
Contrat Quinquennal 2016‐2020

Annexe 6 du dossier d’évaluation : Production Scientifique

19/09/2014 AERES Vague A IPAG / UMR5274

ANNEXE 6 : IPAG 2016-2020


Publications ACL par année et par équipe

100 90 80 astromol 70 cristal 60 fost 50 40 planeto 30 sherpas 20 multi 10 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Publications ACL par équipe 2009‐2013

sherpas 17% astromol 21%

planeto cristal 15% 8%

fost 39%

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 1

15 Principaux support de publication 2009‐2013 250


Journal of Geophysical Research () 200 The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate Astroparticle Physics

The Astronomical Journal 150



Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 100 Journal of Chemical Physics

Planetary and Space Science


50 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society The Astrophysical Journal

Astronomy and Astrophysics

0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 2

Liste des publications 2009‐2014

IPAG publications are counted by team. The sum of all team papers (1122) is larger than the number of papers for the whole laboratory (1068) because some publications are written in common between 2 ou more teams. There are 54 (=1122‐1068) 'multi‐team' papers during the period.

ACL refereed articles (1068) ...... 4 ACL astromol (242) ...... 4 ACL cristal (90)...... 17 ACL fost (432) ...... 23 ACL planeto (164) ...... 48 ACL sherpas (194) ...... 58 ACL multi‐team (54) ...... 69 ASCL non‐refereed articles (980) ...... 72 ASCL astromol (78) ...... 72 ASCL cristal (226) ...... 77 ASCL fost (363) ...... 91 ASCL planeto (308) ...... 112 ASCL sherpas (81) ...... 130 ASCL multi‐team(76) ...... 134

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 3 ACL refereed articles (1068)

En date du 2014-07-07T10:02:15.971+02:00 : 1068 publications à referee sur un total de 2175 classées par date et par ordre alphabétique sur le 1er auteur.

Les ID ACL-XX et ASCL-XX ne sont pas des identifiants mais un simple comptage des publications par type.

ACL astromol (242)

ACL‐1 Boissé, P.; Rollinde, E.; Hily‐Blant, P.; Pety, J.; Federman, S. R.; Sheffer, Y.; Pineau Des Forêts, G.; Roueff, E.; Andersson, B.‐G.; Hébrard, G., 2009, CO emission and variable CH and CH+ absorption towards HD 34078: evidence for a nascent bow shock?, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 501, 221

ACL‐2 Cernicharo, J.; Ceccarelli, C.; Ménard, F.; Pinte, C.; Fuente, A., 2009, The Foggy Disks Surrounding Herbig Ae : A Theoretical Study of the H2O Line Spectra, The Astrophysical Journal , 703, L123

ACL‐3 Codella, C.; Benedettini, M.; Beltrán, M. T.; Gueth, F.; Viti, S.; Bachiller, R.; Tafalla, M.; Cabrit, S.; Fuente, A.; Lefloch, B., 2009, Methyl cyanide as tracer of bow shocks in ‐B1, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 507, L25

ACL‐4 Crimier, N.; Ceccarelli, C.; Lefloch, B.; Faure, A., 2009, Physical structure and line spectrum predictions of the intermediate OMC2‐FIR4, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 506, 1229

ACL‐5 Falgarone, E.; Pety, J.; Hily‐Blant, P., 2009, Intermittency of interstellar turbulence: extreme velocity‐shears and CO emission on milliparsec scale, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 507, 355

ACL‐6 Faure, A.; Tennyson, J.; Kokoouline, V.; Greene, Chris H., 2009, Rotational excitation of interstellar molecular ions by electrons, Journal of Physics Conference Series , 192, 2016

ACL‐7 Faure, Alexandre; Vuitton, Véronique; Thissen, Roland; Wiesenfeld, Laurent, 2009, A Semiempirical Capture Model for Fast Neutral Reactions at Low Temperature, Journal of Physical Chemistry A , 113, 13694

ACL‐8 Fuente, A.; Castro‐Carrizo, A.; Alonso‐Albi, T.; Beltrán, M. T.; Neri, R.; Ceccarelli, C.; Lefloch, B.; Codella, C.; Caselli, P., 2009, Dissecting an intermediate‐mass protostar. Chemical differentiation in IC 1396 N, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 507, 1475

ACL‐9 Gerin, M.; Goicoechea, J. R.; Pety, J.; Hily‐Blant, P., 2009, HCO mapping of the Horsehead: tracing the illuminated dense surfaces, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 494, 977

ACL‐10 Goicoechea, J. R.; Pety, J.; Gerin, M.; Hily‐Blant, P.; Le Bourlot, J., 2009, The ionization fraction gradient across the Horsehead edge: an archetype for molecular clouds, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 498, 771

ACL‐11 Hily‐Blant, P.; Falgarone, E., 2009, Intermittency of interstellar turbulence: ‐scale coherent structure of intense, velocity shear, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 500, L29

ACL‐12 Lattelais, M.; Pauzat, F.; Ellinger, Y.; Ceccarelli, C., 2009, Interstellar Complex Organic Molecules and the Minimum Energy Principle, The Astrophysical Journal , 696, L133

ACL‐13 Maret, S.; Faure, A.; Scifoni, E.; Wiesenfeld, L., 2009, On the robustness of the ammonia thermometer, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 399, 425

ACL‐14 Maret, Sébastien; Bergin, Edwin A.; Neufeld, David A.; , Joel D.; Watson, Dan M.; Harwit, Martin O.; Kristensen, Lars E.; Melnick, Gary J.; Sonnentrucker, Paule; Tolls, Volker; and 3 coauthors, 2009, Spitzer Mapping of Molecular Pure Rotational Lines in NGC 1333: A Detailed Study of Feedback in Formation, The Astrophysical Journal , 698, 1244

ACL‐15 Neufeld, David A.; Nisini, Brunella; Giannini, Teresa; Melnick, Gary J.; Bergin, Edwin A.; Yuan, Yuan; Maret, Sébastien; Tolls, Volker; Güsten, Rolf; Kaufman, Michael J., 2009, Spitzer Spectral Line Mapping of Protostellar Outflows. I. Basic Data and Outflow Energetics, The Astrophysical Journal , 706, 170

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 4 ACL‐16 Pagani, L.; Vastel, C.; Hugo, E.; Kokoouline, V.; Greene, C. H.; Bacmann, A.; Bayet, E.; Ceccarelli, C.; Peng, R.; Schlemmer, S., 2009, Chemical modeling of L183 (L134N): an estimate of the ortho/para H{_2} ratio, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 494, 623

ACL‐17 Ratajczak, A.; Quirico, E.; Faure, A.; Schmitt, B.; Ceccarelli, C., 2009, Hydrogen/ exchange in interstellar ice analogs, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 496, L21

ACL‐18 Schuller, F.; Menten, K. M.; Contreras, Y.; Wyrowski, F.; Schilke, P.; Bronfman, L.; Henning, T.; Walmsley, C. M.; Beuther, H.; Bontemps, S.; and 24 coauthors, 2009, ATLASGAL ‐ The APEX telescope large area survey of the at 870 μm, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 504, 415

ACL‐19 Shafir, D.; Novotny, S.; Buhr, H.; Altevogt, S.; Faure, A.; Grieser, M.; Harvey, A. G.; Heber, O.; Hoffmann, J.; Kreckel, H.; and 9 coauthors, 2009, Rotational Cooling of HD+Molecular Ions by Superelastic Collisions with Electrons, Physical Review Letters , 102, 223202

ACL‐20 Spielfiedel, A.; Senent, M.‐L.; Dayou, F.; Balança, C.; Cressiot‐Vincent, L.; Faure, A.; Wiesenfeld, L.; Feautrier, N., 2009, A five‐dimensional potential‐energy surface for the rotational excitation of SO2 by H2 at low temperatures, Journal of Chemical Physics , 131, 4305

ACL‐21 Troscompt, N.; Faure, A.; Maret, S.; Ceccarelli, C.; Hily‐Blant, P.; Wiesenfeld, L., 2009, Constraining the ortho‐to‐para ratio of H2 with anomalous H_2CO absorption, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 506, 1243

ACL‐22 Troscompt, N.; Faure, A.; Wiesenfeld, L.; Ceccarelli, C.; Valiron, P., 2009, Rotational excitation of formaldehyde by hydrogen molecules: ortho‐H_2CO at low temperature, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 493, 687

ACL‐23 Varambhia, Hemal N.; Gupta, Monika; Faure, Alexandre; Baluja, K. L.; Tennyson, Jonathan, 2009, Electron collision with the silicon monoxide (SiO) molecule using the R‐matrix method, Journal of Physics B Atomic Molecular Physics , 42, 5204

ACL‐24 Zhang, Rui; Faure, Alexandre; Tennyson, Jonathan, 2009, Electron and positron collisions with polar molecules: studies with the benchmark water molecule, Physica Scripta , 80, 5301

ACL‐25 Ade, P. A. R.; Savini, G.; Sudiwala, R.; Tucker, C.; Catalano, A.; Church, S.; Colgan, R.; Desert, F. X.; Gleeson, E.; , W. C.; and 11 coauthors, 2010, Planck pre‐launch status: The optical architecture of the HFI, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 520, 11

ACL‐26 Agúndez, M.; Cernicharo, J.; Guélin, M.; Kahane, C.; Roueff, E.; Kłos, J.; Aoiz, F. J.; Lique, F.; Marcelino, N.; Goicoechea, J. R.; and 4 coauthors, 2010, Astronomical identification of CN‐, the smallest observed molecular anion, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 517, L2

ACL‐27 Agúndez, M.; Goicoechea, J. R.; Cernicharo, J.; Faure, A.; Roueff, E., 2010, The Chemistry of Vibrationally Excited H2 in the , The Astrophysical Journal , 713, 662

ACL‐28 Alonso‐Albi, T.; Fuente, A.; Crimier, N.; Caselli, P.; Ceccarelli, C.; Johnstone, D.; Planesas, P.; Rizzo, J. R.; Wyrowski, F.; Tafalla, M.; and 3 coauthors, 2010, Chemical study of intermediate‐ + mass (IM) Class 0 . CO depletion and N2H deuteration, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 518, 52

ACL‐29 Bacmann, A.; Caux, E.; Hily‐Blant, P.; Parise, B.; Pagani, L.; Bottinelli, S.; Maret, S.; Vastel, C.; Ceccarelli, C.; Cernicharo, J.; and 57 coauthors, 2010, First detection of ND in the solar‐mass protostar IRAS16293‐2422, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 521, L42

ACL‐30 Bergin, E. A.; Phillips, T. G.; Comito, C.; Crockett, N. R.; Lis, D. C.; Schilke, P.; Wang, S.; Bell, T. A.; Blake, G. A.; Bumble, B.; and 49 coauthors, 2010, Herschel observations of EXtra‐Ordinary Sources (HEXOS): The present and future of spectral surveys with Herschel/HIFI, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 521, L20

ACL‐31 Ceccarelli, C.; Cernicharo, J.; Ménard, F.; Pinte, C., 2010, The Foggy Disks Surrounding AeBe Stars: A Theoretical Study of The HDO Lines, The Astrophysical Journal , 725, L135

ACL‐32 Ceccarelli, C.; Bacmann, A.; Boogert, A.; Caux, E.; Dominik, C.; Lefloch, B.; Lis, D.; Schilke, P.; van der Tak, F.; Caselli, P.; and 56 coauthors, 2010, Herschel spectral surveys of star‐forming regions. Overview of the 555‐636 GHz range, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 521, L22

ACL‐33 Codella, C.; Ceccarelli, C.; Nisini, B.; Bachiller, R.; Cernicharo, J.; Gueth, F.; Fuente, A.; Lefloch, B., 2010, Heavy water around the L1448‐mm protostar, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 522, L1

ACL‐34 Codella, C.; Lefloch, B.; Ceccarelli, C.; Cernicharo, J.; Caux, E.; Lorenzani, A.; Viti, S.; Hily‐Blant, P.; Parise, B.; Maret, S.; and 59 coauthors, 2010, The CHESS spectral survey of star forming regions: Peering into the protostellar shock L1157‐B1. I. Shock chemical complexity,

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 5 Astronomy and Astrophysics , 518, L112

ACL‐35 Comito, C.; Schilke, P.; Rolffs, R.; Lis, D. C.; Belloche, A.; Bergin, E. A.; Phillips, T. G.; Bell, T. A.; Crockett, N. R.; Wang, S.; and 46 coauthors, 2010, Herschel observations of deuterated water towards Sgr B2(M), Astronomy and Astrophysics , 521, L38

ACL‐36 Crimier, N.; Ceccarelli, C.; Maret, S.; Bottinelli, S.; Caux, E.; Kahane, C.; Lis, D. C.; Olofsson, J., 2010, The solar type protostar IRAS16293‐2422: new constraints on the physical structure, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 519, 65

ACL‐37 Crimier, N.; Ceccarelli, C.; Alonso‐Albi, T.; Fuente, A.; Caselli, P.; Johnstone, D.; Kahane, C.; Lefloch, B.; Maret, S.; Plume, R.; and 4 coauthors, 2010, Physical structure of the envelopes of intermediate‐mass protostars, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 516, 102

ACL‐38 Crockett, N. R.; Bergin, E. A.; Wang, S.; Lis, D. C.; Bell, T. A.; Blake, G. A.; Boogert, A.; Bumble, B.; Cabrit, S.; Caux, E.; and 53 coauthors, 2010, Herschel observations of EXtra‐Ordinary Sources (HEXOS): The Terahertz spectrum of KL seen at high spectral resolution, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 521, L21

ACL‐39 Decin, L.; Agúndez, M.; Barlow, M. J.; Daniel, F.; Cernicharo, J.; Lombaert, R.; De Beck, E.; Royer, P.; Vandenbussche, B.; Wesson, R.; and 27 coauthors, 2010, Warm water vapour in the sooty outflow from a luminous star, , 467, 64

ACL‐40 Demyk, K.; Bottinelli, S.; Caux, E.; Vastel, C.; Ceccarelli, C.; Kahane, C.; Castets, A., 2010, TIMASSS: the IRAS16293‐2422 millimeter and submillimeter spectral survey: tentative detection of deuterated methyl formate (DCOOCH3), Astronomy and Astrophysics , 517, 17

ACL‐41 Dumouchel, F.; Faure, A.; Lique, F., 2010, The rotational excitation of HCN and HNC by He: temperature dependence of the collisional rate coefficients, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 406, 2488

ACL‐42 Emprechtinger, M.; Lis, D. C.; Bell, T.; Phillips, T. G.; Schilke, P.; Comito, C.; Rolffs, R.; van der Tak, F.; Ceccarelli, C.; Aarts, H.; and 59 coauthors, 2010, The distribution of water in the high‐ mass star‐forming region NGC 6334 I, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 521, L28

ACL‐43 Falgarone, E.; Godard, B.; Cernicharo, J.; de Luca, M.; Gerin, M.; Phillips, T. G.; Black, J. H.; Lis, D. C.; Bell, T. A.; Boulanger, F.; and 50 coauthors, 2010, CH+(1‐0) and 13 CH+(1‐0) absorption lines in the direction of massive star‐forming regions, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 521, L15

ACL‐44 Faure, Alexandre; Vuitton, Véronique; Thissen, Roland; Wiesenfeld, Laurent; Dutuit, Odile, 2010, Fast ion‐molecule reactions in planetary atmospheres: a semiempirical capture approach, Faraday Discussions , 147, 337

ACL‐45 Fischer, W. J.; Megeath, S. T.; Ali, B.; Tobin, J. J.; Osorio, M.; Allen, L. E.; Kryukova, E.; Stanke, T.; Stutz, A. M.; Bergin, E.; and 15 coauthors, 2010, Herschel‐PACS imaging of protostars in the HH 1‐2 outflow complex, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 518, L122

ACL‐46 Gerin, M.; de Luca, M.; Goicoechea, J. R.; Herbst, E.; Falgarone, E.; Godard, B.; Bell, T. A.; Coutens, A.; Kaźmierczak, M.; Sonnentrucker, P.; and 48 coauthors, 2010, Interstellar CH absorption in the diffuse interstellar medium along the sight‐lines to G10.6‐0.4 (W31C), W49N, and W51, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 521, L16

ACL‐47 Gerin, M.; de Luca, M.; Black, J.; Goicoechea, J. R.; Herbst, E.; Neufeld, D. A.; Falgarone, E.; + + Godard, B.; Pearson, J. C.; Lis, D. C.; and 43 coauthors, 2010, Interstellar OH , H2O + and H3O along the sight‐line to G10.6‐0.4, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 518, L110

ACL‐48 Godard, B.; Falgarone, E.; Gerin, M.; Hily‐Blant, P.; de Luca, M., 2010, Molecular absorption lines toward star‐forming regions: a comparative study of HCO+, HNC, HCN, and CN, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 520, 20

ACL‐49 Gupta, H.; Rimmer, P.; Pearson, J. C.; Yu, S.; Herbst, E.; Harada, N.; Bergin, E. A.; Neufeld, D. A.; + + Melnick, G. J.; Bachiller, R.; and 69 coauthors, 2010, Detection of OH and H2O towards Orion KL, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 521, L47

ACL‐50 Hily‐Blant, P.; Maret, S.; Bacmann, A.; Bottinelli, S.; Parise, B.; Caux, E.; Faure, A.; Bergin, E. A.; Blake, G. A.; Castets, A.; and 51 coauthors, 2010, Nitrogen hydrides in the cold envelope of IRAS 16293‐2422, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 521, L52

ACL‐51 Hily‐Blant, P.; Walmsley, M.; Pineau Des Forêts, G.; Flower, D., 2010, Nitrogen chemistry and depletion in starless cores, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 513, 41

ACL‐52 Kama, M.; Dominik, C.; Maret, S.; van der Tak, F.; Caux, E.; Ceccarelli, C.; Fuente, A.; Crimier,

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 6 N.; Lord, S.; Bacmann, A.; and 55 coauthors, 2010, The methanol lines and hot core of OMC2‐ FIR4, an intermediate‐mass protostar, with Herschel/HIFI, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 521, L39

ACL‐53 Kastner, Joel H.; Hily‐Blant, Pierry; Sacco, G. G.; Forveille, Thierry; Zuckerman, B., 2010, Detection of a Molecular Disk Orbiting the Nearby, "old," Classical Star MP Muscae, The Astrophysical Journal , 723, L248

ACL‐54 Kokoouline, Viatcheslav; Faure, Alexandre; Tennyson, Jonathan; Greene, Chris H., 2010, + Calculation of rate constants for vibrational and rotational excitation of the H3 ion by electron impact, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 405, 1195

ACL‐55 Lamarre, J.‐M.; Puget, J.‐L.; Ade, P. A. R.; Bouchet, F.; Guyot, G.; Lange, A. E.; Pajot, F.; Arondel, A.; Benabed, K.; Beney, J.‐L.; and 85 coauthors, 2010, Planck pre‐launch status: The HFI instrument, from specification to actual performance, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 520, 9

ACL‐56 Lattelais, M.; Pauzat, F.; Ellinger, Y.; Ceccarelli, C., 2010, A new weapon for the interstellar complex organic molecule hunt: the minimum energy principle, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 519, 30

ACL‐57 Lefloch, B.; Cabrit, S.; Codella, C.; Melnick, G.; Cernicharo, J.; Caux, E.; Benedettini, M.; Boogert, A.; Caselli, P.; Ceccarelli, C.; and 67 coauthors, 2010, The CHESS spectral survey of star forming regions: Peering into the protostellar shock L1157‐B1. II. Shock dynamics, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 518, L113

ACL‐58 Lis, D. C.; Phillips, T. G.; Goldsmith, P. F.; Neufeld, D. A.; Herbst, E.; Comito, C.; Schilke, P.; Müller, H. S. P.; Bergin, E. A.; Gerin, M.; and 65 coauthors, 2010, Herschel/HIFI measurements of the ortho/para ratio in water towards Sagittarius B2(M) and W31C, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 521, L26

ACL‐59 Lis, D. C.; Pearson, J. C.; Neufeld, D. A.; Schilke, P.; Müller, H. S. P.; Gupta, H.; Bell, T. A.; Comito, C.; Phillips, T. G.; Bergin, E. A.; and 95 coauthors, 2010, Herschel/HIFI discovery of interstellar + chloronium (H2Cl ), Astronomy and Astrophysics , 521, L9

ACL‐60 Macías‐Pérez, J. F.; Mayet, F.; Aumont, J.; Désert, F.‐X., 2010, Global Spectral Energy Distribution of the Crab in the Prospect of the Planck Satellite Polarization Calibration, The Astrophysical Journal , 711, 417

ACL‐61 Melnick, G. J.; Tolls, V.; Neufeld, D. A.; Bergin, E. A.; Phillips, T. G.; Wang, S.; Crockett, N. R.; Bell, T. A.; Blake, G. A.; Cabrit, S.; and 42 coauthors, 2010, Herschel observations of EXtra‐ Ordinary Sources (HEXOS): Observations of H2O and its isotopologues towards Orion KL, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 521, L27

ACL‐62 Monfardini, A.; Swenson, L. J.; Bideaud, A.; Désert, F. X.; Yates, S. J. C.; Benoit, A.; Baryshev, A. M.; Baselmans, J. J. A.; Doyle, S.; Klein, B.; and 11 coauthors, 2010, NIKA: A millimeter‐wave kinetic inductance camera, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 521, 29

ACL‐63 Mookerjea, B.; Giesen, T.; Stutzki, J.; Cernicharo, J.; Goicoechea, J. R.; de Luca, M.; Bell, T. A.; Gupta, H.; Gerin, M.; Persson, C. M.; and 41 coauthors, 2010, Excitation and abundance of C3 in star forming cores. Herschel/HIFI observations of the sight‐lines to W31C and W49N, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 521, L13

ACL‐64 Neufeld, D. A.; Goicoechea, J. R.; Sonnentrucker, P.; Black, J. H.; Pearson, J.; Yu, S.; Phillips, T. G.; Lis, D. C.; de Luca, M.; Herbst, E.; and 43 coauthors, 2010, Herschel/HIFI observations of + + interstellar OH and H2O towards W49N: a probe of diffuse clouds with a small molecular fraction, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 521, L10

ACL‐65 Neufeld, D. A.; Sonnentrucker, P.; Phillips, T. G.; Lis, D. C.; de Luca, M.; Goicoechea, J. R.; Black, J. H.; Gerin, M.; Bell, T.; Boulanger, F.; and 38 coauthors, 2010, Strong absorption by interstellar hydrogen fluoride: Herschel/HIFI observations of the sight‐line to G10.6‐0.4 (W31C), Astronomy and Astrophysics , 518, L108

ACL‐66 Ossenkopf, V.; Müller, H. S. P.; Lis, D. C.; Schilke, P.; Bell, T. A.; Bruderer, S.; Bergin, E.; Ceccarelli, C.; Comito, C.; Stutzki, J.; and 92 coauthors, 2010, Detection of interstellar + oxidaniumyl: Abundant H2O towards the star‐forming regions DR21, Sgr B2, and NGC6334, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 518, L111

ACL‐67 Pagani, Laurent; Steinacker, Jürgen; Bacmann, Aurore; Stutz, Amelia; Henning, Thomas, 2010, The Ubiquity of Micrometer‐Sized Dust Grains in the Dense Interstellar Medium, Science , 329, 1622

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 7 ACL‐68 Paganini, L.; Villanueva, G. L.; Lara, L. M.; Lin, Z. Y.; Küppers, M.; Hartogh, P.; Faure, A., 2010, HCN Spectroscopy of 73P/Schwassmann‐Wachmann 3. A Study of Gas Evolution and its to CN, The Astrophysical Journal , 715, 1258

ACL‐69 Pajot, F.; Ade, P. A. R.; Beney, J.‐L.; Bréelle, E.; Broszkiewicz, D.; Camus, P.; Carabétian, C.; Catalano, A.; Chardin, A.; Charra, M.; and 64 coauthors, 2010, Planck pre‐launch status: HFI ground calibration, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 520, 10

ACL‐70 Persson, C. M.; Black, J. H.; Cernicharo, J.; Goicoechea, J. R.; Hassel, G. E.; Herbst, E.; Gerin, M.; de Luca, M.; Bell, T. A.; Coutens, A.; and 42 coauthors, 2010, Nitrogen hydrides in interstellar gas. Herschel/HIFI observations towards G10.6‐0.4 (W31C), Astronomy and Astrophysics , 521, L45

ACL‐71 Phillips, T. G.; Bergin, E. A.; Lis, D. C.; Neufeld, D. A.; Bell, T. A.; Wang, S.; Crockett, N. R.; Emprechtinger, M.; Blake, G. A.; Caux, E.; and 45 coauthors, 2010, Herschel observations of EXtra‐Ordinary Sources (HEXOS): Detection of hydrogen fluoride in absorption towards Orion KL, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 518, L109

ACL‐72 Qin, S.‐L.; Schilke, P.; Comito, C.; Möller, T.; Rolffs, R.; Müller, H. S. P.; Belloche, A.; Menten, K. M.; Lis, D. C.; Phillips, T. G.; and 60 coauthors, 2010, Herschel observations of EXtra‐Ordinary Sources (HEXOS): detecting spiral arm clouds by CH absorption lines, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 521, L14

ACL‐73 Roberts, J. F.; Jiménez‐Serra, I.; Martín‐Pintado, J.; Viti, S.; Rodríguez‐Franco, A.; Faure, A.; Tennyson, J., 2010, The magnetic precursor of L1448‐mm: excitation differences between ion and neutral fluids, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 513, 64

ACL‐74 Rolffs, R.; Schilke, P.; Comito, C.; Bergin, E. A.; van der Tak, F. F. S.; Lis, D. C.; Qin, S.‐L.; Menten, K. M.; Güsten, R.; Bell, T. A.; and 47 coauthors, 2010, Reversal of infall in SgrB2(M) revealed by Herschel/HIFI observations of HCN lines at THz frequencies, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 521, L46

ACL‐75 Rosset, C.; Tristram, M.; Ponthieu, N.; Ade, P.; Aumont, J.; Catalano, A.; Conversi, L.; Couchot, F.; Crill, B. P.; Désert, F.‐X.; and 28 coauthors, 2010, Planck pre‐launch status: High Frequency Instrument polarization calibration, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 520, 13

ACL‐76 Sarrasin, E.; Abdallah, D. Ben; Wernli, M.; Faure, A.; Cernicharo, J.; Lique, F., 2010, The rotational excitation of HCN and HNC by He: new insights on the HCN/HNC abundance ratio in molecular clouds, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 404, 518

ACL‐77 Schilke, P.; Comito, C.; Müller, H. S. P.; Bergin, E. A.; Herbst, E.; Lis, D. C.; Neufeld, D. A.; Phillips, T. G.; Bell, T. A.; Blake, G. A.; and 49 coauthors, 2010, Herschel observations of ortho‐ + and para‐oxidaniumyl (H2O ) in spiral arm clouds toward Sagittarius B2(M), Astronomy and Astrophysics , 521, L11

ACL‐78 Scribano, Yohann; Faure, Alexandre; Wiesenfeld, Laurent, 2010, Communication: Rotational excitation of interstellar heavy water by hydrogen molecules, Journal of Chemical Physics , 133, 1105

ACL‐79 Sonnentrucker, P.; Neufeld, D. A.; Phillips, T. G.; Gerin, M.; Lis, D. C.; de Luca, M.; Goicoechea, J. R.; Black, J. H.; Bell, T. A.; Boulanger, F.; and 40 coauthors, 2010, Detection of hydrogen fluoride absorption in diffuse molecular clouds with Herschel/HIFI: an ubiquitous tracer of molecular gas, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 521, L12

ACL‐80 Stanke, T.; Stutz, A. M.; Tobin, J. J.; Ali, B.; Megeath, S. T.; Krause, O.; Linz, H.; Allen, L.; Bergin, E.; Calvet, N.; and 15 coauthors, 2010, Hier ist wahrhaftig ein Loch im Himmel. The NGC 1999 dark globule is not a globule, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 518, L94

ACL‐81 Steinacker, J.; Pagani, L.; Bacmann, A.; Guieu, S., 2010, Direct evidence of dust growth in L183 from mid‐ light scattering, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 511, 9

ACL‐82 Sturm, B.; Bouwman, J.; Henning, Th.; Evans, N. J.; Acke, B.; Mulders, G. D.; , L. B. F. M.; van Dishoeck, E. F.; Meeus, G.; Green, J. D.; and 33 coauthors, 2010, First results of the Herschel key program ``Dust, Ice and Gas In Time'' (DIGIT): Dust and gas spectroscopy of HD 100546, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 518, L129

ACL‐83 Tauber, J. A.; Mandolesi, N.; Puget, J.‐L.; Banos, T.; Bersanelli, M.; Bouchet, F. R.; Butler, R. C.; Charra, J.; Crone, G.; Dodsworth, J.; and 490 coauthors, 2010, Planck pre‐launch status: The Planck mission, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 520, 1

ACL‐84 Varambhia, Hemal N.; Faure, Alexandre; Graupner, K.; Field, Thomas A.; Tennyson, Jonathan,

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 8 2010, Electron‐impact rotational excitation of the carbon monosulphide (CS) molecule, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 403, 1409

ACL‐85 Vastel, C.; Ceccarelli, C.; Caux, E.; Coutens, A.; Cernicharo, J.; Bottinelli, S.; Demyk, K.; Faure, A.; Wiesenfeld, L.; Scribano, Y.; and 58 coauthors, 2010, Ortho‐to‐para ratio of interstellar heavy water, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 521, L31

ACL‐86 Wiesenfeld, Laurent; Faure, Alexandre, 2010, Ab initio computation of the broadening of water rotational lines by molecular hydrogen, Physical Review A , 82, 40702

ACL‐87 Yang, C.‐H.; Sarma, G.; Ter Meulen, J. J.; Parker, D. H.; McBane, G. C.; Wiesenfeld, L.; Faure, A.; Scribano, Y.; Feautrier, N., 2010, Communication: Mapping water collisions for interstellar space conditions, Journal of Chemical Physics , 133, 1103

ACL‐88 van Kempen, T. A.; Green, J. D.; Evans, N. J.; van Dishoeck, E. F.; Kristensen, L. E.; Herczeg, G. J.; Merín, B.; Lee, J.‐E.; Jørgensen, J. K.; Bouwman, J.; and 35 coauthors, 2010, Dust, Ice, and Gas In Time (DIGIT) Herschel program first results. A full PACS‐SED scan of the gas line emission in protostar DK Chamaeleontis, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 518, L128

ACL‐89 van der Wiel, M. H. D.; van der Tak, F. F. S.; Lis, D. C.; Bell, T.; Bergin, E. A.; Comito, C.; Emprechtinger, M.; Schilke, P.; Caux, E.; Ceccarelli, C.; and 58 coauthors, 2010, Herschel/HIFI observations of spectrally resolved methylidyne signatures toward the high‐mass star‐forming core NGC 6334I, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 521, L43

ACL‐90 Brand, J.; Massi, F.; Zavagno, A.; Deharveng, L.; Lefloch, B., 2011, Triggered at the borders of the H ii region Sh 2‐217, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 527, 62

ACL‐91 Caux, E.; Kahane, C.; Castets, A.; Coutens, A.; Ceccarelli, C.; Bacmann, A.; Bisschop, S.; Bottinelli, S.; Comito, C.; Helmich, F. P.; and 8 coauthors, 2011, TIMASSS: the IRAS 16293‐2422 millimeter and submillimeter spectral survey. I. Observations, calibration, and analysis of the line kinematics, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 532, 23

ACL‐92 Ceccarelli, C.; Hily‐Blant, P.; Montmerle, T.; Dubus, G.; Gallant, Y.; Fiasson, A., 2011, ‐enhanced Cosmic‐Ray Ionization and Induced Chemistry in a Molecular Cloud of W51C, The Astrophysical Journal , 740, L4

ACL‐93 Cernicharo, J.; Spielfiedel, A.; Balança, C.; Dayou, F.; Senent, M.‐L.; Feautrier, N.; Faure, A.; Cressiot‐Vincent, L.; Wiesenfeld, L.; Pardo, J. R., 2011, Collisional excitation of sulfur dioxide in cold molecular clouds, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 531, 103

ACL‐94 Cernicharo, J.; Agúndez, M.; Kahane, C.; Guélin, M.; Goicoechea, J. R.; Marcelino, N.; De Beck, E.; Decin, L., 2011, Probing the dust formation region in IRC +10216 with the high vibrational states of hydrogen cyanide, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 529, L3

ACL‐95 Faure, Alexandre; Szalewicz, Krzysztof; Wiesenfeld, Laurent, 2011, Potential energy surface and rotational cross sections for methyl formate colliding with , Journal of Chemical Physics , 135, 4301

ACL‐96 Gerin, M.; Kaźmierczak, M.; Jastrzebska, M.; Falgarone, E.; Hily‐Blant, P.; Godard, B.; de Luca, M., 2011, The tight correlation of CCH, and c‐ C3H2 in diffuse and translucent clouds, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 525, 116

ACL‐97 Green, J. D.; Watson, D. M.; Bergin, E.; Maret, S.; Melnick, G.; Sonnentrucker, P.; Tolls, V.; Sargent, B. A.; Forrest, W. J.; Kim, K. H.; and 1 coauthors, 2011, GGD 37: An Extreme Protostellar Outflow, The Astrophysical Journal , 726, L1

ACL‐98 Honvault, P.; Jorfi, M.; González‐Lezana, T.; Faure, A.; Pagani, L., 2011, Ortho‐Para H2 Conversion by Proton Exchange at Low Temperature: An Accurate Quantum Mechanical Study, Physical Review Letters , 107, 23201

ACL‐99 Honvault, P.; Jorfi, M.; González‐Lezana, T.; Faure, A.; Pagani, L., 2011, Quantum mechanical study of the proton exchange in the ortho‐para H2 conversion reaction at low temperature, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Incorporating Faraday Transactions) , 13, 19089

ACL‐100 Ingalls, James G.; Bania, T. M.; Boulanger, F.; Draine, B. T.; Falgarone, E.; Hily‐Blant, P., 2011, Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph Detection of Molecular Hydrogen Rotational Emission towards Translucent Clouds, The Astrophysical Journal , 743, 174

ACL‐101 Lattelais, M.; Pauzat, F.; Pilmé, J.; Ellinger, Y.; Ceccarelli, C., 2011, About the detectability of glycine in the interstellar medium, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 532, 39

ACL‐102 Lefloch, B.; Cernicharo, J.; Pacheco, S.; Ceccarelli, C., 2011, Shocked water in the E

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 9 protostellar outflow, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 527, L3

ACL‐103 Maret, S.; Hily‐Blant, P.; Pety, J.; Bardeau, S.; Reynier, E., 2011, Weeds: a CLASS extension for the analysis of millimeter and sub‐millimeter spectral surveys, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 526, 47

ACL‐104 Monfardini, A.; Benoit, A.; Bideaud, A.; Swenson, L.; Cruciani, A.; Camus, P.; Hoffmann, C.; Désert, F. X.; Doyle, S.; Ade, P.; and 15 coauthors, 2011, A Dual‐band Millimeter‐wave Kinetic Inductance Camera for the IRAM 30 m Telescope, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series , 194, 24

ACL‐105 Padovani, M.; Walmsley, C. M.; Tafalla, M.; Hily‐Blant, P.; Pineau Des Forêts, G., 2011, Hydrogen cyanide and isocyanide in prestellar cores, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 534, 77

ACL‐106 Pignatale, F. C.; Maddison, S. T.; Taquet, V.; Brooks, G.; Liffman, K., 2011, The effect of the regular solution model in the condensation of protoplanetary dust, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 414, 2386

ACL‐107 Piétu, V.; Gueth, F.; Hily‐Blant, P.; Schuster, K.‐F.; Pety, J., 2011, High resolution imaging of the GG Tauri system at 267 GHz, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 528, 81

ACL‐108 Planck Collaboration; Ade, P. A. R.; Aghanim, N.; Arnaud, M.; Ashdown, M.; Aumont, J.; Baccigalupi, C.; Balbi, A.; Banday, A. J.; Barreiro, R. B.; and 200 coauthors, 2011, Planck early results. XI. Calibration of the local Sunyaev‐Zeldovich scaling relations, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 536, 11

ACL‐109 Planck Collaboration; Abergel, A.; Ade, P. A. R.; Aghanim, N.; Arnaud, M.; Ashdown, M.; Aumont, J.; Baccigalupi, C.; Balbi, A.; Banday, A. J.; and 192 coauthors, 2011, Planck early results. XXI. Properties of the interstellar medium in the Galactic plane , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 536, 21

ACL‐110 Planck Collaboration; Ade, P. A. R.; Aghanim, N.; Arnaud, M.; Ashdown, M.; Aumont, J.; Baccigalupi, C.; Balbi, A.; Banday, A. J.; Barreiro, R. B.; and 228 coauthors, 2011, Planck early results. VIII. The all‐sky early Sunyaev‐Zeldovich cluster sample, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 536, 8

ACL‐111 Planck Collaboration; Ade, P. A. R.; Aghanim, N.; Arnaud, M.; Ashdown, M.; Aumont, J.; Baccigalupi, C.; Balbi, A.; Banday, A. J.; Barreiro, R. B.; and 185 coauthors, 2011, Planck early results. XVI. The Planck view of nearby , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 536, 16

ACL‐112 Planck Collaboration; Ade, P. A. R.; Aghanim, N.; Angelakis, E.; Arnaud, M.; Ashdown, M.; Aumont, J.; Baccigalupi, C.; Balbi, A.; Banday, A. J.; and 208 coauthors, 2011, Planck early results. XIV. ERCSC validation and extreme radio sources , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 536, 14

ACL‐113 Planck Collaboration; Ade, P. A. R.; Aghanim, N.; Arnaud, M.; Ashdown, M.; Aumont, J.; Baccigalupi, C.; Balbi, A.; Banday, A. J.; Barreiro, R. B.; and 195 coauthors, 2011, Planck early results. XVIII. The power spectrum of cosmic infrared background anisotropies, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 536, 18

ACL‐114 Planck Collaboration; Ade, P. A. R.; Aghanim, N.; Arnaud, M.; Ashdown, M.; Aumont, J.; Baccigalupi, C.; Balbi, A.; Banday, A. J.; Barreiro, R. B.; and 195 coauthors, 2011, Planck early results. XXIII. The first all‐sky survey of Galactic cold clumps, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 536, 23

ACL‐115 Planck Collaboration; Aghanim, N.; Arnaud, M.; Ashdown, M.; Aumont, J.; Baccigalupi, C.; Balbi, A.; Banday, A. J.; Barreiro, R. B.; Bartelmann, M.; and 190 coauthors, 2011, Planck early results. X. Statistical analysis of Sunyaev‐Zeldovich scaling relations for X‐ray galaxy clusters, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 536, 10

ACL‐116 Planck Collaboration; Aghanim, N.; Arnaud, M.; Ashdown, M.; Aumont, J.; Baccigalupi, C.; Balbi, A.; Banday, A. J.; Barreiro, R. B.; Bartelmann, M.; and 195 coauthors, 2011, Planck early results. XII. Cluster Sunyaev‐Zeldovich optical scaling relations, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 536, 12

ACL‐117 Planck Collaboration; Ade, P. A. R.; Aghanim, N.; Arnaud, M.; Ashdown, M.; Aumont, J.; Baccigalupi, C.; Balbi, A.; Banday, A. J.; Barreiro, R. B.; and 194 coauthors, 2011, Planck early results. XXII. The submillimetre properties of a sample of Galactic cold clumps, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 536, 22

ACL‐118 Planck Collaboration; Ade, P. A. R.; Aghanim, N.; Argüeso, F.; Arnaud, M.; Ashdown, M.;

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 10 Aumont, J.; Baccigalupi, C.; Balbi, A.; Banday, A. J.; and 194 coauthors, 2011, Planck early results. XIII. Statistical properties of extragalactic radio sources in the Planck Early Release Compact Source Catalogue, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 536, 13

ACL‐119 Planck Collaboration; Ade, P. A. R.; Aghanim, N.; Arnaud, M.; Ashdown, M.; Aumont, J.; Baccigalupi, C.; Baker, M.; Balbi, A.; Banday, A. J.; and 222 coauthors, 2011, Planck early results. II. The thermal performance of Planck, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 536, 2

ACL‐120 Planck Collaboration; Aghanim, N.; Arnaud, M.; Ashdown, M.; Atrio‐Barandela, F.; Aumont, J.; Baccigalupi, C.; Balbi, A.; Banday, A. J.; Barreiro, R. B.; and 182 coauthors, 2011, Planck early results. XXVI. Detection with Planck and confirmation by XMM‐ of PLCK G266.6‐27.3, an exceptionally X‐ray luminous and massive galaxy cluster at z ~ 1, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 536, 26

ACL‐121 Planck Collaboration; Aghanim, N.; Arnaud, M.; Ashdown, M.; Aumont, J.; Baccigalupi, C.; Balbi, A.; Banday, A. J.; Barreiro, R. B.; Bartelmann, M.; and 194 coauthors, 2011, Planck early results. IX. XMM‐Newton follow‐up for validation of Planck cluster candidates, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 536, 9

ACL‐122 Planck Collaboration; Ade, P. A. R.; Aghanim, N.; Arnaud, M.; Ashdown, M.; Aumont, J.; Baccigalupi, C.; Balbi, A.; Banday, A. J.; Barreiro, R. B.; and 198 coauthors, 2011, Planck early results. XIX. All‐sky temperature and dust optical depth from Planck and IRAS. Constraints on the "dark gas" in our Galaxy, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 536, 19

ACL‐123 Planck Collaboration; Abergel, A.; Ade, P. A. R.; Aghanim, N.; Arnaud, M.; Ashdown, M.; Aumont, J.; Baccigalupi, C.; Balbi, A.; Banday, A. J.; and 198 coauthors, 2011, Planck early results. XXIV. Dust in the diffuse interstellar medium and the , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 536, 24

ACL‐124 Planck Collaboration; Ade, P. A. R.; Aghanim, N.; Arnaud, M.; Ashdown, M.; Aumont, J.; Baccigalupi, C.; Baker, M.; Balbi, A.; Banday, A. J.; and 265 coauthors, 2011, Planck early results. I. The Planck mission, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 536, 1

ACL‐125 Planck HFI Core Team; Ade, P. A. R.; Aghanim, N.; Ansari, R.; Arnaud, M.; Ashdown, M.; Aumont, J.; Banday, A. J.; Bartelmann, M.; Bartlett, J. G.; and 156 coauthors, 2011, Planck early results. IV. First assessment of the High Frequency Instrument in‐flight performance, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 536, 4

ACL‐126 Ratajczak, A.; Taquet, V.; Kahane, C.; Ceccarelli, C.; Faure, A.; Quirico, E., 2011, The puzzling deuteration of methanol in low‐ to high‐mass protostars, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 528, L13

ACL‐127 Schwalm, D.; Shafir, D.; Novotny, S.; Buhr, H.; Altevogt, S.; Faure, A.; Grieser, M.; Harvey, A. G.; Heber, O.; Hoffmann, J.; and 11 coauthors, 2011, Rotational Cooling of HD+ by Superelastic Collisions with Electrons, Journal of Physics Conference Series , 300, 2006

ACL‐128 Scribano, Yohann; Akin‐Ojo, Omololu; Faure, Alexandre, 2011, Note: Second virial coefficient of the water‐hydrogen complex from an explicitly correlated potential energy surface, Journal of Chemical Physics , 135, 6101

ACL‐129 Steinacker, Jürgen; Henning, Thomas; Bacmann, Aurore, 2011, Radiative Transfer Modeling of Simulation and Observational Data, IAU Symposium , 270, 433

ACL‐130 Tobin, John J.; Hartmann, Lee; Chiang, Hsin‐Fang; Looney, Leslie W.; Bergin, Edwin A.; Chandler, Claire J.; Masqué, Josep M.; Maret, Sébastien; Heitsch, Fabian, 2011, Complex Structure in Class 0 Protostellar Envelopes. II. Kinematic Structure from Single‐dish and Interferometric Molecular Line Mapping, The Astrophysical Journal , 740, 45

ACL‐131 Viti, S.; Jimenez‐Serra, I.; Yates, J. A.; Codella, C.; Vasta, M.; Caselli, P.; Lefloch, B.; Ceccarelli, C., 2011, L1157‐B1: Water and Ammonia as Diagnostics of Shock Temperature, The Astrophysical Journal , 740, L3

ACL‐132 Wang, S.; Bergin, E. A.; Crockett, N. R.; Goldsmith, P. F.; Lis, D. C.; Pearson, J. C.; Schilke, P.; Bell, T. A.; Comito, C.; Blake, G. A.; and 38 coauthors, 2011, Herschel observations of EXtra‐ Ordinary Sources (HEXOS): Methanol as a probe of physical conditions in Orion KL, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 527, 95

ACL‐133 Wiesenfeld, L.; Scifoni, E.; Faure, A.; Roueff, E., 2011, Collisional excitation of doubly deuterated ammonia ND2H by para‐ H2, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 413, 509

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 11 ACL‐134 Wiesenfeld, Laurent; Scribano, Yohann; Faure, Alexandre, 2011, Rotational quenching of monodeuterated water by hydrogen molecules, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Incorporating Faraday Transactions) , 13, 8230

ACL‐135 Yang, C.‐H.; Sarma, G.; Parker, D. H.; Ter Meulen, J. J.; Wiesenfeld, L., 2011, State‐to‐state differential and relative integral cross sections for rotationally inelastic scattering of H2O by hydrogen, Journal of Chemical Physics , 134, 4308

ACL‐136 van Dishoeck, E. F.; Kristensen, L. E.; Benz, A. O.; Bergin, E. A.; Caselli, P.; Cernicharo, J.; Herpin, F.; Hogerheijde, M. R.; Johnstone, D.; Liseau, R.; and 62 coauthors, 2011, Water in Star‐forming Regions with the Herschel Space Observatory (WISH). I. Overview of Key Program and First Results, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific , 123, 138

ACL‐137 Agúndez, M.; Fonfría, J. P.; Cernicharo, J.; Kahane, C.; Daniel, F.; Guélin, M., 2012, Molecular abundances in the inner layers of IRC +10216, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 543, 48

ACL‐138 Bacmann, A.; Taquet, V.; Faure, A.; Kahane, C.; Ceccarelli, C., 2012, Detection of complex organic molecules in a prestellar core: a new challenge for astrochemical models, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 541, L12

ACL‐139 Bailleux, S.; Martin‐Drumel, M. A.; Margulès, L.; Pirali, O.; Wlodarczak, G.; Roy, P.; Roueff, E.; Gerin, M.; Faure, A.; Hily‐Blant, P., 2012, High‐resolution terahertz spectroscopy of the 15NH radical (widetilde{X 3}Σ‐), Astronomy and Astrophysics , 538, 135

ACL‐140 Benedettini, M.; Busquet, G.; Lefloch, B.; Codella, C.; Cabrit, S.; Ceccarelli, C.; Giannini, T.; Nisini, B.; Vasta, M.; Cernicharo, J.; and 2 coauthors, 2012, The CHESS survey of the L1157‐B1 shock: the dissociative jet shock as revealed by Herschel‐PACS, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 539, L3

ACL‐141 Bouchez, A.; Margulès, L.; Motiyenko, R. A.; Guillemin, J.‐C.; Walters, A.; Bottinelli, S.; Ceccarelli, C.; Kahane, C., 2012, The submillimeter spectrum of deuterated glycolaldehydes, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 540, 51

ACL‐142 Boudou, Nicolas; Benoit, Alain; Bourrion, Olivier; Calvo, Martino; Désert, François‐Xavier; Macias‐Perez, Juan; Monfardini, Alessandro; Roesch, Markus, 2012, Kinetic inductance detectors for millimeter and submillimeter astronomy, Comptes Rendus Physique , 13, 62

ACL‐143 Caselli, Paola; Ceccarelli, Cecilia, 2012, Our astrochemical heritage, Astronomy and Astrophysics Review , 20, 56

ACL‐144 Codella, C.; Ceccarelli, C.; Lefloch, B.; Fontani, F.; Busquet, G.; Caselli, P.; Kahane, C.; Lis, D.; Taquet, V.; Vasta, M.; and 2 coauthors, 2012, The Herschel and IRAM CHESS Spectral Surveys of the Protostellar Shock L1157‐B1: Fossil Deuteration, The Astrophysical Journal , 757, L9

ACL‐145 Codella, C.; Ceccarelli, C.; Bottinelli, S.; Salez, M.; Viti, S.; Lefloch, B.; Cabrit, S.; Caux, E.; Faure, A.; Vasta, M.; and 1 coauthors, 2012, First Detection of Hydrogen Chloride Toward Protostellar Shocks, The Astrophysical Journal , 744, 164

ACL‐146 Coutens, A.; Vastel, C.; Caux, E.; Ceccarelli, C.; Bottinelli, S.; Wiesenfeld, L.; Faure, A.; Scribano, Y.; Kahane, C., 2012, A study of deuterated water in the low‐mass protostar IRAS 16293‐2422, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 539, 132

ACL‐147 Daniel, F.; Goicoechea, J. R.; Cernicharo, J.; Dubernet, M.‐L.; Faure, A., 2012, Influence of collisional rate coefficients on water vapour excitation, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 547, 81

ACL‐148 Daniel, F.; Agúndez, M.; Cernicharo, J.; De Beck, E.; Lombaert, R.; Decin, L.; Kahane, C.; Guélin, M.; Müller, H. S. P., 2012, Herschel/HIFI observation of highly excited rotational lines of HNC toward IRC +10 216, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 542, 37

ACL‐149 De Beck, E.; Lombaert, R.; Agúndez, M.; Daniel, F.; Decin, L.; Cernicharo, J.; Müller, H. S. P.; Min, M.; Royer, P.; Vandenbussche, B.; and 10 coauthors, 2012, On the physical structure of IRC +10216. Ground‐based and Herschel observations of CO and C2H, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 539, 108

ACL‐150 Dislaire, V.; Hily‐Blant, P.; Faure, A.; Maret, S.; Bacmann, A.; Pineau Des Forêts, G., 2012, Nitrogen hydrides and the H2 ortho‐to‐para ratio in dark clouds, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 537, 20

ACL‐151 Drouin, Brian; Wiesenfeld, Laurent, 2012, Low‐temperature water‐hydrogen‐molecule collisions probed by pressure broadening and line shift, Physical Review A , 86, 22705

ACL‐152 Elitzur, Moshe; Asensio Ramos, Andrés.; Ceccarelli, Cecilia, 2012, Rotating discs and non‐

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 12 kinematic double peaks, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 422, 1394

ACL‐153 Emprechtinger, M.; Monje, R. R.; van der Tak, F. F. S.; van der Wiel, M. H. D.; Lis, D. C.; Neufeld, D.; Phillips, T. G.; Ceccarelli, C., 2012, Hydrogen Fluoride in High‐mass Star‐forming Regions, The Astrophysical Journal , 756, 136

ACL‐154 Faure, A.; Lique, F., 2012, The impact of collisional rate coefficients on molecular hyperfine selective excitation, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 425, 740

ACL‐155 Faure, A.; Wiesenfeld, L.; Scribano, Y.; Ceccarelli, C., 2012, Rotational excitation of mono‐ and doubly‐deuterated water by hydrogen molecules, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 420, 699

ACL‐156 Fauvet, L.; Macías‐Pérez, J. F.; Désert, F. X., 2012, Model of the polarized foreground diffuse Galactic emissions from 33 to 353 GHz, Astroparticle Physics , 36, 57

ACL‐157 Harrison, Stephen; Tennyson, Jonathan; Faure, Alexandre, 2012, Calculated electron impact spin‐coupled rotational cross‐sections for 2S + 1Σ+ linear molecules: CN as an example, Journal of Physics B Atomic Molecular Physics , 45, 5202

ACL‐158 Lefloch, B.; Cabrit, S.; Busquet, G.; Codella, C.; Ceccarelli, C.; Cernicharo, J.; Pardo, J. R.; Benedettini, M.; Lis, D. C.; Nisini, B., 2012, The CHESS Survey of the L1157‐B1 Shock Region: CO Spectral Signatures of Jet‐driven Bow Shocks, The Astrophysical Journal , 757, L25

ACL‐159 Lique, François; Honvault, Pascal; Faure, Alexandre, 2012, Ortho‐para‐ H2 conversion by hydrogen exchange: Comparison of theory and experiment, Journal of Chemical Physics , 137, 4303

ACL‐160 Lique, François; Faure, Alexandre, 2012, Communication: The rotational excitation of D2 by H: On the importance of the reactive channels, Journal of Chemical Physics , 136, 1101

ACL‐161 Monfardini, A.; Benoit, A.; Bideaud, A.; Boudou, N.; Calvo, M.; Camus, P.; Hoffmann, C.; Désert, F.‐X.; Leclercq, S.; Roesch, M.; and 20 coauthors, 2012, The Néel IRAM KID Arrays (NIKA), Journal of Low Temperature Physics , 167, 834

ACL‐162 Pagani, L.; Lesaffre, P.; Roueff, E.; Jorfi, M.; Honvault, P.; Gonzalez‐Lezana, T.; Faure, A., 2012, H2, HFormula and the age of molecular clouds and prestellar cores, Royal Society of London Philosophical Transactions Series A , 370, 5200

ACL‐163 Pagani, L.; Lefèvre, C.; Bacmann, A.; Steinacker, J., 2012, Absence of coreshine in the Gum/ region, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 541, 154

ACL‐164 Persson, C. M.; De Luca, M.; Mookerjea, B.; Olofsson, A. O. H.; Black, J. H.; Gerin, M.; Herbst, E.; Bell, T. A.; Coutens, A.; Godard, B.; and 7 coauthors, 2012, Nitrogen hydrides in interstellar gas. II. Analysis of Herschel/HIFI observations towards W49N and G10.6 ‐ 0.4 (W31C), Astronomy and Astrophysics , 543, 145

ACL‐165 Planck Collaboration; Aghanim, N.; Arnaud, M.; Ashdown, M.; Atrio‐Barandela, F.; Aumont, J.; Baccigalupi, C.; Balbi, A.; Banday, A. J.; Barreiro, R. B.; and 175 coauthors, 2012, Planck intermediate results. I. Further validation of new Planck clusters with XMM‐Newton, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 543, 102

ACL‐166 Roelfsema, P. R.; Helmich, F. P.; Teyssier, D.; Ossenkopf, V.; Morris, P.; Olberg, M.; Shipman, R.; Risacher, C.; Akyilmaz, M.; Assendorp, R.; and 89 coauthors, 2012, In‐ performance of Herschel‐HIFI, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 537, 17

ACL‐167 Sakai, Nami; Ceccarelli, Cecilia; Bottinelli, Sandrine; Sakai, Takeshi; Yamamoto, Satoshi, 2012, Distribution of CH3OH in NGC 1333 IRAS4B, The Astrophysical Journal , 754, 70

ACL‐168 Scribano, Yohann; Faure, Alexandre; Lauvergnat, David, 2012, Rotational excitation of H2O by para‐ H2 from an adiabatically reduced dimensional potential, Journal of Chemical Physics , 136, 4109

ACL‐169 Tackenberg, J.; Beuther, H.; Henning, T.; Schuller, F.; Wienen, M.; Motte, F.; Wyrowski, F.; Bontemps, S.; Bronfman, L.; Menten, K.; and 2 coauthors, 2012, Search for starless clumps in the ATLASGAL survey, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 540, 113

ACL‐170 Taquet, V.; Ceccarelli, C.; Kahane, C., 2012, Formaldehyde and Methanol Deuteration in Protostars: Fossils from a Past Fast High‐density Pre‐collapse Phase, The Astrophysical Journal , 748, L3

ACL‐171 Taquet, V.; Ceccarelli, C.; Kahane, C., 2012, Multilayer modeling of porous grain surface chemistry. I. The GRAINOBLE model, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 538, 42

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 13 ACL‐172 Tobin, John J.; Hartmann, Lee; Bergin, Edwin; Chiang, Hsin‐Fang; Looney, Leslie W.; Chandler, Claire J.; Maret, Sébastien; Heitsch, Fabian, 2012, Complex Structure in Class 0 Protostellar Envelopes. III. Velocity Gradients in Non‐axisymmetric Envelopes, Infall, or Rotation?, The Astrophysical Journal , 748, 16

ACL‐173 Vastel, C.; Caselli, P.; Ceccarelli, C.; Bacmann, A.; Lis, D. C.; Caux, E.; Codella, C.; Beckwith, J. A.; + Ridley, T., 2012, Upper limit for the D2H ortho‐to‐para ratio in the prestellar core 16293E (CHESS), Astronomy and Astrophysics , 547, 33

ACL‐174 Wakelam, V.; Herbst, E.; Loison, J.‐C.; , I. W. M.; Chandrasekaran, V.; Pavone, B.; , N. G.; Bacchus‐Montabonel, M.‐C.; Bergeat, A.; Béroff, K.; and 24 coauthors, 2012, A KInetic Database for Astrochemistry (KIDA), The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series , 199, 21

ACL‐175 Zernickel, A.; Schilke, P.; Schmiedeke, A.; Lis, D. C.; Brogan, C. L.; Ceccarelli, C.; Comito, C.; Emprechtinger, M.; Hunter, T. R.; Möller, T., 2012, Molecular line survey of the high‐mass star‐ forming region NGC 6334I with Herschel/HIFI and the Submillimeter Array, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 546, 87

ACL‐176 Ziemkiewicz, Michael P.; Pluetzer, Christian; Nesbitt, David J.; Scribano, Yohann; Faure, Alexandre; van der Avoird, Ad, 2012, Overtone vibrational spectroscopy in H2‐H2O complexes: A combined high level theoretical ab initio, dynamical and experimental study, Journal of Chemical Physics , 137, 4301

ACL‐177 van der Avoird, Ad; Scribano, Yohann; Faure, Alexandre; Weida, Miles J.; Fair, Joanna R.; Nesbitt, David J., 2012, Intermolecular potential and rovibrational states of the H2O‐D2 complex, Chemical Physics , 399, 28

ACL‐178 van der Tak, F. F. S.; Ossenkopf, V.; Nagy, Z.; Faure, A.; Röllig, M.; Bergin, E. A., 2012, Detection of HF emission from the Orion Bar, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 537, L10

ACL‐179 Andersen, M.; Steinacker, J.; Thi, W.‐F.; Pagani, L.; Bacmann, A.; Paladini, R., 2013, Scattering from dust in molecular clouds: Constraining the dust grain size distribution through near‐ infrared cloudshine and infrared coreshine, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 559, 60

ACL‐180 Anderson, Dana E.; Bergin, Edwin A.; Maret, Sébastien; Wakelam, Valentine, 2013, New Constraints on the Sulfur Reservoir in the Dense Interstellar Medium Provided by Spitzer Observations of S I in Shocked Gas, The Astrophysical Journal , 779, 141

ACL‐181 Bacchus‐Montabonel, Marie‐Christine; Wiesenfeld, Laurent, 2013, Analysis of the formation + + of CH in collision of C2 ions with molecular hydrogen, Chemical Physics Letters , 583, 23

ACL‐182 Benedettini, M.; Viti, S.; Codella, C.; Gueth, F.; Gómez‐Ruiz, A. I.; Bachiller, R.; Beltrán, M. T.; Busquet, G.; Ceccarelli, C.; Lefloch, B., 2013, The B1 shock in the L1157 outflow as seen at high spatial resolution, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 436, 179

ACL‐183 Bujarrabal, V.; Castro‐Carrizo, A.; Alcolea, J.; Van Winckel, H.; Sánchez Contreras, C.; Santander‐García, M.; Neri, R.; Lucas, R., 2013, ALMA observations of the Red Rectangle, a preliminary analysis, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 557, L11

ACL‐184 Calvo, M.; Roesch, M.; Désert, F.‐X.; Monfardini, A.; Benoit, A.; Mauskopf, P.; Ade, P.; Boudou, N.; Bourrion, O.; Camus, P.; and 9 coauthors, 2013, Improved mm‐wave photometry for kinetic inductance detectors, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 551, L12

ACL‐185 Codella, C.; Viti, S.; Ceccarelli, C.; Lefloch, B.; Benedettini, M.; Busquet, G.; Caselli, P.; Fontani, + F.; Gómez‐Ruiz, A.; Podio, L.; and 1 coauthors, 2013, Broad N2H Emission toward the Protostellar Shock L1157‐B1, The Astrophysical Journal , 776, 52

ACL‐186 Coutens, A.; Vastel, C.; Cabrit, S.; Codella, C.; Kristensen, L. E.; Ceccarelli, C.; van Dishoeck, E. F.; Boogert, A. C. A.; Bottinelli, S.; Castets, A.; and 12 coauthors, 2013, Deuterated water in the solar‐type protostars NGC 1333 IRAS 4A and IRAS 4B, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 560, 39

ACL‐187 Coutens, A.; Vastel, C.; Cazaux, S.; Bottinelli, S.; Caux, E.; Ceccarelli, C.; Demyk, K.; Taquet, V.; Wakelam, V., 2013, Heavy water stratification in a low‐mass protostar, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 553, 75

ACL‐188 Dubernet, M.‐L.; Alexander, M. H.; Ba, Y. A.; Balakrishnan, N.; Balança, C.; Ceccarelli, C.; Cernicharo, J.; Daniel, F.; Dayou, F.; Doronin, M.; and 22 coauthors, 2013, BASECOL2012: A collisional database repository and web service within the Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre (VAMDC), Astronomy and Astrophysics , 553, 50

ACL‐189 Emprechtinger, M.; Lis, D. C.; Rolffs, R.; Schilke, P.; Monje, R. R.; Comito, C.; Ceccarelli, C.; Neufeld, D. A.; van der Tak, F. F. S., 2013, The Abundance, Ortho/Para Ratio, and Deuteration

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 14 of Water in the High‐mass Star‐forming Region NGC 6334 I, The Astrophysical Journal , 765, 61

ACL‐190 Faure, A.; Hily‐Blant, P.; Le Gal, R.; Rist, C.; Pineau des Forêts, G., 2013, Ortho‐Para Selection Rules in the Gas‐phase Chemistry of Interstellar Ammonia, The Astrophysical Journal , 770, L2

ACL‐191 Fauvet, L.; Macías‐Pérez, J. F.; Hildebrandt, S. R.; Désert, F.‐X., 2013, A Characterization of the Diffuse Galactic Emissions in the Anticenter of the Galaxy, Advances in Astronomy , 2013, 26

ACL‐192 Gratier, P.; Pety, J.; Guzmán, V.; Gerin, M.; Goicoechea, J. R.; Roueff, E.; Faure, A., 2013, The IRAM‐30 m line survey of the Horsehead PDR. III. High abundance of complex (iso‐)nitrile molecules in UV‐illuminated gas, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 557, 101

ACL‐193 Guzmán, V. V.; Goicoechea, J. R.; Pety, J.; Gratier, P.; Gerin, M.; Roueff, E.; Le Petit, F.; Le Bourlot, J.; Faure, A., 2013, The IRAM‐30 m line survey of the Horsehead PDR. IV. Comparative chemistry of H2CO and CH3OH, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 560, 73

ACL‐194 Harrison, Stephen; Faure, Alexandre; Tennyson, Jonathan, 2013, CN excitation and electron densities in diffuse molecular clouds, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 435, 3541 15 ACL‐195 Hily‐Blant, P.; Pineau des Forêts, G.; Faure, A.; Le Gal, R.; Padovani, M., 2013, The CN/C N isotopic ratio towards dark clouds, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 557, 65 15 ACL‐196 Hily‐Blant, P.; Bonal, L.; Faure, A.; Quirico, E., 2013, The N-enrichment in dark clouds and objects, Icarus , 223, 582

ACL‐197 Kahane, C.; Ceccarelli, C.; Faure, A.; Caux, E., 2013, Detection of Formamide, the Simplest but Crucial Amide, in a Solar‐type Protostar, The Astrophysical Journal , 763, L38

ACL‐198 Kama, M.; López‐Sepulcre, A.; Dominik, C.; Ceccarelli, C.; Fuente, A.; Caux, E.; Higgins, R.; Tielens, A. G. G. M.; Alonso‐Albi, T., 2013, The Herschel/HIFI spectral survey of OMC‐2 FIR 4 (CHESS). An overview of the 480 to 1902 GHz range, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 556, 57

ACL‐199 Lique, François; Werfelli, Ghofran; Halvick, Philippe; Stoecklin, Thierry; Faure, Alexandre; Wiesenfeld, Laurent; Dagdigian, Paul J., 2013, Spin‐orbit quenching of the C+(2P) ion by collisions with para‐ and ortho‐ H2, Journal of Chemical Physics , 138, 4314

ACL‐200 López‐Sepulcre, A.; Taquet, V.; Sánchez‐Monge, Á.; Ceccarelli, C.; Dominik, C.; Kama, M.; Caux, E.; Fontani, F.; Fuente, A.; Ho, P. T. P.; and 2 coauthors, 2013, High‐angular resolution observations towards OMC‐2 FIR 4: Dissecting an intermediate‐mass protocluster, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 556, 62

ACL‐201 López‐Sepulcre, A.; Kama, M.; Ceccarelli, C.; Dominik, C.; Caux, E.; Fuente, A.; Alonso‐Albi, T., 2013, Herschel CHESS discovery of the fossil cloud that gave birth to the Trapezium and Orion KL, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 549, 114

ACL‐202 Manoj, P.; Watson, D. M.; Neufeld, D. A.; Megeath, S. T.; Vavrek, R.; Yu, Vincent; Visser, R.; Bergin, E. A.; Fischer, W. J.; Tobin, J. J.; and 7 coauthors, 2013, Herschel/PACS Spectroscopic Survey of Protostars in Orion: The Origin of Far‐infrared CO Emission, The Astrophysical Journal , 763, 83

ACL‐203 Maret, S.; Bergin, E. A.; Tafalla, M., 2013, Chemical modeling of the L1498 and L1517B prestellar cores: CO and HCO+ depletion, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 559, 53

ACL‐204 Monfardini, A.; Adam, R.; Adane, A.; Ade, P.; André, P.; Beelen, A.; Belier, B.; Benoit, A.; Bideaud, A.; Billot, N.; and 25 coauthors, 2013, Latest NIKA Results and the NIKA‐2 Project, Journal of Low Temperature Physics , 153

ACL‐205 Monin, J.‐L.; Whelan, E. T.; Lefloch, B.; Dougados, C.; Alves de Oliveira, C., 2013, A molecular outflow driven by the binary FU Tauri, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 551, L1

ACL‐206 Nguyen, L.; Walters, A.; Margulès, L.; Motiyenko, R. A.; Guillemin, J.‐C.; Kahane, C.; Ceccarelli, C., 2013, Extension of the millimeter‐ and submillimeter‐wave spectral databases of deuterated methyl cyanides (CH2DCN and CHD2CN), Astronomy and Astrophysics , 553, 84

ACL‐207 Pagani, L.; Lesaffre, P.; Jorfi, M.; Honvault, P.; González‐Lezana, T.; Faure, A., 2013, Ortho‐ H2 and the age of prestellar cores, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 551, 38

ACL‐208 Peters, Phillip S.; Duflot, Denis; Wiesenfeld, Laurent; Toubin, Céline, 2013, The H + CO ⇌ HCO reaction studied by ab initio benchmark calculations, Journal of Chemical Physics , 139, 4310

ACL‐209 Planck Collaboration; Ade, P. A. R.; Aghanim, N.; Arnaud, M.; Ashdown, M.; Atrio‐Barandela, F.; Aumont, J.; Baccigalupi, C.; Balbi, A.; Banday, A. J.; and 199 coauthors, 2013, Planck

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 15 intermediate results. VI. The dynamical structure of PLCKG214.6+37.0, a Planck discovered triple system of galaxy clusters, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 550, 132

ACL‐210 Rezac, L.; Kutepov, A. A.; Faure, A.; Hartogh, P.; Feofilov, A. G., 2013, Rotational non‐LTE in HCN in the thermosphere of Titan: Implications for the radiative cooling, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 555, 122

ACL‐211 Richard, C.; Margulès, L.; Caux, E.; Kahane, C.; Ceccarelli, C.; Guillemin, J.‐C.; Motiyenko, R. A.; Vastel, C.; Groner, P., 2013, Mono‐deuterated dimethyl ether: laboratory spectrum up to 1 THz. Torsion‐rotational spectrum within the vibrational ground‐state for the symmetric and asymmetric conformers and first detection in IRAS 16293‐2422, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 552, 117

ACL‐212 Rist, Claire; Faure, Alexandre; Hily‐Blant, Pierre; Le Gal, Romane, 2013, Nuclear‐Spin Selection Rules in the Chemistry of Interstellar Nitrogen Hydrides, Journal of Physical Chemistry A , 117, 9800

ACL‐213 Sarma, Gautam; Yang, Chung‐Hsin; Saha, Ashim Kumar; Parker, David H.; Wiesenfeld, Laurent, 2013, Rotational excitation of HDO and D2O by H2: Experimental and theoretical differential cross‐sections, Journal of Chemical Physics , 138, 4314

ACL‐214 Taquet, V.; López‐Sepulcre, A.; Ceccarelli, C.; Neri, R.; Kahane, C.; Coutens, A.; Vastel, C., 2013, Water Deuterium Fractionation in the Inner Regions of Two Solar‐type Protostars, The Astrophysical Journal , 768, L29

ACL‐215 Taquet, V.; Peters, P. S.; Kahane, C.; Ceccarelli, C.; López‐Sepulcre, A.; Toubin, C.; Duflot, D.; Wiesenfeld, L., 2013, Water ice deuteration: a tracer of the chemical history of protostars, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 550, 127

ACL‐216 Thi, W. F.; Kamp, I.; Woitke, P.; van der Plas, G.; Bertelsen, R.; Wiesenfeld, L., 2013, Radiation thermo‐chemical models of protoplanetary discs. IV. Modelling CO ro‐vibrational emission from Herbig Ae discs, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 551, 49

ACL‐217 Tobin, John J.; Bergin, Edwin A.; Hartmann, Lee; Lee, Jeong‐Eun; Maret, Sébastien; Myers, Phillip C.; Looney, Leslie W.; Chiang, Hsin‐Fang; Friesen, Rachel, 2013, Resolved Depletion + + Zones and Spatial Differentiation of N2H and N2D , The Astrophysical Journal , 765, 18

ACL‐218 Wiesenfeld, L.; Faure, A., 2013, Rotational quenching of H2CO by molecular hydrogen: cross‐ sections, rates and pressure broadening, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 432, 2573

ACL‐219 van der Tak, F. F. S.; Nagy, Z.; Ossenkopf, V.; Makai, Z.; Black, J. H.; Faure, A.; Gerin, M.; Bergin, E. A., 2013, Spatially extended OH+ emission from the Orion Bar and Ridge, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 560, 95

ACL‐220 van der Wiel, M. H. D.; Pagani, L.; van der Tak, F. F. S.; Kaźmierczak, M.; Ceccarelli, C., 2013, The HIFI spectral survey of AFGL 2591 (CHESS). I. Highly excited linear rotor molecules in the high‐mass protostellar envelope, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 553, 11

ACL‐221 Biennier, Ludovic; Carles, Sophie; Cordier, Daniel; Guillemin, Jean‐Claude; Le Picard, Sébastien D.; Faure, Alexandre, 2014, Low temperature reaction kinetics of CN‐ + HC3N and implications for the growth of anions in Titan's atmosphere, Icarus , 227, 123

ACL‐222 Bottinelli, S.; Wakelam, V.; Caux, E.; Vastel, C.; Aikawa, Y.; Ceccarelli, C., 2014, CH in absorption in IRAS 16293‐2422, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 441, 1964

ACL‐223 Busquet, G.; Lefloch, B.; Benedettini, M.; Ceccarelli, C.; Codella, C.; Cabrit, S.; Nisini, B.; Viti, S.; Gómez‐Ruiz, A. I.; Gusdorf, A.; and 2 coauthors, 2014, The CHESS survey of the L1157‐B1 bow‐ shock: high and low excitation water vapor, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 561, 120

ACL‐224 Catalano, A.; Ade, P.; Atik, Y.; Benoit, A.; Bréele, E.; Bock, J. J.; Camus, P.; Charra, M.; Crill, B. P.; Coron, N.; and 23 coauthors, 2014, Characterization and Physical Explanation of Energetic Particles on Planck HFI Instrument, Journal of Low Temperature Physics , 91

ACL‐225 Codella, C.; Maury, A. J.; Gueth, F.; Maret, S.; Belloche, A.; Cabrit, S.; André, Ph., 2014, First results from the CALYPSO IRAM‐PdBI survey. III. Monopolar jets driven by a proto‐binary system in NGC 1333‐IRAS2A, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 563, L3

ACL‐226 Dumas, G.; Vaupré, S.; Ceccarelli, C.; Hily‐Blant, P.; Dubus, G.; Montmerle, T.; Gabici, S., 2014, Localized SiO Emission Triggered by the Passage of the W51C Shock, The Astrophysical Journal , 786, L24

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 16 ACL‐227 Faure, A.; Remijan, A. J.; Szalewicz, K.; Wiesenfeld, L., 2014, Weak Maser Emission of Methyl Formate toward Sagittarius B2(N) in the Green Bank Telescope PRIMOS Survey, The Astrophysical Journal , 783, 72

ACL‐228 Fontani, F.; Codella, C.; Ceccarelli, C.; Lefloch, B.; Viti, S.; Benedettini, M., 2014, The L1157‐B1 Astrochemical Laboratory: Measuring the True Formaldehyde Deuteration on Grain Mantles, The Astrophysical Journal , 788, L43

ACL‐229 Lanza, Mathieu; Kalugina, Yulia; Wiesenfeld, Laurent; Lique, François, 2014, Near‐resonant rotational energy transfer in HCl‐ H2 inelastic collisions, Journal of Chemical Physics , 140, 4316

ACL‐230 Le Gal, R.; Hily‐Blant, P.; Faure, A.; Pineau des Forêts, G.; Rist, C.; Maret, S., 2014, Interstellar chemistry of nitrogen hydrides in dark clouds, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 562, 83 + ACL‐231 Liszt, H. S.; Pety, J.; Gerin, M.; Lucas, R., 2014, HCO, c-C3H and CF : three new molecules in diffuse, translucent and "spiral‐arm" clouds, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 564, 64

ACL‐232 Maret, S.; Belloche, A.; Maury, A. J.; Gueth, F.; André, Ph.; Cabrit, S.; Codella, C.; Bontemps, S., 2014, First results from the CALYPSO IRAM‐PdBI survey. I. Kinematics of the inner envelope of NGC 1333‐IRAS2A, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 563, L1

ACL‐233 Maury, A. J.; Belloche, A.; André, Ph.; Maret, S.; Gueth, F.; Codella, C.; Cabrit, S.; Testi, L.; Bontemps, S., 2014, First results from the CALYPSO IRAM‐PdBI survey. II. Resolving the hot corino in the Class 0 protostar NGC 1333‐IRAS2A, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 563, L2

ACL‐234 Morales Ortiz, Jorge L.; Ceccarelli, Cecilia; Lis, Dariusz C.; Olmi, Luca; Plume, René; Schilke, Peter, 2014, Ionization toward the high‐mass star‐forming region NGC 6334 I, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 563, 127

ACL‐235 Planck Collaboration; Ade, P. A. R.; Aghanim, N.; Alves, M. I. R.; Arnaud, M.; Atrio‐Barandela, F.; Aumont, J.; Baccigalupi, C.; Banday, A. J.; Barreiro, R. B.; and 176 coauthors, 2014, Planck intermediate results. XV. A study of anomalous microwave emission in Galactic clouds, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 565, 103

ACL‐236 Planck Collaboration; Ade, P. A. R.; Aghanim, N.; Alves, M. I. R.; Arnaud, M.; Ashdown, M.; Atrio‐Barandela, F.; Aumont, J.; Baccigalupi, C.; Banday, A. J.; and 185 coauthors, 2014, Planck intermediate results. XIV. Dust emission at millimetre wavelengths in the Galactic plane, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 564, 45

ACL‐237 Podio, L.; Lefloch, B.; Ceccarelli, C.; Codella, C.; Bachiller, R., 2014, Molecular ions in the protostellar shock L1157‐B1, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 565, 64

ACL‐238 Sacco, G. G.; Kastner, J. H.; Forveille, T.; Principe, D.; Montez, R.; Zuckerman, B.; Hily‐Blant, P., 2014, Molecules in the transition disk orbiting T Chamaeleontis, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 561, 42

ACL‐239 Sakai, Nami; Sakai, Takeshi; Hirota, Tomoya; Watanabe, Yoshimasa; Ceccarelli, Cecilia; Kahane, Claudine; Bottinelli, Sandrine; Caux, Emmanuel; Demyk, Karine; Vastel, Charlotte; and 7 coauthors, 2014, Change in the chemical composition of infalling gas forming a disk around a protostar, Nature , 507, 78

ACL‐240 Steinacker, J.; Ormel, C. W.; Andersen, M.; Bacmann, A., 2014, Coreshine in L1506C ‐ Evidence for a primitive big‐grain component or indication for a turbulent core history?, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 564, 96

ACL‐241 Steinacker, J.; Andersen, M.; Thi, W.‐F.; Bacmann, A., 2014, Detecting scattered light from low‐ mass molecular cores at 3.6 μm. Impact of global effects on the observation of coreshine, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 563, 106

ACL‐242 Wiesenfeld, Laurent; Goldsmith, Paul F., 2014, C+ in the Interstellar Medium: Collisional Excitation by H2 Revisited, The Astrophysical Journal , 780, 183

ACL cristal (90)

ACL‐243 Absil, Olivier; Mennesson, Bertrand; Le Bouquin, Jean‐Baptiste; Di Folco, Emmanuel; Kervella, Pierre; Augereau, Jean‐Charles, 2009, An Interferometric Study of the Inner . I. Near‐Infrared Detection of Hot Dust with VLTI/VINCI, The Astrophysical Journal , 704, 150

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 17 ACL‐244 Antichi, Jacopo; Dohlen, Kjetil; Gratton, Raffaele G.; Mesa, Dino; Claudi, Riccardo U.; Giro, Enrico; Boccaletti, Anthony; Mouillet, David; Puget, Pascal; Beuzit, Jean‐Luc, 2009, BIGRE: A Low Cross‐Talk Integral Field Unit Tailored for Extrasolar Planets Imaging Spectroscopy, The Astrophysical Journal , 695, 1042

ACL‐245 Benisty, M.; Berger, J.‐P.; Jocou, L.; Labeye, P.; Malbet, F.; Perraut, K.; Kern, P., 2009, An integrated optics beam combiner for the second generation VLTI instruments, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 498, 601

ACL‐246 Bland‐Hawthorn, Joss; Kern, Pierre, 2009, Astrophotonics: a new era for astronomical instruments, Optics Express , 17, 1880

ACL‐247 Chelli, A.; Utrera, O. H.; Duvert, G., 2009, Optimised data reduction for the AMBER/VLTI instrument, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 502, 705

ACL‐248 Chelli, A.; Duvert, G.; Malbet, F.; Kern, P., 2009, Phase closure nulling. Application to the spectroscopy of faint companions, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 498, 321

ACL‐249 Cockell, C. S.; Léger, A.; Fridlund, M.; Herbst, T. M.; Kaltenegger, L.; Absil, O.; Beichman, C.; Benz, W.; Blanc, M.; Brack, A.; and 40 coauthors, 2009, ‐A Mission to Detect and Search for Life on Extrasolar Planets, , 9, 1

ACL‐250 Cockell, Charles S.; Herbst, Tom; Léger, Alain; Absil, O.; Beichman, Charles; Benz, Willy; Brack, Andre; Chazelas, Bruno; Chelli, Alain; Cottin, Hervé; and 32 coauthors, 2009, Darwin—an experimental astronomy mission to search for extrasolar planets, Experimental Astronomy , 23, 435

ACL‐251 Grille, Romain; Martin, Guillermo; Labadie, Lucas; Arezki, Brahim; Kern, Pierre; Lewi, Tomer; Tsun, A.; Katzir, Abraham, 2009, Single mode mid‐infrared silver halide asymmetric flat waveguide obtained from crystal extrusion, Optics Express , 17, 12516

ACL‐252 Haubois, X.; Perrin, G.; Lacour, S.; Verhoelst, T.; Meimon, S.; Mugnier, L.; Thiébaut, E.; Berger, J. P.; Ridgway, S. T.; Monnier, J. D.; and 2 coauthors, 2009, Imaging the spotty surface of in the H band, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 508, 923

ACL‐253 Hsiao, Hsien‐Kai; Winick, K. A.; Monnier, John D.; Berger, Jean‐Philippe, 2009, An infrared integrated optic astronomical beam combiner for stellar interferometry at 3‐4 μm, Optics Express , 17, 18489

ACL‐254 Hugot, Emmanuel; Ferrari, Marc; Hadi, Kacem El; Vola, Pascal; Gimenez, Jean Luc; Lemaitre, Gérard R.; Rabou, Patrick; Dohlen, Kjetil; Puget, Pascal; Beuzit, Jean Luc; and 1 coauthors, 2009, Active Optics: stress polishing of toric mirrors for the VLT SPHERE system, Applied Optics , 48, 2932

ACL‐255 Kern, Pierre; Le Coärer, Etienne; Benech, Pierre, 2009, On‐chip spectro‐detection for fully integrated coherent beam combiners, Optics Express , 17, 1976

ACL‐256 Lacour, S.; Thiébaut, E.; Perrin, G.; Meimon, S.; Haubois, X.; Pedretti, E.; Ridgway, S. T.; Monnier, J. D.; Berger, J. P.; Schuller, P. A.; and 6 coauthors, 2009, The Pulsation of χ Cygni Imaged by Optical Interferometry: A Novel Technique to Derive Distance and Mass of Stars, The Astrophysical Journal , 707, 632

ACL‐257 Martin, Bruno; Morand, Alain; Benech, Pierre; Grosa, Gregory; Kern, Pierre; Jocou, L.; Le Coarer, Etienne, 2009, Realization of the compact static Fourier transform spectrometer LLIFTS in glass integrated optics, Optics Letters , 34, 2291

ACL‐258 Martin, Bruno; Morand, Alain; Benech, Pierre; Leblond, Gregory; Blaize, Sylvain; Lerondel, Gilles; Royer, Pascal; Kern, Pierre; Le Coarer, Etienne, 2009, Design of a compact static Fourier transform spectrometer in integrated optics based on a leaky loop structure, Optics Letters , 34, 184

ACL‐259 Mourard, D.; Clausse, J. M.; Marcotto, A.; Perraut, K.; Tallon‐Bosc, I.; Bério, Ph.; Blazit, A.; Bonneau, D.; Bosio, S.; Bresson, Y.; and 23 coauthors, 2009, : Visible spEctroGraph and polArimeter for the CHARA array: principle and performance, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 508, 1073

ACL‐260 Ohnaka, K.; Hofmann, K.‐H.; Benisty, M.; Chelli, A.; Driebe, T.; Millour, F.; Petrov, R.; Schertl, D.; Stee, Ph.; Vakili, F.; and 1 coauthors, 2009, Spatially resolving the inhomogeneous structure of the dynamical atmosphere of Betelgeuse with VLTI/AMBER, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 503, 183

ACL‐261 Ollivier, M.; Absil, O.; Allard, F.; Berger, J.‐P.; Bordé, P.; Cassaing, F.; Chazelas, B.; Chelli, A.;

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 18 Chesneau, O.; Coudé du Foresto, V.; and 22 coauthors, 2009, PEGASE, an infrared interferometer to study stellar environments and low mass companions around nearby stars, Experimental Astronomy , 23, 403

ACL‐262 Perrier, C.; Breysacher, J.; Rauw, G., 2009, Decoding of the light changes in eclipsing Wolf‐ Rayet binaries. I. A non‐classical approach to the solution of light curves, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 503, 963

ACL‐263 Robbe‐Dubois, S.; Lagarde, S.; Bresson, Y.; Petrov, R. G.; Carbillet, M.; Lecoarer, E.; Rantakyrö, F.; Tallon‐Bosc, I.; Vannier, M.; Antonelli, P.; and 3 coauthors, 2009, Study of the atmospheric refraction in a single‐mode instrument ‐ application to AMBER/VLTI, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 395, 991

ACL‐264 Schneider, J.; Boccaletti, A.; Mawet, D.; Baudoz, P.; Beuzit, J.‐L.; Doyon, R.; Marley, M.; Stam, D.; Tinetti, G.; Traub, W.; and 6 coauthors, 2009, Super explorer: a coronagraphic off‐ axis space telescope, Experimental Astronomy , 23, 357

ACL‐265 Thureau, N. D.; Monnier, J. D.; Traub, W. A.; Millan‐Gabet, R.; Pedretti, E.; Berger, J.‐P.; Garcia, M. R.; Schloerb, F. P.; Tannirkulam, A.‐K., 2009, Imaging the asymmetric dust shell around CI Cam with long baseline optical interferometry, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 398, 1309

ACL‐266 Chesneau, O.; Dessart, L.; Mourard, D.; Bério, Ph.; Buil, Ch.; Bonneau, D.; Borges Fernandes, M.; Clausse, J. M.; Delaa, O.; Marcotto, A.; and 15 coauthors, 2010, Time, spatial, and spectral resolution of the Hα line‐formation region of and with the VEGA/CHARA interferometer, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 521, 5

ACL‐267 Costille, Anne; Petit, Cyril; Conan, Jean‐Marc; Kulcsár, Caroline; Raynaud, Henri‐François; Fusco, Thierry, 2010, Wide field adaptive optics laboratory demonstration with closed‐loop tomographic control, Journal of the Optical Society of America A , 27, 469

ACL‐268 Duvert, G.; Chelli, A.; Malbet, F.; Kern, P., 2010, Phase closure nulling of HD 59717 with AMBER/VLTI . Detection of the close faint companion, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 509, 66

ACL‐269 Kraus, Stefan; Hofmann, Karl‐Heinz; Menten, Karl M.; Schertl, Dieter; Weigelt, Gerd; Wyrowski, Friedrich; Meilland, Anthony; Perraut, Karine; Petrov, Romain; Robbe‐Dubois, Sylvie; and 2 coauthors, 2010, A hot compact dust disk around a massive , Nature , 466, 339

ACL‐270 Oddone, M. A.; Laval, A.; Lecoarer, E.; Goldes, G.; Carranza, G., 2010, Análisis Interferométrico de las Burbujas DEM 164; DEM 165; DEM 202‐207; DEM 208; y DEM 221 en la Nube Mayor de Magallanes, Boletin de la Asociacion Argentina de Astronomia La Plata Argentina , 53, 217

ACL‐271 Renard, S.; Malbet, F.; Benisty, M.; Thiébaut, E.; Berger, J.‐P., 2010, Milli‐arcsecond images of the Herbig Ae star HD 163296, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 519, 26

ACL‐272 Renard, Stephanie, 2010, Image reconstruction in optical interferometry: application to the inner regions of protoplanetary disks., Ph.D. Thesis , 103

ACL‐273 Shestakova, L. I.; Rspaev, F. K.; Chalabaev, A.; Bram, D.; Dubovitskiy, A. I.; Bonev, T.; Golev, V.; Le Coarer, E., 2010, Wide‐field investigation of the velocity field of the circumsolar dust during the total solar on July 22, 2009, Bulgarian Astronomical Journal , 14, 110

ACL‐274 Tatulli, E.; Blind, N.; Berger, J. P.; Chelli, A.; Malbet, F., 2010, Estimating the phase in groundbased interferometry: performance comparison between singlemode and multimode schemes, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 524, 65

ACL‐275 Vigan, A.; Moutou, C.; Langlois, M.; Allard, F.; Boccaletti, A.; Carbillet, M.; Mouillet, D.; Smith, I., 2010, Photometric characterization of using angular and spectral differential imaging, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 407, 71

