ISSN 0571·0472

The .Arkansas Family Historian

Arkansas Genealogical Society

Volume 29, Number 4 December 1991 Arkansas Genealogical Society 1991 Officers and Directors

Editor Matgaret Harrison Hubbard 1411 Shady Grove Road, Hot Springs, AR 71901

President Carolyn Earle Billingsley 2301 Billingsley Lane, Alexander, AR 72002

Vice President Russell p, Baker 6526 Magnolia, MabelVale, AR 72103

TrcaSlU'Cr Bobbie Jones McLane 222 McMahan Drive, Hot Springs, AR 71913

Corresponding Secrerary Frankie y, Holt #5 Custer Place, N, Little Rock, AR 72116

Recording Secretary Frances Jernigan 52 Colony Road, Lit:tle Rock, AR 72207

Historian Lynda Suffridge 3801 Caraway Court, N, Little Rock, AR 72116

Herald Mrs. Larry P. Clark 1211 Biscayne, Little Rock, AR 72207

Parliamentarian Ed Sanders Box 861, Sra, A·HU, Searcy, AR 72143

John Sanders 4500 Purnell Drive, N, Little Rock, AR 72116

Jan Eddleman Route 1, Box 178, Hackett, AR 72937

Roberta Hollis 628 Banner, Carrden, AR 71701

David Malone PO Box 1048, Fayetteville, AR 72702

Eddie G, Landreth 1510 Jameson Ave" Benton, AR 72015

Jolu1ita Glover 4008 Holly, Pine Bluff, AR 71603

Teresa Harris 943 Ouachita 47, Camden, AR 71701

Freda Massey PO Box 478, Mountain View, AR 72560

Virginia Wright PO Box 726, Camden, AR 71701

Bern Brownlee 2216 Rock Lane, Heber Springs, AR 72543

Edwin Moss PO Box 216, Star City) AR 71667

Desmond Walls Allen 99 Lawrence Landing Road, Conway, AR 72032

Joe R. Goss 1025 Watkins Street, Conway, AR 72032 The Arkansas Family Historian

Published Quarterly by Arkansas Genealogical Society, Inc. PO Box 908, Hot Springs, Arkansas 71902-0908

Editor Membership Margaret Harrison Hubbard AGS offers individual, institutional, sustain­ ing, life and honorary membership classes. Publication fuformation Membership is by calendar year and may be The Arkansas Family Historian, the official entered at any time of the year (late sub­ publication of Arkansas Genealogical Socie­ scribers will receive the year's back issues of ty, Inc., is published four times a year - The Arkansas Family Historian). Individual March, June, September, and December. membership is $15 per year, Commercial advertising is not accepted. Queries ISSN 0571-0472 Members of AGS are invited to submit one fifty-word, Arkansas related, query each Editorial Policy year. See the Query section for details. AGS welcomes contributions of family records, public record transcriptions, and Book Reviews other information of interest to those inter­ Authors and publishers who wish to have ested in family history and genealogy in reviews or notices of their works published general, and in Arkansas specifically. in The Arknnsas Family Historian are invited Responsibility for the accuracy of informa­ to submit a copy of the work with ordering tion and for opinions, omissions, or factual information and price, if applicable. errors is that of the contributor. Contents Manuscript Submissions ------Sub mi Iters of articles and material for possible publication in The AFR are re­ President's Page 158 quested to send typewritten or mechanically Box 908 159 Meet our AGS generated manuscripts on white, 8 1/2 X 11 Board Members 160 inch paper, double-spaced, one-inch mar­ Certificates of Arkansas gins on all sides, with all pages numbered. Ancestry Report 161 The sources from which the material was Heredity .as an Aid to Genealogy 163 obtained, specific statements of facts, or Lynch Family Genealogy 165 statistical information MUST be document­ Historical Whitley Cem. ed, that is, the specific, detailed source Lonoke Co. 169 description must be listed either within the Marshall Daniel Early 171 body of the text or as notes. Previous publi­ POOee Union Sabbath School 177 cation of the material in any form must be Book Reviews alld brought to the attention of AGS. AGS Notices J80 encourages submissions on IBM compatible Queries 185 computer disks in WordStar or ASCII Index 198 format accompanied by a hard copy of the material.

______ArkRns.s Family Historian - Page 157 President's Page ______

Those of you who couldn't come to the AGS Fall Seminar in Fort Smith really missed someth­ ing special. It was one of the largest groups in recent memory -- about 130 people. There were folks from about everywhere, including many from Oklahoma, Missouri, Texas, Louisiana, and of course Arkansas. Everyone seemed to especially enjoy the variety of book vendors. I know I spent more than I had budgeted; there were just too many wonderful books and pro­ d ucts to resist. Fort Smith Mayor Ray Baker proclaimed the weekend "Arkansas Genealogical Society Days" and presented official certificates to that effect. He also presented me and several others with "Official Pardons", saving us from hanging by our necks until dead, as long as we remained within the limits of Old Fort Smith! Frontier Researchers hosted a well-attended reception Friday night at the Fort Smith Public Library. As a special treat, the genealogy library was opened that evening for the use of the attendees. But the best part of the weekend was the stimulating and information presentation by our speaker, Sharron Standifer Ashton, F.N.G.S., of Norman, Oklahoma. She spoke on Indian Territory pioneers, the Lyman C. Draper Papers, and how to do Indian research. Those of you who could not attend really missed a great seminar and I hope you'll make plans now to attend next year's event. The plans are not finalized, but it will be held in the Little Rock area toward the end of October. For those of you who live too far away to attend, I hope you'll make plans to attend a seminar or workshop in your area; you'll come away recharged and excited about tackling your research in a new way. I want to remind everyone about our latest project -- the Arkansas Resource Directory (see the September 1991 issue of the quarterly for full details). There is NO CHARGE to participate and everyone with publications or services pertaining to Arkansas research is solicited to par­ ticipate. What you gain from participation is free advertising; what everyone gains from the publication is a handy reference to Arkansas research resources. We hope genealogical and historical societies will participate also. Out-of-state researchers are often unaware of societies in the areas of their research, and this will be a great source for that type information. It's a good way to increase your membership and advertise your publications for free.

If you wish to participate, write AGS, P.O. Box 908, Hot Springs, AR 71902-0908 for sub­ mission forms. Your "ad" in the Resource Directory will be composed using the information on your submission form. Hurry! Deadline for submissions is 31 January 1992. You do NOT have to be an AGS member to participate. The directory will be published in early spring, 1992, and, as a service to our members, will be sold for a price just above the cost of produc­ tion. If successful, it will be updated each year. We hope this directory will become the one­ stop information center for researchers interested in Arkansas.

Don't forget to renew for 1991. You won't want to miss a thing! (We're mailing renewal notices in December this year in an attempt to encourage renewal by the first of the year. Help us by sending your renewal as soon as you receive your notice.)

Carolyn Earle Billingsley, President

Page 158 - Volume 29, Number 4 - December 1991 ______Box908

The Arkansas Riston' Commission has New Publication: Standridge Kith an' Kin is added the following materials to its holdings: an occasional newsletter devoted to Stand­ ridge family research and news. The first Tennessee Agricultural Census 1860-1880 - issue is dated May, 1991, and contains a 27 rolls report on the second Standridge genealogical 1880 Kansas Soundex - 51 rolls meeting and reunion on October 19-21, 1900 Missouri Soundex - 300 rolls 1990. Russell P. Baker is the editor and can Rosters of Georgia Confederate Soldiers 1st - be contacted at 6525 Magnolia Dr., Mabel­ 66 Infantry - 3 rolls vale, AR 72103. The next meeting is being Index to Georgia Confederate Pensions A-Z, planned for the Fall of 1992, A report on the 1879-1960 39 rolls 1991 reunion will appear in the AFH for Tax Records 1818-1918; Adams­ March, 1992. Marshall Counties - 29 rolls Unfiled Papers of Confederate Soldiers - All Computer Rooters Quarterly is a genealogi­ States: A-Z - 442 rolls cal-computing publication containing good information on various genealogy programs Note: The latest Professional Genealogists of now in use, such as PAF and ROOTS. The Arkansas Newsletrer has an excellent article latest issue has come good hints on better use on the Unfiled Papers of Confederate Sol­ of your computer for your research. diers. (Inquire PGA, Box 1807, Conway, AR 72032, for more information.) Contact Computer Rooters, P. O. Box 161693, Sacramento, CA 95816 for subscrip­ These are all great materials that are now tion information. available to researchers. Ash Tree Echo is the publication of The New Address for U. S. Census Bureau's age Fresno Genealogical Society, P. O. Box and citizenship searching service: this unit 1429, Fresno, CA 93716-1429, featuring has moved from Pittsburg, Kansas, to Jeffer­ good information on the area covered, and a sonville, Indiana. Applications for age large query section, along with surnames search should now be directed to: being searched by members, cited by member numbers. Bureau of the Census PO Box 1545 1992 Genealogy Seminars announced by Jeffersonville IN 47131-1545 Brigham Young Universit.y Write to them for new application forms Immigration Research: Coming to America (BC-600), and dispose of any old forms you March 27-28, 1992 by Jayare Roberts may have. The fee for this search is $25.00. Introductory Personal Ancestral File Workshop AGS recently began an exchange with Grant April 24-25, 1992 County Museum and has received our first Annual Genealogy and Family History copy of their publication, Grassroots, con­ Seminar taining some very interesting articles and August 5-8, 1992 photographs, and published in very good form. Each seminar is held at the BYU Conference Center except for the PAF classes. Cost is $95 each and includes seminar, course handouts, and the workshop syllabus. Write BYU, Conferences and Workshops, 136 Harman Bldg., Provo, UT 84602.

______AI'KanlSas Family Historian - Page 159 Meet Our AGS Board Members------John T. Sanders, 4500 Purnell Drive, North Little Rock, AR 72116

John T., Sanders (son of Cecil Murphy and Pearl (Ramsey) Sanders from Marshall, Arkan­ sas) was born and reared in Kensett, White County, Arkansas. After graduation from Kensett High School he attended Beebe Jr. Agricultural College for one year and was attending Ouachita Baptist College when his National Guard unit was mobilized, calling him to active duty in the Army. He served two years in the Aleutian Islands during WW II and was sta­ tioned twice in Washington, DC at the Pentagon. His Army career included serving in the Office of the Army Attache in the American Embassies in Ankara, Turkey, and Rio de Ja­ neiro, Brazil, and in the American Legation at Tripoli, Libya. During his last assignment at the Pentagon he retired on Dec. 31, 1960, after 20 years service in the Army. He lived one year in Mineola, Texas, and moved to North Little Rock, AR, in 1962. After 25 years in real estate he retired in 1987 and has been able to devote more ti me to genealogy. He has worked as a volunteer at the Arkansas History Commission. While stationed in the Army at Little Rock, he attended night school at Draughon' s Business College. At Little Rock he met and married Eleanor Childress, daughter of Frederick Payne and Barbara (Marks) Childress of New Edinburg. They have two children, John Sanders, Jr. who married Karla Pitts and they Ilave two children, and Deborah Ann Sanders. They are members of Lakewood United Methodist Church. John had two sisters, Eloise (deceased) and Tllelma Marie Sanders Kleinmann (deceased), and one brother, Cecil Marcus Sanders who married Alyce Jeanne Dreyfus and they have two daughters. Joe R. Goss, 1025 Watkins, Conway, AR 72032

Joe R. Goss, was born and raised in Faulkner Co., Arkansas. He is an alumnus of Arkansas State University and Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. He has participated in Inter­ national Cultural Exchange in Mexico, Central America and Brazil, South America. Joe is single and presently is operations manager for the Conway terminal of Arkansas Freightways, Inc. He and his Uncle Joe also have their own business, G & G Trucking,Inc., of Conway. Joe is also in the process of developing a commercial reprint company cailed Oldbuck Press, that will specialize in genealogical and historical reprints.

Joe has been doing family research for over fifteen years. When he was a youngster his ma­ ternal grandmother was the person who maintained records on all her family, which was very large. When he would go to visit her he WOUld, of course, be entertained by the old family stories and photos. At her death, he inherited the famil y bibles and some of the photographs and other records she had collected. Since that time, he has expanded and documented much of the information slle had gathered. Joe is a member and serves on the Board of the Faulkner Co. Historical Society. He is also the recording secretary of that board. He served on the committee that oversaw the publication of the Faulkner Co. Census of Cemeteries. He serves on the Board of the Friends of Torreyson Library at the University of Central Arkansas, and serves on the advisory board of the UCA Archives & Special Collections. He is co-founder of Ancestors Unknown, a genealogical research group. He is also a member of numerous county, state and national genealo"ical and historical societies. '"

Page 160 ~ Volume 29, Number 4 - December ______Certificates of Arkansas Ancestry Report

By Desmond Walls Allen

Our certificate program which recognizes descendants of early Arkansas residents continues to be a success! The following people have received certiticates since our report in the September Arkansas Family Historian. Certificates are issued in three categories: Territorial - a resident of Arkansas before 15 June 1836; Antebellum - a resident of Arkansas before 6 May 1861; and Nineteenth Century - a resident of Arkansas before 31 December 1900. Applicants must complete an application booklet which requests information in three areas: lineage from the applicant to the ancestor; a family group sheet for the ancestor; and a proof document that the ancestor resided in Arkan­ sas. We know it isn't possible to record a date and place for every event in every ancestor's life. The booklet does not have to have every bJank filled in - it just needs to show as much information as possible about the lineage and family. The application booklet contains more information about applying for the certificate. Booklets (which can be photocopied for multiple submissions) are available from me, Desmond Walls Allen, Certificate Chairman, 99 La­ wrence Landing Road, Conway, AR 72032. The application booklets are free, but those re­ questing them are asked to send 52 cents in stamps for the postage required to mail the book­ let. When the completed booklet is submitted, a ten dollar certificate fee should be sent with it. Some of the most often asked questions about the application booklets are about how to document the information and what constitutes proof of residency. Unlike lineage society applications which require a proof document for each birth, marriage, and death, the Arkansas certificate requirement is just that each source be listed in the booklet. The only document copy required is some proof the ancestor lived in Arkansas. Census, tax, , pension, deeds, patents, marriage, court records, and others are acceptable proof. Questions about the certificate process should be directed to me at the above address. This certificate program is our way of acknowledging descendants of our Arkansas founders. It's your way of obtaining recognition for your research efforts. In the future, we hope the certificate program will be a way of sharing information through publication of the material and possibly placing copies of the material in a public library for patron use. For now, howev­ er, we are publishing the names and addresses of those who have been issued certificates along with the name, county, and date of residency for the ancestor. We hope this will promote a sharing of research information.

Territorial Certificates Timothy D. Hudson Margaret Wade Whitten 208 Fredrick Street 4207 Walker William C, Adoms Bastrop, LA 71220 Houston, TX 77023 Box 3064, ET Station Rev. Benjamin Ogden Edmund Wade Commerce; TX 75429 Hempstead County, 28 June 1818 Conway County, 1830 (and his brother and SIsters: Arvel Thomas Adams Marian Carter Ledgerwood Alceon Russell Jones Allie Vee Adams PO Box 8081 1825 Willard Driv~ Ada Mildred Adams) Hot Springs Village, AR 71909·0081 Altus, OK 73521 Ann Eliza COlnish Adams John Rutherford James O. Higgins Union County, 1835 Washington County, J 830 Hempstead County, 1825

Rita Wilburn Ackerman Doris Ruth Rufner Dunlap Gilbert L. Murray, Jr. 4055 E. Hartford Ave. 41 1 Walnut Street 407 Oaklawn Place Phoenix, AZ 85032-2220 Duncanville; TX 75116 Biloxi, MS 39530 John Wilburn Calvin Gage Joseph Thrasher Turner Washington County, 1834 Lawrence County, 20 Feb, 1834 Crawford County January 1834

______Arkllnsas Family Hi.torian· Page J61 Territorial Certificates (con'IJ Carletta Olivia Wilson Harvey Kendra McHorse Meadows Gerald E verdt Terry PO Box 64508 Jimmy D. Higgins 22 Highland Hills Dallas, TX 75206 2128 Duncan Clemmons, NC 27012 Rev. John W. MeHor,e Conway, AR 72032 Albert j, Allen Clark County, 1853 Elijah Kell~y Drew County, 14 March 1858 Clark County, 5 November 1830 Virginia L Yoakum Henry Lawrence Harvey 1822 San.a Fe Drive Barbara Lancaster 22 Highland Hills Stockton, CA 95209 3008 Vassar Drive Clemmons, NC 27012 Thomas $, McDaniel Irving, TX 75062 Humphrey Posey Bearden Union County, 1860 John Mitchell Lancaster i\.ndrew Jackson Bearden lzlIfd COlluty, 1834 Saline County, 6 May 1861 Vida F. Synhorst 3025 - 53rd Street AntehelIwn Certilicates Henry Lawrence Harvey Sacramento, CA 95820 Sharon Louise Harvey Rebecca C, Cypert Jimmy D, Billingsley 22 Highland Hills Izard County, 1860 (also for his brotber and sisters: Clemmons, NC 27012 Amy Billingsky Buquoi; Andrew Jackson Bearden June Joslin Gangluff Robert Earle Billingsley; and Saline County, 6 May 1861 206 Mills Street Sarah Christine Bimngsley~ North Little Rock, AR 72 117 and his uncle, Robert James Earle.) Wi11iam Curtis Henry Samuel Joslin 12109 S.agecoach Road 11313 . 20[ Marvland Drive Conway County, 1860 Little Rock, AR 72209 Texarka;a, TX 75501 Thomas Keesee. Sr. Andrew Jackson Bearden Ella Mae Joslin Sands Saline County, i837 Saline County, 6 May 1861 c/o June Joslin GangJuff 206 Mills SIred RlIIh Corbett Kunkle Patricia Swafford O'Brien, North Little Rock, AR 72117 HC 75, Box 3664 (and Patricia's children: Samuel Jostin Camp Verde, AZ 86322 Mary Harvao.;ton O'Brien, Conway County, 1860 Rev. \\ljlliam Winburn~ and Michael Christian 0' Brien;) Ouut..:hita County, 1854 3124 South 32nd Street Jerry C. Spain Fort Smith, AR 72903 1507 Vincent J HInes L. Cal'deJ' Gabriel May Brownwood, TX 76801 I JOI Fox Tmce Drive Bradley County, 1850 Rev, John W. McHo"" Cordova, TN 38018 CIMk COlm.y, 1853 George \Vashington Carder Nancy B. (Mrs, Harold) Clark Saline Count)', 6 May 186 I PO Box 286 Nineteenth Century Certificates St. Joseph, LA 71366 lame::i D~nnls Carlson Burwell B, Buffalo Sharon Louise Harvey 8604 Belle Meadow Blvd, Monroe County, 9 February 1860 22 Highland RiBs Pensacola, FL 32514 Clemmons, NC 27012 Daniel Brumley Luna Adios Young Girv1n Elijah Eli Henry Carroll County, 1850 4820 Lafayette Avenue Saline County, October 1884 Sebring, FL 33872 Chari"" E, Jones John M. Pollard, Sr, H~nry uwrence Harvey 218 W. 33rd Street Greene County, 5 August 1856 22 Highland Hills Shawnee, OK 7480 I Clemmons, NC 27012 John Denton R, Elise L. Hill Elijah Eli Henry Van Buren County, t 850 PO Box 328 Saline County, Oc.obe!' 1884 Perryville, AR 72126 Ruhye p, Moore Ephraim Lemley \\"iBiam Curtis Henry 19 19 W""t Toledo Street Conway County, 1861 201 Maryland Drive Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Texarkana, TX 75501 Zephani~h R. DuncCln Elaine Rea Hudson Elijah Eli Henry Craw/i)rd County, 1840 5265 N, Harrah Road Saltne COllnty, Oetobe!' 1884 Harrah, OK 73045 CurleltH Olivia Wilson Harvey John K. Rea Mary Ann Baker JOHn Yvonne Ani!el Marion Counly, 1848 825 S, Jefferson Ger, NC 27012 3003 Old Hwy 1461139 Sharp County, 1900 Thomas Joseph Edward Lamb La Porte, TX 77571 Drew Coullty, 17 April 1858 Georgi; \Vu5hington Rogers Madison County, I June 1860

PHg~ 162 - Volume 29, Numb(;{ 4 - December 199 ______Nineteenth Century Certificates Charles E. Wilson Charles E. Wilson (con't) 508 Standing Oaks Ln. 508 Standing Oaks Lane Sealy, TX 77474 Sealy, TX 77474 Lola Frantz Allen James R. Rooker James E. Wilson 920 Sommer Drive Prairie County, 1870 Praine County, 15 May 1888 Dixon, CA 95620 Hugh A. Goodman Virginia L Yoakum William Ross Waddell Sharp County, 31 December 1900 1822 Santa Fe Drive 4524 E. Gettysburg William M. Carr Stockton, CA 95209 Fresno, CA 93726-1215 Fulton County, 10 Febmary 1880 William A. McMullen Nannie Ann Davis Polk County, 1870 Drew County, 19 February 1863 Iva Davis Route 4, Box 532 Vida F. Synhorst County Road 248 3025 - 53rd Street Terrell, TX 75160 Sacramento, CA 95820 Belle Giles Saran Ellen Rorie Franklin County, 1898 Bertha Caroline Isaacs E. E. McMahan Van Buren County, 1900 Madison County, 1898

______Heredity as an Aid to Genealogy

By Oscar G. Russell, 506 Loop Rd., North Little Rock, AR 72116

The habit of genealogy is one not hazardous This law would indicate that there is an infin­ to your health if you do not fall off the ladder itesimal part of Adam and Eve in all of us. at the library, drop marriage Book A on your foot at the courthouse, or fall into a ditch The inherited characteristics or qualities looking for tombstones at the cemetery. transmitted by parents may be described in several distinct ways. When we are looking for information to plug into those blank spaces on the pedigree chart, "'Criss-Cross - inheritance by offspring of perhaps it is easy to ignore the past that characteristics from the parent of the opposite heredity plays in determining what we are all sex. like, and how this can, at times, aid us in the search for forbearers of any family. "'Holandric inheritance by all male children but not by female children. There is a medical fact which each serious genealogist should keep in the back of his or "Maternal - The transmission of characteris­ her mind when researching families. It is tics that are dependent on peculiarities of the called Galot's Law. egg cytoplasm produced by nuclear genes.

