Genealogies of the Davis, Dillingham, Drummond, Campbell
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Maine State Library Maine State Documents Freeport Book Collection Freeport, Maine 1984 Genealogies of the Davis, Dillingham, Drummond, Campbell, Dunlap of Brunswick, Dunlap of Topsham, Dyer/Robinson, Keaser, York, Mitchell, Jordan and Fogg Families Thurlow R. Dunning Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Dunning, Thurlow R., "Genealogies of the Davis, Dillingham, Drummond, Campbell, Dunlap of Brunswick, Dunlap of Topsham, Dyer/Robinson, Keaser, York, Mitchell, Jordan and Fogg Families" (1984). Freeport Book Collection. 6. This Text is brought to you for free and open access by the Freeport, Maine at Maine State Documents. It has been accepted for inclusion in Freeport Book Collection by an authorized administrator of Maine State Documents. For more information, please contact [email protected]. / K b Pr<. H.BAM j .report, taine 04032 P m p t f t y < f RH BARTOL mnb'.SY Frwpe^ Maine 04?*! NOT TO BE REMOVED FROM TH!S LtBRARY Davis, DiHingham, Drtimmnd, Can^bcii. 0 ME REF 929 DU Dunning, Thurtow R., B .H .B A R T O L LIBRARY COLONEL THURLOW REED DUNNING, SR. Thurlow Reed Dunning was born in Freeport, Maine on September 21, 1897, the second youngest of the seven children of Benjamin F. and Adriann (Reed) Dunning. Benjamin Franklin Dunning, "Frank" to fa m ily and frien d s a lik e, was a mason by trade. He was the head mason during the construction of Casco Castle. The castle burned in 1914 but is survived by the Cartlu tower which has become an area landmark. Thurlow spent his early years in Freeport and moved w;th his family to Winchester, Massachusetts when he was 10 years old. The family was deeply rooted in Freeport and eventually he returned here as did many members of his family. He married Gertrude Fransen who died shortly after the b:rt-. of their son, Robert. On September 16, 1922 he married Eth* 1 Sumner Benson in Somerville, Massachusetts. They had five children, Jesse, Mary Jane, Carol, Thurlow Jr. and Alice. He served with distinction in the United States Army in World War I (26th "Yankee" Division) and World War II (211th F. A. B a tta lion ) and was awarded fiv e b a ttle stars fo r his service in World War I and the Bronze Star for meritorious service in World War II. Between World War I and World War II he served continuously with the Massachusetts National Guard. A fte r h is service in World War II he accepted employment which brought him back to Maine and made it p ossib le fo r him to settle again in Freeport. His life long interest in the history of this country, of communities and of people seemed to lead naturally to an avid interest in Genealogy. Upon his return to Freeport he began gathering information on the early families of Freeport inclucir. : that of the Dunning family. When he retired he devoted many hours to researching the genealogies of these families. Family, including grandchildren were enlisted to heir or. many occasions. He was instrumental in reactivating the Free: : r Historical Society which had been dormant for many years. He was a firm, q u ie t , reserved and proud man who, through his example, earned the love and respect of his family and friends. He always let us know he was proud of us. he cert t:: . are proud o f him. He died on July 11, 1974. I am honored to provide this biographical data about ry father, C olon el Thurlow Reed Dunning, Sr. Mary Jane (Dunning) Krause Freeport, Maine April 1984 Genealogies of the Davis, Dillingham, Drummond, Campbell, Dunlap of Brunswick, Dunlap of Topshan, Dyer/Robinson, Keaser, York, Mitchell, Jordan and Fogg Families Compiled by Colonel Thurlow R. Dunning (1897 - 1974) Photocopied at B. H. Bartel Library Freeport, Maine 1984 INDEX DAVIS ANDERSON COFFIN Doris M, - 23 C a ro l D. - 13 Frank A. - 23 Edward S. - 18 Harold P, - 23 F red J . - 10 H arry - 23 James E.B. - 1o Harry A. - 23 M arion - 23 COKER E f f i e - 6 ARSEN AULT F