
of Early Childhood

(Nursery, PK1 & PK2)

Immaculate Conception School GUARDIAN ANGELS EARLY LEARNING CENTER Handbook 2020 – 2021


Kim DiMarco - Principal Roxanne Rawle – Early Childhood Director

Nursery Program Designee – Donna Reyer

Nursery, PK-1 & PK-2 Staff

Lead Teachers Teacher Assistants

Nu A: Donna Reyer Vicki Devenney Nu B: Brittany Giambelluca Carey Lusk Nu A & B Assistant Jade Case

PK-1A: Betty Billiot Karen McDuff PK-1B: Renee Lewis Germaine Simmons PK-1C: Elizabeth Martin Rungrudee Andrus

PK2-A: Angelic Reynolds Kayla Camp PK2-B: Shelby Schmitt Becky Vallee PK2-C: Carrie Daigle Theresa Parfait

CENTER HOURS Monday – Friday 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Extended hours: Before Care 6:45 a.m. - 7:30 a.m. After Care 3:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Guardian Angels Early Learning Center is a program designed for infants and toddlers, ages 6 weeks to 3 years of age. This program provides a nurturing, family environment with a certified staff. The Guardian Angels Early Learning Center is licensed under a Type I classification and complies with all regulations required by the State of Louisiana and the Louisiana Department of Education.

The curriculum emphasizes spiritual, physical, social and intellectual development. These attributes are integrated into every phase of the program. Every effort is made to nurture each infant and toddler with personal and social development, motor skill activities, quiet and active play, and creative expression opportunities. The program strives to provide a positive, loving, open door atmosphere that will enhance all areas of your child's growth and development.


Absences Attendance is very important. It is highly recommended that your baby/toddler arrives on time daily. Arrival time is between 7:30 and 8:15 a.m. School gates are closed at 8:20am. Consistent and punctual attendance helps to develop a sense of routine and security. If your infant/toddler will be absent, please call to notify the Staff between 7:30 and 8:30 a.m. Cafeteria lunches are ordered at 8:45 a.m.

Admission and Non-Discrimination Policy The following are the requirements for admission of a child into Immaculate Conception School GUARDIAN ANGELS EARLY LEARNING CENTER:

- Minimum of 6 weeks of age, by September 30 of the respective year; - Basic overall motor skills and physical coordination readiness according to age; - Parental of school policies and a willingness to collaborate actively with the school during the child’s educational process; - Must be up to date on all required immunizations. - Preference is accorded to children who have siblings already attending Immaculate Conception School. All other applications are subject to place availability within the recommended class size limits. - All financial obligations due to an infant/toddler’s enrollment must be made current before enrollment will be accepted for the following school year.

The Administration reserves the right to withhold admission from children who demonstrate lack of readiness to adjust to the group environment, to group interaction, or to any of the above-mentioned requirements, or to families who have shown a lack of cooperation with the policies and procedure stated in this handbook.

Allergies It is very important that keep the Staff and office aware (in writing) of any allergy that a child may have. In particular, food and environmental allergies should be brought to the Director and the Center Staff’s attention. A note from your child’s physician must indicate the food or environmental allergy and kept on file with your child’s teacher and/or cafeteria manager.

Arrival Infants and toddlers should arrive by 8:15 a.m. The Avenue C Guardian Angel gates will close daily at 8:20. The State mandates a parent to sign an infant/toddler upon arrival and departure each day an infant/toddler attends the program.


Birthdays We celebrate each child’s birthday in class during snack time. If you wish to send in something “special” for your child’s birthday, please speak with your child’s teacher about this before hand. Due to the significant increase in food allergies, please send in an ingredients list (either from the package or hand-written if the “special snack” has been home prepared) so that the teacher can keep all the children safe and healthy. Recommended health choices are listed below:

*Pure fruit popsicles *Fruit with low fat yogurt (no sugar free) *Mini-Muffins *Cheese and crackers * Organic cookies

Biting While not tolerated, biting occasionally happens in the early childhood classroom. Should this occur, the child who has been bitten will be cared for, and the child who has bitten will be appropriately disciplined. Both parents will be notified of the incident. If a child is bitten and the skin is not , ice will be applied and the child will be consoled. If the skin is broken, the school nurse will be notified and first aid will be applied. If the child continues the biting, he/she will be mirrored with a Staff member for a week. If the child continues to bite, the parents will be called in to meet with the teacher and the director to determine a developmentally appropriate course of action. If the first course of action was not effective, a second parent-teacher conference will be scheduled. If the second intervention fails, the child may have to be excluded from the other children in the room or from the program for a specific period of time. If all interventions fail, the child may be asked to leave the program. It is the parent’s responsibility to work with the staff in discouraging this behavior.

