tine BKAff fARADK VIRKS JIARtKX QUAIIOG hid run plum Into 111 lie Iete on his a to se4 was first to scent danger SCIENCE AND THE cloudbust And what do think I d better END OF TilE JUDGES CASK Look at dtrtfllll A CROOK do myself he until the Inn rcenl party lien anti lie persuaded her In herself In that Foca BEFORE lIE WAS with asl And It In the triTe as how Arsenic Loytmng Cup Preiented to the hrw of tIne begins to be Forget shouled lucilLe ny nut nf nut says lie would have tunIc the blame I hlssdf And nit Avernor Mann Who Cast Iii FIrst Hliiker TIIK ISLAM t JM vxnca U lt that Innercent got PXtenixallnsuc- Tn niKI- IAHT or tfME IIIU hell Talk alxmt ml hlcmixed Jtiionr AJIK- I haul splnnln wheels In It sd wits free Mr tmo or KSK- TilK SKILL or I or b him g arter holdin FIJ drinks his wont mixed before ble Thorn was a heart parade In Ilnrlcm on Tilt K3tnRTtltHIIST HAMPIK Of only thing to d i Is stay Jell where nre ant ciimstances while lh let KHV TVJ MAe DBIKCTirK him lu I Inc cooler for six muCh though he had lllfKlJ he sun Ii Wcilnctday night In honor of tho twentyfifth- VKUVKITK go le 1 tin snme about your business H irter- n tried Serern nlll Tim l en tin real the Knrlrhmrnt of Qualm Mlrrnlnri a time think it ui plpln you uhf thn nrler lad Und Knnwr llnw He jut deinl lsthminu lAke nnnlvorniry nf Johnny Moolmns entry Into In run And Kunnel when me nnd- r IliMlect In king him e Meinltpr of HIP Clnm rllm- The llnnritlnv until of tile Crook ronr stay right lore Inside this room w hat fouls Hints nil pnvpl WniulerI- Th JjiulroM In 1nrk row I intuit nl Tills l Itlnggold with Ito be Into n llnrrel mid lilt Friend stub him WowohlCfence tho beef and henna I Itlimle- > Il llr mentAii- of In win git tutu a wins nlune II ICniliili uf tlic II nil vi Tluit Suvo Lurk nnd T niii rnrr like tin him I in Ill lIne for II wont They I icorgn tho Iniigh fur tiK llnw lot out of IukeTliel- Two thoimninl pcrnons turned out Conernlment- Ira pslii to nnd fiirn n pirts ntlraetln- llintletnnn lie IN It hike Clnniliieil tnilrr niilnntlnn of MlnntThe oil clint iiitild have sneak and warned I Ins gnl- H t Itnek Tin feiiH bruken loll colhrniich liliiuil 1roiu llpn tn by their strange sill Ii udRit ftnfr III Ihn Arun ol n IHI lunch paraded In Harlom because thonophowoftho- anal th DUeover- atlentun tlKmselns his null Inn ii r sunner a shell She Jaurinil- nf the Murilerer I hniiif ns sech hnd bnn intunt from Itoviilinct Instld of I in at to ii lag of th lr wrung No houso In oil could lioast of Ior n moment the two looked at enih other benn firm lIves up thore with hubs Undo lolin will 1 wouM than me hunt sumcthlu was And then other professor em- yIf youre nnt kivrdil Kunnel your nose out Id Ilk In luni n cnnlrark nn UHII lurking nrms they lunged forward Ono nnd- Or A D Menu assistant fl huM In tall snyn he Tin murally slu chIn M lie such a brand nf whiskey ns Herringbone who retired mutIny yoiironuo full of clinker tILe mAn one to hid nil those wo kin cover right hue In ludii HIM were S hun nllll IIIIIIhllll University In company with It be nut nf Mill Smlthers Ion lw got with swag thnngli StirS bryology nt Ilrowu lint my everlnntlii fortiin at 10 that lay huts Only on special occasions Hie I hue I rrth rrtt plunkers Tine orlclnal proeramma wns to hospital cit Id mike ill ° f I want to make kept in Hlnr n gutter while linn mnde n scries- dav III lh old hauLer up In the irlsnn m d Mndlcfcwl- thin aint nn pr dnnl lerl mullled wnlls row line Dr J I Kellogg of Williams ii head fur lh that esci aTtic II U wan particular samplnl aunt Ilium who Inr merrily ni tine mad hnvo the procosslon start In 1nrk but I s no troulili says ho if gui Hie dlmuud- that brand tu- time of breedingand w r In boarder sure A luno ii fnr them thin was ketrhcd sp I rllm If one had rliancnl ¬ of experiments Into nirllindf or for anuddcr star I Is fnmbly hnlrloon hut If ynu- approving lips and innmbors of lImo Kxcmpt Firemens Associa- you me you care In nlxjin this mix up- which it sisms n wet favored with It smacked u ghost WAS Colonel acutely told ill din nul rnniunler It l i wniild now Imve thud In gemmi Jlic work Viio Ihat oik l the old Ii then says IIP haw ynu hunt right of habits of rlnms nothln nun In lm told says dinl Ill Alt Cld appreciative for days afterward hunt everlasting huh tion who had boon assigned to the 1herin fur fair lead til wnulil bake lie riutiI nrrontplWied nt Wlckfnrd lost summer annul nil of his prerogative It was what III cull a private rown lend nnd Id- upon and A haunted ituu nlmiir li tit high- HUP nnd wIno nro Rutting well on In I I was nib wallln for a duly nulnrlzed agent whenever memory returned It Iew Inrnl IIii ionic IpeoU In the washbus do It ugh If 1 had tint Now what nhuut ways howling o nnietiu tug new nn tins shor a I board n specially filled hoitse- Why the at town rhann t iisirgi1 the stun is ncranlnrii tine Inspiring dismally would thought thnt a walk to HnrlJin would bo too Ill I los len fur between as lIre these thus u time Sin hi Cninmlsnlnn- l en tollln me that A Crnnklto innueluts min Iwat uiulrr llii nitiiiilrPN has JeM a I I alirutns- I a fins my rinu tn the fist bit and and hhiun will llresonin- Oh well tell him says Geeriri fY- beverage dwindled with sndilrrlng rapidity I Nnw an oruhlina barrel if wl U speed were unl- to smuggling In the United Slates I tile how no reward Is tui And that of Inland Fisheries Tlw rxi riinents pleaded guilty crnoknl ns they IIHI tile tniiKUn tie time when time Judge plainly prcelvcd ily turn to nii tIle nr HIP nlhpr mid bring up blurt Iromptly nt H oclock the firemen led by off Ilk l you If I Crnnkllns style K ini uul rnnrltided Smith the rAm propo- urmly wirronsful much vnlunlJp Information think In nl course that be would git uhf nld s hull stwr lint a barrel full f drunkiii man Is niinlnvr accompa- ¬ and Court afire ers tine cnn man on tin scent terre was accompaniment for only ouij more i Commander Robert II Nooncy and II gil dubIKS and 11 hajwd Josh that there sition Straight Ilirs lh I Hint s pnrlclniipnt nf chain lltcratuie fine the ledge orter annnuncln that Im thin a tIer vlctury Dnnl as by antI corps loft Iueutnb was obtained fur the ritli a nfl bide nf him In struggle hut irtnotmis feast In the barrel iSo ho bade lo a farewell hunt Ii I In went through tie feno nnd with nied n flfi drum their piamph1 soaked It tn him for full you inch be quite ft sick ersit mm aginst tejum and fur tine practice purposes of clam culture It was llnw for a And old lrltz too hn nsl- think Dodgers of Wnll street Dr- I A mighty crush III thIs n n s With nunvters In the Jefferson Market Ilulldlng and I hop tlipy delay lute cunning dinner his friends smith eighteen monts- Lnder no circumstnnces says I old rlu wnnl Hi bait tine lund was bnileil in nnd Dnlgers boarded ulovatod train for the hInt Tlio roMiltH of the tests txrcrimcnlH list U tine with any vexations stays of anti young album of goodfame as a an railroad goAl WO H find tilt hut never our Servcn dlKV scnrod nnd exossllng slrk hut much so- up they show some Ami who Is Abe Cmnklter continued Ihe old Is that hes proce sllngs- tory then transferring nnd going uptown recently Uun summed and half awake nnd h might gin It itchy In hU rifJng architect anti illfamo as time possessor ufli hletcrt liil out ninl lung tn n tree SloniJ crossly I must confer to total Ignorance very InlpriMlng eoturis Dr says hat Colonel sleep it Iluluik ax huw hu uud you was talklil alleged tenor vnlce with which IIP frequently while tin stars whirled nruiind him In riot nn tho Third ovnnun linn to 1Jotli- II V TIIKfK STATES an 1IU vchicli Its progress plunged over slroHt They to corner o- prior to limo Investigations In question prnctlcnlly of any surh jvrsnn OUT JtVltailKKS under morn favorable circum- resumed went