
Family Survey Responses If you would like to provide additional input or feedback not covered in this survey, please let us know. In case a parent/guardian is no longer able to receive emails, please provide a copy on the school's website or send a copy via text. Thank you. The spike of COVID‐19 cases makes Fall return to regular school settings a little premature. This Fall might be to early to return to school setting instruction based on the ongoing spike of COVID‐19 cases. class times ‐ need to not conflict ‐ child had to choose which class to attend. Also it is important for learning progression that the students receive more than an email with module to complete‐ there needs to be some instruction occurring be it recorded or live. During the spring my student was sent an email with the weeks work and turned it in ‐ this occurred for the duration‐ not an acceptable way to teach online. Looking at the guidelines by the CDC, it seems like the federal government, and the state governments aren't taking it as seriously as the epidemiologists. Are you going to do a safer, better job than the state and the feds? Or are you going to aim for the bare minimum standards? I am disappointed that you didn’t ask for feedback on the learning model the county implemented during the school closure. I had many concerns. I have four kids. There is no way to bus each child unless I quit my job. If the school opens, it is your responsibility to make it safe for my children. Social distancing, PPE, scanning for fever before entering bus/school. Reporting to all parents if a child gets sick. Be socially responsible. My child has a health condition that has been identified by the CDC as being a high risk for complications for Covid‐19. What will be the new attendance expectations? If a family member is sick and awaiting an appt/results from testing, will the children need to quarantine? If a family member is positive or if they have been exposed to someone who is, will the children need to quarantine for 14 days? How will this impact attendance expectations? Will there be the ability to transition to virtual learning at any time if it is offered (e.g., illness or if child is not functioning well in school) I recommend that there is still a date before school starts for kids to go into the classroom (if in person returns) and see their class, meet the teacher, but on an individual meeting basis or much smaller group (2‐3 students at a time). This will be important for kids to ease into the environment and know what to expect. While I know the budget is limited, I foresee increased counseling staff needed on site. With scheduling, I would suggest 1 week half days, 1 week virtual (similiar to other countries) ‐ kids will have a difficult time transitioning back into full days and allows time for symptoms to appear after group classroom exposure before kids are back in school. Keep kids within same group. it is impossible to oversee my child’s learning when teachers post assignments grades and communications in different locations and are not aligned with each other or the school district. none of my kids teachers posted in Aspen when they did remote learning in the spring. it took me an hour every day to find all the assignments that were due that day in all the different locations where the teachers posted information. we cannot do it like that again. it is imperative to us that teachers have a common location where assignments are posted grades are posted and communications are posted. It is impossible to manage a child’s education from home when all teachers at different grade levels have different processes for where assignments are posted communication happens and grades are posted. Aspen is not an option evidently because teachers do not like it those do not keep it up‐to‐date and use other locations to post their assignments. If Aspen does not work for them we must find something that does. For the younger kids, I would like to see a mix of classroom time and home learning (but not online). Two days a week at school for in‐ person classes would be ideal, with the teacher sending home worksheets, projects, etc. to be done the other days. I am not a fan of my child using a computer for more than 30 minutes a day, nor using online meetings for that age. My child needs to in school FULL TIME! The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has come out strongly in favor of schools having students return to the classroom in the fall, despite the ongoing risks associated with COVID‐19. One of my concerns is making sure all my children are on the same schedule. One of many concerns is making sure all my children are on the same schedule. One of many concerns I have is Making sure all my children are on the same schedule. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has come out strongly in favor of schools having students return to the classroom in the fall, despite the ongoing risks associated with COVID‐19 We are flexible to whatever is needed for the safety and well‐being of everyone. As long as standard handwashing procedures are used just like during the normally flu season, i am not concerned. this is just a virus and is easily controlled with normal handwashing precautions. stop the stupidy. we do not do this for the common flu One program/app would make things so much easier. We were almost to the end of the year before we got all the different ones and how to use them. I am not concerned with the transmission of the virus as long as standard precautions are used like they are for the regular flu season. it is a virsus and can be maintained in that matter. We hope that the technology will support cameras so that opportunities for face to face interaction are not lost completely. Are parents going to have the option to keep the kids at home with online learning throughout and the school support without requiring parents to fill outages NOI for homeschooling? If safety measures are not able to put in place to protect teachers and students parents should have the choice to keep the children at home and use an online learning system that will keep the children challenged and engage and learning to avoid losing of skills and kids falling behind, a system that requiere children to be accountable and that they will understand that their online work will be graded. All students should wear the mask as mandatory to reduce the risk of infections If you decide not have in school lessons,please plan for virtual live online lessons everyday because this learning packets don't work. As the parent of a special needs child (with Cerebral Palsy), I have significant concerns with him returning to school in the Fall. Although I believe the classroom environment and direct instruction is most effective for my son, I would not be comfortable sending him to school wearing PPE or social distancing, as I don't believe either can be enforced to the extent they are 100% effective. Thank you for all that you do! Please let these kids go back to normal. NO mask or social distancing. I will not be sending my kids back if "prison like rules" are the only way. Germs are good for kids. I am not worry one bit of COVID 19 or any other virus. As parents it is our job to access the healthy and treatment of our children, not the schools or the government. Specific time slots for at home learning will be helpful. Please just have consistency in how and where the teachers post assignments and grades. As a parent with three kids and a full time job, having a single place to go to see what’s due and what’s coming up is crucial for our families success. My hope is that all the schools will open like normal with no mask or social distancing. I am also considering homeschooling if there are multiple restrictions on the kids or staff. I don't want to homeschool but I don't want to do hybrid learning I am hoping the children can go back without mask and separation restrictions. We will ultimately decide on the children education once the county has decided a plan. I don't want to homeschool but I will if there are face mask requirements, social distancing, or hybrid learning. I do realized you can't make everyone happy. But it is my job to do what is best for my family. Not worried about the stupid virus. They'd better I plement year‐round masks for the flu and protection from any ther possible viral infection available for transmission. I do not feel comfortable allowing my child to go back to school especially if I am being potentially exposed to the virus as we have had covid positive co workers. I would prefer my child in class each day, but also want social distancing protocols so understand if a hybrid schedule is necessary in order to have lower numbers of people in school at one time. Online learning did not work for my child after the fire. I would prefer live sessions with teachers teaching class as though students are present in person. My child did not learn well watching a youtube video and then attempting to answer questions. Information changes daily, but it sounds like air flow and ventilation are key components to Covid prevention. Does Grafton have adequate air movement and ventilation? When weather permits, is it possible to hold classes outside? Keep doors and windows open? Testing and contact tracing are two of the strongest tools to stop the spread of the virus. Kids can only return to school if the state or county provides tests and hires a sufficient staff of contact tracers. Need all assignments and deadlines available online. Kids need to be back in school!!! I feel strongly that schools should re‐open as normal as possible. Children are the least at risk of COVID and the costs outweigh the benefits of keeping them home. I have no reasonable childcare options for my children. As written in previous survey for my 4th grade student, I believe Health and safety come first. I have significant concerns about the health of all students, staff, and their families. I hope for a clear plan to learn from home from the start of the year through the end. My students need consistency and we believe this is the best way to get that. I want teachers to have what they need to engage and interact with their students throughout an entire year of remote learning. That would hopefully include having regular and special education teachers with a definite schedule of times to interact with the class. We also need a way to rent or be issued one device per student to make this feasible. I think it would be very likely for students who attend in‐person class to need to self quarantine at some point due to possible COVID‐19 exposure. That would send students back home, and we would prefer to stay home and learn safely. Health and safety come first. I have significant concerns about the health of all students, staff, and their families. I hope for a clear plan to learn from home from the start of the year through the end. My students need consistency and we believe this is the best way to get that. I want teachers to have what they need to engage and interact with their students throughout an entire year of remote learning. That would hopefully include having regular and special education teachers with a definite schedule of times to interact with the class. We also need a way to rent or be issued one device per student to make this feasible. I think it would be very likely for students who attend in‐person class to need to self quarantine at some point due to possible COVID‐19 exposure. That would send students back home, and we would prefer to stay home and learn safely. If this is a Remote school year, the teacher should take responsibility to track students assignment and progress of a student weekly Open schools with kids attending all five days in classroom. Cut the budget in other places instead of asking for increased funding so my taxes don't go up. Homeschooling is ot an option, any form of hybrid leaning will make parents unable to return to work As a two parent working household, we want in class learning as the only viable option My child's teacher provided great interaction. I would like more attention be given to class assignments. Having the broad list of assignments given by the County was difficult, that I felt I was putting the daily work assignment together instead of the teacher. This was a lot of work since both parents are teleworking from home. After following and using everyday the weak remote at home learning curiculum provided for parents by YCSD during Covid, I am concerned about the upcoming school year and would not be surprised if a solid amount of parents decided to homeschool if they were at all able. There was little substance, confusing game formats, minimal work, and disconnected topics. When I compared it to what NNPS was offering parents for at home learning (an organized precise booklet format) with clear objectives and straightforward and challenging work to be accomplished including student accountability at even younger grade levels, I was deeply embarrassed for our school system. This comparison was made by others(both teachers and parents) who noticed the differences as well. The simpler packets that came home in the first weeks made by the YCSD teachers were actually clearer to follow and use than the final ones that came weeks after when schools were closed for the year. Eventuallly I, like many others, learned to supplement daily, add more subject matter, find workbooks with organized subject matter, and access information because of my teaching background and the help of a wonderful YCSD teacher. I am concerned about the upcoming school year and wonder if it would be best to simply send out a curriculum with straightforward subject matter even if it is somewhat rote . This way the subject materials for early grade levels will be clearly covered and learned instead of the school system creating a myriad of bingo formats, random readings, disconnected subject matter leaving caregivers and parents bewildered and scrambling to provide solid consistentwork. Please don’t put me in a situation where I’m risking my children’s safety. There’s no way to ensure that this virus won’t spread. It doesn’t matter how far away you seat children or what kind of protective equipment is used. It’s a virus and people’s children will get sick, just like during flu season. Everyone making the decision about whether to reopen schools should ask themselves, would it be worth reopening school if your child were the ONE child to die from this virus. ONE child’s life is too many. Work on a virtual classroom where the children are grouped around the teach not a line where kids can't see their participation. We are a military family family moving to the area and will enroll our children in York county schools. We are coming from a 1:1 digital district (every secondary student has a MacBook) and we were pleased with the curriculum at the secondary level vs our children’s elementary level curriculum. Honestly, the extreme measures taken over a virus with a very low death rate is ridiculous. The children will suffer the most. We are social beings, we need human contact. Summer programs are running..,no masks for kids and only temperature check before entering, that is all we need to go back to normal. I’m concerned at how the staff will monitor & ‘police’ proper mask wearing. Some masks are better than others & it may possibly have to come down to the school providing masks for all students to ensure quality. Any students not properly wearing a mask at anytime will be immediately sent home & told to finish their work online. It needs to be the strictest & most watched form of dress code in order to keep our kids & the families they come home to safe. If doing a hybrid schedule‐ making them shortened days you enable the students to eat at home, as high & middle school students already do on these days. This will help with the transmission as there will not be a time where the students will be without masks. I would be thrilled if my son were able to attend 2 ‐ shortened days a week of in school education‐ in adjacent to online learning. For at least his core subject (Algrebra 2/Trig, advanced English, biology,French & history). I know it will be difficult on the teachers, but to get through the ‘meat’ of the teaching in person & is critical. If it comes to it‐ separating students who sign a compliance with mask wearing protocols one day to those who won’t on other days is a possibility that may need to be inacted. Teachers can also be separated this way‐ as I know there are several who themselves or someone at home are high risk. Open the schools! Hybrid courses for elementary school aged children does not make sense. They use tactile and other senses that make it abundantly difficult to learn on the internet. If a family runs a home business, the internet use uses too much bandwidth, doubly burdening families. We are not necessarily trained to teach, particularly this age group. Have thermometers, hand sanitizer with bus staff and staff. Hire additional subs and also nurse assistants. Call it a day. 100% return to school with additional precautions. The remote school options that were implemented in York County were completely unacceptable. Other school districts in the area had face to face zoom sessions with children and actually provided academic instruction. No new material was covered, and no attempts to improve the quality of instruction were communicated to the parents. Very disappointing. Worried about safety I think each grade should have a day of in school and the teachers than can have he final day for themselves to organize. Assignments are set for the week. This will limit the amount of students in the building on a given day. Or.. adapt online learning like collages, virtual classrooms though groups so that teachers can see students and students can participate though chat and visually this will allow the kids to see each other and the teacher and still offer structure and consistency along with accountability. Students can still upload assignments and talk to teachers through chat. On question 4, all of the choices are a major priority. Things need to be regularly sanitized, no large gathering, PPE to keep both children and teachers safe, health screenings, all of it. Most of my input relates to providing a better explanation for terminology. Such as, what do YOU mean by PPE; to me, I meant mask‐ wearing but not glove‐wearing for children (those who clean, etc., obviously can wear gloves). Also, what specifically is meant by "additional safety measures" on the bus‐‐will driver wear a mask (I would require my child to, if they ride the bus) and/or faceshield and use gloves? If work were not a concern, I'd be a little more on board with hybrid learning, but neither of my kids thrived with all online learning. One fell a little behind and didn't want to do the work; the other needed far more challenges and was not engaged at all with online or busy work. Thank you for doing your best at a difficult time! These questions are difficult to answer without first qualifying some of the questions. How would the buses be set up? Will the school be set up so that the students are split up, with half going on one day and the other half on the next day? We wish the questions had narrowed the choices . Please consider what other school systems are doing for those of us that teach there. Daily half day schedule combined with virtual learning to guarantee consistency I feel that each teach try’s to communicate in different ways and uses different tools. As a parent I don’t have time to figure out all their methods. A unified system and tool would make it easier for parents to help and follow up with the children. Just knowing what is due and when would be helpful. There is a disconnect if parent are going to be a major part of the learning process. Over the system needs to be simplified and ready to deploy for any future events like this pandemic or when children just need to stay home for emotional or health reasons. I prefer my child not come back until a vaccine is available. For question 4, more than 3 of the answers are priorities. Question 4‐ * THESE MUST ALL BE IN PLACE* Safety is the main priority, keeping ALL students and faculty/staff safe should be the #1 goal of the division. All reasonable precautions taken, but it must be with an eye towards as must normalcy as possible. I have so many concerns about the possibility of not returning in the fall. First, I have already seen some very troubling changes in all of my children regarding the motivation and I treat in learning as well as the ability to socially interact with others. Bottom line here is that in an effort to save people, we're hurting them. We have sacrificed half a year of school and the parents did as we were told for the good of society but now it's time to go back. The American Academy of Pediatrics has even stated that the ultimate goal should be to get the kids back to being present, full time in the classroom because it is well documented that online learning doesn't work well for young kids and closing schools is already having noticeable effects. Lastly, I'd just like for Admiatration to know that many of the families I talk with have decided that if YCSD does not return, they will seek other options. Some have found districts in other states that they are looking to move to and others that cannot do that have said they will go to traditional homeschool. When it comes down to it, people are not going to be beholden to government school if government cannot provide what they need. Personally, I will not allow public school in my home any longer. The lesson plans were not challenging and I had to work around the teacher's schedule. If there is any hint of homeschooling next year, I will look for a homeschool program where we can do things our way. Ultimately, I'm not alone. YCSD enrollment will drop dramatically if we don't go back. Our family's opinion is 5 days, regular schedule in person at our school. That's it. If not that, we won't be returning. Classwork should be done remotely, labs, and technical school practicum should be continued. The American academy of pediatrics says students should go back to school this fall full time, no masks, no distancing. We should follow these recommendations. Kids need to go back or they will get so behind. My student will benefit highly from daily teacher instruction as opposed to packets of work. If the situation worsens my hope is for live on line classes at fixed times each day to support distance learning, motivation, social. Emotional well being, and accountability. I would like the class schedule to resemble what we currently have. It is important for students to have normalcy and consistency. Any changes to the schedule will not be student friendly. I have a child attending Magruder and a child attending Bruton. If schools operate on a reduced schedule it is imperative that both of my children attend school on the same days as my older child will have to care for my younger child while I work. I am strongly against reopening, esp for those who dont understand the social distancing. My elementary aged children and middle school aged children would be safer at home and learning remotely! Not limiting to CV transmission, what about other common cold/flu in school environment? Kids (so are some adults) do show up when they do not feel well... What are the guidelines? Running nose, cough, fever, etc? Would having a fever may be too late? There is no form of technology that can replace the traditional classroom. I feel strongly that relying solely on a virtual platform will hinder students. I feel that if parents are concerned about COVID‐19, then they can choose to pursue their own online platform for homeschooling, etc. It was extremely challenging trying to manage my children’s online learning and juggle working from home. I have spoken to several friends whose children were in York County schools and they felt the same stress. Therefore they didn’t keep up with their children’s team meetings, online learning sites, etc. It is just too much for parents and this virtual learning could possibly hinder our future learners. It is a wonderful tool, but I feel strongly that parents will not be able to keep up with the online workload. (this is especially true for younger students in the primary grades) Hence students could potentially fall behind even more. I think this is being rushed, and school buildings should remain closed. I am very concerned at the thought of my child being required to wear a face mask all day at school. I feel it would be unhealthy and that wearing a mask for SEVERAL hours a day would pose a greater risk to my child’s health than not wearing one at all. The remote learning was a Disaster for my student in my humble opinion. She had so many questions that I couldn't answer, her teachers wasn't available when she needed them, she had to leave a message