

1 *m •-«! f.. t |h in default of xUibcrtiucmcnts. LOCAL A F FA IKS. •I'M* MIH< V^fi Wfce a** ti ghtv respect county jail Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report »4 n lb nmNUrty, in wli< H »h* had B appear at the October term. • » ‘-mrm whr t*-*« * a hu*h*nd. • *» and It is of Mnrmvillc, MW UUMilM IMI« « * • *» [ Ihnl maii wife, "•i* ‘la i' -f a®#t • ••►« I '*1 « *•* -it- mpt of court in fail- N II l»r •• sr\nru:i> \..rrl« < *r ns to as wit- \ \\ h* %*-ct**-*day appear M *. l*r rtM t ’!*4 fvih rgi*i' '(am hn» N'lmr in it h I \.\ !. K N lv \\ Mill./ II I N. »» t .*srt h Mf h• *- the he city during I be j >u-til. II .! M». r<) h»>«*» f**m* % .1 ». and B. B llavey, West Su!li- ... .. • u ,! lt It film Mil • I r.. I. ,f n rsftli air.. Ua if! h M. InlyreF. I\ Merrill, Blue- .1 < .. .III; nmm^r* I II 11,11, Hancock Tannery; M. I. I. M. ft* j i*** t \ • I.>ti> ■ Oilb-rt, W. II. Davis. •.r> * i, | « * A» i*af of s»«d he oil *« • II. I-I..H nr I Ii.i* »» Ms; -ii .1 i ( liar Har- *■ ft*» * (here. lark, in.-lit" | m t» h*h* r»r<* •* ha* hern rig AggOljUjTEKV PURE_ < < * * I liiihi! h im. I!. I,. Tilloek, I. F.»rr« -t M. j meet ng * s h rrwf* «T tea* » ♦■aa "•* !;«>•. T*»\ r ri L. Benson. Bass ELLSWORTH FALLS. j ■ r*l gd‘*t is a re- Tin I hM> If hr g Judson Austin having chimney 1 ir .. Ilan* in k \ B Fernald and wife, RnMt Surry. ami Milling « I tatrv th- rh>ir«.|*% evening by the built. t | Hutchins, Brooklin; E. E. Swett has found employment in I .* f! h for Adelbert Richardson was in Bangor are those who I w-*g**e Tkrp-efewtuhe but not stupefied, M m Lillian Su ii/- v, Ellsworth. I'. It. ( *«»!«* W H-H ill town III.-* Wrtk til. u»«m over |ws|of \ : *••%«/# Sunday. j M V Mt Dea« rt. B. made a at which we are , Capt. Freethy visit to Mount learn the prices Genrgr IV Woodward i*» ill « !»• rr : Parker Saunders has repaired the wall I »i*- v •* s of the Con- Desert last weekj \% utig | r»pl» society I time. It t his week. Kro tUpf tat vr*4ey •«t*»* -*ta v aftern«M>n of his cellar. our goods at this gr-gat nai tmrrh h#*ld its hiiiiumI meet- selling weeh will Mrs. Rosie Gott, of Brooklin, was in William 11. Holmes hi In Rtr Hurl and evening cfttlia Wt»p|»er Work is done on the roadbed and ng ! av * veiling. Entertainment being of those which **r*cd from t t« ? All are : town on business last week. is one surprises business. track near the railroad station. M mi were folio wad by social boor. Invited | par Leverett is the Free- cordially a in Bellatty occupying trains the judgment to use econ- Work was resumed at Hall’s lower mill The f..Bowing committees were chosen George Whittaker has put chimney The Hrat regular meeting uf lautrfir thy cottage for the season. Monday. f-*r th** ensuing year Social committee, his ell which he built last year. in from I and A M In the new hull in William Tibbetts and John omy making purchases lodge, Mi** Eta \ Mra. F. A. rented Giles, of C’apt. John A. Ix>rd was in Itangor iken. chairman; C. W. Smith, of Amherst, has Mantling Mock, w ill he held tha Thur*- were in town on business last of (iHtmU, M *a Jews it and Mias of E. Whitcomb. Brooklin, our stock. This is the time Tuesday. Young the blacksmith shop C. dav evening at 7 Jit. A fuil attendance week. Ann e K com- hall next ngshury Brayer-meeting John has torn down his old are of Aldermen’s meeting st city is Lymburner vear when you thinking earnestly requested Mias Mrs. Frankie Lord last week m it tee. f M iss Edith ( her husband’s Mr. and Mrs. Sim- a Mackintosh. We heney, Mias Hannah Holmea, parents, i purchasing Mrs. is visiting her its place. Henry Whiting Attletioro, Mas* who have been visit- Miss Mary Newman. Isniknut commit- eon Lord. W. of and : them to sell while in Cherryfleld. Miaa Nora returned home Spofford DeWitt, Brewer, have you they parents ing lliggina. tee. Miss Katherine Hale, chairman; Mias Rural circle was Maud I>. of North were sewing reorganized on Water street Mr*. ;■ remem- Moore, Ellsworth, C. H. Grindal’s store Saturday. Blnckington Mar.nii \N haled, Miss l^onice Foster and last week. It has been in existence for last; Former Prices were *10.00, married at the home of Rev. H. W. bered here as Mlaa ti«>o* Conley has been re-painted. Ocorge Newman. more than at last Sunday. thirty years, continually *3.75—Present Prices, 87.50, will be inter* *0.00, Miss Maud K. Phillips spent Sunday Ixivem of home trotting The ««h ial dance given at Hancock hall work. Charles has moved into the board- cm ted to learn that there will b* a trot at Gray a nice line with friends in Bangor. taut Friday e\ening under the of Mrs. Clara York a few *4.50, *2.75. We have auapicea of Davis. Mr. Davis spent days with the of the Hancock fair ing-house George Fred I. of was ground* county the Odd Fellows, may be classed among her brother on her return from Brooks- Campbell, Cherryfleld, has moved into the house of his Cashmere Cloaks at rhho< iation in on t under father, of Infants’ in Ellsworth, July the of the season. The w here she the winter Ellsworth Wednesday. prettiest parties Horace Davis. ville, spent caring of the association the late the auspice* attendance was large. Monaghan's for her mother. prices that will startle you. Ro- Superintendent of Schools E. W. Lord The Woman* Relief w ill celebrate orchestra furnished music, a few DEATH OF L. O. CROCKER. has been a grip sufferer this week. Corps playing There seems to be a rushing business in in our stock member, everything it* tenth birthday, May H, In (1. A H. selections before the dancingcommenced. The follow ing, relative to the death of real from the Dr. W. M. Haines has had a telephone transferring estate, judging and W'oman’s served at columns hall. The post families. The sup|»-r Odd Fellowa hall L. G. Crocker, reported in these number of deeds we have been called on at cost, or less. put iu at bis farm near Green Lake. Relief Corps, husbands and families, and was, hk> all suppers furnished by the last week, was received by Willis Mc- to write of late. Bartlett returned Satur- Miss Marion of Veteran* and families are in- Odd Fellows, a success. The enter- his from W. J. Price of Son* great Gown, nephew, Mrs. Edna H. after a two weeks’ visit in Boston. Chatto, aged eighty-eight day vited. I>idieM are t» contribute tainment committee was as follows: North Dakota, captain of the requested Fargo, years, made a trip on a steamboat for the Miss Vonie and Hattie Dyer leave to- cake. Walter H. Barker, II. E. Fiske, F. E. relief hook and ladder company: first from South Brooks- .4. II. NORRIS. Franklin. time, April 13, day fora visit to relatives at Road Commissioner has Oarland. W. B Bonsey, Austin M. Foster, “He died on Wednesday, the 17th, after Acting Epj>e* ville to Surry. She has come to pass the Dr. II. W. F. S. L. F. an illness of nineteen days. Two days There will be a regular meeting of the been Home Haynes, Newman, of her making important improve- after being taken, he got up, but only for remaining days life with her son Near the (tiles. ( J. Brown. F. S. (’all. (’. L. Woman’s Belief Corps Friday afternoon, ment* on upper Main Htreet. a day. loiter on he got up again, con- SmmHf'rn' nluce the wa* nar Morang and a OPR NEW LINE May 3. where road trary to medical advise, however, April 30. relapse whs urougin. on, iioiu nuiui uc of who ha* row, the alders and brush have been To-night Wednesday) the King's Clarence Hale, Portland, died. Surry. is or been a of Senator Hale, returned cleared from both sides. It proposed Daughter* hold their fair, “bazar of “He was taken tirst with the guest grip The schooner “Delaware,” (.'apt. Cog- last to widen tie* road to the same width as at the season*.'' at Hancock hall. The re- w hich brought on a fever. These caused Monday. last week made the run from Tooth- : heart failure, which was said to be the gins, present on the Weaver flat** js»rt* r, w ho h* b* en favored by a glimpse Frank Young and James Wood return- immediate cause of his death. hay to Boston in the quick time of ten for of Ho hall. aug li- covery. The schooner “Forester” arrived this "Mr. C rocker was an Odd Fellow and a Kvents. ter* were w* This t he hall Coming First national bank next Monday even- king' morning <>f the Fescue hook and ladder week with ft load of gravel for Senate! member Wednesday, May 1 King’s Daughters’ 8. Shares of the new series w -i* ar* • \« pt f *r the frame work of Both offered ing. May may company. organizations at 15 Eugene Halo. but fair Hancock hall. Admission, be out at this The r. two or Hire** booth* by to-night it will as-i-dam and care during his illness, taken meeting. cents. A water main is laid througl it was not thought necessary by Mr. being I interest in this < m have bten tran*forme T-t. I the creamery. seisms spring, summer, autumn ami fum-rai, H--i>ded the Odd bellows. It cream vestry. The sidewalk on t In- *li' r* road by and most 15 cents. Mrs. of Dexter, \ a. w liter \t at-.ut 9 o'clock in the even- was th* largest impressive Admission Leamon Koval, walk was removed ing repaired. The old funeral ever given to any person in i of this is visiting relatives ing tin “magic mirror” will la* revealed. Friday. May 3 Mum rated lecture, formerly city, i and much it relaid. The ; rtnmwhn-ti Fargo. Photographs were taken of the and friends here. 1 What * next? was the remains in state at Odd Fellows “China and the Chinese,” y Kev. D. L. was built over the bluff bus been r* coming thought lying hall, and of t ii♦ on t he street.’ at N. of II the III ill <1- of the as Hsselll procession ; Vale, tin- Congregational church. i Samuel Campbell, esq., Cherry ; !!! f A l 'l'li tie M* thod *t church last It t though away Admission, 15 cents. j field, has been the guest George h* st reet. Mr. I. j I" is III I ill g Sunday. r* he the best of care and at- »r- a latives had -• I'le '-an-*-->f ||i> blackboard l AT Martz | Pare her for several days. >e- road ommission*'r al pr* nt, :■* mu* h upon Saturday, May Specialty tn»Th:s is to his friends an easel m ar t h* There were consoling at Hancock hall in new ! Mrs. E. B. Bowen, of Newton, Mass., if *1 to find that tin* work an b«- dom | ulpit upon j company pro- pleas* h* r* and are * tc the board IdJ ami they vceedingly grateful and all new her Mr. and Mrs. S. K for about on* -quart* r tin •*«t f what square*, they represent- I gramme with performers. Shirt' w itli Ties visiting parents, and w he ed t he number *f share*, at five cents a the individuals organizations Neglige in this was est imated. Whiting, city. cared f<>r him in his last days, and w he ha vo arrived, week, I hat were needed to meet the “1 never cu d understand dis story to inatoh Miss Annie Jordan is ut acting Word has been received from (apt. his I present • * honored his memory after death. h tire It expense* f *r l he year beginning ; about huntin’ around wit’ a in tin Horae*- F. of tin- m hooner "Maud Diogenes \oii will lind thorn ns matron of the reading room, Lord, and 1 Th’s i* about the same lantern fur an honest remarked a his arris al at < iibara, May plan man,” absence of Miss Belcher. Snare,” announcing IIK.II M IIOOL \OTKS. statesman. us*'d in many churches in large New York city “Are you t thin for made — ho proper g Acadia K. held its lirsl Cuba, on April 13, having the pas- surprised that he should have found chapter, A., «it ie*. and. a* the | a*t*'r w a* a from Miss., in the re- explained, has them so scarce?” “Naw. W at I don’t in its new in Manning sage Fascaguula, < ieorge I Orant. of the sophomores, and summer wear. meeting quarters sue**** there and would l*c im.” spring of six Twen- helpful see is w’t he wanted wit’ last markably quick time days. left sc hool. block Tuesday evening. here About half the shares were taken | Wo are after trade would be considered a fair pas- your who is in the ty days 1'hc re is talk of an amateur Willie Grindal, employed in a very few minutes, and it is hoped organizing If arc weak and worn or have that at this season of the year with tin- you out, on sage at the school. with in store of his father, C. H. Grindal, the balance will b« taken this week and athletic association tired feeling, Hood's Sarsaparilla is just the genuine .Bargains winds that usually prevail, but ( apt. Ix»rd Water street, is ill from the effects of a next. Next Thursday and Friday, regular half medicine to restore your strength and give you every and wo struck a “norther” that followed him all department, strain. examinations. a good appetite. Hood’s makes pure Mood. the Kllswrth horses were on the rampage term our way. think wo can F. S. Cleveland and a few friends re- last Frank F. s horse,stand- The hirh school nine will soon be in For a'llnner pill and general family cathartic surprise Lewis Friend & Co. and Friday Gray with completed we turned from Green Lake Monday ing at the side of Main street, near the order for the season. The are C. confidently recommend Hood's Pills.—Advt. eustomers with t ho ox- this week a overcoat of a players and some fish shipped spring several large salmon larger bridge, wa* frightened by a passing bi- R Thomas, c., F. F. March, p.; Bradford for unique pattern. Unlike the usual spring low stories. cycle. and jumped one side, into the Mi k ns a, 1b,j Harold Clark, 2b.; H. c. tromoly prieos overcoat, it was of several colors, yellow Children Cry for Miss Mabel Monaghan will sing at a wagon of It. F Morang, which was |*a»s- Mason. 3b Thomas Holmes, s.s.; H. J. good goods. predominating. It was ordered by a concert to be the Knights ol ing. Mr Morang* wagon ws* badly rf H. I Crabtree, c.f.; John Pitcher's Castoria. given by Brooklin gentleman, who left the selec- BUvjr, at Bar Harbor, next Thursday damaged Both horses ran. but were l.f. Pythias, tion of cloth and cut to two of his Klls- | lk>y!e, caught lie fore further damage was done was Stmrrtisrmcnts. evening. worth friends. It is now doubtless The freshman nine greatly The same day the horse of Hugh t’amp- on re- Forrest E. Areher, who some weeks age ad-awning the handsome form of tin pro- «urprised Wednesday morning attached to a loaded with where he had bell, wagon *» from the Biaehill W. R. PARK HR & came home ill from Bangor prietor of Brook 1 in’s leading industry. ceiving nhtllangi CO., lat h* was by the laths crowd- is now frightened a- nine to go to Bluehill next KI.I.SW1I11TH. MK. been in a shoe factory, of tin* Odd Fel- Htirniy employed Bids for the building him. Mr » ing down upon amphell lost "at irdav t<* Th* > will improving. lows block were last play probably opened Wednesday control of the horse, ami the animal t*-rr n t marly Hi; tin members of the Thomas W. Burr, of Bangor, the well- evening. Two bids were received as fol- through Main street at breakneck speed il Tii* re is some talk known of that city, wai- lows: Austin M. job printer, Foster, £7,381; Henry M r succeeded in th* amphell stopping h the senior nine of accepting a What two numbers sir knights in this L. The contract has a* i,«g multiplied among (the visiting Moor, £7,600. on hill runaway Bridge tiH g r**c\**i fr-*m th* academy last city last Monday. cordingly been awarded to Mr. Foster. make seven? This Work will I* resumed n the cutting together ques- have been bv 11. L Work on the building will be commcuccd Plans prepared rooms of the sh factories this week contract calls for the com- \ri• r is by the K. be for a house which the Misses at once. The nHj day occupied tion may up by some, Moor mmn mem* given I Hiring in** *nui improve it * student* m clearing the school Frances and Ann Grant propose build- have been made at both the upper and coni- but if were at her. The for the were bv gi : end | an I ng trees, but ttie you trading on Laurel street. plans building ing lower factories The most rxtratlvr j Henry L. Moor. ng holiday will U "Imerveil hy h pretty A of workmen are th« In ion shoe The gang telephone work wan at factory. Mint eiilerta n ng programme w hich is tc at a wire from Ellsworth to Somes- members were r«a>f and ■ running Twenty-seven present work of raising th* running .:»* Ml ions hy lu tlius tire metallic circuit I the meeting of the Outing elub Mon.iax tin- another i* about 1 yille, completing building up story 5 -j *ik* r- in i lit school, and Southwest Harbor. evening. 'I'h*• entertainment \\a-» fur- ted Th** im in* nt hi the out- from com pl» prow .v I i« HU hjt't t for t he iic- nished t lie bird tin 'ur of the Miss Jennie Connick, operator at lilt hy department, ward appearance budding t*gr«at. >n! That *■ ir State legis- for the has been in jeet evening being Knglish »j•»*r- The ity of the factory i* in* i.t M r law for t hi Postal l nion office, visiting dally eaj*a« one • and should ask of his clerks, rows. Anew department, the stud> « r* a.-* d from t»» on* hundred ca**n. Bangor. During her absence Hurry sixty prottctioii of our forests*. insects, was added to the three already It. I l olt A Co. the alter Walker was at the key. At th* factory or himself, you would be told that organized. Next week the club will meet atioii* < on*tat in th* rtarrang* at the Congrega- chiefly hiircli Notes. Last Sunday evening, instead of The seven times one are < r, t "is" Tuesday Monday evening. nit lit of the machinery to facilitate the Sun- tional vestry, Prof. Hopes, of Bangor \ .ngregst ;otial church in \t entertainment will be furnished l v th* of shoe*. ld»« of the handling ca}>acity a* usual, with Her- delivered an able sermon on "The Bible day, morning **t vice seven. tlower i.* a** d to 1 *» ease* a department. fa* tory incr* day. M of the Proofs for the Deity of Christ.” ,,n hy th* !ststor Tin <*Hcrameiit You notice The second in the travel course of Uird » w ill ta* administered at c would also that he The tennis club organized last week hae sup|*er lectures by Rev. 1). I.. Yale K|>worth league S *- ■1 at the attitude assume high and two courts will la- built. subject IU,tist !»> May clay a .m.ivsioii \ii prices, oi cour-o you don’t expect to get advantages of the stereoptieon li> | proveil Very enjoyaht* f Mrs. > W Ifev. I. II. W. Wltarff goes to Saco to- wa* tor man who ex- Yosemitc and Trees, tin m..-t int* resting programm* presented. -"inetldng nothing—the Valley Big Tr«'Worgy’s *»ern;on v\ill he “Bushel*.’ to attend the Maim hiiii' uii ol the ne "ii* pect- tliat is a tool! the man who promises day (Wednesday! iire-i in the world. The J. K. Knowlton piet pi*- valley ru.-tt iirgely sttended and it is a 1 now in session in that city them with knave. sell conference lecture was in the which number*. and »nter*|*r**d given church, r• si \ >tr- rdially in- in KUsworth, and u?: also return th* sub- you He will Saturday morning. a view remark* bearing oil permitted much larger thuu in very happy ted. GROCERIES. | \,-r A burning chimney in the building the the screen being 18x18 feet. ject*. remark that his lowest. I vestry, n ■ oi prices don’t give them away. Don’t forget the ndsy tb losing day occupied by J. P. Eldridge called out The third lecture in the course w ill be l’ollow .ng wa* the pr gramme M i; bod is! also end MY MOTTOES: tire was You would your firemen Saturday evening. The of this week. ...I a* '*’• | given Friday evening *lnglllg Tht is w \\ Ip-. 1*1 church jiastor pre- extinguished without difficulty. Subject, “China, and the Chinese.” pnij. i.. it friends there if .ere down Best. •» -t f- the morning service they finality .... I l^r iig Rev. Fr. O’Brien has suffered a relapse, Family feuds in Mariaville occupied the 'i R hat w .11 h. f :iu.. interest to all tlu Rev. R street. Prices Lowest. ami is confined to his home. V« * again attention of the municipal court last Solo.. MU* l.-r* *1* .iiiUm of the church and congrega- Fr. Gauthier, of St. John’s church, Ban- Itendtn-. ► " I rl week. Ostuer and Hudson Milliken were tion, *» it reviews the work of the year officiated at St. Joseph’s church last K AUSTIN II. JOY, gor, arraigned on a charge of malicious mis- Headin Mr- A ll it-l.d The I orgiving mmow" will be tht solo. M llatli-- • Sunday. chief Miles H. Moore. -ut .t of tht address at preferred by Judge Ibading >li-- l ie b* in na, ».• » j. "everybody't Manning Block, ELLSWORTH, ME. which has The sloop yacht ‘‘Maud,’’ Dutton fined them fl each, w ithout costs. Singln>:.L« agu* •x rvut »roni 7 to *> o'clock. U is Iioikh: this been 11. W. Cook winter, On the a number of -*** who h was of tht hurch and congre 7x1-7. repaired by following night large Th*- Kpworth league iety, very member was launched last week, and looks trim and fruit trees on Mr. Moore’s a al effort to JUSTIN M. FOSTER, shade only recently organized, ia air- *dy h w ill make *|at attenc Willie is or f CARPENTER AM) BUILDER. and staunch. Whiting captain premises wore cut down. Mrs. Milliken, good work. The ni* * these services. A child was cured of croup by a nose accomplishing A was two of Ayer’s Cherry . 