
INGHAM COUNTY NEWS '" Ninoly-Third Year, No. 31 Mason, , Thursday, July 31, 1952 Four S•clions, New Highway Farmers Rush Archers Slay I Onondaga Fish With . ulccJ.tJppcd mTows Republicans and DemocratS .: Momm Woodnrct ami l•'OI'CHt Swings East Combining as Cnmpbcll slow 2 glnnt cm·p unci n big lurlle 'l'ucsclny, '!'hay got the l2·1h tut·Jle and n 14· To Miss Curve Rain Lets Up lb cnrp In the Grund at Hull Will Choose Candidates at l'oad south o! Leslie. '!'hey hit lnp;lmm Wheat Jt;.'i~tlll'li the !l·lb carp In tlw Granrl ul Hulldm:t•I'S llittl llt'l'l' tim enHt hl'ldge In Onondaga. In lluildiUJ.: (~rnde rot• Sevtlrll nmmtp;e Reported In Armls Farther North '"l'hal's the way to fish," I'C· ,, Jll ason·llolt Widm1ing mnl'lccd Campbell. "Tlwrc's nn rliJmln~: Primary. Elections Tuesday If fair wea1 het• continues wo1ms o1· wading foJ' Dl'lvm·s won't h a v p • minnows and you li!l nflct• ..·~ swing t•ighl and left on 1he S the balance of the weclt most wlutl you want. You cinn't , eut•ve nc;u· I fal'p!ll' road when Ingham wheat will be in bins. have to !alto wl111t comes to Farmers, and elevator opcr· the lwoic." A~gust. Pri~aly tlw new US-127 is built and Campbell modcHtly uclmittccl Here Are the Candidates: atm·s, have been toiling long open to lmvcl. Both Innes of IIHlt it WIIH his companinn who . . Will Gtve T1me · ;: ll•uf'fic will follow a new l'OUte haUl's this week to get the drew the bow. CamtJhell did wheat which too long stood lend a hand with the landing 1300 feet cast of I he pre:;;ent nr the Grand river monsters, ,,... ed M~~~~r~~:r~an G. Mcn~~~~~~~l~IC For GI Fall Vote::· against the rains. Dormlti S, Leonard JlHvemenl. just north of llm·-j he snid. Lli!UICilllnf, GOVCI"IIUI' Sprout damage has heeil I'Ull· William C. Vandenberg Next Tuesdqy Is prlmnry .cleo. [ll'l' I'Oilcl. Woodard is one o( the hcsl .John W. Connolly nlng less lhan cxperls predicted bowmen In the state. Two I. II'll lcnnnf.flol•crnor lion day lor Republicans and. 'l'hat'K the only strell'll of the last wr.clc, So flU' there hns been yr.ars ago he shot and ldllcd lTm·r·y Henderson Unlfcd Slat.•s Scnuh>r DemoPrats, 'rhul's the day pnrtl· new route lwlwP~n the not•ih end only 1 em· of wheat sent ll'flm a hcnr With an arrow. Clarcm•e A. Reid (Full Te~·m J sans l'hoose thair cnndldnUlti !ot1 of IIIC' Mnson h,Y·paHs anti lloll Mason with spwul damage more Gcor·g-e W. Welsh Blah· Moody the fall election. wiwre the Jll'P.Hent location Is he· lhan !i';l., Mosl of the eat'S lmvc David Jo;. Young Louis C. Schwinger Here In Inghnm there I~ also 1\ ing left. Tlu• JJPW t•oute will he been within the tolerance of 4'/r .. United Slaten l';t!lllll.or non-partisan judicial prlmai'Y fbr P.HH[ Of I he pi'C.~C!I\1 Harper• roarJ Unlt~·d BilLies Sl'nat~>r !';I c v a l o r operators agreed (ll'ull Tcl'lll) plciclng 1 candldntes for 2 circuit Intersection hy 200 feet and caHI Paralysis .Claims c·ro I•' ill Vncmncy J f•:ur;cnr. C. Ioint nlmut liOII fcpJ wheat has been combined and nrc 5 eanclldates and 1 w1ll be· Leslie Youngster Charles K Potter Con~:·••eRSRUIII Houth of Scarlett's place the new that by Salurdny the hm·vesl eliminated. ',' will he nearly completed if the Clifford Prevost I lerbP.rt W. Devine route will r·ome bade to within Donald Hayworth Polls will open in city' , and WCall)el' C'Oiltinue~ fail', 511 feet of the [H"PHP.lll pavement. For 4th Fatality Unl~tl SinteR S.•autlor Don W. Mayfield township at 7 In tim mornlhf: 11.11~1. Bud's Auto Parts will lose Ponr haJ·vcst weather has re· ('J'o FIIJ V~~t·nncyJ James C. Ralston rcmnln open until a ,In Uic eve• duccd ylelrls. Some of the grain Little Gary 'l'orld of Leslie was John B. Mnrtln, .h·. nlng-. . , . , part of Its lawn. On the new Ingham's fourth Infantile paraly· Charles g, Potter State Henu.lor highway the huitrling will be has been down anrl h1ml to get. Politlca·l ncllnn h;~s not ~iltchetl Some wheat was lost by ~helilng sl~ victim. flc died lasl Friday in John L. Leighton wllhln ~0 feet of the north·lmunrl ( :uni(J'essmnn politic;•] talk In slnle an4 l()j.'ll,l out before combining. the Sparrow hospital cast unit irt Kit Clardy Lcg-lslatm·!!-lnt District campaigns. There has bcon fittle traffir• IHnc. Jo:nHt almost to the Lansing. He was tuitcn there on!y allilnrloncd Ilogsh;ll'l\ mad the , Accordinr,: to grain buyers, I ng· Carl B. Flynn (Vole for 2) action. ' • the 11lght before. Doctors altrih· 1 n<'w nm·th·lmuncl traffic lane will • · : . ham wheat has been in belle!' James I l. Gardner Ciuu·Jes N. Murphy Alg-er· Tout•lnlf County ·: . utcd the hoy's death lo the bul· go hrlwPen Harper road and conclltion.than wheal In counties Willis A. Stanton Archie A. Perry Fred M. Al'!er, Jr., la m1.1itrni _.i St·arlclt's. ,. . to I he not·th. There the sprouting bar type of polio coupled with a vh·us llifectlon. Sllthl Senulor l.cgil'llnloi'-2nd Dlsh·ict swing arounr1 the CQUnty :'l'bUl'~·; 1 has been extensive, I hey said. WiJJI;un ,/, Mu<'leni>C!Ck uf Sag· ·1 '. : , • • • · Harry 1~. Ilittle (Vote for H day with a butrct supper ·at tha ilmw, the gJ'IHJing contrnctot•, has· :•., .' ·· ' ·'. With added fad lit ics at the Gary, 3~~. was the son of Mr. , J,ngisiRI(JI'Il-lst District George I. Eclcman· Vernon J. Brown fat·m for·:iom~ a fleet of gi:111t hLtllrlmerH simp· · ' ' · · Mason elevators, r·oupied with and Mrfi. Auslin '!'odd, 1~50 T~ast (Voi~J for 2) of his worlccrs Thursrtay'C~i'J!lOtf; lllf.l the new J.:rarlc. Wot·k has reduced yields, the lines of truck:; Covert. road, Leslie. 'fhe mother Willarcl I. Bowerman, .lr. Pl'Offfll•utlng Attorney On Friday Wllllam c. Vli.ndoo• hccn liPid LIJl at ea<'h end to per­ and wagon:; o[ wl1eat have been snld that Gary had not been feel· Catherine R. Frcelancl Jesse D. Parks berg Is due In Mauon -to- ·&flake lllil utility r·ompanies to relay slwrtct· t I tis harvest Heason. lng well for several days b}lt thal Jlm'old w. Hungerford Sheriff - ·---· -·· -·--·---.J...)...:.... gas ;i>HI power lines, Added ·storage facililies on many no alarm for his condillon was !~red L. Kircher Benjamin F. carman FRim RIDES O.fi'FEilED' :,,";; Vol' mosl of the ,, miles of the farms have also reduced the felt until last 'l'hul·sday, A Lcs· George R. Sidwell Wllbm· 11. Schade Mason voters should· have~:. 1\'lriPning, t lu• abandoned Mich· marketing glut. lie doctor made the polio diag-· Harry T. Ward no excuses for not· gqlng to :' nos is and the bov was talc:on to Count.y (Jierl~ lhP. polls Tuesday for .. llao, [f.: an J•:Jr,·t til' raih oacl rlghl·of. This weclt there have been 6 " l.i'""ili1Rtor-2ntl District l\1a''"t D l•'lrnnt• wuy will catTy the nurlh·bound carloads o[ wheat leaving Ma· the Lansing hospital Lhat night. "' ·'' · ' ~ primary election. Froo tldei ~ Death came the followinrr morn· (Vof41 for JJ George Wm. Parlter will be avallnble I? atl".Oil:. •. :.. tr.tffir·. son each day. Most of it has gone b Lawt·ence B. Lindemer f " ing-. Jnhn J. McCune County Ta·c!l.!lurer In a campaign to. get out.tba '· Mul'lt of the J>re~ent pavement to the Ball le Creelt mills or to :;torage elsewhere for the mills. Gary's hrotherH, Richard, 11., .Jennie Katt. votP. the Mason altomnbfle' .,. Will he rPhuill and some will be , l't·oset·uling AUomcy .. 1 1 l c 0 1 1 1 1 ··r~- re-located to carry 2 Junes of anci Chm·Ies David, 12. have been Paul C. Younge!' " e v n . ester c c eu ers nssoc atlon will drive ·. bollth·hound traifi('. sick this weelc. No symptoms of Register ot Uoods anyone to the polls, whether-·. polio liavc developed, however, Sluwlff Ann Robinson ile is Republican or DemCl.' ·. 'l'hP Sargenl Construction Co. the mothel' ~aid. Willard P. Barnes crat. All that the voter lias tci · has the contl·m·t on Ihe ]Javing. Doctor Applies Sam ucl ,J. Tomlinson Drnln (.;onunJssioner 11 J 1 1 h J · • .. Under thP l'onlract the ~'miles Two, more polio cases were ' o s P c c up t c P 1one an .. dla"llo."erl by Le•lt'e Cuwrfy Clerk Stanley E. Rhoads cnll any Mason car dealet". . from I 'ryllt' marl lo llolt must be " " ~ and Mason C. Ross Hilliard I•cn Merlnd rf J I o• open to traffic this fall. '!'he com· For Health Post doctors Monday. Corone'rs-(Vole for 2) • o s ll so ~· <:OJtnty 1'reasUI'Cl' Gale H. Bul'l'icige loring the same liervl~: Po,r · plction dale 11n the Mason by· Chalrmun John B. Fay o{.the On Monday Mrs. Milrlrcd L 1 B A u a ride In the Merln'cio"•.'·.Cftr pass i~ not until next yea!", .Mue· count health commltlce rc· Shunlc, 23, o! Leslie was, talcen Y c ' us n ,~ . '-"i"t~t· of D-d• call Mason elec'Uon·, d!l"'.: · lcnbedt expects to have Lhc by· Wednesday that one ap· ~1/ the polio wurd of SIJarrow hol:i· r.,,., o" "~ ~ 3301 ~ · tins~· J.:i·ading clone thls."Ian·;''he Vil,#!i:i!i~'frli.':~M rurs· ··.already been rc· Pillll · in -Lansing. ··oonaid Gailey, ~~!~~~f.~11 -//. 1 ~f.lS~u:ey · Non-Partisan Judicial tik~d~:~. wit~-;ters. Th..;-:~~ :u1nounced, with the paying ceived for the post of county 17, Mason was talcen to the polio ..., been no ~tctlvlly bY. q:~ "tilt U\e srlwdulcd fot• curly in 1953. health director. · ' wm·d at Sparrow Monday. Hos· IJraln CJomml!;sloncr · Circuit Court Comm'rs third Republican can~ldll;t~: f~r . Grading of the hy·pass, from Dr. R. Lanting's resignatioil pilal attendants listed the con.dl· Geralt;l L. Graham (Vow tor 2! governor, Donald s. ~onai'd, In Pryor road south to' sldr1 Mason will become cHectlvc August 1, lion of both the patients as "!a1r" <.;o,·oncrs-(Vote lo~; :~) Edgal" Lee Church out-cottnty Ingliam. , .. and rejoin the J>rescnl pnvemcnt although his salary will be paid Thursday morning. . W. Ray' Gorsline •• Lee C. Dt·ainls l~or llcutenanl·governor .: , ttie a half-mile nurlh of Tomlinson to September 1. Ile tendered his Mrs. Shanlc i~ employed in a llarry E. Leadiey Guy H. IIIII, .Jt·. supporters of Harry Herui~o~ road Will be on a new right·of· re~ignation early this month in Lansing retail store. She was !-im·vcyol' Arthur L. Kramer and Clarence A. Reid have ~ way. . , How ·does the relay tower at Dansville heip TV? a difference of npinion over fis· tnkerL sielc la.o;t weelc at the store William C. Berryman C. LaVerne Roberts eamp;tignlng il'! Ingham. di!Cir,ke ·; .: That question. is frequently· as,lted. Here's the official cal policies of the health commit· but after resting awhile resumed W. Welsh and David t.;'a~oiilltt ans1ver. from American. Telepho11e and Teleguaph Co; tee. her worlc. Later in the week she A • p W"ll B• Ab ;u·e cxpecterj to swlnc·:·llliauilt Allhough Dr. Lanlin~: will not Wit~ ~onflned .to her home but_ lite county between now·:: ahd Picking Begins , 'In ·,the upper picture: William · R. Kellogg of the radio be. available for duly du1·ing Au· hel. sympt~~s did not lndlc~te tomlc ower I ring out 'l'uesday. .; ·,. . . division of AT&T and Norman Goslin, radio sales engineer of gust, Jcay poinled out, he will PCJho. It was 1111 ~ unlll Mond,ry .John B. Martirl. ;irX : ''&ti~ ' the::M!Chigan Bell Telephone Co., Detroit, are inspecting the v Ch • M f • On Early Fruit serve ItS a consultant should the when her CO!ldJtlon worsened Chat~les E. Potter have li~fit.~sHr. E>~nsville tl?wer. In the picture below ·men arc placing the need arise. lf a director, js not thnt the disease was recognized. ast ang_es In ' anu' a· cturlng ring around as Republica(;~IY~t~ Early 'l'ran~parcnt and ouch· rcceivet· antenna on the roof of the Lansing ·Bell building. hired before Septcmbct• 1, Fay The Gnlley ·boy l.s 11.10, son of dates for U. :a. senator. •: E)h· (•ss apple~ are almost ready for · . There's a TV relay tower at Milford, too: ·•. , · staled, a supervising nurse may M~. and Mrs. Wilford Corrctte, Probably wilhin 10 years of dollars In atomic research and gene C. Keyes has bceit ul6lfU~ pir·lting. They'll be on the marlteL . · ·:Tiid rel~y to Lansing staxts froqt .th!'! antenna atop :the be engaged us acting dlrcctol', 2~<> West Maple. He was taicen alomlc power will revolutionize In ·the training or scientists for malls to ean·y his mA..M-·fiitli nPxt wcclt. So will early peaches Bell building in Detroit. The antenna in Detroit beams the stele Suncluy. Dr. Joseph C. Pon· industrial development through· the new field,. the Mason young "'' , • · ton' diagnosed the case as poilo. out the world. That was the man said. Now there arc only }~hat~ .hor~cs. Lillie .ltiill.: .. '-~ ii'Olll Ingham orchards. • television picture directly at'.a reflector on top of the tower The diagnosiH was conflt•mcd by !lrophecy made by young Richard about 350 engineers, physicists m backel 8 of C~l!fo~d:~V. -~· Piddng or Arp Beauty ('caches at:,Mllforrl, The· reflector there reflects the wave's info a 'dish- 1 will slarl next wcelt and f~om '<' ~ Contract IS Let laboratory analysis. A brother Christensen befol'C 1hc Mason and others' witl1 special training Most Of the heavY, :lti:f!"~t.l~ lffi!l then until tall! fall the various ~ype receiver antenna at the base,of the tower. From·thcrc and a sister, Robert, 10, and Bar· ·Kiwanis club Tuesday night. engaged ln. advanced atomic re· ~~publlcun congr~~S.IO,l\~~: 1 :~~ varieties will IJc ready for piclc· it goes· into amplifying equipment, is· amplified, beamed from • Dral·n· burn, 8, are t~ot siclt. . Tile Christensen youth !mows search, the Ca'rnegie Tech scltol· palgn has bee1~ talcing,j)l_ lng. ~nbther dish-type antenna·at a rcflectOI' on the"opposite side On D~lhl Ingham has . b.ad mot·c pol.w hill subject. He Is studying at ar stated. ' Soon ·there wlll. be Gencsee.,'rhat goes fo~~tl~!'f cases ·.than ~ny other cou~tly 111 carnegie Tech In Pittsburgh thousun(ls, J1c. a?~ed. Ami scten· qcrats, tpo; ~n bo.~l.t,'~tt~j( . :i· The plum harvest Is :;chcdtJicd oltthc tower, and oil to Dansville.· At Dansville. the piCture is Drain Commissionet• Gemld L. 011 !' the state this year, acco.rdmg to a· west inghousc scholarship, • li~ts 8\ p~. ~r to begin in from 10 days to 2 again amplified and beamed directly into the Lansing equip- Graham awarded .the conlrar:l· !or 11 WI!cks. ment room. · · stale .health authorities. The rc· scholarship won in national com· tam ,that· advan1!ecl. re~carch w1th 3 Genesee caliq,dates.,..·~J7:.'(,t~• the Richard Street clrain in Delhi ported total in Ingham was 41 petition. the new power will qulcltly pay Republican's 'Kit Chitdy:·' ill'" tl1e '!'he apple crop ]Jromiscs a · Transmitted fro~p the equipment room in Lansing to the Monday ln Leon Ketchum & Sons normal yield, although below last · b 'd bl d bl · h · · 'l'hursday. : . , . off, the student said. Ingham man. His 3 oppolletl~ year. The peach crop should be transm)ttcr Y VI eo t':a e an ca e pail's, t e ptcture ts then of Mason. The Mason firm was 'l'l , I 1 . · · 1 . b Development of engmcs usc The Christensen voulh told are Carl B. Flynn, . J.am""'. ·. te ng Mm c,tses mvc ccn atomic power arc now onlyt~ 111 a " ... ~ 1(, guori. Thet·e's bumper crop of beamed out over the area,, to piclwd up by. television rc· low at $6,560. 11 b~ cvei1ly divided between Lansing I sla 0 com arabic to a steam en· how atomic chain rcaclions are Garclner and Willis A. Stil.11ton. ;. plums at the Wurdowsld Bios· ceivers in Lansing, Flint, Saginaw and Jackson. Ted Beauchamp, Stoclcbridg-r.; and the nut·county area. 'l'hrcc of gin~ at 1 h~ time of Robert Ful· set up and of lh~ different types Donald Hayworth ot East som Orchard at Leslie. There arc Until the Michigan Bcllrelay was completed Lansing was Lee Hazel, Laitc Odessa; and the 4 deaths have been oul·counly ton Christensen ~aid Alomic of pow~r pl~nts Ill which atomic Lansing Is the Ingham 'Deino• upwards of 300 trees loaded wit11 served by a micro-wave system owned and operated by Hm·old Mum·ice Vm·mttsclt of Lansing cases. po~cr will be harn~ssccl !or power 1s bemg tested out. cratic canclidate. His 3 Gem!see were other bidders on the ,job fruit. · F. Gross, pl'esident and general manager of WJIM and County henlth clepaa·tmcnt rcc· peacc·limc usc within a few opponen!s arc Herbert W. Deville, Only the pear cl'OJl is fm· be· WJIM-TV. · which calls for 1,260 lineal Icct of ?rcls show that for the same pc_r· years, he declared. '!'hen what Don W. Mayfield and Jam01 C. 8·inclt pipe, low no1·mal. Th Dansville relay station has no effect on TV reception wd there were 2 Ingham polio arc now remote areas o! the fl"re l•n Stubble Ralston. . Hearing on benefits fol' pwp· ca~es in 1948, 14 In 1949, 4 in 1950 world can process their own raw Leglsl"tua•e Popular ljAST tALI~-Uilu·l.hot·riP.B nnfi f'UI• o'n sets near it. The better reception is made possible only erty owners within the dlslrict 1'1111\ll, hh: ll'll l'lltr. lt~lc ].ondun Mal'· by transmission of the waves by way of Milford and D,ansville has been set fur Augusl 15 at the and !l last year. products. Inslcad of sending Results ··n Alarm 'l'het'C arc 6 Republlcnns tifCk• ~{'( 4'11ri'RIII tl, Jll~l l'h:hl ror jelly. H. s. bauxite thousands of miles !ot· lng the 2 nominations for state Adunut. a•huno iiHi\1 MaKOti. :Jiwl from Detroit to Lansing. · drain comrrilssloncr's office. in ' ' the extraction of aluminum, reprcsentntlve In the llrst dl!i,' Mason. A & P V e t eran South Americans can use atomic Mason and Delhi town~hip lire· trlct, made up of 'Lansirig city Competition in Excellence Stirs Interest/ power to malcc aluminum Ingots men made a run to the Robert and Lansing· township. They al'~ NJ.~W 'l'ANK8 ORDJm.I!;U at the mirie. Atomic power can Reese farm on Aurelius road in Harold Hungerford, lncumberlf.: Don Milton, operator of Ed's be used in Asia and A[rica where ~elhi township Tuesday after· Fred L. J{Jrcher, fomiA!r lli!Pre• Refinery station at the corner of there is now no cheap source of noon to n~ht a blaze In wheat ~entatlve, Willard I. Bowerman, State and Columbia, Is having 2 power, the· Mason young man stubble. '!'he Dell}! truclt arrived Jr.. Catherine R. Freeliilllf, Olympic Spifit ,Spurs Fair Exhibitors new stornge tanlcs placed. '!'he pointed oul. first and the firemen had the Georgo R. Sidwell and Harry T, , ' ' .. new tanlcs will each hold 4,000 Hclslnld, Is 'Where men wll(draw crowds at the fair, and girls enrolled in 1·1-I club worlc. Now the accent Is on military blaze uuder·control before Mason W~~~· J. McCun.e of Ea· .,t· w j:~ . l~lnlanrl, gallon:; of gasoline. Ile plans to applicallon of atomic power, firemen arrived. 11 ...... unci women from all nations g-o o"n $aturdny afternoon of. fair Many of them do as well as their use his 2 present tanlts Iot• fuel Christensen said. When added Reese was using a field chop· ~lng and Lawt·ence ·B. Llndeme~. to compete in games. At the Ing· weclt • people will crowd the mothers. oil. emphasis Is given to peacetime per to chop straw before plowing incumbent, of Stqckbrldge ·llrcll · grandstand to see the horse-pull· • Judging at the Ingham fair will use, development wlll be l'apld, It under. Sparks I rom the tractor waging a hard fight ill· the see. ham county fall' at Mason the h)g .contes~s. Big teams frorp all start Tuesday morning nnd con· Mn\uroln ,'l'nlcvisiun-Summm· SJtf'!c[ul. he declared. set the stubble on flre and the ond district, for the Republlcall Little Olympics draw women and over :(';flchlgnn ~nd from out of tinue through Friday forenoon. Nothln~ clown, fli'HL IU\YinOUl an dl\yK, 'l'hiH HIJC!einl t•XJlit'l'll AuRUiil J 6. Jewett . Westinghouse, General Elec· blaze started for the ba\·n. nomination as rcprcsliittatlve: ,. gh·Is to compete In balling and the state have been entered. Only the dra!t horses will be 'l'chwiKiou (Jim lll!dH'um, Snlcu flciU'C• tiCUtuLivc) MI\HOO llhonc Ulill. aowl tric, duPont nnd many other big There are 2 contest~; for count? sewing and other housewifely .. ·Dairying Is Ingham's No. 1 judged Friday. companies nrc investing millions places on the Republican ticket. urts, men and boys to show off farm Industry, and all tlu~ dairy Even political candidates will YOU Met? Sheriff Wllhtrd P. Barnes ·haJ their ilvcstoclc nnd demonstrate breeds as well. as chief beef be on displny at the Ingham fa)r. Have Samuel J. Tomlinson of MallOn ho~ muscles must be upplle~ bree"ds of cattle will be exhibited Wednesday is the day set for the News Index Mr. and M1·s.' 1r. A. Bald&rson fot• an opponent. Mia Bell Hum• along with brains to get things at the 'fair. There· wm· be classes politicians to be introduced and Want ads, Pages 6, 7 and 8, Diesel Replaces who arc living tempol'nrily at phrey, appointed register ijf done on ,the farm. for· bJic!l.y In lnat. woelt's Leslie ln tlwl lown IIi!! I.Hiilrllngs Chrn·tcs, Ar!rl•kc~ were Jwll] nl. IIll' FtrtUl!ldo, CaiHorn n1 lB \'1"/'nronfs, Mrr Tnghnm County New~ rosulterl · uutl Mrt, A, (), Gt"lllliHIUif' o Punavlllu.) Jumped till fillrl rlnwn nnrl :1lrlr?· .Tupp funernl horne on Sunday, In a hrlslt demand fell' the Mex· 'fhl~ morning nlmul fi WI! wer·n wayH nnd till! hrkl< nnrl ndohn h•a11 HI niT nf live, Mrs. Pablos .July 27, wllh nov, I•'rnnlt IIlii'· lltorally nnrl flgurnllvoly Hrmrell wrtiiH c•oulctn't slrtnrl It llJitl ml· GonznloH reported, She und IWI' Servi(es Held for wnorl nlfli!latlng-, Hurlni II'IIH 111 to clmllh~eru·thqunlw! [ljo !louht lapsed. Wet lrllllwd urnuncl our hliHilllnd npernto the hrll

· · llepre8entatlve In Congrell8 'l'ERMS:-CASII. All goods to be settled for day of s!ile ·before iemoval · 6th District NOT UESPONSIBLE· FOU ACCIDENTS . . · . · ·