out lulu the udder rrmrj KunniU aflllrted thosti who this embankment unil H moment with a great Jlndlson nvenup whern 1K letter breeding nnd every- Sol know Abe Cronklte Runnel cried Sown wpro nothing vns known ns lo the end thin sure enough wits 1rllz snooln- Iprlilng of stances called themselves hta friends Epicures fluaUsI peacefully lint tin rippling water with mitnburs of the Dolnndo tlm precious and lived In the ill Nu llUellliouil nf a Inlltlcnl ¬ day Imbits ol tin ilniii As long as Smlthers Old Ale Cronklle loudern his trnmlmtie with his on the till of avidity As soon as the un ceased In like Club aol nthnrfrlonilHof Includ- hell Lltlzpiu Who Am Dutch by Deicent nil three and an exuberant 1 along hint thy all your life Well Its no wonder you wsk- I n shake and h set trw down H merry go round Dodgers rutted hnnut and toll ing honkers brokers baker dollentpssen bivalve wns tn niinil In ilrlity shores we In judgment upon good whiskey- hi wlfo hn In trob I ncrldenl- men milkmen butchers luirbers waiters nnd thought etched dead to rights In your ust and nnly Job a kyanl It was just his play and hndii The discovery important If true has been made Hint been n of Norrnkftivtl liny folks gave little nol 11 few niomenls should lie axiom thin bottom- In midst of her comments nn tint Harlem iiillllonalrps nil got Into ago been half HollandAmorlcan residents nf the United It is or an that the tine Now that tine clam In dlsmnear Who L he Uunnel Well A year or so afore I got Inhind- that Iho linn given In A spirit skepticism calculated linn 1 who Is employed In Ilia- to qutMinii In came II with the can of a barrel always holds more than it is supposed to nl his luck went oglnst him he was the test all Fritzs hack and motuned to the dwr with my States may lie n factor In the Presidential elec tn be to n nature fell asleep lentral Iot omen and who savs tins lung the natural qu liimareWhy nndCnrind was the with the Junuiges whiskey us none thumb lIen of if this American declaration of neu- ¬ hold This caa ills last waking thought was a dim but first hot that stern In the something to Junu tempt his lordship lock to around detective In this country barrln loot got Into row Iwunorv acted us Marshal lu Here Frllzy m buick Mys Geong turtiin U departed barrel However line guests were there to empty souled wonder a tn how hn ever that lurk Ornnd tho metrnpolltlnsr force and In trality in the South African contest not < MftdUon his old Narrngntisott domains having served In In n Instinrk lest down about a anti a half tinny effect upon barrel and tho bean forces that barrel and empty It did the rlniMH cultivated 4 the Secret Service of thnt and then go chnw yourself Ivo got n from at the request of those who sympathize with Ten minutes nr sn after Dodgers lund terminated avenue with the Letter Carrion band playing Mead finds that may be geuuts themselves being nf the Inverse ratio nrdcr When his wild ride oilman tine doctor painfully Out of thin Overt They Are lr And yet he wan sent here impossible private snip to work with Ih two tin Doers It has even been pointed out that the nnd much the tamo as garden produce In fart ht llpiKil tier UP until It looked flue drop sea drained they crowned tine recep- ¬ limned down the lank They beheld tine All thin line of march a crowd you question may become an element In tho Senatorial last nfl has cultivated thus shellfish unit with wonderful Think nf your own case go tin go anudder and bobbing on the ripples bend was turned thnt went along In wagons set fireworks like a cute of either or fr Hollanders tacle with chnplets cnrrled It subunIt time dining with says that Abe was trun down for some trifling then with a wegnts waddled nut nf Ihe room light In tIne State of Michigan wince toward thorn they see Ihat tho interior until tine Dolnn rnsldenco at Madison are success Otto of bl experiments silts a room on their hhoulders annul finally put It out WOH iiiie was reached There the carriers ¬ bribery aflalr unit he never trot quite up agln no tnnr nngry with the lire than n are nijro numerous than in nuy other StoIc of trill empty stoop latch of young clams taken from among n quan- be t lug nn his Muck on the lawn to cool nff shouting said the doctor In hollow tones band ent up nn Mr Dolnns front he should would n insurance country annul attention is rnllfd to tIn fact that Played Mv Happy Homn nun tity all of tine name nee on tine bench nt WIckford What more unlernl lh n than that Did you e army nf trouble when you Drowned Ienvo for s signs Is expire OIL ml mart Itt It which the Judge tine wand ¬ use his own good steers and go in with A gang just Senator McMillan whose terra about to ti roll he swam ashore gulped Collman while n nnd drum They were placed In a box of in the house wits nut i HII freely translated Tins barrel Is empty hiring Couldnt climb th i n lie corps remained out In the roadway helping to time eighteen Inches In smuggling dope opium I mean from Canady Come to think nf II tins re there and w ho hni no large n constituency of Hollanders lively boat and box was sunk about up by alley but I wns on tine bottle In tiilnvo There wins n nf package wns n crowd collirtlii Iii I himself A native nf th UritLih colony of Canada tnt oxploulon of nnul- below time surface of the water and not effected Theres a tweliedollar profit nn a little might turn lieer vu I Forget II trW Callman Ill swat you II hire foliowel thin rockets tel the thunder In 1838 Sundry Accordingly the bottle wee brought on and eninudles which Mpniuan out of of was kept submerged you cnuld hold In th e palm nf your hand Runnel jest moslcd along And then I toll him about having been born In Hamilton you do It again If It wasnt hlc your by the rim and fail the this another bottle and still others and at 1 A M hlc game tine mouse Mr rnflei In a bIg line and no better pay In the world than the Chink pd r Iete and ho agreed null me IbM the only resolutions of sympathy with ihe Doers liars pimr or a month After tints during second month map to act ns four gentlemen untitled forth upon the hInt hlc milling on his own stoop now for Homebody nrinchnlrovcr to the window where hn could old man like him way to git out of ann sech sos been olfered nut ace pending in Ihe United States the the Mr Meelmn eamo tine box was exposed only at low tide when the Do you spnse a lovernment IL- to come In the hlo morning and niwn limit view When out you wasnt In ringbomt clinging affectionately together time Wash- ¬ scruples Not arter he got lilnggnld and Senate nnd tin Mid nf suma persons is that when berth It Is our melancholy duty lo Inform the widow n committee horded houseboat was ashore Tlw growth of these had any consrlentus h ninnln Kunnel when ¬ lux anil basked in tine rays of the moon which shim- said ington Mnrkit butpher informed him that his stuns from to time with ynu He knew m 5 atm breakfast which I hnd rust for In ndvimc if the Michigan election Serulor- tho nun kin le loitln th- wi snt ¬ friends hunt serenade him and wore tho original locality on tine shore had sent In nnd n unusually gush out ton mered In long sparkles of light on the little lake llo hlcdnmC I will then replied Call that of clams in and he was willln to take nnd McMillan is called UIKII to rote on these he mutt unxloua to unmet him at Mozart huh nt thm surprising ermo and Ihe penult iu bwn n and with somewhat result that nnd quite n sivln that constitu- ¬ time bottom of the hull manFrom Second Thither bo six mont Afore I cliuosi Iktuirn tUspliasng his Holland at nn Inside the Doctor produced n sixth street nnd the tine clams lu tine luiusobont grew faster than the resk llesldes It wont I I tIe more brnkp than I the day afore h wtit- moved Ho many people tried to IHMII nationid- Dlshgraful moon said