CCCAARAAARAAARA NeNeNewsletterwsletterwsletter AN ARRL AFFILIATED CLUB MARCH ISSUE- 2014 AN ARRL AFFILIATED CLUB JUNE ISSUE- 2009 From thetheFrom also have a lot of work to do on how to manage the access to the radios. More on this later. President’s Desk by Stan-W4HIX 73 de Stan, W4HIX
[email protected] February 2014 can’t believe how quickly a month Information Desk Igoes by sometimes. We had by Dean-KB1PGH another Field Day meeting—this year we want to involve as many members as possible. If f course if you have been in the you can’t help out either setting up, operating, Oham radio circles long enough greeting people, acting as a GOTA coach, transporting you will hear the saying “The gear, putting up antennas, sending radio grams, Magic of Radio”. cooking meals, tearing down, etc., at least stop by, sign the log and see what’s going on. We have I often do wonder how many amateur radio operators received a letter of permission for using Fuller again, do take for the granted just the simple fact of pushing so hopefully there won’t be any changes. a button on their radios and talking across the world everyday? With all of today’s technology we have We continue to work on the purchase of 6 Stanwood become desensitized as to the wonders of it all.I was St. We continue negotiations with our neighbor looking through the ARRL Handbook the other day regarding her access to her property. As you might and how easy it is today to have all of that knowledge image, these negotiations can be tricky.