TURN·ER~>.0wner W. S.·, . ., ' ' ' . ·.,'.,·',•. ,\,'' Glenn Casey, Aucti~neer ·. i · Williamston ·.. · · · Michigan' Record Fish IDJ.l,IAnn flRTFI liAR!'! Car Dealers 'Pick Legal Notices Growers Join in County Clerlt C, noaa Hllllrll'll hils tn!lrle some Pllllnomcnul Group Officers UI\UI.U I·Clll I'Uiti.ILA'IION rnlches nf hlnclt hoss nl Mlclclle OIIDI'Il 01' I'Ufii.ICATION MCJRTGAOI: OF ~t~:AI. 1:s·r A 11: Tour of Orchards lnlm In Burry c•mmt.y, lila toJl FINAL AOMINIS IllATION ACCOUNT SAVOIE -AIIMIIRI 22, 11152 cntuh lust weclt wu~ n l111~s wc)gh· AI Hlt'P Is tlu;- new [ll't•sldPill of AND IJI.II.HM INA rJON 01' IIEIICS :ill,lt uf Mldli!IIIIt, 'lh~ )1 111111111 ( lllllf Tnghum nnrl .TncltHon munty (ol I If• CIIIIIJIY ur (mdlllm. lng 5 lllH, 10 oz, TIP lun11l•rl' un· lhn Mccson Allin Dc•niPI'H .c~HcJ('IIl· IIENTCJN-AIIBIIO( 13, IU52 1 1\l II lictHlillll or 1:111id l 1/llll1 fH>Jil Ill rr Ult gi'O\I'l!l oil l' jull!lftg llfl other welghlllg il llJH, llllllrml tlnn. liP wns P!PciPd al IIH' riPnler HLr1lu or Mil hhmn. 'l'hu l'ruhntu ( 11111l tlw 1'1nlnLI•• IUI!tu In llHI f'tiY n( /'rlrHHIIL, Monrlny for• nil ol'c•hlml lOIII'. fu1 till l'ounly n( llllfhllrn, enughl 111, hlg huHs sjlll·fl~hlng mPntlnJ{ lwlrl at t lw Mnson golf. In 11rt!d CUitltty, ur1 thtl :Jill h duy nf c. A, (({city I Ln nger, fr 111\ Al n aw tKIUII uf 11Hid l.!qur t, lultl nt thu .!ulr, 1\. II, lllf>~. 11 I til Jive mlnnnwH, c•otu·sc• Monday night. Bt1h Tng· 1'1 ulmttJ Olfl4'11 Ill llw Olty uf Mn11un, In I'ILHII!ll' liON, ,JOHN MtCLIJLI.t\N, Hpenlullst flnm Mlchlgun Sluto 111'11111 WoiH Plt•r•tpd In fill lht• posl linltl Cnunty, on t IH .!:!1 d lillY ul July, A, ,JudH"t of P1ol11tlt1, C'CI!Ioge, nnu nuy .Tunes, enlomol· ll, lU5~. In 11111 Mutttl nf lhfl Jr:~tllllt• uf J,Jo.o of st•c•tPIIIll' nnrl I renHlii'PI', I'H•Honl 1 HCIN, ,TOliN M••CI.T~J,J,AN, ~AVOII;, ~IIII!I,I:Y ~j,\VOII~ "'"I hAY ogis( 1 will lend the tour. '!'hey Hlc•t• Iolii PH oVPI' ills clut IPH from Jwhw ur i'r uhlllt•, ttAVOII<:1 Mlncnl'l will discuss mntl1etlng conrlltlonH Tlownt·rl Notion whtlr• fnglu·.tm In llw Multi I fl( th. l~illnto or NWI'~ Hlllt 11 H11\111l~> huvlnl( fil•••l In tlllld 111111 t Legion Team 'I'll!.. BhN'I ON, IJt r1 nth •1, lull JH titlollr !JIIIYIIIH feu III•'JIHP lu ll11r1t· unci pwsent Jnforrnatlon on c·on· will I'PliPVI' Jloh Norton, Nuv11 (, lhdl•·• lmvln1C lliPtl In Hnl•l J(llll.t till' lntc It hi uC llaltl t e~tulc In 1 "' lnlu trnl of lnspr•ts. lt•UI 1NI1Lift lllultln llttiiiiiHd A dltlllf'l' WIIH HC'I'VI'd IJIP. IIH· Pflllll hN llnul udrnlnllttlnllun ut•c•nunl, '!'he tour will start at the Heath und lu1 JHiillun JIIUYin~ot fur lhu ullow. IL Ill IJHit It d, J'hut lhu ~.!rul duy CJr Drops Game 4-3 ROI'I.cllon hc•forP tl11• huslrwss 11111'1! lJH•Il!Uf fn1 U filllf'llllilllllloll uf AllH!llll, A IJ. 1!1/,~, ul !J,:W n'dmJ( In Bros. nrclwrd ut Wllcul Mills on thu fiiii'I\UUII, nt thu 1'1 nlmlu O!flt.:t• Ill mcPtln~-:. AI I!Jr• httslrwss mcellng JwhH, 111111 (UI tho IIHHiKIHIIPIIl Hl!d rlhi· t hP SPymour Avenuo roud, .Tnclt· Mason's Legion bnsehnli lenm liii111L!Itrl of tllll JcHiduu nl Hillel tHIIIL(I, ~IHi WtMI Hn~-tlnnw »llt'l t, LuHKiuu-, Ml1 h· the Mason drnt ltc•slrle ller. She tlwught the ,JIIdj.(t or PaoiJULI, In till' Mnllt1 or tlu l•~:ilnt• of Ji\Mfo.:-1 Skeet P~_ogram I hrcnlUt OF I'Uili.ICATION ·~:::.::.::.::::.::.:::.:...:...======.::=:.:.:::=::=J=.======::;, cent sand Js considered Ideal .llnr lost c·ont I'D I of the c·ar as II hit nlr.:ht In the office of the I'IIY n tJmP 1111d pinto ht lllfiHIIIllt•d tu 1 t•ce•lve, HHltl tHtnt• ~thnultl lu ilmltttl, nrul thnL lL hrlclts used In nboclc construction, gravel at the slrle of the road. I'XIHnlrw unci ndjuHt ull ••lnlrru1 111111 dt•~ lime und plnt•c In nppnlntt d to 11 ct I \II, 1 8 clerlt. The meeting will start at munt!H 1\J.:ILlrtrtl t~nltl dlit•llHtd J,y untl Ill' .. 1 Tlu• c•,1r sldclclccl nne! 11wn hit a cxnmlru 1111rl IUIJIU\l all cli11rnH nnd dt•• Ht~~~-~~~:r,:~e~~~~~l~~~~~~~:~5~""'l '-::W::::E=E::K=L=Y=E=A=T=IN:;;;G;:'=C=L=U=B====B~y~:::;lm=:=a=r=st=o=w~ 8 o'clock. •------. fnrt• tlflltl court• mnrult~ uunlnHI HI\Jtl dtllltHtd l1y nnd lu· fill tlw r·uunty nr Inghlllll .. It IH Oath'ltd, C'ifldlliiiK tree. 'l'hnl or Hllltl ftlll ~II HI f IlLII t• "'II"'"'"" 11111111<1 Glt<,, fl, •., """1. The only cost will be the cost chest m.luric•s anrl f'ltts nhout her ntlon uud ndJut~tnu nl uf ull clnlmH und t•:oinmlnutlun und udJtlrltm• nt 11! nil l'r'l\llr.f'H 'I'. Solv:-~hf'!l·~ hnvln!-1' fllc.d of the clay birds. At its meeting clt•mnru!H nuninHt !mltl deer 1\Ht!ll. t•lniiiiH Hnd demnntl» ngninHt tillld i11·· 111 •nid t'fiLIIl lw1 trc•tlllnn JllllYins.t Lhnt 11 It~ 1 fnce The girl was c•ut about the Jt l'u1lht•1 Or•l••11'd, Thnt pnhll1• no­ c u:-~ctl, tl !lain int~lllllll!nt In WilLing, [ILIIJ!tlllllll{ last week the club decided to !tend and sutfered .1 slight con· tice Llu 1enf lw ,..:'JVI'n hY pulll1cnt1un of n It l:i I• 111 I lwr 01 dr a••tl, 'l'hut pultl11 un­ lo Ill' llu ln:;l \\Ill nud t••Htnmt.!IIL or Hnlcl limit membership to men nnd I'OIIY nf thiH OJdr I' (ot lhlf•l H11t t'IHHt\t< liu• thur t•n( lu j.tiVt'll hy llllhlu-'Utlon n£ 11 lt•c 1 111-11 11 now nn fill' 111 lilllfl cn111 t h() nd· cttsslon. \\tt•kH Pltvlnllli to 111dd tiny of lwlu]n).(, in copy uf thh-1 u1clea fnl Lhl'tl' HUCII'HHI~•· UJJtt .. d lo ltlfth 1!1•, und Lhnt lilt' ndmin· women 18 or older. Membership t ht lnJ.dwm C'o11nty Nt•wH, 11 nc•WSJIIIftr.r Wt•ekH fill vinuK to Hnld dny uf III'ILilllg 111 IHtlJLtinll or ~.;njf) l'BIHI(' h1• )ZIIIIllcl) tn rnrcls can be obtained from Bob JlllntNI nnd clac•ulull'll In tmltl county the lnJ..:"iiiLm Count)' Nt "tl 1 111•\~HPill'~l hliHtlf. l'lun•·•H F ~oi\HIHI'~ n1 to Home JOHN ~hCT,I:LT.AN, IIIIILlfd lllld l'iztc\J1,1ltcl Ill Hl\111 COillllY, nth• 1 Hllllahli P~"JHoiL. Betcher, 1\en Merinder!, Ralph Court Proceedings A '1'1 \1~ CoJIY Judi{' uf 1'1ohnte .JOliN McCLI•:LLA N, ll IM Ordc•ll'll, 'I'lwt the !!lith rluy or Strope or Louis Lee. Hohe1 t r... Ur nko A 'I tu•• f'npy: Jud).l't of l'rohot1 AIIJ.:'\IKI 1\ ll. I 'li~. nl tl•n n'clock In In till' rnullr 1 of Lhw1 I l•luh, 111 tl- Ht glate1 of P1nllnle :lJw!t Mr1rthtt 'I hnyct 11!1 fnJtllnnn, Ill lht' JtiOhntl' office nt The Mason gun club range is lillllt•l (lidt'l JJpputy "''"'IHltl' nC P1•nhntc 2o·, W Su~luuw SlH••t Lnnl'llllg', Mich. located on the Forest Hrll farm J.ulu 1•:. 'I hnmnH ~ 1, Hnm111 l EanHl OllDER AI'I'DINTING TIME FOR umn. Ill' nnt! IH lu 1 ,.hy llllfiOinlcd for 1 N1HLll lilld hy N•ulh. J'rHLI lt~fiiiP lilt HEARING CLAIMS AND FOR ORDER APPOINTING TIME h•ILIIIlY. HHIII pet1l1nn four miles cast of Mason on Dex· I C!IIJI \~I! ftiiUt I Jill~, I'Uflt Jtult•d, till\ I 11 DETERMINATION Of HEIRS FOR HEARING CLAIMS fl IH 1'111\hf•l 0Jdt•!Pd, 'J1hnl 1111hllc 110• lcr 'ft'o1il. 1111d1 I 1111\ 11<1 1 UII'IIl, SP EER-Octobcr I 0, 19fi2 ASH-October 6, 1952 I let• tl111 I'll( Ill' J..dvm1 hy pubhcntlnn of 11 In Ht•, (,d Murk. OJ•d, 1 If', conl~RL of Stutr ur Mlcldgun. 'l'hl' P1 ohnt{ Cmn t Stnlf! nf MJt•l11unn. 'llu• l'tohntt Cou1t CO)!) or LIJJH Ill di!l' rur lhi'Cl! HIICCCRHIVC rlullll of H1 II•• L•t mun for the County ur ln~-thum. WI du~ flii'VIfHili to HHltl tiny of henrlnK. In In It' Ptlltlflll nf Flnwr I. CiJrrh OleiN rol' tiH· County of Jnuhnm. At 11 Ht'Htlton of Hnld Court, hr.d•l nt tlw At n Het~Hlon of HILJd Cum t, lwlcl ul tht tl11 lrwhum Ctltlnty Nt WH n ncWHJmpcr ln IIH(Il/1 dtJ~t•J'H illlfiH1 1 I'UIHh!JOIIUIJY Prohutc OHict In the 11ty of L,anHIIlJ.!. an Jlllllltd nnd el!culnlcd In Hltld county Church Notes 1~111 1~/IJ. .diHh ltv l•,to~Jyn Mt r:unr lu·J P1 ohntu OJflct•, in Lbl C1Ly of J.n11HirH~. In till Hulcl County, on tl11 .! 1Hh dtly r1r lhl• HHIII ('ntanty, nn thL· 22ntl dny ur JOliN McCI.ELLAN, nr st flltlltl, VIi. (')yd!• w n(lnnclt. Ordc•r, llnnlu·r 11111 Seventh Dny All· July, A. D. 19fi2. J11ly, A. ll 19it2. Judg-1 of l'Jobnle SMART GAl, ,Jc'IIY J ~mith ))y hiH JH•Xt lllli\Ll, p,. ""''l, HON JOHN • McCI,F.I.I.AN, l'lcHl'nl, liON. ,IOHN McCI.I~LI,t\N, venlisl. Sabbath school10:00 n. m. Glnrt•lle•t I', Sn11th, v~>. C~CJJ'clou 11111tHon J\IIIJ..:'e of Pwhntt•. lnle of JRV- 1 MAY 1\SII lh•tt'IUil'll, ORDER API'OINTING TIME Elder Smith of Oakwood college TOO Ciiiii'IJCI I' Smith YH, <.u•·dnn p Tillll· INC. SPLI.. n, llt'Cfli\Hcd, It UJIJHHJI ill).( tn tlu f'OIII t tlwt th•• FOR HEARING CLAIMS HcUI. JudJ.,:'mrnt, ~JI)j,U(I ('oKL~ $~fi. (] lt lllltWnllng In lht• Cou1:t Lhut tlw will be the spenlwr. 7 tirnt• fUI' Ill! HUfllnllflli nf t JuJntfl !LJ.(IllllHl RUSSELL-October 1 O, 1D52 ·'''ltlll llt• SJil\111 YH .John A. Lilli!~ nnd ll\nw fnr PII'Himtllllon or ('Ill linK 1\JliLIJIHt and I don't mind ad· l'l!t~~ 1~ J.un)-[ .futlgnwnl, $~lfi,OO: Jut, tillld t•tilllte Khoulll h£.! ll"!ll•tl, und thut u Hllltl uHtnlt td\l'llld l11• lmdlt•tl, Hlld thnt n Stnt. or Ml{'hlf.(nn. 1'1w PI obnte COUI't ~ tl 0 I• c t !i:•Jn o· tlmfl nnd Jl)nct• hr fljlJ)Oinled tn lt.•cel\1', thm• nnd JIIILf u lw 1\JifiOlnll d to 1 t•ceiVt•, fu1 t},,. Cnunty nf ln~-thnm. A & P PRICI~S CHANGim mitting it! I've discovered 11 1 1 ~ · • • f1H .. ' cxnmlllr. nnd ndjuHt all clnlmH nnd rh. ~:'l:nmlne nntl adJUHl nil cln1m~ nnd de­ Al ll HP~~Ion or Hnld Com L, IJt.!ld ut how easy it is to sell some­ rnmuiH IIJ.t"ninsL Hllld dl'l ~nHed by nrul hr. rnnndH rq.rnin~l HI\111 th Ct.'lltl••d hy und ill!· ilw P1nlllllt• J'It the It 111 01dell~tl. 'l'hnt CJ't d1tor·H nf Hrurl July, A. D l'lfi2. I Hlnle nr which HnicJ cJecCIIHC!l died Hl'l1.f•tJ ilet'teiiHcd Ult ri!JIIIItd Lo JllfHent theu !'"'" nl, HON. JOHN McCLELLAN, late for insertion 111 the regular needed cash. I read and use Hhould lw ndjutllcntrd nnd dPlermintd. t !nimH to HH\d cuu1 t .1t tht: Pruhnle Of­ .Judlo:'t• or p, obutc A & P ad. The price of corn on the Want-Ads! ll IH Ortlr red, Thill nil lhu Cil•dltOJ H or ltct.! at :wr, WNit Sntdnnw Hll'l l't. Lun. In lhl' Mnll<.:t of lht.! Et~tnte of ALICE !lnul d~Jcun!n•d nrt 11 (luiled to PH·H~nt sins:, Mlchhmn. on ot• lHfoau lht hth MAUIJ RUSSELl.-, Muntnlly IncomJtcL~nt. the cob should he 6 ears for 25c. ·Phone 9011 theh 1 lnlmt~ In wrlllng nnd und( 1 nnth t!ny nf Oc tolu 1, A. J) 11102 nt leu It llllflCHI inJ.: to the cotll t thftt the Our Own Tea bags should read 11/i nJovidPII hy HtlllUlt•, to ti!IHI Court nt o',•lock In Lin• (orcnoun, Hilld LimP 11nd tilnt' [01 Ill tHenlntiOrl or cJuimu llKillllst Norman Thomas holds the rec- tempts to win the presidency on 48 for 39c. 1utld Prohntr OITte••, nt 201 WetiL SnJ.tl­ plnct• l111eby UJliiOlnt~cl foL lht I'XIIntln· Hillel £.!Hlnb t~hould bt• limited, u11d lhut u naw ~t11wt, J.nnHing, Mlehh.cnn, on 01 br·­ olllon nnd ndJuHllnl'lll of 1.1! clllimH unrl tmw und 1tlncc h~ UJJJlolnlcd to lt.!Ct.dVl!. ord for presldentml attempts at the Sociahst ticket. roa I' the 1 nth flfly of Octo hi•!' /\, J) dt•mlullltl ngulnHl ,tlllll deceuHt•cl, t :-.:nmuw nnd ntiJUHt nil cln1ms nnd dt.!· six. He ran on the Socialist tick· ----,------­ J'lii2, nt t••n·thirly o'clock ira l)w rotl'­ ll iH J.'u1 t!wr Ordt ll'd, '1 hut publu.: no· mandK ug-Uirll'lt Rtdd mt.!nlnlly incompc .. WANT ADS noon, Hnld t1me· nnd plncc hnlng hPI'f hy tlce lhctenf h~ }.('IHn by JlllhlicHLion of 11 tt'nl hy nnd lwfort• l:lnld cou1L: et. Eugene V. Debs made five at· nppoinlell rm· the ( :lllitJr>d to lrlh{'l Jl tJJrt t>!:llHl(l A 'J'IJW Cupy, Judge of P11fimtc tht.! I Ot.h duy of Or tohe1•, A 0. 1962 ut nf whtch thn dccl'oi!HH] d1ecl KDI?.ed. Holtcr·t L D1 n!,l'.! t• 11 n'1 lo• k 111 the f01 tl( llfl j!!\'r 11 lw pulillcntiora of n llnllllHtion nnd nciHJHLrnunt of all 'llllmll copy of thiK onle1 onco cnch week rm ORDER OF PUBLICATION and dt m tlldH ug- 11nst tiHid mcntnlly in· tlnee HUC'CCHHiVn \\C['kH JliCVIOIIH tO 01\IIJ Stntf• or Mlc hii-:'Hil The { !t'Ctlll ['ntllt ! OnlJII'lNtl 1lny of lu•nJ!flj! in thr ln)Zhnm Counp· It iH l"UIIh~l Olcleted, rrhnt JIUhiJc no .. 7 Reasons WHY feu the County of ln~hnm In Chnnct!l~. • • • N!>\\1'1, ~~ 1\f~\'rl\llllSJeJ Jll!ntl•d nnd Cllf'U· N!Ci\I.E O~BUN, Plninlill' vo RAY· Lit c I he1 € of l11 J.!'IVen by puhllcnt1on of 11 lntr II 111 !mid ''ounty MCJNil S, OZBUN Dcf• ndn11L. IUJ!jl of th!H rJideJ fur tiJICC' KIICCC6t11VU .JOHN McCLF.!.I.AN. At n Hl'l!Hum of !Wid Cnltlt hf'-.!_tl ,tl tlw \\l'f'kH Jlli'!Viout; to HHHI dny of hclllln~ot, in \ '!'1111 t'nuv Judj.l'O of P1ohnle Clly liHIJ 111 tlw Cat~ nf l.nn~1ng 111 Hnid tlw IIIJ!hum ( ount~· Nt!wtl, n neWI'IIlttllCI Mntthn 'l'hn)er Gnunty on tiH 21llh clny of July, I!)~..!. r•atrllud .tnt! ll!tLJI,Llf•d 111 surd county, lh•pul v UeJ.Cistt•l or Jl1 nhnt~ l'IIHCnl: HON. MARVIN J SA(,. JOHN McCLELLAN. MON, Cu cn1t .Jutlg:e Judl-:'u of P10hntP In the nhuvt• entitled emuw It llf\Pl~/11· Sam ingo thnt LIH d••fc•rulnnt. Hnymond S Oz. TOMLINSON hun, II\ II l'f'IWient ur thiH Stntc wd I hnt Ill nt•r HH fot h!!oi ILl lilt ltlllllt!(' hiiH br.en duly NOTICE BY COUNTY DRAIN COMMis. IHHUl'd nnil thut till' tlltlnr could nol Ill' SIONEH or MEETING OF BOARD OF ICI VCrf hy I f'llHOII of htH II hHr llCf! f1 CUO 01 DETERMINATION 1 oncflalnwnt \\ 1lh111 the SLtle> nnd hy Stntc n( MiciiiJ.rl\11, In lhc Olricc of the 11'1\!-!0n uf hi!t cuntmucd nhAtncc r1•om lli'illll Cnmmuuuone1· of thv County of For hiK Jtlnce o( I'I'Hidenct : lug-hnm. 'J'HeREI•oRg ou motaon of Lcl.tntl \V. In the Mnlttll or lhe Zimmezmn11 Gutr, ,JJ., nf lht 111m nf 811{!1'1' nrul An­ Jli'Uill, d,•JHOII, nll01 IJeYH ro1 JlilllflliJI, II iH ()]{. No Lite 1~ IJPH hy GJven, Lhnt on tlw J)I~HEU th11t tilt' th•fr.ruJnnt rntr 1 haH ~hllt dny nf ,Jub, I ~1;,2. n IJctltion wuu IIJ1J1f!IU.IIl(l' Ill t111hl causr• on 01 hcfn1c• hied \\ith the undcttdf.CIIcd County D1uln tlncu tn11nthK f10m tlw clnlt• nf LhiK Ul· Cornii\1:-.SIIlllt'l fo1 the County of lng .. der, HIHI th11l \\llhm follY tiny~ lh• hnm Plnymg- fo1 lhll locntlng-, r•KLnblluh .. pl,nntan (IIIIHc thaH oacll'J to l11• puh­ Ill){ SHERIFF nnd cunHll uctinK of ~immeamun iiHhcd 1n thu lnJ..dunn Co11nt.y NPwH, n D1aln. llm\HifllJl(>l [IHhiJHhrtl unci cil'l ul,l!t d wilh· Thnt UJIOII the :!8th day of July, 1 Oli.!r 111 mud Cnunly, Hillel puhlu!ntton to lu• lh•· \lllfl~ ll'llg'llt•d lllctl \\llh the Hono1· .. I Ollt!IHJ(•d fliH l! CILC h \\Ct!l-. fn1 HJX "l'f'kH abli ,Jol111 McCitdlnn, Jut\1-:'c of Ptoi.Jute, 1st-Sam has conducted his whole campaign on a NO PROMISE-NO 111 HUe 1 t>s:;ion. u llCLiLIOil nfll\lll~ feu the nppomtmunt MAHVIN ,!. SALMON, or II Bo.u•li of Delel mlltHLion I DEAL basis. He has no ties and he owes no political debts. Cnt·uit Judge Thut Hlilll .Judg-e or I'lohntc halVIng \ '1'1111' COJtY' nprm1nled Den11 •rnylol', L. H. Hum:~on, C RnH~ Hillim d Wm \YII).!;hl lUI liUCh lJonJd or JJetl!l" 2nd-Sam has proved himself in the past number of years as being a cap· lnt-:lwm Countv Girt k ll!llliLl!Oil, By InN r... fi\\lllllllJ!'CI 1 DliiLity No\\, liH'JI21nlc, Hnid Hon1·tl will meet S\j.dca nntl Andc'l t~tHI IlL the Pnul :l.immca mun l"nz m on lhe able police administrator. His record while serving as a special .\ttcntwyH fu1 Pln1ntlfT ltith day of Auf,.fUHt, 191i2, nt IO•HQ RIJHIIIIHIH Arldi'CK~: 0 tel{H J~ Ill tJw fOlt.!IIOOll of Hnid cl!(y tO North Lansing officer is outstanding. (Ask any North Lansing mer· 707 P1uddt n Building dctomtinc the nccoHHILY of Zlmmctmnn LHnsinJ!', MJchn.n1n 31 w7 Dmln. chant or resident) l'huef01e, nil pct~ons, municipnlllleH When eggs are first laid, they and hiJ.Ch\\1\Y o!TiciiiiH lnlci~Hletl In the pr upoHccl %rntntll"mnn Ihnin nre le· 3rd-Sam has pledged that he will be a 7-day-a-week sheriff, and all day hnve a protective film covering qucHted to be Jill ~t.!nl 1f lhey HO llcHire. them which is known ns the flnt~d nt ~1nKon this 20th day of in the jail, too. Jul), 1111.!. "bloom;" it seals the pores and I,ERALD L. GRAHAM, helps to l\eep odors out of the County ll1nln CommuHtiom.11 4th-We are confident Sam will operate the jail as a jail and there will We Do It Right eggs. of tho Couuty of lnghum 3lw2 be just dicipline there. There's no guess wm·k In bur g1m1ge! Our top notch mcclumlcs not only ol'ft>l' your cur the benefit of long cxpm·ience , , , but Report of Onondaga School District 5th-Sam contends in his platform that all out-state prisoner pickups use lntc~t sl'ientifll· lt•stin;.: methods us 11 double nccut'llcy 'l'he 1\llnpnl meeting or' DuilliCL No, r. inuu~ I'uncl "' ~.IG3.GI should be made by deputies, leaving the sheriff home on the job. clu•,•l>. r1 I. wus held nt the schnol houHe on Stnte School Aid ...... , .. 7,168.14 Mon1lny evcnlnJ..r, July 11, JU02. State $u\c:; 'l11x ...... 2,746.9M (Note: these out-state trips to California, Georgia, Florida, etc., can The meeting WUH cul!ed to cHdca by Advnnce Stntll Aid (1!!5~·0:1) 2,001),1)() the Pn 1\lllent, c. J Mnt ko\\llld. nnil Me· ~l'uitlon ..... I II ' ...... G2.111 Cull Coml llnssett our service mnru1ger - l'hone 2·8261 Mtchnul nnd Huhu1l Duke \\CIC nn- develope into a nice pleasure trip at the taxpayers' expense) NO CH AUG B for Jllcl•·ull 111111 llellvery of yom• car, JJOintcd to net IIH L1.21le1'H, '1 otnl Hucc!JllH • ...... $17,t8:t.:tn l'lw mmuteK of lnHt yen a K meeting Unluncc on hnrul June '"l.lru lt>.ul and UliJIIOHHI, C. J M.ukow­ :10, 1 !Jill ...... 648.80 6th-The Democratic party h~s not put a sheriff in office in Ingham since Hkl f.l'UVe the flnnnclnl l't'llOI L which \\llH 220 W. ASH ST. nflrmml by the lJCII~\IIl!l, Bmnice 'l'olal RccciJ•l:s ...... $17,8!11.741 1932. Therefore the primary election August 5 will no doubt deter· MASON, MICH. HellOit \\lUi IIJ)JliO\•cd. ExJJcnditua·es 'l'ho fust !tum on the n.KCIHhL WHR the Snlm ll!li of Bd. or Ellucutlan .. $ 203.00 mine who the next sheriff will be. So-GET OUT AND VOTE. PHONE 28:161 uluctinn 'lof two ti'Ustccn. Nominnt1o11a Admllli~ltnt!vu Su!ltliJe:s We\u OI)Oncd for HOme QIIC tn fi)J VILCI\IlCY nnd Expcnt~cs ...... , , .. .. 6.71 lefl hy lht.! zesignnllon of Ann 'VciH!', CcnHIIH ...... ,,, ...... 16.011 7th-And 'Important-MERINDORF WILL NOT BE UNDERSHERIFF Wundn MnJ•l-towKI.l nomlnntcd Do1ot.hy Snhu'H'!-1 of lt!tlchcrH ...... 7 ,43H.04 COI'Win. Hccondcd llY Jlt•len nnl-fC, Ann Snlm lcH or Subt-itltutcH lll7.fi0 Bush notmnnlcd Gull McMiclmel HCC· 'fcnclunf.l' Snppllcs -.That's a promise. This rumor was passed:by.the opposition. Mer· ondud by Do1othy Coawin. A vote Wlll'l lllld cX(lOilHC!\ '""""''' , , '"'"'" 41MO lnkun, twenty-live bullotH wczc cn»t, 21 'I'u1llon EXJlellHc ...... ~,788.HI indorf doesn't want the job, has not asked for the job and would not fot• DoJ•othy Co1 win, folll' rm Gn1l Me .. 'l'exlhool .. H ,,,, ...... '''""' 28.611 Michncl. Dotolhy Cnrwln wnH dcclnred Mut~lc JruttJ•uctlon ...... 444.00 take the job. , elected Lo fill out the rcmnlnlng lwo Olhel' InHlt uctlon E.xtll'tlKe .. .. 6.7r. ycnrH, WnJ.;oH o£ Janllot' ...... 7011.00 NomlnntlOilK wei c nexl opened rot• n li'ucl und UtllltlcH ...... """" 7n2.on H\lcceiUIOJ to Rnl11h Dnldwin. Huhel't JluJ,c 0Peluling SuJIIIlieM nnd nomlnnhHl Gnll Motft~chnel. Dol'nthy E:-qu~nHeH ...... , ... .. 12fi.l4 Cozwln RecondetJ, Gcotp;c Lny tnndc a OLiw1 Ollctntlng ExJmnttu ...... 66.06 tnot1on nominntlonH he clmHHI H.uht•l L Muin\t.mnncc or Gt•ound~:~ ...... 2u.7fi ·~to fluke Hl!condcd, .. A vote Wll» tnkcn nnd Mnintnnnnr.o of Dulldlng ...... 648.60 This advertisement. is placed in the paper without .Sam's knowledge, C1nil McMJchncl WllH decllued t•lccted OLhC!t' .Mnlntunnnce ExJHHlHe .. 18fi,2G unnnlmotl!-l)y fot n lui m or t.htec yenus. lnKul nncc ...... , 1 , '"'"" '17 .20 (the first time he will know about it will be the firat time he reads the PLYMOUTH A diKCUHHion of the fhumccK of the 'ri'IUIIlJJortut!an ...... , ,, • 1,649.77 di»Lricl follawc:d. A yen! H lcllVC or nb .. paper) and is paid J6r by:hia· friends who have no: dtiaire 'for a job nor a Hence WIIH Kt'nntrHl MrH. Eclt1n Momc. It 'rolnl EXI>cndlturc• ...... U7,806.12 VOTERS, DO \'OUR DUTY-VOTE. If you need transporta·. wnn dec!df!d thnt duo to the fnct thn.L Rccoh>tH ... • ...... U 7,83!,74 desire to do business· witli 'the department, but are doing thia because they the dlt~Ltlcl In rclnlnln~-t the Hcvcnth nnd Exncnditurcl'l ...... ,, ...... lt17,800.72 lion to the JlOlls on August 5, we will glatlly 11lek you 1111· at ch{hth R"tndcK, tho chllrlren cntel'ihK feel that Sam's experience and, ability will be beneficial to the people of yo11r home, take yo11 to the JlDIIs ancl you safely to ncbool, ffiiiHL he five yciUS of ngc ut the Dulnnco on hand Juno retllnl time they cntea• Hchool. 110, 1 OG2 ...... , ,. .8 226.02 yo11r home. Clull McMtchnol millie a motion, tho Bnnlt Mhows bnlnnce ...... , ..... ,, 476.02 Ingham county, and that.S~ will operate the office of sheriff efficiently mc(!tln.: ndjoul'n, seconded by Gen1gc 'l'wo Chcckt1 OulHtnndiDit "'"'"' 261.00 Luy, Meeting ndjouJ•ned. · and within his budget. . . JUST l'IIONE 2·8261 FINANCIAL REPORT Dnnlc Dnlnnco July Rocoi11IB :tO, I OG2 , ...... ' 226,02 Cut•t•tmt. 'rux Collection~ ...... $ 2,~HHL01 llOUO'fHY CORWIN, '-----~------~-~---:------1 Vcltnqunnt 'l'nx Collection• .... r.o1.n1 se~retnry 1.