1 and owner. mother of the Milliken boys, arrested is increasing rapidly draw plans, make estimate*, take eontracts ship neighbor’s child died of the same dread "run work- died at the on She was Satur- c-aaaea t,f buildings. first-class Mrs. Maurice Dow ney, sr., suspicion. arraigned I h« farmers it is astonishing ho* distant while the father was getting aunshlp guaranteed. not home of her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Hen- day and pleaded guilty. Owingtothe Hood's pill* care Liver III*, Dliioiliww, much ruin they will Uar. Every aeaaoi ready to call the doctor. This shows the a w the a season known. Charlt of Pecto- Special attention given to Sanitahv Wokk. nessey, on Grant street, Monday, after absence of itnesses summoned, trial Indigestion, Headache, pleasant laxative. the worst necessity having Ayer’s Cherry Uuktn*. ral always at hand. illness. The deceased was was to Monday, when she was All Druggiots.—Adit. 'Vateb St. Ei.lswohtii, Me. short aged postponed 3trtjrrtiormrnts. I OK! H.\ (.AM ri I5IKOS IN MAIN!: 3trt)rrti'srmcnts. ( Uilll.lN Vs I- V!> I.N's- £. U. Column. i;m>i:avok. Mil I II 111. C. \ A f.» Hu A aid** of the q_tlr rui n ruvmrjr ;inp.JUTn_rLr nr*.nrup lirccding salaried SuprrxNor- in I •• ll ■■ ox IF \\ Mlartl that "net Omni* A***ocl.itloll. for tlie Week iicginmiig K c> Miss Frances says 5 Maine Topic In- Ivti *1. FAIR Ic. ('ouxirt- W‘ III ,;lo\ ess than half a million Hre directly inter- ^ !*r«-:cb nt l.i. of the Maine FACES !> CoiMincnt l>> Kcv. >. II. I>»j j r WE MAKE Gay. game n. of IN rot of. t t;. 01 at of county ■sled and loyal to that organic f irm n.d .>rintion, Treasurer Topic The lcs.~, r.s of lb ths, r.iane.-Mark Disfigured by t 1 ana lia-Ilia n Vest- la as 1 lie -■ Eruptions i 32-5g ill M .ih ’.. .he woman’s crusade, Her know \\ fur! !■» amt rotary (' M. Penney xiv, m. commis- I niun. I NO SECRET i:l i» r.\ is on-- f in a hoard I' thro Christian assoeinl •'■-n’s The garden .-f Goth--inane ed comity |YOman's Temperanct iv.adr ,i :: pt !’•.* breeding our tin ! Tluso as follows: 'J.iO.l**' or the mi: the sacred spurs in the history of sioners : hy |« oj ind whicli she divides 5 5 ,;-ds \!.. ».t 1) •.!' rii'mi 1 took tt look 1 Ayers we ■ n, n do 1 after r- ad-. ami t lie remainder Lord .1- sus Christ. Whenever enter gent 1 ridges, in the Bands of Hope, t of g Sarsaparilla \ i' rlmn- sand all such Tem- its sacred incl -nrc. we instinctively etc., th. i in the Young Women s Christian FORMULA birds f *;.re. , ov.rseers in! who ale C- g feel that we must do so reverently and matter-. T'i y :ployed perance Vnions, and the men | A Ithuugl lh bird- did not begin to {£., a .'igo. I was i 0 whereon wo -g'ill l : > hav- the r. ads of these sis it tit s. t. K cause the gr-mud each n honorary members until about May 15 laM year, Super- > > % humbly j lay '' tin- ! r ,.:-o being fur- f tl'.u with a |;1; o stand is holy ground. work d. ;:t \\ t i:ii \ b. t hinks t h* y Rev, Smith Baker, ot Host 11, speaking I 1" Im>l. (■! ® f ! I t!. .. t.; tin ; r »!:•■ i «w re- ')S I-r 1; ] Uetbsi nun fruitful important ni-h- y wi-rt hit< on account of having crossed before the recent great Christian en- be drawn e h t n’.. so i.o.ny to 11U11, which O sul that may quiting days ; .and 1 *« \} >-l * i in to lay at deavor convention, said: "What justu | 1 " :. '"it o I t thi rtant. ov( r k. ;-:g tk. r 1 in r or r I- I ay r -ft from m, mi i U a a ; ... we* ks lit r t hi-* year. The is t lu re in forbidding an intelligent, t,u : ! et that it is a e. u nut it a tax. t'n-h r tills system I i-vti-ra few o suggests < and t hi shadowing snbji I LPitcher§ b.are in on nt nd it ion of ? oil a t:K.v, At cultured woman, possessed property, is I.. c before the that of ti c ’hi st litre it was r. lx. _ si" sty 5 It the on'.> remedy j ag ny of corks are dan. ng and t he hens say “cjult j 'h-t aid ho iviio is conversant with the history in whiih the exact working 5 s. \\ is x sorrowful, ctitam --- : *’■ ’Ugh p public that His ul cling w a* urm-^tness as if nl- /fZSPTV1 b !i marl; they her land, luxes to support the 2 formula is Each bottle contains: unto d ith; here it was that he shov. 1, d lilto t!: 11 and nits to fill paying given. even j r- had I "..Is t<» b*ok after. is there c* “*♦ atiy largt i of her land ; what 4 ■ 1 a if ign in:J i-s fr Him. Who reads are no better ft lay than they permitted ^ O* r°r« h possible, ; ami under small liens. AN hen to discuss this hut when the put they : '«• roaiplaSnt i« aV ng its aj-p ig and sutler- xvlien Mlierman mar. bed over them in | question, and c I £ can -ny in it is well known ■ contewplat Everv drug are then should be. and ico. 1 no it ‘sitation in r• w ho is of vcr laying probably o| what was the r Tai l, ton's tro ars before. woman capable presiding Il>»n*!*lion.. without miring lSfia ■; Ih'y. the med ing p by p will be, several setting a day for two 'rig Aytr's S n »aj' irilia 1 0- when the woman w ho is ■ for Christ law ab'dislics tin- hoards of business affairs, a. oli- P cause of it; Itv isii.t c! ath. The nexy | for Hil isiu s, ■ .1 P>si II there u ill b. no tit lay ill getting I illsoaso." \V D, of of a college, I ’>.i- u weeks,so gj ei- t it-' It was i.nt tile' ci mmissioiiers and provu'as one | capable being president I I S fula, si’ bail power county gestion, under hens. Hie birds will ll ol woman w ho is of teach- and Nervous 5 them prob- it r li bn w that death rvisor elected biennially in each when flic capable betes, Hught's 1'incase, f snp. j some to set of our ably be allowed to have eggs 1 relt as.- from His at a averaging £';nn. In ing boys and girls the principles would only pain county salary have laid all w ho is r Oil when it is thought they rn r dnts when the woman ind >rse I ivura, ft they 5 S and agony. It was n t th- thought of addition to him. tile gov. app constitution, Ij- Physicians chem- will. Ayer's Sarsaparilla! throe of care of a home and 2 know what there is in Any P they Admitted at the World's Fair. from Hts loved ones, for He to serve during his administration j capable taking separation ist it. C A wire fence is to be erected r rin se oftentimes, her husband b can, by analysis, verify high ,* > rr ■ r knew that even aftc r death He would commissioners for each toxvnship. children and. gr <>«#£Q£g o; done she w ill about the cages, so that no one can get ■till abide with them. What was it commissioners have jurisdiction in the ; also, shall have justice her, IF SICK near to disturb the birds during of have the to vote.” f YOU ARE enough then? It was the fact that in Gethsem- assessment and equalization property. right | AA hen season is the season. the to bear the burden Their chairmen, together xvith breeding ane Christ began acting THE WHITE RIBBON. WEAR over and the birds are in the yards re it was that He who form a young of man's sin. 11- the county supervisor, county from the DON’T EXPERIMENT The hit of white fluttering | with the fence will be taken us all. who are to the others, knew no sin was made sin for board of commissioners, p Take a medicine of which you know h dress catches the eye, when, per- j will be as wel- Him. It is their to quickly down and the public just Here our iniquity was laid upon meet quarterly. province and 2 the contents. ? feet are about to slip, see t he birds. soul with such into road districts haps, tempted come as ever to go and The cup which tilled His divine the counties of is read by the aore heart in letters The which all have had of unutterable dread was the cup of God's and to let to bonded contractors, who privilege and unselfish helpfulness. I w Pitchers 1 benefi- brim w ith its themselves to xvork the roads purity seeing the birds has proven very anger, filled to the strange shall bind with A man fighting his appetite, ns those who to the wine of His wrath. How their and tho bridges poor cial to the association, go red wino, in territory keep was the saloon close in the perspective, become friends to the this of Christ should teach us the in repair—in other words, to have the the yards enterprise agony to when he caught sight of 1 shout yield I at once, and everyone who become* | of sin and its If road work done Li-vu-ra enormity consequences hy responsible parties one of our W. C. T. C. ladies, her w hite 1 d all at a bottle. 5 by druggnii $1.00 will assist In He could scarcely bare it, how can we instead of by public overseers. Resi- interested in this way pro- ribbon As a breath ot heaven it until under its burden? Let us tie dents who to work the six days flying. COMPOUNDED ONLY BY S tecting birds w hich are liberated, stand up prefer close be- j toned his weak w ill, and falling there to His suffering as law rather than pay tho M’F B CO.. HEW YORK the State is so well stocked that warned, then, accept required hy friend, he [HE UVUIU hind his unknownlihut trusted £ as that His we may be commutation tax of $2 will be is nn open season on the new birds ours, "by stripes reported its vic- | won the day and the saloon lost LrLfLrumAAA/LrLAA/LruwmA/iro healed.'' by the supervisor to the contractor of t here is on partridge. tim. EC The intensity of Christ's suffering tbeir respective districts and will be re- During the trip of the association wrecaea «nu iub», ^ w Amu Her icinpicu a few in and agony is best seen perhaps in the quirxvi to work under his superintend- officers a plan of having eggs put had the pledge only to break it, fact that He to God that, if pos- ence. The contractor for each day's signed an incubator this year was discussed. It prayed to take his gave up in despair and resolved aible. it might pass from Him. Had the worn ciodu uy a uiuvu is iuc was suggested that while the association own life.