reda M. - 22 , COOMBS Josh ua - 3 I-3.nervaH. - 22 BAILEY Susan - 3 CREDIFORD Merwy E. - 3 BAinjAR J. Brown - 7 CROSSHAN James - 7 Keziah - 1b M artha - 7 CURTIS BEAN Betsey D. - 7 Barbara - 3 Charles N. - 3 CUSHING Diana B. - 3 Lydia F. - 22 Leon L. - 3 Lester C. - 3 Linda L. - 3 DAVIS Abbie S. - 3 BUCK Mrs A bbie, w /o - L y d ia - 1 Abby N. - 3 A brah am - 2 B ROLN A. Herrick - 21 Bethia E. - 23 Albert n. - 1 Florance - 21 Albert M. - 9 Basel V. - 23 Alice M. - 23 H adalyn - 22 Almira - 12 Omar F . - 22 Annie H. - 21 Ami Annie H. - 1^ GARVELLO A rlen e - Y olanda - 21 A rle n e E. - 22 A rth u r - 3 CHASE A rth ur S. - 1i; Joseph U. - 7 A udrey - 6 CLARK Barbara E. - 1; Mr. - 3 - 22 Benjamin - 3 - 7 - 10 Vida L. - 21 1u ** 1o - 1^ Benjamin P. - 7 - 1u Bernard A. - . Bertha M. - 7 Bessie F. - 21 B e v e r l y - 1^ Blanche L. - 21 INDEX DAVIS DAVIS (C o n t., - . DAVIS (C o n t., Carlene E. - Id George - 7 Carlos H. - 18 George A. - 0 . Carrie E. - 1d . George B. - 21 Carrie L. - 22 Gladys K. - 23 - Celia A. - 22 Grace S. - 6 C h a rity A. - ^ Guy W. - 16 C h a rles - 14 Charles A. - 22 Hannah E. - 22 Charles B . - Harold - 21 Charles B. - 21 Harriet - 16 Charles H. - Up H a rrie t L. - 19 Charles L. - 1o Hattie - 7 Charles S. - b . H elen - 6 C h a rles W. - 1u Henry E. - 7 C h r is tin e S. - 6 Henry F. - 21 Clara - 1u Herberts. - 21 Clara E. - 6 C ora - 7 Isa a c - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 2 Is a a c N. - 14 Daniel R. - 1 I s r a e l - 1 D orca s la. - 1u James - 1 — Eben A. - 3 James E. - 14 - 22 E b e n e z e r - 1 - 2 John - 1 - 1 - .12 - 16 - 2o C a p t. Ebenezer - 3 P r o f . John D. - -7 E d ith - 23 John E. - 6 Edward.H. - 6 - John F. - 0 Edward J. - b John M. - 3 - d Eleanor L. - 16 John M. - 12 Elizabeth - 2 - 2 - Jonas - 16 2u - 20 Joseph - 2 - 3 -- 12 - 12 Elsie M. -21 . Josep h E. - 6 - 20 Elwyn L. - 7 Joseph H. - 1u . Emma S,, - 0 Joseph J. - lu - 12 ,E rn est H. —22 Joseph In. - 7 E rn est M. - 6 Josiah J. - 2u E sth e r L. id J u lia G. - 2 3 E th ely n - 21 Mrs Ju lia A. tShaw, - 16 E velyn E. - 18 J.ia?. - 16 E velyn L. 16 E velyn w. - L e s lie - 3 LinwoodF. - 1k F ann ie 1^# -id Linwood S. - 22 Florence A. --12 L ou ise H. - 6 Frank - 1i+ L ou ise T. - 7 Frank P. - 16. L u c iile C . - 22 Fred A. - 10 Lucy - 21 Fred G. - $ - . Lucy A. - 14 Fred L. - 18 Lydia B. - 1u Lydia W. INDEX DAVIS DAVIS (C en t. DAVIS ^Cont.^ Mabel D. - 6 Vaun A. - 7 M argaret S. - l u 1u Verna - 22 j-nrtha - lu Virginia - 6 Mary - 1 - 2 - 3 - 3 Mary A. - 3 - 12 - 20 W illia m - 2 - 2 - 3 - 6 2u Mary S. - 3 W illia m A. - 6 - 12 May - 23 W illia m C. - 1 4 Mehitable - $ - 12 William D. - 14 M ercy R. 22 W illia m E. - 22 M e r r ill N. - 3 William F. - 10 Mildred E. - 22 W illia m P. - 10 * M olly - 2 W illia m S. - 6 Myra G. - 21 Wilma - 7 Nellie G. - 23 DAY Nellie S. - 22 L ou isa - 1u N ina K. - 16 N ina M. - 8 DeBREE Nonman J . - 22 D avid - 6 Paul - R. - 14- 22 DENHAM John - 22 R alph D, - 21 R alph M. - 23 DENNISON Ralph W. - 6 Maria A. -12 Raymond E. - 22 Rebecca - 22 DlnLlNGHAH Reginald E. - 22 Augusta - 6 Richard A. - 14 Robert N . - 14* DOUGLASS R o b e rt W . - 22 P a tie n ce - 1^ Rodney E. - 14 R ola n d - 14 R on a ld B. - 14 EDWARDS Ruth - 16 - 21 hen ry - 3 Ruth E. - 14 Mary - 3 Samuel 1 - 1 FIELD 2 - 2 -. 2 - 2 - H a rrie t E. - 9 Samuel Jr + "*' 5 Samuel H * -' 5 FITTS Sarah W - 1**! Woodbury - 3 Susie A, - 3 Sybil B. - $ FLANDERS B e lle - 21 Capt. Tiro thy - 20 Capt. Timothy Jr. - 20 3-OLDRUP Sarah S. - 6 INDEX DAVIS GORE LIBBY Paul - 23 Hannah P. - 9 W illia m - 23 Leon L. - 21 GORMAN LITCHFIELD James - 5 Florence S. - John T. - ^ John T. Jr. - 5 LORD Leon A. - j? Richard - 7 GOULD LURVEY Frank A. - 6 Mary - 2 GRANT Arthur A, - 21 H&cDOKALD Stella M. - 21 A lic e - 6 GRIFFIN MALM Edward P. - 12 E velyn - 14. - Emma B. - 10 EKXXNeneva L. - 7 I-3A131 Maud E. - 23 Susanna - 3 HARR HANNAFOHD Mary R. - 23 D avid - 2 HcG&XN HASKELL H arry K. - 1L;. Hazel M. - 5 MELCHER KAY FORD Susan A. - 6 Edvin A.