SIX GIIlLS :ARE AT CAMP New Arrivals Women Can Play Important Role · Pr!IIIJY CJippr.t• o£ Mnsoh oml Rhnmn Pnl'!mrcl nnrl mvulyn In Reducing· Accidents af' Home 'l'nwnHonrl of Dnnsvlllo ll!ft Sun· Social 6~enls anJ Personals dny for 11 wcok'H atny· nt Gh·J ...... • I ~~ • Renul Cnmp o' thc•IIIlls, Wamp. II hot pun bcfol'l! fnldng ll nJ'f the len! lalw. Nnney Smith, fioberllt stove, Hlec nml Knron J(nwlstrup, who "Pot Jwlder~ !lr.Rorvr. r~nnHirlr.m· went lo Cump o' tho IIIIIH .Tuly lion for Hnfoty, too," silo nrlds, :.!0, will rernuln through August Have plenty ol' thir'k hnlrh!l'H 2. within convenient rcneh of till! stove, Usc them rlry In avoid a steam hum on till! hanrls. Hound holrlct·s may he safe.r· nnrl more Party Given Monday convenient because they Ill. llw hand and have no cornm'R to To Honor Judy Burt scorch on the stove or· toudt the Mrs, P.ari Burt r.ntertalne£1 !I llnmc. 1'ongs with n firm ;:rasp guests Mnndny afternoon at n are good to usc In lifllng jars, party IHHHII'in;: tim fourth hlrlh· cars of corn, potu toes or anything day annlveJ·snry of her duughlcr, else from ilnL wuler, .Jwly Ann. "Any fubrlc m· paper In llw Paul and Brian Howard of ftc· kitchen should he lwpt fur· nHJS, Judy and Gall Ehrsmann enough from the stove or any anri PntrleJ( Brown of Holt, and henllng unll so that It can't Jg. Connie Wcawr, Wendy Swunln· nile from contact with a hot sur· gt!l', SUS/Ill Cowriry und Putty face or 11 flame," the home a):(enl Lou Burt were the guests. commcnlH, '!'his holds for window Aft£!1' playing games In the curtains, towels or· r:lot ilcs clrylng yard, the guests were served on racits or Jines, and also for hirt ltriay mill! and l1~r! er·cam. gach paper calendm'H on walls, rcdpt! r•hllri was given a JlilJll!l' hat, hnt'll clippings or collectlom; of Jlilper and a basket of candy as a !a· bags. \'01'. "Finally," Mrs. Seiweffcr says, "If you have a gas range, renwm· SISCO HIWNION IIELD her to open the ov£•n door he fot'c '!'he Sisco family •·eunlon was turning on the gas and lighting lwirt at itay/Wl' parlt Sund11y, the oven. Never forget the pan .July :m. I'viPinh£!1'~ ~~umc fl'om Dc­ of llf]uid hollln>; on ;r gns stove. llant·t•, Oillo, Leslie, Mm·~hall and Bolling over r·an easily smother Mason, the flame, and let unburned gas c~capc,u Miss Bonnie f~drnonds visiter! "Many hurns," say tlw spr.dai· Miss Lois Udell and Mr. anrl Mrs. lsts, "result just from careless· Vor ll!l!•lf al t11r. Udell eottuge al ness or· forgetfulness. So it pays Gt'lllld Ilaven SniLll'day, Miss f~d· to review even llw Iamllim· safety monds and 2 ollwt· eollegc rules." fril'nds wel'c Ihere.

frf.sh as , aU outdoors,. •) Wooclhue for a lovely Ii ft, cin enchanting gift

Parium 1. 8. IS. in "Fabergette" t.so· COlogne 2, :1.10 S.

lnu•m•ll' of "Fabergette" purse applicator fill~d wiih perium$,

gift boxed with matching coloflna, 3 .. 54' ihA "'' • The stor·c that bl'iugs you lcadmg cosmetiCs Ware's Drug Store· lUason

Get Ready for Fall Unlined Suits lfl lo 20- l:!Vz to 211Vz Fl'csh Uullt AII·Southcl'll ou~mulu, l"nlllt•, Gabnrdiue, Suit· ing~. ·Ground Beef SAUSAGE .OLEO 59c lb. 49c lb. 2 lbs. for 39c

Velvet .Hats l'i-lb Hag Everyday L9w Prices : $2.98 SUGAR Gcl'hei'S 01' ·Beechnut BABY FOOD • 49c ··3 for 29c .Junior· 2 for 29c Velvet Bags ··$2.98 up Tide Cheer­ Fab Surf Berkshire, 'Goltl' Strlite, · 1\lojud, - Nlll~~:'l Jlose. - lil/15-dark Ill' regalur ~e:4ms l9.c . $1.3_5 OlHlD 7 Days a Wcclc - 8 u.. m. to 9 1'· m. .~~...... ·' ,, \ ~ :.:1 I• ~ ~ T .

J. Adams &. Son Chel'l'ies We are now tnl•lng orclora for MON'rMOnT~NCY Classified Advertising nnrl BLACK SW!GE'1' CimRTUES PitiOei nncl Hwentenecl, ref\rlY for ymtr fl'llllZf!l', BE PREPARFJD for cyclono loss USED EQUIPMmNT · or 1lnmagn, A Lnpeer policy Leslie Food Lockers will rlo It, cover toclny'H hlglwr Inlormtllonni •12 PTO Comhlne · Good Used Phnne Lcsllo fi3ri1. or MaHon iJ!iOL nosls. State Mutual Cyclone Tn· Interrmtlonul oJ5 P'rO Bali!r Machinery at the ______2swtt HOLSTEIN or Shorthorn hull surnnco Co. 27w5 Inlernntlonnl 2 P'l'O Corn Hnr· sr.rvlce nl your farm, Purehrcel Right Price at Price's . IIoistnln hull frrm n!ceml rlnm. R~LER AND BINDER-twine fori vestcn: Montmol'ency AlRo reglslerrrl Shortlwrn hull, snle, Also ducldlngs ami chlel_m1• Oliver Scrnl-nutomntlc Dnlnr wi.lh l!l!iO l~crguson 'l'rnctor. Very good Chml'ies Chm•ges are $:Ui0 wil hln first hnlchlng all sltmmm· anrl cattle Me•tnr I spmy nne! gnrdcn lnscclicldes. I It IH hlg hul llw price Is small conrlitlon, 11-lnch tires ern the eight mlleR, $2 re[1ent trip. Small ren1•, New pnlnt .loll, Pick them yourself nne! hring own Tomlinson Business Center, Gehl Comhlnnlion Field Harvester aclrllt.lnnni d1nrge H fnrlher, Lew· l!Jil8 Forrl Tractor, good cnndl· r!ontnlncrs. I IR Shaw, :182fl lln!frJ rond, phone phone ,12881. Holt, 2Gwtf wllh Motor 11rm, · 478fi Mason. 23wt! ------, Case P'l'O Flelrl linrvester, holit Oliver 70 Tractor, rencly In go, CORN MAimS your farms hest I herul!l Case Hay Bnlcr wilh nuger, Goorl Powers 01·chards feed when turned Into silage. 1, • ·· • My llusbatld Usr. Pmvr.d Dairy Hulls !Tuve enough slorngc enpndty r1nc\ors, 1 to .i Plow Slws, 4 condition, Six miles em;l' of MnRnn on M·:lG Arll rlelally from I New Idea Side Delivery RnlNI tlw h1•st Chal'les Brown ~r nnd sloe!• and g~nln slrl:;~ fo~ Cobey 3-ton Wagon Genrs, $125 Full Line o[ Ferguson I JlhWt~ for u loan is in ll hnnl1. 1'111' ln­ InsPm lmllor .y, ton 9hevrolet pick-up. C, ~1:1 Freeman Wagon Rrwlhone Lansing sale, both In good shape. John Kitson Automatic Feeders paint, overhauled 'motor. · 1940 FORD-Coupe with radio, shift and In ex~eilent condition. 8-75GG. ,, 31wl Wolfe, 610 ]'lelcls road, Route 2, Visit our booth at the fair 1941 Plymouth- 2-do·o·r. heater. and sun visor. A low 1950 Ford Custom Tudor. Osage ------___: Mason, 'phone 20!i2 Dansville. GOBLE'S·RADIO Gullivers Hatche1·y 1941 Olcls 4-door·

. ••,. f•'OHrtliSJ l f',\;';ron CALUJ I ,, Justico Coul't .' ! I Mason Golfers nev, Drtrrlol flrrniWDI'il llllfl 2 Wornen Feted .. ~ ....., ~~ , '·••· ,., .. .-1 ' 14 ...... DIGEKEgPEilS PLAN l:lOOTU . ' srlllii worn In MnHor1 grenllng olrl Gcmlrl Eugene I!nllow1r.Y of Mnruho'r·sof the Tnrrhmn Crnmty' frlnwis 'l'rwsrtn,Y nnrl WerlneHrluy, t~tus1c J\ward Won LanHing wuH tnl ehlldrcn. dent. '!'he Judge u~scHHPil Hollo· fol' lim actiYilleH next Sunday, Tlw eldi·~l plans to enter• college '(In, who is lenvlng Friday to join wuy $50 In !Inc unci eosls nnd put of Port lltll'Oil, 'f'hc! I'OnlcHI WIIH 'I'hlrlccn MltHon wommr al· on a sdwlar;;llip lhis fniL The IJCJ' httslmnd in Panama City, him on probation fm· II moni\JH, In Jlw llotd of i'Oill!HIHillnn, The Is S(heduled tcnrlcrl lire Cenlr·al Mkhlgun, mlnlslc!l' aJHI llw :l l111ys Hpcnl l~lnrldu, Durlnr: that 6 months Holloway ferJcl'lltiOn HponHol'H llll'ne l'llln· 'l'hr·cr! lablcs of bridge were In ~vomenH rllslrlcl me PI nl Han llirr:s I'l'ucsciny nigh 1 nl 1he home nf Mr. IH suppo~Jcd to rlrlvc only on busi­ pcllllve i!VcniH r.aeh ycnr 1111d for ltev, Cllllrics llriHllts will con·' ruesd;ty, Mrs, Nels Ferrllly, Mrs, and Mrs. J\ilon .Jewell, plrtY wll h pr·lzes r:olng to Mr~. ness. enclr superior nwar·d, 11 c·nr·Jillcnlr. dtlt'l Blhh~ sl'irool August 1 · . 'l'om .Jacltson and Mrs. Glen ·• ''' • Orville Woorlnnl, Mr.~. ,Tame~ IH given showlnr: lhal liw IHlrlid· lhmugh August R nl lhr. Locl Communily dull nwrniH'I'~ slates lwforl! comtnr: In Mason. ~ 1c awson, , Beeman jailed Milo Allen for vi- llw hmne of Mrs, C'oridlltt WPII· Mr. 111111 Mrs, Frank Daldn nrc· .James llulcll cnlcr·ed lire 1St. olallon of pmbaliiJn and .Jesse . ~Jcr last 'l'lrur·sday with [) e _ HI Iheir ('()llar:e al I•:alon Hnplrls · ami lhelr famllil'~ will llilve a Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Alston Lawrence hospital Wednest ay l~i".t"lter fiJI' drLlni'ellnc."", S·,r'ur·· 111 111 llrr't• \Ve"i< lite 1111 ' t hu~kel plcnk rllrnwr ill ltnyrwr of Delmll visl!crl her hl'Dlhr.r-ln· for lrcatment. 'day" " night. Both men' arcn.~ - froml comec I y, tl 11'1'II s umI mUSIC' are a ]] .Ill s t ore I Ol\ L1oset w I.10 hers Jll'I!SCnt. 'rnr: ' " ' l Ill g eamp mce .•. purl<, Ma~on, Suruilty, Au~-:u~l :J. law and sislcr, Mr. and Mrs, Ray Mrs. Stanley Marshall will en· Sloclay anrl Llnr(a nnd Betsy· severn! days this wccl< with her 011 Peg~:.:. a mcelin~ and parry 'J'hur~dily Maso~ Gdncr~l hospital Monday ~~~t~ ~~~~r.was put prohallon and different faces. will act a~ hoslcss, l'itr!Siitl~ WI'I'P. caller·s Ill the m. evening, .Jrrly :JI, al llw home of Jmrcnls, 1\lr•. and Mrs. Norman .Tamlcson of Howell. A family rnornrng for· treatmerft. , Cl ,· I·l· ",, , • win Wr\cy home Sunday,· Mrs.: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hohinson al 1 1 picnic was served Sunday In hon­ • • • Deputy Mrlton Lamb of Mcrid- k ( W'll terre •_lgr:elly .lllr Rulh .rnd Dunldc and Mrs, Wiley are sls- s:oo. SCHAHTZERS WED (j, Wil- for damage, VIrginia, speeding, $1'1. , Amherst, ~lilo, w~wre he will .r~an Trefzgcr, Curtis Ohio· serve as sorts enguwcr for the End of Month liamston, Sunday, August 3. Elrod Hell, Jr.. of Detroit is ' ' DcLettw·Cathr.r· <11Hi Co. speeding, $15. ,,, ,, ., Those who atlenclcd Leek school scrvin~ 10 days in jail on a v~r­ 1 "Docs Your Wife Feel That You rJr Mcmor·ial hall, nnd their grancy charge. He appeared be­ Luman Li!gg, Itost'Ommon, Arlene Posl and Okr.y Peterson friend~. arc invited. A potlud1 fnre Judge Adams and wa~ ~en- speeding, $10. Uavc Enough Life Insurance?" dinner will b~ s;rv~d at 1:30. tcnced Friday. of L1111sing were dinner guests of I James Kumfur, Cadillac, speed· Mr. ami Mrs. Elwin Wiley Mon­ • Delmar Holder of Lansing ap- inr:, $fi. day cvnninr:. ',laugh· pearcd before Judge Adams Mon· ~nnctta l~ay Syl~cster, E>onalrl .larrlot, r"alon 11apid~. Mr. anrl Mrs. C. floss IIilliarrl lcr of Mr .•tnc! Mrs. Leo Felton, day and pleaded guilty lo being running slop sign, $3, spent Jasl week at lire Emma r·ame down wrth s.carlet fever drunk. He was fined $11 and Coori collage at Middle i:tlw, FRANK GUERRIERO Monday 111ght. She IS the grand· placed on probation for 30 days. Margaret M. IlerTin~lon, Find· daughter of Mrs. Jim Deuel. . lay, Ohio, speeding, $10. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Smale atul lllll~llll l'hone 23llil Mi·. and Mrs. Claude Upton of Casper Brown .of Stockbr~dg~ Napoleon Newton, Musl;r.gon, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fletcher Standish visited their cousin, was brought bcimc Judge Ad.tms reckless rl•·iving, choke• of J S allcncied Ihe double header in De­ COilll'f.Jo:'I'JI; LU'J1; INSUitAN<;.J<; SmtVUJio: ' Mrs. Wourt Every over the wee!< Monday !or examln_ation on the da~·s in Jail rn· (Jaying l'inc anrl lroit Sunday. encl. ' charge of drunlt clrrvlng, scc?ncl Hurry- Don't Miss These costs o[ $3(ii!IJ. tings. Avoid T-Shirts day, · costly delays, Anyone can bring b11ck' 1 good SELLING - Pictures of customers build gOod . Mr. and Mrs. Max McCarn and picture, ' · will, Perfect for catalog pictures • , , apteill family spent the weel< end at ~HE I<.ENNV lREATME~T mailing, \ ' OI=I=ERS A)LfO VICTIMS BANKS - Spe'ed mortgago loa11 applications. . Only $1.49 Higgins lalord. South Bend, Indiana. REOOVER~RESULTSOF Low-cost, sure-fire picture covortgt, MI's. Lee J, Sanbo1·n and Mrs. ,THE KENNY TREA'TMENT Hurry - _Hurry·- Hurry - Hurry A. Lee Sanborn visited Mrs. 1-!~VE 5tQVN A MARKED Stt this moder11 camera for pleasure o11d bualneu at Lura Miller ln · G1•and Ledge Snt· '- , I ul'day, ~EOUCTION tl CRIPPLING Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Halsey of AFTER-EFFE<:'TS ~ERI.V Lansing. enterlained Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ware, Helen Wiley ASSOCIAlEO Willi THE DISEASe and Harold Ware at , dinner Wcdnesdli.'y evening: Later ln the Ware's Drug StOre ·· evening Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davis' Shoemaker. were callers. Phone 5411 We Deliver r------·--,---~------~ TAnPs, TENTS, stocllillg hngs, INCOME PnOPiiln'l'Y-In M!l• luoltilm County News July 31, 1?52 SheHane cnntecns, mess kits, cnmplng llon, five rooms nnd bath down, Abel Real Estate Want Ads atiPPIIes, army shoes !or farm Two·rnom npnrtment with bath Bottled Gas and gmwrnl llHil, nr·my anrl nuvy nnrl atorago room up, Downstairs A. 0, G1,eenough oxtorcls, wen• aurplt1s of nil sorts can bn used ns two npnrtments, Real Estate WORK WAN'l'ED- Cement Page 2 IJ'ree Delivery Service for nny lise, Open until !1;00 p. m, Extm Jot, Stoltct•, LcRo,v Agency Grocery, !\lent nnd Sorln I~oun· worlt, Hoptlc tanlron Mnson M ln111111ry In Holt. Phonll :m ACR!~S, :1 room house wll h Holt 334!1, 27w·1 nnd cole! watm·, 10 ncrcA nf very nnrl Lnn~lng, Extt·n f:OOII rnml· glnssc!l In fi'Ont JlOI'ch. Fur· GnlneH, i'viiC'hlgnn ------.. - .. F. C. Anderson & !~ISH !)ODIE LATm, now open to _.,_ Household Goods ,::oml pr•ocltwllve sol!, Jrrmled In ern holtsP, :mxtHI hnol'lllPnt nnec, :1 plccn hnlh nnd running Phone• 1tl-F·21 Gnilws Hmlle I Jllthllc, I~nst Holt roncl, tl miles hnt•n, ~lin, :l·enr· gm·nr.:e, oliH•t' WAN'rED-W!II pny rnsh fnl' Sons one of the lwst eommnnlt les In water, On pavement and lnts :JJwl:Jp l!l•l!l Fnrrl Iurlot• nt· fnr1!nt• so· east of Holt to Doble rand, nor! h tnrildlngs, Jor.nJPcl on hlnel!lnp, rnul!!, ll!!nr Dansville. Prll'c Dnn8vllle Phone 236:1 1% miles lo lnlw, Boals, $1.00, Inghnm county, $:1,1100, $1 ,3fi0 !Inn. Must he In cxeellcnt r.ondJ, Wate1· 'H eat61's 'J'erms. ~~~~~~~~--~ 361VU Phone• 87.128 Lnnslng. Cent ml down. Phone Whipp Farm Agen· $:1,200, CUSTOM COMBINING with lion. Nn deniers, P. 0, nnx 207, :HI-gal. mtlo, [(IIH ...... $fl!l.ri0 r·y, '1·1<1U4 Lnnslng or ftoherl Michigan's decpest lniV"· Hlwtf 1 MASON--7 rooms nncl lmth, gns MnssPy Hat'l'ls CIIJ!JWr corn· Leslie, 30wtf :JII-gal. !IUin, gus ...... $fi!J.50 Nf~Ail LESLIF:-R7 1:.·nrm fnrm, USED VACUUM CLEANERS- ----··--- Klrhy, 2·•1n82 Mnson, evenings, 7-morn house partly rnociPm, furnncc, ncnr downtnwn, lr1rgc lllne, 'l'wo wagons furnlshccl. AI· ri2·HIII. lllllo, el!!clrll• . $llll.!i!J IIJl All lclruls, Including Hoovers, lnr'"l! hlp-roof hum, poultry lot, gumgc, worl< shop, Price Inn Pnrlwr, 0:!7 N. Edgur ronrl, WAN'I'J~D-Anythlng nf vnlue to C:alvanlzed filling~ CQ AL Eleclro·lux, Eurelws, Alr·Ways, HOUSE-Modern 7·ronrn house house, ·other hulhllnr.::;. $1•1,000. $7,000, phone 215fH Mason. :nwt p sell nt Dnnsvllln Methodist ·Snll pipe and fillings U[ll'lghts nnd tnnlcs. Pl'lced from Let liS fill yo til' l'oal hln wit II our with new roof nnrl siding, nn· IN MASON-7-room 2-slory home ------­ Booster auction, August 2.1, Ellh· Cfrromr• fltllngH nncl spr.clnlllcs very ~:nod coni. King Mountnln t ural !lflS, 1 ncrr. nf l;rouncl, In· 200 ACnE Dairy Fnrm, "nr. of with 2 baths, 4 !lchrooms, onlt er consignment or gifts ncceJliP.!), on dlsplny $:1.!J!i up. Call Mason 48(11 or Lan· Ring fi·23•12 nsl1 for Crawford or lumps, AHhlo egg-s amf Pol'fl· cnterl C'nrner of US-127 ancl Col· Michl~:an's hest unci modern to llonrs, fumnce, 2-Prn• garng1•, Livestock Phone Dansville 2fi::ll nr Mnson CrunptPir• hath sPts ..... $11l·l.fl0 llfl honlns. Alsn wn~;lwcl srmcl anrl the Jnsl mtntrll', Inclucllng 2 see ut HH N. ,Jefferson, Muson. l!•r.:e rond, hcnullful r.or1wr for a lnrge lot, $!1,~00. Trucking and Buying 2·2ii03. :10w5 3lw2p gmvel, hanl< run unci flllm· dlrl. business of nny ltlnd. Can he lnrge hnrns, 2 silos, hnrn 211 ACRES, goml stx rooms nne! Ron Lewis Da!J·ymple Coal Co. Rcen nny lime. For snle hy own· l'!earwr, llfly clt·yer, nnd ot ill' I' enclosed sun parlor, furnace nave rotll' sloclc trucltell lo the W AN'I'ED '!'0 BUY --13nlc!l hay Plurnhlng ru1d I!Pnllnr. er, llerlmrt Mathias, Rll1 N. Jlog-s: hullclln~:fl. R-room m n de r n nncl hath, nice Jdtclwn home, murlret that rnnlws the mrulwt, nne! straw, plenHo state ldnd of • l'lrrJ!ll! Mnson 2·•1R22 IJrH·I1 rnud. :ilwl house. On hlal'ktop rond, 1115 ncrcs llllnhle, well lll'nlned by I!Xperlenccd truclwrs. hay. An1otmt you hnvc und 1 r.., Al!Py rtt l'Pill' of Mnson Horne Ap· Terms. lund, fi4 acres secdPd, 18 stan· All Animals Insm·ed whether· wire or twine hnled, I pllniH'P EJVERY'l'HlNG In plumbing till· FIVE·IlOOM IHntse, garage unci Nl~AR MASON, 7fl Act'l! Farm, 5· chlon harn, silo, large two· Cull us on any ldnd of Jlvestoclt Trainor Grnln nml Hay Co., 1'. 0. tureN, mu.tcrlnl for plumbing and lot for sale, near .Tolly Corners; story tool shed, second Jloor you wish to ••·ll at home, Box 113, Ullcn, Mlchlgnn. Phnnl! IIAH!t AND :>ON--Tlw faHIPst· - .. ---... --. -- ..._ -·- 8heet metul, Du your own lnstnll· nlso good user] mr, sedan, $80, room hmtse purtly modern. Large hal'll and silo, LcJC'nled adaptable for buttery chlclwn t;;ee ror ;vn~.~r registered Hump· 7:J741~ · 30w4 ' growing plnrnliing, !waling and lng and snve. C. J, Perrin, 113 nun.~ good, nml !iO two lh pullets us on a hlnclP us al SeC e 'l'lg'el'atOJ'S. room house, modern; lnrgo Full haHemenl, Dnt•n, poullrSr ville, brick hom;e, 2 hnrns, Llcen~ed De~:~Jer·s,· Mason IIOUSEimEPl~-R- WAN'ri~D-=:_Rc~ • .. r fl211 South Pronnsylvnnln, Lnn· L 1 1 f "A!J "fl 'William Carl llnrn, silo; plPnty of other bullrl· house nnrl other hulldlngH, $12,· !16x32 with lo1 RL;mchinns ami Phone 207!1:! Mnson liable womun for general eonnt•c • ' I...... , .•. I') lngs. Goml lnml, well fenr·cd, 000 t two hut•ns, fi0x40, chicken coop nwtt hous~lcel!pln~. · Nice home ariel '1<1111' Ring ..rust 1 hlr)['k ~;nulh or .folly Irvllle 38·ACnE FAHM. !1-room 4-hed· DANSVILLE-2·story nnd base·· IVeS ·oc { 111lC nng· · '31Wl Ji'rigldntre, •I ft. "...... $1l•l.ritl 19wl r fi4. . 30w2 l'IJOm hOIISl! In extra good ('On· " ------·-----·------~ l~rigldalrP, •l fl...... $'l•l.!i0 · ------____ . clition. 2·enr gnrngn, 24x:JO ment hrlclt Rtm·c hul11llng on ro Detr·olt Pudclng llou!w · ·imd ,_W_AN_ T"'D c------;· ·-· -,- .. 1 $4 000 · · 1~ - l'Clllin1 eggs unu pou • ...... FURNI'l'UHE--:1 roornH of fu.rn · Nor·gp, 4 fl...... $H!l.fi0 BOA'l'-14 Ct. plywoocl hont for WE HAVE BUYERS for fannR harn, poultry house, !Jrooder ma n corner, · ' · Yards try, Se~ Luwrunr.e Hyull, llOll lure for· sniP, In gnnd eonrlllron, Usecl r~al1g'es sale, very goocl conllltlrm, F. c. I I Need lots o( good Rnleahle list· •Mondays nnd TnesdnyR Hull. otr·eet, mnton Ruptda, phonu I'll! lnl'itullnr.: eurtalns mlll llonr rnv· .\ Anderson and Sons, phone 2:Jn:J helwecn 40 nnd aoo nr·reR. List house and other hulld ngs. 4o· lngs In farms vno city prop· Insureu Servk£i l!lt1ton nnplcla H521. 28wtl 1 erings, Will sell together or sep· Eler.trlc Dansville. ,31 wl your fnrms nnw. Hobert 1\:lrhy, Paled on h ncktop rom,1 sc1 wo 1 er·ty. r- ••. --·-·------.---- -· ·-- • nra IP Iy, WI'II 1 op II on 1o r.enl A 13 Apt, R1 ze, 3·• 1JUrner ...... $In '"·•' "0 . __ ... ______salesman,WI! phone Mason 2·4!182, bus at the door. $1l,fi00, terms. DANSVILLE JNCOME-tl rooms E] · M• & S HIGHEST prices pnld for potu- ll mrsP, 121 I N. C'Pdnr• t·orul, Mn· lloiJlrJiill A]ll .."i''.e, PJ('NJC 'J'ABI E fnt· s"le "lso l JlJl Fnrm Agency. Phone upstairs renllng for· $4:1 a !J 1 ll'e On t1•y. Plcl1 up anytime. Custom· ~ '· ' '' ·" ' "· Lansing 1·11fl4. 30wtr'l NEAn MASON-4-room house, month. Owners' 6-room apart· 6 miles west of Mn•mn on Co· worll IR special. W. H. Appietofl, '' I son, 1% miles south of Iloll on :J-Jnrrner ...... $~!1.fi0 dog house, Grunow telr.dinl, . ______. _ acres o( lnncl. $2,100. Terms. 'IIIII 2 -phone 15380 Mll.6on. 31VU US·I27. :Jlwlp Westinghouse, :i-humer ... $·14.fi0 con~nlc rndio, <'IJild's plnypPn, FARM FOR SALE, ;, acres, 1 ment below, 2 baths, fine, clec· lumbla, 2 miles north on Onon· 4 7 omtlons, neat and clean ready dagu road. ·-· ------· - - Scars, 3·bumer and child's roclcm·, dJIIrl's Ira eli II' nnd room house, all modern: gomJi NEAR MASON-5·t·oorn modern, I for new owners to move In Phone Holt 4ri41tl 25 1'0 50 ACRES or more lnntl See Y OUl' rlcepwell ...... $fi!I.~O lire ladder trailer. Hnrol!l 13nrn· location; 10 ncres iimber, 2:1' ranch-type house, oil heat, 2· wllltouL even n dusting. Price wanted, to put In corn m· wtieat. Universal Rring-e, 3·hurner $•12.~0 hill, 335 E. Elm street, Jllrone . • l I c~r gnragn 3 "CI'n•' of latJrl neal' Phone Lansing 87366 evenings. ncrc. s ts 1111 n 11 e; rest pasture w1 1 1 1 . " , ~. u • "', ' $8,400. But owner.~ want to sell. ------­ Westing;house Consumel'S Power ~~G~l-~:~son. ~ 31w1 sprmg fed creelts, 3'!~ miles easl school. 1erms. ' Any reasonnhle offer will he CUSTOM SA WING. Also slab 4liwlt l)eallel. considered. wood for sale. Frnnlt Ward, • 1:17 W. Ash Phone !1041 GLADIOLI -· :>1.00'' tlPr dozen. PIo[ Mason240"9 onM Duns ville 30road. 1 BEAUTIFULLY landscaped BALED HAY WANTED. Cheap. 101 DO YOU HAVE mIV frosl·frPr. caslons. G. R. Pearsall, 3:J4 East {i-(;us ·E -f·- -- - ·----- I son, eompletely modern home, 6';:,? I have buyers who need on US·127 at Buller's Restaurant. 01 financing on deals requiring Phone Lansing t19291. 42wlf nlngs 87366. 4wtf :-; PI!. fl. Rr>frigemtor Elm street, phone 2~!i2:J Mason. . : ' ' sale~ nearly new, with full basement, oil heat and 1 HOUSE PAIN'P ltvl!lg room, dining room, kllch: acre of lund, shown by appoint· $:i,500, $5,200, $7,500, $10,000. $:J:l!l.!lfi P~ELING?- :mwl c WANTED TO BUY-AIIIdnds Maybe we can help you. Call us ------·-· ------en, bedroom and bnth down, 2 ment only $13,500. Ask me about the financing of or for an Inspection, no charge or GLASS SHOW CASE for sale, ri large bedrooms with plenty of old automobiles nnd truclts, $1 WASTE KING DISPOSAL these properties. Dead or Disabled a 100 Ill. title weight, also wanted $fl!i obligation. Perltlns Hardware, 1 ft. x 2 fl. Also hnhy wallwr and s~omge space .up. Full husement, HAVE GOOD doublc·front store phone Mason 4311. 26wtf play lnhle coml1incd. Western o1l heat, well msulated, excellr.nt CITY PROPERTY scrap Iron and metal. Highest building for sale. This Is well , Stock Iprices paid nt the fnrm. Also old Nr>nrly New 11-fl. Auto, phone 41Gl nrtr!r G p.m. lo~allon. Low monthly payment. NEWLY BUIL'r ultra-modern lensed at $140 a month. This Highest prices pnlcl wire and tin, Cull .James Whit· KEI:VINA'J'Oil 3lw1p Otts Clipper, fi04 Hall Boulevard. home. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, will net 8% now w!tb possibly Pirone Mason 23a7t. 31w1 Service sume duy culled aker, 2104 Dansville or phone We have what you wnnl Michigan Cllmnte Conullloned !urge closets and kltehen with $110 a month more won. Quiclt Phone Collect Dansville 2!152. 5wtf BABY STROLLER for sale. $:i. ------all o( the latest conveniences. MaRon 31-11 or Lunaing 52239 Also exlrn strong nurscry gate. RO ACRES south of Williamston, action required. Stockbl'idge Plumb­ Full basement with recreation WANTED-More chickens, heavy "' · Bottled Gas Both In excellent condition. Mrs. G-room house, large barn, silo, room, garage, Indoor and out· IN DANSVILLE-7-room house, Carl Berg . ing & Heating Doi1 Hadwin, :JG•IR Tollnnrl road, 1 hen house, tool shed, gmnary. not modern, needs well, good fryers· and springers. Will }licit Installations, Conversion:;, Ap· door flreJllacr!s nnd oil heat. All Licensee for Durling & Co. up. W. X. Steadman Poultry •12:-iO Slocl