Books Make books accessible for your child – in the car, bathroom, and every room in the ! And, please, please, please READ to your child(ren). This is one of the greatest gifts a parent or family member can give to a child: it fosters literacy and social/emotional well-being.

Breakfast For a young child to concentrate and be settled throughout the day, a good breakfast is essential. It helps give your child the energy and capacity for learning. Please make sure your infant/toddler has a good breakfast each morning before coming to school if your child arrives between 7:30 and 8:15. Only infants/toddlers in Before Care (arriving between 6:45 – 7:30 a.m.) will be served breakfast by the Staff. Nursery Babies are served breakfast daily.


& Calendar A specific Guardian Angels Early Learning Center calendar will be distributed to all parents.

Child's Record

After an infant/toddler has been accepted to the Early Learning Guardian Angel’s Program, a copy of the following paperwork must be completed and turned in to the office:

• Birth Certificate

• Baptism Certificate (if Catholic)

• Social Security Card

• Updated Immunization Record

• Registration & Completed Application Forms

• Tuition Option Contract

Christian-Environment Our Catholic-Christian faith affects all our choices and the entire atmosphere of our school. Christian/Catholic values are presented to the children on a developmentally-appropriate level. Our program and school is based on the Philosophy of St. Don Bosco’s Preventive System of Reason, Religion and Loving Kindness. It is important to work together as parents and staff to teach and model appropriate behavior. This helps children to develop social behaviors according to Christian values.

Choices Making good choices is one phrase that is heard throughout the day.


Nursery All-in-ones with snaps, elastic waistband shorts/pants with snaps for easy diaper changing

Nursery babies must wear disposable diapers only.

Velcro shoes with rubber soles when the child begins walking

5 A diaper bag purchased from Skobel’s to transport bottles, sippy cups, diapers, clothing, baby food and communicator folder.

PK-1 All clothes should be loose enough to allow play, movement and easy access for diaper changing. (No belts please)

Velcro shoes with rubber soles for easy walking

A diaper bag purchased from Skobel’s to transport sippy cups, disposable diapers, clothing and communicator folder

PK-2 Required to wear the PK-2 uniform and appropriate school socks. Uniforms are available at Skobel’s, 1742 Stump Blvd. in Gretna.

Girls: Light blue and white cord smock dress with matching bloomers. Dresses should not be shortened above the length of the bloomers. Only regulation school embroidered sweater and fleece-lined jacket may be worn in cold weather. Girls may not wear the school sweatshirt over the uniform dress. (The school sweatshirt may be worn over the PE shirt on dress-down and PE days.)

Boys: Khaki pull-on long or short pants with navy embroidered jersey shirt. Only the regulation embroidered sweatshirt and fleece-lined jacket may be worn in cold weather.

Shoes: Girls wear solid blue or black Mary Jane style shoes. Must have velcro strap. Keds blue tennis shoe with velcro strap and white sole is also acceptable and preferred. Boys wear solid black soft sole tennis shoes with velcro fastener. Lace up shoes may not be worn.

P. E. uniform is worn to school every Friday

Nursery, PK-1 and PK-2

2 sets of clothing including socks must be kept at school at all times. Please check for size and weather conditions periodically. Please label everything.

Socks (PK2): All PK-2 students must wear white quarter socks with the ICS logo purchased from Skobel’s.

Hair (Girls in PK-1 & PK-2): Hair must be away from face. (Not colored, tinted, highlighted or worn in an extreme hair style.) Only navy, white, gold, Khaki or black headbands, ribbons or barrettes are permitted for PK-2 girls.