and wait and that made it More frustrating...I wish I had an answer to this problem, but, I don't. I just know that my daughter struggled so bad she stopped doing some of her work. My daughter Needs to be in a classroom setting, but, I don't know how to keep her Safe at GHS. I have so many questions and I am a little overwhelmed with the pandemic and how it has killed so many. How will you Keep my daughter safe inside the building of GHS? What about the Band? Will there be one? How? Will they be 6 feet apart and wear a mask? So many questions??!! My oldest son is autistic and virtual learning doesn't work for him. He needs a more one on one, in person teaching that i can't (although we've tried and continue to try cannot provide). My middle child who will enter SES as a 1st grader has an IEP and requires a lot of individualized attention. He would be ok with partial in person teaching supported by virtual and at home learning. My daughters in the ipop program for preschool and will be in PK4 this year. I think she is fine with at home and virtual learning. Thus the problem, kids aren't cookie cutter. What works for one doesn't work for the other. As a special needs parent to two boys with IEPs, I know my boys need that in depth, in person learning that I'm unable or educated enough to support. I need them in school getting that personalized one on one teaching from a qualified, caring, educated teacher. But, I don't want them packed into school with kids who can do virtual learning and potentially get sick. Why not so an am and a pm schedule Monday through Friday for all neurotypical kids. Then the class sizes are cut but the kids who really need the structure and support of true teachers can attend full day classes. Just help us parents who struggle with disabilities and keep it safe for all the children. Thank you!!! Children need to be in school! My child will be in champion this fall for the before care This is complete BS. Open the school there is no data that suggests that kids are at any risk. Quit being a bunch of cry babies. Life has risks as parent I can make informed decisions. Enough already get back to school and do the job we are paying you for. Educate our kids that is your charter. Grow up this entire made up crisis is not worth destroying our future. I certainly appreciate the school district taking the time to ask for parents input. I do feel that we're being asked to make decisions when we don't have all the information. Of course I would love to see our kids go to school full time. I also realize that this probably isn't the best option for the safety of teachers and students. However, the virtual learning needs to be genuine teaching and instruction. I selected the hybrid learning option though I don't see how you can socially distance even with half the kids. Not all will comply because they're kids and some won't wear the masks, though mine will. An equal education for all children is hard enough to accomplish.... I'm not sure how you can provide that. We have a computer that is over 15 years old and doesn't support certain software...but I can't afford another computer. I tried very hard to keep my child learning and growing during the remainder of the school year. I will continue because education is crucial. I just hope that the district and school do more if virtual is the needed option. (I do understand that the decisions being made are not easy.) maybe divide students to small groups and attend school on a different schedule? Last year my son did the champion program he did the before care this fall I will be doing that for both children my daughter will be starting kindergarten I understand that everyone wants to get back to normal, but we seem to be far from normal right now. Going into a school building is all of the things that have been recommended against ‐ it will put students indoors with recycled air for long periods of time in close quarters. Health screening and temperature checks are useless. If a fever is detected, the person is already infected and has been spreading the virus. The even scarier part of this virus is the ability to have no symptoms and spread it. Classes are large and it seems impossible to be able to space the kids the required distances. The time and focus on the required cleaning and distancing protocols are going to cause stress for the students and teachers and will not create an environment that is conducive to learning. Much instruction time is going to be lost cleaning and distancing as necessary. Due to the distancing required, students will not be able to ask questions privately and will have to make the entire class aware of the fact they need help. Many kids don't feel comfortable with a situation like that and will not ask the question and will end up struggling. The social distance required will also isolate the kids. There will be no hanging out and social interaction allowed. If students are learning at home they are safe, families are safe and the virus will not have the opportunity to spread quickly. My child started distance learning prior to COVID due to the GMS fire. Her teachers were amazing and she was learning, engaged and interacted with her teachers and peers. Many school districts have been successful with distance learning. My child would love to be back in school with her friends and be a part of all of the clubs and groups she participates in, BUT she is scared to enter a school building this fall. Fear will not help her learn. We have people who are high risk (student included) in our household – their health and lives aren’t worth the risk. We would like her to learn with her friends and teachers via live meetings. It is safe and there is a community. Additionally, it is unfair to ask the teachers to risk themselves and their families from their constant exposure to hundreds of kids. It isn’t realistic that kids will properly distance and respect the rules. Enforcement will fall to the teachers who will already be juggling more than they should. There are also no guarantees that the policies and procedures when followed perfectly will prevent the spread in an indoor, close quartered, long time duration situation. There are too many unknowns. The next school year needs to be remote. Once there is a vaccine/treatment we will feel more comfortable entering a building. Choices need to be made for the greater good of all. I think the district should be sanitizing air handling systems as much as they can. Much research is showing that recirculating air is a risk, and as we are looking at ways to reduce the risk of infection for the students and staff, we should be considering how to clean the air they are breathing. Kids need interaction with teacher and classmates and be held accountable. For those parents who wish or prefer to home school their kids. By all means do. It should not impede those parents who prefer and need their kids to be at school. It would only help to reduce the number of students in the classrooms if whether or not kids come to school was left to the parents. School is the MOST essential function in our country, and teachers being idol is inexplicable and indefensible. The ideas are limitless on how to make it work. It is a concern that there were many examples across the country of technological and application failures in elementary education distance learning. My child was already struggling with math and was receiving extra in‐class help from another teacher. She needs more instruction that I am not fit to give her. We had a hard time this last marking period to maintain a happy relationship during this situation. She didn't learn well from me. She needs an actual teacher, in a classroom without the distractions of our home. My son did very little work 4th quarter. Motivating him was next to impossible. His focus and drive is new horizons and needs to have in person instruction to succeed. My daughter has done very well learning virtually, with the support of her teachers! Thank you for all that you’re doing! I'm very concerned about my son's progress since this all began. He had straight A's for 3 marking periods, and then his grades dropped once he was home. He works much better in a classroom environment and needs normalcy back! The thought of not being in the classroom in the fall makes my son distraught. He really misses the interaction with others. Please focus on getting at least through 3rd grade at‐school instruction. 3rd grade is a critical year for solidifying how to read. Not having in‐school and hands‐on reading assistance/teaching for students with LDs and 504s/IEPs is horrifying and will have a damaging effect on our children. The last year to address reading problems without significant intervention is 3rd grade. Place in‐school learning priority on students in grades K‐3 because they are the critical years for reading and speech. Also focus on students with 504s and IEPs. We were embarrased by Newport News Schools in the sp;ring. Please do not let this happen again. Our students need structure and face‐to‐face instruction from their teachers, either in person or with full video. Make YCSD great again. My son would prefer to get back to school. He is concerned that he will fall behind academically. He realizes that he would probably not be as motivated to complete his work at home. Perhaps if the work is graded he will find the motivation. It was difficult to keep him motivated when he knew he wasn't being graded on his assignments. Anything less than live virtual classes with video is simply unacceptable. Enough is enough. Let the teachers teach. Full schedule with video interaction if in class is not possible. Nothing less. You are letting fear destroy our school district and we will not accept it any longer. If face mask are a requirement in the Fall for students I will likely be homeschooling. I do not believe it is in the best interest of my children to have to wear that for a long period of time. I am concerned about students and teachers going to school and then endangering high risk family members at home. I am also concerned about the safety of the teachers and staff. What is Grafton plan with coordinating/handling students who attend New Horizons/SOA? We would appreciate if there is a way to hold chorus classes I am concerned about students and teachers going to school and then endangering other high risk family members in the home. I am very concerned that York is being pressured into returning students to the classroom without thought for the consequences. In addition, I want to know how supplies will be cleaned ‐ for example math manipulatives, books that students share? Other models in other locales provide 2 A days in sequence followed by a break with 2 B days. The break would allow thorough cleaning between students in the building. The 2 A and 2 B days would be a hybrid combo Alternating between in person and on line which would also allow for social distancing requirements because Only half the school will be there We prefer our child to ride the bus to/from schoo, but if need be, we can provide daily transportation. On the question regarding my listing of 3 measures we'd like to see implemented, the PPE question was too open‐ended. I read it to mean PPE for everyone‐‐children, staff, and faculty (plus if any visitors/volunteers are allowed). So, also, by PPE I meant masks only, not gloves; is that what your survey meant. Also, on the same question, I took the "restricting large gatherings in common areas" to mean indoors only. That could have been spelled out better, whether indoors‐only was meant. Also, if hybrid learning is utilized wherein very small groups are needed, I can be flexible enough to see that volunteers might become a necessity, so that question would have been better to target "visitors" rather than "visitors/volunteers." Visitors, again, to me‐‐this is a terminology issue with this survey‐‐means that the person might not live with a student, and we know from existing epidemiological data, that visitors outside one's family is far more problematic than volunteers might be, because volunteers (to my mind) are mostly parents who have a student in that school, so they are already part of a student's family unit and would be less problematic than a community visitor would be. I will need far more information about busing to decide on that issue; I would probably NOT put my child on a bus in which the bus driver is not wearing a mask and/or face shield, and I would require my child to wear a mask PPE as well. I will nkmot send my child back to school if mask policies are implemented, if they are restricted from playing and interacting while learning, if they are forced to remain in 1 classroom, or if the children are not allowed to participate in pe recess or other extra curricular activities I just have to say, my child will struggle with at home learning. We work. We have a disabled child. This is not for us. Of course, safety first. But, I believe my child will fall WAY behind with at home schooling. My 3rd grader found the phone calls and Teams meetings very, very stressful. He felt very anxious about it and worried about it days in advance. 100% in class instruction. No hybrid learning. This is not college. I'd prefer uniformity across all grade levels, I need my older kids home when my younger kids are home, not split on different days My kids found online learning very stressful... the anxiety level was very high when they would have to talk on the phone or go into a Teams meeting. There were a lot of tears. Safety is my first priority, but mental health is high on my priorities, as well. I know there are no perfect answers! Thanks Due to the daily infection rates of covid‐19 in the state of Virginia and Nationwide. I do not believe that it will be safe 4 the elementary school to reopen and conduct normal school hours. It is possible that we would be ok with full time in school instruction based on the state of the pandemic in early September, as long as there is the ability to rapidly shift to remote learning. My child is concerned that learning a challenging topic through a web link vs the classroom teacher might be confusing. I am concerned about my child not having hands on and in person learning. First grade is a huge developmental year for reading and foundational skills. It is critical for him to be in school and learning from a teacher and with peers. I also have concerns about a child being required to wear a mask. A 6 year old does not have the fine motor skills to manage a mask easily. It would be difficult for a teacher to manage each student's mask and teach. Having a first grader wear a mask all day is a very tough thing to do and monitor. Teachers shouldn't have to monitor that and still teach, should focus on the teaching aspect. I recommend having the teachers make video lessons that the kids can watch on‐demand. This will allow for actual learning instead of just doing worksheets. Needing ALL my children on the same schedule, to handle childcare costs. I am concerned about students being required to wear masks all day. I do not see how a child will leave it on for the entire day or how a teacher could monitor that. There is also a high risk of mixing up, losing, contaminating a mask and then returning it to their face. I think screenings will help alleviate some mask requirements. Concerned about how young children will keep masks on all day and not lose or mix them up as well as teachers monitoring it. Not a teachers job to monitor mask wearing. Children must not be allowed back at school until there is a vaccine or a suitable treatment I feel my child should experience school without wearing a mask Do not approve of the measures and will not be sending children back if mask and all the governors re open of schools mandates are followed. I think those are socially and mentally going to destroy the children I feel like my child should experience school without having to wear a mask!! my daughter lost the assignments on the Aspen page, it always marked error. poor organization of work and assignments She rides the bus between school all day. I am concerned about the cleaning and sanitizing of the buses. For children who are considered high risk, what measures will be taken to accommodate their safety? Not at this time. I have always appreciated teaching / school staff because their dedication is tremendous in areas where I lack strength. Homeschooling will be one of the most challenging adventures for my family and I. Yet, I am willing to learn as long as the instructions are very clear, precise and something that the average individual can implement. Should social distancing practices along with mask wearing be put into effect, I would rather not send my child. We will definitely miss the support and social engagement. Another concern of mine is what financial obligations that remote learning will incur. With three kids learning from home, we'll have to pay more to increase bandwidth. We will also possibly need to buy new computers, unless the quality of the hardware the district supplies are better than the iPad my child was given for summer school. It was not adequate to run the apps/programs required for the daily lessons. . I think the teachers and staff will rock at this. I just pray there isn’t too much resistance from students and parents to comply with the rules. Have lunch in individual classrooms Let’s open the schools More live video learning would be great and one on one time with teacher.. I would like to have my child time to wash hand before and after each class and breaks Tech support for parents! The instruction for the students after the schools closed was poorly designed and managed. There was no structure and no real interaction with students. It really was a joke. Our student did not learn very much at all. Our tax dollars were very poorly used. It was a disgrace. My wife and I do not want our son wearing face masks all day. We are looking now for an alternative to the public school system only because we think our state is over reaching and doing damage to the young minds. We understand some precautions are needed and extra cleaning or rotating outdoor classrooms. My family has several high risk health factors, and we remain locked down. It’s time to get teachers back and stop making parents teach. We would obviously like school back to normal but realize that maybe it cannot. With the district not grading anything my child felt as if she didn’t need to complete. There had to be accountability so they can learn and not fall behind. Send the kids to school, let’s move on. If someone is scared they can drop in virtually until their fears are gone How about “classes” provided for us parents for tech support so if/when we have to do schooling at home again, it runs smoother. Also, a special group/class for the kiddos that focuses on executive functioning skills for schooling at home and at school. I am not at all concerned about this virus.. it’s ridiculous. Send the kids to school and let’s move on Open up school on a full schedule with health screenings If the school does return with a hybrid model, how will you ensure high risk children be included on the days where in class instruction is taking place? This is important to me in order to give my high medical risk child as normal an experience as I can. I very much want my children to receive traditional schooling at school with engagement in person with teachers and fellow students. I believe this can be done without excessive PPE requirements, just good hygiene and sanitation practices. How will before and after school care be handled? Please require masks at a minimum. To do all you can for the safety of our Kids and the environment there are surround by! Our children learn better in the classroom so am hoping to return back to the five day a week in classroom setting. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends children be present in school. Creativity will be needed to make this happen but it’s not impossible. Utilizing outdoor space for smaller groups would be ideal. health is the main priority due to having a student with disabilities who are more at risk for covid even if that means learning will be impacted, with learning already impacted in any scenario what is needed is the continued online individualized support from the teachers and SOLs not required My concern with the hybrid schedule would be lack of education on the “at home” days. We both work outside of the home and do not have full days to homeschool. Not sure how that would work in my home. I don’t want my child to fall behind. Kids need to go back full time, they are at serious risk of falling behind and that's not fair to them. Let's take what precautions we can and get these kids back full time. Mine completely lack motivation when school is from home. It is a challenge to get my child engaged in studies and the work given. Her attention wavers. Cases are rising in young people and kids go to school sick daily especially in elementary school Kids need to go back full time, they are at serious risk of falling behind and that's not fair to them. Let's take what precautions we can and get these kids back full time Is there talks of consideration of year round schooling so children don’t fall behind and social distancing can be applied by block schedules Champion Before and After school Program We are not northern Virginia and do not have the problems of northern Virginia. It is clear the governor does not have York county’s best interest in mind and it is time to do what is best for us and not his political agenda. Thank you for all you all do!! Don’t give the teachers enough credit ❤ Mask‐wearing is crucial, including by students. I would like to hear the survey results from the teachers in these schools. Especially the elementary teachers I believe that the school system is doing the best that they can to ensure the students and staff's safety. I wholeheartedly trust that whatever decision they make will be of every student's best interest. Children should not return full time, at the very most should only return on a limited schedule with limited class sizes I work full time my child is in summer school now and is having a hard time to focus Go back to normal. I want my child in school health considerations should be the most important as we have people with underlying conditions in our family and from there adjustments will just have be made as needed even if that will impact learning which clearly it will Respectfully, every parent and individual that has discussed this topic with me has completely concluded that in school education is far more beneficial. The challenges remotely will cause financial hardships on both the student families as well as the school division. I find it very difficult to believe that YCSD can accomplish the tasks that comes along with the mission of virtual learning. MANY parents and individuals were saddened and disappointed when they saw first hand that YCSD had no EOP For any school closure regarding emergency incidents or operational coordination. In today’s time an EOP is something that is very standard with any government or private entity. In 2011 a tornado demolished Paige Middle School. Therefore, one would think managers in the education system would have something in place ie an EOP seeing that basically this tragic event occurred right in our neighboring school. However, it was evident there was no awareness or plan. I mention this due to the extreme educational challenge of all county schools when only two schools were affected and there was no plan. It makes it difficult to believe all factors would be considered to attempt this monstrous mission to educate students in which we are about to encounter. #8 My son has a car and will be driving to school. As high schoolers, there are so many events and memories made from pep rallies to school dances. I know that these are probably off the schedule for now, I hope that as many events as possible are allowed, including sports and plays. The measures put in place this past spring did not work for my 5th grader. My daughter felt completely disconnected from school, especially her teacher only reacted out ONCE with an email informing us about her office hours. It wasn't nearly enough! I even emailed GBES's principal about the lack of communication, but never got a response. My daughter felt abandoned by her teacher and unable to interact with her classmates (unless she had their phone numbers). The work she was assigned was all review, which led to her beginning to resent school. She's a straight‐A student in the gifted program who loved school. I'm afraid that this resentment will only get worse as she transitions to middle school and has multiple teachers. I'm hoping YSCD can find a way to keep the kids as safe as possible, while allowing them to attend classes in person. Even if the in‐class portions are only a couple of days a week.