Dodgers severely flask No physician should bo without one the It Is clear In tie opinion pnrdnncd Iii on thn side his PJTS hnliT- ents and emlirrnwmg Iii course nl Iho Into tIne worn others hes ali roo bo- tine of two shivering men the hull reserves of Dr Mend that It Is not for fur rest lit purposes is filch hO an ardenl supporter Tull very Suit Iunnor hlc Indy ought to tile Hut why ynu think he will come up In this imr mil Administration of is emptied that flask sucked tine Then railed out Thins wino got Inside found several of tine clams that tiny remain In n niiither li nt tin lust glnmi In hlmtnfJ yourself aol long tables doing tine grotto net An soon O- lIon Colonel I Vln- II net would nut lo lino with strict out to Dodgers as they locality which is excised nt On hospital nskid the old this li goln In a IUM CKhry da whih sit Mrs and Htho bulk of tlno diaposed of but tl Tho influence of the lunar radiance said the went wept for tine untimely nf their com- ¬ tatnblo been contrary they grow aster when submerged sill Mid Runnel theyll wont to mnko It ray do you slmox It Siallhers that the iliigo netilrnUly- liii > were In win panion ur some time going was slow order tin him No ward tough nn half breed bravo IN reason tu Hint doctor wino was prone to didactic speeches upon reason addressing for Alip ant natural too Why for years ho struck Tiicro however much loiioc n great lenl nnd The llrst Mr Mcehan Clams n re feeders They wilt eat nund eat biiincrr that hnd truu him outer some well understood by the uncertain They told him his lurid In Upsides I the spectre of HollandAmerican voters awaiting such nccisloni was tIme that friends for to eat ns ns there Is was HID backbone uf this Instituting hut n gentleman arlubtnnn nrmllunarp itegl nail of tIe was Intricate Iresently purpose of buying him n loving cup and rat and continue timely influence felt for the its peculiar effect upon mankind the Doctor pulled up the Anything lu sight And tine wore they pat thus prltty well soorrrannuatcd now nnd still In Mlnut by name IIIMI of OHM nl tho ill fnmhlliS- an opportunity to mnke ancients 00 for and hes ¬ I grow size The reason lu Iho city and inures a of RIOWXI fur Iho n residential election In the United Forget the blame ancients hlc Doc inter- This is think he said hail had a bpnutiful cup made to order faster toanentnbU thin Jints nnd Ihey k lu put him down as a chronic rica first time in oIlman lifted up a melancholy voice and In why the houselmnt rnpllve thrivcil better than apprehension of Iho murderer Ten tousand tine rupted pour my soul After boil been to Mr ¬ without muoh trouble State dos not decrtv much attentIon lly Callman I pine to out toned th their brothers and sisters nn the beach was with- rheumatic ti ihuis rpatI song uplifted tenor Mechnn ho maim a saying that he until on of tho tile were 1 total number of Holland- In and he an excruciating out doubt account fact that Ynu seem to well Informed about your Ten ttuia dollars I muttered nrler him last Federal census the Saw waw weewaw waw w v wawwaw- out more slices nf loaf anti I my eyes tine Flemish wail Fair moo < to thee I sing Tumptutu ptu m tuaip tnenn constantly submerged and Could therefore draw- And then Kiinnrl seen dnnrln afnre ers and natives of Luxemburg and ol 0 lIOn i than any other moan In this world and bad of salt- frlMidWlilch malt In bright plunders a rog- Saw waw weewaw never away from hennery n through their an endless river that mount provinces of llolglum In country was less Oh waow wur rnowwowwow mocked a leon the then tins food neces- ¬ I might la lie Runnel seein as how of them mum in a btrenm- only runt water which contains articles Inr shower nh Ill hissed Doctor What are you hours at onetime I inc ¬ disagreement nn end I myself the frets llm- than 100000 and there lna no material In bewhlskered cat upon an adjacent fence tin long Ho tIne loving cup with sary lo the clams others Im Ive hal two bits and ont tro his without wen If doing that then nf Dm beach at low water walk Ktandln in fr nt nf the sit ehlit Jim Is with Dutch immIgration suture which would InflVnce of lunar radyance hlc non ancient clinm pncno and passed It and ho to nil It In the sands work My eyes have been peeled for him ever crenso In news gent hlc gently said Call were deprived nf food during tins hours when of boys nt Inn heels end pverylhln free Hoi1- many times after that grunt Justify tho opinion that the numler of such pussy observed Dodgers The mo hoping man Thns Sho Shores Marsh thus tinny rate tho fact senre the Mlnnt CASP in which he mails inside wen the horses n me with 1 U Vl l At Is now In excess of 120000 and nt time cat doth to the hie moon complain Itather II1 lns HA Marsh thnt tins prisoners nf tIns hnuselmat his reppirlntun zuni I wits o uncnnsus witness the in my list a watchln thorn run Intidors v- remains WKW waw weew w waw nawirikur- TIIK grout mucli more Dr Mead Is con- ¬ patenco nn skill nn wwers of deduc- binaries ns long as nrm and never lurnin normal division of voters based on imputation one hear her complain than you hlc Collmaa Nem KriiirtKFrur orrv nf his un- OOOO- iTumptump vinced thnt tints food was the reason it hair when tine past I seen myself in six until would not In In sill more mind Gimme tuck tun Milt n rio the whol nn What on ninth you wretches He Yellow Clinrlnt Up Short llu is positive that line cultivation of the clam ngninsl tin Mint tcnturin I iultiu nmurrlran voters in the country cling tire drunken Hrlnc Illi for Colonel folded up the book on life knee mimi It And then I seen Hub Insignificant total In an of And rye Inquired the Judgo feelingly nut there It was a very sharp voice proceeding Mini tins could be on In Narrngansett Hay with The old hull ikublln eloloratc n Win Has United nn Track lined I straight trustin gaze ns h hnd mnlldod so ns dual wltli very few ex- ¬ ing firmly to his own door post as one who knows front a en abuse turn success and under legal restriction nf which hn Pin I not turned a pug Inc an hour Moreover Tine gripman not only does not mare his chan- bivalve might In time near future assume its itsme nnd I buys snys I It wont d I erue- ceptions tine Hollnmlers resident in united It You tell her wild the two men rifle to tine the Ynu might mo almut case Smlthers- that It he hell never get back untitled wonted strength SMut he Ill that I cod b h snys Hlnggnld lappln me on nr to be found In States which are stanch other arid each replied with equal unanimity nel buoyed out for him but time obstructions in numerical expression It will It do we must draw lsuuit flit nnit nf tine Holinnd Hye afterward said Dodgers Care killed No you dolt It is time testimony that thn clam he said with an nf interest hack in curs ly han It are forever shifting nnd he has to look out for decreasing In gradually thin lime tmniewlipreo lull draws It nt luck this Initod Stales live In Michigan dI A cat Im Care Gimme rock It wan time Doctor who finally said Madam have been mre to break this Intolerable tedium etc in new ones sib the time ant some of these sure during the last twenty years and It is a ait thnt cappln And never you mini iherns n rewnrd In this of rand nnd of He shot down the steps ninth after circling around it Is painful dutv- And so I will ngreed Smithen tho con man cumin to you not this sneakln kind but a re- annul In the work nf truck garden- ¬ lllc Interjected Callman weep ¬ timIngs that no man could ever hnve foreseen Tithe tiny are now scarce Tint ills Ivnlanmzoo spot upon been nearly uniform In all parts bringing A which ho squatted A ot nre tine butte a selected several limes sank gently lug Saul cAsiou appearance has up stool on like ward vlrtnn ing In which Hnllandtin It alloReiher It may truly bo snid of the trrlpman iuti sn save