these investments To illustrate: For the toward your goals. exactly how long we will over the years, and make 2006-2007 school year, it But don’t wait too long live. But if you consider changes as needed. 947-5128 costs, on average, $16,357 - the sooner you start your overall health, your for students attending planning, the more pleas- four-year public colleges ant “the math” will be for and universities, accord- you. ing to the College Board. THE PERSONAL WEALTH COACH® How much are you losing? 918 N. Main St., Salado, Texas 76571 947-1111 or 1-800-914-PLAN (7526) Buying and Selling By Ryan Hodge

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It’s critical to begin Over the last decade, the cost of rent has in- creased an average of John Hall three percent each year. Insurance and At that rate, payments of $1,000 per month would Financial Services Agent ® total $137,567 over ten F A R M E R S years, with no accumula- • Auto • Home • Life tion of equity or wealth. If you could put $10,000 • Renters • Boats • RVs down on a $210,000 home • Business Insurance today and pay $1,100 per month, your equity would total $138,521 over that same ten-year period. • Money Market Funds That’s your money! This calculation assumes a 30- • Traditional IRAs year fixed rate loan at 6.5 • Annuities percent and an annual ap- • Mutual Funds* Member SIPC preciation of 4.5 percent. So sit down and do the • Roth IRAs Michael K. Gunter 208 E. Central math, and then contact Belton a local real estate agent (254) 947-3151 939-5824 to discuss your best op- * Securities offered through tions for home ownership. (800) 497-8087 Farmers Financial Solutions, LLC It’s never too late to start Member NASD building your future! Bell County 2423 Galena Avenue, Simi Valley, CA 93065 (805) 306-3400 February 22, 2007 salado Village Voice, Page 5A FROM PAGE 1A School board SALADO CHIROPRACTIC million bond approved project. MCEC coordinates 12. Election Day Judge DR. SHIRLEY J. LYNCH in SISD, that amount can Trustees unanimously academic programming will be Eldon Miller, with (254) 947-BACK tally tens of thousands of approved one-year between school districts Bobbie Carroll as alternat. (2225) dollars, if not $100,000 contract extensions to enable a transition Early voting clerk will Massage Therapy Now Available or more. SISD may earn for administrators for children affected by be Lyndal Cabaniss with Walk-ins Welcome as much as $1 million on a motion by Lynn moves either related to the the following alternates: in interest during the Renfro that received military or otherwise. Darlene Kirk, Bonnie 213 Mill Creek Drive construction of the high a second from Chris • Called the Trustee Smith, Jean Westerberg, (Located in Salado Plaza) school, but must determine Seaton: Kay Matthews, Election on May 12, 2007 Alayna Ramsden and Mon - Wed - Fri 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. how much of that must Salado High School to be held jointly with Dianna Zulauf. Tues & Thurs Closed be repaid to the federal Principal; Joelle Wall, the Village of Salado and • Changed the March government. SHS Assistant Principal; Salado Public Library board meeting date to In discussing the matter, Jeff Cheatham, Athletic District. Early voting 6 p.m. March 26 at the trustees bogged down on Director; Joe Palmer, will begin 7:30-4:30 a.m. Salado Civic Center due whether to authorize the Salado Intermediate weekdays on April 30 to Spring Break. full $15,000 to examine School Principal; Lisa with the last day of early • Approved Legislative all of the bond series or to Nix, Thomas Arnold voting 7 a.m.- 7 p.m. May Update 79 following authorize a smaller portion Elementary School 8. Another extended early the Policy Committee of $5,000 to examine only Principal; Lyndal voting opportunity will be recommendation. the 2006 bond series and Cabaniss, Finance 7 a.m.-7 p.m. May 1. All • Took no action, the others at a later date. Director; Earl Bragg, voting, including election pending further estimates After making a motion Technology Director; day 7 a.m.-7 p.m. May 12, for the Thomas Arnold to approve $5,000 for the Gail Valentine, Food will be at the Salado Civic Elementary Gym fire 2006 bond series, Miriam Services Director; Tommy Center alarm system or dirt work Ervi withdrew the motion Barkley, Maintenance and • Appointed Election for sidewalks. before it was voted on Transportation Director Judges and Clerks for May by trustees. Ervi then and Darlene Kirk, gave the motion to follow PEIMS and Certification Call BoTangles today to find out the superintendent’s Coordinator. what you’ve been missing. recommendation and The board also approved Village Pharmacy give permission to the completing a sunset review Susan gives the best of Salado administration to hire on the English as a Second manicure & pedicure in the Village. If you a company to complete Language program and wear acrylic nails, 213 Mill Creek, # 155 the arbitrage service the Technology program. she is the nail tech for you. for all the bonds for up Sunset review examines February and March Special 947-3185 to $15,000. Deborah the cost-effectiveness Manicure $12 Aldridge gave a second to of a program, as well as Pedicure $22 So much more than just a drug store. the motion, which carried the number of students Acrylics $28 full set or $18 fill unanimously. served. School trustees also In other business, Iris creates hairstyles that will make you reviewed the construction school trustees also did smile. If you are in a rut and want a cut, timeline and set a the following: color or curl, she is your girl Johnnie’s Cleaners & Tailors meeting for 6 p.m. Feb. • Adopted the 2003 February and March @ The Village Pharmacy 26 to examine final International Building Special plans and documents for Code for construction of “YOU” Don’t wait till it’s to late... construction of the new the new high school on Alterations & Dry Cleaning High School. a unanimous vote on a According to the motion by Miriam Ervi, No appointment necessary construction schedule, second by Seaton. on alterations, complete in the project is on-time. • Adopted a Wage Rate 2 to 4 days. Bidding closes on March schedule for construction 7 with bids due to Baird- of the new high school 778-2408 or 770-0355 Williams, construction recommended by managers at-risk. Baird- Construction Managers Williams will meet with At-Risk Baird-Williams Superintendent Robin on a motion by Renfro, Battershell on March 14 second by Ervi. regarding the proposal. • Approved joining “WhereThe Vacuum the Heck Cleaner are Revelation the Roses?” Baird-Williams and Fields the the Military Child 947-4747 Old Salado Springs 218 Royal Street and Associations will meet Education Coalition on ThisWhere book theprophetically Heck are the declares Roses? that Voice Clouds with the board of trustees a motion from Frank the president will succeed in Iraq. on March 26 to make their Carlson, second by Avaliable @ Annual Gospel Festival recommendations for the Deborah Aldridge. The Support@Tablerock: democracy March in 24 the & 25 world. / websearch [email protected]

Presents LASTOVICA Home Cooking Thursdays Fine Jewelers, Inc. Delicious Home Cooked Meals delivered “Known for Service” every Thursday to the Salado area Prompt In-Store Jewelry Repairs Diamond Sales • Custom Casting • Diamond Menu for March 1: Appraisal • Watch Repair • Diamond Setting French Chicken Almondine Jewelry Repair Fresh Garden Salad 1202 S 31st St. & Ave. L • Temple Yeast Rolls 773-5772 Peanut Butter Cookies The Law Office of W. David Scales Each meal serves 4. ($50.00) W. David Scales Meals are delivered between 12:00 and 1:00PM. Attorney at Law & Mediator Quantities limited. Reserve early. (254) 913-5245 254-760-0141 [email protected] 208 E. Central, Suite 108, Belton Other Services: I Make House Calls. Catering With Distinction Dinners and parties of 4 to 100+ Criminal • Juvenile & Family Law Cooking Lessons on Saturdays beginning in March Trusts, Wills & Probate Labor & Employment Law • Mediation Call for Details Phillipians 4:13 Page 6A, salado Village Voice, February 22, 2007 Eagle hardballers eye playoffs The Salado Eagle hard- year’s team (Wes Ruth, posting an 8-1 record. He Matt Fritsch was an ballers will begin the 2007 Josh Shaw, Brian Bates), was also named honorable honorable mention at des- season looking to improve but with six returning po- mention all state. Jackson ignated hitter last season, on what was last year’s sition players the Eagles mans first base when he’s clubbing .489 in an injury- successful run, which had expect again to be a force not on the mound, and hit plagued year. He will be Salado going 24-9 and in District 25AA and be- .315 at the plate in 2006. counted on to step into an three rounds deep into the yond. Senior Tanner Myers infield spot this season. playoffs. Junior Kevin Jackson is another returning first A starter in the outfield Salado graduated leads the strong returning team all district player, in 2006, Justin Schiller three honorable mention group. Jackson was a first and this season will mark will be given the opportu- all state players from last team all district pitcher, his fourth in the Eagle in- nity to catch and possibly field. Myers hit .350 last pitch this season. Schiller Champions of the Salado Youth Basketball League, season, and led the Eagles put together a .373 aver- Fifth and Sixth Grade Boys, were the Salado Eagles. We Build Metal Buildings with 15 stolen bases. age with four homeruns, The club compiled a 7-1 record on the season. Pic- Seth Collins, a junior and a Salado team record tured above are (front row, from left) Vincent Yalch, second team all district 44 runs batted in. Tanner Truelove and Daniel Rosenau; (back row, from to your specs on your site. player, returns to pa- Tanner Johnson and left) Assistant Coach Wayne Womac, Colby Priest, trol centerfield. Collins Justin Harvell, both se- Brandon Womac, Cooper Cox, Billy Golding and Head Free Estimates clubbed .371 on the sea- niors, will be vying for an Coach Lance Cox. son, with four homeruns. infield spot and at bats. Another second team Senior Justin Pruitt, all district player returns and juniors Sam Van at shortstop, in junior Hoozer and Blake Heller Ladies end Johnny Nix. Nix rapped should bolster the pitching .348 at the plate in 2006. corps.

Lakeview Services season with 9062 FM 2484 SALADO CLEANERS Salado Laundry • Dry Cleaning • Alterations 254 947-3434 1209 N. Stagecoach Hitchcock loss 254-947-7299 The Salado Lady Eagles throughout the remainder 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. Mon - Fri • 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. Sat had their season brought to of the game, but could not a close Feb. 16, as Hitch- get any closer than 15 as Full time seamstress on premises $15,000 Complete cock downed Salado by a Hitchcock took control 1200 SF • Concrete Floor 1-Day Service final of 47-31 in Schulen- of the glass, outrebound- (Next to the new Library) berg, in the second round ing the Lady Eagles at a 1 - 10x10 Door • 1 - 3x7 Door of the state playoffs. five-to-one clip in the sec- Though Salado opened ond half. The majority of the game on an 8-0 run, Hitchcock’s scoring dur- and everything appeared ing the critical run came to be going Salado’s way, on second chance points. RITA ZBRANEK Hitchcock stormed back That doesn’t tell the to tie the game with an whole story, though, as eight point run of their Salado managed just four GETS YOU BACK own to tie the game. The free throw attempts in two clubs battled for the the game, and commit- rest of the first period into ted an uncharacteristic WHERE YOU BELONG. the second, with the Lady 27 turnovers, all of which Eagles building a slim 16- added up to doom Salado’s 14 lead. That advantage chances of advancing to was dashed, though, when the Region IV quarterfi- Hitchcock drained a three nals. pointer to ignite a run that The Lady Eagles, who eventually culminate in wrap up their season at a 39-22 advantage in the 16-17, were led in scoring AUTO • HOME • LIFE • BUSINESS 254-947-0995 third period. by senior Kelsey Gobin, Salado - the third place who had nine points to 113 N. Stagecoach Rd. (254) 338-6699 finisher in District 25AA go along with six boards. - would continue to battle Brittani Gilchrest, Dani- Salado, Texas 76571 [email protected] elle Hazzard and Tamra Stanish, all accounted for six points each, and Stan- ish also pulled down nine boards.

Propane 7 days a week 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Rally Building available for reunions Exit 292 IH-35 February 22, 2007, salado Village Voice, Page 7A

The Varsity Eagles are, bottom row, l-r: Tanner Myers, Chad Tumey, Blake Newman, Clay Sharum, Noah Harbi- son, Nick Seawood. Top row: Head Coach Kenny Mann, Justin Konzen, Justin Pruitt, Tommy Schatte, Stephen Quick, David Rosenau, Coach Grady Newton and Coach Scott Ringo. Eagles topple second ranked Cougars The Salado Varsity points as Salado opened 881 N. Main St. Tuesday - Friday 10 - 6 Eagle cagers roll into up a 12-4 lead entering the (254) 947-9993 Saturday 10 - 5 the postseason on a high second period of play. note, having topped pre- In the second the Eagle viously undefeated Jar- offense cooled, but fortu- rell in the regular season nately for the host squad, Mattress World off HK Dodgen Loop 363, next to Hancock finale. Jarrell entered the the Jarrell offense con- game boasting a number tinued to struggle in the Eastman House, Simmons, Sleeptronics, Futons, Bunkbeds, two state ranking in Class face of suffocating Salado AA, and had already sewn Daybed & Waterbed Supplies defense, scoring just 11 “We Guarantee the up first place in District first half points. Lowest Prices” 25AA, by virtue of being After the break, the two full games ahead of game slowed almost to Salado. crawl, with each team That fact, though, did working hard on the defen- 254-770-3325 • 2825 Thornton Lane • Temple not prevent the Cougars sive end and limiting each from entering Coach offense to four points, so Smith Gym Feb. 13 with that entering the fourth Kim Neill Van Cura anything but victory on Salado enjoyed a slim, 22- their minds. 15 lead. PRIVATE MUSIC STUDIO Ultimately, the Eagle The final period saw in Mill Creek • Salado defense triumphed over the Eagles ice the win from Dr. Van Cura is an experienced teacher of piano and the high-scoring Cou- the line, as Noah Harbi- voice with many years of teaching and performing gars, allowing 18th ranked experience. son scored all eight of his • B.M. -Peabody Conservatory of Music, Baltimore Salado to earn a satisfy- points from the charity • M.A. - The University of Iowa ing 38-29 victory over stripe in that period. Har- • Ed.D. - Baylor University their district rival, in what bison and Tumey each had • Co-founder of the MUSIC IN SALADO series is Coach Kenny Mann’s eight to lead Salado in the (Photo by Marilyn Fleischer) first season at the helm at game. Voice For more Justin Pruitt fights for a rebound during the Salado no & Less Salado. ia on Salado finishes the reg- Eagles’ 38-29 win over the Jarrell Cougars to secure P s information call The first period saw ular season as the second second place in the district. Chad Tumey starting hot, place team in district. I 947-5592 accouting for eight of The bosy tipped off first round of the playoffs took place after press n Mill Creek his team’s 12 first period against Franklin in the Feb. 21, in a game which time.

Mother Hanna’s Palm & Card Reading Past • Present • Future See Mother Hanna! She will tell you what you wish to know in love, marriage, business and health. Anything is possible. Come see Mother Hanna today. She can help you in all your problems. Everyone has something in store for them! New Killeen location: 1911 Business 190 By Appt. Only New Location: 3210 General Bruce Dr., Temple