- On the way to the river a lady burden of sin not been almost intoler- county 50 cents—that is to say, 50 cents could not afford to spare many eggs for the W. C. T. I white ribbon able in its intensity the Son of God will Ixi deducted from the sum due by wearing experiments, it might be well to get some crossed his Instinctively trusting Utiict »<•••« oviv* .. — the contractor. The com- path. a small number WUUIU the county to AT THAT poultry breeder to put her he followed her steps, and soon found Farmers, ing prayer. God answered His prayer, mutation fees paid in lieu of work done Into his incul»ator, and if the birds himself in a mission, where he was bat not in tbe way asked. Tbe cnp was by citizens are to be set aside as a gospel hatched, transfer them to a brooder and Laborers, unto led to take Jesus as Saviour and Keeper, not removed, bat “there appeared special road fund. see if they could be brought to maturity hour lived the life of a Teamster®, is and from that Can find no better *ho« than Him an angel from heaven strengthen- Tins eoutract system, however, op* j in t his way. the true ing Him. Another important lesson tional. and the supervisor and board of disciple. The officers of the associat ion have no W e the in the l nion Elegant We, too, may have our rups of sorrow, commission! rs for each county may con- emphasize appeal doubt that visitors to the premises will Bread Winner. : member of the great army It i» *tronc, reliable, h'>nr«t, arid utured of and affliction and may pray to tinue iln < hi method of road Signal “Every to remain from the pain appointing be willing away rages 'v!ytHAC Al l. OI T DOOK WOKR- al- to of the \Y. C. T. 1*. should keep in plain God that they pass from ns, and overseers if they prefer. In addition fora few weeks while the birds are lay- I iisihc Bf«t StTvIce rtheL**H»t Money. in and day out. her 'I.uie fi'f M' n am! It<>y» Ir.-vm toft, ; :xi; not aw He will the new law a chain sight of; all, day season has a though they may pass ay this, provides gang ing. and when this passed two *tyir*. v*-.i:uScm lialmurai a:.j T«<:^rea»; was the recent French of w hite ribbon. It *»ilh arul without s !e. give ns strength to drink tin m. which for work on the public roads under the J badge notice will be given the public through tap that ‘that to the same orders. All convicts sen- testimony of a saloon keeper P. TAPLEY & is equivalent thing supervisor's the papers, and a cordial invitation will AMOS C0-, ! white ribbon would do the busi- MASS. The of His ag ; > must have tenced to terms of imprisonment at little for all t<> seethe birds. COSTON. intensity then be extended ( the faithlessness two are ness. would ruin our trade if every been increased also by hard labor for less than years It; Between now and then the woods of the What iti the ex- to be on the roads instead of woman who belongs to the organization Mixture disciples pain employed around the will be cleared of dead (Tarts. a yards Professional "What1 Could not sent to the should wear it, it would create such clamation y.- being penitentiary.—Atlanta wood and made more like a grove so that one hour:" Another It 'son When wo Constitution. sentiment against us.' IX MY WINDOW. pcnpl* may reach the yards with more A. I'Kl KKs. .11;.. we tin- S n of God. If and 1 are arrayed against J are faithless, grieve you really ease l ban ever. the bur- Roads of Cotton Cloth. this is a small Will we pain Him, who bore the forces of intemperance, ATTORM-A AT LAW. den of sin for ns? is to remember. Buy a bolt of rib- An interesting experiment being thing jrrtismunts. Bible Readings. —Ps. xxi;, 1. 2; Isa. tried at Martha's Vineyard by the Mas- bon; if possible fasten a bow on every 20 els. per 11). make a of « 1, C, 7; liii. 4-7. Math, xvi, 21; xxvii, 45, sachusetts highway commissioners. dress and w rap. ami then point Only • •MI' IVtr r-| Him k, a "t'*rc, 22 27; mac- never a soiled knot unless there 40; Luke ix, 21, 32; xxiv, Actsiii, The board lias found in building removing KI.I.SWnRTII. V} 18; Hi'tn. vm. K is p l. 2.i. Col. adamized roads that upon loose, sandy is a clean one at hand to replace it. But i. 21; 11 Tim. 1"-12; !!■ b. ii. 1 7, I«; Eoils much : aie is wasted by being have a clean one! There is a w ordless les- CARPETS! CARPETS! 11. W. HAY.N1>. i. before w hich J )1{. v, 7-9; ix. 2s I pet. in. II. ii, 21-25; driven into the sand. In such cases son in a purejwhite ribbon, NICE iii, 17. IK; iv. 1 gravel, when aeci s.-ible, has lien placed scoffers are silent. W hat a sense of com- I • K \ T 1ST. upon the sand to a depth of three or radeship it gives one to meet on a crowd- For h Pl.-ju.ant Kvvninj. s«r Sun dolor for thePainle** Extrac- four inclns. and mi this is laid the ed thoroughfare another white ribboner! FLORIDA CARPETS! social committee c c.ld tion of Teoth. The arrange sP ue. By so doing ihe cost is greatly There may not, indeed, be an exchange of in out fora pleasant evening reduced. formal greetings, but there seldom fails a .•.OFFICE OVER A. >1 M'KHI* I KK ah ut ti.e methods and just how much T re b ing no gravel at Martha’s flash of the eye as the tiny ORANGES, significant To dose nut Kntire *Mo« k «>f ot the movement the mem- cotton cloth has within flutters in y principles Vlilt yard, cn-ap badge of the army of women -FROM- II. GRKKI.Y. A \ unstitutional )K. bers understand. two wi eks l" eii spread upon the sand, sight. Wear it! Wear it!” J drill" is suggested by the Nebraska and over that tho stone. It has been It deserves to be a matter of conscience Woolen, Cotton land Wool. i> i-; N T I >1 News. Choose sides, does work 20 c. to 35 c. doz. Congregational tound that the sand not up with every W. C. T. U. mother, wife and per the manner of the old fashioned after the so much less stone is < through stone, sister, until at length a weary, tempted tiradtiate of the Philadelphia 1 »• •.» ..e^e, bee, and tht :i have some one Linen spelling required. world shall be fairly belted with the Hemp ami clear vt ’»5. who is on the model K. I I I >" oKTH. thoroughly posted 1. .- ers of tarred paper were tried, but white colors of love and purity. Mdr**VT ICE IN t.II.FS' lU.Oi Tbe one E. G. SMITH, constitution ask questions. wit ut success, as tlie stone pressed A K 1* who misses should sit down or stand C ETS, M. ().('. Y S them. This is probably the first arc Main Street. L. WEST, through “1 should like to know-twhen* you 53 i yy aside. The prize might be given to the ever made with and experiment cloth, I can’t come here 1 la*t at goingfto pay|tbat|bill. offer, them'while they and Mm aida, on who remains standing the longest. on which it is used is Gkadiatk wnile the stretch in the week.” “What day can every-day such prices that any one Intend ('■ Here are a few questions, and they the will lx> none the of Ontario Vrtcrinary not long showing would best?” “Saturday.” be almost indefiuiti ly: *Jsuit you lug to buy cannot afford to mis* enlarged upon less valuable.—Boston Globe. Safe Investments. all I>UeaM-s «»I Domest;- A ’.;msls. “Very well, then|you may call every Sat- Treats What is the object of this society? liuw this opportunity. Critical Surreal < »peratloii- a spr< urday.” office In Portlund for the often are officers to be elected? What Tli. (,'mmI IliwU. I sir?. opened an *liall continue to a'full line keep < »rtire, Room 10, lilies Rloek, K.."""rt. Me. committee? Ihavepurpose of 'leallng In bond* and securl are the duties of the lookout The subject of good roads lias nut yet of "OIL-CLOTHS and STRAW Hbucrtiscnunts. tie*, such u- nr*- lejral Investment* for s«T!ng* la the pledgea part of the constitution? t tie farmers of Missouri, aid ... -JIG. ap|» Ilankr* ami Tru-t.-. and have now on hand some MATTINGS. K. IU'NKKK. Who may be members without election? save ui an al -tract, ideal way They JOHN particular!' jonal *erurltle* that pay a *ood LAW. from what are associate members ex I r ..vis and count ATTORN KY AT want go" appreciate rate of 1m« r« -t. t" which I would cull the atten- eased? Of whom does the executive but r are a« unwilling to A LIFE litem, yd tion of mII wanting Investment*. Prices and OF Fit F M AT three BOSTONJIRL’S committee consist? Mention thing' eat c I*, got ip, m. stent -•• will !*• sent on pav They deac.ripti«*n urltle- nppllca bah makboi: and bu'Diiu me. i- Ruin and lie of active meinb Wbat a solus Saved from Despair by *u< requited j- J* ,ss. -in 1 tie I*., li.el nay ,t tlon. M .itr.iiik'cuient* are h that I am at E. F. REDMAN. the cousti a Noted Woman. Ml In— ri B ock. Tisi ni is made for am. n-hug fairs w i.I "tne anaig from soiin where, Tillich Aid of"- P* lurnDh nnj purth ulur feeurlty Bar llarln.r office* 7 and Bluehlll <•(!)• e -atur'lay* tntion? II v long a meeting do. » that Im- >i (.‘ort'e-poudenee f»»IU tie«t. open prayer wav*- it. wand over the muddy ore, dis- nut) FURNITURE. CARPETS. to ora lai>t readers.] < .1 ide fur? II. w (rtroal All business -lilri!) iniilbP the ti;alien pro. lnauy reputable bignway. of Missouri, ana la ■ <;. s. •--I S'-nc -s troin ci :i : it mu S there more hackkthy. nm the twinkling f an eye the roads will anything triy H. B. SAUNDERS. PIANOS AND ORGANS. jyit. than tin* < met"..i. r tire jivilto drop the name be transf rin-d in’ turnpikes, without pathetic ry meniher? for help that springs BONDS AND SECURITIES, DKNTIST. of au ant.11- innuey and with ut price. Hut, alas, No. ‘4 Water Street, from the an- 5D* Exchange Stkeet. lit day f Grimm and Mans Andersen bear1 Th‘> Spirit or Lore. guished PORTLAND, MAINE. ELLSWORTH. ... ME. CD0NTUNDER. y.W^XV.r^n. ue f .rev.r, and tho fairies are g utily of a young girl ■): T H MAIN ST UK ET. ■ A k...... aif :ifU list- if U Ini 1 .-po.ituneous, glad, willing spirit gut — a beautiful •! of tru.-t ;?id rb-v liUk anil ether administered whe of lo' ;.::d reverence, ir k»*t» and ui- who "■» s g«» il' wn in ]*■ »pr*aa«i girl Mr. < ** Office formerly occupied l-> tion—*' :s is the life of all r li. ni- C. H. mighty d**.iar% • g tie* highv\.»\%, and ahead only EMERY, it is the life f 1 nobh b-ring and i::- everywhere t, r* will \* u » Ir u*U in Miatoitun EIjIjSWOHTU :e ri :i. a« it .' eer-Mm fits, of all worthy tn** rerainiy or • 1 —• wh* r» until farmer* and |*e«>- M f'otv :rules the sacredness « f the child's But oh. v hat I’KALMt IN Stylishly STEAM L AIM> BY *; iiet.i > *pr t tneir wu whip* j sac- pie and the of the < joy glad- \4r r»■ *% in fr- ti* .f ... A NT» HATH ROOM-. rifice, the of heroism and la- ness h«-r yi.iing inspiration tr ;v — m l. I I the county tu%H*pi.h hea rt :.i s ••NO | .