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Replicative DNA mutations in cancer

1 2,3

Ellen Heitzer and Ian Tomlinson

Three DNA — Pol a, Pol d and Pol e — are [1,2]. These catalyse the polymerisation of

essential for DNA replication. After initiation of DNA synthesis deoxyribonucleotides into the nascent DNA strand.

by Pol a, Pol d or Pol e take over on the lagging and leading While Pol a initiates DNA synthesis, Pol d and Pol e

strand respectively. Pol d and Pol e perform the bulk of replace Pol a after primer extension and perform the bulk

replication with very high fidelity, which is ensured by of DNA replication. Most polymerases lack intrinsic


Watson–Crick base pairing and 3 exonuclease (proofreading) error-checking activity, relying on Watson–Crick base

activity. Yeast models have shown that mutations in the pairing for their fidelity. However, the proofreading (exo-

exonuclease domain of Pol d and Pol e homologues can nuclease) domains of Pol d and Pol e ensure that these

cause a mutator phenotype. Recently, we identified germline polymerases have a particularly low error rate, of the order


exonuclease domain mutations (EDMs) in human POLD1 and of 10 substitution mutations per base. A variety of in

POLE that predispose to ‘polymerase proofreading vitro studies has shown that proofreading improves repli-

associated polyposis’ (PPAP), a disease characterised by cation fidelity approximately 100-fold [3 ,4].

multiple colorectal adenomas and carcinoma, with high

penetrance and dominant inheritance. Moreover, somatic The Pol d and Pol e enzymes are heterotetramers in

EDMs in POLE have also been found in sporadic colorectal higher eukaryotes. Both Pol d and Pol e comprise a

and endometrial cancers. Tumors with EDMs are catalytic subunit, POLD1 and POLE respectively, and

microsatellite stable and show an ‘ultramutator’ accessory subunits (POLD2/3/4 and POLE2/3/4) that

phenotype, with a dramatic increase in base interact with cofactors such as Proliferating Cell Nuclear

substitutions. Antigen (PCNA) [5]. Both are ubiquitously

Addresses expressed and show high levels of evolutionary conserva-


Institute of Human Genetics, Medical University of Graz, Harrachgasse tion. The two polymerases differ from each other

21/8, A-8010 Graz, Austria throughout most of their length, but are homologous


Molecular and Population Genetics Laboratory, Wellcome Trust Centre

(23% identity, 37% similarity) over their exonuclease

for Human Genetics, Roosevelt Drive, Oxford OX3 7BN, UK

3 domains (residues 268–471 of POLE and 304–517 of

Oxford NIHR Comprehensive Biomedical Research Centre, Wellcome


Trust Centre for Human Genetics, Roosevelt Drive, Oxford OX3 7BN, UK

Corresponding authors: Heitzer, Ellen ([email protected]) and

Based on studies in yeast, it has been shown that Pol d and

Tomlinson, Ian ([email protected])

Pol e usually replicate the leading and lagging strand

respectively [6,7 ]. However, it is still not fully elucidated

whether this is always the case at replication forks. Pavlov

Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 2014, 24:107–113

proposed a model where Pol e starts replicating the

This review comes from a themed issue on Cancer genomics

leading strand, but may later dissociate, and Pol d then

Edited by David J Adams and Ultan McDermott

takes over to complete the replication [8]. A higher

For a complete overview see the Issue and the Editorial mutation rate in Pol d exonuclease deficient yeast strains

compared to Pol e exonuclease-deficient strains endorses

Available online 26th February 2014

this hypothesis [8–10].


0959-437X 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Open access under CC BY license.

There is substantial evidence that in addition to DNA


synthesis, Pol e and Pol d play essential roles in repair of

chromosomal DNA [8,11,12]. Pol e and Pol d are thought

to be involved in several repair pathway including nucleo-

Introduction tide excision repair (NER), ismatch repair (MMR) and

DNA polymerases are responsible for synthesis of DNA repair of double strand breaks (DSBR) [12,13].

