
landscript donated to Pennsylvania by lecture to ignore an entire class? Tue Juniata; Jlcntiiwl. Congress to encourage the establishment representatives at that city of an oppress, ASTfcCLCGY WHISKERS down-trodde- Akkricas MiLKixn of Atjri- - n rpiiK ton Maciiinr: r 11 A.L an Agricultural School, to the cd and race, particularly 1nvAil-L- IFilP X The greatest anU most buccessful invtu - i VULiU Ab WxSlchLV CiT.rgc, I : cultural located in Centre county, when they coiistiMite a large portion!' tion r.f lie nc: X " ATTItn WHMiEBrt L rF.VELATIO-.-- ' ' V II. one.-Sed- Ij O, livery pruilont. ire This Hecuve.i a eru.ancnt endowment of iiiliulitiants, and is it possible to firmer should Jiuto TT0.!lC.ED ,0 upon jits rvKw your own tniti.rv. MDACEVTHEGUiiAtASTtiOLOGIST, Rrof the smoothest nearly half a inil.iou of dollars, and will this class without consideriu what the Apply early at thn otrir.-- , Madame H. A. P E R 1 Gr 0. EXCHANGE ll pat this College, Iierctufore languishing duly of Gorcriiuient toward tlictnij? r.ni.I)ING, She rormils sfirotfi no rvp.r ! wonii!:rful discorory in modern b. 0-- knew - scienoe. . f lt.:rrishui-K- I'll. Sin: rostores to nd for wabt or lunds, upon an cxcellout And is the consideration of the ucaiinns h:.r.pincsst!ijiewb, from dole !1,,.ICU!,?u,heBeTd Huir ia "n lnioM i,:i evti.is, c.ilnstioi.l.cs. cr.w in I,,.. I ... .ui.w innnner. It tins been uso-- I K ,k- - its' Keccs.-io-n A XXOU.VCEMEXT TO TIIK 1'Ui'I.IC foundation. General John Fiazcr, of and Slavery" and the cx- - of fclati.ins u,. l triemlj. losi of moncv Sr. eIlte 01 Fa' is anii EonJ'.n with the most" Mium Sua l!riltiriitr wi.nlil ri:rt( TuTl tr Xpnes fli. lee- vi b.vioiiio to-e- th LCJ,'!,'"l5 """"ecsj. uf i,u learncd and peiitlcinsinly l'rcsidcnt, - pressiou of an opinion ajraiust them She brlnr;, ilUrcba.sr will liiiorni um ciiizens oi i no two ioriU;ru?, niM lii'i:,c ,e !oiig PppiiMiecl, gives iiiformaiTon- - ,",!i,e.ri"J "" if entire MtisfMCiion i. of couipatablo hialj call-th- c vicinity, that she intcmli opening n school, soino two weeks siuco in the Hall j with the dignity aud concertuns absent friends or not pven in every insianc.;, the n in tlie room slio now ocoiipiet, on the .Second lovers. rtr.r4 money Wiit A union of A,lts, ni1 union of uiiuh, of ? h tor stolen tcll3 lie cheerfully refunileJ. e House, and has contributed very larpc- j inir the ministers of God Tor thus Monmiay of Ariiii. :mJ property, you the business l'ri. by mail. sl. A no tolicils a share of l elnml union jioicer tha'l rcvir; jou r.ro host (oi i!itie to pm-411- .m l in wii $1. l.'iscrif.live circular ly to this of friends of the a true Cion tV fus- - the j'lih'.io patroirige. t A union lirnrln, on a union hands, triumph the llazlett, of you will be most rijccdv uau icxiininumin Diniieil tree. Ati.Jre. of J of t'lmrjrsR v:irryin from $'J,")0 to S".-r'- sui'fe'stu!, causes - for ' College, is much elated at his suc silil'erous ry adbcrcntslr.'fcflb- neirriafs mid le'ls you the American Union lie moiilLs. UO-J- liie rcry d.iy yon will Aid forrvir! a term of three ftl !iivu.-M- iVo L'Vi mil I V. i: l.'ie. I:tnr,r.uu nti.l liiver.Street. Troy, X. V. cess, and, avows his intention of .buildiu;; with his pen. assaulted a mirrrtter X- - bfUti ""'o'-iHiic- r MIFFLINTC W rpoTUi: CITIZEXd OK MIFI'LIX A.N!) of the isho rei N v,-.;- j nP"UJJ"r the InileJ States. r - a first class Agricultural College or iu aniorto his people ; hut this is nancw JL - lioiights. nn.l h.-- - fc"' Wednesday Miiruiii;, February 20. up ViiMXITY.'l he iiii.lersianni wo'ithl Xcvi' l.y hlnn.st siiocn-.-rtu- 't'1S- !7. iu Wo io ; mi'1 Hilly announce to il10 ehc l,u l""v, 'siinveils ife dark an. I bidder. wearing himself out the attrmpt. spirit that the reporter writes jt is the that NOTICE. . will open a school, in the rauw she now oe of the future. Frou the slurs Ve ? J; The II. II.SOV, llditor ntul Publisher 11, j-- lie'-isi- II. predict his success lion. N. McAl San:e prescribing spiiit that his 111 I 111 Tlt'J f l ll ti.hIjv''.. received from the masters unit's, on A.oniiav. Arnii. 