Zimbabwe Vulnerability Assessment Committee (ZimVAC) 2021 Rural Livelihoods Assessment Masvingo Province Report ZimVAC is Coordinated By Food And Nutrition Council (FNC) Housed At SIRDC: 1574 Alpes Rd, Hatcliffe, Harare. Tel: +263 242 862 586/862 025 Website: www.fnc.org.zw Email:
[email protected] Twitter: @FNCZimbabwe Instagram: fnc_zim Facebook: @FNCZimbabwe 1 Foreword In its endeavour to ‘promote and ensure adequate food and nutrition security for all people at all times’, the Government of Zimbabwe continues to exhibit its commitment towards reducing food and nutrition insecurity, poverty and improving livelihoods amongst the vulnerable populations in Zimbabwe through operationalization of Commitment 6 of the Food and Nutrition Security Policy (FNSP). Under the coordination of the Food and Nutrition Council, the Zimbabwe Vulnerability Assessment Committee (ZimVAC) undertook the 2021 Rural Livelihoods Assessment, the 21st since its inception. ZimVAC is a technical advisory committee comprised of representatives from Government, Development Partners, UN, NGOs, Technical Agencies and the Academia. Through its assessments, ZimVAC continues to collect, synthesize and disseminate high quality information on the food and nutrition security situation in a timely manner. The 2021 RLA was motivated by the need to provide credible and timely data to inform progress of commitments in the National Development Strategy 1 (NDS 1) and inform planning for targeted interventions to help the vulnerable people in both their short and long-term vulnerability context. Furthermore, as the ‘new normal’ under COVID-19 remains fluid and dynamic, characterized by a high degree of uncertainty, the assessment sought to provide up to date information on how rural food systems and livelihoods have been impacted by the pandemic.