I It luther como for I n shinto In the latter district ground arid prepared to sleep other The fact is Madam your late lamented hus- ¬ Island shore the The Chlncso Idol lobHng to nnnd fro And so I hut roiisldrable the The ho eyes open might low huM n collapse t recovery district they r mostly band that must keep his and It be Is still In certain localities comparatively nbuml Iw my anu In the hand two guests went after him hn will or its right s nco you anti Abo will Walt till I finish MM he he went rnnnecteil with tIme and wood carving illi or Ill have Ihe police after you Husband added as a matter of fact that ha commonly ant below low tide where it cannot hIt saint ¬ of f- Mght boys the Judge carefully locat- got by the ordinary method digging hut chums that you should have a proper lot nn nnd rend as how the onjee af th murdr must Intiresti which now ivillre Iherealwuts Mich- Indeed Ive these forty years without What seemed to be a fair Illustration of taken tllus curried n and pouncing before It ono and I can get tIne rest of my life while doc more elaborate smut unusual method nntoral glib mAr ten n blry that igan Is an State ing the door knob and on it hail occurred on Saturday night In the snow ol dough I with him hut unit his dpfectlnn curry I would mnko men ate such shrunken idiots as ouu two If I Ibis of churning Ill ago large ainuunt the of time toelute him Time to turn In Dodgers It was twenty year Runnel twenty year wnllet was missin besides n of n- In Hu in control though had a nf water here you wouldn gapiug storm which It may not There Is no reason tn no dltfcrencn himself anywhere stand runt an prolific n matter of some dltfrence to Imt towns and men tUmnnd ho nllus sported who do you of course It would be an unwelcome evidenco 0 milk perfly at home on the titers like nrtinles Git was yet snowstorm Island female clam It just as ever SOl a true bllrzard as a a corker l eggs upon got > nf confidence In voters who have heretofore lawn mwlfe was at home d send him out a Mrs It as she wits Why half she casts and I was stoppin with Itlnggold him that was spotn lock T lion In Its class some- fur I dont for moment Mleve that slnnchly support 1 the 1t ticket Tho not hlc Oil- tine waters grew to maturity there would be ieorge lit blanket Mght boys pleasant dreams time well ktiowed M Gentleman in a third fog wruld take it other Status which hnve a considerable Holland man thoughtfully as they retreated Ju know In line midst of this storm there was careering thing very much In nature of a clam plague 1 linlnndng ho plunged of Narrangansett liny story back jest to Iho west of what Is now culled I dont s Cabs I know Who st American population ne loon Wisconsin anti himself for a moment that down Droadway at a more nr less high rate of along the shores r wino A Ca- tine which he Do I know her growled tine Doctor Mead has never taken the trouble to count the the Tenderllne You have smi sech streets the breakfast hadnt Connecticut 0 headforemost within door didnt Wnlt speed a gripman wino In the course of time came nadian quarter yesterday Come I II uuuI annul Sew York in Illinois in Chicago till next time sine tails mo In for Imaginary np- eggs In a female clam Time is too up take the trouble lo close after him Prom the ¬ Im sure made ol stables nnd hum boordm iporge1 uu up mimi admitted In New York In KnrheMer roost notably iiendlcills cut her liver out ortt to Greeley Square below Thirtyfourth street precious for that but he estimates that the num chlolly and tine Ill with front doors never closed and front how h was comm bark wild HIP dunk nf Hollanders but not n Interior camo sound of thumps and bumps in tins fl Inn reach the neighborhood of 100001 houses ns when there lure a fair number As he wns skilterlng nlong there the blinding eggs opened he seen lime bd and nn nne nround nnd with number sulllcienlly largo to lw of much political then what seemed to bo solemn denunciations On they wandered until tine reached another all these In that event arire iivcr with rhilder runnln In I snow a man came out iron under tine structure thud which tine dtlfrcnreI- account On tine In tho Suuth In house which they considered lo be that of the this State would be the pressing necessity end out and never gob to Ilk In tine Judges voice of maliciously obstructive time like ants led but wpen P crook nnd n mail stripped it fur Now Kngland States nutldj nf Connecticut deceased sure tine Doctor lighted a of Sixth avenue elevated tracks and started of Annexing million > away Mine glttun up with tin cleaners sweepln up fall And ho illvldi d siiuan1 he six hun tliTe are very few Hollanders and tlm fact thnt urnlluru died in the distant match and verllled the number on thin door to cross the cable road This man had two big As a matter of probable tact only one or two tout tine uncoil socked nwny liepubllcnu nud Your tune to of tine of eggs amount to Anything last years dirt for this years wind to scatter den n di he nearly nil ol them vole thn ticket Is this your vauntnl hospitality cried the turn this sold ho his companion bundles which he carried as he might V n rainy nny in politics Youve gut to break the news lo hare car nouns catastrophes happen to the other ninetynine blocks against day very few nf them lako nctivo Pitt doctor pointing a denunciatory hand toward her ngln with no trees no shade and tie We fewer airy pudduns nrt r that Kun ¬ voting leads not to Ill break hlc news Mid the architect tied two valises one in each hand He didnt odd so long that on n lot summer day It makes a man nel but we didnt blossom nut for nil Hint You that any sudden manifestation nf political Inter- the vanished Judge to leave your helpless Ill brenk news so hlc gently thnt have any too much time to spare to get across The eggs of the clam and Dr Meal likn xceednnuclv nninute dlijy nt nno corner In think how far h must wnllc see wouldnt du Wh Ihn detectives wits est nmong them is little to be expected oven under friends to time dark spirits of shrouded Vox- hlc never know there was a fracture nnd stung out as came along tinoeof tine tire Ilku so thick hokin for that reward that when run provocation than Is the South lace more he struck Into tine mournful meas- ¬ hint fur all that this mann when he struck tine track tine littler also extruded Into the water to git to the ndler lllnggolil ant mo hal jiM Wurraowwwwl Whurrr raow Wah of time fertilized where they develop ii us Ins 11 our tonne of thim fur knock African war ures funeral march while Neiven an with that car bouncing down on him and with where ore and lieen trim dOm Inn greou goods Job having had a him be backln plum Into ntiml The IDslon of those who are fenrfid whiwpwaaaaaow1 shrieked tine dark spirit accompaniment on tins door hell moment every possible incentive to Jump clear of it halted Into reel swimming larva During circular sclrd in the mnlls der tcnwkenlly when l was walkln- that the number of Holland voters In Michigan of shrouded Nox rampant on thin fence a front w opined arid a female head red square on tine the car apparently log of llfethe young clams sure toomirwtfl Mrnlght It wouldnt do lor the to go nut may l an obstacle to Senator McMillans return therein a low bow said about to run down llut the swung to be distensible the aid nf the and no wns now wnrkln In on any old graft ho slit Dodgers turned over got on till fours and began hit unit rind Company was tin Iasy Street to Senate sure unnecessary for n slnggived forward annul brought up ngniust the promptly unit on the ¬ In tint condition theC live an active life and tire hal give up his socnl lies for the leln though the beaks that which few nf them npt ar to 11 Into ac- lo grub around the premises like a hen after n side cf the house lime bend