Guardian Angels Parish

1161 Broughton Street, Vancouver BC V6G 2B3 Tel: 604-684-5775; Fax: 604-684-5757 Email: [email protected]; Website: guardianangelsvancouver.ca Pastor: Rev. John Alex Pinto, OCD

REFLECTIONS 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time by Father Antony Kadavil (Dt 18:15-20; I Cor 7:32-35; Mk 1:21-28) January 31, 2021

Scripture lessons summarized: Today’s first reading tells us that a true prophet speaks with authority because it is God Who speaks through him. After the Baby- lonian exile, the Jewish priests began to interpret the words of Moses given in the first reading, namely, "a prophet like me," as referring to one individual, the expected Messiah. This passage is chosen for today’s first reading because it refers to Jesus, the "preacher with authority," mentioned in today's Gospel. In the second reading, St. Paul exercises his God-given authority as the Apostle to the Gentiles to teach people in Corinth that marriage is a holy state ordained by God and that it is a life-long “O that today you would listen to the partnership according to the teaching of the Lord. In today’s Gospel, Mark describes Voice of the Lord. Do not harden one sample Sabbath day of Jesus’ public your hearts .” life. Jesus joins in public worship in the -Psalm 95- synagogue as a practicing Jew, heals the sick, drives out evil spirits and prays privately. People immediately noticed that Church is temporarily CLOSED and Jesus spoke with authority and healed with NO Live-streaming until further notice Divine power. Jesus explained the Scrip- tures with complete confidence, and when out what God wanted of them? God answered the question by promising Moses questioned by people, he answered with that He would heed the people’s request and “raise up for them a prophet like authority. Jesus used his real (authentic) you from among their kin, and … put My words into his mouth; he shall tell Divine authority to teach, empower, liber- them all that I command him.” Jesus is the prophet foretold by Moses in today’s ate, and heal others. The evil spirit men- First Reading (Acts 3:22). He has authority over Heaven and earth (Daniel 7:14, tioned in today’s Gospel recognized Jesus 27; Revelation 12:10). Moses had set up a theocratic society for the Israelites as as the Messiah and acknowledged him as he had been instructed to do by God. This society had various officers to regu- such. Jesus commanded the evil spirit late the civil and religious life of the people, e.g., judges, kings, priests and harshly, using strong words and tones: "Be prophets. Today’s reading tells us that a true prophet would speak with authority quiet! Come out of him!" This was another because it would be God Who spoke through him. The text was first seen as reason Jesus developed a reputation for promising that there would be a line of prophets to interpret previous revelations speaking with authority. by God and to add some new ones for each generation. After the return from the Babylonian exile (c. 538 B. C.), the Jewish priests began to interpret this text of First reading: Deuteronomy 18:15-20, Deuteronomy as referring to one individual, namely the Messiah who was to explained. Moses was about to die. The come. The New Testament followed this interpretation and saw these words of Chosen People were terrified because they dying Moses, "a prophet like me," verified in Christ (Acts 3:22; 7:37). These were about to lose the person who had been verses therefore, have been chosen for today's first reading because they refer to successfully leading them through the wil- Jesus, the "preacher with authority," mentioned in today's Gospel. derness toward the Promised Land. They Second reading: 1 Corinthians 7:32-35, explained. St. Paul and most of the were also going to lose a prophet who had early Christians believed, or strongly hoped, that the end of this world and the been keeping them informed of Yahweh's second coming of Christ were imminent. For this reason, many Christians in will. When he died, how would they find 2

