arXiv:1011.5796v1 [astro-ph.SR] 26 Nov 2010 0281(A)). r yrgnfe Hmn ta.19) yial,WLstars WNL Typically, 1991). al. et (Hamann hydro- ( free of subtypes cooler, hydrogen early rest hotter, The are the some while type). contain atmospheres, their (WN usually in sequence gen (WNL) nitrogen subtypes the WN late of stars class are WR d wind stellar that as strong Stars a medium. in chemical matter circumstellar CNO-processed the and play on momentum impact photons, to ionizing elements of sources portant cluster. Quintuplet 200 the al. of et vicinity Barniske fu the 2000, and in al. 1999a,b), found et are al. (Geballe et on candidates (Figer addition, LBV star In ther Pistol well. as the LBV, 1999 stars al. known WC et well contain (Figer and 2006) Ma 6 cluster al. and and et Quintuplet 4 OB Paumard about evolved of many more ages with contains the cluster Central 2004) while stars, al. et type Najarro WN Interesti 2002, A*. al. the et Sgr di and (Figer of clusters Arches vicinity three the the the a in clusters, et located (Krabbe star are hole massive Quintuplet, black central further the Two from 1991). pc 1 within blu clus Central located luminous The is as stars. fra such (WR) large Wolf-Rayet stars and a massive (LBV) hosting Galactic variables GC, known the the of to tion distance projected fo pc been 35 have su clusters within the massive to very close Three form environment hole. star black special massive study the to in region evolution unique and a tion is (GC) center Galactic The Introduction 1. uut2,2021 27, August ⋆ Astrophysics & Astronomy ae nosrain olce tteEOVT(rga 077. (program VLT ESO the at collected observations on Based asv tr ngnrl n Rsasi atclr r im- are particular, in stars WR and general, in stars Massive ae on Based 2010 30, July accepted 2009; 10, June Received 2 1 h tr unott evr uios o ( log luminous, very be to out turn stars The clas expan been for models has (PoWR) which Wolf-Rayet parameters. Potsdam analysis 1 The the WR well. 102i, in as WR star included 102d, (WR is stars 110, LHO WN star, All cluster. Quintuplet the of oti infiatfato fhdoe,u to up hydrogen, of fraction significant a contain oprsnwt tla vltoaymdl eel htt that reveals Gala models the in evolutionary elsewhere stellar and cluster with Arches Comparison the distin in a found form stars they WN that find and diagram Hertzsprung-Russell evolution 60 nrydsrbtoso h rga tr eut nama e mean a in results stars program the of distributions energy e words. Key cluster. nvri¨t-trwreMuce,869M¨unchen,Universit¨ats-Sternwarte Germ M¨unchen, 81679 nvri¨tPtdm ntttfu hskudAstronomie und f¨ur Physik Institut Universit¨at Potsdam, M ⊙ hyaeaot2436Mlinyasod n ih tl be still might and old, Million 2.4–3.6 about are They . K bn nerlfil pcrsoy eaayefu Wolf-Ra four analyze we spectroscopy, integral-field -band pncutradascain:Qitpe tr:Wolf-Ra Stars: – Quintuplet associations: and cluster open ff ri g,te25M l rhscluster Arches old Ma 2.5 the age, in er .Liermann A. aucitn.12612 no. manuscript 1 .R Hamann W.-R. , I nlsso h Nstars WN the of Analysis II. h unultCluster Quintuplet The L / L ⊙ X ) H > ∼ 6 . 0 ,wt eaieylwselrtemperatures, stellar low relatively with 0, . 5(yms) edsustepsto fteGlci etrW center Galactic the of position the discuss We mass). (by 45 1 WNE) 47 osa,Germany Potsdam, 14476 , .M Oskinova M. L. , tnto of xtinction ified ngly ABSTRACT per- any eQitpe Nsassol aebe ntal oemassi more initially been have should stars WN Quintuplet he und tgop nti epc,teQitpe Nsasaesimila are stars WN Quintuplet the respect, this In group. ct ter is- D- 8) c- a- a, r- ie sOf as sified l. xy. e e igamshrsaeue odrv h udmna stellar fundamental the derive to used are atmospheres ding 2b n R12a r fseta utp Nh n further One WN9h. subtype spectral of are 102ea) WR and 02hb, a oohrGlci N tr.Ms fteWLsasstud- stars WNL the sim of are Most stars stars. these WNL of Galactic parameters other stellar to lar the that found They to 1998) Miller & analyze (Hillier models atmosphere stellar CMFGEN al. e et (Liermann Paumard cluster 20 Quintuplet al. the 2004, et 2009). and (Blum 2008), al. cluster al. et Arches et Eckart the Martins 2007), al. 1995, et et in (Najarro Martins al. 2006, cluster stars et Central Krabbe massive the observe study 1994, to to used were tool Paranal Di prime Therefo GC. the range. the is optical and spectroscopy UV IR the in observations prohibits ilpoiecntan nselreouinr models. evolutionary stellar cent Galactic on the constrains in provide stars will massive par of feedback population determine the to of allows eters This assessed. be can p stellar eters the atmospheres model stellar comprehensive with evo debate. the under still of are details stars the massive However, of 2008). tion al. et (Maeder pletely mt ot 08,weessm vltoayptsfrsta for masses paths the initial evolutionary some with and 2007, whereas (Crowther 2008), 1994), stage Conti LBV al. & the et Smith precede (Langer even o might phases massive phase LBV WNL most undergo the stars that atmosph these suggest when stellar stage, scenarios the WC in evolutionary appear the Some burning by helium followed of be products al. may the et stage (Hamann WN stars The WNE 2006). than luminous more significantly are eta yrgnbrigojcs h nlsso h spect the of analysis The objects. burning hydrogen central e tr ftentoe eune(N on nteinrpar inner the in found (WN) sequence nitrogen the of stars yet A aar ta.(97 n atn ta.(07 ohapplied both (2007) al. et Martins and (1997) al. et Najarro oee,tehg xicini hsdrcin( direction this in extinction high the However, combination in analysis spectral quantitative of means By K e tr:wns uflw–Sas topee Stars: – atmospheres Stars: – outflow winds, Stars: - yet / = N rvosybttrsott ems ieyaWN9h a likely most be to out turns but previously WN? 3 K . 1 1 bn pcr fmsiesasi h eta cluster. Central the in stars massive of spectra -band .Todt H. , ± ff 0 rn S Risrmnsa aSlaadVLT and Silla La at IR-instruments ESO erent . a ( mag 5 > ⋆ 1 A n .Butler K. and , 90 V = M T 27 ⊙ ∗ ± ≈ emt kpteLVsaecom- stage LBV the skip to seem a)twrsteQuintuplet the towards mag) 4 53 K hi tla winds stellar Their kK. 25–35 2 tr nthe in stars N olate-type to r