Now Accepting Call Today! 254-771-2381 or 254-554-8119 Open 7 am-10 pm Daily & Sunday Page 8A, February 22, 2007, salado Village Voice Salado students fare well at BCYF Straight-Away Barrels - 14 & Walker Cleveland 7 Brittany Finger 1 over ---- The following are the results for Heavy Wt. Finewool Cross ---- Tristen Williams 3 GC Kayla Zimmerhanzel Salado ISD students at the Bell Coun- Jordon Mitchell 2 Reta Buckley 4 ty Youth Fair and Livestock Show. 1 C Melissa Tichenor 9 Colby Medlin 4 Kayla Zimmerhanzel Stephanie Cloud 5 Kayla Zimmerhanzel 5 10 Livestock Show Garrett reeves 10 Meat Goats Commercial Steers Pole Bending - 13 & under ---- Heavy Wt. Southdown ---- Kegan Owen 4 H13 Kid Heavy Class ---- Jesse Rodriguez 4 Melissa Tichenor 6 Brett Wheeler 4 Joshua rodriguez 5 Pole Bending - 14 & over ---- Light Wt. Medium Wool ---- Kayla Zimmerhanzel Garrett Reeves 5 Kegan Owen 5 Meat Goats Farm Shop 3 RC Tristen Williams 4 H15 Aged Class ---- Farm Machinery & Related Equip. Kari Mohler 7 Jesse rodriguez 4 - Sr ---- Melissa Tichenor 7 Payton Smetana 2 Middle Wt. Medium Wool ---- Stakes Race - 13 & under ---- Lauren Haire 5 Breeding Rabbits Garret Marburger 4 Jacey roberts 7 Melissa Tichenor 6 Kegan Owen 8 Jr. Buck Californian ---- Outdoor Cooking Utensils - Jr Kayla Griffin 7 Megan Harvell 2 Kassidee Bowen 10 Jessica daniel 4 Samantha Chick 9 Breeding Rabbits Lawn Furniture - Sr ---- Stakes Race - 14 & over ---- Light Heavy Wt. Medium Wool Kayla Zimmerhanzel F21 Sr. Buck Mini Rex ---- Camryn Bintz 3 ---- David Daniel 5 Woodwork Furniture - Jr 5 Kegan Owen 8 Melissa Tichenor 10 Megan Harvell 2 Heavy Wt. Medium Wool ---- Breeding Sheep Group Projects (wood or metal) Lauren Haire 3 Turkeys D03 Medium Wool Ewe Lambs - Jr ---- Jesse rodriguez 5 Melissa Tichenor 2 Taylor Marburger 2 Turkey Hen ---- Logan Haire 9 Bubba Leifester 7 RC/RGC rCBreeding Swine Farm Shop Light Weight Steer ---- C00 Unclassified Group Projects (wood or metal) Garret Marburger 10 Shyenne Hicks 3 Turkey Tom ---- Ethan Mitchell 1 - Sr ---- Ethan Mitchell 7 Garret Marburger 2 Bubba Leifester 6 Heavy Light Weight Steer ---- Taylor Marburger 8 Colby Medlin 1 Jordon Mitchell 1 Halter Horses Kayla Griffin 4 Reg. Mare under 5 yrs Western Horses Jordon Mitchell 5 Western Walk Trot - 13 & under Garrett reeves 2 Middle Weight Steer Kayla Zimmerhanzel Jacey roberts 6 Kayla Griffin 10 Western Walk Trot - 14 & over 3 Light Heavy Weight Steer ---- Grade Mare, under 5 yrs ---- 8 records Stephanie Lastovica 2 Melissa Tichenor 5 First State Bank Garrett reeves 2 RGC Western Pleasure - 13 & under Reg. Gelding, 5 yrs & over Heavy Weight Steer Melissa Tichenor 7 ---- 5 records Stephanie Lastovica 1 C Jacey roberts 3 Lobby Hours: Grade Gelding, under 5 yrs Garrett reeves 1 Western Pleasure - 14 & over ---- Mkt. Swine Garrett reeves 5 Monday -Thursday 9 a.m.-3p.m. • Friday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Kegan Owen 2 Duroc Light Wt. ---- Showmanship at Halter - 13 & Melissa Tichenor 7 Lee Ingalsbe 3 Western Horsemanship - 13 & under Travis Miller 8 Jacey roberts 4 under ---- 2 records Drive-in: Lucas Wooley 9 Jacey roberts 2 Kegan Owen 7 Kalyn Blair 10 Monday - Thursday 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. • Friday 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Showmanship at Halter - 14 & over Trail - 13 & under ---- 4 records Duroc Middle Wt. ---- Jacey roberts 3 Garrett reeves 4 Anthony Finger 2 Saturday 9 a.m.-12 noon Steven Perrin 6 Heifers Family and Consumer Science James Ervi 7 FCS PLACINGS British Heifer, Class 1 Duroc Light Heavy Wt. ---- "Where full banking services are traditional" Walker Cleveland 2 David daniel 2 Bell County Youth Fair & British Heifer, Class 3 Duroc Heavy Wt. ---- Livestock Show, Inc. Melissa Tichenor 2 Caitlyn Oyler 6 Art Main St. at Thomas Arnold Rd. Salado British Heifer, Class 4 Megan Mattson 10 Painting Oil or Acrylic - Jr. Walker Cleveland 3 Hampshire Middle Wt. ---- Megan Harvell 8 254/947-5852 • Member FDIC Exotics Heifer, Class 3 Hannah Seaton 1 Painting Oil or Acrylic - Sr. Colt Norman 2 Jordon Mitchell 3 Megan Seaton 5 Garret Marburger 4 Ashley Land 4 Drawing (Pastel, Tempra, Crayon) American Heifer, Class Brittany Finger 6 - Jr. Callie Hill 1 Hampshire Heavy Wt. ---- Savanna Ortiz 2 RC Ethan Mitchell 3 Drawing (Pastel, Tempra, Crayon) Haley arnoldSalado FFA - Sr. 2 Yorkshire Light Wt. ---- Robert Cloud 1 Brittany Tucker 3 American Heifer, Class 2 Jordon Mitchell 3 Hand Built Pottery - Jr. 2 records William Cleveland 2 Sterling Martin 4 Landry Smith 2 rC Justin Powell 4 Megan Seaton 9 Cakes Eagle Basketball American Heifer, Class 3 Traditional Plain Pound Cake Yorkshire Middle Wt. ---- Ashlee arnold 1 Holden Smith 5 - Junior Faith arnold 4 Shyenne Hicks 7 Brady alexander 3 Stephanie Cloud 5 Yorkshire Light Heavy Wt. ---- Traditional Plain Pound Cake American Heifer, Class 4 Colby Medlin 1 - Senior Ashlee arnold 2 C/RGC Brittany Tucker 5 American Heifer, Class 5 Jaylee Sebek 5 Chocolate Layer Cake - Senior Kindell Hill 1 Ryan Wooley 9 Walker Cleveland 9 C/RC Yorkshire Heavy Wt. ---- Other Layer Cake - Junior Melissa Tichenor 2 Colby Christian 3 Hannah Seaton 2 Haley arnold 3 Chelsea Ervi 4 Robert Cloud 4 Other Layer Cake - Senior Tanner Johnson 6 James Ervi 4 Unregistered Heifer, Class 2 James Ervi 7 Kasey Smetana 6 Jordon Mitchell 1 C White OPB Light Wt. ---- Fruit/Veg. Layer Cake - Senior William Cleveland 8 Meat Goats William Cleveland 10 White OPB Middle Wt. ---- Class 1 Foam and Chiffon Cakes - Senior Trey Mohler 2 Valeria rangel 3 Greg Tischler 4 Jenna Sebek 7 Brett Wheeler 10 Cupcakes (6) - Senior White OPB Heavy Wt. ---- Kelsey Ortiz 1 rC Class 2 Sarah Cleveland 5 Kori Norman 9 Sheet Cake - Senior Black OPB Light Wt. ---- Chelsea Ervi 3 Class 3 Jenna Sebek 7 Josie Norman 7 Cakes Decorated w/Decoration Black OPB Middle Wt. ---- Class 4 Tips - Jr. Ethan Mitchell 1 C Megan Harvell 2 Garrett reeves 10 Morgan Mattson 6 Class 5 Free Hand Decorated Cakes Ryan Smith 10 - Junior Joshua rodriguez 2 Black OPB Heavy Wt. ---- Kori Norman 10 Savanna Ortiz 4 Colby Christian 1 RC Candy Class 6 ---- Tiffani Barton 5 Joshua rodriguez 4 Brittles & Other hard candies - Jr. Cross Breeds Light Wt. ---- Megan Harvell 9 Faith arnold 10 Brittany Finger 3 Candy, Other types - Sr. Cross Breeds Middle Wt. ---- Valeria rangel 7 Class 7 ---- Caitlyn Oyler 4 Salado High School Lauren Haire 2 Clothing Jesse rodriguez 3 Cross Breeds Light Heavy Wt. ---- Coordinated Ensembles - Jr. Anthony Finger 3 Taylor Marburger 4 Class 8 ---- Ty Hendrick 4 2006 - 2007 Boys Varsity Basketball Jesse rodriguez 1 Dresses, Jumpers - Jr. 5 records RCG Cross Breeds Heavy Wt. ---- Taylor Marburger 5 Logan Haire 2 Ashley Land 2 Pants & Shorts - Jr. RC Colby Medlin 3 Taylor Marburger 3 Justin Harvell 7 Tommy Schatte 10 Skirts - Jr. Colt Norman 8 Taylor Marburger 8 Scramble Heifer Class 9 ---- Aprons - Jr. Kari Mohler 5 Exotic Taylor Marburger 4 Way to go Class 10 Colt Norman 4 Infant & Toddler - Jr. Melissa Tichenor 3 Garret Marburger 7 Taylor Marburger 6 Logan Haire 8 Sleepwear, Lingerie, & Swimwear Timed Event Horses Class 11 - Jr. Melissa Tichenor 1 Cloverleaf Barrels - 13 & under Savanna Ortiz 2 rC Lauren Haire 2 C Kassidee Bowen 8 Taylor Marburger 8 Mkt. Lambs Cloverleaf Barrels - 14 & over ---- Sewn Accessories - Jr. Light Wt. Finewool ---- Kayla Zimmerhanzel Taylor Marburger 2 Scout Puckett 5 1 Doll Clothes - Jr. BOYS! Kayla Griffin 6 Melissa Tichenor 8 Taylor Marburger 6 Kari Mohler 9 Tristen Williams 9 Costumes - Jr. Katy Hall 10 Light Wt. Finewool Cross ---- Taylor Marburger 3 Natalee Cantrell 3 Straight-Away Barrels - 13 & Cookies Kaci Wells 5 under ---- Kayla Griffin 6 Kegan Owen 9 Kassidee Bowen 10 See Youth Fair, Page 9A Walt Tollefson • P.C. Repair • Networking • Data Recovery • Custom Built Computers “...making you more successful” • Virus Removal • Custom Built Servers 254-947-4379 Cell: 254-291-6354 221 North Main Street 947-7205 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. [email protected] Hours 9-5 pm Our staff is professional, courteous and responsive to your needs. Stop After hours by appt. by and ask how we can help you with your real estate transactions. February 22, 2007, salado Village Voice, Page 9A Youth Fair FROM Page 8A Drop Cookie w/plain dark choc. Animal - B/W - Film/Digital - Sr. Katy Croftcheck 4 Morgan Marburger 3 chip - Sr. Kelsey Ortiz 10 Other Textile Crafts - Jr Recycled wood, metal or leather WANT TO EXPAND YOUR BUSINESS? Chelsea Ervi 9 Landscape - Color - Film - Jr. Morgan Marburger 9 - Sr. Kasey Smetana 10 Braxton Tucker 4 Garret Marburger 1 C Drop Cookie w/candy pieces or any Landscape - Color - Film - Sr. Woodworking, Leather & Other Having a YELLOWBOOK USA Directory to find flavor - Jr Brittany Tucker 7 Crafts Yeast Bread special items or services and emergency items or services. Samantha Chick 3 Landscape - Color - Digital - Sr. Models, Snap together - Sr. Loaf of Yeast Bread - Sr. Morgan Marburger 8 Kasey Smetana 2 Garret Marburger 3 Tanner Johnson 2 - PRICELESS Drop Cookie w/candy piece or any Payton Smetana 4 Woodwork Crafts Decorative - Jr. Sarah Cleveland 6 flavor - Sr. Kelsey Ortiz 8 Taylor Marburger 3 Yeast Rolls - Jr. Having your business represented properly in the Camryn Bintz 5 Plant/Flora - Color - Film - Jr. Brady Alexander 4 Megan Daniell 7 YELLOWBOOK USA - PROFITABLE Brittany Tucker 6 Brady Alexander 1 C Woodwork Crafts Functional - Jr. Yeast Rolls - Sr. Other Drop Cookies without any Still Life - Color - Digital - Sr. Brady Alexander 10 Brittany Gilchrest 6 candy - Jr. Kelsey Ortiz 5 Woodwork Crafts Funchional - Sr. Tanner Johnson 7 Your YELLOWBOOK USA Representative is currently in the area Caleb Briehn 10 Kayla Zimmerhanzel Garret Marburger 4 Yeast Bread Other Bar Cookies - Jr. 7 Woodwork Crafts Kits - Jr. K06 Sweet Yeast Breads - Sr. Temple • Belton • Salado Landry Smith 1 C/GC Buildings/Veh. - B/W - Film/Dig. Stephanie Lastovica 3 Tanner Johnson 4 Other Bar Cookies - Sr. - Jr. Recycled wood, metal or leather Brittany Tucker 7 Tracy Gordon 254-535-8235 Kasey Smetana 2 Landry Smith 4 - Jr. [email protected] Larissa Ingalsbe 9 Buildings/Veh. - B/W - Film/Dig. Rolled/Cutout Cookies - Jr. - Sr. Samantha Chick 8 Kelsey Ortiz 6 Rolled/Cutout Cookies - Sr. Special Effects - C or B/W - F/Dig. Ashlee Cantrell 4 - Jr. Refrigerator/filled/pressed cookies Brady Alexander 6 Linda Rountree Pritchard, R.N. - Sr. 5 records Special Effects - C or B/W - F/Dig. Sarah Cleveland 5 - Sr. Registered Massage Therapist Kelsey Ortiz 6 Creative Arts Reena Suresh 7 Decorated Wreaths - Jr. Story Board - C or B/W - F/Dig. Megan Harvell 5 - Jr. Therapeutic Massage Decorated Wreaths - Sr. Hannah Kelarek 6 Ashlee Cantrell 4 Story Board - C or B/W - F/Dig. Stress Management Brittany Gilchrest 9 - Sr. Painted/Decor. Or Stenciled Reena Suresh 9 Garment - Jr. For Appointment, Call Connor Smith 1 RC Pie Personal Accessories - Jr. Nut Pie - Jr. Stephanie Lastovica 5 Connor Smith 6 947-HAND (4263) Megan Harvell 8 Two-Crust Pie - Sr. Holiday Corner - Jr. 5 records Camryn Bintz 3 Taylor Marburger 4 William Cleveland 8 Other Creative Arts - Sr. Douglas B. Willingham, D.D.S. Brittany Tucker 1 Quick Bread Recycled Crafts - Jr. Loaf of Quick Bread w/fruit - Jr. Family and Cosmetic Dentistry Since 1980 Stephanie Lastovica 8 Casey Daniell 10 Recycled Crafts - Sr. 5 records Loaf of Quick Bread w/fruit - Sr. 2 North Main Street at Thomas Arnold Road William Cleveland 5 Valeria Rangel 2 Loaf of Quick Bread w/vegetable in the historic Armstrong Adams House Fashion Revue - Sr. One-piece Sewn - Sr. 2 records Kasey Smetana 2 (c. 1869) Salado, Texas Taylor Cockrell 1 C Loaf Other Quick Bread - Sr. We offer Chairside Whitening System A Dress - Intermediate Payton Smetana 1 C Taylor Marburger 2 Tailored Garment - Sr. Only 1 Textile Crafts as featured in ABC’s “Extreme Makeovers” record Decorated Garment - Jr Amy Loughran Harker Megan Harvell 3 Chamber Music Concert Heights FCCLA 1 C Counted Cross Stitch - Sr 254-947-5242 After 5 Wear - Sr. Only 1 record Camryn Bintz 4 Bethany Rodocker Academy 4- Pieced Quilts Machine - Jr Office Hours by Appointment H 1 C/RGC Katy Croftcheck 7 Food Preservation Simple Pillow - Jr Scott & White Health Plan A Taste Dill or Sour Cucumber Pickles Brady Alexander 2 and most insurance Fellow, American College of Dentists - Jr. Simple Pillow - Sr Taylor Cockrell 3 Fellow, International College of Dentists Brady Alexander 1 plans accepted Dentist of the Year Other Cucumber Pickles - Jr. 5 Decorative Pillow - Sr of Russia records Kasey Smetana 4 Now a Met Life provider. Central Texas Dental Society, 1988 Brady Alexander 4 Toy or Doll - Jr 2 records Relishes & Other Pickled Foods Taylor Marburger 2 RC Saturday, - Jr. Holiday Corner - Jr Brady Alexander 6 Name Name Placing February 24 hip Canned Fruits & Berries - Jr. 7:30 p.m. Brady Alexander 5 Sauces - Jr. Brady Alexander 10 Mary Alice Marshall Performing Arts Center Sauces - Sr. at Temple College, 2600 South First Street, Temple Kasey Smetana 6 Justin Harvell 8 Jellies - Jr. Brady Alexander 4 Sponsored by Photography People - B/W- Film/Digital - Jr. Connor Smith 3 Tickets: Adult $20, Students $5 People - Color - Digital - Jr. Landry Smith 2 Tickets available at the door, or from Holze Music, Von People - Color - Digital - Sr. Kayla Zimmerhanzel Music, the Cultural Activities Center or Salado Civic Center 1 C Kelsey Ortiz 2 Active-Duty Military and Dependents Free Tristen Williams 3 Call 254-778-NOTE for more information Alumni form or visit Association Representatives of five- decades of Salado Gradu- ates met at the old Salado High School, now known as the Salado Civic Cen- ter, to discuss the forma- tion of a formal Alumni Association. The 17 Sal- adoans present voted to form a committee to col- lect names and input from former students of Salado Schools. Nancy Carter was named Interim Chairper- son and steering commit- tee members were selected to prepare recommenda- tions which will be voted on by the general alumni. The committee members are Patsy Sanford, Nolan Kinsey, Delbert Buchan- non, Tom Gidley, and Stephanie Hood. Dr. Robin Batter- shell and Bobette Bell from Salado Independent School District were on hand to discuss the Dis- trict’s involvement in the Alumni Association. For more information about joining the contact Nancy Carter at 947-5196 or [email protected]. Page 10A, salado Village Voice, February 22, 2007 SALADO UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Church and People Loving, Growing, Sharing A church family for all ages that is committed to following Christ’s example and caring for all people. Coopwood C. Smith Sunday Morning Worship 8:30 10:50 Sunday School 9:30 services held Feb. 17 650 Royal Street Services for Coopwood son, a member of the Shri- C. Smith, 95, of Salado, (254) 947-5482 ners and a member of the • Mother’s Day Out Program • were held Feb. 17 in the Salado United Methodist Salado United Methodist Church. He also built P51 Church, with Rev. Grady Mustang Aircraft at North Brittain officiating. Buri- American in dur- al followed in the Killeen ing World War II. Grace Baptist Church City Cemetery. John Warden Pastor • Jonathan Murdock, Assoc/ Youth Pastor Survivors include his Smith died Feb. 15, 2 mi. West of I-35 on 1670/2484 • 254-947-5917 wife, Wilma Smith, of 2007 in a Temple hospital. Salado; two daughters, Worship Schedule He was born Jan. 15, Betty Anne (Smith) Lux- Sunday School • 9:45 a.m. • Worship • 11 a.m. Joe and Susan Jackson announce the engagement 1912 in Lockhart, to Rafe ton, of Leakey, TX, and Worship/Bible Study and Praise Kids Music • 6 p.m. and upcoming marriage of their daughter Nikole Su- Smith and Daisy Duke Peggy Lynne (Smith) Hil- Wednesday zanne Jackson to Jamie Lee Sawyers. Jamie Sawyers Smith. He married Wilma burn, of San Marcos. is the son son of Barry and Norma Freeman of Waco.. Pot Luck Meal 6:45 pm McClung on Oct. 12, 1940, In lieu of flowers, me- The couple plan to marry at the Inn at Salado on July Praise & Prayer • Missions for children • Satisfy for youth 7:15 p.m. in Schulenberg. Smith morials may be made to 14, 2007. owned Smith Cleaners in the Salado United Meth- Killeen in the 1940s and odist Church memorial 1950s. In 1974 he be- fund. Main St. at the Creek came a salesman for B&K Heartfield Funeral Buick, where he worked Home in Belton handled until his retirement. He Wednesday arrangements. Fellowship Meal 5:30 p.m. was a 32nd degree Ma- Celebrate Recovery 6:00 p.m. Youth Choir 6:00 p.m. March 3 Kingdom Kids 6:15 p.m. Prayer Meeting 6:15 p.m. U.T. scholarship fish fry SUNDAY Youth Celebration 7:30 p.m. Contemporary Worship/Bible Study 9:00a.m. The Bell County Chap- featured will be a silent Traditional Worship/Bible Study 10:30 a.m. auction of University of ter of Texas Exes will hold Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. a Scholarship Fish Fry 6:30 Texas items, and a live Youth G.A.B. 6:00 p.m. (254) 947-5465 p.m. March 3 at the Bell auction of a “2005 Nation- County Expo Center. al Championship” football signed by the coaches and I lift up my eyes to the hills- where does my Tickets are $15 for Ethan Evant Eckles adults and $5 for those un- the team, including Vince help come from? Tiffany Blair, of Salado, gave birth Feb. 7 to a baby boy der 12. Young. My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of named Ethan. He weighed 8 lbs. and 3 ozs, and was Featured at the event The event is open to the heaven and earth. 21 ins. long. Grandmother is Doris Blair, of Salado, will be the Longhorn Sing- public. Reservations can -Psalm 121:1,2 and great-grandparents are Bob and Jessie Moran, of ers and Geoff Ketchum of be made by calling 254- Belton. Also 298-2949. All profits will fund UT scholarships. Wilma Capps passes away Feb. 17 Austin, Janna Russell and Wilma Hodge Capps, Belton. Their 64 years Dossman husband Chris Russell, 83, of Salado, passed away of marriage were spent in of Houston, and Jenny Funeral Home Feb. 17, 2007. Salado, where she was a Medlin and husband Ja- Services were held Feb. homemaker, rancher, life- 2525 N. Main • Belton • 933-2525 son Medlin, of Salado; 19 in the Historic Cha- long member of Salado “In Service to our fellow man...” six great-grandchildren, pel of the Salado United United Methodist Church Derek Russell, Taylor Methodist Church, with and a Yellow Bird vol- Domangue, Collin Rus- Rev. Grady Brittain and unteer for Scott & White sell, Nicole Domangue, Rev. Joe Bentley officiat- Hospital. Colby Medlin and Trace ing. Survivors include her Medlin. Burial followed in husband, Clyde Capps, of In lieu of flowers, me- Salado Cemetery. Salado; brother, John Rob- morials may be made to The Salado Church of Christ She was born June 10, ert Hodge and wife Tina Cecil Cosper, of Salado; the Salado United Method- ‘Shaped by His Cross, Sharing His 1923, in Prairie Dell, TX, Lee Hodge, of Menard; two three grandchildren, Lan- ist Church Building Fund, truth, Showing His love.’ to Robert and Mae Street daughters, Elizabeth Fos- na Domangue and hus- 650 Royal St., Salado, TX Hodge. She married Clyde ter, of Houston, and Vir- band Scott Domangue, of 76571. Capps on Nov. 7, 1942 in ginia Cosper and husband St. Stephen St. Joseph’s Catholic Having experienced the sudden Church Episcopal death of a friend this week, and while Religious Education Chapel spending time with the family remem- Classes bering her life, the true brevity of this Pre-K thru 12th Holy Eucharist life was brought back to my aware- Presbyterian Church 6:30 - 7:40 p.m. Wednesday Sat. • 5 p.m. ness again. Are you living with a view Mass toward the next life, knowing that it of Salado Sun. • 9:30 a.m. Rev. Carl Thompson, Pastor Saturday • 5:30 p.m. could begin for you or me at any time? Sunday Tues. • 9:30 a.m. Would you be ready, if that time was 10 A.M. Sunday Worship (Spanish) 9:30 a.m. now? It’s something to think about. Child care during service (English) 8 a.m. & 11 a.m. Tuesday • 6 p.m. - Joe Keyes, minister Wednesday • Noon Thursday • 8 a.m. Friday • Noon Sunday Bible Classes • 9 a.m. Worship • 10 a.m. Office Hours: Evening Worship • 6 p.m. Every day Wednesday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Bible Classes • 6:30 p.m. 105 Salado Plaza Drive • 254-947-8106 601 FM 2268 939-1033 IH-35 at Blacksmith Rd. Main & Salado Plaza Drive behind Brookshire Bros. 947-8037 behind Fletcher’s Book Store ststephenchurch@earthlink. N. Main Street 947-5241 • February 22, 2007 salado Village Voice, Page 11A TBC receives award from SAP TBC International, Inc. “Come See What a Nursing received the Marketing Excellence Award at the Home Should Be” 2007 SAP Business One FCOM – “Field Kick Off” Park Place Manor meeting held recently in Las Vegas. This award 810 East 13th Avenue was presented to Linda Belton, TX 76513 Griffith, Chief Market- 254-939-1876 ing Office for TBC by Geoff Ashley, Dan “I Am” Krauss and Michael Sot- nick at the Monday night Awards Banquet held at Fitness for Men & Women of all ages the MGM Grand. The Marketing Excel- lence Award is given to the SAP Business One Partner (SBO) that repre- Stephanie Krueger sents outstanding achieve- Geoffrey Ashley, Director of Channel Sales, Dan Kraus, Vice President - SBO, Certified Personal Trainer ment in bringing the SAP Richard Paul Thomas, President/CEO and Linda Griffith, Chief Marketing Officer message to the SMB Mar- of TBC International, Inc., and Michael Sotnick, Senior Vice President SMB SAP Will Travel to Clients Home or Salado Fitness Gym ketplace. Members of the Americas, Inc. 805 N. Main Street, Suite G Salado TX 76571 SBO Marketing and Chan- PH: (254) 947-5814 nel Development voted reading adapted from Dr. paigns, an SAP B1 track tions to clients located E-Mail: [email protected] unanimously to give this Seuss which accounts for throughout the U.S. and at TBC’s Annual Client • Strength Training • Flexibility •Interval Workouts • Cardio • award to TBC this year. the special head gear worn Latin America. Focus- OM marked TBC’s Conference, and a seminar Weight Control • Nutrition • Group Fitness • Aerobics FC by Misters Ashley and ing on the Manufacturing, 1st year Anniversary as a in conjunction with SAP Krauss during the presen- Distribution, Construction JOIN NOW AND LIVE THE HEALTHY LIFE! Business One partner. and the AICPA. Her plans tation. and Service industries, During the evening’s for 2007 are even more According to Richard, TBC is one of the leading proceedings, Eric Moreau, impressive.” “Linda does an incredible providers of high quality SBO Senior Solutions Spe- Founded in 1985, job for TBC. Events this products and services for cialist, spoofed the SBO TBC International, Inc. past year included a num- provides business solu- the SMB marketplace. Senior staff with a special ber of Direct Mail Cam- Serving Salado UMHB sets Tyler Cook qualifies for Grand National Let us help you maintain your independence Gospel concert Speech and Debate Tournament and stay in your own home. for Feb. 23 Licensed, Insured and Bonded Tyler Cook, Salado held in Houston, Texas on Meal Preparation • Personal Care Services The University of Mary High School sophomore, Hardin-Baylor’s Gospel May 24-27. Transportation • Laundry & Linens qualified for the Grand the 2006 Grand Na- Choir will hold a concert 7 At Light Housekeeping • Respite Care • Companionship National Speech and De- tional Tournament, held p.m. Feb. 23 in the W. W. For a complimentary in-home consultation call bate Tournament on Feb. in Chicago, over 2,330 Walton Chapel on campus. 17, 2007 at the Del Valle students representing over Ticket prices are $3 for (254) 780-9864 or toll free (877) 888-9864 Catholic Forensic League 500 high schools compet- students and faculty and Invitational. ed. $5 for the public. Tickets The National Catholic Tyler Cook The National Catholic may be purchased in the Forensic League (NCFL) Forensic League (NCFL) campus activities office or sponsors the Grand Na- ies have included Chi- was formed in 1951. Mem- from any choir member. TRENZESalado, CRUISES Texas tional Speech and Debate cago, Milwaukee, Boston, ber schools include both For more information, Tournament held each year Arlington VA, Pittsburgh, public and parochial high contact George Harrison, over Memorial Day week- (254) 913-1185 director of student rela- and New York City. This schools. The NCFL re- end. The national tourna- year’s NCFL Grand Na- cruits member schools in tions and community ser- ment is held at a different Alaskan Cruise vices at ( 254) 295-5519. tional Tournament will be both the United States and site each year. Recent cit- Canada. Special for Salado Local resident was named to Dean’s List Launches students in classes that Valerie Clark of Salado vice president and provost Texas Lutheran is a average just 18 students. Aug 29, 2007 was named to the Dean’s of TLU, to honor students private, exclusively un- TLU has been recognized Call for Brochure List at Texas Lutheran who earned a 3.5 – 3.99 dergraduate university of repeatedly in U.S News University for the Fall of a possible 4.0 semester the liberal arts, sciences & World Report’s an- 2006 semester. grade point average with and professional studies. FOR ALL YOUR nual ranking of America’s The Dean’s List was a minimum of 12 graded Founded in 1891, TLU is best colleges, and by The CRUISE NEEDS! announced by Dr. John hours in the past semes- located in Seguin. TLU Princeton Review. T. Masterson, executive ter. has approximatley 1,400 Breakfast Lunch TAE Lunch SIS • SHS Monday Breakfast Pocket Corn Dog, Ranch Style Beans, Carrot Sticks, Chef Salad Chicken Fried Steak, Green Beans, Mashed Corn Dog 19 Applesauce Hoagie Potatoes w/Gravy, Texas Toast, Pears Tater Tots Tuesday French Toast Fried Chicken, Peas, Mashed Potatoes w/Gravy, Chef Salad Beef Stew, Corn, Peas & Carrots, Mixed Fruit, Hamburger 20 Roll, Fresh Fruit Hoagie Cornbread Frito Lay Wednesday Biscuit and Sausage Patty Pepperoni Pizza, Corn, Breadstick, Peaches Yogurt & Fruit Plate Pepperoni Pizza, Roasted Red Potato, Corn, Chicken Sandwich 21 Hoagie Breadstick, Peaches Baked Potato Thursday Breakfast Bagel w/Sausage Nachos, Mixed Vegetables, Fresh Fruit Chef Salad Lasagna, Carrots, Corn, mixed Fruit, Texas Nachos 22 Hoagie Toast, Fries Friday Breakfast on a Stick No Lunch Served Today 23 Daily Toast & Jelly, Fresh Fruit, Cereal, Choice of Milk Pizza Hut Pizza, Chef Salad, Fresh Fruit, Jalapeno, Choice of Milk, Tea Juice and choice of Milk Salado ISD Centrovision CABLE TV SERVICE FOR CENTRAL TEXAS Cafeteria Menus 773-1163 8 E. Barton • Temple A service of Salado, Little River-Academy, Morgan’s Point, Moody, Rogers, Troy Page 12A , February 22, 2007, salado Village Voice Wildfire awards over $250K in Open Over a quarter-mil- Travis Woodard, fifth lion dollars in cash and (48.86), $16,000 split; thousands more in prizes and Jake Kropik and John were awarded to ropers Philipp, sixth (48.87), at the annual Open to the $12,00 split. The men’s World event at Salado’s average paid out $175,000 Wildfire Arena. Profes- in cash. sional and amateur ropers The team of Jake Coo- from across the country per and Jimmie Ross Coo- routinely participate in per split $5,050 cash and 254-947-9001 the Open as it boasts one prize jackets for winning of the sport’s biggest prize the Men’s Open Rotation 1 lines, and this year was no with a time of 6.5. Turtle Business is growing exception. A total of 453 Powell and Britt Bockius men’s and women’s teams were second and earned new stylist vied for the top money and $3,800, while Jack Cooper prizes. and Randon Adams took Sunnie Hoffman The team of Colter third and $2,520 and Riley has joined Todd and Travis Graves Minor and B.J. Campbell were the biggest winners garnered $1,260 for fin- Leaza Floyd on the day, splitting the ishing fourth. The Men’s $75,000 cash prize as they Open Rotation 1 paid out Colter Dodd and Travis Graves pose with their Open were the Average champs $12,630 in cash. winnings (above), while Ladies winners Jamie Mader in the Men’s Open, with In the Men’s Open and Lindsey Yost are shown below. a time of 47.33. Todd and Graves also took home Hair & Nails Montana Buckles and Re- 730 N. Robertson Rd sistol Black Gold Hats. Jason and Randon Adams finished second in the Av- erage, at 47.54, and split $28,000 cash and hats by Resistol. Salado Other money winners in the average included Jake Barnes and Walt Eyecare Woodard, third (48.21), $24,000 split; Keven Dan- • Comprehensive Eye Exams • Laser Vision iel and Casey Chamber- Consultations • Contact Lenses • Eyeglasses lain, fourth (48.3), $20,000 (Next Day Service Available) • Minor Eye split; Kevin Stewart and Emergencies - Short Round Keven len Bach. Cash payout in $12 Manicures Daniel and Casey Cham- the Short Round totaled $25 Pedicure berlain clocked a 6.09 for $12,630. first place, $5,050 in cash Ladies Open - Average Wednesday Special: and prize jackets. Sec- champs were Jamie Mader Manicure & Pedicure ond place was the team of and Lindsey Yost, whose Kropik and Phillip, who time of 32.05 was good $30 pocketed $3,800, while enough for $20,000 cash third place and $2,520 as well as Montana Buck- Sheril Edwards when to Ty Blasingame les and Resistol Black and Jared Hixon. Fourth Gold Hats. The second (254) 947-9001 place and $1,260 went to place pair of Molly Mc- Dr. John K. Cooke, O.D. Chad Masters and Al- Guire and Sammy Gilbert Doctor of therapeutic optometry were awarded $7,000 and Resistol hats, while Shelly Salado Plaza Shopping Center Granzin and Jessica Bow- (254) 947-LENS (5367) en took third place, $6,000 and Resistol hats. Tue-Fri 9am-5pm ~ Saturday 9am-1pm #ARINSURANCEWITH Other winners were Keli Hatley and Annette 0%23/.!,3%26)#% Hinkle, fourth, $5,200; SeVette Early and Tibba .OEXTRACHARGE Smith, fifth, $4,300; Mary Ann Miller and Rikki Perezchica, sixth, $3,350; !T3TATE&ARM®YOUGETACOMPETITIVERATEANDANAGENT Missy Danley and Kelly DEDICATEDTOHELPINGYOUGETTHECOVERAGETHATSRIGHTFORYOU Jones, seventh, $2,400; ANDTHEDISCOUNTSYOUDESERVE.OBODYTAKESCAREOFYOULIKE and Kelsey Mosby and 3TATE&ARM#ONTACTME)LLPROVEIT Denise Vontour, eighth, $2,180. The Ladies Aver- age paid out $50,430 cash. Mader and Yost also took first place in the La- dies Open - Rotation 1, pocketing an extra $1,750 and prize jackets compli- ments of a time of 6.84 seconds. Joe Read, Agent Fallon Avery and Tam- 417 N Main Street my Lewis were second, Suite 104 taking $1,520 cash, while Salado, TX 76571-5721 J.J. Hampton and Michelle Bus: 254-947-3599 Toll Free: 888-292-3276 Dyer earned $1,300. Oth- er winners were: Barrie Smith and Annette Hin- ® ,)+%!'//$.%)'("/2 34!4%&!2-)34(%2% kle, fourth, $1,050; Se- 0ROVIDING)NSURANCEAND&INANCIAL3ERVICES Vette Early and Sky Parm- er, $840; Tess Hansen and 3TATE&ARM-UTUAL!UTOMOBILE)NSURANCE#OMPANYs3TATE&ARM)NDEMNITY#OMPANY š April Harms, $600; and 0 "LOOMINGTON ),sSTATEFARMCOM Shelby and Tibba Smith, $540. Shopping Map Salado Village Guide Pages 6-7B Section B Salado Village Voice February 22, 2007 12 Pages Shopping, Dining, Overnight, Events Privacy in a digital world Expert to discuss technology, personal issues at Institute A man intimately fa- cal issue than has been the Other speakers in the miliar with the wonders of organization’s usual sub- series include: the digital age - because he ject matter. Americans’ Thomas Mayo, an at- helped create much of it - privacy is being eroded in torney who specializes in • will speak about the dark- the name of security, con- medical and humanities Rubber Stamps er side of the instant com- venience and the increas- issues will speak March munication world: the loss ingly pervasive “need to 18. His speech, “Medical • of privacy. Technology know” of governments, Privacy: DOA?” will dis- Scrapbooking expert, Dr. Alex Cavalli, businesses and citizens cuss the crisis in medical will launch the Salado Hu- themselves. Because pri- privacy. • manities Institute’s spring vacy is a subject of such Beth Givens, the execu- Classes series “Privacy Lost: At critical importance, the tive director of the Privacy What Cost?” His two pre- Institute felt that it was Rights Clearinghouse, will • sentations on Feb. 24 will important to help people speak April 14. She will discuss the challenge of understand what is hap- speak on identity theft and Open Daily maintaining privacy in a pening in order to deal how to avoid it. 642 N. Main St. #1 digital world. with the consequences. Adm. Bobby Inman, Salado This series is a slight The series will feature former Intelligence direc- departure from the Insti- four speakers who will Dr. Alex Cavalli tor and expert on privacy 254-947-2248 tute’s past programs since give their insights and DCI, he was the Deputy paved the way for the cre- and security, will discuss it focuses on a more topi- advice about privacy is- Director of the IC2 Insti- ation of the first Internet balancing privacy and se- sues that relate to medical tute at UT-Austin, where search engine that became curity in the age of terror- privacy, identity theft, pri- he also co-directed the the model for every search ism. That special lecture vacy vs. national security E-Learning and Train- engine that followed, and will be May 6, and will be HOT STONES ARE HERE issues, and privacy as it ing Labs. In addition, he they developed the first open to the public. Dive into the relates to all things digital is the founder of Face to commercial quality web Many of the events in – databases, the internet, Face Communications, a browsers. His team also this lecture series are only Serenity and financial transac- communications consult- devised new electronic available to members of of deep relaxing tions. the Institute for the Hu- heat with ing firm. payment mechanisms for Dr. Cavalli is a technol- manities and their guests. Hot Stone massage. In the early ‘90s, while use by businesses engaged ogy expert who has been leading the architectural in electronic commerce. However, membership in Only at Serenity Spa! contributing to the Austin design of Microelectronic He is the author of The the Institute is open, and Call Today high tech community for and Computer Consor- Physics of Business and everyone is invited to join. more than 20 years. He is tium’s Enterprise Integra- holds a PhD in Physics Contact the Institute of- 74 Van Bibber Lane 254-947-8833 a founding board member tion Project, he and his from Dartmouth College. fice at 947-5729 or ifh@ of the Digital Convergence staff created the founda- Dr. Cavalli will hold a for more infor- Initiative, an evolving re- tion for much of what is workshop the morning of mation on how to become gional commerce model. now recognized as the In- Feb. 24, and will lecture a member and sign up for Salado Prior to the creation of ternet. The EINet project that afternoon. the events. Chamber readies for Wildflower Art Show The Salado Chamber artists Guy Morrow and CIGARS of Commerce will once Dan Brown, Owl Creek again play host to artists Ceramics and Robert and artisans from across Patterson’s unique wood the state, March 24 and 25 turned pens, pencils and Premium Handmade Cigars, at the 7th Annual Wild- bottle stoppers will be Pipes, Men’s Gifts & Accessories flower Art Show. returning to this year’s The Art Show includes show. FEATURING OUR HOUSE BRAND many different art me- The Chamber is also THE “SALADO CIGAR” diums such as jewelry, delighted to welcome clothing, pottery, painting several new artists to the Sun.-Thurs. 11-5 Fri.-Sat. 11-8 and sculpture with over 50 show. Particular artists 400 S. Main Street (254) 947-9177 participating artists and participating in the show Salado, Texas 76571 1-866-498-2447 artisans. Many favorites will be highlighted in up- such as Pegasus Pottery, coming issues. The Wildflower Art Show will be held over two days, March 24 and 25.