ACL‐276 Absil, O.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Berger, J.‐P.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Chauvin, G.; Lazareff, B.; Zins, G.; Haguenauer, P.; Jocou, L.; Kern, P.; and 3 coauthors, 2011, Searching for faint companions with VLTI/PIONIER. I. Method and first results, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 535, 68

ACL‐277 Benisty, M.; Renard, S.; Natta, A.; Berger, J. P.; Massi, F.; Malbet, F.; Garcia, P. J. V.; Isella, A.; Mérand, A.; Monin, J. L.; and 4 coauthors, 2011, A low optical depth region in the inner disk of the Herbig Ae star HR 5999, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 531, 84

ACL‐278 Berger, J.‐P.; Monnier, J. D.; Millan‐Gabet, R.; Renard, S.; Pedretti, E.; Traub, W.; Bechet, C.; Benisty, M.; Carleton, N.; Haguenauer, P.; and 10 coauthors, 2011, First scale image of the GW Orionis triple system. Direct detection of a new stellar companion,

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 19 Astronomy and Astrophysics , 529, L1

ACL‐279 Berio, P.; Merle, T.; Thévenin, F.; Bonneau, D.; Mourard, D.; Chesneau, O.; Delaa, O.; Ligi, R.; Nardetto, N.; Perraut, K.; and 12 coauthors, 2011, of K giant stars. Geometrical extent and spatial structure detection, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 535, 59

ACL‐280 Beust, H.; Bonneau, D.; Mourard, D.; Lafrasse, S.; Mella, G.; Duvert, G.; Chelli, A., 2011, On the use of the Virtual Observatory to select calibrators for phase‐referenced of ‐host stars, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 414, 108

ACL‐281 Blind, N.; Boffin, H. M. J.; Berger, J.‐P.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Mérand, A.; Lazareff, B.; Zins, G., 2011, An incisive look at the symbiotic star SS Leporis. Milli‐arcsecond imaging with PIONIER/VLTI, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 536, 55

ACL‐282 Blind, N.; Absil, O.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Berger, J.‐P.; Chelli, A., 2011, Optimized fringe sensors for the VLTI next generation instruments, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 530, 121

ACL‐283 Bonneau, D.; Delfosse, X.; Mourard, D.; Lafrasse, S.; Mella, G.; Cetre, S.; Clausse, J.‐M.; Zins, G., 2011, SearchCal: a Virtual Observatory tool for searching calibrators in optical long‐baseline interferometry. II. The faint‐object case, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 535, 53

ACL‐284 Bonneau, D.; Chesneau, O.; Mourard, D.; Bério, Ph.; Clausse, J. M.; Delaa, O.; Marcotto, A.; Perraut, K.; Roussel, A.; Spang, A.; and 9 coauthors, 2011, A large Hα line forming region for the massive interacting binaries β Lyrae and υ Sagitarii, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 532, 148

ACL‐285 Cavalier, Paul; Constancias, Christophe; Feautrier, Philippe; Maingault, Laurent; Morand, Alain; Villegier, Jean‐Claude, 2011, SWIFTS Waveguide Micro‐Spectrometer Integrated on Top of a 1D‐NbN SNSPD Array, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity , 21, 327

ACL‐286 Cavalier, Paul; Villégier, Jean‐Claude; Feautrier, Philippe; Constancias, Christophe; Morand, Alain, 2011, Light interference detection on‐chip by integrated SNSPD counters, AIP Advances , 1, 2120

ACL‐287 Defrère, D.; Absil, O.; Augereau, J.‐C.; di Folco, E.; Berger, J.‐P.; Coudé Du Foresto, V.; Kervella, P.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Lebreton, J.; Millan‐Gabet, R.; and 3 coauthors, 2011, Hot resolved around Vega with IOTA/IONIC, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 534, 5

ACL‐288 Feautrier, Philippe; Gach, Jean‐Luc; Balard, Philippe; Guillaume, Christian; Downing, Mark; Hubin, Norbert; Stadler, Eric; Magnard, Yves; Skegg, Michael; Robbins, Mark; and 15 coauthors, 2011, OCam with CCD220, the Fastest and Most Sensitive Camera to Date for AO Wavefront Sensing, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific , 123, 263

ACL‐289 Labadie, L.; Martín, G.; Anheier, N. C.; Arezki, B.; Qiao, H. A.; Bernacki, B.; Kern, P., 2011, First fringes with an integrated‐optics beam combiner at 10 μm. A new step towards instrument miniaturization for mid‐infrared interferometry, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 531, 48

ACL‐290 Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Berger, J.‐P.; Lazareff, B.; Zins, G.; Haguenauer, P.; Jocou, L.; Kern, P.; Millan‐ Gabet, R.; Traub, W.; Absil, O.; and 36 coauthors, 2011, PIONIER: a 4‐telescope visitor instrument at VLTI, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 535, 67

ACL‐291 Martinez, P.; Aller‐Carpentier, E.; Kasper, M.; Boccaletti, A.; Dorrer, C.; Baudrand, J., 2011, Laboratory comparison of coronagraphic concepts under dynamical seeing and high‐order adaptive optics correction, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 414, 2112

ACL‐292 Mesa, D.; Gratton, R.; Berton, A.; Antichi, J.; Verinaud, C.; Boccaletti, A.; Kasper, M.; Claudi, R. U.; Desidera, S.; Giro, E.; and 6 coauthors, 2011, Simulation of detection with the SPHERE integral field spectrograph, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 529, 131

ACL‐293 Mourard, D.; Bério, Ph.; Perraut, K.; Ligi, R.; Blazit, A.; Clausse, J. M.; Nardetto, N.; Spang, A.; Tallon‐Bosc, I.; Bonneau, D.; and 9 coauthors, 2011, Spatio‐spectral encoding of fringes in optical long‐baseline interferometry. Example of the 3T and 4T recombining mode of VEGA/CHARA, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 531, 110

ACL‐294 Ohnaka, K.; Weigelt, G.; Millour, F.; Hofmann, K.‐H.; Driebe, T.; Schertl, D.; Chelli, A.; Massi, F.; Petrov, R.; Stee, Ph., 2011, Imaging the dynamical atmosphere of the red supergiant Betelgeuse in the CO first overtone lines with VLTI/AMBER, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 529, 163

ACL‐295 Sana, H.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; De Becker, M.; Berger, J.‐P.; de Koter, A.; Mérand, A., 2011, The Non‐thermal Radio Emitter HD 93250 Resolved by Long Baseline Interferometry, The Astrophysical Journal , 740, L43

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 20 ACL‐296 Shestakova, L. I.; Demchenko, B. I.; Rspaev, F. K.; Chalabaev, A., 2011, Observations of the dust field in the F‐corona on March 29, 2006, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy/Geomagnetizm i Aeronomiia , 51, 1054

ACL‐297 Berger, J.‐P.; Malbet, F.; Baron, F.; Chiavassa, A.; Duvert, G.; Elitzur, M.; Freytag, B.; Gueth, F.; Hönig, S.; Hron, J.; and 14 coauthors, 2012, Imaging the heart of astrophysical objects with optical long‐baseline interferometry, Astronomy and Astrophysics Review , 20, 53

ACL‐298 Bland‐Hawthorn, Joss; Kern, Pierre, 2012, Molding the flow of light: Photonics in astronomy, Physics Today , 65, 31

ACL‐299 Boccaletti, Anthony; Schneider, Jean; Traub, Wes; Lagage, Pierre‐Olivier; Stam, Daphne; Gratton, Raffaele; Trauger, John; Cahoy, Kerri; Snik, Frans; Baudoz, Pierre; and 20 coauthors, 2012, SPICES: spectro‐polarimetric imaging and characterization of exoplanetary systems. From planetary disks to nearby Super , Experimental Astronomy , 34, 355

ACL‐300 Bonavita, M.; Chauvin, G.; Desidera, S.; Gratton, R.; Janson, M.; Beuzit, J. L.; Kasper, M.; Mordasini, C., 2012, MESS (multi‐purpose exoplanet simulation system). A Monte Carlo tool for the statistical analysis and prediction of exoplanet search results, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 537, 67

ACL‐301 Carter, M.; Lazareff, B.; Maier, D.; Chenu, J.‐Y.; , A.‐L.; Bortolotti, Y.; Boucher, C.; Navarrini, A.; Blanchet, S.; Greve, A.; and 7 coauthors, 2012, The EMIR multi‐band mm‐wave receiver for the IRAM 30‐m telescope, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 538, 89

ACL‐302 Defrère, D.; Lebreton, J.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Absil, O.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Berger, J.‐P.; di Folco, E.; Ertel, S.; Kluska, J.; and 4 coauthors, 2012, Hot circumstellar material resolved around Pic with VLTI/PIONIER , Astronomy & Astrophysics, 546, L9

ACL‐303 Dumas, Delphine; Fendler, Manuel; Baier, Nicolas; Primot, Jérôme; le Coarer, Etienne, 2012, Curved focal plane detector array for wide field cameras, Applied Optics , 51, 5419

ACL‐304 Dumas, Delphine; Fendler, Manuel; Berger, Frédéric; Cloix, Baptiste; Pornin, Cyrille; Baier, Nicolas; Druart, Guillaume; Primot, Jérôme; Le Coarer, Etienne, 2012, Infrared camera based on a curved retina, Optics Letters , 37, 653

ACL‐305 Heidmann, Samuel; Courjal, Nadège; Martin, Guillermo, 2012, Double polarization active Y junctions in the L band, based on Ti:LiNbO_3 lithium niobate waveguides: polarization and contrast performances, Optics Letters , 37, 3318

ACL‐306 Hugot, E.; Ferrari, M.; El Hadi, K.; Costille, A.; Dohlen, K.; Rabou, P.; Puget, P.; Beuzit, J. L., 2012, Active optics methods for exoplanet direct imaging. Stress polishing of supersmooth aspherics for VLT‐SPHERE planet finder, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 538, 139

ACL‐307 Lagrange, A.‐M.; Milli, J.; Boccaletti, A.; Lacour, S.; Thebault, P.; Chauvin, G.; Mouillet, D.; Augereau, J. C.; Bonnefoy, M.; Ehrenreich, D.; and 1 coauthors, 2012, An insight in the surroundings of HR 4796, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 546, 38

ACL‐308 Lagrange, A.‐M.; Boccaletti, A.; Milli, J.; Chauvin, G.; Bonnefoy, M.; Mouillet, D.; Augereau, J. C.; Girard, J. H.; Lacour, S.; Apai, D., 2012, The position of β Pictoris b position relative to the debris disk, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 542, 40

ACL‐309 Lazareff, B.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Berger, J.‐P., 2012, A novel technique to control differential birefringence in optical interferometers. Demonstration on the PIONIER‐VLTI instrument, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 543, 31

ACL‐310 Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Absil, O., 2012, On the sensitivity of closure phases to faint companions in optical long baseline interferometry, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 541, 89

ACL‐311 Ligi, R.; Mourard, D.; Lagrange, A. M.; Perraut, K.; Boyajian, T.; Bério, Ph.; Nardetto, N.; Tallon‐ Bosc, I.; McAlister, H.; ten Brummelaar, T.; and 6 coauthors, 2012, A new interferometric study of four exoplanet host stars: θ Cygni, 14 Andromedae, υ Andromedae and , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 545, 5

ACL‐312 Malbet, Fabien; Léger, Alain; Shao, Michael; Goullioud, Renaud; Lagage, Pierre‐Olivier; Brown, Anthony G. A.; Cara, Christophe; Durand, Gilles; Eiroa, Carlos; Feautrier, Philippe; and 42 coauthors, 2012, High precision astrometry mission for the detection and characterization of nearby habitable planetary systems with the Nearby Earth Astrometric Telescope (NEAT), Experimental Astronomy , 34, 385

ACL‐313 Martinez, P.; Loose, C.; Aller Carpentier, E.; Kasper, M., 2012, Speckle temporal stability in XAO coronagraphic images, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 541, 136

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 21 ACL‐314 Martinez, P.; Kolb, J.; Sarazin, M.; Navarrete, J., 2012, Active optics Shack‐Hartmann sensor: using spot sizes to measure the seeing at the focal plane of a telescope, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 421, 3019

ACL‐315 Martinez, P.; Dorrer, C.; Kasper, M., 2012, Band‐limited Using a Halftone‐dot Process. II. Advances and Laboratory Results for Arbitrary Telescope Apertures, The Astrophysical Journal , 744, 79

ACL‐316 Meilland, A.; Millour, F.; Kanaan, S.; Stee, Ph.; Petrov, R.; Hofmann, K.‐H.; Natta, A.; Perraut, K., 2012, First spectro‐interferometric survey of Be stars. I. Observations and constraints on the disk geometry and kinematics, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 538, 110

ACL‐317 Milli, J.; Mouillet, D.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Boccaletti, A.; Mawet, D.; Chauvin, G.; Bonnefoy, M., 2012, Impact of angular differential imaging on circumstellar disk images, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 545, 111

ACL‐318 Mourard, D.; Harmanec, P.; Stencel, R.; Bério, Ph.; Chesneau, O.; Clausse, J. M.; Ligi, R.; Nardetto, N.; Perraut, K.; Stee, Ph.; and 9 coauthors, 2012, A high angular and spectral resolution view into the hidden companion of ɛ Aurigae, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 544, 91

ACL‐319 Ródenas, Airán; Martin, Guillermo; Arezki, Brahim; Psaila, Nickolas; Jose, Gin; Jha, Animesh; Labadie, Lucas; Kern, Pierre; Kar, Ajoy; Thomson, Robert, 2012, Three‐dimensional mid‐ infrared photonic circuits in chalcogenide glass, Optics Letters , 37, 392

ACL‐320 Absil, O.; Milli, J.; Mawet, D.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Girard, J.; Chauvin, G.; Boccaletti, A.; Delacroix, C.; Surdej, J., 2013, Searching for companions down to 2 AU from β Pictoris using the L'‐band AGPM on VLT/NACO, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 559, L12

ACL‐321 Arnaud, Laurent; Bruyant, Aurélien; Renault, Mikael; Hadjar, Yassine; Salas‐Montiel, Rafael; Apuzzo, Aniello; Lérondel, Gilles; Morand, Alain; Benech, Pierre; Le Coarer, Etienne; and 1 coauthors, 2013, Waveguide‐coupled nanowire as an optical antenna, Journal of the Optical Society of America A , 30, 2347

ACL‐322 Benisty, M.; Perraut, K.; Mourard, D.; Stee, P.; Lima, G. H. R. A.; Le Bouquin, J. B.; Borges Fernandes, M.; Chesneau, O.; Nardetto, N.; Tallon‐Bosc, I.; and 8 coauthors, 2013, Enhanced Hα activity at periastron in the young and massive spectroscopic binary HD 200775, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 555, 113

ACL‐323 Bouchy, F.; Díaz, R. F.; Hébrard, G.; Arnold, L.; Boisse, I.; Delfosse, X.; Perruchot, S.; Santerne, A., 2013, SOPHIE+: First results of an octagonal‐section fiber for high‐precision radial velocity measurements, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 549, 49

ACL‐324 CTA Consortium; Acharya, B. S.; Actis, M.; Aghajani, T.; Agnetta, G.; Aguilar, J.; Aharonian, F.; Ajello, M.; Akhperjanian, A.; Alcubierre, M.; and 967 coauthors, 2013, Introducing the CTA concept, Astroparticle Physics , 43, 3

ACL‐325 Martinez, P.; Kasper, M.; Costille, A.; Sauvage, J. F.; Dohlen, K.; Puget, P.; Beuzit, J. L., 2013, Speckle temporal stability in XAO coronagraphic images. II. Refine model for quasi‐static speckle temporal evolution for VLT/SPHERE, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 554, 41

ACL‐326 Milli, J.; Mouillet, D.; Mawet, D.; Schmid, H. M.; Bazzon, A.; Girard, J. H.; Dohlen, K.; Roelfsema, R., 2013, Prospects of detecting the polarimetric signature of the Earth‐mass planet α Centauri B b with SPHERE/ZIMPOL, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 556, 64

ACL‐327 Perraut, K.; Borgniet, S.; Cunha, M.; Bigot, L.; Brandão, I.; Mourard, D.; Nardetto, N.; Chesneau, O.; McAlister, H.; ten Brummelaar, T. A.; and 5 coauthors, 2013, The fundamental parameters of the roAp star 10 Aquilae, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 559, 21

ACL‐328 Ygouf, M.; Mugnier, L. M.; Mouillet, D.; Fusco, T.; Beuzit, J.‐L., 2013, Simultaneous exoplanet detection and instrument aberration retrieval in multispectral coronagraphic imaging, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 551, 138

ACL‐329 Boffin, H. M. J.; Hillen, M.; Berger, J. P.; Jorissen, A.; Blind, N.; Le Bouquin, J. B.; Mikołajewska, J.; Lazareff, B., 2014, Roche‐lobe filling factor of mass‐transferring red giants: the PIONIER view, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 564, 1

ACL‐330 Carlotti, A.; Pueyo, L.; Mawet, D., 2014, Apodized phase mask coronagraphs for arbitrary apertures. II. Comprehensive review of solutions for the vortex coronagraph, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 566, 31

ACL‐331 Kluska, J.; Malbet, F.; Berger, J.‐P.; Baron, F.; Lazareff, B.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Monnier, J. D.; Soulez, F.; Thiébaut, E., 2014, SPARCO : a semi‐parametric approach for image reconstruction

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 22 of chromatic objects. Application to young stellar objects, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 564, 80

ACL‐332 Maire, A.‐L.; Boccaletti, A.; Rameau, J.; Chauvin, G.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Bonnefoy, M.; Desidera, S.; Sylvestre, M.; Baudoz, P.; Galicher, R.; and 1 coauthors, 2014, Search for cool giant exoplanets around young and nearby stars. VLT/NaCo near‐infrared phase‐coronagraphic and differential imaging, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 566, 126

ACL fost (432)

ACL‐2 Cernicharo, J.; Ceccarelli, C.; Ménard, F.; Pinte, C.; Fuente, A., 2009, The Foggy Disks Surrounding Herbig Ae Stars: A Theoretical Study of the H2O Line Spectra, The Astrophysical Journal , 703, L123

ACL‐31 Ceccarelli, C.; Cernicharo, J.; Ménard, F.; Pinte, C., 2010, The Foggy Disks Surrounding AeBe Stars: A Theoretical Study of The HDO Lines, The Astrophysical Journal , 725, L135

ACL‐53 Kastner, Joel H.; Hily‐Blant, Pierry; Sacco, G. G.; Forveille, Thierry; Zuckerman, B., 2010, Detection of a Molecular Disk Orbiting the Nearby, "old," Classical MP Muscae, The Astrophysical Journal , 723, L248

ACL‐82 Sturm, B.; Bouwman, J.; Henning, Th.; Evans, N. J.; Acke, B.; Mulders, G. D.; Waters, L. B. F. M.; van Dishoeck, E. F.; Meeus, G.; Green, J. D.; and 33 coauthors, 2010, First results of the Herschel key program ``Dust, Ice and Gas In Time'' (DIGIT): Dust and gas spectroscopy of HD 100546, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 518, L129

ACL‐83 Tauber, J. A.; Mandolesi, N.; Puget, J.‐L.; Banos, T.; Bersanelli, M.; Bouchet, F. R.; Butler, R. C.; Charra, J.; Crone, G.; Dodsworth, J.; and 490 coauthors, 2010, Planck pre‐launch status: The Planck mission, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 520, 1

ACL‐88 van Kempen, T. A.; Green, J. D.; Evans, N. J.; van Dishoeck, E. F.; Kristensen, L. E.; Herczeg, G. J.; Merín, B.; Lee, J.‐E.; Jørgensen, J. K.; Bouwman, J.; and 35 coauthors, 2010, Dust, Ice, and Gas In Time (DIGIT) Herschel program first results. A full PACS‐SED scan of the gas line emission in protostar DK Chamaeleontis, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 518, L128

ACL‐163 Pagani, L.; Lefèvre, C.; Bacmann, A.; Steinacker, J., 2012, Absence of coreshine in the Gum/Vela region, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 541, 154

ACL‐179 Andersen, M.; Steinacker, J.; Thi, W.‐F.; Pagani, L.; Bacmann, A.; Paladini, R., 2013, Scattering from dust in molecular clouds: Constraining the dust grain size distribution through near‐ infrared cloudshine and infrared coreshine, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 559, 60

ACL‐205 Monin, J.‐L.; Whelan, E. T.; Lefloch, B.; Dougados, C.; Alves de Oliveira, C., 2013, A molecular outflow driven by the brown dwarf binary FU Tauri, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 551, L1

ACL‐216 Thi, W. F.; Kamp, I.; Woitke, P.; van der Plas, G.; Bertelsen, R.; Wiesenfeld, L., 2013, Radiation thermo‐chemical models of protoplanetary discs. IV. Modelling CO ro‐vibrational emission from Herbig Ae discs, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 551, 49

ACL‐238 Sacco, G. G.; Kastner, J. H.; Forveille, T.; Principe, D.; Montez, R.; Zuckerman, B.; Hily‐Blant, P., 2014, Molecules in the transition disk orbiting T Chamaeleontis, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 561, 42

ACL‐240 Steinacker, J.; Ormel, C. W.; Andersen, M.; Bacmann, A., 2014, Coreshine in L1506C ‐ Evidence for a primitive big‐grain component or indication for a turbulent core history?, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 564, 96

ACL‐241 Steinacker, J.; Andersen, M.; Thi, W.‐F.; Bacmann, A., 2014, Detecting scattered light from low‐ mass molecular cores at 3.6 μm. Impact of global effects on the observation of coreshine, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 563, 106

ACL‐243 Absil, Olivier; Mennesson, Bertrand; Le Bouquin, Jean‐Baptiste; Di Folco, Emmanuel; Kervella, Pierre; Augereau, Jean‐Charles, 2009, An Interferometric Study of the Fomalhaut Inner Debris Disk. I. Near‐Infrared Detection of Hot Dust with VLTI/VINCI, The Astrophysical Journal , 704, 150

ACL‐245 Benisty, M.; Berger, J.‐P.; Jocou, L.; Labeye, P.; Malbet, F.; Perraut, K.; Kern, P., 2009, An integrated optics beam combiner for the second generation VLTI instruments, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 498, 601

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 23 ACL‐247 Chelli, A.; Utrera, O. H.; Duvert, G., 2009, Optimised data reduction for the AMBER/VLTI instrument, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 502, 705

ACL‐248 Chelli, A.; Duvert, G.; Malbet, F.; Kern, P., 2009, Phase closure nulling. Application to the spectroscopy of faint companions, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 498, 321

ACL‐249 Cockell, C. S.; Léger, A.; Fridlund, M.; Herbst, T. M.; Kaltenegger, L.; Absil, O.; Beichman, C.; Benz, W.; Blanc, M.; Brack, A.; and 40 coauthors, 2009, Darwin‐A Mission to Detect and Search for Life on Extrasolar Planets, Astrobiology , 9, 1

ACL‐261 Ollivier, M.; Absil, O.; Allard, F.; Berger, J.‐P.; Bordé, P.; Cassaing, F.; Chazelas, B.; Chelli, A.; Chesneau, O.; Coudé du Foresto, V.; and 22 coauthors, 2009, PEGASE, an infrared interferometer to study stellar environments and low mass companions around nearby stars, Experimental Astronomy , 23, 403

ACL‐268 Duvert, G.; Chelli, A.; Malbet, F.; Kern, P., 2010, Phase closure nulling of HD 59717 with AMBER/VLTI . Detection of the close faint companion, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 509, 66

ACL‐271 Renard, S.; Malbet, F.; Benisty, M.; Thiébaut, E.; Berger, J.‐P., 2010, Milli‐arcsecond images of the Herbig Ae star HD 163296, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 519, 26

ACL‐274 Tatulli, E.; Blind, N.; Berger, J. P.; Chelli, A.; Malbet, F., 2010, Estimating the phase in groundbased interferometry: performance comparison between singlemode and multimode schemes, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 524, 65

ACL‐276 Absil, O.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Berger, J.‐P.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Chauvin, G.; Lazareff, B.; Zins, G.; Haguenauer, P.; Jocou, L.; Kern, P.; and 3 coauthors, 2011, Searching for faint companions with VLTI/PIONIER. I. Method and first results, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 535, 68

ACL‐277 Benisty, M.; Renard, S.; Natta, A.; Berger, J. P.; Massi, F.; Malbet, F.; Garcia, P. J. V.; Isella, A.; Mérand, A.; Monin, J. L.; and 4 coauthors, 2011, A low optical depth region in the inner disk of the Herbig Ae star HR 5999, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 531, 84

ACL‐278 Berger, J.‐P.; Monnier, J. D.; Millan‐Gabet, R.; Renard, S.; Pedretti, E.; Traub, W.; Bechet, C.; Benisty, M.; Carleton, N.; Haguenauer, P.; and 10 coauthors, 2011, First astronomical unit scale image of the GW Orionis triple system. Direct detection of a new stellar companion, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 529, L1

ACL‐280 Beust, H.; Bonneau, D.; Mourard, D.; Lafrasse, S.; Mella, G.; Duvert, G.; Chelli, A., 2011, On the use of the Virtual Observatory to select calibrators for phase‐referenced astrometry of exoplanet‐host stars, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 414, 108

ACL‐283 Bonneau, D.; Delfosse, X.; Mourard, D.; Lafrasse, S.; Mella, G.; Cetre, S.; Clausse, J.‐M.; Zins, G., 2011, SearchCal: a Virtual Observatory tool for searching calibrators in optical long‐baseline interferometry. II. The faint‐object case, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 535, 53

ACL‐287 Defrère, D.; Absil, O.; Augereau, J.‐C.; di Folco, E.; Berger, J.‐P.; Coudé Du Foresto, V.; Kervella, P.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Lebreton, J.; Millan‐Gabet, R.; and 3 coauthors, 2011, Hot exozodiacal dust resolved around Vega with IOTA/IONIC, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 534, 5

ACL‐290 Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Berger, J.‐P.; Lazareff, B.; Zins, G.; Haguenauer, P.; Jocou, L.; Kern, P.; Millan‐ Gabet, R.; Traub, W.; Absil, O.; and 36 coauthors, 2011, PIONIER: a 4‐telescope visitor instrument at VLTI, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 535, 67

ACL‐292 Mesa, D.; Gratton, R.; Berton, A.; Antichi, J.; Verinaud, C.; Boccaletti, A.; Kasper, M.; Claudi, R. U.; Desidera, S.; Giro, E.; and 6 coauthors, 2011, Simulation of planet detection with the SPHERE integral field spectrograph, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 529, 131

ACL‐297 Berger, J.‐P.; Malbet, F.; Baron, F.; Chiavassa, A.; Duvert, G.; Elitzur, M.; Freytag, B.; Gueth, F.; Hönig, S.; Hron, J.; and 14 coauthors, 2012, Imaging the heart of astrophysical objects with optical long‐baseline interferometry, Astronomy and Astrophysics Review , 20, 53

ACL‐299 Boccaletti, Anthony; Schneider, Jean; Traub, Wes; Lagage, Pierre‐Olivier; Stam, Daphne; Gratton, Raffaele; Trauger, John; Cahoy, Kerri; Snik, Frans; Baudoz, Pierre; and 20 coauthors, 2012, SPICES: spectro‐polarimetric imaging and characterization of exoplanetary systems. From planetary disks to nearby Super Earths, Experimental Astronomy , 34, 355

ACL‐300 Bonavita, M.; Chauvin, G.; Desidera, S.; Gratton, R.; Janson, M.; Beuzit, J. L.; Kasper, M.; Mordasini, C., 2012, MESS (multi‐purpose exoplanet simulation system). A Monte Carlo tool for the statistical analysis and prediction of exoplanet search results, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 537, 67

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 24 ACL‐302 Defrère, D.; Lebreton, J.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Absil, O.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Berger, J.‐P.; di Folco, E.; Ertel, S.; Kluska, J.; and 4 coauthors, 2012, Hot circumstellar material resolved around Pic with VLTI/PIONIER , Astronomy & Astrophysics, 546, L9

ACL‐307 Lagrange, A.‐M.; Milli, J.; Boccaletti, A.; Lacour, S.; Thebault, P.; Chauvin, G.; Mouillet, D.; Augereau, J. C.; Bonnefoy, M.; Ehrenreich, D.; and 1 coauthors, 2012, An insight in the surroundings of HR 4796, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 546, 38

ACL‐308 Lagrange, A.‐M.; Boccaletti, A.; Milli, J.; Chauvin, G.; Bonnefoy, M.; Mouillet, D.; Augereau, J. C.; Girard, J. H.; Lacour, S.; Apai, D., 2012, The position of β Pictoris b position relative to the debris disk, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 542, 40

ACL‐311 Ligi, R.; Mourard, D.; Lagrange, A. M.; Perraut, K.; Boyajian, T.; Bério, Ph.; Nardetto, N.; Tallon‐ Bosc, I.; McAlister, H.; ten Brummelaar, T.; and 6 coauthors, 2012, A new interferometric study of four exoplanet host stars: θ Cygni, 14 Andromedae, υ Andromedae and 42 Draconis, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 545, 5

ACL‐312 Malbet, Fabien; Léger, Alain; Shao, Michael; Goullioud, Renaud; Lagage, Pierre‐Olivier; Brown, Anthony G. A.; Cara, Christophe; Durand, Gilles; Eiroa, Carlos; Feautrier, Philippe; and 42 coauthors, 2012, High precision astrometry mission for the detection and characterization of nearby habitable planetary systems with the Nearby Earth Astrometric Telescope (NEAT), Experimental Astronomy , 34, 385

ACL‐317 Milli, J.; Mouillet, D.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Boccaletti, A.; Mawet, D.; Chauvin, G.; Bonnefoy, M., 2012, Impact of angular differential imaging on circumstellar disk images, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 545, 111

ACL‐320 Absil, O.; Milli, J.; Mawet, D.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Girard, J.; Chauvin, G.; Boccaletti, A.; Delacroix, C.; Surdej, J., 2013, Searching for companions down to 2 AU from β Pictoris using the L'‐band AGPM coronagraph on VLT/NACO, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 559, L12

ACL‐322 Benisty, M.; Perraut, K.; Mourard, D.; Stee, P.; Lima, G. H. R. A.; Le Bouquin, J. B.; Borges Fernandes, M.; Chesneau, O.; Nardetto, N.; Tallon‐Bosc, I.; and 8 coauthors, 2013, Enhanced Hα activity at periastron in the young and massive spectroscopic binary HD 200775, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 555, 113

ACL‐323 Bouchy, F.; Díaz, R. F.; Hébrard, G.; Arnold, L.; Boisse, I.; Delfosse, X.; Perruchot, S.; Santerne, A., 2013, SOPHIE+: First results of an octagonal‐section fiber for high‐precision radial velocity measurements, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 549, 49

ACL‐327 Perraut, K.; Borgniet, S.; Cunha, M.; Bigot, L.; Brandão, I.; Mourard, D.; Nardetto, N.; Chesneau, O.; McAlister, H.; ten Brummelaar, T. A.; and 5 coauthors, 2013, The fundamental parameters of the roAp star 10 Aquilae, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 559, 21

ACL‐331 Kluska, J.; Malbet, F.; Berger, J.‐P.; Baron, F.; Lazareff, B.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Monnier, J. D.; Soulez, F.; Thiébaut, E., 2014, SPARCO : a semi‐parametric approach for image reconstruction of chromatic objects. Application to young stellar objects, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 564, 80

ACL‐332 Maire, A.‐L.; Boccaletti, A.; Rameau, J.; Chauvin, G.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Bonnefoy, M.; Desidera, S.; Sylvestre, M.; Baudoz, P.; Galicher, R.; and 1 coauthors, 2014, Search for cool giant exoplanets around young and nearby stars. VLT/NaCo near‐infrared phase‐coronagraphic and differential imaging, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 566, 126

ACL‐333 Agra‐Amboage, V.; Dougados, C.; Cabrit, S.; Garcia, P. J. V.; Ferruit, P., 2009, [O I] sub‐ arcsecond study of a microjet from an intermediate mass young star: RY Tauri, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 493, 1029

ACL‐334 Baldovin‐Saavedra, C.; Audard, M.; Duchêne, G.; Güdel, M.; Skinner, S. L.; Paerels, F. B. S.; Ghez, A.; McCabe, C., 2009, HDE 245059: A Weak‐Lined T Tauri Binary Revealed by Chandra and Keck, The Astrophysical Journal , 697, 493

ACL‐335 Berné, O.; Joblin, C.; Fuente, A.; Ménard, F., 2009, What can we learn about protoplanetary disks from analysis of mid‐infrared carbonaceous dust emission?, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 495, 827

ACL‐336 Biazzo, K.; Melo, C. H. F.; Pasquini, L.; Randich, S.; Bouvier, J.; Delfosse, X., 2009, Evidence of early disk‐locking among low‐mass members of the Cluster, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 508, 1301

ACL‐337 Bihain, G.; Rebolo, R.; Zapatero Osorio, M. R.; Béjar, V. J. S.; Villó‐Pérez, I.; Díaz‐Sánchez, A.;

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 25 Pérez‐Garrido, A.; Caballero, J. A.; Bailer‐Jones, C. A. L.; Barrado y Navascués, D.; and 6 coauthors, 2009, Candidate free‐floating super‐ in the young σ Orionis , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 506, 1169

ACL‐338 Boccaletti, A.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Baudoz, P.; Pantin, E.; Lagrange, A.‐M., 2009, VLT/NACO coronagraphic observations of fine structures in the disk of β Pictoris, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 495, 523

ACL‐339 Boisse, I.; Moutou, C.; Vidal‐Madjar, A.; Bouchy, F.; Pont, F.; Hébrard, G.; Bonfils, X.; Croll, B.; Delfosse, X.; Desort, M.; and 13 coauthors, 2009, Stellar activity of planetary host star HD 189 733, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 495, 959

ACL‐340 Bonnefoy, M.; Chauvin, G.; Dumas, C.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Beust, H.; Desort, M.; Teixeira, R.; Ducourant, C.; Beuzit, J.‐L.; Song, I., 2009, The young, tight, and low‐mass binary TWA22AB: a new calibrator for evolutionary models?. Orbit, spectral types, and temperature, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 506, 799

ACL‐341 Bouchy, F.; Hébrard, G.; Udry, S.; Delfosse, X.; Boisse, I.; Desort, M.; Bonfils, X.; Eggenberger, A.; Ehrenreich, D.; Forveille, T.; and 11 coauthors, 2009, The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets . I. A companion around HD 16760 with mass close to the planet/brown‐ dwarf transition, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 505, 853

ACL‐342 Bouchy, F.; Mayor, M.; Lovis, C.; Udry, S.; Benz, W.; Bertaux, J.‐L.; Delfosse, X.; Mordasini, C.; Pepe, F.; Queloz, D.; and 1 coauthors, 2009, The HARPS search for southern extra‐solar planets. XVII. Super‐Earth and ‐mass planets in multiple planet systems HD 47 186 and HD 181 433, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 496, 527

ACL‐343 Burgess, A. S. M.; Moraux, E.; Bouvier, J.; Marmo, C.; Albert, L.; Bouy, H., 2009, Young T‐dwarf candidates in IC 348, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 508, 823

ACL‐344 Charbonneau, David; Berta, Zachory K.; Irwin, Jonathan; Burke, Christopher J.; Nutzman, Philip; Buchhave, Lars A.; Lovis, Christophe; Bonfils, Xavier; Latham, David W.; Udry, Stéphane; and 9 coauthors, 2009, A super‐Earth transiting a nearby low‐mass star, Nature , 462, 891

ACL‐345 Demory, B.‐O.; Ségransan, D.; Forveille, T.; Queloz, D.; Beuzit, J.‐L.; Delfosse, X.; di Folco, E.; Kervella, P.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Perrier, C.; and 5 coauthors, 2009, Mass‐radius relation of low and low‐mass stars revisited with the VLTI, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 505, 205

ACL‐346 Desort, M.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Galland, F.; Udry, S.; Montagnier, G.; Beust, H.; Boisse, I.; Bonfils, X.; Bouchy, F.; Delfosse, X.; and 16 coauthors, 2009, Extrasolar planets and brown dwarfs around A‐F type stars. VII. θ Cygni radial velocity variations: planets or stellar phenomenon?, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 506, 1469

ACL‐347 Desort, M.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Galland, F.; Beust, H.; Udry, S.; Mayor, M.; Lo Curto, G., 2009, Extrasolar planets and brown dwarfs around A‐F type stars. V. A found with HARPS around the F6IV‐V star HD 60532, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 499, 623

ACL‐348 Driebe, T.; Groh, J. H.; Hofmann, K.‐H.; Ohnaka, K.; Kraus, S.; Millour, F.; Murakawa, K.; Schertl, D.; Weigelt, G.; Petrov, R.; and 8 coauthors, 2009, Resolving the asymmetric inner wind region of the yellow IRC +10420 with VLTI/AMBER in low and high spectral resolution mode, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 507, 301

ACL‐349 Désert, Jean‐Michel; Lecavelier des Etangs, Alain; Hébrard, Guillaume; Sing, David K.; Ehrenreich, David; Ferlet, Roger; Vidal‐Madjar, Alfred, 2009, Search for in the Atmosphere of the Transiting Exoplanet HD 189733b, The Astrophysical Journal , 699, 478

ACL‐350 Enoch, Melissa L.; Corder, Stuartt; Dunham, Michael M.; Duchêne, Gaspard, 2009, Disk and Envelope Structure in Class 0 Protostars. I. The Resolved Massive Disk in Serpens Firs 1, The Astrophysical Journal , 707, 103

ACL‐351 Forveille, T.; Bonfils, X.; Delfosse, X.; Gillon, M.; Udry, S.; Bouchy, F.; Lovis, C.; Mayor, M.; Pepe, F.; Perrier, C.; and 3 coauthors, 2009, The HARPS search for southern extra‐solar planets. XIV. Gl 176b, a super‐Earth rather than a Neptune, and at a different period, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 493, 645

ACL‐352 Grady, C. A.; Schneider, G.; Sitko, M. L.; Williger, G. M.; Hamaguchi, K.; Brittain, S. D.; Ablordeppey, K.; Apai, D.; Beerman, L.; Carpenter, W. J.; and 16 coauthors, 2009, Revealing the Structure of a Pre‐Transitional Disk: The Case of the Herbig F Star SAO 206462 (HD 135344B), The Astrophysical Journal , 699, 1822

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 26 ACL‐353 Guillout, P.; Klutsch, A.; Frasca, A.; Freire Ferrero, R.; Marilli, E.; Mignemi, G.; Biazzo, K.; Bouvier, J.; Monier, R.; Motch, C.; and 1 coauthors, 2009, A spectroscopic survey of the youngest field stars in the solar neighbourhood. I. The optically bright sample, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 504, 829

ACL‐354 Hussain, G. A. J.; Collier Cameron, A.; Jardine, M. M.; Dunstone, N.; Ramirez Velez, J.; Stempels, H. C.; Donati, J.‐F.; Semel, M.; Aulanier, G.; Harries, T.; and 5 coauthors, 2009, Surface magnetic fields on two accreting TTauri stars: CVCha and CRCha, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 398, 189

ACL‐355 Huélamo, N.; Vaz, L. P. R.; Torres, C. A. O.; Bergeron, P.; Melo, C. H. F.; Quast, G. R.; Barrado y Navascués, D.; Sterzik, M. F.; Chauvin, G.; Bouy, H.; and 1 coauthors, 2009, The triple system HIP 96515: a low‐mass eclipsing binary with a DB companion, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 503, 873

ACL‐356 Irwin, Jonathan; Aigrain, Suzanne; Bouvier, Jerome; Hebb, Leslie; Hodgkin, Simon; Irwin, Mike; Moraux, Estelle, 2009, The Monitor project: rotation periods of low‐mass stars in M50, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 392, 1456

ACL‐357 Kraus, S.; Hofmann, K.‐H.; Malbet, F.; Meilland, A.; Natta, A.; Schertl, D.; Stee, P.; Weigelt, G., 2009, Revealing the sub‐AU asymmetries of the inner dust rim in the disk around the Herbig Ae star R Coronae Austrinae, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 508, 787

ACL‐358 Lagrange, A.‐M.; Kasper, M.; Boccaletti, A.; Chauvin, G.; Gratadour, D.; Fusco, T.; Ehrenreich, D.; Apai, D.; Mouillet, D.; Rouan, D., 2009, Constraining the orbit of the possible companion to β Pictoris. New deep imaging observations, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 506, 927

ACL‐359 Lagrange, A.‐M.; Desort, M.; Galland, F.; Udry, S.; Mayor, M., 2009, Extrasolar planets and brown dwarfs around A‐F type stars. VI. High precision RV survey of early type dwarfs with HARPS, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 495, 335

ACL‐360 Lagrange, A.‐M.; Gratadour, D.; Chauvin, G.; Fusco, T.; Ehrenreich, D.; Mouillet, D.; Rousset, G.; Rouan, D.; Allard, F.; Gendron, É.; and 5 coauthors, 2009, A probable imaged in the β Pictoris disk. VLT/NaCo deep L'‐band imaging, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 493, L21

ACL‐361 Malbet, F., 2009, Interferometric science results on young stellar objects, New Astronomy Review , 53, 285

ACL‐362 Manset, N.; Bastien, P.; Ménard, F.; Bertout, C.; Le van Suu, A.; Boivin, L., 2009, Photometric and polarimetric clues to the circumstellar environment of RY Lupi, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 499, 137

ACL‐363 Martin‐Zaïdi, C.; Habart, E.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Ménard, F.; Lagage, P.‐. O.; Pantin, E.; Olofsson, J., 2009, Molecular Hydrogen in the Disk of the Herbig Ae Star HD 97048, The Astrophysical Journal , 695, 1302

ACL‐364 Mayor, M.; Bonfils, X.; Forveille, T.; Delfosse, X.; Udry, S.; Bertaux, J.‐L.; Beust, H.; Bouchy, F.; Lovis, C.; Pepe, F.; and 3 coauthors, 2009, The HARPS search for southern extra‐solar planets. XVIII. An Earth‐mass planet in the GJ 581 planetary system, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 507, 487

ACL‐365 Mazeh, T.; Tsodikovich, Y.; Segal, Y.; Zucker, S.; Eggenberger, A.; Udry, S.; Mayor, M., 2009, TRIMOR ‐ three‐dimensional correlation technique to analyse multi‐order spectra of triple stellar systems: application to HD188753, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 399, 906

ACL‐366 Meunier, N.; Delfosse, X., 2009, On the correlation between Ca and Hα solar emission and consequences for stellar activity observations, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 501, 1103

ACL‐367 Moutou, C.; Hébrard, G.; Bouchy, F.; Eggenberger, A.; Boisse, I.; Bonfils, X.; Gravallon, D.; Ehrenreich, D.; Forveille, T.; Delfosse, X.; and 12 coauthors, 2009, Photometric and spectroscopic detection of the primary of the 111‐‐period planet HD 80 606 b, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 498, L5

ACL‐368 Olofsson, J.; Augereau, J.‐C.; van Dishoeck, E. F.; Merín, B.; Lahuis, F.; Kessler‐Silacci, J.; Dullemond, C. P.; Oliveira, I.; Blake, G. A.; Boogert, A. C. A.; and 6 coauthors, 2009, C2D Spitzer‐IRS spectra of disks around T Tauri stars. IV. Crystalline silicates, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 507, 327

ACL‐369 Pedretti, E.; Monnier, J. D.; Lacour, S.; Traub, W. A.; Danchi, W. C.; Tuthill, P. G.; Thureau, N. D.; Millan‐Gabet, R.; Berger, J.‐P.; Lacasse, M. G.; and 3 coauthors, 2009, Detection of non‐radial

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 27 pulsation and faint companion in the symbiotic star CH Cyg, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 397, 325

ACL‐370 Perrin, Marshall D.; Schneider, Glenn; Duchene, Gaspard; Pinte, Christophe; Grady, Carol A.; Wisniewski, John P.; Hines, Dean C., 2009, The Case of AB Aurigae's Disk in Polarized Light: Is there Truly a Gap?, The Astrophysical Journal , 707, L132

ACL‐371 Pinte, C.; Harries, T. J.; Min, M.; Watson, A. M.; Dullemond, C. P.; Woitke, P.; Ménard, F.; Durán‐ Rojas, M. C., 2009, Benchmark problems for continuum radiative transfer. High optical depths, anisotropic scattering, and polarisation, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 498, 967

ACL‐372 Pont, F.; Hébrard, G.; Irwin, J. M.; Bouchy, F.; Moutou, C.; Ehrenreich, D.; Guillot, T.; Aigrain, S.; Bonfils, X.; Berta, Z.; and 17 coauthors, 2009, Spin‐orbit misalignment in the HD 80606 planetary system, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 502, 695

ACL‐373 Reche, R.; Beust, H.; Augereau, J.‐C., 2009, Investigating the flyby scenario for the HD 141569 system, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 493, 661

ACL‐374 Roudier, Th.; Rieutord, M.; Brito, D.; Rincon, F.; Malherbe, J. M.; Meunier, N.; Berger, T.; Frank, Z., 2009, Mesoscale dynamics on the 's surface from HINODE observations, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 495, 945

ACL‐375 Sauter, J.; Wolf, S.; Launhardt, R.; Padgett, D. L.; Stapelfeldt, K. R.; Pinte, C.; Duchêne, G.; Ménard, F.; McCabe, C.‐E.; Pontoppidan, K.; and 3 coauthors, 2009, The in the globule CB 26. Multi‐wavelength observations and modelling of the dust disc and envelope, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 505, 1167

ACL‐376 Stelzer, B.; Robrade, J.; Schmitt, J. H. M. M.; Bouvier, J., 2009, New X‐ray detections of Herbig stars, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 493, 1109

ACL‐377 Teixeira, R.; Ducourant, C.; Chauvin, G.; Krone‐Martins, A.; Bonnefoy, M.; Song, I., 2009, Kinematic analysis and membership status of TWA22 AB, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 503, 281

ACL‐378 Terebey, Susan; Fich, Michel; Noriega‐Crespo, Alberto; Padgett, Deborah L.; Fukagawa, Misato; Audard, Marc; Brooke, Tim; Carey, Sean; Evans, Neal J., II; Guedel, Manuel; and 7 coauthors, 2009, Far‐Infrared Observations of the Very Low Embedded Source L1521F‐IRS in the Star‐Forming Region, The Astrophysical Journal , 696, 1918

ACL‐379 Whelan, E. T.; Ray, T. P.; Podio, L.; Bacciotti, F.; Randich, S., 2009, Classical T Tauri‐like Outflow Activity in the Brown Dwarf Mass Regime, The Astrophysical Journal , 706, 1054

ACL‐380 Willott, Chris J.; Delorme, Philippe; Reylé, Céline; Albert, Loic; Bergeron, Jacqueline; Crampton, David; Delfosse, Xavier; Forveille, Thierry; Hutchings, John B.; McLure, J.; and 2 coauthors, 2009, Six More Quasars at 6 Discovered by the Canada‐France High‐ z Quasar Survey, The Astronomical Journal , 137, 3541

ACL‐381 Absil, O.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Lebreton, J.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Benisty, M.; Chauvin, G.; Hanot, C.; Mérand, A.; Montagnier, G., 2010, Deep near‐infrared interferometric search for low‐mass companions around β Pictoris, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 520, L2

ACL‐382 Alencar, S. H. P.; Teixeira, P. S.; Guimarães, M. M.; McGinnis, P. T.; Gameiro, J. F.; Bouvier, J.; Aigrain, S.; Flaccomio, E.; Favata, F., 2010, dynamics and disk evolution in NGC 2264: a study based on CoRoT photometric observations, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 519, 88

ACL‐383 Alves de Oliveira, C.; Moraux, E.; Bouvier, J.; Bouy, H.; Marmo, C.; Albert, L., 2010, The low‐ mass population of the ρ Ophiuchi molecular cloud, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 515, 75

ACL‐384 Benisty, M.; Malbet, F.; Dougados, C.; Natta, A.; Le Bouquin, J. B.; Massi, F.; Bonnefoy, M.; Bouvier, J.; Chauvin, G.; Chesneau, O.; and 8 coauthors, 2010, The 2008 outburst in the young stellar system Z CMa. I. Evidence of an enhanced bipolar wind on the AU‐scale, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 517, L3

ACL‐385 Benisty, M.; Natta, A.; Isella, A.; Berger, J.‐P.; Massi, F.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Mérand, A.; Duvert, G.; Kraus, S.; Malbet, F.; and 5 coauthors, 2010, Strong near‐infrared emission in the sub‐AU disk of the Herbig Ae star HD 163296: evidence of refractory dust?, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 511, 74

ACL‐386 Benisty, M.; Tatulli, E.; Ménard, F.; Swain, M. R., 2010, The complex structure of the disk around HD 100546. The inner few astronomical units, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 511, 75

ACL‐387 Boisse, I.; Eggenberger, A.; Santos, N. C.; Lovis, C.; Bouchy, F.; Hébrard, G.; Arnold, L.; Bonfils,

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 28 X.; Delfosse, X.; Desort, M.; and 15 coauthors, 2010, The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets. III. A ‐mass companion around HD 109246, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 523, 88

ACL‐388 Bonavita, M.; Chauvin, G.; Boccaletti, A.; Pietu, V.; Baudoz, P.; Beuzit, J. L.; Dutrey, A.; Guilloteau, S.; Lagrange, A. M.; Mouillet, D.; and 1 coauthors, 2010, Searching for the sub‐ stellar companions in the LkCa15 proto‐planetary disk, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 522, 2

ACL‐389 Bonnefoy, M.; Chauvin, G.; Rojo, P.; Allard, F.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Homeier, D.; Dumas, C.; Beuzit, J.‐L., 2010, Near‐infrared integral‐field spectra of the planet/brown dwarf companion AB Pictoris b, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 512, 52

ACL‐390 Buenzli, E.; Thalmann, C.; Vigan, A.; Boccaletti, A.; Chauvin, G.; Augereau, J. C.; Meyer, M. R.; Ménard, F.; Desidera, S.; Messina, S.; and 10 coauthors, 2010, Dissecting the Moth: discovery of an off‐centered ring in the HD 61005 debris disk with high‐resolution imaging, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 524, L1

ACL‐391 Chauvin, G.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Bonavita, M.; Zuckerman, B.; Dumas, C.; Bessell, M. S.; Beuzit, J.‐ L.; Bonnefoy, M.; Desidera, S.; Farihi, J.; and 3 coauthors, 2010, Deep imaging survey of young, nearby austral stars . VLT/NACO near‐infrared ‐coronographic observations, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 509, 52

ACL‐392 Correia, A. C. M.; Couetdic, J.; Laskar, J.; Bonfils, X.; Mayor, M.; Bertaux, J.‐L.; Bouchy, F.; Delfosse, X.; Forveille, T.; Lovis, C.; and 4 coauthors, 2010, The HARPS search for southern extra‐solar planets. XIX. Characterization and dynamics of the GJ 876 planetary system, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 511, 21

ACL‐393 Delorme, P.; Albert, L.; Forveille, T.; Artigau, E.; Delfosse, X.; Reylé, C.; Willott, C. J.; Bertin, E.; Wilkins, S. M.; Allard, F.; and 1 coauthors, 2010, Extending the Canada‐France brown dwarfs survey to the near‐infrared: first ultracool brown dwarfs from CFBDSIR, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 518, 39

ACL‐394 Donati, J.‐F.; Skelly, M. B.; Bouvier, J.; Gregory, S. G.; Grankin, K. N.; Jardine, M. M.; Hussain, G. A. J.; Ménard, F.; Dougados, C.; Unruh, Y.; and 5 coauthors, 2010, Magnetospheric accretion and spin‐down of the prototypical classical T Tauri star AA Tau, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 409, 1347

ACL‐395 Donati, J.‐F.; Skelly, M. B.; Bouvier, J.; Jardine, M. M.; Gregory, S. G.; Morin, J.; Hussain, G. A. J.; Dougados, C.; Ménard, F.; Unruh, Y., 2010, Complex magnetic topology and strong differential rotation on the low‐mass T Tauri star V2247 Oph, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 402, 1426

ACL‐396 Dougados, C.; Bacciotti, F.; Cabrit, S.; Nisini, B., 2010, Deriving Physical Diagnostics from Observations, Lecture Notes in Physics, Berlin Springer Verlag , 793, 213

ACL‐397 Duchêne, G.; McCabe, C.; Pinte, C.; Stapelfeldt, K. R.; Ménard, F.; Duvert, G.; Ghez, A. M.; Maness, H. L.; Bouy, H.; Barrado y Navascués, D.; and 5 coauthors, 2010, Panchromatic Observations and Modeling of the HV Tau C Edge‐on Disk, The Astrophysical Journal , 712, 112

ACL‐398 Duchêne, G., 2010, Planet Formation in Binary Systems: A Separation‐Dependent Mechanism?, The Astrophysical Journal , 709, L114

ACL‐399 Ehrenreich, D.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Montagnier, G.; Chauvin, G.; Galland, F.; Beuzit, J.‐L.; Rameau, J., 2010, Deep infrared imaging of close companions to austral A‐ and F‐type stars, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 523, 73

ACL‐400 Eiroa, C.; Fedele, D.; Maldonado, J.; González‐García, B. M.; Rodmann, J.; Heras, A. M.; Pilbratt, G. L.; Augereau, J.‐Ch.; Mora, A.; Montesinos, B.; and 39 coauthors, 2010, Cold DUst around NEarby Stars (DUNES). First results. A resolved exo‐ belt around the solar‐like star ζ2 Ret, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 518, L131

ACL‐401 Figueira, P.; Marmier, M.; Bonfils, X.; di Folco, E.; Udry, S.; Santos, N. C.; Lovis, C.; Mégevand, D.; Melo, C. H. F.; Pepe, F.; and 4 coauthors, 2010, Evidence against the young hot‐Jupiter around BD +20 1790, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 513, L8

ACL‐402 Grady, C. A.; Hamaguchi, K.; Schneider, G.; Stecklum, B.; Woodgate, B. E.; McCleary, J. E.; Williger, G. M.; Sitko, M. L.; Ménard, F.; Henning, Th.; and 20 coauthors, 2010, Locating the Accretion Footprint on a Herbig Ae Star: MWC 480, The Astrophysical Journal , 719, 1565

ACL‐403 Grunhut, J. H.; Wade, G. A.; Hanes, D. A.; Alecian, E., 2010, Systematic detection of magnetic fields in massive, late‐type supergiants, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society ,

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 29 408, 2290

ACL‐404 Huélamo, N.; Bouy, H.; Pinte, C.; Ménard, F.; Duchêne, G.; Comerón, F.; Fernández, M.; Barrado, D.; Bayo, A.; de Gregorio‐Monsalvo, I.; and 1 coauthors, 2010, Multi‐wavelength study of the disk around the very low‐mass star Par‐Lup3‐4, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 523, 42

ACL‐405 Huélamo, N.; Nürnberger, D. E. A.; Ivanov, V. D.; Chauvin, G.; Carraro, G.; Sterzik, M. F.; Melo, C. H. F.; Bonnefoy, M.; Hartung, M.; Haubois, X.; and 1 coauthors, 2010, A brown dwarf companion to the intermediate‐mass star HR 6037, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 521, L54

ACL‐406 Hébrard, G.; Désert, J.‐M.; Díaz, R. F.; Boisse, I.; Bouchy, F.; Lecavelier Des Etangs, A.; Moutou, C.; Ehrenreich, D.; Arnold, L.; Bonfils, X.; and 17 coauthors, 2010, Observation of the full 12‐ ‐long transit of the exoplanet HD 80606b. Warm‐Spitzer photometry and SOPHIE spectroscopy, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 516, 95

ACL‐407 Hébrard, G.; Bonfils, X.; Ségransan, D.; Moutou, C.; Delfosse, X.; Bouchy, F.; Boisse, I.; Arnold, L.; Desort, M.; Díaz, R. F.; and 12 coauthors, 2010, The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets. II. A multiple planet system around HD 9446, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 513, 69

ACL‐408 Hébrard, G.; Udry, S.; Lo Curto, G.; Robichon, N.; Naef, D.; Ehrenreich, D.; Benz, W.; Bouchy, F.; Lecavelier Des Etangs, A.; Lovis, C.; and 6 coauthors, 2010, The HARPS search for southern extra‐solar planets. XX. Planets around the active star BD ‐08°2823, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 512, 46

ACL‐409 Kastner, Joel H.; Montez, Rodolfo, Jr.; Rodriguez, David; Grosso, Nicolas; Zuckerman, B.; Perrin, Marshall D.; Forveille, Thierry; Graham, James R., 2010, Chandra X‐ray Detection of the Enigmatic Field Star BP Psc, The Astrophysical Journal , 719, L65

ACL‐410 Konopacky, Q. M.; Ghez, A. M.; Barman, T. S.; Rice, E. L.; Bailey, J. I., III; White, R. J.; McLean, I. S.; Duchêne, G., 2010, High‐precision Dynamical of Very Low Mass Binaries, The Astrophysical Journal , 711, 1087

ACL‐411 Konstantinova‐Antova, R.; Aurière, M.; Charbonnel, C.; Drake, N. A.; Schröder, K.‐P.; Stateva, I.; Alecian, E.; Petit, P.; Cabanac, R., 2010, Direct detection of a magnetic field in the of the single M giant EK Bootis. How common is magnetic activity among M giants?, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 524, 57

ACL‐412 Lagrange, A.‐M.; Bonnefoy, M.; Chauvin, G.; Apai, D.; Ehrenreich, D.; Boccaletti, A.; Gratadour, D.; Rouan, D.; Mouillet, D.; Lacour, S.; and 1 coauthors, 2010, A Giant Planet Imaged in the Disk of the Young Star β Pictoris, Science , 329, 57

ACL‐413 Lagrange, A.‐M.; Desort, M.; Meunier, N., 2010, Using the Sun to estimate Earth‐like planets detection capabilities . I. Impact of cold spots, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 512, 38

ACL‐414 Lecavelier Des Etangs, A.; Ehrenreich, D.; Vidal‐Madjar, A.; Ballester, G. E.; Désert, J.‐M.; Ferlet, R.; Hébrard, G.; Sing, D. K.; Tchakoumegni, K.‐O.; Udry, S., 2010, Evaporation of the planet HD 189733b observed in H I Lyman‐α, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 514, 72

ACL‐415 Liseau, R.; Eiroa, C.; Fedele, D.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Olofsson, G.; González, B.; Maldonado, J.; Montesinos, B.; Mora, A.; Absil, O.; and 25 coauthors, 2010, Resolving the cold debris disc around a planet‐hosting star . PACS photometric imaging observations of q1 Eridani (HD 10647, HR 506), Astronomy and Astrophysics , 518, L132

ACL‐416 Martin‐Zaïdi, C.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Ménard, F.; Olofsson, J.; Carmona, A.; Pinte, C.; Habart, E., 2010, Where is the warm H2? A search for H2 emission from disks around Herbig Ae/Be stars, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 516, 110

ACL‐417 Martín, E. L.; Phan‐Bao, N.; Bessell, M.; Delfosse, X.; Forveille, T.; Magazzù, A.; Reylé, C.; Bouy, H.; Tata, R., 2010, Spectroscopic characterization of 78 DENIS ultracool dwarf candidates in the solar neighborhood and the Upper Scorpii OB association, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 517, 53

ACL‐418 Mathews, G. S.; Dent, W. R. F.; Williams, J. P.; Howard, C. D.; Meeus, G.; Riaz, B.; Roberge, A.; Sandell, G.; Vandenbussche, B.; Duchêne, G.; and 42 coauthors, 2010, GAS in Protoplanetary Systems (GASPS). I. First results, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 518, L127

ACL‐419 Matthews, B. C.; Sibthorpe, B.; Kennedy, G.; Phillips, N.; Churcher, L.; Duchêne, G.; Greaves, J. S.; Lestrade, J.‐F.; Moro‐Martin, A.; Wyatt, M. C.; and 22 coauthors, 2010, Resolving debris discs in the far‐infrared: Early highlights from the DEBRIS survey, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 518, L135

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 30 ACL‐420 Maury, A. J.; André, Ph.; Hennebelle, P.; Motte, F.; Stamatellos, D.; Bate, M.; Belloche, A.; Duchêne, G.; Whitworth, A., 2010, Toward understanding the formation of multiple systems. A pilot IRAM‐PdBI survey of Class 0 objects, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 512, 40

ACL‐421 Meeus, G.; Pinte, C.; Woitke, P.; Montesinos, B.; Mendigutía, I.; Riviere‐Marichalar, P.; Eiroa, C.; Mathews, G. S.; Vandenbussche, B.; Howard, C. D.; and 42 coauthors, 2010, Gas in the protoplanetary disc of HD 169142: Herschel's view, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 518, L124

ACL‐422 Merín, Bruno; Brown, Joanna M.; Oliveira, Isa; Herczeg, Gregory J.; van Dishoeck, Ewine F.; Bottinelli, Sandrine; Evans, Neal J., II; Cieza, Lucas; Spezzi, Loredana; Alcalá, Juan M.; and 10 coauthors, 2010, A Spitzer c2d Legacy Survey to Identify and Characterize Disks with Inner Dust Holes, The Astrophysical Journal , 718, 1200

ACL‐423 Meunier, N.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Desort, M., 2010, Reconstructing the solar integrated radial velocity using MDI/SOHO, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 519, 66

ACL‐424 Meunier, N.; Desort, M.; Lagrange, A.‐M., 2010, Using the Sun to estimate Earth‐like planets detection capabilities . II. Impact of plages, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 512, 39

ACL‐425 Molodij, Guillaume; Keil, Steve; Roudier, Thierry; Meunier, Nadège; Rondi, Sylvain, 2010, A method for single image restoration based on the principal ergodic, Journal of the Optical Society of America A , 27, 2459

ACL‐426 Monin, J.‐L.; Guieu, S.; Pinte, C.; Rebull, L.; Goldsmith, P.; Fukagawa, M.; Ménard, F.; Padgett, D.; Stappelfeld, K.; McCabe, C.; and 7 coauthors, 2010, The large‐scale disk fraction of brown dwarfs in the Taurus cloud as measured with Spitzer, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 515, 91

ACL‐427 Morin, J.; Donati, J.‐F.; Petit, P.; Delfosse, X.; Forveille, T.; Jardine, M. M., 2010, Large‐scale magnetic topologies of late M dwarfs, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 407, 2269

ACL‐428 Naef, D.; Mayor, M.; Lo Curto, G.; Bouchy, F.; Lovis, C.; Moutou, C.; Benz, W.; Pepe, F.; Queloz, D.; Santos, N. C.; and 10 coauthors, 2010, The HARPS search for southern extrasolar planets. XXIII. 8 planetary companions to low‐activity solar‐type stars, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 523, 15

ACL‐429 Nilsson, R.; Liseau, R.; Brandeker, A.; Olofsson, G.; Pilbratt, G. L.; Risacher, C.; Rodmann, J.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Bergman, P.; Eiroa, C.; and 3 coauthors, 2010, Kuiper belts around nearby stars, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 518, 40

ACL‐430 Oliveira, Isa; Pontoppidan, Klaus M.; Merín, Bruno; van Dishoeck, Ewine F.; Lahuis, Fred; Geers, Vincent C.; Jørgensen, Jes K.; Olofsson, Johan; Augereau, Jean‐Charles; Brown, Joanna M., 2010, A Spitzer Survey of Dust in the Young Serpens Cloud: How do Dust Characteristics Evolve with Time?, The Astrophysical Journal , 714, 778

ACL‐431 Olofsson, J.; Augereau, J.‐C.; van Dishoeck, E. F.; Merín, B.; Grosso, N.; Ménard, F.; Blake, G. A.; Monin, J.‐L., 2010, C2D Spitzer‐IRS spectra of disks around T Tauri stars. V. Spectral decomposition, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 520, 39

ACL‐432 Pinte, C.; Woitke, P.; Ménard, F.; Duchêne, G.; Kamp, I.; Meeus, G.; Mathews, G.; Howard, C. D.; Grady, C. A.; Thi, W.‐F.; and 42 coauthors, 2010, The Herschel view of GAS in Protoplanetary Systems (GASPS). First comparisons with a large grid of models, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 518, L126

ACL‐433 Quanz, Sascha P.; Meyer, Michael R.; Kenworthy, Matthew A.; Girard, Julien H. V.; Kasper, Markus; Lagrange, Anne‐Marie; Apai, Daniel; Boccaletti, Anthony; Bonnefoy, Mickaël; Chauvin, Gael; and 2 coauthors, 2010, First Results from NACO Apodizing Phase Plate: 4 μm Images of The Exoplanet β Pictoris b, The Astrophysical Journal , 722, L49

ACL‐434 Rebull, L. M.; Padgett, D. L.; McCabe, C.‐E.; Hillenbrand, L. A.; Stapelfeldt, K. R.; Noriega‐ Crespo, A.; Carey, S. J.; Brooke, T.; Huard, T.; Terebey, S.; and 24 coauthors, 2010, The Taurus Spitzer Survey: New Candidate Taurus Members Selected Using Sensitive Mid‐Infrared Photometry, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series , 186, 259

ACL‐435 Reylé, C.; Delorme, P.; Willott, C. J.; Albert, L.; Delfosse, X.; Forveille, T.; Artigau, E.; Malo, L.; Hill, G. J.; Doyon, R., 2010, The ultracool‐field dwarf luminosity‐function and space density from the Canada‐France Brown Dwarf Survey, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 522, 112

ACL‐436 Rieutord, M.; Roudier, T.; Rincon, F.; Malherbe, J.‐M.; Meunier, N.; Berger, T.; Frank, Z., 2010, On the power spectrum of solar surface flows, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 512, 4

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 31 ACL‐437 Skelly, M. B.; Donati, J.‐F.; Bouvier, J.; Grankin, K. N.; Unruh, Y. C.; Artemenko, S. A.; Petrov, P., 2010, Dynamo processes in the T Tauri star V410 Tau, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 403, 159

ACL‐438 Thi, W.‐F.; Mathews, G.; Ménard, F.; Woitke, P.; Meeus, G.; Riviere‐Marichalar, P.; Pinte, C.; Howard, C. D.; Roberge, A.; Sandell, G.; and 42 coauthors, 2010, Herschel‐PACS observation of the 10 Myr old T Tauri disk TW Hya. Constraining the disk gas mass, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 518, L125

ACL‐439 Thébault, P.; Marzari, F.; Augereau, J.‐C., 2010, Debris discs in binaries: a numerical study, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 524, 13

ACL‐440 Vidal‐Madjar, A.; Arnold, L.; Ehrenreich, D.; Ferlet, R.; Lecavelier Des Etangs, A.; Bouchy, F.; Segransan, D.; Boisse, I.; Hébrard, G.; Moutou, C.; and 17 coauthors, 2010, The Earth as an extrasolar transiting planet. Earth's atmospheric composition and thickness revealed by Lunar eclipse observations, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 523, 57

ACL‐441 Whelan, E. T.; Dougados, C.; Perrin, M. D.; Bonnefoy, M.; Bains, I.; Redman, M. P.; Ray, T. P.; Bouy, H.; Benisty, M.; Bouvier, J.; and 4 coauthors, 2010, The 2008 Outburst in the Young Stellar System Z CMa: The First Detection of Twin Jets, The Astrophysical Journal , 720, L119

ACL‐442 Willott, Chris J.; Delorme, Philippe; Reylé, Céline; Albert, Loic; Bergeron, Jacqueline; Crampton, David; Delfosse, Xavier; Forveille, Thierry; Hutchings, John B.; McLure, Ross J.; and 2 coauthors, 2010, The Canada‐France High‐z Quasar Survey: Nine New Quasars and the Luminosity Function at Redshift 6, The Astronomical Journal , 139, 906

ACL‐443 Woitke, P.; Pinte, C.; Tilling, I.; Ménard, F.; Kamp, I.; Thi, W.‐F.; Duchêne, G.; Augereau, J.‐C., 2010, Continuum and line modelling of discs around young stars ‐ I. 300000 disc models for HERSCHEL/GASPS, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 405, L26

ACL‐444 Agra‐Amboage, V.; Dougados, C.; Cabrit, S.; Reunanen, J., 2011, Sub‐arcsecond [Fe ii] spectro‐ imaging of the DG Tauri jet. Periodic bubbles and a dusty disk wind?, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 532, 59

ACL‐445 Albert, Loïc; Artigau, Étienne; Delorme, Philippe; Reylé, Céline; Forveille, Thierry; Delfosse, Xavier; Willott, Chris J., 2011, 37 New T‐type Brown Dwarfs in the Canada‐France Brown Dwarfs Survey, The Astronomical Journal , 141, 203

ACL‐446 Alcalá, J. M.; Stelzer, B.; Covino, E.; Cupani, G.; Natta, A.; Randich, S.; Rigliaco, E.; Spezzi, L.; Testi, L.; Bacciotti, F.; and 9 coauthors, 2011, An X‐shooter survey of star forming regions: Low‐mass stars and sub‐stellar objects, Astronomische Nachrichten , 332, 242

ACL‐447 Antoniucci, S.; García López, R.; Nisini, B.; Giannini, T.; Lorenzetti, D.; Eislöffel, J.; Bacciotti, F.; Cabrit, S.; Caratti o Garatti, A.; Dougados, C.; and 1 coauthors, 2011, POISSON project. I. Emission lines as accretion tracers in young stellar objects: results from observations of I and II sources, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 534, 32

ACL‐448 Aresu, G.; Kamp, I.; Meijerink, R.; Woitke, P.; Thi, W.‐F.; Spaans, M., 2011, X‐ray impact on the protoplanetary disks around T Tauri stars, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 526, 163

ACL‐449 Argiroffi, C.; Flaccomio, E.; Bouvier, J.; Donati, J.‐F.; Getman, K. V.; Gregory, S. G.; Hussain, G. A. J.; Jardine, M. M.; Skelly, M. B.; Walter, F. M., 2011, Variable X‐ray emission from the accretion shock in the classical T Tauri star V2129 Ophiuchi, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 530, 1

ACL‐450 Bacciotti, F.; Whelan, E. T.; Alcalá, J. M.; Nisini, B.; Podio, L.; Randich, S.; Stelzer, B.; Cupani, G., 2011, The First X‐shooter Observations of Jets from Young Stars, The Astrophysical Journal , 737, L26

ACL‐451 , Aaron J.; Nguyen, My L.; Malkan, Matthew A.; Filippenko, Alexei V.; Li, Weidong; Gorjian, Varoujan; Joner, Michael D.; Bennert, Vardha Nicola; Botyanszki, Janos; Cenko, S. Bradley; and 38 coauthors, 2011, Broad‐line Reverberation in the ‐field Seyfert Galaxy Zw 229‐015, The Astrophysical Journal , 732, 121

ACL‐452 Bertout, C.; Combes, F.; Ferrara, A.; Forveille, T.; Shore, S. N.; Tolstoy, E.; Walmsley, C., 2011, Early results from the Planck mission, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 536, 1

ACL‐453 Bigot, L.; Mourard, D.; Berio, P.; Thévenin, F.; Ligi, R.; Tallon‐Bosc, I.; Chesneau, O.; Delaa, O.; Nardetto, N.; Perraut, K.; and 14 coauthors, 2011, The diameter of the CoRoT target HD 49933. Combining the 3D , asteroseismology, and interferometry, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 534, L3

ACL‐454 Boisse, I.; Bouchy, F.; Hébrard, G.; Bonfils, X.; Santos, N.; Vauclair, S., 2011, Disentangling

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 32 between stellar activity and planetary signals, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 528, 4

ACL‐455 Bonfils, X.; Gillon, M.; Forveille, T.; Delfosse, X.; Deming, D.; Demory, B.‐O.; Lovis, C.; Mayor, M.; , V.; Perrier, C.; and 5 coauthors, 2011, A short‐period super‐Earth orbiting the M2.5 dwarf GJ 3634. Detection with HARPS velocimetry and transit search with Spitzer photometry, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 528, 111

ACL‐456 Bonnefoy, M.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Boccaletti, A.; Chauvin, G.; Apai, D.; Allard, F.; Ehrenreich, D.; Girard, J. H. V.; Mouillet, D.; Rouan, D.; and 2 coauthors, 2011, High angular resolution detection of β Pictoris b at 2.18 μm, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 528, L15

ACL‐457 Bouchy, F.; Bonomo, A. S.; Santerne, A.; Moutou, C.; Deleuil, M.; Díaz, R. F.; Eggenberger, A.; Ehrenreich, D.; Gry, C.; Guillot, T.; and 3 coauthors, 2011, SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates. III. KOI‐423b: an 18 MJup transiting companion around an F7IV star, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 533, 83

ACL‐458 Casewell, S. L.; Jameson, R. F.; Burleigh, M. R.; Dobbie, P. D.; Roy, M.; Hodgkin, S. T.; Moraux, E., 2011, Methane band and Spitzer mid‐IR imaging of L and T dwarf candidates in the Pleiades, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 412, 2071

ACL‐459 Chauvin, G.; Beust, H.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Eggenberger, A., 2011, Planetary systems in close binary stars: the case of HD 196885. Combined astrometric and radial velocity study, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 528, 8

ACL‐460 Churcher, L. J.; Wyatt, M. C.; Duchêne, G.; Sibthorpe, B.; Kennedy, G.; Matthews, B. C.; Kalas, P.; Greaves, J.; Su, K.; Rieke, G., 2011, Multiwavelength modelling of the β Leo debris disc: one, two or three populations?, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 417, 1715

ACL‐461 Cieza, Lucas A.; Olofsson, Johan; Harvey, Paul M.; Pinte, Christophe; Merín, Bruno; Augereau, Jean‐Charles; Evans, Neal J., II; Najita, Joan; Henning, Thomas; Ménard, Francois, 2011, Herschel Observations of the T Cha Transition Disk: Constraining the Outer Disk Properties, The Astrophysical Journal , 741, L25

ACL‐462 Davis, C. J.; Cervantes, B.; Nisini, B.; Giannini, T.; Takami, M.; Whelan, E.; Smith, M. D.; Ray, T. P.; Chrysostomou, A.; Pyo, T. S., 2011, VLT integral field spectroscopy of embedded protostars: using near‐infrared emission lines as tracers of accretion and outflow, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 528, 3

ACL‐463 Delaa, O.; Stee, Ph.; Meilland, A.; Zorec, J.; Mourard, D.; Bério, Ph.; Bonneau, D.; Chesneau, O.; Clausse, J. M.; Cruzalebes, P.; and 11 coauthors, 2011, Kinematics and geometrical study of the Be stars 48 Persei and ψ Persei with the VEGA/CHARA interferometer, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 529, 87

ACL‐464 Descamps, P.; Marchis, F.; Berthier, J.; Emery, J. P.; Duchêne, G.; de Pater, I.; Wong, M. H.; Lim, L.; Hammel, H. B.; Vachier, F.; and 9 coauthors, 2011, Triplicity and physical characteristics of (216) Kleopatra, Icarus , 211, 1022

ACL‐465 Donati, J.‐F.; Gregory, S. G.; Montmerle, T.; Maggio, A.; Argiroffi, C.; Sacco, G.; Hussain, G.; Kastner, J.; Alencar, S. H. P.; Audard, M.; and 5 coauthors, 2011, The close classical T Tauri binary V4046 Sgr: complex magnetic fields and distributed mass accretion, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 417, 1747

ACL‐466 Donati, J.‐F.; Gregory, S. G.; Alencar, S. H. P.; Bouvier, J.; Hussain, G.; Skelly, M.; Dougados, C.; Jardine, M. M.; Ménard, F.; Romanova, M. M.; and 1 coauthors, 2011, The large‐scale magnetic field and poleward mass accretion of the classical T Tauri star TW Hya, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 417, 472

ACL‐467 Donati, J.‐F.; Bouvier, J.; Walter, F. M.; Gregory, S. G.; Skelly, M. B.; Hussain, G. A. J.; Flaccomio, E.; Argiroffi, C.; Grankin, K. N.; Jardine, M. M.; and 3 coauthors, 2011, Non‐stationary dynamo and magnetospheric accretion processes of the classical T Tauri star V2129 Oph, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 412, 2454

ACL‐468 Dumusque, X.; Santos, N. C.; Udry, S.; Lovis, C.; Bonfils, X., 2011, Planetary detection limits taking into account stellar noise. II. Effect of stellar spot groups on radial‐velocities, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 527, 82

ACL‐469 Désert, J.‐M.; Sing, D.; Vidal‐Madjar, A.; Hébrard, G.; Ehrenreich, D.; Lecavelier Des Etangs, A.; Parmentier, V.; Ferlet, R.; , G. W., 2011, Transit spectrophotometry of the exoplanet HD 189733b. II. New Spitzer observations at 3.6 μm, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 526, 12

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 33 ACL‐470 Ehrenreich, D.; Lecavelier Des Etangs, A.; Delfosse, X., 2011, HST/STIS Lyman‐α observations of the quiet M dwarf GJ 436. Predictions for the exospheric transit signature of the GJ 436b, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 529, 80

ACL‐471 Ehrenreich, D.; Désert, J.‐M., 2011, Mass‐loss rates for transiting exoplanets, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 529, 136

ACL‐472 Ehrenreich, D.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Bouchy, F.; Perrier, C.; Hébrard, G.; Boisse, I.; Bonfils, X.; Arnold, L.; Delfosse, X.; Desort, M.; and 12 coauthors, 2011, SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates. I. Detection of the low‐mass white dwarf KOI 74b, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 525, 85

ACL‐473 Eiroa, C.; Marshall, J. P.; Mora, A.; Krivov, A. V.; Montesinos, B.; Absil, O.; Ardila, D.; Arévalo, M.; Augereau, J.‐Ch.; Bayo, A.; and 18 coauthors, 2011, Herschel discovery of a new class of cold, faint debris discs, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 536, L4

ACL‐474 Enoch, Melissa L.; Corder, Stuartt; Duchêne, Gaspard; Bock, Douglas C.; Bolatto, Alberto D.; Culverhouse, Thomas L.; Kwon, Woojin; Lamb, James W.; Leitch, Erik M.; Marrone, Daniel P.; and 6 coauthors, 2011, Disk and Envelope Structure in Class 0 Protostars. II. High‐resolution Millimeter Mapping of the Serpens Sample, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series , 195, 21

ACL‐475 Fedele, D.; Pascucci, I.; Brittain, S.; Kamp, I.; Woitke, P.; Williams, J. P.; Dent, W. R. F.; Thi, W.‐ F., 2011, Water Depletion in the Disk Atmosphere of Herbig AeBe Stars, The Astrophysical Journal , 732, 106

ACL‐476 Forveille, T.; Bonfils, X.; Lo Curto, G.; Delfosse, X.; Udry, S.; Bouchy, F.; Lovis, C.; Mayor, M.; Moutou, C.; Naef, D.; and 4 coauthors, 2011, The HARPS search for southern extra‐solar planets. XXVI. Two giant planets around M0 dwarfs, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 526, 141

ACL‐477 Gillon, M.; Bonfils, X.; Demory, B.‐O.; Seager, S.; Deming, D.; Triaud, A. H. M. J., 2011, An educated search for transiting habitable planets:. Targetting M dwarfs with known transiting planets, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 525, 32

ACL‐478 Gomes da Silva, J.; Santos, N. C.; Bonfils, X.; Delfosse, X.; Forveille, T.; Udry, S., 2011, Long‐ term magnetic activity of a sample of M‐dwarf stars from the HARPS program. I. Comparison of activity indices, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 534, 30

ACL‐479 Guirado, J. C.; Marcaide, J. M.; Martí‐Vidal, I.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Close, L. M.; Cotton, W. D.; Montalbán, J., 2011, The size of AB Doradus A from VLTI/AMBER interferometry, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 533, 106

ACL‐480 Husnoo, Nawal; Pont, Frédéric; Hébrard, Guillaume; Simpson, Elaine; Mazeh, Tsevi; Bouchy, François; Moutou, Claire; Arnold, Luc; Boisse, Isabelle; Díaz, Rodrigo F.; and 2 coauthors, 2011, of WASP‐12 and WASP‐14 from new radial velocity monitoring with SOPHIE, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 413, 2500

ACL‐481 Huélamo, N.; Lacour, S.; Tuthill, P.; Ireland, M.; Kraus, A.; Chauvin, G., 2011, A companion candidate in the gap of the T Chamaeleontis transitional disk, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 528, L7

ACL‐482 Hébrard, G.; Ehrenreich, D.; Bouchy, F.; Delfosse, X.; Moutou, C.; Arnold, L.; Boisse, I.; Bonfils, X.; Díaz, R. F.; Eggenberger, A.; and 11 coauthors, 2011, The retrograde orbit of the HAT‐P‐6b exoplanet, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 527, L11

ACL‐483 Kamp, I.; Woitke, P.; Pinte, C.; Tilling, I.; Thi, W.‐F.; Menard, F.; Duchene, G.; Augereau, J.‐C., 2011, Continuum and line modelling of discs around young stars. II. Line diagnostics for GASPS from the DENT grid, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 532, 85

ACL‐484 Kastner, J. H.; Sacco, G. G.; Montez, R.; Huenemoerder, D. P.; Shi, H.; Alecian, E.; Argiroffi, C.; Audard, M.; Bouvier, J.; Damiani, F.; and 6 coauthors, 2011, GSC 07396‐00759 = V4046 Sgr C[D]: A Wide‐separation Companion to the Close T Tauri Binary System V4046 Sgr AB, The Astrophysical Journal , 740, L17

ACL‐485 Küpper, Andreas H. W.; Maschberger, Thomas; Kroupa, Pavel; Baumgardt, Holger, 2011, Mass segregation and fractal substructure in young massive clusters ‐ I. The McLuster code and method calibration, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 417, 2300

ACL‐486 Lacour, S.; Tuthill, P.; Amico, P.; Ireland, M.; Ehrenreich, D.; Huelamo, N.; Lagrange, A.‐M., 2011, Sparse aperture masking at the VLT. I. Faint companion detection limits for the two debris disk stars HD 92945 and HD 141569, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 532, 72

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 34 ACL‐487 Lagrange, A.‐M.; Meunier, N.; Desort, M.; Malbet, F., 2011, Using the Sun to estimate Earth‐like planets detection capabilities . III. Impact of spots and plages on astrometric detection, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 528, L9

ACL‐488 Liu, Michael C.; Delorme, Philippe; Dupuy, Trent J.; Bowler, Brendan P.; Albert, Loic; Artigau, Etienne; Reylé, Celine; Forveille, Thierry; Delfosse, Xavier, 2011, CFBDSIR J1458+1013B: A Very Cold (>T10) Brown Dwarf in a Binary System, The Astrophysical Journal , 740, 108

ACL‐489 Lodieu, N.; de Wit, W.‐J.; Carraro, G.; Moraux, E.; Bouvier, J.; Hambly, N. C., 2011, The mass function of IC 4665 revisited by the UKIDSS Galactic Clusters Survey, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 532, 103

ACL‐490 Marsden, S. C.; Jardine, M. M.; Ramírez Vélez, J. C.; Alecian, E.; Brown, C. J.; Carter, B. D.; Donati, J.‐F.; Dunstone, N.; Hart, R.; Semel, M.; and 1 coauthors, 2011, Magnetic fields and differential rotation on the pre‐ sequence ‐ II. The early‐G star HD 141943 ‐ coronal magnetic field, Hα emission and differential rotation, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 413, 1939

ACL‐491 Marsden, S. C.; Jardine, M. M.; Ramírez Vélez, J. C.; Alecian, E.; Brown, C. J.; Carter, B. D.; Donati, J.‐F.; Dunstone, N.; Hart, R.; Semel, M.; and 1 coauthors, 2011, Magnetic fields and differential rotation on the pre‐ ‐ I. The early‐G star HD 141943 ‐ brightness and magnetic topologies, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 413, 1922

ACL‐492 Marshall, J. P.; Löhne, T.; Montesinos, B.; Krivov, A. V.; Eiroa, C.; Absil, O.; Bryden, G.; Maldonado, J.; Mora, A.; Sanz‐Forcada, J.; and 19 coauthors, 2011, A Herschel resolved far‐ infrared dust ring around HD 207129, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 529, 117

ACL‐493 Martayan, C.; Blomme, R.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Merand, A.; Montagnier, G.; Selman, F.; Girard, J.; Fox, A.; Baade, D.; Frémat, Y.; and 8 coauthors, 2011, X‐shooter, NACO, and AMBER observations of the LBV , Bulletin de la Societe Royale des Sciences de Liege , 80, 400

ACL‐494 Maschberger, Th.; Clarke, C. J., 2011, Global mass segregation in hydrodynamical simulations of star formation, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 416, 541

ACL‐495 McCabe, C.; Duchêne, G.; Pinte, C.; Stapelfeldt, K. R.; Ghez, A. M.; Ménard, F., 2011, Spatially Resolving the HK Tau B Edge‐on Disk from 1.2 to 4.7 μm: A Unique Scattered Light Disk, The Astrophysical Journal , 727, 90

ACL‐496 Meilland, A.; Delaa, O.; Stee, Ph.; Kanaan, S.; Millour, F.; Mourard, D.; Bonneau, D.; Petrov, R.; Nardetto, N.; Marcotto, A.; and 11 coauthors, 2011, The binary δ Scorpii at high spectral and spatial resolution. I. Disk geometry and kinematics before the 2011 periastron, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 532, 80

ACL‐497 Melis, Carl; Duchêne, G.; Chomiuk, Laura; Palmer, Patrick; Perrin, M. D.; Maddison, S. T.; Ménard, F.; Stapelfeldt, K.; Pinte, C.; Duvert, G., 2011, Microwave Observations of Edge‐on Protoplanetary Disks: Program Overview and First Results, The Astrophysical Journal , 739, L7

ACL‐498 Meunier, N.; Delfosse, X., 2011, Filaments and the magnetic configuration. I. Observation of the solar case, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 532, 18

ACL‐499 Monnier, J. D.; Zhao, Ming; Pedretti, E.; Millan‐Gabet, R.; Berger, J.‐P.; Traub, W.; Schloerb, F. P.; ten Brummelaar, T.; McAlister, H.; Ridgway, S.; and 7 coauthors, 2011, First Visual Orbit for the Prototypical Colliding‐wind Binary WR 140, The Astrophysical Journal , 742, L1

ACL‐500 Morales‐Calderón, M.; Stauffer, J. R.; Hillenbrand, L. A.; Gutermuth, R.; Song, I.; Rebull, L. M.; Plavchan, P.; Carpenter, J. M.; Whitney, B. A.; Covey, K.; and 26 coauthors, 2011, Ysovar: The First Sensitive, Wide‐area, Mid‐infrared Photometric Monitoring of the Orion Nebula Cluster, The Astrophysical Journal , 733, 50

ACL‐501 Moutou, C.; Díaz, R. F.; Udry, S.; Hébrard, G.; Bouchy, F.; Santerne, A.; Ehrenreich, D.; Arnold, L.; Boisse, I.; Bonfils, X.; and 15 coauthors, 2011, Spin‐orbit inclinations of the exoplanetary systems HAT‐P‐8b, HAT‐P‐9b, HAT‐P‐16b, and HAT‐P‐23b, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 533, 113

ACL‐502 Mulders, G. D.; Waters, L. B. F. M.; Dominik, C.; Sturm, B.; Bouwman, J.; Min, M.; Verhoeff, A. P.; Acke, B.; Augereau, J. C.; Evans, N. J.; and 3 coauthors, 2011, Low abundance, strong features: window‐dressing crystalline forsterite in the disk wall of HD 100546, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 531, 93

ACL‐503 Mérand, A.; Kervella, P.; Pribulla, T.; Petr‐Gotzens, M. G.; Benisty, M.; Natta, A.; Duvert, G.;