"Each parent contributes, on an average, one "'Monofactorial - The acquisition of a charac­ fourth, or (0.5) squared, of an individual's teristic or quality whose transmission depends heritage, each grand-parent one-sixteenth, or upon a single gene. (0.5) to the fourth power, and so on, the occupier of each ancestral place in the nth "'Multifactorial - Characteristics whose degree contributing (0.5) square to the nth manifestations are subject to modification by power of the heritage. " a number of genes.

Stated more simply, each parent contributes Why would an article like this be found in a 1/4 of the inherited genes, grandparents each publication dedicated to genealogical sub­ contribule 1116, great grandparents 1/64, jects? Is there some connection which is of great great grandparents 11256, and so on. interest to those of us who inhabit musty

______,Arkan.'a' Family Historian - Page 163 over generations which are known as muta­ The point to all this is to draw attention to the tions, Normally chromosomes duplicate fact that we can be aided in our investigation themselves exactly during cell division, of distant ancestors by knowing something of Once in a while, the new cells contain an their general health and, particularly, any altered chromosome, When this occurs, the defects or physical anomalies peculiar to that new trait represented by this change will be family. While it may not p.rove conclusive in expressed in the offspring, A mutation which most cases, evidence of a common trait will would be harmful in a living human usually make other evidence more believable. expires in the womb, Favorable mutations not only live, they tend to spread through the population,