1st, nil hoii til llU'fl .!.. i hs of Jn..,ti. d'ci.-cru-l i Icomr in il .. .t.... co.itify. letters tesUmentxrr unoo the a -- istcr, a native ol Juniata, and for years used :L'iiust those who would timf her liiiiors duriiij; Hie ir!ei!i wint icr lut Tiicjv n. rjsa : l v.i szxrix po--- t i;d i li so ve u M,re of the pii'slic faV,,,-- i,,r.s f .1,,. ?f lte of hastrlite Loryrtl drcvlalifti of any paper t LVcaver who lost a le iu the st rviec, both uot cry Miien to '.lie doctrine of the ...,s nu(lafu J'?J- H.n. ?:..-,- fl " ' i he - All in- in tins Conntv. Ch :..Kes i,om $:J,00 to per qiiHi ler. at .he tiree ."'""'P. lisbei W- - ! iu f of Slavery is sp",,i' U. ' "f !e.lur re -l o P8 jviuity ;"it the Mine ch. EI.EEX W. fTLlS tie fo.ore desiinv of!' l' ":'V ?- I'Sra'rarulvi11 . man. I ail not In consult ll.a eatept Aslrol. f :l'.""'l:t 10 and all persons I. and fa- -l College. loyal, conduct a f:tn class Lncnlist. are friends of the that proscribed all ministers, who durin : .... 1. 1 . . . bavin.! demands "S i 1 1 .1 1.1 wu 11 os, . i ajaiust the same will present rnirv e.n id" fru'Tivi. cuui,t'lnii ivTiiiiviii.vuin.ni .s. .is- in. vo;i t ji irirlr, r ud well worthy the l'mrouagc of every I them for ke!tleiiii ;t. Tu .lous0 La,l Lefore it jestenlav a the icbcUioti, spoke iu favor ,f the . would respectfully inform the citizens you iray never nTain have so favornble I an Iovn.1 m lie I outity. j l:;-t- lt. citizcii 1 I fob. JOS. . - Thompuoiitown an vicinity, hut I have opportunity. ion fee. I'OMEnnv. Kxcsntcr...... nam very impoitant bul grautioi; toe rciiosyl- ees ol the Government against the tu- - if 'unu!t! with likeness i noeiied a Tin find Sheet Iron establishment aiid all desired iutoriii'tiT..ii -I l'n:;UDt:.- - is- XtTH'K.. The undemiirnr-.- l I'KO.M llAKKIISUl vauia Kaihoad Company authority to called Confederacy, for jmtifica- ncconu-.i'idal- IXCt'L'Tt'I'S' I.ETTIiil irC. and a and isni prepared to th"! public UR at b umtmiee enn v.iusiiS: the i f j : 1 r. .1 .. ircei .eu irom IOC ItCiflster Ot Ju- - sue additional btuck aud bonds. ISul tion his ivith Tin mid iinr.T Iuon Wark, nl.-- Siovn mail Vfith e'iml sai.-i- ai.U - i'lsfaeiii.n ti iur i:;, j tor illiberal article. Hazlett Ihin i.i..'a county, -, letters tesiai:ieiit.iry n;.,,n ti,0 Tcb. 10, IS'", al lie lowest cash prices. tluMseivv, as ii in p.- A 00. foil ex las' will and . iaLe the tdavo ; lestineent of iu. J. Kl'.lii b.,. lnddeis defunct "Codi! el to. j 11 Uoih llou-e- s w.Hilin; and cpnuiitiT prfinpily altflldel I'licil eion!. a Tusc-...ror- j Suxtixtl. are all inquiries. of ;:;t d-- Pear I Waterfonl. to . t!io past has AU work made uf th? l.tvt material. answered and 1. r.-i:- Oo:do of Legislature the Kihiis," and his tmiclc thmhtlcss likeness r ue!oi sent by AU person-indebte- d work two to E:.id are re- - cctv at Lard, having scs:cls Vi.V. C. I.OUAX, on receipt ot proe above mentioned. TI bo:u a busy v.cck. Lev. L. M. Long, a under the of the et ('ie:.;e-- 10 make payment l the lindcrsinud daily. Much business is boin vorked Tl.omp-ontow- stnetest seeteny will be maintained, and n!l and ail persons vtil known had au en having demands th childiea's lectuicr; liugeiina: remains of the spirit of tiit ftb. Juniata county, l'n. eurresponil. nee re.'tn tied oe same will present them for rtp and prepared ly committees, snd er ne'ileineur of th hibe-- ei-'- firniVhed those j tiitaining Faiior una and lecture ou Tues code "late dc:ea-ed.- " MA t ilKW t "u panic Jl.TI.'8. NOTICE Joseph I.. i.a;:k. cousiderably ahead of the desirini them. Write plainly the il ir of iho .M. day ou things that arc toil ASSIOXEE'! township, J. J. evening ''Little ratal month nnd year in whii b j.-- were born 1 3 Ct-. period last scbion. An early adjourn- , fcb. y.V?ci.;ort a and O.i I'a , of the firm of Jicaiiii & compos ..) a small lock of huir. al- little." It wis pi success. is the Senate having of J is. IJell and the said Jos I.. l)e:oinc, P. j ment anticipated, Addrese. Maiumk If. A. IT. .".ICO, 1 rALISTKnsVILLK 1 IX sitOl'. Theun-- I Thursday evening, repeated hy request o.. Leery in ha-- a having 011 the of Februai y, ). .IU, IJ'. ready agreed upon the 21st of .Vauh it county Ohio hut one, Uih 107, I'. I'ltAWr.K -'- ll ALo, x. Y 1 I lerst;ii-- J has establisi.ed himself In Friday evening, Frof. Fieitn gave a con- Hindi: it viilur.lai-- nssii;iinient of nil lite lYr-soiit- il feb ll,i ''.'