Hair (Boys in PK-1 & PK-2): Hair must be worn above the collar and top of the ear and top of the eyebrow. Hair must not be colored, tinted, highlighted or worn in an extreme hair style.

The administration reserves the right to judge if a hairstyle is extreme. Students not following the above policies will be required to remain outside of school until hair is in compliance with school policies.

6 Communication This is a vital part of your child’s early education. Our teachers and staff members will do their best to help you stay abreast of what is happening with your child, but we ask that you too, contact us with any questions, comments, or concerns. Constructive suggestions are also readily welcomed. Communication between the school and the home takes place through a variety of ways, including the daily notes sent between school and home. Notes are a welcome form of communication. All grievances must be put in letter form or handled by a scheduled conference. Please direct all grievances or suggestions to the attention of the Lead Teacher. In the event the matter is not satisfactorily resolved, Mrs. Rawle, Director of our program, will be consulted. Please remember the children are the Staff's number one priority. The goal of the program is to provide a positive, loving, "Home Away From Home". The Staff welcomes all suggestions and continued support. (Inappropriate comments or language to an administrator or staff member is not compatible with Immaculate Conception School’s Salesian philosophy. The Staff strives to provide an atmosphere based on St. John Bosco’s system of Reason, Religion and Loving-Kindness. Putting negative comments on social media is strongly discouraged. If this cannot be accomplished, a parent may be asked to remove their child from Immaculate Conception School's Guardian Angels Early Learning Center.)

Conferences Conferences may be requested by the teacher or parent either before or after school. If you would like to schedule a conference please speak with your child’s teacher or contact Mrs. Rawle by calling the Guardian Angel’s Office, 348-4950.

Consistency Consistency in a child’s behavior, work habits and attitude is basic to their successful school experience and will be reflected in their successes both at home and at school. While everything in life may be “exciting” to a young child, they very often find security in routine and consistency.

Curriculum The curriculum followed by Immaculate Conception School Guardian Angels Early Learning Center is based on the Early Childhood State Standards and correlates with the Louisiana Department of Education. Children learn by playing. At the Guardian Angels Early Learning Center, children are exposed to a great deal of learning experiences, with a great emphasis on age appropriateness. Basic perceptual and motor skills, coordination, concrete experiences, math and reading readiness, art experiences and social skills are the focus of these first years of learning. A list of these skills are given at Orientation. All age groups receive a thirty minute instructional class period every day.

Custodial Arrangements THIS IS CRITICAL!!! Please make the Director and Teachers aware of any particular custody arrangements that are in effect. For the safety of the children and in order to maintain our compliance with any legal documentation, the school needs to have on file, a copy of specific custodial arrangements. Immaculate Conception School is only responsible for implementing what is part of the written custodial agreement.

Daily Report A report will be sent home on a daily basis. Included will be your child's activities, eating pattern, social, behavior and bodily functions. This information will be sent home in a communicator folder. It is important to

7 read and return the folder on a daily basis. All notes and other communications will be sent home in this folder.

Discipline The purpose of discipline is to help the child to learn acceptable behavior and develop inner control. When redirecting or guiding a child's behavior, the following will be taken into consideration: age, intellectual development, emotional make-up and past experiences. Consistency will be maintained in setting rules and limits for each child. No child shall be subjected to any type of physical or corporal punishment which includes but is not limited to yelling, slapping, spanking, yanking, shaking, pinching, exposure to extreme temperatures, or other measures of producing physical pain, or placing in an uncomfortable position.

The following is a list of alternate forms of positive discipline:

1. Redirect the child always happens first. 2. Eye contact will be established when speaking to a child. 3. Give choices whenever possible but only when the child has a choice. 4. Encourage the child to solve the problem and work out the conflict whenever possible. 5. Cuddle the child until self-control is obtained. 6. Remove the child from the situation. 7. Last alternative is a time- out period. Time out is calculated according to the child's age. (One minute per child's age). Only two year olds may have a time-out period as a consequence. A Staff member will sit with a child experiencing a time- out period. The child will be redirected with a positive feeling of gaining self-control.