Something for everyone This year the Chamber and their schedules will will have an Artists in Ac- also be published. tion tent at the fair high- The Art Show is locat- lighting the various artists ed on the grounds of the participating in the show. Salado Civic Center at 601 The public will actually N. Main Street. The Show be able to visit with the will be open 9 a.m.-5 p.m. artists as they are demon- March 24 and 9 a.m.-4 strating their work. The p.m. March 25. Admis- various fine art galleries sion is free. For more will also be hosting Art- information contact the ists in Action in their stu- Salado Chamber of Com- Pace Park Dr. dios in the afternoons of merce at 254-947-5040, or Salado, Texas the Show. A list of artists visit its 254 947-0128 Page 2B, salado Village Voice, February 22, 2007 Have an event for the calendar? Email us: [email protected] Deadline is 5 p.m. Friday for the following week’s newspaper. What’s happening in feature presentations A Survivor’s Story.” Info: p.m. at Mill Creek Dining Salado Civic Center. March 16 Election of directors and 12th Annual Denver by seven Texas authors. ebruary Nancy Healey, 947-5003. Room, and “The Digital F 22 officers will be held. Mills Golf Tournament, Admission: $5. For reser- Salado Area Repub- February 24 Revolution,” 10 a.m.-1 ebruary benefitting Tablerock Fes- vations call 254-947-5232. lican Women luncheon, Institute for the p.m. at the Salado Civic F 26 Salado Ambassadors tival, Inc. Tourney will be March 24 and 25 noon at StoneCreek Humanities Spring Center. Reservation info: ‘meet and eat’ 11:30 held on Mill Creek Golf Annual Wildflower Settlement. Carol Allread, Lecture Series - “Pri- 947-5729 or visit www. a.m. at the Salado Civic Course, with a 1 p.m. Art Show, featuring of the National Coalition vacy Lost: At What Center. shotgun start. $60 entry artists and artisans from for Women with Heart Cost?”, with Alex February 26 ebruary fee. Info: 254-534-3324 or throughout Texas, at the Disease, will be the fea- Cavalli, Ph.D. Cavalli will Salado Cemetery F 26 Salado Masonic [email protected]. Salado Civic Center. Info: tured speaker. Program: present “Living in a More Association Annual Lodge #296 meeting, Salado Chamber of Com- “Straight from the Heart... Transparent World,” 5-7 Meeting, 10 a.m. at the March 18 7:30 p.m. in the Lodge Institute for the merce, 254-947-5040. Building on Church Humanities Spring More details TBA. Street. Lecture Series - “Medi- March 24 and 25 February 27 cal Privacy:DOA?” with 12th Annual Gospel TxDOT public meet- Tom Mayo, J.D. Mayo, Festival at Tablerock ing to discuss improve- an attorney specializing Amphitheater; 11 a.m.-8 Susan Marie’s ments on I-35 in Bell in humanities issues, will p.m. March 24 and 10 The Brands, the Selection, the Personal Service County, 6:30 p.m. at a.m.-5 p.m. March 25. Since 1985 speak about the crisis in the Salado Intermediate medical privacy, 4-6 p.m. Food booth, drinks, gift School Cafeteria. Public at the Celebration Center. booths and dessert booths invited to attend. An optional dinner will will be open both days. March 3 follow at 6:30 p.m. Reser- Admission: $5 for adults, Salado ISD Student vation info: 947-5729 or $3 for children 12 and Art Competition at the visit www.salado-insti- under. Tickets sold at Salado Civic Center. Cash the gate. Info: Donnie awards will be given in March 19 Jackson, 254-947-5100 or 2-D and 3-D categories Taste of Salado, 6-8 [email protected]. for all grade levels. Info: p.m. at Tenroc Ranch. March 30 947-5479, ext. 7000. Sponsored by the Public Salado Masonic March 3 Arts League of Salado. Lodge #296 Fish Fry. Silent Auction, More information TBA. Event will also help raise Spaghetti Supper and March 20 funds for Project Gradua- Talent Show, support- Teacup Tuesday tion. More info TBA. ing Project Graduation meeting, 9:30 a.m. in March 31 and SHS Student Council the Fellowship Hall of Fifth Annual Salado scholarship fund, 5:30-9 the First Baptist Church. Volunteer Fire Depart- p.m. at the Salado Inter- Program: A dramatic ment Smokin’ Spokes % mediate School. Admis- presentation of “Esther,” Bike Ride. Riders can sion: $10. written and performed choose from 15, 27, 57, March 4 by Judy Greene. Public is 70, 85 and 102 mile rides. OFF Texas Association of welcome. All rides begin on the Single Adults country March 20 Salado school grounds. and western dance, 6-10 Salado Lions Club Registration is $25 if p.m. at Bo’s Barn. Live and Salado Rotary Club pre-registered. Camping music will be provided joint meeting, with Hall and showers available. by Mike Clifford. Cost: of Fame football coach Info: Kevin Reichert, 254- $5 for members, $7 for Grant Teaff, 6 p.m. at 534-3122 or visit www. nonmembers. All single the Stagecoach Inn. Open adults 21 or over are to the public as space April 2 invited. allows. Cost: $18 per Salado Masonic 75 Lodge #296 meeting, All Fall March 13 person. Info: 947-8300, Salado Garden Club 947-8230 or 947-3901. 7:30 p.m. in the Lodge meeting - field trip to March 22-24 Building on Church Clothing & Shoes Austin to visit John Happy Trails Shop Street. Dromgoole’s nursery, The Hop in Salado, additional April 6 Natural Gardener. Meet information TBA. Info: A Salado ISD bad 201 North Main St. in Historic Downtown Salado at Salado Presbyterian Sewing Basket, 947-5423. weather make up day. 254-947-LADY (5239) Toll Free 1-877-693-1173 Church at 9:00 am to car March 24 Schools will be in session. pool. Central Texas Area April 6-8 Museum hosts the 47th Annual Easter Annual Readers and Pageant at Tablerock Writers Roundtable, Amphitheater, presented Home Decor • Candles • Gifts 1:30 p.m. at the museum’s by the First Baptist auditorium. Event will Church of Salado. 8:15