\ NO U A II bor like that of Paul—nut counting the j V, lie forth w he.! -he cost. — Dr. All kind- of \%»»rk *i.* Chapin. r» alix.e^ i r Trousers laundry <_!• 11-at Farm I | *4»*of OK llo.Mia. Property. TiierM, tii Good- ailed lor and deliver- dreaded enemy. | If. It. K>TH A 1 Miking the World Better. J .1 n. in* int" r ft in the T the intlu- " blasting A N !> Went I ml 1 of mak- til II : llricltrc-. As between the two methods ty f i.rtn ?, pm u..._ ence, is gone,— ban- ing the world better—that which works th:oh% that tn g.-*utur< should » > ished forever. t ui t.«o and is II. MASON. on the environment, and that which stmt tin up p cry win-.h rg..n This sunshine joy REAL ESTATE Trousers might just as JOHN ** Mi<> Pit.rence Works for spiritual culture—We believe \l d lab«*r lit tin -late I...*.g agam-l now the happy portion of Boston. well be handsome as not. at Law, the l .tter must ever bo the main depend- convict hit r Mi i>a»t u i» th* ny -of Beacon Street, Attorney She often tells of her suffering from OF M/L KINDS AND DESCRIPTION. You'll think easier and Solicitor of PaMi't"* tnee Y. t a wiso voice seems ever to country m* mutr i the ii» unepiu ut it for the of the menses. 'I lie A < lark’s Bl'k. BANGOR. “This to have i.a is mu r* -i• *n suppression pain Wheelwright fcdmohish us, ought ye gation and .ia..y them to be handsome "!i “ w is Tin doetors. instead Ha* resumed Patent practice,and exeruriating. (" '*• jor and not to leave the other un- road*. It is i.i* idea tnat the « n det'i.. ione, pood the cause of h*r tenth for inventor*; bring and of removing ailment, than not when see and atu done. ”—Christian vict> Mj-.u.-l be a.a i m Ir the v* rk you the Infringement of Patent*, ce Register. her each month with morphine to CorrChpo plied our new v | n») t Patent huslr.etb jLf are m*\\ i ■ ** was OFFICE, and note which they ..% prevent convulsions; but the trouble styles Invited. Work For Moravian Endravorer*. er* and other* and put to w rk p and permitl* 1 t<»exist. the prices. last the no — The good work done year by inp rock f a ft a*--tv* i*»u'*h When she could endure more, Peters’ Ellsworth. lias ted the was imminent and future Klock, Moravian Kndeavorers plump a course \. < special year—name- improveiiM lit J.i l..* 1 His oi til* »t.«te w hi« h. surprising to all, rapidly Indians at ■ pound, the relief of the indigeut M llilil (I ul ..ill increase Ma tle Monnineiits, ly, UpUiiB and cured her. yoursatisfaction. Granite aril and tho Ramona mission. Banning, permanently In to Mrs. Pink ham, pouring worh all the Tablets and Headstones. these l.ooti KiwU sun* to i «»ii*e. writing way Cal. There is great need among and she forth her gratitude happiness* is the only sure and India and a splendid field for work The agitation t tm quistiuii uf t et .-r could make suf- through. Ftfrt says: "Oh! that I every permanent cure for Newest DesigTB, Best Material. aL,l « no u t m* wi:! .» .u medi- »s off ed. road* hi: in eud woman valuable ail kinds of v fering try your -yJ Pr.cts. in u ttur bless V.Skilled Cla‘s at Lowest pom l results gi\;i.g cine! llow would you!” Wo’kniacsliip Pow«*rl**H» For Good. plish they high ysuftiave!, and h* n* tn* »gri RHEUMATISM, WORKS. A where the Bible ia never STEAM POLISHING 3ulturist better tar:htle* fortran*] na- lo 'rln d • r.fopt to be dusted, where no GOUT and ELLSWORTH tion to mark* c to* pr- do A slock *•! IIn ptav rvoiced, where no mention |o >. ;*r» I lav.* prej ;:n *1 v remedy l.nrge Wt have t u* r t hud t > any l. I f h 11 *» h 11 11 nt ed rr LUMBACO. htaiitly on hand. u c\ .„ uf Him whose words have *31 Vi ll zed Oat...... i. t..* pr »vt ment in la miiiiy ••n-i-- nfi« r other CLOTHING FACTORY cL ,u> ;i .i t.iu course uf sueii a ir si led. If *• * i.ifi r ironi this A book will be empires, cur > v» i* an EI.I.O'111-111- jf r *>u.d _ •untry nupor tit-* n ntedy. Mi lielii-* 'ur.i month, sent free to tliowe WATER ST., i. dr of It is iirrvc- knee rving pity. •• w < prt‘| ant sendiny ll»« ir iwj. JOY & k-ss for good.—D O. 2tl« | ir lliefr dress to CAMPBELL, CO., ponerlesa « m vearl fL50 and in thedevc. pint-nt of tru'1 —l„c\ I I*. KY \N*. a Hriiffiflst. i;. ?I.C JH;\vnA \ mlvanC*- I iie-,1 n istun Journal. Dovkic, MFC-tO.. H»tahnr».Pv Rear Giles Block, opp. Whiting Bros.’ The American:: It ||R||I In ■3lTJbcrttscmrnt0. NEWS. Ellis; S. J. T., Flora Bordeaux; trees., b? built after the Norwegian style of ELLSWORTH MARKETS. "COUNTY Julia Higgins; M., Ned Higgins; D. M., and will stand upon ft County Ncics trr other pages. architecture, Wednesday, May 1, 1895. additional Melissa The y0r B rown; G., Ada Higgins; 8., terrace of native rubble-stone. MAINE LAW BKGAKDINO WRIGHTS AND MEASURES. Frank Sargent. general dimensions are 50x40 feet. The A bushel of Liverpool salt shall weigh CO pounds, and \ mebican has subscribers at IOC, a bushel of Turks Island saltshall weigh 70 pounds. 1’IIK aid** is a one. Mr. Little is n Schools in town began April 22 with charming Die standard weight of a bushel of potatoes, In good in Hancock order and tit for is CO the I l'i post-offices county; the teachers: He native of and visited here last shipping, pounds. 0f following vi Castine, The standard weight of a bushel of beans in good or- in the com- summer in derandtlt for Is 62 Of the other papers county grammar school, Miss for the first time many years. shipping, pounds. wheat, beets, „ll Long; primary, rnta baga turnips and peas, (JO pounds; of corn, 66 Mrs. He held a in Augusta. do not reach so many. TlIK Amku- Lyman Somes; Pretty Marsh, ('ora formerly pastorate pounds;of onions, 62 pounds; of carrots, English tur- bined nips, rye. and Indian meal, 60pounds; of barley and Lewis; Beech Cliffs, Mrs. Myra Holmes; 48 of oats 32 or even meas- is not the only paper printed in West Trenton. buckwheat, pounds; pounds, as Model icsn Hall (Quarry, the Misses Agnes and Mary ure by agreement. and has ncrer claimed to Mrs. Mark H. Haynes is in quite feeble Hancock county, Hill; Kate Northeast i Sound, Somes; hen It h. Country I’roduee. 1 but H is the only paper that can prop- Harbor, Everett Seal Della Iteiins. ^©lumbia be. Ober; Harbor, Capt. A. If. McFarland has gone to Improved Yellow Eye, per liuslt.2.50 y 3.00 a Cot NTY all the Otter Creek, Blanche Somes. j hand i /„■ called paper; Somes; IVa, picked, per bu.2.50y3.0O 1 art,! Ellsworth t o work in t he ? nipyard. 36 The circula- Pens: ® For Tourists. ® are merely local papers. ltrooklin. rest Alonzo 11. (Jrindle has gone to Hast Improved, per bu (seed).2.50 TtlK AMKKIt'.'.N', barring the liar Miss Geneva has been ill. lint tor. tion of Staples quite Pduehill, where he will engage in busi- ® For Riders. Butter faIN off tills week. Heavy-weight accord's summer list, is larger C. W. Basford, of Detroit, was in ness. slightly Harbor ('reamerv ..25 n per the other tow last wt k. v. line barn. than that of all papers printed \V. 1!. Walls is building Dairy .. 18 y20 ® Newell who has been Veranus is the contracting car- < Pie.-so. man I; county. Power*, spending Haynes ® in lb Best factory' (new) per lt>.15 the winter with his son in re- Boston, penter. Best dairy new .15 ® turned home from Dutch I iuported).1.10 South"'"*1 Unrlmr. Saturday. Harry Alley has returned home ® Mrs. *1 tunes MmiMeti is seriously III. Granville and Fred Phillips have Heal Harbor, where he was working, ill Fresh laid, per do/..12 ® launched their new with l he measles. Seliools in town open Monday, April'-tl. yacht, ••Zurita,” liny ® built for them Tainter. Best ton.8 <• 11 Tht Kben Clark, being at Bass by George Fred L. Murch and wife and little loose, per supervisor, Baled.14 a 15 ® t lie teachers allotted will for the Dr. F. S. Herrick will build an Althea, of Bar Harbor, spent Harbor, quite daughter Straw. ® most part be a surprise to their respec- extensive addition to his house during Sunday with their parents. Loose .7«8 Baled.10yl2 ® tive schools. the summer. K. E. Bent will do the Mrs. Jennie Murch has been appointed Yegctaldcs. went to w ork. at Oak and has en- ('apt. Jacob Mayo, jr., Surry postmistress Point, Ha»l is lies and lettuce are on the market this in his to transfer K. S. Blake and have removed to the duties of her of lice. week. one day last week boat, family tered upon that Beets, peril. .03 Potatoes, .50 effects of Mr. Carter, of Centre Harbor where they will occupy W. Marshall is a the personal Arno building very Cabbage, .03 Turnips, per bu .50 Southwest ns he will rooms in William Abriel’s house Onions. .05 .10 to Harbor, during convenient barn,35x40 feet, with mansard Cranberries, Model 36 is an ideal place, Bermuda onions, lb, .18 Spinach, pk .6n ^T^HE touring machine, capable with his son, Byron Carter. t he summer. © now reside roof. Charles H. Davis is t he carpenter. Squashes, per lb .03 Cucumbers, .16 A Parsnips. .03 Radishes, bunch, 121-2(3)16 © of and to stand ® son of K. of Bluehill carrying heavy luggage, guaranteed Will (iilley, Benjamin Gilley, G. Lopaus, keeper Bay Miss LizzieS. Haynes, who has been in Lettuce, bunch, 12 l-2(« 15 ® severe The coast residence with bis (• roee under the most tourist has taken up his light station, is about to exchange failing health for several moot In past, is ries. up usage. may had been settled but with Mr. of Saddle- Tliere Is no change in the local but father. The family positions Farnham, now very with no market, in for the band brake is the most effective poorly, perceptible ( perfect safety, @ was called back her several staples are uncertain and rises may be a few when Mrs. Gilley to light station. Mrs. Lopaus and days change for the better. brake ever applied to a bicycle. To the class of conserva- Vanceboro, the two will to Boston. expected. © her former home, by daughters go The families of Norman and Bain bridge Coffee -per It. Rice, per lb .OCu.lo five riders and men of this machine will illness of her father. n w ft ■..*() ® heavy weight, © dangerous The schools throughout the tow ill McFarland have moved, the former to Rio. .‘lb1 30 Pickles, per gal .4 | .Mocha, .