______.Lynch Family Genealogy

By Carolyn Earle Billingsley, 2301 Billingsley Lane, Alexander, AR 72002-2802

1. Williaml F. Lynch was born in Georgia, According to the tax lists of Chicot County, £1793. I He married Mrs. Penina Kidwell, in William Lynch owned the land, but his wife Wilcox County, , 30 October 1828/ Penina owned all the slaves and most of the both probably having been married previous­ livestock, When his wife died about 1861, the ly. slaves were apparently divided between William Lynch and their children. 9 The family was enumerated in 1840 in Wilcox County, Alabama, Fifteen slaves William F. Lynch died in 1866: he wrote a were enumerated in the household. By 1850, will 21 May i866, which was filed for record the family was in Clarke Counl~, Alabama (a and acknowledged by witnesses 12 June contigllolls county to Wilcox), Both coun­ 1866. 10 The Civil War must have all but ties are in the southwest portion of Alabama, bankrupted William, as the many claims against the estate had to be classified, indicat­ About 1853, William F. Lynch and family ing the necessity for prioritizing them for moved to Chicot County, Arkansas, and payment, an unnecessary step when there William immediately purchased land4 south­ were enough assets in the estate to settle all west of present -day Eudora 5 the claims, II His slaves, probably his major asset, were of course freed, In 1860, he and his family were listed on the census in Bayou Mason Township, Chicot William's son Thomas J, Lynch was the County, Arkansas, His occupation was executor of the estate, but by 1869, none of "Planter", his real estate was valued at the Lynch family remained in Chicot $10,000 and his personal properly was valued County.12 Thomas J. Lynch could not be at $20,000,6 He had twenty slaves and four located by the Chicot Count Probate COllr! slave houses. 7 He had 200 acres of improved as early as January 1868. tJ The land in land and 320 acres of unimproved land, on William Lynch's estate was sold in June which he had five horses, six mules, fifteen 1869, by an Administrator De Bonis Non milk cows, six working oxen, fifty "other" appointed by the Probate Court of Chicot cattle, twenty-four sheep, and one hundred County at the April Term 1869. 14 swine. He raised "Indian corn," cotton, peas and beans, Irish potatoes, and sweet potatoes. William F. Lynch's wife was Penina [maiden His sheep produced I 00 pounds of wool that name unknown}. At the time of their mar­ year.B riage, she was Mrs, Penina KidwelL She was born in Georgia about 1805,15 The dif-

~~~~~~~~~ __~~~ ____~_Arka.nSiiS Family Histori»1l ~ Page 165 ference in ages between William and wife v. Thomas J. Lynch, b. ca. 1840; Penina (twelve years) leads one to consider d. post 1867. she might have been a second wife. On the 1840 census, the William F. Lynch house­ vi. Pen ina Lynch, b. ca. 1848, d. hold contains a male and two females bet­ 1850-1860. . ween the ages of ten and fifteen: they are not necessarily too old to have been the children of Penina, but there is a gap of at least five years between these three and the other younger children. There is 110 one enumerat­ 2. Indiana(l) Y. Lynch (William(l)) was born 21 ed in the William F. Lynch household in 9 December 1836 , in Alabama!!. She 1850 who could have been these three child­ moved with her parents from Clarke County, ren; they would be old enough to be married Alabama, to near Eudora in Chicot County, and on their own. William does not mention Arkansas,23 in 1853. any other children in his will of 1866. Indiana married D. L. Champion, 24 and According to the 1850 census, there is anoth­ both she and her husband died when their er gap in the ages of the children, between children were young. D. L. Champion was ten-year-old Thomas and two-year-old born in Mississippi, and he and Indiana Penina. This gap in childbearing, however, apparently lived in Louisiana in the late might be explained by the elder Penina's age: 1850's.25 she is forty-five in 1850. In 1861, D. L. Champion appears for the Penina apparently died about 1861, in ChicO! first time on a Chicot County, Arkansas, tax County, Arkansas. 16 list, as do all the children of Penina Lynch other than Indiana (who had apparently alrea­ The children of William F. and Penina dy died) - aU assessing slaves for the first Lynch, all born in Alabama, were: 17 time, which they (including Indiana (Lynch) Champion and her husband) evidently inher­ i. Nancy(2) Lynch, b. ca. 1832- ited upon the death of their mother; he also 1834, unmarried in June 1866; no known appears on the 1862 tax list for Chicot Issue. County; but in 1863, "Est. of D. L. Cham­ pion" appears on the Chi cot County tax list ii. Alabama Lynch, b. ca. 1834- (these three entries are the only entries for 1836; since she did not attend school in 1850, any Champion, other than for freedmen as her older sister and younger siblings did, named Champion, from 1853-1869.) and since her father referred to her "helpless and unprotected condition" and appointed a Indiana (Lynch) Champion died between 19 guardian for her in his will, at a time when December 1859 and 21 May 1866.26 she was over thirty years old (whereas he did not do the same for her older, also unmarried D. L. and Indiana (Lynch) Champion were sister), the possibility exists that Alabama the parents of:27 was retarded or disabled in some way; no known issue. 1. Phillip(3) Martin Champion, b. 7 April 185Q (if this date of birth is correct, he 2. iii. Indiana Y. Lynch, b. 9 Decem­ could not be a son of Indiana's, since she was ber 1836, d. between 19 December 1859 and only 13 and living at home with her family at 21 May 1866;18 11l. D. L Championl9 this time; Phillip mllst have been a child of D. L. Champion by another marriage, or 3. iv. John N. Lynch, b. ca. 1838, d. perhaps even a younger brother], d. 9 March between 1862 and 21 May 1866, m. Martha 1874. A. (mai{ien name unknown.) between 1860 and 21 May 1866;'° no known isslle. 4. ii. Josephine Champion, b. 5 November 1857, Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, d. 2 May 1911, Bryce-

Page t66 - Volume 29, Numbt!r 4 - DlCc~mber J ville, Duval County, Florida, buried Verdie, On 13 March 1878, at the Central Baptist Nassau County, Florida, m. Jessie Irwin Church in Memphis, Tennessee, she married Cross, 13 March 1878, Central Baptist Jessie Irwin Cross, the son of Elijah W. and Church. Memphis, Shelby County, Tennes­ Martha (Irwin) Cross. Jessie was born 22 see.l~ , February 1851, in Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee, and died 19 August 1939, in iii. William Nathaniel Champion, b. Verdie, Nassau County, Florida, where he 19 December 1859. was also buried. 35

Josephine and Jessie Cross resided in Chel­ sea, a suburb of Memphis, Tennessee, in 1880, with their first child, Mamie. Jessie 3. John(2) N. Lynch (William(J), son of was an engineer by profession. 36 William and Penina Lynch was born in Alabama ca. 1838. 29 He is apparently one of Josephine died 2 May 1911, in Bryceville, the two males under 5, in his father's house­ Duval County, Florida, and was buried in hold in Wilcox County, Alabama, in 1840, Verdie, Nassau County, Florida. 37 and is listed in his parents' households in Clarke County, Alabama, in 1850, and in The children of Josephine (Champion) and Chicot County, Arkansas, in 1860. He paid Jessie Irwin Cross were: 38 tax on one poll in Chicot County in 1859 (the year he turned 21 and became liable for i. Mamie Agnes Cross(4), b. 9 payment of the poll tax), and in 1862, he paid February 1879, in Tennessee; m. Maxey D. tax on one poll and on slaves from the estate Jones; d. 15 February 1980. of his mother: these are the only times he appears on the Chicot County tax lists. 30 ii. John Philip Cross, b. 3 May 1881, in Tennessee; d. 14 August 1881. By the time his father's will was written (21 May 1866), John is apparently dead, since iii. Susan Cross, b. 11 December the will does not men tion hi m; the will does 1882, in Tennessee; d. 11 December 1882 mention, however, "daughter-in-law Martha A. Lynch," who cannot be accounted for iv. Ellie Irwin Cross, b. 20 Novem­ unless she is John's . ber 1886, In Florida; m. George Logan Bryce; d. 18 February 1976. Therefore John N. Lynch died between 1862 and May of 1866. He may have died while in v. James Gray Cross, b. 23 April the service of the Confederacy during the 1889, in Callahan, Nassau County, Florida; Civil War; he was certainly of an age to have m. Annie P. Bryce; d. 21 February 1957. served. 31 vi. Annie Laura Cross, b. 19 August Nothing more is known of his widow, or of 1891, in Florida; d. 21 April 1898. any issue. ------6. vii. Jennie Lynch Cross, b. 18 4. Josephine(3) Champion (Indiana Lynch February 1898, in Verdie, Nassau County, Champion(}), Wmiam F. Lynch(l)) was born Florida; m. \\\ilter Alexander McRae, 5 November 1857,33 in Baton Rouge, Loui­ 3 March 1918; d. 17 October 1967. siana34 Her parents died when she was very young and she was raised by elderly aunts. She was a heir to her Grandfather William F. Lynch's estate in 1866, and her uncle 6. Jennie(4) Lynch Cross (Josephine Cham­ Thomas 1. Lynch was named guardian in the pion Crossm, Indiana Y. Lynch Champion(2), will, although there was probably nothing left William Lynch(I) was born 18 February, of the estate at the time of her grandfather's 1898, in Verdie, Nassau County, Florida, the death, because of the Civil \\\ir. daughter of Jessie Irwin and Josephine (Champion) Cross. Jennie married Walter

______Arkansas Family Hislorian - Page 167 against J. Lynch, 28 January, 186&, and made effurts to locate him Alexander McRae on the 3rd of March 1918, in Desha and Jefferson County, Arkansas, through l868. On 25 She died 17 October 1967, 39 January 1869, the court determined he bad move~ out of the s!a~c, and so r-;:volced bis Leuers Testamentary and apPuUlled an admuus­ tratOr de bonis non,

(14) Cbicol Coun~y, Arkansas, Deed Book M, pp. ~9Sw499; Wil· Notes liam B. Street as: Administrator DBN of the EMut.': o! W, ,F. Lynch to Mack Valentino;;:., Jr., 12 hme 1869,480 aCres de-scrihe-d III deed.

0) 1850 U. S. C<;:n&us (Population Schedule) Clarke CounlY, (15) 1850 Clarke County, Alabama, Census (26 Septcmber), age Alllb-aml1; pp. 218-218B, D. 199,26 September 1&50jNAM432, 45; 1860 Chieot CO\,lnty. Arkansas, Census {3Jtlly») age 54. Roll 3 [hercinaftcl' 1850 Clarke County, AI~bama CenSUl>], Wm. Lynch's age is given as 57, bil'thpla:c Georgia. Also sec 1860 U. (16) Chkot Coumy, Arkansas, Tax Records. S. C~nsus (PO(}Ullllion Schedole) Chlcot County, Arkansas; p. 946, D "09 3 July 18650' NA M 653 Roll -:)8 [hct~i.nAfter 18:60 Chicol (17) Children Iist1!d in Will. of William F. Lynch, lind in ChicOl Co' ~nt~ Arkansas C~nsusl which gives his age as 66, birthplace County Tax Records; also 1850 Clarke County, Alabama, Census .Jj " • 1"92 b Georgia, If bOlh censuses are co~recl,hc wa~ born I~ I < > etween and 1860 Chicot County, Arkansas, Census, 3 July and 126 September. Thi.~ IS also consistent With Jus enumera­ lion in I MO, where his age is given all betwc7n 40 a~d 50; see 1840 (18) Dale of birth frOtn Indiana Lyneh Champion Bibl

(3) William's household in 1850 no doubt a1s:> conlaJned slaves) b~l (19) Will of William F. Lynch names daughlc!' lndiuna c;humt:lon. the Alabama slav~ sch.::dules Me nOL acc.::~s!bl.:: for sear,;h al thiS Chi(.:o\ CQunty, Arkansas, Tax Lists name D, L. Champion w!th a lime. Th;: population schedule listed the value of his properlY at number of slaves equal to those listed (he slime year ufier Pemna's $4000. death for the other ;;hiJdNn of Peninn Lynch,

(4) Chicot Couruy, Arkansas, Deed Book G, p. 364; deed med 16 C'O) Date of birth from 1850 Chil'ke CounlY, Alubama, Census, and March 1853. See Als(I ChieOl County, Arkansus, Records, Roll 6~, IS60 Chicm COlinlY, Arkansas, Census; dare of dealh :surmised Tnx Recol'ds: The fil'st year William Lynch is listed on tax books IS from last entry in lax books tn 1862 {Chicot Co~nIY, ,Ar,kansa~, R,oll 185:3 (p.16); lisls 52Q acres ofland. 70) and his Qmissiun from, and his pmbable Widow S lnclu,slon In, fathe-r's will in 1866 (Will of William F. Lynch.) (5) Eudora became a post office in ! 856, and may have also been known AS Carmel. See Russell Pieree Baker, From Memdu? 10 (21) Indiana Lynch Champion Dihle. Norsk: A Historical Director of Arkansas Post Offices. 1832~1971 (Hot Sprmgs, AR: Arkansas Genealogtcal Society, 1988, pp. 39, 76 (22) 1850 Clarke County, Alabama, Census. Ihereinafter known as From M~tndag 10 Norskl. (23) Letter from Norris FarneH. Jr,. of Jacksonv.ille, FL, 10 author, (6) 1860 Chicot Count)', Arkllnsas, Census. 7 November 1940, in file; ~ln 1975 a conversat!on hetween lWO of Josephine's daughlcrs was recorded. The d!lughtcrs wcrc 96 and 9.4 (7) 1860 u. S. C.:nsus (Slave S<:hedule) Chieot Count)', Arkansas, years old al lhat time. Th.;,y sun~d that lmitana W, L~nch was Ihen p. 88B', NA Ro!l53. Win. F. Lyn<:-h· 20 slaves: g mal.:,s and 12 grandffiQlher and in her early life: lived in Eudora, Chicot Co., Ark. females. The)' also that she Llied there whcn her children W.;He v.:ry Youn" and that the C'hildr~n were: renred by some old aunls." (8) 18601.1. S. Census (Produ'tions of AgriculLure) Chieol County, {Herelnaner Farnell Letter, 7 Novemb¢r 1990.1 Arkansas; (no pagc number: 1st page of ChicOl CQUnlY), Bayou Mason Township, line 12; NA Roll 13. (24) Will of William E Lynch names dllughl1!r Indjana C:hamr:lon. ChicOl County, Arkansas, Tax Lisls name D, L. ChamptQll With a (9) Chico! Counly, Arkansas, Reeords. Roll 69, Tax Rec~rds: number uf slaves equal {(; those listed th.;: same year afll!r ~nma's Pcnina is listed every year from 1853 through 1860~ there 1S no dealh for the other children of Penina Lyncb. extant laX ti.D~ father's as. Mississippi, anLl her mother's I1S Alabarrkl. Book C, pp. 189-190, Will of Wilham F. Lynch rherel~afte.~ ~lll uf William F. Lynch). The Chh:;ot County Tax R!!cot'd$ list Wilham F. (26) Date of death ~urmised frum birth dale 0: las~ eh~ld (lr;d.llIna Lynch through lts66; in 1867, Ihc '"cstate ofW. F. Lyru:b" i$Ii!;{~d. Lynch Champion Elbte) lind dB!!! of her fathl!r ~ Will, III whlcn he lcaV~$ part of hls o!sla~e to the children of hi~ daughter indiana, (11) Chieot County. Arkamws, R>Jcords, Roll .I 5; Prohatl! Court rathe!' than to her in her own right, indicating she has aln;ady dlcd. R.!cords, BOOK C: 1&60~J867, pp. 435, 436, 439, 461, 493, 503, 514,543,559. 607. 6H~. 621. 622, 623. Chi;;ot County, Arkansas, (27) Illdiana Lynch Champion Bible. R>!cords, Roll 16; Probate Court Records, Book D, Ui56-1875, pp, 9. 14,14,25,45,46,56,63,74,93,94,111,116,120,122, 123, (2S) FGS by Farnell (no date); in tile; FGS "ltformulio~ frol~l : ~I) 134 135 141 142, 143, J44, 147, J66, 173, 178,101,202,206, Marriage Book 0, p. 654 Sh~lby County, TN," (2) ObltUarL~£oi for 231: 232~ Fidal acCOUnt current of th.:: Estate of E Lyo::h Jnscphine and husband Jessie Irwin Cross, (3) Bible of Jos..:phJJ1e C. Was 2& Febr\lary 1870; confirmed and approved; adnumslralor diS­ Cross, and (4) 1900 Census, Nassau County, FL, D. 65, p, 279 charged. (hereinafter Jessie I. CI'OSS FOS).

{l2) wm of William E Lynch: Thomas J. Lynch namcd admini8~ (29) 1850 Clarke COUnly~ Alllbamu, Cenlius; John, age 12, born (ralor. ChicOl County Prohate Court Records, Book ,C, p. 436: Alabama: 11\60 Chiem County, Arkansas, Census; John N., Age 22, L:U<:'fS Testamenlary g11lnlcd In Thomas 1, Lynch, ChlCOl CounLy horn Alahama. Probmc Court Records, Book C, p. 46J: Thomas J. Lynch, Execu­ lor, till!d invclllOry and t11)prai:1I!1lNnL, 866. (30) Chicot COUnty, Arkansas, Rc;!ordli, Roll 69 and Roll 70; Tax 11\57-1867 (nol eWI'Y ycar extant), (l3) ChicO{ Coumy, AI'kanl'lfiL Probate Book ~, p. 63, ucd Ii sen"! facin,,:

P"ge 168 - Volume 29, Number 4 - Decomber 199 (31) Will ofWil1ium F. Lynch. (35) Jessi.:: I. Cro!>~ FGS.

(32) Desmond Walls Allen, Index to Confed\!rate Soldiers, v. II (36) 1880 Shdhy County, Tennessee, Censlls. (Conway, AR: Arkansas R'::S'::flfCh 1990), p. 117; lists a John Lyneh as.a pri~ate in Co. E, 15th (~oscy's) ~rk. Inf., and

(33) Indiana Lynch Champion Bible. (39) Jessie I. Cross FGS.

(34) J!,;ssie I. Cross FGS.

____Historical Whitley Cemetery Now Being Restored

From the Cabot Star-Herald, Wednesday, October 10, 1990 Submitted by Phyllis Arnold

When have you visited Whitley Cemetery, Much more work is needed to restore this located about three miles south of Cabot, just historical cemetery, which includes burial sites off Highway 89? for several Confederate war veterans.

You will be surprised to see what is taking Now that the restoration work at Whitley has place at this once abandoned, inaccessible, been initiated, others may want to have a part almost forgotten landmark which dates back to in completing the worthwhile project. ... the mid-1800s. This is the burial place for Contact Audrey Travis, Rt. 1, Box 154, many early ancestors and pioneer settlers in Austin, AR 72007 for information about and around Cabot, and Lonoke County. volunteering for this restoration project, or providing corrected or updated information on S. W. (Matt) Gately has worked enthusiastical­ the following incomplete listing of citizens ly and untiringly with a small group to lay the known to be interred at Whitley: groundwork for making Whitley Cemetery accessible again. Bailey, Estella E., 1883 - 1884 Bailey, Jennie A., 1916-1916 Among those who have helped to make Gate­ Baumbardner, J. C. 1839 - 1863 (Confeder- ly's dream become a reality are: Charles ate soldier) Russell, who donated land for a right-of-way; Beasley, I. Jack Wa.lls, who has advised the group; (Carved on rocks nearby are the following Representative Bill Foster, who made avail­ initials who might also be Beasleys: I.M., able state prisoners to clear unwanted trees, O.M., A. E.M., LB., E.B., P.R.A., and saplings, and dense undergrowth; Judge Don M.A.E.) Spence, who furnished equipment, labor and Bowen, Mary, 1872-1902 gravel construction of a road to the site; Bill Bumpass, Mrs. E. L. 1816-1883 Travis, who donated a load of red sand to Bumpass, L. E. - 1823-1881 refill sunken graves; and Duane Travis, who painted a sign. Carr, Eugenia Cherry, D. A. 1826-1859 Some friends of the Whitley Cemetery Asso­ Cherry, Margaret E. 1858-1859 ciation have contributed funds which made it Cole, Robert O. 1857-1874 possible for Brown and Associates to commer­ ciall y spray the three-acre plot to deter the Dreskill, R. M. 1847-1909 growth of underbrush. Others have volun­ teered their services to remove stumps for a Eagle (baby) 1865 parking area. Eagle, Charity O. 1813 -1881 Eagle, Charlie 1880- Eagle, Dan 1832-1875

______Arkallsas Family Historian - Page 169 Eagle, David 1836-1887 McNew, Julia Ashia Hollis 1883-1908 Eagle, Fannie 1869-1902 Eagle, George 1826-1878 Reed, Annie J. 1861-1899 Eagle, 1. F. Reed, John R. 1847-1909 (Confederate Eagle, 1. W. 1859 veteran) Eagle, Laura F. 1865-1870 Reed, Susan M. 1835-1883 Eagle, Laurah V. 1870 - 1888 Reed, W. A. 1850-1895 Eagle, Malinda A 1838-1882 Reid, Sally E. 1847-1920 Eagle, Mrs. M. A. (20 years old) Reid, W. T. (Zack) 1845-1924 (Confederate Eagle, M. L. (11 years old) veteran) Eagle, M. V. (female) 1868-1869 Robinson, John H. 1879-1909 Eagle, RobertI. 1847-1878 Robinson, Modella D. Rossel 1807-1867 Eagle, Mrs. R. J. 1850-1869 Robinson, Wm. M. 1810-1876 Eagle, W. H. 1851-1878 Ross, Annie May 1872-1876 Ross, Eddie Slater 1878-1879 Felton, J. W. 1831-1865 Ross, M. Fredonia R. 1869-1875 (Confederate Veteran) Ross, R. Keener (infant) 1871-1871 Felton, (infant oflW. 's) 1861-1862 Ferguson, Massy 1802-1856 Ferguson, Richard S. 1836-1863 Slater, Martha W. 1832-1878 Fields, Johnnie E. (female) 1870-1887 Slater. Thaddeus P. 1824-1881 Smith, Benj. F. 1838-1865 Gately, James M. 1825-1908 Smith, Benjamin R. 1863-1865 Gately, Loumizer 1838-1901 Smith, Deborah P. 1795-1865 Gately, Mamie Jewell 1912-1918 Smith. Harriett P. 1861-1880 Smith; Henry D. 1859-1864 Hendricks, Annie 1. 1874 Smith, J. D. 1798-1869 Hendricks, Ola 1877-1880 Smith, J. P. 1824 Henry, Lucuis B. 1874-1875 Smith, Mary 1844-1889 Henry, Savella G. 1876-1882 Smith, Wm. C. 1819-1864 Hollis, J. W.1839-1924 Hollis, Julia M. 1846-1889 Travis, Clara Bailev 1934 Hollis, Norman L. 1868-1892 Travis, E. A. . Hollis, Zeliar S. 1871-1875 Travis, G. P. 1844-1919 Travis, L. H. 1872-1911 Jackson, Lois Travis, Ralph Alen 1915-1916 Jackson, Martha Elizabeth Jackson, William Vess, Mamie 1. 1866-1887 Johnson, Mary 1829 Johnson, Peterson 1827-1885 Wallace, Jennie 1848-1900 Wallace, R. H. 1847-1907 King, Edgar B. 1854-1887 Warren, James Ed mond 1844- I 85 1 King, Edward W. 1820-1890 Warren, Martha Jane 1845-1865 (7) Kirkpatrick, Aubrey 1883-1901 Warren, Thomas Steward 1848-1851 Kirkpatrick, Fanny 1899 Whitley, G. E. 1847 Whitley, G. G. W. 1816-1884 Lowrey (no date on wooden marker) Whitley, Taylor 1814-1878 Wilson, Jonathan 1821-1858 McCollum, Gladys Blanch 1924? (six years Wilson, Jonathan 1851-1857 old) Wilson, Margaret 1856-1857 McCollum, Hazel Beatrice 1924 McCollum, Meeky If you have additional information or knowl­ McCollum, R. J. 1869-1936 edge about others who are buried at Whitley, McCollum, Mrs. R. 1. 1878-1948 please write or call Myrtle Justice. Rt. I, Box McKiney (infant son of John) 1891-1891 228, Lonoke, AR 72086 (501-676-5349).

Page 170 ~ Volume 29, Nl1mher 4 - Decemb~f I ______Marshall Daniel Early

By Marshall E. Kuykendall, P. 0. Box 3543, Austin, TX 78764

