:I INGHAM COUNTY NEWS '" Ninoly-Third Year, No. 31 Mason, Michigan, Thursday, July 31, 1952 Four S•clions, New Highway Farmers Rush Archers Slay I Onondaga Fish With . ulccJ.tJppcd mTows Republicans and DemocratS .: Momm Woodnrct ami l•'OI'CHt Swings East Combining as Cnmpbcll slow 2 glnnt cm·p unci n big lurlle 'l'ucsclny, '!'hay got the l2·1h tut·Jle and n 14· To Miss Curve Rain Lets Up lb cnrp In the Grund at Hull Will Choose Candidates at l'oad south o! Leslie. '!'hey hit lnp;lmm Wheat Jt;.'i~tlll'li the !l·lb carp In tlw Granrl ul Hulldm:t•I'S llittl llt'l'l' tim enHt hl'ldge In Onondaga. In lluildiUJ.: (~rnde rot• Sevtlrll nmmtp;e Reported In Armls Farther North '"l'hal's the way to fish," I'C· ,, Jll ason·llolt Widm1ing mnl'lccd Campbell. "Tlwrc's nn rliJmln~: Primary. Elections Tuesday If fair wea1 het• continues wo1ms o1· wading foJ' Dl'lvm·s won't h a v p • minnows and you li!l nflct• ..·~ swing t•ighl and left on 1he S the balance of the weclt most wlutl you want. You cinn't , eut•ve nc;u· I fal'p!ll' road when Ingham wheat will be in bins. have to !alto wl111t comes to Farmers, and elevator opcr· the lwoic." A~gust. Pri~aly tlw new US-127 is built and Campbell modcHtly uclmittccl Here Are the Candidates: atm·s, have been toiling long open to lmvcl. Both Innes of IIHlt it WIIH his companinn who . Will Gtve T1me · ;: ll•uf'fic will follow a new l'OUte haUl's this week to get the drew the bow. CamtJhell did wheat which too long stood lend a hand with the landing 1300 feet cast of I he pre:;;ent nr the Grand river monsters, ,,... ed M~~~~r~~:r~an G. Mcn~~~~~~~l~IC For GI Fall Vote::· against the rains. Dormlti S, Leonard JlHvemenl. just north of llm·-j he snid. Lli!UICilllnf, GOVCI"IIUI' Sprout damage has heeil I'Ull· William C. Vandenberg Next Tuesdqy Is prlmnry .cleo. [ll'l' I'Oilcl. Woodard is one o( the hcsl .John W. Connolly nlng less lhan cxperls predicted bowmen In the state. Two I. II'll lcnnnf.flol•crnor lion day lor Republicans and. 'l'hat'K the only strell'll of the last wr.clc, So flU' there hns been yr.ars ago he shot and ldllcd lTm·r·y Henderson Unlfcd Slat.•s Scnuh>r DemoPrats, 'rhul's the day pnrtl· new route lwlwP~n the not•ih end only 1 em· of wheat sent ll'flm a hcnr With an arrow. Clarcm•e A. Reid (Full Te~·m J sans l'hoose thair cnndldnUlti !ot1 of IIIC' Mnson h,Y·paHs anti lloll Mason with spwul damage more Gcor·g-e W. Welsh Blah· Moody the fall election. wiwre the Jll'P.Hent location Is he· lhan !i';l., Mosl of the eat'S lmvc David Jo;. Young Louis C. Schwinger Here In Inghnm there I~ also 1\ ing left. Tlu• JJPW t•oute will he been within the tolerance of 4'/r .. United Slaten l';t!lllll.or non-partisan judicial prlmai'Y fbr P.HH[ Of I he pi'C.~C!I\1 Harper• roarJ Unlt~·d BilLies Sl'nat~>r !';I c v a l o r operators agreed (ll'ull Tcl'lll) plciclng 1 candldntes for 2 circuit Intersection hy 200 feet and caHI Paralysis .Claims c·ro I•' ill Vncmncy J f•:ur;cnr. C. I<eyes court (•ommlssionc•· poBts. Th11re of t lw Country Klt<'ltcn by 500 'l'hlii'IHiay that two·thlrds of the Blair Moody John B. Marlin, Jr. fcrt. At a J>oint nlmut liOII fcpJ wheat has been combined and nrc 5 eanclldates and 1 w1ll be· Leslie Youngster Charles K Potter Con~:·••eRSRUIII Houth of Scarlett's place the new that by Salurdny the hm·vesl eliminated. ',' will he nearly completed if the Clifford Prevost I lerbP.rt W. Devine route will r·ome bade to within Donald Hayworth Polls will open in city' , and WCall)el' C'Oiltinue~ fail', 511 feet of the [H"PHP.lll pavement. For 4th Fatality Unl~tl SinteR S.•autlor Don W. Mayfield township at 7 In tim mornlhf: 11.11~1. Bud's Auto Parts will lose Ponr haJ·vcst weather has re· ('J'o FIIJ V~~t·nncyJ James C. Ralston rcmnln open until a ,In Uic eve• duccd ylelrls. Some of the grain Little Gary 'l'orld of Leslie was John B. Mnrtln, .h·. nlng-. , . , part of Its lawn. On the new Ingham's fourth Infantile paraly· Charles g, Potter State Henu.lor highway the huitrling will be has been down anrl h1ml to get. Politlca·l ncllnn h;~s not ~iltchetl Some wheat was lost by ~helilng sl~ victim. flc died lasl Friday in John L. Leighton wllhln ~0 feet of the north·lmunrl ( :uni(J'essmnn politic;•] talk In slnle an4 l()j.'ll,l out before combining. the Sparrow hospital cast unit irt Kit Clardy Lcg-lslatm·!!