WANTED TO RENT - Unfur· '""" nlshed house In Mason or vlcln· '"'·, lty. ~~ least 2 beclrooms. 'John C. · · · Business Cervenka, Capital Equipment Co., '1" corner North Grand River nnd Opportunity J?eWitt l'oad, Lansing 6. 31w~p More r luqlti!m County New$ Julv .:it, 1952 3MITII-We \vlr,IJ to mqwesll our ~inc•eJ'e Lhuulut In llrOJil! wl10 CUJ\ULO'J'1'1n 1\It\IUmTS For Rent nhly IIHHIHh•rl nl lilt' lime of Olll' I log-H- -'l'op, $~:1.7fl to :~2-1.51); into lwmuvornenl, In!' tho IH!IIIIIi· rnlxr>d, :~:.l~.nn to :t>'l:J.fitt; I'CIIIghH, PO!t'l'HAI'I'S 'l'IIA'l' l'Ll~ASJ~ ---~-- ~- -- . ---~ ------ful llowc!'H, Splll'lirl thnnin, Mr·. und fllr:;, $12.00 clown. D1·Jvc Whilmnrc 'J,alw. f'l!CJnc 'l'hllrHday; (lolllti'Y any n .. y. We ~ L homo nr• HL nrhu, t.PAH'l'MEN'l'--Mortcrn •I mom Wllllum 1~. B. Smith unci furnli), Call IP -- SIPI'I'H nnrl i!('lff!I'H, :moL ~Whitmom Lalw, Postofflcc flll'll up anrl rtellvrt•, J.esl~~l .l•'nud I' npm·tmenl. No chlltlrr.n, pets, atwl $2•1,()() to $27.011; JJ!IXI'd sii'Prs 111111 Box J2ri. 12wll Lnclwr~, phone Leslie u3b1 OJ' OLD PI JO'I'OGitA Wl ______.... _ Mu:;on 45!11. •1wlf Copied n!ltl roslu1 m.J srnolting ot• drlnldug. 23[)'/ Aurc· liANimJtD-J wlsiJ r could fully lwlfr>rs, $~11.00 to :li2·l,ll0; lu~sl i!eef D'RAMI~B liUil rouci, l:!Wtf C'OIVH, $1!1.(11) Ill $~1.011; <'0111!1111nH, AN'I'I~D-Mcn and Wlllll!'n to _____ PXprcs.~ 111~· gl'allt uric nnrl ap· W In nil tiiZo8 Ill HI ol ytc~ $17,1)1) to $i!l.lll)j l'l!IIPrs ;11111 1'1111• SC!il direct to I:IIHtom<'l', in .YnRervnt Jon department HOYH they mny he tulren in any mannu toud, .~ mile uort h of Howell clct•s, ,lunl1. Williams Brollmrs, 110 1 I certainly apprPI'iale these !tinct exupt b)· IIHe of HJU'.nr with light. l'erHon hunting with fire arm road. Phone 557<1 Muson. 26wlf 23wU deeds. Tile Gall 'l'horiHII'IIH. :llw1 704 Wrst Center ~Lreel, Mnson. "hould ~He ,hollow-pomt ~n.llet to prevent frog front oinldng and A- ppliance Hcpair ------,making It dJfflcult to rctncvc. · tthouc 24261. 20Wlf APAR'!'MEN'I'-Morlcrn, :1 I'OOin, SMI'I'll--We wish lo Pxprcss our WANTED-Waslpngs nml irnn· We ·~pair oil iniLites ot W!l.llh· upstairs apartment for. rent. sinccn~ tllilnlts to tiw doelors lngs, Would ;riso lllw to !'are fot' LESLIE HEATING & PLUMB· Phone 2-6861 Mason, 27wlf anrl nurHes of lite Sparrow an- babies up to 1 year l1y hoLll' or lNG CO. l•'ur·nnt•c.~ nnrl hollers, crs, runge~. cle. ------nex; also Ar·thur .Jewl'll ami Mr. GaJ'rll'll Clnh Mt•<•lirlg· <:Irang<•JI !.lay, Mrs. Ann Harmon, !ill Han- all fuels. Plumbing lnstallatirms, IIPAR'l'MEN'l' - 3 rooms. Fur·- anrl Mrs. Linn of the .Jewel 1 fu- McrniJcr·s of li!e Gardr'n e!Lth uoivh phone Masuu 2<177:l. I equipment ilnrl ,J 0 nishcd or unfurnished, neml homP, Dr. Smith and Hcv. will meet Morulay, llur:ust •I, .rl ~(!'CCI, ~U(lpllcs, pum]J.~. vincent h nson ~ccond Holt News the Town i!all lnstr>acl uJ 'J'up::;. :II wll water hcatcr·s, etc. Elcctrleal no or. Refrigerator, stove, ut llllles Norton fm· 1'11m furling words, ------·------service, wiling and appliance~. aao 1~. H.v•:runorc and hcut furnished. Privute bath Jean Anderson post No. 7:l0fl, rluy, August ;,, he•·ausc• of t IIll , 1 · · l'hone 21281 M11JJon 1 1 I' 1 t t Jll'llnar·.v election, Ivlemher s arc• W IINTbD--Ilay h:~ ling w L11 our Call us for oil bumer scrvwmg. iiJl( en rarwr. 'or appo n men v. I•'. W., llmerimn Legion Aux------~ ,tsi\C'rl In tuitl' fillll'l'l'~ i null, l'ulns. \Vtullrer load. Dry cleaning and . 1 ROOM unfurnished downstairs 1RA'I'l!BUN -God ;done only Lawrence hosp1tul in Lansing roses and mixed nowers cleco- launiiry culled for anrl rlellver·crt. J6wtf Sltarpcncd MnRun D1·y Cleanci'S and Self·~erv-~------~ apartmcnt for rent. Close to Jtnows how mud1 we thank all after IJcing confined Jol' 3 weeks rated tire table. nette.slmwnls of A lirie J\l'id I•:IimirmiiiJ', nr11l Wyl'tll. Suitable for coUjJlc. IIar-1 our frll'nds anrl neighbors for all following surgery, cupcakes clecomterl pin!< and hi Lie a lllood 11111! ~IJ"f'llt.;lh llulltll'r', Ice Lnunctry, 247 S ..Jefferson, Mn· SPitAYJNG .SJ·:JlVICE! l•'nr· all Sickle Grinding 1 11on. Phone D101 Mal::111. 2wtf 1\'e<'rls, vrncs, httnhwl1s, willows, old Nc•al, 564 South Jad S H 1£GGS, Allerntlons ------port, small roclwr, $1. home Tuesday afternoon. Tile eventng the home. o! Mrs.. Ted scwln~· In Memort·am ·~t IIIII' tl'l'llllllt•nl 111' Silll' Hht'lllllll· POUUI'RY, CREAM. We nl· M C I. 1' 1 223 E t · . Bauer. Grfls wer·e rlrspluyt•d rn a ways wunl IIIOI'e, Ptcly 11.ts. JC • ' mrnr; 11 ure ~or'1 wcelt from your rlrJOJ', Just phone MRS. FLOYD W ARFLE Glcnn Casey · ______.... - .. ______-- • was usl'd as the cenLerpr!'l'C on trouhlt• sillt'l', 2u7l DansvJIIc. Paul llcllglen. Auclioncet· · CHAPIN In loving mem_ing. ~lwl~· prac·tien 'J'u.c:;rl:r~ Mason. Mr·s. Dr cit Dart ,mlf 1\lrh. , f d J D :, ~un. 23wtf . -" mates furnace rcpairin~ 'lll!l .tp.ulmcnt for rent, elcdrrclty molhel· who passed away July C.VC!llng ,(( x.oo p. m. Ji'JI(id~ Duane Dune ;~~SJste~_Mt·s. 13:.tLter.ll re . Olbec ~~·w.cs. We have our _o~vn ma- ~hect ·~~eta! work. Call GIIO· 1 and water furnished. Adults only~ 301 1936. You arc gone, rlf•ar /night Bihlc cias;~ will m<•et at tlw J un llunr.,., I!; 11nrl Saturdays tor anrl stove. nearly new; very c~ollcclion of Mason city taxes. ------COMPLETE PLUMBING I a.m. __ !J. m. WANTI-:D-100 junlt cars and old SERVICE 8 6 pleasant location. Available Au­ Doris Austin, city Lrca~urer. gust 14. Alton L. Jewett, 1319 S. h·on. Will pay top price. /lure- INDUS'l'RIIIL AND COM· New - ti~crl Pumps 24wlf Jcffcr.son, phone 22233 Mason, ------Jlus Attlo Salvage, 2 rnilr.s south I M!mCIIIL HF:ATING Sump Pumps - Basemeul of Aurelius Center, call l1:3a EAVE;STROUGIIING, new and Drainers 31wtf --·· ------·---·------Aurelius .Monday thmugh Fri- repair 1 Precast con<.:rete septic tanks. 1 HOUSE for rent, 6 rooms, with Bids Wanted clf!.Y· Jamc::; Kelley, Route 1, On-1 We also have excellent Used l>'ur-1 Aullrori~cd r:cnnox Dealer garage,' chicken coop, runninll undaga. 22wtf naecs, Stokers and Blowers. Come in and the new ------.. , ~ec water, In Ilic~ fur driving own well orated, modern, strictly private, ______gas furnace. Reasonable rent, $55 2 Mason before August 2. Signed 'l -·------Sons / school bmml. Merle S'N:t't John ·a month,' One young child per­ wANT8D - School girls for Dansville Balmer, Belva Church; all have A'l'I'JEN'I'ION-1n addition to all missablc, 315 S. Rogers, corner ., fountain work. Must be l!i% or Phone 2363 Mason phones. 30w2 l. The mercury soared ,basis. Must have sto~k. help and job or by the hour. Sec Williarq US·127, phone .Mason 25271. urnrs ICC,, Jll'iVa e at 1 and cn- rgood tools. Write complete infor- Whllcraft, located .r% miles north 25wtf trance. Phone Mason 2-6821. to 91 Sunday and temperatures mat inn to Mr. Wilson, 7516 Hcu- of Williamston at l!JOO Eply road, ------a1w1 were in the 8fl's'every clay except ------Tuesday. However, in the eve- ,~r·, Dearbo:n. _ _ ___ 3~w41 flo~lc 2, Williamston. !Jw1pli Bert's Garage · ning the mercury dropped sharp- WAI'l'RESS WANTED at Haley's W H General Repairing ly. The low for the week, • 42, L t d was recorded Thm·s::lay morning. •• Log Cnbin, 30•1 South Cedar, I e aul and OS an Foun d 'Mason. Apply in person. 31w1 WASHEIJ STONE ------Avcmge temperature for the .._ __ -- -·--- - · ----- WASHED SAND ~1-hout• Wrccltcr Service LOST-Beagle male, blacJ<, white 'week was 70 compared with a I'hollO oJ.-1261 or ~072 , and tan, answers. to "Cobbm•." li9·dcgrce reading at the same WAN'l'ED-Carpcnter work, rc- BANK-RUN GRAVEL Holl ' modeling, and repair, cabinet BLACK DIRT Strayed near Diamond and How· lime last ycnr·. · 'work, cupboards made Lo meas- FILL DIRT l-2wtf ell roads. Rcwar·d. Lee J. Jahnke, Prcclpitntion for the week wa~ :urc, piece wori1 rn· by the hour. LIMESTONE CHIPS ------·~----- phone 2·8820 Muson, 2!lw2 .19 of which .18 fell Monday. •Lathe worl>. Phone 1151 Leslie. CALL LESLIE 2641 and asl< for DOGS-Report own or· str•ay dogs 'l'empcrnlurcs for the week as Cull evenings. Eci(ard. 3lw4 Williams Bl·others Warner's 1-'im Control Service to Clay Hulett, county dog war­ recorded at the Ma~on sewage ------·------den, MnRnn phone 2·6BSJJ, nr to disposal plant were as follows: General 'l't•ucldng for everything in fire control DO YOU WAN'!' to sell your farm cq ulpmen t. We specialize in tlic sheriff office 0661. . 31 wtf Min. Max. ' ·or suburban home? Call Geot·gc 70•1 W. Center Street, Mason ,July 24 ...... 5•1 81 famo'us Red Comet fire control FOUND-Studcbalter hub cap in IIIII, 83534 or 854l!i Lan~ing. East Phone 24261 .July 25 ...... '.54 81i systems which give 24-hour per my ym·cJ, Mrs. Ira Rose, 734 'Lansing Realty Co., Realtors. ltlwtf July 26 ...... 70 88 · 29w4 day protection· for a llfctlme scrv- West Columbia, !!hone Mason ice. Fire sur·veys arc free and we 2·1941. · 3lwl July 27 ...... 55 !l1 ,. Fa1·m Bureau install without extra cost. July 28 ...... 70 88 lOwt.f July 29 ...... 16 77 .BEFORE FIRE STRUCK, this was a green and gr·owing Mutual Insurance Co. July 30 ..... :...... 52 82 )'Busin'ess .Services July 31 ...... !12 f~rest. It was a place for pleasure 'Yhet:e people pic. . ' Auto-l~arrn Liability Covcmge Have You Seen It? At Cost Non-Assessable Cards of Thanks nicked, hiked and hunted. It was also :t,Place fol' wot·k DLOCf{ LAYING aM cement FARM BUREAU Everyone is talkr"r1g a'·ottl it Mason Markets .. wor•lt of any type done to your ' ' u . satisfaction, 30 years experience Life Insurance Co. The NEW Rev Satin, the latex SPINf(-We wish to thank our Wheat ...... $2.0·1 where menm~de their livings hat·vesti~tg and gl'owiug ldnd friends, neighbors and Oats ...... 71 Jn this work. Also water proofing is taking the countr·y Leon J. Fellows ~;ir~~o;~t business associates for· their Rye ...... 1.81 of basements. Prices very reason- G D 1 1 tt·ees fot• lumber, plywood and paper. Each ycat· Jible. We appreciate your patron· encra1 Agent • r es 11 twenty min1.1tes thoughtful sympathy and beaut!· Navy beans, cwt...... 7.40 ful floral oiTer•lngs during our re­ forest fires, lnost of themmalt·caused, destroy enough age, S. J. Marshall, 'first house for Ingll!lm C·'Untyv '' .. No painty o!.lor when you paint cent bereavement. Mrs. Lois ;north of store at Eden, phone P h one 21132 • curedCompletely washable when Spink, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas The U. S. Department of Agri­ wood to build .86, thousand homes. You cau.hclp halt "Mason 5681. lOwtf Mason • Unbellevabty rugged Splnlc and Linda, 3lw1p culture has planned a healthful 7 that loss by always being cat·eful with fi1·c iu.thc woods. ·LOUIS AND JIM FIXIT SHOP-I · wtf • Easy to apply, do it yourself FERRIS-We wish to thank our low income diet which includes · We repair and glue all BULL D 0 ZINC - Excavating, ~ TI'Ue economy, a bat•galn if kind friends and neighbors for only 39 pounds of ment 'annually furnltur·e .or. make basements dug, ditch digging, there ever· was one their thoughtful sympathy and per person. wood you like. ·All stone piles burled, trenches dug I'll Tell You Where It Is- beautl~ul floral offerings during gu.pra.ntf!ed, Also 'would like for footings, sewers, water pipe, at 1our recent bereavement. Special A North. Carolina factory gives free· clothes to some . 400 people bpxes. ·~hone and draln~ge fields for septic ZI'lnlnel'Inatl'S Ithanks, t~ Rev. ,Carl· Briggs, and I'·. or night._ · tanlts. Lnylln Jewett, Mason, · the pallbearers. Mr. · and . ·Mrs. In the United States, on condition 17wt1 '26153 Mason, llwtt 2-1301 Mason Russell Smith '&lnd ;Joyce, · they report how the clothing Ph~ne ~!lone al.wl stands up under wear, I itlthnugh lw hnd i1er.n· ~~llglhlc for Services. Are Held rnt lmmcnt fol' Hf!W!I'ill yunm, Julv 31, I~Sl Mr. Clurl1 Willi horn In MnHnn Section 2· flnrl npnnt hiH early Yl!ai'H Jwrc, lHE INGHAM CQU.NTY NEWS For George Clark tin hHJ,:Illl IJJH HJ!p!'!!lllh!eHIJip IIH il !J'.. ': ...... , Gt'lll'J,:P o, Clnrll, 101, tnnn,Y Jll'lnlcJ' In Mi!Hnn, laloJ' wnrldng In LitnHing hr.for;o going to Dl!lrnlt, I tiHH, sunday, ,July 27, Mrs, rns· Childs Dl'strl'ct yours il f'llllliiiJHIIOI' 1111 llin Hlnff HI~ wns n ~on o1 WIIIIHtn unrl Blood Type Tags coe Is I he fm•mm· Mnry Holt. of flu! DPII'oil l•'rf'n flr'PHH, rlh!rl MrH, Kaln M11mh Clm·J1, Ilc I~ Mr. and Mrs. Gorrlon •ropping , 1\ll'll, I,oono cf~thnlllon lrml f•'rhluy nl his h11rnn In High· Hlll'VlVI~rl hy llw wlrlnw, Dcllu, Are Being Saved nnnouncc the hlrth of a rlnughlcr, IHIIIJ i'arJ1, lie hurl· iJOI!Il Hid< 2 FUIU!JIIIi nei'Vii!CH· for Mr, Clal'll .Judy Ann, at I~oote hospital, Mr~, Ardith Ahpott entertained. Wl'f'l were hclrl In !IIghlanrl Pari< Mon· Snmr. MaHnn reshloniH who hari .Jacl1son, .July 23, at a Stanley pnrty 'rllllrHdny eve· .i>'rl'e fll'f!HH Olliy :J montlu; hdore: duy, lhe]l• hloorl typed. IIJU]ct• the elvll Mrs, nobcrt Glover anrl daugh· nlng, 'l'hore wero 1:1 present nnd tcr, Barbara Ann, Hpcnt Jnst n lund1 wns served. ~~~;;~~~~~lj;;;;;======ill clcfenncnot rocelvert [lrngr·um lhelr 11 yearIdentification'· ago have wcel~ with her· siHier a uri family, M1·. and MrH, Wnller Bl(,lgs ot. ll tags, 'l'hnse mlHHing tagH may he MrH. A. B. Gonncr· of ClnriiH Jalw. Detroit WCI'C recent visitor~ of' In lho Hlalc CD office, reported Tlw Robeson nnrl AHillllOI'Il •lncl< lllllc:hct• of Mason. lie is families held lhclr reunion at his hrothm··ln·lnw nnrl sister, Mr· • rllrector of clvil defense at Ma· nus~ell parll, Le~Jie, sunday with nnrl Mrs. Enl'l ,Johnston. SOil, 33 presel]t. Pvt. l~loyrl Mndcrt has returned In case;; where people mover! Mr.. and Mrs. Clifton Hollis, lo ArlumsuH ufler being home on. nnrl left lneorrcct arlrlrcHHes, said Donald anrl Barham left for t hr. H I ~-rlny Jtll'iou~h. Mrs. Mmlert · Beldw•·, the lng;; have been sent Upper· Peninsula Sunrlny for a and daughter plnn to .Join him. to I he ~;tate of!lee, There are week, Horm. some other lags there due to mix· Leslie, Michigan Phone 4572 UJlH, he adrlcrl. . Mr. anrl M1·s. Flnyrl lllnclliry, fir.v, anrl Mrs, Donald LIIUil·. M•·s. Irma .Tnhnso11 anrl Hon, nlein will hold revlvnl meeting!>· "PcrHons who took the lesls Bruce, anrl Ml'H, l~mma Brlswin· for· a wrcl1 In the basement of: nnrl have not. rc~eivcrl their tugs 11"riday-Salurday AIJGUS'r l-2 ger· aro laking a trip In the Up· the new Chllrls Corner church· may 1!1111 inc at 2·G8!H Mason," Mechanization hasn:t come all the way to the farm oper·ated by Ingham per Peninsula. . Hlarllng Sunrlay evening. salrl Bntchcr, "or they ma,v Henri Down on their ncldrcss to me nlong with a c.ou~!·Y· ?'he~·e's still wor~' ~ot· the. man wi1h the hoc. In this pictltl'c r------.....J------· stampi!rl envelope and I will fur·· the Farm Sheuff WJIIaHl P. Bamcs ts mspcctmg the county's c!'op or beans. I·Ic's ward the lag." t M Hecond fi'Dm the left. At the left using a WPA :;;tancc is S. A. Laxton, Q OSOn fot·eman of fm·m ope rat ions. Grown at the far·m for· jail consumption arc 4 acres of beans, fi,OOO head of cabbage, 5 acres of potatoes anrl u lot of tomatoes, sweet. col'll, cuct~mbers and carrots. Jail inmates assigned ,to the farm rlt·aw no pay. They do Early Gr.aduate get ext.t·a lood and a tobacco allowance. Thf' county provides ovct·alls. The men volunteer• for the farm assignment. Those who work at the fat•m say they would mt.het· be out in the Suu.-JJfon.- 'Tues. a nays AUGll8'f :1-<1-5 Dies in.·· .Lansing . open than trying to while away their time be:1ind the hal's. (Photo by Babs.) · 'l'hat "CIII~i\l'EI~ BY 'l'IHG I>OZIGN" I~a'Jnily Mrs. nose C. Wnnrlcl, 8:3, riled in :urothm· hil:U'inus 1:onwdy! nt a Lansing hoHpltal Sunday. Billy l.larhct• is visiting his grandparents at WHicrloo. She was a gmduatc of Mn~on high schoill with tlw ·clnsH o[ Kay Carty of Waterloo spent 1RH7. Before her marriage to last Wcrlncsday anrl Thursday William Wandel ~he was Hose with her gmndparents, Mr. ancl Beanlslcy. SIJO\Vf'J' liunm·.~ Ilfidr!·l•:lm:l. Mrs. Alva Beeman, For :30 years Mrs. Wandel ltad I lonorln,:: MisH Dorothy M:te· .Tay Asqull II anrl Cliff Buelclcy lived in Lansing, going there Frank R. Hopkins kinder, a bride of next Saturday, nre fishing in northern Mlehige:m 1\fartin and with burial in Maple Grove come· nel', Traverse City; one Hon, Mer· Jerry J.ewis in "Hollywood at Play" · tery. lin Hopkins of .Jackson, one sis· Luella visited their eouslns, Nellie ... ter, Mrs. Will Marshall of Stock· Fmnk and VIola Brace, at Howell bridge; 10 granrlchil!lren and 6 Roepcke Reunion Sunday. Wednesday - Thursday AUGUS'l' 6-7 .. ~:rea t·grandchildrcn. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Milner nnrl Headlines Mrs. Nuoffer, 45, FuncJ•ai Herviccs were l!Cid al Mnry Ellen nre spending 2 wcclO JtC~;"llbll'ly $13.!)5 limn J. and Tillie Haynes Grn· Rites Held for Ar·bor, .Tnclc ~onclay eve· WJtxlug· n1ul slmmpuulng. Reg· Brotherhood Temple Mel.horlist Speciall Jlcnvy llul.y Jlnd, covet• a.nd ning. llhtl'ly $2.40. church officiating. Burin! will be Iron t•cst - ltegul!l.l'ly $~.19 1\lrs. I.tllli'R Uai

JUST CALL 4-11 Clubs For~. State Legislature •,: ~ ' .. . Clll'istensen Ford Sales ...... 9611 Uusy Cuolis '!'he Busy Cooks held their 'fi(th ·' Les l~ootc ~ash Sales ...... 2~3691 meeting ·July 25 at the home of. I the leader, Mrs. Gien Watkins. llilton-Uicluu·ds UuiCI' ...... 2-6141 They tallnrtment of the Nash Motors Corporation In Kenosha August 1. He graduated from Mason high school In 1922 :and worked at . the· Reo Motors In ' · Nominate This. Outstanding .. RepLibliCat.a; Lansing Ulltll Jariuary, 1951, ._..... ___ -:'"-~------'. whe.n he joln~d .Ute Nash firm. . ... ~I . 1\lrtJ, A, L, Tonlmr oflllecl lanJ South LeRoy Mr. nnrl M1·n, Elwin Mr.C1•eer~·. ent. 'l'iloAP pnrtlrlpntlnr. worr Mrs, - Tin~· TTnrlley W•tl\l'llorl 1l1'0l1 vlnlir.rl Mr. nncl Mt'A, Wn~•nn wr•olt We!htCJHday on Ml'8, L. T~. MI'S, Lnwmnr.o SJiln·ldn was c!n• Knlhl1Hm J3nttl, CnJ'fJI Gmf, Mnry Get'!' 8Uilflny, Grovenburg News Wlnegn1· In Dlmrmclnle. Sho 1\ll•tJ, 1\fm·ton ntr,o homn from L!!Hile hnHplinl Sun· lms hoH\f!SR, Shent hnhn, I Inion Kcm1hn•, unci berm s'erlousl;v slelt, cluy, Hhe lH lmprnvlng oluwty. MrH, IIOI'VIIl'tl North Mrs, Atlcl! Monroe hnrl tho M1•, rrnil , MrA, Ltlrlell G,hone,v Cnl'lll 1-Inglws, 'l'lw Vnth·nn llhrnt·,v IH mkro. Loren Crmnrton, brother of and l'ltylll~ wot·o Sunrtny r.vr.nlng M1•, nml Mrs. ,Jnmos Cnmpholl July huslrwss mr!r!tln~ of tlw Jllming •i~,I)IJI) nlilllliHC'I'ipiH it !JilH M1•, nn•l MrH, Glllwrt Zo1·Jc Mr. nnrl Mrs. l•'rnnl\ 'l'nylol' m1· c:ror·gtl Connrton who has hcen guesl£ of Mr. 1111d Mrs, J{ennet h of Howell Pnllc!rl on Mr. nnrl MI'H, or In Mluhlgun for sevoral wcelts, Vnntown W, S. C. S, at her horne nr•f•umulrrt••d In IIH GOO ,1'1!/II'H o[ J{nlumu~no W!!l'r! wc•c•l< ••nrl giWHIH tortlillwrl SIIIJrln.Y flfitn·uoou nt fl BnlrHnrh•H. 'l'l1osn family h1:rll Just wecl< and plans Mr, nnrl Mrs. Frnnlt Mllbnln'n of Jnclonrl, Glnrlwln mun- paugh, an nunt oJ LnnHing, was vltllt lng friends and relatives In sl'!tnol, 11:15. Mlr:hlgun, 1:nme Moncluy tn the ty, , ' n!Ho 11 gurosl. 'l'lw f.\'l'lll/Jl 111\Jn· Mrs, Mnry Mende nf White Onlt nov. Cnrfnn Folt1. nnd Elll!n .M l M I' I "t I I lwl'f!rl lf!, !tome or .rnmes Hurt nnd Mr, unci cnllerl on MrH, -Ernmn Morgnn t. nm rs. • rer '" I'D If! Mrs. Ralph Hurt. Monday nfternoon, nrc! at camp this wet!lt. Mrs. Fnlt1. c•nilcd Sundny aftemonn rm c'IJllH· Mr. nnrl Mrs. Willlnm llifohror nml :ron nrc vlslllng her pa1·on!H, Nominate Ins, Mr~. l~mmn Clnrl< nnrl Mrs. nnd l'nmlly nnrl Mr. and Mrs. 'l'he Good Neighbor clnss All· Mr11. Stanley Hfsch rmlcrtnlncd her grandson 'l'uesdny. · Mr. and Mrs. Edwnrd Allis of Martha Wnrfle in Stnrlns nf nrd and fnmlly nt il'illl!•d lite l~mmn Fink In Stoclthrldge, Sheriff Gmndvlllc vlsllr!d 111 till! home of Bouts l'f!llllinn :.:;nnri;tl' nflf'l'nfH>tl 'l'lntrsrlny. hls hmthel', M. ,f. !{ens, rr•r•f'n!ly. nt 'llw horne• ot' 1\lt:. nnrl Mrs. Wheatfield Center H.cv. nml Mrs. Elwood Wnllmr Chm·tes Fmnl1' Ingham '?'!unty Sherlfl''s D•~11t. A lil'dnnl.\' l'I~Hidt•nt. nl' lnl-(h:ull c:nunty. I havn ~1'1'\'1'11 ~llc supper on the churdt lawn. ~c:u'st :l, Tlw Grange wnmJH;mtion lll'l.wc!llll L:msinl-( :11111 !\Ia· llurlw o[ Detmlt and Mr. and nigh! ul tile Causle llr!lrl. Follow­ Baf:.pears a~ove~ We'll help. you get bluepriniS. cost estimates. called on Mr. and 'Mrs. Warren Junior Chamber of Commerce voted'him· iitle· of "One ofthe ten · Galloway Monday afternoon. . both legs· in enemy land mine explosion while leadiJ'!9 mid• outstanding . young men In 'United States.'l Other awards: Shirley Galloway attended the night attack In Germany, "Veteran of Year," "Civic Service pf Year," county road commisslol) employ· ... Thorburn. •Lumber-&~ . Coal Co. ees picnic with Mr. and Mrs. Law· U. S. CONGRESSMAN was ofllce to ~hich he was· ,208 .N. Mason Street Phono 2·7131 renee Jones nnd family and Fred * TRADITION In 'lchlgan Is. that Republicans s~nd t~ the North Friday. . elected-·by friends and neighbors of Michigan's 11th District, ~ Senate onl.y men who will measure: up to highest standards of shortly after return home. They have sent him hack to Con•, .. · state1manshlp. Potter has already proved himself In the Mich• . To remove Ice cream 1.stains . gress ·each eleci!on since,. now are conducllng his gmpalgn lgan tradition, exemplifying the b~sl·ln brilliant, matu.re young from washable rayon fabrics just for U. S1 Senate,· sharing him with Michigan, : .. ' men In Government. .. :rlliili' ·o• · ·· .. · sponge with cold water and wash in wru:m suds, For non.washable '. . ,•.. . rayons, sponge with a good clean· · •. I POTTER -FOR SENATOR 'COMMI1TEE: ·e '":!··,······· ing lluld, let dry and then sponge CHEBOYGAN· DETROIT • --LEWJS-BERRY.J; Chairman.' . . . ' wltll cold water, . . . . ·~· ·-··--· .' ,~. . •. ' .tr ... , I 'I I i Ingham County News July 31, 1 1)~1 Legal Notices


Prosecuting Attorney County Clerk lith H1sh ICt U. S. Representative Ingham County Sheriff Register of Deeds


JU~N.JJ\IIIJN r. CJ\ItlUJ\N J\NN ROlliNSON Auu Ituluusmt hns hPcll a Lilli· smg l4'std4'111 211 ~· .. urs. Sht• Is ll humt• Oll'lll'J' 111111 Vt•lt'lllll's \\ill· mv. ~he gradtmlt•d f1 om Klug J.tmsmg- llusuu•ss Unh ersit~ llllll lheu Ldw.u d high s1•hool In '1'monlo lm mm· employt•e ul luglunn huluum 'l't'l h 111 I ml and !tii4•Jidt•d 'l'muuto Unh t'J slty, !OIIIIIY 1011d C!llllllllssiull, He IS Wuynt•. Ill' hus I4'SHicd 111 Lun Sh4• lms I son, Js n membm· of IIIli\' t•mt•loyed nl Oldsmobih•. He ~mg 1111 I ycut s. 114' a111l Jus Will• 1hi' l'u•shyh•J um l'hllt ch 111111 ha~ 1:0 1111 nchve V. F. W. mcmbc1. hl't'll aeltvt• 111 the Hcmucratic hull• d buy:s nnd tL gut. ptuly lot 111 yem s. The Democratic Party of Ingham County Offers a Capable Group of Candidates for the Primary. Know Your Candidates. Vote in the Primary August 5.