*') Olives, per qt .3 (a .76 the commend itself for the additional comfort and ® Mrs. Dudley Mayo is still prostrated begin Monday, April 211, w ith excep- Bar Harbor and the latter to South Han- Java, .31 Vinegar -per gal- ® particularly TeA— perlb Pure cider. .25 the effects of a bad felon on her tion of the one at the Reach, which the ® of absolute which it ensures. from cock, where they will remain during ( Japan, 40(0.60 racked wheat, .06 feeling safety in the are as fol- 25(u.6U Oat per lb thumb, which developed erysipelas began April 22. The teachers season. Oolong, tueal, .05 Sugar p»*r !b (piaker rolled oats .(»5 and her entire lows: Miss Nellie North < Built late in the season of and I I vrist arm, deranging Bay, Freethey; Master Davie Marshall, who met with a Uranuiated, •"» Buckwheat, .'6 I © 18Q4, thoroughly Much is felt for her, Miss Ethel Eaton; Hale’s, Miss Coffee--A .fc It .('4 tirnhnm, .'4 * * system. sympathy Brooklin, painful accident recently by nearly Yellow. C ->4 Rve meal. .04 I ® up-to-date in equipment. condition. Dr. Clara No. Miss I.ilt ' ' in her suffering Sawyer Thurston; 7, a with a severing finger pocket knife, Havana, .»•' hairy, per bag .05orJH ® ner. West Brooklin, Miss Eva Bil- .-V> attends Dority; necessitating the amputation of the same 1‘i-rto Kieo, l.iverpoul, prcwt 1.5' prompt ordering They make i>,|tr Kxtra. 25 Cement- per Cask ».*>J •oi*-. j.lo Lime—per Cask 1* Consult the Albert Bartlett, who has been critically of is has been called l.n*Vg> >5? Big Bicycle Bargains. Columbia Agent. Miss Wilma (ioogins, Gouldsboro, This community again ; No. 1, 4> Brick—per M 7 ifo.ll for two weeks died Saturday Scoots. t*i>"l. o White lb .0 (a o,s ill past, visiting her grandmother, Mrs. William to mourn the loss of one of its best citi- Lead—pr Spruce, Pa-1 25 A Mr. Kolfe, of Port- Sheldon night. nephew, Dow. zens, Hannah M., wife of Capt. I’roviwioiiM. Pope Manufacturing Co. save the ^ land, his only living relative, She was an active and ^ Mrs. Anna is ill. Brown. helpful There ix n flight falling off in the price of has in Bridges quite seriously Factories and General Offices, Conn. 1 I wife who survives him. been church for seven- beef. ® HARTFORD, aged She is attended Dr. Haines of Ells- member of the Baptist some by IP. '.Vo. 25 lb .08 attendance upon his uncle for days. teen Her life was made of Steak. Beef, I'ripe, per New Providence. San Francisco. worth. years. up good Fresh Pork. .lim.15 Hams, per !l» 13 Boston, York, Buffalo, Chicago, will the •. The community regret departure deeds, and her sympathies were always Veal.perlb ono, 1»> Mutt-m. ib. ,084 Smoked alcwives, string M. of Lamoine, officiating. llsli .li.ii S » a very pretty and neatly-embroidered Sunday school was organized on Sun- Bosworth, )0t, Salm -n. .3 'a 4 St. .lol.n alewlves,etch. 4 wife of worsted quilt. This thoughtful token of day, April 21. L. H. Springer was chosen Mrs. Sophronia J. Townsend, j P ckeril, lii .lo Finnan llnddie, .1" < 'urn. d fish per .1* ’• a of who died esteem and good will was delightful for the ensuing year. Dr. E. F. Townsend, Boston, .4o superintendent oysters, per qt MONEY’S WORTH? lb .12 to the little woman who, returned last week in that city several weeks ago, was born Lobsters, per surprise gentle Richmond S. Dodge ► blunders, d- /. 25 the third by her amiable traits of character, has from Waterville, where he has been em- and reared in this place, being S ad, .2 m .3 2m 15 de- and Eleanor Bluetish, won a host of friends here, and she the and has resum- daughter of David, 2d, Hop- ployed during winter, Fuel. that it where to Massachusetts In question depends upon you go the of The on “Sebe- kins Haynes. She went answering sires, through correspondent ed his duties as engineer the Wood -per c«»r*t ot! -per ton con- and since that time a •1 «<*-' American, to thank all those who noa.” when quite young, hry Hard. 4 ui »i Brok.n, out. For th last we have been 1 * to find it years hry Soft. '»ii .V Stove. •» 0 forty buy- tributed of their material and has been a resident of Boston, Providence G.i-U time, April 22. Hr mac. j Bounding*, per load, 6 O' to the and useful and other cities where her husband’s pro- Id- Hi 1.25 Nut, and the best ...... needle-work pretty Blacksmith's. ing selling Noil ('mi' him. She has gift. Cession called frequently , and a new and one brother Mrs. Douglass, j *• < pastor, Hev. J. K. Bowman, Corn, full Weight pr bu and We cannot how better garments could vic- Conn., Miss Ada J. of 75 price. imagine Harmon, admitted to Mumps are prevalent. The latest Noank, Haynes, Barley, per bu member, Stephen Mark H. of this bu -50 and Bar Harbor, and Haynes, Oats, per i he usual dural tims are Victor Heath, Luella Brown be and can to fit you with a church fellowship. place. II ides and Tallow possibly produced, guarantee Cliftie Walls. James A. Butler and Roy. decorations brightened both houses April 27. Hides—per lb-- Tallow—per lb- .T Bough, "2 better than nine-tenths of the custom tailors can, Not at the Charles Sawyer are both out, after se- Ox garment of worship. being present Illiiehlll Cow. 1 4 Tried, .'*4 no vere attacks. Calf Skins, green .3 fo .7 » Methodist concert, I can give details cent. less. ■ RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. Pelts. .22*0.4" at fifty per choir selections Schools in this section commenced '2!ah .30 of that, but the singing, Whereas, In the wisdom of an all-wise Lamb skins, to the risen Christ, at the April 29, with the following corps of Hod, who doeth all things well, it has Seeds. appropriate { Grass bu 3.25 clover, lb 1.. seemed to call from earth a loved Herds per per Union also a solo Mrs. J. teachers: Miss Gertie Rumill, Centre; fitting lb ’2 B-d. .15 chapel, by N. Bed Top, per and esteemed member, William L vwn seed, lh, .IS Akike. .!'• Bowman were much enjoyed, ns were also Miss Robbins, Bayside; Miss j Temperance Hinckley, of the Independent Order of the Easter songs aiul choruses by the Phebe Wilson, of Tremont, Seal Cove. members of -i Sunday school girls. Tender interest is April 29. Resolved, That we, the Lemons, prdoz .30 <’al. oranges, .; .50 do extend to the be- Bananas, i>0 ■» !'> ■ muts, each .UN-/.D lie wee tots of the in- Ocean (Jem lodge, always centred in t 1 tV*r .15 so111 !i Iti ook-»\ llle. reaved wife and sorrowing our Apples, on this occasion parents fant class whose efforts heartfelt in this time of School in this distf'h begins April 29. sympathy l>ri»* ■ a new house. be ii ...... ,. i* f, ini*- tino (icorgc Cousins is building Resolved, That our charter draped Idtes, .mi Currant*. .08(ri 12 in mourning for thirty days, and that a Kaisii s. »'«*■.• 15 A:»pli-*. rholi-e string J'S tune h sol", K« citations by the Samuel Holland, of SUubt n, is in town .hna>M .i -12 pretty copy of these resolutions be sent to the Prunes, little Mis-*-* Annie and Bessie Clark, t his week. distressed family, and another to The N lit a. Almonds, per lb .2" Filberts, per lb 15 e and Mildred Monroe, I'1.1.sworth American for publication. Chariot' Gilley \V. C. Bates and wife have gone to pecans, per lb .1*1 Fur. Walnuts, per II. ..* Ki'uknk 11. Stover, i 15 Chestnuts, were distinctly in a bright and Brazil*. p* lo per -jt given Boston to visit t h*■ ir son. Frank I.. Mason, C.»:n. wanner. One of the class, I heo graceful schooner ••.Minnie Chase,” Florence M. Horton,) The Capt. and let else Gilley, kepi at home by sickness, would 1895. Do your duty somebody Lewis Cray, has gone to Bangor for a load April 28, no doubt have reflected credit upon her talk about it of lumber. training could -in* have been present. 3libn:tisnncnts. The schooner “Jennie Howard, ( apt. Another solo, by tcn-yeur-o!d Flossie Isaac Hutchinson, lias loaded wood for Children Cry for Gilley, was rendered in a surprisingly Frank Condon. sweet and clear voice. Many other reci- Pilcher’s castoria < I. Perfect tations w cr>-« \> 11* 11. and all felt that The schooner “\Y iIlium Fadie,” Capt. Digestion for Is secured by taking Hood’s Pills after the Faster service had proved a soul A. L. Condon, will load with gravel 3tmcrtisrmnit0. dinner, or if digestion is impeded by are to bin- too for refreshment. Hock land soon. Some parents inclined cheap clothing change of diet, Spka v. April 29. assortment of overeating or the boy. We have a large boys' clothing (•rent I 'mill. Bird Kites, \Yr*t 'I miiuiil. chills and con- most examination. arc Ellsworth, was at Great that will bear the rigid They cheap Dr. Mason, of B. H. Lunt went to Northeast Harbor gestion In Pond house Wednesday. Craves cut above the Monday to w ork for Bros. changeable Marbles. in price but rich in quality. The represents K. Mace were in J. F. Emery and F. School commenced under the wcat her. They Monday we of children s one this week. break a buckboard every purchaser clothing. Ellsworth day instruct i"i» of M Marietta Stanley, of up cold, give is a Mrs. Washburn Lord, of Howland, Manse*.. prevent fever, Rubber Blarters, Howard Lord. and rest ora visiting her aunt, Mrs. Mrs. F. W. Lunt, Mrs. S. A. Heed and healthy action of School began Thursday, and is being I daughter, Mrs. M. K. Carver, w ;u * the liver and bowels. At home or abroad MEN'S YOUTHS' DEPARTMENT. taught Fred Tosier, of Fairfield Tuesday. Just Received. by Bangor, Hood’s Pills are a safeguard aud a friend. Centre. The schooner “J. Ponder,” Capt. In this department we show the finest line of up-to-date The ladies’ was entertained on arrived and will lay by society Sprague, Friday, latest it the Stop Breeding1 Your Cows to in eastern Maine, comprising all the patterns Wednesday by Mrs. Emery, being a few weeks, business being dull. m id see HE Devilem clothing first meeting since January. Mrs. Melinda Hum ill. who has been Scrub Hulls. Whistle, in overcoats and suitings, and the quality, sti le and finish are THING OUT. II. Hastings was in town last night spending the winter here, returned to her LATEST to none. This statement we back with the with quite a crew of men for the Alliga- home in Dedham last Wednesday. second up goods force went to the tor drive. A part of their April 28. Try Thoroughbred themselves. the lake the week. Fine Assortment of Curtains, during liar Harbor. his work Guernsey Bull, XTST. Rev. D. B. Smith commenced Charles Uratfam met with a serious JT7ST He will here as pastor to-day. preach accident while driving the road machine here once two weeks the year, Look at Our Seasonable Neckwear. in during last Friday. The horses were startled by