PRESENTATION DOORWAYS offering hospitality to the world Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Associates | Dubuque, Iowa | Summer 2017 COMMITTEEThe PUBLISHED QUARTERLY by the Sisters of the Presentation 2360 Carter Road Dubuque, Iowa 52001-2997 USA Phone: 563-588-2008 Fax: 563-588-4463 Email:
[email protected] Website: DOORWAYS COMMITTEE Julianne Brockamp, PBVM; Jane Buse, Director of Communications; Cindy Pfiffner, Associate Co-Director; Francine Quillin, PBVM; Marge A Look Inside Reidy; Karen Tuecke, Partners in Mission CONTENTS Coordinator; Leanne Welch, PBVM; Karen Zeckser Sisters of the Presentation | Summer 2017 | Volume 61 • Number 2 The congregation is a member of Sisters United News of the Upper Mississippi River Valley, Communicators for Women Religious and the 4 A Quiet, Respectful Teacher American Advertising Federation of Dubuque. After a very active 51 years in education ministry, Sister Mary Louise Scieszinski is taking time to enjoy some of the leisure activities ministry life didn’t always allow. PURThe POSE 6 Pulitzer Prize Winner Credits The purpose of Presentation Doorways is Presentation Sisters to further the mission of the Sisters of the Art Cullen, small-town newspaper editor of The Storm Lake Times, traces his Pulitzer-Prize winning journalism back to the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Presentation Sisters. and our associates by sharing the news and views of the congregation with our 8 Partners in Mission: benefactors, families and friends. Through Jenni McCarthy & Rob Woodin this publication, we hope to share the Jenni McCarthy and her husband, Rob Woodin, share their charism of our congregation and to invite personal connections with the Sisters of the Presentation and others to become involved in our mission.