Free shopping guide with map, check out Salado Village Guide this issue Salado VVillageillage VVoiceoice Vol. XXIX, Number 41 Thursday, February 22, 2007 254/947-5321 fax 254/947-9479 www.saladovillagevoice.com 50¢ Trustees approve arbitrage services look at new construction calendar BY TIM FLEISCHER trouble,” trustee Lynn end up owing the federal EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Renfro said at one point. government money for “I don’t think we’re the interest it earns with Salado school trustees looking for it,” Supt. Robin the bond money during voted unanimously at their Battershell responded. “I the construction project, Feb. 19 meeting to autho- think it is already there.” if that investment interest rize up to $15,000 to hire The school district is is more than the interest a company to investigate considering proposals due on the bonds. As a whether the school district from arbitrage companies hypothetical, if a school owes the federal govern- that will research the bond district sells bonds with ment money for interest series to determine what, a repayment of three per- it earned on four series of if any, amount is owed to cent interest, but invests bonds. While the vote was the federal government. the bond money at five unanimous, it came after The district currently has percent interest during the a half-hour debate on the four bond series that could project, then the district matter during which trust- potentially result in pay- could be found liable for ees struggled with approv- ments and penalties. some portion of the differ- Salado police officer Bobby Shane McLean’s third day on the job entailed rescuing ing the expenditure. An entity that has low- ence. this deer, which had impaled itself on a fence in Mill Creek. McLean the newest “It bothers me to spend interest bonds, such as a When looking at a large Police Officer with the Salado Police Department. On Feb. 14, Lieutenant Bruno thirteen to fourteen thou- school district, for con- project, such as the $16.5 Matarazzo and Officer McLean were called to the 800 Block of Blaylock Circle in sand dollars looking for struction projects can SEE SCHOOL BOARD, PAGE 5A reference to a deer that had impaled itself on a metal fence. Both officers were able to remove the deer from the from its entrapment and Officer McLean kept the Hearing Feb. 27 on I-35 expansion deer calm until wildlife rescue personnel from KAARRE rehabilitation arrived and The Texas Depart- 190 in Belton. The pur- ing the meeting in order to recovered it. Just goes to show on Officer McLean’s third day with the Village the ment of Transportation pose of this project is to be included in the public meaning of All Other Duties as Assigned may have a different meaning. Officer (TxDOT) will conduct a widen this section of IH meeting record. McLean will be working the night shift when released from orientation. public meeting to discuss 35 from four lanes to six Written statements may improvements to Interstate lanes and to convert the be submitted to Mr. Henry (IH) 35 in Bell County. existing two-way frontage R. Richardson, Jr., P.E., No hard and fast answers come The meeting is scheduled roads to one way. Waco District Director of for 6:30 p.m. Feb. 27 at Verbal and written Transportation Planning the Salado Intermediate comments regarding and Development, Texas from Sewage study committee the proposed project are School Cafeteria located Department of Transpor- The committee area communities that are requested. Comments BY TIM FLEISCHER at 550 Thomas Arnold tation, 100 South Loop reviewed a study of a pos- establishing sewage sys- may be presented either at EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Road in Salado. Drive, Waco, TX 76704- sible sewer system for tems: Dripping Springs, the meeting or in writing This construction proj- 2858 at any time on or No hard and fast downtown conducted by Wimberley, Jarrell and after the meeting. Com- ect would begin at FM before 5:00 p.m. March 9. answers came forth from the Brazos River Author- Lorena. Each of the cities ments must be received no 2484 at the northern edge the Salado Sewage Com- ity (BRA) in 2002 that has a property tax. “None later than 10 days follow- of Salado and end at US mittee, which presented its proposed pumping sewage of the four has done an final report to the Village from Salado to the BRA environmental study as a Aldermen oppose plan to fund of Salado Board of Alder- wastewater treatment deciding factor,” Strong men on Feb. 15, except plant in Belton with an stated. “All expressed a this one: estimated cost of $23 direct need for a sewerage Expo expansion with occupancy tax “Costs and complexity million to $44 million, system in managing their