-1st Dist. 1 State Rep.- 2nd Dist. Coroner Drain Commissioner


GJ;ORGE I. J~CKl\IAN Gcm·ge ICckmnn Is a nut lvc AltCllm A. l'J~ltltY of l\Uchlglln, guuhmtecl fl om At chh• 1'1'11 y ul t end e d ,John I.elghton grudnule1l Wolve1lne high school und lit Gule 8m1ulge gJtulunled S'l'ANI.I~Y IC, ltiiOJ\U:o; Owosso high stluml. lie is em· from S1iult Sic lU1wie high lendml Michigan College of 1om lonln lngh school nnd Stnnh•y Rhouds gJ'lldlltltcd 1lloycd nt Fisher Body In Ltlll• ~chool, Jlltemlecl l\llchlgnn l\llnlng. He Is n construction Jllio Notlhern Unl\ct ~ur. 111• 11om loma high school und ut· sing und Is " member of J.o. Shltc collc•ge tuul studied luw enghteeJ•, self·CIIlJlloyed, uc s u \'elemn of \Vm hl \VIII' II lt•Juled college at Fort Wnytw cui 602 UAW·CIO. lie is nlso ll nmle1· Judge Cntt•, lie 1!'1 mtu · tlve In Democt•ntle JlllJ'ty fm Is n chh 0111 utm·. lie bus und is emJtloyed at Abrams JIIL.~t tnesldent of the Fishel' riccl n1ul bus been aa 1esldent number of ye!lt'S, ](e Is u been " 1eshlent o! Lansing 11 Instrument CorJI. in LunslnA. l~mtJioyee Credit Union. Jle Is member or J.eslle l\lethodhd ~CRill, is DIIU I led IIJJd IL ml'lll· of Ingham count~· Nlnce 1921. Jle hus been n resident of I.nn· " member of ·the Eagle lodge chm·cll atul Is Interested In In· )Cl' of the l\lalsonlc lodgt•, VF\V sing for 3 ymu s. lie Is n regu. lind hus been uctlve In the lie hus been active In the bm· lll'oblems and lndusta·Jul nul l\U. lloiiC 1\lethodist hu• member of the South JSU(I· Democl'lltie (Jill'ty. safety. Juu·ch. list clmrch tnul UA \V·AFL. IPnr,til gown of monR grr.m nnl COUPLTTI WTW :lATtJnDA\~ ,. lift•, nnrl Mt'.9, nny Lott, l\11'. nncl II llllci II Couple Speaks With ,l/ll•kr•t, l'lll'l'IPri Mr~. Mnrvln J,.oll' nnil M1•, nnrl cnlonlnl c:nsc•adu IHntq II PI, Mr!IVIIl T, Pnl'lwr nnrl Cnrlonn ITnwl\lnH Hpollt' llwir vow~ nt tlJCJ Mrs. l•'rt>rl Br·ownflt>ltl hntl n pic•· Vows Saturday Miss .TnrlPI Lal~l'llllll)[JIHe nf DP· lwnw uf .TIJstir'o nf lho I'eurn Hoy niP rll11rwr• S1111riny nt lho lrornll SociaL £vents and Personals tmll w11s ~mlnlst nnrl l·~rhnunrl .T, W, ,AdnrnH Snltlr'riny, Mt•, 1111rl of Mr. nnrl Mm. ,runlur Brown· Monnlll' ~or'VI'd ns hesl 1111111, Jir•lrl, ~~ . ., Ill Mr•s, C~r·r·ll Hawi Is IIH• rlnughlc!r of I!VI'·. illng- vows Snltu·day c!vening al .~l11g a l rihllll'l' \Vr!drwsday VPr·non .1. Jlrowrr niii'IHlnrl IIICl Mrs. Koilh chnso n Jnvenrlor munlly nrc aslwd lo ntlencl, A llr!, Snlurdny evening In honor nl' Mr. anrl Mrs ..r. K Morwltc of nlng. i'lliiiii,V 'J'I'f'lllillri'I'S IISHill'llltion of the home of tlw bride's Jllll't!niH, gown wilh while necessories for pollud< dinner will he served nl the hlrlhrlny nnnlvet·sar·y nf lwi· Cnssu[Julls, Mr. GrPnn, n UIIIVr!l'· Bride-Elect Given Mt•. nnrl Mrs. Holwrl Arnold Mic-higan nli'Piing ut ~nginaw 'Mr. ntH! Mrs. fllenn Keith of Ma· lwr daughter's werlrllng, Mrs, ,Jor­ I o'clod<. Those! ;Htcmdlng nre' lo husband. Mr. unrl MrH. Chnt•les slly of Michigan grnrlunlr•, Is llw son. 11nrl family of Dl'llt'horn and Mr. l~rlrlny. gensen wore a jJUslr!l hlue fmck tnlw Iailie servlco, sandwiches, Lny of Leslie!, Mr. nnd Mr·s. Don son of Mr. nnrl Mrs. Erlwnnl Miscellaneous Gifts nnrl Mrs. WniiPr' Mnll'hlm· nnrl Mrs. Wnllnr•p BniiPy, Mar!:nrr•t . Mr ..TorgPnsen Is lire son of Mr. wllh while neeessorles. Bollt hevemge and a rllsh of food lo Vnnrl!!rVrmn, .Jr., Mr. and MrH. Green, Sr., ol' Dell'llil. fmnlly retur·ned home! Sti!Hiay anrl Mary, anrl 1\!rs. G. L. llulll'y unci Mrs. lrvlnr~ ,lorgr•nsc•n of rnollwrs wore r·or·snges rnnrle up !IUHH, Hlchnrrl Brown, Mr. nnd Mr·s, 'l'he nowlywerts will reslrle In At Shower Thursday nigh I aft I'!' HJWIHIIng :.! IVPPInly-lwo l'Pinllvr.s nnrl dose ville. Mrs, Charles Brown nnd Gloria party Sallll'rlny evening honor•lnr: ,, ,Jean, Dnnny and Tommy. Mrs. Earl Alderman, Sr. J~ar·l 'J'OUHISTS PLAN PICNIC 1'1 :~ Ill Alderman, Sr., Mr. nnd Mrs, Hay­ 'l'lte nnmrnl Michigan picnic for· Mrs. Berl hn Barr nnd Mrs. Mary mond Aldermnn, Douglas Alder­ Birthday Party Florida wlnler tourl~ts will he Illt'nk visiter! Mrs. Lela Strall and mnn, Denny Alderman and Mr. hold al MeCunly pari< In Corunna son of Leslie Sunday. In the nfl· 11nd Mrs. Maurice Bloomqulsl Given Thursday SaiLI!'dny, Augusl 2. There will ernoon Mrs. Burr cnlled on Mrs. were the guests. Rr.froshmenls of See a Demonstration and You'll Say· he a conppr·nllve dinner al 1:00 Pl11rkl< !Ianl, 'l'hnsc Jll'!'o!'nt wen! Mary Harl<· Mrs. Enoch Beebe allenrlcrl Ill· Mr. nnd M_r~. Felix Moslms)\Y of the home of Mr. and Mrs. May- ness, .Janil'e 1Lamplwt'l!, Maureen nerul servil'es for her· cousin, Lansing vrslled lhe Barrs. nard Hill ncar Wllliamslon. Mr. Stmil, Phyllis llasP!by, Dana ~·rr a11rl lv!t·s Earl Conswell Hill is lhe Sundny editor of the Nalhan Wri•7 hl, at Charlolle· " · · "' " · Hnlhllum, .lane Everill, Carol Monday afler~oon, and Mrs. Erina Beach allem~d L11nsing- State Journal. Shnghark Rnwlnnd and Linda Lang. Mr. ami Mrs. Harry Swarlhout mmp mee l.rng n t I nr l"mn Ia e is rhe former country horne of 1'1 (1 1!1 and dnughter of Petoslwy visiled •S LIIH Iay. the late .Juslice Hownrrl Wiest. Mr. nnrl Mrs. Harley B. Anlt· !Jis pnrenls, Mr. and Mrs. William Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McLean Mrs. Ida Irish of Clare visited t;Jey, Sr., their rlaughler, M11ry El· Swnrlhoul Monday morning. 11nt1 family lefl Saturday for a several days last week with Mt·. lr.n l'nrdee o[ DansviiiP, and Mr. Mrs .. George Beaumont spent week's vm·nlion nl llteir eoltnge and Mrs. Grover Akers. Mr. 11nrl11 and Mrs, Harley 13. Anlmey, .Tr., lnsl weel< nt Fisher Jal

\ r------.---·_,____ 1 Church Heius Team Methodist Choir Will ·Present ··Holt News Vantowu .. MrH, J,, P, Wlllltuns Mrs. Brnllst Uurlow - Phono :JH32 Thr! · W. S. c. S, · will mont nt Concert to Open County Fair tho Vunlriwn ilnll 'l'hlii'Hclny, All•. Mr. nnrl Mr•s, George Nixon nnrl 2 fnmi!Jep, vncnllonr.rl nl. · Lnlcc gus! 7. Tlw veHpcr• eltnil' of t11e Mn· Lansing l•,erlerntlnn of MtlHII'inns, .Ttrdy sprml the woel1 vacntlonlng Gl'ru·go, son Mrlllwr.il81 dlllreh will pn!· lricnl No. 30:1, and thn Amerimn at Duelc lnlw, Tlrn lntc!r'mPrlintP, ,Junior nnrl MuRun I'r~HhYIIll'inn, Patil L. WllllnnJHfon CJonf.m• 1\lrlf hociiHf, sc•nl lim lhirrl fllllllllll "Mtlsil!ttle I•'Nicn·ation of Musicians. 'i'hc Lclanrl Smiths nre s)Jonrl· yolllhs nf tho Vnntown r.hurch nt · Arnolrl, minislt:r, Runrlny, 10 a, Hnrrwr! ,JnmnR, pnslor. Worship Arrmrlrmna" In fronl of the Jng· Stunmertime is u moro ltrlensi· Mr, nnd Mrs, Tcrl Tlnucr mHl ing Hrnnr. lime Indlnn Mnnl· Will meel nt tho Htnrc J?rlfJny evo; m., Union HPrvir•e in lhe Methor]. Hmviee, fl::JO n. m,; chur"c!h Rl'iwol, hnm Cfllii\IY fair grandstunrl Sun· flc!d period nf rehearsnls t hun children hnvc moved lo 21<15 Cnn· stlque in 1he UJ!Jlr.l' I'llninsuln. ning nt 7::Jo fm• n rnllm· slmlinrr 10::10 n. m, lnr till't!t!t, tlw fornWI' horne or IRI ehurch, with Tir•v, Arnnld riuy rwenlng, August 10, nt R: 1:1. UHunl, nrllwr tltnn n lel·r.lown, Ill!· party, uncle~!' llw HllfWI'VIsiun nC sprml ltl'lri in tiw Mllim•, Jlllstor•, Church ~rhnol 10 liw enunly frrlt·. r~rtch StiiHlny nt (he <'IHII'eh serv· 'l'cxns. of. Cindnnnti, Ohio, for n \Vt~elt. Lc!lllc~ I~PIIows nttrmdmllhe Liller· Ml'lllorllsl l'illll'f'h snn1'111ary, due 11. m.; worship sm·vice, 11 n. m. Jim Lewis nf LanHing will lw ir'P nnrl from time to time l'OII· During I he pnsl WCQk Mr. nnrl tv Hulton duh at lhe home of to llw lmprie l~ot'lmnn In Dnnsvlllc saJwtuni'Y of tlw Presbyterian pcarerl wllh the choir· nl the nn· out of town. the pnHI week f'amplng nenr Mrs. nichard need CJll!!rtninerl Wrclnrsclny, ,:, ef!llt'elt, 1\lr•H, llonulcl I.nunsit~lu Tmvcrsn Clly, her mother, Mrs. Mnry MeDalllel, Aur11lh1H Crmfllr llllllfiRf, Rev, nuul cnncerl last yenr and was '!'he collt'el't is free to tltc puh· Mrs. Lila Clemlmts spent Frio ll!ll'l'Utur· frll' the "Song o[ Christ· nnd her• sisler·, Mrs. 11iehanl Gi lhm'l. Mile~, pastor. WcJrshlp Rev. Donnlr.l Lmmstein will be lie. .Jnnc SlevcnR was n visitor at rlny with Mrs. K A. DenHmore ot Mill•?illf1 Communify, Cnrfon tile evangelist for the mcellngs mus" lasl Deccmher. .Tone:-; anri dnughter, Lindrt of ~£>rvlec is nt 11 :ilO a, m., with lite home or Mr. nncl Mrs. H. L. l, dturch school preceding ni. In:.'!O, to h•! held al the Childs Col'll>'l' This yr!ar's prngrnm will fPn· Vnn Lulw In Augustn the past Cl1•nwnts' ilirtltdny nrrnlvcrsnry,, lO:I!i; sl'rrnonlopJco, "Whnt Youth church August :J lo 10, Ills wire, lum favorites of all agl!s unci will week. Mr. ·nnrl Mr~. A. L. Catnllnr. en· A linen shower wns held ni the Bellew:;," Chtll'eh school, II :110. Nm·fh Am·l~linR flllm·r!h, ncv, 13clva, will riruw grrsrwl r•hall< lneludr! .roe 13. Dr!an singing- the Lutheran Pastor Mt•, nnd Mrs. Fred Thomas nnd lcrtalm!rl MI'S, E. A, Clnso or pletures featuring hirwl. Ym11ig Peoples J~el· 'flw Mason Luilwrnn churc I1, Nancy LaMcc of Mlrllnnrl vis· GIWUP A'l"l'l•)NllS 1\ll•~l•,"riNfl· .John Knrpenslci Is siclt in thll 1npic, "Wiwt Youllt Bellr!ves," lowHhiJl Suniluy evuning nt G:~5. ground mLIHic for the picturr!H, Hepuhllc" whidt wns included in plano spr!dals anrl vocal solos. the other 2 eoncert s. meeting in lite Legion Memorial !Jed the .Jay ParlthurRt iamily ~ Ten young people anrl nr.v, St. Lnwrcnl'e hospllnl. Chtrr·cir sehool, '10:00. wilh nn evangelistic set•vire uf. lwll, wilnessml iiH fii'SI haptlsmnl last week, naymonrl Norton, nltrndcrl ilw Mrs. Hoy Tutltill Is recovering '1'1tr. mer!lings will he lwlrl in Due In I he proiiuclion prohiems H:OO p. m, Wednesday cvcmlng at scJ•vlcc .Tuly 27. . Mr. nncl Mrs. Wnltcr Knowles Eaton Rnpids Cnrnp Meeting lnst fmm an opemtion at lhc St, 8:00 is the mlrl·weck prayer the new chur·elr at' 8:00 each CVI!· invoivnrl, L. Derwood Cnl'll, rnu· Vrmlnwn Commtmify, Cnrfon The Rev. Waller 1\:or.pplln ad· and son, Didc, nrc spending :J Sunday'•rrfJm•norm and evening. Josepl1 iWHflltnl, Ann Arhor, ,, Pnllz, paslor. Chtii'Ph sr!hool, HCI'Vir:e, nlng. slr!al rlircclor of rmlio stalinn W.IIM nnrl W.TJM-TV in Lrrnslng, min!Hicrerl the sacrament of bnp· weeks In nncl '!'hey heard a t•oncct•t by !he !"lint M M ](]: l!i; worship SPI'vlr•P, 11 :1!i; votions I~ririny 7 p. m.; Rundny lism lo David Wllliam Fink, 8· Ohio. · Citadel hanrl, anrl ol~rr special 1'· nnrl m. Roy Hr.nsc 11 ct will riirf'ct liln concert. Mrs. earn 1 Rl'l'molt topir!, "Wiml Ynul it Be· Willlumsfon Wclslrwun Mtlfhotl· I II f m tlst'e atlrl SJll!nldrlg. •r11o.sc ·,,vho Ollf rlaughll~r of. DetJ'olt llj!Ctl,~ 11 mass, !ln. m. _I_ wee <·or son o Mr. anr I Mrs. Wil · Cpl. nncl Mrs ..John Richnnlson ,. 1 1 It! II 1 1 0 ''l JiPVCH, isf, Howlr!y, C. g, Miller, pastor. is lhc regular riireelor nnrl or· atlc~lll.lecl \VCI'e I .ee J>et·ilill.S, Bar· .,a urr ay w 1 l s ll'nl WI', I'V mnslcrrl hndr. Morning srr·vir•r•, HJ::m ir•e IIJ::JIJ a. m. and 8 p. m. Young u. m.; worship sc1·vke 11 a .. m. JH'ovirlerl lty n I!i·piece nrdwsll'fl. 't'ltc musicians al'l! nppenring M1·. and Mrs. Arthur Ncshli'. !he RoshcrR visited in Howell ni nold, Dan Norton, Lois Hall, .Jan· nla Is visiting Iter sisler, Mrs. A: a, 111. Cnmhilwd worship nnrl People's serviN!, 7::11l 'p. m.; unci 7::Jo p. m ..Junior nnrl ~eniot' ct Bullen nnd Barham· Norton. P. Rldmnls. dltrrf'lt sdtrml. Srmnon, "God's prnycr sc!rvieC' 'l'hursrlay, 8 p, m. gmups G:ao p .. m. 'l'lmrsriay, litrmtglt the eooperalion of 'fill! Sponsors for Dnvlrl were his ·the horne of' Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. . 'l'lw ·H·l eluh meeting wns iwl'ij Main l'lanl1 in His Prli'IV Pint· uncle and aunt, Mr. nncl Mrs. Gehringer. school picnic has been l'ancelled Lawrcncn Fink. of MaHon, anrl Susan Louise, 0 monthR olrl, nr· A I mvciing rnmwum Intended Ill tIll! 11ol111! of Mary nmi Cnrl frH'm," 7: l!i p. m., .voulli ~rotrps; Willinmslon Sf.. J{utlwrirw's OnnrulagJL Cummunlfy, Tiev, E. until a !ld M1•ihmlist, Rev. C. suhjecl of lin• firs! sr.rmon will of Owosso, servl!rl ns sponHor for Mrs . .Jack Shaffer 1111cl Rnncly, trnl'l'k jams in Lima, Peru, when I C:mce Gutekunst of Chlt•ngo fll'f­ a. m.; ch ureh school 11 :00 n. m.; 11:00 n. -~· E. Polloi<, paslnr. Morning wor· lwr young hrolllet· nne! sisler. Mr. nmi Mt·s. Walter Griffin II was riispinyr.rl llwrr. nl the Na· visiting at lite !Iurinw Sly home he•, "A 'l'tm Dr1ys 'l'riai of a Fam· evening song 1 p, m, ship ivlth communion !1::10 n. m.; nus Bearcly Tr·eatmenl." The Cas· Olumtos Conmrunlty, Davie] During August Lutheran serv· visited Mr. nnrl Mrs. George Ken- tinnnl Lihrnry a frw yr•m·s ago. this wcel1. ~.. Sunclay sehnnl lO::lO 11. m., George ices will he held on liw Hccond yon in Detroit over the week end. .1. sirly Lake boys will sing-, under Wllliumsfon WPsl~>yan lU~flulll· Slnuley Evans, pa:;tor. Worsh!p Van 'Demar)(, superintcnrlrnt; the learler·ship of Rev, Forest serViC'e, 1tl:OO; churdJ sdtool, and fourlh Sundnys only, begin· Mrs. Tiicharrl Barlow nnrl lsf, Brlr!k, C. K Millet•, JlnSior. Prayer mreting Thut·srlay, R:OO ning at ll:OO a. m. ,daughter arrived In New York Cool1, lheir director. H:OO p, m., Wor.-;hip Herviee, ·10 a. m.; class 1l:O!i; Youth Fellowship, fi::JO; p. m., studying 2nd chapter of Ingham County News July 31. 1952 Page ~· Thursdny, hour of· power, evening service, 7:30, from Frnnldorl, Germnny, by me eli ng ll a. m.; c:h urch srhrml, ,John. Youlh Fellowship snmc plane recently and were mel hy 11:1S n. m. !tour, Tiichrml Bnwne, leader, '. Willinmst on Clu·isflnn Sr.irlllr!e l\f11:~on Clllll'l~h of' U111 Nrrzm·r~rw, the parenls of her hushaml, Mr. Rev. Hugh Pulnam, pnstor. Sun· and Mrs. Tinymond Barlow of Snr.i~·ty, Frey Building. Worship Willilunsfon J,uf.lrrrrm, .John Youth Group Has servJc'r! '11 11. m.; c:ltill'r•h school, day school' nt 'iO:IlO · o'eloclc; Holt. lise Barlow will remnln in Wr•stenclorf, pastor, J 022 West Pink Community Holt 1o wait for 1hc return of Frey n~sirlerwe J ·1 a. m. Mill-week Grand Wver. Church school, !J::io church at 11:00 o'r~lock. N. Y. P. sPrvice ewry !Irs! and thirtl S. nt 11:4S p. m. Evangelislic serv· Fern 'rhomml Special Service Cpl. Barlow from his slalion in a. m.; worship service 10:30 a.m. JOHN )" lee at 7:30 p, m. Wednesday ovc· Humburg, Germany. The cor· MARTIN : Wednesday H p, m. Midwecl1 lenlen service every The service al the Mason B~p· ,, ning prayer sc!r·viel! at 7::Jil p. m. Mr. nnrl Mrs. Charles Denl nnrl tist church last Sundny evening poral ex peels to be sin! ioned in .. Wcrln!!sday night al 8 p. m. Alabama after he has spent his Republican- for U.S. Wllliumslon Si'vr•nlh Duy Atl· with choir pract icc following. Gricg anrl Mr. and Mrs. W. E. was conrluclcd by a gospel l!!am '·' vt•nli.~l., l Hifl S! ill man road, R. K Dent' nnd 'Larry spent Sum!11y in consisting of J:J young people leave ~t home. He has spenl over ii · Kt·lek, )mslor. Sal.urrlay, chml'h Wllllumsfon GoSillll Uall, 4021 St .. ,Jnmc~s :mssion, Tiev. Msgr. Vicksburg. from the .Judson ·Memorial B~p· 2 years In nn honor guard unH in sdwol 1:20 p. m.; worship ~erv· Buri1ley rourl. Brealling of brearl, Charles Keating, pastor. Mass The 11nnunl Pinlc Community list church in Lansing. Germany. SENA.TOR .ice, 2:<1S p, m.; Adventist hmu·, · 10 a. m.; church school, 11:30 a. will be said nl the chapel nt the cltih picnic will he held Sunday The youth group presented an Mrs. Kenneth Connor was lVI An aggresslwe, fearless Oghttr . .\ "JIM·v. 1 p. m .•.s unr1 ay, m.;. gospel service, 8:00 p. m. cornet· of South Jefferson and Je:stmly. Prayer mccling Mr. and Mrs. Jim Holland of North Onondaga '.' Thursday evening al 8:00. Fr11nklin, Kcntucl

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First lllllltist. chm•ch, Mason, Rev. Loyd G. C~raway, pastor; Mrs. L. G. Caraway, organist. 11):00 a. m., Morning worship with communion service and scr· mon: ll:J5 a. m., Swulny school; 6:30 p. m., .Junior and senior youth groups; .7:30 p, m. Evening service. · ' ' . ~ Snn Visors (imtsitle) Rn bhcr· Floor l'atls Fh•st Congregullonal, Leslie, Exluahsf; EXf{liiSIOII!! ( t•etl, blue untl J:'I'Ctlll) Rev. Samuel B. Wenger, pns- God is ••• to b1l had in reverence of all-them that. are tor. Mrs. Hartley 'fromnn, SU· b 1 · (P 1 89 7 ) R ad p 1 89 Gltu·e Shutlm1 Gaasnlirm Filfer·s,... pcrlntendent of the Sunday a ott t um.. sa m : • e sa m :1-9 or John 9:31-38. nrwlf·IIJI J.nmps 'l'issne Dis1wnsm·s school. Church school, lO:OO n. One day a little girl was watching her mother prepare m.; morning worship, 11:00 a. b_iscuits. When they were in the pan, the mother dipped two m. Sunday, August· 3, is the fmgers in some melted butter and touched each biscuit gently. eighth Sunday after Trinity and The little girl then asked her mother, "Are you blessing each is especially adapted for youth. biscuit?" · Sermon subject: "Let's Keel> Our Few attitudes in life are more desirable than reverence. Ideals." Among other things, reverence means that one honors the I~tlen Unifetl ur·efhren, Rev. E. Fathel', ~~el·;<, · . : · · ,. · · · I believe in Clu;ist; so I t·everence Him • ...:.. ]3enjamin t •• ~ ' ~,:.:;;;.;;:.;;;.;...-.....,,_._._...-..._...... __,..._-.-~..;.,;;,...;.;;...... ;;...... ,;...;...._11''~;...... ;...... ;...... ;.:,;.,;,.;...;;.;,.-;.~· ·Eitelgeorge (Coloradb) ·, -·, ' ··• · . ,______.______...... ,· ..~· il' ----IJI!I!IIIllll!l._ ...... 1 ,· •• 1 • ••••• :, • ~ ,. • ... t' • ': •• .I,' to You in Top C:onditi~.. liuJiuuu Couutv News · July 31, 1952 PiiUC 6 I --~------t·o Give You Top Valuer '/11 Thi.r Comer' nthor BOVngo struggle tlJnt. llror,o Special Feature! over 11 motion to nriJ plaining the IHHIICS to the volem, those In 11n m·ld site have penc: b~autiful Hcenet·y, moc~ern lighting facilities, pluH many year~ When the legal [JetitlruJH wct·e tratlng routs systems. ol outdoor show experience by Klcin'H nti.I·act ions, t:o weld to­ gethei' a spectacle sttch as the "Rhythm Revue of J 9;)2." Combining outstanding novelty acts with this musical extt·~vaganza makes ti:is sparkling [JI'esentation, a joyous musical fantas~ that Will long be remembered by the audi­ ences of the mght gmndstund llhow at the Ingham County Oil Fair August 11 through Hi. Savings nnrl is !Jelnf.( Huppnrtt!d in lG dlf· Teacher Attends fcrent states liliH summer. For College Workshop Health-Authorities You

Save Up to 3c Per Gallon with Flame-Master L. P. Oil Burner

J,ow JII'CSSUJ'C UJIUWS ,YUll fu IIS!l IWILVh!l' IIJH.[ h!SS l!XJICJmiVe oliN, 'l'hesc oils hnve mm·c henL unUs Jler gnl., thus ym& get mnrll hent for less money. Average Installed Price $380 Donnell Radiant Heating 4:Hl Wllluughhy Itmul Unit Phone 44061 Sunbeam $_18.90 Special lronrite Ironers \'ou ~-?;et $l4'.!Jifsli~bJ~rn·;double automatic Iromlltasller Reg. $279.95 plus $13;95 Ior·bealtlr chair Mid $U.!J5 all-metal automatic-action ironing boa1·d All for Only $~49.95 Only $18.90 Save $6.00 Gas Ranges Tappan 40 inch Electric Ranges l,rojtlllle and natural gas ranges witb visulite oven, was COOLERATOR Of Appliance Bargains $:H9.95 . · PnHH button 7 hmtt burners, with raiscable decttwell Offers Gllod 1hrough August 2 coutwa· and b:uutuet size oven. Now $199.95 Only $329.95 Tappan 40-inch Freezer Values Refrigerator Values PrQJilLniJ ILnd natural gas range with visulito O\'en, Less t.r1ule in. You tell us what your ohl range is worth. trimmed in gold. · · · ' , Aluminum liner with tubing bmzetl to· it i'or fastm·, Crosley - Kelvinator - Norge economical freezing. Ucmovable sntmratoi·s with lift-out Comtllctc 20-lb Installation lrJ•ec NORGE food baslwts, :i.utomatic warning light and inbwior lights, CJU~CJ\ OUit 'l'RADE-IN ALLOWANCES lid cotintcr-bahtnced and U!l,justable 7 ways for l'ert'ect ON TliESE ImFmGJmATOUS Only $229.95 l-wuy mitomuth:, with divided to11, 7 heat burners with seal. lias fast-freeze compat·tment with frost free seal miseable dcetJWoll cool,er and visulitc oven. Was $329.95 zone. EXTRA SPECIAL OFFER Save $35.00 I Only $274.50 Fry-Rite French Fryer Magic Chef 36-inch Range and your old range H cu. rt., neg. $315 Now $279 .II Divilled to11 witb visulitc oven, ligbt and timer, was GIVBN Wl'l'll JWJmY $209.95 CIWSLBY J>AD-lOil mwmGJmA'l'OU Automatic Defrost Now $179.95 15 cu. ft., Ucg. $379.95 NOW $31 S• 00 ' R. C. A. TELEVISION NOHGil: 3fi-INCJI UANGE 1953 Models - I .. arge scl'Cen, equi{IIICil for automatic Now Only $99.88 · a·ecord changer. Adattt:tblc to U. 11. I<'. and color. 15 cu. ft., Ueg. $•169.95 NOW $3 79 • 9 5 .Speed Queen Washers

As Low As $199.95 2:.: cu. n., 'l'he nig nuy. At Nationally Advertised Prices American .Kitchens Now $481.88 l-54" double dmin hoard sinl< I 2-21" btu.e cabinets with choice of color on tollS These freezers nrc delivered auil installed at these tn•ices ·Less $25 2-21" x 30" wall cabinets · . ' ~ 2-What not shelves Bendix Washers-Dryers We Also Have Upright Freezers For Your Old Washe/ \ Famous Tmufile Action Makes Complete 8-ft. Kitchen Gyrorilatic Washers PHILGAS Headquarters All For Only - $299.95 FREE FREE FREE AMERICAN 54-in. STAND,ARD SINK Wus $299.95 - - The nll·IIIIl'IIOSc fuel, the ouiy bottled gas service offering self service as wull liS llllliverell service!. IT COSTS OUR Single bowl, double drain board. Automatic Controls Go With AVERAGE CUSTOMim fie lL lilLY to do all her cooking :Now $249.95 . . . witlt"SELF SEIWICE PIIILGAS." llow docs that com­ Only $89.95 Every 9rder Placed For llltre with your t•r.,scn~ cooldng fuel? 'l'his is not just a . stmtmcr S[lllcial. This saves you money fur many years, AMERICAN 42-in. DELUXE SINK. the· year around. · Bendix Dr;yers Right-hand drain board; single bowl. Wtts $139~95. Great· Duo Therm Oil Space Heater· ly reduced to . · . . · .. ltegularly $289.95 · Only $99.95 · Pu~ Your Reliance In· .Electric. Automati~ We~shers .WATER .. HEATERS . · Ag!tato.r ·ty1;e, was :$229.95 50-gallmi si~~- witlt d~uble units for' ~itb~r ()oiisumel'!i or Detroit Edlsolt lines. · · ·. • '· · · · ·· · · · ''· . . • . ' · Ma,son Hom,e Appliance . . ' . .·.Now .. $18·9~95·· ·:· . . :·· •' ·<·· . <;. : ...... : :.}':':J.20:: ·· · :a. J~ Cady- Gl·~·~ 'Jacob~. Phone .2-5911 :·. :·$11··.. ' ' '·1• -~--·.so·. . >... , ../._:~~· :· .. ·...

