ORPHEUS Deliverable Template
Grant Agreement No.: 687645 Research and Innovation action Call Topic: H2020 ICT-19-2015 Object-based broadcasting – for European leadership in next generation audio experiences D4.1: Requirements for Representation, Archiving and Provision of Object-based Audio Version: v1.4 Deliverable type R (Document, report) Dissemination level PU (Public) Due date 01/06/2016 Submission date 17/06/2016 Lead editor Andreas Silzle (FHG) Authors Andrew Mason (BBC), Michael Meier (IRT), Simone Füg (FHG), Andreas Silzle (FHG) Reviewers Niels Bogaards (Elephantcandy), Halid Hrasnica (EURES) Work package, Task WP 4, T4.1, T4.2, and T4.3 Keywords File and streaming formats, BW64, meta data, ADM, MPEG-H Abstract This deliverable describes the requirements for representation, archiving and provision of object- based audio. Representation includes file and streaming formats for object-based audio. Provision is the distribution to end-user, including IP delivery, unicast streams and file downloads. For both file and streaming formats interoperable metadata have to be used. Among the requirements for the different formats are metadata support, existing standards, file size, compression, and support of advanced audio. The most important requirements for streaming formats are related to synchronization, existing standards, unicast and multicast transmission, latency, bitrate reduction, synchronization of audio signals, quality of service and specific requirements for streaming object- based audio metadata. Constrains and requirements of interoperability between
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