Greater Annual Macrophyte Abundance in Warmer Locations in Consequence of Nutrients in Lakes V205a Page 2 the Longer Plant Growing-Season
Nutrients in Lakes V205a Page 1 Reference Type: Journal Article Record Number: 482 Author: Moss, B.; Stephen, D.; Balayla, D. M.; Becares, E.; Collings, S. E.; Fernandez-Alaez, C.; Fernandez-Alaez, M.; Ferriol, C.; Garcia, P.; Goma, J.; Gyllstroem, M.; Hansson, L. A.; Hietala, J.; Kairesalo, T.; Miracle, M. R.; Romo, S.; Rueda, J.; Russell, V.; Stahl-Delbanco, A.; Svensson, M.; Vakkilainen, K.; Valentin, M.; Van De Bund, W. J.; Van Donk, E.; Vicente, E.; Villena, M. J. Year: 2004 Title: Continental-scale patterns of nutrient and fish effects on shallow lakes: Synthesis of a pan-european mesocosm experiment Journal: Freshwater Biology Volume: 49 Issue: 12 Pages: 1633-1649 Accession Number: AN 2005:18924 Abstract: 1. Results are analyzed from 11 expts. in which effects of fish addn. and nutrient loading on shallow lakes were studied in mesocosms. The expts., five in 1998, six in 1999, were carried out in six lakes, distributed from Finland to southern Spain, according to a std. protocol. 2. Effects of the treatments on 29 std. chem., phytoplankton and zooplankton variables are examd. to assess the relative importance of bottom-up (nutrient enrichment) and top-down (fish predation) effects. For each year, the expts. in different locations are treated as replicates in a meta-anal. Results of individual expts. are then compared in terms of the patterns of significant influences of nutrient addn. and fish predation with these overall results (the baseline), and between years in the same location. 3. The overall meta-anal. gave consistent results across the 2 years, with nutrient loading influencing all of the chem.
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