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Al Capone Part 35 of 36 _ _ &#39; é _ _ &#39;_&#39; - &#39;_""""""-&#39; Q +___- n Y _ _ __ _ k_ _ k __ H_____.---.-.-~__ ___ _ _. :4 -1 vw - -»-- 4- - ______ _ _ _ A-v-. -_._ ___* _ j&#39; ""_. If ._ _ .._-_.-._,-*_- _- -V v -- : _ _ _ " &#39; - - i- ___, :~ A: _ _ -- --w-4-W--~~ ~-*v*f* "* *&#39;* &#39; _ ~r-_ gg. 4- . ATTIEE; ..&#39;_i&#39; ii 1|:v..,.r> --cmcago gunman -I j-- e--opue-~ db V_ $533. .§s1§?TmZ7,2%.I§§ I J?-;3Z,Lf3Z1§li.¢§. 1i?;"1&|&#39;§t."»7.1.,..&#39;&..J-." n"I§"-?-~33 Hut rwent plciurg at Mcurn lhown at right.-Auna Photo. ¥ H @- ~M ¢ 1!;:5:§.&#39;;.g G1. _ ._,..._ -r ___ ______ __ __ . _ -- _ - ..--_ ._ 7- . ___ --- _......A *0.-1.;-...-2? "T _;=." _;~_-~_ -&#39;__="&#39;*-&#39;--Hg.-ml---&#39; _ __,g -s .,.,....-__--r---,_____ ,_.__.__ F-A 1 _ _ -;--&#39;*_ &#39;*&#39;_"__ _______ f._-_m__ _ 7--er. ---,1. &#39; -- - --"_ ___ __ 2: _.._._.__ -. -,-,_~ _ ---_--_ ---- ___ ._._- -3 ~- ;- i-Iv _TI__""f &#39;.92:.;::;..-_ _ _.&#39;_ f"..__.._-&#39; &#39;- &#39;1?-:1-92&#39;_-?-" &#39;-* " &#39;_ .. __ . _ 4 .. -n--w-._... t._...-._c. _ _ :.__ . - ___, "&#39; &#39;._s-...__._._._ ____._s__,__.__....o._-a_._.o.. ___. .f --- . ._ . ..___..__..___.....__......__..__ Fame __-_ &#39; &#39;__.____. ..___-___ ------ - - *" &#39; " _ __ M. 1..--..-.. .- .- - 1 __ _ __ . _ -- - __ ~ _ __..__ A.-&#39;_._,___» ! ass»-11*"- ST PAUL DISPATCH FBB 1&#39;7, 1956 _u__-- _ ii-&#39;1 &#39; 4 .- 1.. &#39;_.! 1&#39;/-92i Filiim a| &#39;. 92ll&#39;l92 I! 92___. lNM&#39;lillRNSiAYlNli;ll He said it was unusual tor a car ..___,,i._-_ Gangster to stop there at that time or night. i T The man ruin-J05. the car, which . /92 so Pfvé to be McGurna. hurried to doned Ke1 another machine parked across thel ltreet and drove away, Schell said, BeI ys Recovreed May The P°lice Ioimd the ignition key in place, but the wires to the switch I llhiesgo. Febto Safety Box had been disconnected. A search "M chine _ _ l for ngerprints was ordered. &#39;-- r-. LE" &#39;Found Aban- The police held to a theory that A "Scar£acea Gun!-lack"&#39; McGu s au- McGurn was slain probably by a was tomo5ile&#39;§8UUiE"rubbed out" in t a second-oorT5 gfmelman whom he regarded as a friend. I A1" gave the police theiran bowling alley They said only such a person could ~¥- .1 f rst tangible clue today in the hood- have come up behind him while hex 92. 1ums crude as 17 FPlFlnding oil was at play. In the S The hoodlum had entered the al- abandoned 111 er e 0 leys with two companions. The .;:J .. automobile, which wast investigators believed the killing ,1- keys, one &#39;an Capone industrial henchmsection on the near North side, were two was a gang purge," as they said, L _ might t McGurn had been in fear of his were on a which rin the police believed a safe deposit box. They lite for some time. They also be-N bile keys. assination, lieved the slayers ed in McGurn&#39;s Previous to S own car. ran up against The pomp that marked gangsterl of imperturbab funerals in the days of prohibition. derworld will be missing at McGurn&#39;s burial crimes. Tuesday. Instead oi a $15,000 silver. with three autorno-A casket such as the one in which Dion it Reported threats against the lite _OBannion, another notorious hood- the of the additionalgangsters this, widow the authoritiestfrom an lum, was laid to rest several yea:-s| undisclosed The widow,source gave the police task the usual of guarding blank wallher. ago, McGurn will have one costing Louise Rolfe, ility surrounding un- , less than $1,000. MI:Gurns &#39;blo The police said the lessened established an alibi for him seven glory represented the tall in that years ago who status of gangsters and the lack otl the bloody St. popularity that was MCC-urn&#39;s event sacre of seven among his own kind. gangsters.the 1-ormer Miss McGurns assassination, likewise. George became Bugs!known Moranas lacked the elaborate air shown in 7&#39;i7_r:_""¬ over Twentyso quickly nd that alibi" they after were she un-, the slaying of 0Bannion, the ehle to tel! persons exactly were what at happened.the alleysMoran massacre and other notori- when McGurnSchell ,emp1oyed by a ous gangster killings.._.