1989AJ 97. . 51 OM a) al. 1987b)ofthisseries.Wehaveemployedthosesame other epochsbeinginsignificantly small.Thelargerchange for ourdataobtainedduring1983-1984 by1.5%,changesto has theprimaryeffectofincreasing theangularseparations telescope. Thishasenabledustodetermineameanscalethat since thedigitalcamerawasfirstusedin1982at4m plane oftheICCDcamerahasbeenremarkablyconstant available tousshowsthatthescalevalueatspecklefocal methods toderivetheresultspresentedhere. sis, andcalibration,canbefoundinPaperII(McAlisteret strumentation, andofthemethodsdatareduction,analy- detailed descriptionoftheobservationaltechniqueandin- 4 mMayalltelescopeatKittPeakNationalObservatory.A gram ofbinarystarspeckleinterferometrycarriedoutatthe describe herehasthreedistinctcauses. the linearmeasuresfromspecklepowerspectraorautocor- relograms intoangularmeasuresonthesky.Therevisionwe has servedverywellasatrulyexternalmeansofconverting fringe patternwithinspeckleimagesandiscarriedoutexact- the insertionofadouble-slitmaskatpupiltoproduce based uponallofourpreviouslypublishedspeckledata,we tronomy, Inc.,undercontractwiththe NationalScienceFoundation. VisitingAstronomer,NationalOptical AstronomyObservatories. method ofdeterminingthescaleandorientationcalibration mask providesaspatialcalibrationintheXcoordinate.This direction; thusthefringepatternproducedbydouble-slit mounted attheCassegrainfocussothatnorthisinY paper fromthespeckleprogrambegunbyfirstauthorin ly inthemannerdescribedMcAlister(1977),initial tion ofourspeckleobservationscontinuestobebasedupon for thispaperandinaseriesofanalysesbinarystarorbits 510 Astron.J.97 (2),February1989 0004-6256/89/020510-22$00.90 © 1989Am. Astron. Soc.510 NOAO isoperatedbytheAssociation ofUniversitiesforResearchinAs- series (McAlister1987a,b;huetal.1987).Thecalibra- measurements publishedinthethreeearlierpapersofthis have founditnecessarytorevisethecalibrationbasisfor THE ASTRONOMICALJOURNALVOLUME97,NUMBER2FEBRUARY1989 1975. ThemaskisalignedE-Wandthespecklecamera The greatlyexpandedcollectionofcalibrationdatanow This paperpresentsfurtherresultsfromacontinuingpro- In thecourseofreductionobservationsobtained © American Astronomical Society • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System ICCD SPECKLEOBSERVATIONSOFBINARYSTARS.IV.MEASUREMENTSDURING1986-1988 the GSU/CHARAICCDspecklecamerapreviouslypublishedarepresentedanddiscussed. supergiant aHerAandthePleiadesshellstarPleione.continuingsurveyofTheBrightStarCata- ed. Twenty-onesystemsaredirectlyresolvedforthefirsttime,includingnewcomponentstocool One thousandfivehundredandfiftymeasurementsof1006binarystarsystemsobservedmostlyduring logue yieldedeightnewbinariesfrom293brightstarsobserved.Correctionstospecklemeasures 1986 throughmid-1988bymeansofspeckleinterferometrywiththeKPNO4mtelescopearepresent- II. calibrationrevisions I. INTRODUCTION a)10 Center forHighAngularResolutionAstronomy,GeorgiaStateUniversity,Atlanta,30303 Harold A.McAlister,WilliamI.Hartkopf,JamesR.Sowell, FROM THEKITTPEAK4mTELESCOPE Received 29August1988;revised12October1988 Lowell Observatory,Flagstaff,Arizona86001 and EdmundG.Dombrowski“’ 3) OttoG. Franz ABSTRACT tion factorforthenonsquarepixelation suchthat orthogonal direction.Analysisofthesedatagaveacorrec- era 90°andtakingcalibrationbinarystardatainthe precise mismatchwasmeasuredsimplybyrotatingthecam- that oneunitinYisnotexactlyequaltoX.The CCD, but,wediscovered,withaslighttimingmismatchso the videointoapproximatelysameformatasexistson standard RS-170video.Theautocorrelatorthendigitizes tal informationintoananalogvideosignal,specifically camera electronicsreadsoutthechipandconvertsdigi- by theredigitizationdoneautocorrelator.TheCCD before andafter thecombinedcalibrationeffects discussed This effectisthereforeposition-angle dependent. be measurablyreducedamongthecollectedscalevalues transition betweentheoldphotographicspeckledataand two dozenbinariesshowedaconsistentdiscontinuityatthe tion forstarsotherthancalibrationstars. ; thusitisnotnecessarytoapplyatemperaturecorrec- there isnocorrespondingtemperatureeffectfortheprogram once thistemperatureeffectwasincluded.Wepointoutthat the scaleandorientationmeasurementsthatwehavedeter- od. Wenowadoptacalibrationbaseduponthemeanofall of thecalibrationdataavailableforthatparticulartimeperi- for the1983-1984dataisduetosomewhatlowerquality square, thefinalpixelshapeisdeterminednotbychipbut autocorrelator. AlthoughtheCCDhaspixelsthatare als isduetotheeffectivepixelgeometryasdeterminedby showed thatthecauseofthisstepdistributionresidu- the newICCDdata.Athoroughinvestigationofthiseffect overall differenceinscaleof0.1%,wedidfindthescatterto shift intheyeffectivewavelengthissmall,amountingtoan curves appropriatetothestarsweobserved.Although mined byconvolvingthefilterresponseagainstblackbody peratures oftheindividualcalibrationstarswasalsodeter- for thecalibrationobservations.Acorrectiontem- mined theeffectivewavelengthofStrömgren^filterused tem. mined sincetheinitiationofourICCDspeckle-camerasys- In Fig.1weshowresidualsfor twobinarystarsystems Residuals tonewlydetermineddoublestarorbitsforsome Using alaboratoryspectrometer,wehavecarefullydeter- Y/X= 1.0351+0.0030. 1989AJ 97. . 51 OM centered onis employed. Magnificationoptics yieldingap- except forfainterobjects,when awider-bandwidthfilter controlled bygatingthehighvoltage onthemicrochannel quisition atstandardvideorates, theindividualexposures A typicalobservationalsequence consistsof90sdataac- Measurements ofBinaryStars(McAlisterandHartkopf plate tubeto15ms.TheStrömgren yfilterisusuallyused, try. Theaverageobservationrate wasthus16.4starsperhr. accumulated during221hrsuitableforspeckleinterferome- May 1988.Onthesenights,3636seriesofobservationswere nights duringfiveobservingsessionsbetweenMay1986and correction formulasorbyrepublishingcompletetablesof manner ratherthanbypublishingsomewhatcomplicated tory. Wechosetodisseminatetherevisedmeasuresinthis regardless oftheirtechniqueorigin,fromtheWDS. request acompletelistingofallmeasuresgivensystem, the earlierresultsbecausemostusersofdoublestarmeasures maintained byCharlesWorleyattheU.S.Navalobserva- authors intheformofaSecondCatalogInterferometric our earlierICCDdatacanbeobtaineduponrequestfromthe change inpositionangleisabout0°5.Thecorrectedvaluesof described above.Theaveragechangeinangularseparationis older photographicmaterialandthemorerecentICCDdata approximately anincreaseby2.5%,whiletheaverage is greatlyimprovedbycorrectingthedataforeffects above areappliedtothedata.Theagreementbetween 1988) orfromtheWashingtonDoubleStarCatalog(WDS) 511 McAlisterétal.:binarystars S from 190°to160°,whileADS11111changed340°315°. sures fromtheICCDcameraandautocorrelatorbeforescalecorrec- binary starsystems.Inbothcases,theplussignsareforangular-sepa- During theobservationinterval,McA55decreasedinpositionangle tion clearlyeliminatesthediscontinuityapparentinuncorrecteddata. tion, anddarksquaresarethecorrectedmeasures.Thescalecorrec- using aphotographicspeckle-camerasystem,lightsquaresaremea- ration measuresdeterminedfromspeckledataobtainedpriorto1982 ing fromthedigitizationbyvectorautocorrelatorisshownfortwo Fig. 1.Theeffectofthecorrectionfornonsquarepixelizationresult- The GSUICCDspecklecamerawasscheduledfor25 ^ 0.370 I 0.360 Js ' 0.390 ? 