n u SUNDAY FEBRUARY ts THE SUN 25 1000 tine BKAff fARADK VIRKS JIARtKX QUAIIOG hid run plum Into 111 lie Iete on his a to se4 was first to scent danger SCIENCE AND THE cloudbust And what do think I d better END OF TilE JUDGES CASK Look at dtrtfllll A CROOK do myself he until the Inn rcenl party lien anti lie persuaded her In herself In that Foca BEFORE lIE WAS with asl And It In the triTe as how Arsenic Loytmng Cup Preiented to the hrw of tIne begins to be Forget shouled lucilLe ny nut nf nut says lie would have tunIc the blame I hlssdf And nit Avernor Mann Who Cast Iii FIrst Hliiker TIIK ISLAM t JM vxnca U lt that Innercent got PXtenixallnsuc- Tn niKI- IAHT or tfME IIIU hell Talk alxmt ml hlcmixed Jtiionr AJIK- I haul splnnln wheels In It sd wits free Mr tmo or KSK- TilK SKILL or I or b him g arter holdin FIJ drinks his wont mixed before ble Thorn was a heart parade In Ilnrlcm on Tilt K3tnRTtltHIIST HAMPIK Of only thing to d i Is stay Jell where nre ant ciimstances while lh let KHV TVJ MAe DBIKCTirK him lu I Inc cooler for six muCh though he had lllfKlJ he sun Ii Wcilnctday night In honor of tho twentyfifth- VKUVKITK go le 1 tin snme about your business H irter- n tried Serern nlll Tim l en tin real the Knrlrhmrnt of Qualm Mlrrnlnri a time think it ui plpln you uhf thn nrler lad Und Knnwr llnw He jut deinl lsthminu lAke nnnlvorniry nf Johnny Moolmns entry Into In run And Kunnel when me nnd- r IliMlect In king him e Meinltpr of HIP Clnm rllm- The llnnritlnv until of tile Crook ronr stay right lore Inside this room w hat fouls Hints nil pnvpl WniulerI- Th JjiulroM In 1nrk row I intuit nl Tills l Itlnggold with Ito be Into n llnrrel mid lilt Friend stub him WowohlCfence tho beef and henna I Itlimle- > Il llr mentAii- of In win git tutu a wins nlune II ICniliili uf tlic II nil vi Tluit Suvo Lurk nnd T niii rnrr like tin him I in Ill lIne for II wont They I icorgn tho Iniigh fur tiK llnw lot out of IukeTliel- Two thoimninl pcrnons turned out Conernlment- Ira pslii to nnd fiirn n pirts ntlraetln- llintletnnn lie IN It hike Clnniliieil tnilrr niilnntlnn of MlnntThe oil clint iiitild have sneak and warned I Ins gnl- H t Itnek Tin feiiH bruken loll colhrniich liliiuil 1roiu llpn tn by their strange sill Ii udRit ftnfr III Ihn Arun ol n IHI lunch paraded In Harlom because thonophowoftho- anal th DUeover- atlentun tlKmselns his null Inn ii r sunner a shell She Jaurinil- nf the Murilerer I hniiif ns sech hnd bnn intunt from Itoviilinct Instld of I in at to ii lag of th lr wrung No houso In oil could lioast of Ior n moment the two looked at enih other benn firm lIves up thore with hubs Undo lolin will 1 wouM than me hunt sumcthlu was And then other professor em- yIf youre nnt kivrdil Kunnel your nose out Id Ilk In luni n cnnlrark nn UHII lurking nrms they lunged forward Ono nnd- Or A D Menu assistant fl huM In tall snyn he Tin murally slu chIn M lie such a brand nf whiskey ns Herringbone who retired mutIny yoiironuo full of clinker tILe mAn one to hid nil those wo kin cover right hue In ludii HIM were S hun nllll IIIIIIhllll University In company with It be nut nf Mill Smlthers Ion lw got with swag thnngli StirS bryology nt Ilrowu lint my everlnntlii fortiin at 10 that lay huts Only on special occasions Hie I hue I rrth rrtt plunkers Tine orlclnal proeramma wns to hospital cit Id mike ill ° f I want to make kept in Hlnr n gutter while linn mnde n scries- dav III lh old hauLer up In the irlsnn m d Mndlcfcwl- thin aint nn pr dnnl lerl mullled wnlls row line Dr J I Kellogg of Williams ii head fur lh that esci aTtic II U wan particular samplnl aunt Ilium who Inr merrily ni tine mad hnvo the procosslon start In 1nrk but I s no troulili says ho if gui Hie dlmuud- that brand tu- time of breedingand w r In boarder sure A luno ii fnr them thin was ketrhcd sp I rllm If one had rliancnl ¬ of experiments Into nirllindf or for anuddcr star I Is fnmbly hnlrloon hut If ynu- approving lips and innmbors of lImo Kxcmpt Firemens Associa- you me you care In nlxjin this mix up- which it sisms n wet favored with It smacked u ghost WAS Colonel acutely told ill din nul rnniunler It l i wniild now Imve thud In gemmi Jlic work Viio Ihat oik l the old Ii then says IIP haw ynu hunt right of habits of rlnms nothln nun In lm told says dinl Ill Alt Cld appreciative for days afterward hunt everlasting huh tion who had boon assigned to the 1herin fur fair lead til wnulil bake lie riutiI nrrontplWied nt Wlckfnrd lost summer annul nil of his prerogative It was what III cull a private rown lend nnd Id- upon and A haunted ituu nlmiir li tit high- HUP nnd wIno nro Rutting well on In I I was nib wallln for a duly nulnrlzed agent whenever memory returned It Iew Inrnl IIii ionic IpeoU In the washbus do It ugh If 1 had tint Now what nhuut ways howling o nnietiu tug new nn tins shor a I board