U504439 PROGRAMA NAC. UN1DAS P DES VISITOR CARD Vto. 20/JuUn KOFI ANNAN En caso de emergencia medica llamar a: In case of a medical emergency call: En cas d'urgence (de sante) appeler aux numero: In arztlichen Notfail rufen: UNITED NATIONS NACIONE u SEP - 8 1998 OFICINA DEL COORDINADOR RESIDENTS DE LAS ACTIVIDADES OPERACIONALES DEL SISTEMA DE IAS NACIONES UNIDAS lOSG/CENTRAt ESMERALDA 130-PISO 13a 1035 - BUENOS AIRES TEL.: 54-1-320-8700 CASILLA DE CORREO 2257 FAX: 54-1-320-8754 1000 - BUENOS AIRES 15 July 1998 INTERNET:
[email protected] REF Mr. Secretary General: The UN Resident Coordinator and the Director of the United Nations Information Centre are honoured to welcome you to Buenos Aires and take this opportunity to wish you a most successful and fruitful official visit to Argentina. In the enclosed folder you will find all relevant information pertaining to your visit, which we hope could be useful during your stay in Buenos Aires. In case you need to contact us, we may be reached at the following numbers: Gilberto Flores Cellular: (15) 417-9347 Home: 775-1043 Angel Escudero de Paz Cellular: (15) 417-6946 Home: 815-4556 Sincerely yours, h>u rilberto Flores Angel Escudero de Paz UN Resident Coordinator UNIC Director Mr. Kofi Annan Secretary-General UNITED NATIONS SECRETARY-GENERAL'S VISIT TO ARGENTINA 15 TO 18 JULY 1998 LIST OF HOTEL ROOMS AT THE ALVEAR PALACE HOTEL AND CAR NUMBERS CONSIGNED TO THE DELEGATION NAME ROOM NO. CAR NO. MR. AND MRS. KOFI ANNAN 603 VIP 1 (*) MR.