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 35 Schertl, D.; Vannier, M., 2011, The nearby eclipsing stellar system δ Velorum. III. Self‐consistent fundamental parameters and distance, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 532, 50

ACL‐504 Nardetto, N.; Mourard, D.; Tallon‐Bosc, I.; Tallon, M.; Berio, P.; Chapellier, E.; Bonneau, D.; Chesneau, O.; Mathias, P.; Perraut, K.; and 15 coauthors, 2011, An investigation of the close environment of β Cephei with the VEGA/CHARA interferometer, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 525, 67

ACL‐505 Oliveira, Isa; Olofsson, Johan; Pontoppidan, Klaus M.; van Dishoeck, Ewine F.; Augereau, Jean‐Charles; Merín, Bruno, 2011, On the Evolution of Dust Mineralogy, from Protoplanetary Disks to Planetary Systems, The Astrophysical Journal , 734, 51

ACL‐506 Olofsson, J.; Benisty, M.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Pinte, C.; Ménard, F.; Tatulli, E.; Berger, J.‐P.; Malbet, F.; Merín, B.; van Dishoeck, E. F.; and 5 coauthors, 2011, Warm dust resolved in the cold disk around T Chamaeleontis with VLTI/AMBER, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 528, L6

ACL‐507 Papadopoulos, Padeli P.; Thi, Wing‐Fai; Miniati, Francesco; Viti, Serena, 2011, Extreme cosmic ray dominated regions: a new paradigm for high star formation density events in the , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 414, 1705

ACL‐508 Parker, Richard J.; Bouvier, Jerome; Goodwin, Simon P.; Moraux, Estelle; Allison, Richard J.; Guieu, Sylvain; Güdel, Manuel, 2011, On the mass segregation of stars and brown dwarfs in Taurus, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 412, 2489

ACL‐509 Patience, J.; Bulger, J.; King, R. R.; Ayliffe, B.; Bate, M. R.; Song, I.; Pinte, C.; Koda, J.; Dowell, C. D.; Kovács, A., 2011, Spatially resolved submillimeter imaging of the HR 8799 debris disk, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 531, L17

ACL‐510 Perraut, K.; Brandão, I.; Mourard, D.; Cunha, M.; Bério, Ph.; Bonneau, D.; Chesneau, O.; Clausse, J. M.; Delaa, O.; Marcotto, A.; and 11 coauthors, 2011, The fundamental parameters of the roAp star γ Equulei, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 526, 89

ACL‐511 Platais, I.; Girard, T. M.; Vieira, K.; López, C. E.; Loomis, C.; McLean, B. J.; Pourbaix, D.; Moraux, E.; Mermilliod, J.‐C.; James, D. J.; and 3 coauthors, 2011, A deep proper‐motion survey of the nearby open cluster Blanco, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 413, 1024

ACL‐512 Reidemeister, M.; Krivov, A. V.; Stark, C. C.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Löhne, T.; Müller, S., 2011, The cold origin of the warm dust around ɛ Eridani, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 527, 57

ACL‐513 Renard, S.; Thiébaut, E.; Malbet, F., 2011, Image reconstruction in optical interferometry: benchmarking the regularization, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 533, 64

ACL‐514 Santerne, A.; Díaz, R. F.; Bouchy, F.; Deleuil, M.; Moutou, C.; Hébrard, G.; Eggenberger, A.; Ehrenreich, D.; Gry, C.; Udry, S., 2011, SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates. II. KOI‐ 428b: a transiting a F‐star, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 528, 63

ACL‐515 Santos, N. C.; Mayor, M.; Bonfils, X.; Dumusque, X.; Bouchy, F.; Figueira, P.; Lovis, C.; Melo, C.; Pepe, F.; Queloz, D.; and 3 coauthors, 2011, The HARPS search for southern extrasolar planets. XXV. Results from the metal‐poor sample, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 526, 112

ACL‐516 Scholz, Alexander; Irwin, Jonathan; Bouvier, Jerome; Sipőcz, Brigitta M.; Hodgkin, Simon; Eislöffel, Jochen, 2011, Rotation periods for very low mass stars in Praesepe, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 413, 2595

ACL‐517 Sing, D. K.; Désert, J.‐M.; Fortney, J. J.; Lecavelier Des Etangs, A.; Ballester, G. E.; Cepa, J.; Ehrenreich, D.; López‐Morales, M.; Pont, F.; Shabram, M.; and 1 coauthors, 2011, Gran Telescopio Canarias OSIRIS transiting exoplanet atmospheric survey: detection of potassium in XO‐2b from narrowband spectrophotometry, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 527, 73

ACL‐518 Tatulli, E.; Benisty, M.; Ménard, F.; Varnière, P.; Martin‐Zaïdi, C.; Thi, W.‐F.; Pinte, C.; Massi, F.; Weigelt, G.; Hofmann, K.‐H.; and 1 coauthors, 2011, Constraining the structure of the planet‐ forming region in the disk of the Herbig Be star HD 100546, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 531, 1

ACL‐519 Thi, W.‐F.; Ménard, F.; Meeus, G.; Martin‐Zaïdi, C.; Woitke, P.; Tatulli, E.; Benisty, M.; Kamp, I.; Pascucci, I.; Pinte, C.; and 6 coauthors, 2011, Detection of CH+ emission from the disc around HD 100546, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 530, L2

ACL‐520 Thi, W.‐F.; Woitke, P.; Kamp, I., 2011, Radiation thermo‐chemical models of protoplanetary discs ‐ III. Impact of inner rims on spectral energy distributions, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 412, 711

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 36 ACL‐521 Vicente, S.; Merín, B.; Hartung, M.; Bouy, H.; Huélamo, N.; Artigau, E.; Augereau, J.‐C.; van Dishoeck, E.; Olofsson, J.; Oliveira, I.; and 1 coauthors, 2011, Ruling out unresolved binaries in five transitional disks. VLT/NACO deep 2.12 and 1.75 μm narrow‐band imaging, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 533, 135

ACL‐522 Vidal‐Madjar, A.; Sing, D. K.; Lecavelier Des Etangs, A.; Ferlet, R.; Désert, J.‐M.; Hébrard, G.; Boisse, I.; Ehrenreich, D.; Moutou, C., 2011, The upper atmosphere of the exoplanet HD 209458 b revealed by the sodium D lines. Temperature‐pressure profile, ionization layer, and thermosphere, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 527, 110

ACL‐523 Wang, Ran; Wagg, Jeff; Carilli, Chris L.; Walter, Fabian; Riechers, Dominick A.; Willott, Chris; Bertoldi, Frank; Omont, Alain; Beelen, Alexandre; Cox, Pierre; and 5 coauthors, 2011, CO (2‐ 1) Line Emission in Redshift 6 Quasar Host Galaxies, The Astrophysical Journal , 739, L34

ACL‐524 Weigelt, G.; Grinin, V. P.; Groh, J. H.; Hofmann, K.‐H.; Kraus, S.; Miroshnichenko, A. S.; Schertl, D.; Tambovtseva, L. V.; Benisty, M.; Driebe, T.; and 5 coauthors, 2011, VLTI/AMBER spectro‐ interferometry of the Herbig Be star MWC 297 with spectral resolution 12 000, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 527, 103

ACL‐525 Woitke, P.; Riaz, B.; Duchêne, G.; Pascucci, I.; Lyo, A.‐R.; Dent, W. R. F.; Phillips, N.; Thi, W.‐F.; Ménard, F.; Herczeg, G. J.; and 8 coauthors, 2011, The unusual protoplanetary disk around the T Tauri star ET Chamaeleontis, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 534, 44

ACL‐526 Alencar, S. H. P.; Bouvier, J.; Walter, F. M.; Dougados, C.; Donati, J.‐F.; Kurosawa, R.; Romanova, M.; Bonfils, X.; Lima, G. H. R. A.; Massaro, S.; and 2 coauthors, 2012, Accretion dynamics in the classical T Tauri star V2129 Ophiuchi, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 541, 116

ACL‐527 Alves de Oliveira, C.; Moraux, E.; Bouvier, J.; Bouy, H., 2012, Spectroscopy of new brown dwarf members of ρ Ophiuchi and an updated initial mass function, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 539, 151

ACL‐528 Aresu, G.; Meijerink, R.; Kamp, I.; Spaans, M.; Thi, W.‐F.; Woitke, P., 2012, Far‐ and X‐ray irradiated protoplanetary disks: a grid of models. II. Gas diagnostic line emission, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 547, 69

ACL‐529 Argiroffi, C.; Maggio, A.; Montmerle, T.; Huenemoerder, D. P.; Alecian, E.; Audard, M.; Bouvier, J.; Damiani, F.; Donati, J.‐F.; Gregory, S. G.; and 4 coauthors, 2012, The Close T Tauri Binary System V4046 Sgr: Rotationally Modulated X‐Ray Emission from Accretion Shocks, The Astrophysical Journal , 752, 100

ACL‐530 Beust, H.; Bonfils, X.; Montagnier, G.; Delfosse, X.; Forveille, T., 2012, Dynamical evolution of the Gliese 436 planetary system. Kozai migration as a potential source for Gliese 436b's eccentricity, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 545, 88

ACL‐531 Biller, Beth; Lacour, Sylvestre; Juhász, Attila; Benisty, Myriam; Chauvin, Gael; Olofsson, Johan; Pott, Jörg‐Uwe; Müller, André; Sicilia‐Aguilar, Aurora; Bonnefoy, Mickaël; and 4 coauthors, 2012, A Likely Close‐in Low‐mass Stellar Companion to the Transitional Disk Star HD 142527, The Astrophysical Journal , 753, L38

ACL‐532 Boccaletti, A.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Milli, J.; Baudoz, P.; Mawet, D.; Mouillet, D.; Lebreton, J.; Maire, A.‐L., 2012, Morphology of the very inclined debris disk around HD 32297, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 544, 85

ACL‐533 Boden, Andrew F.; Torres, Guillermo; Duchêne, Gaspard; Konopacky, Quinn; Ghez, A. M.; Torres, Rosa M.; Loinard, Laurent, 2012, A Surprising Dynamical Mass for V773 Tau B, The Astrophysical Journal , 747, 17

ACL‐534 Boisse, I.; Pepe, F.; Perrier, C.; Queloz, D.; Bonfils, X.; Bouchy, F.; Santos, N. C.; Arnold, L.; Beuzit, J.‐L.; Díaz, R. F.; and 14 coauthors, 2012, The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets. V. Follow‐up of ELODIE candidates: Jupiter‐analogs around Sun‐like stars, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 545, 55

ACL‐535 Boisse, I.; Bonfils, X.; Santos, N. C., 2012, SOAP. A tool for the fast computation of photometry and radial velocity induced by stellar spots, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 545, 109

ACL‐536 Bonfils, X.; Gillon, M.; Udry, S.; Armstrong, D.; Bouchy, F.; Delfosse, X.; Forveille, T.; Fumel, A.; Jehin, E.; Lendl, M.; and 9 coauthors, 2012, A hot transiting the nearby M dwarf GJ 3470. Detected with HARPS velocimetry. Captured in transit with TRAPPIST photometry, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 546, 27

ACL‐537 Bonsor, A.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Thébault, P., 2012, Scattering of small bodies by planets: a

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 37 potential origin for exozodiacal dust?, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 548, 104

ACL‐538 Casassus, S.; Perez M., S.; Jordán, A.; Ménard, F.; Cuadra, J.; Schreiber, M. R.; Hales, A. S.; Ercolano, B., 2012, The Dynamically Disrupted Gap in HD 142527, The Astrophysical Journal , 754, L31

ACL‐539 Cegla, H. M.; Watson, C. A.; Marsh, T. R.; Shelyag, S.; Moulds, V.; Littlefair, S.; Mathioudakis, M.; Pollacco, D.; Bonfils, X., 2012, Stellar jitter from variable gravitational redshift: implications for radial velocity confirmation of habitable exoplanets, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 421, L54

ACL‐540 Chauvin, G.; Faherty, J.; Boccaletti, A.; Cruz, K.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Zuckerman, B.; Bessell, M. S.; Beuzit, J.‐L.; Bonnefoy, M.; Dumas, C.; and 3 coauthors, 2012, Deep search for companions to probable young brown dwarfs. VLT/NACO adaptive optics imaging using IR wavefront sensing, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 548, 33

ACL‐541 Chauvin, G.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Beust, H.; Bonnefoy, M.; Boccaletti, A.; Apai, D.; Allard, F.; Ehrenreich, D.; Girard, J. H. V.; Mouillet, D.; and 1 coauthors, 2012, Orbital characterization of the β Pictoris b giant planet, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 542, 41

ACL‐542 Cieza, Lucas A.; Mathews, Geoffrey S.; Williams, Jonathan P.; Ménard, Francois C.; Kraus, Adam L.; Schreiber, Matthias R.; Romero, Gisela A.; Orellana, Mariana; Ireland, Michael J., 2012, Submillimeter Array Observations of the RX J1633.9‐2442 Transition Disk: Evidence for Multiple Planets in the Making, The Astrophysical Journal , 752, 75

ACL‐543 De Becker, M.; Sana, H.; Absil, O.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Blomme, R., 2012, The long‐period eccentric orbit of the particle accelerator HD 167971 revealed by long baseline interferometry, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 423, 2711

ACL‐544 Delorme, P.; Gagné, J.; Malo, L.; Reylé, C.; Artigau, E.; Albert, L.; Forveille, T.; Delfosse, X.; Allard, F.; Homeier, D., 2012, CFBDSIR2149‐0403: a 4‐7 Jupiter‐mass free‐floating planet in the young moving group AB Doradus?, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 548, 26

ACL‐545 Delorme, P.; Lagrange, A. M.; Chauvin, G.; Bonavita, M.; Lacour, S.; Bonnefoy, M.; Ehrenreich, D.; Beust, H., 2012, High‐resolution imaging of young M‐type stars of the solar neighbourhood: probing for companions down to the mass of Jupiter, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 539, 72

ACL‐546 Domiciano de Souza, A.; Hadjara, M.; Vakili, F.; Bendjoya, P.; Millour, F.; Abe, L.; Carciofi, A. C.; Faes, D. M.; Kervella, P.; Lagarde, S.; and 5 coauthors, 2012, Beyond the diffraction limit of optical/IR interferometers. I. and rotation parameters of from differential phases, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 545, 130

ACL‐547 Donaldson, J. K.; Roberge, A.; Chen, C. H.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Dent, W. R. F.; Eiroa, C.; Krivov, A. V.; Mathews, G. S.; Meeus, G.; Ménard, F.; and 2 coauthors, 2012, Herschel PACS Observations and Modeling of Debris Disks in the Tucana‐Horologium Association, The Astrophysical Journal , 753, 147

ACL‐548 Díaz, R. F.; Santerne, A.; Sahlmann, J.; Hébrard, G.; Eggenberger, A.; Santos, N. C.; Moutou, C.; Arnold, L.; Boisse, I.; Bonfils, X.; and 13 coauthors, 2012, The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets. IV. Massive companions in the planet‐brown dwarf boundary, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 538, 113

ACL‐549 Ertel, S.; Wolf, S.; Rodmann, J., 2012, Observing planet‐disk interaction in debris disks, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 544, 61

ACL‐550 Ertel, S.; Wolf, S.; Marshall, J. P.; Eiroa, C.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Krivov, A. V.; Löhne, T.; Absil, O.; Ardila, D.; Arévalo, M.; and 14 coauthors, 2012, A peculiar class of debris disks from Herschel/DUNES. A steep fall off in the far infrared, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 541, 148

ACL‐551 Gomes da Silva, J.; Santos, N. C.; Bonfils, X.; Delfosse, X.; Forveille, T.; Udry, S.; Dumusque, X.; Lovis, C., 2012, Long‐term magnetic activity of a sample of M‐dwarf stars from the HARPS program . II. Activity and radial velocity, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 541, 9

ACL‐552 Gonzalez, J.‐F.; Pinte, C.; Maddison, S. T.; Ménard, F.; Fouchet, L., 2012, Planet gaps in the dust layer of 3D protoplanetary disks. II. Observability with ALMA, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 547, 58

ACL‐553 Harvey, Paul M.; Henning, Thomas; Liu, Yao; Ménard, François; Pinte, Christophe; Wolf, Sebastian; Cieza, Lucas A.; Evans, Neal J., II; Pascucci, Ilaria, 2012, A Herschel Survey of Cold Dust in Disks around Brown Dwarfs and Low‐mass Stars, The Astrophysical Journal , 755, 67

ACL‐554 Harvey, Paul M.; Henning, Thomas; Ménard, François; Wolf, Sebastian; Liu, Yao; Cieza, Lucas

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 38 A.; Evans, Neal J.; Pascucci, Ilaria; Merín, Bruno; Pinte, Christophe, 2012, A Herschel Search for Cold Dust in Brown Dwarf Disks: First Results, The Astrophysical Journal , 744, L1

ACL‐555 Huby, E.; Perrin, G.; Marchis, F.; Lacour, S.; Kotani, T.; Duchêne, G.; Choquet, E.; Gates, E. L.; Woillez, J. M.; Lai, O.; and 5 coauthors, 2012, FIRST, a fibered aperture masking instrument. I. First on‐sky test results, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 541, 55

ACL‐556 Kennedy, G. M.; Wyatt, M. C.; Sibthorpe, B.; Duchêne, G.; Kalas, P.; Matthews, B. C.; Greaves, J. S.; Su, K. Y. L.; Fitzgerald, M. P., 2012, 99 Herculis: host to a circumbinary polar‐ring debris disc, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 421, 2264

ACL‐557 Konopacky, Q. M.; Ghez, A. M.; Fabrycky, D. C.; Macintosh, B. A.; White, R. J.; Barman, T. S.; Rice, E. L.; Hallinan, G.; Duchêne, G., 2012, Rotational Velocities of Individual Components in Very Low Mass Binaries, The Astrophysical Journal , 750, 79

ACL‐558 Kruijssen, J. M. Diederik; Maschberger, Thomas; Moeckel, Nickolas; Clarke, Cathie J.; Bastian, Nate; Bonnell, Ian A., 2012, The dynamical state of stellar structure in star‐forming regions, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 419, 841

ACL‐559 Kubas, D.; Beaulieu, J. P.; Bennett, D. P.; Cassan, A.; Cole, A.; Lunine, J.; Marquette, J. B.; Dong, S.; Gould, A.; Sumi, T.; and 12 coauthors, 2012, A frozen super‐Earth orbiting a star at the bottom of the main sequence, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 540, 78

ACL‐560 Lagrange, A.‐M.; De Bondt, K.; Meunier, N.; Sterzik, M.; Beust, H.; Galland, F., 2012, Constraints on planets around β Pic with Harps radial velocity data, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 542, 18

ACL‐561 Lebreton, J.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Thi, W.‐F.; Roberge, A.; Donaldson, J.; Schneider, G.; Maddison, S. T.; Ménard, F.; Riviere‐Marichalar, P.; Mathews, G. S.; and 11 coauthors, 2012, An icy around the young solar‐type star HD 181327, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 539, 17

ACL‐562 Lecavelier des Etangs, A.; Bourrier, V.; Wheatley, P. J.; Dupuy, H.; Ehrenreich, D.; Vidal‐ Madjar, A.; Hébrard, G.; Ballester, G. E.; Désert, J.‐M.; Ferlet, R.; and 1 coauthors, 2012, Temporal variations in the evaporating atmosphere of the exoplanet HD 189733b, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 543, L4

ACL‐563 Lestrade, J.‐F.; Matthews, B. C.; Sibthorpe, B.; Kennedy, G. M.; Wyatt, M. C.; Bryden, G.; Greaves, J. S.; Thilliez, E.; Moro‐Martín, A.; Booth, M.; and 10 coauthors, 2012, A DEBRIS disk around the planet hosting M‐star GJ 581 spatially resolved with Herschel, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 548, 86

ACL‐564 Löhne, T.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Ertel, S.; Marshall, J. P.; Eiroa, C.; Mora, A.; Absil, O.; Stapelfeldt, K.; Thébault, P.; Bayo, A.; and 11 coauthors, 2012, Modelling the huge, Herschel‐resolved debris ring around HD 207129, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 537, 110

ACL‐565 Mathews, Geoffrey S.; Williams, Jonathan P.; Ménard, Francois, 2012, 880 μm Imaging of a Transitional Disk in Upper Scorpius: Holdover from the Era of Giant Planet Formation?, The Astrophysical Journal , 753, 59

ACL‐566 Mathews, Geoffrey S.; Williams, Jonathan P.; Ménard, Francois; Phillips, Neil; Duchêne, Gaspard; Pinte, Christophe, 2012, The Late Stages of Protoplanetary Disk Evolution: A Millimeter Survey of Upper Scorpius, The Astrophysical Journal , 745, 23

ACL‐567 Mawet, D.; Absil, O.; Montagnier, G.; Riaud, P.; Surdej, J.; Ducourant, C.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Röttinger, S.; Girard, J.; Krist, J.; and 1 coauthors, 2012, Direct imaging of extra‐solar planets in star forming regions. Lessons learned from a false positive around IM Lupi, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 544, 131

ACL‐568 Meeus, G.; Montesinos, B.; Mendigutía, I.; Kamp, I.; Thi, W. F.; Eiroa, C.; Grady, C. A.; Mathews, G.; Sandell, G.; Martin‐Zaïdi, C.; and 8 coauthors, 2012, Observations of Herbig Ae/Be stars with Herschel/PACS. The atomic and molecular contents of their protoplanetary discs, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 544, 78

ACL‐569 Meijerink, R.; Aresu, G.; Kamp, I.; Spaans, M.; Thi, W.‐F.; Woitke, P., 2012, Far‐ultraviolet and X‐ray irradiated protoplanetary disks: a grid of models. I. The disk structure, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 547, 68

ACL‐570 Meunier, N.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; De Bondt, K., 2012, Comparison of different exoplanet mass detection limit methods using a sample of main‐sequence intermediate‐type stars, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 545, 87

ACL‐571 Mortier, A.; Santos, N. C.; Sozzetti, A.; Mayor, M.; Latham, D.; Bonfils, X.; Udry, S., 2012, The

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 39 frequency of giant planets around metal‐poor stars, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 543, 45

ACL‐572 Neves, V.; Bonfils, X.; Santos, N. C.; Delfosse, X.; Forveille, T.; Allard, F.; Natário, C.; Fernandes, C. S.; Udry, S., 2012, of M dwarfs. II. A comparative study of photometric metallicity scales, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 538, 25

ACL‐573 Ohnaka, K.; Hofmann, K.‐H.; Schertl, D.; Weigelt, G.; Malbet, F.; Massi, F.; Meilland, A.; Stee, Ph., 2012, Spatially resolving the outer atmosphere of the M giant BK Virginis in the CO first overtone lines with VLTI/AMBER, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 537, 53

ACL‐574 Parker, Richard J.; Maschberger, Thomas; Alves de Oliveira, Catarina, 2012, A search for mass segregation of stars and brown dwarfs in ρ Ophiuchi, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 426, 3079

ACL‐575 Podio, L.; Kamp, I.; Flower, D.; Howard, C.; Sandell, G.; Mora, A.; Aresu, G.; Brittain, S.; Dent, W. R. F.; Pinte, C.; and 1 coauthors, 2012, Herschel/PACS observations of young sources in Taurus: the far‐infrared counterpart of optical jets, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 545, 44

ACL‐576 Powell, Stacie L.; Irwin, Mike; Bouvier, Jerome; Clarke, Cathie J., 2012, The periodic spectroscopic variability of FU Orionis, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 426, 3315

ACL‐577 Ragan, S.; Henning, Th.; Krause, O.; Pitann, J.; Beuther, H.; Linz, H.; Tackenberg, J.; Balog, Z.; Hennemann, M.; Launhardt, R.; and 7 coauthors, 2012, The Earliest Phases of Star Formation (EPoS): a Herschel key program. The precursors to high‐mass stars and clusters, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 547, 49

ACL‐578 Rameau, J.; Chauvin, G.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Thébault, P.; Milli, J.; Girard, J. H.; Bonnefoy, M., 2012, High‐contrast imaging of the close environment of HD 142527. VLT/NaCo adaptive optics thermal and angular differential imaging, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 546, 24

ACL‐579 Riaz, B.; Martín, E. L.; Tata, R.; Monin, J.‐L.; Phan‐Bao, N.; Bouy, H., 2012, Young stellar objects in NGC 6823, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 419, 1887

ACL‐580 Riviere‐Marichalar, P.; Barrado, D.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Thi, W. F.; Roberge, A.; Eiroa, C.; Montesinos, B.; Meeus, G.; Howard, C.; Sandell, G.; and 7 coauthors, 2012, HD 172555: detection of 63 m [OI] emission in a debris disc , Astronomy & Astrophysics, 546, L8

ACL‐581 Riviere‐Marichalar, P.; Ménard, F.; Thi, W. F.; Kamp, I.; Montesinos, B.; Meeus, G.; Woitke, P.; Howard, C.; Sandell, G.; Podio, L.; and 5 coauthors, 2012, Detection of warm water vapour in Taurus protoplanetary discs by Herschel, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 538, L3

ACL‐582 Sana, H.; de Mink, S. E.; de Koter, A.; Langer, N.; Evans, C. J.; Gieles, M.; Gosset, E.; Izzard, R. G.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Schneider, F. R. N., 2012, Binary Interaction Dominates the Evolution of Massive Stars, Science , 337, 444

ACL‐583 Sing, D. K.; Huitson, C. M.; Lopez‐Morales, M.; Pont, F.; Désert, J.‐M.; Ehrenreich, D.; Wilson, P. A.; Ballester, G. E.; Fortney, J. J.; Lecavelier des Etangs, A.; and 1 coauthors, 2012, GTC OSIRIS transiting exoplanet atmospheric survey: detection of sodium in XO‐2b from differential long‐ slit spectroscopy, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 426, 1663

ACL‐584 Spezzi, L.; Alves de Oliveira, C.; Moraux, E.; Bouvier, J.; Winston, E.; Hudelot, P.; Bouy, H.; Cuillandre, J.‐C., 2012, Searching for planetary‐mass T‐dwarfs in the core of Serpens, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 545, 105

ACL‐585 Stee, Ph.; Delaa, O.; Monnier, J. D.; Meilland, A.; Perraut, K.; Mourard, D.; Che, X.; Schaefer, G. H.; Pedretti, E.; Smith, M. A.; and 15 coauthors, 2012, The relationship between γ Cassiopeiae's X‐ray emission and its circumstellar environment. II. Geometry and kinematics of the disk from MIRC and VEGA instruments on the CHARA Array, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 545, 59

ACL‐586 Thebault, P.; Kral, Q.; Ertel, S., 2012, Planet signatures in collisionally active debris discs: scattered light images, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 547, 92

ACL‐587 Tilling, I.; Woitke, P.; Meeus, G.; Mora, A.; Montesinos, B.; Riviere‐Marichalar, P.; Eiroa, C.; Thi, W.‐F.; Isella, A.; Roberge, A.; and 12 coauthors, 2012, Gas modelling in the disc of HD 163296, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 538, 20

ACL‐588 Vigan, A.; Bonnefoy, M.; Chauvin, G.; Moutou, C.; Montagnier, G., 2012, High‐contrast spectroscopy of SCR J1845‐6357 B, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 540, 131

ACL‐589 Vural, J.; Kreplin, A.; Kraus, S.; Weigelt, G.; Driebe, T.; Benisty, M.; Dugué, M.; Massi, F.; Monin, J.‐L.; Vannier, M., 2012, Revealing the inner circumstellar disk of the T Tauri star S Coronae

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 40 Australis N using the VLTI, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 543, 162

ACL‐590 Walmsley, C. M.; Bertout, C.; Combes, F.; Forveille, T.; Shore, S. N.; Güsten, R., 2012, GREAT special feature, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 542, 1

ACL‐591 Weigelt, G.; Hofmann, K.‐H.; Kishimoto, M.; Hönig, S.; Schertl, D.; Marconi, A.; Millour, F.; Petrov, R.; Fraix‐Burnet, D.; Malbet, F.; and 2 coauthors, 2012, VLTI/AMBER observations of the Seyfert nucleus of NGC 3783, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 541, L9

ACL‐592 Wolf, S.; Malbet, F.; Alexander, R.; Berger, J.‐P.; Creech‐Eakman, M.; Duchêne, G.; Dutrey, A.; Mordasini, C.; Pantin, E.; Pont, F.; and 3 coauthors, 2012, Circumstellar disks and planets. Science cases for next‐generation optical/infrared long‐baseline interferometers, Astronomy and Astrophysics Review , 20, 52

ACL‐593 Štefl, S.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Carciofi, A. C.; Rivinius, T.; Baade, D.; Rantakyrö, F., 2012, New activity in the large circumstellar disk of the Be‐ , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 540, 76

ACL‐594 Absil, O.; Defrère, D.; Coudé du Foresto, V.; Di Folco, E.; Mérand, A.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Ertel, S.; Hanot, C.; Kervella, P.; Mollier, B.; and 10 coauthors, 2013, A near‐infrared interferometric survey of debris‐disc stars. III. First statistics based on 42 stars observed with CHARA/FLUOR, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 555, 104

ACL‐595 Affer, L.; Micela, G.; Favata, F.; Flaccomio, E.; Bouvier, J., 2013, Rotation in NGC 2264: a study based on CoRoT photometric observations, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 430, 1433

ACL‐596 Alves de Oliveira, C.; Ábrahám, P.; Marton, G.; Pinte, C.; Kiss, Cs.; Kun, M.; Kóspál, Á.; André, P.; Könyves, V., 2013, Herschel survey of brown dwarf disks in ρ Ophiuchi, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 559, 126

ACL‐597 Alves de Oliveira, C.; Moraux, E.; Bouvier, J.; Duchêne, G.; Bouy, H.; Maschberger, T.; Hudelot, P., 2013, Spectroscopy of brown dwarf candidates in IC 348 and the determination of its substellar IMF down to planetary masses, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 549, 123

ACL‐598 Becker, C.; Moraux, E.; Duchêne, G.; Maschberger, T.; Lawson, W., 2013, Reverse dynamical evolution of η Chamaeleontis, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 552, 46

ACL‐599 Boccaletti, A.; Pantin, E.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Meheut, H.; Quanz, S. P., 2013, Multiple spiral patterns in the transitional disk of HD 100546, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 560, 20

ACL‐600 Boccaletti, A.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Bonnefoy, M.; Galicher, R.; Chauvin, G., 2013, Independent confirmation of β Pictoris b imaging with NICI, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 551, L14

ACL‐601 Bonfils, X.; Lo Curto, G.; Correia, A. C. M.; Laskar, J.; Udry, S.; Delfosse, X.; Forveille, T.; Astudillo‐Defru, N.; Benz, W.; Bouchy, F.; and 12 coauthors, 2013, The HARPS search for southern extra‐solar planets. XXXIV. A planetary system around the nearby M dwarf GJ 163, with a super‐Earth possibly in the habitable zone, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 556, 110

ACL‐602 Bonfils, X.; Delfosse, X.; Udry, S.; Forveille, T.; Mayor, M.; Perrier, C.; Bouchy, F.; Gillon, M.; Lovis, C.; Pepe, F.; and 4 coauthors, 2013, The HARPS search for southern extra‐solar planets. XXXI. The M‐dwarf sample, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 549, 109

ACL‐603 Bonnefoy, M.; Boccaletti, A.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Allard, F.; Mordasini, C.; Beust, H.; Chauvin, G.; Girard, J. H. V.; Homeier, D.; Apai, D.; and 2 coauthors, 2013, The near‐infrared spectral energy distribution of β Pictoris b, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 555, 107

ACL‐604 Bonsor, Amy; Raymond, Sean N.; Augereau, Jean‐Charles, 2013, The short‐lived production of exozodiacal dust in the aftermath of a dynamical instability in planetary systems, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 433, 2938

ACL‐605 Bonsor, Amy; Kennedy, Grant M.; Crepp, Justin R.; Johnson, John A.; Wyatt, Mark C.; Sibthorpe, Bruce; Su, Kate Y. L., 2013, Spatially resolved images of dust belt(s) around the planet‐hosting subgiant κ CrB, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 431, 3025

ACL‐606 Booth, Mark; Kennedy, Grant; Sibthorpe, Bruce; Matthews, Brenda C.; Wyatt, Mark C.; Duchêne, Gaspard; Kavelaars, J. J.; Rodriguez, David; Greaves, Jane S.; Koning, Alice; and 5 coauthors, 2013, Resolved debris discs around A stars in the Herschel DEBRIS survey, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 428, 1263

ACL‐607 Bouvier, J.; Grankin, K.; Ellerbroek, L. E.; Bouy, H.; Barrado, D., 2013, AA Tauri's sudden and

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 41 long‐lasting deepening: enhanced by its circumstellar disk⋆, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 557, 77

ACL‐608 Bouy, H.; Bertin, E.; Moraux, E.; Cuillandre, J.‐C.; Bouvier, J.; Barrado, D.; Solano, E.; Bayo, A., 2013, Dynamical analysis of nearby clusters. Automated astrometry from the ground: precision proper motions over a wide field, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 554, 101

ACL‐609 Canovas, H.; Ménard, F.; Hales, A.; Jordán, A.; Schreiber, M. R.; Casassus, S.; , T. M.; Pinte, C., 2013, Near‐infrared imaging of HD 142527, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 556, 123

ACL‐610 Casassus, S.; van der Plas, G.; Perez, S. M.; Dent, W. R. F.; Fom Alont, E.; Hagelberg, J.; Hales, A.; Jordan, A.; Mawet, D.; Menard, F.; and 9 coauthors, 2013, Flows of gas through a protoplanetary gap., Nature , 493, 191

ACL‐611 Cieza, Lucas A.; Olofsson, Johan; Harvey, Paul M.; Evans, Neal J., II; Najita, Joan; Henning, Thomas; Merín, Bruno; Liebhart, Armin; Güdel, Manuel; Augereau, Jean‐Charles; and 1 coauthors, 2013, The Herschel DIGIT Survey of Weak‐line T Tauri Stars: Implications for Disk Evolution and Dissipation, The Astrophysical Journal , 762, 100

ACL‐612 Delaa, O.; Zorec, J.; Domiciano de Souza, A.; Mourard, D.; Perraut, K.; Stee, Ph.; Frémat, Y.; Monnier, J.; Kraus, S.; Che, X.; and 15 coauthors, 2013, Spectrally resolved interferometric observations of α Cephei and physical modeling of fast rotating stars, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 555, 100

ACL‐613 Delfosse, X.; Bonfils, X.; Forveille, T.; Udry, S.; Mayor, M.; Bouchy, F.; Gillon, M.; Lovis, C.; Neves, V.; Pepe, F.; and 4 coauthors, 2013, The HARPS search for southern extra‐solar planets. XXXIII. Super‐Earths around the M‐dwarf neighbors Gl 433 and Gl 667C, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 553, 8

ACL‐614 Delorme, P.; Gagné, J.; Girard, J. H.; Lagrange, A. M.; Chauvin, G.; Naud, M.‐E.; Lafrenière, D.; Doyon, R.; Riedel, A.; Bonnefoy, M.; and 1 coauthors, 2013, Direct‐imaging discovery of a 12‐ 14 Jupiter‐mass object orbiting a young binary system of very low‐mass stars, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 553, L5

ACL‐615 Demory, Brice‐Olivier; Torres, Guillermo; Neves, Vasco; Rogers, Leslie; Gillon, Michaël; Horch, Elliott; Sullivan, Peter; Bonfils, Xavier; Delfosse, Xavier; Forveille, Thierry; and 6 coauthors, 2013, Spitzer Observations of GJ 3470 b: A Very Low‐density Neptune‐size Planet Orbiting a Metal‐rich M Dwarf, The Astrophysical Journal , 768, 154

ACL‐616 Dent, W. R. F.; Thi, W. F.; Kamp, I.; Williams, J. P.; Menard, F.; Andrews, S.; Ardila, D.; Aresu, G.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Barrado y Navascues, D.; and 40 coauthors, 2013, GASPS ‐ A Herschel Survey of Gas and Dust in Protoplanetary Disks: Summary and Initial Statistics, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific , 125, 477

ACL‐617 Donaldson, J. K.; Lebreton, J.; Roberge, A.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Krivov, A. V., 2013, Modeling the HD 32297 Debris Disk with Far‐infrared Herschel Data, The Astrophysical Journal , 772, 17

ACL‐618 Donati, J.‐F.; Gregory, S. G.; Alencar, S. H. P.; Hussain, G.; Bouvier, J.; Jardine, M. M.; Ménard, F.; Dougados, C.; Romanova, M. M.; MaPP collaboration, 2013, Magnetospheric accretion on the fully convective classical T Tauri star DN Tau, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 436, 881

ACL‐619 Duchêne, G.; Bouvier, J.; Moraux, E.; Bouy, H.; Konopacky, Q.; Ghez, A. M., 2013, Substellar multiplicity in the Hyades cluster, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 555, 137

ACL‐620 Eiroa, C.; Marshall, J. P.; Mora, A.; Montesinos, B.; Absil, O.; Augereau, J. Ch.; Bayo, A.; Bryden, G.; Danchi, W.; del Burgo, C.; and 40 coauthors, 2013, DUst around NEarby Stars. The survey observational results, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 555, 11

ACL‐621 Ellerbroek, L. E.; Podio, L.; Kaper, L.; Sana, H.; Huppenkothen, D.; de Koter, A.; Monaco, L., 2013, The outflow history of two Herbig‐Haro jets in RCW 36: HH 1042 and HH 1043, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 551, 5

ACL‐622 Gallet, F.; Bouvier, J., 2013, Improved evolution model for solar‐like stars, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 556, 36

ACL‐623 Garcia, P. J. V.; Benisty, M.; Dougados, C.; Bacciotti, F.; Clausse, J.‐M.; Massi, F.; Mérand, A.; Petrov, R.; Weigelt, G., 2013, Pre‐main‐sequence binaries with tidally disrupted discs: the Brγ in HD 104237, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 430, 1839

ACL‐624 Giannini, T.; Nisini, B.; Antoniucci, S.; Alcalá, J. M.; Bacciotti, F.; Bonito, R.; Podio, L.; Stelzer,

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 42 B.; Whelan, E. T., 2013, The Diagnostic Potential of Fe Lines Applied to Protostellar Jets, The Astrophysical Journal , 778, 71

ACL‐625 Grady, C. A.; Muto, T.; Hashimoto, J.; Fukagawa, M.; Currie, T.; Biller, B.; Thalmann, C.; Sitko, M. L.; , R.; Wisniewski, J.; and 64 coauthors, 2013, Spiral Arms in the Asymmetrically Illuminated Disk of MWC 758 and Constraints on Giant Planets, The Astrophysical Journal , 762, 48

ACL‐626 Howard, Christian D.; Sandell, Göran; Vacca, William D.; Duchêne, Gaspard; Mathews, Geoffrey; Augereau, Jean‐Charles; Barrado, David; Dent, William R. F.; Eiroa, Carlos; Grady, Carol; and 10 coauthors, 2013, Herschel/PACS Survey of Protoplanetary Disks in Taurus/Auriga—Observations of [O I] and [C II], and Far‐infrared Continuum, The Astrophysical Journal , 776, 21

ACL‐627 Joergens, V.; Bonnefoy, M.; Liu, Y.; Bayo, A.; Wolf, S.; Chauvin, G.; Rojo, P., 2013, OTS 44: Disk and accretion at the planetary border, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 558, L7

ACL‐628 Kamp, I.; Thi, W.‐F.; Meeus, G.; Woitke, P.; Pinte, C.; Meijerink, R.; Spaans, M.; Pascucci, I.; Aresu, G.; Dent, W. R. F., 2013, Uncertainties in water chemistry in disks: An application to TW Hydrae, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 559, 24

ACL‐629 Kreplin, A.; Weigelt, G.; Kraus, S.; Grinin, V.; Hofmann, K.‐H.; Kishimoto, M.; Schertl, D.; Tambovtseva, L.; Clausse, J.‐M.; Massi, F.; and 2 coauthors, 2013, Revealing the inclined circumstellar disk in the UX Orionis system KK Ophiuchi, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 551, 21

ACL‐630 Krivov, A. V.; Eiroa, C.; Löhne, T.; Marshall, J. P.; Montesinos, B.; del Burgo, C.; Absil, O.; Ardila, D.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Bayo, A.; and 17 coauthors, 2013, Herschel's "Cold Debris Disks": Background Galaxies or Quiescent Rims of Planetary Systems?, The Astrophysical Journal , 772, 32

ACL‐631 Lagrange, A.‐M.; Meunier, N.; Chauvin, G.; Sterzik, M.; Galland, F.; Lo Curto, G.; Rameau, J.; Sosnowska, D., 2013, Planets around stars in young nearby associations. Radial velocity searches: a feasibility study and first results, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 559, 83

ACL‐632 Launhardt, R.; Stutz, A. M.; Schmiedeke, A.; Henning, Th.; Krause, O.; Balog, Z.; Beuther, H.; Birkmann, S.; Hennemann, M.; Kainulainen, J.; and 12 coauthors, 2013, The Earliest Phases of Star Formation (EPoS): a Herschel key project. The thermal structure of low‐mass molecular cloud cores, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 551, 98

ACL‐633 Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Beust, H.; Duvert, G.; Berger, J. P.; Ménard, F.; Zins, G., 2013, Masses and age of the chemically peculiar double‐lined binary χ Lupi, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 551, 121

ACL‐634 Lebreton, J.; van Lieshout, R.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Absil, O.; Mennesson, B.; Kama, M.; Dominik, C.; Bonsor, A.; Vandeportal, J.; Beust, H.; and 8 coauthors, 2013, An interferometric study of the Fomalhaut inner debris disk. III. Detailed models of the exozodiacal disk and its origin, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 555, 146

ACL‐635 Liseau, R.; Montesinos, B.; Olofsson, G.; Bryden, G.; Marshall, J. P.; Ardila, D.; Bayo Aran, A.; Danchi, W. C.; del Burgo, C.; Eiroa, C.; and 8 coauthors, 2013, α Centauri A in the far infrared. First measurement of the temperature minimum of a star other than the Sun, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 549, L7

ACL‐636 Malbet, F., 2013, Very Close Environments of Young Stars, Lecture Notes in Physics, Berlin Springer Verlag , 857, 163

ACL‐637 Marshall, J. P.; Krivov, A. V.; del Burgo, C.; Eiroa, C.; Mora, A.; Montesinos, B.; Ertel, S.; Bryden, G.; Liseau, R.; Augereau, J.‐C.; and 9 coauthors, 2013, Herschel observations of the debris disc around HIP 92043, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 557, 58

ACL‐638 Maschberger, T., 2013, On the function describing the stellar initial mass function, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 429, 1725

ACL‐639 Maschberger, Th., 2013, On the mass function of stars growing in a flocculent medium, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 436, 1381

ACL‐640 Mathews, Geoffrey S.; Pinte, Christophe; Duchêne, Gaspard; Williams, Jonathan P.; Ménard, François, 2013, A Herschel PACS survey of the dust and gas in Upper Scorpius disks, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 558, 66

ACL‐641 Matter, A.; Defrère, D.; Danchi, W. C.; Lopez, B.; Absil, O., 2013, Parasitic interference in nulling interferometry, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 431, 1286

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 43 ACL‐642 Meijerink, Rowin; Spaans, Marco; Kamp, Inga; Aresu, Giambattista; Thi, Wing‐Fai; Woitke, Peter, 2013, Tracing the Physical Conditions in Active Galactic Nuclei with Time‐Dependent Chemistry, Journal of Physical Chemistry A , 117, 9593

ACL‐643 Meilland, A.; Stee, Ph.; Spang, A.; Malbet, F.; Massi, F.; Schertl, D., 2013, The binary Be star δ Scorpii at high spectral and spatial resolution. II. The circumstellar disk evolution after the periastron, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 550, L5

ACL‐644 Mennesson, B.; Absil, O.; Lebreton, J.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Serabyn, E.; Colavita, M. M.; Millan‐ Gabet, R.; Liu, W.; Hinz, P.; Thébault, P., 2013, An Interferometric Study of the Fomalhaut Inner Debris Disk. II. Keck Nuller Mid‐infrared Observations, The Astrophysical Journal , 763, 119

ACL‐645 Meshkat, T.; Bailey, V.; Rameau, J.; Bonnefoy, M.; Boccaletti, A.; Mamajek, E. E.; Kenworthy, M.; Chauvin, G.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Su, K. Y. L.; and 1 coauthors, 2013, Further Evidence of the Planetary Nature of HD 95086 b from Gemini/NICI H‐band Data, The Astrophysical Journal , 775, L40

ACL‐646 Meunier, N.; Lagrange, A.‐M., 2013, Using the Sun to estimate Earth‐like planets detection capabilities. IV. Correcting for the convective component, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 551, 101

ACL‐647 Meunier, N.; Lagrange, A. M., 2013, Using the Sun to study the impact of stellar activity on exoplanet detectability, Astronomische Nachrichten , 334, 141

ACL‐648 Moraux, E.; Artemenko, S.; Bouvier, J.; Irwin, J.; Ibrahimov, M.; Magakian, T.; Grankin, K.; Nikogossian, E.; Cardoso, C.; Hodgkin, S.; and 2 coauthors, 2013, The Monitor Project: at 13 Myr. I. A photometric monitoring survey of the young open cluster h Persei, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 560, 13

ACL‐649 Moulds, V. E.; Watson, C. A.; Bonfils, X.; Littlefair, S. P.; Simpson, E. K., 2013, Finding exoplanets orbiting young active stars ‐ I. Technique, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 430, 1709

ACL‐650 Neves, V.; Bonfils, X.; Santos, N. C.; Delfosse, X.; Forveille, T.; Allard, F.; Udry, S., 2013, Metallicity of M dwarfs. III. Planet‐metallicity and planet‐ correlations of the HARPS GTO M dwarf sample, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 551, 36

ACL‐651 Ohnaka, K.; Hofmann, K.‐H.; Schertl, D.; Weigelt, G.; Baffa, C.; Chelli, A.; Petrov, R.; Robbe‐ Dubois, S., 2013, High spectral resolution imaging of the dynamical atmosphere of the red supergiant in the CO first overtone lines with VLTI/AMBER, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 555, 24

ACL‐652 Olofsson, J.; Benisty, M.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Berger, J.‐P.; Lacour, S.; Ménard, F.; Henning, Th.; Crida, A.; Burtscher, L.; Meeus, G.; and 6 coauthors, 2013, Sculpting the disk around T Chamaeleontis: an interferometric view, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 552, 4

ACL‐653 Olofsson, J.; Henning, Th.; Nielbock, M.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Juhàsz, A.; Oliveira, I.; Absil, O.; Tamanai, A., 2013, The twofold debris disk around HD 113766 A. Warm and cold dust as seen with VLTI/MIDI and Herschel/PACS, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 551, 134

ACL‐654 Omont, A.; Willott, C. J.; Beelen, A.; Bergeron, J.; Orellana, G.; Delorme, P., 2013, The Canada‐ France High‐z Quasar Survey: 1.2 mm observations, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 552, 43

ACL‐655 Oshagh, M.; Boisse, I.; Boué, G.; Montalto, M.; Santos, N. C.; Bonfils, X.; Haghighipour, N., 2013, SOAP‐T: a tool to study the and radial velocity of a system with a transiting planet and a rotating spotted star, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 549, 35

ACL‐656 Pinilla, P.; Birnstiel, T.; Benisty, M.; Ricci, L.; Natta, A.; Dullemond, C. P.; Dominik, C.; Testi, L., 2013, Explaining millimeter‐sized particles in brown dwarf disks, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 554, 95

ACL‐657 Podio, L.; Kamp, I.; Codella, C.; Cabrit, S.; Nisini, B.; Dougados, C.; Sandell, G.; Williams, J. P.; Testi, L.; Thi, W.‐F.; and 6 coauthors, 2013, Water Vapor in the Protoplanetary Disk of DG Tau, The Astrophysical Journal , 766, L5

ACL‐658 Rameau, J.; Chauvin, G.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Meshkat, T.; Boccaletti, A.; Quanz, S. P.; Currie, T.; Mawet, D.; Girard, J. H.; Bonnefoy, M.; and 1 coauthors, 2013, Confirmation of the Planet around HD 95086 by Direct Imaging, The Astrophysical Journal , 779, L26

ACL‐659 Rameau, J.; Chauvin, G.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Boccaletti, A.; Quanz, S. P.; Bonnefoy, M.; Girard, J. H.; Delorme, P.; Desidera, S.; Klahr, H.; and 3 coauthors, 2013, Discovery of a Probable 4‐5

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 44 Jupiter‐mass Exoplanet to HD 95086 by Direct Imaging, The Astrophysical Journal , 772, L15

ACL‐660 Rameau, J.; Chauvin, G.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Klahr, H.; Bonnefoy, M.; Mordasini, C.; Bonavita, M.; Desidera, S.; Dumas, C.; Girard, J. H., 2013, A survey of young, nearby, and dusty stars conducted to understand the formation of wide‐orbit giant planets. VLT/NaCo adaptive optics thermal and angular differential imaging, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 553, 60

ACL‐661 Riaz, B.; Martín, E. L.; Petr‐Gotzens, M. G.; Monin, J.‐L., 2013, A near‐infrared variability campaign of TMR‐1: New light on the nature of the candidate TMR‐1C, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 559, 109

ACL‐662 Riviere‐Marichalar, P.; Pinte, C.; Barrado, D.; Thi, W. F.; Eiroa, C.; Kamp, I.; Montesinos, B.; Donaldson, J.; Augereau, J. C.; Huélamo, N.; and 8 coauthors, 2013, Gas and dust in the TW Hydrae association as seen by the Herschel Space Observatory, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 555, 67

ACL‐663 Roberge, A.; Kamp, I.; Montesinos, B.; Dent, W. R. F.; Meeus, G.; Donaldson, J. K.; Olofsson, J.; Moór, A.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Howard, C.; and 5 coauthors, 2013, Herschel Observations of Gas and Dust in the Unusual 49 Ceti Debris Disk, The Astrophysical Journal , 771, 69

ACL‐664 Rojas‐Ayala, B.; Hilton, E. J.; Mann, A. W.; Lépine, S.; Gaidos, E.; Bonfils, X.; Helling, Ch.; Henry, T. J.; Rogers, L. A.; von Braun, K.; and 1 coauthors, 2013, M dwarf stars in the light of (future) exoplanet searches, Astronomische Nachrichten , 334, 155

ACL‐665 Sana, H.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Mahy, L.; Absil, O.; De Becker, M.; Gosset, E., 2013, Three‐ dimensional of the triple‐O stellar system HD 150136, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 553, 131

ACL‐666 Santos, N. C.; Sousa, S. G.; Mortier, A.; Neves, V.; Adibekyan, V.; Tsantaki, M.; Delgado Mena, E.; Bonfils, X.; Israelian, G.; Mayor, M.; and 1 coauthors, 2013, SWEET‐Cat: A catalogue of parameters for Stars With ExoplanETs. I. New atmospheric parameters and masses for 48 stars with planets, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 556, 150

ACL‐667 Stee, Ph.; Meilland, A.; Bendjoya, Ph.; Millour, F.; Smith, M.; Spang, A.; Duvert, G.; Hofmann, K.‐H.; Massi, F., 2013, Evidence of an asymmetrical Keplerian disk in the Brγ and He I emission lines around the Be star HD 110432, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 550, 65

ACL‐668 Steinacker, Jürgen; Baes, Maarten; Gordon, Karl D., 2013, Three‐Dimensional Dust Radiative Transfer*, Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 51, 63

ACL‐669 Sturm, B.; Bouwman, J.; Henning, Th.; Evans, N. J.; Waters, L. B. F. M.; van Dishoeck, E. F.; Green, J. D.; Olofsson, J.; Meeus, G.; Maaskant, K.; and 6 coauthors, 2013, The 69 μm forsterite band in spectra of protoplanetary disks. Results from the Herschel DIGIT programme, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 553, 5

ACL‐670 Su, Kate Y. L.; Rieke, George H.; Malhotra, Renu; Stapelfeldt, Karl R.; Hughes, A. Meredith; Bonsor, Amy; Wilner, David J.; Balog, Zoltan; Watson, Dan M.; Werner, Michael W.; and 1 coauthors, 2013, Asteroid Belts in Debris Disk Twins: Vega and Fomalhaut, The Astrophysical Journal , 763, 118

ACL‐671 Thi, W. F.; Ménard, F.; Meeus, G.; Carmona, A.; Riviere‐Marichalar, P.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Kamp, I.; Woitke, P.; Pinte, C.; Mendigutía, I.; and 4 coauthors, 2013, Nature of the gas and dust around . Modelling continuum and Herschel line observations, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 557, 111

ACL‐672 Veras, Dimitri; Mustill, Alexander J.; Bonsor, Amy; Wyatt, Mark C., 2013, Simulations of two‐ planet systems through all phases of : implications for the instability boundary and white dwarf pollution, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 431, 1686

ACL‐673 Vicente, S.; Berné, O.; Tielens, A. G. G. M.; Huélamo, N.; Pantin, E.; Kamp, I.; Carmona, A., 2013, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Emission in the Proplyd HST10: What is the Mechanism behind Photoevaporation?, The Astrophysical Journal , 765, L38

ACL‐674 Zurlo, A.; Vigan, A.; Hagelberg, J.; Desidera, S.; Chauvin, G.; Almenara, J. M.; Biazzo, K.; Bonnefoy, M.; Carson, J. C.; Covino, E.; and 10 coauthors, 2013, Astrophysical false positives in direct imaging for exoplanets: a white dwarf close to a rejuvenated star, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 554, 21

ACL‐675 de Gregorio‐Monsalvo, I.; Ménard, F.; Dent, W.; Pinte, C.; López, C.; Klaassen, P.; Hales, A.; Cortés, P.; Rawlings, M. G.; Tachihara, K.; and 13 coauthors, 2013, Unveiling the gas‐and‐dust disk structure in HD 163296 using ALMA observations, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 557,

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 45 133

ACL‐676 de Juan Ovelar, M.; Min, M.; Dominik, C.; Thalmann, C.; Pinilla, P.; Benisty, M.; Birnstiel, T., 2013, Imaging diagnostics for transitional discs, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 560, 111

ACL‐677 Aresu, G.; Kamp, I.; Meijerink, R.; Spaans, M.; Vicente, S.; Podio, L.; Woitke, P.; Menard, F.; Thi, W.‐F.; Güdel, M.; and 1 coauthors, 2014, [O I] disk emission in the Taurus star‐forming region, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 566, 14

ACL‐678 Beust, H.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Bonsor, A.; Graham, J. R.; Kalas, P.; Lebreton, J.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Ertel, S.; Faramaz, V.; Thébault, P., 2014, An independent determination of Fomalhaut b's orbit and the dynamical effects on the outer dust belt, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 561, 43

ACL‐679 Bonnefoy, M.; Chauvin, G.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Rojo, P.; Allard, F.; Pinte, C.; Dumas, C.; Homeier, D., 2014, A library of near‐infrared integral field spectra of young M‐L dwarfs, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 562, 127

ACL‐680 Bonsor, Amy; Raymond, Sean N.; Augereau, Jean‐Charles; Ormel, Chris W., 2014, Planetesimal‐driven migration as an explanation for observations of high levels of warm, exozodiacal dust, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 441, 2380

ACL‐681 Borgniet, S.; Boisse, I.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Bouchy, F.; Arnold, L.; Díaz, R. F.; Galland, F.; Delorme, P.; Hébrard, G.; Santerne, A.; and 12 coauthors, 2014, Extrasolar planets and brown dwarfs around A‐F type stars. VIII. A giant planet orbiting the young star HD 113337, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 561, 65

ACL‐682 Cody, Ann Marie; Stauffer, John; Baglin, Annie; Micela, Giuseppina; Rebull, Luisa M.; Flaccomio, Ettore; Morales‐Calderón, María; Aigrain, Suzanne; Bouvier, Jèrôme; Hillenbrand, Lynne A.; and 35 coauthors, 2014, CSI 2264: Simultaneous Optical and Infrared Light Curves of Young Disk‐bearing Stars in NGC 2264 with CoRoT and Spitzer—Evidence for Multiple Origins of Variability, The Astronomical Journal , 147, 82

ACL‐683 Crossfield, I. J. M.; Biller, B.; Schlieder, J. E.; Deacon, N. R.; Bonnefoy, M.; Homeier, D.; Allard, F.; Buenzli, E.; Henning, Th.; Brandner, W.; and 2 coauthors, 2014, A global cloud map of the nearest known brown dwarf, Nature , 505, 654

ACL‐684 Dent, W. R. F.; Wyatt, M. C.; Roberge, A.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Casassus, S.; Corder, S.; Greaves, J. S.; de Gregorio‐Monsalvo, I.; Hales, A.; Jackson, A. P.; and 4 coauthors, 2014, Molecular Gas Clumps from the Destruction of Icy Bodies in the β Pictoris Debris Disk, Science , 343, 1490

ACL‐685 Di Folco, E.; Dutrey, A.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Lacour, S.; Berger, J.‐P.; Köhler, R.; Guilloteau, S.; Piétu, V.; Bary, J.; Beck, T.; and 2 coauthors, 2014, GG Tauri: the fifth element, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 565, L2

ACL‐686 Duchêne, G.; Arriaga, P.; Wyatt, M.; Kennedy, G.; Sibthorpe, B.; Lisse, C.; Holland, W.; Wisniewski, J.; Clampin, M.; Kalas, P.; and 6 coauthors, 2014, Spatially Resolved Imaging of the Two‐component η Crv Debris Disk with Herschel, The Astrophysical Journal , 784, 148

ACL‐687 Ducourant, C.; Teixeira, R.; Galli, P. A. B.; Le Campion, J. F.; Krone‐Martins, A.; Zuckerman, B.; Chauvin, G.; Song, I., 2014, The TW Hydrae association: trigonometric and kinematic analysis, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 563, 121

ACL‐688 Ertel, S.; Marshall, J. P.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Krivov, A. V.; Löhne, T.; Eiroa, C.; Mora, A.; del Burgo, C.; Montesinos, B.; Bryden, G.; and 9 coauthors, 2014, Potential multi‐component structure of the debris disk around HIP 17439 revealed by Herschel/DUNES, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 561, 114

ACL‐689 Faramaz, V.; Beust, H.; Thébault, P.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Bonsor, A.; del Burgo, C.; Ertel, S.; Marshall, J. P.; Milli, J.; Montesinos, B.; and 6 coauthors, 2014, Can eccentric debris disks be long‐lived?. A first numerical investigation and application to ζ2 Reticuli, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 563, 72

ACL‐690 Fossati, L.; Zwintz, K.; Castro, N.; Langer, N.; Lorenz, D.; Schneider, F. R. N.; Kuschnig, R.; Matthews, J. M.; Alecian, E.; Wade, G. A.; and 2 coauthors, 2014, Two spotted and magnetic early B‐type stars in the young open cluster NGC 2264 discovered by MOST and ESPaDOnS, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 562, 143

ACL‐691 Galicher, R.; Rameau, J.; Bonnefoy, M.; Baudino, J.‐L.; Currie, T.; Boccaletti, A.; Chauvin, G.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Marois, C., 2014, Near‐infrared detection and characterization of the exoplanet HD 95086 b with the , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 565, L4

ACL‐692 Gallenne, A.; Mérand, A.; Kervella, P.; Breitfelder, J.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Monnier, J. D.; Gieren,

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 46 W.; Pilecki, B.; Pietrzyński, G., 2014, Multiplicity of Galactic Cepheids from long‐baseline interferometry. II. The Companion of AX Circini revealed with VLTI/PIONIER, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 561, L3

ACL‐693 Gillen, E.; Aigrain, S.; McQuillan, A.; Bouvier, J.; Hodgkin, S.; Alencar, S. H. P.; Terquem, C.; Southworth, J.; Gibson, N. P.; Cody, A.; and 5 coauthors, 2014, CoRoT 223992193: A new, low‐ mass, pre‐main sequence eclipsing binary with evidence of a circumbinary disk, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 562, 50

ACL‐694 Gillon, M.; Demory, B.‐O.; Madhusudhan, N.; Deming, D.; Seager, S.; Zsom, A.; Knutson, H. A.; Lanotte, A. A.; Bonfils, X.; Désert, J.‐M.; and 5 coauthors, 2014, Search for a habitable transiting the nearby GJ 1214, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 563, 21

ACL‐695 Greaves, J. S.; Kennedy, G. M.; Thureau, N.; Eiroa, C.; Marshall, J. P.; Maldonado, J.; Matthews, B. C.; Olofsson, G.; Barlow, M. J.; Moro‐Martín, A.; and 21 coauthors, 2014, Alignment in star‐ debris disc systems seen by Herschel, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 438, L31

ACL‐696 Hein Bertelsen, R. P.; Kamp, I.; Goto, M.; van der Plas, G.; Thi, W.‐F.; Waters, L. B. F. M.; van den Ancker, M. E.; Woitke, P., 2014, CO ro‐vibrational lines in HD 100546. A search for disc asymmetries and the role of fluorescence, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 561, 102

ACL‐697 Holwerda, B. W.; Trenti, M.; Clarkson, W.; Sahu, K.; Bradley, L.; Stiavelli, M.; Pirzkal, N.; De Marchi, G.; Andersen, M.; Bouwens, R.; and 1 coauthors, 2014, Red Dwarfs in the BoRG Survey; Galactic Scale‐height and the Distribution of Dwarf Stars in WFC3 Imaging, The Astrophysical Journal , 788, 77

ACL‐698 Keane, J. T.; Pascucci, I.; Espaillat, C.; Woitke, P.; Andrews, S.; Kamp, I.; Thi, W.‐F.; Meeus, G.; Dent, W. R. F., 2014, Herschel Evidence for Disk Flattening or Gas Depletion in Transitional Disks, The Astrophysical Journal , 787, 153

ACL‐699 Kiefer, F.; Lecavelier des Etangs, A.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Vidal‐Madjar, A.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Beust, H., 2014, in the circumstellar gas disk of HD 172555, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 561, L10

ACL‐700 Kochukhov, O.; Lüftinger, T.; Neiner, C.; Alecian, E.; MiMeS collaboration, 2014, Magnetic field topology of the unique CU Virginis, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 565, 83

ACL‐701 Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Monin, J.‐L.; Berger, J.‐P.; Prato, L.; Benisty, M.; Schaefer, G., 2014, Refined masses and distance of the young binary Haro 1‐14 C, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 561, 101

ACL‐702 Manjavacas, E.; Bonnefoy, M.; Schlieder, J. E.; Allard, F.; Rojo, P.; Goldman, B.; Chauvin, G.; Homeier, D.; Lodieu, N.; Henning, T., 2014, New constraints on the formation and settling of dust in the atmospheres of young M and L dwarfs, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 564, 55

ACL‐703 Maschberger, Th.; Bonnell, I. A.; Clarke, C. J.; Moraux, E., 2014, The relation between accretion rates and the initial mass function in hydrodynamical simulations of star formation, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 439, 234

ACL‐704 Matter, A.; Labadie, L.; Kreplin, A.; Lopez, B.; Wolf, S.; Weigelt, G.; Ertel, S.; Pott, J.‐U.; Danchi, W. C., 2014, Evidence of a discontinuous disk structure around the Herbig Ae star HD 139614, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 561, 26

ACL‐705 Menu, J.; van Boekel, R.; Henning, Th.; Chandler, C. J.; Linz, H.; Benisty, M.; Lacour, S.; Min, M.; Waelkens, C.; Andrews, S. M.; and 18 coauthors, 2014, On the structure of the transition disk around TW Hydrae, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 564, 93

ACL‐706 Moutou, C.; Hébrard, G.; Bouchy, F.; Arnold, L.; Santos, N. C.; Astudillo‐Defru, N.; Boisse, I.; Bonfils, X.; Borgniet, S.; Delfosse, X.; and 14 coauthors, 2014, The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets. VI. Three new hot Jupiters in multi‐planet extrasolar systems, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 563, 22

ACL‐707 Parker, Richard J.; Andersen, Morten, 2014, Spatial differences between stars and brown dwarfs: a dynamical origin?, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 441, 784

ACL‐708 Pinilla, P.; Benisty, M.; Birnstiel, T.; Ricci, L.; Isella, A.; Natta, A.; Dullemond, C. P.; Quiroga‐ Nuñez, L. H.; Henning, T.; Testi, L., 2014, Millimetre spectral indices of transition disks and their relation to the cavity radius, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 564, 51

ACL‐709 Podio, L.; Kamp, I.; Codella, C.; Nisini, B.; Aresu, G.; Brittain, S.; Cabrit, S.; Dougados, C.; Grady,

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 47 C.; Meijerink, R.; and 5 coauthors, 2014, Probing the Gaseous Disk of T Tau N with CN 5‐4 Lines, The Astrophysical Journal , 783, L26

ACL‐710 Reylé, C.; Delorme, P.; Artigau, E.; Delfosse, X.; Albert, L.; Forveille, T.; Rajpurohit, A. S.; Allard, F.; Homeier, D.; Robin, A. C., 2014, CFBDS J111807‐064016: A new L/T transition brown dwarf in a binary system, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 561, 66

ACL‐711 Sarro, L. M.; Bouy, H.; Berihuete, A.; Bertin, E.; Moraux, E.; Bouvier, J.; Cuillandre, J.‐C.; Barrado, D.; Solano, E., 2014, Cluster membership probabilities from proper motions and multi‐wavelength photometric catalogues. I. Method and application to the Pleiades cluster, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 563, 45

ACL‐712 Schlieder, Joshua E.; Bonnefoy, Mickaël; Herbst, T. M.; Lépine, Sébastien; Berger, Edo; Henning, Thomas; Skemer, Andrew; Chauvin, Gaël; Rice, Emily; Biller, Beth; and 9 coauthors, 2014, Characterization of the Benchmark Binary NLTT 33370, The Astrophysical Journal , 783, 27

ACL‐713 Stauffer, John; Cody, Ann Marie; Baglin, Annie; Alencar, Silvia; Rebull, Luisa; Hillenbrand, Lynne A.; Venuti, Laura; Turner, Neal J.; Carpenter, John; Plavchan, Peter; and 19 coauthors, 2014, CSI 2264: Characterizing Accretion‐burst Dominated Light Curves for Young Stars in NGC 2264, The Astronomical Journal , 147, 83

ACL‐714 Thebault, P.; Kral, Q.; Augereau, J.‐C., 2014, Grain size segregation in debris discs, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 561, 16

ACL‐715 Thi, W.‐F.; Pinte, C.; Pantin, E.; Augereau, J. C.; Meeus, G.; Ménard, F.; Martin‐Zaïdi, C.; Woitke, P.; Riviere‐Marichalar, P.; Kamp, I.; and 13 coauthors, 2014, Gas lines from the 5‐Myr old optically around HD 141569A . Herschel observations and modeling, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 561, 50

ACL‐716 Turner, N. J.; Benisty, M.; Dullemond, C. P.; Hirose, S., 2014, Herbig Stars' Near‐infrared Excess: An Origin in the Protostellar Disk's Magnetically Supported Atmosphere, The Astrophysical Journal , 780, 42

ACL‐717 Vidotto, A. A.; Gregory, S. G.; Jardine, M.; Donati, J. F.; Petit, P.; Morin, J.; Folsom, C. P.; Bouvier, J.; Cameron, A. C.; Hussain, G.; and 5 coauthors, 2014, Stellar magnetism: empirical trends with age and rotation, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 441, 2361

ACL‐718 Vural, J.; Kreplin, A.; Kishimoto, M.; Weigelt, G.; Hofmann, K.‐H.; Kraus, S.; Schertl, D.; Dugué, M.; Duvert, G.; Lagarde, S.; and 1 coauthors, 2014, The inner circumstellar disk of the UX Orionis star V1026 Scorpii, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 564, 118

ACL‐719 Wiegert, J.; Liseau, R.; Thébault, P.; Olofsson, G.; Mora, A.; Bryden, G.; Marshall, J. P.; Eiroa, C.; Montesinos, B.; Ardila, D.; and 12 coauthors, 2014, How dusty is α Centauri?. Excess or non‐ excess over the infrared of main‐sequence stars, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 563, 102

ACL planeto (164)

ACL‐7 Faure, Alexandre; Vuitton, Véronique; Thissen, Roland; Wiesenfeld, Laurent, 2009, A Semiempirical Capture Model for Fast Neutral Reactions at Low Temperature, Journal of Physical Chemistry A , 113, 13694

ACL‐17 Ratajczak, A.; Quirico, E.; Faure, A.; Schmitt, B.; Ceccarelli, C., 2009, Hydrogen/deuterium exchange in interstellar ice analogs, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 496, L21

ACL‐44 Faure, Alexandre; Vuitton, Véronique; Thissen, Roland; Wiesenfeld, Laurent; Dutuit, Odile, 2010, Fast ion‐molecule reactions in planetary atmospheres: a semiempirical capture approach, Faraday Discussions , 147, 337

ACL‐126 Ratajczak, A.; Taquet, V.; Kahane, C.; Ceccarelli, C.; Faure, A.; Quirico, E., 2011, The puzzling deuteration of methanol in low‐ to high‐mass protostars, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 528, L13 15 ACL‐196 Hily‐Blant, P.; Bonal, L.; Faure, A.; Quirico, E., 2013, The N-enrichment in dark clouds and Solar System objects, Icarus , 223, 582

ACL‐720 Beck, Pierre; Goncharov, Alexander F.; Montoya, Javier A.; Struzhkin, Viktor V.; Militzer, Burkhard; Hemley, Russell J.; Mao, Ho‐Kwang, 2009, Response to ``Comment on `Measurement

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 48 of thermal diffusivity at high‐pressure using a transient heating technique''' [Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 096101 (2009), Applied Physics Letters , 95, 6102

ACL‐721 Belehaki, A.; Stanislawska, I.; Lilensten, J., 2009, An Overview of Ionosphere—Thermosphere Models Available for Space Weather Purposes, Space Science Reviews , 147, 271

ACL‐722 Belehaki, Anna; Watermann, Jurgen; Lilensten, Jean; Glover, Alexi; Hapgood, Mike; Messerotti, Mauro; van der Linden, Ronald; Lundstedt, Henrik, 2009, Renewed Support Dawns in Europe: An Action to Develop Space Weather Products and Services, Space Weather , 7, 03001

ACL‐723 ‐Michel, C.; Douté, S.; Fauvel, M.; Gardes, L.; Girard, S., 2009, Retrieval of surface physical properties from OMEGA hyperspectral images using regularized sliced inverse regression, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets) , 114, 06005

ACL‐724 Carrasco, N.; Schmitz‐Afonso, I.; Bonnet, J.‐Y.; Quirico, E.; Thissen, R.; Dutuit, Odile; Bagag, A.; Laprévote, O.; Buch, A.; Giulani, A.; and 5 coauthors, 2009, Chemical Characterization of Titan's : Solubility, Morphology and Molecular Structure Revisited, Journal of Physical Chemistry A , 113, 11195

ACL‐725 Cordier, Daniel; Mousis, Olivier; Lunine, Jonathan I.; Lavvas, Panayotis; Vuitton, Véronique, 2009, An Estimate of the Chemical Composition of Titan's Lakes, The Astrophysical Journal , 707, L128

ACL‐726 Coustenis, A.; Atreya, S. K.; Balint, T.; Brown, R. H.; Dougherty, M. K.; Ferri, F.; Fulchignoni, M.; Gautier, D.; Gowen, R. A.; Griffith, C. A.; and 146 coauthors, 2009, TandEM: Titan and Enceladus mission, Experimental Astronomy , 23, 893

ACL‐727 Cravens, T. E.; Robertson, I. P.; Waite, J. H.; Yelle, R. V.; Vuitton, V.; Coates, A. J.; Wahlund, J.‐E.; Agren, K.; Richard, M. S.; de La Haye, V.; and 2 coauthors, 2009, Model‐data comparisons for Titan's nightside ionosphere, Icarus , 199, 174

ACL‐728 Cui, J.; Galand, M.; Yelle, R. V.; Vuitton, V.; Wahlund, J.‐E.; Lavvas, P. P.; Müller‐Wodarg, I. C. F.; Cravens, T. E.; Kasprzak, W. T.; Waite, J. H., 2009, Diurnal variations of Titan's ionosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) , 114, 06310

ACL‐729 Cui, J.; Yelle, R. V.; Vuitton, V.; Waite, J. H.; Kasprzak, W. T.; Gell, D. A.; Niemann, H. B.; Müller‐ Wodarg, I. C. F.; Borggren, N.; Fletcher, G. G.; and 3 coauthors, 2009, Analysis of Titan's neutral upper atmosphere from Ion Neutral Mass Spectrometer measurements, Icarus , 200, 581

ACL‐730 Dartois, E.; Schmitt, B., 2009, Carbon dioxide clathrate hydrate FTIR spectrum. Near infrared combination modes for astrophysical remote detection, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 504, 869

ACL‐731 Dobrica, E.; Engrand, C.; Duprat, J.; Gounelle, M.; Leroux, H.; Quirico, E.; Rouzaud, J.‐N., 2009, Connection between and Wild 2 particles: From Antarctic to cometary ices, Meteoritics and , 44, 1643

ACL‐732 Dudok de Wit, T.; Kretzschmar, M.; Lilensten, J.; Woods, T., 2009, Finding the best proxies for the solar UV irradiance, Geophysical Research Letters , 36, 10107

ACL‐733 Dumont, M.; Brissaud, O.; Picard, G.; Schmitt, B.; Gallet, J.‐C.; Arnaud, Y., 2009, High‐accuracy measurements of snow Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function at visible and NIR wavelengths ‐ comparison with modelling results, Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics Discussions , 9, 19279

ACL‐734 Franceschi, Pietro; Thissen, Roland; Dutuit, Odile; Alcaraz, Christian; Soldi‐Lose, Heloise; Bassi, Davide; Ascenzi, Daniela; Tosi, Paolo; Zabka, Jan; Herman, Zdenek; and 2 coauthors, 2009, State‐specific reactions and autoionization dynamics of Ar2+ produced by synchrotron radiation, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry , 280, 119

ACL‐735 Fray, N.; Schmitt, B., 2009, Sublimation of ices of astrophysical interest: A bibliographic review, Planetary and Space Science , 57, 2053

ACL‐736 Grima, Cyril; Kofman, Wlodek; Mouginot, Jérémie; Phillips, Roger J.; Hérique, Alain; Biccari, Daniela; Seu, Roberto; Cutigni, Marco, 2009, North polar deposits of Mars: Extreme purity of the water ice, Geophysical Research Letters , 36, 03203

ACL‐737 Gronoff, G.; Lilensten, J.; Desorgher, L.; Flückiger, E., 2009, Ionization processes in the atmosphere of Titan. I. Ionization in the whole atmosphere, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 506, 955

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 49 ACL‐738 Gronoff, G.; Lilensten, J.; Modolo, R., 2009, Ionization processes in the atmosphere of Titan. II. Electron precipitation along magnetic field lines, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 506, 965

ACL‐739 Jordan, R.; Picardi, G.; Plaut, J.; Wheeler, K.; Kirchner, D.; Safaeinili, A.; Johnson, W.; Seu, R.; Calabrese, D.; Zampolini, E.; and 9 coauthors, 2009, The MARSIS sounder instrument, Planetary and Space Science , 57, 1975

ACL‐740 Kretzschmar, Matthieu; Dudok de Wit, Thierry; Lilensten, Jean; Hochedez, Jean‐Francois; Aboudarham, Jean; Amblard, Pierre‐Olivier; Auchère, Frederic; Moussaoui, Said, 2009, Solar EUV/FUV irradiance variations: analysis and observational strategy, Acta Geophysica , 57, 42

ACL‐741 Lavvas, Panayotis; Yelle, Roger V.; Vuitton, Véronique, 2009, The detached haze layer in Titan's mesosphere, Icarus, 201, 626

ACL‐742 Lilensten, Jean; Barthélemy, Mathieu; Simon, Cyril; Jeanjacquot, Philippe; Gronoff, Guillaume, 2009, The Planeterrella, a pedagogic experiment in planetology and physics, Acta Geophysica , 57, 220

ACL‐743 McMillan, Paul F.; Lees, ; Quirico, Eric; Montagnac, Gilles; Sella, Andrea; Reynard, Bruno; Simon, Patrick; Bailey, Edward; Deifallah, Malek; Corà, Furio, 2009, Graphitic carbon nitride C6N9H3·HCl: Characterisation by UV and near‐IR FT Raman spectroscopy, Journal of Solid State Chemistry France , 182, 2670

ACL‐744 Merlin, F.; Alvarez‐Candal, A.; Delsanti, A.; Fornasier, S.; Barucci, M. A.; DeMeo, F. E.; de Bergh, C.; Doressoundiram, A.; Quirico, E.; Schmitt, B., 2009, Stratification of Methane Ice on ' Surface, The Astronomical Journal , 137, 315

ACL‐745 Messerotti, Mauro; Zuccarello, Francesca; Guglielmino, Salvatore L.; Bothmer, Volker; Lilensten, Jean; Noci, Giancarlo; Storini, Marisa; Lundstedt, Henrik, 2009, Solar Weather Event Modelling and Prediction, Space Science Reviews , 147, 121

ACL‐746 Mouginot, J.; Kofman, W.; Safaeinili, A.; Grima, C.; Herique, A.; Plaut, J. J., 2009, MARSIS surface reflectivity of the residual cap of Mars, Icarus , 201, 454

ACL‐747 Moynier, Frederic; Beck, Pierre; Jourdan, Fred; Yin, Qing‐Zhu; Reimold, Uwe; Koeberl, Christian, 2009, Isotopic fractionation of zinc in tektites, Earth and Planetary Science Letters , 277, 482

ACL‐748 Nicholson, William P.; Gronoff, Guillaume; Lilensten, Jean; Aylward, Alan D.; Simon, Cyril, 2009, A fast computation of the secondary ion production in the ionosphere of Mars, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 400, 369

ACL‐749 Quirico, E.; Montagnac, G.; Rouzaud, J.‐N.; Bonal, L.; Bourot‐Denise, M.; Duber, S.; Reynard, B., 2009, Precursor and metamorphic condition effects on Raman spectra of poorly ordered carbonaceous matter in chondrites and coals, Earth and Planetary Science Letters , 287, 185

ACL‐750 Robertson, I. P.; Cravens, T. E.; Waite, J. H.; Yelle, R. V.; Vuitton, V.; Coates, A. J.; Wahlund, J. E.; Ågren, K.; Mandt, K.; Magee, B.; and 2 coauthors, 2009, Structure of Titan's ionosphere: Model comparisons with Cassini data, Planetary and Space Science , 57, 1834

ACL‐751 , Frédéric; Douté, Sylvain; Schmitt, Bernard; Vincendon, Mathieu; Bibring, Jean‐ Pierre; Langevin, Yves; OMEGA Team, 2009, control of seasonal South Polar cap recession on Mars, Icarus , 200, 374

ACL‐752 Simon, C.; Witasse, O.; Leblanc, F.; Gronoff, G.; Bertaux, J.‐L., 2009, Dayglow on Mars: Kinetic modelling with SPICAM UV limb data, Planetary and Space Science , 57, 1008

ACL‐753 Thissen, Roland; Vuitton, Veronique; Lavvas, Panayotis; Lemaire, Joel; Dehon, Christophe; Dutuit, Odile; Smith, Mark A.; Turchini, Stefano; Catone, Daniele; Yelle, Roger V.; and 3 coauthors, 2009, Laboratory Studies of Molecular Growth in the Titan Ionosphere, Journal of Physical Chemistry A , 113, 11211

ACL‐754 Vuitton, V.; Lavvas, P.; Yelle, R. V.; Galand, M.; Wellbrock, A.; Lewis, G. R.; Coates, A. J.; Wahlund, J.‐E., 2009, Negative ion chemistry in Titan's upper atmosphere, Planetary and Space Science , 57, 1558

ACL‐755 Vuitton, V.; Yelle, R. V.; Lavvas, P., 2009, Composition and chemistry of Titan's thermosphere and ionosphere, Royal Society of London Philosophical Transactions Series A , 367, 729

ACL‐756 Vuitton, Véronique; Tran, Buu N.; Persans, Peter D.; Ferris, James P., 2009, Determination of the complex refractive indices of Titan haze analogs using photothermal deflection spectroscopy, Icarus , 203, 663

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 50 ACL‐757 Wahlund, J.‐E.; Galand, M.; Müller‐Wodarg, I.; Cui, J.; Yelle, R. V.; Crary, F. J.; Mandt, K.; Magee, B.; Waite, J. H.; Young, D. T.; and 9 coauthors, 2009, On the amount of heavy molecular ions in Titan's ionosphere, Planetary and Space Science , 57, 1857

ACL‐758 Watermann, J.; Vainio, R.; Lilensten, J.; Belehaki, A.; Messerotti, M., 2009, The State of Space Weather Scientific Modeling—An Introduction, Space Science Reviews , 147, 111

ACL‐759 Beck, P.; Pommerol, A.; Schmitt, B.; Brissaud, O., 2010, Kinetics of water adsorption on minerals and the breathing of the regolith, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets) , 115, 10011

ACL‐760 Beck, P.; Quirico, E.; Montes‐Hernandez, G.; Bonal, L.; Bollard, J.; Orthous‐Daunay, F.‐R.; Howard, K. T.; Schmitt, B.; Brissaud, O.; Deschamps, F.; and 2 coauthors, 2010, Hydrous mineralogy of CM and CI chondrites from infrared spectroscopy and their relationship with low albedo , Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta , 74, 4881

ACL‐761 Boutareaud, Sébastien; Boullier, Anne‐Marie; Andréani, Muriel; Calugaru, Dan‐Gabriel; Beck, Pierre; Song, Sheng‐Rong; Shimamoto, Toshihiko, 2010, Clay clast aggregates in gouges: New textural evidence for seismic faulting, Journal of Geophysical Research (Solid Earth) , 115, 02408

ACL‐762 Burgdorf, M.; Cruikshank, D. P.; Dalle Ore, C. M.; Sekiguchi, T.; Nakamura, R.; Orton, G.; Quirico, E.; Schmitt, B., 2010, A Tentative Identification of HCN Ice on Triton, The Astrophysical Journal , 718, L53

ACL‐763 Ceamanos, Xavier; Waske, Bjorn; Benediktsson, Jon Atli; Chanussot, Jocelyn; Fauvel, Mathieu; Sveinsson, Johannes, 2010, A classifier ensemble based on fusion of support vector machines for classifying hyperspectral data, International Journal of Image and Data Fusion , 1, 293

ACL‐764 Ceamanos, Xavier; Doute, Sylvain, 2010, Spectral Smile Correction of CRISM/MRO Hyperspectral Images, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,

ACL‐765 Coradini, A.; Grassi, D.; Capaccioni, F.; Filacchione, G.; Tosi, F.; Ammannito, E.; De Sanctis, M. C.; Formisano, V.; Wolkenberg, P.; Rinaldi, G.; and 39 coauthors, 2010, Martian atmosphere as observed by VIRTIS‐M on Rosetta spacecraft, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets) , 115, 04004

ACL‐766 Dubernet, M. L.; Boudon, V.; Culhane, J. L.; Dimitrijevic, M. S.; Fazliev, A. Z.; Joblin, C.; Kupka, F.; Leto, G.; Le Sidaner, P.; Loboda, P. A.; and 22 coauthors, 2010, Virtual atomic and molecular data centre, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer , 111, 2151

ACL‐767 Dumont, M.; Brissaud, O.; Picard, G.; Schmitt, B.; Gallet, J.‐C.; Arnaud, Y., 2010, High‐accuracy measurements of snow Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function at visible and NIR wavelengths ‐ comparison with modelling results, Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics , 10, 2507

ACL‐768 Fray, Nicolas; Marboeuf, Ulysse; Brissaud, Olivier; Schmitt, Bernard, 2010, Equilibrium Data of Methane, Carbon Dioxide, and Xenon Clathrate Hydrates below the Freezing Point of Water. Applications to Astrophysical Environments, Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 55, 5101

ACL‐769 Galand, Marina; Yelle, Roger; Cui, Jun; Wahlund, Jan‐Erik; Vuitton, Véronique; Wellbrock, Anne; Coates, Andrew, 2010, Ionization sources in Titan's deep ionosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) , 115, 07312

ACL‐770 Kofman, Wlodek; Orosei, Roberto; Pettinelli, Elena, 2010, Radar Signal Propagation and Detection Through Ice, Space Science Reviews , 153, 249

ACL‐771 Lammer, H.; Hanslmeier, A.; Schneider, J.; Stateva, I. K.; Barthelemy, M.; Belu, A.; Bisikalo, D.; Bonavita, M.; Eybl, V.; Coudé Du Foresto, V.; and 29 coauthors, 2010, Exoplanet status report: Observation, characterization and evolution of exoplanets and their host stars, Solar System Research , 44, 290

ACL‐772 Lathuillère, Chantal; Menvielle, Michel, 2010, Comparison of the observed and modeled low‐ to mid‐latitude thermosphere response to magnetic activity: Effects of and disturbance time delay, Advances in Space Research , 45, 1093

ACL‐773 Marboeuf, Ulysse; Mousis, Olivier; Petit, Jean‐Marc; Schmitt, Bernard, 2010, Clathrate Hydrates Formation in Short‐Period , The Astrophysical Journal , 708, 812

ACL‐774 Menager, H.; Barthélemy, M.; Lilensten, J., 2010, H Lyman α line in Jovian aurorae: electron

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 51 transport and radiative transfer coupled modelling, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 509, 56

ACL‐775 Mouginot, J.; Pommerol, A.; Kofman, W.; Beck, P.; Schmitt, B.; Herique, A.; Grima, C.; Safaeinili, A.; Plaut, J. J., 2010, The 3‐5 MHz global reflectivity map of Mars by MARSIS/Mars Express: Implications for the current inventory of subsurface H2O, Icarus , 210, 612

ACL‐776 Mousis, Olivier; Lunine, Jonathan I.; Petit, Jean‐Marc; Picaud, Sylvain; Schmitt, Bernard; Marquer, Didier; Horner, Jonathan; Thomas, Caroline, 2010, Impact Regimes and Post‐ formation Sequestration Processes: Implications for the Origin of Heavy Noble Gases in Terrestrial Planets, The Astrophysical Journal , 714, 1418

ACL‐777 Moynier, Frederic; Koeberl, Christian; Beck, Pierre; Jourdan, Fred; Telouk, Philippe, 2010, Isotopic fractionation of Cu in tektites, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta , 74, 799

ACL‐778 Orthous‐Daunay, F.‐R.; Quirico, E.; Lemelle, L.; Beck, P.; Deandrade, V.; Simionovici, A.; Derenne, S., 2010, Speciation of sulfur in the insoluble organic matter from carbonaceous chondrites by XANES spectroscopy, Earth and Planetary Science Letters , 300, 321

ACL‐779 Pernot, Pascal; Carrasco, Nathalie; Thissen, Roland; Schmitz‐Afonso, Isabelle, 2010, Tholinomics‐‐chemical analysis of nitrogen‐rich polymers., Analytical Chemistry , 82, 1371

ACL‐780 Pommerol, A.; Kofman, W.; Audouard, J.; Grima, C.; Beck, P.; Mouginot, J.; Herique, A.; Kumamoto, A.; Kobayashi, T.; Ono, T., 2010, Detectability of subsurface interfaces in lunar maria by the LRS/SELENE sounding radar: Influence of mineralogical composition, Geophysical Research Letters , 37, 03201

ACL‐781 Schmidt, Frédéric; Schmitt, Bernard; Douté, Sylvain; Forget, Francois; Jian, Jeng‐Jong; Martin, Patrick; Langevin, Yves; Bibring, Jean‐Pierre; OMEGA Team, 2010, Sublimation of the Martian CO2 Seasonal South Polar Cap, Planetary and Space Science , 58, 1129