protruded a little yellow omnibus within about an Inch carried hither and thither the tides for several Imo rinsnii ¬ ns most men must when they dosnt or itowasnt our graft so we s t tu hum mostly takln count It is Whlli thin number nf Hollanders worm muttering schemes nf vengeance His from tine window arid n quarter him and leaning over the dub days nt least before they settle bot- lu thii thoughts of what we might do Michigan Is approximately 3 ooo tine number Weve called to tee about your husband Imird ho down at the man who was now tom or attach to some object like n of sbowln the holes In their soles antI InI fort In two friends endeavored to dissuade mum by the fear are amid wnlln llttli t in Ink nf Caniidlnns In Michigan Is 2WOOO and re- he began a little landing down on the track but at the same time stone or piece of tea weed The result nfeenred to stand up lost pins wnrus lint indiw- cur Advise and attended strlckly to his ordinary gardisl from the point of vluw of numerical coat tillis but he doggedly crawled on Iresently Ywu taInt we him wild Ihe owner of tine head up on arm and saying to time gripman of this of reproduction Is that time young in No replied the diplomatic I do not where eggs hut l nsable should give way riKitlne to very Importance the il ii Canadians would he found a rock It got painfully to hi maam Cnllnmn lull on there now on clams remain tire good wild nf limo public fnr tho Mldlest mnn Uli n man In Michigan Neither ran you tInt enterin hlc All nil right are distributed by tides This wasn t so very bad for the more it feet and flung the mUxlle priwumably at the the and The house It one nf its Ilia Krllz he set around tliin the suppirt f thin Hollanders of that he in nn aside to tint Doctor Break 1m lucid met there tUb the mann ahead could gather fact readily explains the n appearance sort where nn questing Is ash only kljipies In and smoked and snuffed and untried anti when Stilt entirely apart Irnm tine fact Hint Senator cat There was a thudding Impact and tine tall lit It gently as a inic doves sight un the still that hnd spread out from ono of his of n large runt in a locality tine lute I you hi is unlikely more ¬ I advance There was some furreners and some he down In went nut antI tooted lrM hum U I birth The American hat of Callnmn sprang from his head and fell know what minIm said the woman big bundles which one chance in a million adults are scarce It not at all bone nnd if you could have sent our the largest resident Dutch colony In the window Hes In bed nnd asleep lind come undone just as he touched track over that tIne clams Mow tide water And freaks some crooks layin low anti some bunco his dir which hns upon thus grass some ten feet away a misshapen the I mt nights with us four n clrrulnlln tine mod- Is rnterson 1 In which by the last Federal Wlial shouted both the met together Then to scatter its contents between tine rails Hut out of reach of their human enemy produce A large stweri bun schemes with here and there a est rain trowln hands the while youd have census 4A llullanders mid Zn Iuxemburghers- moss The rock continued on Its course and the Doctor added Imminent as time danger was tins man didnt Jump proportion of the clams which pet nn respectable man workln nearby and not carlo never suspected that free nf as was on tn the wero returiusl Tine Dtilrli of later brought up against the porch about fifty feet Madam are sure It Is your husband J annul desert tine stuff to tithe the chances of its In matter of settling and In the peculiar mystery which was tlln the fashnabli wcrld Is put 10000 The Hollanders ol- lb mean to insult me sirsnu she being shredded anti torn by the wheels and other characteristics of the young clams they ¬ son now at target which gave it for gineral rcpi ertntun sn long as he saved car- i- distant from the n will whoop Headquarters leery and that ui 1aterson take uo separate part la politics Doc still Callmau were hie insiiltln the contraptions of time table car hint be him ¬ have set there are two that I think will fare Sech a one was Pierre Hoget we called df the tree was the party of disdain and performed insulting signals in this wrong lady again nu trusted tn the pilot of tins yellow of the greatest In clam culture First newspapers up bit you 1ln Iuiulfloflliilh murmured the Doctor cnrrynll set not evenly even In him little 1ete a dago cf some sort Spanad The didnt a HAFKK- clear light of the moon With the effort of thi lruireent tearing down so on him to stop the distributed a tIne mush AMKnilAH IttlLHOtnl dngo hunts of this U of hal bt Kunnel for wit mistery to Dodgers had plunged fiercely backward that wornout lingo cried the time ansi AS already bern shown lila trust regions bay where the water full the I guess who had the bunk next to A nice world was sure In h tints tn the udder throw exasperated Callman Dont mini him hIt was nut in vain In some localities the set Is extremely tine basis quiet little feller ho were Kunnel with a good What was Mlnct doln lu scch- Aerldenti firowlng Fewer While Passenger end alighted upon of his bran lie dont mean any hit harm Scus llut the man nn the track sinaI trunk no ad ¬ thick while In neighboring localities a few rods word and tad cigar for every one and anxtis- A neighborhood WAS iou of the questions which Trnltln Is Increasing lay moaning softly Indifferent alike to the song that break about your husband Mis- vantage of the that is he did not distant only may found mind the on tins part of m Right limo long time and do the bundle tIne from to He worked the tobacco line of tIne cat and the bitter curses of the hatless Call take husband en truck a up Second clams a half todo a favor In and teory of hU folks was thnt he hail been There are 50000 flagmen switchmen and wrong house null tImer stud tie It timers all Ont but on an Inch In length have a remarkable I dont spnse ever did a crooked thing in his life then tmo some ruse now ennui then then kem line watchmen employed on the railroads ol the man The Doctor bent anxiously over his pros- Madam would condescend lo enlighten tile contrary settling the bundle that did not come for burrowing a capacity which Is greatly di- ¬ I on tIne q I he mud been rather Ignorance tell undone one he gathered as grows unless youd call wshln revinue stamps crooked out a hint that a time duties which devolve upon trate fotn our and us whoso house n to side as minished the the gay Vuited States nnd Is1 requested the Doctor he could the scattered stuff clutch- proper season therefore In localities you may be sure he We was in- a Are you injured lodgers he asked- this es and and the which didnt says KuunM that we a quiet liar them relntfl primnrily to Iho security ol pnsslng lute is house and Mr Dodgers ing this tn himself he seized tha other the set Is thick the clams can easily be col- ¬ lou kfllcd cur rooms n good deal then Kunnel harm monus part so we I a The use by them of lanterns at night I am replied Dodgers In hushed tones is mdccli Mill the woman Whuits with the other hand and hurried across Droad lected In Immense numbers by means n timIngs trains way got the frosty at most of our usal lints the when nf tine divil swmed tn Inure taken Hags by while desirable In a small way I am the victim of hlcthugs My medulla oh moro lie Isnt likely to wake up lot a good while and up on the sidewalk Annul fortunately the time when they can ore old snoozin between ant day long sluice maul on Into tine to gone out we was on the hog and nf Frit Instidof longatn he added with a sob is sticking through Tho two men stood gaping at the window The the be collected with least havln that land nnd bavin to be shaken for every play ns n measure of protection especially at cross- Then they turned to each other groping mentally