BY TIM FLEISCHER Rep. Dianne White Delisi, County Commissioners of installation certainly depending upon the alter- ETJ and valuable city land EDITOR-IN-CHIEF the proposed bill would voted Feb. 19 to set a public will only increase over native chosen. usage.” increase the hotel-motel hearing on the matter for time,” stated alderman The committee met The committee met When aldermen voted occupancy tax in Bell 6:30 p.m. Feb. 26 at the Curt Strong, who chaired with John Winkler, an with BRA, Texas Com- unanimously Feb. 15 to County by three per- Bell County Expo Center. the Sewage Committee engineer with Bury Part- mission on Environmen- express their opposition to cent with all of the funds At the public meet- through a year-long study, ners, who suggested that tal Quality (TCEQ) and a bill before the state leg- dedicated to the expan- ing, the board of the Bell in his report before the the city would have to Bell County Health Dis- islature that would allow sion of the Bell County County Expo Center will board. contract a layout and cost trict officials to discuss a three-percent hike in Expo Center, including a present the plans for the The Sewage Committee estimate, which would and research the possible the hotel-motel occupancy new equestrian center and expansion of the Expo was formed in late 2005 cost about $75,000 for a causes of contamination in tax across Bell County to more than 300 spaces for Center. to “evaluate the status of system that would serve Salado Creek, particularly fund a $15 million expan- recreational vehicles for An economist from sewerage needs, prob- the downtown business between I-35 access and sion of the Bell County participants, vendors and Texas A&M will also dis- lems, area pollution and to district. “The housing the Main Street bridge. Expo Center, the Village visitors to events held at cuss the economic impact advise the Village Coun- areas would probably be Without conducting exten- of Salado became the first the Expo Center each year, of the Expo Center on the cil of the current status or almost prohibitive in costs sive and expensive dye Bell County entity to for- such as the Cutting Horse local economy. direction the community due to the topography,” tests, the non-point source mally come out in opposi- Association. At that time, the court might consider in estab- Strong stated. (NPS) pollution in the tion to the plan. While local aldermen may take a vote to favor lishing a central sewerage The committee also met Sponsored by State oppose the proposal, Bell the proposal. system.” with officials from four SEE SEWAGE, PAGE 3A Wildfire Ranch gives away cash INSIDE Bulk Rate U.S. Postage Paid ALENDAR OF VENTS C E 2B Turn to 12A Permit No. 50 CHURCH 14A to find out Salado, TX 76571 CLASSIFIEDS 1C FORUM 2A who won Subscribe SHOPPING MAP 6B $75,000. Today Rooted in Salado SPORTS 8A Since 1979 254/947-5321 Page 2A, SALADO Village Voice, February 22, 2007 Proposed County “hotel-motel” FORUMFORUM tax needs more public input; An Open Exchange of Ideas Congress “Ethics” loopholed “Pro and Con” opinions are esc­a- Off the lating here in Bell County, on seeking legislative approval to add three c­ents Record (on the dollar) to the c­urrent hotel- by Ken Clapp motel (“Hot”) tax. The State’s “Hot” tax, c­ombined with the maximum c­alendar, and sail through without debate. loc­al oc­c­upanc­y tax, are c­apped (by The key to approving this new tax is (in law) at 13 c­ents, (six c­ents State and reality) in the hands of only two people, seven c­ents loc­al). Killeen, Temple therefore Bell Countians need to let Delisi and Belton are maxed out. Salado’s and Fraser know their feelings about this c­ombined tax is ten c­ents. matter - ASAP. The proposed Bell tax inc­rease EXPO TAX LEGISLATION (added to c­urrent “Hot” levies) would Currently, a draft statute to add the be used by the County to build a “Hot” tax in Bell is being studied by 150,000 square foot livestoc­k-eques- Delisi and Fraser. County offic­ials (by trian building next to the Expo Center. the time this c­olumn is printed) will no Also planned are RV hookups for 298 doubt have c­alled for an early public­ hear- vehic­les, plus hundreds of additional ing. The next politic­ally “wise” move by hookups in the near future. Estimated the tax promoters should be to try and per- cost - $15 million (minimum). suade c­ity c­ounc­ils in the major metros to issue resolutions favoring the tax so that INITIAL REACTION Delisi and Fraser will have something to The tragic courage of John McCain Three questions c­ome to mind hang their hats on, provided they agree to A funny thing happened to c­onven- immediately: (a) How would all this pursue the matter.
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