0.400 1 0.380 I © American Astronomical Society • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System 0.320 0.330 0.340 0.350 0.410 0.420 0.430 0.440 0.450 1976 197819801982198419861988 - ADS11111(18095+0401) -I ILiL. McA 55(19307+2748). III. NEWMEASUREMENTS ofObservation « + * . och ofobservationshownasthe fractionoftheBesselian . tion oftheposition-anglevalue thatwasoriginallypub- precession andarethusbasedupon theequinoxforep- 2000.0, thepositionangleshave notbeencorrectedfor lished. Whilethecoordinates in TableIIareforequinox unpublished measure,whilethat for1977.3284isacorrec- observations thatendedwiththepaperbyMcAlisteretal. the instrumentusedtocollectdataforseriesofspeckle from 1985thatwereomittedinPaperII,includingthetwo that wereobtainedwiththephotographicspecklecamera, surements arealsogivenforHR6168(aHer)from1977 for whichdetailshavebeenpublishedinPaperIII.Twomea- observed asasupplementtothesurveyofhigh-velocitystars newly resolvedBaHstars(CHARA129and140)thatwere sented inTableII,wherewecontinuetheformatused physical components. order ofadecade.Thusthissystemmay,infact,havefive Paper II.Thiscollectioncontainsseveralmeasurements This suggestsyetanothercomponentwithaperiodofthe stars. TwostarsinthePleiadesclusterhavebeennewlyre- with anapparentturnoverinvelocityduringthefourthyear. increase invelocitybyabout11km/sduringa3yrinterval, discovered companion.WehavelearnedfromDr.MyronA. to aroughestimateof100-150yrfortheperiodnewly being asuspectedlong-periodspectroscopicbinary.Wehave shell starPleione,whichTheBrightStarCataloguenotesas occultation observationsandthesecondbeingfamous solved, thefirst(HD23568)beingindicatedasdoublefrom result ofourattemptstofindbinariesamongthisclass measures foraHerAduringthelast4yrhaveshownan Smith (privatecommunication)thathisradial-velocity mass ofthecoolsupergiantanddistancetostarlead posite-spectrum .Reasonableassumptionsregardingthe tal parametersmakedetectionproblematic. nitude difference,asituationinwhichseeingandinstrumen- which theweakautocorrelationpeakindicatesalargemag- tive resultsdonotcontradictthepresentobservationin observed Pleioneonseveraloccasionsduringthelastfew B componentofthepreviouslyknownsystemisitselfacom- Her A,thebrightestmemberofsystemADS10418.The withouthavingdetectedthiscompanion.Thesenega- (1984). TheHR6168resultfor1977.1781isapreviously discovered binaryresultingfromasurveyofTheBrightStar observing apreviouslyknownvisualbinary(Tri),newly was initiatedinPaperII,weassigneachnewlyresolvedstar for the21newlyresolvedstarspresentedinthispaper.As the telescopeandsubsequentlyreducedanalyzedin scopic (SB),compositespectrum(Spm),oroccultation column inTableIshowswhetherthesystemisaspectro- newly resolvedtodateinthiscontinuingprogram.Thelast signed inPaperIII.Twohundredfifteensystemshavebeen a CHARAnumberthatcontinuesfromthelastas- CHARA image-processinglaboratoryatGSUinAtlanta. ries. Vectorautocorrelogramswereproducedinrealtimeat and thenonlyformorewidelyseparatedbrighterbina- Catalogue (Hoffleit1982),oraBanstardiscoveredas when alowestmagnificationof0.016arcsecperpixelisused seeing (averagestellarprofileFWHMinexcessof3arcsec) normally used,exceptduringtherareperiodsofverypoor proximate scalesof0.0052or0.0088arcsecperpixelwere (Occ) binary,athirdcomponentdiscoveredinthecourseof The newspecklemeasurementsofbinarystarsarepre- We alsoreportanewcompaniontotheM5Ib-IIstar Table Icontainsobservationalandcataloginformation 511 1989AJ 97. . 51 OM available. Theexceptiontothis ruleisforthoseobjectsthat have beenfirstresolvedbyspeckle interferometryandhave for objectswhichtruequadrant determinationsarenot for knownvisualbinaries,but we arbitrarilyadopt0<18O° we adoptquadrantsconsistent withmicrometermeasures 70 Tauri=Finsen342(McAlister etal.1988).InTableII, Capella (BagnuoloandSowell 1988) andtheHyadesbinary tions ofspeckleinterferometry,canbefoundinnewstudies to distinguishthemfromtheprimarilyastrometricapplica- first resultsforspecklephotometry,aswecallsuchmethods arations downtothediffraction-limitedcutoff.Examplesof tion ofthephotometricpropertiescomponentsatsep- gorithm thatefficientlyandreliablypermitsthedetermina- CHARA programistodevelopanimage-reconstructional- Such methodscertainlyexist,andamajoremphasisofthe relation methodsarerequiredtoextractthisinformation. cessing algorithmsmoresophisticatedthansimpleautocor- intensity differencesofthecomponentstars,butotherpro- images preservethetruequadrantinformationaswell are potentiallyambiguousby180°inpositionangle.Speckle the truequadrantofsecondary.Thereforeallquadrants through autocorrelationorpower-spectrumanalysis,reveal 512 McAlisterétal.:binarystars CHARA We emphasizethatspeckleinterferometrydoesnot, © American Astronomical Society • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System Number 139 Aa 141 140 138 Aa 137 136 135 133 134 132 Aa 131 130 129 128 Aa 127 Aa 126 125 124 123 122 Aa 121 HR/DM NameHDSAOADS -f00°4982 + 10°3801 + 19°2069— —23°9339 — -f24°562 — 6406 6130 4642 4632 4528 4Vir 4380 55UMa 5372 3635 — 2392 — 2257 4Lyn 9105 — 9097 — 1176 — 1180 28Tau 63 6And 3 Com ot Her 219420 128069—23157+01196.8F50.061Occ. 148374 170731005216238+61425.67G8III0.211Tri. 178717 104535—19094+10147.10K4lII:Ba40.250Ball 156014 1026811041817146+14233.48M5Ib-II0.192BSC 125632 29098—14189+54526.53A5Vn0.103BSC 106022 82181—12120+28326.49F5V0.209BSC 105778 99973—12105+16496.39A4V0.262BSC 102510 119058—11479+08155.32AI0.259BSC 225218 360373000046+42066.01B9III0.110BSC 225094 10942—00034+63396.24B3Iae0.196BSC 98353 62491—11191+38114.78A2V0.068BSC 91172 178922780910311-24117.5F3+A50.110Spm. 78661 98400—09098+11346.48F2Vp0.089Occ. 46407 151625—06328-11106.24K0lII:Ba30.161Ball 43812 25678495006221+59225.94A3V0.187Tri. 73712 98019—08402+19216.78A9V0.088Occ. 31033 76811350104536+25227.2AO0.075Tri. 23838 39134—03501+44585.66G2III+F2:V0.031SB 23862 76229—03492+24085.09B8Vpe0.217Pleiad 23568 76183—03470+24316.81B9.5V0.208Occ.,Pleiad 1280 53777—00171+38414.61A2V0.057BSC Table I.Newlyresolvedbinarystars. 4.2 yr. CHARA 26=HR2837(61Gem), with108°ofmotionin Tau), with100°ofposition-angle changein2.4yr,and motion. SuchobjectsincludeCHARA 18=HR1458(88 lowing theirfirstresolution,others areexhibitingveryrapid tems haveshownlittleorbital motion duringtheyearsfol- Interferometric MeasurementsofBinaryStars(McAlister following theirinitialresolutions.Whilesomeofthesesys- confirmed byusand50CHARAstarsaremeasuredhere ries inthepresentseriesofmeasurements.SixMcAstars bine withallpreviousmeasurementsfromthisprogramto interferometry groupsknowntotheauthorsasofJuly1988. and Hartkopf1988)thereare8976measurementsfromall resulting fromtheGSUspeckleprogramascarriedoutat give atotalof7252specklemeasurementsbinarystars “McA” and“CHARA”stars,havebeenconfirmedasbina- Kitt PeakNationalObservatory.IntheSecondCatalogof ue of0>180°. shown motionsincetheirfirstmeasurementrequiringaval- (nos. 13,17,31,39,50,and59)thathadnotbeenpreviously The meanangular separationoftheobservations inTable Many starsfirstresolvedearlierinourprogram,the The 1550measurementsof1006systemsinTableIIcom- (2000) a, 8 Spect. Class. Disc. Sep. Binary Type 512 1989AJ 97. . 51 OM 513 McAlisterétal.:binarystars © American Astronomical Society • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System ADS 597A2205 ADS 504A914 ADS 559Bu257 ADS 493STT15 ADS 490Ho212AB ADS 463Ho3 ADS 450A111AB ADS 434STT12 +35°0117 Cou1051 ADS 416Bu394 ADS 397A649 ADS 382A1504AB ADS 332A908 ADS 238A1803AB ADS 148CHARA1Aa +29°0099 Cou654 +26°0072 Cou547 ADS 328Hu506 ADS 295Cou347Aa ADS 293STT6AB ADS 243A803 ADS 197A1256AB ADS 161STT2AB ADS 147Bu255 ADS 281Bu1015 ADS 207STF13 HR 63CHARA123 ADS 143STF7 ADS 124Bu253 ADS 102STF2 ADS 61 ADS 32STF3056AB ADS 30CHARA122Aa + 18°0003Cou247 HR 9097CHARA121 1987.7622 207.8 1987.7595 81.0 1987.7595 247.3 1987.7595 31.3 1987.7595 319.5 1986.8859 318.4 1987.7542 7.9 1986.8859 331.5 1985.8401 292.0 1987.7543 119.8 1986.8859 204.8 1986.8859 213.9 1987.7542 138.8 1986.8940 187.5 1987.7622 61.6 1987.7595 188.2 1987.7595 309.4 1986.8859 303.2 1987.7596 319.1 1987.7595 37.6 1986.8859 48.5 1987.7595 57.8 1987.7542 78.5 1987.7596 283.0 1986.8859 280.6 1986.8859 142.6 1986.8969 141.6 1986.8966 184.5 1987.7543 59.8 1987.7595 75.2 1987.7595 239.7 1987.7596 154.8 1987.7596 56.5 1986.8859 68.8 1986.8940 75.1 1987.7595 211.5 1987.7595 35.0 1987.7542 356.0 1987.7596 22.7 1987.7595 303.6 1987.7595 143.6 1986.8967 94.9 1986.8967 34°.4 STF 3062AB 236401 225220 225218 225094 3742 3700 3304 3210 3196 2880 2854 2993 2772 2675 2549 2471 1280 1141 1082 1976 1658 1634 1360 1317 1688 895 761 744 489 431 709 570 123 0"l96 0.247 0.442 0.644 0.447 0.217 0.220 0.149 Table ILBinarystarspecklemeasurements. 