ACL‐782 Vuitton, Véronique; Bonnet, Jean‐Yves; Frisari, Maeliss; Thissen, Roland; Quirico, Eric; Dutuit, Odile; Schmitt, Bernard; Le Roy, Léna; Fray, Nicolas; Cottin, Hervé; and 3 coauthors, 2010, Very high resolution mass spectrometry of HCN polymers and tholins, Faraday Discussions , 147, 495

ACL‐783 Yelle, Roger V.; Vuitton, V.; Lavvas, P.; Klippenstein, S. J.; Smith, M. A.; Hörst, S. M.; Cui, J., 2010, Formation of NH3 and CH2NH in Titan's upper atmosphere, Faraday Discussions , 147, 31

ACL‐784 Barthelemy, M.; Lystrup, M. B.; Menager, H.; Miller, S.; Lilensten, J., 2011, Is the Jovian auroral H3+ emission polarised?, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 530, 139

ACL‐785 Barthélémy, M.; Lilensten, J.; Pitout, F.; Wedlund, C. Simon; Thissen, R.; Lorentzen, D.; Sigernes, F.; Moen, J.; Gronoff, G.; McCrea, I.; and 3 coauthors, 2011, Polarisation in the auroral red line during coordinated EISCAT Svalbard Radar/optical experiments, Annales Geophysicae , 29, 1101

ACL‐786 Beck, P.; Barrat, J.‐A.; Grisolle, F.; Quirico, E.; Schmitt, B.; Moynier, F.; Gillet, P.; Beck, C., 2011, NIR spectral trends of HED : Can we discriminate between the magmatic evolution, mechanical mixing and observation geometry effects?, Icarus , 216, 560

ACL‐787 Beck, P.; Quirico, E.; Sevestre, D.; Montes‐Hernandez, G.; Pommerol, A.; Schmitt, B., 2011, Goethite as an alternative origin of the 3.1 μm band on dark asteroids, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 526, 85

ACL‐788 Bizau, J. M.; Blancard, C.; Coreno, M.; Cubaynes, D.; Dehon, C.; El Hassan, N.; Folkmann, F.; Gharaibeh, M. F.; Giuliani, A.; Lemaire, J.; and 3 coauthors, 2011, Photoionization study of Kr+ and Xe+ ions with the combined use of a merged‐beam set‐up and an ion trap, Journal of Physics B Atomic Molecular Physics , 44, 5205

ACL‐789 Ceamanos, Xavier; Doute, Sylvain; Luo, Bin; Schmidt, Frédéric; Jouannic, Gwenaël; Chanussot, Jocelyn, 2011, Intercomparison and Validation of Techniques for Spectral Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images: A Planetary Case Study, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing , 49, 4341

ACL‐790 Cessateur, G.; Dudok de Wit, T.; Kretzschmar, M.; Lilensten, J.; Hochedez, J.‐F.; Snow, M., 2011, Monitoring the solar UV irradiance spectrum from the observation of a few passbands, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 528, 68

ACL‐791 Coradini, A.; Capaccioni, F.; Erard, S.; Arnold, G.; De Sanctis, M. C.; Filacchione, G.; Tosi, F.; Barucci, M. A.; Capria, M. T.; Ammannito, E.; and 39 coauthors, 2011, The Surface Composition and Temperature of Asteroid 21 Lutetia As Observed by Rosetta/VIRTIS, Science , 334, 492

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 52 ACL‐792 Dalle Ore, C. M.; Fulchignoni, M.; Cruikshank, D. P.; Barucci, M. A.; Brunetto, R.; Campins, H.; de Bergh, C.; Debes, J. H.; Dotto, E.; Emery, J. P.; and 10 coauthors, 2011, Organic materials in planetary and protoplanetary systems: nature or nurture?, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 533, 98

ACL‐793 Dobricǎ, E.; Engrand, C.; Quirico, E.; Montagnac, G.; Duprat, J., 2011, Raman characterization of carbonaceous matter in CONCORDIA Antarctic micrometeorites, Meteoritics and Planetary Science , 46, 1363

ACL‐794 Grima, Cyril; Costard, François; Kofman, Wlodek; Saint‐Bézar, Bertrand; Servain, Anthony; Rémy, Frédérique; Mouginot, Jérémie; Herique, Alain; Seu, Roberto, 2011, Large asymmetric polar scarps on Planum Australe, Mars: Characterization and evolution, Icarus , 212, 96

ACL‐795 Gronoff, G.; Mertens, C.; Lilensten, J.; Desorgher, L.; Flückiger, E.; Velinov, P., 2011, Ionization processes in the atmosphere of Titan. III. Ionization by high‐Z nuclei cosmic rays, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 529, 143

ACL‐796 Lasue, J.; Botet, R.; Levasseur‐Regourd, A. C.; Hadamcik, E.; Kofman, W., 2011, Appearance of layered structures in numerical simulations of polydisperse bodies accretion: Application to cometary nuclei, Icarus , 213, 369

ACL‐797 Lilensten, Jean; Belehaki, Anna, 2011, Editorship at SWSC, Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate , 1, 01

ACL‐798 Marboeuf, U.; Mousis, O.; Petit, J.‐M.; Schmitt, B.; Cochran, A. L.; Weaver, H. A., 2011, On the stability of clathrate hydrates in comets 67P/Churyumov‐Gerasimenko and 46P/Wirtanen, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 525, 144

ACL‐799 Milosavljević, Aleksandar R.; Nicolas, Christophe; Lemaire, Joel; Dehon, Christophe; Thissen, Roland; Bizau, Jean‐Marc; Réfrégiers, Matthieu; Nahon, Laurent; Giuliani, Alexandre, 2011, Photoionization of a protein isolated in vacuo, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13, 15432

ACL‐800 Mousis, O.; Lunine, J. I.; Petit, J.‐M.; Zahnle, K.; Biennier, L.; Picaud, S.; Johnson, T. V.; Mitchell, J. B. A.; Boudon, V.; Cordier, D.; and 6 coauthors, 2011, On the Volatile Enrichments and Heavy Element Content in HD189733b, The Astrophysical Journal , 727, 77

ACL‐801 Moynier, Frédéric; Paniello, Randal C.; Gounelle, Matthieu; Albarède, Francis; Beck, Pierre; Podosek, Frank; Zanda, Brigitte, 2011, Nature of volatile depletion and genetic relationships in enstatite chondrites and aubrites inferred from Zn isotopes, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta , 75, 297

ACL‐802 Quirico, Eric; Bourot‐denise, Michèle; Robin, Christophe; Montagnac, Gilles; Beck, Pierre, 2011, A reappraisal of the metamorphic history of EH3 and EL3 enstatite chondrites, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta , 75, 3088

ACL‐803 Rousselot, P.; Jehin, E.; Manfroid, J.; Mousis, O.; Dumas, C.; Carry, B.; Marboeuf, U.; Zucconi, J.‐ M., 2011, A Search for Water Vaporization on , The Astronomical Journal , 142, 125

ACL‐804 Thissen, Roland; Witasse, Olivier; Dutuit, Odile; Wedlund, Cyril Simon; Gronoff, Guillaume; Lilensten, Jean, 2011, Doubly‐charged ions in the planetary ionospheres: a review, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Incorporating Faraday Transactions) , 13, 18264

ACL‐805 Wedlund, C. Simon; Gronoff, G.; Lilensten, J.; Ménager, H.; Barthélemy, M., 2011, Comprehensive calculation of the energy per ion pair or W values for five major planetary upper atmospheres, Annales Geophysicae , 29, 187

ACL‐806 Witasse, O.; Slanger, T.; Thissen, R., 2011, First detection of the O III 495.8911 and 500.6843 nm lines in the Earth's upper atmosphere, Annales Geophysicae , 29, 2235

ACL‐807 Arridge, Christopher S.; Agnor, Craig B.; André, Nicolas; Baines, Kevin H.; Fletcher, Leigh N.; Gautier, Daniel; Hofstadter, Mark D.; Jones, Geraint H.; Lamy, Laurent; Langevin, Yves; and 69 coauthors, 2012, Uranus Pathfinder: exploring the origins and evolution of planets, Experimental Astronomy , 33, 753

ACL‐808 Beck, P.; De Andrade, V.; Orthous‐Daunay, F.‐R.; Veronesi, G.; Cotte, M.; Quirico, E.; Schmitt, B., 2012, The redox state of iron in the matrix of CI, CM and metamorphosed CM chondrites by XANES spectroscopy, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta , 99, 305

ACL‐809 Beck, P.; Pommerol, A.; Thomas, N.; Schmitt, B.; Moynier, F.; Barrat, J.‐A., 2012, Photometry of meteorites, Icarus , 218, 364

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 53 ACL‐810 Bizau, J. M.; Cubaynes, D.; Shorman, M. M. Al; Guilbaud, S.; Blancard, C.; Lemaire, J.; Thissen, R.; Giuliani, A.; Nicolas, C.; Milosavljević, A. R., 2012, Photoionization of atomic and molecular positively charged ions, Journal of Physics Conference Series , 399, 2002

ACL‐811 Cecconi, B.; Hess, S.; Hérique, A.; Santovito, M. R.; Santos‐Costa, D.; Zarka, P.; Alberti, G.; Blankenship, D.; Bougeret, J.‐L.; Bruzzone, L.; and 1 coauthors, 2012, Natural radio emission of Jupiter as interferences for radar investigations of the icy satellites of Jupiter, Planetary and Space Science , 61, 32

ACL‐812 Cessateur, Gaël; Lilensten, Jean; Barthélémy, Mathieu; Dudok de Wit, Thierry; Simon Wedlund, Cyril; Gronoff, Guillaume; Ménager, Hélène; Kretzschmar, Matthieu, 2012, Photoabsorption in Ganymede's atmosphere, Icarus , 218, 308

ACL‐813 Cessateur, Gaël; Lilensten, Jean; Dudok de Wit, Thierry; BenMoussa, Ali; Kretzschmar, Matthieu, 2012, New observation strategies for the solar UV spectral irradiance, Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, 2, A16

ACL‐814 Cid, C.; Cremades, H.; Aran, A.; Mandrini, C.; Sanahuja, B.; Schmieder, B.; Menvielle, M.; Rodriguez, L.; Saiz, E.; Cerrato, Y.; and 4 coauthors, 2012, Can a halo CME from the limb be geoeffective?, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) , 117, 11102

ACL‐815 Dartois, E.; Duret, Ph.; Marboeuf, U.; Schmitt, B., 2012, Hydrogen sulfide clathrate hydrate FTIR spectroscopy: A help gas for clathrate formation in the Solar System?, Icarus , 220, 427

ACL‐816 Derenne, S.; Coelho, C.; Anquetil, C.; Szopa, C.; Rahman, A. S.; McMillan, P. F.; Corà, F.; Pickard, C. J.; Quirico, E.; Bonhomme, C., 2012, New insights into the structure and chemistry of Titan's tholins via13C and 15N solid state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Icarus , 221, 844

ACL‐817 Ehrenreich, D.; Vidal‐Madjar, A.; Widemann, T.; Gronoff, G.; Tanga, P.; Barthélemy, M.; Lilensten, J.; Lecavelier Des Etangs, A.; Arnold, L., 2012, Transmission spectrum of as a transiting exoplanet, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 537, L2

ACL‐818 Grima, Cyril; Kofman, Wlodek; Herique, Alain; Orosei, Roberto; Seu, Roberto, 2012, Quantitative analysis of Mars surface radar reflectivity at 20 MHz, Icarus , 220, 84

ACL‐819 Gröller, H.; Lammer, H.; Lichtenegger, H. I. M.; Pfleger, M.; Dutuit, O.; Shematovich, V. I.; Kulikov, Y. N.; Biernat, H. K., 2012, Hot atoms in the Venus nightside exosphere, Geophysical Research Letters, 39, n/a

ACL‐820 Heggy, Essam; Palmer, Elizabeth M.; Kofman, Wlodek; Clifford, Stephen M.; Righter, Kevin; Hérique, Alain, 2012, Radar properties of comets: Parametric dielectric modeling of Comet 67P/Churyumov‐Gerasimenko, Icarus , 221, 925

ACL‐821 Herique, Alain; Lasue, Jéremie; Rogez, Yves; Zine, Sonia; Kofman, Wlodek, 2012, Rosetta rendezvous and CONSERT operations in 2014: A chimeric surface model of 67P/Churyumov Gerasimenko, Planetary and Space Science , 67, 84

ACL‐822 Hörst, S. M.; Yelle, R. V.; Buch, A.; Carrasco, N.; Cernogora, G.; Dutuit, O.; Quirico, E.; Sciamma‐ O'Brien, E.; Smith, M. A.; Somogyi, Á.; and 3 coauthors, 2012, Formation of Amino Acids and Nucleotide Bases in a Titan Atmosphere Simulation Experiment, Astrobiology , 12, 809

ACL‐823 Kempf, Sascha; Srama, Ralf; Grün, Eberhard; Mocker, Anna; Postberg, Frank; Hillier, Jon K.; Horányi, Mihaly; Sternovsky, Zoltan; Abel, Bernd; Beinsen, Alexander; and 4 coauthors, 2012, Linear high resolution dust mass spectrometer for a mission to the Galilean satellites, Planetary and Space Science , 65, 10

ACL‐824 Le Guillou, Corentin; Rouzaud, Jean‐Noël.; Bonal, Lydie; Quirico, Eric; Derenne, Sylvie; Remusat, Laurent, 2012, High resolution TEM of chondritic carbonaceous matter: Metamorphic evolution and heterogeneity, Meteoritics and Planetary Science , 47, 345

ACL‐825 Liu, Yao; Siekmann, Frank; Renard, Pascal; El Zein, Atallah; Salque, Guillaume; El Haddad, Imad; Temime‐Roussel, Brice; Voisin, Didier; Thissen, Roland; Monod, Anne, 2012, Oligomer and SOA formation through aqueous phase photooxidation of methacrolein and methyl vinyl ketone, Atmospheric Environment , 49, 123

ACL‐826 Marboeuf, U.; Schmitt, B.; Petit, J.‐M.; Mousis, O.; Fray, N., 2012, A cometary nucleus model taking into account all phase changes of water ice: amorphous, crystalline, and clathrate, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 542, 82

ACL‐827 Marboeuf, Ulysse; Fray, Nicolas; Brissaud, Olivier; Schmitt, Bernard; Bockelée‐Morvan, Dominique; Gautier, Daniel, 2012, Equilibrium Pressure of Ethane, Acetylene, and Krypton Clathrate Hydrates below the Freezing Point of Water, Journal of Chemical & Engineering

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 54 Data, 57, 3408

ACL‐828 Merlin, F.; Quirico, E.; Barucci, M. A.; de Bergh, C., 2012, Methanol ice on the surface of minor bodies in the solar system, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 544, 20

ACL‐829 Orberger, Beate; Wagner, Christiane; Wirth, Richard; Quirico, Eric; Gallien, Jean Paul; Derré, Colette; Montagnac, Gilles; Noret, Aurélie; Jayananda, Mudlappa; Massault, Marc; and 1 coauthors, 2012, Origin of iron oxide spherules in the banded iron formation of the Bababudan Group, Dharwar Craton, Southern India, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences , 52, 31

ACL‐830 Paniello, Randal C.; Moynier, Frédéric; Beck, Pierre; Barrat, Jean‐Alix; Podosek, Frank A.; Pichat, Sylvain, 2012, Zinc isotopes in HEDs: Clues to the formation of 4‐Vesta, and the unique composition of Pecora Escarpment 82502, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta , 86, 76

ACL‐831 Sciamma‐O'Brien, E.; Dahoo, P.‐R.; Hadamcik, E.; Carrasco, N.; Quirico, E.; Szopa, C.; Cernogora, G., 2012, Optical constants from 370 nm to 900 nm of Titan tholins produced in a low pressure RF plasma discharge, Icarus , 218, 356

ACL‐832 Shepherd, G. G.; Thuillier, G.; Cho, Y.‐M.; Duboin, M.‐L.; Evans, W. F. J.; Gault, W. A.; Hersom, C.; Kendall, D. J. W.; Lathuillère, C.; Lowe, R. P.; and 6 coauthors, 2012, The Wind Imaging Interferometer (WINDII) on the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite: A 20 perspective, Reviews of Geophysics , 50, 2007

ACL‐833 Somogyi, Árpád; Smith, Mark A.; Vuitton, Véronique; Thissen, Roland; Komáromi, István, 2012, Chemical ionization in the atmosphere? A model study on negatively charged ``exotic'' ions generated from Titan's tholins by ultrahigh resolution MS and MS/MS, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry , 316, 157

ACL‐834 Vuitton, V.; Yelle, R. V.; Lavvas, P.; Klippenstein, S. J., 2012, Rapid Association Reactions at Low Pressure: Impact on the Formation of Hydrocarbons on Titan, The Astrophysical Journal , 744, 11

ACL‐835 Yokochi, Reika; Marboeuf, Ulysse; Quirico, Eric; Schmitt, Bernard, 2012, Pressure dependent trace gas trapping in amorphous water ice at 77 K: Implications for determining conditions of comet formation, Icarus , 218, 760

ACL‐836 Bauer, P.; Giraud, A.; Kofman, W.; Petit, M.; Waldteufel, P., 2013, How the Saint Santin incoherent scatter system paved the way for a French involvement in EISCAT, History of Geo‐ and Space Sciences , 4, 97

ACL‐837 Belehaki, Anna; Lilensten, Jean, 2013, Editorial policies at SWSC, Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate , 3, 13

ACL‐838 Berquin, Y.; Kofman, W.; Herique, A.; Alberti, G.; Beck, P., 2013, A study on Ganymede's surface topography: Perspectives for radar sounding, Planetary and Space Science , 77, 40

ACL‐839 Bin Luo, ; Chanussot, J.; Doute, S.; Liangpei Zhang, 2013, Empirical Automatic Estimation of the Number of Endmembers in Hyperspectral Images, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 10, 24

ACL‐840 Bonal, L.; Alexander, C. M. O'D.; Huss, G. R.; Nagashima, K.; Quirico, E.; Beck, P., 2013, Hydrogen isotopic composition of the water in CR chondrites, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta , 106, 111

ACL‐841 Bonnet, Jean‐Yves; Thissen, Roland; Frisari, Maëliss; Vuitton, Véronique; Quirico, Éric; Orthous‐Daunay, François‐Régis; Dutuit, Odile; Le Roy, Léna; Fray, Nicolas; Cottin, Hervé; and 2 coauthors, 2013, Compositional and structural investigation of HCN polymer through high resolution mass spectrometry, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 354‐355, 193

ACL‐842 Briani, G.; Quirico, E.; Gounelle, M.; Paulhiac‐Pison, M.; Montagnac, G.; Beck, P.; Orthous‐ Daunay, F.‐R.; Bonal, L.; Jacquet, E.; Kearsley, A.; and 1 coauthors, 2013, Short duration thermal metamorphism in CR chondrites, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta , 122, 267

ACL‐843 Ceamanos, X.; Douté, S.; Fernando, J.; Schmidt, F.; Pinet, P.; Lyapustin, A., 2013, Surface reflectance of Mars observed by CRISM/MRO: 1. Multi‐angle Approach for Retrieval of Surface Reflectance from CRISM observations (MARS‐ReCO), Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets) , 118, 514

ACL‐844 Chambodut, A.; Marchaudon, A.; Menvielle, M.; El‐Lemdani Mazouz, F.; Lathuillére, C., 2013, The ‐derived MLT sector geomagnetic indices , Geophysical Research Letters, n/a

ACL‐845 Danger, G.; Orthous‐Daunay, F.‐R.; de Marcellus, P.; Modica, P.; Vuitton, V.; Duvernay, F.;

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 55 Flandinet, L.; Le Sergeant d'Hendecourt, L.; Thissen, R.; Chiavassa, T., 2013, Characterization of laboratory analogs of interstellar/cometary organic residues using very high resolution mass spectrometry, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta , 118, 184

ACL‐846 Douté, S.; Ceamanos, X.; Appéré, T., 2013, Retrieving atmospheric dust opacity on Mars by imaging spectroscopy at large angles, Planetary and Space Science , 85, 38

ACL‐847 Dutuit, Odile; Carrasco, Nathalie; Thissen, Roland; Vuitton, Véronique; Alcaraz, Christian; Pernot, Pascal; Balucani, Nadia; Casavecchia, Piergiorgio; Canosa, André; Le Picard, Sébastien; and 8 coauthors, 2013, Critical Review of N, N+, N+ 2, N++, and N++ 2 Main Production Processes and Reactions of Relevance to Titan's Atmosphere, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series , 204, 20

ACL‐848 El Goresy, Ahmed; Gillet, Ph.; Miyahara, M.; Ohtani, E.; Ozawa, S.; Beck, P.; Montagnac, G., 2013, Shock‐induced deformation of Shergottites: Shock‐pressures and perturbations of magmatic ages on Mars, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta , 101, 233

ACL‐849 Fernando, J.; Schmidt, F.; Ceamanos, X.; Pinet, P.; Douté, S.; Daydou, Y., 2013, Surface reflectance of Mars observed by CRISM/MRO: 2. Estimation of surface photometric properties in Crater and , Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets) , 118, 534

ACL‐850 Font, Jordi; Boutin, Jacqueline; Reul, Nicolas; Spurgeon, Paul; Ballabrera‐Poy, Joaquim; Chuprin, Andrei; Gabarró, Carolina; Gourrion, Jérôme; Guimbard, Sébastien; Hénocq, Claire; and 17 coauthors, 2013, SMOS first data analysis for sea surface salinity determination, International Journal of Remote Sensing , 34, 3654

ACL‐851 Garenne, A.; Montes‐Hernandez, G.; Beck, P.; Schmitt, B.; Brissaud, O.; Pommerol, A., 2013, Gas‐solid carbonation as a possible source of carbonates in cold planetary environments, Planetary and Space Science , 76, 28

ACL‐852 Hegler, Sebastian; Statz, Christoph; Hahnel, Ronny; Plettemeier, Dirk; Herique, Alain; Kofman, Wlodek, 2013, Operation of CONSERT aboard Rosetta during the descent of Philae, Planetary and Space Science , 89, 151

ACL‐853 Lavvas, P.; Yelle, R. V.; Koskinen, T.; Bazin, A.; Vuitton, V.; Vigren, E.; Galand, M.; Wellbrock, A.; Coates, A. J.; Wahlund, J.‐E.; and 2 coauthors, 2013, Aerosol growth in Titan's ionosphere, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110, 2729

ACL‐854 Lilensten, J.; Simon Wedlund, C.; Barthélémy, M.; Thissen, R.; Ehrenreich, D.; Gronoff, G.; Witasse, O., 2013, Dications and thermal ions in planetary atmospheric escape, Icarus , 222, 169

ACL‐855 Lilensten, Jean; Provan, Gabrielle; Grimald, Sandrine; Brekke, Asgeir; Flückiger, Erwin; Vanlommel, Petra; Wedlund, Cyril Simon; Barthélémy, Mathieu; Garnier, Pierre, 2013, The Planeterrella experiment: from individual initiative to networking, Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate , 3, 07

ACL‐856 Lilensten, Jean; Barthélémy, Mathieu; Amblard, Pierre‐Olivier; Lamy, Hervé; Wedlund, Cyril Simon; Bommier, Véronique; Moen, Joran; Rothkaehl, Hanna; Eymard, Julien; Ribot, Jocelyn, 2013, The thermospheric auroral red line polarization: confirmation of detection and first quantitative analysis, Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, 3, A01

ACL‐857 Menager, H.; Barthélemy, M.; Koskinen, T.; Lilensten, J.; Ehrenreich, D.; Parkinson, C. D., 2013, Calculation of the H Lyman α emission of the hot Jupiters HD 209458b and HD 189733b, Icarus , 226, 1709

ACL‐858 Mendillo, Michael; Narvaez, Clara; Withers, Paul; Matta, Majd; Kofman, Wlodek; Mouginot, Jeremie, 2013, Variability in ionospheric total electron content at Mars, Planetary and Space Science , 86, 117

ACL‐859 Orthous‐Daunay, F.‐R.; Quirico, E.; Beck, P.; Brissaud, O.; Dartois, E.; Pino, T.; Schmitt, B., 2013, Mid‐infrared study of the molecular structure variability of insoluble organic matter from primitive chondrites, Icarus , 223, 534

ACL‐860 Pommerol, A.; Thomas, N.; Jost, B.; Beck, P.; Okubo, C.; McEwen, A. S., 2013, Photometric properties of Mars soils analogs, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets) , 118, 2045

ACL‐861 Renard, P.; Siekmann, F.; Gandolfo, A.; Socorro, J.; Salque, G.; Ravier, S.; Quivet, E.; Clément, J.‐ L.; Traikia, M.; Delort, A.‐M.; and 4 coauthors, 2013, Radical mechanisms of methyl vinyl ketone oligomerization through aqueous phase OH‐oxidation: on the paradoxical role of dissolved molecular oxygen, Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics , 13, 6473

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 56 ACL‐862 Shin, H.‐Y.; Woo, J. H.; Gwon, M. J.; Barthelemy, M.; Vomir, M.; Muto, T.; Takaishi, K.; Uchiyama, M.; Hashizume, D.; Aoyama, T.; and 5 coauthors, 2013, Exciton diffusion in near‐ infrared absorbing solution‐processed organic thin films, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Incorporating Faraday Transactions) , 15, 2867

ACL‐863 Vigren, E.; Galand, M.; Yelle, R. V.; Cui, J.; Wahlund, J.‐E.; Ågren, K.; Lavvas, P. P.; Mueller‐ Wodarg, I. C. F.; Strobel, D. F.; Vuitton, V.; and 1 coauthors, 2013, On the thermal electron balance in Titan's sunlit upper atmosphere, Icarus , 223, 234

ACL‐864 Zuccarello, Francesca; Balmaceda, Laura; Cessateur, Gael; Cremades, Hebe; Guglielmino, Salvatore L.; Lilensten, Jean; Dudok de Wit, Thierry; Kretzschmar, Matthieu; Lopez, Fernando M.; Mierla, Marilena; and 8 coauthors, 2013, Solar activity and its evolution across the corona: recent advances, Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate , 3, 18

ACL‐865 Beck, P.; Quirico, E.; Garenne, A.; Yin, Q.‐Z.; Bonal, L.; Schmitt, B.; Montes‐Hernandez, G.; Montagnac, G.; Chiriac, R.; Toche, F., 2014, The secondary history of Sutter's Mill CM carbonaceous chondrite based on water abundance and the structure of its organic matter from two clasts, Meteoritics and Planetary Science , 32

ACL‐866 Beck, P.; Garenne, A.; Quirico, E.; Bonal, L.; Montes‐Hernandez, G.; Moynier, F.; Schmitt, B., 2014, Transmission infrared spectra (2–25 μm) of carbonaceous chondrites (CI, CM, CV–CK, CR, C2 ungrouped): Mineralogy, water, and asteroidal processes, Icarus , 229, 263

ACL‐867 Bernard, D.; Lilensten, J.; Barthélemy, M.; Gronoff, G., 2014, Can hydrogen coronae be inferred around a CO2‐dominated exoplanetary atmosphere?, Icarus, 239, 23

ACL‐868 Brunetto, R.; Lantz, C.; Ledu, D.; Baklouti, D.; Barucci, M. A.; Beck, P.; Delauche, L.; Dionnet, Z.; Dumas, P.; Duprat, J.; and 6 coauthors, 2014, Ion irradiation of Allende probed by visible, IR, and Raman spectroscopies, Icarus , 237, 278

ACL‐869 Davidson, Jemma; Busemann, Henner; Nittler, Larry R.; Alexander, Conel M. O.'D.; Orthous‐ Daunay, François‐Régis; Franchi, Ian A.; Hoppe, Peter, 2014, Abundances of presolar silicon carbide grains in primitive meteorites determined by NanoSIMS, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta , 139, 248

ACL‐870 Douté, S., 2014, Monitoring atmospheric dust spring activity at high southern latitudes on Mars using OMEGA, Planetary and Space Science , 96, 1

ACL‐871 Garenne, A.; Beck, P.; Montes‐Hernandez, G.; Chiriac, R.; Toche, F.; Quirico, E.; Bonal, L.; Schmitt, B., 2014, The abundance and stability of “water” in type 1 and 2 carbonaceous chondrites (CI, CM and CR), Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta , 137, 93

ACL‐872 Gronoff, G.; Maggiolo, R.; Wedlund, C. Simon; Mertens, C. J.; Norman, R. B.; Bell, J.; Bernard, D.; Parkinson, C. J.; Vidal‐Madjar, A., 2014, Theoretical UV Absorption Spectra of Hydrodynamically Escaping O2/CO2‐Rich Exoplanetary Atmospheres, The Astrophysical Journal , 788, 191

ACL‐873 Gómez de Castro, Ana I.; Appourchaux, Thierry; Barstow, Martin A.; Barthelemy, Mathieu; Baudin, Frederic; Benetti, Stefano; Blay, Pere; Brosch, Noah; Bunce, Emma; de Martino, Domitilla; and 29 coauthors, 2014, Building galaxies, stars, planets and the ingredients for life between the stars. The science behind the European Ultraviolet‐Visible Observatory, Astrophysics and Space Science , 185

ACL‐874 Massé, M.; Beck, P.; Schmitt, B.; Pommerol, A.; McEwen, A.; Chevrier, V.; Brissaud, O.; Séjourné, A., 2014, Spectroscopy and detectability of liquid brines on mars, Planetary and Space Science , 92, 136

ACL‐875 Quirico, Eric; Orthous‐Daunay, François‐Régis; Beck, Pierre; Bonal, Lydie; Brunetto, Rosario; Dartois, Emmanuel; Pino, Thomas; Montagnac, Gilles; Rouzaud, Jean‐Noël; Engrand, Cécile; and 1 coauthors, 2014, Origin of insoluble organic matter in type 1 and 2 chondrites: New clues, new questions, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta , 136, 80

ACL‐876 Vanlommel, Petra; Messerotti, Mauro; Lilensten, Jean; Calders, Stijn; Bonte, Katrien; D'Huys, Elke; Žigman, Vida, 2014, Exploitation, dissemination, education and outreach in the frame of the COST action ES0803 "developing space weather products and services in Europe", Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate , 4, 05

ACL‐877 Vigren, E.; Galand, M.; Shebanits, O.; Wahlund, J.‐E.; Geppert, W. D.; Lavvas, P.; Vuitton, V.; Yelle, R. V., 2014, Increasing Positive Ion Number Densities below the Peak of Ion‐Electron Pair Production in Titan's Ionosphere, The Astrophysical Journal , 786, 69

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 57 ACL‐878 Yelle, Roger V.; Mahieux, A.; Morrison, S.; Vuitton, V.; Hörst, S. M., 2014, Perturbation of the Mars atmosphere by the near‐collision with Comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring), Icarus , 237, 202

ACL sherpas (194)

ACL‐92 Ceccarelli, C.; Hily‐Blant, P.; Montmerle, T.; Dubus, G.; Gallant, Y.; Fiasson, A., 2011, Supernova‐enhanced Cosmic‐Ray Ionization and Induced Chemistry in a Molecular Cloud of W51C, The Astrophysical Journal , 740, L4

ACL‐226 Dumas, G.; Vaupré, S.; Ceccarelli, C.; Hily‐Blant, P.; Dubus, G.; Montmerle, T.; Gabici, S., 2014, Localized SiO Emission Triggered by the Passage of the W51C Supernova Remnant Shock, The Astrophysical Journal , 786, L24

ACL‐354 Hussain, G. A. J.; Collier Cameron, A.; Jardine, M. M.; Dunstone, N.; Ramirez Velez, J.; Stempels, H. C.; Donati, J.‐F.; Semel, M.; Aulanier, G.; Harries, T.; and 5 coauthors, 2009, Surface magnetic fields on two accreting TTauri stars: CVCha and CRCha, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 398, 189

ACL‐591 Weigelt, G.; Hofmann, K.‐H.; Kishimoto, M.; Hönig, S.; Schertl, D.; Marconi, A.; Millour, F.; Petrov, R.; Fraix‐Burnet, D.; Malbet, F.; and 2 coauthors, 2012, VLTI/AMBER observations of the Seyfert nucleus of NGC 3783, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 541, L9

ACL‐879 Abdo, A. A.; Ackermann, M.; Ajello, M.; Atwood, W. B.; Axelsson, M.; Baldini, L.; Ballet, J.; Barbiellini, G.; Bastieri, D.; Baughman, B. M.; and 177 coauthors, 2009, Fermi/LAT observations of LS 5039, The Astrophysical Journal , 706, L56

ACL‐880 Abdo, A. A.; Ackermann, M.; Ajello, M.; Atwood, W. B.; Axelsson, M.; Baldini, L.; Ballet, J.; Barbiellini, G.; Bastieri, D.; Baughman, B. M.; and 173 coauthors, 2009, Fermi LAT Observations of LS I +61°303: First Detection of an Orbital Modulation in GeV Gamma Rays, The Astrophysical Journal , 701, L123

ACL‐881 Acciari, V. A.; Aliu, E.; Arlen, T.; Bautista, M.; Beilicke, M.; Benbow, W.; Bradbury, S. M.; Buckley, J. H.; Bugaev, V.; Butt, Y.; and 383 coauthors, 2009, Radio Imaging of the Very‐High‐ Energy γ‐Ray Emission Region in the Central Engine of a Radio Galaxy, Science , 325, 444

ACL‐882 Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Bazer‐Bachi, A. R.; Becherini, Y.; Behera, B.; Bernlöhr, K.; Bochow, A.; and 160 coauthors, 2009, Detection of Gamma Rays from a , Science , 326, 1080

ACL‐883 Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Bazer‐Bachi, A. R.; Becherini, Y.; Behera, B.; Bernlöhr, K.; Bochow, A.; Boisson, C.; and 160 coauthors, 2009, Probing the ATIC peak in the cosmic‐ray electron spectrum with H.E.S.S., Astronomy and Astrophysics , 508, 561

ACL‐884 Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Bazer‐Bachi, A. R.; Becherini, Y.; Behera, B.; Bernlöhr, K.; Bochow, A.; Boisson, C.; and 157 coauthors, 2009, Very high energy γ‐ray observations of the binary PSR B1259‐63/SS2883 around the 2007 Periastron, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 507, 389

ACL‐885 Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Bazer‐Bachi, A. R.; Becherini, Y.; Behera, B.; Bernlöhr, K.; Boisson, C.; Bochow, A.; and 149 coauthors, 2009, Spectrum and variability of the VHE γ‐ray source HESS J1745‐290, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 503, 817

ACL‐886 Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Bazer‐Bachi, A. R.; Becherini, Y.; Behera, B.; Bernlöhr, K.; Boisson, C.; Bochow, A.; and 155 coauthors, 2009, Constraints on the multi‐TeV particle population in the Coma galaxy cluster with HESS observations, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 502, 437

ACL‐887 Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Bazer‐Bachi, A. R.; Becherini, Y.; Behera, B.; Benbow, W.; Bernlöhr, K.; Boisson, C.; and 156 coauthors, 2009, Simultaneous multiwavelength observations of the second exceptional γ‐ray flare of PKS 2155‐ 304 in July 2006, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 502, 749

ACL‐888 Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Bazer‐Bachi, A. R.; Becherini, Y.; Behera, B.; Benbow, W.; Bernlöhr, K.; Boisson, C.; and 149 coauthors, 2009,

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 58 Detection of very high energy radiation from HESS J1908+063 confirms the Milagro unidentified source MGRO J1908+06, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 499, 723

ACL‐889 Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Bazer‐Bachi, A. R.; Becherini, Y.; Behera, B.; Bernlöhr, K.; Boisson, C.; Bochow, A.; and 316 coauthors, 2009, Simultaneous Observations of PKS 2155‐304 with HESS, Fermi, RXTE, and Atom: Spectral Energy Distributions and Variability in a Low State, The Astrophysical Journal , 696, L150

ACL‐890 Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Bazer‐Bachi, A. R.; Becherini, Y.; Behera, B.; Bernlöhr, K.; Boisson, C.; Bochow, A.; and 149 coauthors, 2009, HESS upper limit on the very high energy γ‐ray emission from the 47 Tucanae, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 499, 273

ACL‐891 Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; de Almeida, U. Barres; Bazer‐Bachi, A. R.; Becherini, Y.; Behera, B.; Benbow, W.; Bernlöhr, K.; Boisson, C.; and 156 coauthors, 2009, Discovery of Very High Energy γ‐Ray Emission from a with H.E.S.S., The Astrophysical Journal , 695, L40

ACL‐892 Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; de Almeida, U. Barres; Bazer‐Bachi, A. R.; Behera, B.; Beilicke, M.; Benbow, W.; Bernlöhr, K.; Boisson, C.; Bochow, A.; and 144 coauthors, 2009, Discovery of Gamma‐Ray Emission From the Shell‐Type Supernova Remnant RCW 86 With Hess, The Astrophysical Journal , 692, 1500

ACL‐893 Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Bazer‐Bachi, A. R.; Becherini, Y.; Behera, B.; Bernlöhr, K.; Boisson, C.; Bochow, A.; and 147 coauthors, 2009, Very high energy gamma‐ray observations of the galaxy clusters Abell 496 and Abell 85 with HESS, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 495, 27

ACL‐894 Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Bazer‐Bachi, A. R.; Behera, B.; Benbow, W.; Bernlöhr, K.; Boisson, C.; Bochow, A.; Borrel, V.; and 145 coauthors, 2009, HESS observations of γ‐ray bursts in 2003‐2007, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 495, 505

ACL‐895 Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Barres DeAlmeida, U.; Bazer‐Bachi, A. R.; Behera, B.; Beilicke, M.; Benbow, W.; Bernlöhr, K.; Boisson, C.; Borrel, V.; and 134 coauthors, 2009, HESS Observations of the Prompt and Afterglow Phases of GRB 060602B, The Astrophysical Journal , 690, 1068

ACL‐896 Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; de Almeida, U. Barres; Bazer‐Bachi, A. R.; Behera, B.; Benbow, W.; Bernlöhr, K.; Boisson, C.; Bochow, V.; Borrel, V.; and 145 coauthors, 2009, A Search for a Dark Matter Annihilation Signal Toward the Overdensity with H.E.S.S., The Astrophysical Journal , 691, 175

ACL‐897 Bošnjak, Ž.; Daigne, F.; Dubus, G., 2009, Prompt high‐energy emission from gamma‐ray bursts in the internal shock model, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 498, 677

ACL‐898 Cappi, M.; Tombesi, F.; Bianchi, S.; Dadina, M.; Giustini, M.; Malaguti, G.; Maraschi, L.; Palumbo, G. G. C.; Petrucci, P. O.; Ponti, G.; and 2 coauthors, 2009, X‐ray evidence for a mildly relativistic and variable outflow in the luminous Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 509, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 504, 401

ACL‐899 Cerutti, B.; Dubus, G.; Henri, G., 2009, One‐dimensional pair cascade emission in gamma‐ray binaries. An upper‐limit to cascade emission at superior conjunction in LS 5039, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 507, 1217

ACL‐900 , D. J.; Hill, A. B.; Bird, A. J.; McBride, V. A.; Scaringi, S.; Dean, A. J., 2009, Discovery of the in the supergiant fast X‐ray transient IGR J17544‐2619, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 399, L113

ACL‐901 Doressoundiram, A.; Leblanc, F.; Foellmi, C.; Erard, S., 2009, Metallic Species in 's Exosphere: EMMI/New Technology Telescope Observations, The Astronomical Journal , 137, 3859

ACL‐902 Fermi LAT Collaboration; Abdo, A. A.; Ackermann, M.; Ajello, M.; Axelsson, M.; Baldini, L.; Ballet, J.; Barbiellini, G.; Bastieri, D.; Baughman, B. M.; and 167 coauthors, 2009, Modulated High‐Energy Gamma‐Ray Emission from the Microquasar X‐3, Science , 326, 1512

ACL‐903 Foellmi, C., 2009, Intensity interferometry and the second‐order correlation function g(2) in astrophysics, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 507, 1719

ACL‐904 Foellmi, Cédric, 2009, What is the closest to the Sun?, New Astronomy , 14, 674

ACL‐905 Fraix‐Burnet, D.; Davoust, E.; Charbonnel, C., 2009, The environment of formation as a second

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 59 parameter for globular cluster classification, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 398, 1706

ACL‐906 H.E.S.S. Collaboration; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Bazer‐Bachi, A. R.; Becherini, Y.; Behera, B.; Bernlöhr, K.; and 166 coauthors, 2009, HESS upper limits on very high energy gamma‐ray emission from the microquasar GRS 1915+105, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 508, 1135

ACL‐907 Hinton, J. A.; Skilton, J. L.; Funk, S.; Brucker, J.; Aharonian, F. A.; Dubus, G.; Fiasson, A.; Gallant, Y.; Hofmann, W.; Marcowith, A.; and 1 coauthors, 2009, HESS J0632+057: A New Gamma‐Ray Binary?, The Astrophysical Journal , 690, L101

ACL‐908 Lesur, G.; Longaretti, P.‐Y., 2009, Turbulent resistivity evaluation in magnetorotational instability generated turbulence, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 504, 309

ACL‐909 Martins, F.; Hillier, D. J.; Bouret, J. C.; Depagne, E.; Foellmi, C.; Marchenko, S.; Moffat, A. F., 2009, Properties of WNh stars in the : evidence for homogeneous evolution, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 495, 257

ACL‐910 Pelletier, Guy; Lemoine, Martin; Marcowith, Alexandre, 2009, On Fermi acceleration and magnetohydrodynamic instabilities at ultra‐relativistic magnetized shock waves, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 393, 587

ACL‐911 Ponti, G.; Cappi, M.; Vignali, C.; Miniutti, G.; Tombesi, F.; Dadina, M.; Fabian, A. C.; Grandi, P.; Kaastra, J.; Petrucci, P. O.; and 4 coauthors, 2009, XMM‐Newton and Suzaku analysis of the Fe K complex in the type 1 Seyfert galaxy Mrk 509, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 394, 1487

ACL‐912 Rappaport, Nicole J.; Longaretti, Pierre‐Yves; French, Richard G.; Marouf, Essam A.; McGhee, Colleen A., 2009, A procedure to analyze nonlinear density waves in 's rings using several occultation profiles, Icarus , 199, 154

ACL‐913 Skilton, J. L.; Pandey‐Pommier, M.; Hinton, J. A.; Cheung, C. C.; Aharonian, F. A.; Brucker, J.; Dubus, G.; Fiasson, A.; Funk, S.; Gallant, Y.; and 2 coauthors, 2009, The radio counterpart of the likely TeV binary HESSJ0632+057, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 399, 317

ACL‐914 Zanni, C.; Ferreira, J., 2009, MHD simulations of accretion onto a dipolar . I. Accretion curtains and the disk‐locking paradigm, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 508, 1117

ACL‐915 Abdo, A. A.; Ackermann, M.; Ajello, M.; Allafort, A.; Baldini, L.; Ballet, J.; Barbiellini, G.; Bastieri, D.; Bechtol, K.; Bellazzini, R.; and 158 coauthors, 2010, Fermi Large Area Telescope Observation of a Gamma‐ray Source at the Position of , The Astrophysical Journal , 723, 649

ACL‐916 Abdo, A. A.; Ackermann, M.; Ajello, M.; Atwood, W. B.; Baldini, L.; Ballet, J.; Barbiellini, G.; Bastieri, D.; Bechtol, K.; Bellazzini, R.; and 210 coauthors, 2010, Gamma‐Ray Emission Concurrent with the in the Symbiotic Binary V407 Cygni, Science , 329, 817

ACL‐917 Abdo, A. A.; Ackermann, M.; Ajello, M.; Allafort, A.; Antolini, E.; Atwood, W. B.; Axelsson, M.; Baldini, L.; Ballet, J.; Barbiellini, G.; and 226 coauthors, 2010, Fermi Large Area Telescope First Source Catalog, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series , 188, 405

ACL‐918 Abdo, A. A.; Ackermann, M.; Ajello, M.; Allafort, A.; Antolini, E.; Atwood, W. B.; Axelsson, M.; Baldini, L.; Ballet, J.; Barbiellini, G.; and 198 coauthors, 2010, The First Catalog of Active Galactic Nuclei Detected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope, The Astrophysical Journal , 715, 429

ACL‐919 Abdo, A. A.; Ackermann, M.; Ajello, M.; Baldini, L.; Ballet, J.; Barbiellini, G.; Bastieri, D.; Bechtol, K.; Bellazzini, R.; Berenji, B.; and 157 coauthors, 2010, Fermi‐Large Area Telescope Observations of the Exceptional Gamma‐ray Outbursts of in 2009 September, The Astrophysical Journal , 714, L73

ACL‐920 Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Bazer‐Bachi, A. R.; Becherini, Y.; Behera, B.; Beilicke, M.; Bernlöhr, K.; and 171 coauthors, 2010, First detection of VHE γ‐rays from SN 1006 by HESS, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 516, 62

ACL‐921 Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Bazer‐Bachi, A. R.; Becherini, Y.; Behera, B.; Bernlöhr, K.; Bochow, A.; and 167 coauthors, 2010, Localizing the VHE γ‐ray source at the Galactic Centre, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 402, 1877

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 60 ACL‐922 Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Bazer‐Bachi, A. R.; Becherini, Y.; Behera, B.; Benbow, W.; Bernlöhr, K.; Bochow, A.; and 159 coauthors, 2010, Discovery of VHE γ‐rays from the BL Lacertae object PKS 0548‐322, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 521, 69

ACL‐923 Bird, A. J.; Bazzano, A.; Bassani, L.; Capitanio, F.; Fiocchi, M.; Hill, A. B.; Malizia, A.; McBride, V. A.; Scaringi, S.; Sguera, V.; and 12 coauthors, 2010, The Fourth IBIS/ISGRI Soft Gamma‐ray Survey Catalog, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series , 186, 1

ACL‐924 Cabanac, C.; Henri, G.; Petrucci, P.‐O.; Malzac, J.; Ferreira, J.; Belloni, T. M., 2010, Variability of X‐ray binaries from an oscillating hot corona, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 404, 738

ACL‐925 Cerutti, B.; Malzac, J.; Dubus, G.; Henri, G., 2010, Modeling the three‐dimensional pair cascade in binaries. Application to LS 5039, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 519, 81

ACL‐926 Clark, D. J.; Sguera, V.; Bird, A. J.; McBride, V. A.; Hill, A. B.; Scaringi, S.; Drave, S.; Bazzano, A.; Dean, A. J., 2010, The orbital period in the supergiant fast X‐ray transient IGR J16465‐4507, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 406, L75

ACL‐927 Combet, C.; Ferreira, J.; Casse, F., 2010, Dead zones in protostellar discs: the case of jet emitting discs, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 519, 108

ACL‐928 Doressoundiram, A.; Leblanc, F.; Foellmi, C.; Gicquel, A.; Cremonese, G.; Donati, J.‐F.; Veillet, C., 2010, Spatial variations of the sodium/potassium ratio in Mercury’s exosphere uncovered by high‐resolution spectroscopy, Icarus , 207, 1

ACL‐929 Drave, S. P.; Clark, D. J.; Bird, A. J.; McBride, V. A.; Hill, A. B.; Sguera, V.; Scaringi, S.; Bazzano, A., 2010, Discovery of the 51.47‐d orbital period in the supergiant fast X‐ray transient XTE J1739‐302 with INTEGRAL, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 409, 1220

ACL‐930 Dubus, G.; Cerutti, B.; Henri, G., 2010, Relativistic Doppler‐boosted emission in gamma‐ray binaries, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 516, 18

ACL‐931 Dubus, G.; Cerutti, B.; Henri, G., 2010, The relativistic jet of ‐3 in gamma‐rays, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 404, L55

ACL‐932 Fraix‐Burnet, D.; Dugué, M.; Chattopadhyay, T.; Chattopadhyay, A. K.; Davoust, E., 2010, Structures in the fundamental plane of early‐type galaxies, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 407, 2207

ACL‐933 H.E.S.S. Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Bazer‐Bachi, A. R.; Becherini, Y. Behera, B.; Benbow, W.; and 177 coauthors, 2010, VHE γ‐ray emission of PKS 2155‐304: spectral and temporal variability, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 520, 83

ACL‐934 H.E.S.S. Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Bazer‐Bachi, A. R.; Becherini, Y.; Behera, B.; and 177 coauthors, 2010, Multi‐wavelength observations of H 2356‐309, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 516, 56

ACL‐935 H.E.S.S. Collaboration; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Bazer‐Bachi, A. R.; Becherini, Y.; Behera, B.; Benbow, W.; and 163 coauthors, 2010, PKS 2005‐489 at VHE: four of monitoring with HESS and simultaneous multi‐ wavelength observations, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 511, 52

ACL‐936 Kotko, I.; Lasota, J.‐P.; Dubus, G., 2010, The outburst properties of AM CVn stars, Astronomische Nachrichten , 331, 231

ACL‐937 Lemoine, Martin; Pelletier, Guy, 2010, On electromagnetic instabilities at ultra‐relativistic shock waves, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 402, 321

ACL‐938 Longaretti, P.‐Y.; Lesur, G., 2010, MRI‐driven turbulent transport: the role of dissipation, channel modes and their parasites, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 516, 51

ACL‐939 Longinotti, A. L.; Costantini, E.; Petrucci, P. O.; Boisson, C.; Mouchet, M.; Santos‐Lleo, M.; Matt, G.; Ponti, G.; Gonçalves, A. C., 2010, High‐resolution X‐ray spectroscopy of the Seyfert 1 Mrk 841: insights into the warm absorber and warm emitter, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 510, 92

ACL‐940 Murphy, G. C.; Ferreira, J.; Zanni, C., 2010, Large scale magnetic fields in viscous resistive accretion disks. I. Ejection from weakly magnetized disks, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 512, 82

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 61 ACL‐941 Petrucci, P. O.; Ferreira, J.; Henri, G.; Malzac, J.; Foellmi, C., 2010, Relevance of jet emitting disc physics to microquasars: application to Cygnus X‐1, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 522, 38

ACL‐942 Scaringi, S.; Bird, A. J.; Hill, A. B.; Clark, D. J.; McBride, V. A.; Dean, A. J.; Bazzano, A.; Natalucci, L.; Stephen, J. B., 2010, A new determination of the INTEGRAL/IBIS point source location accuracy, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 516, 75

ACL‐943 Tudose, V.; Miller‐Jones, J. C. A.; Fender, R. P.; Paragi, Z.; Sakari, C.; Szostek, A.; Garrett, M. A.; Dhawan, V.; Rushton, A.; Spencer, R. E.; and 1 coauthors, 2010, Probing the behaviour of the X‐ray binary Cygnus X‐3 with very long baseline radio interferometry, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 401, 890

ACL‐944 Vandenbroucke, J.; Buehler, R.; Ajello, M.; Bechtol, K.; Bellini, A.; Bolte, M.; Cheung, C. C.; Civano, F.; Donato, D.; Fuhrmann, L.; and 12 coauthors, 2010, Discovery of a GeV Blazar Shining Through the Galactic Plane, The Astrophysical Journal , 718, L166

ACL‐945 de La Calle Pérez, I.; Longinotti, A. L.; Guainazzi, M.; Bianchi, S.; Dovčiak, M.; Cappi, M.; Matt, G.; Miniutti, G.; Petrucci, P. O.; Piconcelli, E.; and 3 coauthors, 2010, FERO: Finding extreme relativistic objects. I. Statistics of relativistic Fe Kα lines in radio‐quiet Type 1 AGN, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 524, 50

ACL‐946 Abdo, A. A.; Ackermann, M.; Ajello, M.; Allafort, A.; Ballet, J.; Barbiellini, G.; Bastieri, D.; Bechtol, K.; Bellazzini, R.; Berenji, B.; and 162 coauthors, 2011, Discovery of High‐energy Gamma‐ray Emission from the Binary System PSR B1259‐63/LS 2883 around Periastron with Fermi, The Astrophysical Journal , 736, L11

ACL‐947 Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Bazer‐Bachi, A. R.; Becherini, Y.; and 188 coauthors, 2011, H.E.S.S. Observations of the Globular Clusters NGC 6388 and M15 and Search for a Dark Matter Signal, The Astrophysical Journal , 735, 12

ACL‐948 Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Barnacka, A.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Bazer‐Bachi, A. R.; Becherini, Y.; Becker, J.; and 184 coauthors, 2011, Search for a Dark Matter Annihilation Signal from the Galactic Center Halo with H.E.S.S., Physical Review Letters , 106, 161301

ACL‐949 Actis, M.; Agnetta, G.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A.; Aleksić, J.; Aliu, E.; Allan, D.; Allekotte, I.; Antico, F.; Antonelli, L. A.; and 662 coauthors, 2011, Design concepts for the Cherenkov Telescope Array CTA: an advanced facility for ground‐based high‐energy gamma‐ray astronomy, Experimental Astronomy , 32, 193

ACL‐950 Boutelier, T.; Henri, G.; Petrucci, P.‐O., 2011, The influence of the jet opening angle on the appearance of relativistic jets, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 418, 1913

ACL‐951 Cerruti, M.; Ponti, G.; Boisson, C.; Costantini, E.; Longinotti, A. L.; Matt, G.; Mouchet, M.; Petrucci, P. O., 2011, Suzaku broad‐band observations of the Seyfert 1 galaxies Mrk 509 and Mrk 841, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 535, 113

ACL‐952 Cerutti, B.; Dubus, G.; Malzac, J.; Szostek, A.; Belmont, R.; Zdziarski, A. A.; Henri, G., 2011, Absorption of high‐energy gamma rays in Cygnus X‐3, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 529, 120

ACL‐953 Chaty, S.; Dubus, G.; Raichoor, A., 2011, Near‐infrared jet emission in the microquasar XTE J1550‐564, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 529, 3

ACL‐954 Daigne, F.; Bošnjak, Ž.; Dubus, G., 2011, Reconciling observed gamma‐ray burst prompt spectra with synchrotron radiation?, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 526, 110

ACL‐955 Daigne, Frédéric; Dubus, Guillaume, 2011, Foreword, Comptes Rendus Physique , 12, 203

ACL‐956 Detmers, R. G.; Kaastra, J. S.; Steenbrugge, K. C.; Ebrero, J.; Kriss, G. A.; Arav, N.; Behar, E.; Costantini, E.; Branduardi‐Raymont, G.; Mehdipour, M.; and 7 coauthors, 2011, Multiwavelength campaign on Mrk 509. III. The 600 ks RGS spectrum: unravelling the inner region of an AGN, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 534, 38

ACL‐957 Ebrero, J.; Kriss, G. A.; Kaastra, J. S.; Detmers, R. G.; Steenbrugge, K. C.; Costantini, E.; Arav, N.; Bianchi, S.; Cappi, M.; Branduardi‐Raymont, G.; and 4 coauthors, 2011, Multiwavelength campaign on Mrk 509. V. Chandra‐LETGS observation of the ionized absorber, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 534, 40

ACL‐958 Fraix‐Burnet, D., 2011, The Fundamental Plane of early‐type galaxies as a confounding correlation, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 416, L36

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 62 ACL‐959 H.E.S.S. Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Becherini, Y.; and 188 coauthors, 2011, Discovery of the source HESS J1356‐645 associated with the young and energetic PSR J1357‐ 6429, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 533, 103

ACL‐960 H.E.S.S. Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Barnacka, A.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Bazer‐Bachi, A. R.; Becherini, Y.; and 339 coauthors, 2011, Simultaneous multi‐wavelength campaign on PKS 2005‐489 in a high state, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 533, 110

ACL‐961 H.E.S.S. Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Becherini, Y.; and 187 coauthors, 2011, A new SNR with TeV shell‐type morphology: HESS J1731‐347, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 531, 81

ACL‐962 H.E.S.S. Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Becherini, Y.; and 187 coauthors, 2011, Very‐high‐energy gamma‐ray emission from the direction of the Galactic globular cluster Terzan 5, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 531, L18

ACL‐963 H.E.S.S. Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Bazer‐Bachi, A. R.; and 192 coauthors, 2011, HESS J1943+213: a candidate extreme BL Lacertae object, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 529, 49

ACL‐964 H.E.S.S. Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Barnacka, A.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Bazer‐Bachi, A. R.; Becherini, Y.; and 190 coauthors, 2011, Search for Lorentz Invariance breaking with a likelihood fit of the PKS 2155‐304 flare data taken on MJD 53944, Astroparticle Physics , 34, 738

ACL‐965 H.E.S.S. Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Barnacka, A.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Bazer‐Bachi, A. R.; Becherini, Y.; and 190 coauthors, 2011, Detection of very‐high‐energy γ‐ray emission from the vicinity of PSR B1706‐44 and G 343.1‐2.3 with H.E.S.S., Astronomy and Astrophysics , 528, 143

ACL‐966 H.E.S.S. Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Barnacka, A.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Bazer‐Bachi, A. R.; Becherini, Y.; and 186 coauthors, 2011, H.E.S.S. constraints on dark matter annihilations towards the sculptor and dwarf galaxies, Astroparticle Physics , 34, 608

ACL‐967 H.E.S.S. Collaboration; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Bazer‐Bachi, A. R.; Becherini, Y.; Behera, B.; Bernlöhr, K.; and 161 coauthors, 2011, Discovery and follow‐up studies of the extended, off‐plane, VHE gamma‐ray source HESS J1507‐622, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 525, 45

ACL‐968 H.E.S.S. Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Barnacka, A.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Bazer‐Bachi, A. R.; Becherini, Y.; and 187 coauthors, 2011, Revisiting the field with the HESS telescope array, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 525, 46

ACL‐969 Herault, J.; Rincon, F.; Cossu, C.; Lesur, G.; Ogilvie, G. I.; Longaretti, P.‐Y., 2011, Periodic magnetorotational dynamo action as a prototype of nonlinear magnetic‐field generation in shear flows, Physical Review E , 84, 36321

ACL‐970 Hill, A. B.; Szostek, A.; Corbel, S.; Camilo, F.; Corbet, R. H. D.; Dubois, R.; Dubus, G.; Edwards, P. G.; Ferrara, E. C.; Kerr, M.; and 3 coauthors, 2011, The bright unidentifiedγ‐ray source 1FGL J1227.9‐4852: can it be associated with a low‐mass X‐ray binary?, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 415, 235

ACL‐971 Kaastra, J. S.; Petrucci, P.‐O.; Cappi, M.; Arav, N.; Behar, E.; Bianchi, S.; Bloom, J.; Blustin, A. J.; Branduardi‐Raymont, G.; Costantini, E.; and 16 coauthors, 2011, Multiwavelength campaign on Mrk 509. I. Variability and spectral energy distribution, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 534, 36

ACL‐972 Kaastra, J. S.; de Vries, C. P.; Steenbrugge, K. C.; Detmers, R. G.; Ebrero, J.; Behar, E.; Bianchi, S.; Costantini, E.; Kriss, G. A.; Mehdipour, M.; and 4 coauthors, 2011, Multiwavelength campaign on Mrk 509. II. Analysis of high‐quality Reflection Grating Spectrometer spectra, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 534, 37

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 63 ACL‐973 Kriss, G. A.; Arav, N.; Kaastra, J. S.; Ebrero, J.; Pinto, C.; Borguet, B.; Edmonds, D.; Costantini, E.; Steenbrugge, K. C.; Detmers, R. G.; and 8 coauthors, 2011, Multiwavelength campaign on Mrk 509. VI. HST/COS observations of the far‐ultraviolet spectrum, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 534, 41

ACL‐974 Lamberts, A.; Fromang, S.; Dubus, G., 2011, High‐resolution numerical simulations of unstable colliding stellar winds, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 418, 2618

ACL‐975 Lasota, J.‐P.; Alexander, T.; Dubus, G.; Barret, D.; Farrell, S. A.; Gehrels, N.; Godet, O.; Webb, N. A., 2011, The Origin of Variability of the Intermediate‐mass Black‐hole ULX System HLX‐1 in ESO 243‐49, The Astrophysical Journal , 735, 89

ACL‐976 Lemoine, Martin; Pelletier, Guy, 2011, Gamma‐ray bursts afterglows in magnetized stellar winds, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 418, L64

ACL‐977 Lemoine, Martin; Pelletier, Guy, 2011, Dispersion and thermal effects on electromagnetic instabilities in the precursor of relativistic shocks, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 417, 1148

ACL‐978 Lemoine, Martin; Pelletier, Guy, 2011, Shock acceleration in gamma‐ray bursts, Comptes Rendus Physique , 12, 234

ACL‐979 Lesur, G.; Longaretti, P.‐Y., 2011, Non‐linear energy transfers in accretion discs MRI turbulence. I. Net vertical field case, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 528, 17

ACL‐980 Matt, G.; Bianchi, S.; Guainazzi, M.; Longinotti, A. L.; Dadina, M.; Karas, V.; Malaguti, G.; Miniutti, G.; Petrucci, P. O.; Piconcelli, E.; and 1 coauthors, 2011, Extreme warm absorber variability in the Seyfert galaxy Mrk 704, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 533, 1

ACL‐981 Mehdipour, M.; Branduardi‐Raymont, G.; Kaastra, J. S.; Petrucci, P. O.; Kriss, G. A.; Ponti, G.; Blustin, A. J.; Paltani, S.; Cappi, M.; Detmers, R. G.; and 1 coauthors, 2011, Multiwavelength campaign on Mrk 509. IV. Optical‐UV‐X‐ray variability and the nature of the soft X‐ray excess, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 534, 39

ACL‐982 Plotnikov, I.; Pelletier, G.; Lemoine, M., 2011, Particle transport in intense small‐scale magnetic turbulence with a mean field, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 532, 68

ACL‐983 Pétri, Jérôme; Dubus, Guillaume, 2011, Implication of the striped pulsar wind model for gamma‐ray binaries, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 417, 532

ACL‐984 Steenbrugge, K. C.; Kaastra, J. S.; Detmers, R. G.; Ebrero, J.; Ponti, G.; Costantini, E.; Kriss, G. A.; Mehdipour, M.; Pinto, C.; Branduardi‐Raymont, G.; and 7 coauthors, 2011, Multiwavelength campaign on Mrk 509. VII. Relative abundances of the warm absorber, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 534, 42

ACL‐985 Szostek, Anna; Dubus, Guillaume, 2011, X‐ray absorption and occultation in LS 5039, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 411, 193

ACL‐986 Zanni, Claudio; Ferreira, Jonathan, 2011, Observational Limits on the Spin‐down Torque of Accretion Powered Stellar Winds, The Astrophysical Journal , 727, L22

ACL‐987 Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Balenderan, S.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; Becherini, Y.; Becker Tjus, J.; and 189 coauthors, 2012, Probing the extent of the non‐thermal emission from the Vela X region at TeV energies with H.E.S.S., Astronomy and Astrophysics , 548, 38

ACL‐988 Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; Becherini, Y.; Becker, J.; Bernlöhr, K.; and 185 coauthors, 2012, Spectral Analysis and Interpretation of the γ‐Ray Emission from the Starburst Galaxy NGC 253, The Astrophysical Journal , 757, 158

ACL‐989 Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Becherini, Y.; Becker, J.; and 188 coauthors, 2012, Search for Dark Matter Annihilation Signals from the Fornax Galaxy Cluster with H.E.S.S., The Astrophysical Journal , 750, 123

ACL‐990 Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Becherini, Y.; Becker, J.; and 437 coauthors, 2012, The 2010 Very High Energy γ‐Ray Flare and 10 Years of Multi‐wavelength Observations of M 87, The Astrophysical Journal , 746, 151

ACL‐991 Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka,

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 64 A.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Becherini, Y.; Becker, J.; and 190 coauthors, 2012, Discovery of extended VHE γ‐ray emission from the vicinity of the young massive stellar cluster , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 537, 114

ACL‐992 Arav, N.; Edmonds, D.; Borguet, B.; Kriss, G. A.; Kaastra, J. S.; Behar, E.; Bianchi, S.; Cappi, M.; Costantini, E.; Detmers, R. G.; and 8 coauthors, 2012, Multiwavelength campaign on Mrk 509. X. Lower limit on the distance of the absorber from HST COS and STIS spectroscopy, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 544, 33

ACL‐993 Arka, Ioanna; Kirk, John G., 2012, Superluminal Waves in Pulsar Winds, The Astrophysical Journal , 745, 108

ACL‐994 Bykov, Andrei; Gehrels, Neil; Krawczynski, Henric; Lemoine, Martin; Pelletier, Guy; Pohl, Martin, 2012, Particle Acceleration in Relativistic Outflows, Space Science Reviews , 173, 309

ACL‐995 Corbel, S.; Dubus, G.; Tomsick, J. A.; Szostek, A.; Corbet, R. H. D.; Miller‐Jones, J. C. A.; Richards, J. L.; Pooley, G.; Trushkin, S.; Dubois, R.; and 9 coauthors, 2012, A giant radio flare from Cygnus X‐3 with associated γ‐ray emission, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 421, 2947

ACL‐996 Coriat, M.; Fender, R. P.; Dubus, G., 2012, Revisiting a fundamental test of the disc instability model for X‐ray binaries, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 424, 1991

ACL‐997 Fermi LAT Collaboration; Ackermann, M.; Ajello, M.; Ballet, J.; Barbiellini, G.; Bastieri, D.; Belfiore, A.; Bellazzini, R.; Berenji, B.; Blandford, R. D.; and 147 coauthors, 2012, Periodic Emission from the Gamma‐Ray Binary 1FGL J1018.6‐5856, Science , 335, 189

ACL‐998 Feroci, M.; Stella, L.; van der Klis, M.; Courvoisier, T. J.‐L.; Hernanz, M.; Hudec, R.; Santangelo, A.; Walton, D.; Zdziarski, A.; Barret, D.; and 193 coauthors, 2012, The Large Observatory for X‐ ray Timing (LOFT), Experimental Astronomy , 34, 415

ACL‐999 Fraix‐Burnet, D.; Chattopadhyay, T.; Chattopadhyay, A. K.; Davoust, E.; Thuillard, M., 2012, A six‐parameter space to describe galaxy diversification, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 545, 80

ACL‐1000 H. E. S. S. Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; Becherini, Y.; Becker, J.; and 184 coauthors, 2012, Discovery of VHE emission towards the Carina arm region with the H.E.S.S. telescope array: HESS J1018‐ 589, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 541, 5

ACL‐1001 H.E.S.S. Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Balenderan, S.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; Becherini, Y.; and 188 coauthors, 2012, Identification of HESS J1303‐631 as a through γ‐ray, X‐ray, and radio observations, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 548, 46

ACL‐1002 H.E.S.S. Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Balenderan, S.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; Becherini, Y.; and 189 coauthors, 2012, Discovery of gamma‐ray emission from the extragalactic pulsar wind nebula N 157B with H.E.S.S., Astronomy and Astrophysics , 545, L2

ACL‐1003 H.E.S.S. Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; Becherini, Y.; Becker, J.; and 184 coauthors, 2012, Discovery of VHE γ‐ray emission and multi‐wavelength observations of the BL Lacertae object 1RXS J101015.9‐311909, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 542, 94

ACL‐1004 H.E.S.S. Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Becherini, Y.; and 201 coauthors, 2012, A multiwavelength view of the flaring state of PKS 2155‐304 in 2006, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 539, 149

ACL‐1005 H.E.S.S. Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Becherini, Y.; and 193 coauthors, 2012, Discovery of hard‐spectrum γ‐ray emission from the BL Lacertae object 1ES 0414+009, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 538, 103

ACL‐1006 HESS Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Balenderan, S.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; Becherini, Y.; and 186 coauthors, 2012, Constraints on the gamma‐ray emission from the cluster‐scale AGN outburst in the A galaxy cluster, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 545, 103

ACL‐1007 HESS Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; Becherini, Y.; Becker, J.; and 184 coauthors, 2012, HESS observations

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 65 of the and its enigmatic colliding wind binary Eta Carinae, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 424, 128

ACL‐1008 Hadasch, D.; Torres, D. F.; Tanaka, T.; Corbet, R. H. D.; Hill, A. B.; Dubois, R.; Dubus, G.; Glanzman, T.; Corbel, S.; Li, J.; and 8 coauthors, 2012, Long‐term Monitoring of the High‐ energy γ‐Ray Emission from LS I +61°303 and LS 5039, The Astrophysical Journal , 749, 54

ACL‐1009 Kaastra, J. S.; Detmers, R. G.; Mehdipour, M.; Arav, N.; Behar, E.; Bianchi, S.; Branduardi‐ Raymont, G.; Cappi, M.; Costantini, E.; Ebrero, J.; and 7 coauthors, 2012, Multiwavelength campaign on Mrk 509. VIII. Location of the X‐ray absorber, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 539, 117

ACL‐1010 Kotko, I.; Lasota, J.‐P.; Dubus, G.; Hameury, J.‐M., 2012, Models of AM Canum Venaticorum star outbursts, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 544, 13

ACL‐1011 Lamberts, A.; Dubus, G.; Lesur, G.; Fromang, S., 2012, Impact of orbital motion on the structure and stability of adiabatic shocks in colliding wind binaries, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 546, 60

ACL‐1012 Martin, P.; Strong, A. W.; Jean, P.; Alexis, A.; Diehl, R., 2012, Galactic annihilation emission from nucleosynthesis positrons, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 543, 3

ACL‐1013 Ogilvie, Gordon I.; Lesur, Geoffroy, 2012, On the interaction between tides and convection, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 422, 1975

ACL‐1014 Panoglou, D.; Cabrit, S.; Pineau Des Forêts, G.; Garcia, P. J. V.; Ferreira, J.; Casse, F., 2012, Molecule survival in magnetized protostellar disk winds. I. Chemical model and first results, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 538, 2

ACL‐1015 Szostek, Anna; Dubus, Guillaume; McSwain, M. Virginia, 2012, Tracing colliding winds in the ultraviolet line orbital variability of gamma‐ray binaries, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 420, 3521

ACL‐1016 Vincent, Aaron C.; Martin, Pierrick; Cline, James M., 2012, Interacting dark matter contribution to the galactic 511 keV emission: constraining the morphology with INTEGRAL/SPI observations, Journal of Cosmology and Astro‐Particle Physics , 04, 022

ACL‐1017 Voss, R.; Martin, P.; Diehl, R.; Vink, J. S.; Hartmann, D. H.; Preibisch, T., 2012, Energetic feedback and 26Al from massive stars and their supernovae in the Carina region, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 539, 66

ACL‐1018 Zdziarski, Andrzej A.; Sikora, Marek; Dubus, Guillaume; Yuan, Feng; Cerutti, Benoit; Ogorzałek, Anna, 2012, The gamma‐ray emitting region of the jet in Cyg X‐3, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 421, 2956

ACL‐1019 Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Ait Benkhali, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Angüner, E.; Anton, G.; Balenderan, S.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; and 204 coauthors, 2013, Constraints on axionlike particles with H.E.S.S. from the irregularity of the PKS 2155‐304 energy spectrum, Physical Review D , 88, 102003

ACL‐1020 Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Balenderan, S.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; Becherini, Y.; Becker Tjus, J.; and 192 coauthors, 2013, Search for Photon‐Linelike Signatures from Dark Matter Annihilations with H.E.S.S., Physical Review Letters , 110, 41301

ACL‐1021 Arka, I.; Dubus, G., 2013, Pulsed high‐energy γ‐rays from thermal populations in the current sheets of pulsar winds, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 550, 101

ACL‐1022 Caliandro, G. A.; Hill, A. B.; Torres, D. F.; Hadasch, D.; Ray, P.; Abdo, A.; Hessels, J. W. T.; Ridolfi, A.; Possenti, A.; Burgay, M.; and 6 coauthors, 2013, The missing GeV γ‐ray binary: searching for HESS J0632+057 with Fermi‐LAT, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 436, 740

ACL‐1023 Cardone, Vincenzo F.; Fraix‐Burnet, Didier, 2013, Hints for families of gamma‐ray bursts improving the Hubble diagram, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 434, 1930

ACL‐1024 Corbel, S.; Aussel, H.; Broderick, J. W.; Chanial, P.; Coriat, M.; Maury, A. J.; Buxton, M. M.; Tomsick, J. A.; Tzioumis, A. K.; Markoff, S.; and 8 coauthors, 2013, Formation of the compact jets in the black hole GX 339‐4, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 431, L107

ACL‐1025 Dubus, G.; Cerutti, B., 2013, What caused the GeV flare of PSR B1259‐63?, Astronomy and

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 66 Astrophysics , 557, 127

ACL‐1026 Dubus, G.; Contreras, J. L.; Funk, S.; Gallant, Y.; Hassan, T.; Hinton, J.; Inoue, Y.; Knödlseder, J.; Martin, P.; Mirabal, N.; and 3 coauthors, 2013, Surveys with the Cherenkov Telescope Array, Astroparticle Physics , 43, 317

ACL‐1027 Dubus, Guillaume, 2013, Gamma‐ray binaries and related systems, Astronomy and Astrophysics Review , 21, 64

ACL‐1028 Ferreira, J.; Casse, F., 2013, On fan‐shaped cold MHD winds from Keplerian accretion discs, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 428, 307

ACL‐1029 Ferreira, Jonathan; Deguiran, Remi, 2013, What does it take to launch self‐confined jets from astrophysical accretion discs?, High Energy Density Physics , 9, 67

ACL‐1030 Fromang, S.; Latter, H.; Lesur, G.; Ogilvie, G. I., 2013, Local outflows from turbulent accretion disks, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 552, 71

ACL‐1031 H.E.S.S. Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Ait Benkhali, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Angüner, E.; Anton, G.; Balenderan, S.; Balzer, A.; and 204 coauthors, 2013, Discovery of very high energy γ‐ray emission from the BL Lacertae object PKS 0301‐243 with H.E.S.S., Astronomy and Astrophysics , 559, 136

ACL‐1032 H.E.S.S. Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Balenderan, S.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; Becherini, Y.; and 197 coauthors, 2013, H.E.S.S. discovery of VHE γ‐rays from the quasar PKS 1510‐089, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 554, 107

ACL‐1033 H.E.S.S. Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Angüner, E.; Anton, G.; Balenderan, S.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; and 202 coauthors, 2013, Discovery of high and very high‐energy emission from the BL Lacertae object SHBL J001355.9‐ 185406, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 554, 72

ACL‐1034 H.E.S.S. Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Balenderan, S.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; Becherini, Y.; Becker Tjus, J.; and 196 coauthors, 2013, Discovery of TeV γ‐ray emission from PKS 0447‐439 and derivation of an upper limit on its redshift, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 552, 118

ACL‐1035 H.E.S.S. Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Balenderan, S.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; Becherini, Y.; and 195 coauthors, 2013, Search for very‐high‐energy γ‐ray emission from Galactic globular clusters with H.E.S.S., Astronomy and Astrophysics , 551, 26

ACL‐1036 H.E.S.S. Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Balenderan, S.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; Becherini, Y.; and 196 coauthors, 2013, H.E.S.S. observations of the binary system PSR B1259‐63/LS 2883 around the 2010/2011 periastron passage, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 551, 94

ACL‐1037 H.E.S.S. Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Balenderan, S.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; Becherini, Y.; and 187 coauthors, 2013, Measurement of the extragalactic background light imprint on the spectra of the brightest blazars observed with H.E.S.S., Astronomy and Astrophysics , 550, 4

ACL‐1038 HESS Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Angüner, E.; Anton, G.; Balenderan, S.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; and 207 coauthors, 2013, HESS and Fermi‐LAT discovery of γ‐rays from the blazar 1ES 1312‐423, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 434, 1889

ACL‐1039 Kunz, Matthew W.; Lesur, Geoffroy, 2013, Magnetic self‐organization in Hall‐dominated magnetorotational turbulence, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 434, 2295

ACL‐1040 Lamberts, A.; Fromang, S.; Dubus, G.; Teyssier, R., 2013, Simulating gamma‐ray binaries with a relativistic extension of RAMSES, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 560, 79

ACL‐1041 Lesur, G.; Ferreira, J.; Ogilvie, G. I., 2013, The magnetorotational instability as a jet launching mechanism, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 550, 61

ACL‐1042 Martin, P.; Dubus, G., 2013, Particle acceleration and non‐thermal emission during the V407 Cygni nova outburst, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 551, 37

ACL‐1043 Paredes, J. M.; Bednarek, W.; Bordas, P.; Bosch‐Ramon, V.; De Cea del Pozo, E.; Dubus, G.;

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 67 Funk, S.; Hadasch, D.; Khangulyan, D.; Markoff, S.; and 14 coauthors, 2013, Binaries with the eyes of CTA, Astroparticle Physics , 43, 301

ACL‐1044 Petrucci, P.‐O.; Paltani, S.; Malzac, J.; Kaastra, J. S.; Cappi, M.; Ponti, G.; De Marco, B.; Kriss, G. A.; Steenbrugge, K. C.; Bianchi, S.; and 5 coauthors, 2013, Multiwavelength campaign on Mrk 509. XII. Broad band spectral analysis, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 549, 73

ACL‐1045 Plotnikov, Illya; Pelletier, Guy; Lemoine, Martin, 2013, Particle transport and heating in the microturbulent precursor of relativistic shocks, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 430, 1280

ACL‐1046 Ponti, G.; Cappi, M.; Costantini, E.; Bianchi, S.; Kaastra, J. S.; De Marco, B.; Fender, R. P.; Petrucci, P.‐O.; Kriss, G. A.; Steenbrugge, K. C.; and 10 coauthors, 2013, Multiwavelength campaign on Mrk 509. XI. Reverberation of the Fe Kα line, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 549, 72

ACL‐1047 Ricci, C.; Paltani, S.; Awaki, H.; Petrucci, P.‐O.; Ueda, Y.; Brightman, M., 2013, Luminosity‐ dependent unification of active galactic nuclei and the X‐ray Baldwin effect, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 553, 29

ACL‐1048 Riols, A.; Rincon, F.; Cossu, C.; Lesur, G.; Longaretti, P.‐Y.; Ogilvie, G. I.; Herault, J., 2013, Global bifurcations to subcritical magnetorotational dynamo action in Keplerian shear flow, Journal of Fluid Mechanics , 731, 1

ACL‐1049 Soffitta, Paolo; Barcons, Xavier; Bellazzini, Ronaldo; Braga, João; Costa, Enrico; Fraser, George W.; Gburek, Szymon; Huovelin, Juhani; Matt, Giorgio; Pearce, Mark; and 89 coauthors, 2013, XIPE: the X‐ray imaging polarimetry explorer, Experimental Astronomy , 36, 523

ACL‐1050 Zanni, C.; Ferreira, J., 2013, MHD simulations of accretion onto a dipolar magnetosphere. II. Magnetospheric ejections and stellar spin‐down, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 550, 99

ACL‐1051 Aliu, E.; Archambault, S.; Aune, T.; Behera, B.; Beilicke, M.; Benbow, W.; Berger, K.; Bird, R.; Bouvier, A.; Buckley, J. H.; and 291 coauthors, 2014, Long‐term TeV and X‐Ray Observations of the Gamma‐Ray Binary HESS J0632+057, The Astrophysical Journal , 780, 168

ACL‐1052 Choquet, É.; Kervella, P.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Mérand, A.; Berger, J.‐P.; Haubois, X.; Perrin, G.; Petrucci, P.‐O.; Lazareff, B.; Pott, J.‐U., 2014, The close environment of high‐mass X‐ray binaries at high angular resolution. I. VLTI/AMBER and VLTI/PIONIER near‐infrared interferometric observations of Vela X‐1, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 561, 46

ACL‐1053 Gérard, Lucie; Henri, Gilles; Pita, Santiago; Punch, Michael, 2014, Bl Lac Population Study at High Energies, International Journal of Modern Physics Conference Series , 28, 60177

ACL‐1054 H. E. S. S. Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Aharonian, F.; Ait Benkhali, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Angüner, E.; Anton, G.; Balenderan, S.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; and 210 coauthors, 2014, HESS J1818‐154, a new composite supernova remnant discovered in TeV gamma rays and X‐ rays, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 562, 40

ACL‐1055 H. E. S. S. Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Aharonian, F.; Ait Benkhali, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Angüner, E.; Anton, G.; Backes, M.; Balenderan, S.; Balzer, A.; and 212 coauthors, 2014, Search for extended γ‐ray emission around AGN with H.E.S.S. and Fermi‐LAT, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 562, 145

ACL‐1056 H.E.S.S. Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Aharonian, F.; Benkhali, F. Ait; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Angüner, E.; Anton, G.; Balenderan, S.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; and 210 coauthors, 2014, TeV γ‐ray observations of the young synchrotron‐dominated SNRs G1.9+0.3 and G330.2+1.0 with H.E.S.S., Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 441, 790

ACL‐1057 H.E.S.S. Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Aharonian, F.; Ait Benkhali, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Angüner, E.; Anton, G.; Balenderan, S.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; and 206 coauthors, 2014, Search for TeV Gamma‐ray Emission from GRB 100621A, an extremely bright GRB in X‐rays, with H.E.S.S., Astronomy and Astrophysics , 565, 16

ACL‐1058 H.E.S.S. Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Aharonian, F.; Ait Benkhali, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Angüner, E.; Anton, G.; Balenderan, S.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; and 210 coauthors, 2014, Flux upper limits for 47 AGN observed with H.E.S.S. in 2004‐2011, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 564, 9

ACL‐1059 H.E.S.S. Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Aharonian, F.; Ait Benkhali, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Angüner, E.; Anton, G.; Balenderan, S.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; and 210 coauthors, 2014, H.E.S.S. observations of the Crab during its March 2013 GeV gamma‐ray flare, Astronomy and

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 68 Astrophysics , 562, L4

ACL‐1060 Laha, Sibasish; Guainazzi, Matteo; Dewangan, Gulab C.; Chakravorty, Susmita; Kembhavi, Ajit K., 2014, Warm absorbers in X‐rays (WAX), a comprehensive high‐resolution grating spectral study of a sample of Seyfert galaxies ‐ I. A global view and frequency of occurrence of warm absorbers., Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 441, 2613

ACL‐1061 Lemoine, Martin; Pelletier, Guy, 2014, Relativistic Shock Acceleration and Some Consequences, International Journal of Modern Physics Conference Series , 28, 60166

ACL‐1062 Lemoine, Martin; Pelletier, Guy; Gremillet, Laurent; Plotnikov, Illya, 2014, A fast current‐ driven instability in relativistic collisionless shocks, EPL (Europhysics Letters) , 106, 55001

ACL‐1063 Lemoine, Martin; Pelletier, Guy; Gremillet, Laurent; Plotnikov, Illya, 2014, Current‐driven filamentation upstream of magnetized relativistic collisionless shocks, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 440, 1365

ACL‐1064 Lesur, Geoffroy; Kunz, Matthew W.; Fromang, Sébastien, 2014, Thanatology in protoplanetary discs. The combined influence of Ohmic, Hall, and ambipolar diffusion on dead zones, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 566, 56

ACL‐1065 Pelletier, Guy; Lemoine, Martin; Gremillet, Laurent; Plotnikov, Illya, 2014, Collisionless Relativistic Shocks: Current Driven Turbulence and Particle Acceleration, International Journal of Modern Physics Conference Series , 28, 60193

ACL‐1066 Petrucci, P.‐O.; Cabanac, C.; Corbel, S.; Koerding, E.; Fender, R., 2014, The return to the hard state of GX 339‐4 as seen by Suzaku, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 564, 37

ACL‐1067 Reitberger, K.; Kissmann, R.; Reimer, A.; Reimer, O.; Dubus, G., 2014, High‐energy Particle Transport in Three‐dimensional Hydrodynamic Models of Colliding‐wind Binaries, The Astrophysical Journal , 782, 96

ACL‐1068 Tanaka, Y. T.; Stawarz, Ł.; Finke, J.; Cheung, C. C.; Dermer, C. D.; Kataoka, J.; Bamba, A.; Dubus, G.; De Naurois, M.; Wagner, S. J.; and 2 coauthors, 2014, Extreme Blazars Studied with Fermi‐ LAT and Suzaku: 1ES 0347–121 and Blazar Candidate HESS J1943+213, The Astrophysical Journal , 787, 155

ACL multi-team (54)

ACL‐2 Cernicharo, J.; Ceccarelli, C.; Ménard, F.; Pinte, C.; Fuente, A., 2009, The Foggy Disks Surrounding Herbig Ae Stars: A Theoretical Study of the H2O Line Spectra, The Astrophysical Journal , 703, L123

ACL‐7 Faure, Alexandre; Vuitton, Véronique; Thissen, Roland; Wiesenfeld, Laurent, 2009, A Semiempirical Capture Model for Fast Neutral Reactions at Low Temperature, Journal of Physical Chemistry A , 113, 13694

ACL‐17 Ratajczak, A.; Quirico, E.; Faure, A.; Schmitt, B.; Ceccarelli, C., 2009, Hydrogen/deuterium exchange in interstellar ice analogs, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 496, L21

ACL‐31 Ceccarelli, C.; Cernicharo, J.; Ménard, F.; Pinte, C., 2010, The Foggy Disks Surrounding AeBe Stars: A Theoretical Study of The HDO Lines, The Astrophysical Journal , 725, L135

ACL‐44 Faure, Alexandre; Vuitton, Véronique; Thissen, Roland; Wiesenfeld, Laurent; Dutuit, Odile, 2010, Fast ion‐molecule reactions in planetary atmospheres: a semiempirical capture approach, Faraday Discussions , 147, 337

ACL‐53 Kastner, Joel H.; Hily‐Blant, Pierry; Sacco, G. G.; Forveille, Thierry; Zuckerman, B., 2010, Detection of a Molecular Disk Orbiting the Nearby, "old," Classical T Tauri Star MP Muscae, The Astrophysical Journal , 723, L248

ACL‐82 Sturm, B.; Bouwman, J.; Henning, Th.; Evans, N. J.; Acke, B.; Mulders, G. D.; Waters, L. B. F. M.; van Dishoeck, E. F.; Meeus, G.; Green, J. D.; and 33 coauthors, 2010, First results of the Herschel key program ``Dust, Ice and Gas In Time'' (DIGIT): Dust and gas spectroscopy of HD 100546, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 518, L129

ACL‐83 Tauber, J. A.; Mandolesi, N.; Puget, J.‐L.; Banos, T.; Bersanelli, M.; Bouchet, F. R.; Butler, R. C.; Charra, J.; Crone, G.; Dodsworth, J.; and 490 coauthors, 2010, Planck pre‐launch status: The Planck mission, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 520, 1

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 69 ACL‐88 van Kempen, T. A.; Green, J. D.; Evans, N. J.; van Dishoeck, E. F.; Kristensen, L. E.; Herczeg, G. J.; Merín, B.; Lee, J.‐E.; Jørgensen, J. K.; Bouwman, J.; and 35 coauthors, 2010, Dust, Ice, and Gas In Time (DIGIT) Herschel program first results. A full PACS‐SED scan of the gas line emission in protostar DK Chamaeleontis, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 518, L128

ACL‐92 Ceccarelli, C.; Hily‐Blant, P.; Montmerle, T.; Dubus, G.; Gallant, Y.; Fiasson, A., 2011, Supernova‐enhanced Cosmic‐Ray Ionization and Induced Chemistry in a Molecular Cloud of W51C, The Astrophysical Journal , 740, L4

ACL‐126 Ratajczak, A.; Taquet, V.; Kahane, C.; Ceccarelli, C.; Faure, A.; Quirico, E., 2011, The puzzling deuteration of methanol in low‐ to high‐mass protostars, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 528, L13

ACL‐163 Pagani, L.; Lefèvre, C.; Bacmann, A.; Steinacker, J., 2012, Absence of coreshine in the Gum/Vela region, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 541, 154

ACL‐179 Andersen, M.; Steinacker, J.; Thi, W.‐F.; Pagani, L.; Bacmann, A.; Paladini, R., 2013, Scattering from dust in molecular clouds: Constraining the dust grain size distribution through near‐ infrared cloudshine and infrared coreshine, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 559, 60 15 ACL‐196 Hily‐Blant, P.; Bonal, L.; Faure, A.; Quirico, E., 2013, The N ‐enrichment in dark clouds and Solar System objects, Icarus , 223, 582