The Texas Tycoon Collection The Salado Sawmill, an artisan’s workshop and gallery, has cre- Factory Store ated a unique line of custom furniture: The Texas Tycoon Collec- Trimmings tion. Big, bold and as rugged as a Texas oil- man, this line reflects the character and style of these demanding gentlemen. No Victorian frills here: just clean lines, chiseled features and big proportions. While the style Bluebird Kids of these pieces reflects Texas’ roots, it also demonstrates a flair for the dra- matic through the use of burl, bird’s eye and quarter-sawn lumber. Picture here is the Executive Desk in the Tycoon Collection. This piece is made from Gifts • Decor • Apparel bird’s eye maple. Note the shop-made crown molding, distinctive base and towering proportions -- a showpiece for today’s tycoon, oil or otherwise. Master Craftsman Robert Pascoe makes these pieces at the Salado Saw- mill, allowing the customer to specify the dimensions, wood type, color and Open Everyday! hardware. Because Pascoe works the project from design through build and finish, you are assured of quality at every step. Just bring in a picture Monday - Saturday 10 - 5:30 • Sunday 12 - 5:30 or sketch of something that you’re interested in and Pascoe will guide you through the design process. Pascoe has several other lines, including Arts and Crafts and General Store collection. (254) 947-9475 1301 N. Stagecoach Road The Sawmill, a division of XtraWorX, LLC, is located at 409 Salado Plaza (northbound I35 access road, one block north of Main Street) at the entrance to Mill Creek in Salado. Call Bob at 254-947-0137 or visit the Village of Salado? February 22, 2007 salado Village Voice, Page 3B p.m. nightly, free admis- lowship Hall of the First dinner to follow. Reserva- 5783. sion. Guests encouraged Baptist Church. Program: tion info: 947-5729 or visit June 12 to bring a lawn chair. Decorating with Jill Ship- Salado Garden Club Church groups welcome. man, interior designer May 12-13 meeting, 10 a.m. at the Info: Randy Carder, event and owner of Stonecreek Annual Salado Yard Salado Presbyterian director, 254-947-5465 or Settlement bed and break- and Garden Tour, Church. All gardeners fast. Public is welcome. sponsored by the Salado invited. April 10 April 21 Garden Club. More info June 23 and 24 Salado Garden Club ABWA Benefit and TBA. Auditions for meeting, 10 a.m. at the Style Show, 11 a.m.-1 May 24 Tablerock’s produc- Salado Presbyterian p.m. at the Longhorn Salado High School tion of “Taming of the Church. Group will Room of Stagecoach Inn. Class of 2006-07 com- Shrew,” 3 p.m. both discuss final planning for Info: 254-947-3617. mencement ceremony, days at Tablerock’s In Garden Tour. All garden- April 30 at the Mayborn Center on backstage room. Info: Historic ers welcome. Salado Masonic the campus of the Uni- David Dunlap, 254-247- April 14 Lodge #296 meeting, versity of Mary Hardin 0220 or email ddunlap@ Salado Institute for the 7:30 p.m. in the Lodge Baylor. Humanities Spring Lec- Building on Church May 26 and 27 June 25 (254) ture Series - “Privacy 947-4663 Street. Wildfire Ranch hosts Salado Masonic Right Next Door To Lost: At What Cost?” May 5 the Wildfire Truck Lodge #296 meeting, Custom Menus Available with Beth Givens. Givens Salado United Meth- Explosion Team Roping 7:30 p.m. in the Lodge will present “Identity odist Church Women’s event. Info: 947-0291. Building on Church Theft: The Ultimate Ministry Second Annual May 28 Street. Privacy Loss,” 5-7 p.m. at Fundraiser, “Celebra- Salado Masonic More listings on Page 4B Mill Creek Dining Room. tion 2007: Texas not Lodge #296 meeting, A lunch with the speaker Tuscany,” 7-10 p.m. at 7:30 p.m. in the Lodge will be held 11:30 a.m.-1 Jack’s Barn. Building on Church Salado Civic Center p.m. at Inn on the Creek. May 6 Street. Designed to serve the Village of Salado Reservation info: 947- Institute for the June 9 5729 or visit www.salado- Humanities Spring Annual Salado Also: Lecture Series - “Pri- Reunion, 9:30 a.m.-3:30 Bandstand - Gazebo April 16-18 vacy Versus Terrorism” p.m. at the Salado Inter- Rental Rooms For: Texas Dispute with Admiral Bobby mediate School Commons Family/Class Reunions Resolution System hosts Inman. Inman will present area. Reunion is open to Weddings - Wedding Receptions Parenting Coordinator “Privacy vs. Security in Salado alumni, as well Training at the Inn at the Age of Terrorism, 4-6 as the general public. A Rehearsal Dinners Salado. Course satisfies p.m. at the Celebration lunch will be served. Info: Business Meetings & Luncheons the requirement to be a Center, with an optional 254-939-3187 or 254-947- Style Shows • Concerts parenting coordinator in Texas. Cost: $425 by 601 North Main Street March 16, $475 regular, The Event Center at and $525 at the door. (254) 947-8300 Info: 806-775-1720 or Tenroc Ranch visit Elegant, Quiet, Rural Setting I-35 Exit 284 2 miles West on Thomas Arnold Rd April 16-20 Texas Dispute Reso- lution System a Basic Mediation Training at the Inn at Salado. Course satisfies the requirement to become a mediator in Texas. Cost: $400 by March 16, $500 regular, $600 at the door. Info: The Sirena 4,000 sq. ft. 806-775-1720 or visit Blue Heron 5,000 sq. ft. Catering Kitchen • Bar Area. April 17 Private creekside wedding facilities Teacup Tuesday meet- Indoor & Outdoor Wedding Site ing, 9:30 a.m. in the Fel- 512-947-9218 •

has a new owner! and a new home! GREGORY’S Cherry Lococo, owner Salado 26 Rock Creek Drive Salado, Texas Open Daily (254) 947-0336 • (800) 473-5703 Page 4B, salado Village Voice, February 22, 2007 Calendar of Events From Page 3B July 21, 28 and Aug. 4 meeting, 10 a.m. at the October 6-7 15th Annual produc- Salado Presbyterian Auditions for A October 27 and 28 Etrulia’s tion of “Salado Leg- Church. Program will Christmas Carol, 3 p.m. “A Fine Resale Shop” ends” outdoor musical focus on herbs. All gar- each day at Tablerock. Tablerock’s Hallow- drama at Tablerock deners invited to attend. Info: 947-9205. een Fright Trail, featur- Fall Clothing Amphitheater. Show September 15 and 16 October 7 ing thrills and chills for times: 8:15 p.m. for each Fantasy Faire at Tablerock’s Fright young and old. Open 7:30- on Sale show. Dinner at 7:15 p.m. Tablerock, 10 a.m.-6 Trail auditions, 5 p.m. at 10:30 p.m. Admission: $5 Tuesday - Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Cost for dinner is $8 for p.m. daily. Characters Tablerock. Info: 947-9205 for adults, $3 for children Michelle Ellis 881 N. Main adult or child, and reser- from history, literature, or email tablerock1@aol. 12 and under. Concessions 254-947-0504 Across from Subway vations are required. Cost mythology and imagina- com. will be available. Info: for the performance is $17 tion invite you to a world Jackie Mills, 947-9205 for adults and $5 for chil- of Medieval magic. Music, October 6, 13 and 20 or email tablerock1@aol. dren. Info: 254-947-9205 storytelling, archery Fifth Annual Fall com. tournament, vendors and Shakespear Festival at It’s a Texas thing! or November 13 22” custom August 4-5 more. Admission: $7 for Tablerock Amphithe- Salado Garden Club 41st Annual Salado adults, $5 for children 12 ater. The Bard’s Taming meeting, 10 a.m. at the metal cut-outs. Art Fair, on the grounds and under, seniors, and of the Shrew will be Great for gifts. Salado Presbyterian of Pace Memorial Park. military with ID. Info: presented under the stars, Church. 10 a.m. at the Featuring over 100 art- Stephanie Hood, shood@ 7:30 p.m. each perfor- Salado Civic Center. ists and artisans from or www. mance date. Tickets: $10 Program will be given by Texas and throughout the adult, $5 children 12 and Norm Arnold of Hous- Southwest. Hours: 8 a.m.- September 22 under, student or military; ton, designer of gardens, 5p.m. Aug. 4 and 8 a.m.-4 Salado Area Republi- available at the gate or discussing his new garden Order yours at p.m. Aug. 5. Free parking can Women Fine China on-line at www.tablerock. book on Glorious Texas throughout the village. Luncheon, 11 a.m. in the org. Info:David Dunlap, Gardens. All gardeners Info: Salado Chamber of Longhorn Room of the director, 254-247-0220 or invited to attend. Commerce, 254-947-5040. Stagecoach Inn. Info: 939- email ddunlap@tablerock. September 11 7085. org. Nov. 30-Dec. 2 Salado Garden Club October 9 Annual Salado Salado Garden Club Christmas Stroll week- meeting, 10 a.m. at the end. Details announced at Salado Presbyterian later date. Visit saladovil- On IH-35 between exits 284 & 285 GRIFFITH FINE ART Church. All gardeners for infor- invited. mation as the days draw closer. Salado, Texas #3 Old Town Salado GALLERY 254-947-3177 254-947-4479 The Colony • North Main Street Closed Sundays Specializing in Heritage Lace Designs Fenton Art Glass, Arthur Court Designs and Original Art Willow Tree Angels by DEMDACO Bronze Sculpture 102 North Main Street, Salado 254-947-1868 • 877-947-1868 Raku Pottery [email protected] G. Harvey Limited Edition Prints And More

“A bit of whimsy, a touch of elegance” FINE ART GALLERY Traditional and Contemporary Landscapes, Seascapes, Wildlife, and Western Art. Located Midtown #8 Rock Creek (just a few steps off Main) Salado, TX 76571 Main Street • Salado • (888) 461-2605 • (254) 947-3930

2007 All New

Salado * Austin 1550 4X4 IH35 Exit 285 Salado

254-947-4065 Visit us @ Drive it Once and you’ll know! February 22, 2007 salado Village Voice, Page 5B Here’s why cutting calories to lose weight does not work

It is sad that in Amer- biochemical uniqueness ica when we want to means our nutritional take ownership of our Lifestyle and Wellness regimens differ from health, we begin with person to person just as the infamous four-letter By Kevin McCauley word “diet.” America’s See Diet, Page 8B • Full Breakfast Service view of a successful diet run and there are some hormone imbalance and • The Hayloft Event Hall is generally unattain- very good reasons why! “starvation response” • Garden Weddings able over the long-term. 1. If you are starving will cause you to hold • Nature Trails Cutting calories so to yourself your body will on to body-fat. Come to the country. drop weight, instead of constantly be dealing 3. It is also possible You deserve a little peace and quiet. creating a proper regi- with low blood sugar to be malnourished 4490 Royal Street«Salado, Texas men of regular meals levels and hormonal im- while consuming too 3.5 miles east of Main Street on Royal made up of high quality balances. many “empty” calories. 254.947.3350 foods to lose body-fat, 2. Not only will your “Displacement” foods will not work in the long will power wane, but the (sugar, white flour, veg-

etable oils, and refined/ Bed convenience foods) will Breakfast & Beyond The Inn at Salado Salado - IH 35 not only lead to acceler- Inn ated aging and disease, Historic Bed & Breakfast 254-947-5000 but will also increase on Royal Reservations 1-800-800-8000 your desire to eat more • Clean, Friendly Service • Free Continental Breakfast food, which can lead to Nine • Pool - HBO - ESPN obesity. • Free High Speed Internet • In Room Coffee Maker - Refrigerator 4. Meals, if not bal- King Size Microwave anced properly, no mat- VISA/MasterCard • Special Group - Reunions - Wedding rates Beds American Express • AAA Approved ter how low in fat can Discover • Newly renovated Diner’s Club lead to over-eating and fat-storage over time. 254-947-5260 Weddings ~ Receptions ~ Accommodations 5. Whenever we “fast” 866-SALADO-S North Main St. & Pace Park Dr. for over four hours, our email: (254) 947-0027 / (800) 724-0027 The TIMBERS body may begin to go [email protected] at the Sawmill A Unique Guest Suite into “starvation mode” causing us to store more Bed & Breakfast fat and use muscle for Lodging for you Serving Sunday energy. This is one of Complimentary Breakfast the main reasons why Wireless High-Speed Internet Brunch! breakfast IS the most Swimming Pool with Courtyard 409 Salado Plaza Rd., Salado, TX important meal of the Exercise Room day. Proper frequency SALADO Executive Business Conference Center 254-947-0137 of meals alone can im- prove your metabolism a division of xtraworx, llc and cause you to burn fat. “Stay at the Sawmill, sleep like a log” 6. Finally, there is no “one-size-fits-all” Book now for retreat, workshop, meeting, or “cookie-cutter” ap- or corporate events. proach to dieting. We all have a special biochem- ical individuality that 79 Rooms makes us unique. Our and Suites