whirling storm wondering perhaps If he was A be tine best time fnr transplanting By at night little Pete ho would come In and trnw for a wonder hu wits widen wake anti not that ings Is by nn means so Important as time signal Ihehlccrownof my hal TheM hie assoshic for light man of a turn run up far tine best time for and nil his a hand at cosseen or set up a bunch of cheroots but sassy nnd wuss Mil sarcuMlc lights which are displayed from towers And which tine assas hlc and the observation merged Doc still Callman was there barrel against next I from the first week In to the first or second mean sayins was aimed at- I 1 I dont know said the Doctor feoblr- week In August It U hundreds of times easier anti set by for a blow and to hear us talk Hut was 1eta regulated by telegraphic communication gently Into a snore as sank Into oblivion one uon that little Iete are said I seem to remember one It rolled dawn a hill J1KK TKMIEltKt to them at this season by means of a flue t early evens we didnt expect him for he was It good kinder scornful now the doctor and hues stood he did maintained along tine line of track Under tho to continue didnt itH sieve than at other times of the year with lived by then wavln his mill liable loaffl1 ruHfJlllrer1 wo chased It we clam little animals may sown sweet on a gal named Hosalie who herself and signal rules adopted by the Americans Hallroad Aurora with her tnt didnt A Now Combination of Metnln Which Is- a line The good money too when ttlnggold he told Diltrhy In slot ii but Intinorrr- broadcast like grain ant burrow around thn corner anti them strange remarks from l lir- Association the application of which Is general Oh hlc rora Docicried- Dodgers Kxppiteil tn He Very V nfnl specimens her wenvln lace gal she when angrily waving his mitt Oh dnmn dna Did dine nt the Into the sand whereas larger from trno knack riussenal becnnu1 drected nguist Hosalle fare nnly throughout tIne United States but In Callman mutilated with us what I hlc inch tipusard must panted V were Kunnel of tho brown with fiashiii Iii not to rusynos yap Judges Thas wanla from thr Cllrtlanil LtaJir- an It grew papery airin annul under tIns tab I cud I want d tint he know covered great loss will ensue black iOM nnd color that would come and go Mexico and Canada ns well a red light whenever Ii buy me a new process of rolling and or a Hut old he took no Dodgers snlil Mrs Dodgers was In lly a new a Massachusetts demon- ¬ S nil reckoned in neighbor us vt Misguided wretch smut the doctor Would Mr n Our experiments In have thit but on ho went growln FIll annul more displayed signifies danger and calls fur A stop trolley I genius succeeded in attaining t hnod where she could walk right troo n heed of his helplessness The very snous tonight Infer has results that strated favorable conditions the rots it ru in his mats become of cautions commands Co slowly your ynu ¬ Is more rapid Is sup- Vet nn led nit night nbout her business gill a Ift n ant brotherhood of llncchus mm ninniiT thnt gentlemen so far as sheet metal work Is concerned are al- of than th gun Iw nst Sure she must have w lube indicates safety arid commands ahead were niuung thus Injured posed Uy line of September some find never n hand laid upon her lo Oh forget HacrhUM Hnnrtal tine other most equal to ho would lw able accom- ¬ given tInt grand bounce He didnt to see A by dny it blue light by night dls n men Shun what to Some nf too would Iete to blue ling ill n I endeavor to Serven There wits tinge in voIce set had reached a of two tie and onus knowed whern she wns bulh ends nf nu engine or shall tomorrowrelumed regarded win- plish If he hod rediscovered the secret of tempering in nf a ecen lit Isiwlally an old duller we called d nt rule or car liiHnl prophetic tunics with the aid of wet tnw U them for n moment rind closed the Inches The also demonstrate a So wunder the little feller wns nsettln hnm train signifies workmen unto eujngnl on dow Then they wont sadly homeward nc hunts already pointed out there great Fritz us full y M Dutchcudger with hall otti thnt III tile fluS me t mo to Inform JMII that copper TheMossacliusetls genius succeeded I havu that are eveiu Inns when ho haul nut lucre else to go annul or nbout it When thus protected it must not cumulating by fruitless brnlnwork ns- thin o to C nil cliecks nil siickm out t you who was loud our friend Is from a uf rSttlll1lil In gelling to the differences hi rate the was ashamed to show his fire fur truu duwn- WPIII Frank Itockcfellerbrother 1resl nf MI tin nrouuil tnt stioom a muilllii mill Hn bo disturbed nl upon his reaction following nut Ihev food supply which Is obtained from the water In web 11 cold Woudfd fashing And so on and eflVcl nf tine more general use nf uniform clIlII her coincidence dent of lime Sisndrntd Oil Company and himself a iui thus gruwthi when ln might to r on a big On Indulgence In ilk All III 11 unit a curious Callman- flutist may he on ha cuiitlnered with n llnw nf langwldice wbloh- nf Ihe num- ¬ 11 tromiiine m a summer gardlug which ha gave n b inns hwiithestomly reduction thnt lies hOI n hie of n nml Serven met on the station platform nt very rich roan interested in the matter Mr- of clams which are under water most tine hone Heemeil mlrniluus iii lenin gittln1 sharper and n on American railroads thu total tine following morning wns out As his reglar occy ber fatalities Your diagnosis is substantially correct oclock nf their Hocktfeller says that if he finds en Investigation The size and age at which the clan reaches 1ete ho fairly roared out ¬ Olio hot nveuln I utinel with a thunder- rneaner until number of which Is now considerably less than Is couched In terms Hint a pill tisunl habit lo take the 0 train They maturity luaus not Utn definitely ascer- the air all for brealhin Whats happened to old Imberclle hal he was tent IIf ago In tin meantime approached each other cautiously was that tine prom Is all that the Inventor claims tained but there are facts which strongly storm broHin nut huts He so tn mIxer said the doctor with great dignity In coiisokence m and old Fritz set In lost his h railroad travel huts enormously Tho Cnllnian leaned over to destroyer- tine first to tine lei for It and nut expensive be wilt take it up If that breed tine first nf if In sech nonsense Don think I It gentle- of passengers on the mow you tine our front room Imsln the popes for love Itlnggold- mine total number carried of his hunt lie might better not have Dodgers he said did get out cf he dote hue says tine establishment for waking The question Is important In view uf any Attempt limit 1 prmlt flu A lind gone out to thick wa bavin men wont railroads in year not far from 600000000 Leaning over after dinner causes the Mood tn At on a scale or at What he says it Is fnlse a lie llo- cInch tIne new material which will revolutionize some shaken for tint some nnd he stuck when chnrnkter the of fatalities to passengers aver rush II time head Callnmn sank gently to his Lake eye responded Dodgers How the shores hut not run Is not In concernment < III iOO rill of n sudden Urn door opened ant little 1ete salle alt than or less than ono kilt olid apparently tried to time grass did I get Into things will bo located In Cleveland The on tin houseboat required Alt tins world mny know sine is stayln with n of passengers lu I was sorter Kunnel rally I that of one per rent While the number though a goat is ihislaineuj tine And wlmts this about the trolley asked The Inventor has succeeded In making sheets quantities of tine clams and tine was tame fren over on Ihe East Side at ant tech thin beln no mnran nine far wh cannel Is Increasing number 0 1011 time Serven skimming the mirfac nf thus water was it A And nt this Kunnel- IIln Ir that crated Judges