A n wind and c ethan ve V S 2021 ESO ≈ ral 8mag) 28 t rand er aram- am- al. t ere. 01, lu- re, al. rs i- f 2 A. Liermann et al.: The . II.

1 ied by Martins et al. (2007, note that some are classified only as density in the clumps is higher by a factor D = fV− compared to Ofpe/WN9 stars) appear relatively rich in hydrogen. Therefore, an un-clumped model of same parameters. All models are cal- the authors support the evolutionary sequence (Ofpe/WN9 culated with D = 4 which is a rather conservative choice. Small LBV) WN8 WN/C for most of the observed stars. ↔ scale random motions are considered by applying a microturbu- → → 1 In their study of the brightest stars in the Arches cluster, lence velocity of 3D = 100kms− . Model atoms comprise hy- Martins et al. (2008) found that these stars are either H-rich drogen, helium, CNO and iron-group elements. The latter are WN7-9 stars or O supergiants with an age of 2 to 4Ma. The accounted for in a “superlevel” approach enabling blanketing by WN7-9h stars reveal high , log L/L = 6.3, which millions of lines (Gr¨afener et al. 2002). is consistent with initial stellar masses of 120M⊙ . The chem- ical composition shows both N enhancement∼ and⊙ C depletion along with a still high amount of H, which leads the authors to 3. The analysis conclude that the stars are core H-burning objects. It was found 3.1. The observations that the properties of the Arches massive stars argue in favor of the evolutionary scenario of Crowther et al. (1995) O Of We use flux-calibrated K-band spectra from the LHO catalog for WNL + abs WN7. Thus, the massive stars in the Central→ and→ the stars WR102d (LHO158), WR102i (LHO99), WR102hb in the Arches→ cluster seem to conform to the standard evolution- (LHO67), WR102ea (LHO71) and LHO110. The data had ary models, and display stellar feedback parameters that do not been flux-calibrated by means of standards stars and then ap- significantly differ from other massive stars in the Galaxy. plied for synthetic aperture photometry, yielding a mean error The present paper is based on our observations with the on the obtained K-band magnitudes of 0.4mag (see LHO cat- ESO-VLT Spectrograph for INtegral Field Observation in the alog for further details). For the comparison of the stellar pa- Near-Infrared (SINFONI) of the central parts of the Quintuplet rameters, we refer to previous studies of Galactic WN stars cluster. A spectral catalog of the point sources (hereafter LHO (Hamann et al. 2006) and of the WN stars in the Arches clus- catalog) was presented by Liermann et al. (2009). The LHO cat- ter (Martins et al. 2008). Two further WR stars in the vicinity alog lists 13 WR stars, among them 4 WN and 9 WC types. In of the Quintuplet cluster, WR102c and WR102ka, have been this paper we concentrate on the analysis of the WN stars, while analyzed by Barniske et al. (2008) recently. the analysis of WC stars will be subject of a subsequent paper. Our analysis is based on pronounced lines in the observed Additionally, we analyze the star LHO110, which was classified K-band spectra, which are due to helium and hydrogen: He i at as Of/WN candidate in the LHO catalog. However, the spectrum 2.059 µm and 2.113 µm, He ii at 2.189 µm (10–7) , and Brγ at of this star strongly resembles spectra of typical WN stars, there- 2.166 µm blended with He ii (14–8) and various He i lines. A se- fore we include LHO110 in our sample. lection of K-band lines is compiled in Table1. In order to analyze our program stars (WR102d, WR102i, WR102hb, WR102ea, and LHO110), we fit their spec- 3.2. PoWR – WN model fitting tra with the Potsdam Wolf-Rayet model atmospheres (Hamann&Gr¨afener 2004, see also references therein) The normalized emission line spectra of Wolf-Rayet stars de- and derive the fundamental stellar parameters. By quantitative pend predominantly on two parameters, the stellar temperature comparison of stellar evolutionary models including rotation T and a combination of parameters which was put in the form (Meynet & Maeder 2003) with the stellar parameters the initial of∗ the so-called “transformed radius” (Schmutz et al. 1989) masses and ages of the sample stars are determined. 3 √DM˙ The paper is organized as follows. In Sect.2 we give a short = ∞ . Rt R 1 4 1 (1) characterization of the applied model atmospheres. The spectral ∗ 2500km s− ,10− M a−   ⊙  analyses is described in Sect.3 and the derivedstellar parameters   The first step in the analysis is to adjust these two parameters are discussed in Sect.4. Therein, mass-loss rates from radio free- such that the observed helium lines are reproduced. Concerning free emission are debated (Sect.4.2) and our empirical results Brγ, the hydrogenabundance is the relevant parameter, while the are compared with evolutionary models (Sect.4.4). We conclude terminal velocity 3 sets the width of the line profiles. with a summary of the obtained results in Sect.5. Our analyses start∞ from the two available grids1 of WN- type model atmospheres, calculated for a hydrogen abundance 2. The models of 20% by mass (“WNL” grid) and for hydrogen-free stars (“WNE” grid), respectively. Since all our program stars are of The Potsdam Wolf-Rayet non-LTE model atmospheres late spectral type with signatures of hydrogen in their spec- (Hamann & Gr¨afener 2004, PoWR) are based on the assump- tra (WN9h), the WNL grid turns out to be more appropriate. tions of spherical symmetry and stationary mass loss. A velocity This grid had been calculated for a fixed terminal wind veloc- field is pre-scribed by the standard β-law for the supersonic 1 ity of 3 = 1000km s− . After the best-fitting grid models were part, with the terminal velocity 3 as a free parameter. The ∞ ∞ pointed out, we calculated individual models for each star with exponent β is set to unity for all models. In the subsonic region specially adjusted 3 and hydrogen abundance in order to opti- the velocity field is defined such that a hydrostatic density strat- mize the fits. ∞ ification is approached. Our models have the inner boundary The results are shown in Table2, while the observed spec- set to a Rosseland optical depth of 20, thus defining a “stellar tra with the model fits are shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. Note that radius” R that represents the hydrostatic core of the stars. The we normalized the observed spectra by division through the red- “stellar temperature”∗ T is given by the L and the ∗ dened model continuum. stellar radius R via the Stefan-Boltzmann law, i.e. T denotes In the next step, we fit the spectral energy distribution (SED) the effective temperature∗ referring to the radius R . ∗ ∗ which for our program stars is only available for the near- We account approximately for wind inhomogeneities infrared range. Figure1 shows the photometric fluxes in J, H and (“clumping”), assuming that optically thin clumps fill a volume 1 fraction fV while the interclump space is void. Thus, the matter A. Liermann et al.: The Quintuplet Cluster. II. 3 P S P P S S D F F F F D 3 S P P P P D D 3 3 1 2 S 1 1 3 1 1 3 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 1 WR102hb γ P - 4s P - 5s D - 3p P - 5s P - 2s D - 4p P - 4d G - 4f G - 4f D - 4f D - 4f P - 4d D - 4p S - 3p S - 3p S - 4p S - 4p F - 4d F - 4d 3 2 3 P - 4s 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 3 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 He II 15-8 He I 6p He I 2p He I 7d C IV 3d C III 5p He I 4s He I 4s He I 7s He I 7p He I 7f He I 7f He I 7g He I 7g He II 14-8 He I 7d He I 7d H I 7-4 / Br He II 23-9 He I 7p He I 7d He II 10-7 He II 22-9 He I 7s N III 5p He II 21-9 HeI 6p He II 20-9 He II 13-8