. I ·,< Erma Pol!oclt, M1',9, fiiJ!Ir.rl Forr.· tll'lll' fol' tho srhool tr!l'l11 P.llillng Dist. No. 3 mnn and Mnry C!o]Jt!man ttH gUI!StS, Paul Gibbs Is .Junu :ifl, l!Jr\:1, fiK tho orflr!nrs of Wheatfield IIIH Ht!hool hoarrl arr• oll!t!lt!cl 1111· Mrs, Ella King Is ~lpcncllng IIH.! Webberville · J.lllllm llor·nmtm wcf!!\ wllll hm• hrollwr·ln·lnw nncl Ml'fl. ~yrl Graham - l'hmw IUI-F·~~ School Treasurer Jill fill,\' fnnn llu• ~i I l'll~lnt•~. Mr. nnrl MrH, Hnlwrl Fommun siHter·, Mr, nnd MrH, LewiH Bnl'l· lett nf Mnmm, Paul Cllhlls \VIIS 1!\nr•tc!cl II'C'IlS· 11' 'YOII lwvn ll •'1111 Ill' imttln und rlnu~Jlllnrli wnm sunclny rlln· l', N. G, Club liiiH 1\lrwllng lll'l!r of till' WilllnmKinn r•om· 111111 is hard Iii i'ir!llll, put altoul 11(!)' gLWHIH of Mr, 111111 MrH, liiii'· Mt•. nne! MI'H. Tlohert Foremnn 'l'lw Pnsl Nohlo Grunrll'\uh mr.l olrl Glynn nnrl fmnlly., nnri rlnughlt!l'H were r:llltlll'rlay Elsa Jeffrey Goes mtlnlly scl1oois to fill tho vnr·nn· II lnh\PH(IIIIlll of Shill 01' lilly ul the honw of ML'H, Gem·gt! Vogl ey t!aitst!ri hy the resii(nntlon of slrJIII'fi In wlll1 11 111111! !;oap pow· Mr. nnd MrH, Mel'lr. sw1111 al· nigh! cnllerH of Ml'. n1lrl MI'H. of DHIJHVIllt! lnsl Wl!drwsclny, Mrs, r~vemll L. Whllt!, wilo huH HCH'VI!ti rlr!l' 111111 warm WIIIOI', shnl~e• H l't:mclecl the ]Jienic! fi'rlcluy tor .Ji)hll Bret!Jmrer• nnrl fnmlly of To Interlochen Dnle Cllll]J[IC!II !ll!led us m·IHmless, IIH! rllsll'lnl in lhnl enp;wlly for well nnrl ~'IIIII' t'llll ol' ltolll:! will county l!mployt!!!H nl lilt! eounly Lansing, Illic to give! lhe limn lhnt till~ 'l'estlng Hllrl I'OilSIIIIII usr 111 hrani.!rnnlwr:s Wt!ek hrHI wecl\ at ville nnrl Mrs. Dnnnl ParltR or Webberville high school banrt llw lly home Suturrlny. Mrs. Busch posltlllll requlrPs, 111111 tlutt ill' Mldlign11 Stnlt• r·IJ!Irw· housPimlrl tlw' Mlchlgnn Slnle c·nlleg 11 , W111lamK!nn nlltmrlr.rl I hr. show- past :J years, wus nnmerl the win· hus heen clolng the c:oollinJ:(ullhc WDU!rl nnl wnnt lo !II! riP.fidPnl In l'ljllf(llllf'lll fllfllll'llilll'fi'H 1111\'f! Mr•, nne! Mr'H, Ollvc!l' F.nglm· nnrl hnnl nl Lowr.ll. Rill urclny c!venlng. ner o[ the sehalm·shlp given hy camp. Wllile IIH!I'e, tlmlr· ·~on, ills rhlly. (JI'OVI'li /]1111 pfHSI(t• Vlll'llfSfli'S llllli rlnughll!l's of Lnnslng wem S1111· Mrs. Don Patrkk anrl Mrs. llw Band Boosters of IIH! Well· Crulg, !ell from a teelt!J' hoard (llbbH hils fil'l'\'i'rf liS ii'IISIPI! Oil SiH'fll f!IIVI'I'illgH Will jll'lllilll'l' I'IIHy 1lay nfli!t'noon nnrl evening callr>l'R Roher! Foremnn will entertain hervllle high school. unci broke his ann in 2 plncm;, llw Hl'hool iloHI'rl for sPVPl'ltl ill·ill!l'jl Slll'fiil'f'S thai 1'1'(11'1 Ill/lily of Mr. nnrl Mrs. Mer·lc! Swan. llw Community Aiel at Mr·Cor· 'l'hc scholarship, given nt the .Jerry Quinlan Is spending his yetii'S, anrl will SC!l'Vl! aH 11'1!1\H· slnlns "'' lu•ul dlsl'lliol'llllons. Mt•s, ,June Slwrwoorl will en· mlcl\ pal'il in Williamston 'J'hurs· closing oJ' school In May, entitle~ furlough with his grnndpnrcnts tm·tnln· tllf! Soull1west Whealflelcl clay August 7. her to 2 weelts of elnrlnel In· In Willlumston and his mother, exlr.nslnn group August. 20 at her Sunday dinner guests of Mr. slructlon nl Interlochen muslt! Mrs, Husscll Briggs of Wchber· Ingham County News July 31, 1952 P11ge 2 home. and Mrs. ClnrcrH'c Burgess ami r~ampr ville. IIe will rellu·n to North Miss Magclnllne Rqu!l·r.R cntr.r· family were Mt·. ancl Mrs. Ray Cnrollna August 4. Mrs . .Jeffrey and Mrs. Rolnncl tnlnerl theW. S.C. S. last 'l'hm•s. 'Aleshire of 01W'110S a'ncl Mrs. In Paramount's "Aaron Slick From Punkin Cl'ick," Alan Graham Iooft her lo Inlr.rloehen MI'H, Helen Waid is assisting al clay. ·Twenty women wem pres- !•'lorn l(oohlcr of Floricla. Afler· Young and Dinah Shore star respectively as a country boy Monday morning; I he !JHnlt while Mr. unci Mrs. ,Jolin en!, with Mrs. Wlrl Warner, Miss noon mllers we1·e Mr. and Mrs. willl big city ideas and his hm'd-to-get honey. The technicolo1· Mur·shall are Vll~allonlng In Call· Clarence Aleshire of Lansing, comedy musical, plays Sunday and Monday al. the Fox fomia. Miss .Joyce Lawrence of .Jack· Theatt·e. It is based on the record-breaking play of' the same Mt', anrl Mrs. Hulfleld anrl fam· EXTRA GOOD son wns n Snlurday night gur.sl name. Death Claims lly spent Sundny in Det roll. of Mr. anrl Mrs. Frank CllUI'C'h ------­ Mrs, Don Rict• anrl Mrs. Lewis and Dnrwln Church. Bemhan returned to Richard Bown and Lynn Dean al· club arc setting up road bloclts I-Iaskl11 and Wayland I-Iasldll; ancl DeKall!, Indiana, Sunday after this weel1 In hopes of capturing Sure We Firemen tended camp meeting Sunday ~~ a daughter, Mrs. Marian Van· spending a few days with her Eaton Rapids. more turlles fot· the derby. The Arden, all of Webberville. parents, Mr. anrl Mrs. Isaac derby is a flrst·tlmer this year. Put Out the Fire; Mr. nnd Mrs. Ronnie Church Besides the widow and the chll· Powell, and ol her relatives. anti Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferrier Molmmetl Kanoo, naiive mer· dren he is survived by fi grand· ehant fmm Bahrein Island in I he children. ton is visiting her daughter, Mrs. hut. would It. JlUt ynu out. n. of Dansville spent Saturday eve· Charles Parlthurst and family, ning on a wiener roast at the Persian Gulf, visited Mason Sat· Funeral services were con· this week. IIILIWiully? Jle(.t;!J'. Sl!l! !He· park near Dansville. urday afternoon. He was on a There's real money in your woocl· cluctecl from the Gorsline Brnlh· Cowan & 1\kCowun fo1' mm· lour of the United Stales and lnncl if fire is kept out! crs chapel in Williamston 'l'ues· MrH. Knlc Welch is confined to, rrlt!h! 1'11'1' (ll'lih•l•tlon. Be careful in using 2, 4-D stopped off to see Mr. and Mr.s. clay, July 8, with Rev. Harold her home by siclmcss. around farm ponds that arc Vernon J. Brown. Sunday school excursion to Reese and Rev. Shultz officiating. Mr. anrl Mrs. Harold Glass are stocked with fish, warn extension County employees have asked Grand Ledge Tuesday. Burial was In the Alchin ceme· spending the week with the Al· McCowan &McCowan specialists nl Micl1igan Stale col· for raises of $240 a year' to be Murray Stroud and Jean Me· tery. bert Sohn family at their collage lege. The cal'l'iers in which 1he retroactive to July 1. Members of Donald visited friends in Lansing Those acting as pallbearers on Houghton Luke. ll:J II. Oak the hoard of supervisors will de· {vere Ferris Smith, .J. C.' Bohnetl, Phone 3201 :\lusou chemical Iii di~;solved sometimes Sunday. will ldll fish. c:ide on the raises at their meet· During services last Sunday the Glen West, Harmon Connin, Ar· ing Monday. northwest corner of I he Baptist chie·-;.,.------···-·--- Hawley and Elmer Jones. AI a1e• don ( enter Robert Betcher of Willtes· church was strucl1 by lightning. called .on Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barre, Pa:, has purchased Lee's The ceiling above the choir was Kelly of Leslie Sunday afternoon. . !\II'S, Elmm• C. llrown Standard Service from Lee San· shattered a~ I he l'hoir came to the born. · closing stanze of "Let Thy Pres· Mr. and Mrs. Price were Friday Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry nummlns afternoon callers of Mr. and Mrs. and family called on Mr. and With fields averaging 30 to 40 ence, Lord, Be ltnown." There was considerable excil ement for a· Laurence Glumm. . Mrs. Ernest Larner Sunday. bushels 1o 1he acre, Ingham's Gary Horton spent Friday wrth brief period. wheat crop will go over the his grandparents and brother, Mr. and Mt•s. Ernest Woodman $2,000,000 marlt, according to Don The ladies of the Presbyterian ami family of Eaton Rapids and church announced one of their Bob, of Battle Creek Curry, county agricultural agent. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Worden and Mr. and Mrs. Gernld Warfield and HI Years Ago-19·12 popular lllc teas Jor tomorrow family of Mason called on Mr. evening. The menu-hash, white Shirley of Detroit were guests at Bob Cady, Yorktown survivor, dinner Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Robert Jones nncl fam· is expected home on furlough this and brown bread, apple sauce, lly Sunday. celery, salarl, calw, coffee and Leonard Bateman. weel1. Cady formerly served on Mr. and Mrs. Fred LoVette and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Beatty, the Lexington which was sunlt in iced tea. · James J. Jeffries retains his family visited Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Palen, a~cl the Coral Sea battle. Hendershot and family Saturday Mr. and Mrs. James Halpm With restrictions on buying title as the champion pugilist of e~•enlng. · · · called on Mr. and Mrs. George automobiles and tires tightening the world by defeating Robert I up, there has been an increase in Fitzimons in the eighth round of Mrs. Carrie LoVette, Miss Ruth Cady Sunday. . Ann Warner, Miss Alice Warner, George Cady has been SICk at applications to buy bicycles, ac· a fast and furious battle at San curding to the Ingham rationing Francisco Friday night. and Earl Ewings ,spent Sunday his home for the past weel'·· board. D. Lee Ware was the only The Dansville cornet band has in Detroit visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mason man' out of the 33 Ingham been engaged to play at Pleasant Kert Wendle. people who applled this wee!(, lalw for the Farmers picnic on Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Freshour Ingham county's second trial August 21 and 22. and Mr. and Mrs. Ludell Cheney blackout was held Sunday night. attended the county Blaclt and The test was successful, accord· While show at the C. B. Smith ing to K. A. Zimmerman, chief Kipp Community Pavilion in Williamston Sunday. air raid warden. There were no Mr. and Mrs. Roy I Governor Wilbur M •. Bruclter Mr. anrl Mrs. Ludell Cheney --~-...:.------..;...-----:------• was the principal spealter at the visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. picnic of members· of the I. 0. 0. Clark Haynes, Monday evening. From F. staged at the county park last Paul Bateman is spending the Friday. wee!> with .T oey Miller of Char· Clyde Allen, superintendent of lotte. Dansville schools, has been han· Mr. and Mrs. James Miller and ored by election as president of family were .Sunday guests of 1he state vocational agricultural Mr. and Mrs. Glen Caltrider and teachers association. family. ·Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Brown and san, James, with Billy Wal· Mr. and Mrs. Charles Price la~e. spent Sunday at Camp Ki· roliex on Clear Lalte where Rich· .... ard Brown is enjoying Scout camp life. Richard Jewett of the Jewett With Confidence Floral company is In Detroit this wceit attending the sessions of Fine service at a moderate the F. D. T. florists school. pJ;ice is an established·. tradl· 50 Ycrus Ag·o-1902 tion of this. firm, and we have July thus far has proved to be a very ·wet month. Almost 6 the establishment, personnel; Inches of rain fell during the first · and the expet•ience which m·e 20 clays. necessary ·to maintain a serv­ The Mason common council has passed an ordinance requiring ice of'the highest quality. You that hereafter all sidewalks must may call .us with the assurance . be built of cement. · .,~ All proceedings for the estab· __ that everything will .be con~ llshment of a pure food factory ducted as you ·wish, at a prh~e at Mason are at a standstlll. The you'll soon forget,_ contract submitted by loclil'stock· reminds me • our lines ... holders to the promoters did, not will pluse you to." satisfy the latter and thus the matter rests. · The Sunday schools of Mason We'll please you, nml t.here are will· again run an excursion train no "curves" lo it. Get; the lulblt to Grand Ledge. Tuesday, AU· of 1lrlvlng In t•egulurly. When gust 5, Is the date. Trains will we KNOW yom• cat• better we leave Leslle at 7:15, Eden ·at 7:30, can give. you bctlm• set•vlce, and Mason at 8:00. A stop will be ,· made at Holt at 8:10. Round trip from here wlll be· 75c, children 35c. ·Excursionists will leave SATTLER'S Grand Ledge at 5:30. Bicycles and baby carriages · wilt' be carried Service Station free. . . . . The reorganized Mason . city . SHELL PRODUCTS band Will make its first appear· 112 S. Cellar Mason ancc when It·· aceompanlea tile ·~------~~ . . .~' .. ·.'• t' ...

'·. . . 10c Bu sa '·.~· Lions Club Turtle Derby Ticl<:et 10c ... •.. Each Ticl

.~. '

'~I • Proceeds Go to Saght Conservation, Boy Scout Woe·i( q]rildl Underprivileged Children Projects . t,'

Turt~e Deu·by Scheduie Attention a 1iun·t~e ~ia.nrters

W1• :m~ still ol'fpr·ing ~2;il\ l'a('h for· l mt l1·.~ llll'a~m·ing ii to 7 Elimination Heats ... Daily During Fair ' rnd11·s. No lul'lh·s witll bl'llk1·n wi:rd, rin~ hones m· spavins Finals ... 1:30 p. m. Will IJp :tCCI'jl11'1f. lJI'li":'.''' Tm·lks to K C. Snril h, I\Iason and )!;d. ~·our money i·.· Saturday, Aug. 16 - Fairgrounds

There's Still Time for Sponsors :1. 'l'lw Gt·and Cham11ion Tm·tle will he HH. '!'om Hohinson i~xcavaiing dd1~r·mined Jrom amon1~ the winners Co., ,faekson ...... (li'J'!; of the difl'crcnt Jlights. I lliii. Vic SaHIPt' ...... Sa1tic'r·'s Shl'll 2. Winners must turn in ticlwts by Sat­ Imlay, August 110, at 11om's Shoe .! W. 'u'om l:ollinson U~:<<:a\·atin).\' Store. Co., Jaeli:;un ...... :... Elailu•

it As many ticlu~ts as desired may he I :~:3~ 'i'mn H"binson Ext a vat ill).\' IHII'chased on any ttu·tle entered. Co., .iad:sull ...... 'l'ht•mla 1L l~ach ticlwt pm·clmsed automaticall~· casts a vote in tlw "(!ueen ol' Uw Jfi·l. AdalllS Uumpan;r .... Fish and Chips J•'air·" eontcst. E~tch ticlwt Jlllt'ehast•d on any tm·U1: in any one Fli.l!,'ht cast:; Hi;). Lee Haz,•l ...... IJ~ namite a vote for the Queen Candidate in chat•gc of that Flight. G. All ticlwt llales and voting on "Queen of the Fair" contest will close at mid­ night, Wednesday, August 13. 'f!m~t: gi1·ls h:n·l' hPI'll t•nll•rt•tl Jrom LI~S­ Iil'. 'l.'l11•sp gir·ls h:tYt~ L1•!di1: busiJJI'SS· !i. Standings in "Queen of the I?aiJ·" ·. nm I'm· sponsot·s. 'l'lw l,imts ,duh :LJI­ contt!St and tlw to11 10 hu·tles in I'''cdah·s ilH• support handmi tlw 'l'mtl1: ticlwt salt's :ue listed daily ou tlw of­ h,\' ndghbm·s to ficial "Turtle Derby Scoreboard" on DPI'I.Jy tlw g;ooil tlw the com·t house lawn. StlLJLh. \ . lnulwrn County News Julv 31, 1952 Page 4 I llfi'R, l\Jn(11!1nrllw Dlllll Drnnls ITnllnwny of Holt Is M1•, nJHl Ml'R, PnUI Cal'rl Wt!ro Arnold Reunion Dorcas Circle Is MrH, Mllrt Mui!ldnrlr.l' of Van· H(H'mllng Jhc wr•tlll will! Mt', nnrl Sunrlny gllnll!H or Mr•, nml Mrs,: r•nuvm·,!' WitHhlnglon, rlll!rl .July Mrs, l~loytl Mlti!lwil, H111'olrl MIII'Hhull nnrl MI'H, M11lml Is Held Saturday 10, She 11nrl ht!l' husband livr.rl Ml', ami Mrs, Arlhtn· OiHon, .Tr,, Currl of Cnsnvllln, Dansville Planning Picnic near Dnnsvillrl for sevcJral nnrl · dmight.Y ,· 1111 1 1 1 1 f 1 Afford" I'll· the members of Ihe Junior deJmrt· Mt• · ant I M t·s. II· aro 11r \VI· ng :UH 1 Le£!m returned ·•Saturrlny v ' frum a 2· I lll'ncc wme Sunray a ter HJH'nr· · · Guests wer1; Jll'e~rnl fi'Om Mn· pluc:e will lle Pot Jer pari<, Lnn· Mt•, UIHI Mrs, Carroll Glynn slnr:r. I 'l'hlll'Srlay from I rip mont: of the Methodist church sonH and Donald McCnhe ill· lng a wcel1 w!tl1 ltl!l' aunt, Mtss :~on, Lansing, Stnl'kiJrldge, 1 row· Lll'lll~r.IHllng the Don Leonard. Mr. and Mrs, Rny Dront of :nnml'n t. of Jill lin ,. games and ol her recreation will clay guests of Mr. aml Mrs. Leo showed pictures of Interest nml week with M1·. and Mrs. Mct·le Mr., anrl Mrs. VIncent Gillett Freesoll are spendlnf:l sevcml hr! li•mlt!t', N(th·Jt. . Mls~ 1~1111'1 nnrto ot Lansing he the rllverslnn of lhe afli•rnoon. Hogers anrl Mrs, Snl'llh Rogers. some of the slides were of the Oils of Lansing, ~ and dauglllr.r of Nov! wcre Sun·' days this week with Mr. ami ual nnd l~t•nullful-hut · 'spent Mo1111ny witli Mr. nnrt Mrs: Ice t!ream wllllle giveJ] as a I real class, Watermelon wns server! nt. Mrs. Mlna Ma1it1 :;prmt..llw wee(! day visitors of I he latter's par- Mrs. Robert Smith. such 1111 nhnns(lhet'l! 111\ed ·, :Eddy W;rllwt·. to 1111 who atlenrl, Mr. and Mrs . .Floyd Martin of not. lw luvlsh. In IIIII' · Snglnnw were dinner guests Sun­ the close of the entertainment: end wiLh-Mr. anrl Mrs. Ward Vie- ents, Mr. anrl Mrs. A, ,J. 1\;llller. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Hedglen nnrl Mrs. Rex Townsend and chi!· ary of Lr;sJie, The Gillett:; an! . spending this Linda arrived 'l'hursrlay fl'llm 'l'u· honw, tlu~ pl'ir•r•s llt'l' : day of Mr. nnd Mt·s. ,J. W. Monn­ lng. dren and Fern Wygant were nlso Mrs. Cnl'l'oll Glynn Is nllentllng week at the cottage at Pl£lasant eson, Arl;wna, for a visit wltlt pluinly nuu·lwd - t ntul ~ guests wllh · Sally · Thornpson, a 2-weel; worlcslwp at.· the Miclt· lake. the latter';; parents, Mt•, nnd Ml's, cm;t. IIPJII'Ilds on I lw Ill!' I'· i Ml', nnrl Mrs. Forest Anderson, Barbara Cool!, Nancy ·Willdnson, if:lnn State Normal enllrlJ(e nt Yp· Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Peter- Ceml Undmwood. t•tnuullst! st~lt·t•lt•d - 111111, State Farm Insurance Company's Sr., and Mrs. Rosn Anderson nt· Cheryl Grandy, Marlene Swan, sllantl. son nnrl fnmlly of Gregnry were Phyllis Wllllnms and Jenn I!Udt l'amlly mnlu•s ii H ·~ tended the Converse reunion Sun­ Jacqueline Hirsch, Martin and Miss Marguerite Dunning of Sunrlay evrmlng guests of Mr. am! Crmldock spent J~rlday with Dar­ U\\'11 dt~dsluns. .~ tllty nt Van Wert, Ohio, They Calvin Showers, SEimlra Van Hleltmond, Wasltlngton, and· Mt•s. M1·s. George Vogt, Sr. Jene Weldon of' Lansing. They Auto - Life - Fire were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Damme, Sandra Simons, Terry Earl Crawfrml anrl daughler of Mrs. Joiecleli I.larr, Clyde Bnl'l', also visited Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Ft•ank Converse and Mrs. Emma Ellis ami Mnurlre Daman attend· Milford were Frirlny .guests of Miss Laura Barr, Mrs. Gertnade Finn of East Lansing. /ewell Price of Van Wert. BERNARD E. WILSON, Agent lng. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hogcrs and Bolmet anrl Wessell:o; Bohnet were Leroy nnd Jlaymonrl Townsend ·I Mt·. nnrl Mrs. Ralph Klcld and Mt·s. Sarnh How~rs. · Sunday evening guests of Mr. attended a ·hil'lltduy party ut the Fu11eral /lome daughter of Ann Arbor were Snt· Mrs. Allie Thompson Is at lend· Mr. nnd Mrs. Eugene GausR are and Mrs .. Eddy Wnll!~l' in honnr Rayner park In Mason Thursday 1 lng Eaton Rapids cump. meeting spending the week at lliggins of the hrrthclny anniversary of uflernoon inl1onor nf Jon.n Town- fh11 Jlomn or JIJ'Imully , ,;,.------' unlay SLt(Jper gucsts of Ml'. and S"l'Vil'l~ Mrs. Leo llogers and Mrs. Snrnh this week. lake, MrH. Walker. send's 81h hlrlhday unniversary. · Phonn 1\lasl·m· 2-61/il Rogers. Mrs. Anna. Bell. of Fowlerville Mr·. and Mrs. Burr King and Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Laughlin Mrs. Coy Hutchinson anrl Mrs, Amhnlrmcll Her·virle day nnd. Why Vote For A is spenillng a few days this weel< Miss Mildred I

of:SL~fi:.;:~~~;~.; her parents, Mr. and Ml't!. COL. L·l N·S SALES -~-:_··_: .. ·'· SE., RVIC-E Donal Parks of Williamston. .... Phone 2·5911 Mr. and Mrs. Jnmt's Norton and Ph . family of Lansing were Sunday .. One .2•5311: .· · guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert . 1.,.1 W. Maple. .- . . .. ,. . . . Smith. ~~----•llll••lllill.-••••••••••••••••••••••lllli••illl•••••••... 0, F., R, C!ommlllpo 1\Jiillllng 1 Rons of Mn.9ol1 Wf:!l'e ~1unrlny rlln· he wns fnvolvr.rl In nn nltcrrnllnn All r!ormnlllr!P mnrnhr•r·s of llw 111!1' gur!HIIi of Mr·. unrl Mr'H, Cill· •rn llorlng for 1hr. l"nmlly, hy Wlll No!•rJ~, 'Thllr,9rlny thl'OIIgli, Dansville Growing Sport whldi I'I!SIIilml In liw dPIIIlt ol' Dnnwllln Ordr!r ol' llw IT:IIHII!I'II hei'l Glovr!J', Bonnie V. Goorlrn11n, Monday, (Ooutlnw!ll l'mm l'ug-1! 4) lho hrolhm• of ills frmnur· sweol­ Rm·vtec Your· Sowing Mnehlno, Rllll' No, !lO nnnlvnt'.~III'Y commll· Mr, 11nrl MI'H, Urlmn Nnvarrn of lienrl, lim dtmw Is on, Mm.. Mnrgum;lle Dnvlrl l'Cl•' II'!! 111'1! /IHIII'd ll,V IIH! \VIIJ'I 11~· lllfl· h.Y Mnx lngwer·, tIll' ned hom I! Sn lill'cln;o !'rom Jo'llril. Mrs, Duvlrl Dlrdil and drllrlre•rr Do troll Hfii!)JI Wr!dnm;cluy wll h II' you \VIIiilrl lllw lo lry nwl<· 11'1111, Mr·s. Al~lrm Wnrflr!, lo 1111!1'1 Mr. 111111 MrH .•lim lfm;s, 'l'lw J•:lc!ganl Wildt, hy Holwrl where Hill! hurt lleon Vl~lilng hmi rolurnr!r) hornrl 'l'LLC!Sriii,V afle!J; iii hm· lwmr• l•'rlrtny evnnlng, All· lng srune of yrnrr• own flll'llillll'l!, Mr·. nnrl Mrs, Cl111rlr!s Rnwyl't' Nr>lll. Hislr!r for• 4 wuuiil', Hruu·• "'"'" In !.he I>nhll" nt. lhe !lull r•omplcted slrllcllll'l!. MPmor·ial r.lhi'HI'Yl )Iaiiy 2-li; Mo/1, W•·d, Sl'l'lll'ily WI\ IIIIlS( )IJ'I'SS for llil' SIIJII'Pilllll'Y IIIII) II e:onsislt!fll, Mrs. Vern Arnold nnrl rlnngh· H111 ... ?-!' n. "'· 'I'IIO·H, "'"' Fri. "'"""· Hnt.,1 Anollwr new hook IJy n popnlnr· Rt•Jurhlienn Cumlitlttln For fiii'Pig'll JIOIJI•,y, lers uf Willinmslon were Salur·· 111 ·1• "· m. novr.lisl, is SONG IN Till•! day vlsilors of Mrs. Esllwr Avery. Onr• of I hr. nrw Jmni\S in llw NJGII'J', ily .Josephine Lmvrr•rwP. 2tul 'fm·m As nPf. Juahind Hwt~n h!;; isr;iu~s lVi1h ft Hiuu lu l'ifl't~ss ihf'n1 nnd w~ 1 Mrs. Cedi Poller nf Willlnms. Tn~rham counly Jilmu·y Is SJIIN· 'l'la• prindpal !heme of this noVf'l wun'l huvr· 11 Will' g·oing ou llml wr• lli'I! uf'mlrl tn win. ton was II Sunday visilnt• of Mrs. lNG TTDI~S. IJ.v Win 13moJ,s, un is llwt low can mold 11 united Avery. ttnusurll novel will! a Jisli for n worlr.J hut each person must flrsl ... -·-··~· ------' . 1\-lr. anrl Mrs. Anelrew Palmr.r hero. or r-nur·sr•, 1hPJ'!' ar·r. srlme pul ills own personal affairs in of Lansing WCI'e visilors Sunday truman characters lo share tile order. Mlller·s, lllf' pr•oplr. hew arr• Sheriff of Mr·s. Frances Nehelung. scene willr him, hul this r.norm· conventional smalJ.Iown people, CONGRESSlONAL Mrs. Carl I\ensling and Mrs. ous striped hass lnadvc!rlc!ntly wilh their domestic siluatlrms and :(. School-Trained Deputies Wnyne Filch allC] sons uf Mar plays ;rn imporlanl pari in lhe warllmr. pmhlcms. Having losl a shall were Monrliiy guests nf Mr.. lives of sever·ai of lhe peo)Jir!. son In lhe war, IIH~Y an• anxious· :r. Junior Deputies League J:I'JII'I'Silllt:ttivcl in CnltJ!;t'PSS and Mt·s. Glen !''ox. Larry anrl Among llu• c•nlhusiaslic: fisher·lly awalling thr. draft c;rll of lhelr (ith JJistt•iel; Gary F_ilch re!nainerl l'or a week's nu•n ;rre a village priest, I he ehil'f second. so~1. 'J'hC' people, as in :r. Established an Alert 24-hour Road tlw; ( Vole• I' or• nn1 nuu·c~ 1hun otll') vrsrl wrlh lheu· grandparents.. of llw r:n;rsl gu;rrd sial ion lli!'n~ most of aull111r s novels, have Mr. fllHI Mrs. Paul Hcdglen and on C:rpr• Cod, :r dis I inguishecl proiJiems similar lo mosl of I heir· Patrol family werr. visitors Sunday of jLrdge who was just learnin~ to rr•arlers and are normal, whole· lire Jailer's parents, Mr. nnrl Mrs. c•njoy fiRiring, 2 beautiful girls, some persons. :r. Your Sheriff's Departnient' is as nearto D Carl B. Flynn Andrew Millllollsc of Stockbridge:. anrle a few tlllwrs of lire r.om· TI-lE MOUNTAINS HAVE NO you as your telephone rnunity. This story for people SHADOW, hy Owen Cameron, Is Squeezing pimples, especially who enjoy fishing anrl for lhose a story of n prcscnl-rluy murrh!r 1 I hose around I he fnrelwml, nos(', who lii

k. '(• ~-. F; Bring the Whole Familyl f r . Big Time Grandstand Shows lii ' 3 Days of Harness Racing I,' m· ~ .·

1.. Gigqntic Midway Attractions ..