- - V, McAlisiersvitle in the i po;.t ol the Graud Army cf the lJcjm'o.-i:- e. Tttimuit the House concur. If adjournment bel.inpin lo said t'.rni, TV i i h ail G-- wantio;; anvthinj in I cert uiih girls belonging to the pub- - ltite his line shoal trorL :he person. il belnti'Tin In the sa'ul Jus. rail be!. ne thus early, Loth Iluuses will have to , w purchiislng elsei.ere as he L. L'eiirins-- 110 iei Assignee iiLi 1 it i I.Li . i :i lie sehou'r', the liouc picked to cverllow- - i to the in jtlii t.i i pre pm-e- lo c ii ti Gregg f'f II n. i.ianiifaemre all kinds of Tin and liLe beavers for the cext Ce '.veeks. untiled- trust for t!ie benefit of creditors. Notiee is -- t 1 - liou are. and to sell as low as ILfjr :ug caea eveumg. 1 ne.e einelrcu a., be- Mfll0 ) owinjr oriridi-hie- Throw may yourfaI.se frizze froii ,lasWco at the ,ea. ,,,e Tcl,.rftil.A,. hereby pivca Ij all voer switches rm, be pnrc-Iia-e- cu- - The Senate after sa adjournment , lln oM 10 s.ii-- v. iug drosso l iu j or In lie sat'l .10s. I.. 'S j to'.ter.-iin- ii white prc&eatcJ a .ipl.t iu,, J'ruri'portati.in 1 epa. tui.M-- t for II ...... '.i Ihe peneril'y arercsptct V Vcdncsdy preceding, to cnaMu the 10 cnine t'orwa. I and mak iiomedir.te ..r comfort, and no. worfh a fi;r ; and marked b;. !w;;y invited to call, as he hope, by strict at-."- truly grand, the exercises ,wo Um ,:;-!- and members of the House to vim! yo.lrs kcou ri.pjint.d bv inenl. and those bavin;; c'.iitns nain-- t tin: coneyoii..!.,:! ,.,,: and fair, , lo business to deserve a share of pt. !'n - re, n e vigot aud thoroughness of drii! all thij'. (jl)V said m or niii'ist ti:e sod lenrin 10 pre- in y.si;r own luxuriant hair. rcna-re- . j the Dismount Ifosj ital and other char it ttaiv sent fur settlenietit to VC.. r . r .. i !. . I . , . .(!,...! ttuir uerouuls m l, ol, JA'OHO WIXF.V. 1 - s I L.1.IA .MS, .1JA.V Ki.t':;.'in ti'ii.w. able at 11 he eitiz'-n- ol li.ineMC. i.roo It. l iloW r.cr. I'or h t Institu'.ions at l'ittihurg, met i i niii n storing iir upon b;,id In :..s from i: s . i ,.r w.,. f.-- 'JO .ii.-- J ui in. oi' a. . 1 ' 1.1! VCilt. li.l.AS st;.li.NAI:. In ii1 iioiursoii, oauuiiter I ti 1,1 lint ever rnu-- e i: Ihn o'clock on Thursday the Uih. Ohio counties, (the an Jtanui .) may hive f.ole:i mn and V stunt-- . luri ! ! iFo 1 ft J toip.ly lop pn l iof. T!w.ii:l,t..n .!' Ilil Sl:il (':illit:ll lloti-- ...... ' j v iv x V F SAUirTliioV for:ii: a growth .! h iir upon liij l.:. e. il h is jeriyof After the business, iu t. vU,s iru'.nia, it is sta'e i. are al.-n- t t,i JL n lot ind b.teiy purcl.a-e- d ;.J. .Muh- - transactin:; rsul fcrii.er niil sell nt l'rivate of ii" t'l'is!. It wi.l foreelon be n- -i . !er. inlenii.-in- t late ot Juniata county, saug the 'SUi l.n'ti-l:ifTi- -.. .itl..t-.,.- . County Siipei of AtiKfin tilt.in I ti l.i. ;'rniiii I, il.e pn "f Wm. A Niaonal.-- en sin-...- : !n-- ir,.-i- i t coua'y, (uoue of general interest, t.i peiiv i.ie in tive'to ha-- treducio.bi!!s In en t!:,oo r..ly roi'ur-nisli- e fpan-le- '1 in tite lo.rotM.iii nt ; .' reaov .ted and d Fanner" in a btvloJ that elecited sitiiate on i:ird street, nie's.-.- or h .ii- n.oi. I. ;! he, is in froi.i two from coiumit-tccs- , oil from .i.e.?that btate, and to become a taeh. l. Toe w.i- -r P'i-e- i b bowever,) receiving reports Miiiliiiiowti. bounded on l.- -x have en of Of.slillVKK. the by of' to three ii'oe'lis. A rounds applause. i .Mrs. to the bi:,loi:i'. and other improvement u;c., the Senate took up aa ret rela- cd to I'eiiiiss lva jia. Mrs. Jacobs and on the South by lot of hale nsseited liiat t!:i-n- is t lii l ie 1,1 .14 to make il ile:r-nbl- l.onaa'd, bi ii:; feet fro'll an 1 1J0 in det-t- o'ie of the mo"t d Sriiu-ul- . ii' force in hasten the pruw.fi of t!;" bear I. tive to the l'ittsbur and Cui:uclavi!!e for (he The of Lio reHiitatr s, at in in the A iiavic-- iS l o.in.l Fl! .M1 , i.,c- ihoi.