Marshall Daniel Early (1846-1918), D.D., (supposedly ceremonially burying the Con­ Baptist Minister. He was born in Summer­ federate flag in the Rio Grande as the ville, Georgia on 30 September 1846 to John crossed, early July 1865). They were on Sharp Early (b. 20 July 1810, Whitley their way to join Emperor Maximillian's County, Kentucky, d. March 1878 and is forces in Mexico City and/or offer their buried at Jefferson, Texas) and Mary Faulkn­ services and their good Sharps rifles if he, er (b. Texas, m. !O July 1837). His mother Maxlmllhan, would have them. They fought died at his birth, 30 September, and was several skirmishes in crossing Texas, but buried in Summerville, Georgia. Marshall their troubles didn't really begin until thev moved with his father to Arkansas in 1858 entered Mexico. They had a pretty hot when he was 12 years old and grew up in contest on the edge of Piedras when the local Clark County, Arkansas. His home was militia confronted them. They shot them­ probably located just a short distance out of selves loose from this problem and literally I 2 Arkadelphia on the Old Hollywood Road. • had to skirmish all the way to Queretaro and Mexico City, a thousand or so miles away. When the Civil War broke out, he persuaded Needless to say, this group stayed in Mexico his father to let him join the Confederate for several years and Marshall obviously did Army. He was 14 at the time and quite large not accompany them since the records reflect for his age. He enlisted in 1862 as a private that he joined his church and got married that in Company "K" of William A. Crawford's fall in Arkansas. 4 Brigade, Fagan's Cavalry Division, John D. McNabe, . Also known as the "First Soon after returning home from the war in Arkansas Cavalry." (Trans-Miss.-Dept). the late summer of 1865 Marshall joined the His unit saw extensive action against the Mt. Bethel Baptist Church. The date was 29 commanded by Gen. Steele and August 1865. Records state: after preaching Gen. Banks in the spring and summer of by Bro. Tdte, the church opened the door for 1864. After Confederate Gen. Price's reception of members when W. J. Rowe, Missouri Expedition (29 August - 2 Decem­ Marshall D. Early. Isabel Meadows and ber 1864), Crawford's Arkansas Cavalry, Sarah A. Lowery came forward and related along with most of the units that traveled with an expression of grace and was received into that column, retreated into northeast Texas. the fellowship of the church when baptized. 5 Extremely worn out by the exertions and losses of that campaign, the regiment took no Marshall married Mary J. Roe (Rowe) on 24 further active part in the war. The Regiment September 1865 at Arkadelphia, Arkansas officially surrendered at Galveston, Texas in (Clark County) with the Rev. James Wilson early June of 1865, but it had really ceased to presiding. They were married in the pres­ exist by that date as most of the C-avalrr had ence of their parents. Marshall was 18 and already disbanded by mid-May of 1865. Mary was 16 at the time. 6 Bethel-Union Baptist Church (a church just ou tside of It has been stated by family members that Arkadelphia) asked in December of 1870 that Marshall joined the ill-fated Shelby Expedi­ Marshall be ordained and sent to their church tion and went with that group into Mexico in as pastor. Ordination was denied by Mt. the summer of 1865. This group of men Bethel, so he asked to be dismissed from refused to be repatriated and decided not to their membership on January 1871. Bethel­ lake the Oath of Allegiance that was required Union welcomed him into their church and at the time. They marched as a unit, from ordained him on 13 May 1871,7 northeast Texas to the Mexican border at Eagle Pass, crossing the Rio Grande at that Bethel-Union is now known as DeGray point into the village of Piedras Negras Baptist Church, the name being changed on

______Ark.,,,.s Family Historian Page l71 12 December 1874 at the suggestion of Dr. brought forward from previous conference. Early. He served as pastor of the church Resolved as the officers of the church refused from 1871 to 1878. 8 to act their part in the ordination in behalf of the church and when the door for general Records state: Mt. Bethel Baptist Church business was opened, Bro. Early withdrew book minutes: after divine service on Satur­ his letter from the church that the reference day before the fourth Lord's Day in May be dropped.]) After preaching by our worthy A.D., 1870, Mt. Bethel Church met in con­ and esteemed Bro. Marshall Early, the ference-Item #6, "opened the door for gener­ church met in conference, L. B. Cash called al business when the church granted license to the chair protem. Brother Early was then to Bro. M. D. Early to exercise his gift to elected moderator 8 April 1871, after servic­ preach or in any way he thinks properY es conducted by our esteemed Bro. Marshall Early, the roll of male members was called, Bethel-Union, 17 December 1870. The other business was attended to and Bro. Early church met in conference Saturday before the came forward and connected himself and third Lord's Day in December. The commit­ wife with us by letter, the right hand of tee appointed to wait on Bro. Browning fellowship was extended to Sister when where present and made their report, Bro. she may visit us. The church unanimously Browning declined taking charge of the voted that Bro. Early be ordained at our next church. The committee were then dis­ meeting, --31 May 1871-- Bro. Early was charged. An election was then taken for ordained to the full work of the ministry and pastor, Bro. Browning declined taking charge Bro. Bledsoe to the office of deacon. 14 of the church. The committee were then discharged. An election was then taken for Marshall was doing missionary work from pastor, Bro. Marshall Early was chosen. (Bethel-Union) DeGray church to Okalona, Brothers Thos. Cook, L. B. Cash and E. W. Arkansas when Mona (Alice Forbes Early) McBrayes were appointed to a committee to was born on 4 August 1876. Marshall's meet the church at Mt. Bethel in conference beloved wife, ~fary, (Mona's mother) died a and request that Bro. Early be ordained for couple of years later and was buried in the us to the full work of the ministry. 10 Mt. church yard at the DeGray church, about 15 Bethel Church met in conference, Hem #5, miles from Arkadelphia. Mary's family lived opened the door for general business when a nearby in a small village named Hollywood. II delegation of Bros., Thos. Cook, E. W. When Marshall left the church at DeGray to McBrayes and Lewis Cash from Bethel­ go elsewhere, the church wrote him the Union Church, requested that the church following letter: ordained Bro. M. D. Early to preach the gospel (if the church thought him worthy) so (To The) Rev. M. D. Early that he can take care of their ch urch. Re­ solved that Bro. Early preach in Trial The subjoined resolutions were adopted at the Summer at the next regular conference DeGray church, Clark County, Arkansas, 13 meeting. On motion, conference adjourned April 1878. Brother Early has reslded and until the next day. II After divine service OIl labored among us seven years, his labors not Saturday before the Lord's Day in January being confined to this community but in A.D. 1871, Mt. Bethel Church met in con­ al most every section of the country. The ference. Item #6, opened the door for gener­ Lord accompanied his labors with abundant al business when letters of missions were grace; consequently, their fruits abound. He granted to Bros. M. D. Early and his wife, has moved to Hope, Hempstead County, and Sister Mary Early, and Sister Isabelle Wal­ thence to Little Rock, Arkansas. drope. No further business, conference adjourned. I2 After divine service on Satur­ 1. Resolved that the DeGray church and the day before the Lord's Day on February A.D. congregation worshiping this day in this 1871. Mt. Bethel Church met in conference, house do hereby declared that we most highly Item #5, call ed for references when the esteem our pastor, Rev. M. D. Early, as committee on the was continued. The pastor, friend, and brother, and that we reference of ordaining Bro. M. D. Early was sincerely regret his removal from our midst

p"g~ 172 - Volume 29, Numhar 4 December 1991 ______~ ___~_,

A. 1. Fawcett, Secretary, Pine Bluff Brethren of the convention: I hereby respect­ A. W. Files, Treasurer, Little Rock fully and fraternally regret that my name not J. P. Eagle, Lonoke; C. D. Wood, Monticel­ be considered in connection with the office of lo; B. R. Womack, D.D., Dardenelle; W. E. Corresponding Secretary for the new year. Atkins, Prescott; A. J. Kincaid, Searcy; W. F. Locke, Alma; J. B. Searcy; V. B. Izard, Very heartily do I appreciate the magnanimi­ Forest City; Jasper Dunagin, Rogers; W. A. ty with which tile convention last year con­ S. Sayle, MD, Morrilton; M. D. Early, Little ferred this high honor upon me. And as Rock; W. P. Webb, Ozark; J. K. Brantley, faithfully as 1 have known how I have labored Lillie Rock.22 to do deserve the confidence expressed by your almost unanimous endorsement in a In 1889, Marshall's name does not appear in recent vote of the year's work, with which 1 the Arkadelphia Baptist State Convention was mainly charged as the most responsible minutes but there is a reference in the servant of the board and the convention. And women's committee minutes that they were 1 do now, most heartily, tender to the board called to another state. D my thanks for the manly support it extended me throughout the year. The reasons prompt­ In 1889, after three years in Little Rock, ing my course are these: Marshall was called to the church in Tallade­ ga, Alabama. 24 The responsibili ties of tile work under the conditions of the field the past year have been In the deep south, tradition held sway, and too crushing for me. I do not, therefore, feel each family had their own pew with their that I could consider a proposition to stand name plate on it. The prior pastor who had under the responsibility another year. died had been much loved and it was some time before Marshall was able to remove that To all who have prayed for me and helped name and pu t his own in place of it in the me, sincerest thanks. Anyone who, without Pastor's Pew. 25 intent, has embarrassed me in the discharge of my official duty, thereby increasing my Later in 1889, Marshall was elected by the burden, I pray to God to enable me to fully State Missions Board of Tennessee and forgive and forget. moved to Memphis to establish a church in the suburbs of that city. It was called Trinity 1 will not trespass upon your time further Baptist Church, but was later moved to a new than the expression of the ardent plea for my location and the name was changed to La­ successor, whoever he may be to wit: that BeJle Place Church. you pray for him and accord him your con­ fidence and co-operation. From 1889-1893, Marshall attended the Southern Baptist Convention from Memphis, Very faith full y, your brother, Tenn. 26 M. D. Early28

In 1894, Marshall was elected as the State [n September of 1896, Marshall attended the Superintendent of Missions in Texas at Waco Southern Baptist Convention in Washington, and his family went to Waco to liveY D.C. and while there, he and his group were guests of President Grover Cleveland at the White House.29 In 1894-1895, he attended the Southern Baptist Convention from Waco, Texas and in In 1897-98, he attended the Southern Baptist 1898 was appointed Corresponding Secretary Convention from Meridian, Mississippi of the Texas Convention. Later he resigned. (Chickasahay Baptist Association). He Copy of resignation letter states: served part of the year as Pastor of the 15th. Avenue Baptist Church in Meridian, Miss.30 "Baptist General Convention of Texas" In 1899, no records located from 1900-1903, Marshall attended the Southern Baptist

Page 174 - VOht111029, Numncr 4 - DCt:emb~r 199. ______...... _ Convention from Morristown, Tennessee31 listed in that year's Annual (1906) as a While in Tennessee, Marshall attended a messenger from Blackwell. As the records convention of Confederate Veterans at "Wm. indicate in 1907 he was a minister at Lawton E. Tate Camp 1172 D.C.D. '5 on the 5th of and a messenger. In 1909, he was a member April, 1902 at Morristown, Tenn. and was of the Board of Directors for the convention, elected as an alternate to attend the 12th a trustee of the Oklahoma Baptist College at Annual Convention the following year in Blackwell, an ordained minister at Lawton, Dallas, Texas. 32 and a messenger from Lawton to the conven­ tion. In 1904, Marshall attended the Southern Baptist Convention from Newport, Tennes­ The records of the Blackwell, Oklahoma see; in 1905 from Burlington, Kentucky; in church were completely destro~ed by fire, 1906-\907 from Blackwell, Oklahoma. In ca. 1950, and nothing was saved. 3,34 1908-1910 Marshall attended the convention from Lawton, Oklahoma and the D.D. first From 1911-1913, he attended the convention appeared after his name. It has heen sur­ from Monticello, Kentucky, and from 1914 mised that Marshall received his D.D. degree until his death, Marshall attended the conven­ from either Southwest Seminary at Waco or tion from Stanford, Kentucky. the Seminary in Louisville. This is incorrect. Those schools did not grant that particular A number of pastors have come into the state degree. In those years their only doctorates since the last session held 18 years ago (J une were Doctor of Theology. While Mr. Early 1909), were presented to the bod y as follows: was pastor at Blackwell (if indeed he was a M. D., pastor at Monticello, etc. (a period of pastor) and possihly after he went to Lawton, Baptist achievements, 1910-1918, Chapter he received the Doctor of Divinity (D.D.) XXXI!.) Minutes of the Seventh Annual from the Oklahoma Baptist College at Black­ Session of the Wayne County Association well. This school was founded by action of was delivered by Bro. M. D. Early. The the Oklahoma State Convention in 1899 and Association was organized by electing Bro. J. continued until 1914. H. Shearee moderator, etc., and proceeded to business by inviting brethren to seat with us Indication in the records of Dr. Early's as follows: M. D. Early from Comanche involvement on the Education Commission County Association, Oklahoma, etc. (Board) in 1906, show that commission being charged with the task of attempting to unify 1911 Minutes of the Eighth Annual Session Baptist education in what was then the of the Wayne County Association of Baptist Oklahoma Territory and the fact that he was held with the church at Steubenville, Wayne pastor at Blackwell and a trustee of the County, Kentucky, August 31, and Septem­ school there, leads one to believe he received ber 1. A sermon introductory to the husiness the D. D. degree from there. of the Association was delivered hy Bro. M. D. Early, etc. In 1906, one year before statehood, there were two conventions of Baptists in the 1912 Minutes of the Ninth Annual Session of Oklahoma Territory (western portion of state) the Wayne County Association of Baptists and Indian Territory (eastern portion of held with the church at Liberty, Wayne state). In the latter, the land was divided into County, Kentucky, September 5 and 6, met five trihal nations for the Indians. Tn 1906, September 5, a sermon introductory to the those two areas of Baptist conventions business of the association was delivered by merged to form the present Baptist General Bro. M. D. Early. He was appointed to the Convention of Oklahoma. "Home Missions" Committee to report the following year and did so, in 1913, by letter Four-hundred persons attended and M. D. to the Association as pastor from Monticello, Early was chairman of the committee in Kentucky. reorganization, at any rate, he initially pre­ sided and called the meeting to order and For nearly 40 years Marshall had been a presented the organizational report. He is leader of Baptist groups of Texas, Arkansas,

______Arlulnsas Family Historian - Page ]75 Tennessee, Oklahoma, Alabama and Ken­ Missions for Arkansas and Texas, and occu­ tucky. For 33 years in succession, he attend­ pied a number of important pastorates. ed the Southern Baptist Conventions with Wherever he labored, he was faithful, and notables like Pendleton, Graves, Jeter, the blessing of the Lord rested upon his Broadus, Boyce Eaton and other giants who labors. are now gone. 36, 37 Blessed with an unusually strong mind and a Marshall had been the pastor of Monticello, splendid voice, it was but natural that crowds Kentucky, before going to Stanford. At the should wait upon his ministry. His intense time of his death, he was a member of the earnestness and evident sincerity challenged Kentucky Board of Missions. He had been a the love and admiration of his fellow men. close friend of "Champ" Clark and others We have known but few more vigorous prominent to national affairs and was indeed preachers. His preaching was distinctly one of the big men of the Baptist denomina­ evangelistic, and therefore missionary. The tion. 38,39 mighty cause of missions had no truer friend than M. D. Early, and by his words and gifts He died at Stanford, Kentucky on 13 March he stiJllives in the lands afar. 1918 of uremic poisoning. Dr. E. J. Brown was in attendance. An immense throng For more than forty years he has been a including the Governor of Kentucky attended familiar figure in the meetings of the South­ the funeral services. Lincoln Lodge #60, F. ern Baptist Convention, and he will be sadly and A.M. of which the deceased was a missed in these gatherings. Few among us member, conducted the beautiful Masonic enjoyed so large an acquaintance or were Ritual at the grave site. The church service blessed with so many friends. prior to burial was held at the First Baptist Church of Stanford conducted by Dr. Porter It was a matter of keen regret that, owing to of Lexington and Dr. Truett of Dallas, the funeral of one our soldier boys, in our Texas. The burial followed at the Buffaloe own church, that we were unable to attend Springs Cemetery and Marshall was buried in the funeral services. 40 grave #1, Section 6, Lott #276112. ,41 May the Gospel he so faithfully preached be OBITUARY the stay and consolation of the sorrowing wife and children. 42 The Kentucky Baptist Newspaper "Western Recorder", Thursday, 21 Marcy 1918. Marshall Early Kuykendall 1987 Rev. M. D. Early, D.D. Austin, Texas

The death of this noble man and minister, on March 12th, at his home in Stanford, Ky., Notes brings sorrow to his multitude of friends. At the recent meeting of the State Board, of 1. Mongage Book N, page 241, Clark County Deed Records. which he was an honored member, he 2. Arkansas Baptist Historical Commission, Ouachita Baptisl Uni­ seemed in the best of health, and with his versity, Arkadelphia Archiv, Col. Hamid B, called to the Chair by the Moderator, and Simpson, Curator. (Hill College History ecnlel') presided with his accustomed grace and 4. Marshall Early Kuyk~ndall's Fik. (hcrcafter rderred 10 as MEK) wisdom. We little thought that we would so 5. Minutes of the Mt. Bdhcl Church Book, Clark County, Arkan­ soon be called upon to chronicle his going. SII.S, Ouachita A[1;hivcs,

6. License filed-October 16, 1865, Clark County, Arkansas, Milr­ For many years, this Christian warrior had riagc Book D., Page 338. fought the good fight of faith and had justly 7. Ouachita Archives, earned the rest that remaineth for the people of God. He had served as Secretary of State 8. Ibid

Page 176 - Volume 29, Number 4 - December 1991~~~~~~~ ______9. Ibid 26. Ouachita Archives.

10. Mt. Belhel Church Book, December 1870 AD, Ouachita Ar~ 27. Letters, etc . .chives. 2g. Ouachita A~hiv..:s. 11. Mt. Bethel Church Book, January 1871 AD, Oultchiw Ar::hives. 29. Letters, etc. 12. ML Bethel Church Book, February 1871 AD, Ouachita Ar~ chives. 30. The Baptist Record, D.:c.;:mbu 23,1897, page 1, ",:ulumn 5, Mississippi. Baptist HistoricaJ Commission, P.O, Box St. Clinton. 13. lk!hd~Union) March II, 1871, Ouachita Ar.;hive.s. Miss. 39056, Mrs. Alice G. Cox. Librarian, 1987. . .

14. MI, Bethel and Bethel-Union Chun::h Bouk minutes. Ol,lachila 31. Ouachita Archives. Archiv.:-;;, . )2. MEl(. 15. Leller 10 Faye Hamlen's childf.:-n. 33. Complete Oklahoma information and history compliments of Dr. 16. Ouachita Archiv<:s. J. M. Gaskin, Director of History, Commission lInd Society, Baptist Genera! Convention of Oklahoma, I t4t North 17. L'¢Uer to Fay..: Hamlet! 's childl'ell. Robinson, Oklahoma City, OklA. 73103, 1987.

HI. Ouachita Archlws. 34. Ouachita Archiws.

19, M;ssi$/;ipp; Baptise Preacheni, L. S. Foster, 51. Louis, pU£C 39, 35. Ibid Marshall was SecNtary of Arkansas Siale: MissioCUiry As:mclation. ALso.. Mi~;;iulppi BaptiS.1 Hi;;lOrical Commis!.ion, 36. OMluari~, MElt 20. Ouaehila Archives. 37. MEK.

11. Ibid Ja. Obituaries.

39. Ouachita Archiv..--:s.

23. Ibid 40. Death Certificates, Obih)AI')I Notices, MEK.

14. Bapaxt in Alabama, Their Orgtlnizt1li()n and Wimess. Averv 41, Grave location compliments of the Stanford~Linco!1\ County Hamilton Reid, page 141. 1967, rcferunce: Mrs. M. D. Early work Chamb~r of Commerce, Margarcl T. Gabriel, Secretary, August 6, wllh tb\:- ~Women's Mission SociC.1Y", Mississippi Baptist Hi:-.loncaJ 1985. Commission. 42. Complimenls: Samford University, University Lihrary, Special 15. Letters, etc. Collection Depar1menl, Birmingham, Alabama, 352229. Shirley L. Hutchens, Archivist,

------Pedee Union Sabbath School By Virginia Connell Potter, 2 Eagle Dr., Conway, AR 72032

Pedee Union Sabbath School was organized church was started up again as there is cur­ 5th Sunday in May, 1891, in Van Buren rently a Peedee Church at Clinton, near the County, Arkansas. place where James M. Lindsey and his family lived on Holley Mountain one hundred years Mary Arlena Bell Lindsey, the youngest ago. As far as I have been able to tell this is daughter of James M. Lindsey, died in all that is known of this family. Bell's older Weleetka, Oklahoma, 17 April, 1985. She sister, Thirsey Melvina Jane Lindsey Patter­ kept several worthless but wonderful remin­ son, was my great-grandmother. ders of her parents and her tlrst husband, the Baptist minister Pink Holley. Found in a Roll of Officers trunk in her tiny home in Okfuskee Co., Superintendent: 1. M. Lindsey Oklahoma. was an old notebook in which her Assistant: W. W. Newman father had kept a record of the beginning of Secretary: J. W. Rumley Peedee Union Sabbath School in Clinton. Assistant: Parlie Williams Van Buren Co., Arkansas. According to Bible Teacher: Levi Dowdy these records, this organization lasted but a Assistant: Martha Westerman few years. At some point, however, the Teacher, Children: Will Huddleston Assistant: A. W. Harness