ACL‐205 Monin, J.‐L.; Whelan, E. T.; Lefloch, B.; Dougados, C.; Alves de Oliveira, C., 2013, A molecular outflow driven by the brown dwarf binary FU Tauri, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 551, L1

ACL‐216 Thi, W. F.; Kamp, I.; Woitke, P.; van der Plas, G.; Bertelsen, R.; Wiesenfeld, L., 2013, Radiation thermo‐chemical models of protoplanetary discs. IV. Modelling CO ro‐vibrational emission from Herbig Ae discs, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 551, 49

ACL‐226 Dumas, G.; Vaupré, S.; Ceccarelli, C.; Hily‐Blant, P.; Dubus, G.; Montmerle, T.; Gabici, S., 2014, Localized SiO Emission Triggered by the Passage of the W51C Supernova Remnant Shock, The Astrophysical Journal , 786, L24

ACL‐238 Sacco, G. G.; Kastner, J. H.; Forveille, T.; Principe, D.; Montez, R.; Zuckerman, B.; Hily‐Blant, P., 2014, Molecules in the transition disk orbiting T Chamaeleontis, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 561, 42

ACL‐240 Steinacker, J.; Ormel, C. W.; Andersen, M.; Bacmann, A., 2014, Coreshine in L1506C ‐ Evidence for a primitive big‐grain component or indication for a turbulent core history?, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 564, 96

ACL‐241 Steinacker, J.; Andersen, M.; Thi, W.‐F.; Bacmann, A., 2014, Detecting scattered light from low‐ mass molecular cores at 3.6 μm. Impact of global effects on the observation of coreshine, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 563, 106

ACL‐243 Absil, Olivier; Mennesson, Bertrand; Le Bouquin, Jean‐Baptiste; Di Folco, Emmanuel; Kervella, Pierre; Augereau, Jean‐Charles, 2009, An Interferometric Study of the Fomalhaut Inner Debris Disk. I. Near‐Infrared Detection of Hot Dust with VLTI/VINCI, The Astrophysical Journal , 704, 150

ACL‐245 Benisty, M.; Berger, J.‐P.; Jocou, L.; Labeye, P.; Malbet, F.; Perraut, K.; Kern, P., 2009, An integrated optics beam combiner for the second generation VLTI instruments, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 498, 601

ACL‐247 Chelli, A.; Utrera, O. H.; Duvert, G., 2009, Optimised data reduction for the AMBER/VLTI instrument, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 502, 705

ACL‐248 Chelli, A.; Duvert, G.; Malbet, F.; Kern, P., 2009, Phase closure nulling. Application to the spectroscopy of faint companions, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 498, 321

ACL‐249 Cockell, C. S.; Léger, A.; Fridlund, M.; Herbst, T. M.; Kaltenegger, L.; Absil, O.; Beichman, C.; Benz, W.; Blanc, M.; Brack, A.; and 40 coauthors, 2009, Darwin‐A Mission to Detect and Search for Life on Extrasolar Planets, Astrobiology , 9, 1

ACL‐261 Ollivier, M.; Absil, O.; Allard, F.; Berger, J.‐P.; Bordé, P.; Cassaing, F.; Chazelas, B.; Chelli, A.; Chesneau, O.; Coudé du Foresto, V.; and 22 coauthors, 2009, PEGASE, an infrared interferometer to study stellar environments and low mass companions around nearby stars, Experimental Astronomy , 23, 403

ACL‐268 Duvert, G.; Chelli, A.; Malbet, F.; Kern, P., 2010, Phase closure nulling of HD 59717 with AMBER/VLTI . Detection of the close faint companion, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 509, 66

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 70 ACL‐271 Renard, S.; Malbet, F.; Benisty, M.; Thiébaut, E.; Berger, J.‐P., 2010, Milli‐arcsecond images of the Herbig Ae star HD 163296, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 519, 26

ACL‐274 Tatulli, E.; Blind, N.; Berger, J. P.; Chelli, A.; Malbet, F., 2010, Estimating the phase in groundbased interferometry: performance comparison between singlemode and multimode schemes, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 524, 65

ACL‐276 Absil, O.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Berger, J.‐P.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Chauvin, G.; Lazareff, B.; Zins, G.; Haguenauer, P.; Jocou, L.; Kern, P.; and 3 coauthors, 2011, Searching for faint companions with VLTI/PIONIER. I. Method and first results, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 535, 68

ACL‐277 Benisty, M.; Renard, S.; Natta, A.; Berger, J. P.; Massi, F.; Malbet, F.; Garcia, P. J. V.; Isella, A.; Mérand, A.; Monin, J. L.; and 4 coauthors, 2011, A low optical depth region in the inner disk of the Herbig Ae star HR 5999, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 531, 84

ACL‐278 Berger, J.‐P.; Monnier, J. D.; Millan‐Gabet, R.; Renard, S.; Pedretti, E.; Traub, W.; Bechet, C.; Benisty, M.; Carleton, N.; Haguenauer, P.; and 10 coauthors, 2011, First astronomical unit scale image of the GW Orionis triple system. Direct detection of a new stellar companion, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 529, L1

ACL‐280 Beust, H.; Bonneau, D.; Mourard, D.; Lafrasse, S.; Mella, G.; Duvert, G.; Chelli, A., 2011, On the use of the Virtual Observatory to select calibrators for phase‐referenced astrometry of exoplanet‐host stars, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 414, 108

ACL‐283 Bonneau, D.; Delfosse, X.; Mourard, D.; Lafrasse, S.; Mella, G.; Cetre, S.; Clausse, J.‐M.; Zins, G., 2011, SearchCal: a Virtual Observatory tool for searching calibrators in optical long‐baseline interferometry. II. The faint‐object case, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 535, 53

ACL‐287 Defrère, D.; Absil, O.; Augereau, J.‐C.; di Folco, E.; Berger, J.‐P.; Coudé Du Foresto, V.; Kervella, P.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Lebreton, J.; Millan‐Gabet, R.; and 3 coauthors, 2011, Hot exozodiacal dust resolved around Vega with IOTA/IONIC, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 534, 5

ACL‐290 Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Berger, J.‐P.; Lazareff, B.; Zins, G.; Haguenauer, P.; Jocou, L.; Kern, P.; Millan‐ Gabet, R.; Traub, W.; Absil, O.; and 36 coauthors, 2011, PIONIER: a 4‐telescope visitor instrument at VLTI, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 535, 67

ACL‐292 Mesa, D.; Gratton, R.; Berton, A.; Antichi, J.; Verinaud, C.; Boccaletti, A.; Kasper, M.; Claudi, R. U.; Desidera, S.; Giro, E.; and 6 coauthors, 2011, Simulation of planet detection with the SPHERE integral field spectrograph, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 529, 131

ACL‐297 Berger, J.‐P.; Malbet, F.; Baron, F.; Chiavassa, A.; Duvert, G.; Elitzur, M.; Freytag, B.; Gueth, F.; Hönig, S.; Hron, J.; and 14 coauthors, 2012, Imaging the heart of astrophysical objects with optical long‐baseline interferometry, Astronomy and Astrophysics Review , 20, 53

ACL‐299 Boccaletti, Anthony; Schneider, Jean; Traub, Wes; Lagage, Pierre‐Olivier; Stam, Daphne; Gratton, Raffaele; Trauger, John; Cahoy, Kerri; Snik, Frans; Baudoz, Pierre; and 20 coauthors, 2012, SPICES: spectro‐polarimetric imaging and characterization of exoplanetary systems. From planetary disks to nearby Super Earths, Experimental Astronomy , 34, 355

ACL‐300 Bonavita, M.; Chauvin, G.; Desidera, S.; Gratton, R.; Janson, M.; Beuzit, J. L.; Kasper, M.; Mordasini, C., 2012, MESS (multi‐purpose exoplanet simulation system). A Monte Carlo tool for the statistical analysis and prediction of exoplanet search results, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 537, 67

ACL‐302 Defrère, D.; Lebreton, J.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Absil, O.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Berger, J.‐P.; di Folco, E.; Ertel, S.; Kluska, J.; and 4 coauthors, 2012, Hot circumstellar material resolved around Pic with VLTI/PIONIER , Astronomy & Astrophysics, 546, L9

ACL‐307 Lagrange, A.‐M.; Milli, J.; Boccaletti, A.; Lacour, S.; Thebault, P.; Chauvin, G.; Mouillet, D.; Augereau, J. C.; Bonnefoy, M.; Ehrenreich, D.; and 1 coauthors, 2012, An insight in the surroundings of HR 4796, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 546, 38

ACL‐308 Lagrange, A.‐M.; Boccaletti, A.; Milli, J.; Chauvin, G.; Bonnefoy, M.; Mouillet, D.; Augereau, J. C.; Girard, J. H.; Lacour, S.; Apai, D., 2012, The position of β Pictoris b position relative to the debris disk, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 542, 40

ACL‐311 Ligi, R.; Mourard, D.; Lagrange, A. M.; Perraut, K.; Boyajian, T.; Bério, Ph.; Nardetto, N.; Tallon‐ Bosc, I.; McAlister, H.; ten Brummelaar, T.; and 6 coauthors, 2012, A new interferometric study of four exoplanet host stars: θ Cygni, 14 Andromedae, υ Andromedae and 42 Draconis, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 545, 5

ACL‐312 Malbet, Fabien; Léger, Alain; Shao, Michael; Goullioud, Renaud; Lagage, Pierre‐Olivier;

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 71 Brown, Anthony G. A.; Cara, Christophe; Durand, Gilles; Eiroa, Carlos; Feautrier, Philippe; and 42 coauthors, 2012, High precision astrometry mission for the detection and characterization of nearby habitable planetary systems with the Nearby Earth Astrometric Telescope (NEAT), Experimental Astronomy , 34, 385

ACL‐317 Milli, J.; Mouillet, D.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Boccaletti, A.; Mawet, D.; Chauvin, G.; Bonnefoy, M., 2012, Impact of angular differential imaging on circumstellar disk images, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 545, 111

ACL‐320 Absil, O.; Milli, J.; Mawet, D.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Girard, J.; Chauvin, G.; Boccaletti, A.; Delacroix, C.; Surdej, J., 2013, Searching for companions down to 2 AU from β Pictoris using the L'‐band AGPM coronagraph on VLT/NACO, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 559, L12

ACL‐322 Benisty, M.; Perraut, K.; Mourard, D.; Stee, P.; Lima, G. H. R. A.; Le Bouquin, J. B.; Borges Fernandes, M.; Chesneau, O.; Nardetto, N.; Tallon‐Bosc, I.; and 8 coauthors, 2013, Enhanced Hα activity at periastron in the young and massive spectroscopic binary HD 200775, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 555, 113

ACL‐323 Bouchy, F.; Díaz, R. F.; Hébrard, G.; Arnold, L.; Boisse, I.; Delfosse, X.; Perruchot, S.; Santerne, A., 2013, SOPHIE+: First results of an octagonal‐section fiber for high‐precision radial velocity measurements, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 549, 49

ACL‐327 Perraut, K.; Borgniet, S.; Cunha, M.; Bigot, L.; Brandão, I.; Mourard, D.; Nardetto, N.; Chesneau, O.; McAlister, H.; ten Brummelaar, T. A.; and 5 coauthors, 2013, The fundamental parameters of the roAp star 10 Aquilae, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 559, 21

ACL‐331 Kluska, J.; Malbet, F.; Berger, J.‐P.; Baron, F.; Lazareff, B.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Monnier, J. D.; Soulez, F.; Thiébaut, E., 2014, SPARCO : a semi‐parametric approach for image reconstruction of chromatic objects. Application to young stellar objects, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 564, 80

ACL‐332 Maire, A.‐L.; Boccaletti, A.; Rameau, J.; Chauvin, G.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Bonnefoy, M.; Desidera, S.; Sylvestre, M.; Baudoz, P.; Galicher, R.; and 1 coauthors, 2014, Search for cool giant exoplanets around young and nearby stars. VLT/NaCo near‐infrared phase‐coronagraphic and differential imaging, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 566, 126

ACL‐354 Hussain, G. A. J.; Collier Cameron, A.; Jardine, M. M.; Dunstone, N.; Ramirez Velez, J.; Stempels, H. C.; Donati, J.‐F.; Semel, M.; Aulanier, G.; Harries, T.; and 5 coauthors, 2009, Surface magnetic fields on two accreting TTauri stars: CVCha and CRCha, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 398, 189

ACL‐591 Weigelt, G.; Hofmann, K.‐H.; Kishimoto, M.; Hönig, S.; Schertl, D.; Marconi, A.; Millour, F.; Petrov, R.; Fraix‐Burnet, D.; Malbet, F.; and 2 coauthors, 2012, VLTI/AMBER observations of the Seyfert nucleus of NGC 3783, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 541, L9

ASCL non‐refereed articles (980)

En date du 2014-07-07T10:02:15.971+02:00 : 980 publications à referee sur un total de 2175 classées par date et par ordre alphabétique sur le 1er auteur

ASCL astromol (78)

ASCL‐1069 Bergin, E. A.; Maret, S.; Yuan, Y.; Sonnentrucker, P.; Green, J. D.; Watson, D. M.; Harwit, M. O.; Kristensen, L. E.; Melnick, G. J.; Tolls, V.; and 2 coauthors, 2009, Molecular Cooling as a Probe of Star Formation: Spitzer Looking Forward to Herschel, Submillimeter Astrophysics and Technology: a Symposium Honoring Thomas G. Phillips , 417, 289

ASCL‐1070 Boissé, P.; Rollinde, E.; Hébrard, G.; Hily‐Blant, P.; Pety, J.; Federman, S. R.; Sheffer, Y.; Andersson, B. G.; Marmin, G.; Pineau Des Forêts, G.; and 1 coauthors, 2009, A Multiwavelength Study of the Close Environment of HD 34078, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1135, 107

ASCL‐1071 Di Francesco, James; Friesen, R.; Caselli, P.; Myers, P. C.; van der Tak, F. F. S.; Ceccarelli, C., + 2009, Wide‐Field H2D Observations of Starless Cores, Bulletin of the American Astronomical

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 72 Society , 213, 317

ASCL‐1072 Erikson, Edwin F.; Allamandola, Louis J.; Baluteau, Jean‐Paul; Becklin, Eric E.; Bjoraker, Gordon; , Michael; Caroff, Lawrence J.; Ceccarelli, Cecilia; Churchwell, Edward B; Clemens, Dan P.; and 39 coauthors, 2009, Training of Instrumentalists and Development of New Technologies on SOFIA, astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey , 2010, 13P

ASCL‐1073 Falgarone, E.; Hily‐Blant, P.; Pety, J., 2009, Small‐scale Intermittency of the Dissipation of Interstellar Turbulence, Submillimeter Astrophysics and Technology: a Symposium Honoring Thomas G. Phillips , 417, 243

ASCL‐1074 Goicoechea, J. R.; Pety, J.; Gerin, M.; Hily‐Blant, P.; Teyssier, D.; Roueff, E., 2009, Simple Organic Chemistry in the Horsehead Nebula, Bioastronomy 2007: Molecules, Microbes and Extraterrestrial Life , 420, 43

ASCL‐1075 Jensen, Aksel S.; Kievsky, Alejandro; Richard, Jean‐Marc; Wiesenfeld, Laurent, 2009, Preface, Few‐Body Systems , 45, 77

ASCL‐1076 Martin‐Zaïdi, C.; Le Bourlot, J.; Roueff, E.; Hily‐Blant, P.; Gry, C., 2009, Probing the Chemistry and the Evolution of the Circumstellar Environment of Herbig Ae/Be Stars, SF2A‐2009: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 295

ASCL‐1077 Pagani, L.; Ceccarelli, C., 2009, Early phases of star formation: insights from Herschel, EAS Publications Series , 34, 163

ASCL‐1078 Pinte, C.; Ménard, F.; Duchêne, G.; Patience, J.; Ceccarelli, C.; Duvert, G., 2009, Multi‐technique observations and modeling of protoplanetary disks, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1094, 401

ASCL‐1079 Ratajczak, A.; Quirico, E.; Faure, A.; Schmitt, B.; Ceccarelli, C., 2009, Spontaneous D‐H exchange between water ice and Complex Organic Molecules (COMs) in protostellar environments, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Supplement , 73, 1075

ASCL‐1080 Ceccarelli, Cecilia; CHESS Consortium, 2010, The Herschel Chemical Surveys of Star forming regions: CHESS, an Herschel Key Program., 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly , 38, 2476

ASCL‐1081 Coulais, A.; Schellens, M.; Gales, J.; Arabas, S.; Boquien, M.; Chanial, P.; Messmer, P.; Fillmore, D.; Poplawski, O.; Maret, S.; and 3 coauthors, 2010, Status of GDL ‐ GNU Data Language, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIX , 434, 187

ASCL‐1082 Falgarone, Edith; Hily‐Blant, Pierre, 2010, Intense velocity‐shears and magnetic fields in diffuse molecular gas: from 10 pc to 5 mpc, Highlights of Astronomy , 15, 442

ASCL‐1083 Roesch, M.; Bideaud, A.; Benoit, A.; Cruciani, A.; Désert, F. X.; Doyle, S.; Leclercq, S.; Mattiocco, F.; Schuster, K. F.; Swenson, L.; and 1 coauthors, 2010, Characterization of lumped element kinetic inductance detectors for mm‐wave detection, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7741, 16

ASCL‐1084 Schuller, F.; Beuther, H.; Bontemps, S.; Bronfman, L.; Carlhoff, P.; Cesaroni, R.; Contreras, Y.; Csengari, T.; Deharveng, L.; Garay, G.; and 26 coauthors, 2010, The APEX Telescope Large Area Survey of the Galaxy (ATLASGAL), The Messenger , 141, 20

ASCL‐1085 Agundez, M.; Cernicharo, J.; Guelin, M.; Kahane, C.; Roueff, E.; Klos, J.; Aoiz, F. J.; Lique, F.; Marcelino, N.; Goicoechea, J. R., Gonzalez‐Garcia, M.; and 3 coauthors, 2011, Astronomical identification of CN^‐, the smallest observed molecular anion, IAU Symposium , 280, 77P

ASCL‐1086 Ali, Babar; Fischer, W.; Megeath, T.; Tobin, J.; Poteet, C.; Hartmann, L.; Watson, D.; Manoj, P.; Allen, L.; Stutz, A.; and 10 coauthors, 2011, Protostars in Orion: New results from the Herschel Orion Protostar Survey Key Program, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society , 217, 25515

ASCL‐1087 Bottinelli, S.; Caux, C.; Wakelam, V.; Ceccarelli, C.; Kahane, C., 2011, Herschel/HIFI‐HRS observation of CH absorption in IRAS16293‐2422, IAU Symposium , 280, 101P

ASCL‐1088 Bouchez, A.; Margulès, L.; Motiyenko, R. A.; Walters, A.; Bottinelli, S.; Ceccarelli, C.; Kahane, C.; Guillemin, J.‐C., 2011, Prospective Work for Alma: the Millimeterwave and Submillimeterwave Spectrum of Deuterated Glycolaldehyde, 66th International Symposium On Molecular Spectroscopy ,

ASCL‐1089 Cabrit, S.; Codella, C.; Gueth, F.; Taquet, V., 2011, New constraints on the origin of protostellar

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 73 jets: The SiO abundance in HH212, IAU Symposium , 280, 110P

ASCL‐1090 Ceccarelli, C., 2011, Cosmic‐ray ionization and chemistry: observations., Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana , 82, 919

ASCL‐1091 Coutens, A.; Vastel, C.; Caux, E.; Ceccarelli, C.; Herschel Chess Team, 2011, Study of deuterated water in the low‐mass protostar IRAS16293‐2422, IAU Symposium , 280, 139P

ASCL‐1092 Drouin, Brian J.; Pearson, John C.; Wiesenfeld, Laurent; Faure, Alexandre, 2011, Water Collisions with Normal and Parahydrogen, 66th International Symposium On Molecular Spectroscopy ,

ASCL‐1093 Falgarone, Edith; Godard, Benjamin; Hily‐Blant, Pierre, 2011, Turbulence in the Diffuse Interstellar Medium, IAU Symposium , 280, 187 + ASCL‐1094 Faure, A., 2011, Electron fraction and the excitation of interstellar HCO , Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana , 82, 929

ASCL‐1095 , J.; Josselin, E.; Faure, A.; Ryde, N., 2011, NLTE Radiative Transfer in Red Supergiant Atmospheres, Why Galaxies Care about AGB Stars II: Shining Examples and Common Inhabitants , 445, 339

ASCL‐1096 Lefloch, B., 2011, Molecular emission in chemically active protostellar outflows, SF2A‐2011: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 423

ASCL‐1097 Lefloch, B.; Benedettini, M.; Cabrit, S.; Caux, E.; Ceccarelli, C.; Cernicharo, J.; Codella, C.; Giannini, T.; Nisini, B.; Parise, B.; and 4 coauthors, 2011, Molecules in protostellar shocks: the CHESS view on L1157‐B1, IAU Symposium , 280, 8

ASCL‐1098 Pacheco Vazquez, S.; Lefloch, B.; Ceccarelli, C., 2011, Molecular Complexity in the Cep E protostellar Outflow, IAU Symposium , 280, 281P

ASCL‐1099 Padovani, M.; Walmsley, M.; Tafalla, M.; Hily‐Blant, P., 2011, Nitrogen‐bearing molecules in prestellar cores, IAU Symposium , 280, 282P

ASCL‐1100 Pagani, L.; Bacmann, A.; Steinacker, J.; Stutz, A.; Henning, T., 2011, Coreshine: the ubiquity of micron‐size grains in star‐forming regions, EAS Publications Series , 52, 225

ASCL‐1101 Pagani, L.; Lesaffre, P.; Honvault, P.; Faure, A.; Jorfi, M.; Gonzales‐Lezana, T., 2011, ortho‐H_2 and the age of dark clouds and prestellar cores, IAU Symposium , 280, 283P

ASCL‐1102 Persson, C. M.; de Luca, M.; Mookerjea, B.; Gerin, M.; Black, J. H.; Bell, T. A.; Godard, B.; Goicoechea, J. R.; Hassel, G.; Herbst, E.; and 7 coauthors, 2011, Nitrogen hydrides in interstellar gas towards G10.6‐0.4 (W31C) and W49N, IAU Symposium , 280, 296P

ASCL‐1103 Taquet, V.; Ceccarelli, C.; Kahane, C., 2011, A new model for the formation of grain mantles in Prestellar Cores, IAU Symposium , 280, 348P

ASCL‐1104 Viti, S.; Jimenez‐Serra, I.,; Yates, J.; Codella, C.; Vasta, M.; Caselli, P.; Lefloch, B.; Ceccarelli, C., 2011, L1157‐B1: water as a unique tracer of low velocity shocks, IAU Symposium , 280, 372P

ASCL‐1105 Walters, A.; Bouchez, A.; Margules, L.; Motiyenko, R.; Guillemin, J. C.; Bottinelli, S.; Ceccarelli, C.; Kahane, C., 2011, Deuterated glycoaldehyde: laboratory measurements, analysis and proposed astrophysical research, IAU Symposium , 280, 378P

ASCL‐1106 Wyrowski, F.; Schuller, F.; Menten, K. M.; Bronfman, L.; Henning, T.; Walmsley, C. M.; Beuther, H.; Bontemps, S.; Cesaroni, R.; Contreras, Y.; and 22 coauthors, 2011, ATLASGAL: the APEX Telescope Large Area Survey of the Galaxy, EAS Publications Series , 52, 129

ASCL‐1107 Bacmann, A.; Caselli, P.; Ceccarelli, C.; Pagani, L.; Vastel, C., 2012, The CHESS Spectral Survey of Pre‐stellar Cores, From Atoms to Pebbles: Herschel's view of Star and Planet Formation , 15 15 ASCL‐1108 Bonal, L.; Hily‐Blant, P.; Faure, A.; Quirico, E., 2012, Highly Variable N ‐Enrichments in Solar System Reflect Different Routes of Interstellar N Isotopic Fractionation, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement , 75, 5226

ASCL‐1109 Bottinelli, S.; Caux, E.; Cecarelli, C.; Kahane, C., 2012, The Herschel/HIFI unbiased spectral survey of the solar‐mass protostar IRAS16293, From Atoms to Pebbles: Herschel's view of Star and Planet Formation , 19

ASCL‐1110 Busquet, G.; Lefloch, B.; Benedettini, M.; Codella, C.; Cabrit, S.; Ceccarelli, C.; Vasta, M.; Viti, S.; Giannini, T.; Nisini, B.; and 2 coauthors, 2012, The CHESS survey of the L1157‐B1 shock, From Atoms to Pebbles: Herschel's view of Star and Planet Formation , 23

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 74 ASCL‐1111 Calvo, M.; Roesch, M.; Désert, F. X.; Monfardini, A.; Benoit, A.; Ade, P.; Boudou, N.; Bourrion, O.; Camus, P.; Cruciani, A.; and 9 coauthors, 2012, The NIKA 2011 run: results and perspectives towards a permanent camera for the Pico Veleta observatory, Society of Photo‐ Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8452, 03

ASCL‐1112 Ceccarelli, C.; Faure, A.; Wiesenfeld, L., 2012, Preface, European Physical Journal Web of Conferences , 34, 00001

ASCL‐1113 Ceccarelli, Cecilia, 2012, Pierre and Astromol, European Physical Journal Web of Conferences , 34, 01002

ASCL‐1114 Desert, F. Xavier; Mazzotta, P.; NIKA, C., 2012, NIKA: A High‐Resolution Millimetre Camera for the IRAM 30m Telescope, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #220 , 220,

ASCL‐1115 Drouin, Brian J.; Wiesenfeld, Laurent, 2012, Theoretical and Experimental Water Collisions with Normal and Parahydrogen, 67th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy ,

ASCL‐1116 Feautrier, N.; Balança, C.; Dayou, F.; Spielfiedel, A.; Cressiot‐Vincent, L.; Faure, A.; Wiesenfeld, L.; Senent, M.‐L., 2012, Rotational excitation of SO2 by collision with H2: a collaborative work, European Physical Journal Web of Conferences , 34, 03003

ASCL‐1117 Kahane, Claudine, 2012, Pierre in the lab's everyday life, European Physical Journal Web of Conferences , 34, 01001

ASCL‐1118 Monfardini, A.; Deesert, F.‐X.; Ponthieu, N.; Adams, R.; Calvo, M.; Macias‐Perez, J.; Catalano, A.; Leclercq, S.; Mauskopf, P.; Benoit, A.; and 1 coauthors, 2012, GRB 121123A: NIKA (New IRAM KID arrays) millimetre observations at the 30‐m pico veleta telescope., GRB Coordinates Network , 1408,

ASCL‐1119 Wiesenfeld, L.; Faure, A.; Lique, F.; Dumouchel, N.; Feautrier, N.; Spielfiedel, A.; Scribano, Y., 2012, Analyzing observations of molecules in the ISM: Theoretical and experimental studies of energy transfer, EAS Publications Series , 58, 267

ASCL‐1120 Wiesenfeld, Laurent; Faure, Alexandre; Lique, François; Feautrier, Nicole, 2012, Observing Molecules in the Interstellar Media: Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Energy Transfer., 67th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy ,

ASCL‐1121 Ziemkiewicz, Michael P.; Pluetzer, Christian; Nesbitt, David J.; Scribano, Yohann; Faure, Alexandre; Van Der Avoird, Ad, 2012, Overtone Vibrational Spectroscopy and Dynamics in H_2‐H_2O Complexes: a Combined Theoretical and Experimental Study, 67th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy ,

ASCL‐1122 Ziemkiewicz, Michael P.; Pluetzer, Christian; Nesbitt, David J.; Scribano, Yohann; Faure, Alexandre; Van Der Avoird, Ad, 2012, Overtone Vibrational Spectroscopy and Dynamics in H_2‐H_2O Complexes: a Combined Theoretical and Experimental Study, 67th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy ,

ASCL‐1123 Andersen, Morten; Steinacker, Juergen; Thi, Wing‐Fai; Pagani, Laurent; Bacmann, Aurore; Paladini, Roberta, 2013, Scattering in molecular clouds: Constraining the dust grain size distribution through near‐infrared cloudshine and mid‐infrared coreshine, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #1S041 ,

ASCL‐1124 Bavouzet, Nicolas; Beelen, Alexandre; Bethermin, Matthieu; Dole, Herve; Ponthieu, Nicolas, 2013, IAS Stacking Library in IDL, Astrophysics Source Code Library , 02009

ASCL‐1125 Benedettini, Milena; Viti, Serena; Codella, Claudio; Gueth, Frederic; Gomez‐Ruiz, Arturo; Bachiller, Rafael; Beltran, Maria; Busquet, Gemma; Ceccarelli, Cecilia; Lefloch, Beltrand, 2013, High‐velocity clumps in the L1157 outflow, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #1K056 ,

ASCL‐1126 Biennier, L.; Carles, S.; Codier, S.; Guillemin, J.‐C.; Bourgalais, J.; Le Picard, S.; Faure, A., 2013, How do anions grow in the cold upper atmosphere of Titan? Insights from the laboratory, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, held 8‐13 September in London, UK.

ASCL‐1127 Busquet, Gemma; Lefloch, Bertrand; Benedettini, Milena; Ceccarelli, Cecilia; Codella, Claudio; Cabrit, Sylvie; Nisini, Brunella; Viti, Serena; Gómez‐Ruiz, Arturo; Gusdorf, Antoine; and 2 coauthors, 2013, The CHESS survey of the L1157‐B1 bow‐shock: Dissecting the water content, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #1K046 ,

ASCL‐1128 Comis, B.; Adam, R.; Adane, A.; Ade, P.; André, P.; Beelen, A.; Belier, B.; Benoît, A.; Bideaud, A.; Billot, N.; and 26 coauthors, 2013, Detection of the tSZ effect with the NIKA camera, SF2A‐ 2013: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 75 Astrophysics , 331

ASCL‐1129 Gomez‐Ruiz, Arturo; Codella, Claudio; Lefloch, Bertrand; Benedettini, Milena; Busquet, Gemma; Nisini, Brunella; Ceccarelli, Cecilia; Cabrit, Sylvie; Viti, Serena, 2013, Dense cavity walls traced by CS in the L1157‐B1 protostellar shocked region, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #1H040 ,

ASCL‐1130 Kahane, C.; Ceccarelli, C.; Faure, A.; Caux, E., 2013, Detection of Formamide in the Solar‐Type Protostar IRAS16293‐2422, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series , 476, 323

ASCL‐1131 Kama, Mihkel; Lopez‐Sepulcre, Ana; Ceccarelli, Cecilia; Dominik, Carsten; Caux, Emmanuel; Fuente, Asuncion, 2013, The protostar OMC‐2 FIR 4: Results from the CHESS Herschel/HIFI spectral survey, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #1H021 ,

ASCL‐1132 Kastner, Joel; Punzi, Kristina; Rodriguez, David; Sacco, G. Germano; Hily‐Blant, Pierre; Forveille, Thierry; Zuckerman, Ben, 2013, Molecular Line Surveys of Nearby T Tauri Stars: Late‐time Chemistry of Protoplanetary Disks, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐ 20, 2013. Poster #2S022 ,

ASCL‐1133 Kastner, Joel H.; Hily‐Blant, P.; Rodriguez, D.; Punzi, K.; Forveille, T., 2013, Radio Emission Line Surveys of the Molecular Disks Orbiting TW Hya and V4046 Sgr, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts , 221,

ASCL‐1134 Kazmierczak, Maja; van der Tak, Floris; Helmich, Frank; Chvarria, Luis; Wang, Kuo‐Song; Ceccarelli, Cecilia, 2013, The HIFI spectral survey of massive star‐forming region AFGL 2591, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #1B069 ,

ASCL‐1135 Lambert, J.; Josselin, E.; Ryde, N.; Faure, A., 2013, NLTE water lines in Betelgeuse‐like atmospheres, EAS Publications Series , 60, 111

ASCL‐1136 Lopez‐Sepulcre, Ana; Taquet, Vianney; Sanchez‐Monge, Alvaro; Kama, Mihkel; Ceccarelli, Cecilia; Dominik, Carsten; Caux, Emmanuel; Shimajiri, Yoshito, 2013, The small‐scale structure of OMC‐2 FIR 4: Interferometric observations of an intermediate‐mass protocluster, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #1G016 ,

ASCL‐1137 Maret, Sébastien; Calypso Team, 2013, Kinematics of the NGC1333‐IRAS2A inner envelope, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #1B091 ,

ASCL‐1138 Nagy, Zsofia; Van der Tak, Floris; Ossenkopf, Volker; Bergin, Edwin; Black, John; Faure, Alexandre; Fuller, Gary; Gerin, Maryvonne; Goicoechea, Javier; Joblin, Christine; and 7 coauthors, 2013, Molecular line tracers of high‐mass star forming regions, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #1B023 ,

ASCL‐1139 Nielbock, Markus; Launhardt, Ralf; Steinacker, Jürgen; Stutz, Amelia M.; Balog, Zoltan; Beuther, Henrik; Bouwman, Jeroen; Henning, Thomas; Hily‐Blant, Pierre; Kainulainen, Jouni; and 6 coauthors, 2013, B68 ‐ The HERSCHEL view: Dust temperatures and densities, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #1S033 ,

ASCL‐1140 Paladini, Roberta; Pagani, Laurent; Steinacker, Jurgen; Lefevre, Charlene; Andersen, Morten; Carey, Sean; Pelkonen, Veli‐Matti; Juvela, Mika; Ristorcelli, Isabelle; Noriega‐Crespo, Alberto; and 4 coauthors, 2013, Hunting Coreshine with (Warm) Spitzer: from grain growth to planet formation, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #1S060 ,

ASCL‐1141 Punzi, Kristina M.; Kastner, J. H.; Hily‐Blant, P.; Forveille, T.; Sacco, G., 2013, First Results from a Radio Emission Line Survey of the Molecular Disk Orbiting LkCa 15, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts , 221,

ASCL‐1142 Vaupré, Solenn; Ceccarelli, Cecilia; Hily‐Blant, Pierre; Dubus, Guillaume; Montmerle, Thierry, 2013, Cosmic‐ray ionization of a molecular cloud interacting with the supernova remnant W28, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #1S064 ,

ASCL‐1143 Bujarrabal, V.; Alcolea, J.; Castro‐Carrizo, A.; van Winckel, H.; Santander‐Garcia, M.; Neri, R.; Lucas, R., 2014, Rotating and expanding gas in post‐AGB nebulae, Asymmetrical Planetary Nebulae VI conference, Proceedings of the conference held 4‐8 November, 2013. Edited by C. Morisset, G. Delgado‐Inglada and S. Torres‐Peimbert.

ASCL‐1144 Fomalont, E.; van Kempen, T.; Kneissl, R.; Marcelino, N.; Barkats, D.; Corder, S.; Cortes, P.; Hills, R.; Lucas, R.; Manning, A.; and 1 coauthors, 2014, The Calibration of ALMA using Radio Sources, The Messenger , 155, 19

ASCL‐1145 Liszt, H.; Lucas, R.; Pety, J.; Gerin, M., 2014, What Microwave Astronomical Spectroscopy can tell you about the Carriers of the DIBs, IAU Symposium , 297, 163

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 76 ASCL‐1146 Maury, Anaëlle J.; André, Philippe; Maret, S.; Codella, C.; Gueth, F.; Belloche, A.; Cabrit, S.; Bacmann, A., 2014, CALYPSO: An IRAM Plateau de Bure Survey of Class 0 Protostars, Advances in Solid State Physics , 36, 233

ASCL cristal (226)

ASCL‐1147 Bonavita, M.; Claudi, R. U.; Tinetti, G.; Beuzit, J. L.; Desidera, S.; Gratton, R.; Kasper, M.; Mordasini, C., 2009, High contrast imaging: a new frontier for exoplanets search and characterization, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1094, 429

ASCL‐1148 Chelli, A.; Duvert, G.; Malbet, F.; Kern, P., 2009, Phase closure nulling: Theory and practice, Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica Conference Series , 37, 138

ASCL‐1149 Gach, J.‐L.; Balard, Ph.; Daigle, O.; Destefanis, G.; Feautrier, Ph.; Guillaume, Ch.; Rothman, J., 2009, Sub electron readout noise & photon counting devices, EAS Publications Series , 37, 255

ASCL‐1150 Girad, M.; Kern, P., 2009, Foreword, EAS Publications Series , 37, 3

ASCL‐1151 Hernandez Utrera, O.; Chelli, A., 2009, Accurate diameter measurement of Betelgeuse using the VLTI/AMBER instrument, Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica Conference Series , 37, 179

ASCL‐1152 Kasting, James; Traub, W.; Roberge, A.; Leger, A.; Schwartz, A.; Wootten, A.; Vosteen, A.; Lo, A.; Brack, A.; Tanner, A.; and 112 coauthors, 2009, Exoplanet Characterization and the Search for Life, astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey , 2010, 151

ASCL‐1153 Kern, P., 2009, Astrophysics Detector Workshop 2008, EAS Publications Series , 37,

ASCL‐1154 Lawson, P.R.; Absil, O.; Akeson, R.L.; Bally, J.; Barry, R.K.; Beichman, C.A.; Booth, A.J.; Bordé, P.; Breckinridge, J.; Cole, D.; and 45 coauthors, 2009, Technology for a Mid‐IR Flagship Mission to Characterize Earth‐like Exoplanets, astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey , 2010, 53

ASCL‐1155 Lazareff, B.; Mahieu, S.; Geoffroy, D., 2009, Ideal Grid Generates Cross Polarization, Twentieth International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology , 223

ASCL‐1156 Le Coarer, E., 2009, Put Detector in your optics, EAS Publications Series , 37, 31

ASCL‐1157 Mouillet, D.; Beuzit, J.‐L.; Feldt, M.; Dohlen, K.; Puget, P.; Wildi, F.; Boccaletti, A.; Henning, T.; Moutou, C.; Schmid, H. M.; and 15 coauthors, 2009, SPHERE: A `Planet Finder' Instrument for the VLT, Science with the VLT in the ELT Era , 337

ASCL‐1158 Renard, S.; Absil, O.; Berger, J.‐P.; Bonfils, X.; Forveille, T.; Malbet, F., 2009, Prospects for Near‐ infrared Characterisation of Hot Jupiters with the VLTI Spectro‐imager (VSI), Science with the VLT in the ELT Era , 349

ASCL‐1159 Thissen, R.; Thirkell, L.; Makarov, A.; Puget, P.; Briois, C.; Szopa, C.; Carrasco, N.; Berthelier, J. J.; Henkel, H.; Glassmachers, A., 2009, Ultra high resolution Fourier Transform mass analyzer for : Orbitrap, European Planetary Science Congress 2009 , 764

ASCL‐1160 Wade, G. A.; Silvester, J.; Bale, K.; Johnson, N.; Power, J.; Aurière, M.; Ligniéres, F.; Dintrans, B.; Donati, J.‐F.; Hui Bon Hoa, A.; and 14 coauthors, 2009, Why are Some A Stars Magnetic, while Most are Not?, Solar Polarization 5: In Honor of Jan Stenflo , 405, 499

ASCL‐1161 Wildi, Francois; Mouillet, David; Beuzit, Jean‐Luc; Feldt, Markus; Dohlen, Kjetil; Fusco, Thierry; Petit, Cyril; Desidera, Silvano; Gratton, Raffaele; Schmid, Hans‐Martin; and 7 coauthors, 2009, Calibrating SPHERE, the exo‐planet imager for the VLT, Society of Photo‐ Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7440, 22

ASCL‐1162 Wildi, Francois; Beuzit, Jean‐Luc; Feldt, Markus; Mouillet, David; Dohlen, Kjetil; Puget, Pascal; Baruffolo, Andrea; Charton, Julien; Baudoz, Pierre; Boccaletti, Anthony; and 24 coauthors, 2009, SPHERE: the VLT planet imager in the post FDR phase, Society of Photo‐ Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7440, 21

ASCL‐1163 Absil, O.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Chauvin, G.; Hanot, C.; Benisty, M.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Lebreton, J., 2010, A VLTI/AMBER closure‐phase search for low‐mass companions around nearby young stars: first results on , In the Spirit of Lyot 2010 , 13

ASCL‐1164 Absil, O.; Eiroa, C.; Augereau, J.; Beichman, C. A.; Danchi, W. C.; Defrère, D.; Fridlund, M.; Roberge, A., 2010, Do we Need to Solve the Exozodi Question? If Yes, How to Best Solve It?,

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 77 Pathways Towards Habitable Planets , 430, 293

ASCL‐1165 Absil, O.; Mennesson, B.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Millan‐Gabet, R.; Colavita, M.; Hinz, P.; Liu, W.; Serabyn, G., 2010, The Fomalhaut debris disk seen from every angle with interferometry, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 34

ASCL‐1166 Allington‐Smith, Jeremy R.; Birks, Timothy A.; Bland‐Hawthorn, Joss; Cunningham, Colin R.; Dagupta, Sonali; Haynes, Roger; Garcia, Paulo J. V.; Kar, Ajoy K.; Kelz, Andreas; Kern, Pierre Y.; and 7 coauthors, 2010, Defining requirements and identifying relevant technologies in astrophotonics, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7739, 69

ASCL‐1167 Amorim, Antonio; Lima, Jorge; Pfuhl, Oliver; Eisenhauer, Frank; Kellner, Stefan; Haug, Marcus; Thiel, Markus; Carvas, Pedro; Perrin, Guy; Brandner, Wolfgang; and 2 coauthors, 2010, The GRAVITY acquisition and guiding system, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 33

ASCL‐1168 Antichi, J.; Vérinaud, C.; Preis, O.; Delboulbé, A.; Zins, G.; Rabou, P.; Beuzit, J.‐L.; Dandy, S.; Sauvage, J.‐F.; Fusco, T.; and 3 coauthors, 2010, FFREE: a Fresnel‐FREE demonstrator for the common‐path optics within EPICS, In the Spirit of Lyot 2010 , 61

ASCL‐1169 Antichi, Jacopo; Vérinaud, Christophe; Preis, Olivier; Delboulbé, Alain; Zins, Gérard; Rabou, Patrick; Beuzit, Jean‐Luc; Dandy, Sarah; Sauvage, Jean‐François; Fusco, Thierry; and 3 coauthors, 2010, FFREE: a Fresnel‐FRee Experiment for EPICS, the EELT planets imager, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7736, 109

ASCL‐1170 Araujo‐Hauck, Constanza; Fischer, Sebastian; Bartko, Hendrik; Gillessen, Stefan; Straubmeier, Christian; Wiest, Michael; Yazici, Senol; Eisenhauer, Frank; Perrin, Guy S.; Brandner, Wolfgang; and 3 coauthors, 2010, GRAVITY spectrometer: metrology laser blocking strategy at OD=12, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 95

ASCL‐1171 Barry, R. K.; Danchi, W. C.; Lopez, B.; Rinehart, S. A.; Absil, O.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Beust, H.; Bonfils, X.; Bordé, P.; Defrère, D.; and 8 coauthors, 2010, The Fourier‐ Stellar Interferometer: Exploring Exoplanetary Systems with an Infrared Probe‐class Mission, Pathways Towards Habitable Planets , 430, 403

ASCL‐1172 Bartko, H.; Gillessen, S.; Rabien, S.; Thiel, M.; Gräter, A.; Haug, M.; Kellner, S.; Eisenhauer, F.; Lacour, S.; Straubmeier, C.; and 12 coauthors, 2010, The fringe detection laser metrology for the GRAVITY interferometer at the VLTI, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 61

ASCL‐1173 Baruffolo, A.; Bruno, P.; Fantinel, D.; Fedrigo, E.; Gluck, L.; Kiekebusch, M.; Micallef, M.; Popovic, D.; Salasnich, B.; Steiner, P.; and 1 coauthors, 2010, SPHERE instrumentation software in the construction and integration phases, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7740, 117

ASCL‐1174 Baudoz, Pierre; Dorn, Reinhold J.; Lizon, Jean‐Louis; Fusco, Thierry; Dohlen, Kjetil; Charton, Julien; Beuzit, Jean‐Luc; Puget, Pascal; Mouillet, David; Felt, Markus; and 4 coauthors, 2010, The differential tip‐tilt sensor of SPHERE, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7735, 176

ASCL‐1175 Berger, J.‐P.; Zins, G.; Lazareff, B.; Lebouquin, J.‐B.; Jocou, L.; Kern, P.; Millan‐Gabet, R.; Traub, W.; Haguenauer, P.; Absil, O.; and 28 coauthors, 2010, PIONIER: a visitor instrument for VLTI, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 99

ASCL‐1176 Beuzit, J.‐L.; Boccaletti, A.; Feldt, M.; Dohlen, K.; Mouillet, D.; Puget, P.; Wildi, F.; Abe, L.; Antichi, J.; Baruffolo, A.; and 38 coauthors, 2010, Direct Detection of Giant Extrasolar Planets with SPHERE on the VLT, Pathways Towards Habitable Planets , 430, 231

ASCL‐1177 Beuzit, J.‐L.; Feldt, M.; Mouillet, D.; Dohlen, K.; Puget, P.; Wildi, F.; SPHERE Consortium, 2010, SPHERE: a planet imager for the VLT, In the Spirit of Lyot 2010 , 44

ASCL‐1178 Beuzit, Jean‐Luc; Feldt, Markus; Mouillet, David; Puget, Pascal; Dohlen, Kjetil; et al., 2010, A planet finder instrument for the VLT, ADA 6 ‐ Sixth Conference on Astronomical Data Analysis , 33

ASCL‐1179 Blind, Nicolas; Le Bouquin, Jean‐Baptiste; Absil, Olivier; Alamir, Mazen; Berger, Jean‐ Philippe; Defrère, Denis; Feautrier, Philippe; Hénault, François; Jocou, Laurent; Kern, Pierre;

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 78 and 9 coauthors, 2010, The planar optics phase sensor: a study for the VLTI 2nd generation fringe tracker, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 64

ASCL‐1180 Claudi, R.; Bonavita, M.; Gratton, R.; Desidera, S.; Tinetti, G.; Beuzit, J.‐L.; Kasper, M., 2010, Characterization of Extrasolar Planets with High Contrast Imaging, Pathways Towards Habitable Planets , 430, 416

ASCL‐1181 Claudi, R. U.; Turatto, M.; Giro, E.; Mesa, D.; Anselmi, U.; Bruno, P.; Cascone, E.; de Caprio, V.; Desidera, S.; Dorn, R.; and 13 coauthors, 2010, SPHERE IFS: the spectro differential imager of the VLT for exoplanets search, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7735, 30

ASCL‐1182 Clénet, Y.; Gendron, E.,; Rousset, G.; Hippler, S.,; Eisenhauer, F.; Gillessen, S.; Perrin, G.; Amorim, A.; Brandner, W.; Perraut, K.; and 1 coauthors, 2010, Dimensioning the Gravity adaptive optics wavefront sensor, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7736, 144

ASCL‐1183 Cornia, A.; Mugnier, L. M.; Mouillet, D.; Vigan, A.; Eggenberger, A.; Rousset, G.; Boccaletti, A.; Carbillet, M.; Dohlen, K.; Fusco, T.; and 2 coauthors, 2010, Optimal method for exoplanet detection by spectral and angular differential imaging, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7736, 47

ASCL‐1184 Cornia, A.; Mugnier, L. M.; Carbillet, M.; Sauvage, J.‐F.; Boccaletti, A.; Vedrenne, N.; Mouillet, D.; Rousset, G.; Fusco, T., 2010, Optimal Method for Exoplanet Detection by Spectral and Angular Differential Imaging, Adaptative Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes , 9005

ASCL‐1185 Danchi, W. C.; Barry, R. K.; Lopez, B.; Rinehart, S. A.; Absil, O.; Augereau, J.; Beust, H.; Bonfils, X.; Bordé, P.; Defrère, D.; and 10 coauthors, 2010, Infrared Detection and Characterization of Debris Disks, Exozodiacal Dust, and Exoplanets: The FKSI Mission Concept, Pathways Towards Habitable Planets , 430, 188

ASCL‐1186 Demangeon, Olivier; Ollivier, Marc; Le Duigou, Jean‐Michel; Cassaing, Frédéric; Coudé Du Foresto, Vincent; Mourard, Denis; Kern, Pierre; Lam Trong, Tien; Evrard, Jean; Absil, Olivier; and 2 coauthors, 2010, Potential of balloon payloads for in flight validation of direct and nulling interferometry concepts, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 15

ASCL‐1187 Dumas, D.; Fendler, M.; Berger, F.; Marion, F.; Arnaud, A.; Vialle, C.; Goudon, V.; Primot, J.; Le Coarer, E.; Ribot, H., 2010, Curved infrared detectors: application to spectrometry and astronomy, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7742, 51

ASCL‐1188 Duvert, G.; Chelli, A.; Malbet F.; Kern, P., 2010, Phase Closure Nulling: A "Lyot Mask" on correlated flux of stars, In the Spirit of Lyot 2010 , 72

ASCL‐1189 Duvert, Gilles; Malbet, Fabien; Chelli, Alain; Millan‐Gabet, Rafael; Monnier, John D.; Schaefer, Gail H., 2010, Phase closure nulling: results from the 2009 campaign, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 24

ASCL‐1190 Eggenberger, A.; Cornia, A.; Mugnier, L. M.; Mouillet, D.; Chauvin, G.; Boccaletti, A.; Rousset, G., 2010, Testing the ANDROMEDA method for exoplanet detection on VLT/ NACO data, In the Spirit of Lyot 2010 , 23

ASCL‐1191 Feautrier, Philippe; Gach, Jean‐Luc; Balard, Philippe; Guillaume, Christian; Downing, Mark; Hubin, Norbert; Stadler, Eric; Magnard, Yves; Skegg, Michael; Robbins, Mark; and 15 coauthors, 2010, Characterization of OCam and CCD220: the fastest and sensitive camera to date for AO wavefront sensing, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7736, 32

ASCL‐1192 Ferrand, Jérôme; Custillon, Guillaume; Leblond, Gregory; Thomas, Fabrice; Moulin, Thibault; Le Coarer, Etienne; Morand, Alain; Blaize, Sylvain; Gonthiez, Thierry; Benech, Pierre, 2010, Stationary Wave Integrated Fourier Transform Spectrometer (SWIFTS), Society of Photo‐ Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7604, 31

ASCL‐1193 Fischer, Sebastian; Wiest, Michael; Straubmeier, Christian; Yazici, Senol; Araujo‐Hauck, Constanza; Eisenhauer, Frank; Perrin, Guy; Brandner, Wolfgang; Perraut, Karine; Amorim, Antonio; and 2 coauthors, 2010, The GRAVITY spectrometers: mechanical design, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7739, 120

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 79 ASCL‐1194 Fusco, Thierry; Costille, Anne, 2010, Impact of Cn2 profile structure on wide‐field AO performance, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7736, 17

ASCL‐1195 Garcia, Paulo J. V.; Benisty, Myriam; Rajabi, Samira; Dougados, Catherine; Massi, Fabrizzio; Bacciotti, Francesca; Le Bouquin, Jean‐Baptiste; Malbet, Fabien; Podio, Linda; Renard, Stephanie; and 1 coauthors, 2010, The hydrogen emission of young stellar objects: key science for next‐generation instruments and facilities, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 98

ASCL‐1196 Gillessen, S.; Eisenhauer, F.; Perrin, G.; Brandner, W.; Straubmeier, C.; Perraut, K.; Amorim, A.; Schöller, M.; Araujo‐Hauck, C.; Bartko, H.; and 53 coauthors, 2010, GRAVITY: a four‐ telescope beam combiner instrument for the VLTI, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 28

ASCL‐1197 Girard, Julien H. V.; Kasper, Markus; Quanz, Sascha P.; Kenworthy, Matthew A.; Rengaswamy, Sridharan; Schödel, Rainer; Gallenne, Alexandre; Gillessen, Stefan; Huerta, Nicolas; Kervella, Pierre; and 6 coauthors, 2010, Status and new operation modes of the versatile VLT/NaCo, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7736, 89

ASCL‐1198 Gomes, Nuno; Garcia, Paulo J. V.; Thiébaut, Eric M.; Renard, Stéphanie; Filho, Mercedes, 2010, Comparison between closure phase and phase referenced interferometric image reconstructions, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 102

ASCL‐1199 Hanot, C.; Absil, O.; Boccaletti, A.; Vérinaud, C.; Surdej, J., 2010, Extra‐solar planet imaging: ground vs space based coronagraphs, In the Spirit of Lyot 2010 , 46

ASCL‐1200 Hanot, Charles; Absil, Olivier; Surdej, Jean; Boccaletti, Anthony; Vérinaud, Christophe, 2010, Compared sensitivities of VLT, JWST and ELT for direct exoplanet detection in nearby stellar moving groups, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7731, 116

ASCL‐1201 Hsiao, Hsien‐Kai; Winick, Kim A.; Monnier, John D.; Berger, Jean‐Philippe, 2010, Integrated optic beam combiners for stellar interferometry and nulling at near‐ and mid‐infrared wavelengths, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 89

ASCL‐1202 Jocou, L.; Perraut, K.; Nolot, A.; Berger, J. P.; Moulin, T.; Labeye, P.; Lacour, S.; Perrin, G.; Lebouquin, J. B.; Bartko, H.; and 2 coauthors, 2010, The GRAVITY integrated optics beam combination, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 96

ASCL‐1203 Kasper, M.; Beuzit, J.‐L., 2010, EPICS: An Exoplanet Imaging Camera and Spectrograph for the E‐ELT, The Messenger , 140, 24

ASCL‐1204 Kasper, M.; Zins, G.; Feautrier, P.; O'Neal, J.; Michaud, L.; Rabou, P.; Stadler, E.; Charton, J.; Cumani, C.; Delboulbe, A.; and 11 coauthors, 2010, A New Lenslet Array for the NACO Laser Guide Star Wavefront Sensor, The Messenger , 140, 8

ASCL‐1205 Kasper, M.; Beuzit, J.‐L.; Verinaud, C.; Baudoz, P.; Boccaletti, A.; Gratton, R.; Keller, C.; Kerber, F.; Schmid, H. M.; Thatte, N.; and 2 coauthors, 2010, EPICS, the exoplanet imager for the E‐ ELT, Adaptative Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes , 2009

ASCL‐1206 Kasper, Markus; Beuzit, Jean‐Luc; Verinaud, Christophe; Gratton, Raffaele G.; Kerber, Florian; Yaitskova, Natalia; Boccaletti, Anthony; Thatte, Niranjan; Schmid, Hans Martin; Keller, Christoph; and 19 coauthors, 2010, EPICS: direct imaging of exoplanets with the E‐ELT, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7735, 81

ASCL‐1207 Keller, Christoph U.; Schmid, Hans Martin; Venema, Lars B.; Hanenburg, Hiddo; Jager, Rieks; Kasper, Markus; Martinez, Patrice; Rigal, Florence; Rodenhuis, Michiel; Roelfsema, Ronald; and 3 coauthors, 2010, EPOL: the exoplanet polarimeter for EPICS at the E‐ELT, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7735, 212

ASCL‐1208 Kiekebusch, Mario J.; Chiozzi, Gianluca; Knudstrup, Jens; Popovic, Dan; Zins, Gerard, 2010, Evolution of the VLT instrument control system toward industry standards, Society of Photo‐ Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7740, 26

ASCL‐1209 Korkiakoski, Visa; Verinaud, Christophe, 2010, Simulations of the extreme adaptive optics system for EPICS, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 80 Series , 7736, 137

ASCL‐1210 Korkiakoski, Visa; Verinaud, Christophe, 2010, Extreme adaptive optics simulations for EPICS, Adaptative Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes , 3007

ASCL‐1211 Kotani, Takayuki; Lacour, Sylvestre; Choquet, Elodie; Huby, Elsa; Perrin, Guy S.; Fedou, Pierre; Marchis, Franck; Duchene, Gaspard; Thiébaut, Éric M.; Woillez, Julien M.; and 9 coauthors, 2010, Development of a high‐dynamic range imaging instrument for a single telescope by a pupil remapping system, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 116

ASCL‐1212 Kraus, Stefan; Hofmann, Karl‐Heinz; Menten, Karl M.; Schertl, Dieter; Weigelt, Gerd; Wyrowski, Friedrich; Meilland, Anthony; Perraut, Karine; Petrov, Romain; Robbe‐Dubois, Sylvie; and 2 coauthors, 2010, First results from VLTI near‐infrared interferometry on high‐ mass young stellar objects, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 7

ASCL‐1213 Kudryavtseva, N.; Brandner, W.; Hippler, S.; Henning, T.; Bergfors, C.; Hormuth, F.; Paumard, T.; Kervella, P.; Berger, J. P., 2010, Micro‐arcsecond astrometry of exoplanet host stars with GRAVITY instrument, In the Spirit of Lyot 2010 , 55

ASCL‐1214 Lafrasse, Sylvain; Mella, Guillaume; Bonneau, Daniel; Duvert, Gilles; Delfosse, Xavier; Chesneau, Olivier; Chelli, Alain, 2010, Building the 'JMMC Stellar Diameters Catalog' using SearchCal, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 140

ASCL‐1215 Langlois, M.; Vigan, A.; Dohlen, K.; Moutou, C.; Mouillet, D.; Wildi, F.; Boccaletti, A., 2010, Impact of calibration on extrasolar planets direct imaging with IRDIS, the infrared dual‐ imaging camera and spectrograph for SPHERE, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7735, 36

ASCL‐1216 Langlois, M.; Dohlen, K.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Mouillet, D.; Boccaletti, A.; Schmid, H.‐M., 2010, High contrast imaging with IRDIS near infrared polarimeter, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7735, 97

ASCL‐1217 Malbet, Fabien; Duvert, Gilles; Millour, Florentin; Le Bouquin, Jean‐Baptiste; Mella, Guillaume; Halipré, Luc; Chelli, Alain; Lafrasse, Sylvain; Altariba, Evelyne; Zins, Gérard, 2010, AMBER: The Third Version of the AMBER Data Reduction Software, Astrophysics Source Code Library , 10003

ASCL‐1218 Malbet, Fabien; Duvert, Gilles; Millour, Florentin A.; Le Bouquin, Jean‐Baptiste; Mella, Guillaume; Halipré, Luc; Chelli, Alain; Lafrasse, Sylvain; Altariba, Evelyne; Zins, Gérard, 2010, The third version of the AMBER data reduction software, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 138

ASCL‐1219 Malbet, Fabien; Mella, Guillaume; Lawson, Peter; Taillifet, Esther; Lafrasse, Sylvain, 2010, A publication database for optical long baseline interferometry, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 107

ASCL‐1220 Martin, B.; Morand, A.; Jocou, L.; Benech, P.; Grosa, G.; Le Coarer, E.; Kern, P., 2010, Realization of a NIR compact static Fourier transform spectrometer in glass integrated optics, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7604, 28

ASCL‐1221 Martin, Guillermo; Labadie, Lucas; Caballero‐Calero, Olga; Grille, Romain; Arezki, Brahim; Kern, Pierre; Anheier, Norman C.; Qiao, Hong A.; Bernacki, Bruce; Lewi, Tomer; and 2 coauthors, 2010, Single‐mode mid‐infrared waveguides for spectro‐interferometry applications, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 119

ASCL‐1222 Mouillet, D.; Beuzit, J. L.; Desidera, S.; Chauvin, G.; Schmid, H. M.; Waters, R.,; Sphere Science Group, 2010, Preparation to the scientific exploitation of SPHERE, In the Spirit of Lyot 2010 , 50

ASCL‐1223 Mourard, D.; Tallon, M.; Bério, Ph.; Bonneau, D.; Chesneau, O.; Clausse, J. M.; Delaa, O.; Nardetto, N.; Perraut, K.; Spang, A.; and 9 coauthors, 2010, Performances and first science results with the VEGA/CHARA visible instrument, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 11

ASCL‐1224 Parisot, Amelie; Costille, Anne; Petit, Cyril; Fusco, Thierry, 2010, Closed‐loop tomographic control on HOMER wide‐field AO bench: experimental results and identification issues, Society

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 81 of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7736, 107

ASCL‐1225 Petit, F. L.; Bourges, L.; Roy, F.; Alimi, J.; Rasera, Y.; Ooghe, B.; Moreau, N.; Hennebelle, P.; Normand, J.; Savalle, R., 2010, Theoretical VO Services at VO‐Paris Data Centre, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIX , 434, 183

ASCL‐1226 Pfuhl, O.; Eisenhauer, F.; Haug, M.; Thiel, M.; Kellner, S.; Amorim, A.; Brandner, W.; Berger, J. P.; Rousselet‐Perraut, K.; Perrin, G. S.; and 4 coauthors, 2010, The Fiber Coupler subsystem of the future VLTI instrument GRAVITY, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 70

ASCL‐1227 Renard, S.; Malbet, F.; Benisty, M.; Thiébaut, E.; Berger, J.‐P., 2010, Image reconstruction in optical interferometry: application to the inner regions of protoplanetary disks, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 35

ASCL‐1228 Roelfsema, Ronald; Schmid, Hans Martin; Pragt, Johannes; Gisler, Daniel; Waters, Rens; Bazzon, Andreas; Baruffolo, Andrea; Beuzit, Jean‐Luc; Boccaletti, Anthony; Charton, Julien; and 23 coauthors, 2010, The ZIMPOL high‐contrast imaging polarimeter for SPHERE: design, manufacturing, and testing, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7735, 144

ASCL‐1229 Salter, Graeme S.; Thatte, Niranjan A.; Tecza, Mathias; Clarke, Fraser; Verinaud, Christophe; Kasper, Markus E., 2010, High‐contrast observations with slicer‐based integral field spectrographs 2: experimental tests, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7735, 246

ASCL‐1230 Salter, Graeme S.; Thatte, Niranjan A.; Tecza, Mathias; Clarke, Fraser; Verinaud, Christophe; Kasper, Markus E., 2010, High‐contrast observations with slicer‐based integral field spectrographs 1: simulations, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7735, 245

ASCL‐1231 Sauvage, J.‐F.; Fusco, T.; Petit, C.; Meimon, S.; Fedrigo, E.; Suarez Valles, M.; Kasper, M.; Hubin, N.; Beuzit, J.‐L.; Charton, J.; and 8 coauthors, 2010, SAXO, the eXtreme Adaptive Optics System of SPHERE: overview and calibration procedure, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7736, 13

ASCL‐1232 Schmid, H. M.; Beuzit, J. L.; Mouillet, D.; Waters, R.; Buenzli, E.; Boccaletti, A.; Dohlen, K.; Feldt, M.; SPHERE Consortium, 2010, Polarimetry of extra‐solar planets and circumstellar disks with ZIMPOL / SPHERE, In the Spirit of Lyot 2010 , 49

ASCL‐1233 Shestakova, L. I.; Rspaev, F. K.; Chalabaev, A.; Bram, D.; Dubovitskij, A. I.; Bonev, T.; Golev, V.; Le Coarer, E., 2010, Wide‐Field Measurements of the Velocity Field of the Circumsolar Dusty Plasma During the Total Solar Eclipse on July 22, 2009, Publications de l'Observatoire Astronomique de Beograd , 90, 175

ASCL‐1234 Snik, F.; Keller, C.; Ovelar, M. J.; Rodenhuis, M.; Korkiakoski, V.; Venema, L.; Jager, R.; Rigal, F.; Hanenburg, H.; Roelfsema, R.; and 5 coauthors, 2010, EPOL: the exoplanet polarimeter for EPICS at the E‐ELT, In the Spirit of Lyot 2010 , 82

ASCL‐1235 Straubmeier, Christian; Fischer, Sebastian; Araujo‐Hauck, Constanza; Wiest, Michael; Yazici, Senol; Eisenhauer, Frank; Perrin, Guy; Brandner, Wolfgang; Perraut, Karine; Amorim, Antonio; and 2 coauthors, 2010, The GRAVITY spectrometers: optical design and principle of operation, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 97

ASCL‐1236 Tarmoul, Nassima; Hénault, François; Mourard, Denis; Le Bouquin, Jean‐Baptiste; Jocou, Laurent; Kern, Pierre; Berger, Jean‐Philippe; Absil, Olivier, 2010, Multi‐axial integrated optics solution for POPS, a 2nd‐generation VLTI fringe tracker, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 65

ASCL‐1237 Tatulli, E.; Blind, N.; Malbet, F.; Chelli, A.; Berger, J.‐P., 2010, Estimating the phase in interferomety: performance comparison between multi‐mode and single‐mode schemes, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 75

ASCL‐1238 Vigan, A.; Moutou, C.; Langlois, M.; Allard, F.; Boccaletti, A.; Carbillet, M.; Mouillet, D.; Smith, I., 2010, Exoplanet characterization using angular and spectral differential imaging, SF2A‐2010: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 93

ASCL‐1239 Vigan, A.; Moutou, C.; Langlois, M.; Allard, F.; Boccaletti, A.; Carbillet, M.; Mouillet, D.; Smith, I., 2010, Photometric characterization of exoplanet using angular and spectral differential

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 82 imaging in SPHERE/IRDIS, In the Spirit of Lyot 2010 , 48

ASCL‐1240 Vigan, A.; Moutou, C.; Langlois, M.; Mouillet, D.; Dohlen, K.; Boccaletti, A.; Carbillet, M.; Smith, I.; Ferrari, A.; Mugnier, L.; and 1 coauthors, 2010, Comparison of methods for detection and characterization of exoplanets with SPHERE/IRDIS, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7735, 99

ASCL‐1241 Vincent, L.; Alamir, M.; Le Bouquin, J. B.; Jocou, L.; Rousselet‐Perraut, K.; Kern, P.; Berger, J. P., 2010, A new control architecture for multi‐beam fringe tracker, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 133

ASCL‐1242 Vérinaud, C.; EPICS Team, 2010, The concept study of EPICS, the exoplanets imager for the EELT, In the Spirit of Lyot 2010 , 79

ASCL‐1243 Vérinaud, Christophe; Kasper, Markus; Beuzit, Jean‐Luc; Gratton, Raffaele G.; Mesa, Dino; Aller‐Carpentier, Emmanuel; Fedrigo, Enrico; Abe, Lyu; Baudoz, Pierre; Boccaletti, Anthony; and 20 coauthors, 2010, System study of EPICS: the exoplanets imager for the E‐ELT, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7736, 55

ASCL‐1244 Wiest, Michael; Fischer, Sebastian; Thiel, Markus; Haug, Marcus; Rohloff, Ralf‐Rainer; Straubmeier, Christian; Araujo‐Hauck, Constanza; Yazici, Senol; Eisenhauer, Frank; Perrin, Guy; and 5 coauthors, 2010, Prototyping and testing of mechanical components for the GRAVITY spectrometers, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7739, 121

ASCL‐1245 Wildi, François P.; Michaud, Bernard; Crausaz, Michel; Dubosson, Rene; Mouillet, David; Dohlen, Kjetil; Schmid, Hans‐Martin; Beuzit, Jean‐Luc, 2010, The performance of the calibration module for SPHERE, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7735, 98

ASCL‐1246 Yaitskova, N.; Dohlen, K.; Rabou, P.; Boccaletti, A.; Carbillet, M.; Beuzit, J.‐L.; Kasper, M.; Hubin, N., 2010, : Fresnel optical propagation code for SPHERE, In the Spirit of Lyot 2010 , 54

ASCL‐1247 Yaitskova, Natalia; Dohlen, Kjetil; Rabou, Patrick; Boccaletti, Anthony; Carbillet, Marcel; Beuzit, Jean‐Luc; Kasper, Markus; Hubin, Norbert, 2010, FOROS: Fresnel optical propagation code for SPHERE, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7735, 96

ASCL‐1248 Ygouf, M.; Mugnier, L.; Sauvage, J.‐F.; Fusco, T.; Mouillet, D.; Beuzit, J.‐L., 2010, Approximate analytical expression for AO‐corrected coronagraphic imaging in preparation of exoplanet signal extraction, SF2A‐2010: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 97

ASCL‐1249 Ygouf, M.; Mugnier, L.; Sauvage, J.‐F.; Fusco, T.; Mouillet, D.; Beuzit, J.‐L., 2010, Approximate analytical model of AO‐corrected coronagraphic imaging, with a view to exoplanet detection and characterisation, In the Spirit of Lyot 2010 , 56

ASCL‐1250 de Caprio, V.; Giro, E.; Claudi, R.; Anselmi, U.; Bruno, P.; Cascone, E.; Desidera, S.; Fantinel, D.; Gratton, R.; Incorvaia, S.; and 14 coauthors, 2010, Manufacturing and integration of the IFS integral spectrograph, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7735, 159

ASCL‐1251 Antichi, Jacopo; Rabou, Patrick; Patru, Fabien; Giro, Enrico; Girard, Julien; Mourard, Denis, 2011, The hypertelescope at work with a BIGRE integral field unit, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8172, 20

ASCL‐1252 Berger, J.‐P., 2011, Compact Binaries at High Angular Resolution: The Potential of Long Baseline Interferometry., Evolution of Compact Binaries , 447, 333

ASCL‐1253 Blind, N.; Boffin, H. M. J.; Berger, J.‐P.; Lebouquin, J.‐B.; Mérand, A., 2011, A PIONIER and Incisive Look at the Interacting Binary SS Lep, Evolution of Compact Binaries , 447, 245

ASCL‐1254 Boccaletti, A.; Baudoz, P.; Mawet, D.; Schneider, J.; Tinetti, G.; Galicher, R.; Stam, D.; Cavarroc, C.; Hough, J.; Doel, P.; and 8 coauthors, 2011, Spectral and polarimetric characterization of gazeous and telluric planets with SEE COAST, Research, Science and Technology of Brown Dwarfs and Exoplanets: Proceedings of an International Conference held in Shangai on Occasion of a Total Eclipse of the Sun, Shangai, China, Edited by E.L. Martin; J. Ge; W. Lin; EPJ Web of Conferences, Volume 16, id.07002 , 16, 07002

ASCL‐1255 Bonavita, M.; Claudi, R. U.; Tinetti, G.; Beuzit, J.; Chauvin, G.; Desidera, S.; Gratton, R.; Kasper,

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 83 M., 2011, High‐Contrast Imaging: A Wider View on Extrasolar Planetary Systems, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series , 450, 199

ASCL‐1256 Claudi, R.; Giro, E.; Anselmi, U.; Mesa, D.; Antichi, J.; Gratton, R.; Desidera, S.; de Caprio, V.; Lessio, L.; Scuderi, S.; and 10 coauthors, 2011, Optical design and test of the BIGRE‐based IFS of SPHERE, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8167, 50

ASCL‐1257 Claudi, R. U.; Bonavita, M.; Desidera, S.; Gratton, R.; Tinetti, G.; Beuzit, J.; Kasper, M.; Mordassini, C., 2011, High Contrast Imaging: A New Frontier for Exoplanets Search and Characterization, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series , 450, 203

ASCL‐1258 Costille, Anne; Fusco, Thierry, 2011, Impact of the Cn description on Wide Field AO performance, Second International Conference on Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes.

ASCL‐1259 Defrère, D.; Absil, O.; Augereau, J. C.; di Folco, E.; Coudé Du Foresto, V.; Le Bouquin, J. B.; Mérand, A.; Mollier, B., 2011, Imaging the inner regions of debris disks with near‐infrared interferometry, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 1084

ASCL‐1260 Dohlen, Kjetil; Wildi, François P.; Puget, Pascal; Mouillet, David; Beuzit, Jean‐Luc, 2011, SPHERE: Confronting in‐lab performance with system analysis predictions, Second International Conference on Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes.

ASCL‐1261 Duvert, G.; Bourgès, L.; Mella, G.; Lafrasse, S., 2011, ASPRO2: A Modern Tool to Prepare Optical Interferometry Observations, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series , 442, 489

ASCL‐1262 Eisenhauer, F.; Perrin, G.; Brandner, W.; Straubmeier, C.; Perraut, K.; Amorim, A.; Schöller, M.; Gillessen, S.; Kervella, P.; Benisty, M.; and 77 coauthors, 2011, GRAVITY: Observing the Universe in Motion, The Messenger , 143, 16

ASCL‐1263 Feautrier, P.; Gach, J.‐L.; Balard, P.; Guillaume, C.; Stadler, E.; Kolb, J.; Downing, M.; Hubin, N.; Finger, G.; Reyes, J.; and 8 coauthors, 2011, A decadal survey of AO wavefront sensing detector developments in Europe, the OCAM revolution, IAC Talks, Astronomy and Astrophysics Seminars from the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, p.245 , 245

ASCL‐1264 Feautrier, Philippe, 2011, A decadal survey of AO wavefront sensing detector developments in Europe, Second International Conference on Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes.

ASCL‐1265 Gach, Jean‐Luc; Balard, Philippe; Stadler, Eric; Guillaume, Christian; Feautrier, Philippe, 2011, OCAM2: world's fastest and most sensitive camera system for advanced Adaptive Optics wavefront sensing, Second International Conference on Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes.

ASCL‐1266 Gratton, Raffaele; Kasper, Markus; Vérinaud, Christophe; Bonavita, Mariangela; Schmid, Hans M., 2011, Science with EPICS, the E‐ELT planet finder, IAU Symposium , 276, 343

ASCL‐1267 Gratton, Raffaele G.; Claudi, Riccardo U.; Giro, Enrico; Anselmi, Umberto; Mesa, Dino; Lessio, Luigi; de Caprio, Vincenzo; Mattaini, Enrico; Incorvaia, Salvo; Santambrogio, Enrico; and 7 coauthors, 2011, Thermal baffling of SPHERE IFS, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8167, 49

ASCL‐1268 Heidmann, S.; Caballero, O.; Nolot, A.; Gineys, M.; Moulin, T.; Delboulbé, A.; Jocou, L.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Berger, J.‐P.; Martin, G., 2011, Two telescopes ABCD electro‐optic beam combiner based on lithium niobate for near infrared stellar interferometry, Society of Photo‐ Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8071, 6

ASCL‐1269 Joos, F.; Schmid, H. M.; Gisler, D.; Thalmann, C.; Beuzit, J.; Dohlen, K.; Feldt, M.; Gratton, R.; Kasper, M.; Mouillet, D.; and 8 coauthors, 2011, Direct Imaging of Extrasolar Planets by Means of Polarimetry with SPHERE/ZIMPOL, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series , 449, 381

ASCL‐1270 Kasper, Markus; Gratton, Raffaele; Verinaud, Christophe; Desidera, Silvano; Bonavita, Mariangela; Mesa, Dino; Carolo, Elena, 2011, EPICS: XAO coronagraphic imaging of exoplanets with the E‐ELT, Second International Conference on Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes.

ASCL‐1271 Kern, P., 2011, R&D activities for astronomy and astrophysics in France, SF2A‐2011: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 27

ASCL‐1272 Macintosh, B.; Beuzit, J.‐L., 2011, Extreme is the new normal: lessons from 8‐m ExAO for ELT

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 84 regular AO, Second International Conference on Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes.

ASCL‐1273 Martinez, P.; Kolb, J.; Sarazin, M.; Navarrete, J., 2011, How to use Active Optics Shack‐ Hartmann data to measure the seeing at the focal plane of a telescope, Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica Conference Series , 41, 28

ASCL‐1274 Patru, Fabien; Antichi, Jacopo; Girard, Julien, 2011, Direct imaging with a dense aperture masking in comparison with a telescope or a hypertelelescope, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8172, 19

ASCL‐1275 Paumard, T.; Gillessen, S.; Brander, W.; Eckart, A.; Berger, J.; Garcia, P.; Amorim, A.; Anton, S.; Bartko, H.; Baumeister, H.; and 49 coauthors, 2011, Science with GRAVITY, the NIR Interferometric Imager, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series , 439, 267

ASCL‐1276 Perruchot, S.; Bouchy, F.; Chazelas, B.; Díaz, R. F.; Hébrard, G.; Arnaud, K.; Arnold, L.; Avila, G.; Delfosse, X.; Boisse, I.; and 6 coauthors, 2011, Higher‐precision radial velocity measurements with the SOPHIE spectrograph using octagonal‐section fibers, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8151, 37

ASCL‐1277 Petit, C.; Fusco, T.; Sauvage, J.‐F.; Sevin, A.; Suarez, M.; Charton, J.; Baudoz, P.; Beuzit, J.‐L.; Buey, T.; Dohlen, K.; and 12 coauthors, 2011, Integration, tests and laboratory performance of SAXO, the VLT‐SPHERE extreme AO system, Second International Conference on Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes.

ASCL‐1278 Stee, P.; Mourard, D.; Bonneau, D.; Clausse, J.; Blazit, A.; Chesneau, O.; Perraut, K.; McAlister, H.; Brummelaar, T. t.; Sturmann, J.; and 2 coauthors, 2011, VEGA: A Visible Spectrograph and Polarimeter for the CHARA Interferometer, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series , 449, 15

ASCL‐1279 Vérinaud, Christophe; Catalano, Camille; Antichi, Jacopo; Preis, Olivier, 2011, First experimental results of the FFREE bench: investigation of Fresnel effects in high contrast imaging., Second International Conference on Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes.

ASCL‐1280 Wildi, François; Beuzit, Jean Luc; Feldt, Markus; Mouillet, David; Dohlen, Kjetil; Puget, Pascal; Baruffolo, Andrea; Charton, Julien; Bocaletti, Anthony; Claudi, Riccardo; and 19 coauthors, 2011, The performance of the SPHERE sub‐systems in the integration lab, Society of Photo‐ Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8151, 20

ASCL‐1281 Wittkowski, M.; Ballester, P.; Bonneau, D.; Chelli, A.; Chesneau, O.; Cruzalèbes, P.; Duvert, G.; Hummel, C.; Lafrasse, S.; Mella, G.; and 8 coauthors, 2011, CalVin 3 — A New Release of the ESO Calibrator Selection Tool for the VLT Interferometer, The Messenger , 145, 7

ASCL‐1282 Ygouf, Marie; Mugnier, Laurent M.; Mouillet, David; Fusco, Thierry; Beuzit, Jean‐Luc, 2011, Myopic exoplanet detection algorithm based on an analytical model of AO‐corrected coronagraphic multi‐spectral imaging., Second International Conference on Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes.

ASCL‐1283 Zins, G.; Lazareff, B.; Berger, J.‐P.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Jocou, L.; Rochat, S.; Haguenauer, P.; Knudstrup, J.; Lizon, J.‐L.; Millan‐Gabet, R.; and 17 coauthors, 2011, PIONIER: A Four‐ telescope Instrument for the VLTI, The Messenger , 146, 12

ASCL‐1284 Absil, O.; Defrère, D.; Mollier, B.; Di Folco, E.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Coudé du Foresto, V.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Mérand, A., 2012, The connection between inner and outer debris disks probed by infrared interferometry, From Atoms to Pebbles: Herschel's view of Star and Planet Formation , 45

ASCL‐1285 Absil, Olivier; Defrère, Denis; Le Bouquin, Jean‐Baptiste; Mollier, Benjamin; Augereau, Jean‐ Charles; Coudé du Foresto, Vincent; Di Folco, Emmanuel; Ertel, Steve; ten Brummelaar, Theo, 2012, Studying hot exozodiacal dust with near‐infrared interferometry, Society of Photo‐ Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8445,

ASCL‐1286 Amorim, Antonio; Lima, Jorge; Anugu, Narsireddy; Eisenhauer, Frank; Graeter, Alexander; Haug, Marcus; Ott, Thomas; Pfuhl, Oliver; Thiel, Markus; Wieprecht, Ekkehard; and 6 coauthors, 2012, The final design of the GRAVITY acquisition camera and associated VLTI beam monitoring strategy, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8445, 34

ASCL‐1287 Araujo‐Hauck, Constanza; Fischer, Sebastian; Gillessen, Stefan; Straubmeier, Christian;

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 85 Wiest, Michael; Yazici, Senol; Wank, Imke; Eisenhauer, Frank; Perrin, Guy S.; Brandner, Wolfgang; and 3 coauthors, 2012, The GRAVITY spectrometers: metrology laser blocking system, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8445,

ASCL‐1288 Artigau, Étienne; Bouchy, François; Delfosse, Xavier; Bonfils, Xavier; Donati, Jean‐François; Figueira, Pedro; Thanjavur, Karun; Lafrenière, David; Doyon, René; Surace, Christian; and 9 coauthors, 2012, SPIRou @ CFHT: data reduction software and simulation tools, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8451,

ASCL‐1289 Bacon, R.; Accardo, M.; Adjali, L.; Anwand, H.; Bauer, S.‐M.; Blaizot, J.; Boudon, D.; Brinchmann, J.; Brotons, L.; Caillier, P.; and 67 coauthors, 2012, News of the MUSE, The Messenger , 147, 4

ASCL‐1290 Barrick, Gregory A.; Vermeulen, Tom; Baratchart, Sébastien; Reshetov, Vladimir A.; Wang, Shiang‐Yu; Dolon, François; Hernandez, Olivier; Pepe, Francesco; Bouchy, François; Dunn, Jennifer; and 18 coauthors, 2012, SPIRou @ CFHT: design of the instrument control system, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8451,

ASCL‐1291 Baruffolo, A.; Fantinel, D.; Gluck, L.; Salasnich, B.; Zins, G.; Steiner, P.; Micallef, M.; Bruno, P.; Popovic, D.; Donaldson, R. H.; and 4 coauthors, 2012, SPHERE instrumentation software: a progress report, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8451, 21

ASCL‐1292 Bazzon, Andreas; Gisler, Daniel; Roelfsema, Ronald; Schmid, Hans M.; Pragt, Johan; Elswijk, Eddy; de Haan, Menno; Downing, Mark; Salasnich, Bernardo; Pavlov, Alexey; and 4 coauthors, 2012, SPHERE / ZIMPOL: characterization of the FLC polarization modulator, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8446, 93

ASCL‐1293 Briois, C.; Thirkell, L.; Boukrara, A.; Lebreton, J. P.; Thissen, R.; Puget, P.; Cottin, H.; Grand, N.; Pennanech, C.; Zapf, P.; and 7 coauthors, 2012, A High Resolution Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer for In‐Situ Analysis in Planetary Science, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts , 14, 12800

ASCL‐1294 Caillier, P.; Accardo, M.; Adjali, L.; Anwand, H.; Bacon, Roland; Boudon, D.; Brotons, L.; Capoani, L.; Daguisé, E.; Dupieux, M.; and 31 coauthors, 2012, The MUSE project face to face with reality, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8449, 10

ASCL‐1295 Carrasco, N.; Szopa, C.; Chapuis, C.; Bouabdellah, A.; Thissen, R.; Cornelli, S.; Puget, P.; Briois, C.; Thirkell, L.; Boukrara, A.; and 5 coauthors, 2012, Ultra high mass‐resolution for space exploration: the Orbitrap mass analyser, European Planetary Science Congress 2012, held 23‐ 28 September, 2012 in Madrid, Spain.