-lnt District campaigns. There has bcon fittle traffir• IHnc. Jo:nHt almost to the Lansing. He was tuitcn there on!y allilnrloncd Ilogsh;ll'l\ mad the , Accordinr,: to grain buyers, I ng· Carl B. Flynn (Vole for 2) action. ' • the 11lght before. Doctors altrih· 1 n<'w nm·th·lmuncl traffic lane will • · : . ham wheat has been in belle!' James I l. Gardner Ciuu·Jes N. Murphy Alg-er· Tout•lnlf County ·: . utcd the hoy's death lo the bul· go hrlwPen Harper road and conclltion.than wheal In counties Willis A. Stanton Archie A. Perry Fred M. Al'!er, Jr., la m1.1itrni _.i St·arlclt's. ,. to I he not·th. There the sprouting bar type of polio coupled with a vh·us llifectlon. Sllthl Senulor l.cgil'llnloi'-2nd Dlsh·ict swing arounr1 the CQUnty :'l'bUl'~·; 1 has been extensive, I hey said. WiJJI;un ,/, Mu<'leni>C!Ck uf Sag· ·1 '. : , • • • · Harry 1~. Ilittle (Vote for H day with a butrct supper ·at tha ilmw, the gJ'IHJing contrnctot•, has· :•., .' ·· ' ·'. With added fad lit ics at the Gary, 3~~. was the son of Mr. , J,ngisiRI(JI'Il-lst District George I. Eclcman· Vernon J. Brown fat·m for·:iom~ a fleet of gi:111t hLtllrlmerH simp· · ' ' · · Mason elevators, r·oupied with and Mrfi. Auslin '!'odd, 1~50 T~ast (Voi~J for 2) of his worlccrs Thursrtay'C~i'J!lOtf; lllf.l the new J.:rarlc. Wot·k has reduced yields, the lines of truck:; Covert. road, Leslie. 'fhe mother Willarcl I. Bowerman, .lr. Pl'Offfll•utlng Attorney On Friday Wllllam c. Vli.ndoo• hccn liPid LIJl at ea<'h end to per­ and wagon:; o[ wl1eat have been snld that Gary had not been feel· Catherine R. Frcelancl Jesse D. Parks berg Is due In Mauon -to- ·&flake lllil utility r·ompanies to relay slwrtct· t I tis harvest Heason. lng well for several days b}lt thal Jlm'old w. Hungerford Sheriff - ·---· -·· -·--·---.J...)...:.... gas ;i>HI power lines, Added ·storage facililies on many no alarm for his condillon was !~red L. Kircher Benjamin F. carman FRim RIDES O.fi'FEilED' :,,";; Vol' mosl of the ,, miles of the farms have also reduced the felt until last 'l'hul·sday, A Lcs· George R. Sidwell Wllbm· 11. Schade Mason voters should· have~:. 1\'lriPning, t lu• abandoned Mich· marketing glut. lie doctor made the polio diag-· Harry T. Ward no excuses for not· gqlng to :' nos is and the bov was talc:on to Count.y (Jierl~ lhP. polls Tuesday for .. llao, [f.: an J•:Jr,·t til' raih oacl rlghl·of. This weclt there have been 6 " l.i'""ili1Rtor-2ntl District l\1a''"t D l•'lrnnt• wuy will catTy the nurlh·bound carloads o[ wheat leaving Ma· the Lansing hospital Lhat night. "' ·'' · ' ~ primary election. Froo tldei ~ Death came the followinrr morn· (Vof41 for JJ George Wm. Parlter will be avallnble I? atl".Oil:. •. :.. tr.tffir·. son each day. Most of it has gone b Lawt·ence B. Lindemer f " ing-. Jnhn J. McCune County Ta·c!l.!lurer In a campaign to. get out.tba '· Mul'lt of the J>re~ent pavement to the Ball le Creelt mills or to :;torage elsewhere for the mills. Gary's hrotherH, Richard, 11., .Jennie Katt. votP. the Mason altomnbfle' .,. Will he rPhuill and some will be , l't·oset·uling AUomcy .. 1 1 l c 0 1 1 1 1 ··r~- re-located to carry 2 Junes of anci Chm·Ies David, 12. have been Paul C. Younge!' " e v n . ester c c eu ers nssoc atlon will drive ·. bollth·hound traifi('. sick this weelc. No symptoms of Register ot Uoods anyone to the polls, whether-·. polio liavc developed, however, Sluwlff Ann Robinson ile is Republican or DemCl.' ·. 'l'hP Sargenl Construction Co. the mothel' ~aid. Willard P. Barnes crat. All that the voter lias tci · has the contl·m·t on Ihe ]Javing. Doctor Applies Sam ucl ,J. Tomlinson Drnln (.;onunJssioner 11 J 1 1 h J · • .. Under thP l'onlract the ~'miles Two, more polio cases were ' o s P c c up t c P 1one an .. dla"llo."erl by Le•lt'e Cuwrfy Clerk Stanley E. Rhoads cnll any Mason car dealet". from I 'ryllt' marl lo llolt must be " " ~ and Mason C. Ross Hilliard I•cn Merlnd rf J I o• open to traffic this fall.
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