and are essential for replication, DNA repair and genetic

recombination. DNA replication is a highly complex

Polymerase proofreading defects cause

process and in eukaryotes it involves multiple enzymes mutator phenotypes

including the B family polymerases Pol a, Pol d, and Pol e

Replication fidelity has been extensively studied in yeast

and other microbes, though less is known about the

impact of proofreading-defective DNA polymerase

mutations in higher eukaryotes. The exonuclease

domain catalyses the preferential hydrolysis of non-


complementary nucleotides at the 3 -terminus, and in

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108 Cancer genomics

yeast, inactivating missense EDMs of Pol e and Pol d POLE (p.Leu424Val) and one in POLD1 (p.Ser478Asn)

cause a base substitution mutator phenotype with vari- that were not present in nearly 7000 UK controls or in

able severity [9,10,14–17]. It has been suggested that in public databases of controls. In addition, another probably

yeast, Pol e and Pol d proofread opposite strands at pathogenic mutation, POLD1 p.Pro327Leu, was found in

defined replication origins and may proofread for each a further patient with multiple adenomas. Patients who

other [6,18,19]. Data from mice with homozygous germ- carry EDMs in POLE or POLD1 show variable pheno-

line Pole and/or Pold1 mutations at the exonuclease active types: some have tens of adenomas that do not appear to

site were shown to have distinct, but overlapping tissue- progress rapidly to cancer, whereas others have a small

specific tumor phenotypes. Pole-mutant animals predo- number of large adenomas or early-onset carcinomas, thus

minantly had nodal lymphomas and histiocytic sarcomas, resembling Lynch syndrome. Interestingly, female

whereas Pold1 mutants had thymic lymphomas and skin carriers of POLD1 p.Ser478Asn have a greatly increased

papillomas/sarcomas. Both types of mice had intestinal risk of EC. Segregation analysis confirmed a dominant,

adenomas (more in Pole) and lung tumors (more in Pold1). high-penetrance predisposition to colorectal adenomas.

Double knockout animals died early from thymic lym- Smith et al. have subsequently proposed an additional

phoma. Spontaneous mutations frequencies were higher predisposing POLE mutation outside the exonuclease

in Pole mutants than Pold1 mutants [20 ]. One expla- domain [32].

nation could be that the fidelity of lagging strand replica-

tion is greater than that of leading strand, because post- Although there are several single nucleotide polymorph-

replicative DNA mismatch repair (MMR) preferentially isms (SNPs) located at conserved sites within the poly-

corrects lagging strand replication errors [21,22]. How- merase or exonuclease domains of POLE and POLD1,

ever, this in contrast with the data from yeast [14]. genome-wide association studies and a few targeted stu-

Genetic studies in proofreading-deficient, haploid yeast dies have found no associations with cancer risk to date

strains which also carried a MMR-defect showed a syn- [33–38]. However, a common polymorphism within

thetically lethal phenotype indicating a synergistic effect POLD3 has been found to be associated with an increased

on the mutation rate of proofreading and MMR [23,24]. risk of CRC in the general northern European population

This was also confirmed in mouse studies where loss of [39], although the mechanism of action is unknown.

both proofreading and MMR led to embryonic lethality

[20 ,25]. Conversely, others have speculated that MMR Somatic mutations in POLD1 and POLE

deficiency may be required for the EDM mutator phe- Until recently, several studies had suggested the presence

notype to be manifested [26]. of pathogenic somatic DNA polymerase mutations in

cancer, but these studies were too small to show true

Germline mutations in POLD1 and POLE functionality, many cancers were MMR-deficient (and

cause polymerase proofreading-associated hence had a high background mutation rate), and EDMs

polyposis (PPAP) were not distinguished from other polymerase mutations.

Even if replication fidelity is high, some errors always The relatively-recent Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA)

escape proofreading and are then corrected by MMR [27]. exome sequencing project has provided the best evidence

In studies beginning in the late 1980s, it was found that for POLE being the target of recurrent somatic mutations in

germline mutations in four MMR genes (MSH2, MLH1, MMR-proficient, but ‘ultramutated’ CRCs [40 ]. Further

MSH6 and PMS2) were causative for the hereditary color- analysis showed that the mutations causing the ultramu-

ectal and other cancers that are present in Lynch syn- tator phenotype were all EDMs [31 ,40 ,41]. In the initial

drome (reviewed in [28,29]). Furthermore, somatic TCGA cohort, there were 7 POLE non-synonymous

silencing of MLH1 expression occurs in several cancer EDMs out of a total of 226 CRCs (3%). All of these cancers

types, notably CRC and endometrial cancer (EC). In were microsatellite-stable (i.e. prima facie having normal

addition, bi-allelic germline MUTYH mutations predis- MMR). Although the germline p.Leu424Val change was

pose to adenomatous colorectal polyposis and CRC absent, two recurrent changes were found, p.Val411Leu

through defective . We recently ident- and p.Ser459Phe. In addition a further recurrent POLE

ified specific germline EDMs in POLD1 and POLE that EDM, p.Pro286Arg, was found by a different CRC exome

are causative for the development of multiple colorectal sequencing project [42]. No equivalent POLD1 mutations

adenomas and CRC. Since the phenotype overlaps with have been reported for CRC. One possible explanation is

those who carry germline mutations in MUTYH and the that Pol e and Pol d act independently in different cells and