1991 N. Stagecoach Rd. (I-35, exit 286) • 254-947-4004

Retreat & Conference Center StoneCreek Settlement Old Salado Springs A SPECIAL PLACE - Bed & Breakfast for groups, large or small to relax, find inspiration, College Hill • Historic Salado Celebration Center and return to the pace of yesteryear. Weddings • Receptions • Conference Center Look us up on the Internet: 7441 FM 1123, #41 • Belton, TX 76513 and Retreat Fax: 254-939-6183 • Phone: 254-939-6194 email: [email protected]

Beautiful historic setting on Salado’s Main Street

Seven Guest Rooms Up to 5,000 sq. ft. Bed & Breakfast Large of meeting and rooms for up to Gathering Room celebration space 26 guests for weddings & retreats Early Texas & German On the Creek On-site event Sunday Haus style cottages coordinator 254-947-9099 In the Heart of Salado Built 1860 Call 947-1000 888-777-8844 200 Block of Royal Street (254) 947-5933 Page 6B, salado Village Voice, February 22, 2007 3.5 miles 14 east to Royal St. 13 12 Provision

96 11 F 126 M 2 2 6 15 8 16 BLACKBERRY RD. F R M LEGEND H O 2 S Shopping O Y 2 D Dining L A 6 L Lodging L L 8 17 18 $ Services A P Professional N S 125 H 81 E Entertainment D T O 95 Educational L C Churches R L CV Civic D A N W.A. PACE D MEMORIAL 19 PARK I-35 SOUTH R 20 D

21 125 22 94 10 127 80 9 124 55 79 29 123 54 25 78 27 5 39 23 128 75 59 53 7 6 122 77 24 8 28 26 74 7372 71 61 60 58 57 38 37 36 76 52 97 2 1 101 30 4 3 44 33 32 31 98 63 62 56 45 4140 34 99 86 83 82 67 100 88 70 46 4342 35 89 87 85 68 90 Church St. 93 92 91 69 666564 51 50 49 49 48 47 Stagecoach Rd. I-35 NORTH


102 103 Robertson Rd. 105 110 111 112 113 114 104 106 108 109 115 107 121 116 to Cedar Valley Baptist 117 west on FM 2843 118 119 120 The Bluffs at Salado Creek

24. Accents of Salado 254/947-5908 S 3. 44. Salado Haus 254/947-1868 S SHOPS AT THE STAGECOACH 25. Leigh’s Necessities Salado Cigars 254/947-9177 S 48. A Touch of Heaven 254/947-5543 $ and Floral Creations 254/947-0128 S, $ 4. Stagecoach Inn 254/947-5111 D,L 254/535-6676 26. CREEKSIDE CENTER 5. Stone Creek Settlements 254/947-9099 L 49. Roy T’s Old Salado Bakery 254/947-7181 D Prellop Fine Art Gallery 254/947-3930 S 888/777-8844 50. Farmers Insurance 254/947-0995 $ Susan Marie’s 254/947-5239 S 6. Central Texas Area Museum 254/947-5232 E Zbranek Agency 30. First Baptist Church 254/947-5465 C 8. Salado Fire Department 254/947-8961 CV SHADY VILLA 31. Salado Mansion 254/947-5157 D Gregory’s 254/947-5703 S 51. Salado Church of Christ 254/947-5241 CV 32. THE VERANDA Sweet Nut Things 254/947-8088 S First Texas Brokerage 254/947-5577 $ 10. Shyenne’s of Salado 254/947-9215 S Rock Creek 33. First State Bank 254/947-5852 $ 11. Tablerock Amphitheatre 254/947-9205 E 53. Splendors of Salado 254/947-3630 S 34. FIRST CENTRE at 40 N. Main 13. Salado United Methodist Church 254/947-5482 C 54. Charlotte’s of Salado 254/947-0240 S First Community Title 254/947-8480 $ 14. Royal Street Provision 254/947-3350 L 55. Heirlooms 254/947-0336 S RE/MAX Gold Team 254/947-4011 $ Country Inn 56. OLD CHURCH PLACE 35. Salado Masonic Lodge #296 CV (3.5 miles east on Royal) The Front Row Emporium 254/947-5831 S 36. Christy’s of Salado 254/947-0561 S Trouve 512/508-2530 S 37. Inn at Salado 254/947-0027 L 16. The Baines House B&B 254/947-5260 L 57. THE COLONY 17. Inn on the Creek B&B 254/947-5554 D,L Centraland Title Company $ 38. SALADO SQUARE Griffith Fine Art 254/947-3177 S CELEBRATION CENTER Carden’s 254/947-0300 S 18. Botangles 254/947-4747 $ Miller Fine Art Gallery 254/947-0771 S Linda Rountree Pritchard 254/947-4263 P Old Salado Springs Celebration 60 The Iron Gardens 254/368-1928 S Center and Retreat 254/947-5933 $ 39. The Range at the Barton House 254/947-3828 D 19. Old Salado Springs 61. SALADO CIVIC SQUARE 40. Family Dentistry 254/947-5242 P Guest Lodging 254/947-5933 L Joe Read State Farm Agency 254/947-3599 $ Dr. Douglas B. Willingham 20. Springhouse Antiques 254-947-0747 S Properties by Larry Sands 254/947-5580 $ 42. Mud Pies Pottery 254/947-0281 S 22. Salado Silver Spur Theatre 254/947-3456 E Uncommon Grounds Cafe 254/947-3354 D 3.5 miles 14 February 22, 2007, salado Village Voice, Page 7B east to Royal St. 13 12 Provision

96 11 F 126 M 2 2 6 15 8 16 BLACKBERRY RD. F R M LEGEND H O 2 S Shopping O Y 2 D Dining L A 6 L Lodging L L 8 17 18 $ Services A P Professional N S 125 H 81 E Entertainment D T O 95 Educational L C Churches R L CV Civic D A N W.A. PACE D MEMORIAL 19 PARK I-35 SOUTH R 20 D

21 125 22 94 10 127 80 9 124 55 79 29 123 54 25 78 27 5 39 23 128 75 59 53 7 6 122 77 24 8 28 26 74 7372 71 61 60 58 57 38 37 36 76 52 97 2 1 101 30 4 3 44 33 32 31 98 63 62 56 45 4140 34 99 86 83 82 67 100 88 70 46 4342 35 89 87 85 68 90 93 92 91 69 666564 51 50 49 49 48 47



102 103 105 110 111 112 113 114 104 106 108 109 115 107 121 116 to Cedar Valley Baptist 117 west on FM 2843 118 119 120 The Bluffs at Salado Creek

81. Salado Sawmill 254/947-0137 S 102. Robertson’s Hams 65. The Village of Salado 254/947-5060 CV The Timbers at Salado Sawmill 254/947-0137 L and The Choppin’ Block 254/947-5562 S 68. Serenity Spa 254/947-8833 $ 104. Fairway Golf Carts 254/947-4065 S 82. OLD TOWN SALADO 108. Scissors Hair and Nails 254/947-9001 $ 70. Stagestop RETAIL CENTER Cathy’s Boardwalk Cafe 254/947-8162 D 111. Super 8 Motel 254/947-5000 L Angelic Herbs 254/947-1909 S Texan by Design 254/947-4479 S 115. Johnny’s Steaks & Bar-Be-Que 254/947-4663 D A Sewing Basket 254/947-5423 S 83. Stamp Salado 254/947-2248 S 116. Johnny’s Texas Banquet Hall 254/947-4663 D 86. Remember This Antiques 254/947-0858 S 118. Thomas Arnold 254/947-5191 E 71. SALADO CIVIC CENTER 87. Century 21 Bill Bartlett Real Estate $ 119. Salado Intermediate 254/947-1700 E Salado Civic Center 254/947-8300 CV 254/947-5050 120. Salado High 254/947-5429 E Chamber of Commerce 254/947-5040 CV 88. The Personal Wealth Coach 254/947-1111 $ 121. Cedar Valley Baptist Church 254/947-0148 C Historical Society CV 122. Eagle Rock Ranch 254/947-5369 $ SISD Administration 254/947-5479 E 94. SALADO PLAZA Rick’s Salado Feed 254/947-3613 S Village Art Center Salado Village Voice 254/947-5321 $ Salado Garden Center 254/947-3613 S 72. The Halley House 254/947-1000 L Edward D. Jones 254/947-5128 $ 124. St. Stephen Catholic Church 254/947-8037 C 73. CARRIAGE PLACE SQUARE Monteith Abstract & Title Co. 254/947-3922 $ 127. Grace Baptist Church of Salado 254/947-5917 C Salado Tanning & Fitness 254/947-5814 $ RE/MAX Gold Team 254/947-4011 $ Salado Chiropractic 254/947-BACK P Not shown on map ARCHANGEL ON MAIN Salado Eye Care 254/947-LENS P The Event Center at Tenroc Ranch 74. Merle Norman Cosmetics 254/947-9993 S Village Pharmacy 254/947-3185 $ Etrulia’s 254/947-0504 S 95. Coldwell Banker 254-947-3388 $ Your Salado business can find Salado Wine Seller 254/947-8011 S 96. Mill Creek Golf & Country Club 254/947-5144 D,L 76. ArchAngel Antiques 97. Salado Public Library 254/947-9191 E its place on this map and on the web & Architectural Salvage 254/947-5933 S 98. Salado Cleaners 254/947-7299 $ with a weekly ad for just $10. 99. Trimmings 254/947-9475 79. Presbyterian Church of Salado 254/947-8106 C 100. Village Realty 254/947-0342 $ Call Salado Village Voice 101. Holiday Inn Express 254/947-4004 L at 254/947-5321. Page 8B, salado Village Voice, February 22, 2007 CTC offers language, cooking classes The Central Texas Col- The class will explore The Mexican Kitchen: nese (beginning course): Robertson's Hams lege Continuing Educa- issues such as the unwrit- Learn how to prepare Gain a basic understand- ten rules and workplace ing of sentence struc- & tion Department is offer- Mexican recipes such as ing a variety of classes culture, learning how to homemade flour tortillas, ture and pronunciation. including foreign lan- send the right message to carne guisada, rice, pork The beginning class will “Smoked” Meats & Beef Jerky co-workers, how to inter- cover Japanese letters, • Country Sausages • Bacon guage, cooking and hyp- and hominy soup, totopos, nosis. pret body language and guacamole and more. The pronunciation, grammar, • Sugar Cured Hams Ethics in the Work- practical guidelines for instructor is Chef Jose de numbers, greetings and • Delicious Sandwiches place: Take an in-depth getting ahead. The class la Cruz Perez, who was conversation. The class look at how to proceed will meet 6:30-8:30 p.m. an academic director of a will be taught by Neggie (254) 947-5562 I-35, Exit 285 Salado once you’ve been hired. Feb. 22 and the cost is $14 culinary arts institute in Loudermilk and will meet plus $7 for the resource Bogota, Columbia and has each Monday/Wednesday, book. more than 15 years expe- 6:30-8:30 p.m. Feb. 26– Hypnosis: Discover rience in the food service March 28. The cost is $41 Celebrating 5 years the advantages of this industry. Recipes for the plus $15 for course book, highly effective approach class will be provided Japanese – The Easy Way Daily Anniversary Specials in behavioral discipline and students are asked to which is available at the including areas such as bring an apron and a food CTC Bookstore. Coupon building confidence and container. The class will Tatting: Learn hot to Buy 1 Get 1 Free self-esteem, controlling meet 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Feb. tat and make the lace your weight, smoking cessation 24. The cost is $46. grandmother made such Saturday Buffet 11 - 2 and managing stress. This Creative Writing: as motifs and edgings to is a professional class, not enhance decorations on Valid Feb. 1 - Feb. 28, 2007 Explore the art of writ- stage fun. The instructor ing and learn about vari- cards or memory books. is certified hypnothera- ous writing genres, the Course content includes 213 Mill Creek Dr. #200 pist and reality therapist vocabulary, how to use a Salado, TX 76571 writing process and tips 947-0700 Walter Moody. The class to work through writer’s shuttle and how to incor- Dine in • Carry Out will meet 6-9 p.m. Feb. block. Students will gain porate other objects into & Delivery Tuesday - Saturday 11 - 9 Buffet 11 - 2 22. The cost is $21. personal satisfaction in your design. Students are creating original works asked to bring two tatting and sharing their ideas shuttles and one ball of and work with others. pearl cotton or Knit-Cro The Salado Mansion The instructor is Malena Sheen thread. The class In The Historic Tyler House Built 1857 Gough, a charter fellow will meet 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the Caprock Area Writ- each Monday, Feb. 26- Homemade Mexican Food ing Project with 30 years March 26. the cost is $32. teaching experience. The To register for these Wednesday class will meet 9 a.m.-4 classes or for more infor- Cheese Enchiladas p.m. Feb. 24, including mation about other classes, a one-hour lunch break. call 254-526-1586. $4.99 all day The cost is $26. Conversational Japa- All Occasion Dining Western Swing showcase in Belton Don’t forget to buy Dinners • Receptions March 17 marks the reservation only will be your gift coins for Weddings • Catering 11th Annual Texas West- served at 5:30 p.m. The the holidays! ern Fiddling Showcase at dance will be held 8 p.m.- the Bell County Expo in midnight. Tables may be Belton. Featured musi- reserved for the dance. Catering cians and fiddlers will Admission for the for any occasion, The Range be Randy Elmore, Dave afternoon performance is any size group, at the Barton House Alexander, Bobby Flores, $15. Dinner tickets, which Ricky Turpin, Wade must be reserved by March large or small! Fine Cuisine Stockton, Wes Westmore- 12, are $8.50. Dance tick- 101 N. Main • Salado land and Robert Weeks. ets are $15. For informa- 128 S. Main Salado, TX Doors will open at the tion call 254-939-8390, 947-5157 254.947.3828 Expo Assembly Hall at 11 visit www.texaswestern- a.m. Music will start at or e-mail tex- Lunch: Dinner Tues-Sat 5 p.m-Close 11:45 a.m. and continue [email protected]. through 5 p.m. Dinner by Diet FROM Page 5B as we differ in eye color, ally want to improve your Proudly serving the same menu skin color, and hair color. health, fitness level and Your biochemical and overall well-being, begin and recipes that made Salado famous! metabolic uniqueness is to work on eating better of major importance. Just quality foods, more often, as one type of nutritional and combined properly for program can make one your individual metabo- person very healthy, it can lism. I will offer more have no effect on another, about a proper nutritional and make another deathly diet (regimen) for YOU ill. next week. I have said before that Kevin is a Lifestyle and our bodies are finely tuned Wellness Coach/Certified machines that require nu- Clinical Nutritionist in tritious foods for fuel. If Salado. He is the owner/ the foods that you con- operator of Progressive Overnight Accommodations for Individuals or Groups sume are not nutritious, Wellness Services, a Total you will find yourself Wellness Company. Kev- • Conference Center • Banquet Facilities malnourished, no mat- in helps families instill • Weddings • Rehearsal Dinners ter the amount of calories positive lifestyle habits • Business Meetings • Lodging consumed. into their lives, including: Your chance for suc- proper nutrition, smart ex- • Historic Dining Room • Coffee Shop cess is going to be lim- ercise and understanding • Stagecoach Club ited in the short-term, and hormonal responses. If hopeless in the long-term you have any questions e- For Reservations please call 800-732-8994 or 254-947-5111 if you just cut calories to mail Kevin at youbewell@ lose weight. If you re- New non-fiction, fiction titles added February 22, 2007 salado Village Voice, Page 9B

