ANRV283-PY44-05 ARI 7 February 2006 20:39 V I E E W R S I E N C N A D V A Nonsystemic Bunt Fungi—Tilletia indica and T. horrida: A Review of History, Systematics, and Biology∗ Lori M. Carris,1 Lisa A. Castlebury,2 and Blair J. Goates3 1Department of Plant Pathology, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington 99164-6430; email:
[email protected] 2USDA ARS Systematic Botany and Mycology Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland 20705-2350; email:
[email protected] 3USDA ARS National Small Grains Germplasm Research Facility, Aberdeen, Idaho 82310; email:
[email protected] Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. Key Words 2006. 44:5.1–5.21 Karnal bunt, Neovossia, rice kernel smut, Tilletia walkeri, Tilletiales The Annual Review of Phytopathology is online at Abstract doi: 10.1146/ The genus Tilletia is a group of smut fungi that infects grasses either annurev.phyto.44.070505.143402 systemically or locally. Basic differences exist between the systemi- Copyright c 2006 by cally infecting species, such as the common and dwarf bunt fungi, and Annual Reviews. All rights locally infecting species. Tilletia indica, which causes Karnal bunt of reserved wheat, and Tilletia horrida, which causes rice kernel smut, are two ex- 0066-4286/06/0908- amples of locally infecting species on economically important crops. 0001-$20.00 However, even species on noncultivated hosts can become important ∗ The U.S. Government when occurring as contaminants in export grain and seed shipments. has the right to retain a nonexclusive, royalty-free In this review, we focus on T. indica and the morphologically similar license in and to any but distantly related T.