Addendum #1 - Request for Proposal #06/18 Gasoline Alley Entrance Sign

1. The concept “over the road” sign was sent to Transportation. Their comments can be summarized below: - A guideline for welcome signs published online at: - The brick base (shown on our sample sign) does not appear to be on breakaway. Please ensure that the base is outside the clear zone. To help with the clear zone assessment, the posted speed limit is 60km/hr at this location. - The entrance feature height needs to provide enough clearance for the tallest size vehicle that is approved to use the C-D Road. It should be designed to the same height as the overhead signs on provincial highways, which appears to be a 6m clearance requirement. Please refer to Page 32, Table 3.9 – Vertical Placement of Signs, Overhead Sign Type – On Dedicated Overhead Support such as a Sign Gantry: - The drawing does not illustrate any landscaping but if landscaping is proposed, it should consist of small shrubs and bushes (less than 100 mm base and 4 foot height at maturity) and it should be outside the clear zone. - Does the proposed entrance feature block the line of sight along the C-D Roadway? The brick base on the west side of the C-D road would have to meet clear zone requirements from both the C-D road and Hwy 2. The clear zone from Hwy 2 is over 10m with so taking into consideration all the requirements, Alberta Transportation wants to acknowledge that there’s a risk that the overhead banner sign may not be physically feasible or able to meet all the requirements.

Questions/Answers from Proponents

1. What is the expected timeline for completion of this project? - Within Section 1.0 it states “… It is expected that the sign will be installed prior to June 30, 2019”.

2. What is the budget range for this project? We would need this to prepare realistic designs. - Our estimate is $250,000.

3. Can you please supply the logo in EPS or AI vector format ASAP so we can start working on this? - Provided via email.

4. Is there any precedence or other signage that should be considered when designing this signage? - We have not created any themed signage for Gasoline Alley. Proponents are encouraged to view the Gasoline Alley Urban Design Plan that was prepared a number of years ago for the community.

5. Should the vendor include for engineering? - Yes.

6. Does the signage need to follow the intent in schedule D? - Yes. The intent of Schedule D is to assist assess the total cost of the project.

7. Does the wording “Hamlet of Gasoline Alley” need to be on the signage? - Yes. It must be clear that you are not in the City of Red Deer. We considered “Welcome to Gasoline Alley, but people might think it is a neighbourhood of the City, which it is not.

8. Question for you on the entrance sign placement. Are you wanting this sign to go over the roadway or be installed off to the side? - Our preference is to go over, to provide traffic calming and create the appearance of an “Entrance” – we want it to be impactful. Plus we want to make sure people know that they are not entering the City of Red Deer. - Red Deer County Administration likes, as an example, the Town of Mundare Main Street Sign - , which isn’t totally over the road either. However as we are doing a RFP, perhaps there is something out there that will be impactful in a way in which we have not envisioned. - We would be hesitant to go with a single sign but perhaps a beside the road sign with a cool design could convince the selection committee (CAO and Directors). We do have an entrance sign to Gasoline Alley at the Lantern Street entrance off of Highway 2A. We are not particularly enamored with it – hence why we were hoping for some type of more impactful sign.

9. Min height @ 6 m what about max height. Any restrictions or thoughts there? - No maximums. We need AB Transportation approval as the sign will be adjacent to the QE2 Highway. See their guidelines

10. Any other requirements other than the county logo and the “hamlet of Gasoline alley” copy? IE: any electronic message centres, any secondary signage? - None. We do not want to clutter up the sign. County logo and Hamlet of Gasoline Alley should suffice.