Katherine Ahlgren 120 E Arrowhead Rd Home phone: (218) 728-3370 Duluth, MN 55803 Email:
[email protected] Bio: Master Gardener, Member: American Rose Society, Canadian Rose Society, MSHS. Consulting roasian for American Rose Society, District chair for American Rose Sociey - shrub and old garden roses. Organization/Affiliation: St. Louis Cty MG, American Rose Society Experience: Speaker: MSHS Roadshow (2001 - Grand Rapids), North Central District American Rose Society, Douglas County Master Gardeners, KUMD Radio, KBJR TV, many garden clubs. Usually 3 - 5 presentations per year. Topics: Roses Matthew Alfs PO Box 120342 Home phone: (612) 781-3006 New Brighton, MN 55112 Email:
[email protected] Bio: Matthew Alfs is a nationally-peer-reviewed Herbal Practitioner, as well as an author, journalist, and educator in the field. He has been a nature teacher for over a decade and a professional speaker for over 25 years. Experience: Over 25 years experience as a professional speaker; he has delivered hundreds of lectures, taught workshops and taught at colleges and universities. Topics: Don't Trash Your Weeds - Eat Them!, Herbs, Medicinal Plants of Early Americans, Native Plants Elaine Anderson 2700 Xanthus Ln N Home phone: (763) 439-3313 Plymouth, MN 55447 Email:
[email protected] Bio: Avid hobby gardener for over 35 years and a Feng Shui consultant and presenter for 20 years. Certified in both contermporary and traditional schools of Feng Shui. Founding board member and current President of the Feng Shui Institute of the Midwest (www.fsim.org). Experience in new and renewed landscaping. Special interest in native plants and landscapes, shoreline and water gardens.