REFLECTIONS - Fr. Antony Kadavil, continued

Corinth thought they should not enter into marriage, lest mar- with which he preached. Jesus also showed his power and au- riage should interfere with their whole-hearted service of God in thority by curing the sick and granting forgiveness to people. preparation for the second coming of Jesus. As a good Jew, Paul Exorcising with Divine authority: In the synagogue, there presumed a different set of circumstances always demanded a was a man who was troubled by an unclean spirit. Everyone in different prophet with a different word. Hence, St. Paul exer- the ancient Biblical world feared evil spirits and believed in cised his God-given authority as the Apostle to the Gentiles to demonic possession. People believed that demons or “unclean teach people that marriage is a holy state ordained by God and spirits” living inside the people caused leprosy, lameness, pa- that it is a life-long partnership according to the teaching of the ralysis, etc. Even in the twenty-first century, we still believe in Lord (see Mt. 5:32; 19:3-9). Further, Paul recommended a life of the existence of unclean spirits. How else can we explain the virginity to the non-married only if they felt they could live such sudden explosions of anger that occur, the suicidal impulses, a life. The advantage of celibacy, as Paul explained, was that the intense jealousies, wild sexual fantasies, or overwhelming celibates would have the freedom to serve God fully with the feelings of depression? We, as human beings, are keenly aware fewest earthly cares and worries. of these unclean spirits. We often wonder where the “unclean Gospel Exegesis: Worship and teaching in the synagogues: In thoughts” come from and why we can’t rid ourselves of them. Jesus’ time there were synagogues in Palestine in every city and Victory over the unclean spirit, as the devil is usually de- town of any importance, and, outside Palestine, wherever the scribed, is a clear sign that God's salvation has come: by over- Jewish community was large enough. “Synagogues were primar- coming the Evil One, Jesus shows that He is the Messiah, the ily houses of instruction; the synagogue service was comprised Savior, more powerful than the demons. The demoniac cried of three elements, prayer, the readings of Scripture and an expo- out, "What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? “What sition of it. Administered by the laity, and geared to the day-to- does Jesus have to do with these unclean spirits that live in day catechesis of the people, the synagogues of ancient Judah each one of us? The answer we find in the Gospel is equally may have been an even more influential factor in Jewish life than true today: Jesus came to destroy the unclean spirits living the Temple. By law, wherever there were ten Jewish families, inside of us. That is one of the reasons why Jesus came to earth there had to be a synagogue. Neighborhood gathering places, the in the first place and one of the reasons why he continues his synagogues were vital to the Faith life of the community. There- presence in our lives. Jesus came to drive out those unclean fore, if a person had a message to preach, the synagogue was an spirits within us, to wash them away, to cleanse our lives of obvious choice of venue. There, Jesus gained a hearing; follow- them. Let us put ourselves under his authority and he will lib- ing his example, his disciples would do the same after his death erate us. The evil spirit in today’s Gospel recognized Jesus as and Resurrection.” (Patricia Datchuck Sanchez files). The syna- the Messiah and acknowledged him as such. Jesus commanded gogue consisted mainly of a rectangular room built in such a way the evil spirit harshly, using strong words and tones: "Be quiet! that those attending were facing Jerusalem when seated. There Come out of him!" This was one of the reasons why Jesus de- was a rostrum or pulpit from which Sacred Scripture was read veloped a reputation for speaking with authority. Today, we and explained. It was here that Jesus showed his authority to are challenged to believe that Jesus continues to exercise the teach (Navarre Bible Commentary). power to rout evil in all of its disguises and manifesta- The authority of Jesus: Today’s Gospel passage begins and tions, viz., in poverty, sickness, greed, hatred, indifference, ends with comments about Jesus’ authority as a teacher (1:21-22 over-indulgence, etc., using us and our ministry. and 1:27-28). He spoke like Moses, telling people directly what Life Messages: 1) Let us approach Jesus for liberation: Jesus God had to say. In between is an exorcism (1:23-26), pointing did not use his authority and Divine power to rule and control out a connection between Jesus' teachings and his supernatural people. He came to set people free. Hence, let us approach authority. Moreover, this is the first miracle in Jesus’ ministry as Jesus with trusting Faith so that he may free us from the evil Mark recounts it. The episode appears immediately following the spirits that keep us from praying and prevent us from loving call of the disciples. Jesus' authority is also the main theme in the and sharing our blessings with others, as well as from all the collection of stories (2:1–-3:6), which support the authority of “evil spirits” of fear, compulsions, selfishness, anger, resent- Jesus when he teaches people about God's compassion in forgiv- ment and hostility. "I have come that they may have life, life in ing their sins. In his Gospel, Mark repeatedly returns to the abundance" (Jn 10:10). So Jesus should be a source of libera- theme that Jesus’ teaching with authority brought him followers, tion for us. May Jesus free us from all those spirits which make and Jesus’ healing with Divine power liberated people from ill- us deaf, dumb, blind, lame and paralyzed, physically and spiri- ness and demonic possession. The Catholic and Apostolic tually. Through Word and Sacrament, Jesus brings that power Church derives her teaching authority from her founder Jesus. to us and says the same words to the demons in our life, "Be Teaching with authority: There was a local synagogue in every gone!" -- not just once but as often as we need to hear them, Jewish settlement of more than ten families. The synagogue was until finally, we are free from these demons entirely. Christ has a place of instruction and Sabbath prayers. The synagogue ser- power over any demon, so whether those demons be addic- vice consisted of three parts – prayer, the reading of God's word, tions, heartaches, secret sins --whatever our chains may be-- and the exposition of it made by anyone who wished to do so. In Christ can set us free and longs to do so. this chapter Mark tells us that in the local synagogue Jesus 2) We need to use our God-given authority to build up lives. taught with authority. This means that Jesus explained the Scrip- No doubt we can think back to people who have made a lasting tures with complete confidence, and when questioned by people impression on our lives – either for good or bad. Perhaps it was he answered with authority. Jesus spoke relying on no one be- a grandparent, an uncle, or a parent, who loved us and cared yond himself; he cited no supporting human authorities or ex- for us. Perhaps it was a Sunday school teacher who encouraged perts. Mark also records the impact Jesus had on those who us in our faith and exerted a positive impact on our lives. Per- heard him. We are told how amazed people were at the authority haps we remember the kindness as well as the firm discipline