normalized flux 1

3 WR102ea

2 normalized flux 1

1.4 WR102i 1.2


normalized flux0.8

2 WR102d

1 normalized flux

1.5 LHO110

1.0 normalized flux

2.05 2.10 2.15 2.20 2.25 2.30 2.35 λ [µm] Fig. 2. Spectral fits for the sample stars. Observed spectra (blue solid line) are normalized using their reddened model continuum, the normalized model spectrum is overlayed (red dotted lines). The observed spectra are corrected for radial velocities according to Table2 in the LHO catalog. 4 A. Liermann et al.: The Quintuplet Cluster. II.

Table 2. Stellar parameters for the analyzed WN stars in the Quintuplet cluster

M˙ 3 3 3 ˙ LHO Alias Spectral Ks T log Rt XH Eb MK R log M log L L/∞c ∗ ∞ 1 − ∗ 1 No. type [mag] [kK] [R ] [km s− ] [%] [mag] [mag] [R ] [M a− ] [L ] ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ 67 WR 102hb WN9h 9.6 25.1 1.55 400 19 8.0 -8.3 86 -4.52 6.42 0.2 71 WR 102ea WN9h 8.8 25.1 1.52 300 25 6.1 -8.3 83 -4.62 6.39 0.1 99 WR 102i WN9h 10.1 31.6 1.65 900 45 6.3 -7.1 42 -4.79 6.19 0.5 158 WR 102d WN9h 10.5 35.1 1.11 700 15 7.1 -7.0 29 -4.32 6.07 1.4 110 WN9h 10.6 25.1 1.68 300 5 8.7 -7.6 67 -5.01 6.20 0.1

Table 1. A selection of lines in the K-band. -13.8 WR102hb 8.92 10.65 9.6 -14.4 λvac [µm] Transition -15.0 2.0379 He ii 15–8 13.98 2.0431 He i 6p 3P–4s 3S i 1 1 2.0587 He 2p P–2s S -13.5 7.65 WR102ea 2.0607 He i 7d 3D–4p 3P iv 3 3 8.8 2.0706/0802/0842 C 3d D–3p P -14.0 10.09 2.1081 C iii 5p 1P–5s 1S 2.1126 He i 4s 3S–3p 3P ] -1 -14.5 12.60 2.1138 He i 4s 1S–3p 1P o 3 3 A 2.14999 He i 7s S–4p P -2 i 1 1 10.1 WR102i 2.1586 He 7p P–4d D -14.5 10.22 cm 11.67