0.118 0.250 0.235 0.262 0.171 0.070 0.464 0.468 0.111 0.152 0.428 0.105 0.286 0.066 0.071 0.519 0.544 0.421 0.088 0.057 0.913 0.506 0.168 0.434 0.340 0.204 0.201 0.511 0.419 0.561 0.672 0.718 0.110 1.331 1.448 2 2 8 4 1 4 5 1 1 1 1 00429+2047 00405+3627 00402+4715 00366+5608 00358+4901 00352-0336 00345+3015 00335+4006 00321-0511 00320+2740 00318+5432 00308+4732 00298+6905 00287+3718 00134+2659 00122+5337 00245+5632 00243+5201 00182+7256 00173+0852 00171+3841 00163+7657 00152+4406 00119+2825 00214+2744 00214+6700 00206+1219 00116+5558 00104+5831 00095+1907 00091 +7943 00062+5826 00046+3416 00046+4206 00034+6339 ADS 918A1516AB 6586 01071+3839 ADS 916A931655301070+4744 ADS 883A1515 ADS 884A2310638701048+0135 ADS 873Ho213626401039+3528 ADS 871Hu517 ADS 862STT21611401030+4723 ADS 859Bu1161608401029+5148 ADS 854A2003609401023+0552 ADS 836A2901583901015+6921 ADS 828Bu867598801014+1155 ADS 832A926585101011+6021 ADS 819A1902578100593-0040 ADS 795Hid4550200576+5424 ADS 773A125923231900561+5406 ADS 805Bu302664100583+2124 ADS 784Bu1099AB540800568+6022 ADS 777Hu1207539800561+3352 ADS 768Bu500531500654+3040 ADS 755STF73AB528600550+2338 ADS 749Hu802525900549+4924 +34°0164 Cou854595501014+3535 ADS 746STT20AB526700546+1912 ADS 732A2307514300532+0406 ADS 701A1808493400516+2238 ADS 684Bu232AB477700504+5038 +40°0199 Cou1606572900594+4057 +42°0196 Cou1654517800542+4318 -f61 0159Mir26411600444+6210 1987.7623 75.30.141 1987.7596 75.70.140 1986.8914 68.60.144 1986.8887 90.30.074 1987.7623 95.00.073 1987.7543 288.60.246 1986.8860 288.60.242 1987.7596 325.1 1987.7543 99.50.291 1987.7543 26.70.568 1986.8887 26.00.564 1987.7596 174.5 1986.8887 5.00.366 1987.7596 308.40.178 1987.7543 5.30.368 1987.7570 53.90.414 1986.8887 53.40.411 1987.7596 354.00.131 1986.8860 0.70.132 1987.7596 6.70.390 1987.7570 325.20.379 1986.8860 136.60.206 1987.7596 182.80.319 1987.7596 167.20.420 1987.7543 184.70.329 1987.7544 280.10.692 1986.8887 165.70.427 1987.7596 227.50.125 1987.7570 325.80.249 1987.7596 91.00.123 1987.7544 299.70.500 1986.8887 299.00.510 1986.8887 277.20.685 1987.7543 216.40.360 1986.8887 215.70.358 1986.8860 323.00.244 1987.7596 209.00.472 1986.8940 208.80.443 1987.7543 104.60.160 1986.8860 103.10.159 1987.7596 45.30.325 1987.7623 177.30.113 1986.8860 173.80.107 1987.7570 241.50.850 1986.8887 240.90.848 1987.7595 48.20.210 01049+3649 01037+5026 0.290 1.035 513 1989AJ 97. . 51 OM 514 McAlisterétal.:binarystars © American Astronomical Society • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System ADS 1375A2322 ADS 1359Bu870 ADS 1341B2550AB ADS 1327A1268 ADS 1309A1267 ADS 1286A1266 HR 466Kui7 ADS 1263A817 ADS 1224A1912AB +39°0367 Cou1214 HR 439McA3 ADS 1183A1910AB ADS 1123Bu1163 ADS 1105STF115AB ADS 1081Fin337BC ADS 1081STF113A,BC ADS 1045A937 +67°0131 CHARA3 +46°0359 Cou1659 +26°0235 Cou666 ADS 1039Hu520 ADS 1005Hu803 ADS 993A1260 ADS 1040STF102AB ADS 963Bu235Aa +32°0229 Cou663 ADS 955Bu303 ADS 940STT515 ADS 936AC13AB 1987.7625 121.8 1987.7571 359.5 1987.7570 274.1 1987.7625 265.0 1987.7570 2.6 1986.8861 2.9 1986.8915 235.2 1987.7570 235.9 1987.7623 349.1 1986.8887 354.6 1987.7570 175.9 1987.7570 29.5 1986.8915 28.5 1987.7625 1.1 1987.7570 1.5 1987.7625 112.9 1987.7544 115.6 1986.8861 115.5 1986.8861 320.5 1987.7623 201.8 1987.7570 24.1 1987.7568 154.3 1986.8914 154.5 1986.8887 205.4 1987.7625 295.4 1987.7626 287.3 1986.8887 298.6 1987.7544 296.9 1986.8861 303.4 1987.7568 267.0 1987.7568 16.4 1987.7570 174.4 1986.8914 174.9 1987.7570 218.4 1987.7570 278.9 1986.8915 278.5 1987.7570 165.4 1986.8915 164.6 1987.7570 206.3 1987.7568 45.6 1987.7570 126.9 1987.7544 291.0 1986.8914 290.8 1987.7543 133.4 1986.8915 133.5 1987.7543 263.1 1986.8914 262.9 10543 01443+5732 10273 01417+5323 10146 01405+5457 10031 01392+5436 10009 01376-0924 01449+1951 01425+5000 01373+4015 9532 01342+3611 01258+2733 9841 01371+4843 9352 01334+5820 9015 01308+6722 9031 01298+4547 9071 01296+2250 8556 01243-0655 8272 01233+5808 8036 01198-0029 8036 01198—0029 01151+3416 7854 01187+3245 6918 01106+5101 7759 01181+4707 7710 01178+4901 6886 01096+2348 6811 01093+4715 6757 01088+4512 7695 01178+4946 7255 01131+2942 0.861 0.087 0.227 0.126 0.274 0.273 0.214 0.221 0.126 0.120 0.310 0.477 0.476 0.199 0.199 0.109 0.119 0.124 0.205 0.296 0.069 0.057 0.331 0.314 0.151 0.219 0.081 0.073 0.090 0.114 0.323 0.323 0.292 0.490 1.604 0.489 0.315 0.314 0.849 0.225 0 982 0.654 0.657 0.487 0.486 0.590 0.601 Table IL(continued) HR 640McA6 HR 643CHARA5 ADS 1701Ho497 ADS 1680A2325 +43°0436 Cou1667 ADS 1630STT38BC ADS 1613A1813AB ADS 1615STF202 ADS 1598Bu513AB ADS 1554A1526 ADS 1549A818 ADS 1548A819AB ADS 1538STF186 +34°0379 Cou106713102 +29°0357 Cou455 +08°0316 McA4 ADS 1637A1524AB +38°0401 Cou1365 +69°0129 Mir375 ADS 1522STF183AB ADS 1509A953 ADS 1473Ho311 ADS 1461A951 ADS 1437A950AB +40°0426 Cou1510 ADS 1438CHARA4Aa ADS 1438STF162AB ADS 1410A152301472+4212 +25°0311 Cou452 +28°0295 Cou45101465+2936 1986.8889 75.7 1987.7571 186.6 1987.7571 82.9 1986.8888 83.6 1987.7625 77.6 1987.7572 119.3 1987.7625 16.0 1986.8888 13.1 1987.7571 98.0 1986.8888 97.2 1987.7625 129.7 1986.8888 129.7 1986.8887 1987.7572 1986.8888 1986.8888 13.2 1987.7571 206.6 1987.7571 1987.7625 28.0 1986.8942 280.2 1986.8942 222.6 1987.7571 131.4 1986.8888 130.2 1987.7625 252.8 1987.7571 206.1 1987.7572 205.7 1986.8888 203.5 1987.7651 57.2 1987.7571 238.0 1986.8887 235.5 1987.7572 57.6 1987.7572 169.0 1986.8888 170.3 1987.7571 66.8 1987.7625 312.0 1987.7571 218.2 1987.7572 180.1 1986.8888 179.8 1987.7625 226.9 1987.7571 29.9 1986.8887 24.9 1986.8942 202 1987.7571 64.9 1987.7572 69.90.272 1986.8887 64.1 108. 142 141 107. 236885 13474 13520 13496 12592 12300 12446 12111 11869 11826 12534 12376 11849 11748 12483 11803 11671 11472 11284 11126 11245 11031 11031 02055+3018 0.054 0.221 0.529 0.541 0.154 0.255 0.131 0.118 0.449 0.456 0.194 0.196 0.232 0.360 0.377 0.120 0.308 0.574 0.581 0.787 0.319 0.331 0.350 0.344 0.229 0.225 0.097 0.142 0.306 0.303 0.800 0.097 0.445 0.292 0.294 0.163 0.150 0.151 0.402 0.399 1.212 1.217 1.900 1.993 4 5 2 5 02145+6631 02132+4414 02128+3722 02107+4426 02097+0048 02090+3541 02043+3924 02038+7013 02016+4107 01576+4433 02035+4223 02019+7054 01573+4812 01570+3101 02026+0905 02022+3643 02020+0246 01563+4251 01558+0151 0 01551+2847 01547+5955 01512+2439 01512+6021 01510+2551 01495+5645 01492+4754 01492+4764 514 1989AJ 97. . 51 OM 515 McAlisterétal.:binarystars © American Astronomical Society • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System o HR 657Cou79 ADS 1763Egg2Aa ADS 1833STF257 ■f 40°0469Cou1669 ADS 1860CHARA6Ap -|-400476 Cou1670 ADS 1938STT42AB HR 719Kui8 -f 24°0344Cou357 +44°0500 Cou2011 ADS 1992A1278 HR 763McA7 +79°0075 Mir449 +39°0577 Bas ADS 2010A2023 ADS 1985STF278 ADS 2028A1928 HR 781Fin312 ADS 2185A2906AB HR 793 HR 788 ADS 2200Bu524AB ADS 2276A827 ADS 2253Bu525 ADS 2246Bu1173AB +47°0717 Cou2013 ADS 2271A1529 ADS 2257STF333AB ADS 2336STF346AB HR 9157Per 1986.8888 64.9 1987.7626 171.6 1986.8889 173.0 1987.7626 54.6 1987.7626 48.9 1986.8916 46.3 1986.8888 112.8 1987.7653 51.8 1986.8943 49.7 1986.8888 135.9 1987.7626 120.3 1987.7651 150.1 1986.8915 33.6 1986.8942 68.8 1987.7627 286.8 1986.8916 285.8 1986.8888 71.5 1987.7653 196.0 1986.8888 169.6 1987.7626 131.1 1987.7626 149.1 1986.8916 152.5 1986.8943 36.7 1986.8888 289.6 1986.8888 226.6 1987.7626 12.7 1987.7626 266.8 1986.8888 253.4 1987.7626 79.8 1986.8915 269.2 1987.7653 92.4 1986.8917 96.6 1986.8888 69.1 1986.8862 69.4 1986.8916 134.2 1987.7653 134.4 1987.7653 247.1 1987.7653 163.4 1986.8943 207.5 1986.8943 259.0 1987.7653 87.8 1986.8917 273.7 1986.8943 63.9 1987.7653 64.3 1986.8861 63.9 /i Ari McA 8 13844 02160H-4046 13872 021574-2503 14189 02186+4017 14137 02183+4120 14918 02250+2529 14817 02257+6133 15703 02333+5218 15328 02280+0158 15174 02279+4523 15089 02290+6724 15416 02361+7944 16234 02366+1226 16097 02363+4012 16283 02383+4604 16096 02389+6918 16486 02393+2552 16620 02396-1153 17670 02520+4831 16811 02424+2000 16619 02398+0009 16739 02422+4012 17743 02529+5300 18424 03024+7236 17904 02537+3820 19134 03055+2515 18925 03048+5330 18549 03006+4753 18519 02592+2120 18484 02589+2137 18442 02586+2408 0.147 0.086 0.150 0.235 0.223 0.146 0.136 0.148 0.281 0.514 0.346 0.130 0.135 0.347 0.344 0.349 0.278 0.051 0.310 0.127 0.065 0.129 0.495 0.208 0.052 0.593 0.206 0.042 0.158 0.103 0.126 0.169 0.047 0.041 0.042 0.221 0.230 0.209 0.189 0.180 0.260 0.194 0.512 0.228 1.459 Table II.(continued) +34°0678 Cou1079AB27880103333+3622 ADS 2436STT52AB2010403175+6539 ADS 2429Hu105503151+1618 HR 936ßPerAa1935603082+4057 +17°0515 Cou35903143+1821 ADS 2538A9802120303283+6015 ADS 2546Cou2602143703280+2028 HR 1036CHARA102133503271+1845 -f 28°0532CHARA92124203266+2843 ADS 2616STF412AB2209103345+2428 ADS 2627Cou688Aa2218103353+2651 +57°0730 CHARA1172179403337+5752 ADS 2628Bu5332219503356+3141 ADS 2630A15352219303361+4221 ADS 2745A18282340303450+0504 ADS 2765STT622340603488+6445 ADS 2776Bu11842374303483+2223 ADS 2799STT652398503504+2536 HR 1180CHARA1252386203492+2408 +44°0747 Cou18622220903364+4518 HR 1176CHARA1262383803501+4458 +24°0562 CHARA1242356803470+2431 +23°0512 Cou5602338703456+2420 •f31°0637 Cou69103423+3141 ADS 2911Hu27 25034 03591+0948 ADS 2815STT66 24117 03521+4048 ADS 2811A18302410403513+2621 HR 1199Kui152426303519+0633 -f27°0582 Cou69628299303520+2801 1986.8917 133.70.099 1986.8861 133.70.104 1986.8945 69.20.465 1986.8889 84.90.206 1986.8889 170.60.165 1987.7653 69.40.465 1986.8862 127.40.075 1987.7651 62.30.438 1986.8889 62.40.438 1987.7545 10.20.280 1986.8944 11.80.271 1987.7572 22.50.233 1986.8889 22.30.232 1986.8862 180.50.096 1987.7572 36.80.313 1987.7654 201.00.097 1987.7545 1.90.630 1986.8889 1.80.625 1986.8889 194.00.462 1987.7545 197.10.479 1986.8943 41.61.095 1987.7545 42.61.095 1987.7545 321.00.645 1987.7572 0.40.238 1987.7654 111.90.087 1987.7545 16.10.308 1987.7628 0.90.239 1986.8889 0.20.243 1987.7572 13.40.154 1986.8862 52.00.031 1987.7628 54.90.217 1987.7545 319.50.363 1987.7544 270.50.500 1986.8889 270.20.503 1987.7628 4.10.208 1987.7546 302.30.305 1987.7545 143.00.957 1986.8862 53.40.221 1987.7546 207.80.683 1986.8945 207.60.679 1986.8890 207.70.682 1987.7654 194.90.145 1987.7545 210.10.407 1986.8945 209.30.434 1987.7572 52.00.219 1986.8862 194.10.118 515 516 McAlister étal. ■. binary stars 516