.... Horse Pulling Contests , .... · . ~·~ ..._, .· Parades,, '.. . . ' - I Calf. . 'S.cramble·., '. .. . . ,•, ... ' : -.. . ·'• •· f• - ' 't'' . ., ·•. ''·-. ·.1."~~W-~·.. , .. :-..~~ .. :.\·.t:. .-.-.-:.::.,- .. _...• .~ .. ,..:. f·' ~- •. ·•· ...... • . ,,·,• •'-,.: ·•,'·-----...----~--~--- •);,; ..• .... · ·:, ... r •·,l. ,, ,. -.: ' .. · ~~----..-~--, ~-----...... :---- , ------...... ~~-'-"·""11- •··.~.· ':·,1-''~·.• ...... '.i,'~t..:ir>"· ...... '. LEGAL NOTIUF..S LEGAL NOTIVI!JB


l'leeds ';': 1 &0• n,;

.._,/. ~\ Dwrgllt D Ersenhowcr NO SHIRT-TAIL RIDER- FRED M. ALGER

Repubhcau Wh®~m you Cnnllld~&te fOJ Fred M Alger che~~( ~~~e Dear Fellow American 'fhe time has come fen us ts Alger became an en• Americans to reestablish the rights for which we stand-to thus1ast1c E1senhower fo1 reassert ou1 malwnable lights pres1dent supportP.r more to hum.m cl1gn1ty self respect self reliance-to be agam the than a year ago, when the kmd of people who made America gteat two met and talked ove1 Upon th1s philosophy and the country's needs, seems the Iollowmg 10 points I am basing my campatgn fen elcc eye to eye t1011 to Congress 111 the 6th Alger was tt1e hrst state Dtstrlct (Republican J 1 A reahsttc friendly but official, and the only candi firm foreign policy date for governor to endorse A constitutional llmit on federal tuxes Eisenhower He was cntl· cized for domg so It wasn't good pohttcs Good pohttcs dictated that he nde the fence He wouldn't because he beheves the people should know where a candtdate for p ~lJf) office stands The E1senhower-Alger Moto~· combination ts a natural. Both are agreed that the Sa~es Nation's defense comes first. Both have proven them­ selves good and able ad­ mmtstrators, Ike m the European zone, Alger as an efficient, economy-mmdcd, three-term Secretary of State. Both ate full-time veter­ ans of World War II. Both have records be· speakmg unaltet able hatred of d1ctatorsh1p, Ike m arm­

Whotmr rour buold ng roqulromontl mor be, 1~1 bOp mg the western world woll eagerly supply you qY~ckly and off•clontly ThiJ agamst Stalinist aggresston, ore oil tromcd to 8'" o•pcrl adrlce on any ~ulldlna Alger as leader of the move­ problem ond oro lhoroughly familiar with '"" IIIIa wo corry You get mora thon lull molerlala whoa ro• ment which ended machme rule of the Republtcan Party of M1chigan They understand each other. It's a pair that can't be beat. For M1chtgan and the nation, it's l . . . . . {IKE and' FRED · ...

Farmer Peck's Julv 31,. 1952 THE INGHAM. COUNTY NEWS Section 4 Wife of yntl nro gone] HI I'I!OCiilll{ ilf'· Queen, Miss Pnlrkln Ann Powell twcrm lim limm, , , go ahead nnd o! Jnnln, mn)•ho you'll hjt it,, Comedy and Romance Talee Over at Fox Judging. Planned I lluh,v lu•·IJI, In nllll In hilling·, Ginn Cn~c!y of WllliamHton wJJJ l-In vr.n't said m ud1 nhmll my l•'ill'llll'l' J'Pdl'H WifB lrii•H A talc of violence anrl lntri~t(C, I .··. At Carson City ,jutlgn llvnstof'k In all hrced~, ox' gnrdcns I hi~ r;tnnmer for the (IIIJII'J' 1111111\'illl{• "Mara Mnru," eo·Htarrlng Erml . · c!opt Gtinrnsny, with uultnhle open Hlmplc reason I hnt there wuHn't Flynn nne! nt1th Homan I~ tho .Turlglng of iivcst.oek ancl In all dnss ancl .Junior HI unrl fo'li'A IIJ'Illll;hl dallllll\'l'li Jo'I'IPIIIIHhi)l mudt to sny, Clmtn nH n whiHIJc Saturday nftnmoon ami night nt· hreocls and nlong with an show premiums, Paul Prlc{liy of (iUJ'dl'll, hut so rlwnrfcrl nnrl hacltwnrd I cln~.,os, trnct.lnn at the Fox. afternoon progl'llm Jnciuliln~; 11 Plciwl'lngton, Ohio, will .iudgo nnd nnl nt nil llltc my 'dream' lito SJ1eCilli GLiel'!lHCy HhOW, nil winter, Couldn't wntcr 'them Set: ngnlnst the colm•ful hack· nallonuily-lmown fnl'ln spenl\Cl' ground of post-war Manila, ·the and sotnL! outstantlin~; enlertaln· as wns nfrald of the well giving '' VV'e~ ltavmt'l found StiHY'H 1111d perlng HC.'iHlons. Even so, Mlm1 out ns It did a few years ngo dur· Wnrncr Bros, ndvrmltll'C elrama ment, will feature Lite nrtnunl pie· Sally's ciiiHivr• hahy (lil'llr! yel. I and I look on olll' worl< with ing n dry spell. But now we h1i.ve Hhows F'lynn ns a marine srtlvngc nlc·falr at Carson dty park on exper!l any day now to lm pro· pride nnrl 11 sen~c of satlsfuetlon hncl mln nnd things 11re shoollng npernlor In love with his pa1·t· 'l'hursclny, August 21, Red Cross Wants mol~>rl to lito lte!lf(hl of 7• feet and accomplishments. nhcad. ncr's wife, player! hy Miss no· The event is sponsored each whid1 h; the tnllest I could. Lin· You really get In lll he· an e!xpert diver ancl navigator, to for all. PlanH 11rc helng mndc to nrc rewarding ml! for all I hose cllscnse so far this Yl'ill' Is rtlrl· me. Never rlid like to hear !tone~ efiliSe sill' pastcrl so fast. Now lend them to the hldcicn wealth. serve 7,0fl[) people, hours with L11c hoc, cuillvatDr nlng !iRY,. abovo thc same period e•t'UJW!t anri aftr~t· 11n eneounle!r I'm anxious for Pete to HCC It as nrid fertill~er. How he outwits hiH opponents The aftcmoon plat form pro· wit It nw IH•t i11• wouldn't be the he says he doe~n't think we on~e tlw diamonds nrc recovered gmm will he ciimaxeri wltil 11 last yf'al', ueeorcilng to slntistlcs slw of a flOc piece anymore. could have rlonc a very good joh Oh, yes, haven't: mcntloncel the mlrh;t a tropical storm, mHitcs, nc· talk hy Rognr Ji'Jemlng nf Wash· rcll!aserl hy the National l.<'ounda· garden tractor In ngcs. It's sllll conling to preview audiences, for ln~;ton, secretary of the Amari· lion Cot• Infantile Paralysis. Mlna anrl T hall an Interesting Ho fast ... not that he's an au· my devoted friend and J lh ink lt nnd prrllitahie r!xperlenm last l.horlly. one of the Beason's most absorb· Vit·gmm liitJ:-:on, ·accompunied by Goi'Cion MacRae and can Farm lllll'eau Ji'edcmlirm. "'l'IH• demand fnt• more nut·smr Is wonderful. Pete says artcr :l IH fllll'liculariy great in Iowa nml WL•r•i<. We JHtpere!rl the dining and Ansel and Alta Demott came years that ·r have learned how to ing film climaxes. Dick Wt•:-:son, performs a dance S!l(!eiall.y numbct• in "About: On the entr.rtalnmr•nt sirlc! will living t'orJillS uvcr there. She Is while we wem engrossed lhtlsiy Texas," flf!Col'eiin~; t 11 J:pL!t'lcnc:c evident. bcfm·e. Surely maltes a My friendship garden Is such talents nnd eleven net.v songs hel.wecn calli£! r·andwrs and '~op· ··--~---·- Legion .Junior haselwll garnc, Nlii'Sf!S rer!l'lliterl by the ned Jwretofore and years ago, at person conscious or such things. a disappointment. A lot: of friends wrnppcrl up in one lively Tcchnl· pel' miners. Jo'r.at urcrl in support C';m'l"s.~ ltandiinf( ot' milldng with Alma and Owosso playing Cross m·e req uesleci to. serve for tilat, was rloinf( pakil work anri Wfls goln~; to arid sometillng ciHc gave and sent me seeds and I eolor cnmf'dy, Based on the rec- of tlw world's greatest eowiH•Y tnadtiiH·s and lilr•ttsils is rr'HJHJn· on the hlgli sdtooi riiamoncl. a minimum 2-monllt pcriorl. Their running errands during the pa- but guess I hettcr not but if any put them in what I called my orcl-hreaking stage play of 1hc arc Pat Butlram, Elaine Wir-y, si!Jir~ for a lot nu11'1! of tlu• llal!· 'l'lte Michigan Dairy Industry's salaries are p;tirl hy th11 National 'fricnrlsi1ip garden.' Many seeds snmc, name that ran up 50,000 Donna Martell and Ouslow Sll•v· l1!t'ia I'Ollltl in milk than mosl new parade float will he on hnnci, J•'ollnrlation fot· Jn!ant.iic pur· riidn't come up on account of I he performanccf:, this William PcrJ .. ens. Champion, the world's won· frrnni'I'S n•;dize. J earrying the Hl52 Michigan Dairy alyHis. drou~;ht. Harl 55 packets and en· berg-George Seaton produetion .------~------__:~------­ velopes. But already I'm plan· spotti Alan Young, Dinah Shore nlng on 'next' year anrl I he girls and Robert Merrill ln the top arc very cnthuserl and learning roles. These Three Candidates Desire Your Support much and they Jove to work with The story of "Anron Slielt" me. rncily explains ho:-v a hilarious "ABOUT FACE" How intcrcsling it is to have 2 hayseed and his gtrl_ from down Gordon MncHac· Eddie llritcl,cn little enthusinsts besides me .~he roarl meet up wtlh, a schem· August 5 in the Democratic Primary "I'IION" CAt.l. FllOM A STRANGER" 1111i Shelley Wintcr&~Gnry Merrill chattering awny adding their tcnt·sh?.w st,nge;. fhe eon­ bid ... many limes pulling out nlv_lng hall tones .tttem~ts to FOR TREASURER FOR J•'lti.·SA'I'. flowers for weeds or backing up swmdie them otlt of a p1ece of CLmm AUGUS'l' 1·2 onto a plant that can not take it yaluahle acreage Ices off a splr· "THE FIRST TIME" Hohr.l't Cunm1ings·Barbnr·n Unla so it snaps on· but the something 1ted round of songs, dance. and "CAVE OF OUTLAWS" we have together maltes up for fun that rolls from hucolw hy· M;,cdounld Carcy.Aicxlll Smith that ways to the naughty nlghtcrles of Slay free f01· the mirlnit~ owl :.how "IJLACK FRIDAY" M~ybe someday they will find Chicago. . llcla Lugmli~Bnris Knrlnff ;( peace and Jove for life working Alan Young: ~ne of the busiest in the earth as tl~ell· mother and and mm;t or1gmal of a!l vlcleo SUN. 'l'IIIW Wfm. ~;randmother have. Those of UR funnymcn, has an eng:.tglng com· AUGUS'l' a 'l'lllW IJ who Jove this put tcrlng with cdy_ style that ma~lc hnn an ca.sy "!tEll MOUNTAIN" plants have something. If you chmcc for the ttll~ r~lc .. M1~s Alan L11dd-Li1.ahcth Scolt know this feeling you lmow what Shore, who plays Sitek s cluc!t· ts - PI.US- lllg 2nd Feature II Is and if you don't I can't de· also a TV star In her own nght. scribe it. It malws each spring and o~e of t!1e moRt s!-tccessful looiwd for and vital, and we pity recording artists the dtsc trade fP&!IJ!f.,fiR;f.'fMifff the folks who don't have it. has ever known, Though Robert 11!;!I~QJimti..!i~ Merrill's superb baritone voice ______.:.______North Carolina manufactures Ifirst brought him top billing as ,- 1 55 per cent of all cigarets pro. an opera star, he can sing just duccd in the United States. about anything that has notes. In his film debut as the singm'· schemer who engineers a crafty R fleecing plan, he sings melodies e. both li~;ht and lilting, • The "Aaron Slick" score is by Academy Award winning song­ E writers Jay Livingston and Ray Evans. Claude Bitiyon both eli· GEOUGE W. PARI\E& l\IELVIN C. OESTERLE WJLBUit II. SCIIADE reeledCadets anrl Run wrote Wild the screenplay. '------~

e of Thelife ga~in a youn~military prank~h academy ~de is ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' c the story setting for· "About Face," Warnrer Bros. Technicolor 'fiiiJUSDAY-FRIDAY- C:u·la Halmula-Hill Willhunf! · t comedy, due Tuesday and in :t motorcycle mer~ stoJ'Y "'l'Im PA CJ1: 'filA'1.' Wednesday at the Fox Theatre. Immeili11 te 'J~IIIULJ$' anll Johnny l\lael• Brown in '.'TEXAS Gordon MacRae, Eddie Brac!wn, CI'I'Y." Dick Wesson, Virginia Gibson, Car Phyllis Kirlt and Aileen Stanley, Jr. head the musical cast in the Sunday & Monday, August 3-4 Lawrence B. film directed by Roy Del Ruth. Repairs "About Face" concerns the an· tics of three cadets nearing grad· {JARAMOutJTS HAPPIEST MUSJ(JAL. EVeR.,j LINDEMER- uation at Southern Military In· Istitute. Two of them, Gordon and Dicit, become involved in a series j.WIYOUNG ~ 0/NAJI·SftJPl· vour State Legislator of mirthful escapades when they try to help Eddie, their burlrly, 9Ki 1!J5l - 7 bills - 3 became law ROBERT MERRILL, ...... 1 !J52 - 10 bills - 7 became ht\J ALL DIAKES who against S. M. I. regulations, Saturday, August 2 has secretly married and is soon "ONB GOOn 'I'J~Hl\-1 DBSEI~VES ANOTIIER" to become a father. TERMS The resulting situation provides -TROPICAL TREASURE! TYPHOON!. and TEMPTATION! ample opportunity for comedy . Sture and :Diaplc and musical routlncs with singer Gordon MacRae, Eddie Braclten When Cold Weather Comes MASON and the lovely ladies carrying the ' lcacl numbers. Among the more colorful production specialties are the graduation exercises and the Don't Be Caught bon'flre rally on the night befora the big baseball game. Highlighting "About Face" arc nine new songs written by With Your Bin Down Charles Tobias and Peter DeRose. They include Spring Has Sprung, If Someone Had Told Me, No .. ., ..FlYNON ROMAN .Other Girl for Me, Piano, Bass and Drums, Wooden Indian and '""'" "-'~"' N. RICHARD NASH ""'" """ '""","""''""GORDO~. DOUGLAS They Haven't Lost a Father Yet. Bugs Bunny Cartoon and Candid I.Uicro(Jhone Twin Bill Is for Fmully Cartoon ' Travel Thursday and Friday the Fox theatre will present a twin hill that the whole family will go for. Tuesday & Wednesday, August 5-6 Thursday & Friday, August 7-8 The first attraction is a modern day story of the southwest, "Rc· rou1:ntu.t~t! Joy a.t its Joyfulestf·------turn of the Texan." 1 A Very Good Family Program The second feature is a Gene -f!i A tmtrl called Sam ••• a woman call~tl Ann ••• u. couple Autry thriller, "Hills of Utah." of J'rncldtl faced ldds chasing :t colt in tocltty's Great Dale Robertson and Joanne Dru Southwest • · •• Dale Uoberf..oiou ••• Jomme Dru ••• · share starring honors, and three· W~lter Brcamau in · time Academy Award winner Walter Brennan is top-featured, I I Vote For In "Return of the Texan," Twen· I I ~'Return of the Te~an" tieth Century-Fox comedy-drama. I "Return of the Texan" tells of I C.· LcrVerne I ·ne"ar Gene sing "Peter Cloitolltail" uml "UtaJ1" as lttl the homecoming of· a capabli;!, ro· I plays a Doctor in Cotton Gat' where a ldlling a day bust young man who finds city I Roberts life unpalatable .after the death ------·- lcccJts oUter Doctors away of his young wife and decides to Gene Autry & Clham11iou ' Cundldaoo fot• . bring his two small ·children back . . . "/.'. Sunday IIours 1i a. m.: to.l I,· .m. tci the land on which he was Re-Election l. raised. Working again on the GOR~o~ MAc~~ ~m~1 f~R~CKfN "Hills of. Utahlf as son; under the sun; the widower finds his Interest in life re-born . · ~. DICK Wf~SON ·VIRGINIA GIBSON· rHnliS KIRK· AllHN SlANlfY.JR Cha11ter S ~f King of the'Cong~ . Lansin_· _g. 1·c. e and Fuel .Co. ~~;~;:s~g~:~ and· is again able to meet the . . • . \ .""'" """ IU[R MilNE 0""1t0 or RQ~ DH RUTH ~ . challenges of nature as they con· N L 'II B 11 · · 'TilE MAGICl _.. ~Oil•Pm•ti!fa&n Jtttllclall Billiot front him and are pointed out to COl\UNG SOON:-Uandol}Jh Scott in ClARSON CliTY in technicolor; KING KO G; .nm c a m . ~,, . . . him by his still aglle grandfa· CA.RPET in color; Uccl Sl>clton-n:atllryn Gmyson in LOVELl' TO LOOK AT in tecbmcolor; David Wu.yne~Miullyn · > !-;...30-'2;...W~;.,:.A.;..sl~t~S-~:~, .:.;..'. . ..;...;.;;.. ___.....;. __..c'---· _M_IIS_o_n_...j,, ,_.,__A..:.,Ilgl,.._ts-t.3_E_~'I-~c-··tl-· o_:'_. ~~ ther.. Columbia . Pictures' "Hills of l..:l\:lo~nr;:o;:_e~ii~l W;:E;_;'U;E;• .;N~O;T;_;M~AR;;R;I;E;D;.;;_;a;;;u;d_;aiiG.r;_;e;at;.P;.tiii'cliittiiilarliie.iiMilil'ii.·.iiSiiiOiiiNi.iiJO.I.H~N~. ----·--~-~·· ·-~··· .• ·~ ...... ~'·.~.: :.~·: ·-~ > .••• • I r ;, :: t.· .... ~ .,/' ... ' Editorial Page Bad Advice Brought L11peer Dispute rllsptltcs rather than tho RO!tle· fnaftant County t4ews July· Jl, 1952 Paue 2 nwnl of nrgtlnll!fll~ by violence, \'1•11r~ lu Court. Voting Machines for Conventions "Our• sy~Wm of govr.rnmr.nt IH Ingham Has Had a Part in Row fonnrlml on \he legnl JH'indplo that the eotu•ts will sell!l! dis· Tlwre must be n bet.1.!W choc!He en ndidn J'ot' " wn;v to 1cR lly Vm·nou .J. llrown lnnli W. Cnrr, lltP.Il nn Jltr. Tnghnm pules," Hald Prof, Smlt h. ''ft: cun pt•csldont and vice-president, people who watched I.H'occerllngs Mnny p!!Opln llavc nsltcd me hetwh, lind mndn mnny ll'lp~ to worlt only If Uw finn! 1h!c't'r.£!H 1u·e on 'rV or followed them In the press clec!m·ed. whul I know nlwulthe Lupecr up· nttend I hone ltenrlngs wllh 1111 mmgnlzml nflnr n J'ult• ht!urlng. t'lslng which msulterl from the theil' l)llendlng arJ.jmu·nm£mls and '!'he~e purl loR huvo ilucl, not only 'l'lwre is, unci it is not the awkward pt·esldential prlmat•y IJIIornpt to evict a widow fi'Om reeesl{t!s, their day In eourl, hut 10 yeurs In RYStem eithet•, 'J'he buttCT way can be brought about by her fnrm horne, Initial litigation When the muller cumo to my court." plnclng responSibility directly upon the delegates, not: upon of what hns !Jacome Michigan's attention by way of n visit from ''Those who t;eslst ufler llw In· most famous lawsuit: wns lnstl· some or lhe samu perHons now at nunwrnhlc emu•J: hf!UrlngH lluvc! · cl!ctntors who cnl'l'y unit votes around for trading. Juled In the Inghnm circuit court. odds with the Lapner slwrlff, it set Jltomselves above llw cm1rls," Here ln Michigan the Democt·ats sent their delegates to Undnr stlspnnslon hecuuse of his was shown that most nf lite ns· he added, "u~ the validity ol' llw part In Uw unfortunate quancl sessment money ['(JII!!clr!d hwl Chicago shnclded to the unit rule, or the shackles wct•e up­ elulrns ugalnst 1111! two pmpur•tlml Is rm Tnghnm nllnrney, Because been Hpent on meelvnrs ami lnW· hns been set Ucrl." plied lifter the delegates nl'l'lved. therrJ Is so much confusion, pre· yerH fees and the compnny rl£!hls Consider I IJCSIJ cl!IP.f Hlf!JlS in .In d I r• e and mlsunclerstundlng und obligations still remalnml un· There were and still arc political dopesters who found tlw holly emntlonul dispute: about lhls Lupcer cunc I have de· puld. A new commissioner of In· II. levy of $172 WHs mnrlc! fLlUit because Michigan Republicans were split between Tart dded Ju tum owr my column this ~urunce wns llwn In command. I against the Stevens farm on .July and Eisenhower, They should huve been split, because the week to rt discussion of the mat· tool1 the muller to him nfter con· 27, 1940, !i years after the fallur'e Jer. suiting with Governor Huny Republicans themselves wm•e split into two factions. of Uw insura1we ussodnllon. 'l'lw There's another local angle, Kelly, nml he begun use here In Ingham to despoil lng machinery, and strip away . . . · · · of Jlarcll a, 1871 · . · \ the beauty of Mother Nature. the overburden at the quarry dur- 0~~~~~.~:§nffM~wo~~~! '·· · ·. SUBSCRIPTJON RATU . Dl~~lar . advertlalnw ratca on Rll• Hal Whiteley had long. coaxed lng the winter months. ·.: ' :.•fP•r.•~la l11 A•w•-) · · Plltallon,. 8ualne11 locnla ond rc•d· me to visit Rogers City to see There are dnh'Y bnrs, coke ·bars, Higher octane plus Red Crown'o Chit 7taf'' n Jnrhaat 8Dd.·' .. · .. I Ill llOllctl Oil firot ond locnl PBI!CD, · . ..; adjoln!nir ·.countloa ,,; ...... 1,5.0 Uc a llne, No reading or buolno01 what Ingham could· do with beauty bars. UJI 1~t lloughton premium volatility makos the old ...'f•• r~~r o.utatde lnrltam·allcl: · Tllanka, la a wqrd. Announcemonta gravel pits If we· gathered them Lake Is a bait bar. !\len und worn· · family bullfeellike this Animobile, . · t•. ·.adlelnlnr co•mUea: """'""'"" I,QO af· enter.lalnmenta whore admlaalon Ia ~·· ',·, 11.. 11.'-ntha In ln1ham and ebarrt4 oro of anJ' Plan to rolae fund• all up In one pile. There the en, too, walk Ull to the bllr, !lla11 It's the KING-SIZE GAll BUY! · : ·.c lldlolnlnr. counlloo "'~'"'"""" UOcadviortlaln1. !111, thnn 60c; Card or Michigan Limestone Division of down their money and order . l'ollr manlha ...... 1,00 •u't ba paid at· rc1ular ratca· 81arlo coplu .... ~...... ,QI · · ' the· United States Steel Corpora· wonns straight wlt.h mhmowR tor tlon has one of the biggest mon· a chaser, Some even get erlekeli made· holes In all tho world, From e~ocktalls there, ' l!!.£.mtleslUtl011 tt1dl!! '·' ,•,•.', ' ',,, .~;. J'',. II I :,, :1j t'. Gn6 1\luln I•;xjtlcHh'N (, •· i I , 1 ,,;L ;j Ill !Ill~ plu nncrl to r,lvo tlio ar.hnnl · nt' .. A hlllrl gu~;ltlng nouml wolw riiiYH J(rl! (IIIHI \Vl!l!lt With Jil'l' HiH· Garden Coun(il l~v•c 1 'ii,Y C'ourwll, llrl' 1\iw;cn!H c•luh, lrmst. ~200 fnt• the PIII'Chusc o.t city msldcnts 'l'hllrorlny monJing, lcr, Mr. a11rl MI'H, '!'eel But hll', l"lroups 14re llln ChflllliiUt' of Coltll111!t'c'!!, llw hanrl lnslt'llcnr!niH, Williamston A gas main north of town blew 'J'he llJ•id< HC!hool mer I I ng was Anwrlean Ll'glon, VoliJt'HIIii ol' AlthongiJ lhn ~hnwhont . pro·,.: Will Exh;bit at liP HCilCiing II VII[JOr olrcatn high lwlrl 111 the llsual limn willt a Uniting Efforts l•'orPign Wnl'H, Civil Air l'nt rol, gt'HIII lltill yea1' will cnn:;IHt al• In Ji][! air whlelt was nollccrl hy a gorul ntlc!IHJIIJH'C', .folnt l'rlnglc! rc•· Voluntl'IH' fit'l'lliC!Il, Hoy SeoutH, rnoHI ent IJ•ely of profeHslonul tul· Ghullnll f'!uln l'lrulltflll. The County Fair mnn rlt·lving to worlt, He rcpot•ted signer! after :ltl yrwt·s of fuithfttl For Wlllinmslon hnHetmll lr!lllll unci rml, c!ngu~c!rlat u cosl In exco~s u! Mrs. Kate Cheney 'l'lw Bluo Slur MnlherH Chaplel' it to proper uuthoritles, who no· Wot'l< n:; rlircelnr nml M1•s: Llnyd Showboat the Wllll;cmsion Enterprlso. $11,000, it Is hJI ended to Inter·"' ilf Williamston !H sponsoring 'l'he Inter-City Council of the tifil!d the gus company, Brungor was nlcclc!rl In lltlw hi~ 'i'hc WlillnmHtnn SIJowlmnl, 'l'im 1\iwuJtiH duh IJiiii hc!cm giv· SjH!I'SI! tite [II'Ogt'Um . With OUJ.•,., plnc'r! on tho sl'!wol lloarrl. Hny the srtlc of glnclloll IHrge·slzc for Ji'cclerntcri Grtrden clubs of Ing· which will ill! IH!Iri on Herl Cedar l'lt llw prnciuC'IIon unci :mlc! of standing !neal ialrml, cllscovol'erl Is Hostess to 1 ComhH rcmnins n morlei'Htor unci small prkes, Procr!cciH will lle Itnm, Holt, LHnsing, Eust Lan· hy meuns of llll Hmntcnr tnlrmt rverI n l 1\1· c! ('.orm Ir• I·; par· nne! pcmnis· rulrlcrl to the .~crvlc;mcrm benefit sing, Wllllnmslon, Mason, Stoclt· Mr·s. 'l'helmn Mnrlrlen ns sec!rc­ ·sion to Holll'it nriVl!rtlslng spac·e conies!. whir!lt will be arrnngedln·­ Gay Nineties Club fund. During these~ wcr!lts, lltcy hrlr!gl! nncl Gmnrl Ledge held n George Wilkins tnry. New (Jiaygt'llunrl equip· nlng lhe Pvening nl' flttgusl l!l, fmm advertisers lhi'ougholtt een· the IICIIr [Utlii'C, .. , mny he ptli'C'ililsecl cllreet from mnming brunch Hllfl meeting at mcnt will he purehnscrl, prnmlsr!s to lw the coming sum· tml Mll'itigan. C!wrlr!s 1\llllm· lues The Gay Nineties dub met nt MrH. Fmnk Pal ty nt 701 !liver· home of Mrs. Allee Dolph Tucs· Mr. and Mrs, HtJsscll Porter met· nttt·nr!lion. Many orgnnlza· !wen uutilllriwrl to Holidt udver· Dies Thursday no~;"·rrell tile home of Mrs. Kntc Cheney side Ave, or llii.Y member of the, day morning, nnrl Mt•s, of Lansing lions having .1nhwd forces wilh (ll'llfli'HIII, 'J'Iw 1wt Jllill'C!edH Jrom •ruesrlay, July 22, hrmcwln!c: the chapter will taltc orders. Following the brunch, mcm· George Wllldns, GO, dlerl nt the visiter! their parents nnrl gmttcl· thP. original Hponsors to malw liw programs will go to llw New Printing blrthcllty nnnlvcrsarlcs oi the pm·rmts Thursday, bet•s nnd guests llssemhlerl In the Ingham :mnntorlum 'rilUr:;day, this a huge and sucu!osJ'ul Hi'· dlildn•n rund for iliiH nJ'cm. I!ostcss nnd 'Mrs. Anna 13. Ledt· following a long slclmcss. l-Ie Curmn Wilton, Lyle l\iteiwn, fair. Some ol' llta clllzens ill'e In The other organiznllons will lcr of Lnnslnf(. ynrd for a short business meet· Charlefi Lnngrlon and Burton Office Erected inr::. · lived all his life In Williamston the lwpes tlwt it will heeonle an participate In various c:rlllc'c!ssinns A potluck dinner w;rs served al Open House Given Thorn oi f~a:;t Lansing, wito have •'lllrltl,'ll 11!'(',•111' IVJJic•Ji lVIII jli'CJViric 'J'IJO Willlumstnn Enlerprlsc Ia .: with the exception in Iuter years - f:Lidi fiS CHI' parJdng, H(!l!ing con· 1' o'clock from tables centered llr.ports nf Jhc 2 ]lt'f!V!ous been spc.mrling llw pasl wee]\ fish· puhllshing II:; paper this weclt 111'­ meetlngH were given by the of spending the winter months In both a time nnrl inc:enlivc for· n Jec•tlons and t•cJ'reshnwnts and with flowers nnrl hlrlhday calw, Florida. He lind been in poot• lng in Cnmuln, r·c!ttlrlwrl home hnmccrnnlng wr.clt, w!Jieh need will devote ;rny JII'IIC'l'f'ds to tlwlt• a nrwly-erectec! printinn office, riuule by Mrs. Marian Lechler. For Kit Clardy treasurer, Mn;, Barton flf Lansing Sunday morning. has long been felt. health for n long time, anrl upon rc:;peetivc citarllll's, ot• to thoHe which was hull I. on the old print.. , A short huslnr!ss mPetlng fol· tallwrl on Jhe mmlng county fair Erlrl Porter is sick at hiH her me in" office location. 'l'he Enter· Mr. anrl Mrs. Maynard Ilill of which will he held in Mason Au· relurnlng home this spring hnrl Credll fm· its insplt·ntlon must acliv!Jic:; Lhat are collllllllllily'in lowed, after which the mcmhnrs 2!JO:l !lowlc!y road, owners of several slclt spells whleh led to on West Mlrlrlle street. hr. glvcm Capitol CII,V Di:;ahll'rl intct•esl. prise hns been In its prc~cnt loca· pluyed gnmcs. '!'he honorer! gust 11 to Hi, nnrl after discus· Mr. and Mrs. William Cool< and 1ion since fil'e destt•oycll the·" "Shagbark," lite fcn·mcr home of sinn among the members it wns his e-ntering the sanatorium. Amerknn Vr!lr•rans l'oiil No. H, Tlw shoWIHiiil. ehonrs will l'Oil· guests receiver! gifts and canis lltl! late ,Judge IIownrd Wiest, Ron, Roger· of White Oai< lowrt· prlnllcifl o!Til'C! H years ago1, fr"lll the mcmhr!r's, decided that they would exhibit Mr. Wllldns worked fot• many sill(l, wcm wcr!l' c'rHl giiPHls of w!JidJ emhraees holh lng!Jam nne! slsl or· 7:> Vt>i<'I'S l'<'<'t'Uitc•rl from just Icc of I lie stale supreme court Clinton c•ountiPs, The lltmrwlal tiw Willlmnston an·a undPr tlw While lite Jll'l!~:ent oiTiec Is built The next mceling will he lwlrl at: tlJC Iuir, with Williamston, years on the scclirJn division of Mr·. nncl Mrs. William Ketehum 11t of Mkltigan held open house. the Perc Marquctlc railroad anrl commitments involvc•rl In presenl- on lit!! original site, It rloes not at the home of Mt'H, Marian Lcch· Lansing and l~nsi Lansing rncm· their lodge al lluHh IHJ(e, ill " llit's· \w.,'ll''s sit

