Both Parties Must Face the Dry Issue Bad Weather
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■.■• ■' »' i, , V.. "T'. ... ■ ,rC THE WEATHER . - rerMaat hj O. S. Weather Oareaw ^ET PKESS KUN Khvt Havea AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION for the month of February, 1028 Light rain late tonight and Fri* gtAiP* 5 » 1 0 8 fnrntitn iConn day. Blember of (he Andi( Bnreaa of Clrcnlntlone PRICE THREE CENTS MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1928. (FOURTEEN PAGES) VOL. XLII., NO. 153. ClassiOed Advertising on Page 12. BOTH PARTIES MUST Britain’s Show for Amanullah ASK FOR 500 MEXICAN TROOPS BAD WEATHER KEEPS U.S. GUARDS AT DEFEATREBSIN FACE THE DRY ISSUE GERMAN FLYERS ON C H im P O llS AU DAY nCBT GROUND IN IRELAND Senator Borah Threatens TRUST CO. HAS New Fuel Added to Political 126 liberators Including Trouble If They Attempt Bonfire By Request of At Two Priests Are Killed; YEP! HE STOLE Hope to Get Away Tomor NEW PLAN FOR ^TROLLEY CAR To Sidestep It In Their torney General; More Po Biggest Battle Since Reli row But Say They Will Full of Passengers Too, So Platforms This Year. NIGHT DEPOSITS litical Plots. gious Trouble Started. Now He's in Jail, the Poor Not Hop Off Until Condi Fellow. Washington, March 29.— Senator Detroit, Mich., March 29.— tions Over Ocean Are Mexico City, March 29.— One William E. Borah served notice up After-Hour Depository Sys Chicago, March 29.— Fuel was Red Rockwll, former elevator hundred and twenty-six Liberator on both major parties today that added to Chicago’s raging political operator at police headquar Safe - r Determined to rebels including two priests, were ters, recognized many familiar if they attempt to side-step or soft- tem Being Installed For bonfire today when it became killed in an all-day battle with Fed- faces today— through the iron pedal the issue of prohibition in known that United States Marshal erals at San Francisco Rincon, bars of his cell. Make Flight, They Say. their party platforms this year Benefit of Patrons With Palmer Anderson had dispatched a Fred was “ in ’ because, in a recommendation to Attorney Gen State of Guanajuato, said a dis there is going to be trouble ahead moment of weakness, he yield — and plenty of it. eral Sargent at Washington that patch to the War Office today. This ed to temptation and stole— a Dublin, March 29.— The depar Evening Receipts. 500 United States deputy marshals street car loaded with passen Great as is the .issue of driving is an increase in the casualty list ture of the German monoplane corruption from party councils and be authorized to stand guard over contained in earlier fragmentary gers. the ballot boxes at the April 10 Bremen upon a trans-Atlantic flight from government itself, the issue dispatches Motorman Henry Labaten of upholding and enforcing the con Workmen were busy today instal primaries here. complaining witness, said he was postponed indefinitely today The proposal, first suggested by This was the biggest and most stitution, i.e., the ISth Amend ling a modern night depository violent engagement fo ight since stepped from his car to throw a owing to continued 'bad weather. ment, is greater and more funda system at the Manchester Trust Oscar E. Carlstrom, attorney gen switch. Rockwell leaped to the eral of Illinois, is regarded by po the Liberator (Religious) rebels Captain Herman Koehl, the pilot mental, the Idaho Senator assert Company. A night depository will began their campaign agains. the controls and started the car in ed. litical observers as a gesture in re and Baron von Huenefeld, flnancla. government. a mad flight down the street. Conspii'acy of .Silence enable patrons to make deposits of taliation for the bombings Monday The conductor failed to no backer of the enterprise, said they night of the home of Senator Char 400 In Band Already, he charged, the ruling cash or valuables at any time of the There were between 30J and 400 tice the unfamiliar back sil hoped to get away tomorrow morn powers in both Republican and les S. Deneen and Judge John A. day or nught after the bank has men in the rebel band, led by houetted against the front win ing, but would not hop off untl. Democratic parties have decided Swanson, the Deneen-Carlstrom dows until the car had travel there shall be “ a conspiracy of si closed. candidate for state’s attorney. Domingo Anaya. They had taken up weather conditions over the oceur The officers at the Trust Com a strong position on a hacienda led several blocks. Then he lence” concerning prohibition. To May Use Guards shut off the power by opening i were safe. So far there has been nc The use" of federal guards, near San Francisco Rincon and did suggestion that the flight would be break