We realize this is extremely difficult to answer ‐ but with a newborn at home our risk tolerance isn't very high at the moment ‐ at the same time we also have to be able to support both parents working. I am often disappointed feeling like the school district expects that one parent does not work ‐ we hope this time not to feel that way. Thanks for taking the time to perform a survey. The measures put in place this past spring were hit and miss, mostly miss. My 3rd grader felt disconnected from school, even though she had a teacher who was going above and beyond. The weekly meetings she was required to attend did not keep her engaged or interested, and the work they were assigned was all review. She began to resent school, when before, she was a straight‐A student who loved school. I'm hoping YSCD can find a way to keep them as safe as we can, while allowing them to attend a class in person. Even if the in‐class portions are only a couple of times a week. If in campus classes are held, I prefer full day instruction for fewer days over half day instruction more days per week. This child prefers real‐time instruction/lectures with the teachers and other students in a virtual classroom zoom model Perhaps a video teaching and teleconferencing system could work to connect students and teachers in the classroom and at home. In a VTT classroom, all students in the class actively participate and collaborate in real‐time through the streaming of video, audio and content from a PC, laptop, document camera or physically in person. This would help ensure kids who need to attend school in person can and kids who need to stay home for safety reasons can, while still learning and growing as a class. This is a wonderful opportunity to break kids into groups based on ability. Kids will have a wide range of abilities based on last year ending abruptly, and schools can now group kids so that teachers and leaving some kids behind and making other kids bored My child does not want to wear a mask in school Technical issues like the teacher's internet connection or the other students (and their families) talking and making all kinds of noise makes it almost impossible for my daughter to learn anything with this "distance learning". I think this is a terrible idea to not open the schools up in the fall. It is destroying our children's educational, social and psychological well‐being. Stop it. This is insanity I am a YCSD middle school teacher. I will have a 4th grader and kindergartener next year. I anticipate difficulties if/when the 3 of us are all on different schedules. Some recommendation could be: Half a day school week, somewhat like the preschool schedule. Split the classes in half. Half of the class meet in the morning and half in the afternoon session. While the children are at home, they could work on preassigned work at home. No lunches or recess time. For those children in need of lunch they can take lunches provided by the school home. Everyone must please wear a mask. Some recommendation could be: Half a day school week, somewhat like the preschool schedule. Split the classes in half. Half of the class meet in the morning and half in the afternoon session. While the children are at home, they could work on preassigned work at home. No lunches or recess time. For those children in need of lunch they can take lunches provided by the school home. Please get the children back in school and engaged. I feel that the schools will be unsuccessful in the attempt to keep the children "socially distant". Also, it is unrealistic to believe that the kids will keep a mask on continuously during school hours. I am extemely uncomfortable with sending my son back to school during flu season in addition to COVID19. The YSCD Superintendent needs to mentor the Grafton High School Principal. There needs to be more teacher engagement with students not principal engagement. Teachers are the key to student success. I am greatly disappointed in York County School systems efforts to continue education for students since March. The County had 3 months to institute virtual teaching sessions and could not figure it out. My wife became our child's instructor while the teachers and administration were paid. All teachers and administrator should be more than just aware that your being paid by we the people to do less, not figure out how to teach our children, while diminished taxes are being collected and more than half of you will vote for a democrat to perpetuate this imbalanced, illogical circumstance. Would prefer to have hard textbooks and workbooks, answer keys for parents. This way we can review the material ahead and then if my child has questions I am prepared. I want to do all online. I want the option to do all online I want the option to do all at home. If any remote teaching is necessary, it is critical that NEW INSTRUCTION OCCURS. No more review sheets. Engaged, live teaching. A mix of synchronous (live) and asynchronous recorded lessons is ideal. Depending on the virus numbers will determine if he will ride the bus I am unsure depending on the virus I hope decisions made that will affect our kids are science‐based and grounded in reality, not the political will of somebody seeking re‐election. IEP assistance with standardized test I worry about some many students in hallways changing classes lunch time. Social distances and how students can be silly and not take this serious. (Like coughing touching others etc.) If possible no sharing supplies working in groups. Thanks to all in school district that is working hard to keep our kids safe. My first choice as with most parents is to see all of my children return to school in a building in the fall. If this is not the case, I would like to see as close as possible to a normal school day for them. A hybrid schedule would definitely be second to going back to the building. Grades have to be earned by the students to keep them engaged and they must know how important doing the work at home will be. I would like it my children are on a hybrid to see them being able to tap into a live session of their teacher teaching those students that day. For example, if my children were to go on M/W, I would like for their T/TH to be exactly like a school day for them, just from a remote location. That way also, the teachers would be allowed to engage with the students daily and they could continue the teaching from what they did the day before. I want to stress that if any remote learning occurs, it needs to mirror in class instruction as much as possible. I was extremely disappointed with the curriculums provided for the remainder of the 2019‐2020 school year. It required a lot of extra work on my part, was nowhere near the caliber they were receiving in school, and left a lot of room for improvement both in the material provided and the partnering of parents and teachers to provide the students with a proper education. safety first Our family believes in school, sports & structure. All this free time for these teenagers is not good. Before a drastic decision like cancelling school etc.. is made I hope the YCSD has all the data about the 108 cases in the county. Are they in facilities? Had they traveled? Perhaps mandatory antibody testing for students & family would give a more clear picture. At minimum, these students will have had 7 months of in person school or activities. How long can this go on? The cases are going up all over the country so why would you even consider going back to school. It should only be done after vaccines. Are you going to pay for hospital bills and take care of families if deaths occur because of this decision? We need to take care of our families instead of rushing things. There is no way to control that many children to ensure everyone's safety. I would like kids to go back to school. Hard to imagine closing YC schools off of current data. I feel cleaning & sanitizing the schools/buses is most important. I personally have flexibility & would be able to drive my kids if necessary. My son is a straight A student & struggled with spring learning. It was a lot of open ended writing. Not being able to use cameras from the beginning made it that much more difficult when they were allowed. My son was told in the beginning of quarantine, by his older brother, that 4th marking period wouldn't count. This caused issues too. I feel sorry for those of us who battled, made time we didn't have, watched our children cry in order to complete the new learning only to receive a "not evaluated" I heard that buses might be the reason for no school daily. If given the option, I can drove my student everyday if buses are a problem. Concerned about social distancing for lockers and PE. We want to be sure academics are covered, but do NOT WANT busy work. Teachers should provide videos or live streams explaining concepts then provide opportunities for practice with keys available and office hours to check work for understanding. Students and staff should wear masks and the school should ensure health and safety guidelines are followed by students and staff. A grading system should be in place, but the grading system should accurately reflect the fact that the performance was online and had more obstacles because of that. Providing extra opportunities for learning and engagement is important in class or through optional clubs. We want the administration to ensure enforcement of distancing and PPE guidelines for both the staff and students. Teachers should provide videos or live‐streams explaining concepts, and provide students the opportunity to practice through homework. Homework keys and office hours should be available to provide timely feedback. Students should be challenged but not inundated with busy work. Some type of grading system is needed, while taking into account the difficulties of the distance learning environment and other disruptions. We want to be sure academics are covered, but do NOT WANT busy work. Teachers should provide videos or live streams explaining concepts then provide opportunities for practice with keys available and office hours to check work for understanding. Students and staff should wear masks and the school should ensure health and safety guidelines are followed by students and staff. A grading system should be in place so colleges can see student performance, but the grading system should accurately reflect the fact that the performance was online and had more obstacles because of that. (It should be less rigorous.) Our pupil also attends Gov School. Tabb needs to ensure any scheduling plans are coordinated with the Gov school scheduling. We want to ensure the students actually learn what they need for the future, but we don't want them to just be inundated with busy work. Both Tabb and Gov school teachers should provide an opportunity for office hours. We'd like to see face masks worn and want the schools to ensure proper enforcement of guidelines for both the students and staff. Our child is in Gov school and we need to be sure scheduling does not conflict with Gov school and would like to see office hours at Gov school as well. We also want to be sure academics are covered, but do NOT WANT busy work. Distant learning did not work for my child Please consider a plan for staff children if a hybrid model is selected. Thank you for being compassionate towards all, particularly our working families. Please consider a plan for staff children if a hybrid plan is selected. Please let our children attend regular Monday‐Friday school. Please give options (virtual learning) for those that do not feel safe. No fear here. Re‐open and get back to normal. You force facemask you may not see my child in school. You force vaccinate, you will not see my child return. Mrs Casey Yoklic (2nd grade) did an amazing job with the tools she had. If we do on‐line learning then accountability and grading are a must. Stay safe teachers. We need you! As a parent, I do not feel the schools are readily equip to open due to the ventilation in the schools, children are not disciplined enough to adhere to the social distancing rules and they are not going to wear masks. If school resumes in the classroom, you are going to run into children getting affected and bringing the virus home and now you have an entire family affected. In my opinion, teachers should go back in the classrooms where they have access to their blackboards and everything they need to teach the class and have children learning virtually. The children will be able to see the teacher and ask questions and the teacher will be able to see the students. Our kids need to return to school. All of this breaks my heart. Students with teachers in the division must be in school at the same time as their parent or childcare will become a concern. My children have returned to school here in the UK and I've been happy with the schools approach. They have created "social bubbles" as opposed to "social distancing." The children are only coming in contact with 3‐4 adults per day. And they are not allowed to play with children outside of their class. Classes like music, art, pe, and French are still being done and those teachers are coming into the current classroom instead of the children going to multiple classrooms for different subjects. Hot lunches have been eliminated for the time being, but premade sandwiches and packed lunches are provided daily. Outdoor learning is used as much as possible now that the weather is nice. I fully believe that the children need to be in school and face to face with a teacher especially at the younger grade levels. Please consider that we have I’ll kids in the county who could died from Covid due to weakened immune systems and they should be given the same options as those with healthy immunity and not forced to stay home so others can be mask free. We need to be smart and not selfish. And there needs to be a defined consequence for those who do not abide by the recommendations. Please start up school as normal. Mandatory masks! It is too early to answer most of the questions at this moment, given the worsening pandemic situation I am looking forward for the new school year to start! My daughter misses school and all traditional school implies. SOLS should not be mandatory this year. Request a waiver Get rid of SOLs I am concerned as to how I’m to teach my child based on the SOLS when I wasn’t raised nor educated on them. Get rid of them and get back to basics. please keep school closed and keep everyone safe Making sure the cafeteria is kept clean. If we go to school, I hope that we will be able to have extracurriculars. Without them, some students will be unable to perform as well for college applications such as sports or music. Online learning is fine. Allow for engagement at New Horizons so students may fulfill requirements In classroom sessions are vital the development of kids. School plays a key role in the daily lives of these kids. I would like to see schools opened as close as possible to normal with smaller class sizes and still allowing extracurriculars. If classes go to a virtual setting, we want constant education as students would receive in the classroom. Only providing students with packet information to do themselves (like was done this spring) is NOT the educational expectations that we had for moving into york county. We were NOT impressed with the packets provided in third/fourth quarter this year. As a parent of an 8 year old, I feel extremely concerned with the schools reopening due to the immaturity level at this age and the ability to follow social distancing guidelines, being able to stay sanitized all day and keeping a mask on all day. What measures will be set for those with high risk conditions such as asthma ? An online class with a set schedule we feel would be best. What support is being given for children with a 504 plan or IEP? Skype type access for children home quarantined for exposure or waiting COVID test results. I concerned with hybrid or duly virtual classes for my child who is already behind and attending virtual summer school for kindergarten Just would like to remind the School Board about parents who have to work. Remote learning has to be flexible enough that my child can still get the same amount of time to learn with the teachers as children whose parents are at home with them. Where it relates to on‐line learning, strongly recommend teachers (at least in the same school) are consistent with use of platforms (TEAMS, Remind, Office) for disseminating/collecting information. It's too confusing to have multiple means of communication across many teachers and between multiple children from the same family. Addtionally, recommend strict limititation when students are using the "chat" feature when video‐conferencing with teachers. It is extremely distracting and takes the child away from productive learning. It should be used on an "as needed" basis only. Please consider that loss of income may happen for some families, if the majority of instruction is online. Also, keeping up with lessons may be too much for a parent to handle, or that some children barely have parent involvement in their schoolwork. I understand that the model adopted was short fused but, I would prefer for my children to have virtual classroom sessions that the children can ask live questions and engage in a learning environment without feeling lost and unchallenged. We need more teacher interaction with the students. All teachers MUST place on‐line school assignments/materials in the same software/program/site. This continues to be an issue!!! Teachers are using ASPEN, class websites, Microsoft Teams, OneNote and students have to go hunting for materials/assignments in different classes...Teachers should also acknowledge when assignments have been received and parents should have access to that info to verify assignments were turned in. Assignment completion on‐line without verification of it being received and graded by a teacher is unacceptable. When I asked if my son was turning in his classwork, I received a response of: "I gave your son feedback." That tells me NOTHING‐‐in an environment where we want to collaborate in motivating and assisting our kids not getting feedback is unacceptable. An extremely detailed outline will help easy everyone's nerves. Knowing thats something easier said then done, having an place were parents can ask any questions, and all questions are answer fully and posted for others to read will help. (Think of Reddit's AMA style) https://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/plan‐ask‐me‐experience/ Please do not include Saturday school time as this is 1 of 2 days many families get to spend with their children outside of work. If time has to be split between online and in school instruction make core classes in school and electives online. Maybe do half days am for some students pm for the other half for core classes. The needs to be a standard platform for all teachers to use. Do not like each teacher using different platforms. Causes us to have to learn each different one, taking away from actual learning. Sincerely appreciate all the work that is going into this. Thank you! My grandson was diligent while doing his on‐line schooling but told me he didn't care for it and would rather be in school where there was I traction between students and teachers. I think it is important that if any face to face instruction occurs that all reasonable precautions should be taken (face masks, social distancing, sanitizing, and etc.) Please do not listen to parents who have made this very political and are pushing for regular school. It isn't safe. If it were, we'd all be at Busch Gardens Open the schools. We can't keep doing this. Open the schools. Masks do not work. Hand washing and proper healthcare are what works best. There needs to be structure, accountability of teachers and a schedule of expectations. My child has fallen behind because of this district. Other districts were far more advanced. Our district got a six month vacation. Mitigate risk as much as feasible but re‐open full time and let the rest of accept that risk on behalf Rolf our children! There is no way I can homeschool my child even part‐time and keep my job. Working families cannot support at‐home learning for elementary levels. Period. Have schools provide students and staff uniformed PPE which will ensure all have the same level of protection(also ensuring no personal designs, therfore no distraction to learning) Yorktown was way behind other school districts in the area and they’re teaching at the end of the school last year. I hope they step it up this year I want my child to get online learning through the school. I do not feel safe sending her back to school. YCSD’s plan for Athletics with respect to VHSL guidelines Has an alternating attendance schedule been considered? Child will likely attend private school if school is not held in person. Online learning is not effective. We know you are trying, but there is no amount of new technology or teacher training that will make online learning work. Child will likely attend HRA if school is not held in person next year. Virtual learning was not effective, and even with the new platform and teacher training, you cannot create an effective learning environment online. Will student athletes be able to participate in sports? My child is a student athlete. Will there be a football, basketball, track season? Do not switch to a virtual or hybrid environment. Kids need to go to school to have an equal opportunity at learning per federal law. You will also continue to damage families as parents struggle to work from home, find money for day care, or stress while working from home and making sure that their children are learning and doing work. Lastly, look at the US right now, most children get exposure to the diversity of life begining in grade school. How will my child ever interact and befriend children of other cultures, races, and backgrounds without attending school daily? Are you going to show him a video of GW Carver, negative, that does not teach diversity, we learning by being in the world and meeting people. There are so many flaws in the fact our school board is even considering this train of thought. Glad I have the money to leave York county if you switch to online learning. Online Class instruction would be great! I'm not a teacher and I do not want to fail my child. Get rid of the governor. Social distancing does not matter as much to me as mask wearing and frequent sanitizing of facility. I am basing this opinion on what has been successful in other Asian countries that have significantly decreased their infection rates. And addition when I say mandatory I mean if students refuse or caught without they are given consequences including being sent home and not return to school for a week at a time. This is for the protection of all and to allow as many kids to resume as normal a school life as possible in the future. While the government has made many suggestions, they have not actively enforced these recommendations to the extent that would make these measures successful. If the schools can adopt a 100% mask wearing policy while providing online alternatives for those who can’t or won’t for both staff and students, then I would be very comfortable sending my children back to school even without absolute social distancing policies. I would like to see a classroom of ten or less and hire more teachers. I would happily enroll my children in a virtual‐only learning model for this coming year if given the option, and offering this to interested parents could reduce the number of children who physically need to attend school. Also, to me, all of the answers for Question 4 are very important and also interlinked, so it was very hard to choose just three. Common areas such as lunchrooms and playgrounds should definitely be restricted to reduce spread of the virus, and field trips could be virtual instead of in‐person. And of course PPE and state and federal guidelines should be followed as well to ensure the safest possible environment for teachers and students. I would happily enroll my children in a virtual‐only learning model for this coming year if given the option, and offering this to interested parents could reduce the number of children who physically need to attend school. Also, to me, all of the answers for Question 4 are very important and also interlinked, so it was very hard to choose just three. Common areas such as lunchrooms and playgrounds should definitely be restricted to reduce spread of the virus, and field trips could be virtual instead of in‐person. And of course PPE and state and federal guidelines should be followed as well to ensure the safest possible environment for teachers and students. The age of schools and quality of air/filters Presume school as normal don't extend or shorten days just practice social distanceing and wear masks the only people we should fear for is the teachers Thank you for all your effort. Social elements need to be addresses and there need to be opportunities for 1 on 1 with educators. nothing scheduled after the normal school day 2:05 If virtual learning is required some type of electronic device needs to be provided I am more comfortable with my high schooler having extended online learning than my younger 2 children. He is more self driven and requires less support. But I also feel it’s important for even the high schoolers to have some in class time to develop social skills and have opportunities to experience new concepts face to face. Childcare and the academic progress of my child, especially in literacy is a concern of mine! My student needs face to face and hands‐ on learning to be engaged. res such as social distancing, health monitoring, and hand hygiene reduce the risk enough for traditional instruction to occur. I strongly believe that simple measures such as social distancing, health monitoring, and hand hygiene reduce the risk enough for traditional instruction to occur. Overseating on buses is already a concern let alone during these times. There won’t be any solution for the bus situation to socially distance the students. There were already not enough buses las school year tog et the students home in a decent time frame. There will be no reasonable bus transportation for all students! It is impossible to keep the distance. There were already not enough buses for the past school year available to get the children home in a decent time frame. Thank you for taking this virus seriously. Thank you for taking this virus seriously. You should ask the question differently about riding the bus. My student would be on the bus if he wasn't out of district. I have not problem butting him on the bus if that was an option. I had to reply no to riding the bus even though that's not my opinion Reason not riding bus is he will drive himself, not because of concerns for safety measures. I am against my child having to wear a mask. It is very unhealthy. If there's no way to get the children back to normal school setting, why not just buy a workbook for the children to answer at home for the whole year. This workbook can be submitted by about a month before the school year ends to be graded. Grading should be flexible since we, the parents, are not educators. Forget the online stuffs. Some families still have both parents working through this pandemic. We should not be required to follow the teachers guidelines since we are not in school setting. Thank you. My child needs to be in a classroom environment. She has learned nothing these last few months and I’m struggling at home with her because both her father and I work full time jobs and have had a hard time sitting and doing schoolwork for hours each day. As a healthcare professional I feel comfortable with sending my child back to public school. They need school for so many reasons. Disappointed in teacher. Our teacher read to the kids. I've