front yard of seemingly pure copper nf wonderful thlunesu from his tune and tile looks betnktn a number Avenue in nf the fart that aid of wvirral well placed kindly Then tinny hind a heartIn heart talk followed with a fine silk mesh A hut days after tIme llttlo I IHVII nlmut ¬ th kirks rolll the with tine strength capacity Nnlerally ho was pale but tonight hit ienuVman ieorge wino hAl Iwlslin while some railroad accidents Appear to be ab- he contrived tu in n to sfe for a farewell drink fellows are caught and n dish they trouble lila r up and bis doctor get lo his feet for that steel ma thou- ¬ like a sheet pip r two bunnin uneasy In che crabbed solutely unavoidable serious entall- to bin shoulders overcome with because they nil needed It As pmergod they are found to have attached themselves to was out of the dis- friends sands of dollars move been i ent on the experi- ¬ Week holes t rio it ll allus carried hlsaclf bat slid rOm 1ns till wrecking nf trains and wholesale grief nt the condition of Dodger met Judge Herringbone looking n little the worse bottom nf tine or lo itmu object which sliK them dagws mostly Old Fritz pnld no to huts sneak suet asters ery much less frequent than formerly for wenr Tin Judge till nround for ments and thu few sheets of the new bo and as do to lire couldhc We do tt he wept iI old boen deal to near them At this period their up fur th 1 Ilellectuns on her charakter he sneered why The adoption and maintenance of a don or left ontho that have mail cult a great more titan make ntfort tine thdr ri simse hie Dodgers Intox- anything he might havn undone In existence the damn Is less titan nnellftecnth of be a n she none Sure willknowed hunt of entails A considerable ji Irunkhic Hint their Tho Iroc consists In now sfomed to niferin unusal amount aint Its system signals hlc tniu orderly In the front yard nf- previous evening saying hn hed trillIng an Inch long titnf Hide Hullo 1ete I says this usa Ill Mlnot was her buyer expense upon railroad companies It Is munch n ho n hot steel plate and two heated has Uosalie shook but hlc Justice too much still plnlei same in n The for Attachment Dr ou Ob nn no he answered ns If the hlvens Sarrrel screamed little IVlc with a roll of mniju un In time attained funny thing Thnt barrel that wo at tie such that the until damn Is of finehalf- military in mire If down agnln Callman the doctor copper forms a skin over the surfaces of the steel remains the upward might pass away lust shes gone away on n tho rs like drums funeral All a which Include grenler security In travel a warned him un will sleep this finished completely disappeared Inst night an inch In length and this time finest if tin shunt AlI out night with gives it all time weather resistance that pure visit then a moment Hash hits hand burzom and of sliced for lIIt trains n dhimi- I Thnt Is nhcry We which hnve survived h rllJel Dodgers in a wayside iii The copper has that It will not rust and clams at all hurled AleIf was fannY knlte rind over tin liblo went dnnger of truck obstruction practical I ins hunt at ¬ nml studyln tlu he lellln his that sheil aol a do for both of b to roll you there and must have drank everything In louise I same of themselves In time ground It was a wise provi- ho mint Good by In I lie Dutch- In tine nub success w HIP time the strength steel is the damn own fortiin say he Ir Sratthew at Fritzs throat diminution number a cover you nllh leaves dont believe scent so as Inenl barrel tie well sion ol nature to grant to tie chain tine powers to 1 iis I myself I d Into a sumner made It ran as a oml- might hoe the favor a word In private man says to as Jtimi brought for damages line work nf making Birds In the hie woods suggested Cnll- Vnsnld the Judge thoughtfully hut from creep anti attach llwlf objects when Oumng 1 crimiwd or otherwise worked in ways and under iert says I stack flue to I this say travel unfe nn American railroads is nhmee mnn lxsln tin woods prefer thin fact that I slept In nrms nf the hntrnck I mons may wander about with doll Kunnel I was never more mistook in my life I building ob drrumstoiircs that would be impossible with Iii while we re gone knonln though that old even faster limn Ihe work of railroad mown hie nest thanks didnt know one nl you fellows might uf pime degree of until the find n A good nr I sheets flipper suitable W In the moment which Is snyln heal wouldnt odlvely resumed since 187- time barrel away a ¬ tte orntif Motu The question Is how line we going 10 get nod have carried ns souvenir tInt his the Standard Oil offices In place to burroH and three which are not satis was turned I led the way Into ilia When I looked ngin troo Ihe dust little Tele lay A tint time our btcks ant er home Come In nnd have city Frank lusts n small of lieu with ground erp they first burrow on llu tutor nt the mom and wllli a Swore oil ahni tins untie in one vnjcn sheet the intrbur row ron WATERS Youve heard the question said Tollman new material flu name fur which been can come rut and gn to A new They hat I nnd the door and of bilboes on hits wrists And there stnndln i7sir rnoM imsiKRv thus 1 I urns has lit a cnndla shut mnluned gravely Aiiiunfssuiruut Curious thing said Just selected Ins sheets were time nf paper actually hen seen to do this Of I llm Mdi of the over him with thin fancy knife In hU hand was tint ink myself the letter i Iete to set oil not said Dodgers between a snort and a lng of fining Hint something NO thin tw noueer Is tIne habit of inchmlng theta Fritz flu not old Fritz for the goggles and Snlil Now In Tills Mnrkrt In Conilriprnble and ns not to much heavier in with hednwm furnltur In that locally le- old snore steel Itself selves in the burrow so that they lw looked me hull Ihn hair and cheeks nnd eves until th gin It was Mvernl times ns thick as the cop lannot easily Cd I down cnmly anil in huiztut lee Settles It Miii oilman Carried inn hit Hr annul vet on nf nut square lie snys with glnernits tlnttery- ernl llabbr nnjiearann had nil disappeared Nnw Teeth nnd llnlr nt 73 each surface the steel there ashed our Most ol the fish In XPIV York and Its linen hlc n nimlndscarried anywny SluM n perfect skin of so thin that a In of our experimentil raves said I your advice killed n In of a scarecrow wns n A cotter nnd wants Ive Jest hal ills roving the empty whiskey Pros Cinrinnati Knquitf- nut expose time edgeS To- Dr Mead It was apparent Hint the abundance Hun mal sticky mart tn his prime with A I vicinity tutu nf tall water varieties and large up street barrel 1W head wns louise removed I MeDnn liii uuhucet utin all copper bunt or scarcity of the set sac due to the I nllus- go like gluilels I rAipKNOllch Feb 18Wlllam the not Kunnel jumped nbout n foot for Id that bin qiiantiles nf them are shipped from lo great It after n I hnusued lOut of nor to tropical drew bark a little furder Into my here a oged i of Alpnnainuny- ttnsprtnginess that It hsus the of old clams In the liwred as how them crilteurs was to corn Well chuck him In hlc hen said he in built fur niP vicinity nor yet to 1 ss got all I want this trans number nf Interior points Ilmltisl quantities ol hns been thn possessor of Knowwhite1 ntor Is an sib genius his let the or absence of nn rails ant that thunder Ira Excellent approved Serien Uesloro to bUick be- Is WAS due to the position awful ra It wns pealln mngertleil stranger Ive got tine gal address fish And lobsters rind go anutnborof yeur hair fri fuller printed IS hat Hntli Wrought but probably id n elicit oh thi which saltwater soft shell crabs Hie barrel lIe own again lleiulcr unto gan until lit tnt It letter of the shore with to limb er hunt he stilt kep ram Ivo got this gals knife and with the treats she Osar to mrkft Its xiiil M On the there currents lout at that instinc