______.. ______jlrkl<"'ms Fl

Pago 178 - Volume 29, Number 4 - December '"., ______longer used to keep records of Peedee This is the only glimpse we have of his early Church. James M. Lindsey used it instead to life. "This Oct. the 14, 18941. M. Lindsey keep accounts with his neighbors as they history of his life. I was in White County the bartered for goods and services. These en­ first of my remembrance, just six years of tries were not dated, nor were they in any age. At that age my father died and left my order, being written here, there and every­ mother, myself and one brother. When I was where. This entry, for example, is on the about seven years old my mother died and back of the first page. left me and my little brother alone. We were brought to Cercy [Searcy] County by Jo­ James Lindsey to Westerman ... Beef 70 nathan Moodv with whom we lived in dutiful pounds 3.15 subjection uniil the war ended in 1865." Westerman to Lindsey Side Har...... 75 cents His son, John, also left a rather wordy, but Bridle ...... " .. 25 interesting, story. It seems the human condi­ Shoe mending ..... 25 tion has changed little in the last century. corn I .... ".50 etc. "Aug. 31, 1895, the history of John Lindsey. Other names mentioned like this were John John Lindsey was born March 15, 1871. 1 Lovell, Cates, A. l Lovell, D. W Williams, was about 9 years old. My mother died and Wesley Williams, Bill Bonds, Dr. Bratton, left me and 3 more little children. I was the Alassom Bearys, W. S. Maddox, Carmon oldest one. My father married again in 4 Watkins, and lastly, Alasson and Thompson months and I thought we was alright but in 3 bought 112 dozen Axe handles on credit. or 4 weeks I thought the world was coming to an end. I never saw such a time before. Well On the very last page, which unfortunately I went on and was beat with sticks, rocks and has had the top torn off, eliminating the first everything in the world. But at last her and child's name, is a list of his children with my father parted and I was glad. Then I told their birthdates papa if he ever married again I would leave [1. Name Missing] Nov. the 11, 1868 home. Well father taken sick and I had to 2. Carmon Lafayett Lindsey was born Jan. make a living for 1 year. He got well and the 11, 1870 got married a 3rd. time. Well I made my 3. John Absalom Lindsey was born March word good and left home and went to Morril­ the 16, 1872 ton. I staid there for 3 months and got sick 4. Thirsey Adaline Lindsey was born Sept. and went home, hired to father and went to the 4, 1874 work. I staid 2 months and he threatened to 5. Jacob Andrew Lindsey was born Aug. the whip me and I took my clothes and left. I 15, 1876 went"". [end of copy] 6. Thomas Jackson Lindsey was born June the 2, 1878 James Lindsey married first, Freelove M. 7. Thirsey Melvina Jane Lindsey was born Lovell 5 Jan. 1868. She was born 5 Nov. Jan. the 12, 1881 1848 and was buried in Clinton, Van Buren 8. Sarah Louise Malinda Lindsey was born Co., after her death 10 May 1884. He mar­ March the 18, 1884 ried Mary J. Hensley 3 Aug. 1884, but that 9. Mary Arlena Bell Lindsey was born Oct. marriage apparently didn't last long. He the 56, 1891 married again to Nancy M. Williams on 17 July 1890. James M. Lindsey was living in Found on the same page with a recipe for the Clinton area in 1880 and he died there on "English Pane Killer" is written this: 1. M. Culpepper Mountain some time after 1915. Lindsey was born October 31, 1848. After And Nancy, even though she had no reading the recipe - it contained along with grandchildren of her own, was known and other good things, turpentine, chloroform, loved as "Grandma Lindsey" until her death sulfate of either [ether] and tincure [tincture] on 27 April 1943. of opium - I'm surprised that anyone could survive the cure. This recipe for pain killer, incidentally, was furnished by 1. W. Drake.

______ArKaJ""' FRmily Historian - Page 179 Book Reviews and Notices ______

By Bobbie Jones McLane, Desmond Walls Allen, and Joe R. Goss

The following are reviews and/or announcemenlS of book acquisitions both in alpha order by name and by city name. foJ' Ihe Arkan,;;as Genealogical Society. The reviewed book.!! arc The ages of the deceased persons are given pl'emanenlly housed at the Arkansas HislOry C.ommission, Of ~n th.!! Local HislOry and Genealogy Room of the Lillie Rode Public LI~ and the Gazelte citation. Excellent! (BJM) brary. The Society expresses its appreciation to the Iluthors and cOnll'ibulors. In ordering copies of Ihese books, please remember to say you saw the review or noLice in this publiculion! Index of Obituaries Appearing in The Arkansas Gazette January 1, 1925 to John Gulley Genealogy, A Planter in December 31, 1925 by Oscar G. Russell, Alabama and Arkansas, and His Descend­ CAE, 506 Loop Road, North Little Rock, AR ants, by Paul John, 203 Live Oak, Baytown, 72116. Spiral binding, 269 pages, $45.00 TX 77520, 270 pages, acid-free paper, full softbound, $60.00 hard bound. When name index, $15. postpaid. Named and fea­ Desmond Walls Allen, our reviewer in the tured in this book are more than 350 individu­ March issue of AFH, reviewed Volume I of als including 14 children, 60 grandchildren, the Arkansas Gazette obituaries for 1990, she and over 250 great-grandchildren of John hoped to interest Mr. Russell in earlier Ga­ Gully (1788-1865) and his wife Nancy Bizzell. zeUe obituary columns. He has now complet­ To insure accuracy each genealogical state­ ed the volume for 1925 and advises he is ment appears to be referenced by footnote to a already into indexing 1924. The material, transcript of the source documents. About following the format of previous editions, is 350 records, such as census, birth, death, presented both in alpha order by name and by cemetery, land, probate, tax, marriage, etc. the name of the city. We hope Mr. Russell are transcribed. Includes maps, photos, dia­ continues with these volumes for early years. grams and charts. (BJM) (BJM)

1860 Census of Phillips County, Arkansas Center Hill Cemetery, White County, by Rose White, PO Box 580, Marvell, AR Arkansas A small booklet of 12 pages, listing 72366-0580, soft-cover, 122 pages, surname marked graves, and others known to be buried index, $15.00 plus $2.50 postpaid. Lists in this cemetery established in 1860, at households in the order in which they were Center Hill, White County, Arkansas. A map enumerated, giving names, ages, sex, birth­ is included with reference numbers, which place, occupation, value of real estate and allow easy location of each grave, current as personal property. In addition to new arrivals of August 15, 1991. This cemetery listing has from eastern and northeastern states, the been prepared as a fund raising project for the census contains 235 foreign born persons. cemetery association. Copies may be obtained This record has been checked against an earli­ for a donation of $4.00 plus 98 cents postage er transcription done in 1970. This soft-bound per copy ($4.98) from Wanda Wilson, 4067 transcription appears complete and well done. Hwy. #36W, Search, AR 72143. (BJM) It is a welcome addition to the published records of eastern Arkansas. (BJM) Williamson County, Tennessee Deed Ab­ stracts 1799-1811, by Joyce Martin Murray, Index of Obituaries Appearing in The 2921 Daniel, Dallas, TX 75205, hard-bound, Arkansas Gazette January 1, 1991 to June 6 x 9, 202 pages, with full name index, index 30, 1991 by Oscar G. Russell, CAE, 506 of places and slave index. Price $30.00 plus Loop Road, North Little Rock, AR 72116. $2.50 postage and handling. This volume Spiral binding, 255 pages, $25.00 softbound, contains abstracts of Volume A, No.1, A-2 $40.00 hard bound. With no access to any and Volume B Deed books (Territory includes sort of index for our Arkansas state vital present Maury, Giles and part of Lawrence records, Mr. Russell's volumes are, and will Counties). Records include indentures, wills, continue to be, very important for family deed of gift, land grants, mortgages, powers historians. The books present the material of attorney, etc. Some refer to even earlier

Page 180 - Volume 29, Number 4 - Decemher 1991 ______documents dated in the 1780s and 1790s. A Logan County, Arkansas Marriages, The large number of Revolutionary War service First Fifty Years, published by Bill Hanks grants were made in this area by the State of and Bobbie Jones McLane, 219 pages, soft­ North Carolina beginning before that war cover, $28.00. This publication contains ended. (BJM) records of the marriages of the two districts of Logan County, AR; Paris and Booneville, Garrett: 1000 Years from Normandy by 1877-1924. The material covers sixteen mar­ Ed ward R. Garrett, 3731 Autumn Lane, riage books, containing approximately 600 Baytown, TX 77521 It is hard-bound, laser marriages each, for a total of almost 10,000 print, 6 x 9, 237 pages, full name index, and marriage records transcribed and published in contains pictures, documentation, and interest­ this one volume. There is an alphabetical list ing narrative. $34.00 inclusive. The book of marriages by groom's names and a full­ begins with Garrett origin in Leicestershire, name bride index. The transcription includes England and traces early immigrants to Virgi­ additional informtion when appropriate beyond nia and Pennsylvania during the 1600s. From just the names of the parties and their resi­ that point, the book traces the authors lineage dences, minister or JP, and date of marriage. to present. It details Edward Garrett 1733-94 A particularly amusing example, Book 1, page and wife Ann West Ousley who migrated to 221 reveals a bond for J. T. Bagwell, age 26, Laurens Co., SC and follows their lineage to and Minnie Smith, age 17, both of Sugar Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, Texas and Grove Township dated 17 August 1902 with a other areas. (BJM) note attached: "no marriage; reason, girl's father objected and with a Winchester pro­ Descendants of Hugh Jones of Orange posed to work buttonholes in Bagwell's new County, Virginia A Family History and coat." The sequel? Book 1, page 298, J. T. Genealogy, compiled by Bobbie Jones and Minnie did get married 7 January 1904 McLane and Richard Steele, 239 pages, Full (and didn't need her father's permission to name index, hard-bound $35.00, soft-bound marry), but J. T. 's new address was Boothe, $25.00. (Published by Arkansas Ancestors, Scott County, a safer distance from Dad 222 McMahan Drive, Hot Springs, AR 71913) Smith. Also included is a list of minister's The authors of this work, living in widely credentials for this time period. Marriage separated areas - Arkansas and Vermont - records are a valuable source for genealogists have done an excellent job of collaborating in and no where else has such an inclusive list the research and writing of this family record, been published for any Arkansas county. not an easy task considering the surname Order from Arkansas Ancestors, 222 McMa­ JONES. Bobbie Jones McLane and her dist­ han Drive, Hot Springs, AR 71913. (DWA) ant cousin, Richard Steele of Tunbridge, VT, whose great-grandfathers were brothers, have Alabama Soldiers (Revolution, War of 1812, compiled this marvelous eight generation and Indian Wars), Volume 14, Surnames J record of the descendants of Hugh Jones, through JONES, (James), 102 pages, soft­ (cal720-1791) who lived in St. Thomas Par­ cover, $15.00. Bobbie Jones McLane is ish, Orange County, Virginia. Most of the continuing her important task of editing and data concerns descendants of four of his child­ publishing the records on Alabama soldiers ren, three sons, George, Benjamin, Morton, collected by the late Pauline Jones Gandrud. and a daughter, Elizabeth, who married child­ These abstracts relating to soldiers of the ren of Thomas Foster and his wife Ann Gar­ above wars, who at one time lived in Alaba­ nett and migrated to Wilkes County, North ma, are taken from pensions, last payment, Carolina. A special edition of this book in­ bounty land warrants, wills, lists of heirs, cludes a photograph section in selected copies Bible records, tombstone inscriptions, obitua­ of the descendants of John Early Jones, Sr., ries, census, anything of genealogical interest, who came to Hot Springs in 1887 and died including correspondence with descendants there in 1892. The book is an excellent over a 40-year period. Very valuable informa­ example of the use of computer software tion for anyone with Alabama ancestors who (Roots III), with the material printed in modi­ fought in any of these wars. (DWA) tied Register format. (DWA)

______Arkansas Family Historian ~ Page 18t Rainey Times, a Surname Publication, Rt. 4, application records. As a result, pension Box 56, Sulphur Springs, Texas 75482, applications on file at the National Archives Volume 11, July 1991. A genealogical do not begin before the year 1800. Neverthe­ surname publication issued annually. It was less, certain pension records pre-dating the begun in 1981 as a quarterly and changed to critical year 1800 survive in the form of annual in 1985. This particular issue contains Congressional reports, and these reports a special feature on four Arkansas Counties: would appear to be the earliest Revolutionary Woodruff, Jackson, Independence and White. War pension records extant. Several such It also contains a family history of Green reports have been iden tified and are tran­ Pryor Dean of Lawrence Co., Arkansas. scribed in this work. The principal record Court Records listed; wills of Union Co. and (actually a union of nine separate reports of Phillips Co., AR; three Arkansas families; and invalid pension claims submitted by the Secre­ Arkansas Extracts, Obituaries. Included with tary of War to Congress in 1792, 1794, and this volume is a Contents Index for Volumes 1 1795) was originally printed in American State - 10, which should prove helpful in searching Papers, Class IX, Claims (1834), and it is this articles in these past issues. (BJM) printed work which was used as the source for the transcription in Section I of this book. Index to U. S. Invalid Pension Records, Section II supplements the well known "Reg­ 1801-1815 compiled by Murtie June Clark, ister of Certificates Issued by John Pierce", hard-bound, 159 pages $18.50. A somewhat popularly known as Pierce's Regisrer. Section confusing book title. Is this about invalid (I.e. III is compiled from state returns. Section IV no good) records of pensioners, or valid contains abstracts of individual petitions records of invalid pensioners? The first words submitted to Congress by the Secretary of War of the preface give us a clear answer - "The during 1790 to 1800. And finally, Appendix records indexed in this book chronicle pay­ One contains a list of invalid pensioners ments made to invalid soldiers who served in approved by Congress under the Act for the the Revolutionary War and the frontier wars Relief of Disabled Soldiers and Seamen after 1783." The sOllrce is an enormolls cloth­ (1798). A brilliant find of the earliest Revolu­ bound ledger buried in the depths of the tionary War pension records! Order from National Archives, which by a good deal of Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1001 N. luck and perhaps a miracle or two survived the Calvert St., Baltimore, MD 21202-3897. burning of Washington in 1814 by the British (BJM) Army and also a Treasury Department fire in 1833. The records are listed alphabetically by John Irish, His Life and Ancestors, 1086- name of each pensioner under the state from 1677 by George E. Irish, PO Box 510046, which he served. Of course only the 13 origi­ Melbourne Beach, FL 32951. Hardbound, 6 nal states are included, and a few other states x 9",215 pages, index, $22.25 plus $2.75 and territories which came in before 1815. S&H. A genealogical history of John Irish Opposite each name are three columns for who came to Massachusetts from Somerset, "Rank", "Page" and "Remarks". The England circa 1629-1632 and was the progeni­ "Remarks" may vary, often giving death tor of thousands of Americans named "Irish". dates, terms of service, or transfers to other The author has researched this line since 1964, army units. There is a useful 30-page sur­ using primary source materials and in relev­ name index. Order from Genealogical Pub­ ant libraries, notably Salt Lake City, Washing­ lishing Co., Inc., 1001 N. Calvert St., Balti­ ton, DC, Boston, Duxburv and London. It is more, MD 21202-3897. (ElM) a comprehensive documentary of John Irish and his ancestry, covering the period 1086- The Pension Lists of 1792-1795, with Other 1677 (from the advent of the Domesday Book Revolutionary War Pension Records com­ through the life of John Irish.) piled by Murtie June Clark, hard-bound, 216 pages, $21.50 plus $2.50 postage and han­ Marks, Brands, and Estrays of Hempstead dling. (If ordered with above Index, the first County, Arkansas 1819 - 1959 published by book is $2.50 with each additional book Hempstead County Genealogical Society, PO $1. 00.) Two catastrophic fires in 1800 de­ Box 1158, Hope, Arkansas 71801. Soft­ stroyed the earliest Revolutionary War pension bound, 81 pages, surname index of over 1,200

Pagt; l82 Volume 29, Num!k'.r4 - Dec,.;mh~f i99,_ ...... _~~~~~ .... ~_~~~~~~~~~~~_ surnames, $10.00. An 1860 and 1895 map is into two parts, the family stories make for included. These records identify persons in a enjoyable reading. Beginning with the Stur­ particular time frame, sometimes a township geons, it traces the family from its roots in of residence and/or names of close friends or Ireland, immigration to America, and migra­ family (listed as security or appraisers of tion across the . The Milams are estray). The Hempstead Co. Genealogical traced from Wales, to England then the Society continues it's excellent work of pub­ America. Their settlement in Lancaster Co., lishing pertinent records of Hempstead County VA and trek across the southern states to which assist genealogists researching families Faulkner Co., AR. The Nixon family is in this area. (BJM) traced from Ireland to VA, then to SC, MS and Faulkner Co., AR. The work is very History of Clarke County, Alabama by John readable, with several photographs. It in­ Simpson Graham, (1923) Reprint, c362 pp., cludes some documentation, a list of sources illustrations, new index, soft-bound, $24.50, cited, and "other resources" which includes plus $3.00 shipping. Order from Heritage libraries, cemeteries and taped interviews. Books, Inc., 1540-E Pointer Ridge Place, There is no index. (JRG) Suite 300, Bowie, MD 20716. This county, situated between the Alabama and Tombigee Descendants of William C. Hicks by Pat rivers, was initially carved from Washington Hicks Brigance, Brigance Enterprises, 955 County in 1812. when Alabama became a Scarlett Oaks Road, Maryville, TN 37801. territory in 1817, Clarke County was substan­ Indexed, printed on linen paper, hardbound, tially enlarged. This history is rather typical 124 pages, $25.00 postpaid. This book deals of the genre, and covers all the usual topics. primarily with William C. and Charity It is especially rich in biographical sketches of McCaslin Hicks and their descendants. The resident, and has the usual lists of soldiers and Hicks family lived near Booneville, Logan civic officers. A new name index has been Co., AR. The first chapter begins information added to this reprint. Copies of the original with William and Charity Hicks, each chapter edition of this scarce history sell for upwards thereafter deals with each of their five child­ of $75.00. (BJM) ren: John Franklin Hicks, Andrew Jackson Hicks, George Washington Hicks, Henry C. How to Become a Professional Genealogist Hicks and Emily Isabell Hicks. The book is by Carolyn Earle Billingsley and Desmond illustrated with quality reproductions of early Walls Allen, 26 pages, soft-bound, $5.95. family photographs, with very detailed charts. Order from Research Associates, PO Box 122, (JRG) Bryant, AR 72022. This small booklet is a succinct little gem with enough information to Christenberry/Christenbury Genealogy by start folks on the righ t track or scare the Albert H. Brigance, Brigance Enterprises, 95 notion of professional research out of them. Scarlet Oaks Road, Maryville, TN 37801. In twenty-five pages of tightly packed informa­ Over 230 pages beautifully hardbound with a tion, some thougl1t-provoking issues are dis­ coat of arms printed on the front cover, this cussed: background, training, location, fees, work is literally filled with detailed informa­ and advertising. The book will help three tion on these families and allied lines. It groups of people: those who just want to know includes over 6,000 ancestors, descendants what to expect if they decide to hi re a profes­ and their spouses. Information includes the sional; those who have aspirations of becom­ European origins of the family as well as ing professionals; and those who are already variations in spellings of the name, included doing client research and are seeking tips Quessonberry, Crusenberry and others. about how other folks do it. (BJM) Numerous photographs, maps, military records, and other family memorabilia are Family: Roots, Ties & Trails, Milam - included. There is a full name index to Sturgeon - Nixon, by Mary C. Sturgeon, complete the work. A nice touch is a "lineage 6217 Boyle Park Road, Little Rock, AR line" at the top of each page which shows the 72204. Over 350 pages, hardbound, $50.00 ancestors of each person listed on that page. postpaid. This is a collection of family charts, (JRG) stories and genealogical research. Divided