Mariaville. FOR FRESH CANDIES. and the alternate weeks at something beside the road, and as they ROBINHURST, GO T< > 28. Flossie. one of the cash of we a beautiful Pas- April jumped, Mr. Graflam dropped No. 3,488. With every purchase $20.00 give reins. Getting down on the pole to secure Soumi. KegHteivd In the American Guernsey Cat- tel or arc on exhibition in our window; drop i he was thrown in front ol the machine, s Store. etching. They The “Puritan,” Capt. George Sargent, it, tle dull. Holt Variety a in his The cut deep gash neck, ..... sailed from here April 25. i Bcraper in and see them. \ and one of his legs was broken by the Will stand for service at my farm on Surry Mrs. Perkins has gone to Pros- mile Harvey wheels which passed over it. road, ihrcc-i|uarter* from Ellsworth post- Pauper Notice. pect Harbor to viait friends. | office. undersigned hereby gives notice that he has contracted with the City of Ellsworth,for The I. O. Q. T. elected new officers last Cantuif*. TERMS, $3.00. THE the support of the poor, during the ensuing year, One of the handsomest villas to be a Thursday evening as follows: C. T., W. \Vn- awarded Special Diploma for beiug the and has made ample provision for their support. LEWIS FRIEND & CO. is liest Hull ni any age at Wyman Park last fall. forbids all from furnishing D. V. Melissa Richardson; P. I erect'd in Hancock county this spring He therefore persons Blake; T., supplies to any pauper on his account, as without Of Rev. Arthur W. Little, of Evans- so C. T., Pembroke Higgins; chap., Florence that his written order, he will pay for no goods Telephone connection ['111 in this The cottage will El. IB. ETOHL1VLIES furnished. Harkv 8. Jonks. Blake; sec., Sadie Nickerson; F. S., Nancy ton, place. 3l5tirrti0fmnit8. KltOM WASHINGTON. At a meeting: of Union academy (Cor- 3tri>fTtiBnnrnt8. £ be ifllsiiuirtb American inna) trustees on April 27. Hon. Albert K. Day was elected resident trustee for The Nicaraguan-Great Britain Com- A l.iu A1 AM' POLITICAL JOURNAL the term of three years. Mr. Pay was standard. ! HLTSHKU Single (ioltl a both m I plications formerly very successful instructor, BARCAINS INC E V KRA THI KSPA V MUlJN as principal of schools and academies. AT From our correspondent regular His superior business ability and popu- People I : ; -WORTH, MAINE, in this direction will remit r him 1895. larity BY THE W ashington, 1>. C., April peculiarly valuable as a local trust** f H \v » m K t ■ 'l'M’l PUUI.ISHINH n». W;;h all due re*pect to the position* WALL PAPER.-* t he academy. F. \Y.'K"i :s- Edit"! and Manager. held by Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Gresham posit ions which have been honored by, who Price—$1 V:t ear. <•>•! t-•" Subscription > ft line of sttUjcrtiannnitB. nt.*ntl;1 and which have honored long ».\ i, i,tii-. tit- 11>r three I have just received a lar^e lot of wall patrvts from George Washington to pain-! r< -.-■ cd at U rate per car Benjamin Harrison, and from Thomas some of the latest % Vre r emhraein.u' in \ct tne Bu-in«-— u!' i.:it !■ •!• should be a Mr*'"''' .\o\ I !' izes the of this administration in to a: order- made payable t.' policy bo k at and EVER A •• E IN, HaV K »"l\n l'l HI I M I V U»* dealing w ith the dispute between tireat your druggist's Maiue. woi'; N ica go by it. which Great Britain reached the point at Anrui' *» f* mo:• thtr f TOOOO bnui PARLOR, THURSDAY. MAY 2, 1S95. lo has given the world a practical demon- stration of its belief that ‘’might makes 5nk. right.” y the occupaney of the principal Jfer CHAMBER ARBOR BAY. of of an armed port entry Nicaragua by of e;»r-. f cows at A force, and that word is double-dealing. CA(>W>Burnham s-lab.t on Third street. K-- at 10 a. m. .1 C. Furnish on y. said. ’’The affairs of worth, Thursday, May and STATE OE MAINE. Herbert Spencer (iOKPoV BATH-ROOM, the universe are nz>t carried on after a good farms handy to the j 1 but 4 system of benign double-dealing," INARMS—SeveralCreamery, and with plenty wood and which I shall sell at to For in- prices compare with wrote before Mr. Cleveland was pasturing. Easy terms. particulars Spencer quire of A. C. Haoerthy. Ellsworth. President or Mr. Gresham secretary of the times...... rw< story with L; ten rooms, their state. nOUSthath room and laundry; city water and stable for three horses; It is as eertain as anything not officially furnace ; large garden, situated on high land. Apply t > MOO Rolls fit: o o. can be that the adminis- pleasantly promulgated < H Embry, Peters block, Ellsworth. tration has had an understanding with bt is md t on Main street; l 1,000 Rolls fit M 1-1* o. Great Britain, w hich included the accep- My and lot on Oak street; house and Bd on j Houses Church street, Ellsworth. > K Whitino tance of the British by this government -—- construction of the meaning, or rather fBt.mtrt. lack of meaning, of the Monroe doctrine, LATY STOCK OF w hich friends of the administration have PROCLAMATION T— Wt want an energetic, responsi- been saying for weeks j*ast was to be V(iENble man <>r woman agent in EC-worth this and vicinity to introduce our good- at t (treat Britain * treatment of B 7 the Governor. applied MAMFACTfBiM I \ \ve.. Bos- Curtains and Window out the fact that ton. Mass. Shades of Nicaragua, pointing I hereby set apart Friday, the tenth day there was a fleet of Cnited States May. as strong vessel* in South AGant ic waters for the Special IS ALSO COMPLETE. ARBOR. DAY IN MAINE. j express purpose of compelling Great E to farmers and shippers of \eal. be ob-erved in the Now. Spring, I remnimend that the day Britain to resj>ect that doctrine. N'oTI*mutton, lambs, poultry ami eggs You W W plant:: z of tree-, shrul and vine', in the the fact has leaked out that the adminis- can get the best prices by shipping t«• Bep; -No, 1ST >t 1 *r• -v id« nee R. I « around-, Early adornment : j ul»lIo ami prlvat. tration, probably that the{>atri- M COOMBS. and thu- the homes id parks way-. rendering ot isrn Admiral Meade would be THE W! HI It s NOTH E. our and our commonwealth more people 4 1.1 h rders Ira« n tl str- rig' r than his rders, took good pain* p« rs ‘Heaven and earth He!p him uh< | .ant.- a ,equest» OATTTIOISr I sailor* same for on or before May 1. 1895, a- tree, water* when Brit>h performed payment interest at 6 per centum will cease on that ies the market milk earn* And in- work :t- wn reward shall be S* vral part are putting upon with outlets and g, is* at the brave feat of occupying the territory date. the | bottom, represent ing t hat their patents over surh construet ion of can-, such ■■ utivt ter ti t I’t rsoj-js hoidirnr order- wishing to retain < rep* '< en at the !>. I Ittn ugusta ** <. ’.on* are frauds. An examinat ion «*f t h» ;r w ill h \x t « d. ■ e-e*;’ i ac rcseiitat patents hat 11, r 1 h i ms in tin them at 4 per I't-uhau. can b> p: tlii* third ‘i:t> April, which had made the mistake of *>• have in the combination. The reason is ver\ twenty expect- them to ; he trea-ur» n f->n- May I. do not mention the glass obvious. The pat* our Lord om* t’ >u-an.| iiun I .'s ’-ib, was issued to and i* owned the Vermont year of eight ing that the ITiited States w «u Id see t hat Dated at Trenumt. Ma.. | enl on the glass by Farm Machine* ompanv. tired anti nitn-lv live, anti "l tin’ .li'HN T. R Fv KF M O', \\ therefore, eaution against or using an\ m.;k--*-r Iii’iepelttl wa- d. dairymen buying ng H!i. it fairly treat* Tr« as a rt .t Tn-ment, M. 1 lift "l tin- l'i,itfil statf- "i An.irlra tin having a glass panel at bottom. The law makes the seller and user ! a! b>r in- one huiitirr! a;id nineteenth. The mmi-tcr t> the ITiited Nicaraguan f ring'men!. and as man v of the parties putting the infringement on t h*-market are It I LAVES f 1 A It 4.1 S lit I*. 1 >**’.* >4 AMi>, 1 HEM!V State- -..I placed that in can ret express not nimm ially responsible. the loss fall* on the purchaser and user. A w,-rdtothe the (."rein”. i wise should he sufficient. By his of' ii mu. but it is an -'pen ret that not vi ■'!”] a> Fesseniien. Secretar ol Stain WOOL! WOOL! he was T-d to believe up to the la-t min- PROTECTION. ute that ihiscountrv would prevent Great In order that the public may understand that our eaution* cover n ground democrats had tv our u* on. w • below of th*- :n> Even rock-ribbed Britain carrying out its threat of occu- t hail patents protect give «opie- pr :pn.' n two patents unde- w hieh the Cooley Creamers are manufactured, viz s :Vi, Jan smile when the official announcement pying Corinto, and that he in turn had the i uary 31. l-WJ. caused iris in the was made that the treasury depart- government indulge cream /. The within-described method of separating from tht mi.* f- or upon same belief. Had it not been for that ment would no longer collect and dis- ! which it shall hare been raised, which consists in first ascertai n m/. a- forth, the t never w ould have been or cream raised in the vesstl, and then .c seminate statistics relating to the man- belief here any quantity depth of adjust harge- to the desired and the milk beneath "i> ;■ ,, controversy. Nicaragua would have faucet point withdrawing from baring ufacture of tin and terne plate in the such predetermined quantity of cream withiti the ressel. agreed t< the demands of Great Britain as United States. The reason was plain. No Cl .310. June .30. 1S85. soon a- they wete made, knowing that of Ready I. 1 milk vessel haring an faucet that (in be set r'jtlis- Every publication figures showing with. the f the ITiited adjustable protection any of milk to leave in the vt-ssr! the in crease of this which j rhargt predetermined quantity quantity industry, State.-, sic would ,-uotier or later have to cream, and with a glass pan- to aset rtain tht deg Tin* -ul.