By Karen Sue Kinnison Chronicles from the man Library Assistant hailed as the heir to Pat- rick O’Brien. This one In case you haven’t Check is the story of the birth of heard, “Punxsutawney England as the Saxons of Phil” did see his shadow Wessex, under King Al- Cowboys Bar-B-Q Feb. 2, and that means an It Out fred, struggle to repel the Exit 285 • 1300 Robertson RD early spring. So pay at- Danish invaders. Blood, tention to the new arrivals News & Notes from guts, history, and horses Slow Cooking. . . below as you will have from the expert! only a few weeks before Salado Public Library You might also be in- the lawn is calling… and terested to know there are Fast Service the flower beds… and the century intellectuals. this gripping psychologi- four additions to our Span- garden….and everything The Blind Side: Evo- cal thriller that echoes the ish language collection: Brisket • Sausage • Turkey else. Here are some great lution of a Game by Mi- best of Hitchcock. A story • Tan Lejos de Dios by Ham • Chicken • Pork Tenderloin new books to get into be- chael Lewis of near madness, making J. Contreas fore all you can read is This is an insightful the step-by-step degrada- • Conspicacion Maine Pork Ribs • Veggies... the label on that bottle of look at professional foot- tion of a decent man who by Escobar Golderos Catering, Take Out or Dine In muscle liniment! ball and the changing was at the wrong place at • Como Agua para NonFiction: nature of a game. At the the wrong time plausible Chocolate by Maria Es- 254-947-5700 Prime Green: Re- heart of the book is the and chilling. quivel membering the Sixties remarkable story of a ris- Bad Blood by Linda • Librode mal Amor by Robert Stone ing gridiron star rescued Fairstein by F. Iwasaki Please join us this weekend A memoir of America’s from a disadvantaged The ninth in the Alex- And we have added Pork Bruchetta most turbulent, whimsi- youth by a remarkable andra Cooper legal thrill- three travel books on Thai- w/ Cranberry-Chipotle cal decade. Stone was a family, a Christian edu- er series, the Manhattan land and Bangkok, a new Chutney & Provolone correspondent in Vietnam cation, and the game of prosecutor is confronted book of Central Texas gar- Tortilla Soup and along the way evolved football. By the author of with the trial lawyer’s dening, and the new DVD, into an award winning the bestselling Moneyball: greatest fear - a witness “Marie Antoinette.” Chili Rubbed Beef Tenderloin Fillet w/ Avocado Salsa author (A Hall of Mirrors in football, as in life, the who’s destroyed on the and Dog Soldiers). Prime value we place on people stand. Crisp writing and Black Beans w/ Roasted Green recounts Stone’s changes with the rules of an accessible plot puts this Red Peppers Make plans now for long, strange trip to great- the games they play. series a cut above most in your next celebration Stuffed Yellow Squash Menus at ness. This memoir offers Dangerous Nation: this crowded. Cathy’s personal vignettes from America’s Place in the Shadow Dance by Ju- Salado Ancho Chile Flan Texas World from Its Earliest 15 Beautifully Furnished Victorian Guest Rooms Stone’s travels across lie Garwood Elegant Location on Salado Creek America, among those one Days to the Dawn of the This book features the BOARDWALK CAFE Candlelight Dining Friday & Saturday evenings about the Mexican mis- Twentieth Century by return of popular char- Weddings & Receptions • Business Retreats adventure that gives this Robert Kagan acters Jordan Buchanan 254/947-8162 book its arresting name. The first half of a pro- and Noah Clayborne. Here Old Town Salado American Blooms- jected two-volume study they are in a very sexy and Charbroiled bury: L.M. Alcott, that concludes as the highly entertaining tale. R.W.Emerson,M. Spanish-American War Hannibal Rising by Hamburgers Fuller,N.Hawthorne, begins in 1898. He strips Thomas Harris Homemade Soups and H. D. Thoreau: Their away the myth of Amer- Lots of hype over this Lives, Their Loves, Their ica’s isolationist tradi- one! If you are familiar Homestyle Entrees Work by Susan Cheever tion and reveals a more with The Silence of the Salad Bar For lovers of the 19th complicated reality: that Lambs, Red Dragon, and century’s greatest liter- Americans have been in- Hannibal, you will want to ary intellectuals. This creasing their global pow- find out how Dr. Hannibal book was both praised er and influence steadily Lecter became Hannibal and panned by reviewers. for the past four centuries. “The Cannibal” Lecter. 254.947.5554 It offers a view of these An outstanding reading This is a powerful story We Cater! 877.947.5554 experience, says Library Open for Lunch: Transcendentalists as the of the transformation of a 11-3 M-F 11-4 Sat Center Circle, Salado hippies of their time: inter- Journal. sensitive, loving boy into • Fodor’s Best B&B Stay ested in nature, question- Fiction: a cold-blooded monster. ing religion, unorthodox Trouble by Jesse Kell- Hard core fans of the Han- in child-raising habits and erman nibal series will no doubt vegetation, and flouting Kellerman, son of best- enjoy this. current marital mores. A sellers Jonathan and Faye Lords of the North by dishy read that reacquaints Kellerman, shows that his Bernard Cornwell us with the sexy, subver- impressive debut, Sun- This is the third volume sive side of Concord’s 19th stroke, was no fluke with in the exhilarating Saxon

The Original Aromatherapy Immerse yourself in a very “scent-ual” experience with a delicious cup of gourmet coffee! Choose from custom coffee blends, cappuccino or espresso. Com- plete your visit with one of our freshly baked treats. Uncommon Grounds Cafe Salado’s Wireless Internet Cafe Featuring “Chef” Cynthia Gourmet Breakfast & Lunches Freshly served daily! Italian Weekly Specials Soup Specials 417 N. Main St. 947-3354 Business Hours: Wed. - Sat. 7:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Closed Mon. & Tues. Page 10B salado Village Voice, February 22, 2007

Fall & Holiday Designer Wear Sizes 12 and up

Jewelry • Gifts • Accessories

Bring this ad ad receive 20% off your purchase of $100 or more Looks wrong but it’s right Located at the Front Row Gallery of Shops Contract Upstairs 230 N Main St | Salado | 512 508 2530 Bridge By Steve Becker No. 5 Salado Square On the Courtyard Let’s say you’re in four Main Street • Salado hearts and West leads a (254) 947-0300 club. You win with the email: [email protected] Featuring A Wonderful Selection For You... ace and play the A-K of • Midwest of Cannon Falls • Collectible Porcelain Boxes trumps, hoping for a 2-2 • Caspari Notes • Napkins and Plates split. When East turns up • Home Decor • Cards for ALL Occasions with three trumps, you • Giftwrap, Books, Religious Gifts • Candles and more! shift your attention to Mon - Sat 10-5 • Sun 12-5 spades by playing the A-J and another spade. Unfor- tunately, East ruffs the third spade and returns the queen of diamonds, and down you go. You could certainly A Sewing Basket claim to have been very unlucky, since you would w 100% Cotton Fabrics w Quilting have made the contract w Notions w Classes had the trumps divided 2- 2, or if West had the three (254) 947-5423 • 1-877-244-0450 trumps, or if East had the ace of diamonds, or [email protected] if East had three or more 560 N. Main St spades. (Located in the Stagestop Shopping Center) Even so, t he fa ct Salado, TX 76571 remains that the contract Mon-Sat 9:30-5:30, Sun 12-4:30 p.m. can be made with more careful play. After East follows low on the first trump lead from dummy, the correct line of play -- by far -- is to finesse the ten! In the actual deal, the “A Specialty Toy & Candy Store” ten wins and you finish with 11 tricks. But that in thomas Our Angel itself doesn’t prove that the tank engine 2005 the ten is the right play. & friends Collectors Finessing the ten is best Choice because it has the great Madame Alexander virtue of practically guar- Classic Collection anteeing the contract, and not because you luckily find East with the Q-J-x. Indeed, you don’t really BREYER mind losing a trump trick to West, because you’re certain to score at least 10 Lee Middleton tricks -- five hearts, four spades and a club -- if you Dolls do. The primary concern is that East might have three trumps and later gain the lead to return a dia- mond through your king. Super Crossword Answers The first-round trump finesse guards against this possibility. It is true that the deep finesse will sometimes cost a trick unnecessarily, but that is Mon-Sat 10-5, Sun 12-5 a tiny premium to pay for #4 Shady Villa • Main St. • Salado ensuring the contract.

254-947-8088 (c) 2007 King Features Synd., Inc. February 22, 2007 salado Village Voice, Page 11B

Springhouse Antiques ”A Shop of Ideas” Open 7 Days 10 - 5 120 Royal Street Salado 254-947-0747

The Front Row (A Gallery of Shops) Offering a Distinctive Variety Of Merchandise Located in Old Church Place 230 N. Main Street 947-5831

Featuring: ¶ Art ¶ Furniture ¶ Porcelain ¶ Silver Quality Antiques and Home Furnishings at reasonable prices Remember This Antiques 702 North Main • 254-947-0858 IRON GARDEN Outdoor Showroom in Historic Salado Gazebos Pottery & Wrought Iron at Yesteryear Prices Arches Planters Baker’s Racks Texas Stars Benches Pot Racks Deco Wall Art Chimneas Pottery

Serving Salado405 N. Main St. since 1996 Salado, TX (254)368.1928 Page 12B salado Village Voice, February 22, 2007 Single Adults Ski practice on an interstate exit ramp will gather John Rediger owns the and hit that first paint I had ever been to this or for dance drug store in Pecos he can and chocolate brown that ski area. I had been bought from his parents by paint went all over her to most of them. She said, at Bo’s Barn years ago. He is in great wheel well. She stopped ‘well, work hard, young physical shape and exer- and started chewing me man and best of luck to on March 4 cises faithfully in all kinds Tumbleweed royally. About all I could you in your endeavors.’ I Join the Temple Chap- of weather. He jogs five say was ‘yes, ma’am.’ I told her thank you. She ter of the Texas Associa- miles a day. Smith was afraid she was going drove off and I never said tion of Single Adults 6-10 “I love to get out and jog to call the DPS on me. I’d a thing to her about that p.m. March 4 at Bo’s Barn when it’s twenty degrees really be in trouble then. chocolate paint getting on in Salado for dancing and and the wind is blowing the mountain by seven and has a slight hill to it. He She said, ‘what are you her car. For many years in your face and your eyes stay there until noon, then staggered cans of paint listening fun. doing, young man?’ I told that paint stayed all over have tears in them. That take a break and go back down the ramp to serve as The group will have the her I was practicing skiing the road out there before it pushes my button.” in the afternoon. Next day pole markers or gates. country and western swing and that I skied in com- finally wore off. I thought John has a deep passion we do the same thing all His wife helped him band Mike Clifford. petition. She asked me if I was cooked right there.” for skiing, something he over again. It was quite a watch for traffic. One Donations at the door started a long time ago. treat.” day he went out there by are $5 for members and $7 “I had been out of col- John skis at least 40 himself because his wife UMHB slates British for non-members to cover lege a couple of years and days a year now, down had something to do and costs. from the time when he did my wife and I went up to couldn’t go with him. All single adults over Ruidoso and it’s one of 60. Sports Illustrated and “I sat up my paint cans, music recital March 1 Ski magazines have done 21 years of age are wel- those things that I just fell got out my roller skates, The College of Visual more vocal performance major articles on John. He come to attend all TASA in love with.” my ski poles and my and Performing Arts at major from Guadeloupe; keeps them in a special chapter dances and activi- John has been ranked gloves, which I use just in the University of Mary Christa Wright, senior place at his drug store. ties. number one in the US case I trip and fall. I saw Hardin-Baylor will pres- music education major Pecos doesn’t get much Memberships and Recreational Skiing Asso- a car coming, but it was a ent a recital of British from Georgetown; Ve- snow, so John used to newsletters are available ciation. He has attended long way off. I thought Songs 7:30 p.m. March 1, ronica Sullivan, freshman practice on roller skates ski workshops in Switzer- I had time to go through in Hughes Recital Hall in business management ma- at all functions. at an Interstate exit ramp. land. the gates and pick up my Presser Hall on campus. jor from Schertz; and Kel- The monthly business It’s near an overpass and “We get up and be on paint cans before the car Voice students of Lisa ly Criswell, senior church meeting of the Temple got there. But the car was Clement, associate profes- music major from Hous- Chapter TASA will be at moving faster than I antici- sor of voice, will be fea- ton, among several others Sharon Jean’s Restaurant pated. I turned around and tured. The singers will be scheduled to sing. in Temple 7 p.m. March 7. it was right on top of me. I accompanied by pianists The singers will per- Members are encouraged was waving my ski poles Matt Crosby and Jessye form songs written by Brit- to attend. Non-members and doing everything I Whitis, music faculty at ish composers, including are welcome as guests. could to alert the people in UMHB. The recital is free Ralph Vaughan Williams, Come early if you wish to the car. It was an elderly and open to the public. Henry Purcell, Thomas eat. couple and she was driv- Students who will per- Arne, Roger Quilter, Eric Sharon Jean’s is located ing. She recognized there form are Megan Eppler, Thiman, Samuel Liddle, were some obstacles in freshman church mu- Armstrong Gibbs and Mi- at I-35, exit 305 (Berger her lane, but she swerved sic major from Austin; chael Head. Rd. exit in Temple). Christelle Gélas, sopho-

Florals Deadline Feb. 23 for nominations Western Decor for Absolutely Incredible Kids Metal Decor Christy’s Camp Fire USA Tejas sidered in the selection of Camp Fire is a non- Council District II will youth to be honored are: profit youth organization Home be hosting the eighth An- courageous spirit, gen- serving local youth with Furnishings nual Absolutely Incred- erous temperament, and a variety of programs in- of ible Kid Celebration 11:30 heroic nature plus overall cluding the traditional Handcrafted Jewelry am.-1 p.m. April 11 at the academic performance. club program, summer day Bell County Expo As- Anyone wishing to camp at Camp Mitchell in Shyenne’s of Salado Salado sembly Hall. During the nominate a youth or make Belton, summer resident Ladies Boutique celebration, 10 area youth, reservations to attend the camp at Camp Val Verde 110 Royal Street, Salado selected from nomina- celebration may contact near Waco, after school tions received, will be the Camp Fire office at programs in collaboration Sunday-Friday: 10-5 Christy Arner recognized and honored. 2807M West Adams Av- with Temple ISD Project Saturday: 10-6 Nomination forms have enue in Temple or call Focus, self-reliance pro- recently been distributed (254) 773-6614. grams, and response pro- 254-947-9215 Main at N. Pace Park to local schools, organiza- Both nonmembers and grams. Camp Fire USA tions, and other interested Tejas Council is a United P.O. Box 83 members of Camp Fire parties in Bell, Coryell, USA may be nominated. Way agency partner. Salado, TX 76571 and Falls counties. Nominations must be re- Contact Karen Allman 254/947-0561 Character traits con- ceived by Feb. 23. at (254) 773-6614.

Mud Pies pottery Fine Antiques & HAND THROWN POTTERY #4 Rock Creek ONE PIECE AT A TIME Architectural Salvage Salado Handmade 947-3630 Pottery, Kitchenware, Homemade including Bakeware, Pottery, Fudge Glassware, Gadgets and more Find your favorite from • Unique Furniture our 45 plus flavors!! • Garden & Yard Decor Sucrose free • Table Linens & Accessories also available • All natural aromatic Caldrea exclusive fragrances (254) 947-5933 pampered cleaning 18 N. Main Salado 861 N. Main • Salado 947-0281 Mon-Sat 11-5 p.m., Sun 12-5 (Across from Subway) Deadline for Classified ads is noon Mondays

Real Estate Salado Services For Sale Jobs Classifieds Section C SaladoMarketplace Village Voice Marketplace Classifieds February 22, 2007 Over 100 years of real estate experience

We would love to visit with you! Bill Bartlett 947-5050 Valerie Bourque 493-0787 Ann Carroll 760-0101 Melanie Kirchmeier (254) 947-5050 760-5855 Sue Ellen Slagel (800) 352-1183 760-3226 Paul Schoenrock 721-8778 Ann, Valerie, Debbie, Bill, Sue Ellen, Melanie, Paul

$74,700: 1312 Natasha, Salado. Con- $109,700: 3014 Oaklawn, Temple. $145,000: 337 Meadow Valley Loop, $211,900: 605 Spring Court, Belton. veniently located in Salado. Fenced Convenient to Scott & White, Temple Jarrell. 3 BR, 2 BA home with work- 4 BR, 2 BA with custom cabinets & backyard with covered porch. Updat- Mall, and I-35. Older home with im- shop & motor home hookup. granite countertops. Covered patio. ed kitchen & bathroom. 3 BR, 1 BA. provements, in established neighbor- hood.

$219,700: 600 Whispering Oaks, $224,900: 108 Chelsea Circle, $237,500: 1236 Crystal Springs, $244,500: 3416 Chisholm Trail, Salado. Open living area. Two bed- Salado. 4 BR, 2 BA split floor plan Salado. 3 BR, 2 BA on 4.34 acres in Salado. Great floor plan. Private rooms and bath downstairs with bed- with corner rock fireplace. Very con- Hidden Springs. Heavily wooded. wing with 4th BR & 3rd BA. Covered room, bath and loft upstairs. venient to I-35. back patio.

$244,900: 18325 FM 2115, Salado. $289,700: 513 Royal View, Salado. $309,700: 2716 Winners Circle, $335,900: 200 Carriage House, 10 acres with a view! 3 BR, 2 BA 4 BR home in great neighborhood Salado. Overlook 3rd fairway on Mill Salado. Backs up to a wet weather stone home with metal roof. close to downtown Salado. Creek Golf Course. Study could be creek just minutes from downtown 4th BR. Irrigation system. Salado. Tile throughout living, dining, & kitchen. People are talking!