spoken with other parents who agree the kids need assistance with math more than someone to read to them. Thank you for a chance to provide feedback. My child will probably need to attend reading courses with his peers, but attend math courses with children a year or two older than him. The extended learning packets were an epic fail. The teachers were non supportive to the point of appearing lazy. I can read to my child! The kids NEED help with math ‐ not story time. We really appretiated how hard the teachers worked in past quarter to help educate our son. He really excelled with remote learning. Remote learning is safer. Our children need to get back to school normal. End of story. My child would be riding the WISC bus There needs to be a secondary plan for immune compromised or high risk kids and their siblings, such as distance learning for those families We are in a small category of students where teacher and para support are critical for education. Distance learning was extremely difficult. But there is a danger in also being among the high risk population as well. So the concerns for education but also health and safety are very real. I'm very concerned about reopen schools, it's incredibly hard to get my 9 and 10 year olds to wear masks. No kid will ever keep 6ft apart from each other. I don't believe that it will be safe to open the schools in September. I think it's incredibly naive to believe that it's almost over. I also believe that it will only get worse. How will OT/PT/ST be implemented for students with IEP should teaching happen remotely/online I rather they be in school with teacher than day care. If school is dangerous then hybrid or remote learning is best. My concern is if the children are not in school but are in daycare how will the learning be accomplished? They might as well be in school if they will be in daycare or home alone. Is there a reason students do not have chrome books? Or even why a better lesson plan was created and enforced during the stay at home order? What we had was terrible and bad for the kids development. You should be ashamed. i like the idea of hybrid learning (some school/social interaction) and some home lessons. Maybe a three day a week schedule that could reduce class sizes but still provide social and teacher interaction. School division seemed not prepared at all for emergencies, until there is a vaccine given the rising COVID case numbers the schools will become hot spots for Corona quickly there needs to be significant improvement in online learning, it should be live and every day for regular school hours, also Grafton/York County seemed very ill prepared for COVID and actually for more or less any more significant emergency (like the fire) How will social/physical distancing work in locker rooms and in all athletic activities including on the bus? Will work completed online be graded? Our Students and Student Athletes need to return to school so they will be competitive with their peers in other counties, states and across the nation. Colleges are not going to lesson the requirement or entrance standards just because your county or state determined that Sports and Academics was not a priority. I am not sure as a responsible aduly and in charge of educating our future that I would want to take that opportunity away from some one who only chance to attend college is through scholarships both academic and athletic. Having kids stressed and anxious at young age and putting so much pressure on them to stick to federal and state guide lines doesn’t feel like that be a good place for learning. That teachers and kids need to feel comfortable and all these measures I feel only stress the kids more and afraid they’ll get in trouble if they forget with mask or desk or touch a friend or gets closer than the distance recommended. I don't feel comfortable at all to bring my children to school until we have a complete clear from the Government Time to get back to normal. If needed check temperature at door but kids are not the high risk category My husband and I both work full time daytime jobs. Online learning means one of us would have to quit in order to maintain stay at home learning for all 4 of our kids. Staying at home is not an option. The kids hated online learning. Newport News and Hampton school systems held their students to a much higher standard and had more work to keep up on to keep the kids on task. They were also given electronics without charging them to maintain the work load. Nothing was really done for our kids. A small packet of work that never had to be turned in or graded was worthless. Do you honestly think any kid learned anything since the last day of physical school in March. Sending out a message through email text website and phone staying that no work will be held accountable to the kids was ridiculous. How difficult do you think it was to keep a kid on task when they know they don’t have to do the work and that it won’t be graded. YC needs to step their program up and hold the kids accountable. How else are they going to learn. My son is a rising senior and will be applying to colleges. How do you think all this online school is going to affect getting into a good college. Basically the second semester this past year was a joke. He only had 2 teachers that scheduled anything and that was only until he took the AP exam which was cut in half. These are the kids that are graduating into the adult world and they need to be better prepared not just pushed aside. I am disappointed in the lack of effort that our kids have been shown. YC needs to do better. The only way to do this is for the kids to be in school. It should not be up to the parents to teach each grade level of all their kids because YC doesn’t want to be held accountable or upset the hire class families. Not every family has money in York county to get tutors plus buy l the programs to help their children succeed because the schools aren’t doing their job. I want all my kids to have a valuable education and senior year I’d very important. We let our kids get behind because of fear. The best way for the kids to get their education is in a classroom. We are able to drive/carpool to school if buses will not be used. We think YSCD did a great job (in little time) preparing learning packets and on‐line learning, but really support schools reopening. Thank you for allowing parent input. We are in full support of schools reopening and believe benefits greatly exceed risks. Both parents work full time and are unavailable to homeschool. We have full confidence the schools will do their best to maintain a clean, safe, and healthy environment. The kids need to go back to school in the fall like normal! My wife and I both have full time jobs and cannot teach our 4 children. The online classes just do not work like normal school does. We cannot work our jobs and teach our children. If they do this online school thing again they will fall WAY behind. They have already fallen behind some. We look forward to them returning to a normal school schedule in the fall and getting their education back on track. It’s time to stop leaving in fear! There are too many variables to ensure that students will be safe in the school setting. My husband and I both work full time daytime jobs. Online learning means one of us would have to quit in order to maintain stay at home learning for all 4 of our kids. Staying at home is not an option. The kids hated online learning. Newport News and Hampton school systems held their students to a much higher standard and had more work to keep up on to keep the kids on task. They were also given electronics without charging them to maintain the work load. Nothing was really done for our kids. A small packet of work that never had to be turned in or graded was worthless. Do you honestly think any kid learned anything since the last day of physical school in March. Sending out a message through email text website and phone staying that no work will be held accountable to the kids was ridiculous. How difficult do you think it was to keep a kid on task when they know they don’t have to do the work and that it won’t be graded. YC needs to step their program up and hold the kids accountable. How else are they going to learn. The only way to do this is for the kids to be in school. It should not be up to the parents to teach each grade level of all their kids because YC doesn’t want to be held accountable or upset the hire class families. Not every family has money in York county to get tutors and people to watch their kids day in and day out while the parents work. My son has ADHD so he already has a difficult time staying focused and on task in the classroom. He is also in the 504 Program. How difficult do you think it is going to be for him to concentrate on school work with a house full of people and pets as we have a large family. This type of environment is not good for his mental health, confidence or self esteem. There are many kids like him as well. I want all my kids to have a valuable education and 6th grade is a transitional year. We let our kids get behind because of fear. The best way for the kids to get their education is in a classroom with their teacher. That way all skill are developing. They need the social interaction. We are in full support of schools reopening and believe benefits greatly outweigh risks. Parents both work full time and ability to homeschool is extremely limited. Thank you for allowing parent input. Large gathering should not be on the table at all (or external or extra visitors). Also, this is based on our understanding of the current COVID‐19 situation. If things change and get worse across the country or in our area, our feelings about sending our child to school may change. Please bring some normalcy, socialization and extracurricular activities My husband and I both work full time daytime jobs. Online learning means one of us would have to quit in order to maintain stay at home learning for all 4 of our kids. Staying at home is not an option. The kids hated online learning. Newport News and Hampton school systems held their students to a much higher standard and had more work to keep up on to keep the kids on task. They were also given electronics without charging them to maintain the work load. Nothing was really done for our kids. A small packet of work that never had to be turned in or graded was worthless. Do you honestly think any kid learned anything since the last day of physical school in March. Sending out a message through email text website and phone staying that no work will be held accountable to the kids was ridiculous. How difficult do you think it was to keep a kid on task when they know they don’t have to do the work and that it won’t be graded. YC needs to step their program up and hold the kids accountable. How else are they going to learn. The only way to do this is for the kids to be in school. It should not be up to the parents to teach each grade level of all their kids because YC doesn’t want to be held accountable or upset the hire class families. Not every family has money in York county to get tutors and people to watch their kids day in and day out while the parents work. I want all my kids to have a valuable education and elementary school is where that starts. We can’t put them behind because of fear. The best way for the kids to get their education is in a classroom with their teacher. My husband and I both work full time daytime jobs one of us would have to quit in order to maintain stay at home learning for all 4 of our kids. Staying at home is not an option. The kids hated online learning. Newport News and Hampton school systems held their students to a much higher standard and had more work to keep up on to keep the kids on task. They were also given electronics without charging them to maintain the work load. Nothing was really down for our kids. A small packet of work that never had to be turned in or graded was worthless. Sending out a message through email text website and phone staying that no work will be held accountable to the kids was ridiculous. How difficult do you think it was to keep a kid on task when they know they don’t have to do the work and that it won’t be graded. YC needs to step their program up and hold the kids accountable. The only way to do this is for the kids to be in school. It should not be up to the parents to teach each grade level of al their kids because YC doesn’t want to be held accountable or upset the hire class families. Not everyone has money in your county to get tutors and watch their kids day in and day out while the parents work. I won’t all my kids to have a good education and elementary school is where that starts. We can’t put them behind because of fear. The best way for the kids to get their education is in a classroom with their teacher. We think the school board has done a great job in response to both the Grafton fire and COVID‐19. These are unprecedented times and we understand the challenges and will support the School Boards decisions. During the Spring semester, we found that our student did not stay totally engaged. We would like to see the school day as closely as possible resemble a typical school day schedule, even if online. (Regular bell schedule, normal lunch break, teacher and other students all online together, etc.) Hybrid is pointless bc kids will need to go to daycare when not in class which defeats the whole purpose. My 3 yr old is currently in daycare and has no issues wearing a mask. Elementary school kids should be able to do the same if 3 yr olds can. Thanks Living in fear does not advance the cause. Find ways to do this, not cowardly excuses to NOT get these schools running. YCSD needs to be a catalyst to a return to some manner of normalcy. Not nattering nabobs of negativity, sowing fear, and the continuing the decline. It is very important to me that my child returns to school in the fall. All we seemed to hear was how "we are just trying to flatten the curve." As the curve flattened (substantially), it seemed there was an irrational shift towards a belief that there will be zero transmission. Hoping rational thought will prevail as the school year draws near. She will ride to school with her 11th grade sister in the car if they have a parking pass and if they are attending school on the same days (in case students have to be staggered to create reduced numbers). Very important that parents are kept informed. The recent remote school model did not provide that as in Aspen was not updated for all classes. I work outside of the home daily and am unable to monitor successful learning from home. If virtual instruction is the way we go this year, there will need to be accommodations for children who don’t have parents At home Monitoring of student health and making sure students with any symptoms stay home would help a lot with all illnesses. My student is in HS but I sub at ES level. If kids are coughing or snotty‐nosed they need to be sent home. I cannot see PPEs working in ES and those kids need in person instruction. Not all parents can give them what they need education wise at home. Praise the teachers‐ this year has made people appreciate them more! my child might ride bus to/from New Horizons, but not likely to ride to or from school. My child would do very well with the hybrid schedule. She liked having the focused time at home to do the classwork, but would do better with 1 or 2 days in the classroom than complete online learning. For years children would get sick and recover. If there amune systems arent alowed to work it gets weak. Open schools and let us parents decide.e systems arn't alowed to work it will get weak. Open schools and let us parente systems arn't alowed to work it will get weak . Open school and let us parents decide I want school to be as normal as possible in the classroom with teachers. It would be helpful for students to have an orientation prior to the first day of school to practice new procedures. Until there's a vaccine, we believe all known measures to reduce the spread of COVID‐19 should be implemented. I do not feel that the school division does not currenlty have the available resrouces to deal with the emotional trauma being experienced by losing connections with peers. My Grandson that I'm raising is on an iep due to behavior issues. I am not equipped to give him the kind of learning experience and be successful I have a child who is in virtual summer school, this platform is not working. The level of technology is not where it needs to be in order to facitilate the virutal classroom enviroment, for example when some one other than the teacher is speaking the screen constantly switches this is distracting for my child and makes it difficult to actively participate also the pacing of the material in my opinon is moving too quickly to adequately retain information. Regular testing for all school personnel and staff. Transparency and complete honesty on reports on infections and other related COVID‐19 illnesses on campus. Strict and serious restrictions on visitors. The cases are rising and it’s going to get bad : before it gets better My daughter is deemed high risk due to asthma and I'm concerned about the possibility that it would be required for her to wear a mask all day. Regular testing for all school personnel and staff (includes bus drivers). Transparency and honesty on reports of infection and other related COVID‐19 illnesses. Strict and serious restrictions to visitors. Staff and children safety should be first priority make remote learning the next priority until we get through this pandemic. Online school is an option as long there is a teacher live For those with multiple children, if a hybrid schedule is what occurs can both kids go to school on the same days? I dont think that ycsd did everything that could have been done to educate my child. I was on his aspen daily checking assignments and grades. The teachers were not given the help to make learning remotely possible. Ycsd basically failed our community from March forward. Im extremely disturbed there was no parent input in creating a curriculum that would have kept our student on a full learning path until the end of the year. They are stalled in learning from the day schools were closed. Children health and well being should come first continuing to do online schooling until the vaccine or cure is available. We must keep children staff and community safe by limiting interaction person to person. None of the children should be wearing masks all the time. I do not support or condone what the democrats have done to our economy, and don’t believe our children should suffer any further by missing school. If online or hybrid, please implement a universal schedule at the school that all teachers are using. Not having a universal schedule was one of the major problems end of 3rd quarter and 4th quarter. Teachers were scheduling class meetings a the same time and my daughter had to choose which class time to attend instead of being able to be present for all those scheduled. Also, some teachers gave my student a hard time if one class was chosen over their class. Screening for fever or by questionnaire is not going to put my mind at ease. All of these kids need to be tested for the virus and antibody before I feel it’ll be safe for the to return If necessary I will be able to drive my child to school and pick her up from school each day. My kids love MVES. I hope we can get back there soon based on Govt guidelines. We can home‐school our kids if we need to. We just miss the MVES experience for our kids. I think it’s very important for children to return to a normal as possible school in the fall. Children need the daily school environment interaction to develop in many different areas. Interacting with different adults and peers is not only healthy for their socialization skills but for their mental, emotional and physical well being. My child never road the bus, she was able to walk to school. I realize the importance of keeping everyone healthy. But children need to return to a normal as possible school. I feel as though interaction with other kids during lunch, recess, PE etc is very important to the development of each child as well as to the child’s mental, emotional and physical health. Appreciate the survey, but once again, York County is behind the power curve. The state of Virginia PTA sent out this survey a month ago. York County did not do an exceptional job with the last quarter of the school year. Newport News, Hampton, Virginia Beach school systems seemed to fair much better with their plan. This is our first year with York County and so far, I'm not impressed. I pay high taxes to live in this area and I guess my expectations are higher. The whole Grafton fire debacle was botched. Have a solid plan for contingencies, please. A majority of the kids could have been taught from home in a virtual setting. But that setting has to mirror the classroom instruction setting. Your teachers just gave the kids busy work and they learned NOTHING. Look at places like New Zealand. They have kids who are back in the classroom, and if they are not, then the children are at home watching through live chats via Zoom or other platform. 95% of kids in York County district have Internet and Technology access. Don't use that as a crutch to say they don't. You should have focused the curriculum on those who did. So instead of 5% who would have been disadvantaged, you chose for 100% to be disadvantaged. Teachers could have instructed their classes just like they were in school, instead, they read stories. I certainly hope you have a logical plan for the kids to be in the classroom setting this fall. All teachers need to use the program the same way. It is confusing when one teacher puts assignments in assignments & another in Posts & another on the calendar. Too confusing. Thank you for asking the parents input. Please ask and listen to your teachers as well. Parents rely on children being able to attend school. Many households have dual working parents or are single working parents who are not able to be home in a regular basis or afford childcare (which also negates the purpose of being out of school). Please consider allowing children to attend school full time, in person, with provisions regarding social distancing, sanitizing, and protective equipment. I feel that making the students social distance will cause more stress among students and staff. I also do not think it is healthy to wear masks all day long and it will be difficult to do health checks at the beginning of the school day if students are given medication prior to arrival. I believe that making students social distance during tbt school day is going to cause added stress on the teachers and students. What about drama, chorus, band, actual PE, after school activities. These are vital as well scheduling needs to stay within the normal school day hours from 7:20 to 2:05 Our tentative plan is to homeschool because of so many unknowns at this point. Fairfax county's plan is interesting, I like that they give parents two options. every student adheres to the safety protocol. We are not sending my child to school if there are no daily temperature checks and mandatory face‐masks worn properly (covering from chin to top of the nose) at all times (except while eating, drinking, and for short periods of time if more than 6 feet apart) and protective eyewear (eyeglasses or face‐shield). We highly suggest that the school make a very informative video (with demonstrations and examples) of how school will be like and that each family be required to watch it. The video should also include reasons WHY students should care about COVID‐19 and HOW it is SPREAD. It should be emphasized that NO ONE IS IMMUNE to the virus because even up to now I know that many teenagers including my sons’ friends falsely believe that COVID‐19 is nothing worse than the flu. Also, all the restrooms and common areas should be frequently (every change of class at least) cleaned and students should be allowed to wear gloves if they choose. We hope YCSD creates a schedule to divide the number of students at the school building at a given time (possibly morning/afternoon shifts). We are open to extending the school year to accommodate this type of schedule. We know that students will undoubtedly struggle from having less time with friends, and families may find it unfair that certain activities/sports are canceled (while others are allowed), but YCSD must stress that it is every single person’s responsibility to their community to make a sacrifice so that the spread of COVID‐19 and the false sense of safety cease. my child is not eligible for transportation, so that is the only reason why he will not be riding. i have 2 other special needs students who do ride the bus, and i have no concerns or issues with neither of them riding the bus to and from school Please have assigned seats everywhere, bus cafeteria and classroom More is gained at the kindergarten age by social interaction and play than academic learning. Most of that will be lost in a remote environment. I am not sending my child to school if there are no daily temperature checks and mandatory face‐masks worn properly (covering from chin to top of the nose) at all times (except while eating, drinking, and for short periods of time if more than 6 feet apart) and protective eyewear (eyeglasses or face‐shield). I suggest that the school make a very informative video (with demonstrations and examples) of how school will be like and that each family be required to watch it. All the restrooms and common areas should be frequently (every change of class at least) cleaned and students should be allowed to wear gloves if they choose. We hope YCSD creates a schedule to divide the number of students at the school building at a given time (possibly morning/afternoon shifts). We are open to extending the school year to accommodate this type of schedule. I have a high risk family, but work during the day. My child will need to ride the bus to and from school. My biggest fear is my child getting sick and the virus coming into our household. I prefer in class learning if there is a vaccine. The social impacts are also a big concern of mine. I have a high risk family, but work during the day. My child has to ride the bus to get to and from school. My biggest fear is my child getting sick from being at school and the virus coming into our household. I would prefer my child learn at school if there was a vaccine. The social impacts of this virus are also a big concern of mine. highly recommended to wear a mask at all times Children miss normal schooling :( wearing mask will be highly recommended Children don’t seem to be affected by Covid‐19 as much so I don’t see a reason why keep them home. Parent could take extra measure to keep children away from elder relatives and have them wash hands after school. Or allow each parent to choose if they rather send child to school or school from home. Online learning with multiple classes and multiple sites was overwhelming. There was struggle to sign up and log in. We need a more simplified online process. Until the appropriate measures are put into place such as vaccines, assurance of proper social distancing practices, requirement of PPE for everyone, and adequate sanitation measures, then students shouldn’t be allowed to report to school. At this time remote learning may be the best viable option for the 2020‐2021 school year. We can provide transportation if needed Smaller class size, social distancing, limit trips, mask worn all day is a worry. My fear is the lack of social development in a remote setting will be more harmful than the risks presented by COVID‐19. Limit the amount of students in class, small group mask but I worry about mask worn all day. Limit exposure to this virus and flu viruses. I think class should limit the amount