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GENERAL INDEX TO TIIE QUARTERLY JOURNAL AND PROCEla]DINGS ()F TIlE GE()LOGICAI, SOCIETY. Ach<ftiJ,~ Sl>. (Miocene), 194 95 & AXD~EWS~ C. W., 41. 48: (m the pl. xxx. Lower Miocene Vertebrates from Acmite, chem. anal. of, 300. British East Africa. c<)llecte,l by Adamellites of Western Cordillera. 16. Dr. Felix Oswald, 163--86 fi~'s. & ,+]girite and mgirite-acmite, chem. pls. xxvii xxix. ~mMs. of. 300 ; ,"eg'irite-granites, Anna's I4ust. see Vredefort. chem. anals, of, 297. Annelid Grits (Upper Llandovery). r Agglonler'tte, andesitic, in Victoria Lough iNafooey are~, 111 8: pl. xvii Nyanza region, 144., 145 ; agglome- (map). rates in Melrose district, 312 13. Annual General Meeting', xvii el "~r AINSWORTH, J., 129. Anthracotheres (Lower Miocene), Alluvial deposits ()f the Eastern hmneri of, 173 75 figs.: tibia of, Altaplanieie, 39-43. 166 figs., 175 76. Altaplanicie (high-level Bolivian pla- Anthrc Wdd ape, see I)~'!/(qJith ec,.,. teau), g'eology of, 23-43 w. sect. & Aplite, topaz-bearing', of (;un<mg pls. iv, viii ix. Bakan, 365 66 fiR's., 372 73 & Alton Bay (I. of Wight), v. pl. lii (microseop. sec~.). AmpMbolite of Nira, &c., 133 34, Appin Quartzite. &c.. 323 et .,'eqq. 138; amphibolite partly re-fused A~BER, E. A. N., 119: A Contribu- by granite, 331 & pl. xlvi (micro- tion to our Knowledge of the seop. sect.). Geology of the Kent Coalfield .Imp,tl, ria o,ata, 189 90 & pl. xxx. "-title onlg], xiii: on the F()ssil Analyses ()f biotite-felspar rock & Flora of the Kent Coalfield. 54 81 monzonite, 276 : of Carvichen & pls.
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