Discipline Policy (Mandated by the State & La. Department of Ed.)

Each center shall establish a written policy in regards to methods of discipline stating what action will and will not occur. 1. This statement must be made available a. To parents b. Licensing personnel

2. Cruel, severe, unusual or unnecessary punishment shall not be inflicted on children.

3. No physical restraints shall be used to confine children to bed.

4. Derogatory remarks shall not be made in the presence of children about a. Family members of children in care b. About the children themselves

5. No child or group of children shall be allowed to discipline another child. a. When a child is removed from the group for disciplinary reasons, he should never be out of sight of a staff member.

6. No child shall be deprived of meals or snacks for disciplinary reason.

8 7. Reports of mistreatment of children coming to the attention of the Office of Community Services – Child Protection Services will be investigated.

ABUSE AND NEGLECT A. Any suspected abuse and/or neglect of a child in a day care center must be reported in accordance with Louisiana Revised Statutes 14:403.

B. Such activity must be reported to the Local child Protection Agency (346-0222 and/or 483-4911).

C. Suspected abuse can also be reported to 1-855-4LA-KIDS (1-855-452-5437)

SUPERVISION A. Children shall be supervised at all times. 1. Preschool children shall never be left alone in any room or outdoors at any time without an adult present.

2. While on duty with a group of children, childcare staff members shall devote their entire time a. in supervision of the children b. participating with them in their activities

Dismissal is from 3:00 - 3:30 p.m.

Guardian Angel parents arriving to drop-off and pick-up for dismissal follow the procedure below:

Enter ICS campus in the right lane on Avenue C (parallel to the church). Parents are allowed to park facing the breeze way shelter. After dropping off or picking up your child, proceed with the flow of traffic to the intersection of Avenue C and Sixth Street. ALL VEHICLES MUST BE TURNED OFF WHEN DROPPING OFF AND PICKING UP YOUR INFANT OR TODDLER. AN OLDER OR YOUNGER SIBLING MUST NEVER BE LEFT ALONE IN A VEHICLE AT ANY TIME.

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Emergency Closings In case of an emergency, Immaculate Conception School Guardian Angel Early Learning Center instituted a telephone/text broadcast system that will enable school personnel to notify all households and parents by phone within minutes of an emergency or unplanned event that causes early dismissal, school cancellation or late start. We will continue to report school closings due to inclement weather or an emergency closing on WWL-AM 870, WWL-TV Channel 4, WDSU-TV Channel 6, WVUE Fox 8 and ABC 26. Parents always have the privilege of checking their child(ren) out early at their own discretion whether or not the school 9 announces such. Whenever Immaculate Conception School is mandated to close from either the Jefferson Parish authorities OR the Archdiocese of New Orleans, Guardian Angel Early Learning Center is, as an integral part of Immaculate Conception School, also mandated to close.

Emergency Operations Plan A complete Emergency Operation Plan is available for parent/guardian review in the School Office. Emergency communication, chain of command, release policy, etc. are all implemented in this Plan. Each class is equipped with emergency communication equipment including intercoms, walkie-talkies and cell phones, as well as emergency supplies such as food, water, blankets and medicines.

Emergency Policy All parents are asked to complete the emergency information section on the application form. This will ease the process in notifying parents/guardians in case of need. Parents/guardians are asked to notify the office immediately if a change of address or telephone number occurs, authorized pickup persons, custody arrangements. etc.

When a child becomes ill or is injured, the parents/guardians will be notified promptly so that he/she may receive the care that is needed as soon as possible. Working parents are responsible for having alternative persons available to pick up their child should he/she become ill at school. Children MUST be picked up within one hour of notification that he or she is ill.

Extended Day Extended School Care will be available for your child, both before and after school, as well as during designated school vacation times. Before/After Care registration packets are available in the GA and Main office. Babies/ toddlers may arrive in Before Care as early as 6:45 a.m. Babies/toddlers may remain in After Care until 6:00 p.m. All babies/toddlers must be registered to participate in Before/After Care.

Fundraisers Throughout the year, our PTO, the IC Pops and Parish will sponsor fundraisers. All profits directly benefit the children, providing them with the educational and learning materials needed for their growth and development. Parents/guardians are encouraged to cooperate in these activities.