Reflection PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS Copyright © 2020 Archdiocese of St. Louis Baptism Prep Class January 31, 2021: 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time For those preparing their child to get “Brothers and sisters: I should like you to be free of anxieties.” baptize in the Catholic church, we are - 1 Corinthians 7:32- conducting Baptism Prep Class upon

How much anxiety do we bring upon ourselves by constantly request. Please call or email the parish office for details. worrying about not having enough or attaining more things? God won’t necessarily give you everything you want, but He will provide everything you need. Try this – use the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Holy word “pray” instead of the word “worry” in the future. Then Eucharist is temporarily on HOLD until pray for things instead of worrying about them. further notice.

Mass Intentions Listening Day Intention to other people`s needs Saturday Jan 30 +Josephine Ringdahl+ Is Listening to For the Parishioners Sunday Jan 31 God! Monday Feb 01 +Austin Frances Mullett+ Tuesday Feb 02 +Cassie & Benny Docherty+ REFLECTIONS - Fr. Antony Kadavil, Wednesday Feb 03 +Jason Du Perron+ continued Thursday Feb 04 Sp. Int. of Janina Lis that a schoolteacher gave us. On the other hand, there +Marigin Mereria Moralde+ Friday Feb 05 may be people in our past whom we remember with pain and discomfort. Are children learning something There will be NO MASS with congregation from us as that will stand them in good stead until further notice. for the future? We want our children to grow into strong, wise, confident, capable, mature adults. But we want more than that. We want them to grow in KIDS & SENIORS CORNER their Faith, to accept Jesus as their Lord and personal (Contributed by Nyles Fernandes) Savior. We want children to see in us the love of Je- sus and how our Christian Faith affects our lives. A 1. I make two people out of one. What am I? good question for parents, teachers and all of us is: 2. What runs around the whole yard without moving? "In what way am I helping the children I know grow 3. How do you spell COW in letters? in wonder at Jesus and his love for them?” When God's Word and God's ways are taught and spoken