______... ______,,,,,,'c,., Family Historian - Page 183 Brigance Genealogy by Albert H. Brigance, are described as well as other maps of interest Brigance Enterprises, 955 Scarlett Oaks Road, to genealogists. No other resource contains Maryville, TN 37801. Hardbound "library this list and it is recommended for all who edition" is $30.00 and a three ring binder know the value of county-level maps. (BIM) "family edition" is $20.00, both postpaid. This genealogy includes information on more How to Locate Anyone Who Is or Has Been than 2,000 Brigances, and their descendants. in the Military, (fourth edition), by Lt. Col. Beginning with an introduction that suggests Richard S. Johnson; available from Military the Brigance family may have descended from Information Enterprises, PO Box 5143, Bur­ Jacques Brigance, a French Huguenot, who lington, NC 27216; $16 postpaid; 170 pages, settled in South Carolina in 1861 or 1691. softbound. This book in its original form was There are many charts and maps, as well as wonderful - now it's even better. Everything photographs. A complete name index is you ever wanted to know about finding anyone included. (JRG) remotely connected with the military is includ­ ed, plus additional tips on locating others. 1880 United States Census, Garland Coun­ This book definitely deserves a place on any ty, Arkansas by Lewis C. Stephens, 113 researcher's shelf. (DWA) Shady Vista Street, Hot Springs, AR 71901. Softbound, 135 pages, surname index, $ .00. How to Get the Most Out of Death Certifi­ These census records, reflecting Dwelling cates by Carolyn Earle Billingsley and Number, Name, color, sex, age, relationship, Desmond Walls Allen; $5.95 postpaid, birth and parents birth, were transcribed from available from Research Associates, PO Box microfilm in the 1960s and 70s by Bobbie 122, Bryant, AR 72020. Just when you Jones McLane. This transcription was origi­ thought you knew everything about analyzing nally printed in twelve issues of THE a death certificate, this booklet suggests RECORD, publication of the Garland County dozens of clues you shouldn't overlook and Historical Society, and have been reproduced contains follow-up guidelines. A systematic by Stephens in one volume. Garland County plan of research and check-list are included. was formed in 1873 from Hot Spring, Saline Vital records offices in the United States are and Montgomery Counties. This 1880 census listed. Order this booklet and re-think those was the first and on! v census for Garland death certificates you thought you'd exhaust­ County prior to 1900. -(BJM) ed! (BJM) Caruth Funeral Home Records, Hot From the same source as above, Where to Springs, Arkansas, 1 January 1971 to 31 Write for Confederate Pension Records December 1990, by Lewis C. Stephens, 113 ($5.95 postpaid), contains information about Shady Vista Street, Hot Springs, AR 71901. the addresses to which requests for Confeder­ 106 pages, spiral bound, $ .00. These ate pensions should be directed. Descriptions records are a continuation of Caruth Funeral of the records available, their indexes and Home Records published by Stephens in 1990 copy costs are included. The states other than covering the years 1909 to 1970. In alphabet­ the eleven Confederate states are included that ical order by the name of the deceased, they granted Confederate pensions. Remember, also include the death date, birth date, or age Confederate pension records are not available at death, spouse, father and mother (where from the National Archives they must be given) and the cemetery in which buried. ordered from the archives which house the (BIM) records. (BJM) Where to Write for County Maps, by Desmond Walls Allen; available from Re­ search Associates, PO Box 122, Bryant, AR 72022; $5.95 postpaid. This booklet is an expanded reprint of an article in the Profes­ sional Genealogisls of Arkansas Newsleuer listing where to order county maps in the continental United States. Scales and prices

Pagl¢ 184 - Volllm~~29! Number 4 - D0cember 1991~~~~ Queries------Prepared for Publication by Bobbie Jones McLane

General guidelines for submitting queries: (Christian) Helterbrand, the German immi­ I) Queries are limited to members only grant, 1750s. Mrs. Mary Hildebrand Cox, 2) Please submit no more than one query per Route 4, Box 192A, Prescott, AR 71857 calendar year 3) Keep the query to approximately fifty words, 4) Neatness counts! If possible, type, double ADAMS, MAY, FAGAN, BOYD Samuel spaced. Otherwise print legibly, leave a space Adams, b. 5 June 1805, son of Sylvester between each line Adams and Rebecca Boyd, m. 1st Rebecca S) Capitalize Surnames May, who d. 1840; m. 2nd Mrs. Catharine A. Fagan. He d. 27 Feb 1850. He was State Remember the 4 W's: Who - Give compJete names of interest Treasurer of Arkansas and in 1844 became What - "''hat do you want? Keep it short Governor of Arkansas. General James F. and to the point Fagan, Confederate Army, was a son of Mrs. "''here - LOCALITY IN ARKANSAS? Fagan and a step-son of Governor Samuel When - Give a time period Adams. Martha Childs, 706 Spruce, Truth Since we always work with a large backlog of queries, or Consequences, NM 87901-1551 we 8mve to print them in the order in which they .re receIved. It may be several months. however, before GUTHRIE Caswell Guthrie b. 1832, TN your query appears,. We do use all queries received in and William Guthrie b. 1837 AR sons of a calendar year before the end of that year. We COIl­ John Guthrie b. 1819 were in Madison Co., tinue to receive queries with no name and address included, If query gel>' seplIl'ated from the enve/ope, AR 1840 and 1850, living in Searcy Co. with we cannot use them, It simplifies the work of the all­ parents in 1860. Siblings: Mary, Thomas, volunteer staff of this publication if you send your Carter. A., Fountam LaRue, Nancy Jane, queries with your membership fee, to the Arkansas Granvdle G., Martha Adelaide Guthrie. Genealogical Society. PO Box 908, Hot Springs AR Bonnie Guthrie Brown, 11957 Weir St., 71902~8. ' Culver City, CA 90230 GLENN, POWELL, SCOTT, HAVILL, TYLER Sarah Julia (Glenn) Powell m. ? MOORE Need ancestors of Nancy Jane Scott; had two daughters: Sarah William Moore (maiden) b. 1 Dec 1856 and Andrew Scott (Havill) b. 3/12/1864 in Wheatley, AR; Moore b. 25 Dec 1846. Andrew m. Nancy's Clara Cora Lee (Minnie) Scott (Tyler) b. ca. older sister, who died. Nancy promised to 12/ 1869 In AR. Husband said to be French. marry Andrew and take care of their two Deserted them prior to Minnie's birth. What children. She had five children including was Scott's given name? Nancy D. Havill, Maude Mae Moore b. 1 Jan 1887 in Valley 17205 SW Johnson, Beaverton, OK 97006- Springs, AR. Elaine Monasco, Box 876, 5002 Nicoma Park, OK 73066 WEST Info. Robert Newton West, b. 29 CAMPBELL, READER Anyone have Dec 1880, near Boden, AR, son of Michael knowledge of the Frances A. and Louisa Andrew West & Mary Davis? Linda Reece, Reader Campbell family and ancestors who 1318 Airport Rd., Elk City, OK 73644 lived near Springdale, AR from c1865 to 19171 Charles Anderson, 20923 Callaway, HILDEBRAND Daniel Jefferson Hilde­ Lakewood, CA 90715 brand, b. 1813 SC, Jasper Co., GA 1820s m. Bibb Co., AL 1836, migrated to Unio~ McCARN, QUALLS, PITTS, PRATER Co., AR c1842, d. 1900, buried near Bluff These families came from TN cJ86511875 to City, Nevada Co., AR, Need proof he is Stone Co., AR Also Passmore and Brewer descended from Rey. Patriot Daniel Hilden­ families of Searcy Co. by late 1800s. Carol brand (Hiltonbrand), Orangeburgh, SC, Ann McCarn, 1119 Del Sol Pl., Apt. 0, whose proven father was John Christopher Redding, CA 96002


Pagt: 186 - Volume 29, Numher 4 - December 1991 ______CANTRELL, HORN, MORPHEW Any ROWLETT, EWING, CULVIN, ORA info. on Mary Cantrell b. 1858 Antoine, Pike Am gathering informtion on the Rowlett Co., AR m. 1877 Elkaner Horn, both d. pre- family of Arkansas, mainly the descendants 1900, Pike Co., AR. Both of their parents of Ewing Rowlett and his two wives for a died Civil War. Need CSA records of L. D. book in late 1991. All info, appreciated. Cantrell, Pvt. 4 Ark. Cav. Union Army. Also willing to share/exchange info. I now Legend is he was shot & killed in error on have on my line (Ewing, Culvin, Ora). Joy his way home c1865. Need records! His Flint Huskey, 3537 Rosemont Drive, chn. Susan, Mary, Emaline were left with Sacramento, CA 95826 older sister Catherine who m. Prince (James) Gaynor Morphew. Dorothy Horn Bevard, DALTON, UPTON, MATNEY, JEN­ 7974 Hillsboro Ct., Pleasanton, CA 94588 NINGS, PETERSON Seek info, on Dalton, Upton, Randolph Co" AR. Matney, Jen­ TIDMORE, KENDRICK Need info. on nings, Calico Rock, Izard Co. Also James family of Mary Ann (Mollie) Tidmore, b. M. Peterson, Holly Springs, AR went to 1852 AL, m. Hezekiah Kendrick on 9 Apr. Hood Co., Texas, where he died 1907. 1876 in St. Clair Co., AL. Moved to Amity, Some of his children stayed in Dallas Co., AR abt. 1888, then to Caddo Gap abc 1902. AR. What happened to them and who did Died in Caddo Gap, AR in 1911. Relda they marry? After the death of James M" Kendrick Miller, 526 South 13th St., his 2nd wife Mrs. M. L Leach Peterson Collinsville, OK 74021 returned to AR and applied for pension. Vera Mae Holder, 448 Cartwright Rd., POLLARD, TROLLINGER Need prior Wichita Falls, TX 76305-5402 history on Richard Henry Lee Pollard and wife Mary Trollinger d. Woodruff Co., MORRIS, WEATHERBY, CASEY Seek AR in 1915 and 1929. Families came from info, on William Morris and Liza GA (1844) thru AL (to 1880+) and MS (Elizabeth?) Weatherby d, c1918 (great in­ (1900) to AR. Richard D. Pollard was in GA fluenza epidemic), lived in three county area (b. 1800) Lemuel Trollinger was b. in SC of Madison, Johnson and Franklin, Also 1837. Glenette Pollard Fielder, 8 New would like info. on Casey family of Yell & Oxford, Conway, AR 72032-7403 Johnson Co. Edward L. Morris, Jr. 509 Chrystal Rd., Colonial Beach, VA 22443 OWEN, MORRIS, LAFFERRY Seek parents of: Zachariah Owen, Pulaski Co. HAMLET/HAMBLETT,BLESSING, 1860 census. Thomas Cegal Morris b, 1864- ROWEN Need proof that Elizabeth Rowen, 5, Three Brothers, AR, Siblings: John, b. c1827 AL, m. Bluford Greenberry Harrison, Dick, Alex, Sue, Mandy. John HamletlHamblett, was dau. of Samuel M. W. & James Lafferry, TN 1850, Rowen and Rebecca (Blessing). Elizabeth & J ohnson/Logan Co., AR by 1860. Was Greenberry died cl854. Where?? Nadine father George Lafary 1830 TN census? Williams Britton, 715 Sequoia Drive, Linda Doty Walker, 1720 South Madison, Exeter, CA 93221 Tulsa, OK 74120 BRASHER/BRASHEAR Clark (b. cl810 BOX, JONES Would like to know more d. Chico! Co., ARl, Lomax (b.cI812), about possible Indian blond of Rebecca Box, Seaborn, Jr. (d.late 1833 Wash. Co" MS, or mother of Robert Jones, wife of Andrew Chicot Co., AR) m. Louisiana Davis; sons Jones. When did she die and where? Also, prob. b. Chico! Co., AR Charles H. b. 1820, was Robert or Andrew Jones an Indian agent Lomax b. 1824, Asa D. b. 1833, Surgeon around the 1830s in Pontotoc or Chickasaw 3rd La. lnr. wounded & died on furlough 3 Counties, MS? Rexann Margraves­ Dec 1863, nl. Leona Sumner, Chico! Co., McDonald, 118 N. Grant, Alvin, TX 77511 AR Mildred H. Revell, HCR 3, Box 3561, Shell Knob, MO 65747

______Arkansfts Family Histori!ll1 . Page IB7 STOWE, BROOKS, JOHNSON, POLK Rose, b. 1887, d. 1964. Charlotte R. Seek info. on Jane Stowe b. Sevier Co., AR Smith, 2945 Glendale Ave., Redwood City, 1822, dau. of Richard Stowe. Married three CA 94063 times in Sevier Co.; to Parker Brooks in 1839, chn.: Richard, Larkin, Catherine BECK, ISBELL Jeffrey Beck b. 1834 Rebecca, Henry Clay Brooks; to Josie John­ Lumpkin Co., GA, d. 1891 at Judea, AR. son in 1851, child: Josey Johnson; to Taylor Was m. to a Mary Malvaney, don't know Polk, Sf. in 1866. Jane d. after 1885, possi­ when, but they had two sons, Otto W. b. bly in Pike Co. Alice Ann Klingler, 12024 1879 Sebastian Co., AR and Ulysses b. 1882 Princess Jeanne NE, Albnqnerqne, NM Madison Co., AR. Jeffrey m. Mary Isbell 87112 Dec. 1885, Boone Co., AR. They had 2 chn.: Oda Udella 1887 and Onan Rumsey CARTHEL Does anyone know anything 1890. Four ch. by 1st m.: Mary, Samuel and about the name Carthel, either as a family or Ida who were b. in IL, mother was Margaret given name? My father and one of his cou­ J. Thompson, died in Ft. Scott, KS 1872. sins born abou t 1900 in White Co., AR were Kay Heckmaster, Rt. 8, Box 344, Joplin, given this name. 1 have never found it MO 64804 anywhere else. T. H. Casteel, POB 911, Fort Jones, CA 96032-0911 ROBlNSON,ALSTON,AUSTlN, AUSTON Info. on Julia Robinson m. Peyton Alston, RATTRAY/RATTERREE Need info. on Woodruff Co.? Three children 1886-92, descendants of Alexander Rattray/Ratterree, buried Wabbaseka, Jefferson Co., age 36, one of five Huguenot brothers who settled in 1892. Rt. Rev. S. M. Gordon, 119 Sunmlit SC before 1739. Have info. on ones in St., Hot Springs, AR 71901 Lincoln, Drew Cos. 1860 onward. Was Will A. Ratterree b. 9 Jun 1873 Sebastian Co., FINNEY, LAMB John Finney, one known AR related to this line? Patsy N. (Lee) child is William Clyde Finney, b. 16 May Banett, 6501 N. Camino Libby, Tncson, 1857 d. 1936 England, Lonoke Co., AR, AZ 85718-2027 wife unknown, only child John Eli Finney, b. Feb. 1875, d. May 1943, m. Mary Francis FLOYD, PEACOCK 1850 census, Pike Lamb. Need to find origin of this family, Co. ,Muddy Fork Twp. shows Newport Floyd cannot find them in 1900 or 1910 Lonoke and wife Jane, three ch. and farm hand James Co. Ms. Christine Finney, RR 3, Box Peacock. When and where were Newport 12610, Ozark, AR 72949-9201 and Jane married? Was Jane's maiden name Peacock? Is James related to her? When did ROSS, WOOD Desc. of James Ross b. Jane die? Doris Floyd, 5538 Calle Arena, 1845 MC, m. Ester Ann cl868. Son Wm. Carpinteria, CA 93013-2523 Hugh Ross (1880-3), daus. Mittie (1880-9), Sallie (1880-7), moved to Madison Twp., CANNADY, KENNEDY, PRESTON Need Jeff. Co., cl860, w/mother Elizabeth Ross & info. on Jesse Cannady family 1860 Marion bros. Robert b. 1848 m. Julie Ramick 1870, Co., AR. Jesse, 60 b. NC, wife Prudence 64 John Ross b. 1843 m. Martha Goodman b. NC, Martha M. A., Sarah c., Wm. J. all 1866. Desc. of Martha's uncles Wm. Henry born TN. Are these grandchildren? Martha Wood b. 1921 TN, Robert Wood (1850-19), m. Charles Francis Preston later in 1860 in settled in Madison Twp., Jefferson Co. Marion Co. Have always before thought c1848. Vuel Coulter, 1908 N. E. Arrow­ Martha's name was spelled Kennedy. Vit'gi­ head, Piedmont, OK 73078 nia Preston Roach, PO Box 182, Texhoma, OK 73949 MITCHELL, BURLINSON, DANKS S. Harvey Mitchell, b. 1860, Cleburne or ROSE, CRUESS Need parents of William Faulkner Co. 1880 Faulkner Co. census Philip Rose, b. 1849 L.Rock, AR, d. 1927, shows Harvey Mitchell living w/mother May to CA in late 1870s and homesteaded in and step-father Isaac Burlinson, and two Monterey Co., m. Jane A. Cruess, 1882, d. other chn., Laura age 9, and Isaac age 6. 1924, five chn., among them: William Neil Harvey m. Carrie Almeda Danks, dau. of

Page 188 - Volume 29. Number 4 - December 1991 ______Almon Norton Danks (buried Sidon, White Chicago? Info. needed on Craig, Sessions, Co., AR c1900) in 1882 in Faulkner Co. Hugh, Kepler. Barbara Lee Martin They had one son, Alonzo Mitchell. Harvey Hughes, 29110 Old Wrangler Rd., Box Mitchell d. about 1889 in Faulkner Co.? 6049, Canyon Lake, CA 92587 Where is he buried and who was his father? Peggy Lee Blazer, 15311 N. Sardis Rd., BAKER, KIFER Who are parents of Calton Mabelvale, AR 72103 Baker, Methodist minister and school teacher late 1800s7 Married Catherine Kifer 23 Aug VILLYARD Looking for the maiden name 1838. All in Fayetteville, Wash. Co., AR. of Martha Villyard, wife of G. W. Villyard Civil War soldier. Chn.: 6 girls, 4 boys, and mother of James Wiggins Villyard, who moved to Kansas 1869. Mary Ann Baker, lived in Holly Row, Pope Co., AR in 1880. 825 So. Jefferson, Webb City, MO 64870 If you're the mystery genealogist who called my mother c1982, you missed my helpful DRIVER, RUSSELL, KECK Seek info. on cousin. Katherine Villyard, 308 Normal Aurora, Arkansas, Madison Co. Drivers. 114, Denton, TX 76201 Ozias and Sarah A. Driver (called Sally Ann and Henry) m. cI860-1865. Chn.: Frank, ALPHIN, GREEN, O'DELL Seek info. Henry, Newt, William, Cara, Denton (1865- John Alphin, Randolph Co., AR, wife Mary 1882) Widowed Sally moved to Leflore Co., Jane Green, children: James, John, twins, OK bef. 1900 with chn. and their spouses. Nettie and Hattie, Mary Jane who married Russells/Keck's cousins? Faye Sandy, 1900 Robert 0' dell in 1886. Need date and place Dr., Plano, TX 75074 of his birth. Patricia J. Nuovo, PO Box 8245, San Jose, CA 95155-8245 HAMMOCK, CONNELL, JACKSON, BARNES Julia Maxie Hammock, 1863- ANDERSON, CHILDERS (CHILDRESS) 1899, and John Julius Connell from Center­ Arthur Childers (Childress) b. MS? m. Anna ville, Faulkner Co., AR m. 16 Aug. 1885. Bell (Minnie) Anderson, two daus. Maude Their surviving chn. were Julie (Lizzie) Catherine b. 1892, Leah Jeanetta b. 1893, Jackson and John Franklin Connell who m. moved to Shelby Co. IL 1900. Anna's Ida May Barnes. His father was Benjamin parents Samuel H. Anderson (d. 18937) and Franklin Connell b. in GA 1823. Who was Sarah Elizabeth Reid. She was buried in his mother (Bettie?) and who were Maxie's Augusta, AR 1920. They had a son Samuel parents? Virginia Connell Potter, 2 Eagle W. b. 1881 Judsonia, d. 1947 Augusta, AR. Dr., Conway, AR 72032 Mary D. Fail, 2207 David Dr., Mobile, AL 36605 [Address Correction,Query, Sep 1991 AFH] PHILLIPS, RAY, BLANE, MYERS, SCHOTT Searching family of SNYDER, DORIS, WEBSTER, HAT­ Jacob Alfred Myers; died 31 Aug 1901, FIELD John William Phillips b. 15 Jun buried Fort Smith. Myers from Zanesville, 1833 KY, m. 1872 Madison Co., AR Martha OH; former member Union forces. Wife Jane Ray, Benton Co., AR by 1876, d. 18 Louise Schott from OH, IL or PA. Son, Sep 1890 Benton Co., Chn.: Andrew m. Fred Thomas Myers, b. Russellville 16 Jui Jessie Blane; Louise m. Albert Snyder, Cha­ 1883. Fred always said mother descended rles m. Ora Doris; Edward m. Florence from "king of Germany", related to Queen Webster; Albert m. Ethel Hatfield. Lola R. Victoria. Claude M. Oulman, 312 NE Pentecost, POD 366, Ozark, MO 65721 Stanton St., Portland, OR 97212 EVANS Green Evans of Berryville, Carroll CRAIG, SESSIONS, PARKER, PUGH, Co., AR had son William Albert b. 3/3/1870, KEPLER Samuel Craig family in Short who settled in Wimberly, Hays Co., TX; Mountain and Paris, Logan Co., AR 1860s may have had two other sons, or step-sons. thTU 1905. Sam, JI. & bro. James m. sisters Ruth Ward, 141 SW Peean Dr., McQuee­ 1884 Artalisa Sessions (Parker) & Mary ny, TX 78123 Sessions. Is Craig family from Ark. Post & OH, or as tradition says, four bros. from

______Af:""""8.< Family Historian - Page 189 HUNT, KANE, HULL Wilson Hunt, b. AR. Katherine Taylor, 6217 Redwing Rd., clSlO KY, died when? Married when and Betbesda, MD 10817 where? Martha Kane or Hull, b. cl815/20 KY, died when? Two chn.: Ransom and STIRMAN, WILLIS Need parents of William b. Indiana; others b. AR; Jonathan, William Stirman (spouse Sarah Willis), b. 29 John W., Enoch, Nancy Jane, Daniel, Nov. 1783 VA, listed as resident of Cra w­ Hamson, Thomas, James B. betw. 1841 and ford Co., AR 1839 Tax List; d. 13 Aug 1857. Doreen B. Kurtz, 24403 Island 1849, Paris, Lamar Co., TX. Marvelene Ave., Carson, CA 90745 Roach Carney, 1209 W. Frederick, Spo­ kane, WA 99205-3441 GOODWIN, CASTLEBERRY, JAMES, TOLBERT, HEDRICK, TONEY Search­ SHELTON, PEVEHOUSE, RICE, ROSS, ing for ancestors & descendants of Silas P. CAMP, PIERCE, GATES, BEARD, Goodwin; Jane Castleberry of Saline Co., BULLARD Please help with above Arkan­ AR; Patrick H. James, of Faulkner Co., AR; sas families. All counties, but especially Reason Tolbert and Hedrick & any Toney of Benton, Sharp, Lawrence, Saline, Clark, Pulaski Co., AR. All resided there in Jefferson, Grant. Christine Harris, 2533 1850s11860s. Judy Goodwin, 506 S. Guinotte, Kansas City, MO 64120-1556 Campbell, Abilene, KS 67410 STANLEY, BLACKBURN, NORTON, MYERS, PHIPPS Margaret Phipps Myers RHOTON Seek to correspond with any was in Ozark Co., MO census 1870, born in knowledgeable descendants of James Dickson VA 1797. When did she die and where? D. Stanley & Margaret Blackburn who lived P. Hodges, 2022 South Tyler St., Dallas, Marion Co., AR during civil war period. 'IX 75224-1375 Also descendants of Elisha & Mary Jane (Norton?) Rhoton, same county & time peri­ QUIMBY, HOPPER, RAINS Caswell K. od. Pictures would be very apprecaited also - Quimby b. 1809, TN, m. Classie Hopper 7 will pay for copies. Judy Stanley Mello, July 1831, Davidson Co., TN. C. K. d. PO Box 312, Lakeport, CA 95453-0312 1889; Classie d. 1867, both in Bradly Co., AR. Also need info. on Burwell Quimby CRAWFORD, FRANCIS, SORRELS, 1775-1794, NC/TN, m. Susannah Rains. TOLLETT, TWEEDLE, RAMSEY, Peggy Quimby Bowman, 1417 S. Main, DILLION, ZACHARY Interested in above Warren, AR 71671-9302 families in Arkansas 1818-1870 in counties of Clark, Crawford, Johnson, Pope, Hemp­ REED, ENGLISH Need any info. on stead, Sevier, Ouachita, Montgomery, Matthew English, mentioned by Lina X. Howard, Hot Spring and Pulaski. Alta Reed of Fayetteville, in Silver Anniversary Farris Cole, 20919 Park Brush Court, edition of AFH, as captured and raised by Katy, 'IX 77450 Indians. Have recently found Wm. English and wife who were killed by Indians in E JONES, TAYLOR Seek info on family TN. Their children Matthew & Elizabeth William Jones, b 1814 LA & wife Mary A. were taken by the Indians. Could this be the Taylor, b 1836 TN. Chn. & b. year: Sancy same Matthew? Jean Huggins, 79 La 1850, Hurlton 1851, Rebecca 1855, Elizabeth Prenda, Benicia, CA 94510-2228 1857, Lorina 1858, Parilla 1860, William 1862, Giles 1869, Coleman 1872, Wiley TAYLOR, FINE, CLIETT Wiley & 1877 and Hamilton 1879, all b. AR. Lived Henrietta Taylor, both b. NC c18l5, lived Carroll Co. & Anderson Twp., Clark Co. near Augusta, GA 1845-1869, Jackson Co., from 1850 thru 1890. Wayne Mortensen, AR 1870, Crawford Co., AR 1872-1889. 