of students in a class, try to figure out how to limit exposure to this virus as well as the flu virus when that comes in season again. For students requiring small groups, maybe mask can be in place but I worry about mask being worn all day. With York County’s infection rate at only 1.5% I strongly feel a return to traditional school complete with sports and activities is the only viable option. Those who are not comfortable with sending their children should keep them at home. I don’t want to do distance learning in any way. If the virtual school is set up similar to the way summer school academy is, I am all for it. But meeting w/ teachers have to be divided up with the # of students in group chats and discussion groups. The summer academy seems to be working well for the most part. Not sure how you will maintain 6 ft distance between students in a classroom with lab tables that are adhere to the floor unless class sizes are smaller. Please have school It's hard to answer these questions not knowing what state the pandemic will be in when schools resume. If things are largely under control that's completely different than if it's not. Also, if work isn't being graded, I don't think my child's effort will be the same as if work is being graded. I appreciate the survey and York county trying to develop a sound plan for the new school year. Please don't take this personally, but IMHO, York county failed miserably with how they handled the last quarter of the school year. There were several weeks to devise a sound plan to keep the kids engaged and continue curriculum, but it fell short. Really short. There were several other states who were able to remotely teach kids using technology platforms and were able to use those platforms for daily teaching instruction. The administration could have devised a plan to instruct each subject remotely using TEAMS, Zoom, WebEx, etc. and teachers could have taught daily and graded the work. I am looking forward to the kids being back in the classroom. If you think you need to go down a path of a hybrid (which I do not support), then it is imperative you do research to find the best way to do that and look at other states (and/or countries) to see how they are implementing. York county did not implement very well. And living in a county with high taxes which go to this school system, I expected more. With your narrative of keeping all kids on an equal playing field and some might not have the same access to technology, you need to think hard about this. Most are able to have access to technology. So do what's best for the majority. It's hard to answer these questions not knowing what state the pandemic will be in when schools resume. If things are largely under control that's completely different than if it's not. No masks! No 6ft distance! Return to school as normal! Or I will homeschool. My child walks. Open school. Open the school back up. If parents are concerned for their children's safety, they can choose to home school. Children need to go back to school. The home school option should be by choice, not forced. Thank you for this survey. Last year, the principal of Grafton High left out key pieces of information when communicating with parents and there was absolutely no parent input. This is the main reason why parents were uncomfortable with Grafton High School. Please explore avenues to implement more out‐of‐doors learning opportunities (I.e. open air classrooms ‐ if restaurants can utilize tents, why not schools?). Additionally, consider how to implement smaller class sizes. How will lunch be handled? In the classroom only, to avoid the large group? this can minimize each child's exposure to only their homerooms classmates. In the event that students have to attend school online. I would like for their work to be grade. It is important that they are accountable for their work and for them to receive a grade for it. No busy work, because I feel it’s a waste of time and they are not being academically challenged. Our children deserve the best education and we all want to see our children succeed in life. Teachers need to make sure the kids are getting the material they are putting out! Period Distance learning was not effective and should not be considered. Daily interaction with a teacher and classmates in a classroom setting with a routine is vital. Quick daily temperature checks and parents being responsible to keep children home who have symtoms of Covid along with other protocols can make this a feasible option. My child is starting Kindergarten so we have not gone through any of the remote learning. I'm curious as to how that works for a K child, especially if both parents are working. I don't think that having kids wear a mask all day is good. As an adult who works in a hospital, it is hard for me. How are they suppose to focus when it is hard to really breath. Also, social distancing from friends and other students. How are they going to focus and enjoy their day when they can't be around other kids and students. I understand why these matters are being put in place but I do not completely agree with them. I think the staff should have to wear their PPE but the students shouldn't. Whatever steps are taken as a parent we are really worried and scared to send child to school. could we Zoom or have virtual classroom teaching? For example, Geometry M, W, and F from 8‐10a. Spanish M, W, F 11‐1230? Same classroom schedule, just all electronically? I can't imagine having to make these decisions. I just know that my boys are older and can do everything virtually. Time management will be the most difficult for them. Thank you so much for all you are doing. Praying for all of you and decisions that are being made. Thank you. The students, teachers, and staff health is the most important thing. My children all benefit most from some face to face interactions with their teachers. I am also wondering how they are going to manage high school sports this coming school year. Health and safety if students, teachers, and staff is the most important. My son struggled with virtual learning this Spring. So, I hope there is a hybrid model this Fall for his benefit. They need to be in school and as back to normal as possible. For their sanity and all of ours. They have proven they can't get anything right when it comes to this virus. What are we going to do keep everybody locked up as much as possible? Let them play sports and go to class. 1000s odlf kids have been in daycare and it hasn't been the end of the world. Ensure that the teachers stay engaged with Students. During Spring Learning, student had no more than 30m with teacher and that was often cancelled. For a 2nd grader! I am concerned, as a teacher, and parent of 6th, 9th, and 11th students, of balancing my children’s workload, along with teaching my students. The extended learning plans that we had from March‐June, were not great for my youngest. I hope that there is a more clear plan for the start of school this fall. I also hope that YCSD takes teacher, student, and staff safety and health as the number one priority. I want to get back into the classroom, just like most teachers do, but am worried about illness due to COVID‐19, as I have a husband with preexisting heart condition and diabetes, so that puts him at high risk. Children need to get back to school. What we had to deal with was just unacceptable to me on the virtual learning. Speaking to other parents from other schools, I feel YCSD just gave up on our elementary school children! The packets that the school board (yes, I know that teachers did not put them together) was just awful. Using bingo as a learning tool was just a slap in the face of education, it’s like you all gave up. Our children already use to much technology in the way of social media and they need to be face to face with a teacher and other kids their ages. #8 Question: My child will be driving so she won't ride the bus If children need to be distanced from one another and this is a reason that students can not return full time then I wil gladly find a way to have my children dropped off. This is much less of an inconvenience for me than my children being home 3 days a week while both parents work. If another child or staff member tests positive for COVID‐19, are parents going to be informed that their child needs to be tested due to being in contact with a positve student or staff member Go back to normal. There is no real threat to the general public I hope everything is being done to try and put our kids in school as much as is safely possible. Three days a week and split the days ... but one day or two will be devastating to many. I also am worried about Math instruction and it’s effect on the SAT. I hVe always attributed my daughter’s learning to the great teachers and staff at Tabb high school. I feel that virtual is not enough. My child has a 504 but spent the majority of her school years with an IEP. These teachers and accommodations helped her make the progress she needed to acquire an advanced diploma. Il I do not feel comfortable with my child coming back to school until testing and a vaccination is in place. I love my child and do not believe this is worth the risk of his life! I don't want to send the kids to school with PPE or social distancing. I don't want volunteers or field trips limited. Common sense is the answer. Keep the school clean. wash hands frequently. stay home if you are sick. My 72 yr old mother lives at home with us. She is very much afraid of my three children going to school in the fall. They are 3,4, and 5, with 2 going into preschool and one in kindergarten. How will they be able to do social distancing? Will they be wearing masks, or is the school going to take chances and not wear masks? But if there is virtual learning for preschoolers and kindergarteners, the school is really going to have to step up how they do things. This spring when we were home using MS Teams, the kids could see their teacher but the teacher couldn’t see them, and they couldn’t see their friends in class with them. They would wave and I had to explain that no one could see them but just hear them! That didn’t change for the better until the last two weeks of school! Because my children are so young, and I will be home teleworking until 31 December, plus my mother (their grandmother) was a 1st grade school teacher, we are strongly looking into homeschooling them this year. Hopefully by next year, a vaccine will be in place. Our poor children and GMS staff have been through enough, please don’t do anymore online learning. My son had a hard time keeping up. I’m afraid he will get behind. Also dual working families it’s not fair to the parents or children that we have to come home from a long day of work and help our kids with school work (not talking about homework) and take away from family time. If you don't have children return to school, they are guaranteed to fall behind academically because most parents have careers that don't lend to home schooling. If some parents prefer not to send their children to school, that is their business, but it shouldn't be forced upon the majority. If there was any way we could ride the bike to school that would be great. Please consider daily connection, instruction, and classroom work if you go to a hybrid platform. The kids NEED daily interaction with teachers and students to feel motivated and inspired to learn and thrive. Since I will have 2 kids enrolled in Mount Vernon, 1. There surveys only account for 1 student and 2, My ability both on the technology side (we don’t have enough computers at home for both) and my ability to have time to teach them both is compounded by me being a working parent. 3. My primary concern is the health and wellness being of my 2 school aged kids. Online learning from home is not as effective as learning in school with teachers. I vehemently disagree with online learning, and our spring closure clearly illustrated that it does not work for my child. Some kids didn't want to do class work cuz was not with teacher and was distract from other things and some was single parents. Re open schools. Distance learning in the Spring was terrible. It made us consider private school. It cannot be the answer in the Fall. Please consider a hybrid schedule AND we need a strong plan for already over crowded buses. I am most concerned with safe transportation to/from school. I don’t believe middle school students will have the discipline to social distance. I live with my parents and concerned daily about my kids bring the virus back to them. Please consider the family structure and keeping not just the student but their family safe too. Please consider a hybrid schedule with students attending the minimum amount of time needed to check in with resources like guidance and get special tutoring. I work in a facility with 1000+ adults and they are struggling with the protocols. I don’t think the teens will have the discipline to adhere either. Let’s get real. More harm is done from the fear of the virus than the virus itself. Having said that, absolutely no mask shaming should be tolerated. No masks needed as research is inconclusive and does no good. Teachers who are uncomfortable should teach online. However, students MUST return in order for psychological and physiological benefits to happen. Please consult me if you have questions. Michele King PhD We have multiple children in ycsd, so we are tech resource restricted as we only have one laptop for them to share. Perhaps providing a partnership discount for chrome books or apple products with options for those with economic challenges able to checkout ycsd tech. It would be helpful as the products would be taylored for your needs/requirements. How will lunch work is also a concern, we used hot lunch because it was economically and dietarily advantageous. Having to now add that to our budget would be a challenge as well as logistically stressful. We can’t buy daily lunch supplies in the same value range with the proper dietary requirements. I would like the schools to get to normal this fall...on line school does not provide the same level of instruction as being in the classroom and having full access to ask questions, etc. Kids are not a high risk for virus, so they need to get back to a normal routine. Thank you. Thankyou for the amazing job, & support from all at YCSD, during this crisis in the spring, as well as before this. We are so grateful to you! I would like to see YCSD provide more opportunities for outdoor spaces to host learning. I would also like to see schools open their windows more often and let air circulate throughout the building. Finally, I want to see teachers getting the stress‐relief they need and deserve during such a challenging time. We are so grateful for what they do for our kids day‐to‐day! I think it would be unwise to send them back even though we all want them to be able to. The virus is still very much a threat and I do not think schools have the ability to contain it. Implementation of mandatory face covering will not work with young children. Staff has a hard enough time monitoring kids in the cafeteria, so how will it be possible to monitor every child to make sure they properly wash their hands, avoid germs, mess with their face cover by touching it constantly, and how is restricting oxygen in their body going to affect their health? Even if somehow mandating face covering and sanitation practice is done with perfection, there is a clear danger of wearing face covering for a prolonged amount of time as oxygen is restricted, and it will create a new wage of respiratory issues and hurt their immune system. Schools need to be proactive in promoting healthy diets and taking vitamins, especially vitamin c and d. Child does not speak , to tell others his needs, so we will be taking and picking him up daily, as we did last year 90% of the teaching needs to be from the teachers, not the parents. Parents roles in virtual learning should be holding students accountable and to answer simple questions. We should not be creating lesson plans or teaching. The work that was distributed over the last few months of school was poorly formatted and caused more frustration in our house that helped. Students should still be assessed as individuals and given the appropriate work for their learning levels. This can not happen when the only contact with the teacher is over a classroom team meeting. Also, if the students are required to wear masks, the clear face shields would be a better option for them. They would not restrict their breathing and would still allow them to protect themselves. 90% of the teaching needs to be from the teachers, not the parents. Parents roles in virtual learning should be holding students accountable and to answer simple questions. We should not be creating lesson plans or teaching. The work that was distributed over the last few months of school was poorly formatted and caused more frustration in our house that helped. Students should still be assessed as individuals and given the appropriate work for their learning levels. This can not happen when the only contact with the teacher is over a classroom team meeting. I believe my child needs the class room environment. I am not worried about COVID‐19. My child will need to ride the bus to and from school, but I don’t see how they can social distance on a bus. What about PE classes and lunch? As a healthcare worker I think it is unsafe for children to return in the fall. I would love to be comfortable sending my child to school in his last year at dare but he has asthma and susceptible. He wants to be with his friends but how can we make this safe without the kids having to wear masks? Maybe a face shield? School is going to be completely different for them almost. They have already endured a lot of emotional trauma with the epidemic. Childcare and safe transportation are a major issue for us as I work full time. Please consider working parents as you debate the pros and cons. Would like to know if reading recovery would be available to do if student is taught virtually Thank you for all of your hard work. We know you cannot find a solution that fits every family 100%. We much prefer the school environment for the engagement and social connections but fear the ability to prevent the spread, especially when working with children who are learning proper care. It seemed cold and flu season, for example, really impacted the kindergarten classes this year. While my child THRIVES at school, I have concerns with my child understanding why she cannot be close to her friends and why there are so many changes from her amazingly engaging experience last school last year. We're all experiencing our own forms of stress and personal reactions to the pandemic, understandably. But I am concerned that the stress the staff may feel being in this new environment, with children who don't understand why they cannot be close to their friends and that they have to wear masks will be felt by the children and it could be a more negative and stressful situation for the children than anyone wants it to be (unintentionally). I am sure the staff will do everything in their power to make it the most positive environment possible for the children, but I feel it's important to voice this concern. If the guidance counselor could provide a video welcoming students back but using her experience with child development to explain the changes and expectations in a way that children will receive it best, I think that would be helpful. I am also worried about the teachers being healthy How will restroom facilities be sanitized? Can we ensure children wash their hands with soap after using the restroom? How often are toilets/doors/locks sanitized? Shame on YCSD leadership for letting what used to be a great school system fall out of line with other top schools. Poor decisions about learning from Grafton fire through COVID‐19 and now summer AP/Advanced pre‐work. These HS kids are now at risk of not being able to get into their top choice colleges because our schools have fallen behind in quality of instruction in these, albeit tough, times. Please take note of what top notch school divisions have done and learn from it. My child is out of zone, so the best answer to question 8 is really n/a. As a two parent working household we are very nervous about fall schedules. We have three school aged children and the last three months we’re extremely challenging. We understand the health concerns, but practically speaking children need to be in school learning and parents need to be able to focus on their jobs, not their child’s education. We trust YCSD and hope that whatever decision they make will not force families to make incredibly difficult choices for their families. My child is out of zone, so the best answer to question 8 is really n/a. We are a two parent working household with three children in elementary school. We trust the school division and hope that whatever decision is made will not be detrimental to working families. Children need to be in school learning from the experts. We appreciate all of your hard work during these challenging times! We are not comfortable with putting a bunch of kids in an indoor environment for a long duration of time with recycled air and an unenforcible policy on social distancing and cleaning requirement. This will put the focus of the teacher on maintaining the protocols not on teaching the children. Attempting to maintain the social distancing and cleaning protocols will actually be a barrier to social interaction and connections as teachers and staff are obligated to enforce the protocols and potentially discipline children for acting like children. The added stress on the teachers will only exacerbate the issues. Another concern is that the current social distancing guidelines are not based on children. Children are loud and project their voices, they sing and yell. All of which would increase social distancing requirements. Children are not clean freaks by nature so controlling the environment and what they touch and how they interact with their environment is virtually impossible to control. Health screenings are a distraction. the numbers of infected people that do not present with symptoms and the fact that the average individual doesn’t actually get sick until 5‐7 days after exposure means that by the time the school health screening identifies a potential issue they have likely been exposing their class and the school for at least a few days. The resurgence of the virus with the phase II relaxations of restrictions without schools being open does not offer a very optimistic forecast for when we Introduce the uncontrollable petri‐dish inherent in the school environment of what used to be normal. while the incidence of children getting severely ill is arguable low they are carriers and interact with teachers, parents, other caregivers, grandparents without the natural ability to control their behavior (touching faces, constant sanitizing, touching any surface around). So while school may be assessed as low risk for the students that does not mean it is low risk for the communities they live in. We would like to see a focused effort to provide teacher guided instruction via virtual environments for all students with both virtual supplemental assistance and possibly strictly controlled in‐person supplemental assistance when a student needs additional help. Without a vaccine, reliable treatment options or effective tracking and isolation protocols for individual/communities with positive test results there is no way to say reopening classrooms is safe for the students, teachers or the community. Thank you for all you do! I have four children in the home and one computer. I also am a single working mom My child is a walker This child is a walker Will SOL’s be extinct? I don’t see how the curriculum will survive based on teaching to that test. YCSD is doing an outstanding job problem solving major event after major event. Outstanding leadership, communication, and working through issues. We will get through this too! Our experience with online learning during spring was very good. Microsoft Teams and Office 365 based education model has a lot of potential and should be fully explored. Alternating days for middle schoolers, along with remote learning, could be an option. If school does not open 100%, I would like to have the school implement a class/ school for working parents that can’t homeschool or want their kid to do school work all evening every night. I think the meetings with classmates and teachers are essential, my child really looked forward to those days. High school kids can do remote learning and K‐5 can use the high school complex to spread them out. My son is in special education and truly benefits from social interactions with other children; so assuming all precautions are taken to keep the kids healthy and safe I would really like for pre‐K to resume in class sessions in the fall I think we should look at the examples of TX and Az opening up and receiving more cases. I’m not comfortable with our children being the guinea pigs to see what will happen. I think we should do online curriculum till after flu season and then introduce hybrid learning in the spring. I am unsure how to measure the success of my child with the work completed. It is difficult to incorporate the resource material like art, library, and music. I really would like more time with the teacher through meetings or chat for my student that was something that really improved my students mood. I recommend the school year be extended through the year. Make breaks more frequent. Alternate days to reduce class size and large groups. Maybe kids go to school for 8‐10 weeks , have a couple weeks off and summer break only be about 6 weeks long. Provides more flexibility for families to do things together throughout the year. Idea for alternate schedules. One day in the classroom and one day out of the class room doing assignments due the following day when they return. It will also prepare the kids for college style classes in the future. I understand this will be more intensive for the teachers, but this is the cost of keeping the teachers, staff and students safer. Yorktown was so far behind other school districts with how they handled the end of the year and learning from home. I’m so disappointed by her school district. I hope they really stepped it up for the fall The situation is too unstable now.There is no mention of a mask in your survey.In fact wearing a mask is not the answer but it is the most important and the most important thing to do in this situation.Not only students but everyone.We have to wear a mask and then we have to do what’s in the survey If in person learning is not an option than video lessons must be... My kids can not learn or stay focused with worksheets. And all of the content has to be in one place... There are too many different sites, too many passwords. I have no idea how at home learning would work in our household with 2 working parents and a 8 year old and a 9 year old neither of whom know how to do this stuff on their own. We are concerned that social distancing and masks cannot be enforced in school and on bus? Will YCSD be responsible for COVID related medical expenses if students are required to attend and are infected through school? i would just like consistency. Our child's emotional health is impacted...she needs interaction with her peers. Recommend mandatory mask wear for students and staff I would like my child to attend YHS in person MY child has started summer school. So far they have put a great amount of work into it. If school is done like this during the new school year that would make a difference. We found the Spring learn to be terrible and unorganized. Strongly suggest mandatory mask wear for all (at reasonable age) Communication needs to be uniform. I should not be