Brγ blend: -1 2.1614 He i 7f 3F–4d 3D -15.0 2.1623 He i 7f 1F–4d 1D 14.61 i 3 3 [erg s

2.1647 He 7g G–4f F λ -15.5 2.1647 He i 7g 1G–4f 1F ii WR102d 2.1652 He 14–8 -14.4

1 1 log F 2.1653 He i 7d D–4f F 10.4410.5 2.1655 He i 7d 3D–4f 3F 12.19 -15.0 2.1661 H i 7–4 ii 2.1792 He 23–9 -15.6 2.1821 He i 7p 3P–4d 3D 15.40 i 1 1 2.1846 He 7d D–4p P -13.2 LHO110 2.1891 He ii 10–7 7.53 2.2165 He ii 22–9 -13.8 9.54 2.2291 He i 7s 1S–4p 1P iii 2 2 -14.4 2.2471/2513 N 5p P–5s S 10.6 2.2608 He ii 21–9 13.06 -15.0 2.30697 He i 6p 1P–4s 1S 2.3142 He ii 20–9 4.05 4.10 4.15 4.20 4.25 4.30 4.35 4.40 4.45 λ o 2.3470 He ii 13–8 log [A] Fig. 1. Spectral energy distributions for the sample stars. Blocks with labels indicate the 2MASS magnitudes for the J-, H- and K -band (dark blue boxes), as well as the LHO K magnitude K from 2MASS (Skrutskie et al. 2006), and our flux-calibrated s s (light blue box). The solid line is the flux-calibrated LHO spec- spectra from the LHO catalog together with the photometric trum while the dotted line refers to the reddened model contin- magnitude derived there. Crowding in the cluster field does not uum. allow photometric fluxes to be extracted, e.g. from Spitzer IRAC or MSX images. In the case of WR102d we encountered a problem with the 2MASS magnitudes from the final release of the catalog, fit. The comparison with the near-IR photometry presented by which gives unplausible values. Moreover, we find a coordi- Figer et al. (1999a, filters J, H 2 and K 2) supports this choice. nate offset between the 2MASS position and the LHO posi- The modelcontinuum(reddotted lines in Fig.1) is then fitted tion of WR102d of almost 5 ′′; we identify the 2MASS posi- to the observations by adjusting two parameters, the reddening tion rather with LHO147 (see LHO catalog). However, the data parameter (e. g. given in the form of the color excess Eb 3 in the from the 2MASS intermediate release catalog, although consid- narrow-bandsystem of Smith (1968), see Table2) and the− stellar ered to be obsolete, contain a point source at exactly the position luminosity. We adopt a distance to the Quintuplet of 8kpc, cor- of WR102d with fluxes that fit very well to our calibrated K- respondingto a distance modulus of 14.52mag (Reid 1993). The band spectrum. Therefore we adopt these values for the SED reddening law which we adopt is from Moneti et al. (2001). The A. Liermann et al.: The Quintuplet Cluster. II. 5 reddening parameter Eb 3 translates to the usual Johnson sys- In comparison to the other stars in the sample these two stars − tem as EB V = 1.21 Eb 3, while the extinction in the K-band show the highest terminal wind velocities, which are more rep- − × − is AK = 0.42 Eb 3. Thanks to the approximate invariance of resentative for WN stars. The final best fitting models were cal- × − 1 Wolf-Rayet line spectra for models with same transformed ra- culated with the standard microturbulence 3D = 100kms− . dius, models can be scaled to different luminosities for the SED fit while the line fit is preserved. Generally we can reproduce the SED quite well. We attribute the remaining discrepancies to 3.5. LHO110 problems of the 2MASS photometry in the crowded field. LHO110 was classified as O6-8 Ife in the LHO catalog. The Remember that we have already employed the model con- emission line spectrum is very similar to the spectral appear- tinuum to normalize the observed spectra. Insofar, the described ance of the WN stars, although the spectral features are less two steps of the analysis are in fact an iterative procedure. The pronounced. In detail, the star has a similar Ks magnitude as derived extinction parameters are compiled in Table2 and fur- the WN9 stars and also shows similar line ratios for (He ii ther discussed in Sect. 3.7. After we fitted the line spectrum and 2.189 µm)/(He ii/Brγ 2.166 µm) and (Brγ)/(He i 2.059 µm). the SED, the whole set of stellar parameters is established (see We analyzed the star in the same way as described above Table 2). for the WN stars. We calculated tailored models to fit the line spectrum and SED accordingly, see Fig.1 and 2. The obvious 3.3. WR102ea and WR102hb weakness of Brγ leads to a hydrogen mass fraction as low as 5%. However, models with zero hydrogen cannot fit the blend at These stars, as well as LHO110 (see Sect.3.5), do not show all which excludes the star to be hydrogen free. Hence the spec- clear He ii lines in their spectra, which is indicative for a low- tral classification in the LHO catalog must be revised to WN9h. temperature regime in their atmospheres. Attempts to fit the Following the naming conventions of van der Hucht (2001) this spectra with models of too cool temperatures makes those lines star could become WR 102df. The flux-calibrated spectrum can disappear completely and overestimates the He i lines instead, be well fitted with the model SED, but cannot be connected to especially He i 2.059 µm. In comparison, a hotter model pro- the 2MASS photometry.As in the case of WR102d, we attribute duces too strong He ii lines in a strength in which they are not this to the problems of the 2MASS measurements. The star lies observed. in the central region of the cluster where crowding might have Additionally, these stars have terminal wind velocities of affected the 2MASS data. Further on, a set of small absorption 1 300-400kms− , which is rather slow for WR winds. In com- lines is present in the spectrum, which we cannot identify. They 1 parison, the adopted standard microturbulence 3D = 100kms− might indicate that LHO 110 is a binary. However, like the other might be too high. Therefore, we tested different microturbulent stars in our sample, LHO110 has not been detected in X-rays 1 velocities down to 3D = 20kms− . However, the best fit to the (Wang et al. 2006). Collision of stellar winds in binary WN stars 1 observed profile shapes is obtained for 3D = 80kms− . In any often make them brighter X-ray sources than single stars (e. g. case, the effect of this parameter on the synthetic K-band spectra Oskinova 2005). Therefore, the binary nature of LHO110 can- is small. not yet be confirmed.