Fire/Emergency Drills The Guardian Angels Early Learning Center follows the fire and emergency procedures of Immaculate Conception School. A fire escape route is posted on the exit door of each classroom. Fire drills are conducted monthly. Tornado drills are conducted in March, April, May and June. procedures are conducted periodically.

Gentleness, a practice of St. John Bosco is taught daily.

God is always FIRST in our lives.


Hand Washing Staff, Parents and all visitors are to practice hand washing when: - entering the nursery - before preparing or serving meals - after toileting or changing diapers - before eating meals and after eating snacks - any other time hands may become soiled

Children are to wash their hands: - before and after meals or snacks - after toileting - any other time hands may become soiled

Health and Communicable Diseases In order to provide care for your child in case of injury or illness, all of our staff members have been trained in Pediatric First Aid, CPR and Health and Safety. We also have a school Registered Nurse present during the regular school days.

Young children have a greater susceptibility to illness as a result of their age and unique behavioral characteristics which increases the risk of disease. A solution to control and limit illnesses in the Guardian Angels Early Learning Center requires the cooperation of parents, children's physicians, and staff. The staff has been educated on rules and the rationale of basic hygiene practices appropriate for the handling and caring of children. These practices are consistently used every day to help prevent the spread of germs and illnesses.

It is a parent’s responsibility to report to the staff any infectious disease your child has been exposed to within 24 hours. Ear Infections are not contagious; therefore your child is able to attend the Center. However, if your child has an ear infection along with a fever his/her resistance is lowered, and while feeling poorly may need one-on-one care. In this case, please consider keeping your child with you or a caregiver who can provide individual all day attention. A child must be fever free for 24 hours without receiving fever reducing medication before returning to the Center. A child may not attend the Center if there are signs of a virus, vomiting, diarrhea, an undiagnosed rash, or any other signs of infection or illness.

11 The following communicable diseases have been specified as diseases for which a child may not attend or remain at school. A doctor’s note is required to return to school.

- RSV ( doctor’s note is required child is no longer contagious) - Hand Foot and Mouth (may not return for 3 days – School Policy) - Chicken Pox (all lesions crusted over before returning) - German Measles - Impetigo (treatment & dry lesions) - Giardia Lamblia (after 3 negative stool cultures) - Hemophilius Flu (symptom free) - Mumps - Temperature over 100.4 degrees and above (fever free for 24 hours) - Strep Throat (24 hours after initial antibiotic treatment) - Conjunctivitis (24 hours of treatment and clear eyes) - Scabies (treatment; 24 hours after initial treatment) - Whooping Cough - Tuberculosis - Shingella - Generalized Rash - Excessive irritability or appearing lethargic - Fifth Disease (Erythema Infectiosum) - Any other contagious illness not listed above

Does not require a Doctor’s note however, babies and toddlers must remain home the following day after vomiting or having diarrhea. If vomiting or diarrhea persist for three days, a doctor’s note is required.

- Vomiting (may return after 24 hours) - Diarrhea (until stool is contained in the diaper)

Children must not be sent to school if they have fever or have been sick during the night. Children who have been ill with a fever must be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school. If a child becomes sick during school or is injured, parents will be notified by phone to pick up the child. Please ensure that child is picked up within one hour of notification. For this reason it is essential that any change in home or work phone number be communicated to the teacher and the school secretary.

Kindness Students in our Guardian Angels Early Learning Center are encouraged and expected to treat all children with kindness and respect, according to the teachings of St. John Bosco.

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Label, label, label - Your child’s name MUST be on every piece of clothing brought or worn to school. Their name must be legible. Label all clothing, diapers, blankets, bibs, bottles, sippy cups, pacifiers etc.

Lunches Lunches brought from home should be foods the child enjoys and are nutritious. Lunch may be brought to school or a hot lunch may be purchased. The children will eat lunch in their classrooms. The ICS cafeteria serves a well-balanced lunch, through the Archdiocese of New Orleans Food Service Plan. Monthly meal calendars will be sent home in your folder and one will be posted on the Parent Bulletin Board. It is encouraged that all toddlers eat cafeteria meals. Meal times are much simpler when everyone eats the same foods. Milk is offered at every meal. Please send the amount of liquid (100% fruit juice, milk or water) your child is to drink other than meal times in sippy cups and in bottles labeled with your child's name.