ASCL‐1296 Claudi, R.; Anselmi, U.; Bruno, P.; Cascone, E.; Costille, A.; De Caprio, V.; Desidera, S.; Giro, E.; Gratton, R.; Lessio, L.; and 16 coauthors, 2012, The IFS of SPHERE: integration and laboratory performances, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8446,

ASCL‐1297 Costille, A.; Fusco, T., 2012, Impact of Cn2 profile on tomographic reconstruction performance: application to E‐ELT wide field AO systems, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8447, 57

ASCL‐1298 Creux, A.; Morand, A.; Benech, P.; Martin, B.; Grosa, G.; Le Coarer, E.; Kern, P., 2012, Compact static Fourier transform spectrometer in glass integrated optics in the NIR and visible domain, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8264, 19

ASCL‐1299 Crouzier, A.; Malbet, F.; Preis, O.; Henault, F.; Kern, P.; Martin, G.; Feautrier, P.; Cara, C.; Lagage, P.; Léger, A.; and 3 coauthors, 2012, An experimental testbed for NEAT to demonstrate micro‐pixel accuracy, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8445,

ASCL‐1300 De Caprio, V.; Giro, E.; Claudi, R. U.; Anselmi, U.; Bruno, P.; Cascone, C.; Desidera, S.; Gratton, R.; Lessio, L.; Lizon, J. L.; and 5 coauthors, 2012, SPHERE‐IFS: The spectro differential imager of the VLT for exoplanet search ., Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana Supplementi , 19, 376

ASCL‐1301 Dumas, C.; Sterzik, M.; Melo, C.; Siebenmorgen, R.; Girard, J.; Mouillet, D., 2012, Report on the Workshop ''Observing Planetary Systems II'', The Messenger , 148, 44

ASCL‐1302 Feautrier, Philippe; Gach, Jean‐Luc; Downing, Mark; Jorden, Paul; Kolb, Johann; Rothman,

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 86 Johan; Fusco, Thierry; Balard, Philippe; Stadler, Eric; Guillaume, Christian; and 25 coauthors, 2012, Advances in detector technologies for visible and infrared wavefront sensing, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8447,

ASCL‐1303 Fendler, M.; Dumas, D.; Chemla, F.; Cohen, M.; Laporte, P.; Tekaya, K.; Le Coarer, E.; Primot, J.; Ribot, H., 2012, Hemispherical infrared focal plane arrays: a new design parameter for the instruments, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8453,

ASCL‐1304 Fischer, S.; Straubmeier, C.; Araujo‐Hauck, C.; Yazici, S.; Wiest, M.; Wank, I.; Eisenhauer, F.; Perrin, G.; Eckart, A.; Perraut, K.; and 3 coauthors, 2012, The GRAVITY spectrometers: system design, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8445,

ASCL‐1305 Girard, Julien H. V.; O'Neal, Jared; Mawet, Dimitri; Kasper, Markus; Zins, Gérard; Neichel, Benoît; Kolb, Johann; Christiaens, Valentin; Tourneboeuf, Martin, 2012, Image quality and high contrast improvements on VLT/NACO, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8447,

ASCL‐1306 Heidmann, Samuel; Guyot, Clément; Ulliac, Gwenn; Courjal, Nadège; Martin, Guillermo, 2012, Double polarization active Y‐junctions in the mid‐IR, based on Ti:diffused lithium niobate waveguides: first results on photonic crystal structures, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8445,

ASCL‐1307 Hénault, François, 2012, Phase‐shifting fringe tracking method for sparse aperture interferometer arrays, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8445,

ASCL‐1308 Jocou, L.; Perraut, K.; Nolot, A.; Moulin, T.; Magnard, Y.; Labeye, P.; Lapras, V.; Eisenhauer, F.; Perrin, G.; Amorim, A.; and 2 coauthors, 2012, The integrated optics beam combiner assembly of the GRAVITY/VLTI instrument, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8445,

ASCL‐1309 Kasper, M.; Beuzit, J.‐L.; Feldt, M.; Dohlen, K.; Mouillet, D.; Puget, P.; Wildi, F.; Abe, L.; Baruffolo, A.; Baudoz, P.; and 58 coauthors, 2012, Gearing up the SPHERE, The Messenger , 149, 17

ASCL‐1310 Kendrew, S.; Hippler, S.; Brandner, W.; Clénet, Y.; Deen, C.; Gendron, E.; Huber, A.; Klein, R.; Laun, W.; Lenzen, R.; and 12 coauthors, 2012, GRAVITY Coudé Infrared Adaptive Optics (CIAO) system for the VLT Interferometer, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8446,

ASCL‐1311 Kluska, J.; Malbet, F.; Berger, J.‐P.; Benisty, M.; Lazareff, B.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Pinte, C., 2012, High angular resolution and young stellar objects: Imaging the surroundings of MWC 158 by optical interferometry, SF2A‐2012: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 539

ASCL‐1312 Kluska, J.; Malbet, F.; Berger, J.‐P.; Lazareff, B.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Benisty, M.; Menard, F.; Pinte, C.; Millan‐Gabet, R.; Traub, W., 2012, Intrincate visibility effects from resolved emission of young stellar objects: the case of MWC158 observed with the VLTI, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8445,

ASCL‐1313 Labadie, Lucas; Martín, Guillermo; Ródenas, Airán.; Anheier, Norman C.; Arezki, Brahim; Thomson, Robert R.; Qiao, Hong A.; Kern, Pierre; Kar, Ajoy K.; Bernacki, Bruce E., 2012, Advances in the development of mid‐infrared integrated devices for interferometric arrays, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8445, 15

ASCL‐1314 Lafrasse, S.; Bourges, L.; Mella, G., 2012, SAMP App Launcher: An On‐Demand VO Application Starter by JMMC, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXI , 461, 379

ASCL‐1315 Langlois, M.; Vigan, A.; Moutou, C.; Dohlen, K.; Costille, A.; Le Mignant, D.; Martinez, P.; Mouillet, D.; Boccaletti, A.; Moeller‐Nilsson, O.; and 6 coauthors, 2012, Infrared differential imager and spectrograph for SPHERE: performance status with extreme adaptive optics before shipment to ESO/VLT, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8447,

ASCL‐1316 Lawson, Peter R.; Poyneer, Lisa; Barrett, Harrison; Frazin, Richard; Caucci, Luca; Devaney, Nicholas; Furenlid, Lars; Gładysz, Szymon; Guyon, Olivier; Krist, John; and 9 coauthors, 2012, On advanced estimation techniques for exoplanet detection and characterization using ground‐based coronagraphs, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 87 Conference Series , 8447, 22

ASCL‐1317 Lazareff, Bernard; Le Bouquin, Jean‐Baptiste; Berger, Jean‐Philippe; Jocou, Laurent; Kern, Pierre; Zins, Gérard, 2012, Birefringence compensation in PIONIER, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8445,

ASCL‐1318 Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Berger, J.‐P.; Zins, G.; Lazareff, B.; Jocou, L.; Kern, P.; Millan‐Gabet, R.; Traub, W.; Haguenauer, P.; Absil, O.; and 26 coauthors, 2012, PIONIER: a status report, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8445,

ASCL‐1319 Ligi, R.; Mourard, D.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Perraut, K., 2012, Interferometric determination of exoplanet host stars' fundamental parameters: θ Cygni, 14 Andromedae, υ Andromedae and 42 Draconis., SF2A‐2012: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 199

ASCL‐1320 Ligi, R.; Mourard, D.; Lagrange, Anne‐Marie; Perraut, Karine; Tallon‐Bosc, I., 2012, Study of exoplanets host stars with VEGA/CHARA, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8445,

ASCL‐1321 Loupias, M.; Kosmalski, J.; Adjali, L.; Bacon, R.; Boudon, D.; Brotons, L.; Caillier, P.; Capoani, L.; Daguisé, E.; Jarno, A.; and 11 coauthors, 2012, MUSE instrument global performance test, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8446,

ASCL‐1322 Madec, Fabrice; Dohlen, Kjetil; Blanchard, Patrick; Carle, Michael; Origné, Alain; Jaquet, Marc; Le Mignant, David; Barette, Rudy; Moreaux, Gabriel; Arthaud, Gilles; and 22 coauthors, 2012, SPHERE‐IRDIS assembly, integration and testing: from bits and metal to a planet‐ hunting machine, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8446, 98

ASCL‐1323 Mella, G.; Lafrasse, S.; Bourgès, L.; Chelli, A.; Duvert, G.; Chesneau, O.; Malbet, F.; Tallon‐Bosc, I.; Vannier, M.; Absil, O.; and 19 coauthors, 2012, Accompanying optical interferometry worldwide: the JMMC tools and services, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8445,

ASCL‐1324 Micheau, Yoan; Bouchy, François; Pepe, Francesco; Chazelas, Bruno; Kouach, Driss; Parès, Laurent; Donati, Jean‐François; Barrick, Gregory; Rabou, Patrick; Thibault, Simon; and 7 coauthors, 2012, SPIRou @ CFHT: fiber links and pupil slicer, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8446,

ASCL‐1325 Mourard, Denis; Meilland, Anthony; Dali‐Ali, Wassila; Clausse, Jean‐Michel; Girard, Paul; Hénault, François; Marcotto, Aurélie; Mauclert, Nicolas; Patru, Fabien; Tarmoul, Nassima, 2012, Chromatic phase diversity for cophasing large array of telescopes, Society of Photo‐ Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8445,

ASCL‐1326 Mourard, Denis; Challouf, Mounir; Ligi, Roxanne; Bério, Philippe; Clausse, Jean‐Michel; Gerakis, Jérôme; Bourges, Laurent; Nardetto, Nicolas; Perraut, Karine; Tallon‐Bosc, Isabelle; and 8 coauthors, 2012, Performance, results, and prospects of the visible spectrograph VEGA on CHARA, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8445,

ASCL‐1327 Petit, C.; Sauvage, J.‐F.; Sevin, A.; Costille, A.; Fusco, T.; Baudoz, P.; Beuzit, J.‐L.; Buey, T.; Charton, J.; Dohlen, K.; and 13 coauthors, 2012, The SPHERE XAO system SAXO: integration, test, and laboratory performance, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8447,

ASCL‐1328 Pragt, Johan; Roelfsema, Ronald; Gisler, Daniel; Wildi, Francois; Schmid, Hans M.; Rigal, Florence; Elswijk, Eddy; de Haan, Menno; Bazzon, Andreas; Dohlen, Kjetil; and 2 coauthors, 2012, Alignment of the SPHERE‐ZIMPOL imaging polarimeter, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8446, 97

ASCL‐1329 Preis, Olivier; Vérinaud, Christophe; Antichi, Jacopo; Ventura, Noël., 2012, System analysis and characterization of the FFREE bench, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8447,

ASCL‐1330 Sana, H.; Lacour, S.; Le Bouquin, J.; de Koter, A.; Moni‐Bidin, C.; Muijres, L.; Schnurr, O.; Zinnecker, H., 2012, Sparse Aperture Masking of Massive Stars, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series , 465, 363

ASCL‐1331 Sauvage, Jean‐François; Fusco, Thierry; Petit, Cyril; Mugnier, Laurent; Paul, Baptiste; Costille, Anne, 2012, Focal‐plane wave front sensing strategies for high contrast imaging: experimental

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 88 validations on SPHERE, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8447, 15

ASCL‐1332 Schmid, Hans‐Martin; Downing, Mark; Roelfsema, Ronald; Bazzon, Andreas; Gisler, Daniel; Pragt, Johan; Cumani, Claudio; Salasnich, Bernardo; Pavlov, Alexey; Baruffolo, Andrea; and 11 coauthors, 2012, Tests of the demodulating CCDs for the SPHERE / ZIMPOL imaging polarimeter, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8446,

ASCL‐1333 Straubmeier, Christian; Fischer, Sebastian; Araujo‐Hauck, Constanza; Wiest, Michael; Yazici, Senol; Wank, Imke; Eisenhauer, Frank; Perrin, Guy; Brandner, Wolfgang; Perraut, Karine; and 3 coauthors, 2012, The GRAVITY spectrometers: optical design, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8445,

ASCL‐1334 Thibault, Simon; Rabou, Patrick; Donati, Jean‐Francois; Desaulniers, Pierre; Dallaire, Xavier; Artigau, Etienne; Pepe, Francesco; Micheau, Yoan; Vallée, Philippe; Pepe, Francesco; and 10 coauthors, 2012, SPIRou @ CFHT: spectrograph optical design, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8446, 30

ASCL‐1335 Vigan, Arthur; Langlois, Maud; Martinez, Patrice; Le Mignant, David; Dohlen, Kjetil; Moutou, Claire; Gry, Cécile; Madec, Fabrice, 2012, First laboratory results of SPHERE/IRDIS dual‐band imaging and long slit spectroscopy modes, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8446, 99

ASCL‐1336 Yazici, Senol; Wiest, Michael; Fischer, Sebastian; Straubmeier, Christian; Araujo‐Hauck, Constanza; Eckart, Andreas; Wank, Imke; Eisenhauer, Frank; Perrin, Guy; Perraut, Karine; and 3 coauthors, 2012, A linear displacement mechanism for the GRAVITY spectrometers, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8445,

ASCL‐1337 Anthonioz, Fabien; Ménard, Francois; Pinte, Christophe; Thi, Wing‐Fai; Lebouquin, Jean‐ Baptiste; Berger, Jean‐Phillipe; Benisty, Myriam; Absil, Olivier; Duchêne, Gaspard; Lazareff, Bernard; and 4 coauthors, 2013, The VLTI/PIONIER survey of southern TTauri disks., Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #2B029 ,

ASCL‐1338 Beuzit, J.‐L., 2013, SPHERE: a Planet Finder Instrument for the VLT, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, held 8‐13 September in London, UK.

ASCL‐1339 , Christophe; Thomas, Fabrice; de Mengin Poirier, Mikhael; Le Coarer, Etienne; Benech, Pierre; Gonthiez, Thierry; Morand, Alain; Coutant, Olivier; Morino, Eric; Puget, Renaud; and 1 coauthors, 2013, SWIFTS: a groundbreaking integrated technology for high‐ performance spectroscopy and optical sensors, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8616,

ASCL‐1340 Bourgès, Laurent; Mella, Guillaume; Lafrasse, Sylvain; Duvert, Gilles, 2013, ASPRO 2: Astronomical Software to PRepare Observations, Astrophysics Source Code Library , 10005

ASCL‐1341 Chesneau, O.; Schmid, H.‐M.; Carbillet, M.; Chiavassa, A.; Abe, L.; Mouillet, D., 2013, The SPHERE View of Betelgeuse, EAS Publications Series , 60, 261

ASCL‐1342 Choquet, Élodie; Kervella, Pierre; Le Bouquin, Jean‐Baptiste; Mérand, Antoine; Haubois, Xavier; Berger, Jean‐Philippe; Perrin, Guy; Petrucci, Pierre‐Olivier; Lazareff, Bernard; Millan‐ Gabet, Rafael, 2013, Probing the geometry in Vela X‐1 with infrared interferometry, IAU Symposium , 290, 197

ASCL‐1343 Coutant, O.; Demengin, M.; Le Coarer, E.; Gaffet, S., 2013, A short baseline strainmeter using fiber‐optic Bragg‐Grating (FBG) sensor and a nano‐optic interferometer, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 43, 2865

ASCL‐1344 Creux, A.; Morand, A.; Benech, P.; Martin, B.; Grosa, G.; Cassagnettes, C.; Barbier, D.; Le Coarer, E., 2013, Glass integrated optic Fourier transform spectrometer in the spectral bandwith 700‐1000nm: process improvement, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8627,

ASCL‐1345 Crouzier, A.; Malbet, F.; Preis, O.; Henault, F.; Kern, P.; Martin, G.; Feautrier, P.; Stadler, E.; Lafrasse, S.; Delboulbé, A.; and 12 coauthors, 2013, First experimental results of very high accuracy centroiding measurements for the neat astrometric mission, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8864,

ASCL‐1346 Feautrier, Philippe; Gach, Jean‐luc, 2013, Visible and Infrared Wavefront Sensing detectors review in Europe ‐ part I, Proceedings of the Third AO4ELT Conference. Firenze, Italy, May

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 89 26‐31, 2013, Eds.: Simone Esposito and Luca Fini

ASCL‐1347 Hénault, François; Petrucci, Pierre‐Olivier; Jocou, Laurent; Khélifi, Bruno; Manigot, Pascal; Hormigos, Stéphane; Knödlseder, Jürgen; Olive, Jean‐François; Jean, Pierre; Punch, Michael, 2013, Design of light concentrators for Cherenkov telescope observatories, Society of Photo‐ Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8834, 05

ASCL‐1348 Kasper, Markus; Verinaud, Christophe; Mawet, Dimitri, 2013, Roadmap for PCS, the Planetary Camera and Spectrograph for the E‐ELT, Proceedings of the Third AO4ELT Conference. Firenze, Italy, May 26‐31, 2013, Eds.: Simone Esposito and Luca Fini

ASCL‐1349 Kern, P., 2013, Master training course for detection techniques, SF2A‐2013: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 423

ASCL‐1350 Kluska, J.; Malbet, F.; Berger, J.‐P.; Benisty, M.; Lazareff, B.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Pinte, C., 2013, High Angular Resolution and Young Stellar Objects: Imaging the Surroundings of MWC 158 by Optical Interferometry, EAS Publications Series , 59, 141

ASCL‐1351 Kluska, Jacques; Malbet, Fabien; Berger, Jean‐Philippe; Benisty, Myriam; Lazareff, Bernard; Le Bouquin, Jean‐Baptiste; Baron, Fabien; Dominik, Carsten; Isella, Andrea; Juhasz, Attila; and 9 coauthors, 2013, First Images from the PIONIER/VLTI optical interferometry imaging survey of Herbig Ae/Be stars, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #2B016 ,

ASCL‐1352 Langlois, Maud; Vigan, Arthur; Moutou, Claire; Sauvage, Jean‐François; Dohlen, Kjetil; Costille, Anne; Mouillet, David; Le Mignant, David, 2013, Infrared Differential Imager and Spectrograph for SPHERE: Performance Status with Extreme Adaptive Optics before shipment to ESO/VLT, Proceedings of the Third AO4ELT Conference. Firenze, Italy, May 26‐31, 2013, Eds.: Simone Esposito and Luca Fini

ASCL‐1353 Mawet, D.; Absil, O.; Girard, J. H.; Milli, J.; O'Neal, J.; Delacroix, C.; Baudoz, P.; Boccaletti, A.; Bourget, P.; Christiaens, V.; and 14 coauthors, 2013, High Contrast Imaging with the New Vortex Coronagraph on NACO, The Messenger , 152, 8

ASCL‐1354 Mourard, D.; Nardetto, N.; Ligi, R.; Perraut, K., 2013, Programs and Perspectives of Visible Long Baseline Interferometry VEGA/CHARA, Advances in Solid State Physics , 31, 155

ASCL‐1355 N'Diaye, Mamadou; Choquet, Elodie; Pueyo, Laurent; Elliot, Erin; Perrin, Marshall D.; , J. Kent; Groff, Tyler; Carlotti, Alexis; Mawet, Dimitri; Sheckells, Matt; and 4 coauthors, 2013, High‐contrast imager for complex aperture telescopes (HiCAT): 1. testbed design, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8864,

ASCL‐1356 Patru, Fabien; Antichi, Jacopo; Rabou, Patrick; Giro, Enrico; Mawet, Dimitri; Milli, Julien; Girard, Julien; Carbillet, Marcel; Mourard, Denis, 2013, Discret aperture mapping with a micro‐lenses array for interferometric direct imaging, Proceedings of the Third AO4ELT Conference. Firenze, Italy, May 26‐31, 2013, Eds.: Simone Esposito and Luca Fini

ASCL‐1357 Paul, Baptiste; Sauvage, Jean‐François; Mugnier, Laurent M.; Dohlen, Kjetil; Mouillet, David; Fusco, Thierry; Beuzit, Jean‐Luc; N'Diaye, Mamadou; Ferrari, Marc, 2013, Experimental validation of the high‐order coronagraphic phase diversity (COFFEE) on the SPHERE system, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8864,

ASCL‐1358 Roelfsema, Ronald; Gisler, Daniel; Pragt, Johan; Schmid, Hans Martin; Bazzon, Andreas; Dominik, Carsten; Baruffolo, Andrea; Boccaletti, Anthonoy; Beuzit, Jean‐Luc; Costille, Anne; and 17 coauthors, 2013, SPHERE‐ZIMPOL system testing: status report on polarimetric high contrast results, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8864,

ASCL‐1359 Sana, H.; Lacour, S.; Le Bouquin, J.; de Koter, A.; Moni‐Bidin, C.; Muijres, L.; Schnurr, O.; Zinnecker, H., 2013, Sparse Aperture Masking of Massive Stars, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series , 465, 363

ASCL‐1360 Sauvage, Jean‐François; Beuzit, Jean‐Luc; Roelfsema, Ronald; Feldt, Markus; Dohlen, Kjetil; Mouillet, David; Puget, Pascal; Wildi, Francois; Abe, Lyu; Baruffolo, Andrea; and 52 coauthors, 2013, Sphere: complete laboratory performance and prediction for on‐sky first light, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8864,

ASCL‐1361 Anthonioz, Fabien; Ménard, F.; Pinte, C.; Thi, W.‐F.; Lebouquin, J.‐B.; Berger, J.‐P.; Benisty, M.; Absil, O.; Duchène, G.; Lazareff, B.; and 4 coauthors, 2014, The VLTi/PIONIER survey of southern TTauri disks†, IAU Symposium , 299, 94

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 90 ASCL‐1362 Kern, P.; Malbet, F.; Le Coarer, E., 2014, Interferometric beam combination for a large number of telescopes, Improving the Performances of Current Optical Interferometers & Future Designs , 95

ASCL‐1363 Kluska, J.; Malbet, F.; Berger, J.‐P.; Benisty, M.; Lazareff, B.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Baron, F.; Dominik, C.; Isella, A.; Juhasz, A.; and 11 coauthors, 2014, Imaging Young Stellar Objects with VLTi/PIONIER, Improving the Performances of Current Optical Interferometers & Future Designs , 263

ASCL‐1364 Kluska, J.; Malbet, F.; Berger, J.‐P.; Benisty, M.; Lazareff, B.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Baron, F.; Dominik, C.; Isella, A.; Juhasz, A.; and 9 coauthors, 2014, First images from the PIONIER/VLTI optical interferometry imaging survey of Herbig Ae/Be stars, IAU Symposium , 299, 117

ASCL‐1365 Lazareff, B.; Le Bouquin, J.‐L.; Berger, J.‐P.; Zins, G.; Haguenauer, P.; Gitton, P.; Delboulbe, A.; Feautrier, P.; Jocou, L.; Kern, P.; and 13 coauthors, 2014, PIONIER : A Four Telescope VLTI Instrument, Improving the Performances of Current Optical Interferometers & Future Designs , 111

ASCL‐1366 Le Coarer, E.; Chalabaev, A.; Duvert, G., 2014, Prospects of Optical Heterodyne Detection for Astronomy and One Photon Interferometry, Improving the Performances of Current Optical Interferometers & Future Designs , 191

ASCL‐1367 Maire, Anne‐Lise; Boccaletti, Anthony; Rameau, Julien; Chauvin, Gaël; Lagrange, Anne‐Marie; Bonnefoy, Mickaël; Desidera, Silvano; Sylvestre, Mélody; Baudoz, Pierre; Galicher, Raphaël; and 1 coauthors, 2014, Search for cool extrasolar giant planets combining coronagraphy, spectral and angular differential imaging, IAU Symposium , 299, 21

ASCL‐1368 Mesa, Dino; Gratton, Raffaele; Claudi, Riccardo U.; Desidera, Silvano; Giro, Enrico; Zurlo, Alice; Costille, Anne; Vigan, Arthur; Moutou, Claire; Beuzit, Jean‐Luc; and 6 coauthors, 2014, Performance tests on the SPHERE‐IFS, IAU Symposium , 299, 54

ASCL‐1369 Milli, Julien; Mawet, Dimitri; Absil, Olivier; Lagrange, Anne‐Marie; Mouillet, David; Girard, Julien H.; Augereau, Jean‐Charles, 2014, First High‐Angular Resolution L' Images of the β Pictoris Debris Disc with the VLT / NaCo, IAU Symposium , 299, 350

ASCL‐1370 N'Diaye, Mamadou; Choquet, E.; Pueyo, L.; Elliot, E.; Perrin, M. D.; Wallace, J.; Anderson, R. E.; Carlotti, A.; Groff, T. D.; Hartig, G. F.; and 11 coauthors, 2014, High‐contrast imager for Complex Aperture Telescopes (HiCAT): testbed design and coronagraph developments, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts , 223,

ASCL‐1371 Thomas, Fabrice; De Mengin, Mikhaël.; Duchemin, Céline; Le Coarer, Etienne; Bonneville, Christophe; Gonthiez, Thierry; Morand, Alain; Benech, Pierre; Dherbecourt, Jean‐Baptiste; Hardy, Eléonore; and 3 coauthors, 2014, High‐performance high‐speed spectrum analysis of laser sources with SWIFTS technology, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8992,

ASCL‐1372 Zurlo, A.; Vigan, A.; Moutou, C.; Mesa, D.; Gratton, R.; Langlois, M.; Beuzit, J.‐L.; Costille, A.; Desidera, S.; Dolhen, K.; and 5 coauthors, 2014, IRDIS, the dual‐band imager camera of SPHERE: testing the performances in laboratory, IAU Symposium , 299, 78

ASCL fost (363)

ASCL‐1078 Pinte, C.; Ménard, F.; Duchêne, G.; Patience, J.; Ceccarelli, C.; Duvert, G., 2009, Multi‐technique observations and modeling of protoplanetary disks, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1094, 401

ASCL‐1123 Andersen, Morten; Steinacker, Juergen; Thi, Wing‐Fai; Pagani, Laurent; Bacmann, Aurore; Paladini, Roberta, 2013, Scattering in molecular clouds: Constraining the dust grain size distribution through near‐infrared cloudshine and mid‐infrared coreshine, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #1S041 ,

ASCL‐1132 Kastner, Joel; Punzi, Kristina; Rodriguez, David; Sacco, G. Germano; Hily‐Blant, Pierre; Forveille, Thierry; Zuckerman, Ben, 2013, Molecular Line Surveys of Nearby T Tauri Stars: Late‐time Chemistry of Protoplanetary Disks, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐ 20, 2013. Poster #2S022 ,

ASCL‐1133 Kastner, Joel H.; Hily‐Blant, P.; Rodriguez, D.; Punzi, K.; Forveille, T., 2013, Radio Emission

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 91 Line Surveys of the Molecular Disks Orbiting TW Hya and V4046 Sgr, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts , 221,

ASCL‐1139 Nielbock, Markus; Launhardt, Ralf; Steinacker, Jürgen; Stutz, Amelia M.; Balog, Zoltan; Beuther, Henrik; Bouwman, Jeroen; Henning, Thomas; Hily‐Blant, Pierre; Kainulainen, Jouni; and 6 coauthors, 2013, B68 ‐ The HERSCHEL view: Dust temperatures and densities, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #1S033 ,

ASCL‐1140 Paladini, Roberta; Pagani, Laurent; Steinacker, Jurgen; Lefevre, Charlene; Andersen, Morten; Carey, Sean; Pelkonen, Veli‐Matti; Juvela, Mika; Ristorcelli, Isabelle; Noriega‐Crespo, Alberto; and 4 coauthors, 2013, Hunting Coreshine with (Warm) Spitzer: from grain growth to planet formation, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #1S060 ,

ASCL‐1141 Punzi, Kristina M.; Kastner, J. H.; Hily‐Blant, P.; Forveille, T.; Sacco, G., 2013, First Results from a Radio Emission Line Survey of the Molecular Disk Orbiting LkCa 15, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts , 221,

ASCL‐1152 Kasting, James; Traub, W.; Roberge, A.; Leger, A.; Schwartz, A.; Wootten, A.; Vosteen, A.; Lo, A.; Brack, A.; Tanner, A.; and 112 coauthors, 2009, Exoplanet Characterization and the Search for Life, astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey , 2010, 151

ASCL‐1154 Lawson, P.R.; Absil, O.; Akeson, R.L.; Bally, J.; Barry, R.K.; Beichman, C.A.; Booth, A.J.; Bordé, P.; Breckinridge, J.; Cole, D.; and 45 coauthors, 2009, Technology for a Mid‐IR Flagship Mission to Characterize Earth‐like Exoplanets, astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey , 2010, 53

ASCL‐1163 Absil, O.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Chauvin, G.; Hanot, C.; Benisty, M.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Lebreton, J., 2010, A VLTI/AMBER closure‐phase search for low‐mass companions around nearby young stars: first results on beta Pictoris, In the Spirit of Lyot 2010 , 13

ASCL‐1164 Absil, O.; Eiroa, C.; Augereau, J.; Beichman, C. A.; Danchi, W. C.; Defrère, D.; Fridlund, M.; Roberge, A., 2010, Do we Need to Solve the Exozodi Question? If Yes, How to Best Solve It?, Pathways Towards Habitable Planets , 430, 293

ASCL‐1165 Absil, O.; Mennesson, B.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Millan‐Gabet, R.; Colavita, M.; Hinz, P.; Liu, W.; Serabyn, G., 2010, The Fomalhaut debris disk seen from every angle with interferometry, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 34

ASCL‐1171 Barry, R. K.; Danchi, W. C.; Lopez, B.; Rinehart, S. A.; Absil, O.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Beust, H.; Bonfils, X.; Bordé, P.; Defrère, D.; and 8 coauthors, 2010, The Fourier‐Kelvin Stellar Interferometer: Exploring Exoplanetary Systems with an Infrared Probe‐class Mission, Pathways Towards Habitable Planets , 430, 403

ASCL‐1175 Berger, J.‐P.; Zins, G.; Lazareff, B.; Lebouquin, J.‐B.; Jocou, L.; Kern, P.; Millan‐Gabet, R.; Traub, W.; Haguenauer, P.; Absil, O.; and 28 coauthors, 2010, PIONIER: a visitor instrument for VLTI, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 99

ASCL‐1176 Beuzit, J.‐L.; Boccaletti, A.; Feldt, M.; Dohlen, K.; Mouillet, D.; Puget, P.; Wildi, F.; Abe, L.; Antichi, J.; Baruffolo, A.; and 38 coauthors, 2010, Direct Detection of Giant Extrasolar Planets with SPHERE on the VLT, Pathways Towards Habitable Planets , 430, 231

ASCL‐1179 Blind, Nicolas; Le Bouquin, Jean‐Baptiste; Absil, Olivier; Alamir, Mazen; Berger, Jean‐ Philippe; Defrère, Denis; Feautrier, Philippe; Hénault, François; Jocou, Laurent; Kern, Pierre; and 9 coauthors, 2010, The planar optics phase sensor: a study for the VLTI 2nd generation fringe tracker, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 64

ASCL‐1185 Danchi, W. C.; Barry, R. K.; Lopez, B.; Rinehart, S. A.; Absil, O.; Augereau, J.; Beust, H.; Bonfils, X.; Bordé, P.; Defrère, D.; and 10 coauthors, 2010, Infrared Detection and Characterization of Debris Disks, Exozodiacal Dust, and Exoplanets: The FKSI Mission Concept, Pathways Towards Habitable Planets , 430, 188

ASCL‐1188 Duvert, G.; Chelli, A.; Malbet F.; Kern, P., 2010, Phase Closure Nulling: A "Lyot Mask" on correlated flux of stars, In the Spirit of Lyot 2010 , 72

ASCL‐1189 Duvert, Gilles; Malbet, Fabien; Chelli, Alain; Millan‐Gabet, Rafael; Monnier, John D.; Schaefer, Gail H., 2010, Phase closure nulling: results from the 2009 campaign, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 24

ASCL‐1190 Eggenberger, A.; Cornia, A.; Mugnier, L. M.; Mouillet, D.; Chauvin, G.; Boccaletti, A.; Rousset,

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 92 G., 2010, Testing the ANDROMEDA method for exoplanet detection on VLT/ NACO data, In the Spirit of Lyot 2010, 23

ASCL‐1195 Garcia, Paulo J. V.; Benisty, Myriam; Rajabi, Samira; Dougados, Catherine; Massi, Fabrizzio; Bacciotti, Francesca; Le Bouquin, Jean‐Baptiste; Malbet, Fabien; Podio, Linda; Renard, Stephanie; and 1 coauthors, 2010, The hydrogen emission of young stellar objects: key science for next‐generation instruments and facilities, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 98

ASCL‐1211 Kotani, Takayuki; Lacour, Sylvestre; Choquet, Elodie; Huby, Elsa; Perrin, Guy S.; Fedou, Pierre; Marchis, Franck; Duchene, Gaspard; Thiébaut, Éric M.; Woillez, Julien M.; and 9 coauthors, 2010, Development of a high‐dynamic range imaging instrument for a single telescope by a pupil remapping system, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 116

ASCL‐1214 Lafrasse, Sylvain; Mella, Guillaume; Bonneau, Daniel; Duvert, Gilles; Delfosse, Xavier; Chesneau, Olivier; Chelli, Alain, 2010, Building the 'JMMC Stellar Diameters Catalog' using SearchCal, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 140

ASCL‐1216 Langlois, M.; Dohlen, K.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Mouillet, D.; Boccaletti, A.; Schmid, H.‐M., 2010, High contrast imaging with IRDIS near infrared polarimeter, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7735, 97

ASCL‐1217 Malbet, Fabien; Duvert, Gilles; Millour, Florentin; Le Bouquin, Jean‐Baptiste; Mella, Guillaume; Halipré, Luc; Chelli, Alain; Lafrasse, Sylvain; Altariba, Evelyne; Zins, Gérard, 2010, AMBER: The Third Version of the AMBER Data Reduction Software, Astrophysics Source Code Library , 10003

ASCL‐1218 Malbet, Fabien; Duvert, Gilles; Millour, Florentin A.; Le Bouquin, Jean‐Baptiste; Mella, Guillaume; Halipré, Luc; Chelli, Alain; Lafrasse, Sylvain; Altariba, Evelyne; Zins, Gérard, 2010, The third version of the AMBER data reduction software, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 138

ASCL‐1219 Malbet, Fabien; Mella, Guillaume; Lawson, Peter; Taillifet, Esther; Lafrasse, Sylvain, 2010, A publication database for optical long baseline interferometry, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 107

ASCL‐1222 Mouillet, D.; Beuzit, J. L.; Desidera, S.; Chauvin, G.; Schmid, H. M.; Waters, R.,; Sphere Science Group, 2010, Preparation to the scientific exploitation of SPHERE, In the Spirit of Lyot 2010 , 50

ASCL‐1227 Renard, S.; Malbet, F.; Benisty, M.; Thiébaut, E.; Berger, J.‐P., 2010, Image reconstruction in optical interferometry: application to the inner regions of protoplanetary disks, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 35

ASCL‐1237 Tatulli, E.; Blind, N.; Malbet, F.; Chelli, A.; Berger, J.‐P., 2010, Estimating the phase in interferomety: performance comparison between multi‐mode and single‐mode schemes, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 75

ASCL‐1255 Bonavita, M.; Claudi, R. U.; Tinetti, G.; Beuzit, J.; Chauvin, G.; Desidera, S.; Gratton, R.; Kasper, M., 2011, High‐Contrast Imaging: A Wider View on Extrasolar Planetary Systems, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series , 450, 199

ASCL‐1259 Defrère, D.; Absil, O.; Augereau, J. C.; di Folco, E.; Coudé Du Foresto, V.; Le Bouquin, J. B.; Mérand, A.; Mollier, B., 2011, Imaging the inner regions of debris disks with near‐infrared interferometry, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 1084

ASCL‐1261 Duvert, G.; Bourgès, L.; Mella, G.; Lafrasse, S., 2011, ASPRO2: A Modern Tool to Prepare Optical Interferometry Observations, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series , 442, 489

ASCL‐1276 Perruchot, S.; Bouchy, F.; Chazelas, B.; Díaz, R. F.; Hébrard, G.; Arnaud, K.; Arnold, L.; Avila, G.; Delfosse, X.; Boisse, I.; and 6 coauthors, 2011, Higher‐precision radial velocity measurements with the SOPHIE spectrograph using octagonal‐section fibers, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8151, 37

ASCL‐1281 Wittkowski, M.; Ballester, P.; Bonneau, D.; Chelli, A.; Chesneau, O.; Cruzalèbes, P.; Duvert, G.; Hummel, C.; Lafrasse, S.; Mella, G.; and 8 coauthors, 2011, CalVin 3 — A New Release of the ESO Calibrator Selection Tool for the VLT Interferometer, The Messenger , 145, 7

ASCL‐1284 Absil, O.; Defrère, D.; Mollier, B.; Di Folco, E.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Coudé du Foresto, V.; Le

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 93 Bouquin, J.‐B.; Mérand, A., 2012, The connection between inner and outer debris disks probed by infrared interferometry, From Atoms to Pebbles: Herschel's view of Star and Planet Formation , 45

ASCL‐1285 Absil, Olivier; Defrère, Denis; Le Bouquin, Jean‐Baptiste; Mollier, Benjamin; Augereau, Jean‐ Charles; Coudé du Foresto, Vincent; Di Folco, Emmanuel; Ertel, Steve; ten Brummelaar, Theo, 2012, Studying hot exozodiacal dust with near‐infrared interferometry, Society of Photo‐ Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8445,

ASCL‐1288 Artigau, Étienne; Bouchy, François; Delfosse, Xavier; Bonfils, Xavier; Donati, Jean‐François; Figueira, Pedro; Thanjavur, Karun; Lafrenière, David; Doyon, René; Surace, Christian; and 9 coauthors, 2012, SPIRou @ CFHT: data reduction software and simulation tools, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8451,

ASCL‐1290 Barrick, Gregory A.; Vermeulen, Tom; Baratchart, Sébastien; Reshetov, Vladimir A.; Wang, Shiang‐Yu; Dolon, François; Hernandez, Olivier; Pepe, Francesco; Bouchy, François; Dunn, Jennifer; and 18 coauthors, 2012, SPIRou @ CFHT: design of the instrument control system, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8451,

ASCL‐1299 Crouzier, A.; Malbet, F.; Preis, O.; Henault, F.; Kern, P.; Martin, G.; Feautrier, P.; Cara, C.; Lagage, P.; Léger, A.; and 3 coauthors, 2012, An experimental testbed for NEAT to demonstrate micro‐pixel accuracy, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8445,

ASCL‐1309 Kasper, M.; Beuzit, J.‐L.; Feldt, M.; Dohlen, K.; Mouillet, D.; Puget, P.; Wildi, F.; Abe, L.; Baruffolo, A.; Baudoz, P.; and 58 coauthors, 2012, Gearing up the SPHERE, The Messenger , 149, 17

ASCL‐1311 Kluska, J.; Malbet, F.; Berger, J.‐P.; Benisty, M.; Lazareff, B.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Pinte, C., 2012, High angular resolution and young stellar objects: Imaging the surroundings of MWC 158 by optical interferometry, SF2A‐2012: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 539

ASCL‐1312 Kluska, J.; Malbet, F.; Berger, J.‐P.; Lazareff, B.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Benisty, M.; Menard, F.; Pinte, C.; Millan‐Gabet, R.; Traub, W., 2012, Intrincate visibility effects from resolved emission of young stellar objects: the case of MWC158 observed with the VLTI, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8445,

ASCL‐1318 Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Berger, J.‐P.; Zins, G.; Lazareff, B.; Jocou, L.; Kern, P.; Millan‐Gabet, R.; Traub, W.; Haguenauer, P.; Absil, O.; and 26 coauthors, 2012, PIONIER: a status report, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8445,

ASCL‐1319 Ligi, R.; Mourard, D.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Perraut, K., 2012, Interferometric determination of exoplanet host stars' fundamental parameters: θ Cygni, 14 Andromedae, υ Andromedae and 42 Draconis., SF2A‐2012: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 199

ASCL‐1320 Ligi, R.; Mourard, D.; Lagrange, Anne‐Marie; Perraut, Karine; Tallon‐Bosc, I., 2012, Study of exoplanets host stars with VEGA/CHARA, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8445,

ASCL‐1323 Mella, G.; Lafrasse, S.; Bourgès, L.; Chelli, A.; Duvert, G.; Chesneau, O.; Malbet, F.; Tallon‐Bosc, I.; Vannier, M.; Absil, O.; and 19 coauthors, 2012, Accompanying optical interferometry worldwide: the JMMC tools and services, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8445,

ASCL‐1324 Micheau, Yoan; Bouchy, François; Pepe, Francesco; Chazelas, Bruno; Kouach, Driss; Parès, Laurent; Donati, Jean‐François; Barrick, Gregory; Rabou, Patrick; Thibault, Simon; and 7 coauthors, 2012, SPIRou @ CFHT: fiber links and pupil slicer, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8446,

ASCL‐1334 Thibault, Simon; Rabou, Patrick; Donati, Jean‐Francois; Desaulniers, Pierre; Dallaire, Xavier; Artigau, Etienne; Pepe, Francesco; Micheau, Yoan; Vallée, Philippe; Pepe, Francesco; and 10 coauthors, 2012, SPIRou @ CFHT: spectrograph optical design, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8446, 30

ASCL‐1337 Anthonioz, Fabien; Ménard, Francois; Pinte, Christophe; Thi, Wing‐Fai; Lebouquin, Jean‐ Baptiste; Berger, Jean‐Phillipe; Benisty, Myriam; Absil, Olivier; Duchêne, Gaspard; Lazareff, Bernard; and 4 coauthors, 2013, The VLTI/PIONIER survey of southern TTauri disks.,

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 94 Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #2B029 ,

ASCL‐1340 Bourgès, Laurent; Mella, Guillaume; Lafrasse, Sylvain; Duvert, Gilles, 2013, ASPRO 2: Astronomical Software to PRepare Observations, Astrophysics Source Code Library , 10005

ASCL‐1345 Crouzier, A.; Malbet, F.; Preis, O.; Henault, F.; Kern, P.; Martin, G.; Feautrier, P.; Stadler, E.; Lafrasse, S.; Delboulbé, A.; and 12 coauthors, 2013, First experimental results of very high accuracy centroiding measurements for the neat astrometric mission, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8864,

ASCL‐1350 Kluska, J.; Malbet, F.; Berger, J.‐P.; Benisty, M.; Lazareff, B.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Pinte, C., 2013, High Angular Resolution and Young Stellar Objects: Imaging the Surroundings of MWC 158 by Optical Interferometry, EAS Publications Series , 59, 141

ASCL‐1351 Kluska, Jacques; Malbet, Fabien; Berger, Jean‐Philippe; Benisty, Myriam; Lazareff, Bernard; Le Bouquin, Jean‐Baptiste; Baron, Fabien; Dominik, Carsten; Isella, Andrea; Juhasz, Attila; and 9 coauthors, 2013, First Images from the PIONIER/VLTI optical interferometry imaging survey of Herbig Ae/Be stars, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #2B016 ,

ASCL‐1353 Mawet, D.; Absil, O.; Girard, J. H.; Milli, J.; O'Neal, J.; Delacroix, C.; Baudoz, P.; Boccaletti, A.; Bourget, P.; Christiaens, V.; and 14 coauthors, 2013, High Contrast Imaging with the New Vortex Coronagraph on NACO, The Messenger , 152, 8

ASCL‐1360 Sauvage, Jean‐François; Beuzit, Jean‐Luc; Roelfsema, Ronald; Feldt, Markus; Dohlen, Kjetil; Mouillet, David; Puget, Pascal; Wildi, Francois; Abe, Lyu; Baruffolo, Andrea; and 52 coauthors, 2013, Sphere: complete laboratory performance and prediction for on‐sky first light, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8864,

ASCL‐1361 Anthonioz, Fabien; Ménard, F.; Pinte, C.; Thi, W.‐F.; Lebouquin, J.‐B.; Berger, J.‐P.; Benisty, M.; Absil, O.; Duchène, G.; Lazareff, B.; and 4 coauthors, 2014, The VLTi/PIONIER survey of southern TTauri disks†, IAU Symposium , 299, 94

ASCL‐1362 Kern, P.; Malbet, F.; Le Coarer, E., 2014, Interferometric beam combination for a large number of telescopes, Improving the Performances of Current Optical Interferometers & Future Designs , 95

ASCL‐1363 Kluska, J.; Malbet, F.; Berger, J.‐P.; Benisty, M.; Lazareff, B.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Baron, F.; Dominik, C.; Isella, A.; Juhasz, A.; and 11 coauthors, 2014, Imaging Young Stellar Objects with VLTi/PIONIER, Improving the Performances of Current Optical Interferometers & Future Designs , 263

ASCL‐1364 Kluska, J.; Malbet, F.; Berger, J.‐P.; Benisty, M.; Lazareff, B.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Baron, F.; Dominik, C.; Isella, A.; Juhasz, A.; and 9 coauthors, 2014, First images from the PIONIER/VLTI optical interferometry imaging survey of Herbig Ae/Be stars, IAU Symposium , 299, 117

ASCL‐1365 Lazareff, B.; Le Bouquin, J.‐L.; Berger, J.‐P.; Zins, G.; Haguenauer, P.; Gitton, P.; Delboulbe, A.; Feautrier, P.; Jocou, L.; Kern, P.; and 13 coauthors, 2014, PIONIER : A Four Telescope VLTI Instrument, Improving the Performances of Current Optical Interferometers & Future Designs , 111

ASCL‐1366 Le Coarer, E.; Chalabaev, A.; Duvert, G., 2014, Prospects of Optical Heterodyne Detection for Astronomy and One Photon Interferometry, Improving the Performances of Current Optical Interferometers & Future Designs , 191

ASCL‐1367 Maire, Anne‐Lise; Boccaletti, Anthony; Rameau, Julien; Chauvin, Gaël; Lagrange, Anne‐Marie; Bonnefoy, Mickaël; Desidera, Silvano; Sylvestre, Mélody; Baudoz, Pierre; Galicher, Raphaël; and 1 coauthors, 2014, Search for cool extrasolar giant planets combining coronagraphy, spectral and angular differential imaging, IAU Symposium , 299, 21

ASCL‐1369 Milli, Julien; Mawet, Dimitri; Absil, Olivier; Lagrange, Anne‐Marie; Mouillet, David; Girard, Julien H.; Augereau, Jean‐Charles, 2014, First High‐Angular Resolution L' Images of the β Pictoris Debris Disc with the VLT / NaCo, IAU Symposium , 299, 350

ASCL‐1373 Agra‐Amboage, Vanessa; Dougados, Catherine; Cabrit, Sylvie, 2009, 0.15″ Study of the Atomic and Molecular Jets in DG Tau, Protostellar Jets in Context , 477

ASCL‐1374 Albert, Loïc; Artigau, Étienne; Delorme, Philippe; Delfosse, Xavier; Forveille, Thierry; Reylé, Céline; Willott, Chris, 2009, Spectroscopic Follow‐up of the CFBDS T Dwarf Candidates, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1094, 485

ASCL‐1375 Augereau, J.‐C., 2009, Exozodiacal dust disks, SF2A‐2009: Proceedings of the Annual meeting

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 95 of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 301

ASCL‐1376 Barbieri, C.; Daniel, M.K.; de Wit, W.J.; Dravins, D.; Jensen, H.; Kervella, P.; Le Bohec, S.; Malbet, F.; Nunex, P.; Ralston, J.P.; and 1 coauthors, 2009, New Astrophysical Opportunities Exploiting Spatio‐Temporal Optical Correlations, astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey , 2010, 61

ASCL‐1377 Barry, R. K.; Demory, B. O.; Ségransan, D.; Forveille, T.; Danchi, W. C.; di Folco, E.; Queloz, D.; Torres, G.; Traub, W. A.; Delfosse, X.; and 3 coauthors, 2009, Ultra‐precise Masses and Magnitudes for the Gliese 268 M‐dwarf Binary, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1094, 780

ASCL‐1378 Beichman, Charles; Baraffe, Isabell; Crockett, Christopher; Dodson‐Robinson, Sarah; Fortney, Jonathan; Ghez, Andrea; Greene, Thomas P.; Kraus, Adam; Lin, Doug; Mahmud, Naved; and 9 coauthors, 2009, Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems, astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey , 2010, 15

ASCL‐1379 Beigbeder, F.; Bourrec, E.; Dupieux, M.; Delaigue, G.; Rondi, S.; Rieutord, M.; Meunier, N.; Roudier, T., 2009, Development of large and fast cmos aps cameras at latt, EAS Publications Series , 37, 301

ASCL‐1380 Bertout, C.; Forveille, T.; Langer, N.; Shore, S., 2009, Editorial, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 506, 1

ASCL‐1381 Beust, Hervé; Rèche, Rémy; Augereau, Jean‐Charles, 2009, Investigating the flyby scenario for the HD141569 system, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1094, 405

ASCL‐1382 Boisse, I.; Moutou, C.; Vidal‐Madjar, A.; Bouchy, F.; Pont, F.; Hébrard, G.; Bonfils, X.; Delfosse, X.; Desort, M.; Forveille, T.; and 10 coauthors, 2009, Stellar activity of planetary host star HD 189733, IAU Symposium , 253, 462

ASCL‐1383 Bonnefoy, M.; Chauvin, G.; Rojo, P.; Dumas, C.; Allard, F.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Beuzit, J.‐L., 2009, Near‐infrared integral field spectroscopy of young late‐M and early‐L dwarfs close to the deuterium‐burning boundary, SF2A‐2009: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 309

ASCL‐1384 Bouvier, J.; Kendall, T.; Meeus, G., 2009, Metal‐rich T‐dwarfs in the Hyades cluster, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1094, 497

ASCL‐1385 Bouvier, J., 2009, The role of magnetic fields in governing the angular momentum evolution of solar‐type stars, EAS Publications Series , 39, 199

ASCL‐1386 Burgasser, Adam J.; Lépine, Sebastién; Lodieu, Nicolas; Scholz, Ralf‐Dieter; Delorme, Phillippe; Jao, Wei‐Chun; , Brandon J.; Cushing, Michael C., 2009, Ultracool Subdwarfs: The Halo Population Down to the Substellar Limit, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1094, 242

ASCL‐1387 Burgess, A.; Bouvier, J.; Moraux, E., 2009, Methane T‐Dwarf Candidates in the Star Forming Region IC 348, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1094, 505

ASCL‐1388 Chauvin, G.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Mouillet, D.; Beuzit, J.‐L.; Beust, H.; Ehrenreich, D.; Bonnefoy, M.; Allard, F.; Bessel, M.; Bonavita, M.; and 11 coauthors, 2009, The LAOG‐Planet Imaging Surveys, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1158, 183

ASCL‐1389 Danchi, W. C.; Barry, R. K.; Lopez, B.; Augereau, J. C.; Ollivier, M.; Leger, A.; Petrov, R.; Kern, P.; Borde, P.; Monin, J.‐L.; and 3 coauthors, 2009, The Fourier‐Kelvin Stellar Interferometer: Exploring Exoplanetary Systems with an Infrared Space Mission, SF2A‐2009: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 317

ASCL‐1390 Delorme, P.; Delfosse, X.; Forveille, T.; Albert, L.; Artigau, E.; Reylé, C., 2009, Probing extreme atmosphere physics: T dwarfs and beyond, SF2A‐2009: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 319

ASCL‐1391 Delorme, P.; Delfosse, X.; Albert, L.; Artigau, E.; Forveille, T.; Reylé, C.; Allard, F.; Homeier, D.; Robin, A., 2009, Detection of NH3 in the near infrared spectrum of extremely cool brown dwarfs, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1094, 513

ASCL‐1392 Demory, B.‐O.; Ségransan, D.; Forveille, T.; Queloz, D.; Delfosse, X.; Perrier, C., 2009, Mass‐ Radius relation of low‐mass stars revisited with the VLTI, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1094, 792

ASCL‐1393 Donati, J.‐F.; Jardine, M. M.; Gregory, S. G.; Bouvier, J.; Dougados, C.; Ménard, F., 2009,

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 96 Accretion discs, low‐mass protostars and planets: probing the impact of magnetic fields on stellar formation, EAS Publications Series , 39, 133

ASCL‐1394 Donati, Jean‐François; Morin, Julien; Delfosse, Xavier; Forveille, Thierry; Farès, Rim; Moutou, Claire; Jardine, Moira, 2009, Large‐scale magnetic topologies of cool stars, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1094, 130

ASCL‐1395 Dougados, C., 2009, Magnetic Jets from Young Stars: high‐angular resolution observations, SF2A‐2009: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 3

ASCL‐1396 Duchene, G.; Menard, F.; Muzerolle, J.; Mohanty, S., 2009, Observational properties of disks and young stellar objects, Structure Formation in Astrophysics , 323

ASCL‐1397 Désert, J.‐M.; Sing, D. K.; Vidal‐Madjar, A.; Lecavelier Des Etangs, A.; Hébrard, G.; Ehrenreich, D.; Ferlet, R.; Parmentier, V.; Henry, G., 2009, Spitzer and HST transit spectrophotometry of the exoplanet HD189733b, SF2A‐2009: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 323

ASCL‐1398 Désert, J.‐M.; Vidal‐Madjar, A.; Lecavelier des Etangs, A.; Sing, D.; Ehrenreich, D.; Hébrard, G.; Ferlet, R., 2009, Atmospheric composition and structure of HD209458b, IAU Symposium , 253, 524

ASCL‐1399 Ehrenreich, D.; Lecavelier des Etangs, A.; Hébrard, G.; Désert, J.‐M.; Vidal‐Madjar, A.; McConnell, J. C.; Parkinson, C. D.; Ballester, G. E.; Ferlet, R., 2009, The hydrogen exosphere of exoplanet HD 209458b detected with HST/ACS, IAU Symposium , 253, 528

ASCL‐1400 Geißler, K.; Sterzik, M. R.; Chauvin, G.; Pantin, E., 2009, Mid‐infrared imaging of brown dwarfs: Is HD 130948 BC variable?, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1094, 521

ASCL‐1401 Grady, C. A.; Schneider, G.; Sitko, M. L.; Williger, G. M.; Hamaguchi, K.; Brittain, S. D.; Ablordeppey, K.; Apai, D.; Beerman, L.; Carpenter, W. J.; and 15 coauthors, 2009, The Disk and Environment of a Young Altair Analog: SAO 206462, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1094, 385

ASCL‐1402 Güdel, Manuel; Skinner, Stephen L.; Cabrit, Sylvie; Eislöffel, Jochen; Dougados, Catherine; Gredel, Roland; Briggs, Kevin R., 2009, X‐Ray Emission from Young Stellar Jets, Protostellar Jets in Context , 347

ASCL‐1403 Huélamo, N.; Barrado Y Navascués, D.; Bouy, H.; Torres, C. A. O.; Quast, G.; Melo, C. H. F.; Sterzik, M. F.; Chauvin, G., 2009, Search for Substellar Objects Around Young and Nearby Stars: The SACY Sample, The Eighth Pacific Rim Conference on Stellar Astrophysics: A Tribute to Kam‐Ching Leung , 404, 286

ASCL‐1404 Hébrard, G.; Bouchy, F.; Pont, F.; Loeillet, B.; Rabus, M.; Bonfils, X.; Moutou, C.; Boisse, I.; Delfosse, X.; Desort, M.; and 13 coauthors, 2009, Misaligned spin‐orbit in the XO‐3 planetary system?†, IAU Symposium , 253, 508

ASCL‐1405 Irwin, Jonathan; Bouvier, Jerome; Hebb, Leslie; Scholz, Aleks; Stassun, Keivan, 2009, Rotation periods of solar‐mass stars in NGC 2547 and NGC 2516, NOAO Proposal ID #2009B‐0144 , 144

ASCL‐1406 Irwin, Jonathan; Bouvier, Jerome, 2009, The rotational evolution of low‐mass stars, IAU Symposium , 258, 363

ASCL‐1407 Malbet, F.; Buscher, D.; Weigelt, G.; Garcia, P.; Gai, M.; Lorenzetti, D.; Surdej, J.; Hron, J.; Neuhäuser, R.; Kern, P.; and 43 coauthors, 2009, Milli‐arcsecond Astrophysics with VSI, the VLTI Spectro‐imager in the ELT Era, Science with the VLT in the ELT Era , 343

ASCL‐1408 Martin‐Zaïdi, C.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Ménard, F.; van Dishoeck, E. F.; Habart, E.; Lagage, P.‐O.; Pantin, E.; Olofsson, J., 2009, Searching for molecular hydrogen mid‐infrared emission in the circumstellar environments of Herbig stars., SF2A‐2009: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 293

ASCL‐1409 Martin‐Zaïdi, C.; Deleuil, M.; Le Bourlot, J.; Bouret, J.‐C.; Roberge, A.; Feldman, P. D.; Lecavelier des Etangs, A.; Vidal‐Madjar, A., 2009, H2 in the Circumstellar Environments of Herbig Ae/Be Stars, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1135, 286

ASCL‐1410 McCabe, Caer‐Eve; Padgett, D. L.; Rebull, L.; Noriega‐Crespo, A.; Carey, S.; Brooke, T.; Stapelfeldt, K. R.; Fukagawa, M.; Hines, D.; Terebey, S.; and 24 coauthors, 2009, The Taurus Spitzer Legacy Project, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society , 213, 314

ASCL‐1411 Meunier, N.; Zhao, J., 2009, Observations of Photospheric Dynamics and Magnetic Fields: From

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 97 Large‐Scale to Small‐Scale Flows, The Origin and Dynamics of Solar Magnetism, Space Sciences Series of ISSI, Volume 32. ISBN 978‐1‐4419‐0238‐2. Springer New York, 2009, p. 127 , 127

ASCL‐1412 Meunier, N., 2009, Dynamo of the Sun and Solar‐Type Stars, EAS Publications Series , 39, 83

ASCL‐1413 Millan‐Gabet, Rafael; Monnier, John D.; Akeson, Rachel; Beichman, Chas; brittain, Sean; ten Brummelaar, Theo; Calvet, Nuria; Eisner, Josh; Hinz, Phil; Jang‐Congell, Hanna; and 9 coauthors, 2009, How and When Do Planets Form? The Inner Regions of Planet Forming Disks at High Spatial and Spectral Resolution, astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey , 2010, 206

ASCL‐1414 Mohanty, Subhanjoy; Burgasser, Adam; Chabrier, Gilles; Padoan, Paolo; Hennebelle, Patrick; Pascucci, Ilaria; Kraus, Adam; Baraffe, Isabelle; Stassun, Jeivan; Greaves, Jane; and 10 coauthors, 2009, Bridging the Gap Between Stars and Planets: The Formation and Early Evolution of Brown Dwarfs, astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey , 2010, 212

ASCL‐1415 Monin, Jean‐Louis, 2009, TTauri Disk Size as a Clue to their Formation Model, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1158, 143

ASCL‐1416 Morin, J.; Donati, J.‐R.; Delfosse, X.; Forveille, T.; Jardine, M. M., 2009, Large‐scale magnetic topologies of M dwarfs, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1094, 140

ASCL‐1417 Pence, William D.; Ochsenbein, François; , Donald C.; Allen, Steven W.; Calabretta, Mark R.; Chiappetti, Lucio; Durand, Daniel; Forveille, Thierry; Gabriel, Carlos; Greisen, Eric; and 12 coauthors, 2009, Division XII / Commission 5 / Working Group FITS Data Format, Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, Series A , 27, 366

ASCL‐1418 Perrin, Marshall D.; Duchene, Gaspard; Graham, James R.; Hines, Dean; Maness, Holly L.; Menard, Francois; Pinte, Christophe; Schneider, Glenn, 2009, Investigating Circumstellar Disk Geometry and Dust Properties with Coronagraphic Polarimetry, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1158, 17

ASCL‐1419 Reylé, C.; Delorme, P.; Delfosse, X.; Forveille, T.; Albert, L.; Willott, C.; Artigau, E., 2009, The field brown dwarfs luminosity function and space density from the Canada‐France Brown Dwarf Survey, SF2A‐2009: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 339

ASCL‐1420 Reylé, C.; Delorme, P.; Delfosse, X.; Forveille, T.; Willott, C.; Albert, L.; Artigau, E., 2009, The ultracool field dwarfs luminosity function from the Canada‐France Brown Dwarf Survey, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1094, 553

ASCL‐1421 Roudier, T.; Rincon, F.; Rieutord, M.; Brito, D.; Beigbeder, F.; Parès, L.; Malherbe, J.‐M.; Meunier, N.; Berger, T.; Frank, Z., 2009, Supergranulation, Network Formation, and TFGs Evolution from Hinode Observations, The Second Hinode Science Meeting: Beyond Discovery‐ Toward Understanding , 415, 203

ASCL‐1422 Shao, Michael; Bairstow, S.; Deems, E.; Fletcher, L.; Levine, B.; Orton, G.; Vasisht, G.; Wayne, L.; Zhao, F.; Clampin, M.; and 11 coauthors, 2009, A Mission Concept Study of a Dilute Aperture Visible Nulling Coronagraph Imager (DAViNCI) for the Detection and Spectroscopy of Exo‐ planets, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #214 , 214,

ASCL‐1423 Shao, Michael; Bairstow, Sarah; Deems, Elizabeth; Fletcher, Leigh; Levine, B. Martin; Orton, Glen; Vasisht, Gautam; Zhao, Feng; Clampin, Mark; Lyon, Richard G.; and 10 coauthors, 2009, Direct Detection of Earths and the Need for High Angular Resolution, astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey , 2010, 272

ASCL‐1424 Shao, Michael; Bairstow, Sarah; Deems, Elizabeth; Fletcher, Leigh; Levine, B. Martin; Orton, Glen; Vasisht, Gautam; Zhao, Feng; Clampin, Mark; Lyon, Richard G.; and 10 coauthors, 2009, Direct Detection and Spectroscopy of Exo‐Earths; The Need for High Angular Resolution and Other Observational Requirements, astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey , 2010, 273

ASCL‐1425 Shao, Michael; Marcy, Geoff; Catanzarite, Joseph H.; Edberg, Stephen J.; Léger, Alain; Malbet, Fabien; Queloz, Didier; Muterspaugh, Matthew W.; Beichman, Charles; Fischer, Debra; and 5 coauthors, 2009, Astrometric Detection of Earthlike Planets, astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey , 2010, 271

ASCL‐1426 Shao, Michael; Clampin, Mark C.; Lawson, Peter; Levine, Martin; Sandhul, Jagmit; Vasisht,

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 98 Gautam; Lyon, Richard G.; Lane, Benjamin F.; Samuelle, Rocco; Vasudevan, Gopal; and 2 coauthors, 2009, Technology Development Toward Imaging and Spectroscopy of Exo‐planets via Visible Nulling Coronagraphic Techniques, astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey , 2010, 52

ASCL‐1427 Tatulli, E., 2009, The Inner Environment of Protoplanetary Disks With Near‐infrared Spectro‐ interferometry, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1158, 299

ASCL‐1428 Absil, O.; Defrère, D.; Roberge, A.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Coudé Du Foresto, V.; Hanot, C.; Stark, C.; Surdej, J., 2010, Direct imaging of Earth‐like planets: why we care about exozodis, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 17

ASCL‐1429 Alencar, Silvia H. P.; Bouvier, Jérôme; Catala, Claude; Fernandez, Matilde; Gameiro, Jorge Filipe; Fonseca, Nathalia; Guimarães, Marcelo Medeiros; Hetem, Jane Gregorio; McGinnis, Pauline Telles; Moraux, Estelle; and 1 coauthors, 2010, Accretion dynamics and star‐disk interaction in NCG 2264, Highlights of Astronomy , 15, 735

ASCL‐1430 Augereau, J.‐C.; Herchel/DUNES Team, 2010, Cold Disks around Nearby Stars. An overview of the DUNES search for Extra‐Solar Kuiper‐Belt Analogs, In the Spirit of Lyot 2010 , 29

ASCL‐1431 Bertout, C.; Forveille, T., 2010, Pre‐launch status of the Planck mission, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 520, 1

ASCL‐1432 Beust, H., 2010, Dynamical Processes in Debris Disks, EAS Publications Series , 41, 219

ASCL‐1433 Boisse, I.; Bouchy, F.; Hébrard, G.; Udry, S.; Delfosse, X.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Queloz, D.; Moutou, C.; Arnold, L.; Bonfils, X.; and 11 coauthors, 2010, Search and characterization for extrasolar planets with the SOPHIE Consortium, SF2A‐2010: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 285

ASCL‐1434 Boisse, I.; Bouchy, F.; Hébrard, G.; Bonfils, X.; Santos, N.; Vauclair, S., 2010, Disentangling stellar activity and planetary signals, European Planetary Science Congress 2010 , 151

ASCL‐1435 Bonnefoy, M.; Chauvin, G.; Dumas, C.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Beust, H.; Zuckerman, B.; Beuzit, J.‐L.; Allard, F.; Song, I., 2010, Characterization of the Twa22 AB system. A new calibrator for evolutionary tracks?, EAS Publications Series , 41, 95

ASCL‐1436 Buenzli, E.; Thalmann, C.; Boccaletti, A.; Vigan, A.; Augereau, J. C.; Chauvin, G.; Menard, F.; Carson, J.; Montagnier, G.; Meyer, M. R.; and 16 coauthors, 2010, Dissecting the Moth: Resolving the offset debris ring around HD61005 with VLT/NACO, In the Spirit of Lyot 2010 , 31

ASCL‐1437 Cabrit, S.; Ferreira, J.; Dougados, C.; Garcia, P., 2010, The ejection‐accretion connection in young stars: Testing MHD disk winds, Highlights of Astronomy , 15, 261

ASCL‐1438 Chauvin, G., 2010, Deep Imaging of Giant Planets, In the Spirit of Lyot 2010 , 12

ASCL‐1439 Chauvin, G.; Naco Large Programme For Giant Planets Imaging Collaboration, 2010, Probing the Occurrence of Exoplanets and Brown Dwarfs at Wide Orbits, the NaCo Large Programme ‐ Progress Report, In the Spirit of Lyot 2010 , 23

ASCL‐1440 Choquet, E.; Cassaing, F.; Perrin, G.; Eisenhauer, F.; Brandner, W.; Straubmeier, C.; Perraut, K.; Gillessen, S., 2010, GRAVITY: design and performance of the fringe tracker, Society of Photo‐ Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 59

ASCL‐1441 Defrère, D.; Absil, O.; di Folco, E.; Coudé Du Foresto, V.; Mérand, A.; Augereau, J.‐C., 2010, Infrared interferometric observations of nearby exozodiacal disks: current status and perspectives, In the Spirit of Lyot 2010 , 34

ASCL‐1442 Deleuil, M.; Bouret, J. C.; Feldman, P.; Lecavelier Des Etangs, A.; Martin‐Zaidi, C.; Roberge, A.; Vidal‐Madjar, A., 2010, Molecular hydrogen in the circumstellar disks of pre‐main sequence stars, EAS Publications Series , 41, 155

ASCL‐1443 Delorme, P.; Weidner, C., 2010, Cool atmosphere models and observations: liability and limits of brown dwarfs and exoplanets physical parameters determination, In the Spirit of Lyot 2010 , 41

ASCL‐1444 Desort, M.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Galland, F.; Udry, S.; Mayor, M., 2010, Planets and brown dwarfs around A‐F main‐sequence stars: performances of radial‐velocity surveys with HARPS and first detections, EAS Publications Series , 41, 99

ASCL‐1445 Duchene, Gaspard; Alves de Oliveira, Catarina; Moraux, Estelle; Bouvier, Jerome; Bouy, Herve, 2010, Identification of Very Low Mass Brown Dwarfs in IC348, NOAO Proposal ID

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 99 #2010B‐0287 , 287

ASCL‐1446 Ducourant, Christine; Bontemps, Sylvain; Despois, Didier; André, Philippe; Teixeira, Ramachrisna; Moraux, Estelle; Bouvier, Jerome; Krone‐Martins, Alberto; Sinachopoulos, Dimitris, 2010, The dynamics of an extremely young cluster probed for the first time, IAU Symposium , 266, 386

ASCL‐1447 Eggenberger, A., 2010, Detection and Characterization of Planets in Binary and Multiple Systems, EAS Publications Series , 42, 19

ASCL‐1448 Eggenberger, A.; Udry, S., 2010, Detection and Characterization of Extrasolar Planets through , EAS Publications Series , 41, 27

ASCL‐1449 Eggenberger, Anne; Udry, Stéphane, 2010, Probing the Impact of Stellar Duplicity on Planet Occurrence with Spectroscopic and Imaging Observations, Astrophysics and Space Science Library , 366, 19

ASCL‐1450 Ehrenreich, D., 2010, Evaporation of extrasolar planets, EAS Publications Series , 41, 429

ASCL‐1451 Gonzalez, J.‐F.; Maddison, S. T.; Pinte, C.; Pantin, É.; Fouchet, L.; Ménard, F., 2010, Protoplanetary disks in the (sub)millimeter: paving the road to ALMA, SF2A‐2010: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 21

ASCL‐1452 Gregory, Scott G.; Flaccomio, E.; Argiroffi, C.; Bouvier, J.; Donati, J.; Feigelson, E. D.; Getman, K. V.; Hussain, G. A. J.; Ibrahimov, M.; Jardine, M.; and 1 coauthors, 2010, Testing the Ability of Field Extrapolation Models to Predict the X‐ray Emission Properties of Pre‐Main Sequence Stars, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society , 11, 684

ASCL‐1453 Kotani, T.; Choquet, E.; Lacour, S.; Perrin, G.; Fedou, P.; Marchis, F.; Duchêne, G., 2010, A Laboratory Demonstration of High Dynamic Range Imaging using the Single‐mode Fiber Pupil Remapping System (FIRST), Pathways Towards Habitable Planets , 430, 480

ASCL‐1454 Lagrange, A.‐M.; Bonnefoy, M.; Boccaletti, A.; Chauvin, G.; Apai, D.; Ehrenreich, D.; Mouillet, D.; Gratadour, D.; Lacour, S.; Kasper, M., 2010, Observations of beta Pictoris b, In the Spirit of Lyot 2010 , 16

ASCL‐1455 Lawson, Peter R.; Malbet, Fabien, 2010, Optical Long Baseline Interferometry News (OLBIN), Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 84

ASCL‐1456 Levine, B. Martin; Aguayo, F.; Chapsky, J.; Cheung, I.; Crawford, S.; Dingizian, A.; Gappinger, R.; Eisenman, A.; Irwin, P.; Lockhart, T.; and 13 coauthors, 2010, Advanced Visible Nulling Coronagraph Test Bed Facility, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society , 215, 290

ASCL‐1457 Lilensten, J.; Delfosse, X.; Cauchies, N.; Regghezza, S.; Blanc, A., 2010, The Opera of the Universe, and the Windmill of Art and Sciences, European Planetary Science Congress 2010 , 282

ASCL‐1458 Malbet, F.; Sozzetti, A.; Lazorenko, P.; Launhardt, R.; Ségransan, D.; Delplancke, F.; Elias, N.; Muterspaugh, M. W.; Quirrenbach, A.; Reffert, S.; and 1 coauthors, 2010, Review from the Blue Dots Astrometry Working Group, Pathways Towards Habitable Planets , 430, 84

ASCL‐1459 Malbet, F.; Catanzarite, J.; Shao, M.; Zhai, C., 2010, Checking Stability of Planet Orbits in Multiple‐planet Systems, Pathways Towards Habitable Planets , 430, 488

ASCL‐1460 Malbet, F.; García, P., 2010, The case of imaging at the VLTI and the need to combine up to 6 to 8 telescopes, JENAM 2010, Joint European and National Astronomy Meeting , 90

ASCL‐1461 Malbet, F., 2010, Imaging protoplanetary disks around young stars: the first image of the inner disk obtained with VLTI/AMBER on MWC275, JENAM 2010, Joint European and National Astronomy Meeting , 112

ASCL‐1462 Malbet, Fabien; Cotton, William; Duvert, Gilles; Lawson, Peter; Chiavassa, Andrea; Young, John; Baron, Fabien; Buscher, David; Rengaswamy, Sridharan; Kloppenborg, Brian; and 2 coauthors, 2010, The 2010 interferometric imaging beauty contest, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 83

ASCL‐1463 Malbet, Fabien; Benisty, Myriam; Dougados, Catherine; Natta, Antonella; Le Bouquin, Jean‐ Baptiste; Massi, Fabrizzio; Bouvier, Jérôme; Grankin, Konstantin; Bonnefoy, Mickaël; Whelan, Emma, 2010, The 2008‐2009 outburst of the young binary system Z CMa unraveled by interferometry with high spectral resolution, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 67

ASCL‐1464 Montmerle, T.; Ehrenreich, D.; Lagrange, A.‐M., 2010, Physics and Astrophysics of Planetary

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 100 Systems, EAS Publications Series , 41,

ASCL‐1465 Moraux, E., 2010, Large‐scale optical surveys of open clusters, JENAM 2010, Joint European and National Astronomy Meeting , 155

ASCL‐1466 Pinte, C.; Ménard, F.; Duchěne, G.; Augereau, J. C., 2010, Muti‐technique observations and modelling of the gas and dust phases of protoplanetary disks, Highlights of Astronomy , 15, 767

ASCL‐1467 Ribas, I.; Malbet, F., 2010, Designating Habitable Planets for Follow‐up Study — What are the Relative Parameter Spaces of Radial Velocities and Astrometry?, Pathways Towards Habitable Planets , 430, 302

ASCL‐1468 Ridgway, Stephen; van Belle, Gerard; Perrin, Guy; Duvert, Gilles; Genzel, Reinhard; Haniff, Christopher; Hummel, Christian; Lawson, Peter; Tuthill, Peter; Vakili, Farrokh, 2010, Commission 54: Optical & Infrared Interferometry, Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, Series B , 27, 236

ASCL‐1469 Sterzik, Michael F.; Chauvin, Gael; Geißler, Kerstin; Pantin, Eric, 2010, Mid‐Infrared Variability in Binary Brown Dwarfs, Highlights of Astronomy , 15, 762

ASCL‐1470 Teixeira, Ramachrisna; Ducourant, Christine; Chauvin, Gael; Krone‐Martins, Alberto G. O.; Bonnefoy, Mickael; Song, Inseok, 2010, Membership status of TWA22AB, IAU Symposium , 266, 540

ASCL‐1471 Walmsley, C. M.; Bertout, C.; Combes, F.; Forveille, T.; Guillot, T.; Jones, A.; Shore, S., 2010, Herschel/HIFI: first science highlights, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 521, 1

ASCL‐1472 Walmsley, C. M.; Bertout, C.; Combes, F.; Ferrara, A.; Forveille, T.; Guillot, T.; Jones, A.; Shore, S., 2010, Herschel special feature, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 518, 1

ASCL‐1473 Whelan, E. T.; Ray, T. P.; Bacciotti, F.; Podio, L.; Randich, S., 2010, Classical T Tauri‐like Outflow Activity in the Brown Dwarf Mass Regime, Highlights of Astronomy , 15, 754

ASCL‐1474 di Folco, E.; Charnoz, S.; Pinte, C.; Fouchet, L.; Pantin, E.; Gonzalez, J.‐F.; Menard, F., 2010, Observational signatures of turbulence and sedimentation in protoplanetary disks, European Planetary Science Congress 2010 , 290

ASCL‐1475 Alecian, Evelyne, 2011, Activity of Herbig Be stars and their environment, IAU Symposium , 272, 354

ASCL‐1476 Alves de Oliveira, C.; Moraux, E.; Bouvier, J.; Bouy, H.; Duchene, G., 2011, Uncovering the Substellar Population of Nearby Young Clusters, Stellar Clusters & Associations: A RIA Workshop on , 206

ASCL‐1477 Aresu, G.; Kamp, I.; Meijerink, R.; Woitke, P.; Thi, W. F.; Spaans, M., 2011, X‐rays in protoplanetary disks: their impact on the thermal and chemical structure, a grid of models., IAU Symposium , 280, 87P

ASCL‐1478 Artigau, É.; Donati, J.‐F.; Delfosse, X., 2011, Planet Detection, Magnetic Field of Protostars and Brown Dwarfs Meteorology with SPIRou, 16th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun , 448, 771

ASCL‐1479 Becker, C.; Moraux, E., 2011, Early Dynamical Evolution of Eta Chamaeleontis, Stellar Clusters & Associations: A RIA Workshop on Gaia , 98

ASCL‐1480 Beust, H.; Chauvin, G.; Lagrange, A.‐M., 2011, Orbital characterization of β:Pictoris b, SF2A‐ 2011: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 3

ASCL‐1481 Beust, H.; Bonfils, X.; Delfosse, X., 2011, Kozai resonance and tidal friction as a way to explain the dynamical evolution of Gliese 436b, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 539

ASCL‐1482 Beust, H.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Chauvin, G., 2011, Orbital characterization of beta Pictoris B and consquence on exiting models, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 986

ASCL‐1483 Boisse, I.; Bouchy, F.; Hébrard, G.; Bonfils, X.; Santos, N. C.; Vauclair, S., 2011, Disentangling stellar activity and planetary signals, Detection and Dynamics of Transiting Exoplanets, St. Michel l'Observatoire, France, Edited by F. Bouchy; R. Díaz; C. Moutou; EPJ Web of Conferences, Volume 11, id.02005 , 11, 02005

ASCL‐1484 Boisse, Isabelle; Bouchy, François; Hébrard, Guillaume; Bonfils, Xavier; Santos, Nuno; Vauclair, Sylvie, 2011, Disentangling stellar activity and planetary signals, IAU Symposium , 276, 399

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 101 ASCL‐1485 Boisse, Isabelle; Bonfils, X.; Santos, N., 2011, Soap, A Free‐code Tool To Study The Impact Of Stellar Activity, AAS/Division for Extreme Solar Systems Abstracts , 2, 2009

ASCL‐1486 Boisse, Isabelle; Bouchy, François; Hébrard, Guillaume; Bonfils, Xavier; Santos, Nuno; Vauclair, Sylvie, 2011, Disentangling between stellar activity and planetary signals, IAU Symposium , 273, 281

ASCL‐1487 Bouchy, F.; Hébrard, G.; Delfosse, X.; Udry, S.; Lagrange, A. M.; Arnold, L.; Boisse, I.; Bonfils, X.; Debondt, K.; Diaz, R.; and 11 coauthors, 2011, The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 240

ASCL‐1488 Bouchy, F.; Udry, S.; Moutou, C.; Bonfils, X.; Guenther, E. W.; Diaz, R.; Forveille, T.; Hébrard, G.; Pepe, F.; Santerne, A.; and 1 coauthors, 2011, Radial velocity follow‐up of PLATO transiting candidates, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 395

ASCL‐1489 Bouy, H.; Bertin, E.; Cuillandre, J. C.; Moraux, E.; Bouvier, J.; Arevalo Sánchez, M.; Barrado Y Navascués, D., 2011, The DANCE Project: Dynamical Analysis of Nearby Clusters, Stellar Clusters & Associations: A RIA Workshop on Gaia , 103

ASCL‐1490 Cabrit, Sylvie; Ferreira, J.; Dougados, C., 2011, Molecular and atomic jets in young low‐mass stars: Properties and origin, IAU Symposium , 275, 374

ASCL‐1491 Chauvin, Gael, 2011, Hd196885, The Most Extreme Planetary System?, AAS/Division for Extreme Solar Systems Abstracts , 2, 0504

ASCL‐1492 Chauvin, Gael, 2011, HD196885, The Most Extreme Planetary System?, AAS/Division for Extreme Solar Systems Abstracts , 2, 4501

ASCL‐1493 Chesneau, O.; Meilland, A.; Banerjee, D. P. K.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; McAlister, H.; Millour, F.; Ridgway, S. T.; Spang, A.; Ten Brummelaar, T.; Wittkowski, M.; and 13 coauthors, 2011, The 2011 outburst of the recurrent nova T Pyxidis. Evidence for a face‐on bipolar ejection, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 534, L11

ASCL‐1494 Clarke, C.; Maschberger, T., 2011, Cluster Mass Dependent Truncation of the Upper IMF: Evidence from Observations and Simulations, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series , 440, 11

ASCL‐1495 De Bondt, Katrien, 2011, Detectability of Earth‐mass planets with RV and astrometric technics around Sun‐like stars, AAS/Division for Extreme Solar Systems Abstracts , 2, 4106

ASCL‐1496 Delorme, P.; Albert, L.; Artigau, E.; Forveille, T.; Delfosse, X.; Reylé, C.; Willott, C. J.; Bertin, E.; Allard, F., 2011, Extending the Canada‐France Brown Dwarf Survey to the near infrared, Research, Science and Technology of Brown Dwarfs and Exoplanets: Proceedings of an International Conference held in Shangai on Occasion of a Total Eclipse of the Sun, Shangai, China, Edited by E.L. Martin; J. Ge; W. Lin; EPJ Web of Conferences, Volume 16, id.06005 , 16, 06005

ASCL‐1497 Dumusque, Xavier; Santos, Nuno C.; Udry, Stéphane; Lovis, Cristophe; Bonfils, Xavier, 2011, Stellar noise and planet detection. I. Oscillations, granulation and sun‐like spots, IAU Symposium , 276, 527

ASCL‐1498 Díaz, R. F.; Hébrard, G.; Bouchy, F.; Boisse, I.; Bonfils, X.; Arnold, L.; Delfosse, X.; Desort, M.; Eggenberger, A.; Ehrenreich, D.; and 12 coauthors, 2011, Three new massive companions in the planet‐brown dwarf boundary detected with SOPHIE, Detection and Dynamics of Transiting Exoplanets, St. Michel l'Observatoire, France, Edited by F. Bouchy; R. Díaz; C. Moutou; EPJ Web of Conferences, Volume 11, id.02006 , 11, 02006

ASCL‐1499 Eggenberger, Anne; Udry, Stéphane; Chauvin, Gaël; Forveille, Thierry; Beuzit, Jean‐Luc; Lagrange, Anne‐Marie; Mayor, Michel, 2011, Probing the impact of stellar duplicity on the frequency of giant planets: Final results of our VLT/NACO survey, IAU Symposium , 276, 409

ASCL‐1500 Eggenberger, Anne; Bouvier, J.; Boisse, I.; Lagrange, A.; Bonfils, X.; Moraux, E.; Randich, S.; Meunier, N.; Delfosse, X., 2011, Hot Jupiters in Young Open Clusters, American Astronomical Society, ESS meeting #2, #39.02 , 2, 3902

ASCL‐1501 Ehrenreich, D., 2011, Evaporation of hot jupiters and hot , Detection and Dynamics of Transiting Exoplanets, St. Michel l'Observatoire, France, Edited by F. Bouchy; R. Díaz; C. Moutou; EPJ Web of Conferences, Volume 11, id.03006 , 11, 03006

ASCL‐1502 Ertel, S.; Wolf, S.; Eiroa, C.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Metchev, S.; Schneider, G.; Silverstone, M. D.; Rodmann, J., 2011, Modeling the spatial structure of debris disks, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 678

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 102 ASCL‐1503 Flaccomio, E.; Argiroffi, C.; Alencar, S. H. P.; Bouvier, J.; Donati, J.‐F.; Getman, K.; Gregory, S. G.; Hussain, G.; Ibrahimov, M.; Jardine, M. M.; and 2 coauthors, 2011, Coordinated Optical/X‐ray observations of the CTTS V2129 Oph The Chandra View, 16th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun , 448, 603

ASCL‐1504 Flaccomio, Ettore; Argiroffi, C.; Bouvier, J.; Donati, J.; Getman, K. V.; Gregory, S. G.; Hussain, G. A. J.; Jardine, M. M.; Skelly, M. B.; Walter, F. M., 2011, Variable X‐ray Emission From The Accretion Shock In The Classical T Tauri Star V2129 Oph, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society , 218, 40711

ASCL‐1505 Gomes da Silva, J.; Santos, N. C.; Bonfils, X., 2011, Long‐term Stellar Activity Variations of Stars from the HARPS M‐dwarf Sample: Comparison Between Activity Indices, 16th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun , 448, 1117

ASCL‐1506 González Hernández, J. I.; Israelian, G.; Santos, N. C.; Sousa, S.; Delgado‐Mena, E.; Neves, V.; Udry, S., 2011, Chemical Abundances of Volatiles and Refractories in Solar Analogs with and without Planets: No Relation with Terrestial Planets, 16th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun , 448, 879

ASCL‐1507 Grunhut, J. H.; Wade, G. A.; Hanes, D. A.; Alecian, E., 2011, Systematic Detection of Magnetic Fields in Descendants of Massive OB Stars, Magnetic Stars , 291

ASCL‐1508 Grunhut, Jason H.; Wade, Gregg A.; Hanes, David A.; Alecian, Evelyne, 2011, Searching for magnetic fields in the descendants of massive OB stars, IAU Symposium , 272, 186

ASCL‐1509 Güdel, M.; Audard, M.; Bacciotti, F.; Bary, J. S.; Briggs, K. R.; Cabrit, S.; Carmona, A.; Codella, C.; Dougados, C.; Eislöffel, J.; and 11 coauthors, 2011, The Bipolar X‐Ray Jet of the Classical T Tauri Star DG Tau, 16th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun , 448, 617

ASCL‐1510 Kamp, I.; Aresu, G.; Chaparro, G.; Woitke, P.; Thi, W. F., 2011, The structure and appearance of irradiated protoplanetary disks: the role of chemistry, IAU Symposium , 280, 213P

ASCL‐1511 Lagrange, Anne‐Marie; Bonnefoy, Mickaël; Chauvin, Gael; Apai, Daniel; Ehrenreich, David; Boccaletti, Anthony; Gratadour, Damien; Rouan, Daniel; Mouillet, David; Lacour, Sylvestre; and 1 coauthors, 2011, The planet companion around β Pictoris, IAU Symposium , 276, 60

ASCL‐1512 Lagrange, Anne‐Marie; Meunier, Nadege; Desort, Morgan, 2011, Detectability of Earth mass planets with RV techniques around Sun‐like stars. The example of the Sun, IAU Symposium , 276, 537

ASCL‐1513 Lahuis, F.; Kamp, I.; Thi, W. F.; van Dishoeck, E. F.; Woitke, P., 2011, Epic changes in the IRS46 mid‐infrared spectrum; an inner disk chemistry study, IAU Symposium , 280, 223P

ASCL‐1514 Lebreton, J.; Marshall, J. P.; Augereau, J. C.; Eiroa, C., 2011, Debris disks as seen by Herschel: statistics and modeling, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 1287

ASCL‐1515 Lecavelier Des Etangs, A.; Ehrenreich, D.; Vidal‐Madjar, A.; Bourrier, V., 2011, Evaporation of extrasolar planets, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 1004

ASCL‐1516 Leggett, S. K.; Albert, L.; Artigau, E.; Burningham, B.; Delfosse, X.; Delorme, P.; Forveille, T.; Lucas, P. W.; Marley, M. S.; Pinfield, D. J.; and 4 coauthors, 2011, Spitzer Mid‐Infrared Photometry of 500 ‐ 750 K Brown Dwarfs, 16th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun , 448, 913

ASCL‐1517 Lilensten, J.; Acker, A.; Delfosse, X., 2011, Planeteria: news from France, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 1824

ASCL‐1518 Loehne, Torsten; Augereau, J.; Ertel, S.; Marshall, J.; Eiroa, C.; DUNES Consortium, 2011, HD 207129: Dusty Debris at the Very Outer Edge of a Planetary System, AAS/Division for Extreme Solar Systems Abstracts , 2, 1604

ASCL‐1519 Malbet, F.; Léger, A.; Shao, M.; Goullioud, R.; Lagage, P.‐O.; Neat Collaboration, 2011, High precision astrometry mission for the detection and characterization of nearby habitable planetary systems with NEAT, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 534

ASCL‐1520 Martayan, Christophe; Blomme, Ronny; Le Bouquin, Jean‐Baptiste; Merand, Anthony; Montagnier, Guillaume; Selman, Fernando; Girard, Julien; Fox, Andrew; Baade, Dietrich; Frémat, Yves; and 8 coauthors, 2011, High‐angular resolution observations of the Pistol star, IAU Symposium , 272, 616

ASCL‐1521 Morin, J.; Delfosse, X.; Donati, J.‐F.; Dormy, E.; Forveille, T.; Jardine, M. M.; Petit, P.; Schrinner,

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 103 M., 2011, Evidence for dynamo bistability among very low mass stars, SF2A‐2011: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 503

ASCL‐1522 Morin, J.; Donati, J.‐F.; Petit, P.; Albert, L.; Auriére, M.; Cabanac, R.; Catala, C.; Delfosse, X.; Dintrans, B.; Fares, R.; and 12 coauthors, 2011, Exploring the magnetic topologies of cool stars, IAU Symposium , 273, 181

ASCL‐1523 Neves, V.; Bonfils, X.; Santos, N. C., 2011, Metallicity of M dwarfs: The link to exoplanets, IAU Symposium , 276, 443

ASCL‐1524 Neves, Vasco; Bonfils, X.; Santos, N. C., 2011, A Comparative Test of Metallicity Calibrations for M dwarfs, AAS/Division for Extreme Solar Systems Abstracts , 2, 4401

ASCL‐1525 Patience, Jenny; Bulger, J.; King, R.; Ayliffe, B.; Bate, M.; Song, I.; Pinte, C.; Koda, J.; Dowell, D.; Kovacs, A.; and 2 coauthors, 2011, Submm Images of the HR 8799 Debris Disk and Taurus Protoplanetary Disks, AAS/Division for Extreme Solar Systems Abstracts , 2, 3805

ASCL‐1526 Petit, V.; Wade, G.; Drissen, L.; Montmerle, T.; Alecian, E., 2011, Magnetic Fields, Winds and X‐ Rays of Massive Stars: A Spectropolarimetric Survey of the Orion Cluster, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series , 449, 290

ASCL‐1527 Petit, Véronique; Wade, Gregg A.; Alecian, Evelyne; Drissen, Laurent; Montmerle, Thierry; ud‐Doula, Asif, 2011, Magnetic fields, winds and X‐rays of massive stars in the Orion nebula cluster, IAU Symposium , 272, 208

ASCL‐1528 Pinte, C.; Ménard, F.; Duchene, G., 2011, Multi‐Technique Observations and Modeling of Protoplanetary Disks, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series , 449, 305

ASCL‐1529 Pontoppidan, K. M.; van Dishoeck, E.; Blake, G. A.; Smith, R.; Brown, J.; Herczeg, G. J.; Bast, J.; Mandell, A.; Smette, A.; Thi, W.‐F.; and 4 coauthors, 2011, Planet‐forming Regions at the Highest Spectral and Spatial Resolution with VLT‐CRIRES, The Messenger , 143, 32

ASCL‐1530 Reidemeister, Martin; Krivov, Alexander V.; Stark, Christopher C.; Augereau, Jean‐Charles; Löhne, Torsten; Müller, Sebastian, 2011, Warm dust around ɛ Eridani, IAU Symposium , 276, 455

ASCL‐1531 Richert, Alex; James, D.; Bouvier, J.; Melo, C.; Santos, N.; Aarnio, A., 2011, Fundamental Stellar Parameters for Weak‐lined T‐Tauri Stars in the Rho and Chamaeleon I & II Star‐ Forming Regions, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society , 217, 34022

ASCL‐1532 Santos, N. C.; Mayor, M.; Bonfils, X.; Dumusque, X.; Bouchy, F.; Figueira, P.; Lovis, C.; Melo, C.; Pepe, F.; Queloz, D.; and 3 coauthors, 2011, Global results from the HARPS metal‐poor sample, Detection and Dynamics of Transiting Exoplanets, St. Michel l'Observatoire, France, Edited by F. Bouchy; R. Díaz; C. Moutou; EPJ Web of Conferences, Volume 11, id.02007 , 11, 02007

ASCL‐1533 Shao, M.; Nemati, B.; Zhai, C.; Goullioud, R.; Malbet, F.; Leger, A., 2011, NEAT: a microarcsec astrometric telescope, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8151, 27

ASCL‐1534 Sing, David; Desert, J.; Wilson, P.; Pont, F.; Lecavelier des Etangs, A.; Ballester, G.; Fortney, J.; Lopez‐Morales, M.; Ehrenreich, D.; Vidal‐Madjar, A., 2011, GTC Transiting Exoplanet Atmospheric Survey: Comparative From Narrowband Spectrophotometry, AAS/Division for Extreme Solar Systems Abstracts , 2, 1202

ASCL‐1535 Thi, W. F.; Herschel GASPS Team, 2011, Modelling the gas and dust of protoplanetary disks in the Herschel‐GASPS sample, IAU Symposium , 280, 356P

ASCL‐1536 Thi, W. F.; GASPS Team, 2011, Modelling the gas and dust of protoplanetary disks in the Herschel‐GASPS sample, IAU Symposium , 280, 35

ASCL‐1537 Thi, W. F.; Menard, F.; Meeus, G.; Martin‐Zaidi, C.; Woitke, P.; Tatulli, E.; Benisty, M.; Kamp, I.; Pascucci, I.; Pinte, C.; and 6 coauthors, 2011, Modelling CH^+ in the protoplanetary disk HD100546, IAU Symposium , 280, 355P

ASCL‐1538 Thi, W.‐F., 2011, First results from the Herschel Open time Large Program GaS in Protoplanetary Systems (GASPS), EAS Publications Series , 52, 193

ASCL‐1539 Walter, F. M.; Falccomio, E.; Alencar, S.; Argiroffi, C.; Bouvier, J.; Donati, J.‐F.; Getman, K.; Gregory, S. G.; Hussain, G. A. J.; Ibrahimov, M.; and 2 coauthors, 2011, Surface and Atmospheric Structure on the T Tauri Star V2129 Oph, 16th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun , 448, 755

ASCL‐1540 Wang, Ran; Wagg, J.; Carilli, C.; Walter, F.; Riechers, D.; Willott, C.; Bertoldi, F.; Omont, A.;

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 104 Beelen, A.; Strauss, M.; and 4 coauthors, 2011, Detections Of CO (2‐1) Line Emission In z 6 Quasar Host Galaxies With The Expanded Very Large Array, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society , 218, 40810

ASCL‐1541 Whelan, Emma Teresa; Bacciotti, Francesca; Ray, Tom; Dougados, Catherine, 2011, Brown dwarf jets: Investigating the universality of jet launching mechanisms at the lowest masses, IAU Symposium , 275, 396

ASCL‐1542 Štefl, Stan; Carciofi, Alex C.; Baade, Dietrich; Rivinius, Thomas; Otero, Sebastian; Le Bouquin, Jean‐Baptiste; Fabregat, Juan; Okazaki, Atsuo T.; Rantakyrö, Fredrik, 2011, The 2008+ outburst of the Be star 28 CMa ‐ a multi‐instrument study†, IAU Symposium , 272, 430

ASCL‐1543 Alves de Oliveira, Catarina; Moraux, Estelle; Bouvier, Jerôme; Burgess, Andrew; Bouy, Hervé; Marmo, Chiara; Hudelot, Patrick, 2012, Probing the Low‐Mass End of the IMF in Star‐Forming Regions: AWIRCam/CFHT Survey, Star Clusters in the Era of Large Surveys , 125

ASCL‐1544 Bertin, Emmanuel; Delorme, Philippe; Bouy, Hervé, 2012, AstrOmatic Software in the Era of Large Stellar Photometric Surveys, Star Clusters in the Era of Large Surveys , 71

ASCL‐1545 Boisse, I.; Pepe, F.; Perrier, C.; Queloz, D.; Bouchy, F.; Santos, N. C., 2012, The ELODIE and SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets: Jupiter‐analogs around Sun‐like stars, SF2A‐ 2012: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 221

ASCL‐1546 Boisse, I.; Oshagh, M.; Lovis, C.; Santos, N. C.; Dumusque, X.; Bonfils, X.; Montalto, M.; Boué, G., 2012, How the planetary research helps to the stellar dynamo understanding, SF2A‐2012: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 405

ASCL‐1547 Bonfils, X., 2012, Metallicity, EAS Publications Series , 57, 193

ASCL‐1548 Bonneau, D.; Delfosse, X.; Clausse, J.‐M.; Mourard, D., 2012, SearchCal: The JMMC Evolutive Search Calibrator Tool, Astrophysics Source Code Library , 10012

ASCL‐1549 Cardoso, Cátia V.; Moraux, Estelle; Bouvier, Jerôme, 2012, A Deep Photometric Survey of the Double Cluster h & χ Per, Star Clusters in the Era of Large Surveys , 213

ASCL‐1550 Cegla, Heather M.; Watson, C.; Marsh, T.; Shelyag, S.; Moulds, V.; Littlefair, S.; Mathioudakis, M.; Pollacco, D.; Bonfils, X., 2012, Towards Earth‐like Worlds: Identifying and Removing Stellar Jitter, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts , 219,

ASCL‐1551 Delplancke, Fançoise; Rajagopal, Jayadev K.; Malbet, Fabien, 2012, Introduction to the conference "Optical and Infrared Interferometry III", Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8445, 01

ASCL‐1552 Ellerbroek, L. E.; Kaper, L.; Bik, A.; Maaskant, K. M.; Podio, L., 2012, The Star Formation History of RCW 36, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series , 464, 351

ASCL‐1553 Ellis, S. C.; Crouzier, A.; Bland‐Hawthorn, J.; Lawrence, J. S.; Kepple, J., 2012, Potential applications of ring resonators for astronomical instrumentation, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8450,

ASCL‐1554 Gallet, F.; Bouvier, J., 2012, Improved angular momentum evolution models for solar‐like stars, SF2A‐2012: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 35

ASCL‐1555 Garcia, Paulo J. V.; Benisty, Myriam; Dougados, Catherine, 2012, Least‐squares deconvolution of AMBER dispersed visibilities, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8445, 17

ASCL‐1556 Lagrange, A.‐M.; Chauvin, G., 2012, β‐Pictoris, a laboratory for planetary formation studies., The Messenger , 150, 39

ASCL‐1557 Löhne, T.; Eiroa, C.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Ertel, S.; Marshall, J. P.; Mora, A.; Absil, O.; Stapelfeldt, K.; Thébault, P.; Bayo, A.; and 11 coauthors, 2012, Debris disks as seen by Herschel/DUNES, Astronomische Nachrichten , 333, 441

ASCL‐1558 Marchis, F.; Vachier, F.; Durech, J.; Berthier, J.; Wong, M. H.; Kalas, P.; Duchene, G.; van Dam, M., 2012, Physical Characteristics of the Binary Asteroid (624) Hektor, LPI Contributions , 1667, 6416

ASCL‐1559 Maschberger, T.; Clarke, C., 2012, Global Mass Segregation in Hydrodynamical Simulations of Star Formation, Advances in Computational Astrophysics: Methods, Tools, and Outcome ,

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 105 453, 367

ASCL‐1560 Maschberger, Thomas, 2012, statpl: Goodness‐of‐fit for power‐law distributed data, Astrophysics Source Code Library , 06006

ASCL‐1561 Mennesson, Bertrand; Millan‐Gabet, Rafael; Colavita, M. M.; Serabyn, E.; Hinz, P.; Kuchner, M.; Liu, W.; Barry, R.; Stark, C.; Ragland, S.; and 6 coauthors, 2012, Keck Interferometer Nuller science highlights, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8445, 07

ASCL‐1562 Monnier, John D.; Zhao, M.; Pedretti, E.; Millan‐Gabet, R.; Berger, J.; Schloerb, F.; Traub, W.; ten Brummelaar, T.; McAlister, H.; Ridgway, S.; and 7 coauthors, 2012, First Visual Orbit for the Prototypical Colliding‐wind Binary WR 140, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #219 , 219,

ASCL‐1563 Moraux, Estelle; Bouvier, Jerôme, 2012, Optical Surveys of Young Open Clusters, Star Clusters in the Era of Large Surveys , 115

ASCL‐1564 Ménard, F., 2012, Pacs Observations of Dust and Gas in Transition Disks, From Atoms to Pebbles: Herschel's view of Star and Planet Formation , 37

ASCL‐1565 Podio, Linda, 2012, The accretion/ejection paradigm in young stellar objects: from HST and Herschel to JWST, 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 14‐22 July 2012, in Mysore, India. Abstract F3.1‐3‐12, p.1516 , 39, 1516

ASCL‐1566 Ridgway, Stephen T.; van Belle, Gerard; Mourard, Denis; Perrin, Guy; Duvert, Gilles; Genzel, Reinhard; Haniff, Christopher; Hummel, Christian; Lawson, Peter; Monnier, John; and 2 coauthors, 2012, Commission 54: Optical/infrared Interferometry, Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, Series A , 28, 292

ASCL‐1567 Antonellini, Stefano; Kamp, Inga; Woitke, Peter; Thi, Wing‐Fai, 2013, H2O in Protoplanetary Disks: the Snow Line and the Planets' Nest, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #2B035 ,

ASCL‐1568 Argiroffi, Costanza; Caramazza, Marilena; Micela, Giusi; Moraux, Estelle; Bouvier, Jerome, 2013, Activity and Rotation in the young cluster h Per, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #1K089 ,

ASCL‐1569 Bacciotti, Francesca; Maurri, Lorenzo; Podio, Linda; Eisloeffel, Jochen; Ray, Tom; Mundt, Reinhard; Locatelli, Ugo; Coffey, Deirdre, 2013, Physical properties of the DG Tau jet on sub‐ arcsecond scales with HST/STIS, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #1K023 ,

ASCL‐1570 Baudino, Jean‐Loup; Bézard, B.; Boccaletti, A.; Lagrange, A.; Bonnefoy, M., 2013, A radiative‐ convective equilibrium model for young giant exoplanets: Application to beta Pictoris b, AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts , 45,

ASCL‐1571 Beust, Hervé; Bonfils, Xavier; Delfosse, Xavier; Forveille, Thierry, 2013, Kozai migration with tidal friction (KCTF) as a source for Gliese 436b's eccentricity, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #2K052 ,

ASCL‐1572 Birnstiel, T.; Pinilla, P.; Andrews, S. M.; Benisty, M.; Ercolano, B., 2013, Transition Disks ‐ Grain Growth, Planets, or Photoevaporation?, European Physical Journal Web of Conferences , 46, 02001

ASCL‐1573 Boisse, I.; Oshagh, M.; Lovis, C.; Santos, N. C.; Dumusque, X.; Bonfils, X.; Montalto, M.; Boué, G., 2013, How the planetary research helps to the stellar dynamo understanding, IAU Symposium , 294, 471

ASCL‐1574 Boisse, I.; Bonfils, X.; Santos, N. C.; Figueira, P., 2013, SOAP: A Tool for the Fast Computation of Photometry and Radial Velocity Induced by Stellar Spots, New Quests in Stellar Astrophysics III: A Panchromatic View of Solar‐Like Stars, With and Without Planets , 472, 259

ASCL‐1575 Bonfils, Xavier; Bouchy, François; Delfosse, X.; Forveille, T.; Gillon, M.; Lovis, C.; Mayor, M.; Neves, V.; Pepe, F.; Perrier, C.; and 4 coauthors, 2013, Prized results from HARPS. Low‐ mass/habitable/transiting planets orbiting M dwarfs, European Physical Journal Web of Conferences , 47, 05004

ASCL‐1576 Bonnefoy, M.; Boccaletti, A.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Chauvin, G.; Beust, H.; Allard, F.; Mordasini, C.; Girard, J. H. V.; Homeier, D.; Apai, D.; and 2 coauthors, 2013, Properties of the young planet beta Pictoris b, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, held 8‐13 September in London, UK.