3.4. WR102d and WR102i 3.6. Error margins The spectra of these two stars both show He i and He ii lines The temperature of the model to be fitted can quite accurately be which allow the temperature to be determined more reliably determined for at least those sample stars that show He i and than in the previous cases. As for WR102i, however, our model (even weak) He ii lines. In comparison, too cool or too hot a fall short in reproducing the strong emission feature of He i at model would produce He ii lines in a weakness or strength in 2.113 µm, while the absorption feature is too strong. Although which they are not observed. From this, we consider our temper- a bit hidden in the telluric residuals, the same seems to hold atures to be exact within the range of 0.025dex, in general. for He i at 2.059 µm, but the He ii absorption at 2.189 µm fits Different influences contribute to± the error of the luminosi- perfectly. Alternatively, we found slightly hotter models which ties given in Table2. The fit of the SED depends on the accuracy reproduce the He i emission, but then fail with the He ii lines of the photometric measurements. The 2MASS colors often suf- turning into emission. We are not sure about the reason for fer from source confusion, while the Ks magnitudes from the these inconsistencies, but we note that e. g. the N iii doublet at LHO catalog have been calibrated to an accuracy of 0.1mag. ± 2.247/51µm seems to show a different , possibly The reddening parameter Eb 3 obtained from the slope of the indicating that the spectrum is composite from a binary. This SED is accurate by about 0.1mag,− which gives only a 0.04mag needs further observations to be confirmed. For the moment, the uncertainty in the K-band± extinction. fit problems introduce extra uncertainty which might be lower Given that we fit the SED in the Rayleigh-Jeans domain, the for the alternative models. bolometric correction factor (100.4BC) scales with T 3. Hence the In the case of WR102d the lines He i at 2.059 µm and He ii temperature contributes about 10% to the error margin∗ of the at 2.189 µm can be reproduced consistently by the model. With luminosity. In combination we think that log L has a typical error the stellar temperature being well constrained, the Brγ fit also of about 0.16dex. yields an accurate hydrogen abundance (see Fig.3). As described± in Sect.3.2, the hydrogen content was deter- However, the spectra of both stars show remarkably strong mined by fitting models with different mass fractions of hydro- N iii lines at 2.247/51µm. Although we already spent some ef- gen to the spectra. Fig.3 shows the Brγ / He i / He ii blend at forts in improving the corresponding part in our nitrogen model 2.166 µm of WR102d. The model with a hydrogen abundance atom, our models notoriously fail to reproduces this doublet in of 15% by mass gives the best fit to the observation (dotted line) the strength it is observed here, while it is reasonably well fitted within the error range of 10 to 20% hydrogen. Therefore we for the weak emission in WR102ea and WR102hb. conclude that the derived values for X are correct within 5 % H ± 6 A. Liermann et al.: The Quintuplet Cluster. II.

Table 3. Extinction derived from fitting the model SEDs, ap- 2.1 plying the reddening law of Moneti et al. (2001) in the infrared

XH = 0.20 range.

XH = 0.15 1.8 Object AV AK ref.

XH = 0.10 [mag] [mag] WR102hb, Q 8 30 3.4 this work (t.w.) 1.5 WR102ea, Q 10 23 2.6 t.w. WR102i 24 2.7 t.w. WR102d 27 3.0 t.w. LHO 110 33 3.7 t.w. mean 27 4 3.1 0.5 t.w. normalized flux1.2 ± ± WR102c 26 1 2.9 0.1 Barniske et al. (2008) WR102ka 27 ± 5 3.0 ± 0.6 Barniske et al. (2008) γ F F F F

D D ± ± 3 1 1 3 3 1 Quintuplet mean 29 5 3.28 0.5 Figer et al. (1999a) Arches mean 24.9± 2.8± Martins et al. (2008) G - 4f G - 4f D - 4f D - 4f F - 4d F - 4d 3 1 1 3

0.9 He II 14-8 3 1 H I 7-4 / Br He I 7f He I 7f He I 7g He I 7g He I 7d He I 7d

2.160 2.165 2.170 λ [µm] -4.0 WR102c Fig. 3. Normalized line spectrum of WR102d showing the Brγ / He i / He ii blend (blue solid line) with the best fitting model (red dotted line). For comparison we plot models with 20% WR102d F4 (green dash-dotted line) and 10% (black dashed line) hydrogen )] WR102ka -1 by mass but otherwise identical parameters. F8 yr -4.5 WR102hb