133 Sedgefield Ct., Sam Ramon, CA 94583 Chn: Priscilla, Rebecca Fine, Francis M., Geo. \Vashington, Elizabeth Cliett, Henrietta, WOOD Need parents of Green Wood b. Wm. Alexander, Martin V. Salathia, James c1812 MS, d. c1869 Sebastian Co., AR, m. \Y, Samuel L., Emma E. Wiley d. 1891, Nancy?, b. cl815 FL. JohnnieL. Wood, bur. GA, Henrietta d. 1881, chn. remained in 1100 Lexington Ave., Charlotte, NC 28203

Page 190 - Vol lime 29. Nlimber4 - December 1991 COVERT, HOWARD, PERRY Harrison Lancaster and Mary Catteral in Northern AR, Hopkin Covert, 1827-1901, b. NC m. c1866 m. Narciss Pritchard, had 9 chn. John d. Margaret Elizabeth Perry, 1842-1888. Ch.: c1895 in Izard/Stone Co. area. Narciss & Becky; Lou; Perry m. Samples; Jane; Maria chn. moved to Delta Co., TX. Barbara F. b. 1874, AR; George N. 1881-1965 m. 1st Lancaster Tsirigotis, 3008 Vassar Dr., Ida Elizabeth Howard; Joseph 1884 AR; and Irving, TX 75062 Jeff D. 1886 AR. Listed 1900 census, Holland Twp., Saline Co., AR Noel M. BLACKLAW, OWENS, O'NEAL William Smith, Sr., 2007 Boland, Copperas Cove, Blacklaw 1833; Mary E. Owens (O'Neal) TX 76522 Blacklaw 1844, lived in Hot Springs, Garland Co., AR c1870-1900, was a tailor. Both FORREST, HIGHTOWER, RUSSELL, came from St. Louis, he b. Scotland, she REDMAN, MASON William Washington MO. Looking for any info, especially death Forrest, b. 1864, d.?, Izard Co. m. 1885, and burial. James H. Duncan, Rt. 1, Box Nettie? 1863-1890. Chn.: Emma E. b. 1882 122D, Redfield, AR 72132 m. William Russell; Austin Kerr 1887-1956 m. Roxie Redman; Alven b. 1890. Wm. W. ORTON, JOHNSON James M. Orton b. m. Mary Dorinda Lewis Mason 1891 - Mary 1878 AR, somewhere around Kingsland, b. 1866 d. 1918. Ch.: Harmmon Talmage Cleveland Co., m. Ruth Johnson 22 July 1893-1906. Darnaidus Redman m. Nancy 1899. He d. 13 Dec 1931, Fordyce, AR. Hightower, Izard Co. Louis O. Forrest Need info on his parents & brother Tom - 1857-1918, m. Rhoda Mason. Ann C. last known in Warren, AR. Geraldine Jones, 309 SW Mil-Mar Ave. Lee's Orton Hudson, S. 828 Jefferson, Spokane, Summit, MO 64081 WA 99204 BEAN, BAIN, McCRACKEN, MADDOX SHARP, McPHERSON, GAMBLE, William Bean b. 1767 m. 1791 Mary Mc­ McGOWNE Need info. on any of these Cracken, Mecklenburg Co., NC, had 10 chn. families. William Wilson Sharp m. Robert in NC, moved to TN c1815. Grandson Asalie Gamble, son Walter Lee Sharp b. Gilbert Bain & family moved to Indepen­ 1896, Perryville, AR, Conway Co. J. Wil­ dence Co., AR c1890, wife Rhoda Jane liam McGowne m. Mary Leola McPherson, Maddox d. 1899, moved to OK 1900. Gil­ dau. Mary Bell McGowne. They aU lived bert's son, Logen, came to Yell Co., m. and near Ada Valley or Petite Jean MIn. Brenda raised a family. O. A. Bain, 350 Pinetree Robison, Rt. 1, Box 7B, Sheffield, AL Dr., Indialantic, FL 32903 35660 CARLTON Dolphus William Carlton b. 6 WOLFF, JONES, STAFFORD, MARTIN Feb 1901, son of Anderson Lewis Carlton, b. Seek desc. of Oscar Porter Wolff, Sr. & Jr. Murry, Newton Co., AR. Luther Norred, of Taylor's Creek (Colt) & Forrest City 36918, Blanca Ave., Madera, CA 93638 (1848-1913) and C. P. Jones & Nanna Staf­ ford (1859-1889)1 Location, Albert & Sarah WHITAKER, HENDERSON, NASH Martin, Poinsett & SI. Francis Cos. (1850- Philip Whitaker, b. 1800 KY, wife Nancy b. 1880) Maribette Sifford, 2395 Pacific J 804 TN, are listed 185011860 census of Avenue, Apt. 201, San Francisco, CA Izard Co., AR, son David b. 1825, wife 94115 Mary Henderson b. 1828 TN. Philip's grandson William Whitaker b. 1848, wife ROBERTS Evan Roberts b. cl834 TN, E1zira Jane Nash b. 1852, supposed to have moved to Sevier Co., Bear Creek Twp., AR Indian blood. Ms. Blanche Whitaker on or before 1860. Wife Elizabeth & nine Jernigan, 413 Way, Box 486, chn. d. c1880. Looking for his and wife's Pewee Valley, KY 40056 grave sites, plus info. David Roberts, South 1426 Lilac Lane, Liberty Lake, WA 99019 LANCASTER,PRITCHARD,CATTERAL John M. Lancaster of Sylamore & Blue Mountain, Izard Co. b. in 1843 to John M.

______A,'kal1lSas Family Historian - Page 191 FELLOWS Seek father of Samantha Geor­ 1903. Was Peter Young Margaret's father? gia Fellows b. 11 Oct 1855 in Washington Marticia Wallace, 1419 University, Du­ Co., AR; d. 28 Feb 1944 TX. Her birth rant, OK 74701 father d. when she was very young and her mother, Elizabeth, remarried. Could her LACKIE, McALESTER, COMER, father be Horace Fellows: Michele Burns, LAWRENCE, ,JOHNSON These families PO Box 24082, Little Rock, AR 72221 were in Lonoke Co., AR from 1887 to 1900. Thomas S. Lackie & Bethina Lackie and .PETTYJOHN/PETTljOHN Looking for grandch. J. W. Comers all buried in Weedon families of this name in Central & Eastern Cern. William A. Lackie, Box 353, Carlis­ AR, 1830-1840, possibly John, Samuel or le, AR 72024 Hiram, may have emigrated from TN or NC. Judy Coloneese, 10001 N. Kelley, Oklaho­ ROBINSON Fred Robinson, b. 1852 AR, ma City, OK 73131 moved to Indian Territory. HELP! Ron Nance, 910 Burch St., Ardmore, OK ISAACS, BENSON William M. Isaacs 4-8- 73401-4228 1840 to 9-22-1936, worked 32 years Ft. Smith Compress Co., lived in boarding house GREEN, MORTON Searching for Marie & m. Mary Benson the owner. He built a Lillie Green, b. Monticello, AR 1928. Mrs. cotten gin in city, lived at 1322 N. 45th SI., Myrtle Morton, former resident of Crossett, member 2nd Methodist Church. Elden AR c1945. Please contact: Robert L. Kerr, Isaacs, 2820 Sleepy Hollow Dr., Stockton, 1407 Circle Lane, Chuluota, FL 32766 CA 95209 MILLER, MOORE Phillip Miller b. PA McCLAIN,IVEY Would like any info on 1811, merchant, landowner Sterling & these surnames in Drew & Bradley Cos. Helena, AR 1845-59, d. 1861-69 Helena; m. during the 1800s before and after the Civil 1845 in Helena Martha E. Moore b. 1825 War. Eva Mae (Ivey) Miller, 20 Outer IN, d. after 1880. Ch.: Rose, Silas, Russell, Drive, Santa Paula, CA 93060 Laura, Phillip, Thomas, Emma all b. AR. Need info. parents of P & M; counties of NOBLES Who was Harmon Nobles in 1880 birth, burials. Blanche Holbus, 5003 Bis­ census, age 40, b. MO, wife Susan b. TN, cayne 1/3, Racine, WI 53406 dau. Daisy 4 b. MO, son Henry b. 6-14-1880 AR. Was he related to Richard Nobles in NEFF Frank Pat Neffb. 18567, wife Lula. Carroll Co., AR in 1840118507 Helen Frank worked 011 train out of Little Rock in Nobles Roumasset, 151 Wildwood Ave., the early 19005. He had 5 chn.: Dollie, San Carlos, CA 94070 John, Gussie, Glenny and Laury. Richard E. Campbell, 436 Smoky Circle, Chula DYKE, HARPER, BURNS See death date Vista, CA 91910 cl885-1888 LA or AR of W. Shay Dyke, b. 1865 Dykesville, Cia. Par., LA, son of A. J. KING, FINLEY, UNDERWOOD, & Drudlla E. Harper Dyke, m. Synthia BROWN, HUDGJNS, PHILLIPS Seek Burns 1884 Webster Par. LA. Bros. A. P. & ancestry John King, b. TN 1780, !iv. Sevier Craten Louis Dyke, Hope, AR. Sister, Mary Co., AR c1830 to death 1851. What became Louisa Marshall. Nevada Co., AR Ella of chn.? John, Jr. b. 1826 m. Frances; Sarah Dyke Baugh, 257 Burt Lane, West Mon­ b. 1827 m. Samuel Finley; John b. 1829; roe, LA 71291-7486 Eliza Jane b. 1830, m. (1) Geo. Underwood (2) Wm. Brown; Lucy b. 1835 m. H.W.C. Hudgins; Lucinda b. 1838 m. Wm. Phillips, RISNER, YOUNG, RENFROE Wiley Elen b. 1847. Frances Dollarhide Smith, Redmon Risner b. 1859 Izard Co., the son of 2427 Crestwood Dr., Huntsville, AL 35805 George & Margaret Young Risner, orphaned as a baby. Who took him in? He m. Sarah MAXWELL, LEE, DAVIS, RUSSELL Caroline Renfroe c 1880-81, came to Bryan Jester/Jesse C. Maxwell b. 1800 TN/KY Co., OK, at the time Indian Territory in 1831 to Wash.lMadisoll Co., AR, d. 1843

Page 192 ~ Volume 29, Number 4 - December Madison Co. m. a Lee? c1828, brother? LEAVELL, BOLEY Seek info John Calvin Bailey Maxwell b. 1815 KY, 1850 Van Leavell or Frances Jordan Boley families who Buren Co., AR; Daniel W. Lee b. 1810 TN, moved to AR in 1870s from DeKalb Co., GA 1840 Carroll Co., AR d. 1877 Fannin Co., with Harris family. Some Leavell's settled in TX, m. 1833 Mary Polly Davis (112 Chero­ Colony Mountain area near Lamar. John kee?) James, Joseph & Jane, Lewis, Henry & Calvin Leavell family lived near Clinton, Rebecca & Wm. Russell in Lawrence Van Buren Co. Kimberly Miller, Box 23, ICrawford/Franklin Co., AR from 1817. Dover, AR 72837 Mrs. Gaye Phipps Pencin, 1316 Harley Dr., Woodland, CA 95695-4430 GLOVER, SNODGRASS, GILBERT, TAYLOR, HOEL, McBRIDE George W. HUTCHISONIHUTCHESON, CROW Glover b. 187411875 m. Florance Snodgrass Francis Ann Hutchinson/Hutcheson b. May Gilbert 1897, Center Point, AR, killed 1898 1854, m. Walter J. Crow, Clark Co. Who by John Snodgrass, supposedly buried are her parents? Where was she born? County Line Cern. Son Arthur Lee "Driver" Would like to correpsond with anyone re­ Glover b. 1898. Also Andrew Jackson searching this line. Evelyn A. Crowe, 4707 Taylor b. c1857, wives were Maggie Hoe! Merwin, Houston, TX 77027 and Nancy McBride, lived near Ratcliff, AR. Terry Taylor, Rt IS, Box 375, Texarkana, REYNOLDS, SMITH Am hunting for TX 75501 Reynolds that may have settled in Mont­ gomery Co. John S. Reynolds b. 1856 m. DAVIS, NOBLE Need parents/siblings of Sarah Smith. John's father was Jesse, Benjamin Franklin Davis, b. c1835 TN, lived mother Francis (Harper or Ogden), buried Craighead Co., AR in 18601705, m. Letecia Johnson Co., AR Reynolds Cemetery. Ruth Noble, served in Civil War, d. 1875. Could Reynolds, Rt. 1, box 99, Lamar, AR 72846 he be related to one of the John Davis', TN, maybe John Davis of Haywood Co. who d. HILL, CARGAL Need info on Jason C. 18405. Doris Gyarmati, 622 South St., Hill b. 27 June 1848 AL. At an early age Mishawaka, IN 46544 moved to Moorehouse Parish, LA. In 1874, moved to Ashley Co., AR. His father, STEVENSON, TURRELL Researching Nathaniel Hill m. Sarah Cargal in AL. background of William Wilson Stevenson, Robert Harrell Hill, 7009 Remmel Ave., Registered Presbyterian Minister (Cumber­ Ste 6, Canoga Park, CA 91303 land) in 1839. Also on his grandson' 5 wife, Sarah Josephine Turrell, I have no info. All WENZIG, WHITEHOUSE Reinhold research so far has been in Pulaski Co., Wenzig lived with his wife Lillian Grace however some records indicate Dallas Coun­ Whitehouse and their chn. Ida, and Reinhold ty. David Lynx, 121 Nakomis Lane, Walla James in Hot Springs or Mt. Ida, AR in Walla, WA 99362-2033 1914. Ed Wenzig, 269 Stilley Rd., Pine­ ville, LA 71360 WALSTON, WHISENHUNT, HAYMAK­ ER William Newton Walston, b. 1839 WATSON, PEARSON, SEBORN Want to Benton Co., AL, son of Benjamin B. Wal­ locate family of Ona Delia Pearson Watson, ston. lived in GA before moving to Lodi, b. 10 Aug 1887, Winfield, Scott Co., AR, Pike Co., AR in 1848. He m. Amanda dau, of Kendall Pearson b. c1853, d, bef. Elizabeth Whisenhunt in 186! in Pike Co., Aug 1887 and J, Annie Seborn b. c1868. AR, she d. c1891. William then m. Mary J. Annie remarried --- Watson, and she had Haymaker in Pike Co. in 1895, They moved three chn. Beulah Watson Whitmore, Ola to Shady, Polk Co., AR before 1900 census. Watson Stringer (lived in Waldron, AR in He d. 1919 and is buried in Shady Cern. 1944), Vester Watson, who lived in Honney­ Lonnie Hoover, PO Box 1534, Muskogee, ville, CA in 1944. Marie A. Forrester, OK 74402 806 Sha-Wa Ct., Murray, KY 42071

______Ar'kansasFamily Historian - Page 193 STAGNER Need parents and siblings of EASTERLY, MITCHELL Need info. on Gibson Stagner, b. 1800, possibly Fayette­ James Wesley Easterly in Fulton or Izard ville, AR; d. Luling, Caldwell Co .• TX Co., AR c1865 until death c1875. Chn. b. in 1889. Living Crawford Co. AR 1840 with AR: William Conrad 1865 and Staniford wife & chn. 1850 census lists him only with Martin 1870. James' wife was Louisa son Jasper N. In TX 1860 census Caldwell Mitchell. Margaret H. Beach, 15030 Co. with dau. Margaret, Jasper N. & wife Wengate St., San Leandro, CA 94579-1536 Sytha P. Mrs. James B. King, 293 Foutch Road, Pilot Point, TX 76258-9233 McHORSE, WILSON J. W. McHorse (1819-1897) possibly b. TN, lived in Clark THORN, HONEY, HONEA Berta Thorn and Sevier Cos., AR from 1850-1870. Need m. E. B. Honey from Lawrence Co. Raven­ to know his parents, where first wife Eliza­ den Twp., AR, when? Honey or Honea beth (Wilson) is buried and info. on McHorse family in that same part of Arkansas during (Pleasant Hill) Baptist Church in Provo, AR. the early 1900s. Mrs. Myrle Turman, Star Kendra McHorse Meadows, PO Box Rt. North Box 94, Sulligent, AL 35586 64508, Dallas, TX 75206 BRENTLINGER, LARKINS, SYKES CARTER, RAMSEY Need maiden name of Andrew Jackson Brentlinger d. 1916 AR, m. Zibiah (Izibiah) b. 1772, SC, m. John Carter 1886 Rosetta Larkins in Randolph Co., AR of Laurens Co. SC bef. 1796. He d. 1805. m. 2nd Chrisade Angelena Sykes/Sikes 1890, When & where did Zibiah remarry to what place unknown. Chrisade was b. in MO, Ramsey? In 1826 Zebiah Ramsey loaned parents b. TN. Carolyn Gleghorn, 216 9th $75. to her son, Geo. W. Carter in Franklin Ave. SE Apt. 1, Olympia, WA 98501-1331 Co., TN. In 1850 census of Wayne Co., TN, she was in household of another son, McDANIEL E. M. McDaniel, Faulkner Co. John T. Carter. Both sons moved to Wash. 1874, any info. about his brother Jesse, who Co., AR in 1851. She d. 1861, buried in moved to Pecan Grove, TX. Robert McCord Cemetery near Elkins, Wash. Co., McDaniel, 519 SE 4th, England, AR AR. Mrs. L. W. Ledgerwood, Jr., PO 72046-2123 Box 8081, Hot Springs Village, AR 71909 STONE Need parents of Stone chn. Jacob, RAINEY, CARRICKER, McCOMMONS John, Joel, Sam, Jess B., Henry and Rose, See info. on Daniel P. Rainey b. 1827 TN 15 chn. in all, lived in AR, came from MS & and !iv. Jackson Co., AR 1860. He m. TN. Parents d. during civil war. O. A. Caroline Barbara Canicker, dau. of Charles Briley, 4001 E. Main #326, Grand Prairie, Carricker and Sarah McCommons 1848 TX 75050 Hardeman Co., TN. Cannot locate Daniel & Caroline Rainey in 1870 AR, but she is in BERRY, TULLEY, KENDRICKS John Jackson Co. 1880 and Woodruff Co. 1900. Berry b. 1848 GA, Pretty Man Berry b. Chn. Martha, Sarah, Jennie, Daniel McLind­ 1812 GA; Mary Ann Tulley h. 1861 d. 1941 sey, and Godwin. Marynell Bryant, Rt. 4, Low Gap, AR; Fanny Kendricks 186J-1902 Box 56, Sulphur Springs, TX 75482 in old Liberty, AR m. James Holland Egger 1878. He was h. 1857 d. 1934, owned shin­ McELHANEY, LEDBETTER, BOWEN, gle mill in old Liberty, Craig Twp., Van COUNTS, ADAMS John McElhaney b. Buren Co., AR. Bevery Hobers, 88380 H. c1760 VA/TN, d. Madison Co., AR aft. lOIN, Florence, OK 97439 1840? Need date of death and where buried. Married Hannah Bowen. Chn. b. TN: SPARKS, MACON Thomas Walker Sparks Martha m. Isaac Counts; Levica m. 1) b. 1859 MS, m. Mattie Macon, b. 1866 TN. Solomon Adams, m. 2) William Bowen; They lived in the Pine Bluff, Jefferson Co., Wm. m. Elizabeth Ledbetter; Henry and AR area from abt. J 887 to at least 1900, at James. All lived Madison Co., AR. Laurel 638 South Walnut St., Pine Bluff. Mary L. Posey, 12709 Dorina Place, Granada Sparks Maynard, 19 Brookfield Rd., Hills, CA 91344-1418 Binghamton, NY 13903

Page 194 - Volum.; 29, Number 4 - December BOYD, STERLING, DAVIS, McFADDEN SHERWOOD David Sherwood b, cl817 m, Need info. on families of Andrew Jackson cl837-38, where? Elizabeth?, b, 1823. and Mary Sterling Boyd el820-1840; Isaac Franklin, Williamson Co" TN 1840 census Davis & Eleanor Elizabeth Leslie McFadden with 1st child William T, b, c1839, then c1850-1899 & William Patton McFadden James F. 1840, John T, 1842, Pleasant M, c1806. It is believed they lived in Lincoln, 1844, Zacariah 1847, Newton b. 1849 in Drew, or Conway Cos., AR. Karen Engle, Ruddell Twp., Independence Co., AR. Two 437 Clearview Rd., Hanover, PA 17331 more chn. later. James E. Sherwood, 801 Hyde Park. Cleburne, TX 76031·5926 FARROW, NICHOLS, BUlE Wm. W. & Martha Farrow Nichols Buie from Hardin CRYER, McDANIEL, MORRIS Joyce Co., TN to Hot Spring & Jefferson Co., AR (Joice/Joicy) Cryer b. 30 Jan 1801 (dau, of mid 1840s. Connecting families Jeff. Co., Morgan & Barbara Morris Cryer) settled in AR Noah Hampton & Levina R. Stewart Clark Co., AR 1815/16. Did she marry a Eaves & Anthony, Green, James Lee, McDaniel? Need info. on Silas McDaniel, George Mitchell. Barbara Butcher, 1105 1830 Clark Co,. AR census, Caddo Twp, Claywood Dr., Little Rock, AR 72207 David L. Kelley, 12903 Wheatland Way, Brandywine, MD 20613·8895 SWOFFORD, DOSH, FAUGHT Seek info, on these surnames in Boone, Marion FRIZZELL Need help with Frizzells of AR; and Searcy Co., AR area. Sally Dosh Jackson, Madison, Izard and Independence Crebs, 4928 Clover PI., Alta Loma, CA Cos, Believed to have come from TN 91701 l850s11870s. Willie Ann Khalial, 2229 Surrey Road, Sacramento, CA 95815 McCLURE, HAMES, MENEFEE, HUCKABY AND MEERS Seek info. on COLBAUGH. STEVENS, LOGAN, above families that came to Yell Co" AR COOK Seek info. on Zacariah Taylor 1835-1870 from TN and SC. Jo Rene Colbaugh b. 14 Jan 1849, Hindsville, Madi­ Leach, Rt. 2, Box 293M, Mansfield, AR son Co" AR to John and Elizabeth Stevens 72944 Colbaugh. He d. 23 Sept. 1929 near Shaw­ nee, Pattowatomie Co., OK, bur, Oney ALEXANDER, TYLER, WHISENANT, Cem., Caddo Co., OK. Married 1) Elizabeth BATES, COX Seek info. on parents of Logan at Hindsville, AR, 6 chn. Married 20 Anna Alexander b. 1861 m. James Buchanan Nancy Jane Cook, 5 chn. Dana D. Gard, Tyler el883 d. 1896, Washington Co., AR. 103 North Ninth, Thennopolis, WY 82443 Mary Ann Whisenant b. c1808 NC m. William M. Bates c1824, d. c1884 AR. POLSON/ POULSTONI POLSTON/ Sarah Cox b, cl782 SC m. Stephen Bates POULSON Geo. Washington Polson had el801 SC, d. c1860s, Big Fork, Montgomery son named Marion Francis somewhere in Co., AR. Ferra Sandlin Kinnison, 1407 NW AR, Indian Terr. c1872. Mother's Old Mill Ct., Independence, MO 64056 name unk., thought to be Indian, May have lived around Bentonville. Brothers: Bill, PICKERING, MEDLEY Need maiden Dave and Jack or Andrew and one sister. name of Mary W.? Pickering who was #15 Chn. of Geo. Polson b. in Hot Springs AR on 1885 Clay Co. Federal Census, Need m, area were Lilly and Rosie. Penny Conner­ lic, to ? Pickering cI865-66, Was m, to? ley Little, 625 E. Monterey St., Denison, Medley cI860-1862, Kilgore Twp. Reward, TX 75020-6461 Thomas B. Leonard, 3901 Greenleaf, Waco, TX 76710 MORRIS, JACK, HOYLE Wanted any infor. or location of documents concerning SMITH, JONES Howard Co., AR, Nash­ marriage record of Henry Morris b, c1873, ville Twp., John Tillman Smith and Eliza­ Ozark, AR and Martha Jack b. 1878, Spring­ beth Jones. Clint Matthew Krogman, 623 dale, AR, d, 0), first child: Martha Morris E. Lamar Blvd. #1016, Arlington, TX (Hoyle) b. 1898. BennettJ. Hartman, 3700 76011 East Amherat Ave., Denver, CO 80219

______.Arkansas Family Historian - Page 195 HYATT Researching descendants of F. HIGGINS Would like to correspond with Marian Hyatt d. 25 July 1905, buried Green­ others researching James O. & Clarrisa briar Cern., Clarksville, AR. Believed to Higgins. In Hempstead Co. by 1825, Sevier have had brother named Tom and sister Co. in 1840 and Perry Co. in 1860. Chn: named Martha. Edward Hyatt, 231 E. James 0., JI., Elizabeth, Nicholas, Andrew, Denise, Fresno, CA 93720 Jane, Rebecca, George, Mary, Michael, Thomas. Alceon Jones, 1825 Willard EDWARDS, CALHOUN, ROSSON Drive, Altus, OK 73521 George W. Edwards, b. 1849 KY, d. 1928, Palestine Cern., Pittsburg Co., OK, and John HIGDON Need info. on Higdon family who Levi Calhoun b. 1856 Crawford Co., AR m. lived in Franklin Co., AL in 1850, moved to 1882 Crawford Co., AR Parmelia A. Ros­ AR early 1860170, had son Allen, dau. son, d. 1938 Quinton, Pittsburg Co., OK. Sarah, mother Matilda. Mrs. Amy M. Legend has it they lived near each other in Walker, Route 3, Box 714, Iuka, MS 38852 Crawford Co. prior to moving to OK. Can you help? Nathan N. Trolinger, Rt. 1, Box STRINGER, SULLIVAN, CARTER, 88A, Tuttle, OK 73089 BERRY Need data on: Wilbern T. Stringer who married Mary Ann Sullivan; lived at McNEALY, HAINES Need info. re: Edgar Damascus AR ca. 21 July 1892. John Lancaster McNealy, b. c1880, m. Ruth Carter m. Jane Berry; chn. Cordelia, Grace, Hines, Coweta Co. c1904. Divorced, left Annie, Monroe, Ed, Sam, and John. Need Florida, city Dunden, because of shooting, address for Halley Mountain School in Van for Little Rock. Most of one hand gone due Buren Co. Rosie Nowotny, RR 2, Box 286- to accident. Contact Charles MeNealy (503- B, Spiro, OK 74959 644-1662 COLLECT, 5308 Main St., Springfield, OR 97478) HARRIS, POWERS Prudence Harris b. 1885 (Kent) m. 6 Feb 1903 Clay (Craighead) GLENN, POWELL, SCOTT, HAVILL, AR to Ed Powers b. 3 Oct 1872 (KS) Need TYLER Sarah Julia (Glenn) Powell m. a parents of Prudence, mother was reportedly Scott, had two dau.: Sarah William Scott Cherokee, and desc. of chn.: Everett, Edwin (Havill) b. 1864 Wheatley, AR; Clara Cora Lee and Delia Powers. Debbie Anderson, Lee (Minnie) Scott (Tyler) b. 1869 AR. 611 Dogwood Lane, Jonesboro, AR 72401 Husband said to be French. Deserted them prior to Minnie's birth. Nancy Havill, JOHNSON, CARTER Need info. on Wil­ 17205 SW Johnson, Beaverton, OR 97006- liam H. Johnson, b. 1833 KY and wife, 5002 Millie Carter, b. 1835 MS, buried in Monti­ cello, AR. Known chn.: Ellen, William, BARNARD, HUNTER, BRASEL Albert James, John, Lula and Thomas. Beckie G. Barnard b. April 1840, Franklin Co., AR; Grice, Rt. 2, Box 30, Meridian, MS 39305 Cynthia Edith Hunter b. 1842 MS, listed as wife in 1870 census. 1880 Census of Lime­ BENNETT, MORRIS Seek info. on Nell stone Co., TX shows Albert m. to Sallie L. D. Bennett, b. 1868 AL, m. Joice E. Morris Brasel, b. 1850, MS. What happened to 1888/89 Howard Co., AR. Died Nashville, Cynthia? Any info. about these three indi­ AR, date unknown. Parents and/or siblings viduals or their families apprecaited. Susan unknown. Joyce Bennett, 1105 Fisher K. Richins, 2502 W. Lily, Tucson, AZ Street, Sulphur Springs, TX 75482 85705 PEARSON, KING, REED/REID Need info. on Preston C. Pearson d. 6 Feb 1907, Jackson Co., AR & Florene Delitha Fisher d. 1910 Oak Grove or Lonoke, AR Edward King m. Maggie Reed/Reid. Need dates & parents of each. Mary Ella Pearson Rami­ rez, 629 Cascade Lane, El Paso, TX 79912

P"~e 196 - Volume 29, Number 4 December HILL, CULP Frederick Francis Biggers WOMBLE Interested in Womble family: Hill b. 1820 d. 1875 m. 1850 Sarah Jane John b. 1888; Samuel b. 1860, both in Piney, Culp, b. 1830, d. 1902, came to Clark Co., AR. Any information appreciated. Anita AR? Who were his parents? Did he have Beth Womble Howell, 411 South Taft, siblings? Where was he born? Mrs. Ross Okmulgee, OK 74447 Helms, Rt. 1, Box 481, Arkadelphia, AR 71923 MOFFETT,SIMPSON Robert Moffett, b.I774 NC, m. Martha Simpson, 1803, COCHRAIN/COCHRAN, JACKSON Sumner Co., TN, Res Carroll Co., TN, George W. Cochrain/Cochran b. MO cI813 1820' s; near Charleston, Franklin Co., AR m. Hannah B. Jackson, possibly in NE AR. c1838. Martha (Patsy) d. 1849, Robert d. First 13 chn. b. AR: James H. Cochrain 1863. Need to know relationship, if any, c1842; Elizabeth M. Cochrain b. 20 Jun with Simpson family on Mulberrry Cr. c. 1843, and Harden K. Cochrain b. c1846. 1829. Need to know parents and locations Does anyone know in what county they were before 1803. Peggy Ward, 2121 Meadow­ located? Would like to correspond with lark Rd., No. 309, Manhattan, .KS 66502 others working on same line. Joe R. Goss, 1025 Watkins St., Conway, AR 72032 YEAGER, McBRIDE, Pass Seek info. on Elias Yeager, b. 1805, Washington Co., TN, SMITH, RENFROE Researching George m. Cynthia McBride, 1825, listed on White C. Smith & Fanny H. Renfroe, m. Howard Co., TN census 1830-40-50, listed Washing­ Co., AR 3 Dec 1874. 1880 census shows ton Co., AR 1860-70; also Pass family ch.: George, Fanny, Rufus K. Smith (bro.), Mary, Cynthia and Harrison listed on 1860 Gertrude 3 and Mary B. I. 1900 census census with Elias Yeager. Richard A. Johnson Co., TX wife wife, Aplis A. Filgo, Yeager, 4920 Ashley Lane, No. 310, Inver & Texas family, plus one dau. Nona b. Mar. Grove Hts.,MN 55077. 1883 AR. Need info on all, especially Nona, andlor descendants. Also had bro., Julius K. CARTER, BAILEY Looking for relatives Smith. Pat Boatright, PO Box 807, Lan­ of Elijah Harvey Carter, m. Martha Ann caster, TX 75146 Bailey 1867, Madison Co., TN. He b. June 1841 in AL (Lawrence Co.?) They lived McNEALY, HAINES Edgar Lancaster Conway Co., AR,a buried in Old Hickory McNealy b. c1885, AL, lived Tampa, FL Cern., Hattieville, AR (d.1919 and 1928.5On area with 11 siblings. Married Ruth Haines James Oscar Carter, b. 1878 TN, d. 1959 cl904 and had son Charles Daniel b. 1905. OK. Barbara Whisenant, 1382 Maywood Edgar was involved in a shooting and left for Ave" Upland, CA 91786 AR. He was a bookkeeper and had lost one hand, is supposed to have remarried a women with chn. May have died in Little Rock in 1945. Charles D. McNealy, 5308 Main St., Springfield, OR 97478 PENNINGTON, GARRETT, SHOCKLEY Seek info. on George A. Pennington, his siblings & desc., b. 5 Apr 1862, Clark Co., AR, d. 28 Nov 1943, Garland Co., AR. Married I) Carrie E. Garrett Wilkinson, 24 Feb 1885 Clark Co., AR; 2) Mary E. Shock­ ley Thllant cI895. Son of David N. Penning­ ton. Michael T. Pennington, 3885 E. Easter Pl., Littleton, CO 80122