__,___, back or the head, n he yet was no accused one whoof would admit seeing Valentine the slayers day mas-.has been found. William Aloi alleys, and two was employes shot twice were in thethe! only persons at the scene. it shooting began sio, proprietor of the -.---_-.._- __ _. ; " "s *-E -r~ __-.----v--w 7 -1.?---1-., _ 4-....____ Ail &#39;____ V. o. ,-IIIIl---__,,_.§-b .--. -;. ¬- ___ .1... _ -_-._.. e . ,,__..____ __ _ 7-v i V __~ ___.________._i1 _ .= i""&#39; _ ii _"". ""*-- -- ~~-- .. _ __ _r if _;i_ii V i: iyh i» .V_:V ii. :_.7 I - . -...; &#39;.-~. _ . 4.. -0 an - " &#39; we"&#39; - ..._ 924 _ 4_ i _&#39;_ - 1 - e -- ?__-_ . _.___._ , _ 7&#39; _ _ --*- ---~< -_ --<:__ V . ff __ _ __ _ _ __ ~. | : . _____ -4-f _ __ _ ____ _ &#39;* " W *&#39; *&#39;*v=--¢i~7_; ,.¢_¥s2"&#39;!§"&#39;~ a-,&#39; - -ui--i-.--~.g|| - .. ~-..-&#39;..-,. " _&#39; .=.-__ _&#39; T-T 1.-. 1.-_--&#39;=Ti&#39;l&#39;»11|1_92_ ...--- *:" "H? "T " &#39;5 - &#39; &#39; H&#39;21- :.:_.-&#39;"&#39;--_-I &#39;---, -Z _ LA. .._ _. ..;i_ - EI ,_-Jfaf e,&#39;92.:.92"i. - - --~&#39; &#39;n mo; - :isee;¢ay~- 1.1. 1-"-.u ::n&#39;H-=11&#39;- ., v E-LI-Ella-&#39;""."""" 1.1:. l&#39;o=!&#39;@&#39;"§;"_"" 1 &#39;i&#39;£l!Iorbo - ------ ~ :11». Jweuh ---- 54 . - 1.1;. l£¢.Ll-il------ -- e Hardl&#39;y"Pro&#39;fitab1e ;&#39; 57 1;;,__~g _-.,&#39;._ ..... -- :r&#39;r, Q&#39;1";:n---------,--- _ Another notorious mobster has. 1-q,-Z--II " had meted out to him whet I0 otto . L11. 1:. -- i he meted out to others, and lies, PLEASE RETURN T0 = :.:i-. 2*»-:1---»---~--- ldead in Chicago liter being ehoti DIVISION OF _.ln the beck by persons u yet un- E K raass INTELbIGENCE . ; ;.;;_.i cs.eir~-------- _ The deed men was Joel»: HeGum. 5 2067 Commerce B1dS- ¥_ 92 [said to have been at one time No. &#39; .&#39;.III1&#39;.1&#39;.&#39;.liiTffY. i ,__,.--.--- I1 killer 0! the Al Capone gang. : NO. _ _ ,__|_;<. _ He Wag supposed to be worth / iseverel hundred thousand dollars: 1 during the prosperous and mur- SYi92iBOL kderous prohibition days. But be died with $3.35 in his pockets, and --. iaccording to his wits that ls about iail there was left. Lately he had PAPER "been picking up a little change by handling 50-cent bets on horse CITY iraces. -I 92~r~.H!&#39;92 . Not a very gioriou: end, was it! I But it was s perfectly logical end. were p _i9.192d justice has been served even ithough the law was violated by the killers. _ | Al Capone on Alcatraz Island may wonder sometimes if crime really does pay. It Jack McGurna per- isonality has survived his abrupt itransiaull into another sphere of {existence he probably is quite sure ii. does not. -----"I Q er .£ .- 4; &#39; .. I &#39;I a, FWr- e &#39;J ---= &#39; "-"r - , . _ ._ _ ,.,,_. __ _._ J -_....&#39;*_- __.7 _ _.--_-~~--- n:---:-;- P _" __&#39;::;&#39;:&#39;T- - &#39; -&#39; &#39;1;":.; " -&#39;:i&#39;*T;..,i_:_";:&#39; - 1; .&#39; g ___"_"" -" G-"""&#39; *::; *&#39;.I.": W7 ,.; - :_ . _.. ..&#39;:_.&#39; K, &#39;.. ..- ..- s -. - _..~__» 3 I . i 92 + ... -. A_ A . V _&#39;__. Marjorie Swiftnamed as the companion Louiseof liolfe BlondAlibi! McGurn,a fewhours before Ma- _, éhine Gun" Jacks * McGurn was* s assassinated. Mary Dickinson, who told police that her room-P mate, Marjorie Swift, was with Mrs. McGurn the aft- ernoon before McGurn&#39;s5 . l . ganglandslaying.- I {"3 r "&#39;1&#39; --mi.l/: ___,~ T Tl &#39; T. - ---W -- ==-92--- -- -v- - --&#39;;-.__jn-- ¢».<-:--- ~ &#39;I&#39;92.r---- ";7&#39;;"- &#39; *** V e_ - _ _ -_ &#39;___---- ___ -- &#39;_ &#39; .. &#39; _,________&#39; &#39;_-_&#39;1g":L &#39; &#39; Ii "&#39;&#39;-- &#39;_ _*,_i__._&#39; -7- &#39;. ___; YA_- &#39;__ , ..._...._--1: &#39; ;::__&#39;~q_ - """___-b *7 1""?___- ~;&#39;*_&#39;._"" - he - __, -- _ _ H _" _. _ . :"__A . _&#39;-. e :&#39;:&#39;:"&#39;- &#39;_::&#39;_:$7_&#39;_. e e . e __*_.__.-u---7 ¢--_.k_...._._ _.._ -_~eV;.ee-r;- i: _----H--:1-----§+~i _ __ Z. ,7 _____ :_ _; 7, _ _____-- e- we? ._ ...,._&#39; _&#39;>7 » fr _ w ~ 7 re, >_ H I - _, - H .qpnn--92-u-- .-5 , .
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