F3 F7 WR102ea M F5 F6 F12 F1 / ( F2

˙ WR102i F9 by mass, accounting also for uncertainties in the fit of the con- M tinuum. log [ -5.0 B1 F14 LHO110 WN2/3-w F16 3.7. Extinction WN4-w WN4-s In the LHO catalog we assumed an average extinction of AK = WN5/6-w 3.28mag (Figer et al. 1999a) for the Quintuplet cluster. With the WN5/6-s WN7 model fit of the SEDs for our sample stars, we have determined -5.5 individual values for the reddening. The results for the stars are WN8/9 listed in Table 3, with an average of AK = 3.1 0.5mag, sim- 5.5 6.0 6.5 ± ilar to the one determined by Barniske et al. (2008), who ana- log (L /L ) lyzed the stars WR102c and WR102ka, and Figer et al. (1999a). The average extinction of the Arches cluster was found to be Fig. 4. Mass-loss rate versus stellar luminosity for the sam- AK = 2.8mag by Martins et al. (2008), slightly lower than for ple stars. For comparison we show Arches WNL stars from the Quintuplet. Martins et al. (2008, labeled with F and B numbers), WR102c Within the errors, we conclude that the major part of the ex- and WR102ka from Barniske et al. (2008) and Galactic WN tinction can be attributed to the foreground interstellar redden- stars (Hamann et al. 2006, open symbols). The solid lines refer ing. From the limited number of stars analyzed it is not possi- to the mass loss–luminosity relation of Nugis & Lamers (2000) ble to derive an extinction map for the Quintuplet cluster. We for hydrogen-free stars (green upper line) and stars containing find a slight increase in the determined values towards LHO110 40% hydrogen per mass (red lower line). which is located closer in the cluster center. This could be due to the intrinsic cluster extinction expected from the presence of dust-producing WC stars (Tuthill et al. 2006). to find these stars positioned between this relation and the one for hydrogen-free stars (upper line). Not only our program stars have rather low mass-loss 4. Discussion rates compared to their luminosities, the same holds for 4.1. Stellar parameters other Galactic WN stars shown in Fig. 4 (open symbols, from Hamannetal. 2006), including the WNL stars in the Fig. 4 shows the derived empirical mass-loss rates versus stel- Arches cluster (Martins et al. 2008, symbols labeled B and F, lar luminosity. The stars analyzed in this work fall below the from) which have similar hydrogen contents. For radiation- mass loss–luminosity relation of Nugis & Lamers (2000) for driven winds, the mass-loss rates scale with the stars containing40% hydrogenper mass (lower line). From their (Gr¨afener & Hamann 2008). Therefore, the relatively low mass- determined hydrogenabundance (see Table2), one would expect loss rates provide an indirect argument that the metallicity in our A. Liermann et al.: The Quintuplet Cluster. II. 7

T*/kK but very luminous WN stars with log (L/L ) > 6.0. Like most 150 120 100 80 70 60 50 40 WNL stars in the Galaxy, our GC stars show⊙ some rest of hydro- WN2/3-w WR102ka gen with mass fractions of the order of 20%. While about half 6.5 WN4-w WR102hb of the Galactic WN stars belong to the “early” subclass (WNE) WN4-s F6 WN5/6-w F9 WR102ea that resides to the left side of the ZAMS (see Fig.5), no single WN5/6-s F1, F7 such hot WN star has been found in the region. WR102c F4 WN7 WR102i One may wonder if the low stellar temperatures obtained for WN8/9 F12 LHO110 the GC stars are due to systematic errors of spectral analyses that F8 F3 are based on the K-band only. But the stars in the Arches cluster WR102d F2, F14 analyzed by Martins et al. (2008) show that independent groups ) 6.0 F5 B1 arrive at similar results. L F16 / Can the lack of WNE stars be attributed to selection effects? L Compared to WNL stars, WNE stars are roughly three magni-