When I decided to sell my property in the Davilla area, I looked in my file at correspondence from area Realtors. I did not know any of them, but as a single, older adult not especially experienced in real estate transactions who did not live in the area, I was in a position of vulnerability. For that reason I eliminated the names of those who seemed to be independent agents. Since Bill was identified with a realty company I recognized, I called him and reached him on the first try…………Bill’s longevity and experience makes him extremely knowledgeable as a professional. But his highly regarded reputation as a Realtor was invaluable to me simply because I knew I could trust him. That reflects well on Century 21’s image also. I would have no hesitation about an enthusiastic recommendation for his work in your company, if asked. Barbara Holmes

This was one of the best experiences we have had with a real estate agency. Sue Ellen is the BEST! She was attentive to our needs and six months later is still helping us get settled. Debbie is so nice and the only receptionist who has offered hugs to potential clients and recent buyers. Everyone we met at the firm was genuinely friendly. They made us feel like friends rather than clients. Six months later Sue Ellen and Debbie are still concerned and attentive to our needs. Every business would benefit by studying your policies. Keep up the good work. Thanks for everything! Joe and Charlene Jarnagan

860 N. Main St. (next to Subway) • Salado, TX 76571 (800) 352-1183 salado Page 2C, Village Voice, February 22, 2007 Services______Residential, commercial, Trees, Shrubs & Landscap- Salado Cleaning Services mowing, edging, trimming. ing, Pruning, Removal (SCS): Full residential and Roofing, siding, windows, Ruben J. Lemus owner and and Hauling. Flower beds, commercial cleaning ser- doors and plumbing. Free operator. Free estimates yard work, top soil. Call vice.Homes, businesses, estimates 33 years experi- 947-0865 or 760-8424 Victor Marek toll free 1- & construction ‘site ready’ Specializing in ence. Call Jeff at 512-902- tfnb 888-945-3822 or residence projects. Cleaning done by 2143 254-527-3822. someone you can trust. Call Flooring 2/22tfnb Almost never under tfnb us today for a free estimate. Real Estate Make-Ready Pet Sitting, water flowers bid, Miller Tree Service. “Trust your home to us”- etc. in your home. Call Trimming, removal, haul J&N Painting and House (512) 525-1759 cell or (254) & Remodeling Clodene Greer 254 947 off, Salado owner 10 years leveling (all homes) Interior, 947-8753 -7129 or 254 681 9004 experience. 947-3331 Exterior painting (custom, if 2/1/07 David Poliquin 2/15tfnb 8/31tfnb requested). Tape & float, Owner - Installer texture, also level mobile Housekeeper/Mothers Handyman service, tree Avon in Salado Contact homes. Carpenter work if Helper Free Estimate Have 254-913-1842 trimming, decks, remod- LaVerne Gore to get a needed. Call Now, for free your own Cinderella! Great FREE ESTIMATES els. 657-2648 Ask for John. brochure or to place an estimates! 254-493-8285 or Long-term references Detail 3/1p order 947-0710, 947-0455 oriented. Wkly Daily Mthly REFERENCES AVAILABLE Personal Service: Shop- 2/807tfnb 6/2/05tfnb Bilingual Ana 254-231- ping, Errands, Transpor- 9107 tation Doctor’s/Veterinary Stevens Yard Equipment Mary Kay Products 947- 1/18 b??? Jarrell Mini StoRage appointments, Walk your Repair/Small Gas Engine 3159. Visit dog, Chauffeur Call Regina repairman Pick up and AnneMarieHarwell. Beware of Dust!!! Is dust 555 County Road 307 718-8363 drop off available. 254- 5/11tfn carrying your business Jarrell, Texas 76537 2/22tfnb 947-7249 away? We’re hard on DUST Easy Access 1/4 Mile Off I-35 On Corner of CR305 & CR307 8/3tfnb Yard Maintenance: Mow, Call Gidley’s cleaning 760- U-Lock-It Bulldozing work, all types. weed eat, trim. 721-4699 7642 3 Sizes to choose from No job too big or too small. Mendoza’s Painting and Popeye or 913-4692 tfn Metal Buildings on Concrete Call Alan at (254) 721- House leveling. Level Herbie. 4756.” brick homes with concrete tfnb Granny’s House Cleaning. 512-746-2000 122106tfn slabs also pier and beam Free estimates/discounts. (Dial Area Code & Phone # Only No Need To Dial 1+) house. Remodeling, add- Housekeeping_____ Move outs. References. Call Bernie’s Home Mainte- ons, painting, interior and 254- 947-8533 Salado. nance misc. home repairs exterior, sheet rock, tape V.R. Cleaning Services We tfn and electrical work. Bernie and float, texture, floors, do housekeeping, Homes Krueger 254-760-7608 decks, porches, plumbing business and construction 12/14/06tfnb and electrical. Reasonable “site ready” projects. Clean- prices. Call 254-770-4548 ing done by someone you or cell 512-921-6970 can trust. Call us today for 1/12tfnb a free estimate. 947-8549 or 947-0791 2/1tfnb Properties By O Larry Sands

For information about purchasing a lot or building your dream home call: Chris Alexander, Builder 254-947-5369 Eagle Rock Ranch Estates Exclusive Country Living 254-702-6959 O Wooded Estate Lots 2.5 to 3.5 Acres [email protected] O Underground Electric O 3 Miles West of I-35 on FM 2843 1213 Indian Trail Just remodeled & Ready for This lovely Salado Landmark can be your new O 5 Minutes from Downtown Salado Occupancy!! NEW wood floors, FRESH interior O Business address!! The historic Vickrey House at Quality Restrictions paint thru-out. STYLISH ceramic floors & appliances 402 North Main Street, presently home of Seasons O Salado Schools in kitchen!! Tremendous big TREES & privacy fenced of Salado, with 150’ frontage on Main and Church yard. Reduced $219,900. Street, is NOW available for your retail shop, tea Award-winning builder for room, or gallery. Call us for a professional after- Builder’s Choice hours viewing. Best Kitchen Best Bath For more information on these or more of our STAR Best Interior Decor properties, please call us or visit our web site. Best Craftsmanship (254) 947-5580

1808 Guess Drive TWO WOODED ACRES & WORKSHOP: Texas Style white stone, 4BR, 3BA, 2 living areas in Salado. Enjoy the peace & quite and beauty of the butterfly garden. Security system, water softener system, covered patio & fenced backyard. Large utility room, sink & freezer space. $239,900. • Desirable Hidden Springs • Salado ISD For more information, please call: • Secluded cul-de-sac • 4.13 acres • Over 100 trees This 2 bedroom, 2 bath home features new JOAN WRIGHT paint, large living area, screened-in back • Texas Ranch Beauty • Approx. 2678sq.ft. porch and large fenced backyard. Ready for • 3 bedrooms • 2 1⁄2 bath REALTOR move in. Offered at $169,500. • Oversized 2 car garage • Texas sized Master Suite 254-760-2746 • Upstairs Bonus Room [email protected] • 24’x 45’ insulated steel shop building • Security & Sprinkler Systems Joan Mikeska Realty 1915 W. Ave. M Temple, TX 76504 $349,000 per appraisal By Owner (254) 947-0198 Storage______Vehicles warranty. 512-963-0796 February 22, 2007 salado Village Voice, Page 3C

Stow Away Storage 1998 Jaguar XK8 convert- Brand new full size mat- Household -Commercial ible blue sapphire/white tress set $75. Still pack- 10X10 - 10x20- 22x40 leather 75K miles; 254-947- aged 512-963-0796 Clean, lighted, fenced, Key 3478 punch entry 24 hours. 947- 11/3006tfn 5502 or 721-1807 Paul Sanford - Owner For Sale __ tfnb Classifieds Storage space in Salado 8X12, 16X24 and up. $125 Queen Pillowtop continue on Some have drive-in doors. Mattress set. Brand new Salado Storage 947-5575 w/warranty. 512-963-0796 page 4C tfnb Pets & Livestock King Pillowtop Mattress Set - $175 Brand new w/

ANNA LOU RANEY MIKE BOWLES Broker/Realtor Realtor 254-913-1215 254-913-0469

MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE MLS Temple/Belton Board of Realtors Greater Dallas Association of Realtors

Choice Commercial Prop- erty in the heart of Sala- do’s historic district. Three buildings with net rentable space of 5,592 square feet. The site is .63 acres at the corner of Thomas Arnold and Church Street. Easy 4-bedroom split access to I-35 and Salado’s Exceptional 4 bedroom 3.5 baths floorplan with great location, open Main Street. $575,000. on 2 gorgeous tree-filled acres. living/dining, breakfast room, large Living with picture windows over- laundry with sink, all on over 1/2 looking huge deck out back for en- acre with bonus sunroom. Great tertaining, large kitchen w/granite, home to start the new year in. tons of woodwork. $345,000. $234,400. Call Suzanne 254-721-3605 Call Suzanne @ 254-721-3605

Come build your home in the country. Salado 25-40 acres planted in coastal, hardwood trees, wonderful homesite. $3,800 per acre. 5055 Elm Grove Rd. 3310 Meadow Oaks, Temple Great buy, price reduced! Beau- Meticulously renovated, this home 13.25 acres and 96 Doublewide Mo- offers an open floor plan with tiful 30.03 acre Belton property bile, Unrestricted, Salado Schools, french doors leading to back patio that borders the Lampasas River. ,3 nice size bedrooms ,2 full baths, Water and Electric for 2nd Mobile and Huge hybrid and native pecan living room that opens to study/den water, septic and electric for a third. or trees. Well-maintained home with Large lots with views available in area and a 2 car garage. Beautiful large living room, dining room Highland Estates near Belton schools and live in DW and build your own home. kitchen with silestone countertops, just 5 minutes from the lake with hardwoods, den, 4 bedrooms new cabinets ,tile floors and unique Nice homes in area. Possible owner Call Cindy at 254-760-2387. and 3.5 bathrooms. Amenities in- lighting. Updated to today’s living finance. $164,500. Call Peggy clude greenhouse, hay barn, equip style. $130,000. shed, 6 traps and decks. Must see! $595,000.

Peggy Bush - Owner/Agent 254-624-4070 Suzanne Payne - Owner/Agent 254-721-3605 Cindy Humphries -Agent 254-760-2387

2014 Old Mill Road 813 Indian Trail Fabulous lot with many trees and a Approximately 91’ X 205’ lot in Mill bluff overlooking Salado Creek. The Creek section 15. Nice neighbor- lot abuts the golf course, Mill Creek hood, great location to build a cus- One, hole one, across from the Mill tom home. Creek Golf Course Pro Shop. Bring $36,000. your creative ideas for this unusual building site. $29,000.

Mill Creek Homesites YOU DO NOT ALWAYS HAVE TO PAY 6% OR 7% TO SELL Premier Half-Acre Lots in restricted Mill Creek Golf YOUR HOME! OUR FEES ARE TRULY NEGOTIABLE. CALL Course subdivision. Underground utilities, ready for BEFORE YOU LIST YOUR HOME AND WE WILL PROVIDE A homes with only 2,000 sq. ft minimum. FREE MARKET ANALYSIS AND SHOW YOU HOW YOU CAN SAVE THOUSANDS WHEN YOU SELL. Established clientele. math skills req. Apply at Page 4C, salado Village Voice, February 22, 2007 $195 Queen Cherry and Loveseat. Brand new! Sleigh bed brand new Stain resist. Lifetime wrnty. Uncommon Grounds 14343 S IH-35 in Salado. Visit 512-963-0796 List $1800. Sell $450 Can Cafe 254-624-5647 Hourly pay plus benefits. deli. 512-963-0796 5/25tfnb 2/15- 3/1b 6 piece bedroom set 2/1-2/22b Employment ___ Solid wood Brand new Estate, Garage, Yard Tutor Needed Algebra Innovative After School Program Seeking List $2K sell $495. 512- Sales II $25 per hour 2 times 963-0796 Talented Educators. We Garage Sale Saturday, per week. Mondays and Wednesdays after school are looking for responsible, February 24 8:00 a.m.- dependable individuals 8 piece bedroom set 1:00 p.m. 506 San Pedro 4:30PM. Call 947-5121 Dovetail drawers. Solid who have childcare/ Salado 2/22b 2/22-3/1b wood. Brand new! List teaching experience or are Sat - Feb 24 Moving Sale in school working towards 14 acre restricted homesites, all woods, deer, secluded, $3499. Sacrifice $975 Paid Nursery Worker - furniture, antiques, jog- a career in education or Milam-Bell county line. 512-963-0796 needed for Grace Baptist ging stroller, baby items child development. Please 18.5 acres woods, with lovely Larry Lilly custom built home, Housewares - Salado Stow Church in Salado. Must on F.M. 487 east of Bartlett. Beautiful Louis Philip call me: Pansy Reeder, Away Storage I-35 Exit 282 be Christian with church 20 acres on Blackberry Rd. across from Mill Creek golf style 10 piece solid Director,Thomas Arnold Follow signs 0800-2 p.m. references. Appx 4 hours a course near Salado. wood bedroom set Brand Activity Center 254-947- Indoor shopping. week. Please contact John 25 acres on FM 2115, South of Salado, Seasonal creek, New. List $5K Sell $1600 Fisher at 254-702-9782 5484 or 254-541-3238 community water available. 2/22p 512-963-0796 021507tfnb (cell) 40 acres on FM 487 east of Bartlett, some woods, good Business Opportunity 2/8-3/1b frontage, water available, will divide. Turn-key restaurant. 100% Microfiber Sofa NRS at Wildfire Ranch lassifieds 53 acres on I35 in Belton, all utilities, excellent location, on Main Street Salado. C good road frontage. Weeknight Cashier/Sales continue on 64 acres, NE loop 363 Temple, woods, creek, owner finance, YARDWORKS Pool Doctor Opening for weeknight very scenic and well located, $3,950 per acre. UNLIMITED cashier. Applications for age 71.8 acres, seasonal creek, mature pecan trees, on Hwy 95 part and full time positions. P 5C near Academy. Lovely homesite , good development poten- Mow, Edge, Weed Eat We do chemicals Computer usage and good tial. and Blow Driveway and cleaning! 70 acres on Hwy 36, road frontage 3 sides, 3 miles W. Temple airport, Belton Schools, water available. • 20 yrs. Experience LetYou us relax winterize & enjoy! 75 acres south of Salado, good road frontage, lovely views • Best Prices your pool. 94 acres all coastal grass, good fences, pond, Academy schools, $2,495 ac. • Free Estimates Home: 254-947-0142 105 acres, excellent location, ponds, water meter, beautiful Owner: Robert Hendrick Cell: 254-289-2370 terrain, near Salado. 140 acres near Moffat, road frontage on Hwy 36 and Moffat Rd. Water available, Belton schools, great potential to sub- divide. Belton Glass 151 acres, great view, some trees, south of Salado, two • Table and Desktops sides road frontage. • Bath Enclosures 215 acres on I-35 near Salado, road three sides, good ele- • Mirrors vation, excellent location, unlimited possibilities. • Replacement Windows $ • Auto-Truck Glass 139 Paul @ (254) 721-8778 • We work with Contractors Bill @ (254) 947-5050 939-1301 Est. 617 Waco Road • Belton, TX 1974 Jody’s Tree CBS Construction Gold Team Septic tanks Service Maintains the safety and beauty of House pads your majestic trees with proper pruning techniques using Driveways sterilized blades. Lot clearing 254-773-2174 Rock Breaking cell: 254-624-8470 Over 15 Years [email protected] Experience Top Soil 947-4011 Chet Sutton, owner-operator 254 541-7448 Call Larry Dolly for a 254 718-1752 Cell confidential interview • Climate Control • Wide Driveways • 5x10 - 10x30 • Well Lighted • 24 Hour Code Entry KILLEEN • Camera Surveillance PROPANE 939-6640 Doctor Don’s & HARDWARE, INC. 580 W. Loop 121 Belton, TX 76513 Fertilization

Residential • Commercial Locally Owned & Operated Serving Central Texas with safe, reliable, friendly delivery of propane gas since 1955 • Year Round Lawn, Shrub & Small Salado owned and operated by David & Cheryl Pany Tree Programs 3905 E. Veterans Memorial Blvd. • Killeen • (254) 699-3161 • 800-622-2703 • Custom Blended Liquid Fertilizers • Weed & Disease Control Buyer of Owner Financed Real 947-8342 • Ant Control Treatment Estate and Mobile Home Notes ROCK WATERFALLS • Residential & Commercial Properties I Can Give You CASH for All or Part of the Note ATERSCAPES Let Us Do The Work - WE DO CARE! You Carried Back When You Sold Your Property W USTOM UNITE 1-866-227-0763 Janet Rand C G [email protected] PO Box 884 FIBERGLASS 939-3222 WWW.JLRNOTES.COM Belton, TX 76513 Bell County Part time receptionist New home, Jarrell, $630 For sale by owner - 3300+ sq ft custom salado Village Voice, February 22, 2007, Page 5C Please email Bartlett 2 nice large lots. home in Mill Creek. This needed. month. Fenced, free re- large fireplace, 3+ car resume to liz.armstong@ Water, sewer, electric- stunner has it all: 4 BR, 3.5 New Elegant Estate frigerator, washer, dryer garage and much more. ity and gas. $17,500 and Ba, 3+ Car garage. Cen- 4/3/3+ on 3 tree-covered and $100 move-in. James $399,000. Call First Texas 2/1-22b $19,500 Call Victor 512- tral vac, intercom system, acres. Inviting entrance, 512-789-7494 Brokerage 947-5577 818-3822 2 heat/air systems, pool, high ceilings, crown mold- 2/1-22p 0202F Waitstaff needed. Apply deck, screened porch off ing, beautiful kitchen with lassifieds continue in person at Johnny’s Jarrell, $630 month. New Will sell all above, ap- MBR, completely sprinkled. stainless steel appliances C Barbecue at 301 Thomas home. 4 plans, to choose proximately 1 plus acre for Located on quiet cul-d-sac and granite counter tops, on page 6C Arnold 947-4663 from Free refrigerator, $149,000 or reasonable of- overlooking Mill Creek golf 10/5tfnb washer, dryer, James 789- fer Call Victor at 512-818- course. Many more ex- W. J. Martone 7494 agent. 3822 tras. For info and showing 512-746-2172 Roy T’s Bakery 12/21tfnb call George Dentry - Pru- Double J Johnnie R. Martone 2/1-22p 512-635-4064 immediately hiring bakers, dential Synergy Realtors Tree No Job too Small cashiers, baristas. Apply Salado doublewide, 3 @ 254-718-6447. Free estimates in person at 100 N. Church BR, 2 BA, 2 living, 2 dining, Gorgeous executive 11/23tfnb Salado or call 254-947- Service large deck, storage shed, LOT CLEARING 7181 ACREAGE MOWING fenced yard, 1/2 acre lot. Salado Plumbing CHIPPING/MULCHING 8/24tfnb TREE TRIMMING & REMOVAL $59,000 254-913-7102 LICENSED SEPTIC SYSTEM INSTALLATION TRACTOR WORK 2/1-22p 24 HR EMERGENCY CALL Now Hiring. Tues-Friday “We are ready” Old Mill Pizza 9:30-2:30 For sale by owner - In home repairs 947-0700 Bartlett, older house nice tfnb large lot. $38,000. Ready Bell County to move in. Call Victor for 947-5800 Carpet Cleaners Master LIC M 16892 Homes For Sale appt. 512-818-3822 933-8989 toll free 1-866-933-8989 For Sale by Owner - Family owned & operated serving Bell & Coryell Get out of Town New Ele- Bartlett, 100 year old Residential & Commercial gant 3 BR 2.25 BA Home house, 2 story, 12 ft. ceil- Truck Mounted Steam Cleaning ocated at Stillhouse Lake Tile & Grout Cleaning l ings, hardwood floors. Free Estimates / Free Deodorizing near Salado. Great Coun- Very Sound. Corner lot. B. DALTON Insured • Bonded • Competitive • Experienced try Living $195,000 CRV $79,000. Call Victor for We never charge for hallways, Call Builder 254-291-9692 closets or bathrooms appt. 512-818-3822 24 hour water extraction & restoration 2/22-3/1p CONSTRUCTION CUSTOM INTERIORS George A. Dentry, GRI Britt Heating & REALTOR® REMODELING and NEW CONSTRUCTION Air Conditioning COMMERCIAL and RESIDENTIAL Installations • Repairs Synergy, REALTORS® OVER 25 YEARS of EXPERIENCE 1616 Azalea Dr. #103 • Temple Office 947-5263 (254) 899-8600 Office “Let George Do It!” (866) 552-SOLD Toll Free Mobile (254) 718-6447 760-1004 BRITT DALTON Serving Salado for 25 years TACL #B006640 254-947-8846 or 254-721-6466 email: [email protected] An independently owned and operated member of Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Inc.