-aii-- coiititv. eio ni a i'iieir assei - are 'al-- 1- i- of liv- teirhfri ll be I j fonaed at li:e opening th the discussion occupi- Lditor. I'ermit inc to say a word Washington, en the L;tii iust., nd ing ( iVi.m t of Hai'.rotd, cf which ivicu.ix; hifsi: witnf or n ex p i o .::t .v:n v v. t.oii-tree- s sioti nr. i'.l be continued is 11 eiosice of t i iit tit throiig'iniii. wl lor:n-- There variety bear witness, but n,t . hnv: are ed its attention durinjj the part o! or two relative to an individual professing at is viitiiia''v the r bill e. Mr n i.mny 1' It S11.01.M r op-- on jrreatcr in iii-- Sesion Wednesdy, 011 ilie lot. H is silieue the iih ne to i in'nis'i I,.. ti n : too A i :I lo.ii and to in the ot critical reporter i'.ie Sou; h .iiita-t- t'-- , eontioaes twenty weei;. AVedccsdy, Thursday and Friday, till act capacity Stevens, placing under i pleis.iiit pin of town and is iu every It i . .!i,:;,-i!ii- 3; Tri: :is : 1 nit ion. I'oardinL". Light e4 V m. i hi-- a very ues'r.;b proper: v. f ilie difi-- ii nt a.Iv.-r- t f- -r when a vote was reached and the the and stj ling himself iy government. This aciio-- is !i v ita fi:rtti-he- d s non . I TI'H-H- rooms i.er seion. evt;:t. If 1:01 sn'ol r.t jrivile sale !'.' h:i:r and t.e.ml 11! ire-- ; v defeated. - j uiei :i:i 'i hose desiring bill Ayes IS, nays 17. Iiazlet, Jr., who attended a lecture j orient aud .piite uucxpecud. Thv ;utc .V.I It li'iiT. it vi.i y.m adaiitrance siioubl pp'y r :' !'' '" ' 7, limy have niivay thrown In:'' ea; iv. Sale. fur-- tlo-i- This bill is o! sufficiently general im- c:cd by a some on tli it lo oli'eied t.t l'nb'.ie For t in '1 ... i;.-- v.c Fresbytcriau clergyman W1S pi;) t0 55, ni..i:uts pure'..; Kor fui;hcr pnrtienbirs ad Ire- - iier I ..1 icnlars c;.U on or ttd-- "si nl-- SiV. -v llio ite; f.iipilii; it portance to merit a brief explanation. ten days ago, an J last week delivered ,.,; ; M Alt'! IX .Mnill.f P. Prin. (;uv. v,;.i ,r(. r.. v. LYvnu.i ms. will cost u iin'n-i- fr j nothing il fijl ..:nes :xy I.ewi-t-w- n. . . lint;! .Mareii i'ilb, after The Legislature of 1SG1 passed an act himself through the ICjUut of a lid Is I'a. to cur - L': ,;( ., tl(. C pr0Scnl ,.mth. v0 u,0, if y..m- v.cii O to K o liacoira.Itus, do. y I'a. repealing the of the Lover-;b- ( cot !.. p ii. s(.1;,i B ..c ,:siar .0.1 ws : act granting a charter tity spleen, engendered by ( Wl!, ie.,. :. r fauiIy Ui.cwr.a:,v tilll WILLIAM WlriK, will t'orw.-.t- it, !, wi:!i a re- to the ritL'uurg aud ConneUville Rail- ena s t e say . I gouitcmati lecture. spleen lie expects to be gui.e about three u: :iths A Tl'I'.t'l! XT TAII.O'A ! CltVSTAI. VAX.- - ceipt for the in oiry, which vviil be r 'n. ii 1 I! TUN liliUl SCHOOL- .- The First m. l.lXTOWX, Fa. you 011 appiic .tion, providing euiirc s.;!i2fa.-tio- sioti 1!.:- - road Company, passed many years ago, because we know of no wotd better suited ' ACh nilblilNti, .MItl of ,il., will open in thi and t 1 d his into Italy. I l,v-;- estci tiip pO" il is not j'ive::. A , ..ire tt.e I'ii.-- t Monday in April nest, under and under which considerable capital was to convey our idea of the actuating pass- L.-i- Th inliful for patron he bet's leave Vi'. t'h,Mui-is- , j j t .v ill at i ute. :l I.. I. !;K . co., .eel.iiif.-- of the .)ur1 ; 1'. j undersigned b com. 1: tin. putiic thai l:c has ojcned uot .1 W.-s- t expended road was of of hi-- ; Xo I nvette 8 X Y. leaehel'S. lh..s though the never com- ion tnc writer. Jien r ime tl-- , fi., laense, ipeleni In school Having sold house he loriitrriy iu his i.ew iii.rier-- tt j 1, - , - t . : ... ; .ca y Kb ly. wilt ! (.ovea iu any brant Iwa ..- ..n. , . . . desire!. pleted. Each Legislature sinco the pas- it a euus.,. , : ,. . I.,,;;, """"" ccnc pi. I.ARuLtl AN ll HM.lt ASSoKTMl NT Of The will consist of two iii.irlfi of sage of the ae: of 1SG1 has been pressed of and many persons are r.ot T'uere L eleven eac-ii-. At , 1 ! comet cbij lidinys of joy to a'.!. nerb the end of ibe So'.o'- ti.in' a.