Table II. (continued)

ADS 2928 A 1937 25248 04008+0505 ADS 3210 Bu 1185 27989 04256+1852 1987.7599 202.5 0.155 1986.8864 216.9 0.128 +35°0785 Cou 1081 279230 04009+3618 1987.7600 212.6 0.167 1986.8862 21.2 0.187 1988.2600 209.1 0.175 1987.7599 23.2 0.185 HR 1391 Fin 342 Aa 27991 04256+1557 + 15°0571 Hei 34 285332 04022+1532 1986.8864 89.7 0.094 1987.7599 23.7 0.360 1986.8890 88.3 0.096 ADS 2965 McA 13 Aa 25555 04044+2406 1987.7655 65.4 0.087 1986.8862 6.0 0.036 ADS 3211 Hu 609 27961 04262+3443 1987.7656 339.2 0.036 1987.7600 2.5 0.188 + 19°0662 CHARA 13 25811 04063+1952 ADS 3228 Bu 1186 28217 04275+1113 1986.8862 59.9 0.074 1986.8890 124.3 0.188 1986.8890 60.6 0.079 1987.7600 122.5 0.181 1987.7655 56.9 0.074 HR 1411 McA 15 28307 04286+1557 +39°0930 Cou 1394 276063 04070+3934 1986.8864 354.7 0.221 1987.7546 119.4 0.247 1986.8890 354.7 0.221 +45°0876 Cou 2025 25891 04081+4535 1987.2689 353.3 0.204 1986.8862 331.8 0.287 1987.7600 352.2 0.203 1987.7545 332.7 0.278 ADS 3227 Bu 745 28062 04287+5355 4-33°0795 Cou 1082 25976 04081+3407 1986.8890 110.4 0.403 1986.8862 59.5 0.288 1987.7600 111.1 0.404 1987.7546 59.4 0.288 ADS 3248 Hu 1080 28363 04290+1610 ADS 3007 A 998 25987 04089+4614 1986.8890 258.8 0.458 1986.8862 268.1 0.162 1987.7546 258.9 0.455 1987.7599 255.2 0.159 1988.2600 258.3 0.454 ADS 3032 A 469 26294 04094-0756 ADS 3246 A 1713 04294+4407 1986.8889 112.5 0.166 1986.8890 205.3 0.430 ■f42°0904 Cou 1702 26139 04100+4235 1987.7600 205.9 0.435 1986.8862 126.6 0.167 + 17°0735 Cou 567 28436 04298+1741 1987.7599 128.1 0.169 1986.8917 19.4 0.151 ADS 2963 STF 460 25007 04101+8042 1987.7600 19.9 0.143 1986.8945 118.4 0.777 ADS 3264 STF 554 28485 04301+1538 1987.7545 119.7 0.772 1987.7600 18.8 1.664 +31o0718 Cou 880 26385 04117+3133 +14°0721 CHARA 17 285931 04340+1510 1987.7546 43.9 0.718 1987.7600 60.4 0.169 +23°0635 CHARA 14 284163 04119+2338 ADS 3300 A 1714 28803 04344+4241 1987.7546 96.0 0.113 1987.7600 252.8 0.393 ADS 3063 STT 74 26547 04123+0939 ADS 3317 CHARA 18 Aa 29140 04357+1010 1986.8864 273.7 0.225 1986.8865 66.2 0.089 1987.7546 274.4 0.210 1987.7655 102.5 0.113 ADS 3064 A 1938 26690 04136+0743 1988.2601 116.8 0.136 1985.8406 235.7 0.062 ADS 3326 A 1840 AB 04361+0813 1986.8864 1986.8918 101.2 0.166 290.8 0.110 1987.7601 98.5 0.163 1986.8890 290.3 0.108 ADS 3329 STT 86 29193 04366+1945 1987.7655 308.4 0.146 1986.8917 13.5 1988.2600 315.8 0.153 0.471 ADS 3098 STF 511 26839 04179+5847 1987.7574 13.3 0.469 1986.8890 101.5 0.488 +30°0697 Cou 883 282310 04378+3116 1987.7545 100.5 0.488 1987.7573 50.0 0.264 HR 1331 McA 14 Aa 27176 04185+2135 ADS 3332 A 1010 29180 04378+4442 1986.8865 1986.8892 341.3 0.507 111.3 0.089 1987.7573 341.5 0.511 1986.8890 112.5 0.086 ADS 3360 A 2035 286952 04387+1011 1987.7655 57.4 0.078 1987.7574 111.4 0.228 ADS 3105 STT 75 26882 04186+6029 ADS 3371 Bu 1044 29562 04398+1632 1986.8890 178.9 0.414 1987.7574 210.8 0.651 1987.7545 181.3 0.415 ADS 3358 Bu 1295 AB 29316 04399+5329 ADS 3135 STT 79 27383 04187+1632 1987.7601 91.1 0.073 1986.8864 204.0 0.186 ADS 3358 STF 566 AC 29316 04399+5329 1987.7546 219.3 0.206 1987.7601 219.5 0.719 1988.2600 225.6 0.217 ADS 3370 Hu 442 29538 04400+2301 ADS 3169 STT 82 AB 27691 04228+1504 1987.7574 56.8 0.145 1987.7600 352.6 1.358 ADS 3387 A 2353 29727 04416+1643 HR 1375 CHARA 16 27742 04235+2059 1986.8917 162.6 0.159 1986.8866 1.0 0.233 1987.7574 162.5 0.155 ADS 3172 STT 80 27650 04236+4226 HR 1497 McA 16 29763 04422+2257 1986.8890 156.6 0.356 1986.8865 332.6 0.197 1987.7548 156.5 0.355 1987.2717 345.8 0.215 ADS 3182 Hu 304 27820 04239+0928 1987.7573 325.9 0.196 1986.8890 83.5 0.142 1988.2601 323.4 0.194 ADS 3191 Bu 1235 27832 04245+2245 ADS 3389 A 1014 29599 04430+5712 1987.7600 60.5 0.316 1987.7573 324.9 0.280 ADS 3184 A 834 AB 27696 04254+5623 ADS 3391 A 1013 29606 04432+5932 1986.8890 219.4 0.638 1986.8892 245.6 0.128 1987.7601 220.0 0.642 1987.7601 251.7 0.144 +39° 1054 Cou 1524 29911 04445+3953 1987.7601 199.5 0.195

© American Astronomical Society • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System 1989AJ 97. . 51 OM 517 McAlisterétal.:binarystars © American Astronomical Society • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System ADS 3465A2621 ADS 3447A1545AB ADS 3501CHARA127 ADS 3601A1843AB ADS 3488Hu819 ADS 3483Bu552AB ADS 3475Bu883AB +42° 1045Cou2031 ADS 3490Hu818 +43° 1060Cou2033 ADS 3522A1019AB + 14°0770CHARA20 ADS 3542STT91 HR 1569McA17 ADS 3558A2624 ADS 3536D5 ADS 3728A2636 ADS 3767Hu33 ADS 3755Bu885 ADS 3734STF644 ADS 3659A1023 ADS 3573A1303 ADS 3799STT517AB +26°0767 Cou758 ADS 4020A848 -f40°1114 Cou1717 ADS 4002McA18Aab HR 1708ClAurAa -f 21°0754Cou154AB +41° 1027Cou1866 +69°0288 Mir399AB 4-39° 1272Cou2037 4-36° 1049Pop140 1986.8918 1987.7573 1986.8892 1987.7573 1986.8892 1987.7601 1987.7601 1986.8837 1987.7574 1986.8918 1988.2601 1987.7573 1987.7573 1988.2600 1987.7573 1987.7673 1987.7574 1987.7601 1987.7573 1987.7601 1987.7601 1987.7573 1987.7573 1987.7573 1986.8892 1986.8838 1986.8837 1987.7601 1986.8837 1986.8837 1987.7573 1987.7573 1988.2545 1987.2717 1986.8892 1988.2546 1986.8892 1986.8837 1987.7655 1986.8892 1986.8837 1987.7601 1986.8838 1986.8892 ,c Aa 321.0 136.3 136.3 299.8 278.8 309.5 120.5 166.7 182.9 142.7 109.9 162.0 155.2 305.9 227.9 227.5 307.2 221.4 309.6 122.9 355.0 235.4 235.3 195.8 158.3 118.2 143.7 259.8 235.8 169.2 161.6 126.9 158.8 116.0 141.4 81.9 95.7 81.6 72.6 60.7 70.4 79.4 22.2 4.6 284006 30255 30636 30245 30090 30712 31033 30884 30810 31033 30869 30807 31283 31356 31278 31466 31622 33647 33546 32416 31519 33203 33236 32481 31759 31264 31578 35548 35411 34807 33883 34029 33749 0.151 0.206 0.211 0.421 0.094 0.149 0.441 0.403 0.401 0.373 0.107 0.137 0.085 0.519 0.075 0.448 0.161 0.207 0.483 0.408 0.252 0.375 0.330 0.612 0.282 0.198 0.332 0.262 0.308 0.266 0.222 0.052 0.060 0.552 0.111 0.360 0.048 0.044 0.037 0.051 0.266 0.552 0.549 1.630 5 1 5 2 2 1 04480+4339 044654-4220 04496+0213 04477+4014 04518+1339 04512 +1104 04506+1505 04529+3548 04536+2522 04536+2522 04539+5603 04562+0311 04551-0033 04548+1125 04573+0100 04573+5345 04581+2618 05117+0031 05109-0146 05104+3718 04599+5328 04585+4047 05089+0313 05054+4655 05001+6958 05134+0158 05044+2139 05004+4158 05255-0033 05244-0224 05167+4601 05140+3655 05219+3934 Table II.