4. What is the best way to get to Paradise? about with authority – with conviction – our children

Turn RIGHT and go straight. go and RIGHT Turn

4. 4. (and others) will see with amazement God's love for

3. SEE O DOUBLE YOU. DOUBLE O SEE them in His Son Jesus.

3) We need teachers who know how to use their au-


A fence. A thority properly: Teachers are powerful because they


A Mirror. A change lives. They have within their grasp the power

ANSWERS: over young lives to hurt them terribly or heal them wonderfully. Most of us are deeply and forever in- debted to some caring teacher in our past. Some peo- ple never get over the damage done to them by some PROJECT ADVANCE 2020 cruel or uncaring teacher. So today, when we hear Parish Project Advance Net Rebate is that Jesus entered the synagogue at Capernaum and $22,870.61. Thank you for your generosity and began to teach, we need to take note: Jesus was a teacher. They never called him “Reverend,” or continued support. “Father,” or “Priest.” They called him “Rabbi,” which means “teacher.” Let us all become good 2020 Donation Receipts teachers and use our authority to form young lives in the right way. (By Fr. Antony Kadavil) Donation Receipts for 2020 will be mailed out to Source: https://www.vaticannews.va/en/church/ your doors on Monday, February 1. Thank you! news/2018-01/sunday-gospel--reflections-.html



⚠ Email Fraud Warning The Archdiocese has received multiple reports from parishioners and priests who have fallen victim to a recent Internet email phishing scam. Imposters, posing as priests and using email addresses that are similar to those of our priests, have been emailing people asking for personal donations, gift cards, and other forms of financial assistance.

Deus Caritas Est - God is Love Women's Faith Study

This 8-week faith study is an opportunity to come to a deeper understanding of what it means to be loved by God, and how God’s love is present in the concrete reality of our daily lives. Join us for this wonderful opportunity to meet other Catholic Microscope Magnified Technology, General/Family Dentistry women, grow in fellowship and friendship, and go deeper in your relationship with God. There are two separate offerings for Mercury Free Clinic, Teeth Whitening, Dental Emergencies this study: Thursday mornings beginning Feb. 4 at 11:00 am – 12:30 pm DR. GEORGE LO, DENTIST OR Thursday evenings at 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm. Both sessions will 604 681-6737 take place online over Zoom. Register online at beholdvancou- Free Consultation on Complete & Partial Dentures ver.org/events

New Patients Welcome World Day of the Sick Mass Office Hours: 11am-7pm 909 Davie St., Van., BC V6Z1B9 We Accept Most Dental (NW cor. of Hornby & Davie Each year on February 11, the Catholic Church marks the Plans, BC Dental & Streets); free parking at rear World Day of the Sick. This is a time to offer prayers for First Nations Plans those who suffer from illness and for their caregivers. Archbishop Miller will celebrate Mass for the sick on Friday, Feb 12 at 12:10 pm from Holy Rosary Cathedral. Join the live stream at holyrosarycathedral.org/live-stream Grade 8 Application now available - St. Patrick Regional Secondary Applications for the 2021- 2022 school year are now available online for St. Patrick Regional. Please visit our website at www.stpats.bc.ca and click on the Apply Here button to ac- cess the online application form, our Frequently Asked Ques- tions and other information from our Open .

Office Manager and Registrar - St. Patrick Regional Secondary: 115 E. 11th Ave. - Vancouver, BC - V5T 2C1; E: administra- [email protected] - P: 604-874-6422 - F: 604-874-5176

Fr. Jim Nisbet Catholic Bible Seminar

Fr. Jim Nisbet, the renowned Bible scholar and international speaker, will be hosting an online presentation on the Second Letter to Timothy and the Gospel of Mark. As a bonus, Fr. Jim will hold a lenten three-day retreat: on Friday, Feb. 19 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm as well as Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 20 and 21 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm with breaks. Please pre- register for $75 per person. For more information visit be- holdvancouver.org or send an email to [email protected].