The School Nurse and Staff are allowed to administer two breathing treatments per day with a physicians’s order. The School Nurse and the Staff do not administer “over the counter” medication. However, a parent may come to the center and administer the medication as long as it is not the first dosage.

Music Music is part and parcel of an early childhood program. It is integrated throughout the day with our little ones.

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Nap-Time All infants and toddlers are required by the State and the Louisiana Department of Education to take a nap or rest. Each child needs a mat and a cover. ICS required mats are available for purchase at Skobel’s. Please label your child’s mat. Infants need portable crib sheets, covers, and bedding. Parents are responsible for taking

13 bedding home on the last day your child attends during a weekly period and returned on the day your child is scheduled to return.

Notes All notes from parents must be put in the Communicator Folder

Guardian Office Hours The office is open for regular school business hours from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. If you have questions regarding your child, please contact his or her teacher by email or through the school office phone (348-4950). If you have questions concerning the program, please contact the Program Director, Ms. Rawle. If you have questions regarding tuition/fees, please contact Mrs. Breaux, in the Tuition Office between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. (347-4409)

Others Respect for self and others, in a developmentally appropriate level, is one value strongly taught in class daily.

Pacifiers Pacifiers may be used by infants and babies in cribs. However, the pacifiers may not be attached to clothing with strings or ribbons (strangulation hazard). Children using mats are strongly discouraged from using pacifiers due to the difficulty in keeping track of them as well as the greater exposure to other children and germs. A pacifier will be given to a child if one is needed at nap time.

Parent Bulletin Board Each room has a State mandated bulletin board with required information for viewing.

Parent Participation The Guardian Angels Early Learning Center has an "Open Door" policy, but all parents are required to sign-in and receive a Visitor’s Pass at the Immaculate Conception School GA Office. At the same time, we ask parents to be cognizant of the routine of the classroom and understand that their presence (and ultimate departure) may disturb their child and cause unnecessary separation anxiety.

Parties Throughout the year, holiday/special event parties are celebrated. Parents are also welcome to attend and celebrate with us. Parents are invited to help the teacher in organizing these events, coordinating volunteers and requesting donations. Parents are encouraged to bring in a special treat to celebrate birthdays and holidays. Please contact your child’s teacher for specifics.

Personnel All staff members work closely together to provide the best consistent care possible for the children. All staff personnel have been trained in Pediatric First Aid, CPR, and Health and Safety. State certified requirements are updated annually. The entire staff receives 12 hours annually of continuing education training through in- service seminars and conferences. The goal of the Guardian Angels Early Learning Center is to provide consistent, loving care in a positive Catholic-Christian environment.

14 PTO Association The PTO Association is a supporting organization of the Immaculate Conception Guardian Angel Early Learning Center. It is, therefore, of top priority for the success of the school’s educational efforts that every family is encouraged to participate.

Prayer Prayers are said daily and are part of our spiritual environment. Please reinforce these prayers at home as well.

Potty Training Toddlers will be introduced to “potty training”. This is a new “independent skill” that not all toddlers are receptive to at the same time. Our Staff will work with the child and family to accomplish this task. It is the parent’s responsibility to completely potty train. Please be aware that a child must be accident free for two consecutive weeks at home and at school before wearing regular underwear to school.

Priority Your child is your gift from God and our NUMBER 1 priority.

Release Policy Children will only be released to parent(s)/guardian(s) or persons authorized by them. If unable to pick up the child on a given day, a note must be sent to the teacher stating the name of the person authorized to pick up the child on that day. Please inform the pick-up person that they will need to present proper identification. The emergency form must be kept updated at all times. Please notify the office and your child’s teacher immediately when a change of address or telephone number occurs.

Safety Immaculate Conception School Guardian Angels Early Learning Program is maintained as a safe and healthy environment for our children. Health and Fire inspection reports are available for review at the School Office. Playground and classroom equipment are all secured and safe to avoid accident and injury.