required to follow text messages, Aspen, Teams, Remind and email. It is fine to reach out in all of those methods, but every teacher needs to do the same. I should not have to check email for one teacher, Aspen for another, and forget about trying to get pry information out of my child. I need to be able to do a quick pulse check without regrouping according to how each particular teacher wishes to communicate. There needs to be small group meetings in various locations if students will not be permitted to attend school. My child never rode the bus, my answer is not due to concerns about health and safety In addition to the top 3 priorities identified in this survey, I would like to add cleaning/sanitizing of common areas, bathrooms, etc.; smaller groups with social distancing; closely monitoring of (and enforcing) students following medical guidelines In addition to the top 3 priorities identified in this survey, I would like to add cleaning/sanitizing of common areas, bathrooms, etc.; smaller groups with social distancing; closely monitoring of students following medical guidelines Social distancing and face coverings will be key. Really need a plan how that will be enforced. Serious thought needs to be considered for children of parent who work more than 8 hour days, 5 days a week. I am not capable of managing their education on top of my other responsibilities. Not returning children to school will result in one of us having to quit our job. My child has an IEP and behavioral/social cues is one thing that needs to work on (participating in groups, etc). I worry that if is not in a traditional school setting that he will struggle meeting his IEP/developmental goals. Parents should be able to do a walk through of how the schools will be safe for our child to return. This should be conducted a month prior to reopening. Technology ie programs used during spring were not good choices apps or programs that can be used on computers laptops iPads and phones would be best for all students. Everyone wears a mask! Everyone needs to wear masks! Please allow students to attend school in the building, even if it is not full time. Online learning does not work well for al students and my child is regressing in his social and emotional health. Thank you. Thank you for keeping our kids safe and for all that you do! I want to make sure that my son has ample access to the new horizon center where he will learn his chosen trade. Additionally I want to make sure the kids actually have graded assignments with access/communication from the instructors We would have to have our son ride the bus home, but we would want to see what precautions are being taken before deciding if he would ride in the morning too. Massive amounts of hand sanitizer available as kids walk into rooms they take some or leave a room they use it; all bathrooms should be have soap and replenished throughout the day; enlist community and parent volunteers to sanitize schools and classrooms after hours on a rotating schedule, as I know teachers and staff don't have the time and the district certainly doesn't have additional funds to hire this done; MASKS required during transitions from classes in secondary setting and anytime they are within 6 ft of another person; trying to coordinate secondary students together as a group based on classes they are enrolled in so they interact with a smaller group of students‐Note: I understand this is a scheduling nightmare but it could still be attempted for the coming year and often those kids that are high achieving or need additional help are in similar level classes; offer outdoor area for lunch/socializing when it isn't raining or look into awnings to be installed ‐ it is much safer to be outdoors than indoors and they can't eat with masks. My high school student is high risk due to heart disease, so it is concerning to my family. That said, he has thrived on virtual learning but he is also an introvert. He really needs the physical social interaction before this isolation becomes tragically permanently detrimental to him. But going back to a traditional setting must be in accordance to safety protocols ensure the safety to not only him, but everyone from peers to teachers to family members to the 90 year old that came in contact with someone in this direct line at the grocery store ‐ all lives need to be protected to be best of our ability; Teachers and staff should have the right to remove students that are not following the guidance/rules, to protect their student population. I understand in the elementary population out will be different and messages must be taken to provide more physical reminders for these young students. Service hours: how to accomplish them if school clubs are not working Please try to make those that are considered high risk to have the ability to attend school online. Thank you!! I do not want my child to wear a face mask. I would like to get back to normal. I do not want my child to wear a face mask. I would like school to go back to normal. I do not want my child to wear a face mask. School needs to go back to normal I do not want my child to be forced to where face mask and I would prefer for the school to do its best to make the school year as normal as before. We can’t hide forever Same response as The previous One I submitted.. I hope for at least a hybrid model when reopening; I'm all for reopening with the appropriate safety measures; i.e. masks, distance, etc. I'm hoping to see A/B days like they did for the middle schools that shared a facility. Allowing our kids to utilize that schedule would make me feel much better about distancing. I prefer that my child attend school next year in the classroom. My children are not learning at home. Also we work outside the home and chiidcare and scheduling will be a problem. I will be teaching my 10th grader how to drive on the way to school. I don’t think the county can buy enough buses to have kids far enough away from each other, and I want to wait a bit for I let them ride on the bus. I don’t know yet and probably will wait till late July to see how things are going with this virus. My feelings are that if it is still going strong, then I’d like my children to do online work, but if things improve, they would love to go back. I would prefer my children to attend school rather than virtual learning. They are not learning a lot at home. I am very concerned about the education my child will get. I have a child that needs structure and a schedule, if he isn’t able to go to school and be in a classroom I fear he will fall behind and give up on his last two years of school. I am also concerned if you take all activities and sports away our kids will get into trouble because they have no outlet . They won’t have conditioning for their sports, they won’t care about their grades and will get depressed. Massive amounts of hand sanitizer available as kids walk into rooms they take some or leave a room they use it; all bathrooms should be have soap and replenished throughout the day; enlist community and parent volunteers to sanitize schools and classrooms after hours on a rotating schedule, as I know teachers and staff don't have the time and the district certainly doesn't have additional funds to hire this done; MASKS required during transitions from classes in secondary setting and anytime they are within 6 ft of another person; trying to coordinate secondary students together as a group based on classes they are enrolled in so they interact with a smaller group of students‐Note: I understand this is a scheduling nightmare but it could still be attempted for the coming year and often those kids that are high achieving or need additional help are in similar level classes; offer outdoor area for lunch/socializing when it isn't raining or look into awnings to be installed ‐ it is much safer to be outdoors than indoors and kinda obviously cannot wear face coverings while eating ‐ on rainy days offer areas (gyms) where kids can spread out to eat or eat during a class; rules need to be clear stated and be strictly enforced by the district from the start if students will be attending school in person. I don’t know how things will go yet, it depends on whether things in the country are getting better by the end of July. I will drive my kids in for a little while because I think the county needs to buy more buses to be able to give the kids more room. Keep up the good work. We know this task is not easy. Another concern of mine is what financial obligations that remote learning will incur. With three kids learning from home, we'll have to pay more to increase bandwidth. We will also possibly need to buy new computers, unless the quality of the hardware the district supplies are better than the iPad my child was given for summer school. It was not adequate to run the apps/programs required for the daily lessons. Hello, I would like to know what additional safety measures will be put in place at school, in the classroom, and on the bus before my child returns to school. 5th Grade has had multiple teachers in the past. It would be perfered to have one teacher. The virtual learning provided by York county in the spring was ridiculous and echelons below anything else other counties provided. This cannot go on. Children must return to in person school fulltime. One option unique to Waller Mill would be to put all of the Camp Peary kids in the same class. These kids have already all been playing together for months and will Be riding the bus together. There is no point in trying to keep them apart because they have been together in groups since March. Another concern of mine is what financial obligations that remote learning will incur. With tree kids learning from home, we'll have to pay more to increase bandwidth. We will also possibly need to buy new computers, unless the quality of the hardware the district supplies are better than the iPad my child was given for summer school. It was not adequate to run the apps/programs required for the daily lessons. . Please maintain begining band. Please find some way to maintain begining band. We understand the situation very well and we are flexible to whatever is needed to help our daughter and to maintain the healthy wellbeing of everyone If they have to be 6ft apart it will not be easy it will be a distraction for my child and I do NOT want my child in a mask all day. It’s hard enough for me, a nurse, having to wear one for 8‐14 hours an day I know my kids will have a terrible time. If school is anything other than a normal school year,I would like my twins to have the same class/teacher to make it easier to assist both of them at the same time at home. Their teachers have all been wonderful but also very different in their expectations and how they teach and what they assign. If I have to assist as much at home as I did during 4th quarter with my young children, having the same teacher would make it much easier. The videos and emails from their 1st grade teachers during 4th quarter were wonderful but very different. I would like for my child to return to school, but if it’s going to to be more of a “prison” type of atmosphere I would either ha e my child be at home! It’s going to be hard for them to focus and have to social distance. Plus my child has very bad asthma and breathing in your own CO2 is not good for him. Having a mask on all day is not ideal for him I would not want my child to ride the bus, but depending on my job requirements, he may have to. Both parents are unable to work at home ‐ will York County provide childcare if the children are not in school everyday? If there is not school every day will York County provide childcare? Schools should provide technology devices to students if students will be in the hybrid model or at home. ALL students and staff should wear face masks/coverings daily on buses and anywhere on campus. Full compliance unless there is a documented health issue preventing that student or teacher from wearing a mask. Full Stop There is not any data to support kids not going to school. Taking the emotion out of it, we need to go back to normal and allow our kids to learn and interact with a normal setting again. This is getting out of control to even consider a hybrid set up. What about parents that work or have other younger kids at home where they can’t spend time being home school teachers for half of the week to try and pick up where they left off in the classroom. If they want to keep kids out of school, move to Northern Virginia. The grading system adopted by YCSD last year was a failure especially at Grafton High School. Considering Grafton had a fire the principal failed to advocate for her students. YCSD needs to give ever student the opportunity to improve their grades to include last year. We are in a new world and it is time to be flexible and positive. Give each student every opportunity to improve their grades and you will see students rise to the challenge. Fix last year and improve this year. Keep things as normal as possible for kids and encourage social interaction and development of relationships, so school is fun. I do not like the idea of the virtual learning elementary; however if there is some , clear expectations for virtual learning is a must. There MUST be tech support available. There were too many ways to learn this spring, access and teacher deviation and learning curve was inconsistent as well as level of feedback and interaction. I have multiple kids and it was interesting and sometimes felt unfair to see all the differences. I am aware of the complex situation and the many moving parts involved in planning, thank you for all your efforts. While there were some of the teachers for two students that were fully engaged during the emergency virtual education period, there were also some teachers that never engaged at all. While we didn’t allow our students to coast through the 4th quarter, I wouldn’t blame those that did. If teachers weren’t engaged, why should students be. Yes, it is the education of the student that is at risk but teachers were still being paid to do a job. The opportunity that not everyone in Virginia had the luxury of. Open Up Open like normal please! My core concern with a hybrid model is maintaining the same schedule for my 3 children who are in the district. I DO NOT want children going to school at different times. I am also concerned about my sons' access to Extend resources. Quite honestly, Extend is the only reason I would send them next year, rather than homeschooling. However, I don't see how a hybrid or virtual platform will support the benefits of Extend. What is implemented for special needs children who struggle already. My core concern with a hybrid model is maintaining the same schedule for my 3 children who are in the district. I DO NOT want children going to school at different times. Also, my child has Sensory Processing Disorder and I do not think she will be able to handle PPE or alternating wake‐up schedules. Disinfect classrooms, common areas, bathrooms, and buses occasionally. Try to make the year seem normal and fun for students My core concern with a hybrid model is maintaining the same schedule for my 3 children who are in the district. I DO NOT want children going to school at different times. Disinfect all classrooms, bathrooms, and buses occasionally. We want the school to start soon Emphasis on the air filtering in the building seems paramount to stopping the spread of this virus. Additionally, if school is offered in a virtual format, it would be better to have classes held as they would be in person, with students having to "arrive to class" at a designated time ready to participate in the school day for each class. I am really concerned about all students distancing themselves and being cautious even my own. I have another son with an immune system disorder that I worry about his brother bringing home covid 19 because of some people not taking the virus serious. Please make remote learning available for those students who do not return to the classroom due to Covid19. Half day school days would guarantee continuous learning. My son Mason has practically been homeschooled due to a chronic illness and I would be fine with virtual learning as he normally is out of regular school by the 3rd week of school. Covid 19 is a huge concern for him with his low immune system. Daily half day school days would be an alternative to guarantee continuous learning without interruptions. Please open up! Please open the schools! If remote learning is implemented, problems with technology resulting from the use of Microsoft teams as a platform, such as problems with teachers sharing content and/or conducting live sessions, needs to be able to be addressed and fixed quickly. My student has had many problems with receiving audio and having live meetings freeze where learning was abruptly halted and time was devoted to fixing the technological issue rather than learning the content that is crucial to understanding the curriculum. Five day of live in person schooling PLEASE!!!! York County with low COVID numbers! 1. Dual working full time parents, one who is in healthcare will be challenged to manage any type of hybrid remote learning at home. 2. Parents are meant to be parents, not teachers. 3. Concern that potential not 'tech savvy' teachers will not be able to manage technology to make teaching conducive for learning 4. What will keep students engaged if learning from home? 5. Where is my child supposed to go if both parents are unable to remain at home? 6. Financial hardship. ***I feel that I will be choosing between my child's education and employment in the 2020‐ 21 school year.*** Five day of live in person schooling PLEASE!!!! York County with low COVID numbers! 1. Dual working full time parents, one who is in healthcare will be challenged to manage any type of hybrid remote learning at home. 2. Rising fourth grader was in the middle of RTI during 2019‐20 school year; how will that be impacted/affect ability to learn if does require IEP/504 plan that has yet to be determined because it was placed on a hold. 3. Parents are meant to be parents, not teachers. 4. Concern that potential not 'tech savvy' teachers will not be able to manage technology to make teaching conducive for learning 5. What will keep students engaged if learning from home? 6. Where is my child supposed to go if both parents are unable to remain at home? 7. Financial hardship. ***I feel that I will be choosing between my child's education and employment in the 2020‐21 school year.*** Grading needs to be done on remote learning. Mask and other PPE needs to be enforced across the board, with expulsion for those that violate purposefully. As a full time working family we are very limited on how much we can teach our children. Homeschooling is not a viable option for us. We feel strongly that kids will not adhere to rules for proper use of PPE. Kids cannot wear it during PE or band and also cannot skip wearing it for those classes. Only virtual real time classes that INCLUDE band should be done until a vaccine is utilized. As a working family. At home schooling is not a great option for us. Our children need in class instruction and guidance from a teacher to thrive. We do not have an option for continuing to homeschool. Please open schools like normal I do not want my 4th grader attending school online. Nor does she want to attend school online she wants to go to regular school like she loves ridiculous how 4th/5th grade students didnt do remote learning this spring but are supposed to magically do it this fall. They are 9 and 10 they need to be in school and have structure and consistency save the only only for older mature students 6‐12!! I think you must follow the CDC guidelines and the state legislation and guidelines, opening up schools just because parents want their children to be in school is not the right thing to do. We have to think of others around us, elderly, parents, teachers, administrators and make sure we do our part to prevent the spread of coronavirus. As a Grafton parent we went through a lot last year, with going to another school, a few days a week and including Saturdays, and then not at all. My son, will be a Senior, and while I would like for him to have a traditional school year with all the celebratory things that come with your Senior year, I understand and anticipate this will not be a traditional year. Thanks for all you do. This child is also a T1 diabetic. Not all the teachers were engaged with the students My son has had breathing issues and I do not want him wearing a mask for anything more than a few minutes. Child will ride Youth Center bus to YC if available. Thank you for the opportunity to provide feedback. I feel as though school should go on as usual as well as sports. When you change the school schedule you effect parents and their employment. We would like to see more open communication from YCSD as each step is taken so that we have an opportunity to express our concerns. Thank you for your time and all efforts you continually do for our kids. My son has autism and is in the communications support classroom. He is regressing behaviorally and otherwise without both typical school and extended school year. For him, being at school is incredibly important. My other children would be happy with hybrid learning, but schedule and routine is so incredibly important to him. He will not ride bus because he drives. Seniors should receive priority when making accommodations for students being able to access activities they would be a normal part of their final year of school. They have earned it. We want an additional supervisor be accompany the bus driver. What about masks? Are you going to make kids wear masks all day? You’re doing a great job. You will make the right decisions for our kids. Thank you. Please reach out to special education teachers to listen to the needs of students who face additional challenges like my child If I need to take my son to school, iam willing to do so however he may need to ride the bus home YCSD has done an outstanding job during a very difficult time. Some students need the structure to thrive that traditional settings give. Remote learning doesn’t work for my children at all because I can not supervise their daily activities while at work all the time. Why should I enroll my child for the upcoming school year vs a school that already teaches remotely as their primary delivery method? FIND A VACCINE !!!!!! AND ANSWERS CAN BE ADJUSTED DEPENDING ON THE VIRUS CASE IN THE FALL Possibly a more clear, concise communication. With 2 kids in 2 schools this spring, the volume alone of calls, texts, emails, Aspen and then the other website from every teacher X 2, principals, extracurricular coaches, school board on a daily/weekly basis became pretty overwhelming for me, particularly as a single parent. Please consider the dual working family. Not all York county families have stay at home parents. This 4th quarter has been a huge struggle for our family academically I would appreciate if the paid educational professionals (administrators) created a plan and presented it to the community vs. conducting survey after survey. The school district needs to help parents understand the risks that this environment brings to their children collectively vs. thousands of parents giving an opinion as people not trained in education. Education and the safety of students should be the FIRST concern, not the opinion of parents! Come up with a plan to hold it online. Alot of us in our area feel that it will be unsafe for kids to be in a physical class room. Virtual until we have a vaccine If there is to be no outside recess for the child to stretch and release tension, i am not sure i will send my child back to school I feel unsafe sending my child back to school. Perhaps a survey strictly for higj school students. Would like to see some of the conceptual models. potential training course for parents to understand and follow and assist child Too many platforms in Spring. Aspen,Teams,Email,Remind,Citrix. Was overwhelming for my son. 3rd grade teachers did create Teams assignments that were more user friendly. Hard to imagine keeping kids out of school without accurate testing/COVID data. What if many children have antibodies. I want my children to be healthy but they have also suffered from being cut off from academic/social environment. Spring learning was very diff than what they were used to. Student is worried about parking. She drives to school, but felt "cheated" that she paid for parking that she did not get to use (important life lesson from the parental perspective, but I promised I would note her concern). Is most concerned with consistency. Last semester was so incredible nutty with all the other unexpected events (Grafton Fire). This group of students are certainly getting a lion's share of practice in learning to be flexible. There are so many things beyond our students' control, that having some type of control is really important to her. With that being said she absolutely LOVED (and readily prefers) the period schedule to the block schedule now that she has had a chance to experience both types of environments. She suggests that a return to school physically might include that type of schedule so that she is less likely to get behind in other classes. My child will not return if face masks are not mandatory for all students as well as social distancing. Assignments should be on one site with a hyperlink included that takes them to whatever site they need to complete their assignments. As it is, my kids have to sign in to more than 8 (I think it’s 10 between the two of them) sites they need to sign in to. It’s frustrating. Make it easier on them. There should be strong social distancing in parent pickup area. I do not feel safe lining up in the gym to pick up my child. What type if impact is being considered for teachers who’s work load will significantly increase under the proposed hybrid learning plan? My child’s teachers worked very hard for their students this past spring, but the way the system was set up, my child has learned very little since school ended in March. He did his work, but he’s a quarter behind going into highschool. It’s not fair to the new teachers nor the students. These kids need the contact of teachers and peers to be successful at the next stage of life. How will driver's ed be conducted this year? Our son will be 16 just before school starts, but will still need this component. I am against students wearing masks at school. It is unsanitary and will do more harm than good. #4 odd. Gatherings limited by social distancing protocols. Odd that there were different responses. Also, answered IT for us but we worry about IT (device fees and high speed internet) for less fortunate families. YCSD must implement means‐tested assistance for high‐speed internet and waivers of tech fees. Thanks for your hard work ‐‐ I have two more children to provide feedback on. . . I had underestimated the significance of teacher and classmate interaction as a fundamental part of the learning process. My child, while capable and fully supported, struggled to effectively engage with a purely digital learning module. Teacher and classmate interaction are critical to effective learning for my student. More attention paid to develop a learning plan that lines up with our daughter's IEP. Please streamline the work/class info in ONE place. The hardest part of remote learning (and we are both teachers) was tracking down all the needed info to do our remote learning. As a parent I need to specifically what steps would be taken to ensure the health & safety of my child. For example would/could UVC air filters be installed? What would be the frequency of sanitation? Given that often a carrier can be asymptomatic, what assurances are there to prevent exposure? The answers to questions such as these need to be included