n specially filled hoitse- Why the at town rhann t iisirgi1 the stun is ncranlnrii tine Inspiring dismally would thought thnt a walk to HnrlJin would bo too Ill I los len fur between as lIre these thus u time Sin hi Cninmlsnlnn- l en tollln me that A Crnnklto innueluts min Iwat uiulrr llii nitiiiilrPN has JeM a I I alirutns- I a fins my rinu tn the fist bit and and hhiun will llresonin- Oh well tell him says Geeriri fY- beverage dwindled with sndilrrlng rapidity I Nnw an oruhlina barrel if wl U speed were unl- to smuggling In the United Slates I tile how no reward Is tui And that of Inland Fisheries Tlw rxi riinents pleaded guilty crnoknl ns they IIHI tile tniiKUn tie time when time Judge plainly prcelvcd ily turn to nii tIle nr HIP nlhpr mid bring up blurt Iromptly nt H oclock the firemen led by off Ilk l you If I Crnnkllns style K ini uul rnnrltided Smith the rAm propo- urmly wirronsful much vnlunlJp Information think In nl course that be would git uhf nld s hull stwr lint a barrel full f drunkiii man Is niinlnvr accompa- ¬ and Court afire ers tine cnn man on tin scent terre was accompaniment for only ouij more i Commander Robert II Nooncy and II gil dubIKS and 11 hajwd Josh that there sition Straight Ilirs lh I Hint s pnrlclniipnt nf chain lltcratuie fine the ledge orter annnuncln that Im thin a tIer vlctury Dnnl as by antI corps loft Iueutnb was obtained fur the ritli a nfl bide nf him In struggle hut irtnotmis feast In the barrel iSo ho bade lo a farewell hunt Ii I In went through tie feno nnd with nied n flfi drum their piamph1 soaked It tn him for full you inch be quite ft sick ersit mm aginst tejum and fur tine practice purposes of clam culture It was llnw for a And old lrltz too hn nsl- think Dodgers of Wnll street Dr- I A mighty crush III thIs n n s With nunvters In the Jefferson Market Ilulldlng and I hop tlipy delay lute cunning dinner his friends smith eighteen monts- Lnder no circumstnnces says I old rlu wnnl Hi bait tine lund was bnileil in nnd Dnlgers boarded ulovatod train for the hInt Tlio roMiltH of the tests txrcrimcnlH list U tine with any vexations stays of anti young album of goodfame as a an railroad goAl WO H find tilt hut never our Servcn dlKV scnrod nnd exossllng slrk hut much so- up they show some Ami who Is Abe Cmnklter continued Ihe old Is that hes proce sllngs- tory then transferring nnd going uptown recently Uun summed and half awake nnd h might gin It itchy In hU rifJng architect anti illfamo as time possessor ufli hletcrt liil out ninl lung tn n tree SloniJ crossly I must confer to total Ignorance very InlpriMlng eoturis Dr says hat Colonel sleep it Iluluik ax huw hu uud you was talklil alleged tenor vnlce with which IIP frequently while tin stars whirled nruiind him In riot nn tho Third ovnnun linn to 1Jotli- II V TIIKfK STATES an 1IU vchicli Its progress plunged over slroHt They to corner o- prior to limo Investigations In question prnctlcnlly of any surh jvrsnn OUT JtVltailKKS under morn favorable circum- resumed went out lulu the udder rrmrj KunniU aflllrted thosti who this embankment unil H moment with a great Jlndlson nvenup whern 1K letter breeding nnd every- Sol know Abe Cronklte Runnel cried Sown wpro nothing vns known ns lo the end thin sure enough wits 1rllz snooln- Iprlilng of stances called themselves hta friends Epicures fluaUsI peacefully lint tin rippling water with mitnburs of the Dolnndo tlm precious and lived In the ill Nu llUellliouil nf a Inlltlcnl ¬ day Imbits ol tin ilniii As long as Smlthers Old Ale Cronklle loudern his trnmlmtie with his on the till of avidity As soon as the un ceased In like Club aol nthnrfrlonilHof Includ- hell Lltlzpiu Who Am Dutch by Deicent nil three and an exuberant 1 along hint thy all your life Well Its no wonder you wsk- I n shake and h set trw down H merry go round Dodgers rutted hnnut and toll ing honkers brokers baker dollentpssen bivalve wns tn niinil In ilrlity shores we In judgment upon good whiskey- hi wlfo hn In trob I ncrldenl- men milkmen butchers luirbers waiters nnd thought etched dead to rights In your ust and nnly Job a kyanl It was just his play and hndii The discovery important If true has been made Hint been n of Norrnkftivtl liny folks gave little nol 11 few niomenls should lie axiom thin bottom- In midst of her comments nn tint Harlem iiillllonalrps nil got Into ago been half HollandAmorlcan residents nf the United It is or an that the tine Now that tine clam In dlsmnear Who L he Uunnel Well A year or so afore I got Inhind- that Iho linn given In A spirit skepticism calculated linn 1 who Is employed In Ilia- to qutMinii In came II with the can of a barrel always holds more than it is supposed to nl his luck went oglnst him he was the test all Fritzs hack and motuned to the dwr with
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