even In tIne Mississippi aol beyond Hut while that which Is nt the rate of clinnue in are about a to In Undoubtedly the etches some ¬ heeven smiled is In have made I guess theres n good noticeable nml doen references texts the lllbln and other ani market hi ro Is mainly supplLsl with and the Hi forget Casar cried the architect In a color It will bo but u brief time when blnck- Although he has mali up or uncover the clams end Youre fixiiin says I cnsn agin And h gavp n shrill whistle the Ie hr tenor bill Get tint by Hi lute heels and Imlr t nfl original color cover hUoiitlti meal ilh tine Inventor Mr has not yet scatter th m about where they fall to inaL Dios that IM like it says he aol ho brought nn his two lingers Into the room marched demand Is chiefly fur saltwater fi h there Is a I liiefeller en well limo In MeDonnld Ic niso nrowing full set niet liitn ini went enemies but I one In ho fancy with n- tin re i re all In plain dollies a nil jut Jlr jsi mini r tle inventor some think factor their Iron his mi a knife a pint like market fur black has trout nnd mm other fish Some IndelermlnM expressions nf opposition- of tenth AuGur sir months 1110 hU Bums be samples nf lilt new metal to Mr Hock- wholesale destruction lies In the fact that they mil IIH n file was ime nf them hvl lientlemnn I ieorge h the uecif Mnit m and ivir sieniler as and tlieru by ikidgers nnd wlm few tenth re CAM A h nnd sharp Take front local fresh waters nnd from the Great 1akes r earns exceedingly elellr who liml nn Idea Hint such of greater set much thicker than grow great in it hMU dry Its lint short was firmly Ihrust In Iallmqn kicked In nnoW h dropped out nnnuI us corn l hut mute many shall I do Give this feller Rout if n ami when torn m ill I Western lie nnd the thickness nuiild valuable material consequently arc crowded out or at ill he cnntmored now what and rivers tIne co er tnt l plac- new of upper toeth nmdo Ing whIm If myself up n to secli ninth s h a iiuniher Avenue A for tIne stt steel hki steamers HH abut are once to the surface of the Time busiest season lucre in tine trade In I ako eInpirntlfti gonius chuckled doctor nddltlnn to time non I tine ma- this gnl Hnsalle sh ll TJB the their MiDouirall tu tow a fin uihi of new ground cannot burrow again When clams up I shouted thats the lad In re nil right wilhuut the spikes are nil doulilo i tondltfnn- you gone Well do so i Mr says they and other Western freshwater fish Is from about tenth the front tines terial behind nn of into uhuleluicks fur o trip were nut more than of an inch long nut the lust to consider have nt Crcnkil j ih will you forget thou ones IK nlinnnt unknown In tho nnnaU nf- up tins early In together anti saluted re i rtfui 1 to Juno 15 times fish dial thnt and down lakes to sri it would stand were near but daily March but from till source Iwmight o well hie dcntUtry They srve thin ptirpoo of mastica- ¬ thus 1 e vrleniv Whill the tnnlel canto hark the last of thiS month they becom lie queer Kunnel jest ns if he was stupid old Dittcher hat time hub I Alip and Another either frozen nr fresh cumn the year him down hill to hlc mean happy Ionic tion very well the copper uklu ovi r < slrel platcs was ns Shuiru times longer many times the hulk they Kvolvln a iii huh in his which he sill it hen runkit all nh ue Intl been th and mint IMS on 5 l tin wsnt I sent nrlglnnlly tu pipe Us nil on moro greeuiguebs riund This trails Increased greatly In re Morrilr hell roll hell roll as it had n put mutt water Whether actiialli touched each other for at title period quits iik out I tints of tine buslnpAs course I t rr arid It still asin Inke- Kollrr will Something found ICverjIioilT- It Is along line nr lu tin ninking stnmKH- all burled themselves nt nlnit same inirnvnt party might sutler he an if m lust tulgtut rr 0 Merrily on roil lush nf depth when IetH ali his Mn fl h thn largest mmnllty romns rum Mini Hrle hell larllclm il use nnd nrnnluenl surli us gas chan As one walked over tine ground or tapped iwernl life ear SAc VpnAis ¬ up Jrem lsmitlr H the new ma the fine move per Walt until that Innercent logins to been to tInt key hnle and bo taken In In writer ninny urn shipp tiuran otherwise Start her shoule1 the doctor anti Ixgnn dnllers cnrnlres nnd r llngs that surface a or two It hal Hen will lie us depend ceptibly tine I word nd thnt ho i l In cars I Point to mush Tharo Is In n certain old Imlr who lerlnl usnl iii In i measure on a clams contracted up n Irvf tutu IrK which Ii wont h long showed 1117 n vniioiin huniie tIm ill ill fun production Thus microscopic until ns they glnerally squeal nfore they Is and nnd darin to twig that little Iete on liner are plants wince sin thin two IPnll rnen to always ha n kind word for uvorybodr anti It Ihinntof undirnclunl food for tins consist of afforded fur th when the I arm is empty and lh gentle- 1 I tIns one of the most organisms tine water hurt I never non iiNii in sit rams Ivln ant who it wits h was tryln to Mr ani keeping of fish matter not what atrocious crIme nr mi think Inventiin is obtained in I tIn awaiting shipment Such It m did every- old lady that linn my nolle and peo- ¬ through onus Hun do you know llintnuv nu hgoln tolwsus- to win it his until he h fBH- plants are new men wont and ami demeanor one mar commit this finds remarkable come to siphon and tb t0 now morn except got li Ih l me into feed peclrtl how It nil hit anyway worked Up utiuti linen tin tnk ethi a uhu way there hill they arc numerous than ever thing rear but they finally It sofia extenuating clrcumstnncn In hut ennn ple are time trying to soot other The can therefore only when Ill nwt lt q It fairly w y porp Ibm of that sort by then Kunnel h hl mo ns it had Itn the iuVi snry prldenrp And I Jko that coots In Iho and II lit sooner was and omn to excuse th tratnr Her e said Mr HmiefeMer The cowd water and those which are t M M tine cisni they fell erm uini uhuil nlrintil milieu llneiunmi tIme nsn4 some tine low mol nl tin mck of tin lund alley well explain In you now Kunnel limit this mnn or lake herring mainly wIder 1In than mm each others son one dint Drovnked by whit ha ld ui at dlilonrn above tide mark are tIn In I IIhIPp exuberance their Joy and chortle until of In In ti llnisl l plate no II Is thick ehul oh from fine supply dunring a itt ill above r mnn stIlt whom h hnd hid Mlnot SMI ln enl ibisall fora from lake Erie winter Ii frown in tin undue witch exclulniid ills realtor nhlher fod hlk time anti this night h come from the uppr lakes rum the tint rat that been an spectator wot Jlother I do believe you would mn- or thIn thus nipper Is united with the stM m that bit portion of each lbs rapidity of words oiirt and how tiny wont llttU long that had followed per wslble prac- foilnay tngeddor and lieu n me and then he haul her troo the alley from her work aol Georgian of ke Huron and from lAke fled In alarra Meantime tb ranrl om eooil la the devil rnr It Is ira to or strip it oil II Is growth directly upon tine sIne i Vhltrf h mme by me internal raotloo l1wlld on quietly and returned tically a sintrl metal wIth n oipper wo water 11 10 DA 1 him And I dont nrthink aui one could h r and Hint th i bait iu tnt It Superior iron lAke Erie There hapi the oil of uti iiiit in is n bays sees he it was black dark In seems nn he ha l kern runnln out him ate caVn cere of I ermen carp Utrn from tha war into lbs rn d lid was led wish that IOU of nn either or bth sides whichever way tn a concldmbto create growth missnys thro TJie carp jrvifilj Ibr to th Tb doctor nil U Li made and bo WAT to la ponton to A rrgLar aU hyfltecrical x the dagger la her hand < WcrtcZa rlvca can t at aU miy Pk laka ttii it can wade IhT nod ntM ol t fata fp I AUt io COIO dOln 1 i ah k

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