for a confidence in the school environment to be established. #4 is odd—limiting/avoiding gatherings in commom areas is dictated by social distancing protocols, so they are not separate responses. Concerning distance or online learning, our answers reflect our situation, but we are very concerned about impact of technology fees and need for high‐speed internet on less fortunate families. Also somewhat concerned about childcare issues, but our survey is about high school, so that is not the most critical item. YCSD needs a program that can provide devices at no cost to those who need the help. Nutrition assistance is determined by means testing. IT should do likewise. Testing of school staff weekly. Prohibit locker use(bookbags and laptops in the classroom ).No paper assignments to turn in. I would be open to an alternating schedule so that 50% of students are in the building at a time and if children can sit approx 6 feet apart. I am not sure they will tolerate wearing masks all day long. I think only 2 specific hour block during the day was not enough time to contact teachers especially when you have priorities that contradict those times. It should be the Same school hours to be able to contact the teachers. Some teachers failed to respond for 3 weeks! My child will be new to the division and entering a new school. I worry about this transition. I am concerned that the type of survey sent out allows parents to fill it out as many times as they would like, causing the data collected to be inaccurate. There should have been a code entered to limit parents to one response per school aged child. I highly suggest resending the survey using a different platform to ensure accurate data is collected. With our child going in as a senior, as close to a normal school year would be great. For working parents, it is difficult to monitor if your child is completing the work and to what level they are completing it when they are home. I do not have access to childcare if any form of online learning occurs. My child would not ride the bus regardless of COVID‐19. Please return to normal. Data does not support the need to implement the restrictions per the Governor. My child is immune comprised and that is a concern. I feel like closing the school is an extreme. Considering that the governor is going to phase 3 July 1st. If the school took extra safety measures like checking temperature of students and faculty daily, washing hands, social distancing when possible and even utilized every possible area of the school to spread the students out I would have no concerns for my children to return to school. Plus we as parents just dont have the time to teach our children AND work 50 plus hours a week. Just not possible. We have a family member that is immune compromised at home. I believe it should be up to the individual family to do what is best for their children. Parents shouldn't be forced to make premature decisions especially regarding the health of their kids. My child is immune compromised and that is a big concern. Should have done a much better job keeping parents informed on what was completed and what wasn't. Also, if it was completed to what level. Not taking grades the last 9 weeks was not a good plan. The kids need to be graded. My student completed all his assignments, but a lot of students did not. How will this be handled when school restarts and teachers are having to reteach for all those who did nothing. Not fair to the students who showed intergrity and completed the assignments. Schools should reopen in the fall with increased cleaning and limited visitors. The virus has been blown out of proportion, for political gain. The children will be fine. I believe it should be up to the individual family to do what is best for their children. Parents shouldn't be forced to make premature decisions especially regarding the health of their kids. NNPS did a much better job doing individual feedback with their students and keeping parents informed on what work was completed and to what level, that was extremely disappointing If COVID‐19 has resurfaced, it can happen again in the fall season. Concern for all children should be priority. I think there needs to be more accountability given to students to keep them from learning. More assessments, keep grades important My son needs to be back in school on a normal schedule! He does not do well with virtual learning and he needs instruction in class from teachers! His mental health has also been affected and he needs daily time with his friends! My daughter is a Type 1 Diabetic, considered to be health risk for COVID19, so I think that us parent's with kids who are at risk, should have the choice to keep their kids at home and do online schooling. My child needs to be back in school! He had the worst experience with online learning and he needs to be in the classroom every day! He is currently suffering from depression and lack of motivation and he needs his regular schedule back!! The kids need to go back to regular school in a classroom! Online learning does not work! I think that for the kids and families that have health risk or etc should have the choice to have their children stay home and do school online. We are really worried and scared s to be follow the science and not the media when deciding to reopen these schools. What about kids with IEP's and parents who work full time? How do those kids benefit from any of these plans? Constant cleaning of bathrooms in addition to the other cleaning‐that bathrooms are in working order & toilets aren’t leaking. Also toilet paper & soap available in the bathrooms 2. Concerned about child wearing mask for many hours throughout the day as they are hot,uncomfortable & difficult to breathe. 3. Couldn’t answer bus question properly because we need to know what parameters are being taken for New Horizons The current scientific data does not support a risk of COVID that is elevated any more than the Flu or other common illnesses. While the idea of a brand new virus can be scary, there is enough research done at this point that life should return to normal and treat this illness like you would any other. I pray the powers to be follow the science and not the media when deciding to reopen these schools. Thanks for making the best of an awful situation. You guys rock! Perhaps a staggered schedule should be considered to lessen the student population on a daily basis. Covid‐19 is a joke! i think all these restrictions on kids will result in socially disturbed kids. Stop the nonsense. Schools needs to open with no restrictions. Kids need to be in school 5 days a week no restrictions ALL. They need to be together learning, they need interactions with kids and teachers. If York County chooses to do anything other than a normal schedule you will lose great teachers and students. The county will not forget about this poor decision if it made. We need to stand up to our government (Northam). He needs to know he will not control us and our kids. York County needs to be and example and give these kids what they need. We will all pay dearly if kids are not back in school. I am high risk and doubt that the measures put in place to safeguard staff and students will be sufficient enough. No sure any of this will work! 1. There will be students won't be able to go to school even school reopen due to their health concern and/or their parents' health concern. A remote program has to be on. 2. There are people who won't be able to reply this survey due to their wifi/internet availability. Please be aware the sample selection of the survey. If possible, a remote studies need to involve more reading/writing style paper/online form homework, which teachers can grade, so parents will not need to check their work sheet. Please be aware that some teachers are not comfortable with remote‐learning, so they provide a lot less feedback than others. There will be different level of attention the students can get depending on the teachers' habit contacting. There need to be some guidance for that as well.

Thank you for the survey. WE have some tough choices ahead and many people will be upset no matter what happens, but you have asked for our input. Please update expected start dates for completing kindergarten registration soon. It would be helpful if you would allow parents to complete the registration by faxing copies of the medical records. If we do remote school, the daily routine, schedule, assignments need to have very clear expectations about what to do and when. In addition, for students who may be struggling maybe in person 1‐1 time should be available with the teacher on the topic area. If buying is an issue, I believe that parents should chauffeur the child. High school teachers need to have the same accountability for contacting parents and students on a regular basis as the elementary. Elementary was consistently checking in and I was lucky to get a reply at all from HS teachers The online learning environment needs to scale the child’s abilities, and most importantly, build upon new lessons taught in class. We are confident that you all will do what's best for the kids and that you are all doing the best you can with the resources you have available. Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication!! <3 I feel it is too soon to have children attend school. Until there is a vaccine they should carry out online learning. I am concerned about exposing my child to a disease with no known cure or vaccine All students to wear a cloth or other approved face mask from the time they are on the bus to school and while in school except for lunch and for all staff to also comply with mandatory face masks in addition to the minimum required social distancing recommendations, frequent hand washing or use of sanitizers that should be provided in classroom at each student desk and frequent high level cleaning of classrooms and other areas of teaching should be the most important and mandatory criteria to ensure adequate deliberate efforts to minimize risks. Our home is immunocompromised, and we hope that there are options for us. It is too soon in September to reopen. There is vaccine and all this will do is spike the number of cases. The kids need to be in a structured environment with trained teachers. My child did well with the flexibility of online learning. I feel that it kept her safe yet still involved with her learning. I am highly disappointed in the York County school district. You have failed our children by not teaching them any new material from March‐June. The rest of the country and world figured it out but not us. This area is mostly government where families move every 2‐3 years. How will these children be on par with their classmates when they move? I support any decisions that are made in partnership with teacher input. Governor's school student‐ Needs transportation to and from there I am highly disappointed in the York County school district. You have failed our children by not teaching them any new material from March‐June. The rest of the country and world figured it out but not us. This area is mostly government where families move every 2‐3 years. How will these children be on par with their classmates when they move? Some students are high risk and should be taken into consideration. Let them learn from home, their safety is most important. One idea would be to have kids go to school every other day so that class sizes can be <10 students. And do E‐learning on the days you’re home. It is going to be really challenging to have students begin kindergarten online. Please try everything possible to have CDC guidelines in place to make sure that elementary aged students can learn at school. There’s nothing I can think of right now. I will not ask or force my child to wear a mask. I will not send my child to school if he is not allowed to interact with peers or share things as he normally would. I want my child to have a normal school experience. I do not want him limited to one classroom for all instruction and lunch. I won't send my child to school part time either. If the schools can't open as normal as they possibly can to what these kids are used to than he will be homechooled until the point in which the govenor allows our children to be children again. Since my husband and I both work outside the home, I will need my middle schooler to be home during the same time as my 3rd grader, so it there is a hybrid model, I need my students to have the same face‐to‐face school days. we are failing our children. They are not learning now. A computer screen does not replace a structured school environment. I see an issue with different grades rotating in and out in different days as potentially leaving younger siblings at home on days older siblings are at school. I would like to see that the schools have pest control treatments to them as there are many cockroaches in the classes of Grafton High and Grafton Middle. I don’t think it’s right that my child comes home saying it’s normal to have them in school. Pests Carrie diseases This decision needs to be made sooner rather than later. All teachers need to have same expectations. My child had some teachers that checked in and provided feedback on assignments and others didn’t make any effort except to send assignments. No feedback, nothing! I could bring her to school vs. bus but really it's all about protocols and how fast any spread is caught, still think it is dangerous because she could bring something home to me without having any symptoms herself and I am immune compromised. But entire homeschool is not working here as I am single parent but also working. We fall behind. Keeping her motivated to do school is also hard. Needs to be self‐run activities if possible where she can login and manage it herself with minimal support from me during the day or support after my work day is done. They miss teacher/student interactions. My husband and I both work in the school. If my children do not return to school full time, I will have to quit working or take a leave of absence to stay home with them because we do not have alternate child care. I'm a single mom and had to move my kids 9 hours away when the schools closed at the end of the year so my parents could take care of them while I worked full time. I don't want to do that again. As a dual working family with multiple school age kids, the online learning was not successful. I had to focus on keeping up with their work or to do my job. Also, the lack of parental restrictions on the school websites also made it exponentially difficult. Ie ‐ I could not restrict who my child was speaking to. This created a situation where they were not doing school work, and talking with friends. My middle school student also found adult content on the website Wakelet as well as meet a stranger and was speaking to them over their email and providing personal information. The adult content was being shared with younger siblings. Now that students can share screens, I am also concerned with what my student may see without my knowledge and I do not have a way to track what is seen in this way. The learning platform used during the rest of the school year was not helpful. There was no accountability on teachers, students, or parents. I’m not expecting a full 8 hour school day, but actual lessons need to be taught. Real work needs to be submitted. If I’m required to supplement at home, exact knowledge being taught needs to be given to me so I can ensure my kids are learning everything they need to know about subject areas. Study guides and the resources needed to master each lesson need to be provided at the beginning of the unit to ensure we are all on the same page. My husband and I both work in the school. If our children are not in school full time, I will have to quit or take a leave of absence to stay home with them because we do not have other child care options. she really wants to go back to school My husband and I both work in the school. If my children are not in school full time, I will have to quit working because we do not have child care for them to be home some of the time. Safety is number 1‐ academic accountability is #2‐ everything else is irrelevant to me. My children in both schools struggled with online learning because when I was available to help them there was no feedback from teachers to ensure work was being done correctly It is impractical to wear masks all day long. It is unhealthy, uncomfortable, and a distraction from learning. I prefer a slow return to school over several weeks or months. I had to move my kids 9 hours away to live with my parents for 2.5 months at the end of the school year. There is NO way I will be able to support my kids through the school year if there is distance learning. I am very concerned that as a military family my child will not get the level of education needed to succeed and transfer to a state that possibly handled this more aggressively with online learning or was open and in schools! Our elearning from the spring was a joke! You allowed our teachers to do more during the fire! I will pull my kids before I relive module with York again! Open schools with kids attending all five days in classroom As a dual working family with multiple school age kids, the online learning was not successful. I had to focus on keeping up with their work or to do my job. Also, the lack of parental restrictions on the school websites also made it exponentially difficult. Ie ‐ I could not restrict who my child was speaking to. This created a situation where they were not doing school work, and talking with friends. the school can not 100% guaranty my Childs safety. a fever can switch up any second of the day, and as said before a child could go to the nurse before and complain of symptoms and what did you all do, send him/her to class making them even worse. how do i know you will not do it again now that we have a global pandemic? My biggest concern is as a military family your only thinking locally and not making sure the education offered is equivalent to other states so that our children can successfully transfer and be prepared at new schools and levels If distance learning is required PLEASE consider Zoom as your platform. Microsoft Teams allows student interference. Students were muting their teacher and kicking each other out of my son’s class meetings. Zoom is safe and at this point most families are familiar with the platform. I am also open to some students going back / others doing virtual to provide a learning environment that every family is ok with. They need to be a normal as possible Please do virtual school or online classes again the school can not 100% guaranty my Childs safety. a fever can switch up and second of the day, and as said before a child could go to the nurse before and complain of symptoms and what did you all do, send him/her to class making them even worse. how do i know you will not do it again now that we have a global pandemic? Thank you for including the parents in this process! You all are appreciated! I would rather it be school everyday or online everyday. I can not work with a little of both I will gladly drive my two kids to school if buses aren't being used. I will gladly bring my students to school if buses aren't going to be used. K ‐ 5 need socialization and there was none for the last 4 months of school We never got to say goodbye and were never provided contact information for classmates This pandemic has been overplayed and measures taken have been unwarranted for the amount of deaths etc compared to even the common flu. WE NEED TO CARRY ON AND GET BACK TO NORMAL WORK LIFE NORE DAMAGE IS BEING DONE TO OUR CHILDREN THIS WAY THAN ANYTHING We hope the decision of reopening school will be based on the real situation of the pandemic in our area, but not the phase stages that anoounced by the governor which we don't see any evidence can be led to it. PPE, cleanliness and health screenings are of vital importance. If the schools cannot guarentee that ALL students and staff will be wearing proper PPE in the most effective manner (over the nose, under the chin) then maybe then those students who refuse to comply need to attend different days, or not at all as those who are greatly concerned about this. Keeping the HVAC fans running throughout the day also is something that will help‐ with proper filters, it can keep any spread down to a minimum. My child would benifit from attending 1‐2 days a week, but does not need to attend everyday as some others who need more structure. We are moving this summer to James City County but I still wanted to participate in this survey For High School Students ‐ I would love for the school year to look as closely to normal as possible (i.e. sports, school events, etc). I would rather plan for a normal year and adjust only if things becomes necessary to. Thank you. What is the status with the Grafton School Complex and how do we prevent this from happening again? If hybrid model is used Inthink the model my sister in laws school is using is great. School is split into two groups‐ A and B. Group A goes to school Monday and Tuesday. Everyone is virtual Wednesday and the school is deep cleaned and sanitizer. Group B goes to school Thursday and Friday with deep clean and sanitizing over weekend. This model cuts down on cross infection among the groups. If classes go online/hybrid, I want YCSD to make their BEST effort to hang on to school experiences that nurture pride and a connection to their schools (ex. marching band, music ensembles. sports) Taking that away from these kids would be devastating. Consolidation on the number of apps/methods of assignments and communication to just one or two programs Indo not feel comfortable having my 3rd grader come to school when I know there are parents that send there child to school sick because school is their daycare!!!! Hybrid learning models could assist with keeping facilities clean/sanitized. Thank you for soliciting feedback from parents/guardians, and we appreciate all you do for our YCSD students! We should have the teachers return to the classrooms. Teach our students virtually, once each period ends giving the teachers and students enough time to get ready for the next class. Letting the teachers feel comfortable back in their classrooms with space and setting times aside for them to feel comfortable. Letting the students still interact with one another and offering places to them for social gatherings with social distancing if their parents are not able to stay home. Please have students return to the classroom — our society will be permanently impacted ted if we continue to cower in our homes. The children must be allowed to interact directly with teachers. It is folly to think a young child age seven can have the same benefit from two hours on a computer versus in person instruction. My child has already been retained thanks in no small part to the pandemic’s impact on her education. Please return the students to the classrooms. They need to be with their peers and with their teachers. The social and emotional toll of them not being in the classroom is much more important to our family! If bars, restaurants, hair salons and stores can figure it out, I fully believe schools can too. I’m hopeful that YcSD won’t make decisions based on a few radical Facebook parents. The majority of us want everyone to be safe. No matter what that looks like, safety must be a priority. The forced end of school due to the Covid‐19 pandemic was hard for everyone , but I think our children had it the hardest. Their worlds were abruptly changed and pretty much ended as they knew them. Our children need structure and stability and for many school is their only safe place . Children deserve to learn and deserve to feel as if they can succeed . They also deserve to be challenged and molded in to productive members of society . There is scientific evidence showing that the corona virus is not spread as rapidly through children. If school systems are practicing diligent hand washing , and providing other ways to keep classrooms and areas clean then why not let them back in? Also masks on our children all day for the entire school day is absurd . In my career I have to wear a mask , sometimes two for upwards of 12 hours at a time . It’s hard to breathe , it’s uncomfortable , and hot. No child will be successful in school if mandated to wear one all day every day . I think it contributes to anxiety and potential harmful outcomes in children. I also think that it should be a choice if some parents, children , or teachers wish to wear masks they mAy. Lastly I would just like to say thank you to all the teachers, staff members , and educators of all positions for working hard to develop plans for both the school year just ended as well as the upcoming one . Your jobs are often thankless and difficult. So from a tired nurse and mother , I thank you . College preparation her last two years of high school as well as availability of mentorship opportunities. YSCD, you are doing well so far and keep up the good work. We are in no hurry to get back to school till it is absolutely safe, and that could be whenever. Parents need to be able to work in order to financially sustain their families. The school system should implement options to each parent that can be conducive to every situation. For example, a parent that needs to work full time should have the option to send their child to school full time, whereas a stay at home parent should have the ability to keep their child home as well. This would be the most conducive and least challenging option. Each parent could select their option prior to the start of the year. With this option available, the school system may find it easier to adhere to safety measures due to smaller class sizes. M y daughters father is high risk so I am very concerned about school starting back up. Education is compulsory, but I am unable to educate myself. Home learning only exacerbates us, and i do not feel capable of meeting my kids' needs. At the same time, COVID is going to rise and make it unsafe for traditional learning. Between working and normal home things, all of this shouldn't fall on parents alone. Last year was full of useless busy work. School should be done at school, and until it can, parents should not be responsible for it. Normally my child rides the bus provided by before and after school care Dr. Shandor, you have done well so far. Don’t rush to get students in school yet. Play safe than being sorry. Could the children go to school every day if they did a half day (one group in the morning and one in the afternoon with a break over lunch for the classrooms to be sanitized?) Then the remainder of the school work could be done at home. Please let marching band happen. She is captain of the color guard and this is her last year. Please keep track my son runs and I’d hate for him to miss out on any extra social and physical skills We want her to have chorus. We want her to have sports (field hockey and soccer). We want a return to normal (pre‐Covid‐19) life as much as possible. School should not be traumatic. I think the way it was handled in the spring was great. YCSD did, and I am sure is doing a great job under the circumstances. Kudos! If possible, it would be great if the group of children from last year could move up to the next grade together. For my child, loosing her classroom environment and friends was traumatic. Wouldn't it be amazing of they could continue to move on to the next grade together. Given how many parents are outspoken and petitioning YCSD to fully open in the fall, and given the fact YCSD is very far behind the other local districts with technology, we decided to have our child enroll full‐time in Virtual VA. She does very well with online learning, we didn't want her in the classroom and we wanted her to have a good, challenging, school experience her 11th grade year.