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 106 ASCL‐1577 Bonnefoy, M.; Chauvin, G., 2013, Brown dwarfs and planets., Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana , 84, 992

ASCL‐1578 Bonsor, A.; Augereau, J. C.; Absil, O.; Raymond, S.; Ertel, S.; Thébault, P., 2013, Latest results from the EXOZODI project, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, held 8‐13 September in London, UK.

ASCL‐1579 Bouvier, J., 2013, Observational studies of stellar rotation, EAS Publications Series , 62, 143

ASCL‐1580 Brandner, Wolfgang; Stolte, Andrea; Gennaro, Mario; Habibi, Maryam; Hußmann, Benjamin; Kudryavtseva, Natalia; Andersen, Morten; Rochau, Boyke; Zinnecker, Hans, 2013, A close view of Galactic Starburst Clusters, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #1K006 ,

ASCL‐1581 Carmona, A.; Bouvier, J.; Delfosse, X., 2013, Perspectives for the study of gas in protoplanetary disks and accretion/ejection phenomena in young stars with the near‐IR spectrograph SPIROU at the CFHT, SF2A‐2013: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 493

ASCL‐1582 Carmona, Andres; Christophe, Pinte; Thi, Wing Fai; Myriam, Benisty; Menard, Francois; Grady, Carol; Kamp, Inga; Peter, Woitke; Olofsson, Johan; Roberge, Aki; and 7 coauthors, 2013, Constraining the structure of the transition disk HD 135344B (SAO 206462) by simultaneous modeling of multi‐wavelength gas and dust observations, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #2B052 ,

ASCL‐1583 Chauvin, Gael, 2013, The EELT's View of Circumstellar Environments, Proceedings of the Third AO4ELT Conference. Firenze, Italy, May 26‐31, 2013, Eds.: Simone Esposito and Luca

ASCL‐1584 Cunha, M. S.; Perraut, K., 2013, The nature of the rapidly oscillating Ap stars' pulsations, EAS Publications Series , 63, 161

ASCL‐1585 Delbo, Marco; Matter, A.; Gundlach, B.; Blum, J., 2013, On the metal‐rich surfaces of (16) Psyche and other M‐type asteroids from interferometric observations in the thermal infrared, AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts , 45,

ASCL‐1586 Delfosse, X.; Donati, J.‐F.; Kouach, D.; Hébrard, G.; Doyon, R.; Artigau, E.; Bouchy, F.; Boisse, I.; Brun, A. S.; Hennebelle, P.; and 14 coauthors, 2013, World‐leading science with SPIRou ‐ The nIR spectropolarimeter / high‐precision velocimeter for CFHT, SF2A‐2013: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 497

ASCL‐1587 Delorme, P.; Gagné, J.; Lannier, J.; Lagrange, A. M.; Chauvin, G., 2013, Brown dwarfs or planets? . Some direct imaging detections that blur the border, Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana , 84, 1013

ASCL‐1588 Ducourant, C.; Teixeira, R.; Chauvin, G.; Krone‐Martins, A.; Le Campion, J. F.; Galli, P.; Song, I.; Zuckerman, B., 2013, Trigonometric parallaxes in the TW Hydrae Association, IAU Symposium , 289, 386

ASCL‐1589 Ellerbroek, Lucas; Podio, Linda; Dougados, Catherine; Cabrit, Sylvie; Kaper, Lex; Sana, Hugues; De Koter, Alex; Sitko, Michael; Klaassen, Pamela; Grindlay, Jonathan; and 3 coauthors, 2013, Quasi‐periodic jet launching in HD 163296, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #1K037 ,

ASCL‐1590 Ertel, Steve; Augereau, Jean‐Charles; Thebault, Philippe; Absil, Olivier; Bonsor, Amy; Defrere, Denis; Kral, Quentin; Le Bouquin, Jean‐Baptiste; Lebreton, Jeremy; Coude du Foresto, Vincent, 2013, Unraveling the mystery of exozodiacal dust, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #2B065 ,

ASCL‐1591 Folsom, C. P.; Wade, G. A.; Alecian, E., 2013, Chemically peculiar stars in binaries, EAS Publications Series , 64, 119

ASCL‐1592 Fonseca, Nathalia; Alencar, Silvia; Bouvier, Jérôme, 2013, Analysis of Star‐Disk Interaction in Young Stellar Systems, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #2S007 ,

ASCL‐1593 Gallet, F., 2013, Magnetic field and angular momentum evolution models, SF2A‐2013: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 391

ASCL‐1594 Gallet, F., 2013, Angular momentum evolution model for solar‐like stars, SF2A‐2013: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 85

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 107 ASCL‐1595 Giannini, Teresa; Nisini, Brunella; Antoniucci, Simone; Alcala, Juan; Bacciotti, Francesca; Bonito, Rosaria; Podio, Linda; Stelzer, Beate; Whelan, Emma, 2013, The diagnostic capability of iron limes, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #1K057 ,

ASCL‐1596 Gillen, Ed; Aigrain, Suzanne; McQuillan, Amy; Bouvier, Jerome; Hodgkin, Simon; Alencar, Silvia; Terquem, Caroline; Southworth, John; Gibson, Neale; Cody, Ann Marie; and 5 coauthors, 2013, A new, low‐mass, pre‐main sequence eclipsing binary with evidence of a circumbinary disk, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #1K074 ,

ASCL‐1597 Gosset, E.; Berger, J. P.; Absil, O.; Le Bouquin, J. B.; Sana, H.; Mahy, L.; De Becker, M., 2013, Recent results on the hierarchical triple system HD 150136, Massive Stars: From alpha to Omega , 199

ASCL‐1598 Hein Bertelsen, Rosina; Kamp, Inga; Goto, Miwa; van der Plas, Gerrit; Thi, Wing‐Fai; Waters, Rens; Woitke, Peter; van den Ancker, Mario, 2013, Co Ro‐Vib Observations of HD100546: a Symmetric Disk or Not?, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #2B011 ,

ASCL‐1599 Kreplin, A.; Weigelt, G.; Kraus, S.; Grinin, V.; Hofmann, K.‐H.; Kishimoto, M.; Schertl, D.; Tambovtseva, L.; Clausse, J.‐M.; Massi, F.; and 2 coauthors, 2013, Revealing the inclined circumstellar disk in the UX Ori system KK Ophiuchi, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #2B025 ,

ASCL‐1600 Kroupa, Pavel; Weidner, Carsten; Pflamm‐Altenburg, Jan; Thies, Ingo; Dabringhausen, Jörg; Marks, Michael; Maschberger, Thomas, 2013, The Stellar and Sub‐Stellar Initial Mass Function of Simple and Composite Populations, Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems. Volume 5: Galactic Structure and Stellar Populations , 115

ASCL‐1601 Labadie, L.; Malbet, F.; Léger, A.; Crouzier, A.; Shao, M.; Goullioud, R.; Lagage, P.‐O., 2013, Astrometric search of nearby Earths: the NEAT mission, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, held 8‐13 September in London, UK.

ASCL‐1602 Lahuis, Fred; Kamp, Inga; Thi, Wing‐Fai; van Dishoeck, Ewine; Harsono, Daniel; Woitke, Peter, 2013, Time variation in the molecular infrared spectrum of IRS 46, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #2S025 ,

ASCL‐1603 Malbet, Fabien; Crouzier, Antoine; Léger, Alain; Shao, Mike; Goullioud, Renaud; Lagage, Pierre‐Olivier; Delpech, Michel, 2013, NEAT: an astrometric mission to detect nearby planetary systems down to the Earth mass, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8864,

ASCL‐1604 Malbet, Fabien; Crouzier, Antoine; Goullioud, Renaud; Lagage, Pierre‐Olivier; Léger, Alain; Shao, Mike; NEAT Consortium, 2013, NEAT: an astrometric mission to detect and characterize nearby habitable planetary systems, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #2K017 ,

ASCL‐1605 Manara, Carlo Felice; Testi, Leonardo; Natta, Antonella; Ricci, Luca; Benisty, Myriam; Rosotti, Giovanni; Ercolano, Barbara, 2013, A VLT/X‐Shooter study of accretion and photoevaporation in Transitional Disks, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #2S036 ,

ASCL‐1606 Manjavacas, Elena; Bonnefoy, Mickael; Chauvin, Gael; Rojo, Patricio; Goldman, Bertrand; Allard, France; Schlieder, Joshua; Homeier, Derek; Henning, Thomas, 2013, New constrains on the formation and settling of dust in the atmosphere of young M and L dwarfs, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #1K071 ,

ASCL‐1607 Mawet, Dimitri; Absil, Olivier; Milli, Julien; Delacroix, Christian; Girard, Julien H.; O'Neal, Jared; Baudoz, Pierre; Boccaletti, Anthony; Bourget, Pierre; Forsberg, Pontus; and 12 coauthors, 2013, Small‐angle, high‐contrast exoplanet imaging with the L‐band AGPM vector vortex coronagraph now offered at the VLT, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8864,

ASCL‐1608 Mennesson, B.; Scott, N.; Ten Brummelaar, T.; Bryden, G.; Turner, N.; Absil, O.; Millan‐Gabet, R.; Coude Du Foresto, V.; Augereau, J. C.; Ridgway, S.; and 2 coauthors, 2013, Expanding the Chara/fluor Hot Disks Survey, Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation , 2, 40010

ASCL‐1609 Menu, Jonathan; van Boekel, Roy; Henning, Thomas; Benisty, Myriam; Chandler, Claire; Linz, Hendrik; Waelkens, Christoffel, 2013, Interferometry from near‐infrared to mm‐wavelengths: the transition disk around TW Hydrae, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20,

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 108 2013. Poster #2B048 ,

ASCL‐1610 Morin, J.; Christensen, U. R.; Delfosse, X.; Donati, J.; Dormy, E.; Duarte, L.; Forveille, T.; Gastine, T.; Jardine, M.; Petit, P.; and 3 coauthors, 2013, Dynamo bistability: from planets to stars, AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts , 24, 02

ASCL‐1611 Mustill, Alexander J.; Villaver, Eva; Veras, Dimitri; Bonsor, Amy; Wyatt, Mark C., 2013, White dwarf planets, European Physical Journal Web of Conferences , 47, 06008

ASCL‐1612 Neiner, C.; Alecian, E., 2013, The BinaMIcS project: binarity and magnetism, EAS Publications Series , 64, 75

ASCL‐1613 Neves, V.; Bonfils, X.; Santos, N. C.; Delfosse, X.; Demory, B.‐O.; Torres, G.; Forveille, T.; Allard, F.; Udry, S., 2013, A new high‐precision [Fe/H] calibration for M dwarfs in the visible: a tool to explore the star‐planet connection., European Planetary Science Congress 2013, held 8‐13 September in London, UK.

ASCL‐1614 Olofsson, Johan; Benisty, Myriam; Le Bouquin, Jean‐Baptiste; Berger, Jean‐Philippe; Lacour, Sylvestre; Menard, Francois; Henning, Thomas; Crida, Aurelien; Burtscher, Leonard; Meeus, Gwendolyn; and 6 coauthors, 2013, Sculpting the disk around TCha, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #2B026 ,

ASCL‐1615 Papadopoulos, Padelis P.; Thi, Wing‐Fai, 2013, The Initial Conditions of Star Formation: Cosmic Rays as the Fundamental Regulators, Cosmic Rays in Star‐Forming Environments , 34, 41

ASCL‐1616 Patience, Jenny; Bulger, J.; Bouy, H.; Monin, J.; Pinte, C.; Menard, F.; Koda, J.; Dowell, C. D., 2013, Disk Emission Across the Stellar/Substellar Boundary in Taurus, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts , 221,

ASCL‐1617 Perrin, Marshall D.; Hornbeck, J.; Grady, C.; Melis, C.; Duchene, G.; Brown, A.; Graham, J. R.; Hamaguchi, K.; Menard, F.; Maness, H.; and 8 coauthors, 2013, Panchromatic Observations and Modeling of the PDS 144N Edge‐On Disk, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts , 221,

ASCL‐1618 Pinfield, D. J.; Beaulieu, J.‐P.; Burgasser, A. J.; Delorme, P.; Gizis, J.; Konopacky, Q., 2013, Panel discussion on the brown dwarf ‐ exoplanet connection , Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana , 84, 1154

ASCL‐1619 Podio, Linda; Kamp, Inga; Codella, Claudio; Cabrit, Sylvie; Nisini, Brunella; Dougados, Catherine; Sandell, Goran; Williams, Jonathan P.; Testi, Leonardo; Thi, Wing‐Fai; and 6 coauthors, 2013, Water Vapor in the Protoplanetary Disk of DG Tau, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #2S028 ,

ASCL‐1620 Powell, Stacie; Latham, David; Irwin, Mike; Bouvier, Jerome; Clarke, Cathie; Facchini, Stefano, 2013, Detections of a precessing hotspot in FU Ori?, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #2S057 ,

ASCL‐1621 Powell, Stacie; Irwin, M.; Bouvier, J.; Clarke, C. J., 2013, The Periodic Spectroscopic Variability of FU Orionis, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts , 221,

ASCL‐1622 Rabus, Markus; Lachaume, Regis; Brahm, Rafael; Jordan, Andres; Le Bouquin, Jean‐Baptiste; Berger, Jean‐Philippe; Absil, Olivier; Boyajian, Tabetha; Duvert, Gilles; Patru, Fabien; and 4 coauthors, 2013, Direct determination of physical parameters for main sequence stars, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #1K090 ,

ASCL‐1623 Rameau, J.; Chauvin, G.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Boccaletti, A.; Quanz, S. P.; Bonnefoy, M.; Girard, J. H.; Delorme, P.; Desidera, S.; Klahr, H.; and 3 coauthors, 2013, The lowest mass giant planet ever imaged around a star, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, held 8‐13 September in London, UK.

ASCL‐1624 Rameau, Julien; Chauvin, Gaël; Lagrange, Anne‐Marie; Meshkat, Tiffany; Boccaletti, Anthony; Quanz, Sascha P.; Bonnefoy, Mickaël; Bailey, Vanessa; Kenworthy, Matthew; Currie, Thayne; and 7 coauthors, 2013, A giant planet around HD95086 ?, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #2K013 ,

ASCL‐1625 Reylé, C.; Delorme, P.; Artigau, E.; Delfosse, X.; Albert, L.; Forveille, T.; Rajpurohit, A. S.; Allard, F.; Homeier, D.; Robin, A. C., 2013, A M/T dwarf binary from the Canada‐France Brown Dwarf Survey: probing the L/T transition, Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana , 84, 1050

ASCL‐1626 Roberge, Aki; Kamp, I.; Augereau, J.; Montesinos, B.; Meeus, G.; Olofsson, J.; Donaldson, J.; Howard, C. D.; Eiroa, C.; Dent, B., 2013, Far‐IR Observations of Gas and Dust in the Unusual 49

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 109 Ceti Disk, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts , 221,

ASCL‐1627 Sana, H.; de Mink, S. E.; de Koter, A.; Langer, N.; Evans, C. J.; Gieles, M.; Gosset, E.; Izzard, R. G.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Schneider, F. R. N., 2013, Multiplicity of massive O stars and evolutionary implications, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series , 470, 141

ASCL‐1628 Santerne, A.; Donati, J.‐F.; Doyon, R.; Delfosse, X.; Artigau, E.; Boisse, I.; Bonfils, X.; Bouchy, F.; Hébrard, G.; Moutou, C.; and 1 coauthors, 2013, Characterizing small planets transiting small stars with SPIRou, SF2A‐2013: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 509

ASCL‐1629 Schlieder, Joshua; Bonnefoy, Mickael; Deacon, Niall; Herbst, Tom; Johnston, Katharine; Lepine, Sebastien; Olofsson, Johann; Rice, Emily; Berger, Edo; Skemer, Andy; and 5 coauthors, 2013, Early Results from the CASTOFFS Survey, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #1K091 ,

ASCL‐1630 Sitarski, Breann; Duchene, G.; Lu, J. R.; Morris, M., 2013, Modeling the Near‐Infrared Disk around Radio Source I in the Orion Kleinmann‐Low Nebula, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts , 221,

ASCL‐1631 Sousa, Alana; McGinnis, Pauline; Alencar, Silvia; Bouvier, Jérôme; Teixeira, Paula; Stauffer, John; CSI2264 Team, 2013, The inner disks of classical T Tauri stars in NGC 2264, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #2B028 ,

ASCL‐1632 Steinacker, Juergen; Andersen, Morten; Thi, Wing‐Fai; The SEED team, 2013, SEED ‐ Exploring the seed population of dust grains for planet formation with coreshine, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #1B012 ,

ASCL‐1633 Thi, Wing‐Fai; Pinte, Christophe; Pantin, Eric; Augereau, Jean‐Charles; Meeus, Gwendolyn; Ménard, Francois; Martin‐Zaidi, Claire; Woitke, Peter; Riviere‐Marichalar, Pablo; Kamp, Inga; and 13 coauthors, 2013, Herschel‐PACS observation of gas lines from the disc around HD141569A, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #2S021 ,

ASCL‐1634 Venuti, Laura; Bouvier, Jerome; Irwin, Jonathan; Stauffer, John; Cody, Ann Marie; Micela, Giuseppina; CSI 2264 Team, 2013, UV variability and accretion in PMS stars in NGC 2264, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #2S011 ,

ASCL‐1635 Veras, D.; Mustill, A. J.; Bonsor, A.; Wyatt, M. C., 2013, The Fate of Exoplanetary Systems and the Implications for White Dwarf Pollution, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, held 8‐13 September in London, UK.

ASCL‐1636 Woitke, P.; Dent, W. R. F.; Thi, W.‐F.; Menard, F.; Pinte, C.; Duchene, G.; Sandell, G.; Lawson, W.; Kamp, I., 2013, ET Cha ‐ a single T Tauri star with a disk of radius ˜ 5 AU ?, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #2B013 ,

ASCL‐1637 Baudino, Jean‐Loup; Bézard, Bruno; Boccaletti, Anthony; Bonnefoy, Mickael; Lagrange, Anne‐ Marie, 2014, A radiative‐convective equilibrium model for young giant exoplanets: Application to β Pictoris b, IAU Symposium , 299, 277

ASCL‐1638 Boccaletti, A.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Pantin, E.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Quanz, S. P.; Meheut, H., 2014, The multiple spirals in the disk of HD100546, IAU Symposium , 299, 208

ASCL‐1639 Boisse, I.; Pepe, F.; Perrier, C.; Queloz, D.; Bouchy, F.; Santos, N. C., 2014, The ELODIE and SOPHIE Search for Northern Extrasolar Planets: Jupiter‐Analogs around Sun‐Like Stars, IAU Symposium , 293, 445

ASCL‐1640 Boisse, I.; Dumusque, X.; Santos, N. C.; Oshagh, M.; Bonfils, X.; Montalto, M.; Boué, G.; Lovis, C., 2014, Stellar Variabilities: Challenges for the Detection and Characterization of Exoplanets, IAU Symposium , 293, 388

ASCL‐1641 Bonnefoy, Mickaël; Boccaletti, Anthony; Lagrange, Anne‐Marie; Allard, France; Mordasini, Christoph; Beust, Hervé; Chauvin, Gaël; Girard, Julien H. V.; Homeier, Derek; Apai, Daniel; and 4 coauthors, 2014, Properties of the young gas giant planet β Pictoris b, IAU Symposium , 299, 241

ASCL‐1642 Bouvier, J., 2014, The magnetospheric accretion/ejection process in young stellar objects: open issues and perspectives, European Physical Journal Web of Conferences , 64, 09001

ASCL‐1643 Cody, Ann Marie; Stauffer, John; Bouvier, Jèrôme, 2014, Dynamic Young Stars and their Disks: A Temporal View of NGC 2264 with Spitzer and CoRoT, European Physical Journal Web of Conferences , 64, 08004

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 110 ASCL‐1644 Currie, Thayne M.; Rameau, J.; Chauvin, G.; Lagrange, A.; Boccaletti, A.; Meshkat, T.; Quanz, S.; Girard, J.; Bonnefoy, M.; Kenworthy, M. A., 2014, A Confirmed Directly Imaged Planet Orbiting a Nearby Young, Dusty Star, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts , 223,

ASCL‐1645 Duchene, Gaspard; Stapelfeldt, K. R.; Isella, A.; Perrin, M. D.; Menard, F.; Padgett, D.; Pinte, C.; Wolff, S.; Ghez, A. M.; Konopacky, Q. M., 2014, Imaging and modeling SSTTau J042021+281349, a new prototypical edge‐on protoplanetary disk, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts , 223,

ASCL‐1646 Duchêne, G.; Stapelfeldt, K.; Isella, A.; Perrin, M.; Ménard, F.; Padgett, D.; Pinte, C.; Wolff, S.; Krist, J.; Ghez, A.; and 1 coauthors, 2014, Panchromatic imaging and modeling of SSTtau J042021+281349: A new prototypical edge‐on protoplanetary disk, IAU Symposium , 299, 111

ASCL‐1647 Ertel, S.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Thébault, P.; Absil, O.; Bonsor, A.; Defrère, D.; Kral, Q.; Le Bouquin, J.‐ B.; Lebreton, J.; Coudé du Foresto, V., 2014, Unraveling the Mystery of Exozodiacal Dust, IAU Symposium , 299, 338

ASCL‐1648 Faramaz, V.; Beust, H.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Bonsor, A.; Thébault, P.; Wu, Y.; Marshall, J. P.; del Burgo, C.; Ertel, S.; Eiroa, C.; and 2 coauthors, 2014, Planetary Systems Dynamics Eccentric patterns in debris disks & in binary systems, IAU Symposium , 299, 212

ASCL‐1649 Fonseca, N. N. J.; Alencar, S. H. P.; Bouvier, J., 2014, Analysis of star‐disk interaction in young stellar systems, European Physical Journal Web of Conferences , 64, 08002

ASCL‐1650 Gonzalez, J.‐F.; Pinte, C.; Maddison, S. T.; Ménard, F., 2014, Planet gaps in the dust layer of 3D proto‐planetary disks: Observability with ALMA, IAU Symposium , 299, 115

ASCL‐1651 Gregory, S. G.; Holzwarth, V. R.; Donati, J.‐F.; Hussain, G. A. J.; Montmerle, T.; Alecian, E.; Alencar, S. H. P.; Argiroffi, C.; Audard, M.; Bouvier, J.; and 7 coauthors, 2014, The magnetosphere of the close accreting PMS binary V4046 Sgr, European Physical Journal Web of Conferences , 64, 08009

ASCL‐1652 Helling, Christiane; Woitke, Peter; Rimmer, Paul B.; Kamp, Inga; Thi, Wing‐Fai; Meijerink, Rowin, 2014, Disk Evolution, Element Abundances and Cloud Properties of Young Gas Giant Planets, Life, volume 4, issue 2, pages 142‐173 , 4, 142

ASCL‐1653 Labadie, L.; Léger, A.; Malbet, F.; Danchi, W. C.; Lopez, B., 2014, A possible future for space‐ based interferometry, Improving the Performances of Current Optical Interferometers & Future Designs , 47

ASCL‐1654 Lagrange, Anne‐Marie; Gilardy, Hugo; Beust, Herve; Chauvin, Gael; Rameau, Julien; Boccaletti, Anthony; Girard, Julien; Bonnefoy, Mickael, 2014, β Pictoris b Orbital Properties, IAU Symposium , 299, 299

ASCL‐1655 Lykou, F.; Klotz, D.; Hron, J.; Paladini, C.; Jorissen, A.; Chesneau, O.; Lagadec, E.; Zijlstra, A.; Tuthill, P.; Norris, B.; and 5 coauthors, 2014, Asymmetries start in the AGB phase, Asymmetrical Planetary Nebulae VI conference, Proceedings of the conference held 4‐8 November, 2013. Edited by C. Morisset, G. Delgado‐Inglada and S. Torres‐Peimbert.

ASCL‐1656 Malbet, Fabien; Crouzier, Antoine; Goullioud, Renaud; Lagage, Pierre‐Olivier; Léger, Alain; Shao, Mike, 2014, NEAT: An Astrometric Mission to Detect and Characterize Nearby Habitable Planetary Systems, IAU Symposium , 293, 448

ASCL‐1657 Manara, C. F.; Testi, L.; Natta, A.; Ricci, L.; Benisty, M.; Rosotti, G.; Ercolano, B., 2014, A VLT/X‐ Shooter study of accretion and photoevaporation in Transitional Disks, IAU Symposium , 299, 220

ASCL‐1658 Maschberger, Thomas, 2014, A Stochastic Model of Accretion, Advances in Solid State Physics , 36, 345

ASCL‐1659 Mawet, D.; Absil, O.; Milli, J.; Baudoz, P.; Boccaletti, A.; Chauvin, G.; Delacroix, C.; Girard, J. H.; Lagrange, A. M.; O'Neal, J.; and 14 coauthors, 2014, Companion search around β Pictoris with the newly commissioned L'‐band vector vortex coronagraph on VLT/NACO, IAU Symposium , 299, 50

ASCL‐1660 Menu, J.; van Boekel, R.; Henning, T.; Benisty, M.; Chandler, C. J.; Linz, H.; Waelkens, C.; Andrews, S. M.; Calvet, N.; Carpenter, J. M.; and 15 coauthors, 2014, TW Hydrae: multi‐ wavelength interferometry of a transition disk, IAU Symposium , 299, 104

ASCL‐1661 Patience, J.; Bulger, J.; Ward‐Duong, K.; Bouy, H.; Pinte, C.; Ménard, F.; Monin, J.‐L.; Koda, J.; Dowell, C. D., 2014, The TBOSS (Taurus Boundary of Stellar/Substellar) Survey of Disk Properties, IAU Symposium , 299, 224

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 111 ASCL‐1662 Powell, Stacie; Latham, D. W.; Irwin, M.; Bouvier, J.; Clarke, C.; Facchini, S., 2014, Signatures of disk structure from line profile variability, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts , 223,

ASCL‐1663 Rameau, Julien; Chauvin, Gaël; Lagrange, Anne‐Marie; Delorme, Philippe; Lannier, Justine, 2014, Giant planets around AF and M stars, IAU Symposium , 299, 64

ASCL‐1664 Schlieder, Joshua E.; Bonnefoy, M.; Deacon, N.; Herbst, T.; Johnston, K.; Lepine, S.; Olofsson, J.; Rice, E. L.; Berger, E.; Skemer, A.; and 5 coauthors, 2014, The CASTOFFS Survey: Pursuit of Young M Dwarfs Adrift in the Solar Neighborhood, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts , 223,

ASCL‐1665 Stapelfeldt, Karl R.; Duchene, G.; Padgett, D.; Perrin, M. D.; Wolff, S.; Krist, J. E.; Menard, F.; Pinte, C., 2014, HST Imaging of New Edge‐on Circumstellar Disks in Nearby Star‐forming Regions, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts , 223,

ASCL‐1666 Van Der Bliek, Nicole S.; Thomas, Sandrine; Rodgers, Bernadette; Bouvier, Jerome; Araya, Claudia; Doppmann, Greg; Cordero, Maria Jose, 2014, Multiplicity study of Herbig Ae/Be stars, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts , 224,

ASCL‐1667 Vigan, A.; Chauvin, G.; Bonavita, M.; Desidera, S.; Bonnefoy, M.; Mesa, D.; Beuzit, J.‐L.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Biller, B.; Boccaletti, A.; and 25 coauthors, 2014, Results of the NaCo Large Program: probing the occurrence of exoplanets and brown dwarfs at wide orbit, IAU Symposium , 299, 17

ASCL‐1668 Wolff, S.; Perrin, M.; Stapelfeldt, K.; Duchêne, G.; Krist, J.; Ménard, F.; Padgett, D.; Pinte, C., 2014, Resolved Scattered Light Images of the Edge‐On Protoplanetary Disk ESO Hα 569, IAU Symposium , 299, 76

ASCL‐1669 Wolff, Schuyler; Perrin, M. D.; Stapelfeldt, K. R.; Duchene, G.; Menard, F.; Padgett, D.; Pinte, C., 2014, HST Scattered Light Imaging and Modeling of the Edge‐On Protoplanetary Disk ESO Halpha 569, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts , 223,

ASCL‐1670 de Juan Ovelar, M.; Min, M.; Dominik, C.; Thalmann, C.; Pinilla, P.; Benisty, M.; Birnstiel, T., 2014, The different faces of transitional discs, IAU Symposium , 299, 155

ASCL‐1671 de Oliveira, Catarina Alves; Moraux, Estelle; Spezzi, Loredana; Huélamo, Núria; Bouvier, Jerôme; Bouy, Herve; Duchêne, Gaspard, 2014, The Low Mass End of the IMF Unveiled by the WIRCam/CFHT Survey of Nearby Young Clusters, Advances in Solid State Physics , 36, 351

ASCL planeto (308)

ASCL‐1079 Ratajczak, A.; Quirico, E.; Faure, A.; Schmitt, B.; Ceccarelli, C., 2009, Spontaneous D‐H exchange between water ice and Complex Organic Molecules (COMs) in protostellar environments, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Supplement , 73, 1075 15 ASCL‐1108 Bonal, L.; Hily‐Blant, P.; Faure, A.; Quirico, E., 2012, Highly Variable N ‐Enrichments in Solar System Reflect Different Routes of Interstellar N Isotopic Fractionation, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement , 75, 5226

ASCL‐1159 Thissen, R.; Thirkell, L.; Makarov, A.; Puget, P.; Briois, C.; Szopa, C.; Carrasco, N.; Berthelier, J. J.; Henkel, H.; Glassmachers, A., 2009, Ultra high resolution Fourier Transform mass analyzer for space exploration: Orbitrap, European Planetary Science Congress 2009 , 764

ASCL‐1293 Briois, C.; Thirkell, L.; Boukrara, A.; Lebreton, J. P.; Thissen, R.; Puget, P.; Cottin, H.; Grand, N.; Pennanech, C.; Zapf, P.; and 7 coauthors, 2012, A High Resolution Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer for In‐Situ Analysis in Planetary Science, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts , 14, 12800

ASCL‐1295 Carrasco, N.; Szopa, C.; Chapuis, C.; Bouabdellah, A.; Thissen, R.; Cornelli, S.; Puget, P.; Briois, C.; Thirkell, L.; Boukrara, A.; and 5 coauthors, 2012, Ultra high mass‐resolution for space exploration: the Orbitrap mass analyser, European Planetary Science Congress 2012, held 23‐ 28 September, 2012 in Madrid, Spain.

ASCL‐1457 Lilensten, J.; Delfosse, X.; Cauchies, N.; Regghezza, S.; Blanc, A., 2010, The Opera of the Universe, and the Windmill of Art and Sciences, European Planetary Science Congress 2010 , 282

ASCL‐1517 Lilensten, J.; Acker, A.; Delfosse, X., 2011, Planeteria: news from France, EPSC‐DPS Joint

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 112 Meeting 2011 , 1824

ASCL‐1672 Appéré, T.; Schmitt, B.; Douté, S.; Forget, F.; Langevin, Y.; Bibring, J.‐P.; Gondet, B., 2009, Spring Evolution of the Northern Seasonal Condensates on Mars from OMEGA on Mars Express, LPI Contributions , 1494, 1

ASCL‐1673 Barthelemy, M.; Menager, H.; Lilensten, J., 2009, About the interest of adding a polarimeter on UV instruments in the frame of the future missions to Jupiter, European Planetary Science Congress 2009 , 759

ASCL‐1674 Barthelemy, M.; Lystrup, M.; Menager, H.; Miller, S.; Lilensten, J., 2009, First detection of the polarisation of H_{3}^{+} infrared emission in Jupiter's aurora, European Planetary Science Congress 2009 , 756

ASCL‐1675 Beck, P.; Quirico, E.; Bollard, J.; Montes‐Hernandez, G.; Bonal, L.; Orthous‐Daunay, F.‐R.; Schmitt, B., 2009, Water Related Features in the IR Spectra of Carbonaceous Chondrites Matrix, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement , 72, 5200

ASCL‐1676 Beck, P.; Pommerol, A.; Schmitt, B.; Brissaud, O., 2009, Experimental Study of Water Transport Across an Adsorbing Regolith, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 40, 1291

ASCL‐1677 Ceamanos, X.; Doute, S., 2009, SPECTRAL SMILE CORRECTION IN CRISM HYPERSPECTRAL IMAGES, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 23, 1231

ASCL‐1678 Cui, J.; Galand, M.; Yelle, R. V.; Vuitton, V.; Wahlund, J.‐E.; Mueller‐Wodarg, I. C. F.; Lavvas, P. P.; Cravens, T. E.; Agren, K.; Dougherty, M. K., 2009, Diurnal variations of Titan's ionospheric structure, European Planetary Science Congress 2009 , 476

ASCL‐1679 Cui, J.; Galand, M.; Yelle, R. V.; Vuitton, V.; Wahlund, J.‐E.; Lavvas, P. P.; Mueller‐Wodarg, I. C. F.; Kasprzak, W. T.; Waite, J. H., 2009, Diurnal variations of Titan, EGU General Assembly 2009, held 19‐24 April, 2009 in Vienna, Austria

ASCL‐1680 Davidson, J.; Busemann, H.; Alexander, C. M. O'd.; Nittler, L. R.; Schrader, D. L.; Orthous‐ Daunay, F. R.; Quirico, E.; Franchi, I. A.; Grady, M. M., 2009, Presolar SiC Abundances in Primitive Meteorites by NanoSIMS Raster Ion Imaging of Insoluble Organic Matter, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 40, 1853

ASCL‐1681 Dobrică, E.; Engrand, C.; Quirico, E.; Montagnac, G.; Duprat, J., 2009, Immature Carbonaceous Matter in CONCORDIA Antarctic Micrometeorites, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 40, 1688

ASCL‐1682 Doute, S.; Schmidt, F.; Schmitt, B.; Vincendon, M.; Langevin, Y.; Gondet, B.; Bibring, J., 2009, Physical State of the ``Bright'' South Seasonal Polar Cap From OMEGA Observations, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 21, 1216

ASCL‐1683 Doute, S., 2009, Retrieving Mars surface reflectance from OMEGA/MEX imagery, Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing, 2009. WHISPERS '09. First Workshop on. Held 26‐28 August, 2009. 4 pp. , 63

ASCL‐1684 Doute, S.; Schmidt, F.; Schmitt, B.; Vincendon, M.; Langevin, Y.; Gondet, B., 2009, Physical State of the "Bright" South Seasonal Polar Cap from OMEGA Observations, LPI Contributions , 1494, 11

ASCL‐1685 Dutuit, O.; Thissen, R.; Vuitton, V.; Lavvas, P., 2009, Laboratory studies of molecular growth in Titan ionosphere, EGU General Assembly 2009, held 19‐24 April, 2009 in Vienna, Austria

ASCL‐1686 Eyraud, C.; Litman, A.; Hérique, A.; Kofman, W., 2009, Microwave imaging from experimental data within a Bayesian framework with realistic random noise, Inverse Problems , 25, 4005

ASCL‐1687 Ferroir, T.; Miyahara, M.; Ohtani, E.; Beck, P.; Simionovici, A.; Gillet, P.; El Goresy, A., 2009, P‐ T Conditions and Mechanisms of Enstatite to Akimotoite Transformations in the Shocked L‐6 Chondrite Tenham, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement , 72, 5143

ASCL‐1688 Gillet, Ph.; Ferroir, T.; Beck, P.; El Goresy, A., 2009, Pressure‐Temperature‐Time Records of Shock in Meteorites, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement , 72, 5144

ASCL‐1689 Grima, C.; Costard, F.; Kofman, W. W.; Clifford, S. M.; Mouginot, J.; Servain, A.; Herique, A.; Seu, R., 2009, Large and asymmetric polar scarps in Planum Australe, Mars: Characterization and evolution, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 31, 0588

ASCL‐1690 Grima, C.; Kofman, W.; Hérique, A.; Beck, P.; Seu, R., 2009, Mapping the radar reflectivity of the with the SHAllow RADar (SHARAD), European Planetary Science

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 113 Congress 2009 , 111

ASCL‐1691 Heggy, E.; Kataria, T.; Clifford, S. M.; Lasue, J.; Kofman, W., 2009, Dielectric Model of Comet 67P/Churyumov‐Gerasimenko in Support of the CONSERT Radar Tomography Experiment On Board Rosetta, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 40, 1944

ASCL‐1692 Horst, Sarah; Adams, R.; Carrasco, N.; Djevahirdjian, L.; Pernot, P.; Sciamma‐O'Brien, E.; Szopa, C.; Thissen, R.; Vuitton, V.; Yelle, R. V., 2009, Mass Spectral Analysis of PAMPRE Tholins, AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts #41 , 41,

ASCL‐1693 Kofman, W. W.; Mouginot, J.; Beck, P.; Pommerol, A.; Schmitt, B.; Grima, C.; Herique, A.; Safaeinili, A.; Plaut, J. J., 2009, Mars surface materials from MARSIS radar reflectivity, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 11, 02

ASCL‐1694 Langevin, Y.; Bibring, J.‐P.; Douté, S.; Vincendon, M.; Poulet, F.; Gondet, B., 2009, Investigations of Mars Polar Processes by OMEGA/Mex Over Three Martian Years, LPI Contributions , 1494, 29

ASCL‐1695 Lasue, Jeremie; Botet, R.; Levasseur‐Regourd, A.; Hadamcik, E.; Kofman, W., 2009, Comet Nuclei Primordial Aggregation Effects on their Internal Structure, AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts #41 , 41,

ASCL‐1696 Lilensten, Jean; Belehaki, Anna, 2009, Developing the scientific basis for monitoring, modelling and predicting space weather. Preface to the special issue, Acta Geophysica , 57, 1

ASCL‐1697 Marboeuf, U.; Mousis, O.; Petit, J.‐M.; Schmitt, B., 2009, Clathrate hydrates formation in cometary nuclei, SF2A‐2009: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 237

ASCL‐1698 Montes‐Hernandez, G.; Pommerol, A.; Quirico, E.; Beck, P.; Brissaud, O.; Renard, F., 2009, Characterization of Water Distribution in Geo‐Materials and Their Thermo‐Reactivity by Using Infrared Microscopy Coupled to a Vacuum‐Temperature Drying Cell, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement , 72, 5115

ASCL‐1699 Mouginot, J.; Kofman, W.; Grima, C.; Safaeinili, A.; Plaut, J. J., 2009, Martian Surface Radar Reflectivity by MARSIS, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 40, 1546

ASCL‐1700 Mousis, O.; Cordier, D.; Lunine, J. I.; Lavvas, P.; Vuitton, V., 2009, Composition of the lakes of Titan, SF2A‐2009: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 245

ASCL‐1701 Moynier, F.; Koeberl, C.; Beck, P.; Jourdan, F., 2009, Isotopic Fractionation of Chalcophile Elements in Tektites, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement , 72, 5147

ASCL‐1702 Ménager, H.; Barthélémy, M.; Lilensten, J., 2009, Jupiter's aurora : electron precipitation and UV emissions, European Planetary Science Congress 2009 , 181

ASCL‐1703 Orthous‐Daunay, F. R.; Quirico, E.; Lemelle, L.; Beck, P.; de Andrade, V.; Simionovici, A.; Derenne, S.; Schmitt, B., 2009, S and O functional analysis of aqueously altered carbonaceous chondrites IOM, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Supplement , 73, 975

ASCL‐1704 Orthous‐Daunay, F. R.; Quirico, E.; Lemelle, L.; Beck, P.; de Andrade, V.; Simionovici, A.; Derenne, S., 2009, Sulfur Speciation in Carbonaceous Chondrites HF/HCl Residues by S K‐Edge XANES Microspectrometry, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 40, 1777

ASCL‐1705 Orthous‐Daunay, F.‐R.; Quirico, E.; Lemelle, L.; Beck, P.; de Andrade, V.; Simionovici, A.; Derenne, S.; Schmitt, B., 2009, Oxidation Degree of Sulfur and Oxygen Organic Function in the IOM of Aqueously Altered Chondrites, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement , 72, 5211

ASCL‐1706 Paniello, R. C.; Moynier, F.; Podosek, F. A.; Beck, P., 2009, Zinc Isotopic Composition of Achondrites, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement , 72, 5251

ASCL‐1707 Pommerol, A.; Mouginot, J.; Kofman, W. W.; Safaeinili, A.; Plaut, J. J.; Grima, C.; Herique, A.; Beck, P., 2009, Martian surface radar reflectivity from MARSIS soundings, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 13, 1273

ASCL‐1708 Pommerol, A.; Kofman, W.; Audouard, J.; Kobayashi, T.; Grima, C.; Mouginot, J.; Beck, P.; Ono, T., 2009, Characterization and mapping of the Lunar subsurface by the LRS / SELENE radar sounder: methods and preliminary results, European Planetary Science Congress 2009 , 353

ASCL‐1709 Pommerol, A.; Schmitt, B.; Beck, P.; Brissaud, O., 2009, Water Sorption on Martian Regolith

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 114 Analogs: Near‐Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy and Thermodynamics, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 40, 1608

ASCL‐1710 Quirico, E.; Montagnac, G.; Rouzaud, J.; Bonal, L.; Bourot‐Denise, M.; Duber, S.; Reynard, B., 2009, CARBONACEOUS MATTER PRECURSORS AND METAMORPHIC CONDITIONS IN THERMALLY PROCESSED CHONDRITES, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 14, 03

ASCL‐1711 Quirico, E., 2009, FROM INTERSTELLAR TO COMETARY ICES: SOME EXPERIMENTAL ASPECTS (Invited), AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 23, 02

ASCL‐1712 Quirico, E.; Bourot‐Denise, M.; Bonal, L.; Orthous‐Daunay, F.‐R.; Beck, P.; Montagnac, G., 2009, Structural and Chemical Characterization of the Organic Matter in Metamorphosed CM Carbonaceous Chondrites, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement , 72, 5208

ASCL‐1713 Rouzaud, J. N.; Le Guillou, C.; Bonal, L.; Derenne, S.; Quirico, E.; Remusat, L., 2009, IOM Chondrites Nanostructures as seen by HRTEM: Heterogeneity and Metamorphism Effects, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement , 72, 5088

ASCL‐1714 Schmidt, F.; Douté, S.; Schmitt, B.; Langevin, Y.; Bibring, J.‐P.; OMEGA Team, 2009, Slab ice in the seasonnal south polar cap of Mars, European Planetary Science Congress 2009 , 521

ASCL‐1715 Schmitt, B.; Appéré, T.; Douté, S.; Beck, P.; Forget, F.; Langevin, Y.; Bibring, J.‐P., 2009, Microphysical Cycle of Evolution of the Northern Martian Seasonal Condensates, LPI Contributions , 1494, 49

ASCL‐1716 Simionovici, A. S.; Lemelle, L.; Beck, P.; Ferroir, T.; Westphal, A.; Chazalnoel, P.; Débus, A.; Viso, M.; Vincze, L.; Solé, V. A.; and 1 coauthors, 2009, Hyperspectral Non‐Destructive Analyses of Martian Return Samples Under Quarantine, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement , 72, 5404

ASCL‐1717 Simionovici, A. S.; Lemelle, L.; Beck, P.; Ferroir, T.; Westphal, A.; Chazalnoel, P.; Debus, A.; Viso, M.; Vincze, L.; Solé, A. V.; and 1 coauthors, 2009, Methodology and Sample Holder for Analyses Under Quarantine of Martian Return Samples, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 40, 2543

ASCL‐1718 Simon, C.; Lilensten, J.; Gronoff, G.; Menager, H.; Barthelemy, M., 2009, On The Energy Per Ion Pair In The Upper Atmospheres of Planets, AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts , 11, 02

ASCL‐1719 Stöckler, R.; Khodachenko, M. L.; Topf, F.; Miller, S.; Heynderickx, D.; Lilensten, J., 2009, Creation of Interactive Catalogue of Planetary Models & Data Analysis Tools (ICPM&DAT), European Planetary Science Congress 2009 , 92

ASCL‐1720 Thissen, R.; Vuitton, V.; Bonnet, J. Y.; Quirico, E.; Dutuit, O.; Carrasco, N.; Fray, N., 2009, High resolution mass spectrometry of Tholins: comparison with HCN polymers, European Planetary Science Congress 2009 , 762

ASCL‐1721 Vincendon, M.; Langevin, Y.; Douté, S.; Bibring, J.‐P., 2009, 3 Mars Years of Dust Optical Depth Mapping by OMEGA Above the South Pole, LPI Contributions , 1494, 59

ASCL‐1722 Appéré, T.; Schmitt, B.; Langevin, Y.; Spiga, A.; Douté, S.; Pommerol, A.; Forget, F.; Gondet, B.; Bibring, J.‐P., 2010, Mobility of Water Ice During the Retreat of the Seasonal Deposits on Mars, European Planetary Science Congress 2010 , 503

ASCL‐1723 Appéré, T.; Schmitt, B.; Douté, S.; Langevin, Y.; Forget, F.; Bibring, J.‐P., 2010, Spring Evolution of Mars' Northern Seasonal Condensates from OMEGA on Mars Express, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 41, 1071

ASCL‐1724 Asphaug, E.; Barucci, A.; Belton, M.; Bhaskaran, S.; Brownlee, D.; Carter, L.; Castillo, J.; Chesley, S.; Chodas, P.; Farnham, T.; and 14 coauthors, 2010, Deep Interior Radar Imaging of Comets, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 41, 2670

ASCL‐1725 Barriot, Jean‐Pierre; Serafini, Jonathan; Sichoix, Lydie; Benna, Mehdi; Kofman, Wlodek; Herique, Alain, 2010, Imaging of the internal structure of comet 67P/Churyumov‐Gerasimenko from radiotomography CONSERT Data (Rosetta Mission) through a full 3D regularized inversion of the Helmholtz equations on functional spaces, 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly , 38, 613

ASCL‐1726 Barthelemy, M.; Chaufray, J. Y.; Lilensten, J.; Simon, C.; Parkinson, C.; Gronoff, G., 2010, Radiative transfer of the oxygen 130 nm triplet in atmospheres containing oxygen and carbon monoxyde, European Planetary Science Congress 2010 , 633

ASCL‐1727 Barthelemy, Mathieu; Lystrup, Makenzie; Menager, Helene; Miller, Steve; Lilensten, Jean,

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 115 2010, First detection of the polarisation of H3+ infrared emission in Jupiter's aurora., EGU General Assembly 2010, held 2‐7 May, 2010 in Vienna, Austria, p.11354 , 12, 11354

ASCL‐1728 Beck, P.; Orthous‐Daunay, F.‐R.; de Andrade, V.; Quirico, E.; Schmitt, B., 2010, Fe‐XANES Study of CI and CM Chondrites Matrix Mineralogy, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement , 73, 5079

ASCL‐1729 Beck, P.; Quirico, E.; Montes‐Hernandez, G.; Bonal, L.; Bollard, J.; Orthous‐Daunay, F.‐R.; Howard, K.; Schmitt, B.; Brissaud, O., 2010, Hydrous Mineralogy of CM and CI Chondrites from Infrared Spectroscopy and Their Relationship with Low Albedo Asteroids, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 41, 1586

ASCL‐1730 Bonnet, J.‐Y.; Thissen, R.; Frisari, M.; Vuitton, V.; Quirico, E.; Le Roy, L.; Fray, N.; Cottin, H.; Hörst, S. M.; Yelle, R., 2010, HCN Polymers: Composition And Structure Revisited by High Resolution Mass Spectrometry, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 41, 1334

ASCL‐1731 Bonnet, Jean‐Yves; Thissen, Roland; Frisari, Ma; Vuitton, Veronique; Quirico, Eric; Le Roy, Léna; Fray, Nicolas; Cottin, Hervé; Horst, Sarah; Yelle, Roger, 2010, HCN Polymers: Toward Structure Comprehension Using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry, 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly , 38, 783

ASCL‐1732 Briani, G.; Quirico, E.; Gounelle, M.; Montagnac, G.; Charon, E.; Rouzaud, J.‐N., 2010, Multiwavelength Raman Spectroscopy of Organic Matter in Isheyevo Microxenoliths, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement , 73, 5247

ASCL‐1733 Briani, G.; Quirico, E.; Gounelle, M.; Paulhiac‐Pison, M.; Montagnac, G.; Bonal, L.; Beck, P., 2010, Thermal Metamorphism Effects in CR Chondrites, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement , 73, 5234

ASCL‐1734 Carrasco, N.; Pernot, P.; Szopa, C.; Thissen, R.; Briois, C.; Thirkell, L., 2010, High resolution mass spectrometry for Titan's aerosol analysis, European Planetary Science Congress 2010 , 415

ASCL‐1735 Cecconi, B.; Hess, S.; Herique, A.; Santos‐Costa, D.; Santovito, M.; Zarka, P. M.; Alberti, G.; Blankenship, D. D.; Bougeret, J. H.; Bruzzone, L.; and 1 coauthors, 2010, Natural radio emission of Jupiter as interferences for radar investigations of the icy satellites of Jupiter, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 23, 1620

ASCL‐1736 Cessateur, Gaël; Dudok de Wit, Thierry; Kretzschmar, Matthieu; Vieira, Luis Eduardo; Lilensten, Jean, 2010, Monitoring the solar EUV/UV Irradiance spectrum from the observation of a few pass bands, 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly , 38, 1115

ASCL‐1737 Dartois, E.; Schmitt, B.; Deboffle, D.; Bouzit, M., 2010, Low temperature CH4 and CO2 clathrate hydrate near to mid‐IR spectra, IAU Symposium , 263, 33

ASCL‐1738 Doute, S.; Vincendon, M.; Langevin, Y.; Spiga, A.; Bibring, J.; OMEGA Team, 2010, Monitoring Atmospheric Dust Opacity at High Latitudes on Mars by Imaging Spectroscopy, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 53, 1572

ASCL‐1739 Dutuit, Odile, 2010, Structural Analysis of Titan's Tholins by Ultra‐High Resolution Mass Spectrometry, EGU General Assembly 2010, held 2‐7 May, 2010 in Vienna, Austria, p.11167 , 12, 11167

ASCL‐1740 El Goresy, A.; Miyahara, M.; Ozawa, S.; Ohtani, E.; Gillet, Ph.; Beck, P.; Montagnac, G.; Nagase, T.; Hiraga, K., 2010, Liquidus High‐Pressure Assemblages in Shocked Martian Shergottites: Constraints to Equilibrium Peak Shock‐Pressures and Consequences to Radiometric Ages, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement , 73, 5020

ASCL‐1741 Galand, M.; Yelle, R.; Cui, J.; Wahlund, J.‐E.; Vuitton, V.; Wellbrock, A.; Coates, A. J., 2010, Ionization sources in Titan's deep ionosphere, European Planetary Science Congress 2010 , 323

ASCL‐1742 Grima, Cyril; Kofman, Wlodek; Herique, Alain; Seu, Roberto, 2010, Physical parameters of the near‐surface of Mars derived from SHARAD radar reflectivity: Statistical approach, 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly , 38, 500

ASCL‐1743 Gronoff, G.; Simon, C.; Mertens, C. J.; Lilensten, J., 2010, Advances in remote sensing of the Martian upper atmosphere, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 11, 1560

ASCL‐1744 Gronoff, Guillaume; Lilensten, Jean; Desorgher, Laurent; Flueckiger, Erwin O., 2010, Ionization in the whole atmosphere of Titan and its relation with the haze layers, 38th COSPAR

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 116 Scientific Assembly , 38, 1444

ASCL‐1745 Gronoff, Guillaume; Mertens, Christopher; Simon, Cyril; Lilensten, Jean, 2010, Uncertainties in the Martian airglow models, and their influences on the precision of future mesosphere‐ upper atmosphere retrieval systems, 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly , 38, 861

ASCL‐1746 Gronoff, Guillaume; Lilensten, Jean; Modolo, Ronan, 2010, Electron precipitation along Saturn's magnetic field lines in the atmosphere of Titan, 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly , 38, 1418

ASCL‐1747 Heggy, E.; Boisson, J.; Grima, C.; Clifford, S. M.; Gim, Y.; Frigeri, A.; Plaut, J. J., 2010, Exploring Bulk Compositions of Large Equatorial Basins Fills on Mars Using MARSIS and SHARAD Data, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 41, 1289

ASCL‐1748 Heggy, Essam; Bruzzone, Lorenzo; Beck, Pierre; Doute, Sylvain; Gim, Youngyu; Herique, Alain; Kofman, Wlodek; Orosei, Roberto; Plaut, Jeffery; Rosen, Paul; and 1 coauthors, 2010, Understanding Subsurface Geoelectrical and Structural Constrains for Low Frequency Radar Sounding of Jovian Satellites, EGU General Assembly 2010, held 2‐7 May, 2010 in Vienna, Austria, p.7392 , 12, 7392

ASCL‐1749 Herique, A.; Kofman, W. W.; Barucci, A.; Beck, P.; Biele, J.; Clifford, S. M.; Goutail, J.; Heggy, E.; Ho, T.; Kumamoto, A.; and 9 coauthors, 2010, ASSERT for Mascot / Hayabusa 2 mission: A radar tomography of 1999 JU3, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 33, 04

ASCL‐1750 Herique, Alain; Plettemeier, Dirk; Kofman, Wlodek; Ulamec, Stephan; Biele, Jens; Goutail, Jean Pierre; Beck, Pierre; Lassue, Jeremie; Barucci, Antonella; Michel, Patrick, 2010, Consert for Asteroid ‐ radar tomography of Near Earth Asteroid, EGU General Assembly 2010, held 2‐ 7 May, 2010 in Vienna, Austria, p.11011 , 12, 11011

ASCL‐1751 Herique, Alain; Kofman, Wlodek; Goutail, Jean Pierre; Zine, Sonia; Consert Team, 2010, Consert / Rosetta : status of the experiment, EGU General Assembly 2010, held 2‐7 May, 2010 in Vienna, Austria, p.10924 , 12, 10924

ASCL‐1752 Herique, Alain; Barucci, Antonella; Beck, Pierre; Biele, Jens; Clifford, Steve; Goutail, Jean Pierre; Heggy, Essam; Ho, Tra‐Mi; Kofman, Wlodek; Kumamoto, Atsushi; and 9 coauthors, 2010, Consert for Asteroid ‐radar tomography of Near Earth Asteroid, 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly , 38, 675

ASCL‐1753 Herique, Alain; Kofman, Wlodek; Goutail, Jean Pierre; Zine, Sonia, 2010, Consert / Rosetta : status of the experiment, 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly , 38, 656

ASCL‐1754 Horst, S. M.; Carrasco, N.; Sciamma‐O'Brien, E.; Smith, M.; Somogyi, A.; Szopa, C.; Thissen, R.; Vuitton, V.; Yelle, R. V., 2010, Identification of Complex Organic Molecules in PAMRE Tholins, LPI Contributions , 1538, 5557

ASCL‐1755 Hérique, A.; Kofman, W.; Goutail, J.‐P.; Zine, S.; Co‐Investigators, 2010, CONSERT / Rosetta: status of the experiment, European Planetary Science Congress 2010 , 214

ASCL‐1756 Hörst, S. M.; Buch, A.; Cernogora, N. Carrasco G.; Quirico, O. Dutuit E.; Sciamma‐O'Brien, E.; Smith, M. A.; Somogyi, A.; Szopa, C.; Thissen, R.; Vuitton, V., 2010, Formation of Amino Acids and Nucleotide Bases in a Titan Atmosphere Simulation Experiment, European Planetary Science Congress 2010 , 219

ASCL‐1757 Lilensten, J.; Thissen, R.; Simon, C.; Gronoff, G.; Witasse, O.; Barthélémy, M., 2010, On the role of the doubly charged ions on the Mars atmospheric escape, European Planetary Science Congress 2010 , 283

ASCL‐1758 Marboeuf, Ulysse; Schmitt, B.; Mousis, O.; Petit, J., 2010, Formation and Dissociation of Clathrate Hydrates in the Comet 67P/Churyumov Gerasimenko, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society , 42, 973

ASCL‐1759 Menager, H.; Barthélemy, M.; Parkinson, C. D.; Lilensten, J., 2010, Calculation of the FUV emissions of a hot Jupiter, In the Spirit of Lyot 2010 , 40

ASCL‐1760 Morse, A. D.; Carrasco, N.; Gilmour, I.; Bardwell, M.; Thissen, R.; Watson, J. S., 2010, In situ analytical chemistry for the future exploration of Titan, European Planetary Science Congress 2010 , 507

ASCL‐1761 Mousis, Olivier; Lunine, J. I.; Zahnle, K.; Biennier, L.; Picaud, S.; Johnson, T. V.; Petit, J.; Mitchell, J. B. A.; Beaulieu, J.; Boudon, V.; and 8 coauthors, 2010, Constraints On The Volatile Enrichments In Hd189733b From Internal Structure Models, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society , 42, 1078

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 117 ASCL‐1762 Ménager, H.; Barthélemy, M.; Parkinson, C. D.; Lilensten, J.; Abgrall, H.; Roueff, E., 2010, Modeling FUV emissions of a hot Jupiter, European Planetary Science Congress 2010 , 635

ASCL‐1763 Ménager, H.; Barthelemy, M.; Abgrall, H.; Roueff, E.; Lilensten, J., 2010, Jovian aurorae : sensitivity study of H2 spectrum, European Planetary Science Congress 2010 , 475

ASCL‐1764 Ménager, Hélène; Mathieu, Barthélemy; Jean, Lilensten, 2010, UV emissions of Hot Jupiters, EGU General Assembly 2010, held 2‐7 May, 2010 in Vienna, Austria, p.9373 , 12, 9373

ASCL‐1765 Orosei, R.; Alberti, G.; Bruzzone, L.; Flamini, E.; Frigeri, A.; Heggy, E.; Kofman, W. W.; Komatsu, G.; Plaut, J. J.; Seu, R., 2010, Science Results from the MARSIS and SHARAD Subsurface Sounding Radars on Mars and their Relevance to Radar Sounding of icy in the Jovian System, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 34, 08

ASCL‐1766 Orosei, R.; Alberti, G.; Bruzzone, L.; Frigeri, A.; Heggy, E.; Kofman, W.; Komatsu, G.; Plaut, J. J.; Seu, R., 2010, Science results from the MARSIS and SHARAD subsurface sounding radars on Mars and their relevance to radar sounding of icy moons in the Jovian system, European Planetary Science Congress 2010 , 726

ASCL‐1767 Orthous‐Daunay, F.‐R.; Thissen, R.; Vuitton, V.; Beck, P.; Bonnet, J.‐Y.; Dutuit, O.; Schmitt, B.; Quirico, E., 2010, Very High Resolution FT‐MS of the Methanol Extracts from Six Carbonaceous Chondrites, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement , 73, 5204

ASCL‐1768 Orthous‐Daunay, F.‐R.; Quirico, E.; Beck, P.; Brissaud, O.; Schmitt, B., 2010, Structural and Functional Micro‐Infrared Survey of Pristine Carbonaceous Chondrites Insoluble Organic Matter, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 41, 1803

ASCL‐1769 Schmidt, F.; Dupire, R.; Douté, S.; Portyankina, G., 2010, Active jets and slab ice in the Seasonal South Polar Cap of Mars, European Planetary Science Congress 2010 , 560

ASCL‐1770 Schmitt, B.; Albert, D.; Volcke,

ASCL‐1771 Simionovici, A. S.; Beck, P.; Lemelle, L.; Ferroir, T.; Westphal, A.; Vincze, L.; Schoonjans, T.; Solé, V. A.; Tucoulou, R.; Fihman, F.; and 2 coauthors, 2010, Non‐Destructive X‐Ray, Raman and IR Imaging of Quarantined Mars Return Samples, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement , 73, 5147

ASCL‐1772 Simon, Cyril; Leblanc, François; Gronoff, Guillaume; Witasse, Olivier; Lilensten, Jean; Barthelemy, Mathieu; Bertaux, Jean‐Loup, 2010, The Martian airglow: observations by Mars Express and kinetic modelling, 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly , 38, 1411

ASCL‐1773 Simon, Cyril; Gronoff, Guillaume; Lilensten, Jean; Menager, Helene; Barthelemy, Mathieu, 2010, Mean energy per electron‐ion pair in planetary upper atmospheres: modelling and implications, 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly , 38, 1435

ASCL‐1774 Szopa, Cyril; Carrasco, Nathalie; Sciamma‐O, Ella; Cernogora, Guy; Hadamcik, Edith; Vuitton, Veronique; Thissen, Roland; Bonnet, Jean‐Yves; Quirico, Eric; Horst, Sarah; and 2 coauthors, 2010, Titan's aerosols modes of production and properties, as seen with the PAMPRE laboratory experiment, 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly , 38, 565

ASCL‐1775 Thissen, R.; Vuitton, V.; Bonnet, J.‐Y.; Frisari, M.; Dutuit, O.; Quirico, E.; Carrasco, N.; Sciamma O'Brien, E.; Szopa, C.; Smith, M.; and 3 coauthors, 2010, Structural Analysis of Titan's Tholins by Ultra‐High Resolution Mass Spectrometry, European Planetary Science Congress 2010 , 918

ASCL‐1776 Thissen, Roland; Thissen, R.; Arezki, B.; Berthelier, J. J.; Bouabdellah, A.; Boukrara, A.; Briois, C.; Carrasco, N.; , P.; Engrand, C.; and 11 coauthors, 2010, Orbitrap for ILMA: Ion Laser Mass Analyser. A Mass‐Spectrometer for In‐Situ Characterization of a Near Earth Object (NEO), 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly , 38, 3279

ASCL‐1777 Vuitton, V.; Frisari, M.; Thissen, R.; Dutuit, O.; Bonnet, J.‐Y.; Quirico, E.; Sciamma O'Brien, E.; Szopa, C.; Carrasco, N.; Somogyi, A.; and 3 coauthors, 2010, Structural Analysis of Titan's Tholins by Ultra‐High Resolution Mass Spectrometry, LPI Contributions , 1538, 5289

ASCL‐1778 Zine, S.; Herique, A.; Kofman, W. W.; Goutail, J.; Consert/Rosetta Co‐Investigators, 2010, CONSERT/Rosetta: Status of the experiment, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 23, 1609

ASCL‐1779 Zine, S., 2010, ASSERT: a CONSERT for asteroid ‐ Radar tomography for the Mascot lander, European Planetary Science Congress 2010 , 122

ASCL‐1780 Alberti, G.; Berquin, Y.; Cecconi, B.; Bruzzone, L.; Kofman, W.; Herique, A.; Schenk, P.; Mattei,

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 118 S., 2011, Sub‐Surface Radar for the EJSM mission: discussion on environmental noise limiting performance, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 1797

ASCL‐1781 Alexander, C. M. O'd.; Howard, K. T.; Bowden, R.; Fogel, M.; Bonal, L., 2011, The Origin and Evolution of Chondritic Water, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 42, 1869

ASCL‐1782 Appéré, T.; Schmitt, B.; Langevin, Y.; Spiga, A.; Douté, S.; Pommerol, A.; Forget, F.; Gondet, B.; Bibring, J.‐P., 2011, Katabatic Winds, Geysers and Seasonal Water Frost During Northern Spring on Mars, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 1049

ASCL‐1783 Appéré, T.; Schmitt, B.; Langevin, Y.; Spiga, A.; Douté, S.; Pommerol, A.; Forget, F.; Gondet, B.; Bibring, J.‐P., 2011, Katabatic Winds, Geysers and Seasonal Water Frost During Northern Spring on Mars, LPI Contributions , 1623, 6037

ASCL‐1784 Appéré, T.; Schmitt, B.; Langevin, Y.; Spiga, A.; Douté, S.; Pommerol, A.; Forget, F.; Gondet, B.; Bibring, J. P., 2011, Peculiar Phenomena of Sublimating Seasonal Deposits During Northern Spring on Mars, Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and observation , 287

ASCL‐1785 Barthelemy, M.; Lilensten, J.; Menager, H.; Miller, S.; Lystrup, M., 2011, New results in polarimetry of planetary thermospheric emissions: jovian case, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 11, 1633

ASCL‐1786 Bazin, A.; Vuitton, V.; Yelle, R. V.; Lavvas, P., 2011, Altitude distribution of the negative ions in Titan's atmosphere, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 1846

ASCL‐1787 Beck, P.; Mouginot, J.; Pommerol, A.; Kofman, W. W.; Clifford, S. M., 2011, Dielectric Maps of the Martian Polar Regions from MARSIS/Mex Surface Reflectivity Measurements, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 13, 05

ASCL‐1788 Beck, P.; Yabuta, H.; Atou, T.; Quirico, E.; Yoldi‐Martinez, Z.; Guillot, A.; Bonal, L.; Montagnac, G.; Schmitt, B.; Montes‐Hernandez, G., 2011, Co‐Evolution of Chondritic Organics and Minerals During Impact Metamorphism, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement , 74, 5331

ASCL‐1789 Beck, P.; Quirico, E.; Sevestre, D.; Montes‐Hernandez, G.; Pommerol, A.; Schmitt, B., 2011, Goethite as an alternative origin of the 3.1 μm band on dark asteroids (Corrigendum), Astronomy and Astrophysics , 530, 2

ASCL‐1790 Beck, P.; Quirico, E.; Sevestre, D.; Montes‐Hernandez, G.; Pommerol, A.; Schmitt, B., 2011, Ice vs. Goethite as the Origin of the 3 Micron Feature on Low Albedo Asteroids, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 42, 2047

ASCL‐1791 Beck, P.; Barrat, J.‐A.; Quirico, E.; Grisolle, F.; Schmitt, B.; Moynier, F.; Gillet, P.; Beck, C., 2011, Bi‐Directional Reflectance Spectra of HED Meteorites: Crystal Field Bands, the 3 Micron Region and the Signature of Vesta's Mantle, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 42, 2056

ASCL‐1792 Bonal, L.; Quirico, E.; Montagnac, G., 2011, Structure of Primitive Polyaromatic Carbonaceous Matter: IDPs vs. Chondrites, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement , 74, 5125

ASCL‐1793 Bonal, L.; Alexander, C. M. O'd.; Huss, G. R.; Nagashima, K., 2011, Hydrogen Isotopic Composition of the Water in CR Chondrites, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 42, 1287

ASCL‐1794 Bonnet, J.‐Y.; Quirico, E.; Buch, A.; Szopa, C.; Fray, N.; Cottin, H.; Thissen, R., 2011, Thermal degradation of N‐rich organic laboratory analogues: new insight on the cosmomaterials organic precursor composition, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 1075

ASCL‐1795 Bonnet, J.‐Y.; Quirico, E.; Buch, A.; Szopa, C.; Fray, N.; Cottin, H.; Thissen, R., 2011, Thermal Degradation of N‐Rich Polymeric Solids: Constraints on the Formation of Insoluble Organic Matter, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement , 74, 5251

ASCL‐1796 Burgdorf, M. J.; Cruikshank, D. P.; Quirico, E.; Dalle Ore, C. M.; Encrenaz, T., 2011, Infrared Spectroscopy (6‐12 μm) of 's Surface Ices With ISOPHOT‐S, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 23, 1737

ASCL‐1797 Ceamanos, X.; Douté, S.; Fernando, J.; Pinet, P.; Daydou, Y.; Schmidt, F., 2011, Retrieval and validation of photometric properties of Mars surface from multi‐angle CRISM/MRO imagery, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 1252

ASCL‐1798 Cecconi, B.; Hess, S.; Hérique, A.; Santovito, M. R.; Santos‐Costa, D.; Zarka, P.; Alberti, G.; Blankenship, D.; Bougeret, J. L.; Bruzzone, L.; and 1 coauthors, 2011, Natural radio emission

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 119 of Jupiter as interferences for radar investigations of the icy satellites of Jupiter, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 946

ASCL‐1799 Clenet, H.; Quantin, C.; Flahaut, J.; Ceamanos, X.; Pinet, P. C.; Daydou, Y.; Allemand, P., 2011, Compositional diversity of mafic rocks in the vicinity of , Mars, using Modified Gaussian Model, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 478

ASCL‐1800 Cunha de , B.; Romanzin, C.; Chefdeville, S.; Vuitton, V.; Zabka, J.; Polasek, M.; Alcaraz, C., 2011, State‐selected ion‐molecule reactions relevant to the chemistry of Titan's ionosphere, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 803

ASCL‐1801 Derenne, S.; Coelho, C.; Anquetil, C.; Szopa, C.; Quirico, E.; Bonhomme, C., 2011, New insight in chemical structure through 13C and 15N solid state nuclear magnetic resonance, EPSC‐ DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 988

ASCL‐1802 Douté, S.; Ceamanos, X.; Appéré, T.; Vincendon, M.; Langevin, Y., 2011, Monitoring Atmospheric Dust Opacity at High Latitudes on Mars with OMEGA, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 1220

ASCL‐1803 Douté, S.; Ceamanos, X.; Appéré, T.; Vincendon, M.; Langevin, Y.; OMEGA Team, 2011, Monitoring Atmospheric Dust Opacity at High Latitudes on Mars by Imaging Spectroscopy, Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and observation , 106

ASCL‐1804 Fernando, J.; Schmidt, F.; Pinet, P.; Daydou, Y.; Souchon, A.; Ceamanos, X.; Douté, S., 2011, Surface photometric properties in Gusev crater from CRISM observation onboard MRO spacecraft, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 1410

ASCL‐1805 Gangloff, M.; Cecconi, B.; Bourrel, N.; Jacquey, C.; Le Sidaner, P.; Berthier, J.; André, N.; Pallier, E.; Erard, S.; Aboudarham, J.; and 9 coauthors, 2011, A prototype of Virtual Observatory access for planetary data in the framework of Europlanet‐RI/IDIS, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 21, 1995

ASCL‐1806 Garenne, A.; Montes‐Hernandez, G.; Beck, P.; Schmitt, B.; Brissaud, O., 2011, Gas‐solid carbonation as a current alternative origin for carbonates in Martian regolith, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 23, 1700

ASCL‐1807 Grisolle, F.; Beck, P.; Quirico, E.; Schmitt, B.; Moynier, F., 2011, Reflectance Spectra of Carbonaceous Chondrites Under Controlled Atmosphere, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement , 74, 5337

ASCL‐1808 Grisolle, F.; Appéré, T.; Schmitt, B.; Beck, P.; Brissaud, O.; Douté, S., 2011, Influence of Condensing Water Frost on the Near‐IR Spectrum of CO2 Snow, LPI Contributions , 1623, 6032

ASCL‐1809 Grisolle, F.; Schmitt, B.; Beck, P.; Brissaud, O.; Douté, S.; Forget, F., 2011, Project of an Environmental Cell for the Condensation and Metamorphism of CO2 ice, Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and observation , 309

ASCL‐1810 Gronoff, G.; Simon Wedlund, C.; Mertens, C. J.; Lillis, R. J.; Lilensten, J., 2011, Uncertainty analysis of UV/dayglow Mars models for remote sensing purpose, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 11, 04

ASCL‐1811 Gronoff, G.; Wedlund, C. Simon; Mertens, C. J.; Lilensten, J.; Lillis, R.; Johnson, P. V., 2011, The AtMoCIAD database, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 1259

ASCL‐1812 Gröller, H.; Lammer, H.; Lichtenegger, H. I. M.; Dutuit, O.; Shematovich, V. I.; Kulikov, Y. N., 2011, Evolution of the Martian surface pressure caused by hot O and C atom escape, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 399

ASCL‐1813 Herique, A.; Zine, S.; Barucci, A.; Biele, J.; Ho, T.; Kofman, W. W.; Krause, C.; Michel, P.; Plettemeier, D.; Prado, J.; and 3 coauthors, 2011, Radar Tomography of Asteroids ASSERT / Marco Polo‐R, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 21, 05

ASCL‐1814 Herique, A.; Barucci, A.; Biele, J.; Ho, T.‐M.; Kofman, W.; Krause, C.; Michel, P.; Plettemeier, D.; Prado, J. Y.; Souyris, J. C.; and 2 coauthors, 2011, ASSERT : a radar Tomography of Asteroids, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 924

ASCL‐1815 Herique, A.; Barucci, A.; Biele, J.; Ho, T.‐M.; Kofman, W.; Krause, C.; Michel, P.; Plettemeier, D.; Prado, J. Y.; Souyris, J. C.; and 2 coauthors, 2011, Radar Tomography of Asteroids, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 920

ASCL‐1816 Hörst, S. M.; Yelle, R. V.; Carrasco, N.; Sciamma‐O'Brien, E.; Smith, M. A.; Szopa, C.; Thissen, R.; Vuitton, V., 2011, Unraveling the Composition of Tholins Using Very High Resolution Mass

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 120 Spectrometry, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 1627

ASCL‐1817 Kofman, W. W.; Grima, C.; Herique, A.; Seu, R., 2011, Radar reflectivity of the surface of Mars at 20 MHz from SHARAD: Cartography and quantitative analysis, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 13, 04

ASCL‐1818 Lamy, H.; Barthelemy, M.; Simon Wedlund, C.; Lilensten, J.; Bommier, V., 2011, Polarisation of auroral emission lines in the Earth's upper atmosphere : first results and perspectives, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 14, 03

ASCL‐1819 Lilensten, J.; Dudok de Wit, T.; Kretzschmar, M.; Cessateur, G.; Barthélémy, M.; Amblard, P. O., 2011, Reconstruction of the solar spectrum for planetary atmosphere studies, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 208

ASCL‐1820 Madeleine, J.‐B.; Forget, F.; Spiga, A.; Wolff, M. J.; Montmessin, F.; Vincendon, M.; Jouglet, D.; Gondet, B.; Bibring, J.‐P.; Langevin, Y.; and 1 coauthors, 2011, Aphelion Water‐Ice Cloud Mapping and Property Retrieval using the OMEGA/MEX imaging spectrometer, Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and observation , 227

ASCL‐1821 Mahjoub, A.; Sciamma‐O'Brien, E.; Dahoo, P. R.; Hadamick, E.; Carrasco, N.; Quirico, E.; Szopa, C.; Cernogora, G., 2011, Optical constants of Titan's tholins produced in a RF plasma discharge in different N2‐CH4 concentrations, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 983

ASCL‐1822 Marboeuf, U.; Schmitt, B.; Petit, J.‐M.; Mousis, O.; Fray, N., 2011, A model of cometary nucleus taking into account all phase changes of water ice: amorphous, crystalline, and clathrate, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 840

ASCL‐1823 Menager, H.; Barthelemy, M.; Lilensten, J.; Abgrall, H.; Roueff, E., 2011, Jovian auroral UV emissions : a way to constraint precipitating particles energies?, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 1496

ASCL‐1824 Menager, H.; Barthélemy, M.; Koskinen, T.; Lilensten, J., 2011, Calculation of the contrast between the emission of a hot Jupiter and its parent star in H Lyman α, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 581

ASCL‐1825 Merlin, F.; Barucci, M. A.; Quirico, E.; de Bergh, C.; Alvarez Candal, A., 2011, Pristine ices on TNOs and Centaurs, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 736

ASCL‐1826 Monod, A.; Liu, Y.; Siekmann, F.; Renard, P.; Salque, G.; Voisin, D.; Thissen, R.; Traika, M.; Delort, A., 2011, Oligomers and secondary organic aerosol formation through aqueous phase photooxidation of methacrolein and methyl vinyl ketone, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 54, 04

ASCL‐1827 Mouginot, J.; Pommerol, A.; Beck, P.; Kofman, W.; Clifford, S., 2011, Dielectric Maps of the Martian Polar Regions from MARSIS/Mex Surface Reflectivity Measurements, LPI Contributions , 1623, 6078

ASCL‐1828 Orthous‐Daunay, F.‐R.; Thissen, R.; Vuitton, V.; Somogyi, A.; Mespoulede, M.; Beck, P.; Bonnet, J.‐Y.; Dutuit, O.; Schmitt, B.; Quirico, E., 2011, Orbitrap‐MS and FT‐ICR‐MS of Free and Labile Organic Matter from Carbonaceous Chondrites, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 42, 2654

ASCL‐1829 Palmer, E. M.; Heggy, E.; Kofman, W. W.; Russell, C. T.; Asmar, S. W.; Raymond, C. A., 2011, Dielectric Modeling of Comet Nuclei and Asteroids: Implications for Rosetta and Dawn Radar Studies, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 11, 1620

ASCL‐1830 Plettemeier, D.; Statz, C.; Hahnel, R.; Hegler, S.; Herique, A.; Kofman, W. W., 2011, Multi‐ domain pseudo‐spectral time‐domain method based optimization approach to the CoNSERT inverse scattering problem, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 13, 07

ASCL‐1831 Pommerol, A.; Portyankina, G.; Thomas, N.; Aye, K.‐M.; Appere, T.; Hansen, C. J.; Vincendon, M.; Langevin, Y., 2011, Spring Evolution of Martian Seasonal Caps from High‐Resolution MRO Observations, LPI Contributions , 1623, 6013

ASCL‐1832 Pommerol, A.; Beck, P.; Schmitt, B.; Montes‐Hernandez, G.; Quirico, E., 2011, Deciphering the Hydration State of the Martian Surface from Near‐Infrared Spectroscopy, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 42, 1890

ASCL‐1833 Quirico, E.; Bourot‐Denise, M.; Robin, C.; Montagnac, G.; Beck, P., 2011, A Reappraisal of the Metamorphic History of EH3 and EL3 Enstatite Chondrites, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement , 74, 5026

ASCL‐1834 Quirico, E.; Orthous‐Daunay, F.‐R.; Beck, P.; Bonal, L.; Briani, G.; Bourot‐Denise, M.;

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 121 Montagnac, G.; Dobricǎ, E.; Engrand, C.; Charon, E.; and 2 coauthors, 2011, Pre‐Accretion Heterogeneity of Organic Matter in Types 1 and 2 Chondrites, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 42, 2372

ASCL‐1835 Rixon, G.; Dubernet, M. L.; Piskunov, N.; Walton, N.; Mason, N.; Le Sidaner, P.; Schlemmer, S.; Tennyson, J.; Akram, A.; Benson, K.; and 34 coauthors, 2011, VAMDC‐‐The Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre‐‐A New Way to Disseminate Atomic and Molecular Data‐‐VAMDC Level 1 Release, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1344, 107

ASCL‐1836 Schmidt, F.; Dupire, R.; Doute, S.; Portyankina, G., 2011, Active Jets and Slab Ice in the Seasonal South Polar Cap of Mars, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 42, 1942

ASCL‐1837 Schmidt, F.; Ceamanos, X.; Douté, S.; Luo, B.; Jouannic, G.; Chanussot, J., 2011, Spectral Unmixing for Planetary Exploration Applied to CRISM/MRO Hyperspectral Imagery, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 42, 1772

ASCL‐1838 Schmitt, B.; Albert, D.; Bollard, P.; Bonal, L.; Volcke, P., 2011, The Solid Spectroscopy Data Model (SSDM) and the GhoSST database, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 1475

ASCL‐1839 Srama, R.; Kempf, S.; Postberg, F.; Schmidt, J.; Krüger, H.; Thissen, R.; Sternovsky, Z.; Engrand, C.; Fiege, K.; Horanyi, M.; and 8 coauthors, 2011, Dust spectrometry in the Jovian System, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 1502

ASCL‐1840 Statz, C.; Arnold, G.; Hegler, S.; Plettemeier, D.; Herique, A.; Kofman, W., 2011, PSTD‐based Optimal Control Approach to the CONSERT Inverse Scattering Problem, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 1145

ASCL‐1841 Thissen, R.; Somogyi, A.; Vuitton, V.; Bégué, D.; Lemaire, J.; Steinmetz, V., 2011, Structural Characterization of Laboratory Made Tholins by IRMPD Action Spectroscopy and Ultrahigh Resolution Mass Spectrometry, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 1855

ASCL‐1842 Vuitton, V.; Yelle, R. V.; Lavvas, P.; Klippenstein, S. J., 2011, Formation of hydrocarbons on Titan: Impact of rapid association reactions at low pressure, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 367

ASCL‐1843 Witasse, O. G.; Slanger, T. G.; Thissen, R., 2011, New detections of O III lines in the UV and visible ranges in the terrestrial upper atmosphere, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 13, 1894

ASCL‐1844 Yoldi‐Martinez, Z.; Beck, P.; Montes‐Hernandez, G.; Chiriac, R.; Quirico, E.; Bonal, L.; Schmitt, B.; Moynier, F., 2011, Hydrous Mineralogy of Carbonaceous Chondrites from ThermoGravimetry Analysis, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement , 74, 5329

ASCL‐1845 Alexander, C. M. O'D.; Bonal, L.; Sutton, S., 2012, H Isotopes of Chondrites: Clues to the Origin of Water and Alteration Processes, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement , 75, 5297

ASCL‐1846 Andrieu, F.; Nachon, M.; Schmidt, F.; Gargani, J.; Douté, S., 2012, CO2 ice state at the Martien dark spots, European Planetary Science Congress 2012, held 23‐28 September, 2012 in Madrid, Spain.

