"/4 A.A6 E ATTORNEYS 3,328,527 United States Patent Office Patented June 27, 1967 2 the Single Conductor Audio Frequency Signal and D.C

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June 27, 1967 B. , MILES 3,328,527 SINGLE CONDUCTOR AUDIO FREQUENCY SIGNAL AND D. C. SWITCHING TRANSMISSION SYSTEM Filed July 24, 1964 S\S s INVENTOR. BARRY L. MILES "/4 a.A6 e ATTORNEYS 3,328,527 United States Patent Office Patented June 27, 1967 2 The single conductor audio frequency signal and D.C. 3,328,527 Switching transmission system 10 is shown to have an SINGLE CONDUCTOR AUDIO FREQUENCY SIG audio input/output circuit 11a capable of impressing an NAL AND D.C. SWITCHING TRANSMISSION SYSTEM audio signal across coil 12a with, for example, a 3 volts (Sarry . Miles, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, assignor to Collins peak value. Coil 12a, wound as an input coil on tape Radio Compa Bay, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, a corporation Wound toroid transformer core 13a, can also act as an out of Iowa put coil for an audio signal flowing the other way in feed Filed July 24, 1964, Ser. No. 384,886 ing such an audio signal as an output to audio input/out 8 Claims. (C. 179-3) put circuit 11a. 0 When coil 12a is used as a signal input primary coil This invention relates in general to signal combining, of transformer 14a, coil 15a is the audio signal second conveying, and then signal separating systems, and in ary coil and has a current return to ground from one particular to system circuitry for combining and then end through capacitor 16a. Coil 15a also has a connec Separating a D.C. signal voltage and an audio frequency tion from the other end through single conductor trans signal for most economically utilizing a limited number 5 mission line 17 to an end of coil 15b of transformer 14b. of cable connections between various component loca The other end of coil 15b has a current return to ground tions in the system. through capacitor 16b. For convenience and ease of un In various electronic equipment installations, for ex derstanding, components on the left side of the drawing, ample in many vehicles, particularly military vehicles, having a similar or duplicate component on the right side, including tanks, aircraft, and nautical vessels having mul 20 are given an 'a' identification, and on the right side tiple electronic component stations, the trend to greater a "b' identification. use of electronics and toward more and more sophisti Coil 15b acts as an input primary coil for transformer cated electronic systems has tended to lead to excessive 14b with passage of audio signals from the 'a' side to numerical requirements in cabling circuits. the "b' side of transmission system 10 and on the other It is, therefore, a principal object of this invention 25 hand as an output secondary coil with passage of audio to combine and then separate D.C. switching current and signals from the "b' side to the 'a' side of transmission an audio frequency signal for most economically utilizing system 10. Coil 15b is wound on toroid transformer core a limited number of cable conductors between two elec 13.b in the same manner as with coil 15a on transformer tronic component stations in a system. core 13a; and secondary or primary coil 12b, dependent Another object is to provide substantially mutual isola 30 upon the direction of audio signal flow, is wound on tion between D.C. and audio signal currents in their re transformer core 13b in the same manner as coil 12a is Spective separate input and output circuits to and from wound on transformer core i3a. Coil .2b is connected a common single transmission line. for feeding therein induced audio signals to audio out A further object is to provide immunity to audio sus put/input circuit 11b for utilization as desired. When ceptibility interference orginating from any ripple cur 35 audio output/input circuit 11b is acting in reverse, it rents that may occur in the D.C. switching current. supplies an audio signal impressed on coil 12b as a pri Features of this invention useful in accomplishing the mary input coil for reverse passage of audio signals. above objects include a single conductor transmission line It is an important design factor that capacitors 16a and interconnecting two electronic component stations for 16b have negligible capacitive reactance compared to conveying audio frequency signals in both directions be 40 the inductive reactance of the respective choke coils 21a tween the stations and, simultaneously, D.C. signal cur and 21b, in order to avoid resonance effects through the rents between the stations. The transmission line is con audio frequency range. This requires that the capacitors nected between a transformer coil winding of an audio 16a and 16b be relatively large; for example, in a work signal transmitting transformer in one of the stations ing embodiment as illustrated, capacitors 16a and 16b and a corresponding coil winding in the other station. 