(continued) -01°0918 Rst47813621905301-0145 ADS 4078Da63605805290-0318 ADS 4038McA19Aa3567105271+1758 ADS 4032Ho226AB3558605270+2737 ADS 4115STF7283626705307+0556 ADS 4134Hei42Aa3648605320-0018 ADS 4208STF749AB3709805372+2656 HR 1891Fin3453701605353-0425 ADS 4229Bu1240AB3726905386+3030 ADS 4203A15623692805373+4339 ADS 4241Bu1032AB3746805387-0235 HR 1853Mir3143649605373+6642 +20° 1009Cou2703688005357+2054 +43° 1315CHARA213694805373+4404 ADS 4249Hu8253740505400+3601 ADS 4247A27093747705394+1150 ADS 4324A49638161 ADS 4323STT116AB38182 ADS 4301A243638037 ADS 4277A2110AB3780105421+2135 ADS 4279Bu10523790405417-0254 ADS 4265Bu10073771105411+1632 ADS 4243STT1123738405398+3758 ADS 4236A15643726505394+4343 ADS 4505STT122 39697 05558+3656 ADS 4390STF79538710 ADS 4464Cou897CD3927405528+2946 ADS 4376STF311538284 ADS 4392STT118AB38670 ADS 4373Hu3938493 +29°0972 Cou895246742 +28°0871 Cou76238153 + 28°0933Cou900 39451 05539+2857 + 29°1028Cou898 39303 05529+2907 1987.2717 274.30.069 1986.8893 281.60.060 1986.8838 261.30.763 1988.2546 211.10.137 1988.2490 275.70.083 1986.8838 47.81.031 1986.8892 199.10.405 1986.8838 199.00.403 1986.8918 325.61.122 1986.8918 45.00.628 1986.8838 92.80.362 1988.2545 139.70.261 1986.8892 139.70.253 1988.2601 59.20.124 1986.8893 59.40.127 1986.8837 141.80.107 1988.2545 18.30.122 1988.2490 18.20.122 1986.8893 24.40.112 1986.8893 350.00.406 1986.8918 56.80.270 1988.2545 140.60.253 1986.8918 142.60.253 1986.8838 239.80.334 1986.8838 345.90.394 1986.8838 51.90.857 1986.8893 138.10.154 1986.8893 6.20.281 1986.8838 119.20.470 1986.8893 54.20.155 1986.8918 134.60.235 1986.8918 122.30.457 1986.8838 17.20.399 1988.2545 240.50.327 1986.8893 256.70.285 1986.8893 230.70.225 1986.8918 48.10.197 1986.8893 60.50.181 1986.8893 83.20.168 1986.8893 157.80.158 1986.8838 349.40.871 1986.8918 316.80.205 1986.8918 215.21.187 5 5 5 7 1 1 05445+1503 05439+2937 05449+2620 05435+1642 05472+2153 05450+2812 05491+6248 05484+2052 05480+0627 517 1989AJ 97. . 51 OM 518 McAlisterétal.:binarystars © American Astronomical Society • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System ADS 4575A24414042705594+1344 ADS 4543A172505589+4510 ADS 4617A2715AB4093206024+0939 ADS 4693A1194062806013+2927 ADS 4562STT1244036905589+1249 ADS 4696STT1304154106078+4240 ADS 4681A24444152706065+1832 ADS 4603STT1214022506053+7400 ADS 4660A19514137906052+0708 ADS 4623J504098206027+0801 ADS 4687STF840BC4158006065+1045 ADS 4971A26674433306214+0216 ADS 4890Fin331Aa4352506171+0957 ADS 4843A2044AB25392606150+1649 ADS 4788Hu7014236606120+3531 ADS 4786A55AB4239506117+2846 ADS 4752A251425256106097+1630 HR 2134Kui23AB4111606041+2316 +24° 1043Cou9054013205580+2437 ADS 4950STF881AB 43812 06221+5922 ADS 4951A27194410906203+0744 ADS 4929Bu895AB4388506200+2826 HR 2273CHARA224411206197-0749 ADS 4750A54AB4203306098+2914 HR 2214Kui244295406144+1754 ADS 4768Bu10584221606105+2300 +26° 1082McA254160006074+2640 HR 2130McA244104006034+1942 + 18°1095Cou4714165806073+1848 +25°1232 Cou718 44211 06216+2500 HR 2236Rat52254335806159+0110 1986.8920 16.40.192 1987.2744 43.70.445 1986.8921 43.60.456 1986.8865 206.40.218 1986.8920 202.50.570 1986.8920 167.10.311 1986.8921 134.30.425 1986.8920 180.30.284 1986.8918 236.90.260 1988.2491 179.00.270 1987.2717 171.80.260 1986.8865 168.10.252 1988.2545 204.70.316 1987.2744 205.60.248 1988.2491 228.70.070 1987.2717 224.30.068 1986.8865 218.40.068 1988.2491 77.40.056 1986.8921 233.50.561 1986.8920 272.70.266 1986.8920 297.70.513 1986.8920 212.20.344 1986.8838 62.00.470 1986.8920 241.50.183 1986.8920 90.70.300 1986.8920 200.10.418 1986.8865 84.70.053 1987.2744 298.40.508 1987.2719 134.20.697 1986.8839 134.10.700 1986.8865 139.60.220 1987.2745 184.20.286 1986.8865 130.50.254 1988.2491 55.80.063 1988.2491 69.90.067 1987.2744 27.50.062 1986.8920 139.60.494 1986.8920 269.00.424 1986.8920 235.40.228 1986.8920 336.10.559 1986.8865 3.90.058 1987.2744 248.70.186 1986.8921 244.70.193 1986.8920 31.40.400 1987.2744 140.60.488 Table II.(continued) ADS 5296STF9454741206404+4058 ADS 5289STT1524739506395+2816 ADS 5280STT1504719306393+4200 ADS 4950CHARA128Aa4381206221+5922 ADS 5408A1224859106455+2922 ADS 5332A2184781206418+3041 ADS 5218A5064661006357+2816 ADS 5466A236006494+4037 ADS 6455STT1574929406478+0020 ADS 5447STT1564905906474+1812 HR 2392CHARA1294640706328-1110 HR 2312Fin3434505006252+0130 ADS 5514STF963AB4961806532+5928 HR 2425McA274715206383+2859 HR 2304McA264492706256+2320 ADS 5621A245926694506577+1935 ADS 5586STT159AB5052206573+5825 HR 2521Fin3224964306492-0217 +70°0410 Mir4054697906425+7035 +24° 1276Cou9144542806283+2441 HR 2541Cou18775003706532+3827 +23° 1346CHARA234492606255+2327 +24°1481 Cou921267067 06584+2443 +32° 1424Cou155226511906525+3248 -t-24°1417 Cou7684962206503+2410 +36° 1511Cou17384947206502+3625 +02° 1483CHARA255156606580+0218 +32° 1447Cou14125102306571+3217 1986.8838 312.20.493 1986.8838 34.90.887 1986.8865 211.80.088 1987.2662 322.10.156 1986.8839 109.50.187 1987.2744 52.90.158 1986.8839 202.20.343 1986.8866 49.80.246 1988.2491 318.30.171 1986.8865 323.00.151 1985.8381 54.30.161 1987.2662 144.40.074 1988.2491 153.90.115 1987.2662 154.30.114 1986.8865 152.50.112 1987.2744 0.10.173 1986.8866 273.50.130 1988.2546 50.40.153 1988.2548 231.30.386 1986.8839 233.50.397 1988.2573 245.60.552 1986.8865 67.80.194 1987.2719 312.40.489 1987.2662 34.40.250 1986.8865 33.50.250 1986.8865 119.60.219 1988.2491 145.10.079 1986.8865 142.00.072 1986.8866 56.00.194 1986.8866 267.10.258 1986.8866 313.80.248 1986.8866 243.80.117 1986.8866 110.30.107 1987.2745 233.20.397 1987.2717 39.80.947 1986.8839 154.40.498 1988.2548 270.60.246 1987.2719 268.40.252 1988.2574 270.80.359 1988.2572 54.80.272 1988.2548 54.10.273 1986.8866 86.40.242 1987.2719 156.50.479 1987.2719 51.60.328 1986.8839 50.20.349 518 1989AJ 97. . 51 OM 519 McAlisterétal.:binarystars © American Astronomical Society • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System HR 2605McA28 ADS 5660A2461AB ADS 5752A519 ADS 5724A1324AB ADS 5689STT163AB +31° 1463Cou1241 +37° 1645McA29 +36° 1567Cou2063 ADS 5867A2847 ADS 5949A2855 ADS 5940A2853 ADS 5918Bu1023 + 16°1395Hei125 +20° 1729Cou925 ADS 6089McA30Aa ADS 5975Hu619AB ADS 5952A2856 ADS 5996STF1074AB +37° 1696Cou1883 ADS 6114A2868 HR 2837CHARA26 ADS 6119McA31Aa +24° 1600Cou585 +14° 1649Hei128 ADS 6185STT175AB ADS 6137A673AB ADS 6200A2874 HR 2886McA32 ADS 6138A2869 1987.2719 56.2 1986.8866 52.4 1988.2491 57.1 1988.2548 328.4 1986.8839 327.6 1986.8866 308.9 1988.2574 274.9 1988.2491 180.8 1986.8867 179.1 1986.8866 64.9 1988.2574 327.7 1986.8894 2.8 1986.8867 4.5 1988.2573 178.4 1986.8866 220.0 1988.2574 77.3 1986.8921 79.0 1988.2573 301.6 1986.8893 302.9 1988.2574 130.1 1988.2574 320.8 1986.8894 59.4 1988.2574 272.4 1986.8921 168.6 1986.8894 0.6 1988.2574 302.6 1988.2520 235.5 1988.2574 169.5 1986.8893 156.0 1988.2520 199.2 1987.2689 166.3 1986.8893 167.1 1986.8867 166.8 1986.8867 202.6 1986.8866 49.3 1986.8894 197.6 1986.8867 198.5 1986.8921 10.0 1988.2491 93.2 1987.2745 91.1 1986.8895 91.1 1986.8894 350.6 1986.8921 11.6 1986.8922 55.1 1987.2690 328.7 1986.8894 328.2 267337 52309 51911 51688 52823 53816 53299 54128 54986 55726 55163 56361 56153 58579 57675 57275 66627 56462 56444 58728 60634 60318 60107 59148 59151 59372 59473 07041+5627 0.316 0.312 0.319 0.154 0.055 0.069 0.060 0.120 0.333 0.418 0.183 0.181 0.192 0.192 0.217 0.490 0.390 0.480 0.432 0.449 0.418 0.499 0.648 0.179 0.509 0.103 0.050 0.050 0.671 0.666 0.379 0.396 0.089 0.094 0.104 0.038 0.668 0.388 0.126 0.041 0.212 0.151 0.166 0.168 0.270 0.214 06598+3141 06595+2555 06598+1557 07011+1146 07043+3734 07080+3552 07044-0303 07083+1638 07118+1963 07164+1227 07151+2553 07121+0622 07168+0059 07173+3744 07175+1324 07277+2127 07269+2015 07227+1417 07205+0024 07202+4820 07181+2405 07298+2755 07292+1253 07305+0743 07336+1550 07309+3034 07362+1815 07352+3058 Table II.(continued) ADS 6347Ho247 ADS 6276STT177 ADS 6245A535 -03°2065 Ret4375 ADS 6378WRH15AB -19° 2068B1077AB ADS 6354Hu1247 +20° 1855Cou381 +28° 1427Cou1247 ADS 6412Bu1195 ADS 6405A2880 +19°1832 Cou772 ADS 6420Bu101 +20° 1920Cou926 ADS 6444Cou1111Aa HR 3072Fin325 ADS 6443A675 ADS 6483STT185 ADS 6445A1072 + 14°1778Hei55 ADS 6526A1580 ADS 6511A2954AB ADS 6549STT187 ADS 6538STT186 ADS 6554Bu581AB +24° 1805Cou929 ADS 6578A1333 ADS 6650STF1196AB +27°1521 Cou1112 +29°1712 Cou1114 1986.8895 1986.8921 1987.2745 1986.8894 1987.2745 1986.8921 1987.2745 303.8 1986.8894 261.4 1987.2745 1986.8895 1986.8895 1986.8895 47.3 1986.8895 256.3 1987.2745 307.8 1986.8895 303.1 1987.2745 103.1 1987.2745 90.9 1987.2745 191.6 1986.8895 351.2 1988.2574 165.9 1987.2745 88.1 1986.8895 86.5 1988.2520 159.0 1986.8895 150.7 1986.8894 348.3 1986.8894 157.4 1986.8839 73.2 1987.2745 265.4 1986.8895 261.1 1988.2576 344.0 1988.2574 74.1 1987.2664 353.3 1986.8867 352.7 1986.8894 97.2 1987.2665 206.0 1986.8839 206.8 1987.2664 279.5 1988.2574 352.9 1987.2664 223.6 1986.8867 225.7 1988.2576 197.9 1987.2664 209.2 1986.8839 213.3 1986.8868 207.1 336.8 330.8 234.3 233.7 162.7 170.7 124.4 107.8 72.7 61344 07387-0459 61034 07385+2819 62720 07462+2108 61600 07417+3726 63263 07478-0332 62947 07471+1847 63395 07480-1924 62522 07479+6019 63208 07486+2309 63976 07513-0925 63799 07508+0317 64096 07518-1352 64235 07528-0526 64350 07545+2610 64704 07661+2342 64123 07556+5831 64326 07546+3100 65123 07573+0108 65738 08005+0955 66299 08043+3302 66176 08033+2616 66094 08017-0836 66509 08043+1218 68254 08126+2849 68255 08122+1740 66610 08070+5407 07370+2025 07506+1944 07540+1346 08001+2659 0.322 0.349 0.133 0.408 0.411 0.112 0.246 0.408 0.592 0.236 0.108 0.277 0.293 0.079 0.085 0.179 0.365 0.175 0.512 0.163 0.206 0.193 0.145 0.163 0.147 0.239 0.707 0.265 0.143 0.967 0.945 0.247 0.364 0.362 0.363 0.594 0.602 0.366 0.375 0.377 0.551 0.196 0.209 0.588 519 1989AJ 97. . 