log ( tudes fainter in the K-band (cf. Hamann et al. 2006, the differ- ence is similar as for the visual band). Since the apparent K- band magnitude of our program stars is about 10mag (Table2), 5.5 the WNE stars should not all have escaped from detection in the LHO catalog which is complete to the 13th magnitude. A statistical comparison with the WNE star population in ZAMS He-ZAMS other regions of the confirms that WNEs are usu- ally detected with slightly fainter K-band magnitudes compared to their local WNL counterparts. However, the number ratio 5.2 5.0 4.8 4.6 4.4 NWNL : NWNE varies largely from 24:33 for Galactic WN (Hamann et al. 2006), 4:11forWd 1 (Crowther et al. 2006), 10:3 log (T* /K) for the GC Central cluster (Martinset al. 2007), 13:0 for the Fig. 5. HRD showing the analyzed WN9h stars (red filled sym- Arches (Martins et al. 2008), and 5:0 for the Quintuplet, indi- bols). For comparison we plot single Galactic WN stars from cating a lack of WNE stars in the GC region. Hamann et al. (2006) (open symbols), WNL stars of the Arches Hence, we must conclude that the population of WN stars cluster from Martins et al. (2008, labeled with F and B num- in the Galactic center region is different from the Galactic WN bers), and WR102c and WR102ka from Barniske et al. (2008). population in general. This may be attributed to various reasons: Different symbols refer to different spectral subtypes, cf. inset. a special star-formation history, a different initial mass func- Hydrogen and helium zero-age main-sequence are given as solid tion (IMF), or a (slightly) higher metallicity that increases the lines. mass loss during . A closer investigation of this question may give important insight into the conditions of the Galactic center environment. program stars is not significantly higher than in other Galactic For all stars in the sample we derive the wind momentum WN stars studied so far. efficiency number η = M˙ 3 c/L, see Table2. Recall that we have However, the possibility that the Galactic center might be adopted a clumping contrast∞ of D = 4 throughout this paper (cf. metal enriched is still under debate. Najarro et al. (2004) ob- Sect.2). If D is higher, this would reduce the empirical mass- 1/2 tained solar for a sample of stars in the Arches clus- loss rates D− and thus lead to smaller η values. However, ter, while recent results on a larger sample in the same cluster this numbercannot∝ exceed unity in radiation-drivenwinds unless favored slight metal enrichment in the range of 1.3 to 1.4 Z multiple scattering is taken account. Gr¨afener & Hamann (2005, (Martins et al. 2008). For the Quintuplet cluster, Najarro et al.⊙ 2008) have shown that η-values of a few can be easily obtained (2009) used quantitative spectral analysis of the LBV Pistol in hydrodynamically consistent WR models with full radiative star and LBV candidate FMM362 to measure the metallicity transfer. For all stars we find values of η close to unity, which is in the cluster. Their results indicate solar iron abundance and consistent with these stellar winds being radiatively driven. roughly twice the solar abundance in the α-elements. They sug- gest that the enrichment in α-elements versus Fe found in the two Quintuplet LBVs is consistent with a top-heavy initial mass 4.2. Radio mass-loss rates function (IMF) in the GC. Davies et al. (2009) analyzed the red Three of the sample stars are known to be radio sources from supergiant GMM7 (LHO7) in the cluster. The authors find a Lang et al. (2005). We calculated the mass-loss rates from ra- slight iron enrichment which they explain by the evolved nature dio free-free emission with radio fluxes from these authors and of the object and the resulting hydrogen depletion. They argue follow Wright & Barlow (1975) that the “initial” iron abundance would be in agreement with so- lar values. f 3/4 d3/2 µ ˙ = 3 ν . The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram (HRD, Fig.5) shows the M 3/4 1/2 (2) ∞ (23.2) (γ gff ν) Z program stars of the Quintuplet cluster in comparison to other   Galactic WN stars. We include WN stars from the Arches cluster The free-free Gaunt factor gff is derived from the relation by (Martins et al. 2008, symbols labels B and F, from) and the two Leitherer & Robert (1991) with an assumed electron temper- bright stars WR102c and WR102ka (Barniske et al. 2008). The ature of 10000K. Terminal velocity 3 and mean molecular whole sample of single Galactic WN stars (Hamann et al. 2006, weight µ are taken from our analysis (see∞ Table4). Assuming open symbols) is also shown for comparison. that helium stays ionized in the radio emitting region of the stel- Obviously, the GC stars populate a special domain in the lar wind, the mean number of electrons is set to γ = 1. Radio HRD. They lie within a group of rather cool, T 50000K, mass-loss rates were calculated from the radio flux at 22.5GHz ∗ ≤ 8 A. Liermann et al.: The Quintuplet Cluster. II.

Table 4. Mass-loss rates derived from radio free-free emission (M˙ radio), compared to those determined from the K-band spec- ˙ 6.5 tra in the present paper (MIR). Based on radio measurements WR 102ka from Lang et al. (2005), we derive M˙ radio consistently with the parameters determined in this paper. The values in parenthe- WR102hb sis are the mass-loss rates from Lang et al. (2005) who adopted ) WR102ea 1 3 = 1000km s− and µ = 2 for all stars. L

∞ / L FMM 362

3 ˙ ˙ log ( WR102i Object alias µ log Mradio log MIR Pistol star ∞ 1 1 1 [km s− ] [M a− ] [M a− ] LHO 110 ⊙ ⊙ WR102ea QR 5 300. 2.30 -4.44 (-3.96) -4.62 WR102d QR 8 700. 2.78 -4.30 (-4.37) -4.32 LHO 110 QR 4 300. 3.52 -4.12 (-3.82) -5.01 WR102d 6.0 4.6 4.4 4.2 4.0