45 were 100 microfarad capacitors. Furthermore, coils 12a Each of the electronic component stations also includes and 12b, and 15a and 15b must have sufficient coil a D.C. signal and/or control voltage circuit connected to turns to adequately support inductive transmission of sine the single transmission line. These connections to the wave audio signal voltages even at the lowest output transmission line each include a coil bifilar wound with audio frequency. Such a number of turns requirement the respective audio transmitting-receiving transformer 50 may be derived from the following formula: coil so that the same current flow passes through each of the coils bifilar wound in a transformer of each of the E=4.44B max A.Nfx10-8 stations, and the bifilar wound coils are so polarized that where: the D.C. current flow of one coil of each bifilar winding is E=R.M.S. signal voltage opposite to D.C. current flow in the other companion coil 55 B max=peak flux density in gausses of the same bifilar winding. Each of the two coil bifilar A =magnetic path cross section in square centimeters windings is provided, in the respective stations, with an N=number of turns audio frequency current return to ground through a ca f=frequency in cycles per second pacitor. A choke coil is also provided between each 4.44=coefficient for sine wave R.M.S. input D.C. signal and/or control voltage circuit and the re 60 10 =conversion factor from cgs. to mks. units. Spective station bifilar coil windings as part of the con A D.C. signal and/or control voltage circuit 18 is nection therebetween. The capacitors are so chosen as to provided for feeding a D.C. signal and/or control voltage have negligible capacitive reactance compared to the in input through transformer coil 19a to the common junc ductive reactance of the respective choke coils in order to tion of coil 15a and capacitor 16a, and through coil 15a avoid resonant effects through the audio frequency range. 65 to and through single conductor transmission line 17 for Obviously, audio signal transmitting-receiving transform transmission of a signal from the left “a” side to the er coils, provided with the transformers, are connected right "b" side of the system. On the “b' side of the system to audio input/output circuits in each of the stations. Such D.C. signal and/or control voltages are passed A specific embodiment representing what is presently through coil 15b to the common junction of coil 15b and regarded as the best mode of carrying out the invention 70 capacitor 16b, and from this common junction through is illustrated in the accompanying drawing. coil 19b to D.C. signal and/or control voltage utilizing Referring to the drawing: circuitry 20. In combining such D.C. signal and/or con 3,328,527 3 4. trol voltage (for example as a switching current) and less than the base-to-emitter voltage of transistor 31, in the an audio signal being passed through the single transmis saturated state, with transistor 31 thereby being in the sion line 17 of the system, any D.C. current passed must biased-off state. Manual closing of switch 23 effectively pass through each of the transformer coils 15a and 15b. places the base-to-emitter voltage of NPN transistor 24 Since tape wound toroid cores are very susceptible to 5 at zero volts thereby turning off transistor collector cur D.C. saturation and various other transformer magnetic rent. This results in the collector-to-emitter voltage of circuits are susceptible to various levels of D.C. Satura transistor 24 tending to rise toward the voltage of positive tion, coils 15a and 19a are together bifilar wound on voltage supply 25. However, this rising action is limited toroid transformer core 13a of transformer 14a with coil since the base-to-emitter junction of NPN transistor 31 winding polarizations as dot indicated on the drawing. O acts as a forwardly biased diode resting at an NPN tran Coils. 15b and 19b of transformer 14b are bifilar wound sistor 24 collector-to-emitter voltage value equal to an in like manner on toroid transformer core 13b. With this NPN transistor 31 base-to-emitter voltage in the saturated bifilar coil winding in each of the transformers, the cur state with transistor 31 being thereupon turned on. This rent is the same through each bifilar wound coil and flow results in relay coil 32, in series with the collector-emitter ing in the opposite direction in one coil from the direction circuit to voltage supply 34, being activated and relay of current flow in the other coil. This provides a net elec 33 being energized.
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