51 OM 520 o © American Astronomical Society • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System ADS 7284STF3121 HR 3650Fin347Aa HR 3635CHARA131 ADS 7158A1585 ADS 7071STF1291AB HR 3579Kui37AB ADS 7084A2132 ADS 7082A2131AB ADS 7074A2554 4-36° 1889Cou1897 ADS 7054A1584 ADS 7039A2473 ADS 7012A2552 ADS 6993SPAB ADS 6930Bu585 -|-2023 Cou773 ADS 6862I489 + 19°2069CHARA130 ADS 6828A551AB ADS 6825A550 +20°2148 Cou47 4-28° 1625Cou1115 ADS 6811A1746BC ADS 6776Ho525AB ADS 6796Hu856 ADS 6762STF1216 HR 3269Fin346 ADS 6733A2362 ADS 6681Hu1123 McAlister étal.:binarystars 1988.2577 232.2 1987.2692 224.2 1988.2521 289.9 1987.2692 303.5 1986.8840 221.0 1987.2637 303.7 1986.8895 317.4 1986.8895 71.0 1988.2521 273.7 1986.8868 276.1 1987.2690 293.7 1986.8839 301.8 1988.2521 175.3 1986.8922 170.6 1988.2521 201.7 1986.8839 200.3 1986.8923 312.8 1986.8922 201.6 1987.2692 357.2 1988.2521 43.9 1986.8923 43.7 1986.8868 346.0 1986.8840 48.8 1987.2692 230.7 1986:8868 225.7 1987.2720 110.4 1986.8840 86.4 1987.2664 163.9 1988.2576 143.3 1987.2664 143.9 1986.8839 143.4 1986.8867 19.7 1988.2520 346.9 1987.2745 80.4 1986.8895 79.0 1986.8895 185.7 1986.8867 13.9 1986.8867 261.5 1986.8867 135.1 1988.2576 283.5 1986.8839 282.2 1987.2665 262.9 1987.2664 69.7 1986.8922 68.2 1988.2574 172.1 1988.2574 157.8 1986.8867 156.7 79969 09180+2835 79096 09123+1459 78661 09098+1134 77327 09036+4709 76943 09008+4148 76595 08585+3548 76117 08557+4141 76095 08549+2613 75959 08542+3034 76050 08539+0149 75974 08539+1958 75553 08531+5458 75470 08507+1800 75207 08486+0067 74874 08468+0625 73871 08412+2028 73712 08402+1921 73574 08397+2005 72310 08315-1934 71663 08285-0230 71499 08278-0425 71153 08267+2433 70803 08253+3723 70492 08231+2001 69580 08193+4052 70340 08214-0136 68660 08148+3630 70013 08199+0357 08352+2811 0.328 0.423 0.402 0.059 0.139 0.140 0.164 0.089 0.196 0.223 0.455 0.463 0.168 0.176 0.189 0.186 0.394 0.242 0.226 0.221 0.121 0.311 0.163 0.247 0.251 0.488 0.088 1.501 0.533 0.520 0.540 0.299 0.230 0.104 0.112 0.137 0.154 0.259 0.262 0.316 0.518 0.524 0.271 0.275 0.588 0.416 0.430 Table II.(continued) ADS 7651Kui48AB ADS 7555AC5AB +34° 2079Cou1569 +39°2295 Cou2086 ADS 7545STT208 +44° 1931Pop151 +31° 2066Cou1258 ADS 7541Ho369AB HR 3889Kui44 ADS 7490Hu629 ADS 7457A1765 ADS 7456STF1372 +00°2564 Rst5339 HR 3880McA34 ADS 7390STF1356 +21°2108 Cou284 HR 3794Fin349 +58° 1192Mir549 ADS 7382A1588AB HR 3750B2530 ADS 7341A2477 ADS 7352STF1348 ADS 7334A1342AB ADS 7307STF1338AB ADS 7286STF1333 +19 2194Cou384 1988.2522 345.9 1987.2637 334.2 1987.2637 85.2 1987.2637 65.7 1987.2665 78.9 1987.2637 54.8 1988.2577 74.6 1988.2522 74.0 1986.8840 75.2 1987.2719 75.2 1988.2521 171.3 1988.2495 171.2 1987.2637 161.9 1988.2576 101.1 1987.2665 101.5 1986.8840 101.4 1988.2521 208.5 1987.2637 208.9 1988.2577 194.8 1988.2521 56.9 1987.2638 59.0 1988.2521 22.2 1987.2638 11.9 1988.2576 19.2 1987.2692 19.8 1986.8895 85.1 1987.2637 164.2 1988.2522 179.5 1986.8895 172.9 1987.2692 44.7 1987.2692 174.7 1987.2637 123.1 1988.2522 47.7 1986.8840 42.5 1988.2522 325.8 1987.2692 324.6 1988.2522 194.7 1987.2692 194.4 1988.2577 338.5 1987.2720 336.1 1988.2548 338.2 1986.8840 335.8 1988.2577 316.2 1987.2692 30.5 1988.2548 267.2 1986.8923 264.6 1988.2576 48.4 1986.8895 42.6 1987.2637 44.2 87822 10083+3137 87473 10059+3412 86237 09581+3856 85973 09566+4359 85708 09544+3041 85558 09525-0806 85235 09521+5404 84722 09474+1134 85177 09512+3629 85040 09498+2111 85096 09496+0017 84739 09477+2036 83887 09429+5035 83158 09379+4554 83190 09371+1614 82543 09326+0151 81772 09299+6808 81858 09286+0904 81809 09278-0604 81728 09273-0913 81163 09245+1808 81212 09245+0621 81009 09229-0951 80441 09210+3812 80024 09185+3522 80082 09183+1847 0.083 0.043 0.113 0.185 0.497 0.174 0.545 0.549 0.543 0.537 0.182 0.183 0.184 0.395 0.399 0.403 0.204 0.215 0.724 0.078 0.069 0.360 0.370 0.131 0.141 0.145 0.091 0.157 0.158 0.162 0.246 0.457 0.450 0.450 0.360 0.306 0.363 0.376 0.400 0.403 0.405 0.404 0.162 0.062 0.073 1.996 1.024 1.033 1.905 520 1989AJ 97. . 51 OM 521 McAlisterétal.:binarystars © American Astronomical Society • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System ADS 7780Hu8799053710279+3643 ADS 7775STT2179044410270+1713 ADS 7769A25709036110260+0256 ADS 7675Ho448847810121-0613 ADS 7788A21529069810290+3452 ADS 7674Hu8748835510117-f1321 ADS 7662A21458802110093-f2020 ADS 7844A2055AB9175110366+4430 ADS 7809CHARA132Aa9117210311-2411 ADS 8047Ho3789601611050+3825 ADS 7896A27689274910427+0335 ADS 8102STT232 97731 11150+3735 ADS 8094STF15179756111137+2008 ADS 8092A13539745511136+5525 ADS 8051A23789613011053+1635 ADS 7952A23739412010520+1606 ADS 7929STT2299345710481+4107 ADS 7926STT2289339210473+2235 ADS 7900A27699281210432+0440 +20° 2486Cou2929046010269+1931 ADS 8086Bu2209741111124-1830 HR 4314Fin479620211053-2718 +35°2166 Cou14179194910376+3446 +29°2110 Cou9609534211008+2913 +26°2131 Cou59110472+2605 1987.2719 205.80.540 1986.8840 204.80.555 1986.8840 306.10.333 1988.2577 205.00.548 1988.2522 277.00.092 1987.2638 276.80.052 1987.2638 161.30.082 1988.2577 42.10.417 1988.2496 235.10.322 1987.2665 233.80.356 1986.8840 233.20.370 1986.4038 233.30.384 1988.2577 144.90.551 1987.2665 144.30.543 1987.2638 242.00.192 1987.2638 307.40.336 1988.2577 164.40.341 1986.8840 163.90.348 1987.2719 176.10.110 1988.2549 235.30.321 1986.8840 144.00.540 1987.2693 205.40.299 1987.2667 163.20.343 1987.2638 304.90.289 1988.2577 206.30.300 1988.2578 55.30.967 1987.2693 55.60.970 1986.4093 101.60.198 1987.2638 89.30.096 1988.2577 7.20.423 1988.2577 217.30.501 1988.2522 301.70.312 1988.2578 58.40.620 1987.2666 59.00.622 1988.2578 325.70.465 1987.2638 325.20.462 1986.8840 325.50.467 1988.2578 223.00.472 1986.4039 224.50.459 1988.2549 324.10.291 1987.2720 326.40.297 1988.2550 222.10.178 1987.2720 227.50.170 1988.2578 136.70.507 1988.2577 276.00.754 1988.2549 277.10.760 1987.2667 277.60.763 1986.8840 277.30.769 1988.2577 173.50.632 1987.2666 172.40.634 1986.8840 172.90.644 Table II.(continued) o ADS 8145A2776AB9891411231+0408 ADS 8104Hu6399777311154+4728 ADS 8198Hu113410023511322+3615 ADS 8189STT23410001811308+4117 -00°2442 Rst49449965111279-0142 ADS 8117A21589808711174+4146 ADS 8197STT23510020311324+6105 HR 4380CHARA1339835311191+3811 -|-432096 Cou19049785711158+4227 ADS 8446STF1606105824 ADS 8433A1998105369 ADS 8419STF3123AB105122 ADS 8387A1088104288 ADS 8347A1777AB103483 ADS 8231STF1555AB10080811363+2747 ADS 8210Hu72723384111332+4928 -03°3167 Rst5524101969 ADS 8249STF1559101150 HR 4642CHARA136106022 HR 4632CHARA135105778 HR 4528CHARA134102510 HR 450162UMa101606 +48° 1954Cou157311336+4729 +38° 2283Cou1129 1987.2639 200.40.348 1988.2549 89.50.112 1986.4066 86.70.100 1988.2523 141.30.383 1988.2523 287.80.229 1987.2638 288.50.235 1987.2638 106.20.120 1987.2721 145.40.068 1988.2578 359.60.456 1987.2693 359.10.463 1986.4038 199.60.338 1988.2523 89.60.115 1987.2667 269.30.556 1986.8842 267.70.543 1986.4039 264.70.536 1987.2640 124.10.103 1986.4066 124.90.093 1987.2640 138.80.365 1986.4039 137.20.352 1987.2695 176.30.209 1987.2640 238.00.289 1986.4039 292.00.132 1988.2523 196.10.095 1987.2695 186.30.102 1987.2667 144.70.627 1986.8842 144.00.622 1988.2578 89.30.584 1988.2578 21.71.264 1987.2693 22.41.243 1988.2549 272.90.564 1988.2550 231.60.280 1988.2496 232.50.289 1986.8842 238.70.285 1986.4039 243.10.300 1987.2694 176.90.262 1988.2550 284.60.180 1987.2640 288.70.173 1986.4066 295.20.170 1986.4039 293.10.164 1986.4066 179.60.103 1988.2605 145.40.560 1988.2578 146.00.630 1988.2523 145.00.633 1986.4039 144.70.621 1988.2605 357.00.373 1987.2694 78.70.259 1988.2578 51.80.080 1988.2523 50.80.040 1987.2640 55.50.047 1987.2693 323.12.002 2 3 2 9 2 12120+2832 12108+3954 12006+6912 12080+4242 12061+6842 11551+4629 11499+3754 11479+0815 11415+3145 11388+6421 12105+1649 11441-0448 521 1989AJ 97. . 