-erlher heir* t" inform the v\ o j-row of provided was one of those established the meat tht by do so. Owing to tl'.e impenetrable mys- ,r- n! u.i- ami »djo.nin>; counties that lie i- j of faucet. A ressel cream, in watt at tin* J. milk-setting for raising by sealing hiring an McKinley tariff law. was officially tery w hich surrounds everything done by -lil! adapted I overhanging cover and internal support* for raising tht cover slightly ... th> ves- it cannot be ELLSWORTH WOOLEN MILL. 1 giving the lie to every democratic tile department of state, pos- Cash, set. a* and for the purposes set forth. and i- Fully Equipped to ejtrd ur woo stated w hat the nature of the The combination, with a milk ressel a translucent pane and inclined editor and who took itively just roll*, **r to manufacture it into any tiling that haring stump-speaker an with i make. bottom of discharging faucet communicating tht at the in the last agreement with Great Britain is, but wool will adjustable part presidential campaign, We have on hand and for -ale at tie- factory, lower of the incline, and arranged to be set to automatically di-• a prt is known to cause part all of whom had declared in the most enough every patri- either wholesale or retail, all kind-of KN1T- determined quantity of the contents of tht vessel. < * •: ki for otic American to wish that the whole II Mi 4 II:n>,;i!- 7 OTII all ml-*, ’>. .1 milk-setting vessel adapted for raising cream by st illing in wa1' .'luring an terms that there was no such both ladies and gentlemen wear would positive ! discreditable affair could be blotted out rover, and supports for raising the cover slightly abort th> as and We have out H nice line of eo..d--uit orerhanging as the manufacture of tin and just ^ot thi set thing of the of the ITiited "tales. able t• Ladies’ < apes and < loaks, ,i, .. tin- for purposes forth. * history •1. 7 ne combination a milk ran a in itsside to -\ thick- terne for commercial newest itiit! late-t styles and e.-’orin;:- "ur of having glass panel plates purposes There is a rumor in circulation t hat a ness cream and an inclined bottom with a to are all warranted made from pure vinrln of the discharging-cock app rectly in the United States, and no ami a the so ad- predicted movement is on foot t-- make Secretary Woi sliotitly useil. the side of tht can, pipe applied to cock, whereby the pipt It. I»’ tiikt t-, ft ir « it her stable or -tret t. >>r ! as to draw the milk and leave the cream 'i and that three months after the election Gresham of the Pullman car justed off behind, substantial'', president hou-e. we have a better a--ortun-nt than can be do described. it would be to find an in G.-org*- Pullman, at found in Lastern Maine, an the But the manufacture of tin and terne company, July. ^oo*!-, by of supports, edge top of f no nii‘1- I**nit*ii to i vessel. tainly to be hoped that the movement pay plate has continued to grow, although Wewiiltake pay in wool for any tfoodsw j s. J milk-setting vessel adapted for raising cream by standing in i. n‘- -oof har- .vil! succeed. It would Mr. make. been prevent well ing supports for a raised cover prornled with a eorer adapted to to hi bt uv>re its growth has slow since the ter Mk't nt-, W hitii _r Bros. and \.W. Clark Gresimm sinking any lower m the esti- tht vessel by means of such but with its lower tub- 'C

in there would have > 1 77 NK ( TIGS (»’ A A. I .V I KKI). 1 power to-day give him ar annua! si.arv of The a So w j >ateiit has been sustained by the Cn lted States Circu it t ‘our; -t r.ot of *Kh’KSI'GXI)KXCK snUriTKlK from which was to the A :•■».*. fit- been no need to import a pound of tin w... % .link-*-} him out of public life. to Vermont, aj>peal taken Cnited States Court of j ting in N* a York City, which sustained t lie decision of theCireu * pro- or terne I r- ... advices received in Washington Address all order-or letter- ot inquiry to plate. nouncing the patent valid and granting an injunction against th*- o r and from it is as Kentucky, regarded prob- oloroi: L. MORRISON, user, ami ordering, w ith costs, an u* *-ounl ing for damages. \ Through Train* to Hur Harbor. able that if t he tight now raging in that Box 224, Ellsworth, Mt state, between the and wings The announcement is made thHt througl The (ienuine Cooley t reamers ami Can* are manufa* turml by of t he democrat i<* > until sleeping car service between Boston anc party. kept up Trade will Bar Harbor fur the season will commenct election, the state g-» republican. CARRIAGES A. L. E. E. GrOSS CO.. The has with a ear from Boston Wednesday even- republican party steadily gaimd LEWISTON. ME. in the state for sometime and w ith ing, May 1.and will continue thereaftei past, M.\I»K and IIKI'A I HKI>. .1.*. (.OIIDON, KI.I.SW OltTII, 1.0* \|. \(.|M'. and leader- daily, except that Saturday night's cai its present organization good is believed that it will be able to will not go through further than Bangu] ship. it with ORGANIZED. until Sunday morning. May 1 '. Aftei easily thrash the divid* d democracy. Competent Workmen. that date night trains between Bostor The reception given that single gold The South Central Consolidated Gold and Milling Co. 'standard interview of Morton, Mining and Bar Harbor will run daily. Sunday! Secretory Prompt Attention. INO*Hl’*Ut \TH» Included. which was published as a feeler of the CAPITAL STOCK, $2,000,00O. has Mr. Cleve- A. W. share*. 40.00 «-aeh, lull I'ahl am! \dii- \»><»*>iili|i. It is also announced that the Maim public pulse, frightened Low Prices. caused him to a little slower Central railroad will inaugui&te its ex land and go 1 his b>r t he n*. .* iruin u..n T A T; Pn P 1 H rwl anc in making campaign single At the old stand of HOWE Sc CO., TREASURY RESERVE STOCK, .f 300,000. f announce- Bar Harbor commencing Monday, Ma\ gold standard. I ne omciai South Street. V KM II Carlisle had OWNS (iuorp OF TEN ROM) MINKS. 20. On and after that date the 0 a. m ment that Secretary accepted Located iu Carson Mining District, the invitation t*> deliver the Cushman with car? principal -■ train from Boston, parlor \» w ami Srroml-liaml ( arriajr«*s Ou yhce C< Idaho u . m. The 0 a. m. trail <>t .-ur f<*r w.»rk and fair I1R: I to which the would be •• th- r than until Sunday. June 24 danger country •id Wm, K. WKUNM., M F. WiTli'i’ .V Cl h Bang-»r • __ _ ken*, St. Loui*; al-<» I'rest. I».ink«-r'' l*u will to Bar Harbor exposed, should it attempt to establish when it go through § 1 Guarantee Loan and Mortgage Co. j free and unlimited ■ of silver and thereafter until the close of tht the .nag*- S. L. LORD & CO. m 1 I Sim retary -Wm Fikkk, of n in I.: ro & Son* a independently of other nations. The I VI I I I I l.uul-, al-o I'rc-t. 1’rlin •• Arthur Min; ( <• ! -V sea on. A A 1 _ 1 I I I I I I \*»t. Se«y.-K. WEU.N-E, Caviller W. K W.TIE is, will he dare to follow Secre- Son. question Xatirrs. v X v^9 a l-o Secretary Banker-' Puldbhtng < ■•..and A Urgal (•uarantec o. Edison's Philosophy of Food. tary Morton and openly declare a single I.«»an and .Mortgage! \ 11’Tor Nlbrai m. Men hunt Cleveland, 1 'hi«>. standard to be the sound suhncriher notice Tailor, Mr Kdison ha?, according to his biog gold only rpUK hereby gives public • • J. H. Rhoades, of Rhoades, Kenney a Spence, Hart 1 to ail concerned, that she has been 1 food which or will he follow the duly • till HERT MiKKKI.'UN, Steve M • F I. M I I. and Miner I raphors, a philo.-- phyof might money, phraseology and has taken herself the I appointed upon Mine*. Silver City, Idaho. have come fr< in Mr Oscar Wilde, and of Mr. Cleveland's letter and trust of an administratrix of the estate of ! Chicago Treasurer and Transfer The (Juarant. .- I a:. Adelaide Kimball, late "f Eden, in the \g«-nt which the former perhaps take a little too talk about “sound county gage < Vuthorized 1,500,000 "t. I meaningless platitudes of Hancock, bonds as the Capital, Ho believes in an artistic varie- deceased, by giving seriously. and “honest law directs; she therefore all persons 1 currency” money?" requests The Mines are PRODUCERS, and will be Worked for Dividends. ty of diet. I wish.' he has said. who are indebted to said deceased's es- A < ! r': might never eat the same thing twice in a tate to make immediate payment, and those l.iiiiit.-.l number of .hares of the Company'* Treasury stock will now I have demands thereon to exhibit the in the order f month,' and contends that “in proper Michael Moran, of Bangor, aged twelve who any applicants, received, at the price of' same for settlement. I.. B. Deasy. of Bar They of the went with a tion to tho elastic requirements years, mayflowering boy Harbor. Maine, is appointed agent and at- 12 1-2 CENTS A SHARE. diet will be the scopo and of the : last afternoon, tak- torney for the administrator as required by Certain to advance potency companion Saturday and yield ten to hundred fold on the par. ill us revised statutes, chap. 64. sec. 41. mental powers.” He Ingeniously a small rifle with them. Mike ing may Sarah 8. Kimhall. $25.00 Cash Full Paid Stock. trates his by the history of na 1895. Buys $200.00 paradox die. The bullet passed through his April 20, in The he that eat and that proportion, more or less. tions. nations, says, in Sell stomach and lodged the muscles of MESSENG UK'S NOTICK. Now U the time to t > 1“r most kinds of food are the buy. Price will be advanced by 2to 5 point* at .a time, ?1 the greatest a* m his back. STATE OF MAINE. Phare, the production of the mines increases. The Stock will be listed, and price advam'-- of nations. Rico nations never _ eating i-Uy. 1 he Company's consolidated mine* have large Ore Reserves. Work i- mw Hancock, as:— May 1, a. d. 1895. In rich very progrt; never think or act anything rdng gold ore. It i* desired to erect a to the or'* to progress; they is to give notice that on the twenty- Stamp Mill, reduce Company’- at Horse Notes of Local Interest. rpHIS output of Mines will be to a* d- :i.ou-tr.‘ but rice, rico forever. Look the a. d. a Company'' Increased the Dividend hard*, fully rice, I third day of March, 1895, 1 statement. and Statement sent on .. and black bread eaters of Ireland. owned H. L. Cleaves, ofSul- warrant in was issued out of Complete Reports application. potato Index, by insolvency stoi k Certificate will !»e sent return wanted. Df.. *. the court of for said county of on by mail, on receipt of check for amount naturally bright, the Irish in Ire- will be a short season in the insolvency, J° e Iniuc Rank or Though livan, given the estate of Frederick _a~La trough Express Co. Send full directions with application. \ of j Hancock, against land are enervated by the uniformity and will then start in the fall races 8. Jordan, of in said coun- «l‘Plle*tion for shares to Treasurer South Central Consolidated hold stud, Mariaville, flGfer ,f'