-.- when 'resident John- t. L o ri"t e Til:i, ..oar er there will be a to rescind that repcai'atid thus the IsIjw to use ditTcrent language expressive To yoiinj and to oM. to ; real and to small : viiation of four 1 It ;. ublii weeks. isfileats wi'.I be son cointi.t net lemovtng :ir I received for the t .ie wi.:c:i oti"- ivas so uin. n. charter, but has refused to do so. of unfavorable opinion of lie soundness whole ses-io- i,r lor one only: but rv ivoiii I not I .'.iar:er from lov , I for all, and all Li .y - The opponents of the Fittubur and of the judgment of the man wh j iu such vi:s7ixos, d-c- be fa; rare it highly important that a!! hi jin with tint i ii.- - down and n o :iu had s; i:y t'ao of ihe session, it c. Connclsviile a assaults a peetable minister, brn;-.'l:- llsis r.t '1 Itailroad Company urge that manner re ' T't nr ever vras tofore to town,, tsf he sel.ooi w iil, for ihe nt, consist , the Con;-.- '.:!.te.: picsi of of ol a and inliueutial r.hich he ii pivij itc-- tj inik'; 10 ov i in lao V II A four fr.ides . Tho-- e Htudyiug Spellinj. R. a4- - the construction this road will opeu who is pastor large -- t STELLA Ji'3 wi-- .! is the - e rot::- L i lMI'&O 17..'; Y. iier. H i'ou.i. Meti' .l ao-.- l V, liitua Aiiilie.c-ic- . new and New in own county. We do rt:si A.'l Ho.iT Sl rotiics of travel trade with congregation our wiM consii.itt.: I iir pr 1... tion.'" r:ii.c- - the Sea .to. ia the An ::11 WHSTS LIQUID lit! Manner that deiy onoo.ti r T jjri-ie- 0. York and Laltimore to the detriment ol not know what the author, tbat i vjis per .pi for this it:i jo;-- t :oi'iit.ri;V. ha- - i't'ir'm '. I ti.i ii.tt. i.I.--o iiiani:f:i..-tn- t s in o;-- :r, all lie rti.i 'I ti tir.-imt'-i I 'se studyiiii; .r, tieoprip'.y iu Philadelphia, while its advocates claim for man of the impudent and abusive pen '.lo ir rin-- cf JL t J it I V, 5veoj'hatt ou wimn ior:s i i j I ii tie. iicni v. o.i it.e nSove named it the development of a portion of the styles the article, but as it is headed by the atives lol'. c in: t . ; For It .; rov iier an J i wi.i rot.stitll,.. the sce:,nd class. YrOKK p'.oxi-Oi- ' Th v :,!,! it ; s t.. H'STO'l per ipi irter State rich in mineral aud agricultural re- Lrentlcman's name whom he so uukiiid tioti." re ..lab, .'11 The in iv. 'oal.:e an pel liara'.oTi Thus., liie iiiativui t'ic.--e rr.is fa'.l.' ter. s. in third clis have the privilege uf tin! . i n 11 sources, low crippded fur want of an out-let- . assaults, we suppose he dots not pretend Ity fvlci. atteiitt-ip- . to b'tito-ss- he hopes to use. tor ito: th n piou;. of studying what branches they piease m l i.- , - lii:e - - lint, tint o:'a-- in jt o it 1.1 tx-ce;- .t This being to call it a criticism but puts the naming TO rec-.v- a: h: retotoi-e- a lOier.ti sa.ii'.- pa ,'i. as my as tiiey can fctcty liioroiighly, of special importance to Uil'oUT.lM' ii: and 1 ;. ! Vt;r: It.pat.v:; ti i. e 01 ill Call a nispet-- .paci.y removes i'i:c;,:es tii 'se bran: '::. I'aeic-- in class lour.h:) Jdo'ch-- . the western cities and counties the bill to the reader probably feeling eura that TE rti!.!;. of iViirUriiaii irri .M.ith I'c'cl.o .i!io li'Ill-s- i:.iO.- - Terms per ; eilttin ' and ion. ;'.-!- lions, 101 ail i'i:t;i i:ii l!:e 1.! jiusii." j Roing ivi.e. . of skill. ilv Those sni.lyinj and the LauguaTCi, creates rcu.ewhat of a contest between the he could not disguise its true eh naeter, i;v,.rv v.h.n.. , : i t!;,- x.,m tw. healing sa.01- the, white .l."i will constitute the fourth class. Teres j eastern aud western portions of the State, which reveals itself iu almost every line, ture calling in !i, v iil to, ! a 'o;'t r.f clear ns Its use can not be l ! 1 - i l.usiis.-'s- j 'eele l.y the e! to: beit 'i't-x- t will be and the vote was eonseouciiiK- tn n under thn stiacious, name ol criticism. inai-i'i-i- eiu n the ssrae fir the most j j !' v 0 !? ir o .0:1 is p ti .10: ' th .1 used ia 0..v M a ,.: r.-i- , .. I... nli. 31' f f 0 .'1. V J. I Lin. part iny school last year la ' ,0 r . estent sectional. lie cannot shield himself with the Code it is t :... oo'.' nr. cie ot t.i.