MMR genes, we have called the disease PPAP [30,31 ]. various cancers might have differential mutational hotspots

in oncogenes and tumor suppressors that are replicated

Using a combination of whole-genome sequencing of from different polymerases [43,44].

highly selected multiple adenoma patients, linkage

analysis, and studies of loss-of-heterozygosity (LOH) in Due to the fact that POLD1 germline mutations predispose

tumors, followed by replication in a large set of familial to EC, we looked for somatic POLE and POLD1 mutations

CRC cases [31 ] we identified one germline mutation in in sporadic ECs. We found POLE EDMs in about 7%

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DNA polymerase mutations in cancer Heitzer and Tomlinson 109

Figure 1

POLE EDMs MSI+ Other C>T, G>A C>T, G>A C>T, G>A

G>T, C>A G>T, C>A G>T, C>A

A>T, T>A A>T, T>A A>T, T>A

C>G, G>C C>G, G>C C>G, G>C

A>G, T>C A>G, T>C A>G, T>C

A>C, T>G A>C, T>G A>C, T>G

Number of exome mutations in CRCs by mutator type

4000 3500 3000 A>C, T>G 2500 A>G, T>C 2000 C>G, G>C 1500

No. mutations A>T, T>A 1000 G>T, C>A 500

C>T, G>A



Current Opinion in Genetics & Development

Mutation spectra (upper) and numbers (lower) in exome sequence data from TCGA project colorectal cancers of three types. Note that MSI+ is used

synonymously with MMR-deficient.

of cancers, including some previously detected in CRCs hypothesis [47]. POLE amino acid 297 interacts with

and one mutation affecting the exonuclease active site. exonuclease active site residue 275, and mutations here

Similar to CRC, POLE mutations in ECs were associated would probably alter the active site conformation. POLE

with an ultramutator, but microsatellite-stable phenotype, residue 411, however, is not predicted to interact with

characterised by an excess of substitution mutations [45 ]. DNA or catalytic site residues, suggesting that the

As for CRC, there were no recurrent POLD1 EDMs in ECs. increased mutation rate may result from secondary effects

TCGA EC project had similar findings [46 ]. on the binding pocket. Hypermutation is, in summary, a

very plausible consequence of POLE and POLD1 EDMs.

Mechanisms of polymerase EDM-driven

tumorigenesis Exome and targeted sequencing data clearly show the

Structural data strongly suggest that the POLE and POLD1 mutation spectra of tumors with POLE and POLD1 EDMs

EDMs impair polymerase proofreading. Mapping of the [31 ,40 ,48]. Compared to POLE-wild type tumors,

reported mutations onto a hybrid structure of yeast DNA EDM-tumors have an increased tendency for somatic base

polymerase (3iay) and T4 polymerase shows that they substitutions of all types, typically with about 5000 sub-

mostly lie along the DNA-binding pocket of the exonu- stitutions in the coding regions alone (Figure 1).

clease domain [31 ]. POLE p.Leu424Val and POLD1 C:G > T:A changes generally remain the most common,

p.Ser478Asn pack together at the interface between two but there is a particular increase in the proportion of

helices that form the base of the exonuclease active site. G:C > T:A and A:T > C:G transversions. Since

The most common somatic POLE mutation (p.Arg286His) p.Pro286Arg mutant tumors show a much stronger bias

localises to the DNA binding pocket adjacent to the towards transversions than cancers with p.Val411Leu,

exonuclease active site, probably perturbing the structure there is considerable evidence that specific POLE

of the DNA binding pocket. Data from the equivalent mutations have different effects on the somatic mutation

residue mutation, p.Pro123Leu, in T4 bacteriophage spectrum. It is of note that somatic mutations secondary to

that produces a strong mutator phenotype confirm this defective proofreading tend to occur at sites flanked by an