log (T* /K) for QR5 (WR102ea) and QR8 (WR102d), and at 8.5GHz for Fig. 6. HRD with LBV (candidate) stars in the vicinity of the QR4 (LHO110). This allows the derived mass-loss rates to be Quintuplet cluster. In addition to the program stars of this paper compared directly with those obtained by Lang et al. (2005), but we indicate the Pistol star and FMM362 (parameters taken from note that their original values for M˙ , given in parenthesis in Najarro et al. 2009) and WR102ka (Barniske et al. 2008). The Table4, were calculated with different assumptions on the ter- Humphreys-Davidson limit (solid line, adapted from Figer et al. minal velocity and the mean molecular weight. 1998) is shown as well as the hot LBV minimum light strip For QR5 (WR102ea) and QR8 (WR102d) the mass-loss from Clark et al. (2005, dashed, extrapolated with thin dashes rates which we deduce from the radio measurements by to higher luminosities). Even the steeper version of this latter Lang et al. (2005) are in excellent agreementwith those obtained limit from Groh et al. (2009, dash-dotted line) puts WR102ea, in the present paper from the K-band analysis (see Table4). WR102hb, LHO110, and WR102ka to its right side, i.e. in the Thus, these two radio detections can be confirmedas suggested LBV domain. sources. It has to be noted that the radio mass-loss rates quoted in Table4 are derived for an unclumped medium (clumping con- Clark et al. (2005) proposed an empirical limit for LBV trast D = 1), while the model K-band spectra are calculated for (candidate) stars in the quiescent state. This hot LBV minimum slightly clumped winds (D = 4). Hence, the good agreement light strip is defined up to luminosities of log(L/L ) 6.2 by implies that the degree of clumping generally decreases from observed LBVs and LBV candidates, but a possible⊙ extension∼ the line forming region towards the radio emitting as previously towards higher luminosities is discussed. Further on, Clark et al. found for OB stars (Puls et al. 2006) and WR stars (Nugis et al. (2005) argue that LBV stars in this part of the HRD will look 1998, Liermann & Hamann 2008). like WNL stars. As recently presented by Groh et al. (2009), this In the case of LHO110, however, the measured radio flux is minimum light strip is connected to the strong-variable LBVs about ten times higher then expected from the Wright & Barlow suspected to be fast rotators reaching their critical rotational ve- (1975) model compared to the mass-loss rate derived from the locity, e. g. the known strong variable LBVs AG Car and HR Car K-band analysis. This might indicate that the radio emission lie at this limit. In contrast slow-rotating LBV stars are assumed is produced in a colliding-wind zone. On the other hand, bi- to be less variable. In any case, we don’t find hints in the spectra naries often show a non-thermal radio spectrum with a nega- of our sample stars to be fast rotating and the question of vari- tive radio spectral index. For LHO110, Lang et al. (2005) found ability cannot be settled without further observations. Still, all a spectral index of +1.4, which is closer to the prediction of three stars, WR102ea, WR102hb, and LHO110, are thus left in the Wright & Barlow (1975) theory for thermal wind emission the possible LBV regime within the HRD. (spectral index +0.6). Considering these contradictory indica- WR102ea and WR102hb both are placed above the evolu- tions, the nature of the radio emission and the binary status of tionary track with 120 M initial mass, see Sect. 4.4 and Fig. 7. LHO110 remains unsettled. But as described recently⊙ by Maeder et al. (2008), such massive stars might skip the LBV phase in their evolution completely. 4.3. LBV candidates? 4.4. Stellar evolution We find two stars in our sample, WR102ea and WR102hb with very high luminosities and low terminal velocities. Their mass- The HRD with evolutionary tracks from Meynet& Maeder loss rates are comparable to those derived for the Pistol star and (2003) is shown in Fig. 7. Most sample stars lie within the tracks FMM362 (Najarro et al. 2009), or WR102ka (Barniske et al. for solar metallicity between 60 and 120 M initial mass imply- 2008) thus leading to the conclusion the stars might be LBV ing that the WN stars are descendants from⊙ the most massive O candidate stars. For LHO 110 the slightly smaller luminosity stars. The tracks without rotation (dashed lines) extend further sets the star in the HRD just below the Humphreys-Davidson into the cooler temperature domain than the tracks with rotation limit adapted from Figer et al. (1998, their Fig12), while other (solid lines). This might imply that the initial equatorial rota- Quintuplet LBV candidates are above this empirical relation (see tional velocity of the sample stars was smaller than the assumed 1 Fig. 6). Also the very low mass-loss rate might question the LBV 300km s− in the evolutionary models. Similar results were al- scenario for LHO110, despite its spectral appearance. ready encountered when comparing the Galactic WN stars with A. Liermann et al.: The Quintuplet Cluster. II. 9

T*/kK sion agrees with the prediction for free-free emission from their 150 100 60 40 20 10 stellar winds. In contrast, LHO110 (QR4) is much brighter in the radio than consistent with these assumptions, which possibly indicates that it might be a binary with colliding winds, although 6.5 none of the sample stars has been detected in X-rays. WR102hb The two most luminousstars of our sample correspondto ini- WR102ea tial masses above 150 M . The other three, less luminous stars ⊙ 120 M can be compared with detailed evolutionary tracks, revealing ini- WR102i tial masses in the range of 60 to 120 M , and ages of about 2.1- LHO110 3.6 million years. As in the case of other⊙ Galactic WN stars, ) the evolutionary tracks without rotation seem to fit better to the L / WR102d 85 M stars’ location in the empirical HRD. According to the evolution- L 6.0 ary models, these stars are still core-hydrogen burning objects.

log ( From the analysis of the individual stars we obtained the in- terstellar reddening and extinction. Based on the small sample, no extinction map could be established but an average extinc- 60 M tion of AK = 3.1 0.5mag (AV = 27 4mag) was determined towards the Quintuplet± cluster. ±

Acknowledgements. We are very thankful to our referee F. Najarro for his useful 5.5 comments which helped to improve this manuscript. This publication makes use ZAMS of data products from the Two Micron All Sky Survey, which is a joint project of the University of Massachusetts and the Infrared Processing and Analysis 5.2 5.0 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4.0 3.8 Center/California Institute of Technology, funded by the National Aeronautics log (T /K) and Space Administration and the National Science Foundation. This research * has made use of the SIMBAD database, operated at CDS, Strasbourg, France. Fig. 7. HRD with evolutionary tracks from Meynet & Maeder L. M. Oskinova is supported by the Deutsches Zentrum f¨ur Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) under grant 50 OR 0804. A. Liermann is supported by the Deutsche (2003) for Mini of 60, 85 and 120 M . The dashed lines re- ⊙ Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) under grant HA 1455/19. fer to tracks without rotation, solid lines to tracks with 3ini = 1 300km s− . 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