- U.tot it,-1- . Pcrrys', mid ion,; i i:,.:-- : - 1 k U..tl.,..J l.::i .1 . . .1.. .: ... .1 1, . s the rxpon .r.', Flco- is ewnsi !:ti by ti.e p,;, , IL A& r.nmlmluliui Abu.iLaa uin wiisj reporicu o; i..i iiim ine .euiieiiiaiiij When by the cse of Mt. Jt HN VI LI.E'S "its of the rig'jt kind e ,n be hu l here, ii ijliuls, goeius 1 e. i eu-- b prepura. can iidily be spare iVm-- in '.is; c..s lido to pen..,-- to:!"t. l"pw.i j .!. I?..S!rA..l -- :. :.. i i. .!....!.,: be loin dies; Can iiad with this I'rincip'il, or V...... 1 ...... v.... P.,.,;m,. l.:.u :.:. ot-- . . you cm et.iel pcitiiaiiyutiy, aad ;;o, t.'O S"'-- vviiiiniiiLi: nineu us uses mv 1 vi v.-- - of bo. lies wei e d::rii: 1:10 il viieu the earmnss el . i v nidus! ri'Mis vor.th 1:1 ti,- j, iti other pruate fanoliss on the lotte-- t 'ernn ,:i u tr.iint cost. siif-oitoi- : expected wnl be acted upon avknuv,!. o year, u:tr.:,re, its t;tj .,.,:v le. For iufortiiation next week. u;on the public acts of men of xi.-re- o i.e.-e-s- . stc-.- icb d further adlrti ,.v. i,. nihs only '!'hc astoiiisiiliij; ss it! lisn nt:en :i i ',.. r 1UU1', p. the undersigne-l- . This bill, it may be is ae-- -, i invabiaU'e lajdii'ioe tor I'bysi il remarked, not j edged character and respectability f .r t, r prep.o-oioi- tha. s!,a:l ani ie-- ' !. lie iiiir.niuccanv , on ovo K. li. yJUMilUMAX. Trln. Vi eaktu'-s- Mi l - Nervous I"...- c; : ' to the liienus of a gcaeral rail-- 1 productions of the honorable critic differs i.iei's son, les'-be- i.r t.ie'li:o::i:, into n bliil i' Co., MilliiutoKc, Ta. l'r.istv liian, buss uf Knery. Imp L so tt.. l.i.v, X. V. j fcb is-i;-- -. law. as widely from ' l'siti-'.t- i that sled! I.riir,' Lite n oo.l of yo:n.i-fu- l a: tides, such as we hold or any cf the e.i.ise.nicliees fcb. :o. '1;; 1 V. , ar-"- k"l i ,,!n iiidiLU'i-etion- renders it the most valuable The committee to inves-- ! as differs ni-h- t." j ' ? "" joint in (ptcstion, "dav from .T. JT.AMt. c. S. I 00K. 1) to 1 cnyjs M n.Hdel,.i.ia, l'a.f a systen. t pi ci'.irati'.ii ever tignte the alleged corruption practiced Ail men ct know le'lgc aud character who ;"eoesi i'.l affections, de- PAVilK IS MoXIlY HAKXKt). b;.-i- It v remove all nervous yioNHV . bus i 110 .!. '. 11. k tw d sa i "O. Vs W a r-- lounced i:0o to study or i And that can be done lo pi rtection by the of I before fel-- 1 pression, excitement, ineapaoily iti in connection witn election mtcd j appear the publie expect tl.eir Tele,,-:.,,;- , s Outness and V.:e:;e bi.-- - new in l'at:er-se- le.tsine ;s, uf lVcti.ory. confusion, thoughts Oil ! s!:e was bea.itil'ol nnd fair. '"lying your goads of Ihe tiiia 110 j f ' Statcs Senator, repotted that evidence low men among whom they move, and ;r l Mi.I t 'J'heir in liry that len-- t be tborouchly pri.riic.-i- tk a of si of insanity, With starry eyes, an ! r.i hair. stock consists rait of (loo.ls. flood-- -, Yankee lUn appetite, renew the healtii eut'-vitic- Hats atni I'aps. Fancy had beea aJ Jucel to substantiate the j w hom they labor to exercise the right of revolution in commercial Jiisnneiion ia il will restore Whose purling tendiiis soft, 'l Xoiimi-- , of those who have destroyed it by scusui.l ex- 1 a large nnd superior stoc!: of l'oou charges, and was schools pupil enough so tl.at it may Knchaiuc the very heart and mind. discharged. criticism, but no tuna of knowledge and cess or evil practices. and Shoes, llroceries. "sait. I ish. Cheese, c. "'J- I !n;ro' - 'rorl"m;iely - 110 CK.Si'illt A, nnd Canned Truits iu great variety, Uoth Houses have acted ou several biiis character, csnccts abuse f;om a gent, e- - " ""jm"- Noting r.uti li? lot nbnjrproil iiore by 'm ltiel praeiiiioii-r- s, Tor (urliu-- the Hair of eiihcr Sex into iiaiuwaie, I Wimdenvdirc. ttor 1 ' ' 'tiiiaek IKietors"' and ' liieiisware. chan. jing the venue one j 0!. f"'1-"- from county to u.ac, if looked for, is expected from the ay puic-iiasc- ea-.p- re- - it , send without tor the l.iixir, and be i sine: wan in cities at . oi 'f'" schools of f tat:-s- as bat Wavy and lossy Hinglets or snothe These bilk, being to health and liMppiness. A dueed p: iocs, and we arc couliot ut we can j.rtnc.pal.y blackguard. Uetug unwell during the it ,,,P it, sl,eeesst, ,1 , at once restored ,,.fiuires pprai!