Schedule The daily schedule of activities is posted in each classroom. Developmental activities are organized such as: coloring, play dough, puzzles, group play, singing, dancing, recognizing colors, numbers, etc. Times may vary especially morning naps. We will try to keep babies on an organized nap schedule.

Security Policy Guardian Angels Early Learning Center is committed to ensuring the safety and well being of our children and Staff members. All visitors must report to the office before going to the children’s classrooms. Children are always under the visual supervision of a Staff member. Cameras are in each classroom and are monitored through the office.

Snacks The snacks will be provided by the Center. Snacks provided are fruit, fruit juice, crackers, cookies, cereal, yogurt, etc. Feel free to offer other suggestions.

15 Summer Care All Nursery, PK-1 and PK-2 infants/toddlers are welcome to attend “Summer Care” during the summer months of June and July after the school year ends. There is an extra tuition fee since these two months are not calculated into the August through May tuition. These “Summer Care” fees are sent home at the beginning of April of each school year. The fees are comparable to the regular monthly school tuition fees.

Supplies A list is provided prior to the first day of Guardian Angels Early Learning Center. Please remember to label all supplies with a permanent marker, (diapers, mats, covers, bottles, sippy cups, clothes, etc.). All supplies will to be stored in the child's cubby.

Toys The Guardian Angel Early Learning Center provides ample toys and materials for children to share. Please check with a staff member before sending any personal toys to the Center. As always, please label these personal toys with the child's name. Children may bring a special comfort item such as a blanket which may be necessary for sleeping or reducing separation anxiety. Please do not bring anything that has monetary value.

Tuition Tuition is pro-rated for a ten-month school year. It is to be paid monthly, irregardless of the number of days in a particular month, and due on the 1st of each month. Please contact Mrs. Dianne Breaux at the Main Office.


U The Parents We cannot spell S-U-C-C-E-S-S-F-U-L early childhood experience for your child without U.

Unique Early Childhood children learn that they are special and unique. They have opportunities to describe how they are alike as well as different. While the children will be assisted in developing an appreciation for their uniqueness, they will also be helped to learn to respect those who are different from them.

Visitors PARENTS are welcome to visit The Guardian Angel Early Learning Center during the year. Arrangements may be made by speaking with the classroom teacher. PARENTS are invited and encouraged to take an active part in the school programs and celebrations. As per our School Security Policy, persons - other than parents – will not be permitted to visit the children / classrooms during regular school hours.


Website Please check it regularly. The Website address is

Wish List Throughout the year we sometimes need supplies above and beyond our classroom materials. These needs will be listed in the correspondence from the classes or office, or on our website. Extra items that you think we might be able to use are always welcome.

XOXOXO Hugs are a positive reinforcement.

You YOU are a vital part of your child’s life. You are their first teacher. You are their firsr role model.

ZZZZZ’S Make sure your child gets plenty of rest. Setting and keeping a bedtime is a wonderful gift you can give to your child. It will help them to be alert, on time and ready to learn and develop each day. It will also help them establish positive rest skills for their entire lives.

17 Immaculate Conception School GUARDIAN ANGELS’ EARLY LEARNING CENTER Parent Handbook

August, 2020

I have read the Immaculate Conception School Guardian Angels’ Early Learning Center Handbook for the 2020- 2021 school year and agree to uphold its policies and regulations.

______(Please print child’s name) (Parent’s Signature)

Public Information/Communication Release I agree that, for the 2020-2021 school year, the name, voice and/or likeness of my child may be used in news publications, audiovisuals and other electronic transmissions issued by employees or designees of the Immaculate Conception School Community or by members of the media with permission of officials from schools or offices within the Archdiocese of New Orleans School system. These information items may include, but are not limited to photographs, videotapes, live broadcasts, sound recordings and/or electronic transmissions related to school activities. I waive compensation or reimbursement of any kind related to use of the above material for myself of the minor child.

______Yes, I do agree.

______No, I do not agree.

______Parent’s Signature

Please return this Parent/Child Agreement Form in your child’s Communicator Folder on your child’s first attendance day,