51 OM 522 McAlisterétal.:binarystars © American Astronomical Society • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System ADS 8485Hu736 ADS 8540STT250 ADS 8535STT249AB ADS 8695STF1687AB ADS 8635A1851 ADS 8551A78 ADS 8708STT256 HR 4789WRH HR 4689McA37 ADS 8759Bu929 ADS 8751STF1711 +27°2158 Cou596 ADS 8786A1606 ADS 8757Bu341 +09° 2696Fin380 +43°2270 Cou1579 ADS 8862Hu644 ADS 8843STT263 ADS 8825A1607 ADS 8804STF1728AB ADS 8801McA38Aa diese 497Wor23 +25° 2578Cou397 HR 5014Fin350 ADS 8831Fin297AB HR 4978Fin305 1987.2693 219. 1988.2605 217. 1988.2606 33. 1988.2579 266. 1987.2694 265. 1986.4039 266. 1988.2496 129. 1987.2667 91. 1986.4067 57. 1987.2642 154. 1986.8842 170. 1986.4067 194. 1988.2496 5. 1986.4041 7. 1987.2722 158. 1987.2668 345. 1988.2550 132. 1987.2640 92. 1988.2524 156. 1986.4067 155. 1988.2579 96.1 1986.4041 170. 1988.2550 6. 1987.2642 6. 1988.2496 156. 1988.2550 64 1987.2668 64 1988.2579 265.0 1988.2524 36. 1987.2642 26. 1988.2579 135.6 1987.2722 145 1986.4067 331. 1988.2579 167. 1988.2578 153. 1987.2722 200. 1988.2524 311. 1987.2722 312. 1988.2579 340.0 1988.2579 63 1986.4067 20. 1986.4041 192. 1988.2498 330. 1987.2723 330 1987.2642 329. 1988.2578 21 1987.2722 98 1988.2496 192. 1987.2668 192. 106689 107922 108320 108005 107269 112398 112033 110297 109485 112572 112503 110465 234012 113322 113459 113415 114330 115953 115488 115002 114576 114378 114993 0.405 0.088 0.093 0.263 0.261 0.244 0.411 0.099 0.103 0.088 0.980 0.502 0.076 0.273 0.303 0.148 0.384 0.171 0.161 0.156 0.148 0.272 0.291 0.622 0.626 0.823 0.519 0.621 0.978 0.700 0.819 0.467 0.477 0.475 0.490 1.018 1.017 0.080 0.117 0.127 0.224 0.477 0.169 0.215 0.418 0.534 1.169 1.592 1.854 0 4 2 S 2 4 9 12160+4807 12533+2115 1 12238+5410 1 12199-0040 1 12533+4246 1 12409+2708 1 12348+2238 1 12267-0535 1 12244+4306 1 12572+0818 1 12564-0057 1 12422+2622 1 13029+1328 1 12575+2457 1 13069+5200 1 13048+5555 1 13039-0340 1 13038-2035 1 13197+4747 13100-0532 1 13175-0041 1 13167+5034 1 13134+5252 1 13117-2633 1 13100+1731 1 13145-2417 Table IL(continued) ADS 8863A2166 ADS 8964AG190 ADS 8901A1609AB ADS 8887Ho260 ADS 8864STF1734 ADS 8980ES608 ADS 8954Bu932AB ADS 8988Hu897 ADS 8987Bu612AB ADS 9019STF1781 +33° 2337Cou787 ADS 9071A1614 ADS 9066STF1792 -13 3786 +31°2508 Cou600 VW Comdiese516AB +31° 2500Wor24 +43°2324 Cou1581 ADS 9174STF1816 ADS 9169A1100 HR 5178 ADS 9158STT277AB ADS 9159STT278 ADS 9121STT276AB ADS 9094Bu1270 ADS 9089A1097AB diese 9465Aid112 +31° 2596Cou606 + 14°2691Hei65 1986.4067 1988.2606 1988.2579 1987.2642 1987.2722 1988.2579 1987.2723 1986.4095 1988.2581 1988.2581 1988.2524 1986.4095 1988.2579 1988.2579 42 1988.2606 1988.2606 1987.2642 1987.2642 1987.2642 1986.4069 1988.2498 1988.2581 1987.2670 1988.2581 1988.2581 1987.2722 1988.2550 1987.2642 1988.2581 1988.2550 1987.2642 1986.4095 1988.2581 1986.4069 1987.2670 1988.2606 1988.2581 1988.2581 1988.2606 1987.2670 1987.2670 1987.2670 1986.4069 1988.2581 1988.2581 1988.2606 1986.4042 Rst 3852 Kui 65 327. 340. 303 309 272 216 159, 178. 178. 220 150 159. 178. 224 291 237 239 309 229 153 147 129 133 154 150. 205 187.4 179 172 173 111 119 53 75. 50, 52 56 31.7 12 41 98 81 42 42 116377 115995 115955 116878 116495 118054 119931 118889 121136 120033 121995 124587 124492 124346 124399 123670 122769 122654 122740 13320+3109 13400+3759 14019+1530 0.263 0.083 0.058 0.255 0.266 0.366 0.357 0.558 0.224 0.334 0.308 0.358 0.305 2.387 0.390 0.297 2.909 1.139 0.300 0.311 0.480 0.484 0.456 0.434 2.258 1.266 1.144 0.721 0.158 1.129 0.700 0.119 0.304 0.298 0.294 0.297 0.322 0.117 0.126 0.306 0.492 0.140 0.472 0.414 2.184 1.289 1.667 7 9 5 9 4 8 3 2 2 2 1 1 13225+4242 13202+1747 13236+2914 1 1 13207+0257 1 13357+4939 1 13266+3235 1 13258+4430 1 13380+4808 1 13348-1313 1 13343+3044 1 13328+1649 1 13472-0943 1 13461+0507 13396+1044 1 1 13571 +1227 1 13539-1439 1 14139+2906 1 14138+3100 1 14138+0859 1 13576+5200 1 14029+1417 1 14124+2843 1 14120+4411 1 14082+3645 1 14037+0829 1 14020+5713 522 1989AJ 97. . 51 OM 523 McAlisterétal.:binarystars © American Astronomical Society • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System ADS 9215STF1832AB ADS 9220A1102 ADS 9182STF1819 ADS 9264A2069 ADS 9301A570 ADS 9247Bu1111BC ADS 9238A148 ADS 9313AGC6 HR 5372CHARA137 ADS 9318Bu941AB +64° 0993Mir168 ADS 9324A347 4-16° 2642MeA39 +31°2612 Cou482 ADS 9400A1110AB ADS 9392STF1883 ADS 9343STF1865AB +21°2659 Cou97 ADS 9378STT285 ADS 9352Hu575AB ADS 9334A1107 ADS 9329STF1863 ADS 9323CHARA42Aa HR 5472McA40 HR 5504Fin309 +24° 2770Cou100 1988.2581 1988.2581 115 1988.2579 224 1988.2607 1987.2670 1988.2526 1987.2698 1986.4041 102 1986.4070 1988.2526 1988.2499 1987.2668 1988.2581 1988.2581 1988.2524 1988.2498 1987.2670 1986.4070 1988.2582 1987.2671 303. 1988.2581 1987.2671 1988.2607 1986.4042 247. 1988.2551 288. 1987.2671 288. 1986.4042 289. 1987.2725 306. 1988.2582 294. 1986.4043 316. 1988.2499 303. 1987.2751 303. 1986.4095 303. 1988.2526 1987.2643 1987.2643 1986.4042 165 1987.2671 247. 1986.4070 298. 1988.2607 289. 1987.2643 295 1987.2642 316 1986.4043 318 1986.4070 1988.2582 1988.2581 1987.2671 1986.4043 1988.2526 244. 254. 268 283, 151 252 120 266 266 252 153. 158. 150 134 173 169 62. 68. 58. 66 13 68. 82. 91. 86.0 67 67 125377 125632 125725 126695 126128 126126 124757 127726 126269 129246 128563 128718 128233 128042 130726 130604 129132 129006 128941 129980 130188 14304+2255 14426+1930 0.103 0.431 0.228 0.392 0.881 0.211 0.065 0.048 0.244 0.350 0.255 0.630 0.608 0.155 0.257 0.169 0.161 0.635 0.639 0.930 0.955 0.958 0.962 0.201 0.567 0.565 0.250 0.772 0.169 0.588 0.558 0.535 0.064 0.066 0.048 0.456 0.648 0.651 0.651 0.172 0.197 0.280 0.258 0.137 0.148 0.336 0.325 0.325 0.392 8 2 8 3 1 1 6 0 2 14189+0354 14187+6409 14180+6914 1 14189+5452 14153+0308 1 14268+1625 1 14241+1617 1 14213+3050 1 14323+2641 1 14234+0827 1 14220+5107 1 14339+2949 1 14497+0800 14411+1344 1 1 14373+0217 14369+4813 1 14358+0015 1 14489+0557 14403+2158 1 14401+0504 1 14381+5135 1 1 14462-2110 1 14459+2343 1 14455+4222 Table II.(continued) ADS 9425STT288131473 ADS 9494STF1909 ADS 9459A2173 ADS 9453Bu239132219 ADS 9443A2172131954 ADS 9480Bu348AB HR 5612CHARA43 diese 568Ross52 ADS 9530A1116 ADS 9515Rst4534AB +40°2856 Cou1271 +47° 2190Cou1760 HR 5778Cou610138749 ADS 9688A1634AB138629 ADS 9682Hu1163138439 ADS 9617STF1937AB ADS 9600Hu146 -12°4227 CHARA44 ADS 9547Ho60 ADS 9532B2351Aa +40° 2859Cou1272 + 18°2966Cou188 ADS 9589A1630 ADS 9578STF1932AB HR 5654Cou189 HR 5747ßCrB137909 HR 5715CHARA46 +40° 2878Cou1441 +24°2847 Cou103 +61° 1505Mir346 1988.2607 175.5 1988.2582 75.3 1986.4043 170.9 1988.2500 46 1986.4095 44 1988.2527 105 1986.4070 91 1988.2609 209.2 1988.2607 131.2 1987.2725 351.9 1988.2582 166.2 1986.4042 109 1988.2607 227.1 1986.4070 206.8 1988.2609 51.4 1988.2609 165.7 1988.2499 201.20.737 1986.4044 202.30.719 1988.2609 33.00.050 1987.2644 50.70.109 1988.2526 134.10.221 1988.2499 134.10.220 1987.2644 140.70.282 1988.2526 20. 1988.2499 20. 1986.4044 14. 1988.2582 128 1988.2499 145 1988.2582 46 1987.2671 47. 1986.4098 47. 1988.2582 12. 1987.2725 12. 1986.4044 145.60.306 1988.2582 31.60.273 1988.2609 16. 1986.4043 17. 1987.2644 92. 1988.2582 281 1988.2499 254 1988.2607 170 1987.2726 330 1987.2671 143 1986.4098 144 1988.2582 248 1986.4098 173 133640 133484 132933 134303 134827 134213 136596 134943 137107 136729 136176 135681 135365 134759 15259+6032 15233+4022 15192+4329 0.085 0.611 0.565 0.115 0.168 0.508 0.285 0.203 0.212 0.271 0.388 0.284 0.382 0.367 0.749 0.759 0.369 1.357 0.990 0.992 0.633 0.166 0.459 0.460 0.767 0.259 0.914 0.536 0.775 0.156 0.087 0.138 0.473 1.614 1.397 0.256 1.501 8 5 1 1 7 0 9 3 6 6 14565+0255 14539+2333 1 14590+0059 14587-2739 14534+1543 15039+4739 15018+0008 15005+1753 1 14593+4649 15078+3966 15031+4439 15329+3121 1 15088+4013 15318+4053 15307+3810 1 15116+1008 1 15089-0610 1 15232+3018 1 15210+2104 1 15201+5158 1 15200+2338 1 15121+1858 15278+2906 1 15183+2649 1 15168-1302 1 15136+3453 1 15123-1947 523 1989AJ 97. . 51 OM 524 McAlisterétal.:binarystars © American Astronomical Society • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System ADS 9744Hu580AB ADS 9758Bu619 ADS 9731STF1964CD ADS 9730Hu1168 ADS 9716STT298AB ADS 9694STF1956 ADS 9757STF1967 ADS 9756STF1969 ADS 9742A2076 ADS 9735Bu122 +26°2712 Cou612 ADS 9783A2077 ADS 9794A1127 +22° 2878Cou106 +42° 2629Cou1445 +27° 2513Cou798 +30° 2703Cou614 ADS 9836I977 ADS 9812Hu153 ADS 9806Hu912 ADS 9931A1798 ADS 9834Hu1274 HR 5895CHARA51 ADS 9935Bu355AB ADS 9918Fin384Aa ADS 9909STF1998AB HR 5953¿Seo +50°2219 Cou1918 1986.4097 48 1987.2643 250.6 1988.2582 34.0 1988.2527 222 1987.2644 223 1986.4071 227 1987.2643 58 1986.4044 255 1986.4043 18 1986.4043 257 1988.2607 69.4 1986.4097 65.9 1988.2556 272. 