(n a ,V; Altissive Cnrlj. i 1 1 . . . IVifectCure is una ran teed in every ittrtan".. Heavy make it to the interest of our customers and ja cases wticre nave - nuiul-e- r suits been brought evening ou which the lecture was tlclir of stii.lenu in daily l iroods-bu- y aticndanee. This I'r'cc. t l. or fotirh i.'lles 10 one a li. ss, iiy Usui" tuts r.rtieic i.an-.e- ami tient.emen e ing public to .live us Ihe trat j ' under the act prohibiting deserteis from ered, we did not attend. We have, how- - course of receiving tbe cnrutimj nu-nt mid One bctlie is sufticieut tocilVct a cure iu all ran beautify themselves 1 ihousand fold. 1' call before niskin" their purchases. j ims'.re-c- ordinary c is the only article in the world iil cur! X. li. We haf 3 the largest slock, greatest voting, have assumed a political complex- - ever been informed by an individual or enthusiastic support of the leadin? ise". that aipo.'di;, joixviLLF.-s?ri:ciFi- trai-;!:r hair, and at the same time give it a variety and bc-- i styles in the county, j racn nnd educators .hro,,.;!,.,,,! tills and were passed the ennuy, finno-rrhe- 11 .-i ion, ly strictly party two who have abundant ability to j,ld,.c for the speedy and peroianeiit cur? of bciuitnul, glossy .ippearar.ee. The Crisper j ishesi market j.rlee paid for country . . !!,n,,i3 drawiB f,,r tUU P""-S- e UAXK, CU. rotr-,- I.W .I,, I,,..,,,-- 1 ...... 1 Oieet," Urethral (travel, not onlv curl, the hair, but invisr orates. di:ec. I COUli i. i r ' from nearly every .Slate in the Union. The urc, all iiliectioiis ot the KMueys beH'.il'oies and cleanses is lojrh'.v nnd d Tatterson, Ju'y 4, ISoO.lf. tt i Strict mil it; The iiouse met also on Tuesday morn- - j tainly contained nothiug that could justify arraniaci-- t of cvety department and llladder. Cures effected in from one to iighlftilly perfumed, mm is theinost cunpieto bilia of Titey are pivpared from vegetable of the kind ever Amcri- - TM- - ing. Sever.' general interest au honest, impartial individual iu abusiug mal;es it profilabie for young r,ieu tj Coine live days. article offered lo the I7AI.VAI5LE MILL J'KttTERTY AT that arc harmless on the system, and i can public. The Crisper Coma niii be seat - The extracis were acted upci.'- bill submitting its author as he has beeu abused. The hundreds of miles to enjoy its advantages, ns i nauseate tha btoniac-l- or jrnate 10 any address, post-pai- d 1. his Mill Troperly, situated iu ' never impn sealed nnd lor at private sale the rpacstioc of ruuiii.ij the Eireetcars on reporter's article itsclt indirectly declares !" olhcr school in the country caa i .,uai the breath, Xo change of diet is necessary Address all onb-r- s lo M'tCoysviilc, Tuscirora township, Jiuiiat ':'.-c- s """ !ur "e'"-'- " '"ration. while using them, nor does their action in; Vf. L. CLA 1! K & CO.. Chen.is's, county. The Mi'.l is a large Frame f.uilding, Sunday iir I'LiladelpLia to a vote of the j its own meanness by lailiog to establish V.'e- -i ., V - , i l;r.v. of any manner interfere with pursuits. Trice, Xo. 3 Fayette Syracuse, X. runniii? two setts cf Ilurrs, wiiii liolts, tie- 1 11 - i 1 Ali:am!:u I'lah!;, bditor f"art's j e - : 1 jieuinr, j.iieu niu nou.-- line, eoumueii.