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110 Cancer genomics

Figure 2 TCGA-AA-3977 TCGA-AA-3984 TCGA-AA-A00N TCGA-AA-A010 TCGA-AG-3892 TCGA-AG-A002 587222 587376 TCGA-A6-6141 TCGA-AZ-4315 TCGA-CA-6717 TCGA-CA-6718 TCGA-EI-6917 TCGA-F5-6814 Total mutated TCGA-AA-3555

POLE 15 V411L V411L V411L S297F S459F V411L S459F P286S F367S P436R P286R P286R P286R P286R P286H

APC 14 S1281X L1522X R1114X R1114X R1450X R1450X S1201X S1194X S1392X R1114X R1114X R1114X R1114X R1114X

APC S117X L1488X E1309X E1408X E1536X S1400X Q1529X E1554fs R1450X E1554fs


KRAS 6 Q22K G13D A146T A146T A146T K117N

BRAF 2 S637P H540Q


PIK3CA 8 R88Q R88Q R88Q R88Q R88Q R88Q V344A

PIK3CA M1043l Y1021C H1047Q

MSH2 10 M83l l217L l192V K550T E580X E580X K353N N412H R406Q

MSH2 E580X E530X R406Q

MSH6 10 P961l M875l A175T K185T E946X E604X E181K R732Q E1322X K1101N

MSH6 E946X E956D R922Q E1322X K1233Q

MLH1 3 l630S l565M R265C

MLH1 L658l

PMS2 4 S274L E411X K301Q Q423H

PMS2 I611M

TP53 6 S94X K132T R213X R213X R213X R175C

TP53 R213X

FBXW7 6 E97X E369X R658X R658X R465H R224Q

FBXW7 S582L S282X E369X

SMAD4 5 E33X G89X E134K E108X R445Q


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DNA polymerase mutations in cancer Heitzer and Tomlinson 111

A base on the ‘‘positive’’ DNA strand, rather than by T, G or mutations that drive tumorigenesis in humans is a recent

C. The causes for this observation are currently unknown, finding. However, the consequences of polymerase

although lower helix ‘melting’ temperatures of A:T tracts EDMs are not yet clear and further analysis will be

are a plausible contributing factor. Notably, in CRCs with needed to understand how these mutations contribute

EDMs, the spectrum and/or frequency of known driver to tumorigenesis. We do not know how proofreading fails

mutations is unusual (Figure 2). Recurrent mutations are or why the resulting mismatch is not repaired by either a

frequently observed in the known CRC driver genes, but wildtype copy of POLE or POLD1 or by MMR. There is

these are often of types and at positions other than the additionally intriguing speculation that patients with

common hotspots. Examples include nonsense changes at POLE-mutant CRCs and ECs have superior survival to

codon 1114 of APC, 1322 of MSH6 and 213 of TP53, and those with other patients, perhaps as a result of the

missense mutations at codons 117 and 146 of KRAS and 88 of general or specific mutation burden conferred by the

PIK3CA [31 ,49]. Some of these mutations, such as KRAS ultramutator phenotype. That same burden might also

p.Lys117Asn occur adjacent to oligo(A) tracts and hence at make those ultramutator cancers sensitive to mutation-

putative hypermutable sites in a proofreading-deficient inducing or DNA repair-blocking therapies. Finally, we

background. We speculate that such mutations might be emphasise that although pathogenic polymerase EDM

functionally suboptimal with respect to the ‘classical’ cancers form a rare subtype of tumor apparently restricted

mutations, such as those at KRAS codons 12 and 13, yet to the colorectum and endometrium, there is no reason to

are tolerated because the ultramutator cancer can acquire regard them as an unimportant group. On the contrary,

additional, advantageous mutations rapidly; we have termed fine-scale classification of cancers using molecular and

this the ‘mini-driver’ or ‘polygenic’ model of tumorigenesis. other methods is likely to form the basis of improved

However, other recurrent mutations, such as PIK3CA patient management in the future.

p.Arg88Gln, do not occur in at A:T-rich context. Perhaps

these ‘atypical’ PIK3CA mutations are more selectively Acknowledgements

Core funding to the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics was

advantageous than classical PIK3CA mutations, such as

provided by the Wellcome Trust (090532/Z/09/Z).

codons 545 or 1047, in the context of POLE deficiency.

The data also suggest that somatic POLE mutations occur

References and recommended reading

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