(1) Agency: Department of Enviroiimental Protection (2) Agency Number: IdentiGcationNumber: #7- 436 IRRC Number: 2"1"1! (3) Short Title: Stream Redesignations, Blue Eye Run, et al. (Water Quality Network (WQN) Package) (4) PA Code Cite: 25 Pa. Code, Chapter 93 (5) Agency Contacts (List Telephone Number, Address, Fax Number and Email Address): Primary Contact: Michele Tate; 717-783-8727; RCSOB, 400 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17105; mtate(a),state.pa. us Secondary Contact: Kelly Heffner; 717-783-8727; RCSOB, 400 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17105; kheffner(a)state.pa.us (6) Primary Contact for Public Comments (List Telephone Number, Address, Fax Number and Email Address) - Complete if different from #5: Environmental Quality Board, P.O. Box 8477, Harrisburg, PA 17105 Express Mail: Environmental Quality Board, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 16th Floor, 400 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101-2301 Email:
[email protected] (All Comments will appear on IRRC'S website) (7) Type of Rulemaking (check applicable box): EZf Proposed Regulation • Final Regulation Q Final Omitted Regulation Q Emergency Certification Regulation; O Certification by the Governor Q Certification by the Attorney General (8) Briefly explain the regulation in clear and nontechnical language. (100 words or less) This proposal modifies Chapter 93 to reflect the recommended redesignation of streams shown on the attached list. The changes include streams being considered for redesignation as Exceptional Value (EV) Waters. The changes provide the appropriate designated use for these streams to protect existing uses. These changes may, upon implementation, result in more stringent treatment requirements for new and/or expanded wastewater discharges to the streams in order to protect the existing and designated water uses.