o\ . Iii. .. .------·------~------cT. ,-.. ------Orchard Grass Wins Acceptance in U.S. Country & .Town BE S.URE! -INSURE! · ' . 'tim I: CHinhiiHIWH lim• If cnr•Jy fill!] lly ,JII\1 IIUOWN ~tmJIH fast In tilr. spring, Use 0 f 0 rc har d TIH hlggeHI d]Hiii]Vn~lngt' ]H lhnl Farm Labor Situation Serious ·,. Follu> llJl in Stnndish m·n in a em·n cont1•st. Auto - Flm - Onsunlty . J II ronclleH malurlly 11nrl hm1nmes sc~mns Umt tlw tU\VIIHhipH 11(1 thtlfll lll'll b·yinJ,!; for thn Grass umps to unpnlalnhlr. In Hloelt fnst·m· limn lwnm· ol' J.!:t'nwiug l.iw tallest S\VIHlt corn, 'J'Iw lwst ,FnrmeJ•s Ilnnlt Jlulldlng ln·nnw grnHH, But If lwpl' grnwrl Juu·t is that IGdUut· l'erllwrg 111' Uw Arenne County JOY 0. DAVIS 'll' Lbs r!own, or· IC mower! when It gets Inde111mdmtt hus assumml t.lw dul.it~s ul' judgll wiUt ull 10 MI lOR • WIHuly, II will t•rmw on agnln and tmtt·h~s hdunging to him. Illl claims UllLt his wifll flll'lllnil good Hummm· piiHIItre. OrC!Irnrd grhrmlrl lm cording to C. R. Schoby, President than In 1940. 'rhd average size of br.sf; thin~~; on tlw nmri\I'L fo1• ennf.rollinJ.!: imwct thun­ Jn hnlh romge and f1!erl p!'nduc· gr·nzl'ri nr r•nl whrn young· 111111 of the American Dairy Association. farms increased from 174.0 acres In Mr. Schoby, nn Iowa dniry farm­ 1040 to 104.9 ncrcs In 1945 :tgn tn stnrt~ll wlwat, :weot·dinJ.!: tn ,Janws IIIII~I{Zl'll1a, 11on. unl ullmwrl In hl'l'onw t•on•·sa•, er, snys growln(\' shortages of county agt'itmltnral ILJ-!:1'111.. 'l'lw tww lll'othwt nmy lm Wllf'n lll'Dpt•t·ly mnnaJ!.crl, nr- loug·h 111111 uupnluluhiP. nnd 210.5 ncres in 1950. The dairy fnrm workers nnd the heavy percentage of fni·ms operated· by tlw answer to storing this ye:U''S et'llll, llnl~l,:~:mna cilardgrusH'IiaS man,\' tine quail· H. J,ilwl'lll IIJijllimLtlnns nr IIi· investment n dairy fnrm demands tenants declined from 38.7 in 1940 lwlieves. tics, but un!Pss good prnl'l lees arc frng••n l'l'l'llliz•••· In m·C'IumlgTnss today lends him to wonder if the to 31.7 In 1945 nnd te1'2G.7 in 1950, ·rollowr!d tlwsr! lin" q ualil ies m·e dl.~r·on l'ug-c• Wt!t•ds und inl'l'l'll.~l' question "how much docs n qunrt "Displacement of about 3,500,000 "It's n department: pmctice not t.o come right out and lost. During tlw past 10 years, yldds nl' l'ol'llg-t•, set•rl, and Jll'n· of milk cost" mny turn into "whcl'C American fnrm worke1·s by 1970 ns cnn we get a qunt't of mlil1 ?" a l'esult of lnbor-snving devices favm· one comme1·cinl brand or anything," the county agent mUeiJ of Iill! fOI'IllPI' dou!JI. a!JDU[ (l'ill I'OIIir.aJ(, o(' lilly, "Census figures show," Mr. II. has be"n ovt•rcomc! nnd its -·----·------'revolutionary in impact' is fore. told me. "But Pyrel1one may save the day for '1 lot of farm­ Schoby declared, "thnt there were cnst In n recent study mude public merits have bePn l'l'eognizetl. H will slam! more hrnl', about 1,320,000 fewer people work­ ers this year. It's !.hat good." drought, nml n lower soil Jerlility by 11 Senate committee." Or•riJm·di!.l'n.,s is a lnng·llvcll ant! is rmo of the hr.sl grasses for ing on U. S. farms in 1950 thnn in M1·. Schoby snid that dniry fnrm. Commercially spealdng, Pyrcnonc is available at sev­ 1940. crs nrc using nil possible mechnni­ BIG, HEFTY, scalc·bustln' hogs weeks earllor perr.nnlal. Its typlenl lllliWIHypc silnt!y sites. Noither· hromrgrnss "The decline of fnrm workers eral elcvatm·s and feed mills around the county. And honest, cnl devices to help them carry on whon thoy'ru fud the s~nsatlonal now MASTER PLAN of gmwth pnHIIH'Ps nn stolons, nor timothy i!; equal to orchard· wns caused lnrgcly by the decrease their 365 dny n year job of milk tho Pyt·enone company doesn't even know I'm writing this. hence It 111!\'1'1' forms n complete grass in Hummer prnt!uel ion nf in the number of farm opcrntors production. woyl Feuding starts when lila start~. bcforo tho piiJI are sod ns dor.s hroml'gra~s. II p~·o- leafy pnHiuragt:!, nnd fnmily workers who nrc mem­ "Mnss production of milk on tho JJyle Howlef.t had mom than 2011 peoplt~ in to born., •. spoads pigs to markot with thn eorroet food dueeH an :thtJIHinnt•t' ol. mots, rts Ordmrrlgrass is one rultivatet! bers of the operator's family, I'C• dniry fnrm is not sutfu:ient to talco lonl> at the new ,John Deere "fill" tt·uctP. hunches 1 f:rass that can ll'e snwn in the number of farms. There were np· up the loss of lnbor," he nddcd, Watch the mountain of lllllllllldns, squash und gmmls 1s nne ohJI'I'iHlll wlnl'it slwn{cl' sprinJ!. with or wil'hnul' n nu!'se proximately GOO,OOO fewer hired "nnd overcome grndunl disnppcnr· Umt the Seger Him\ family will build on 1\'lerillian , •• dart 'om on Master Mix Pig Concontrato for be. of .no t'Dilscqncrwr. hecause ct·np, with a rensonahle assurance woa·kers on fnrms in 1950 thnn in nnce of the fnmily type fnrm. Dur. roatl mmr JJt~slill. Seg(u· ulw:tys has otw ol' the best top-grade hogs, GREATER PROFITS. thrs fnetor· .r·an he lessened by of obtaining a satisfactory slnntl. 1940. Expenditures for !tired lnbor ing the fi vc yenrs from 1945 to crops of cucurbits in tlw eo11nty. I was ~mt ~o st~ll cnrcful.grnr-1111:. mnnagcmenl and Sprinl!. sowing of ordJaJ'tlgrnss, were 271 per cent greater thnn in 1950 there wns n decline of 124,000 the ct·op last yt~ar. By that sta111lard, tt wtll bt~ Ask us how, Today! by smv111g 11 wllh a_ legume such in fad, is generally better 1hnn 1939. in fnrms. of from 100 to 219 ncrcs.'' ns rerl clover, L:Jduw dover or fall sowing, while in the estnb------~------,------woi·th a tri11 out Meridian in about a month to st~e nlfalfn. . lislnnent: of hrnmCJ!.rass ami rendily in the early spring, and the display. In a lwn-yr.nr Ina! at tile Coun- timothy, fall sowinf( is almost also Inter in the season if it is 1y Pres~; Farm in Lape~r, it was nr.eess;ry for best: results. grnzcd >;ufficiently to keep it Excitement Grows ,fount! In IJc a Jast-growmg grass Livestock graze orcharrlf(rass from hecominf( coarse and ttn· Crop lmprovement: association is \usually !Je ohtalnefl,ffN~; Ce•lar · Lansmg ,_...;..__ ....;.. _____. seed certified by . the. Mlehlgilh .•------~---.,...;...... __;,:-'-.....,~--""'":-...-..-_;,_.._..... ___ ..;.· -.·· -.' ;.;.,·,....., ..... :..o..._..-..;._;, __ ,_;,; .._ . ..i-...;,...... ,..- .. ..,.-t I '~···~~· M----~------~~~----~~·.·--~~------~-----~•HH--,. J ___ ,._ A (:(oorl lmowlerlf.lr. or nh!lrP Is lrwhilrn Countv News July 31, 1952 Poac 5 they, mny shnt'e In the tlulrl mill( H 11nyn to ~1i!n!1<11p frm!l(ltn nne\• ' ·Milk Remains J..jow Cost Food · Milk Producers Hlrles In tho nwt mpolltitn III'Cn, eSHillltil(l (O lllllldng ll HII('I'P.HH Of othot• plur.u~ wh(!I'O cmllln oun get 11 Hlwnp nntot'lll'isc! ~ny Michigan 111 srn;ill tJII!<'nH of nwtul, Mllll)l Plans fm• lim cnlr.lll'lltlon pr·o· I'Hntn r•olle!g!! exlf'ltHion 11vemtcwl< r!UIIIn 111'1! ldlleJt uftr!r HWnllowlng. Tf.li! • !:.:....'" •··-·-.. --....:-..:- __ .. __ ...... '- :....-...:....---:--_,....,...__~-----:----/ Plan Open House vlrlo for n plemle! nt IIIJIJII with HIIIH:ia!IHIH, llltH of nwtnl, 6.9 I hose n ttoncllng I nl;lnt~ IHrslwl rARMING BU~IN~S~ Open hmwc will bn r•nltlf'r! mny lw 111111 wouldn't ·ltnlp U, :-i, pr•let!S, Elsie will he viewed for the llr·sl he armngerl there, or· In tlw I•;J. nhll' lo d11 orllm!lhlng nlmtrl llrls t lwt's Stll'l!, Our· nelglrhur· "'voulrl time by ussodutlon members, ,o;lo high Hehool nue!ltor!ttm In •: Hillin, l'rnllmlnar·y li!HIH HIHlW that lw com1wllng with us fur fomlgn I . ' mlll1 ]JJ'orluccrs shipping to the CHHO of lind \VCillhet•, llll'lop, In spllr! 11f llw llltbllc~ 'l'lw 'plant, wlrlr:l1 recently will ln:;peet tilr. plnnl nnrl IU!W lil'llS mn IH! ht'IIUghl h;H•I\ lo IH'IIJ' hig tTIIJl. Cnnnellnn grain ~rops WIIB purAtwsed hy tlw nssodntlon fadlitlcs, nflor whleh n pt•ogram • I prmk prorlrwtlon. '1'111! nntiiJiolli' got r·nrrglrt In llw r!arly snows nnd '• fmm tlte Elsie Coopcmtlvc of shot·t tnll;s ntHI pmfesslntml liHI'ri WaH lliii'!!Oillydn, Jlr!l'illiSI! lilOIISIInris of acres rilrln't get. hnr· 2.5 Creamery eompnny, now Includes ronlcl'lnlnm(!lll will he IIJ'oVltlt:d. tllf! anl!HIIll of lilt! illillhlotic used vt•sted until tills spring, 'l'lwn till! a newly lmllt, approved rel'l!lvlng Chuh•rnan of tire rlny 1:; Pm11 In 1111• lll'r•llrnlnary tr•sts mnrlo llw quality oJ: tmwlr of II wns Inferior slat ion for ncceptanco of mill; for. Keeney, munnger of the plant, r•ost pmhlhltivr! for wlrlt•sprr•arl and food gmlns hurl to be use!d the Detroit market. nnrl many whllo tnllts will he marie hy Ivan lisP., ~;dEntist:; 111'1! nnw lryiiiJ!, lo for nnlnml feed. We've meeiVi!d pmducct•s In tlw urea nrr. meet·· K. M11ystpnrl, presldnnl i How;u·r! f111rl ol!l lhr• mlnlm11m ljtHinllllr•s slznhle shlpnwnts of infr•rlor lng the Deiroil slandnr1ls so thnt P, Simmons, sec:retnry 111/IJHJJ.((!l', l!f!r•rlr•d 111 1111• fPI'd Io lwep hu11s J.(l'lrin from Cnnndn this ~>JH'ing and William Bristow, IJ'r•nsurer, )li'IUJIII'ing Ill top speed, for anlmnl feed. Mrs. Al!gLISI Balzer, ReCt'Ctary, of tlw Mlt!lrlgan Milk Producers' 1 tlw price for Grnrle! A eggs, large, assoclnt ion. '!'he enlr:rlainmeni I DIHPasr:, pamsitPs anrl e'nt'Picss Jo~ngllsl1 HIJal'l'ows dnn't sprcmd on .July 21 wns fiGr. anrl Ihe prlee will fenlut·o the nrlglnn! "Golr! 'hn!ldllng tnlw n hugP toll on our· Nr•we·astlc rllscnsr!, vets now ' Milk ns n low cost food hns mnin· mont's ~all for moro milk produc-' has hcen gradually working up- Dust Twins nnrl musldmrs, llvl'slrll'k. It's a IJ'e•rnr•rrrltii!H r·r·o· r:lalm. For years fnrmt!rs hnve tiun. Milk is considered the nation's tnlncd ils l'ecord despite the fnct ware!. ., Ill Jill it: loss for !'\'t•t•ylrorly from HUHJ!PC:Ierllhlll they did, :-ip111'l'IIWS that wngM, operating expenses and Number 1 food.'' '!'he new l'CC'olvlng sial ion nt . WITH THE MM MQDELZ TRACTO.R! frtl'lJll'l' right rlow11 lo urban I'll!!· Ul'l' t•apalllP of r:ontmctlng llw rll.~­ 1·aw product, costs have been nt That milk Is n low cost food is; Clwapest· nnrl most: efficient Elsie increase:; ll!f' lllllnllror of . . : ,:HIIIJII'I'. . ' l'ase: but tlwn!'s little dwrwP. they high levels, according to D. F. lntlicntetl hy n U. S. Department of! mclhml of gelling eggs to market !leach, of Adl'inn, a memhc1· of th,c sucl1 stnllons owned n1111 oJwraleri ~m'IJ.wtJL~'O'/J.'f IJIJJJt'J'TI' D'IJJI~'OV.'f Mum/J'TI~" "''I~"J,/ 'J'hl' dairy imlt1stry Is snid to spread the infer:tlon tu poultry. Agriculture s'tudy which shows th~t j Is a weoldy pick-up at the farrn by M. M. P, A, 11ll!I11IH!l'H ~orvlng lJiti/1 rr'/IP.I' rAVOIOI u, U . I.V"II'VJ{, 'lfrt, 11ll. executive committee of the Amert· nn hour of factory ln!Jor today Will hy rt marlwtlng agency. 7 lnHI' H7 million rlullnrs PVI'I'Y yPr!l' :-iparTow:; cnr1 get Newcnsllt! vlt·us cnn Dairy Assoclntion. . I he! IJ[!Il'olt mru·lwt lo !l, with n This 2-3 plow MM Modal Z 'l'rnctor gives you tho power to do tho , in mill< and r·;rlvr:s Just ft•um fJ'IJIIl oiiH•r SJW!Tows hut not from huy nlmost three times ns mu~h 1 E. Gray of the Oillo ngricul­ capnclty to handle 1,200,000 work-right , , , hna tho rugged, high quullty thot Milk, including dnlry products, m millt as tho sumo hour bought m n. conB~ruotlon "bl'!wr•llosis. 'I'IH•r·r• Is 1riH11 a Ill() poultry. the most wirlcl;v used food In tho hrml experiment stnllon IHHtltry JllliiiHls o[ fresh milk rlnlly, assures of dopcndnble performnnco year after yoarl 1!114 nnd .almost twice as much ns, mlilillll rl11llar lr1ss fr11m mast II is ,country, compl'lSing more thnn 20 d(!partment learned this in a · combustion chambers and 200 cu,ln, ploton Hlld olliP1' rliS('iiSP~.;. ParnsitPs ar.·· per cent of tl10 foods purchased nn­ It bought in l!l2!J. A worlwr could!• Farmers stay put longror than buy almost seven quarts of millt slucly or mm·l;roting practices In MM Model Z provide that EXTRA power r:ounl ·for e•vr•n lill'gr•r· lo.~sf's, other full\s, Sixl

Wrecker Service Auto and Truck Tn-o lng A prm er plant USing LocaJ IUid Long m.. fw Is ts one 111 11 illch the t.Moo llnuUnr lit 1111 hmler 111d tng 1 (Jlllpmqnt 1s 24 HOUR nuclc u 1 c.tcloi / Call 8-9056 o-raa llep&lrtur - Ignition - Carburetor Sarvlae ..:: Goodyt:ur - Special Election Notice We Buy Old CUIII and \VJ(JcJ[S

'10 1111 QUAI lJ IIIJ I I I I JOltS OJ J11 UH 10\\NSUII', Crittenden's 1:-i(.JJ,\i\I ( OUN'l\, liiH !liGAN. NO IJ( I IS Ill W II\ (,H, I N I hut 11 SJII'I tal I l<•lltull \\II( ht• Service lu hi 111 til II\' ( "l) 1111 '1111 ts ol tlu 'lo\\ nshl(l of Dt llu, County US 16 nt llugudo1n ltoud, Lust J,an~lng of lngluJJn, stat• ol Mulugun on

'l'ULSIJA\, AUGUSI' 5, l'J3~,

f1 0111 7 flO o'c Inc 1, In the f m 1 noou 1111111 H 110 o'1 lot 11 111 the ultJ•J JIIIOII l1 ,.,ul tun< fm saul l owushiJI, ul llu sumt flint tlmt llw 1 ull 1'1111111} I h «linn 1s lu lei 101 Uu Jllll(IIIS« ol votmg li(IUil the IIIOJios.fulll of muu&sln,., Uu lnmlnlum on flU' folnlmno1rnt or lnxc•s \1 hkh may h~ assc ss1 d aga111st nil I'' OJu 1 ty ln Ht lin Notice of '1111\IISIIIJI IJ~ 0111' I nd l Jml! (liz) lllliiS1 101 II lleJIOJI Of fl\C ( '>) } c 111 s, J cu I h< pu pose ol 111 ovuhng n l'tllll iUtllllh•lumtc I mul that sud (II Ofi!ISllJOn IS sulmuflt•JI 111 1 onlu1 m.&m c \I Jilt lht• 111 lwn lalH 11 h~ flu Llu IOJ s 111 c sc nt ut the nnnual Hdh1 'lUIV!IIhljl 111<'dli1A lu hi•Ajllll 7, ( 1 )'>~, lllld Ill (IIIISIUIIICC 0( II 11 solnlwn ndoplc d hy Jlu llt llu lullnshiJI llomd at 1ts 1cgu lnr mccfmg he hi on flu 1 lth d.ty of ,July, l'J'>~ '1 ht• IHOJIOslhun Will ht f01 th Ult flw LmllulJU the folhtwm,:­ PR.IMARY ELECTION ~cl foun

"011 lC IAL IIAU,Ol Ill Llll 'I 0\\ NSIIIJ•, AlJ(, !Js l' fi I'J'i l ('lAX ItA II llm!AIION INCltLA::iL l'IUJl'O:SlliON) Tuesday~ August 5~ 1952 IN::i I lnlC liONS 'In \oft lu ltt\UJ c•llu Tonnslup, Ingham Count~, 1\hdllg.tn, lm· .tllJIIIIJlosc•s, excl'pt taxc·s lm wd leu I hi' 11.1~ nwnt ol mtl'l Pst .uul prinup.tl on obli­ Fo~ the Purpose of Nominating the Following: g.ttJons IIH 11111 rl prim to I>c cJ>IllUJ'J g, 1!!32, he lllCJ casrd, ,v; JII'O\ ult d hy Sc•t tum 21, A1 bell' X of the Constitution oll\lulug.m, h~ ltltc•cn hmHlil'llths of out• Jll'l' cc•nt Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, U. S. Senator for full term, U. S. Sena­ (.15'/,) ol thl' ass( ssc•d \,tlua110n, m; I'IJII.tliz((J, of all tor to fill vacancy, Representative in Congress from 6th Congressional Jll'll!JI I'Ll 111 the• 1'cm nsluJ!, (1!!:! nulls) lm .t (ll'llod of fn c (1) yc ms, l~oml!J'j2 to I!J:ifi, both inclnsl\1', 1111 tlw pur­ District, State Senator from 14th District, State Legislator from 2nd Dis­ flosc• ol Jll o\ ulm~ a P.ul• l\1.unten.mc" J~und to ht• ust d to trict, Prosecuting Attorney, Sheriff, County Clerk, County Treasurer, C0\1'1' Uw cost of m,untc•nancc• ol the Tm\llshiJ! Jl.U l•s Register of Deeds, Drain Commissioner, 2 Coroners and County Surveyor. ltlld l'I:U't's o1JccJe,ttion for the~ ca1s Hl53 to 1U57, IJOth inclusive! There will also be a non-partisan primary election nominating 4 candi­ YI~S 0 dates for the 2 positions of Circuit Court Commissioners. NO 0 l'untcll h.) Authouty" l'hc \nit d llllii'IL~c s on I ht• lumt1ttum nl taxc s, 111 lltlln '1'o\\ n 2~wl3 ~hlJl, ns slumn hy u sial; me nl ut llu Iugluuu County l'Icusulcl ORDER APPOINTING TIME FOR Alaiedon Township dulcll July 17, f'l'>~, 1111 ns follows HEARING CLAIMS AND FOR Wheatfield Township DETERMINATION OF HEIRS "Slutcmc nt ut 'IIIIISIII< 1 ot ( ounly uf lnghnm, l'ollmg Place: Alaicdon Town Hall TRAVER-Oclobor I, 1952 Pollmg Place: Wheatfield 1'onn llall :Shtlt ut t'llh us lt'!JIIlrccl hy Act No IJJ~o:uu, 2'n Slulc o! Mlch H r I ho 1'1obnte Uuu l nt llu• l'nhlle Acts or lD 17 ot the Sf nle of ru the County or Jn!othnm l\liclugun AL 1 HcRtilon of 8 tid Cnu t held nt. the Plohntc OJf cc, Ill lha city or LnnHin~ lr r, J,y(( n Auslm, l'll'IISIJieJ of lngluun Cnunfy, t'llic hiAUII, lllw3 thu Hnld Co lfiLY, on the .. lHt duy or Aurelius Township Htntt• I hut I huw smudu•d the 111 ords ol my offwe, Ull!l, 11th•a July A D Ill ~ lll«JIIII y, lind I hut lht• tutul nt 1111 \ole II hHII'·ISt•s mm and l'rcHCI l liON Polling Place: Amclius Townllall White Oak Township nhuu• llu• t.&x 1utc• lumtutwn « sh&hllshcd by S11 lion .!1, A1tlclc Jud~-:c oC PI obnt.t;, In the MuLlet or tho E1tnte uf NEL X, of lht Constlfutwn o! 1\lldn~:nn, inuny lmulumts ni!J•chug LIE J 1 RAVER ncccu,cd Polling PI !We: \\'lute 01tlt Ton n Hall th<• taxuhh• llllllllll ty luuttml m 'l'on IIShl(l of H1 llu, County of It lllll•t!nlinsr to the Cou1 t thnt tl u Jn~-:hnm, 111111 tht• Yt'llls m whach such voted mc1cnses me el· time faa (lcKcntutlou o( clnimK ugnit1Kl fectivc, tu he as follo\\s: , Hnld cHiHtc Khould l c limited nnd lhut u Onondaga Township Lime und IJIIlcC be RJ1JlO)Ulcd to lCCUJVc LOCAL UNIT c"umfnc nnd ndJUHt nil cl limK tr I de Polling Pl.we: Onmuhtga 1'own llall VOI'Im YI~AUS tn n I~ URI hat~t rmld dccouscd by nnd be· IN Clti!:ASJ.S EFFECi'IVE rolo t\ I I Caul t nnd Lhnt the lcJ.{nl hull M lnghaq1 Township a( HI\ d dcCCIIRcd entitled lu Jnhclit tho County uf lnghum None None eHtntc of whtch nnld dcccnHccl died lowllshiJI ot Jlc lhi Hclzcd nhould be ndJudlcnlcd nnd dclol• Pollmg Place: Ingham 1'own llall None None Sehoul District No. 1 mined Vevay Township ( l'i ~hils) 1'J~~ & tmm II I• Ordered Th•t nil the crcdllo 195~ nnw Sttcct Lnnt~lnR Mlchhrnn nn oJ Leroy Township ( 18 lUill!l) 1!11i:i to 11171 before the l•t duy of October A D lflfi2 nt ten o'clock In the tm cnoor both Incl. Delhi Township Polling Place: Leroy 1'owu llall School n1sluct No :1 ( 5 1\hlls) tmld time tllld Jllncc be in~ hca ch,y urt· I 11152 Jlolntcd fot tho ex 1mlnnt1on nnd udjuKt .. 1 School DJ~tuct No.li, F1l. ( 25 t'lllll!!i) 191)2 to 11156 mcnt ot nil clnlrnH llnd dcmnndH n~nif Ht 1olling Places both Incl. • dd dcccuROd nnd fo1 tho ndJudlcntlon l,rccinct 1, llolt Town llall lUllls) nnd dote mlnntlon or the helu At In" of ( l'i 1957 to 1!166 onld dcccn•cd nt the time of hlo death Precinct 2, Miller Rorul Town llall both Incl. entitled to lnhC!It the ••lute o[ which Precinct 3, MaJIIe Grove Town llall Sehoul Dish let No.7 ( 8 1\lllls) 1!11i2 only, the dcccnood died Reltol School D1shlct No. U, I?II, None It I• Fnrthe1 01dc•cd, Thnt tmbllc no· Precinct 4, llolt Methodist Church City of Mason None lice tlw