1986.4097 272. 1986.4098 4.7 1988.2500 119 1986.4097 120 1988.2527 63 1988.2582 23.4 1988.2582 181.4 1986.4098 180.9 1988.2582 222.8 1988.2609 180 1988.2500 287 1988.2582 289 1988.2556 38. 1987.2644 316 1986.4071 311 1988.2609 8. 1988.2583 7. 1986.4043 290 1988.2527 185 1988.2583 229 1988.2556 178.3 1987.2726 175.3 1987.2726 194 1988.2527 282 1986.4044 281 1987.2726 183.5 1987.2726 121.0 1988.2556 70 1987.2644 281 1986.4099 281 1986.4098 26 1988.2528 37 1987.2726 34 1987.2726 70 1988.2527 177 140432 139749 139905 138884 234262 140629 140438 140436 140159 140590 139939 139628 139691 139341 141730 140889 141851 142089 141898 144362 142456 142378 144935 144069 143275 145246 0.104 0.347 0.087 0.107 0.149 0.099 0.047 0.642 0.680 0.193 0.188 0.329 0.133 0.394 0.703 0.547 0.507 0.674 0.121 0.283 0.123 0.136 0.314 0.557 0.336 0.392 0.101 0.075 0.347 0.326 0.237 0.563 0.416 0.428 0.112 0.335 1.584 0.872 0.157 0.229 1.840 0.267 0.262 0.269 0.191 0.050 0.822 0.259 3 4 7 1 7 6 2 0 7 1 1 16440+2220 15431+1340 15428+2618 15420+4204 15416+1941 1 15405+1841 1 15390+2545 1 15382+3614 1 15370+6426 1 15361+3948 1 15347+2655 15333+4149 1 15413+5959 15399-1947 1 15474+5929 15469+1904 1 15451+2936 1 15513-0305 1 15519-1232 1 15492+6032 1 15486+4949 15557-2645 1 15550-1923 1 16003-2237 1 16057-0617 1 16044-1122 1 16081+4524 1 16079+1425 Table II.(continued) -16°4280 CHARA54 ADS 9971Rat3936AB ADS 10052CHARA138Aa ADS 10052STF2054AB ADS 10006STT309 ADS 9952A1799 ADS 9932Bu949 -15°4324 Rat3950 HR 6032Fin354 ADS 10078A2084 ADS 10075STF2052AB ADS 10068Bu814 HR 6103CHARA53Aa HR 6084<7SeoAa ADS 10140Bu953AB ADS 10085Hu1173 HR 6123CHARA55 ADS 10189Hu664 ADS 10169STF2091 ADS 10149CHARA56Ba ADS 10087STF2055AB ADS 10184STF2094AB HR 6168

II is 0.372 arcsec, while the median value is 0.285 arcsec. A histogram of the measured angular separations is shown in Fig. 2. The limiting of our system is currently determined by the detector properties and by the thresh- olding properties of the hardwired vector autocorrelator (VAC). The microchannel plate intensifier is showing a very strong loss of sensitivity over the region typically illumi- nated by speckle patterns, a degradation amounting to near- ly a factor of 3 decrease in sensitivity relative to the edge of the tube. The CCD itself shows a rather strong fixed pattern that correlates randomly with each event tagged by the VAC so that the noise contribution to autocorrelograms is in- creased and, in the faint limit, prohibits application of this detector in a sparse, single photon domain. We expect to replace the detector during 1989 and to immediately retire the VAC in favor of a commercially available frame-grabber board operating in conjunction with efficient software on a Fig. 2. The distribution of measured angular separations from Table PC/AT type computer. II is shown. Separations range from 0.031 to 2.91 arcsec, with mean As opportunities arose from well-observed portions of the and median values of0.372 and 0.285 arcsec, respectively, for the 1550 primary program, we obtained data for the 293 stars from measures of 1006 systems. The Bright (Hoffleit 1982) that are listed in

Table III. Bright stars inspected for duplicity.

HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR 1 135 4052 4184 4351 4629 5388 5581 4 144 4054 4187 4357 4632* 5392 5588 7 146 4057 4191 4358 4633 5394 5589 8 153 4062 4195 4359 4641 5402 5596 15 603 4064 4202 4362 4642* 5405 5608 17 620 4067 4203 4366 4643 5411 5609 19 1593 4070 4215 4371 4650 5414 6039 21 1594 4072 4232 4378 4654 5415 6047 26 1603 4075 4235 4380* 4659 5416 6057 27 1622 4077 4236 4381 4663 5420 6065 28 1623 4078 4241 4386 4666 5422 6068 36 1624 4079 4243 4528* 4667 5423 6087 38 1644 4081 4246 4533 4672 5424 6093 39 1647 4084 4248 4535 4673 5430 6095 40f 1668 4085 4256 4536 4676 5434 6107 41 1675 4088 4258 4543 5317 5436 6108 44 1678 4090 4259 4545 5330 5437 6111 45 4004 4096 4260 4555 5331 5441 6152 49 4006 4097 4265 4559 5333 5442 6154 50 4008 4103 4267 4560f 5335 5445 6159 52 4012 4106 4269 4561 5343 5448 6176 53 4014 4108 4270 4562 5345 5451 9078 56 4016 4113 4277 4564 5346 5452 9079 60 4021 4121 4278 4566 5347 5464 9080 62 4024 4124 4281 4569 5350 5467 9083 63* 4026 4126 4285 4572 5351 5468 9085 65 4027 4127 4288 4574 5352 5479 9086 70 4030 4131 4294 4575 5360 5492 9092 75 4032 4137 4300 4580 5363 5493 9093 76 4035 4141 4309 4581 5365 5510 9097* 82 4039 4150 4310 4584 5369 5529 9100 93 4041 4165 4319 4585 5370 5533 9105* 96 4044 4166 4322 4593 5372* 5537 9109 104 4046 4168 4332 4594 5373 5541 9110 113 4047 4176 4333 4602 5374 5552 124 4048 4178 4341 4610 5384 5563 128 4051 4181 4345 4626 5387 5569 Stars with HR numbers less than 2000 or greater than 9000 were observed during November 1986, the remaining Bright Stars were observed during April 1987. Asterisks indicate those stars for which new companions have been discovered, as reported in Table I. Daggers indicate known binaries, listed in Table II under their ADS designations (HR 40 = ADS 161, HR 4560 = ADS 8347).

© American Astronomical Society • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System 1989AJ 97. . 51 OM Hoffleit, D.(1982).TheBrightStarCatalogue(YaleUniversityObserva- Bagnuolo, W.G.,andSowell,J.R.(1988).Astron.96,1056. McAlister, H.A.,andHartkopf,W.I.(19%%).SecondCatalogofInterfero- McAlister, H.A.(1977).Astrophys.J.215,159. Lu, P.K.,Demarque,P.,vanAltena,W.,McAlister,H.,andHartkopf,W. Paper Iisconsistentwiththeprevalenceofevolvedstars frequency herecomparedwiththeresultsfromCFHTin the sampleofstarslistedinTableIII.Thelowerdiscovery which identificationsarelistedinTableI,werediscovered does notexceedabout2mag.Eightnewbinarystars,for with thefurtherconditionthatmagnitudedifference separations downtothediffractionlimitof0.035arcsec, per I,weconsiderourapproachcapableofdetectingangular arcsec andaneast-westdimensionof1.13arcsec.AsinPa- upon thebrightstarwithanorth-southdimensionof2.25 telescope, thesurveyisdefinedbyarectangularboxcentered pixel alongwiththeStrömgrenybandpass.AtMayall employ theintermediatemagnificationof0.0088arcsecper primary programshavebeenobservedatKittPeak,andto to useonlytimesofgoodseeingthatareavailable,afterthe tinuation toPaperI.Ourapproachinthislong-termeffortis February-March 1988;theresultswillbepublishedasacon- telescope onMaunaKea.ThesecondCFHTrunoccurredin and byfollow-uprunsatthe3.6mCanada-France-Hawaii in PaperIasobservingtimepermitsattheMayalltelescope Table III.Wearecontinuingthesurveyofbrightstarsbegun 531 McAlisterétal.:binarystars tory, NewHaven). Atlanta). tion AstronomyContrib.No.2(CHARA,GeorgiaStateUniversity, metric MeasurementsofBinaryStars,CenterforHighAngularResolu- (1987). Astron.J.94,1318(PaperIII). © American Astronomical Society • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System REFERENCES filters. providing uswithtransmissioncurvesforourinterference lier papersinthisseries.WearegratefultoLarsFurenlidfor which alsoprovidedfundingforhisparticipationintheear- knowledges thepartialsupportofSpaceTelescope ment inthiswork.Researchspeckleinterferometryat dates inPaperI. was madefordwarfs,inconstrasttotheselectionofcandi- McAlister, H.A.,Hartkopf,W.I.,Gaston,B.J.,Hendry,E.M.,andFekel, Science InstitutethroughSTScIgrantno.CW-0005-85, National ScienceFoundation(AST83-14148andAST86- Georgia StateUniversityissupportedbygrantsfromthe Charles Worleyforhiscontinuedinterestandencourage- ing theobservingpacearapidone.Wearegratefulto tin, andGeorgeWillfortheirwonderfulefficiencyinkeep- over dwarfsinthisnewestsample,whichnopreference McAlister, H.A.,Hartkopf,W.I.,Hutter,D.J.,andFranz,O.G.(1987b). McAlister, H.A.,Hartkopf,W.I.,Hutter,D.J.,Shara,M.M.,andFranz, McAlister, H.A.,Hartkopf,W.I.,Bagnuolo,G.,Sowell,J.R.,Franz, Dave Chamberlain,HalHalbedel,DeanHudek,DonMar- (AFOSR 81-0161andAFOSR86-0134).O.G.F.alsoac- 13095 )andfromtheAirForceOfficeofScientificResearch O. G.(1987a).Astron.J.93,183(PaperI). O. G.,andEvans,D.S.(1988).Astron.J.96,1431. Astron. J.93,688(PaperII). F. C.(1984).Astrophys.J.Suppl.54,251. We wishtothankKPNOtelescopeoperatorsJohnBooth, 531