that conspiracy, he exhorted pany stated that one of the princi the doors. the dry of both parties to move up ple reasons for installing this sys Deneen leaders point out, is made not attempt to retreat when the abandoned. possible under a recent ruling of Federals moved to the attack. Rockwell said he had no on Kansas City and Houston a few tem is the rucreasing activity in re recollection of the affair. During the morning a stiff west weeks hence and demand that the cent years among bandits and bur the United States Supreme Court After a day of heavy gun fire the wind was blowing and fog made platform-farmers ‘‘fish or cut bait” glars, which has created a situation which held that a primary Is an in Federals began to close in upon visibility very poor. The weathe: upon the issue of prohibition. that imposes upon the banks of the tegral part of -an election and the rebels who flea, leaving their forecaster held out no Lope that Borah's charges of bi-partisan country another service not here therefore subject to federal super dead and many wounded behind conditions would become favorable conspiracy, and liis warning that tofore expected or required. In vision. them. • VANDERBILT PLANE during the day. trouble lies ahead if party leaders former years the energies of the Meanwhile, authorities busied Among the dead was Domingo “ We are determined to fly— attempt it, were contained in a re burglar were directed chiefly themselves today in prosecuting in- Anaya, the leader. He was identi sometime,” said Baron von Huenc- markable speech which he address against the banks themselves, but fied by his uniform and papers in feld. ed last night via radio to a group with the development in the bank (Continued on Page 3) his pockets. IS LOST IN FIRE of Ohio women voters. vault construction and protective This war the largest contingent Dublin, .March 29.— Because of Causes Kxcitcincnt devices for safeguarding the money of insurgents operating in Guana- unfavorable weather conditions and It cau-sed considerable excite and treasure intrusted to them, his i m BANDIT EXPLAINS juato and war office officials believe a a a n • V Li IIP the sogginess of the ground at the ment in the capital today— and con depredations in that direction have that the defeat will go far towards SoU.UvU rlymg lUCUl WftS Baldonnel Airfield, Capt. Hermann siderable uneasiness on the part of become increasingly difficult and L— breaking down the insurrection in Koehl and his two companions to- Republican leaders. fruitless and he has returned to western Mexico. Here are scenes from the big show England put on for King Ama- | For Borah plans to go to Kansas fields of less risk and surer, if ETHICS OF “ GAME” The remnants of the rebel band nullah of Afghanistan. At the top, the king and his queen are being- the Most Luxurious of Its City himself and conduct the fight smaller, returns. fled towards the mountains pur “ piped” aboard the warship Tiger at Portsmouth. The ship’s officers Junkers monoplane Bremen. for a bone-dry plank in the Repub As a consequence, the owners of sued by Federals. lican platform. Realizing Borah's are blowing whistles, not chucking cigarets. Below are some stunts Everything was in readiness for theatres, amusem ut parks, filling Kind in the World. the hop-off at five o’clock, the competitive powers, and scenting stations, retail stores and other done by the Royal Air Force for Amanullah’s edification. that Gov. Al Smith probably will Mention of Machine Guns time set for the start today, and business who usually have consider the fliers were loath to announce be the Democratic nominee. Repub able sums of money on hand after Port Washington, N. Y., March lican leaders are stirring uneasily another postponement- banks have closed are now becom Startles Jurors at Trial in TOWN BASKETBAU 29.— Harold Vanderbilt’s $60,000 The plane had been trundled over the prospect of going to the ing tlie victims of his criminal oper VALENTINO’S EX-WIFE country next November positively flying yacht was among the mil from its hangar a few hours before ations. Having no means to deposit dawn and placed on the long wood committed to bone-dryness. Hartford. lionaires’ yachts destroyed or dam After reviewing the government their daily receipts in the banks SERIES IS SAVED en rurtw'gj''specially built for the al scandals of the last few years, until morning, these owners have NOW FASHION EXPERT aged In a fire that practically de take-off. Mechanics had given the ■which, he said, had compeUed the been obliged to guard them over stroyed the Purdy Boat Corpora macliine a final grooming; and night as best they could. Hartford, Conn., March 29.— Al-1 Republican Party "to face its crit tion plant here early today.