MONTCLAIR STATE UNIVERSITY Montclair, New Jersey BOARD OF TRUSTEES July 27, 2017 Present: Ms. Rose Cali, Dr. Susan Cole, Mr. Hasani Council, Dr. Francis Cuss, Mr. Jean Marc de Grandpre, Mr. George J. Hiltzik, Mr. Douglas Kennedy, Mr. George Koutsouradis, Mr. John McGoldrick, Mr. William Mullen, and Mr. Kent Slutyer Absent: Ms. Mary Comito, Mr. Lawrence Inserra, Mr. Ralph LaRossa, Mr. Tom Maguire, and Mr. Preston Pinkett Present by invitation: Mr. Shawn Connolly, Ms. Candace Fleming, Hon. Mark Fleming, Ms. Shivaun Gaines, Dr. Karen Pennington, Mr. Jon Rosenhein, Mr. Jack Shannon, Dr. Ken Sumner, Ms. Junea Williams-Edmund, Ms. Maria C. Anderson, and Mr. Keith Barrack Mr. Hiltzik called the meeting to order in the School of Communication, 1th Floor Presentation Hall, at 11:15 a.m. Statement regarding manner of public notice of meeting Mr. Hiltzik read the following statement regarding the public notice of the meeting: “Please be advised that in compliance with the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act, adequate notice of this meeting — July 27, 2017— has been provided by distributing notices as required, properly posting 48- hour notice, and forwarding notices to designated newspapers and to persons requesting such notification.” Oath of Office Mark Fleming, Esq. swore in George Koutsouradis as the non-voting student trustee. Roll call — As reported above. Minutes from the meeting of June 8, 2017 Trustees approved the minutes from June 8, 2017 as distributed. No. 3113 Union Report Professor Wolfson spoke on behalf of AFT Local 1904. Professor Wolfson reported that there is a tentative agreement between the Union and the State of New Jersey, and the Union is pleased that the negotiations are completed.
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