ASCL‐1847 Appéré, T.; Schmitt, B.; Douté, S.; Spiga, A.; Langevin, Y.; Forget, F.; Pommerol, A.; Gondet, B.; Bibring, J.‐P., 2012, Seasonal Water Frost: Minor Component But Major Role During the Spring Retreat of the Northern Seasonal Deposits on Mars, European Planetary Science Congress 2012, held 23‐28 September, 2012 in Madrid, Spain.

ASCL‐1848 Barthelemy, M.; Cessateur, G.; Mbeka‐Kabuiku, L.; Lilensten, J., 2012, UV‐visible emissions in the atmosphere of Ganymede, European Planetary Science Congress 2012, held 23‐28 September, 2012 in Madrid, Spain.

ASCL‐1849 Barthelemy, M.; Lamy, H.; Lilensten, J.; Simon‐Wedlund, C., 2012, A spectropolarimeter to study the auroral polarisation spectrum., EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts , 14, 9215

ASCL‐1850 Beck, P.; Garenne, A.; Montes‐Hernandez, G.; Bonal, L.; Quirico, E.; Schmitt, B., 2012, Near‐ and Mid‐Infrared Taxonomy of Carbonaceous Chondrites, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement , 75, 5179

ASCL‐1851 Beck, P.; Garenne, A.; Grisolle, F.; Montes‐Hernandez, G.; Bonal, L.; Chiriac, R.; Toche, F.; Quirico, E.; Moynier, F.; Schmitt, B., 2012, Quantification of H2O and CO2 in Primitive Meteorites and Relation with NIR/MIR Spectra, LPI Contributions , 1667, 6139

ASCL‐1852 Bernard, D.; Barthélémy, M.; Gronoff, G.; Ménager, H.; Lilensten, J., 2012, Thermospheric

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 122 emissions of the early Earth, European Planetary Science Congress 2012, held 23‐28 September, 2012 in Madrid, Spain.

ASCL‐1853 Berquin, Y. P.; Kofman, W. W.; Heggy, E.; Hérique, A., 2012, Radar sounder performances for ESA JUICE mission, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 31, 01

ASCL‐1854 Bommier, V.; Lilensten, J.; Barthélemy, M.; Wedlund, C. Simon, 2012, Theoretical value of the linear polarization of the Earth aurorae red line and possible diagnostics, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts , 14, 7013

ASCL‐1855 Bonal, L.; Quirico, E.; Hazemann, J.‐L., 2012, Thermal History of Type 3 Chondrites of the NASA Antarctic Collection: A Preliminary Report, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement , 75, 5224

ASCL‐1856 Bonal, L.; Alexander, C. M. O'D.; Huss, G. R.; Nagashima, K.; Quirico, E.; Beck, P., 2012, Asteroids and Comets Sampled Different Water Reservoirs, LPI Contributions , 1667, 6206

ASCL‐1857 Ceamanos, X.; Douté, S.; Fernando, J.; Schmidt, F.; Pinet, P.; Lyapustin, A., 2012, MARS‐ReCO: Multiangle Approach for Retrieval of Surface Reflectance from CRISM/MRO Observations, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 43, 2697

ASCL‐1858 Cessateur, G.; Lilensten, J.; Barthelemy, M.; Dudok de Wit, T.; Wedlund, C. Simon; Gronoff, G.; Kretzschmar, M., 2012, Modelling the impact of the solar UV flux on Ganymede's atmosphere for constraining planetary missions: application to aeronomic emissions, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts , 14, 7864

ASCL‐1859 Cessateur, G.; Lilensten, J.; Dudok de Wit, T.; BenMoussa, A.; Kretzschmar, M., 2012, New observational strategies for reconstructing the solar UV flux for space weather applications, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts , 14, 9067

ASCL‐1860 Cessateur, Gaël.; Lilensten, Jean; Dudok De Wit, Thierry; Kretzschmar, Matthieu; BenMoussa, Ali, 2012, New observational strategies for reconstructing the solar UV flux for space weather applications, 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 14‐22 July 2012, in Mysore, India. Abstract F2.2‐6‐12, p.286 , 39, 286

ASCL‐1861 Ciarletti, V.; Plettemeier, D.; Clifford, S. M.; Cais, P.; Herique, A.; Kofman, W.; Hamran, S. E., 2012, WISDOM a GPR for the ExoMars Rover Mission, LPI Contributions , 1683, 1126

ASCL‐1862 Ciarletti, V.; Clifford, S. M.; Plettemeier, D.; Mangold, N.; Petinelli, E.; Herique, A.; Kofman, W.; Heggy, E., 2012, Analyzing the Shallow Martian Subsurface with the WISDOM GPR, LPI Contributions , 1679, 4201

ASCL‐1863 Clifford, S. M.; Delamere, W. A.; Gogineni, S.; Kofman, W.; Herique, A.; Spudis, P.; Sharpton, B.; Orosei, R.; Stofan, E.; Ciarletti, V.; and 4 coauthors, 2012, The Mars Advanced Radar and LIDAR Orbiter (MARLO) for High‐Resolution Investigations of Global Topography, Surface Roughness, Subsurface Volatiles, Stratigraphy and Structure Within the Shallow‐ and Deep‐ Subsurface, LPI Contributions , 1679, 4312

ASCL‐1864 Clifford, S. M.; Parker, T. J.; Mouginot, J.; Pommerol, A.; Beck, P.; Kofman, W., 2012, Evidence and Arguments for an Early Martian Ocean, LPI Contributions , 1680, 7082

ASCL‐1865 Clifford, S. M.; Parker, T. J.; Mouginot, J.; Pommerol, A.; Beck, P.; Kofman, W., 2012, Evidence and Arguments for an Early Martian Ocean, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts , 14, 13541

ASCL‐1866 Dartois, E.; Bouzit, M.; Schmitt, B., 2012, Clathrate hydrates : ftir spectroscopy for astrophysical remote detection, EAS Publications Series , 58, 219

ASCL‐1867 De Andrade, V.; Thieme, J.; Ganne, J.; Beck, P.; Fayard, B.; Salomé, M., 2012, From the meso to the nanoscopic scale through synchrotron imaging approaches: advances and near future at the NSLS‐II SRX beamline, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 23, 2833

ASCL‐1868 Derenne, S.; Coelho, C.; Anquetil, C.; Szopa, C.; Quirico, E.; Bonhomme, C., 2012, New insights into the structure and chemistry of Titan's tholins via 13C and 15N solid state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, European Planetary Science Congress 2012, held 23‐28 September, 2012 in Madrid, Spain.

ASCL‐1869 Douté, S.; Ceamanos, X.; Fernando, J.; Schmidt, F.; Lyapustin, A.; Pinet, P. C., 2012, Multi‐angle RT Approach for Retrieval of Surface Reflectance from CRISM Observations, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 53, 0256

ASCL‐1870 El‐Lemdani Mazouz, F.; Lathuillère, C.; Menvielle, M.; Bruinsma, S., 2012, A test of

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 123 geomagnetic indices for a use in upper atmosphere density modelling, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts , 14, 7708

ASCL‐1871 Erard, S.; Le Sidaner, P.; Berthier, J.; Cecconi, B.; Jacquey, C.; André, N.; Gangloff, M.; Schmitt, B., 2012, EuroPlaNet VO architecture, European Planetary Science Congress 2012, held 23‐28 September, 2012 in Madrid, Spain.

ASCL‐1872 Evdokimova, N. A.; Rodin, A. V.; Appere, T., 2012, Topographical control over seasonal sublimation of the Mars North polar cap, European Planetary Science Congress 2012, held 23‐28 September, 2012 in Madrid, Spain.

ASCL‐1873 Fernando, J.; Schmidt, F.; Ceamanos, X.; Pinet, P. C.; Douté, S.; Daydou, Y.; Souchon, A., 2012, Martian Surface Photometry Properties from Orbit by CRISM/MRO at Gusev Crater and Meridiani Planum, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 43, 1960

ASCL‐1874 Gattacceca, J.; Rochette, P.; Gounelle, M.; Bonal, L.; Weiss, B. P.; Sonzogni, C., 2012, Paleomagnetism of a new magnetite‐rich carbonaceous chondrite, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 51, 1308

ASCL‐1875 Gronoff, G.; Mertens, C. J.; Lilensten, J.; Desorgher, L.; Modolo, R.; Flueckiger, E.; Velinov, P., 2012, Ionization processes in the atmosphere of Titan: from electron precipitation along magnetic field lines to high‐Z cosmic rays ionization, Titan Through Time; Unlocking Titan's Past, Present and Future , 92

ASCL‐1876 Gronoff, G.; Wedlund, C. Simon; Mertens, C. J.; Barthelemy, M.; Lillis, R., 2012, Modeling and observation of the CO Cameron bands in the upper , EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts , 14, 12444

ASCL‐1877 Heggy, E.; Palmer, E. M.; Kofman, W. W.; Clifford, S. M.; Righter, K.; Herique, A., 2012, Parametric Dielectric Model of Comet Churyumov‐Gerasimenko, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 33, 1957

ASCL‐1878 Hegler, S.; Statz, C.; Plettemeier, D.; Herique, A.; Kofman, W., 2012, Simulations of bistatic Soundings during the Separation‐Descent‐Landing Phase for the CoNSERT Instrument aboard Spacecraft "Rosetta", EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts , 14, 13027

ASCL‐1879 Herique, A.; Biele, J.; Bousquet, P.; Ciarletti, V.; Ho, T. M.; Issler, J. L.; Kofman, W.; Michel, P.; Plettemeier, D.; Puget, P.; and 4 coauthors, 2012, FANTINA: Fathom Asteroids Now: Tomography and Imagery of a NEA‐ Payload For Marco Polo R CV3 / ESA mission, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts , 14, 9633

ASCL‐1880 Hirtzig, Mathieu; Coustenis, Athena; Drossart, Pierre; Bézard, Bruno; Lellouch, Emmanuel; De Bergh, Catherine; Rodriguez, Sebastien; Campargue, Alain; Boudon, Vincent; Schmitt, Bernard, 2012, Titan's surface and atmosphere from Cassini/VIMS data with updated methane opacity, 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 14‐22 July 2012, in Mysore, India. Abstract E1.18‐5‐12, p.769 , 39, 769

ASCL‐1881 Kempf, S.; Briois, C.; Cottin, H.; Engrand, C.; Gruen, E.; Hand, K. P.; Henkel, H.; Horanyi, M.; Lankton, M. R.; Lebreton, J.; and 8 coauthors, 2012, SUDA: A Dust Mass Spectrometer for compositional surface mapping for the JUICE mission to the , AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 51, 2015

ASCL‐1882 Kempf, S.; Briois, C.; Cottin, H.; Engrand, C.; Grün, E.; Hand, K.; Henkel, H.; Horanyi, M.; Lankton, M.; Lebreton, J.‐P.; and 8 coauthors, 2012, SUDA: A Dust Mass Spectrometer for Surface Mapping for the JUICE Mission to the Galilean Moons, LPI Contributions , 1683, 1134

ASCL‐1883 Lamy, L.; Zarka, P. M.; Hansen, K. C.; Clarke, J. T.; Cecconi, B.; Aboudarham, J.; André, N.; Branduardi‐Raymont, G.; Gladstone, R.; Barthelemy, M.; and 8 coauthors, 2012, Observations of Uranus' auroral emissions, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 43, 08

ASCL‐1884 Lamy, L.; Prangé, R.; Hansen, K. C.; Clarke, J.; Zarka, P.; Cecconi, B.; Aboudarham, J.; André, N.; Branduardi‐Raymont, G.; Gladstone, R.; and 9 coauthors, 2012, Earth‐based characterization of Uranus' aurorae, European Planetary Science Congress 2012, held 23‐28 September, 2012 in Madrid, Spain.

ASCL‐1885 Lavvas, P.; Yelle, R. V.; Koskinen, T.; Bazin, A.; Vuitton, V.; Vigren, E.; Galand, M. F.; Wellbrock, A.; Coates, A. J.; Wahlund, J.; and 2 coauthors, 2012, Aerosol growth in Titan's ionosphere through particle charging, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 24, 04

ASCL‐1886 Lavvas, P.; Bazin, A.; Vuitton, V.; Vigren, E.; Galand, M.; Coates, A.; Wahlund, J.‐E., 2012, Particle charging: its role in the ionospheric composition and the growth of aerosols, European

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 124 Planetary Science Congress 2012, held 23‐28 September, 2012 in Madrid, Spain.

ASCL‐1887 Lilensten, J.; Barthélémy, M.; Amblard, P. O.; Moen, J.; Rothkaehl, H.; Simon‐Wedlund, C.; Lamy, H., 2012, Calibrated polarization parameters of the auroral red line in Hornsund, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts , 14, 9300

ASCL‐1888 Marboeuf, U.; Schmitt, B.; Petit, J.‐M.; Mousis, O.; Fray, N., 2012, A Cometary Nucleus Model Taking into Account all Phases of Water Ice: Amorphous, Crystalline and Clathrate, LPI Contributions , 1667, 6248

ASCL‐1889 Massé, M.; Beck, P.; Schmitt, B.; Pommerol, A.; McEwen, A.; Chevrier, V. F.; Brissaud, O., 2012, Nature and Origin of RSL: Spectroscopy and Detectability of Liquid Brines in the Near‐Infrared, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 43, 1856

ASCL‐1890 Merlin, Frederic; Quirico, E.; Barucci, M. A.; Gourgeot, F., 2012, Laboratory Measurements Of Pure And Diluted Methanol In Water Ice In The Nir And Mir Wavelength Ranges., AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts , 44,

ASCL‐1891 Pommerol, A.; Beck, P.; Thomas, N.; Schmitt, B.; Moynier, F.; Barrat, J. A., 2012, Photometry of Meteorites, LPI Contributions , 1667, 6263

ASCL‐1892 Postberg, F.; Briois, C.; Cottin, H.; Engrand, C.; Grün, E.; Hand, K.; Henkel, H.; Horányi, M.; Kempf, S.; Lankton, M.; and 8 coauthors, 2012, Compositional Mapping of the Galilean Moons by Mass Spectrometry of Dust Ejecta, LPI Contributions , 1683, 1099

ASCL‐1893 Postberg, Frank; Gruen, E.; Horanyi, M.; Kempf, S.; Krüger, H.; Lebreton, J.; Schmidt, J.; Srama, R.; Sternovsky, Z.; Thissen, R., 2012, Compositional Mapping of the Galilean Moons by Mass Spectrometry of Dust Ejecta, AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts , 44,

ASCL‐1894 Quirico, E.; Orthous‐Daunay, F.‐R.; Bonal, L.; Beck, P.; Schmitt, B.; Brunetto, R.; Dartois, E.; Pino, T.; Engrand, C.; Duprat, J., 2012, The Multiple Origins of Insoluble Organic Matter from Primitive Chondrites, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement , 75, 5322

ASCL‐1895 Quirico, E.; Orthous‐Daunay, F.‐R.; Bonal, L.; Beck, P.; Brunetto, R.; Dartois, E.; Pino, T.; Engrand, C.; Duprat, J., 2012, The Multiple Origins of Insoluble Organic Matter from Primitive Chondrites, LPI Contributions , 1667, 6275

ASCL‐1896 Rochette, P.; Gattacceca, J.; Marty, B.; Lebrun, R.; Alexandre, A.; Beck, P.; Cordier, C.; Dekov, V.; Scorzelli, R.; Sonzongi, C.; and 2 coauthors, 2012, Silistra (Bulgaria): A Pumice from Vesta, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement , 75, 5144

ASCL‐1897 Salque‐moreton, G.; Liu, Y.; Voisin, D.; Siekmann, F.; Renard, P.; Monod, A.; Thissen, R., 2012, A HRMS study of oligomer formation through aqueous phase photooxidation of methylvinyl‐ ketone and methacrolein, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts , 14, 847

ASCL‐1898 Schmitt, B.; Albert, D.; Bollard, P.; Bonal, L.; Gorbacheva, M.; Beck, P.; Quirico, E., 2012, GhoSST: A database of experimental data on UV to FIR spectroscopy of solids of astrophysical interest, European Planetary Science Congress 2012, held 23‐28 September, 2012 in Madrid, Spain.

ASCL‐1899 Schmitt, B.; Albert, D.; Bollard, P.; Bonal, L.; Gorbacheva, M.; Beck, P.; Quirico, E.; SSDM Expert Working Group, 2012, GhoSST: A Data Base of Experimental Data on UV to FIR Spectroscopy of Solids of Astrophysical Interest: Preparation for the ROSETTA Mission, LPI Contributions , 1667, 6355

ASCL‐1900 Schulik, M.; Lilensten, J., 2012, H2 emissions of the upper atmosphere of Uranus, European Planetary Science Congress 2012, held 23‐28 September, 2012 in Madrid, Spain.

ASCL‐1901 Statz, C.; Hegler, S.; Plettemeier, D.; Berquin, Y. P.; Herique, A.; Kofman, W. W., 2012, Investigating the possibility of the CONSERT instrument operating as a bi‐static RADAR sounder during the seperation, descent and landing phase of the ROSETTA mission, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 33, 1949

ASCL‐1902 Sternovsky, Zoltan; Kempf, S.; Briois, C.; Cottin, H.; Engrand, C.; Horanyi, M.; Gruen, E.; Hand, K.; Henkel, H.; Lebreton, J.; and 7 coauthors, 2012, Dust Mass Spectrometer for Compositional Mapping of the Galilean Moons, AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts , 44,

ASCL‐1903 Vuitton, Veronique, 2012, Titan's chemical complexity, Titan Through Time; Unlocking Titan's Past, Present and Future , 69

ASCL‐1904 Yokochi, R.; Marboeuf, U.; Quirico, E.; Schmitt, B., 2012, Pressure‐Dependent Trace Gas Trapping in Amorphous Water ice at 77 K: Implications for Determining Conditions of Comet

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 125 Formation, LPI Contributions , 1667, 6219

ASCL‐1905 Andrieu, F.; Schmidt, F.; Douté, S., 2013, CO2 ice state during active Dark Spot, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, held 8‐13 September in London, UK.

ASCL‐1906 Andrieu, F.; Schmidt, F.; Douté, S., 2013, Radiative transfer inversion for hyperspectral data set on Mars, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, held 8‐13 September in London, UK.

ASCL‐1907 Appéré, T.; Rodriguez, S.; Vincendon, M.; Douté, S.; Rannou, P.; Le Mouélic, S.; Coustenis, A.; Barnes, J. W.; Sotin, C.; Brown, R. H., 2013, Radiative Transfer on Titan: Towards a Massive Inversion of Atmospheric and Surface Properties From VIMS/Cassini Observations of Titan, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 53, 1899

ASCL‐1908 Barthelemy, Mathieu; Lamy, Herve, 2013, Can the thermospheric green line at 557nm be considered as a non‐polarised standard ?, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts , 15, 11350

ASCL‐1909 Barthelemy, Mathieu, 2013, Role of the solar and stellar input for planetary emissions calculations : from solar system planets to exoplanets, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts , 15, 11433

ASCL‐1910 Beck, P.; Garenne, A.; Yin, Q.‐Z.; Bonal, L.; Quirico, E.; Schmitt, B.; Montes‐Hernandez, G.; Montagnac, G.; Chiriac, R.; Toche, F., 2013, Thermal History of Sutter's Mill CM Carbonaceous Chondrite Fall from Water‐Abundance and the Structure of its Organic Matter, LPI Contributions , 1719, 1521

ASCL‐1911 Beck, P.; Garenne, A.; Bonal, L.; Quirico, E.; Montes‐Hernandez, G.; Schmitt, B., 2013, Absorption Spectra (2‐25 microns) of Carbonaceous Chondrites (CI, CM, CV and CR): Mineralogy and "Water" Abundance, LPI Contributions , 1719, 1516

ASCL‐1912 Beck, P.; Garenne, A.; Yin, Q.‐Z.; Bonal, L.; Quirico, E.; Schmitt, B.; Montes‐Hernandez, G.; Montagnac, G.; Chiriac, R.; Toche, F., 2013, Thermal History of Sutter's Mill CM Carbonaceous Chondrite Fall from Water‐Abundance and the Structure of its Organic Matter, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 44, 1521

ASCL‐1913 Beck, P.; Garenne, A.; Bonal, L.; Quirico, E.; Montes‐Hernandez, G.; Schmitt, B., 2013, Absorption Spectra (2‐25 microns) of Carbonaceous Chondrites (CI, CM, CV and CR): Mineralogy and "Water" Abundance, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 44, 1516

ASCL‐1914 Bernard, D.; Lilensten, L.; Barthelémy, M.; Gronoff, G., 2013, Can one infer the presence of an hydrogen corona around CO2‐dominated exoplanetary atmosphere?, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, held 8‐13 September in London, UK.

ASCL‐1915 Bernard, David; Lilensten, Jean; Gronoff, Guillaume; Barthélémy, Mathieu; Ménager, Hélène, 2013, Detection feasability of an early Earth as an exoplanet, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts , 15, 432

ASCL‐1916 Briois, C.; Thissen, R.; Engrand, C.; Altwegg, K.; Bouabdellah, A.; Boukrara, A.; Carrasco, N.; Chapuis, C.; Cottin, H.; Grün, E.; and 13 coauthors, 2013, Dust OrbiTrap Sensor (DOTS) for In‐ Situ Analysis of Airless Planetary Bodies, LPI Contributions , 1719, 2888

ASCL‐1917 Briois, C.; Thissen, R.; Engrand, C.; Altwegg, K.; Bouabdellah, A.; Boukrara, A.; Carrasco, N.; Chapuis, C.; Cottin, H.; Grün, E.; and 13 coauthors, 2013, Dust OrbiTrap Sensor (DOTS) for In‐ Situ Analysis of Airless Planetary Bodies, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 44, 2888

ASCL‐1918 Briois, Christelle; Thissen, Roland; Engrand, Cécile; Altwegg, Kathrin; Bouabdellah, Abdel; Boukrara, Amirouche; Carrasco, Nathalie; Chapuis, Claude; Cottin, Hervé; Grün, Eberhard; and 13 coauthors, 2013, DOTS: A High Resolution Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer for In Situ Analysis of the surface samples of Airless Planetary Bodies, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts , 15, 14225

ASCL‐1919 Bruzzone, L.; Plaut, J. J.; Alberti, G.; Blankenship, D. D.; Bovolo, F.; Campbell, B. A.; Ferro, A.; Gim, Y.; Kofman, W.; Komatsu, G.; and 6 coauthors, 2013, RIME: Radar for Icy Exploration, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, held 8‐13 September in London, UK.

ASCL‐1920 Cessateur, Gaël; Barthélémy, Mathieu; Lilensten, Jean; Dudok de Wit, Thierry; Kretzschmar, Matthieu; Mbemba Kabuiku, Lydie, 2013, Towards a complete caracterisation of Ganymede's environnement, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts , 15, 11774

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 126 ASCL‐1921 Cornet, T.; Philippe, S.; Le Mouélic, S.; Rodriguez, S.; Sotin, C.; Brown, R. H.; Barnes, J. W.; Baines, K. H.; Buratti, B. J.; Clark, R. N.; and 1 coauthors, 2013, Empirical correction of Titan surface photometry and atmospheric scattering from Cassini/VIMS data, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 53, 1890

ASCL‐1922 Douté, S., 2013, Monitoring Atmospheric Dust Spring Activity at High Southern Latitudes on Mars using OMEGA, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, held 8‐13 September in London, UK.

ASCL‐1923 El‐Lemdani Mazouz, Farida; Menvielle, Michel; Lathuillère, Chantal; Marchaudon, Aurélie; Chamboudout, Aude; Bruinsma, Sean, 2013, Definition of new geomagnetic activity proxies and their use in thermosphere density modeling in the framework of the ATMOP project (invited), EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts , 15, 9059

ASCL‐1924 Erard, S.; Le Sidaner, P.; Berthier, J.; Cecconi, B.; Henry, F.; Lamy, L.; Chauvin, C.; Savalle, R.; Jacquey, C.; André, N.; and 1 coauthors, 2013, A Planetary Science VO prototype, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, held 8‐13 September in London, UK.

ASCL‐1925 Fernando, J.; Schmidt, F.; Pinet, P.; Ceamanos, X.; Douté, S.; Daydou, Y., 2013, CRISM mapping of surface photometric parameters at MER landing sites, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, held 8‐13 September in London, UK.

ASCL‐1926 Garenne, A.; Beck, P.; Montes‐Hernandez, G.; Chiriac, R.; Toche, F.; Brissaud, O.; Quirico, E.; Bonal, L.; Schmitt, B., 2013, Aqueous Alteration of Carbonaceous Chondrites Determined by Thermogravimetric Analysis and Infrared Spectroscopy. Implications for Interpreting V‐NIR Asteroidal Observation, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement , 76, 5169

ASCL‐1927 Gronoff, Guillaume; Maggiolo, Romain; Mertens, Christopher J.; Wedlund, Cyril Simon; Bernard, David; Barthelemy, Mathieu, 2013, Determination of the exospheric temperature of CO2 and O2 rich exoplanets, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts , 15, 12282

ASCL‐1928 Hegler, S.; Statz, C.; Plettemeier, D.; Herique, A.; Kofman, W., 2013, Performance of the CONSERT instrument operating as a bi‐static RADAR sounder during the Separation‐Descent‐ Landing phase of the ROSETTA mission, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, held 8‐ 13 September in London, UK.

ASCL‐1929 Herique, A.; Kofman, W. W., 2013, A direct observation the asteroid's structure from deep interior to regolith: why and how do it?, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 22, 07

ASCL‐1930 Hörst, S. M.; Klippenstein, S. J.; Lavvas, P.; Vuitton, V.; Yelle, R. V., 2013, Titan's Oxygen Chemistry: An Update, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, held 8‐13 September in London, UK.

ASCL‐1931 Krebsz, M.; Garenne, A.; Quirico, E.; Bonal, L.; Beck, P.; Vuitton, V.; Thissen, R.; Flandinet, L.; Schmitt, B.; Kereszturi, A., 2013, New Insights into the Composition of Wax‐Like Materials in Chondrites, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement , 76, 5131

ASCL‐1932 Lamy, H.; Barthelemy, M.; Lilensten, J.; Bommier, V.; Simon Wedlund, C., 2013, Polarisation of the auroral red line in the Earth's upper atmosphere: a review (Invited), AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 42, 03

ASCL‐1933 Lester, M.; Opgenoorth, H. J.; Andrews, D. J.; Dubinin, E.; Edberg, N. J.; Fraenz, M.; Howard, T. A.; Kofman, W. W.; Lei, L.; Lillis, R. J.; and 8 coauthors, 2013, Reduced low energy electron counts and their relationship to crustal magnetic fields at Mars, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 21, 1714

ASCL‐1934 Lester, Mark; Opgenoorth, Hermann; Andrews, David; Dubinin, Edik; Edberg, Niklas; Fraenz, Markus; Howard, Tim; Kofman, Wlodek; Lei, Li; Lillis, Robert; and 8 coauthors, 2013, Electron "holes" and crustal magnetic fields at Mars., EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts , 15, 10309

ASCL‐1935 Lilensten, J.; Provan, G.; Barthelemy, M.; Simon Wedlund, C.; Gronoff, G.; Vanlommel, P.; Brekke, A.; Garnier, P.; Grimald Rochel, S., 2013, The Planeterrella experiment: from individual initiative to networking, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 51, 04

ASCL‐1936 Lilensten, Jean; Simon, Cyril; Barthélémy, Mathieu; Thissen, Roland; Ehrenreich, David; Gronoff, Guillaume; Witasse, Olivier, 2013, The atmospheric escape at Mars: complementing the scenario, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts , 15, 1171

ASCL‐1937 Lilensten, Jean; Barthelemy, Mathieu; Lamy, Hervé; Simon, Cyril; Bommier, Véronique; Amblard, Pierre‐Olivier; Moen, Joran; Rothkaehl, Hanna, 2013, The thermospheric auroral

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 127 red line polarization: confirmation of detection and first quantitative analysis, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts , 15, 1170

ASCL‐1938 Masse, Marion; Beck, Pierre; Schmitt, Bernard; Pommerol, Antoine; McEwen, Alfred; Chevrier, Vincent; Brissaud, Olivier, 2013, Nature and origin of RSL: Spectroscopy and detectability of liquid brines in the near‐infrared, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts , 15, 8979

ASCL‐1939 Menvielle, Michel; Chamboudout, Aude; El‐Lemdani Mazouz, Farida; Marchaudon, Aurélie; Lathuillère, Chantal, 2013, MLT variations of sectorial geomagnetic activity indices: statistical and case event studies, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts , 15, 8906

ASCL‐1940 Orthous‐Daunay, F. R.; Thissen, R.; Vuitton, V.; Moynier, F.; Zinner, E., 2013, Polymeric Series of Large Nonpolar Molecules Found in Murchison by Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement , 76, 5247

ASCL‐1941 Palmer, E. M.; Heggy, E.; Kofman, W. W.; Russell, C. T.; Capria, M. T.; Tosi, F., 2013, Radar Characteristics of Vesta's Polar Regions using Visible and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer and Bistatic Radar Observations by the Dawn Mission, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 43, 08

ASCL‐1942 Plettemeier, D.; Herique, A., 2013, FANTINA instrument suite: A payload proposed to measure the asteroid's structure from deep interior to regolith, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 23, 1752

ASCL‐1943 Pommerol, A.; Thomas, N.; Jost, B.; Beck, P.; Okubo, C.; McEwen, A. S., 2013, Photometry of Mars soils analogs and implications for the identification of wet and frozen soils from orbit, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, held 8‐13 September in London, UK. Online at:

ASCL‐1944 Quirico, E.; Garenne, A.; Beck, P.; Flandinet, L.; Bonal, L.; Montagnac, G., 2013, Collisions‐ Induced Thermal Metamorphism in CM Chondrites as Revealed by Organic Matter, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement , 76, 5132

ASCL‐1945 Renard, P.; Siekmann, F.; Gandolfo, A.; Socorro, J.; Salque, G.; Ravier, S.; Quivet, E.; Clément, J.‐ L.; Traikia, M.; Delort, A.‐M.; and 3 coauthors, 2013, Radical mechanisms of methyl vinyl ketone oligomerization through aqueous phase OH‐oxidation: on the paradoxical role of dissolved molecular oxygen, Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics Discussions , 13, 2913

ASCL‐1946 Rozel, A.; Clenet, H.; Douté, S.; Quantin, C., 2013, Hyperspectral Data Processing Using Neural Networks: Preliminary Results for Mafix Minerals in SNC's Meteorites, LPI Contributions , 1719, 1469

ASCL‐1947 Rozel, A.; Clenet, H.; Douté, S.; Quantin, C., 2013, Hyperspectral Data Processing Using Neural Networks: Preliminary Results for Mafix Minerals in SNC's Meteorites, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 44, 1469

ASCL‐1948 Schmitt, B.; Albert, D.; Bollard, P.; Bonal, L.; Gorbacheva, M.; Beck, P.; Quirico, E.; SSDM expert working group, 2013, Last developments of GhoSST and its Solid Spectroscopy Data Model ‐ The SSHADE project E Last developments of GhoSST and its Solid Spectroscopy Data Model ‐ The SSHADE project, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, held 8‐13 September in London, UK.

ASCL‐1949 Statz, C.; Heggy, E.; Plettemeier, D.; Herique, A.; Kofman, W. W., 2013, Time‐Domain Simulation of the Wave Propagation through the 67P Cometary Nucleus: Understanding Dust‐ Fraction and Porosity Variation From CONSERT Radar Tomography, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 31, 1800

ASCL‐1950 Statz, C.; Ciarletti, V.; Hegler, S.; Plettemeier, D.; Angeli, K.; Herique, A.; Kofman, W., 2013, Estimation of cometary surface layer properties from grazing angle measurements done by the CONSERT instrument, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, held 8‐13 September in London, UK.

ASCL‐1951 Vigren, E.; Galand, M.; Mueller‐Wodarg, I.; Wellbrock, A.; Coates, A. J.; Yelle, R. V.; Snowden, D.; Cui, J.; Lavvas, P.; Ågren, K.; and 2 coauthors, 2013, Thermal electron balance in Titan's nightside ionosphere, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, held 8‐13 September in London, UK.

ASCL‐1952 Vuitton, V.; Yelle, R. V.; Klippenstein, S. J.; Horst, S. M.; Lavvas, P., 2013, A coupled ion‐neutral photochemical model for the Titan atmosphere, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 53, 1876

ASCL‐1953 Vuitton, V.; Yelle, R. V.; Klippenstein, S. J.; Lavvas, P.; Hörst, S. M.; Bazin, A., 2013, Hydrogen isocyanide, HNC, in Titan's ionosphere, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, held 8‐13 September in London, UK.

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 128 ASCL‐1954 Yokochi, R.; Marboeuf, U.; Quirico, E.; Schmitt, B., 2013, Pressure‐Dependent Rrace Gas Trapping in Amorphous Water Ice at 77 K: Implications for Determining Conditions of Comet Formation, LPI Contributions , 1719, 1439

ASCL‐1955 Yokochi, R.; Marboeuf, U.; Quirico, E.; Schmitt, B., 2013, Pressure‐Dependent Rrace Gas Trapping in Amorphous Water Ice at 77 K: Implications for Determining Conditions of Comet Formation, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 44, 1439

ASCL‐1956 Zabka, J.; Polášek, M.; Bradyová, M.; Flenerová, Z.; Obluková, M.; Ascenzi, D.; Vuitton, V.; Giuliani, A.; Nahon, L.; Milosavljevic, A.; and 2 coauthors, 2013, Anion Chemistry On Titan: Probing the Destruction Mechanisms of Nitrile Anions by Interaction with Photons, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, held 8‐13 September in London, UK.

ASCL‐1957 de Bergh, C.; Schaller, E. L.; Brown, M. E.; Brunetto, R.; Cruikshank, D. P.; Schmitt, B., 2013, The Ices on Transneptunian Objects and Centaurs, The Science of Solar System Ices , 107

ASCL‐1958 Andrieu, F.; Schmidt, F.; Douté, S., 2014, CO2 Ice Composition and Evolution on Mars: A Radiative Transfer Inversion, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 45, 1148

ASCL‐1959 Beck, P.; Pommerol, A.; Remusat, L.; Zanda, B.; Lorand, J.‐P.; Gopel, C.; Hewins, R. H.; Pont, S.; Lewin, E.; Quirico, E.; and 7 coauthors, 2014, Hydration of the Dark Meteorite and the Red Planet, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 45, 2097

ASCL‐1960 Cid, Consuelo; Cremades, Hebe; Aran, Angels; Mandrini, Cristina; Sanahuja, Blai; Schmieder, Brigitte; Menvielle, Michel; Rodriguez, Luciano; Saiz, Elena; Cerrato, Yolanda; and 4 coauthors, 2014, Clarifying some issues on the geoeffectiveness of limb halo CMEs, IAU Symposium , 300, 285

ASCL‐1961 Fernando, J.; Schmidt, F.; Pilorget, C.; Pinet, P.; Ceamanos, X.; Douté, S.; Daydou, Y., 2014, CRISM/MRO Photometric Maps for the Physical Characterization of Surface Materials at MER‐ Opportunity Landing Site, Meridiani Planum, Mars, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 45, 1473

ASCL‐1962 Garenne, A.; Beck, P.; Montes‐Hernandez, G.; Bonal, L.; Quirico, E.; Schmitt, B.; Proux, O.; Hazemann, J. L., 2014, The Redox State of Iron in Primitive, Aqueously Altered, and Thermally Metamorphosed Chondrites by XANES, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 45, 1941

ASCL‐1963 Herique, Alain; Berquin, Yann; Blazquez, Alejandro; Antoine Foulon, Marc; Hahnel, Ronny; Hegler, Sebastian; Jurado, Eric; Kofman, Wlodek; Plettemeier, Dirk; Rogez, Yves; and 2 coauthors, 2014, Consert during the Philae Descent, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts , 16, 4181

ASCL‐1964 Lamy, Philippe; Kamoun, Paul; Toth, Imre; Herique, Alain, 2014, Constraints on the subsurface structure and density of the nucleus of Comet 67P/Churyumov‐Gerasimenko from radar observations, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts , 16, 6993

ASCL‐1965 Massé, M.; Beck, P.; Conway, S. J.; Gargani, J.; McEwen, A.; Schmitt, B.; Patel, M.; Jouannic, G.; Ojha, L.; Pommerol, A., 2014, Laboratory Simulation of Martian Recurring Slope Lineae (RSL): Origin and Detectability of Liquid Brines, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 45, 2137

ASCL‐1966 Orthous‐Daunay, F. R.; Thissen, R.; Vuitton, V.; Flandinet, L.; Moynier, F.; Zinner, E., 2014, Molecular Complexity of Interstellar Origin in Large Polymeric Compounds from Murchison, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 45, 2575

ASCL‐1967 Philippe, S.; Schmitt, B.; Beck, P.; Grisolle, F.; Appér'e, T., 2014, Ices Microphysical Evolution on Mars: Observational Constraints, Spectral and Thermodynamic Modeling, Experimental Approach, The Fifth International Workshop on the Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and Observation, held on January 13‐16 2014, in Oxford, U.K. Edited by F. Forget and M. Millour, id.2307 , 2307

ASCL‐1968 Pilorget, C.; Fernando, J.; Ehlmann, B. L.; Douté, S., 2014, Photometry of Particulate Mixtures: New Insight from Simulations of Light Scattering in a Compact Granular Medium, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 45, 1541

ASCL‐1969 Plettemeier, Dirk; Statz, Christoph; Hegler, Sebastian; Hahnel, Ronny; Herique, Alain; Kofman, Wlodek, 2014, Estimation of Comet 67P Surface Properties from CONSERT Data Obtained during Descent of Philae, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts , 16, 15563

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 129 ASCL‐1970 Pommerol, A.; Thomas, N.; Jost, B.; Beck, P.; Okubo, C.; McEwen, A. S.; Massé, M.; El‐Maarry, M. R., 2014, Visible Spectro‐Photometry of Dry, Wet and Frozen Mars Soil Analogs, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts , 45, 2168

ASCL‐1971 Rogez, Yves; Hérique, Alain; Cardiet, Maël; Zine, Sonia; Westphal, Mathieu; Micallef, Mickael; Berquin, Yann; Kofman, Wlodek, 2014, Rosetta CONSERT operations and data analysis preparation: simulation software tools., EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts , 16, 6592

ASCL‐1972 Statz, Christoph; Ciarletti, Valerie; Hegler, Sebastian; Plettemeier, Dirk; Herique, Alain; Kofman, Wlodek, 2014, Estimating cometary surface layer properties from grazing angle measurements derived from CONSERT data, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts , 16, 15623

ASCL sherpas (81)

ASCL‐1142 Vaupré, Solenn; Ceccarelli, Cecilia; Hily‐Blant, Pierre; Dubus, Guillaume; Montmerle, Thierry, 2013, Cosmic‐ray ionization of a molecular cloud interacting with the supernova remnant W28, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #1S064 ,

ASCL‐1342 Choquet, Élodie; Kervella, Pierre; Le Bouquin, Jean‐Baptiste; Mérand, Antoine; Haubois, Xavier; Berger, Jean‐Philippe; Perrin, Guy; Petrucci, Pierre‐Olivier; Lazareff, Bernard; Millan‐ Gabet, Rafael, 2013, Probing the stellar wind geometry in Vela X‐1 with infrared interferometry, IAU Symposium , 290, 197

ASCL‐1347 Hénault, François; Petrucci, Pierre‐Olivier; Jocou, Laurent; Khélifi, Bruno; Manigot, Pascal; Hormigos, Stéphane; Knödlseder, Jürgen; Olive, Jean‐François; Jean, Pierre; Punch, Michael, 2013, Design of light concentrators for Cherenkov telescope observatories, Society of Photo‐ Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8834, 05

ASCL‐1437 Cabrit, S.; Ferreira, J.; Dougados, C.; Garcia, P., 2010, The ejection‐accretion connection in young stars: Testing MHD disk winds, Highlights of Astronomy , 15, 261

ASCL‐1490 Cabrit, Sylvie; Ferreira, J.; Dougados, C., 2011, Molecular and atomic jets in young low‐mass stars: Properties and origin, IAU Symposium , 275, 374

ASCL‐1973 Beckmann, V.; Courvoisier, T. J.‐L.; Gehrels, N.; Lubiński, P.; Malzac, J.; Petrucci, P. O.; Shrader, C. R.; Soldi, S., 2009, Compton Reflection in AGN with Simbol‐X, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1126, 141

ASCL‐1974 Bosnjak, Zeljka; Daigne, Frédéric; Dubus, Guillaume, 2009, The prompt GRB high energy emission from internal shocks: synchrotron vs inverse Compton component, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1133, 391

ASCL‐1975 Cerutti, B.; Dubus, G.; Henri, G., 2009, Pair cascading in gamma‐ray binaries, SF2A‐2009: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 139

ASCL‐1976 Cerutti, B.; Dubus, G.; Henri, G.; Hill, A. B.; Szostek, A., 2009, What Can Simbol‐X Do for Gamma‐ray Binaries?, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1126, 263

ASCL‐1977 Daigne, Frédéric; Bošnjak, Željka; Dubus, Guillaume, 2009, GRB prompt emission from internal shocks: spectral slope in the low gamma‐ray range, high‐energy photons and optical prompt emission, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1133, 288

ASCL‐1978 Dall, T. H.; Lo Curto, G.; Ederoclite, A.; Foellmi, C., 2009, Radial Velocity Studies and their Limits: A Case Study of BP Psc, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1158, 209

ASCL‐1979 Ferreira, Jonathan, 2009, Self‐Collimated Jets from Accretion Discs and Star‐disc Interaction Zones, Protostellar Jets in Context , 99

ASCL‐1980 Foellmi, C., 2009, Quantum of Quasars, EAS Publications Series , 37, 279

ASCL‐1981 Foellmi, C., 2009, Why Quantum of Quasars?, "Proceedings of the Quantum of Quasars workshop. December 2‐4, 2009. Grenoble, France.

ASCL‐1982 Gasparrini, D.; Hill, A. B., 2009, Fermi LAT detection of a possible new gamma‐ray blazar: GB6 J1700+6830, The 's Telegram , 1986, 1

ASCL‐1983 Henri, G., 2009, Non thermal emission from astrophysical jets, Proceedings of the Quantum of

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 130 Quasars workshop. December 2‐4, 2009. Grenoble, France.

ASCL‐1984 Hill, A.; Fermi LAT Collaboration, 2009, Fermi ‐ Galactic Sources, The Extreme Sky: Sampling the Universe above 10 keV , 23

ASCL‐1985 Hill, A. B., 2009, Fermi LAT detection of GeV flares from 3C454.3 and 3C273, The Astronomer's Telegram , 2200, 1

ASCL‐1986 Hill, A. B.; Bird, A. J.; Bazzano, A.; McBride, V. A.; Sguera, V.; Shaw, S. E.; Watkins, H. J., 2009, Identifying a New Intermediate SFXT: Discovering a 30 Day Period in SAX J1818.6‐1703, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1126, 322

ASCL‐1987 McBride, V.; Bird, A. J.; Hill, A.; Clark, D. J., 2009, Deconvolving the Galactic centre with IBIS, The Extreme Sky: Sampling the Universe above 10 keV , 7

ASCL‐1988 McConville, W.; Hill, A. B., 2009, Fermi LAT detection of a high gamma‐ray state from high‐ redshift blazar 0917+449, The Astronomer's Telegram , 1902, 1

ASCL‐1989 Pelletier, G., 2009, Synchrotron and Inverse Compton radiation from relativistic plasma. Effects of coherence and turbulence., Proceedings of the Quantum of Quasars workshop. December 2‐4, 2009. Grenoble, France.

ASCL‐1990 Petrucci, P. O.; Foellmi, C.; Ferreira, J.; Henri, G.; Cabanac, C.; Belmont, R.; Malzac, J., 2009, The Accretion‐Ejection Mechanisms in X‐ray Binaries: an Unified View, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1126, 181

ASCL‐1991 Szostek, A.; Zdziarski, A. A.; McCollough, M. L., 2009, Evolution of Cygnus X‐3 through its Radio and X‐ray States, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1126, 204

ASCL‐1992 Thuillard, Marc; Fraix‐Burnet, Didier, 2009, Phylogenetic Applications of the Minimum Contradiction Approach on Continuous Characters, Evolutionary Bioinformatics, Vol. 5, p. 33‐ 46 , 5, 33

ASCL‐1993 Townsend, L. J.; Corbet, R. H. D.; Coe, M. J.; McBride, V. A.; Hill, A. B.; Bird, A. J., 2009, Detection of a 36.3 day orbital period from the HMXB system IGR J01054‐7253 with RXTE, The Astronomer's Telegram , 2202, 1

ASCL‐1994 Tudose, V.; Miller‐Jones, J. C. A.; Fender, R. P.; Paragi, Z.; Sakari, C. M.; Szostek, A.; Garrett, M.; Dhawan, V.; Rushton, A.; Spencer, R. E.; and 1 coauthors, 2009, Correlated radio/X‐ray behaviour of Cyg X‐3, 8th International e‐VLBI Workshop , 18

ASCL‐1995 Cerutti, B.; Dubus, G.; Henri, G., 2010, High‐energy radiation from the relativistic jet of Cygnus X‐3, SF2A‐2010: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 143

ASCL‐1996 Cerutti, B.; Dubus, G.; Henri, G., 2010, Anisotropic Pair Cascading in Gamma‐Ray Binaries, High Energy Phenomena in Massive Stars , 422, 41

ASCL‐1997 Cerutti, B.; Dubus, G., 2010, On the origin of the GeV and TeV emission in gamma‐ray binaries, 25th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics , 115

ASCL‐1998 Cheung, C. C.; Donato, D.; Wallace, E.; Corbet, R.; Dubus, G.; Sokolovsky, K.; Takahashi, H., 2010, Fermi LAT Detection of a New Galactic Plane Gamma‐ray Transient in the Cygnus Region: Fermi J2102+4542, and its Possible Association with V407 Cyg, The Astronomer's Telegram , 2487, 1

ASCL‐1999 Drave, S.; Bird, A. J.; Clark, D. J.; McBride, V.; Hill, A.; Sguera, V.; Scaringi, S.; Bazzano, A.; Townsend, L., 2010, Temporal Studies of Supergiant Fast X‐ray Transients, Eighth Integral Workshop. The Restless Gamma‐ray Universe (INTEGRAL 2010) , 117

ASCL‐2000 Dubus, G., 2010, High Energy Emission from Binaries with Young Pulsars, High Energy Phenomena in Massive Stars , 422, 23

ASCL‐2001 Ferrando, P.; Goldwurm, A.; Laurent, P.; Limousin, O.; Beckmann, V.; Arnaud, M.; Barcons, X.; Bomans, D.; Caballero, I.; Carrera, F.; and 50 coauthors, 2010, The COSPIX mission: focusing on the energetic and obscured Universe, 25th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics , 254

ASCL‐2002 Ferreira, J.; Petrucci, P. O.; Murphy, G.; Zanni, C.; Henri, G., 2010, Jet Emitting Discs: a New Accretion Flow Solution, Accretion and Ejection in AGN: a Global View , 427, 49

ASCL‐2003 Ferreira, J.; Murphy, G.; Zanni, C., 2010, Large scale magnetic fields in discs: advection and jet launching, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1242, 276

ASCL‐2004 Fortin, P.; Fegan, S.; Horan, D.; Sanchez, D.; Fermi LAT Collaboration; Gielbels, B.; Becherini,

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 131 Y.; Dubus, G.; de Naurois, M.; Punch, M.; and 2 coauthors, 2010, Gamma‐ray emission from AP Librae (PKS1514‐241), 25th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics , 199

ASCL‐2005 Fraix‐Burnet, Didier, 2010, Multivariate evolutionary analyses in astrophysics, ADA 6 ‐ Sixth Conference on Astronomical Data Analysis , 27

ASCL‐2006 Hill, A. B.; Vandenbroucke, J., 2010, Fermi LAT detection of a GeV flare from PKS 0402‐362, The Astronomer's Telegram , 2413, 1

ASCL‐2007 Kapala, M.; Bulik, T.; Rudak, B.; Dubus, G.; Lyczek, M., 2010, A two‐component model of the HE radiation from LS 5039 as observed by Fermi/LAT, 25th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics , 193

ASCL‐2008 Lamberts, A.; Fromang, S.; Dubus, G., 2010, Hydrodynamical simulations of Pinwheel nebula WR 104, SF2A‐2010: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 259

ASCL‐2009 Paltani, S.; Petrucci, P. O.; Mehdipour, M.; Ponti, G.; Detmers, R.; Malzac, J.; Lubinski, P.; Kaastra, J.; Bianco, S.; Cappi, M.; and 8 coauthors, 2010, XMM and INTEGRAL monitoring of MRK 509: The origin of X‐ray emission in AGN, Eighth Integral Workshop. The Restless Gamma‐ray Universe (INTEGRAL 2010) , 9

ASCL‐2010 Petrucci, P.‐O.; Ferreira, J.; Henri, G.; Malzac, J.; Foellmi, C., 2010, The pertinence of jet emitting discs in microquasars theory and comparison to observations, SF2A‐2010: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 195

ASCL‐2011 Skilton, J. L.; Hinton, J. A.; Brucker, J.; Pandey‐Pommier, M.; Cheung, C. C.; Aharonian, F. A.; Dubus, G.; Fiasson, A.; Funk, A.; Gallant, Y.; and 2 coauthors, 2010, Radio and X‐ray Observations of the Possible New Gamma‐ray binary HESS J0632+057, High Energy Phenomena in Massive Stars , 422, 128

ASCL‐2012 Townsend, Lee; Coe, M.; Corbet, R.; McBride, V.; Schurch, M.; Galache, J.; Hill, A., 2010, High Energy Studies of High Mass X‐ray Binaries in the Small Magellanic Cloud, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society , 11, 733

ASCL‐2013 Vandenbroucke, J.; Hill, A. B., 2010, Fermi LAT detection of a flaring, new GeV source near the Galactic plane: J0109+6134, The Astronomer's Telegram , 2414, 1

ASCL‐2014 de Guiran, R.; Ferreira, J., 2010, Magnetic field dragging in accretion discs, SF2A‐2010: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 149

ASCL‐2015 Bošnjak, Ž.; Daigne, F.; Dubus, G., 2011, Gamma‐ray burst spectral evolution in the internal shock model: comparison with the observations, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1358, 59

ASCL‐2016 Cerutti, Benoît; Dubus, Guillaume; Henri, Gilles, 2011, Relativistic motion and beamed radiation in gamma‐ray binaries, High‐Energy Emission from Pulsars and their Systems , 551

ASCL‐2017 Dubus, Guillaume; Cerutti, Benoît, 2011, Massive stars at (very) high energies: γ‐ray binaries, IAU Symposium , 272, 581

ASCL‐2018 Ferreira, Jonathan; Petrucci, Pierre Olivier, 2011, Jet launching and field advection in quasi‐ Keplerian discs, IAU Symposium , 275, 260

ASCL‐2019 Fraix‐Burnet, D., 2011, Evolution as a confounding parameter in scaling relations for galaxies, SF2A‐2011: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 115

ASCL‐2020 Gérard, L.; Henri, G.; Pita, S.; Punch, M., 2011, BL Lac Population Study: Early Results using Fermi's 11 Months Catalog and the Perspectives with CTA, AGN Physics in the CTA Era (AGN 2011) , 27

ASCL‐2021 Henri, G.; Petrucci, P. O.; Boutelier, T., 2011, The Influence of Jet Geometry on the Statistics of Beamed Objects and its Implication for VHE Surveys, AGN Physics in the CTA Era (AGN 2011) , 26

ASCL‐2022 Lamberts, Astrid; Fromang, Sebastien; Dubus, Guillaume, 2011, Hydrodynamical simulations of Pinwheel nebula WR 104, IAU Symposium , 272, 402

ASCL‐2023 Lemoine‐Goumard, M.; Ferrara, E.; Grondin, M.‐H.; Martin, P.; Renaud, M., 2011, Fermi‐LAT detection of gamma‐ray emission in the vicinity of the star forming regions W43 and

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 132 Westerlund 2 , Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana , 82, 739

ASCL‐2024 Martin, P.; Bechtol, K.; Fermi/LAT Collaboration, 2011, Gamma‐ray emission from cosmic rays and interstellar medium interactions in star‐forming galaxies., Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana , 82, 888

ASCL‐2025 Mehdipour, Missagh; Branduardi‐Raymont, Graziella; Kaastra, Jelle; Petrucci, Pierre‐Olivier; Kriss, Gerard; Ponti, Gabriele; Cappi, Massimo, 2011, Multiwavelength campaign on Mrk 509: the nature of the soft X‐ray excess, The X‐ray Universe 2011 , 102

ASCL‐2026 Pelletier, G.; Lemoine, M., 2011, Particles acceleration at relativistic shocks and high energy astrophysics, SF2A‐2011: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 39

ASCL‐2027 Petrucci, P. O.; Ferreira, J.; Henri, G.; Cabanac, C.; Malzac, J.; Belmont, R., 2011, The relevance of jet emitting discs in micro‐quasars, Fast X‐ray Timing and Spectroscopy at Extreme Count Rates (HTRS 2011) , 45

ASCL‐2028 Petrucci, Pierre‐Olivier; Paltani, Stéphane; Malzac, Julien; Ponti, Gabriele; Cappi, Massimo; Mehdipour, Missagh; Branduardi‐Raymont, Graziella; Kaastra, Jelle; Bianchi, Stefano, 2011, Multiwavelength campaign on Mrk 509: testing realistic comptonization models, The X‐ray Universe 2011 , 124

ASCL‐2029 Petrucci, Pierre‐Olivier; Boutelier, Timothe; Henri, Gilles, 2011, The influence of collimation on the appearance of relativistic jets, IAU Symposium , 275, 122

ASCL‐2030 Petrucci, Pierre‐Olivier; Ferreira, Jonathan; Henri, Gilles; Malzac, Julien; Foellmi, Cedric, 2011, The pertinence of jet emitting discs in microquasars. Theory and comparison to observations, IAU Symposium , 275, 307

ASCL‐2031 Plotnikov, I., 2011, Particle transport at relativistic shocks, SF2A‐2011: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 605

ASCL‐2032 Yvart, W.; Cabrit, S.; Pineau Des Forets, G.; Garcia, P. J. V.; Ferreira, J.; Casse, F., 2011, Molecular chemistry in protostellar disk winds and observational predictions for Herschel and ALMA, IAU Symposium , 280, 389P

ASCL‐2033 Arka, Ioanna; Dubus, Guillaume, 2012, Gamma‐ray pulses from pulsar winds: Exploring the near wind region, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1505, 333

ASCL‐2034 Gérard, Lucie; Henri, Gilles; Pita, Santiago; Punch, Michael, 2012, BL Lac population study at high energies, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1505, 546

ASCL‐2035 Kaastra, J. S.; Pinto, C.; Steenbrugge, K. C.; Branduardi‐Raymont, G.; Bianchi, S.; Arav, N.; Behar, E.; Cappi, M.; Costantini, E.; Detmers, R. G.; and 7 coauthors, 2012, Anatomy of an Outflow: Mapping the Mrk 509 Warm Absorber, AGN Winds in Charleston , 460, 3

ASCL‐2036 Kriss, G. A.; Arav, N.; Kaastra, J. S.; Ebrero, J.; Pinto, C.; Borguet, B.; Edmonds, D.; Costantini, E.; Steenbrugge, K. C.; Detmers, R. G.; and 8 coauthors, 2012, Characterizing the UV and X‐ray Outflow in Mrk 509, AGN Winds in Charleston , 460, 83

ASCL‐2037 Lamberts, Astrid; Dubus, Guillaume; Fromang, Sébastien; Lesur, Geoffroy, 2012, Colliding wind binaries and γ‐ray binaries: Relativistic version of the RAMSES code, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1505, 406

ASCL‐2038 Lemoine, Martin; Pelletier, Guy, 2012, Particle acceleration at relativistic shock waves, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1439, 194

ASCL‐2039 Martin, P.; Dubus, G., 2012, Particle acceleration and non‐thermal emission in a nova explosion: The V407 Cyg 2010 outburst, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1505, 430

ASCL‐2040 Mehdipour, Missagh; Branduardi‐Raymont, Graziella; Page, Mat; Kaastra, Jelle; Kriss, Jerry; Ponti, Gabriele; Cappi, Massimo; Petrucci, Pierre Olivier, 2012, Ionised outflows and multi‐ wavelength variability of AGN, Half a Century of X‐Ray Astronomy, Proceedings of the conference held 17‐21 September, 2012 on Mykonos Island, Greece.

ASCL‐2041 Petrucci, P. O.; Paltani, S.; Malzac, J.; Kaastra, J.; Cappi, M.; Ponti, G.; de Marco, B.; Kriss, G.; Steenbrugge, K.; Bianchi, S.; and 5 coauthors, 2012, Multiwavelength campaign on Mrk 509: testing realistic comptonization models, Proceedings of "An INTEGRAL view of the high‐ energy sky (the first 10 years)" ‐ 9th INTEGRAL Workshop and celebration of the 10th anniversary of the launch (INTEGRAL 2012). 15‐19 October 2012. Bibliotheque Nationale de

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 133 France, Paris, France.

ASCL‐2042 Szostek, Anna; Corbel, S.; Dubus, G.; Fermi LAT Collaboration; Tomsick, J. A., 2012, A Giant Radio Flare from Cygnus X‐3 with Associated Gamma‐ray Emission, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts , 219,

ASCL‐2043 Vuillaume, Thomas; Henri, Gilles; Petrucci, Pierre‐Olivier, 2012, Anisotropic inverse Compton process in the vicinity of an , American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1505, 669

ASCL‐2044 Ferreira, J., 2013, Braking down an accreting protostar: disc‐locking, disc winds, stellar winds, X‐winds and Magnetospheric Ejecta, EAS Publications Series , 62, 169

ASCL‐2045 Ferreira, Jonathan; Petrucci, Pierre‐Olivier; Garnier, Quentin, 2013, Is the disc thermal state controlling the Blandford & Znajek/Blandford & Payne jet dichotomy?, European Physical Journal Web of Conferences , 61, 01005

ASCL‐2046 Kaastra, Jelle; Petrucci, Pierre‐Olivier; Cappi, Massimo; Arav, Nahum; Behar, Ehud; Bianchi, Stefano; Branduardi‐Raymont, Graziella; Costantini, Elisa; Ebrero, Jacobo; Kriss, Jerry; and 6 coauthors, 2013, Accretion and outflow of gas in Markarian 509, IAU Symposium , 290, 45

ASCL‐2047 Lamberts, A.; Fromang, S.; Dubus, G.; Lesur, G., 2013, Modeling Colliding Wind Binaries with RAMSES: Extension to Special Relativity, Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows (ASTRONUM2012) , 474, 252

ASCL‐2048 Paardekooper, Sijme‐Jan; Lesur, Geoffroy; Papaloizou, John C. B., 2013, Vortex migration in protoplanetary discs, European Physical Journal Web of Conferences , 46, 05001

ASCL multi-team(76)

ASCL‐1078 Pinte, C.; Ménard, F.; Duchêne, G.; Patience, J.; Ceccarelli, C.; Duvert, G., 2009, Multi‐technique observations and modeling of protoplanetary disks, American Institute of Physics Conference Series , 1094, 401

ASCL‐1079 Ratajczak, A.; Quirico, E.; Faure, A.; Schmitt, B.; Ceccarelli, C., 2009, Spontaneous D‐H exchange between water ice and Complex Organic Molecules (COMs) in protostellar environments, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Supplement , 73, 1075 15 ASCL‐1108 Bonal, L.; Hily‐Blant, P.; Faure, A.; Quirico, E., 2012, Highly Variable N ‐Enrichments in Solar System Reflect Different Routes of Interstellar N Isotopic Fractionation, Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement , 75, 5226

ASCL‐1123 Andersen, Morten; Steinacker, Juergen; Thi, Wing‐Fai; Pagani, Laurent; Bacmann, Aurore; Paladini, Roberta, 2013, Scattering in molecular clouds: Constraining the dust grain size distribution through near‐infrared cloudshine and mid‐infrared coreshine, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #1S041 ,

ASCL‐1132 Kastner, Joel; Punzi, Kristina; Rodriguez, David; Sacco, G. Germano; Hily‐Blant, Pierre; Forveille, Thierry; Zuckerman, Ben, 2013, Molecular Line Surveys of Nearby T Tauri Stars: Late‐time Chemistry of Protoplanetary Disks, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐ 20, 2013. Poster #2S022 ,

ASCL‐1133 Kastner, Joel H.; Hily‐Blant, P.; Rodriguez, D.; Punzi, K.; Forveille, T., 2013, Radio Emission Line Surveys of the Molecular Disks Orbiting TW Hya and V4046 Sgr, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts , 221,

ASCL‐1139 Nielbock, Markus; Launhardt, Ralf; Steinacker, Jürgen; Stutz, Amelia M.; Balog, Zoltan; Beuther, Henrik; Bouwman, Jeroen; Henning, Thomas; Hily‐Blant, Pierre; Kainulainen, Jouni; and 6 coauthors, 2013, B68 ‐ The HERSCHEL view: Dust temperatures and densities, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #1S033 ,

ASCL‐1140 Paladini, Roberta; Pagani, Laurent; Steinacker, Jurgen; Lefevre, Charlene; Andersen, Morten; Carey, Sean; Pelkonen, Veli‐Matti; Juvela, Mika; Ristorcelli, Isabelle; Noriega‐Crespo, Alberto; and 4 coauthors, 2013, Hunting Coreshine with (Warm) Spitzer: from grain growth to planet formation, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #1S060 ,

ASCL‐1141 Punzi, Kristina M.; Kastner, J. H.; Hily‐Blant, P.; Forveille, T.; Sacco, G., 2013, First Results from a Radio Emission Line Survey of the Molecular Disk Orbiting LkCa 15, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts , 221,

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 134 ASCL‐1142 Vaupré, Solenn; Ceccarelli, Cecilia; Hily‐Blant, Pierre; Dubus, Guillaume; Montmerle, Thierry, 2013, Cosmic‐ray ionization of a molecular cloud interacting with the supernova remnant W28, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #1S064 ,

ASCL‐1152 Kasting, James; Traub, W.; Roberge, A.; Leger, A.; Schwartz, A.; Wootten, A.; Vosteen, A.; Lo, A.; Brack, A.; Tanner, A.; and 112 coauthors, 2009, Exoplanet Characterization and the Search for Life, astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey , 2010, 151

ASCL‐1154 Lawson, P.R.; Absil, O.; Akeson, R.L.; Bally, J.; Barry, R.K.; Beichman, C.A.; Booth, A.J.; Bordé, P.; Breckinridge, J.; Cole, D.; and 45 coauthors, 2009, Technology for a Mid‐IR Flagship Mission to Characterize Earth‐like Exoplanets, astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey , 2010, 53

ASCL‐1159 Thissen, R.; Thirkell, L.; Makarov, A.; Puget, P.; Briois, C.; Szopa, C.; Carrasco, N.; Berthelier, J. J.; Henkel, H.; Glassmachers, A., 2009, Ultra high resolution Fourier Transform mass analyzer for space exploration: Orbitrap, European Planetary Science Congress 2009 , 764

ASCL‐1163 Absil, O.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Chauvin, G.; Hanot, C.; Benisty, M.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Lebreton, J., 2010, A VLTI/AMBER closure‐phase search for low‐mass companions around nearby young stars: first results on beta Pictoris, In the Spirit of Lyot 2010 , 13

ASCL‐1164 Absil, O.; Eiroa, C.; Augereau, J.; Beichman, C. A.; Danchi, W. C.; Defrère, D.; Fridlund, M.; Roberge, A., 2010, Do we Need to Solve the Exozodi Question? If Yes, How to Best Solve It?, Pathways Towards Habitable Planets , 430, 293

ASCL‐1165 Absil, O.; Mennesson, B.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Millan‐Gabet, R.; Colavita, M.; Hinz, P.; Liu, W.; Serabyn, G., 2010, The Fomalhaut debris disk seen from every angle with interferometry, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 34

ASCL‐1171 Barry, R. K.; Danchi, W. C.; Lopez, B.; Rinehart, S. A.; Absil, O.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Beust, H.; Bonfils, X.; Bordé, P.; Defrère, D.; and 8 coauthors, 2010, The Fourier‐Kelvin Stellar Interferometer: Exploring Exoplanetary Systems with an Infrared Probe‐class Mission, Pathways Towards Habitable Planets , 430, 403

ASCL‐1175 Berger, J.‐P.; Zins, G.; Lazareff, B.; Lebouquin, J.‐B.; Jocou, L.; Kern, P.; Millan‐Gabet, R.; Traub, W.; Haguenauer, P.; Absil, O.; and 28 coauthors, 2010, PIONIER: a visitor instrument for VLTI, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 99

ASCL‐1176 Beuzit, J.‐L.; Boccaletti, A.; Feldt, M.; Dohlen, K.; Mouillet, D.; Puget, P.; Wildi, F.; Abe, L.; Antichi, J.; Baruffolo, A.; and 38 coauthors, 2010, Direct Detection of Giant Extrasolar Planets with SPHERE on the VLT, Pathways Towards Habitable Planets , 430, 231

ASCL‐1179 Blind, Nicolas; Le Bouquin, Jean‐Baptiste; Absil, Olivier; Alamir, Mazen; Berger, Jean‐ Philippe; Defrère, Denis; Feautrier, Philippe; Hénault, François; Jocou, Laurent; Kern, Pierre; and 9 coauthors, 2010, The planar optics phase sensor: a study for the VLTI 2nd generation fringe tracker, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 64

ASCL‐1185 Danchi, W. C.; Barry, R. K.; Lopez, B.; Rinehart, S. A.; Absil, O.; Augereau, J.; Beust, H.; Bonfils, X.; Bordé, P.; Defrère, D.; and 10 coauthors, 2010, Infrared Detection and Characterization of Debris Disks, Exozodiacal Dust, and Exoplanets: The FKSI Mission Concept, Pathways Towards Habitable Planets , 430, 188

ASCL‐1188 Duvert, G.; Chelli, A.; Malbet F.; Kern, P., 2010, Phase Closure Nulling: A "Lyot Mask" on correlated flux of stars, In the Spirit of Lyot 2010 , 72

ASCL‐1189 Duvert, Gilles; Malbet, Fabien; Chelli, Alain; Millan‐Gabet, Rafael; Monnier, John D.; Schaefer, Gail H., 2010, Phase closure nulling: results from the 2009 campaign, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 24

ASCL‐1190 Eggenberger, A.; Cornia, A.; Mugnier, L. M.; Mouillet, D.; Chauvin, G.; Boccaletti, A.; Rousset, G., 2010, Testing the ANDROMEDA method for exoplanet detection on VLT/ NACO data, In the Spirit of Lyot 2010 , 23

ASCL‐1195 Garcia, Paulo J. V.; Benisty, Myriam; Rajabi, Samira; Dougados, Catherine; Massi, Fabrizzio; Bacciotti, Francesca; Le Bouquin, Jean‐Baptiste; Malbet, Fabien; Podio, Linda; Renard, Stephanie; and 1 coauthors, 2010, The hydrogen emission of young stellar objects: key science for next‐generation instruments and facilities, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 98

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 135 ASCL‐1211 Kotani, Takayuki; Lacour, Sylvestre; Choquet, Elodie; Huby, Elsa; Perrin, Guy S.; Fedou, Pierre; Marchis, Franck; Duchene, Gaspard; Thiébaut, Éric M.; Woillez, Julien M.; and 9 coauthors, 2010, Development of a high‐dynamic range imaging instrument for a single telescope by a pupil remapping system, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 116

ASCL‐1214 Lafrasse, Sylvain; Mella, Guillaume; Bonneau, Daniel; Duvert, Gilles; Delfosse, Xavier; Chesneau, Olivier; Chelli, Alain, 2010, Building the 'JMMC Stellar Diameters Catalog' using SearchCal, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 140

ASCL‐1216 Langlois, M.; Dohlen, K.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Mouillet, D.; Boccaletti, A.; Schmid, H.‐M., 2010, High contrast imaging with IRDIS near infrared polarimeter, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7735, 97

ASCL‐1217 Malbet, Fabien; Duvert, Gilles; Millour, Florentin; Le Bouquin, Jean‐Baptiste; Mella, Guillaume; Halipré, Luc; Chelli, Alain; Lafrasse, Sylvain; Altariba, Evelyne; Zins, Gérard, 2010, AMBER: The Third Version of the AMBER Data Reduction Software, Astrophysics Source Code Library , 10003

ASCL‐1218 Malbet, Fabien; Duvert, Gilles; Millour, Florentin A.; Le Bouquin, Jean‐Baptiste; Mella, Guillaume; Halipré, Luc; Chelli, Alain; Lafrasse, Sylvain; Altariba, Evelyne; Zins, Gérard, 2010, The third version of the AMBER data reduction software, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 138

ASCL‐1219 Malbet, Fabien; Mella, Guillaume; Lawson, Peter; Taillifet, Esther; Lafrasse, Sylvain, 2010, A publication database for optical long baseline interferometry, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 107

ASCL‐1222 Mouillet, D.; Beuzit, J. L.; Desidera, S.; Chauvin, G.; Schmid, H. M.; Waters, R.,; Sphere Science Group, 2010, Preparation to the scientific exploitation of SPHERE, In the Spirit of Lyot 2010 , 50

ASCL‐1227 Renard, S.; Malbet, F.; Benisty, M.; Thiébaut, E.; Berger, J.‐P., 2010, Image reconstruction in optical interferometry: application to the inner regions of protoplanetary disks, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 35

ASCL‐1237 Tatulli, E.; Blind, N.; Malbet, F.; Chelli, A.; Berger, J.‐P., 2010, Estimating the phase in interferomety: performance comparison between multi‐mode and single‐mode schemes, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 7734, 75

ASCL‐1255 Bonavita, M.; Claudi, R. U.; Tinetti, G.; Beuzit, J.; Chauvin, G.; Desidera, S.; Gratton, R.; Kasper, M., 2011, High‐Contrast Imaging: A Wider View on Extrasolar Planetary Systems, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series , 450, 199

ASCL‐1259 Defrère, D.; Absil, O.; Augereau, J. C.; di Folco, E.; Coudé Du Foresto, V.; Le Bouquin, J. B.; Mérand, A.; Mollier, B., 2011, Imaging the inner regions of debris disks with near‐infrared interferometry, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 1084

ASCL‐1261 Duvert, G.; Bourgès, L.; Mella, G.; Lafrasse, S., 2011, ASPRO2: A Modern Tool to Prepare Optical Interferometry Observations, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series , 442, 489

ASCL‐1276 Perruchot, S.; Bouchy, F.; Chazelas, B.; Díaz, R. F.; Hébrard, G.; Arnaud, K.; Arnold, L.; Avila, G.; Delfosse, X.; Boisse, I.; and 6 coauthors, 2011, Higher‐precision radial velocity measurements with the SOPHIE spectrograph using octagonal‐section fibers, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8151, 37

ASCL‐1281 Wittkowski, M.; Ballester, P.; Bonneau, D.; Chelli, A.; Chesneau, O.; Cruzalèbes, P.; Duvert, G.; Hummel, C.; Lafrasse, S.; Mella, G.; and 8 coauthors, 2011, CalVin 3 — A New Release of the ESO Calibrator Selection Tool for the VLT Interferometer, The Messenger , 145, 7

ASCL‐1284 Absil, O.; Defrère, D.; Mollier, B.; Di Folco, E.; Augereau, J.‐C.; Coudé du Foresto, V.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Mérand, A., 2012, The connection between inner and outer debris disks probed by infrared interferometry, From Atoms to Pebbles: Herschel's view of Star and Planet Formation , 45

ASCL‐1285 Absil, Olivier; Defrère, Denis; Le Bouquin, Jean‐Baptiste; Mollier, Benjamin; Augereau, Jean‐ Charles; Coudé du Foresto, Vincent; Di Folco, Emmanuel; Ertel, Steve; ten Brummelaar, Theo, 2012, Studying hot exozodiacal dust with near‐infrared interferometry, Society of Photo‐ Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8445,

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 136 ASCL‐1288 Artigau, Étienne; Bouchy, François; Delfosse, Xavier; Bonfils, Xavier; Donati, Jean‐François; Figueira, Pedro; Thanjavur, Karun; Lafrenière, David; Doyon, René; Surace, Christian; and 9 coauthors, 2012, SPIRou @ CFHT: data reduction software and simulation tools, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8451,

ASCL‐1290 Barrick, Gregory A.; Vermeulen, Tom; Baratchart, Sébastien; Reshetov, Vladimir A.; Wang, Shiang‐Yu; Dolon, François; Hernandez, Olivier; Pepe, Francesco; Bouchy, François; Dunn, Jennifer; and 18 coauthors, 2012, SPIRou @ CFHT: design of the instrument control system, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8451,

ASCL‐1293 Briois, C.; Thirkell, L.; Boukrara, A.; Lebreton, J. P.; Thissen, R.; Puget, P.; Cottin, H.; Grand, N.; Pennanech, C.; Zapf, P.; and 7 coauthors, 2012, A High Resolution Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer for In‐Situ Analysis in Planetary Science, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts , 14, 12800

ASCL‐1295 Carrasco, N.; Szopa, C.; Chapuis, C.; Bouabdellah, A.; Thissen, R.; Cornelli, S.; Puget, P.; Briois, C.; Thirkell, L.; Boukrara, A.; and 5 coauthors, 2012, Ultra high mass‐resolution for space exploration: the Orbitrap mass analyser, European Planetary Science Congress 2012, held 23‐ 28 September, 2012 in Madrid, Spain.

ASCL‐1299 Crouzier, A.; Malbet, F.; Preis, O.; Henault, F.; Kern, P.; Martin, G.; Feautrier, P.; Cara, C.; Lagage, P.; Léger, A.; and 3 coauthors, 2012, An experimental testbed for NEAT to demonstrate micro‐pixel accuracy, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8445,

ASCL‐1309 Kasper, M.; Beuzit, J.‐L.; Feldt, M.; Dohlen, K.; Mouillet, D.; Puget, P.; Wildi, F.; Abe, L.; Baruffolo, A.; Baudoz, P.; and 58 coauthors, 2012, Gearing up the SPHERE, The Messenger , 149, 17

ASCL‐1311 Kluska, J.; Malbet, F.; Berger, J.‐P.; Benisty, M.; Lazareff, B.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Pinte, C., 2012, High angular resolution and young stellar objects: Imaging the surroundings of MWC 158 by optical interferometry, SF2A‐2012: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 539

ASCL‐1312 Kluska, J.; Malbet, F.; Berger, J.‐P.; Lazareff, B.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Benisty, M.; Menard, F.; Pinte, C.; Millan‐Gabet, R.; Traub, W., 2012, Intrincate visibility effects from resolved emission of young stellar objects: the case of MWC158 observed with the VLTI, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8445,

ASCL‐1318 Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Berger, J.‐P.; Zins, G.; Lazareff, B.; Jocou, L.; Kern, P.; Millan‐Gabet, R.; Traub, W.; Haguenauer, P.; Absil, O.; and 26 coauthors, 2012, PIONIER: a status report, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8445,

ASCL‐1319 Ligi, R.; Mourard, D.; Lagrange, A.‐M.; Perraut, K., 2012, Interferometric determination of exoplanet host stars' fundamental parameters: θ Cygni, 14 Andromedae, υ Andromedae and 42 Draconis., SF2A‐2012: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 199

ASCL‐1320 Ligi, R.; Mourard, D.; Lagrange, Anne‐Marie; Perraut, Karine; Tallon‐Bosc, I., 2012, Study of exoplanets host stars with VEGA/CHARA, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8445,

ASCL‐1323 Mella, G.; Lafrasse, S.; Bourgès, L.; Chelli, A.; Duvert, G.; Chesneau, O.; Malbet, F.; Tallon‐Bosc, I.; Vannier, M.; Absil, O.; and 19 coauthors, 2012, Accompanying optical interferometry worldwide: the JMMC tools and services, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8445,

ASCL‐1324 Micheau, Yoan; Bouchy, François; Pepe, Francesco; Chazelas, Bruno; Kouach, Driss; Parès, Laurent; Donati, Jean‐François; Barrick, Gregory; Rabou, Patrick; Thibault, Simon; and 7 coauthors, 2012, SPIRou @ CFHT: fiber links and pupil slicer, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8446,

ASCL‐1334 Thibault, Simon; Rabou, Patrick; Donati, Jean‐Francois; Desaulniers, Pierre; Dallaire, Xavier; Artigau, Etienne; Pepe, Francesco; Micheau, Yoan; Vallée, Philippe; Pepe, Francesco; and 10 coauthors, 2012, SPIRou @ CFHT: spectrograph optical design, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8446, 30

ASCL‐1337 Anthonioz, Fabien; Ménard, Francois; Pinte, Christophe; Thi, Wing‐Fai; Lebouquin, Jean‐ Baptiste; Berger, Jean‐Phillipe; Benisty, Myriam; Absil, Olivier; Duchêne, Gaspard; Lazareff,

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 137 Bernard; and 4 coauthors, 2013, The VLTI/PIONIER survey of southern TTauri disks., Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #2B029 ,

ASCL‐1340 Bourgès, Laurent; Mella, Guillaume; Lafrasse, Sylvain; Duvert, Gilles, 2013, ASPRO 2: Astronomical Software to PRepare Observations, Astrophysics Source Code Library , 10005

ASCL‐1342 Choquet, Élodie; Kervella, Pierre; Le Bouquin, Jean‐Baptiste; Mérand, Antoine; Haubois, Xavier; Berger, Jean‐Philippe; Perrin, Guy; Petrucci, Pierre‐Olivier; Lazareff, Bernard; Millan‐ Gabet, Rafael, 2013, Probing the stellar wind geometry in Vela X‐1 with infrared interferometry, IAU Symposium , 290, 197

ASCL‐1345 Crouzier, A.; Malbet, F.; Preis, O.; Henault, F.; Kern, P.; Martin, G.; Feautrier, P.; Stadler, E.; Lafrasse, S.; Delboulbé, A.; and 12 coauthors, 2013, First experimental results of very high accuracy centroiding measurements for the neat astrometric mission, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8864,

ASCL‐1347 Hénault, François; Petrucci, Pierre‐Olivier; Jocou, Laurent; Khélifi, Bruno; Manigot, Pascal; Hormigos, Stéphane; Knödlseder, Jürgen; Olive, Jean‐François; Jean, Pierre; Punch, Michael, 2013, Design of light concentrators for Cherenkov telescope observatories, Society of Photo‐ Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8834, 05

ASCL‐1350 Kluska, J.; Malbet, F.; Berger, J.‐P.; Benisty, M.; Lazareff, B.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Pinte, C., 2013, High Angular Resolution and Young Stellar Objects: Imaging the Surroundings of MWC 158 by Optical Interferometry, EAS Publications Series , 59, 141

ASCL‐1351 Kluska, Jacques; Malbet, Fabien; Berger, Jean‐Philippe; Benisty, Myriam; Lazareff, Bernard; Le Bouquin, Jean‐Baptiste; Baron, Fabien; Dominik, Carsten; Isella, Andrea; Juhasz, Attila; and 9 coauthors, 2013, First Images from the PIONIER/VLTI optical interferometry imaging survey of Herbig Ae/Be stars, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15‐20, 2013. Poster #2B016 ,

ASCL‐1353 Mawet, D.; Absil, O.; Girard, J. H.; Milli, J.; O'Neal, J.; Delacroix, C.; Baudoz, P.; Boccaletti, A.; Bourget, P.; Christiaens, V.; and 14 coauthors, 2013, High Contrast Imaging with the New Vortex Coronagraph on NACO, The Messenger , 152, 8

ASCL‐1360 Sauvage, Jean‐François; Beuzit, Jean‐Luc; Roelfsema, Ronald; Feldt, Markus; Dohlen, Kjetil; Mouillet, David; Puget, Pascal; Wildi, Francois; Abe, Lyu; Baruffolo, Andrea; and 52 coauthors, 2013, Sphere: complete laboratory performance and prediction for on‐sky first light, Society of Photo‐Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series , 8864,

ASCL‐1361 Anthonioz, Fabien; Ménard, F.; Pinte, C.; Thi, W.‐F.; Lebouquin, J.‐B.; Berger, J.‐P.; Benisty, M.; Absil, O.; Duchène, G.; Lazareff, B.; and 4 coauthors, 2014, The VLTi/PIONIER survey of southern TTauri disks†, IAU Symposium , 299, 94

ASCL‐1362 Kern, P.; Malbet, F.; Le Coarer, E., 2014, Interferometric beam combination for a large number of telescopes, Improving the Performances of Current Optical Interferometers & Future Designs , 95

ASCL‐1363 Kluska, J.; Malbet, F.; Berger, J.‐P.; Benisty, M.; Lazareff, B.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Baron, F.; Dominik, C.; Isella, A.; Juhasz, A.; and 11 coauthors, 2014, Imaging Young Stellar Objects with VLTi/PIONIER, Improving the Performances of Current Optical Interferometers & Future Designs , 263

ASCL‐1364 Kluska, J.; Malbet, F.; Berger, J.‐P.; Benisty, M.; Lazareff, B.; Le Bouquin, J.‐B.; Baron, F.; Dominik, C.; Isella, A.; Juhasz, A.; and 9 coauthors, 2014, First images from the PIONIER/VLTI optical interferometry imaging survey of Herbig Ae/Be stars, IAU Symposium , 299, 117

ASCL‐1365 Lazareff, B.; Le Bouquin, J.‐L.; Berger, J.‐P.; Zins, G.; Haguenauer, P.; Gitton, P.; Delboulbe, A.; Feautrier, P.; Jocou, L.; Kern, P.; and 13 coauthors, 2014, PIONIER : A Four Telescope VLTI Instrument, Improving the Performances of Current Optical Interferometers & Future Designs , 111

ASCL‐1366 Le Coarer, E.; Chalabaev, A.; Duvert, G., 2014, Prospects of Optical Heterodyne Detection for Astronomy and One Photon Interferometry, Improving the Performances of Current Optical Interferometers & Future Designs , 191

ASCL‐1367 Maire, Anne‐Lise; Boccaletti, Anthony; Rameau, Julien; Chauvin, Gaël; Lagrange, Anne‐Marie; Bonnefoy, Mickaël; Desidera, Silvano; Sylvestre, Mélody; Baudoz, Pierre; Galicher, Raphaël; and 1 coauthors, 2014, Search for cool extrasolar giant planets combining coronagraphy, spectral and angular differential imaging, IAU Symposium , 299, 21

07/07/2014 PublIPAG 138 ASCL‐1369 Milli, Julien; Mawet, Dimitri; Absil, Olivier; Lagrange, Anne‐Marie; Mouillet, David; Girard, Julien H.; Augereau, Jean‐Charles, 2014, First High‐Angular Resolution L' Images of the β Pictoris Debris Disc with the VLT / NaCo, IAU Symposium , 299, 350

ASCL‐1437 Cabrit, S.; Ferreira, J.; Dougados, C.; Garcia, P., 2010, The ejection‐accretion connection in young stars: Testing MHD disk winds, Highlights of Astronomy , 15, 261

ASCL‐1457 Lilensten, J.; Delfosse, X.; Cauchies, N.; Regghezza, S.; Blanc, A., 2010, The Opera of the Universe, and the Windmill of Art and Sciences, European Planetary Science Congress 2010 , 282

ASCL‐1490 Cabrit, Sylvie; Ferreira, J.; Dougados, C., 2011, Molecular and atomic jets in young low‐mass stars: Properties and origin, IAU Symposium , 275, 374

ASCL‐1517 Lilensten, J.; Acker, A.; Delfosse, X., 2011, Planeteria: news from France, EPSC‐DPS Joint Meeting 2011 , 1824

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