Arlamsas Family Historian - Page 197 Index ______

Baker Bizzell Brooks Ackerman Calton, 189 Nancy, 180 Henry C., 188 Rita Wilburn, 161 Mary Ann, 162 Blackburn Larkin, 188 Acklin Mary A., 189 Margaret, 190 Parker, 188 Christopher, 186 Russell Pierce, 168 Blacklaw Rebecca, 188 Adams Banks William, 191 Richard, 188 Ada Mildred, 161 Gen., 171 Blazer Broughton Allie Vee, 161 Barefield Peggy Lee, 189 S.,168 Ann Eliza Cornish, 161 Marilyn Davis, 168 Bledsoe Brown Arvel Thomas, 161 Barnard Bro., 172 Bonnie G., 185 Samuel, 185 Albert G., 196 J., 173 Dr. E. J., 176 Solomon, 194 Barnes Blessing Wm.,192 Sylvester, 185 Ida M., 189 Rebecca, 187 Browning William c., 161 Barrett Boatright Br.,l72 Aldridge Patsy N., 188 Pat, 197 Brumley Emily, 186 Bates Boley Daniel, 162 Alexander Stephen, 195 Frances J., 193 Bryan Anna, 195 William M., 195 Bonds Gideon T., 186 Allen Baugh Bill, 179 Bryant Albert J., 162 Ella D., 192 Lucy, 178 Marynell, 194 Desmond Walls, 161, Baumbardner Bowen Bryce 169, 180, 183 1. C., 169 Hannah, 194 Annie P., 167 Desmond W., 183 Beach Mary, 169 George Logan, 167 Lola Frantz, 163 Margaret H., 194 William, 194 Buffalo Alphin Bean Bowman Burwell B., 162 Hattie, 189 William, 191 Peggy Q., 190 Buie James, 189 Bearden Box Wm. w., 195 John, 189 Andrew Jackson, 162 Rebecca, 187 Bumpass Mary J., 189 Humphrey Posey, 162 Boyd L. E., 169 Nettie, 189 Beasley Andrew J., 195 Mrs. E. L., 169 Alston 1., 169 Rebecca, 185 Buquoi Peyton, 188 Beavers Brantley Amy Billingsley, 162 Alvord Bro. J. M., 178 1. K., 174 Burlinson George, 186 ElderJ. M., 178 Brasel Isaac, 188 Olive L., 186 Beck Sallie L., 196 Bums Anderson Ida, 188 Brasher Michele, 192 Anna B., 189 Jeffrey, 188 Asa D., 187 Synthia, 192 Charles, 185 Mary, 188 Charles H., 187 Butcher Debbie, 196 OdaU.,188 Clark, 187 Barbara, 195 Samuel H., 189 Onan R., 188 Lomax, 187 Angel Otto w., 188 Seaborn, Jr., 187 Calhoun Joan Yvonne, 162 Samuel, 188 Bratton John L., 196 Armstrong Ulysses, 188 Dr., 179 Campbell Catherine, 186 Bennett Brentlinger Frances A., 185 Arnold Joyce, 196 Andrew 1., 194 Manley Young, 162 Phyllis, 169 Nell D., 196 Brigance Richard E., 192 Atkins Benson Albert H., 183 Cannady W. E., 174 Mary, 192 David, 186 Jesse, 188 Berry Jacques, 184 Martha M.A., 188 Bagwell Jane, 196 Pat H., 183 Prudence, 188 J. T., 181 John, 194 William C., 186 Sarah C., 188 Bailey Pretty Man, 194 Briggance Wm. J., 188 Estella E., 169 Berrys Melissa, 186 Cantrell Jennie A., 169 Alassom, 179 Briley Catherine, 187 Martha Ann, 197 Bevard 0. A., 194 Ernaline, 187 Sain Dorothy H., 187 Britton L. D., 187 Gilbert, 191 Billingsley Nadine w., 187 Mary, 187 Logen, 191 Carolyn Earle, 165 Bronson Susan, 187 0. A., 191 Carolyn E., 183 Edna M., 186 Carder Baird Jinuny D., 162 George Washington, 162 Ruth B., 186 Robert Earle, 162 James L., 162 Sarah Christine, 162

Page 198 - Volume 29, Number 4 - December 1991 ______Cargal Cochran Culpepper Dunagin Sarah, 193 George W., 197 Brother, 178 Jasper, 174 Carlson Colbaugh Cypert Duncan James Dennis, 162 John, 195 Rebecca C., 162 Ada, 178 Carlton Zacariah T., 195 James H., 191 Dolphus W., 191 Cole Dalrymple J. W., 178 Carney Alta F" 190 Jean, 186 Rufus, 178 Marvelene R., 190 George, 186 Danks S, C., 178 CoroUon Robert 0., 169 Almon N., 189 W. B., 178 Anderson L., 191 Coloneese Carrie A., 188 Zaphaniah R., 162 Carr Judy, 192 Davis Dunlap Eugenia, 169 Comers Abner, 186 Doris Ruth Rufner, 161 William M., 163 J. W, 192 Anthony, 186 Dyke Carricker Connell Benjamin F., 193 A. J., 192 Caroline B., 194 Benjamin F., 189 Fanny, 186 A.P" 192 Charles, 194 John F., 189 Harpin, 186 Craten L., 192 Carter John J., 189 Isaac, 195 W. S., 192 Geo. W., 194 Cook Iva, 163 John, 194, 196 Nancy J., 195 John, 193 Eagle Millie, 196 Ruth, 186 Joseph, 186 Charity 0., 169 Zibiah, 194 Thos., 172, 173 Louisiana, 187 Charlie, 169 Elijah Barvey, 197 Coulter Marilyn B., 165 Dan, 169 Cash Vuel, 188 Mary, 185, 193 David,170 Lewis, 172 Counts Mildred, 186 Fannie, 170 L. B., 172 Isaac, 194 Nannie Ann, 163 George, 170 Casteel Covert N.1.. 173 injant, 169 T H., 188 Harrison H., 191 Robert, 186 J F, 170 Castleberry Cox Walter, 186 J. P.. 173, 174 Jane, 190 AliCe G., 177 Dean J. W., 170 Caros, 179 Mary H., 185 Clara, 186 Laura F, 170 Cates Sarah, 195 David H., 186 Laurah V" 170 Johnie, 178 CraiQ Green P., 182 Malinda A., 170 Catteral Ja';;:es, 189 John, 186 Mrs., 173 Mary, 191 Samuel, 189 Laura, 186 Mrs. M,A., 170 Chamion Crawford Marthey E., 186 Mrs. R. J" 170 Indiana Lynch, 1.68 William A., 171 Maude, 186 M. L., 170 Champion Crehs Sarah L., 186 M, V., 170 D. L., 166 Sally D., 195 Dennis RobertJ,,170 Indiana Lynch, 167, 168 Cross Pamela R., 176 W H., 170 Indiana (Lynch), 166 Annie Laura, 167 Denton Earle Josephine, 166, 167 Elijah W., 167 John, 162 Robert James, 162 Phillip Martin, 166 Ellie Irwin, 167 Dowdy Early William Nathaniol, 167 James Gray, 167 Ed, 178 Alice Forbes, 172 Cherry Jennie Lynch, 167 Frank, 178 Bro. Marshall, 172 D. A., 169 Jessie Irvviin, 167 Janie, 178 Bro, M, D" 172, 175 Margarel E., 169 Jessie Irwin, 167, 168 Levi,l77 Dr., 175 Childers Jessie l., 167, 169 Will, 178 John Sharp, 171 Arthur, 189 John Philip, 167 Willie, 178 Marshall Daniel, 171 Leah J., 189 Josephine, 168 Drake Marshall D., 171 Maude c., 189 Josephine Champion, 167 J. W>, 179 Mary, 172 Childress Mamie, 167 Drehr Mona, 172 Eleanor, J60 Mamie Agnes, 167 Loyas, 186 Mrs. M, 0.,177 Childs Martha (Irwin), 167 Dreskill M. Do, 174, 175 Martha, 185 Susan, 167 R. M" 169 Rev. M, D., 172, 176 Clark Crow Dreyfus Sister Mary, 172 Murtie J., 182 WalterJ" 193 Alyce Jenne, 160 Easterly Nancy B., 162 Crowe Driver James W, 194 Cleveland Evelyn A., 193 Cara, 189 Staniforcl M" 194 Grover) 174 Cruess Denton, 189 William C., 194 ClingITUln Jane A .. 188 Frank,189 Eaton E., 173 Cryer Henry, 189 Boyce, 176 Cochruin Joyce, 195 Newt, 189 Eaves Elizabeth M" 197 Morgan, 195 Ozias, 189 Levina, 195 Harden K., 197 Colp Sarah, 189 James H., 197 Sarah J., 197 William, 189

______."n"ansas Family Historian· Page 199 Edwards Foster Grice Henry George W., 196 L. S., 177 Beckie, 196 Elijah Eli, 162 J. A., 178 Thomas, 181 Gulley Lucuis B., 170 Martha A., 178 Bill, 169 John, 180 Savella G., 170 Egger Guthrie William Curtis, 162 James H., 194 Gabriel Carter A., 185 Hensley Engle Margaret T., 177 Caswell, 185 Mary J., 179 Karen, 195 Gage Fountain L., 185 Hicks English Calvin, 161 Granville G., 185 Andrew 1., 1 83 Elizabeth, 190 Gaines John, 185 Emi1y!.,183 Matthew, 190 Mildred, 186 Martha A., 185 George W., 183 Wm., 190 Gamble Mary, 185 Henry C., 183 Evans Robert A., 191 Nancy J., 185 John F., 183 Green, 189 Gandrud Thomas, 185 William e., 183 William A., 189 Pauline J., 181 William, 185 Higdon Ganglutf Gyarrnati Allen, 196 Fagan June Joslin, 162 Doris, 193 Matilda, 196 Catharine A., 185 Gard Sarah, 196 James F., 185 Dana D., 195 Haines Higgins Fail Garnett Ruth, 197 James 0., 161, 196 Mary D., 189 Ann, 181 Hamblett Jimmy D., 162 Farnell Garrett Bluford G., 187 Hightower Norris, Jr., 168 Carrie E., 197 Hamlett Nancy, 191 Faulkner Edward R., 181 Faye, 177 Hildebrand Mary, 17l Gaskin Hammock Daniel J., 185 Miss Elisabeth, 173 Dr. 1. M., 177 JuliaM.,189 Hill Fawcett Gately Hampton Frederick F.B., 197 A. J., 174 James M., 170 Noah, 195 Jason e., 193 Fellows Loumizer, 170 Hanks Nathaniel, 193 Horace, 192 Gatley Bill, 181 Robert H., 193 Samantha G., 192 Mamie Jewell, 170 Harness R. Elise L., 162 Felton S. W (Matt), 169 A. W., 177 Hines J. W., 170 Gilbert Bill, 178 Ruth, 196 infant, 170 Florance G., 193 Lum,178 Hobers Ferguson Giles Tom, 178 Beverly, 194 Massy, 170 Belle, 163 Harper Hodges Richard S., 170 Girvin Drucilla E., 192 D. P., 190 Fielder Luna Adios Young, 162 Harris Hoel Glenette P., 187 Gleghorn Christine, 190 Maggie, 193 Fields Carolyn, 194 Prudence, 196 Holbus Johnnie E., 170 Glenn Hart Blanche, 192 Files Sarah J., 185, 196 John, 173 Holder A. W, 174 Glover Hartman Vera M., 187 Filgo Arthur L., 193 Bennett 1., 195 Holley Aplis A., 197 George W, 193 Harvey Pink, 177 Finley Goldman Carletta Olivia, 162 Hollis Samuel,l92 A. e., 178 Henry Lawrence, 162 JuliaM.,170 Finney 1. A., 178 Sharon Louise, 162 J. W., 170 Christine, 188 Goodman Havill Norman L., 170 John, 188 Hugh A., 163 Nancy, 196 Zeliar S., 170 John E., 188 Martha, 188 Nancy D., 185 Honey William e., 188 Goodwin Sarah w., 196 E. B., 194 Fisher Judy, 190 Haymaker Hoover Florene D., 196 Silas P., 190 Mary 1., 193 Lonnie, 193 Flecher Gordon Heckmaster Hopper F., 173 S. M. Rev., 188 Kay, 188 Class ie, 190 Floyd Gass Helms Hom Doris, 188 Joe R., 160, 180, 197 Ross Mrs., 197 Elkaner, 187 Newport, 188 Graham Helterbrand Howard Forrest John S., 183 John e., 185 Elizabeth, 191 Austin K., 191 Green Henderson Howell Louis, 191 Marie L., 192 Mary, 191 Anita B. w., 197 William W., 191 MaryJ., 189 Hendricks Hoyle Forrester Greeson Annie l., 170 Martha M., 195 Marie A., 193 Bro. James, 178 Ola, 170 Hubbard Martha A., 186

Page 200 - Volume 29, Number 4· December 1991 ______Huddledston Johnson Kirkpatrick Little Will, 177 Charlotte, 186 Aubrey, 170 Penny C., 195 Huddleston Iosie, 188 Fanny, 170 Llocke Alice, 178 Mary, 170 Kleimnann WE,174 Dave, 178 Peterson, 170 Thelma M., 160 Logan H. P., 178 Ruth, 191 Klingler Elizabeth, 195 Will, 178 William H., 196 AliceA., 188 Lovell Hudgins Jones Krogman A. 1., 178, 179 H.W.C., 192 Alceon, 196 Clint M., 195 Dave, 178 Hudson Aleenn Russell, 161 Kunkle Edna, 178 Elaine Rea, 162 Andrew, 187 Ruth Corbett, 162 Freelove M., 179 Ger'dldine 0., 191 Ann C., 191 Kurtz Jim, 178 Timothy D., 161 Benjamin, 181 Doreen B., 190 John, 179 Huggins Charles E., 162 Kuykendall Lowery Jean, 190 C. P., 191 Marshall Early, 176 Sarah A., 171 Hughes Elizabeth, 195 Marshall E., 171 Lowrey, 170 Barbam L., 189 George, 181 Lynch Hull Hamilton, 190 Lackie Alabama, 166 Martha, 190 Hugh, 181 Thomas S., 192 Indiana, 166 Hunt Hulton, 190 William A., 192 Indiana Y., 166 Ransom, 190 John Early, 181 Lafary John H., 169 William, 190 Maxey D., 167 George, 187 John N., 166, 167 Wilson, 190 Morton, 181 Lafferry J. H., 169 Hunter Nancy, 186 James, 187 Martha A., 167 Cynthia E., 196 Robert, 187 John W, 187 Nancy, 166 Huskey Sancy, 190 Lamb Penina, 166, 167, 168 .loy E, 187 Wiley, 190 Mary F., 188 Thomas 1., 165, 166, 167, 168 Hutchens William, 190 Thomas Jos. Edw., 162 William, 166, 167, 168 Shirley L., 177 Joslin Lancaster William F., 165, 166, 168 Hutchinson Samuel, 162 Barbara, 162 Wm., 168 Francis A., 193 Justice John Mitchell, 162 W. F., 168 Hyatt Myrtle, 170 John M., 191 Willilam E, 167 Edward, 196 Larkins Lynx F. M., 196 Kane Rosetta, 194 David, 193 Martha, 190 Lawson Irish Keesee William, 186 Macimiliian George E., 182 Thomas Sr., 162 Leach Emperor, 171 John, 182 Kelley Jo R., 195 Mackey [saacs David L., 195 Leavell M.,186 Bertha C.9roline, 163 Elij.h, 162 John C, 193 Macon Elden, 192 Kendrick Ledbetter Mattie, J94 William M .. 192 Hezekiah, 187 Elizabeth, 194 Maddox Isbell Kendricks Ledgerwood Rhoda J., 191 Mary, 188 Fanny, 194 L. W. Mrs., 194 W S., 179 Izard Kerr Marian Carter, 161 Marshall V. B., 174 Robert L., 192 Lee Mary L., 192 Khalial Daniel W., 193 Martin Jack Willie A., 195 Lemley Albert, 191 Martha, 195 Kidwell Ephraim, 162 Mason Jackson Mrs. Penina, 165 Leonard Mary D., 191 Hannah B" 197 Kifer Thomas B., 195 Rhoda, 191 lames, 178 Cmherine, 189 Lindsey Maxwell Julie, 189 Kincaid Carmon Laf"yett, 179 Bailey, 193 Lois, 170 A. J., 174 Jacob Andrew, 179 Jester. 192 Martha Elizabeth, 170 Kin(' James, 179 May William, 170 Edgar B., 170 James M., 177, 178 Gabriel, 162 James Edward, 196 John, 178, 179 Rebecca, 185 Patrick H., 190 Edward W., 170 John Absalom, 179 Maynard Jernigan James Mrs., 194 1. A., 178 Mary S., 194 Blanche W., 191 John, 192 J. M., 179 McBrayes John Kinnison Mary A. Bell, 177, 179 E. W., 172 Paul, 180 Ferra S., 195 Sarah L Malinda, 179 McBride Kirby Thirsey Adaline, 179 Nancy, 193 Henry, 186 Thitsey M. Jane, 179 .Cynthia, 197 Martha A., 186 Tholl1l!S Jackson, 179 McCarn Thursday, 178 Carol A., 185

______Arkansas Family Historian - Page 201 McCaslin Miller (can't) Nichols Peterson Charity, 183 Russell, 192 Martha F., 195 James M" 187 Me-Collum Silas, 192 Noble M. J. L., 187 Hazel Beatrice, 170 Mitchell Leteeia, 193 Pettijohn Meeky, 170 Alonzo, 189 Nobles Hiram, 192 Mrs. R. J., 170 Harvey, 188 Daisy, 192 Pettyjohn R. J., 170 Louisa, 194 Harmon, 192 Samuel, 192 Gladys Blanch, 170 S. H., 188 Henry, 192 Phillips McCommons Moffett Richard, 192 John W., 189 Sarah, 194 Robert, 197 Norred Wm., 192 McCracken Monasco Luther, 191 Pickering Mary, 191 Elaine, 185 Norton M.ryW., 195 McDaniel Moore Mary J., 190 Pistol E. M., 194 Andrew, 185 Nowotny Sam, 178 Jesse, 194 Martha E., 192 Rosie, 196 Pitts Robert, 194 Maude M., 185 Nuovo Karla, 160 Silas. 195 Nancy S., 185 Patricia J., 189 Polk Thomas S., 162 Rubye P., 162 Taylor Sr., 188 McDonald Morgan Ogden Pollard Rexann M., 187 Augustus, 186 Benjamin Rev., 161 John M. Sr., 162 McElhaney Charles, 186 Orton Richard H.L., 187 John, 194 Jane, 186 James M., 191 Polson Mcfadden John, 186 Tom, 191 Geo. w., 195 Eleanor, 195 Lucy, 186 Osburn Marion E, 195 McGowne Martha, 186 Mary E., 186 Porter J. W., 191 Wm,,186 Oulrnan Dr., 176 Mary B., 191 Morphew Claude M., 189 Posey McHorse Prince J.G., 187 Ousley Laurel L., 194 John W. Rev., 162 Morris Ann W., 181 Potter J. w., 194 Alex, 187 Owen Virginia Connell, 177 McKiney Barbara, 195 Zachariah 0., 187 Virginia C., 189 infant, 170 Dick,187 Owens Powell John,170 Edward L., Jr., 187 Mary E., 191 Sarah J., 196 McLane Harrison, 187 O'Brien Powers Bobbie Jones, 180, 185 Henry, 195 Mary Harveston, 162 Ed, 196 Bobbie J., 181, 184 John, 187 Michael Christian, 162 Edwin, 196 McMahan Joice E., 196 Patricia Swafford, 162 Everett, 196 E. E., 163 Mandy, 187 O'dell Preston McMullen Sue, 187 Robert, 189 Charles F., 188 William A., 163 Thomas C., 187 Price McNabe Mortensen Page Gen., 171 JohnD., 17l Wayne, 190 Peter R., 186 Pritchard McNealy Morton Pass N.arciss, 191 Charles, 196 Myrtle, 192 Cynthia, 197 Charles D., 197 Murray Harrison, 197 Quimby Edgar L., 196, 197 Gilbert L. Jr., 161 Mary, 197 Burwell, 190 McNew Joyce M., 180 Patterson Caswell K., 190 Julia Ashia Hollis, 170 Myers T. M. J. Lindesy, 177 McPherson FredT., 189 Peacock Rainey Mary L., 191 JacobA.,189 James, 188 Daniel P., 194 McRae Margaret P., 190 Pearson Rains Walter Alexander, 167 Kendall, 193 Susannah, 190 Walter Alexlander, 168 Nance Mary E., 196 Ramick l\.1eadows Ron, 192 Preston c., 196 Julie, 188 Isabel, 171 Nash Pencin Ramsey Kendf'd McHorse, 162 Elzif'd J., 191 Gaye P., 193 Zebi"h, 194 Kendra M., 194 Neff Pennington Rauerree Mello Frank P., 192 David N., 197 WiJ! A., 188 Judy S., 190 Nelson George A., 197 Rattray Miller B. f., 178 Michael T., 197 Alexander, 188 A. 8., 173 New Pentecost Ray Eva M., 192 James, 186 Lola R., 189 Martha J., 189 Kimberly, 193 Newman Perry Rea Philip, 192 S. E .. 178 Margaret E., 191 John K., 162 Phillip, 192 Will, 178 Reader Relda K., 187 W. W., 177 Louisa, 185

Page 202 - Volume 29, Number 4 - December Redman Rose Shearee Stirman Damaidus. 191 William N., 188 Bro. J. H., 175 William, 190 Roxie, 191 William P., 188 Sherwood Stone Reece Ross David, 195 Henry, 194 Linda, 185 Annie May, 170 James E., 195 Jacob, 194 Reed Eddie Slater, 170 James F., 195 Joel, 194 Annie J., 170 Elizabeth, 188 Pleasant M., 195 John,194 John R., 170 James, 188 William T., 195 Sam, 194 Lina X., 190 John, 188 Zacariah, 195 Stowe Maggie, 196 Mittie, 188 Sifford Jane, 188 Susan M., 170 M.Fredonia R., 170 Maribette, 191 Richard, 188 W. A., 170 Robert, 188 Simpson Street Reid R. Keener, 170 Col. Harold B., 176 William B., 168 Avery Hamilton, 177 Sallie, 188 Martha, 197 Stringer Sally E., 170 Wm. Hugh, 188 Slater Ola W., 193 Sarah E., 189 Rosson MarthaW., 170 Wilbern T., 196 W. T. (Zack), 170 Parmelia A., 196 Thaddeus P., 170 Sturgeon Renfroe Roumasset Smith Mary C., 183 Fanny H., 197 Helen N., 192 A. K., 168 Sullivan Sarah C., 192 Rowe Benjamin R., 170 Mary A., 196 Revell Mary J., 171 Benj.F.,170 Sumner Mildr~d H., 187 W. J., I71 Charlotte R., 188 Leona, 187 Reynolds Rowen Deborah P., 170 Swafford Jesse, 193 Elizabeth, 187 Frances D., 192 Luda, 178 John S., 193 Samuel M., 187 George C., 197 Sykes Ruth, 193 Rowlett Henry D., 170 Chrisade A., 194 Rhoton Ewing, 187 John T., 195 Synhorst Elisha, 190 Rumley Julius K., 197 Vida F., 162,163 Richins Janie, 178 J. D., 170 Susan K., 196 J. M., 178 J. P., 170 Tallant Richmond J. w., 177 Marion L., 186 Mary E., 197 Daniel, 186 Molly, 178 Mary, 170 Talmage Isaac N., 186 Russell Minnie, 181 Harmmon, 191 James w., 186 Dorothy Marie Clark, 162 Noel M., 191 Tatum Lewis, 186 Oscar G., 163, 180 Nona, 197 Aaron, 186 Mary S., 186 William, 191 Sarah, 193 James, 186 Narcissa, 186 Rutherford Wm. C., 170 Joseph, 186 Samuel,186 John, 161 Harriett P., 170 Julia, 186 Sarah N., 186 Snodgrass Mildred, 186 Riggins Sanders John, 193 Ora, 186 George W., 186 Cecil Marcus, 160 Spain Oscar, 186 Risner Deborah Ann, 160 Jerry C., 162 William C., 186 George, 192 Eloise, 160 Sparks Taylor Wiley R., 192 John, 160 Sarah A., 186 Andrew J., 193 Roach Thelma Marie, 160 Thomas w., 194 Henrietta, 190 Virginia P., 188 Sands Spence Katherine, 190 Roberts Ella Mae Joslin, 162 Don, 169 Mary A, 190 David, 191 Sandy Stafford Terry, 193 Evan, 191 Faye, 189 Nanna, 191 Wiley, 190 Robinson Sayle Stagner Tea Fred, 192 W. A. S., 174 Gibson, 194 Mona L., 186 John H., 170 Schott Jasper N., 194 Terry Julia, 188 Louise, 189 Stanley Gerald Everett, 162 Modella D. Rossel, 170 Scott James D., 190 Thompson Wm. M.,170 Clara C., 185 Steele Margaret J., 188 Robison Sarah w., 185 Gen., 171 Thorn Brenda, 191 Searcy Richard, 181 Berta, 194 Roe J. B., 174 Stephens Thurman Mary J., 171 Seborn Lewis C., 184 Lee, 186 Rogers J. Annie, 193 Sterling Perra L., 186 George Washington, 162 Sessions Mary, 195 Tidmore Rooker Artalisa, 189 Stevens Mary A., 187 James R., 163 Mary, 189 Elizabeth, 195 Tolbert Rorie Sharp Stevenson Reason, 190 Sarah Ellen, 163 Walter L., 191 William w., 193 William W., 191

______Arkansas Family Historian - Page 203 Travis Ward Winburne Audrey, 169 Peggy, 197 William Rev., 162 Bill, 169 Ruth, 189 Wolff Clara Bailey, 170 Ware Oscar P., 191 Duane, 169 Cherie, 186 Womack E. A., 170 Warren B. R., 174 G. P., 170 James Edmond, 170 Womble L. R., 170 Martha Jane, 170 John, 197 Ralph Alen, 170 Thomas Steward, 170 Samuel, 197 Trolinger Watkins Wood Nathan N., 196 Carmon, 179 C. D., 174 Trollinger Watson Green, 190 Lemuel, 187 Ona D., 193 Johnnie L., 190 Mary E., 187 Vester, 193 Robert, 188 Truett Weatherby Wm. R., 188 Dr., 176 William M., 187 Tsirigotis Webb Yeager Barbara L., 191 W. P., 174 Elias, 197 Tuck Wenzig Richard A., 197 Barbara, 186 Ed, 193 Yoakum Tulley Mary A., 194 Reinhold, 193 Virginia L., 162, 163 Turman West Young Myrie, 194 Michael A., 185 Margaret, 192 Turner Robert N., 185 Peter, 192 Joseph Thrasher, 161 Westerman Mela, 186 Bill, 178 Turrell Martha, 177 Sarah J., 193 Tom, 178 Tyler Whisenant Cora L., 196 Barbara, 197 James B., 195 Mary A., 195 Whisenhunt Underwood Amanda E., 193 Geo., 192 Whitaker David, 191 Valentine Philip, 191 Mack, Jr., 168 William, 191 Vann White A. B., 186 Rose, 180 Ben, 186 Whitehouse Fannie D., 186 Lillian G., 193 Vess Whitley Mamie J., 170 G. E., 170 Villyard G. G. w., 170 James w., 189 Taylor, 170 Katherine, 189 Whitmore Martha, 189 Beulah W., 193 Whitten Waddell Margaret Wade, 161 William Ross, 163 Wilburn Wade John, 161 Edmund, 161 Williams Waldrope D. W., 179 Sister Isabelle, 172 Liza, 178 Walker Nancy M., 179 Amy M., 196 Pari ie, 177 Linda D., 187 Wesley, 179 Wallace Willis Jennie, 170 Sarah, 190 Marticia, 192 Wilson R. R., 170 Charles E., 163 Walls Elizabeth, 194 Jack, 169 James E., 163, 171 Wctlston Jonathan, 170 Bel~iamin B., 193 Margctret, 170 William N., 193 Wanda, 180

Pctge 204 - Volume 29, Number 4 - December 1991 ------