° 2, 2,644 3,037,175 United States Patent Office Patented May 29, 1962 1
May 29, 1962 C, L RUTHROFF 3,037,175 BROADBAND TRANSFORMERS Filed May 12, 1958 A/G 3 A/G, 4. ° 2, 2,644 3,037,175 United States Patent Office Patented May 29, 1962 1. 2 some saving in space and material is affected by winding 3,037,175 BROADBANDTRANSFORMERS all the coils on a common core. This may be done since Clyde L. Ruthroff, Fair Haven, N.J., assignor to Bell the net magnetic field resulting from the flow of signal Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated, New York, current is zero, and consequently there is no magnetic N.Y., a corporation of New York coupling among the several coils even though they share Fied May 12, 1958, Ser. No. 734,751 a common magnetic core. The magnetizing current, 3 Claims. (C. 333-32) however, does produce a net magnetic field. Conse quently, by winding the several coils series aiding for This invention relates to impedance transforming de the magnetizing current, there is a net increase in the vices and, more particularly, to broadband bifilar wound number of coupled turns, and the corresponding increase autotransformers. O in the effective transformer inductance. This has the The problem of distortionless transmission of signals effect of extending the low frequency end of the trans over wires is an old one, encountered often in electrical former pass band. The difficulty with such an arrange communications systems. As the range of operating fre ment, however, resides in the care which must be taken quencies is extended, as is the current trend, this prob in winding the transformer so as to minimize the inter lem has become more and more acute.
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