- au uonorau.e cause lor sucu violent uousc. fi, f,ui r,i.r, in a notice of thai iostitmon. per box. feb 2:, UUlT-l- y. vatets, uecessaiy for doing; a large d will Mc-eli-anl eonnec- - b!e diiCussion. It is tllegcd, though I let us take a moment of timo lo look at s"''' : "The Commercial College of J. C. Muia- - of the articles f Country or hiisiness. in nr.d wi I",e11- - loni comiones its plan more practicalities, be sent to any address, closely sealed, - ,be be a thrce-lilth- in kxcz:s.ssjji!;, : uii frJ believe and hope falsely, that the Keveicnd geutleruau'ssuojoct Wash- post-pai- or express, ou and better liiseiplines its students for sneoess-In- l by mail receipt of House and liable with ail necessar s CH JCi "l of the people ia Philadelphia w:mt th ington city duting the llebeiiion, and see-- business than any similar institution with price. Ait tress nil orm-i- 10 I AO I IjLiAIi. O modern improvements. Terms easy. .SllCTT-- S & Co., which 1 nni acclaimed in ibe city, and but BEUGEll, Chemists, Persons wishing to ee liie property vent cars to run ou the Sabbath, aud will vote what might regularly flow from it. Cer-- ! No. 2t. Uiver Street, Troy, X. Y 12.1 one 111 ourv.uoie coruiry 111 liny wise com- ir Eiterniina.or!' rail at the residence of the subscriber in CO, ti7-I- y. For Kemovinj Superfluous for it. Should this prove true I for on-- faialy the lecturer would present the city j pares with it, and that one pui-u- a method feb. Hair. MeCyosville. Juniala eotintv. L'o-t- f. WM. HACKETT. j To the ladies cspceoillv, this invaluable de June ahall think fat less favorably of the mor j ;a its various "shades." The army that a pilatory recommends itself js nluiost Is of this iru-- j cou- - j nrlii-!- HOUSE city thau heretofore I t WaS ja aad about it, the population it Sut,, a rei,ort fr0M Ri,v AU.xnri. BEAUTY. indisnensiMe to fenthli. ,! rtXXSYLVAXIA w n!,k Golden, & Silken Ctirls, - Anhum, Fiaxeil easily applied, does not burn or injme the T H if the Senate passes this bill, the chris- &ociety and business, all would strong evidence of the statul-tin- n PA TER OX, PA. tubed, its c'ntactrr and 1 1... i. .,r ..r .r-:.-! K,., n,.ia -- . . t ov me. use 01 1 ijnoT'irei1. . v u. ,i;u,i...... i-.- ,i. 11 t irouuee'.i mi. ir i.. iuois. is people of speak-- ing - 35111110 S'StlOD, OH Pi Itfl H- - CSllraatf. I'hiladclphia will rouse .c ,stt upon at some length. In of this school. The College frinn it. plan FUiSEULEC.lEVKCX. On.- applica- - warranted lo remove superfluous hair from OP?OSllf n. I j most nnd low foreheads, or from pnrt undersigned would respectfully inform tbemselves to action and defeat the black-- f tJjc araiv, could the doctnue of "lc ""cntion of the tion wurrantcil to ruri the straifthi miy of the body, Hie either sex into wavy ringlets. completely, totally and r idically friends imd the public generally, thnt n,;,ssef' a,'J as il , stubborn hair of extirpating his l legs, rowdies lager bier sellers and drink-tha- t hot esy. the tnediuu, isaea rWira,io..i. .'teat " or heavy massive curls, lias been use! by . the same, leaving the skin soft, smooth has taken charge of lliu above named house, . ' r explanatory of its working, wuicu are mailed i and crt, a 11 of whom pol.s the fashionables of Talis and London, with j natural. This is Ihe :oi!y article used by liie The house is large and commodious, and aavoeate it, at toe which the slave tinlucrs eought j j tbrmg!, fw. of W(J ,haU. the most gratifying results. Does no injury French, and is the only real effectual depila- - j weit Tenl'tlaled, and is fitted up iu nicglt nd thus v.t:dieat3 the Lithorto fair fame j . - overthrow our Goverumeut aad cstab. ,. - j lo in jilp.,i!iu send an nnolication for ei.e to tha hair. Trice by mail, sealed and post- tory in existence- Trice 73 ceios per pack- - j rooms mid rooms for families, nnd is open iKy - of tbeir beauttlul city. n,,6a :ls ruin- a .biave Eiapire" be lavs, as they will no doubt be fiirui-tao- paid, Si. Descriptive Circulars mailed free. a tie. seat post paid, to any address, on receipt one' uijrut. Tcrscus wakened for any triu. - y liElKi SHUT I S & Co.. Chem- - of au order, by best attendance given terms as reajox- '11 iiiarMii-- a ; reoue-- t. Address. t!!, Tbt bill passed toe lious reeeip of I igcoreo. oil No. 263 llivcr isl., Trov. X. Y., olo ' DHUtiEU, SIIl'TTS Co., Cliciuisfs. nbie ihe tiniM will admit, -, ists. at tb- n.-- S -- prrscntiDg liie population of tha C . by ve'e of to ! r:.u!:ii.-( lu A.iilrrts J. MaiOJV. rhi! y.i. treats for ths Tniil Suttcs. Ktmr St., Troy. X. Y. F, M. MICKrlT. ;raa:u:-?- o iri- - tf the rV. lie - e m su i lib. 2: "07 Ir. j !'.. 2 ). i'.7 I. ',, Ounff 9 l'rJ-- s'