APS Journal Legacy Content A one-time fee for perpetual access to over 3,700 issues from 13 peer-reviewed research & review journals! The APS Journal Legacy Content is the corpus of 100 years of historical scientific research from the American Physiological Society research journals. This package goes back to the first issue of each of the APS journals, including the American Journal of Physiology, first published in 1898. The full text scanned images of the printed pages are easily searchable. Downloads quickly in PDF format. APS Journal Legacy Content Includes RATES TITLE JOURNAL LEGACY CONTENT ONLINE ONLY Journal of Applied Physiology July 1948 – Sept. 1996 Tier 1 $2,990 Journal of Neurophysiology Jan. 1938 – Dec. 1996 Tier 2 $3,540 American Journal of Physiology (AJP) Jan. 1898 – Dec. 1976 Tier 3 $4,210 AJP–Cell Physiology Jan. 1977 – Sept. 1997 Tier 4 Custom AJP–Endocrinology and Metabolism Jan. 1977 – Sept. 1997 Tier 5 Custom AJP–Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology Jan. 1980 – Sept. 1997 For tier definitions, AJP–Heart and Circulatory Physiology Jan. 1977 – Sept. 1997 please see reverse side. AJP–Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology Aug. 1989 – Sept. 1997 AJP–Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology Jan. 1977 – Sept. 1997 AJP–Renal Physiology Jan. 1977 – Sept. 1997 Advances in Physiology Education June 1989 – Nov. 1997 Physiological Reviews Jan. 1921 – Dec. 1997 Physiology (formerly News in Physiological Sciences) Feb. 1986 – Dec. 1997 Fill out the order form below • Fax to 301.634.7418, mail to the address below, or email to
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