17.87 ac. on Salado Creek. The Mill Creek logo tree 3,152 SF HOME with Horse Property, 4/3 with 2006 Handicapped ac- New construction near Texas style 3,000 SF home house! 3/2/2 with large 5 BRS, 3 BAs on 1.35 barn, storage and arena cessible home on 1.16 ac. Stillhouse Lake. Cus- is solar powered. Fruit deck in the wooded back wooded acres. Excellent nestled on 30 ac. with with wonderful hilltop tom cabinetry, upgraded trees, flower and vegeta- yard. European style location! Corner Jacuzzi scattered oaks. Pool, hot views. Beaded board ac- hardware and fixtures. ble gardens and a green- guest bath, large mas- tub, formals and family tub and pipe fencing. cents, garden tubs in both Blinds, nice covered pa- house. Deer fence and ter, vaulted ceilings. room. $295,800. $924,000. baths. Appraisal on file. tio with ceiling fan, stone two wells. $1,150,000. $219,800. $184,800. fireplace. $174,800. LAND & INVESTMENTS Twenty 10X20 Storage Units, $90,800. 1201 YELLOW ROSE 10.7 ACRES corner of FM New Listing! 2843 and Cedar Valley, $126,800. Extensive land- 0.93 Acre Commercial lot on scaping with stone Center Circle, $76,800. accents and sprin- kler system. 4/2/2 Mill Creek lot, great buy at built in 2002 with $24,800. archways and lots 0.76 Golf Course lot, only of crown molding. $49,800. Rita Oden Dorothy Collier $205,800. THE Salado Specialist THE Country Specialist Wooded Golf Course lot $72,800. 254-718-7956 301 N. Main Street (254) 415-5592


2 year-old home within A nice home on a wood- Texas style home on 2.05 2 year-old brick home 50 ac. with 2,500 SF Updated With New Tex- walking distance to golf ed lot in Mill Creek in wooded hilltop acres. El- on quiet cul-de-sac loca- beautiful home. Porch ture And Paint! Walk To course and pool. Coun- need of updating. 3/2/2 egant entryway, formals tion. 2.29 ac. with 3/2/2 overlooks stocked fish- Golf Course. 3 BRs/3 try kitchen, garden tub, with golf cart garage and and huge family room. and covered back porch. ing lake. Woods, pas- BAs, Office, Sunroom wrap-around porch. workshop. Great price at Appraised at $375,000. $237,800. ture, golf practice area! and Flexroom. 2,522 $169,800. $175,800 $340,800. $539,800. SF For $144,800. Page 6C, salado Village Voice, February 22, 2007 Open living area con- Springs. Custom crafts- hardwood, 1553 SF/Bell at this 3 BR, 2 BA stone sists of family room, den, manship seen through- CAD. Guest house is 1 home with metal roof. For All Your Mortgage Needs dining room and kitchen. out this 3 BR/2 BA/2 car BR, 1 BA, with loft and Custom tile countertops MapleLeaf Funding Two fireplaces. Large win- garage home. Spacious full kitchen/living area and back splash in affiliate of Alethes Mortgage Bank dows overlook beautiful kitchen with Granite coun- stained concrete floors. kitchen. Spacious great back yard from family room. ters. Take the virtual tour at 720 SF/CAD. Detached room with nice built-in Two bedrooms and bath Priced at Conventional garage is approx. 30X cabinets. master BA has downstairs with bedroom, $259,900. Call First Texas A.R.M. We are here to help: 30 with wall heater/ garden tub and separate 254-947-9432 bath and loft upstairs. Won- Brokerage, (254) 947-5577 FHA derful Master Suite provides window a/c with air pump shower. Plenty of room Refinancing and outlets...upstairs is for your barn and horses. Merle Stalcup 417 N. Main St, #204 enough room for a sitting Golf Course Living in Mortgage Banker Salado, Texas 76571 area or office. Treed lot in Mill Creek! 4/2.5/2 home floored with staircase $244,900 Century 21 Bill a beautiful section of Mill has granite counter tops, access. Mint condition Bartlett 947-5050 Moffatt & Daughters Creek $219,700 Century 21 hardwood floors and high on gorgeous wooded lot. 02/15 Bill Bartlett 947-5050 ceilings. This is a must- This home is a true gem. Plumbing Co. 2/17/7tfnf see home. $269,900. Call $247,700.Century 21 Bill Land for Sale______Service • Repair • Remodeling First Texas Brokerage at Bartlett 947-50500 Wonderful floor plan 254-947-5577 21707tfnf George (Bubba) Moffatt tfnf and beautiful rock work! Wonderful views from Land for Sale I-35 Salado 4 BR, 2 BA split floor plan the back covered porch. 5.1 acres and 4.0 acres 254 289-5986 (local) with corner rock fireplace. 3/2.5/2 - Beautiful Tradi- see at www.forsalesalado. Roomy kitchen with island tional Home in Salado. Wood floors throughout com Master Plumber Lic and granite countertops. Hardwood Floors, High living area and dining 2/8-3/1b 254 947-8018 (nights) # M-17002 Master bath has jetted Ceilings, Granite Coun- rooms. beautiful granite tub and separate shower, ter tops, Large Kitchen, countertops in kitchen, .71 acre on Main Street, double sinks and large and much more! Priced at Separate tub/shower Salado. 100 ft. frontage Gidley Construction closet. 4 sides rock, metal $344,900. Call First Texas in Master bath. Sitting existing septic and well. “We do all types of construction” roof, low maintenance. Brokerage at 254-947- area in Master bedroom. Excellent location. 254- Sprinkler system and front Trim • Add-Ons • Remodels 5577 $335,000 Century 21 Bill 947-3322 yard sod. Very convenient tfnf Bartlett 947-5050 2/8tfnb Free Estimates to I-35 $224,900. Century Serving The Entire 21 Bill Bartlett 947-5050 Two homes on one lot. Bell County Area 021707tfnf 10 acres offer peace and Main home is 3 BR 2 quiet with a view! Enjoy Classifieds continued on BA, living, dining, huge Page 7C 254 New home in Mill Creek the Texas countryside 760-9350 kitchen, carpet, tile, on your covered porch J & N Painting & House Leveling Professional work, guaranteed! • Interior & Exterior Painting THE LOFTS • Also Level Mobile Homes of • Tape & Float Texture • Carpenter Work arriage lace • Free Estimates (254) 947-0455 C P Cell (254) 493-8285 A/C Round Rock (512) 567-3370 The LOFTS of Carriage Place, Repair can be your NEW address in the “heart of historic Salado.” The Post Office, Civic Yount Sewer & Drain ALL BRANDS Center, Public Library, restaurants, churches, Free Estimates & Second Opinions TACLA002113C grocery store and Salado’s quaint shops are Septic Service, L.C. 100% Financing Available ONLY steps away from the LOFTS!!! Two bedrooms, two baths, spacious walk-in Septic tank Senior Citizens Discount on service closets, skylights in kitchens and living areas, & grease trap fully equipped kitchens and elevator entry to the LOFTS!!! pumping 939-1141 Toll Free 877-422-5500 • Call Properties By Larry Sands, 947-5580 254 947-5036 310 E. Central Ave. • Belton for LEASING information. SERVING CENTRAL TEXAS FOR OVER 38 YEARS

clawson disposal service offers great garbage service at a competitive price. Container & curbside recycling also available. 512-746-2000

Red & White Greenery 1-800-930-4707 For all your landscape needs Commercial or Residential • Complete lawn maintenance • Tree trimming & Removal • Plant and planter bed maintenance • Stump removal •Acreage Mowing • Landscape Design & Installation Fully Insured Free Estimates by Larry Sands at 254- 0342 2.67 acre lot in Salado, February 22, 2007, salado Village Voice, Page 7C with water line, great sub- 913-5467 for showing and 2/1/07 tfnb division $65,000 512-819- more information 9432 or 254-624-1776 6/29tfnb No Yard Maintenance on Custom Countertops 1/18tfnb this 1 bd, 1ba, furnished For Rent or Lease_ Mill Creek townhouse! Natural Granite, Silestone, Salado Creek Front Water paid , $700 mo. 3+Acres. Beautifully Country home, Salado and $700 SD. Call Village Zodiac, Corian and more! cleared parcel in the area, 2 BR, 1 BA unique Realty 254-947-0342. peaceful, upscale com- family /dining, wrap-around 1/25/07tfn Free Estimates! munity of Hidden Springs: porch, dog pen $550/ Paved streets, large par- mo, $400 deposit 947- Relax in shaded fenced 254.947.8349 5502/721-1807 backyard. 3BR/2.5 cels, lovely homes and a 8398 South, IH 35 community park on Salado 021507 tfnb BA town house in Mill Creek with tennis!! Priced Creek. Just minutes from to sell-build your dream 3 BR 2 Ba Salado home playing golf. 2 Car garage. home! Easy commute to for lease $1,000/mo Village Fireplace. No smokers or NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR OPERATING PERMIT Austin: West on FM 2843 Realty 947-0342 cats. Small dog will be FROM THE CLEARWATER UNDERGROUND off I-35 about 4.5 miles. 2/8tfnb considered. $1200/mo; WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT Must sell - Great land with $1200/SD Village Realty Great neighbors! Lot 71 on 947-0342 Fausto Jiminez has made application to the Clearwater Underground Creekview Dr. Call owner Unique home on Church 0118tfnb Water Conservation District (CUWCD) on January 24, 2007, for an for details: (936)597-5284, Street, Lots of trees! operating permit to authorize withdrawal from an existing well with (936)203-2766. The front of the home Charming country stone a 1.25-inch column pipe at 10690 Brewer Road, Salado, TX, near the faces Main Street and the home on 5 acres, 3-2 intersection of Brewer Road and FM 2484 to produce water for a mobile The Overlook - wooded footbridge. 3 BR 2 BA with with garage, super clean, home park in a proposed annual quantity of 658,219 gallons or 2.02 acre estate sized lots with hill large living and loft. The No smokers or inside pets. feet. top golf course views. Cen- master bedroom is very $975/mo $500 deposit. tury 21 Bill Bartlett 254- large with lots of storage. Horses okay. Richard agent This application will be set for hearing before the CUWCD Board upon 947-5050 Washer/dryer is furnished. 512-848-9576 notice posted at the Bell County Courthouse Annex and at the CUWCD $1,000 mo. SD. required. 01/04-2/1b Office. If you would like to support, protest, or provide comments on Commercial Rental Call Village Realty 947- the application, you must appear at the hearing and comply with Dis- trict Rule 8.10. For additional information about this application or the Salado warehouse space permitting process, please contact the CUWCD at 2180 N. Main St., for rent Secure 22x40’ with P.O. Box 729, Belton, Texas 76513, 254-933-0120 or 254-770-2370. The tall ceiling, sturdy shelving Real Estate applicant may be contacted at 10690 Brewer Road, Salado, TX 76571; and two 8’doors $240 mo. phone 254-421-1479. 947-5502 or 721-1807 Consulting 12/7tfnb Have questions or problems regarding real estate?

10X12 Storage units at 2843 and Cedar Valley INVITATION FOR BID PROPOSALS $45 mo. Rita Oden, Salado SALADO HIGH SCHOOL Realty 254-947-9700 Baird/Williams Construction, LTD has been hired by Salado ISD as the Construc- Office or Retail space. tion Manager for construction of a New High School in Salado, Texas. $450/month. Rita Oden, Salado Realty We will be accepting bid proposals for all phases of the work. 254.947.9700. 2/8tfnb Baird/Williams Construction is an equal opportunity employer seeking local par- ticipation and proposals from historically underutilized businesses including mi- nority and women owned and other disadvantaged businesses . For Rent Storage building in downtown Salado. Pertinent information concerning this project is as follows: Approx. 850 SF. ft. Call 254-947-5577 First Texas Bill Bartlett - Approximate 90,000 SF new construction including classrooms, offices, kitchen, Brokerage This experience may be of help to you cafeteria, stage, library, band hall, gymnasium, and athletic facilities. 101206tfnb • State Certified Real Estate Appraiser - Bid Date; Wednesday, March 7, 2007. Bids are due in the office of Baird/Williams • Accredited Land Consultant Old Church Place Construction by no later than 2:00 PM. Bids will be accepted by either fax or by • Subdivision Developer (office Space) Two mail as follows: private offices with full • Residential Home Builder Baird/Williams Construction, Ltd bath and large reception/ • Graduate Real Estate Institute • 30 years real estate brokerage secretary area. Wonderful P.O. Box 917 kitchenette area. 1000 sq.. Salado ft. $800 mo. Call Properties 254/947-5050 Temple, Texas 76503

H H H H H H H H 254-773-3499 phone LONE STAR GRADING 254-773-3548 fax Contact - Marcus Schneider (project manager) H & MATERIALS H For information concerning plan availability contact Baird/Williams Construction COMMERCIAL H RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL EXCAVATION • GRADING • SITE PREPARATION Classified Ad Form YARDS • LOT CLEARING • PADS • ROADS Classified ads cost $5 for the first 15 words and DRIVEWAYS • PARKING LOTS 20 cents for each word that follows. Classifieds running 1 time are prepaid, ALL TYPES DIRT WORK • MATERIALS & HAULING but monthly billing can be arranged ***FREE ESTIMATES*** on long term runs. Forms are available at the Salado Village Voice office (254) 947-0149 or (254) 933-7900 or email ad to [email protected] H HH H H H H H H H Page 8C, salado Village Voice, February 22, 2007

Call us today at Visit us on the web at Come by our office 254-947-5577 80 S. Main Salado RESIDENTIAL • FARMS & RANCHES • COMMERCIAL Lots Beautiful treed lot in Mill Creek on South Ridge Virtual Tour Road. $49,900 Virtual Tour! Beautiful mobile home in the country, excellent location, lived in one week, brand new condition, on .709 acre. Double carport with attached stor- age shed, 15 X 30 enclosed shop. Convenient to Taylor, Georgetown, Austin, minutes from Granger Lake. $87,500 Lot overlooking Salado Creek. Behind Club House in Mill Creek $50,000 reduced to $29,000 Beautiful David Foust Custom Home Spectacular Texas ranch-style home high- under construction in Hidden Springs. Lots Unbelievable Kitchen! Stainless steel Indian Trail at Blaylock, large corner lot. 90x188 lighted by its extravagant wood craftsman- $40,000 of extras included in this home. 4 BR/3.5 propane cooktop, custom cabinets and ship. Granite counters and exposed beams Lot 231 and 232 Hidden Springs. Over 8 gor- BA/2 liv/2 din. Home includes $18,000 granite countertops. All on over 2 tree- SOLD covered acres. $269,900. make this 4 BR/3.5BA/2GA a must-see! geous tree covered acres with Willingham creek landscaping allowance. $485,000. $499,900. $10,000 landscape allowance. frontage. $200,000. Under 10 Acres 5 lots on Sam Neil Lane, three 5-acre lots, two 1.2 acre lots. Priced from $26,500 to $59,900. River track south side of Lampasas River between Virtual Tour! Virtual Tour! Belton and Salado. 1.9 acre $53,900. 6.11 acres in Bartlett, Pecan Valley Mobil Home Addition. $89,000. 10 to 100 Acres Over 30 acres in Bartlett. Good development property, well located with frontage on Bell Street and Harold Clark road. $106,170 Nearly 50 acres on Hwy 95 and CR 355. Excellent Absolutely beautiful traditional home in Updated Spanish Hacienda.Features Family sized 4 bedroom 2 ½ bath home. location for development. Level to rolling highly Mill Creek. Extra large bedrooms, 2 fire- include central vac and intercom systems, Home includes 3 living areas with both productive Black land. $174,300 places, sun room, game room, large cov- hardwood floors, spacious master suite, formal and informal dining. Nearly 4000 sq 33.2 acres Great Home site. Southeast of Salado wood beams, stone pillars, granite coun- ft. Priced at $299,900 ered porches and patios, etc. Priced at on FM 2115. $182,600 $297,500. Call for more info. ters, indoor, outdoor fireplaces. $539,900. Beautiful 40 acre Hill Country Ranch with road frontage, live oak, cedar, artesian spring, barn, cabin, elevation, building sites, and wildlife. On FM 2843. $316,000 62 rolling acres. Beautiful home site with out- standing view. Large oaks on property. Perfect Virtual Tour! Virtual Tour! for a horse farm. Just west of Salado off of 2843. Entrance to property is through Eagle Rock. $500,000 50 acre tracts. Beautiful Hill Country ranch land. The perfect weekend retreat or horse operation. $233,820 and $275,000. 55.38 acres, productive Blackland adjoining resi- dential area on NW side of Bartlett. $193,830. 44 acres off of Firefly Road between Salado and New Austin Stone Home located just west Like new well maintained 4 BR/2 BA Florence. Great Trees. Will Divide. $5,000/acre. Beautiful home on over 40 acres with home, located just west of Salado. Priced of Salado in Salado school district. This 3 horse barn. Gorgeous in ground swimming at $179,900. BR/2BA/2GA is convenient to Harker Heights and Stillhouse Hollow Lake. Energy Star rat- pool with rock waterfall. Covered patio with Over 100 Acres outdoor rock fireplace. $649,900. 147 acres east of Academy on Reeds Lake Road. ing! Priced at $199,900. Beautiful rolling hill country with outstanding coastal. Property has draw running through middle with 3 small tanks with excellent oppor- tunity to enlarge. Possible gravel reserve as well. $3,450 per acre. Beautiful Hill Country land with live creek, Arte- Virtual Tour Virtual Tour! sian spring, two stock tanks, elevation with beau- tiful views and building sites. Caves, rock quarry, possible owner financing, on paved road with easy access to surrounding cities. 102 acres on FM 2843. $765,000. Commercial 30 acres fronting IH 35, 1 mile south of Stage- Outstanding view from this one of a coach Inn. kind Texas Design Estate. Stainless Steel Granite Countertops and open floor plan 62 Acres: Beautiful homesite with out- Jackson’s Smokehouse Restaurant, building land Kitchen Aid Appliances, Granite Counters make this new Texas ranch style a must see. standing view. Large live oaks on part of and equipment, excellent location. Great busi- Throughout, & Much More!!! 5BR/3.5BA This 3 BR/2BA/2GA is minutes away Hark- property. Perfect for a horse farm. Just ness opportunity. Holland. $58,000. $399,900. er Heights and Stillhouse Lake, but still in west of Salado off of FM 2843. Property Granger Hair Salon (3 chairs with equipment), Salado ISD. Energy Star rating. $209,900. joins Eagle Rock Ranch. $500,000. includes adjoining 2/1 apartment, $109,500.

Glenn Hodge Ryan Hodge Jerry Roberts Alan Persky Sheri Strangmeyer 254-718-2000 254-541-2255 254-760-6576 254-760-2924 254-624-3300