As a household with two full time working parents not to mention 4 siblings in the house, we can not give the attention required to successfully virtual learn. My daughter still requires adult or parental management of school assignments, virtual meetings, etc. and we don’t have the capacity required to support distance learning from home. The 3 months of distance learning in the past year proved unsuccessful in our house. I will not send my children back to school if they have to wear Mack’s. We want her to have chorus! We want her to have as much as a return to normal (life before Covid‐19) as possible. Daily school should not be traumatic. My son and I have spoke about this past spring's learning and we feel he did not learn much. We understand it was an emergency measure implemented quickly. However, my son feels he learns more in the classroom with teacher and fellow student interaction. As long as the safety protocols are followed at school and on the bus, we prefer to be back in school. I hope that the offerings will be ore robust than the fourth quarter offerings. I could not motivate my students to participate in the learning modules Buses are hardly keeping up with the kids they had, I’m not comfortable having my child come home more than an hour late from school. Transportation was not the best during normal school year! My biggest concern is making sure that the school year is going to be the best benefit for my child. I want to make sure that they are getting graded work that is monitored and if they are doing work at home there is consequences for not completing it. I also want to make sure that they have access to there teachers to get the required help. Notes should be PowerPoint and pdf anything else that will be interesting enough to keep their interest. I am very concerned with the larger number of people like the common area and cafeteria. Hand washing with soap and water and not just hand sanitizer. Whatever the plan, giving information to parents as soon as possible is important. Families need time to plan! My daughter is a kindergartner who we are considering holding back next year to repeat kindergarten. She lost the very important face to face learning for a young child and remote work did not assist her progress. She also has an IEP which isn’t conducive to distance learning. I am fearful if we don’t return to school full time she will fall even more behind in her education. Virtual learning in any manner does not work for young children nor children whom require special education services. My child will not ride the bus. She is out of zone. I know that we were under emergency to finish the school year however, letting the studens know that there will be no grades did not encourage students to try. New learning occured at the high school level but I can't say my child actually learned anything. As a parent that cares about the safety of my kids, I don’t trust kids or their parents keeping each other safe. People are not wearing mask for safety of others, parents have sent their kids Sick on Tylenol to school. I’m pretty sure it won’t change with COVID‐19. Also if adults can’t stand to wear a mask for 20 min inside a building we can’t expect a child to do so as well! Please do a better job and prepare for the worst. York County had an opportunity to learn from Grafton High and Middle and, still failed with remote learning. Whatever the plan is, giving the plan to parents as soon as possible is so important. Families need time to plan! My child is primarily concerned with missing out on the social aspects of being at school in‐person. I am most concerned with setting the kids up for success in college or career after high school. Having an entire quarter last year basically not count and have very little accountability will make it difficult to recover. Please keep staff and families up‐to‐date as this fluid situation evolves (As a magnet school student, my child is not allowed to take the bus as per YCSD.) Gifted students REALLY need to be pulled out and taught separately all day every day. The YCSD packets that were sent home were so ridiculously dry and UN‐challenging that we gave up on it. Hardly had any contact at all from their regular classroom teacher. Teachers should have been teaching online immediately after shutdown...YouTube is not rocket science, and York County employs computer specialists and people who can operate video cameras who should have jumped in to help teachers who needed it. Teachers should not be texting from an assortment of platforms and websites…all information for their class’ resources should all be in one place. They should not be texting from ClassDojo, not from Remind. Each teacher should have their own website, attached to the YCSD website, where EVERYTHING for their class is clearly posted, including links and password hints and grading rubrics and a clearly laid out and clearly written syllabus just like college instructors do. Teachers should not be calling/texting parents OR students on weekends or before/after school hours, EVER. my child did not ride the bus this school year. I drive them. so #8 does not really apply to me. Kindergarten is such a new experience for young students. To try to hold Kindergarten classes online would not be effective. This would effect their opinions and attitudes toward school in the future, and that is not a risk worth taking. Please consider the mental health of students and the ways in which you can set them up for future success. Extended pickup hours. Buses usually don’t drop kids off until 5‐530. Extending pickup until 4:15 will reduce many students riding the bus Bussing during the non covid pandemic was troublesome as to when the busses would pickup and drop off. It was quicker for me to drop off and walk in and pick up than for him to ride the bus especially when he has after school activities. I hope with school starting in the fall that kids with 504/IEPs will be better taken care of. During this past school year, I felt my kid was neglected and just passed along. This did nothing to prepare them for HS. What do you plan to put in place for children that are higher risk? My child has asthma. Possibly My greatest concern is not the children returning to school, is that they will return to an antisocial environment and that they will have to wear masks most of the day which I to be unhealthy. If the children can't return to a normal school environment then I would prefer some type of split schedule. Honestly, the idea of 2 in school and 3 virtual school days sounds like something middle and high school should consider permanently changing to. Some have to face instruction is needed but 5 days a week isn't in my opinion. Please consider the mental health and social development of the children. The students need to be back in school at least in all of the elementary grades. The online instruction was not successful, and the mental health of all of our children suffered. What do you plan to put in place for children that are higher risk? My kids want to go back to school to their normal routine. We have started living a normal life again without travel sports and vacations. Kids are living their lives and not worrying about everything going on in today’s world. I certainly do not envy the position of the school to try to figure out a solution because somebody's going to be upset with it no matter what. Based on the Grafton middle School fire incident I hope that the school system is able to put out all of the options considered and all of the reasons why they are and are not being chosen. As much transparency as possible and open your doors two new ideas from the parental population. I'm sure there's going to be a lot of repeat ideas and many ideas that just won't work but in the off chance that you get that one idea that would be fantastic it would be worth it to listen to the ideas and hopefully shut the mouths of those that aren't willing to help. While my child will not be riding the bus, it is because we utilize Champions before and after school, and live within the same neighborhood (making it convenient for me to simply drop him off and pick him up on my way to and from work). When the teachers do not all use a universal/same system for students assignments and reminders, it is overwhelming to both the parent and the students. During 3rd and 4th Quarter, we had some teachers use REMIND, some EMAIL, some ASPEN, APPS (band), some MICROSOFT TEAMS, and some used a combination of all of those ways to communicate with parents and students. Please just pick ONE form such as TEAMS or CANVAS to keep things simpler, as wells as posting assignments the same day and time each week. For example, Summer school academy posts a weeks assignments by Sunday night each week. I have 3 students, no less than 15 teachers to keep up with. I was bombarded with REMINDS and EMAILS all day long while at work. It's hard enough just remembering which child has which teacher/subject. There was too much communication going on. To summarize, pick a format, pick a date post assignments (for the week), and stop with all of the "reminders." Canvas lets you know when the assignment has been submitted..

My child is on an IEP and needs daily in person instruction from his teachers. I am not equipped to teach my autistic son at home while I work full time and have 3 kids all in school. Is there an option for morning and afternoon sessions to accommodate all students in the buildings daily? If students is registered to attend the coming school year, do I have the option to keep my child at home learning virtually using virginia virtual and keeping the same subjects she is scheduled to see this coming year? Are clubs will be operational? Is the cafeteria will be operational applying safety social distancing policies? Will students be required to wear PPE all day in school? If schools need to close due to another round of COVID, request smooth transition from no or partial online learning to full online learning. Request same computer solution for elementary, middle, and high school. I prefer that my child be in a classroom with hands on instruction from teachers. That is how he learns best. The last quarter of this year was an absolute mess. In the end he was only receiving instructions from one teacher and this one teacher was in my opiniom giving way too much work, using various platforms, it was entirely too confusing and frustrating. He was very overwhelmed by that one class. HOWEVER, because of covid, I do not feel that he is safe to return to the classroom environment, leaving me with the only choice of all online learning or homeschooling him myself. Having a hybrid model of some days at school/some days at home doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever because the children are still going to be exposed! Some of these children potentially have grandparents or other caregivers that are high risk family members and they will then be returning to the home after being at school and will expose them. If the online teaching is done the way it was the last quarter, my child will not excel but in the end I choose safety first because I do not want him back in school at all until we have a cure/vaccine/elimination of the virus. Its a conundrum for us. I am praying that online classes will be better prepared and more uniform and consistent using as few platforms as possible to avoid confusion. This is the only way I see my child able to move forward at this time. Also, to speak toward the use of masks, my child wears glasses and has a horrible time while wearing a mask because of his glasses fogging up. That is going to create a big problem for him and many others. I do not feel it is safe for them to return. Thank you for receiving our input. Although not common I so have 3 students in two different elementary schools. So I would need something to accommodate pick up and drop off at multiple schools. I’m concerned about the ability to even track Covid symptoms as we head into cold/flu season. I don’t want my family quarantined (both parents work outside of the home) bc of the expected common cold and germs from school. I also don’t want school to be miserable ‐ proper mask use for young kids is just not realistic, and the measures taken to reduce exposure would make school miserable. In all honesty, until a vaccine becomes available there are measures that need to be put in place to protect our children should they return to school. If a virtual environment is the method selected versus in‐classroom, then teachers should teach via programs that allows daily and immediate face to face interaction, i.e. Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc. Exactly how are we going to implement guidelines to be safe for our kids? I feel very strongly that schools should go back to as much normal as they can for these children. School is a safe place for children to learn not at home on a computer. They need the physical and social connections of peers and teachers to thrive and excel. They need time to be able to engage with their friends during lunch time. Sitting in one classroom for 7 hours is going to be very difficult for anyone to learn in that environment. You asking to take a survey but the school system has not gave out any information to let us know what is the plan we all know that this pandemic is not over to take a survey we are not the experts on this so let’s protect our kids give us survey that we can honestly answer that we know our kids going to be safe One of the biggest challenges I witnessed my child having was with school assignments being scheduled for a week or two out without a daily assignment breakdown. When the kids attend school in person there is a daily schedule of assigned work for an A day or a B day. Time management is a skill that has not been mastered by many adults much less middle schoolers. The additional isolation of not being able to see the My kids hated the online learning and getting them to accomplish their studies way miserable!!! Kids NEED recess and I do not agree with them not being able to play on the playground and get fresh air and sunshine. I don’t want my child having to wear a mask all day either, only in certain and limited situations. ESL students need their lessons as classical way to catch up with others. I think distance learning is challenging for elementary age kids. I’d like to see these kids go back to school as regular as possible. I hope that YCSD will consider providing a full‐time remote learning option for families who are at higher risk due to chronic illness and immunocompromised health conditions. I would like to know how SPED support looks in this plan. We pay for our daughter to attend the School of the Arts at Bruton HS, and therefore encourage and support all efforts to create a safe environment for the kids to continue their Theatre arts and Drama Classes with their own measures of prevention and safety. We do not want the School of the Arts to be reduced or eliminated due to the safety measures required for the rest of the High School. These kids need to continue Theatre Arts and we support all efforts to keep this program alive and functioning! I have been dealing with virtual summer school and it’s crazy but it’s a working progress... nothing is perfect but it is a lot plus a lot for the parents to help the kids so we need to keep that in mind also I assume busing children to EXTEND will not be possible this year, so please put all gifted students in one grade in one class together per school to allow for a little extra activities when possible I would like to see my kids get back to a normal school schedule. They have started playing their travel sports again and living a normal life with friends and family. Having an extra adult to monitor the kids compliance with PPE while in bus The survey doesn't cover areas such as use of cafeteria, library, gym, etc. If the students come back in the buildings how is lunch, recess and resources such as PE, Art, Music, Library and Technology are going to be handled. Is the gifted program will be operational next school year? Is there an option for morning and afternoon sessions, to accommodate all students back in the building daily? Online classes and meetings are acceptable compromise between risking children’s health and education. Current study’s shows COVID‐19 also infects children and causes life threatening symptoms. We need to work together to put children’s safety as first priority and be creative to provide learning opportunities given current situation. Online classes are best solution. My daughter currently takes online English writing class, python class and fencing classes. She is able to learn efficiently and enjoy these classes My child is in a communication support classroom setting. An online learning plan would not fit his needs and the learning plans that were given a few months ago was not the best fit for him either. I really hope special needs are taken into consideration when coming up with a plan. Last semester , It was'nt enough curicurum for kids. I think it would be prudent to keep younger students (Pre‐K to 2nd grade) in 100% virtual learning. It seems logistically challenging and unrealistic to expect this age group to practice social distancing, good hygiene, and mask wearing at all times of the school day This kids need to go back to school and be with their friends. My son does not do well with online learning. Can we truly keep the kids apart. They can't remember to not run at the pool. Its a constant struggle. Please have all teachers use the same software or technology/program for instruction, notifications, assignments, etc. Assignments and reminders/contact from teachers was way too confusing and overwhelming for both myself and the students when we would receive messages/assignments/reminders in too many different formats. PICK ONE universal program or software for all classes/teachers. Identify a grading policy and stick to it Use one online platform, like teams. We have two children at Coventry and each class had four different ways of communicating. Keep it simple, please. If school are forced to close again, like to ensure we have a plan in place for smooth transition from partial online to full online teaching. Additionally, like to standardize technology between different levels of school (Elementary, Middle, and High) it would be nice if the teachers all used the same platform to find the work. Please follow the science. This virus has a high survival rate. It is unfathomable, impractical and devastating on many levels, that healthy people are be asked to sacrifice so much. Please give the option for 5‐days a week in‐person instruction, and offer virtual learning for those with health concerns. The Governor's "social‐distancing" guidelines are illogical. If kids are not in school they will be in other environments interacting with tutors, friends and chid care, for instance. Please also consider the children unsupervised because their parents cannot afford to be home during the work‐week. This could have irreparable damage on children's academic, social, emotional and physical development. Regardless of the government overreach, common sense can be a guide. If schools do not allow 5 days a week, in person instruction, our community's health will suffer in ways much further reaching than Covid‐19! Please give people choices. Many of us, my family included, moved here for the schools! We pay our taxes for these incredible schools. Offer a waiver to manage litigation. Do not ruin our community with non‐sensical restrictions. SS a dual income household it was a challenge to keep my student engaged and she did not get a lot of the SEL she needed or interactions with her classmates. Riding the bus depends on what the schedule looks like compared to our work schedules. If it is a steady schedule, then yes. If it changes day to day, then absolutely not. If any student attends school in person, ALL humans present in a building should be required to wear a mask at all time while indoors. I am not comfortable for my child to attend school in person if a universal indoors mask policy is not implemented and enforced i am possible going to homeschool I do not want my child to return to the school building. I would consider continued studies at home Answering questions based on the current environment with a hope that the situation will be better with fewer cases and increased testing which will improve our confidence with schools reopening fully in fall. The level of education my child is currently getting does not justify what the school system is being paid. Stop pandering to the few because of fear of a lawsuit. The "one‐size fits all" model from Richmond should not be followed. The data in York County does not support at home learning. There were 7 deaths on the entire Peninsula under the age of 70. Let's get back into the classroom. The school district should not be entertaining in person learning at this time. It is not safe for students or teachers no matter how much cleaning and social distancing there might be in place. This survey has no consideration for special needs students at all If certain classes such as Musical Theater can not be done properly in this setting, please give children their next choice suitable for online i.e. Spanish so they can take the other class next year with no restrictions I would love to see more teachers and smaller classrooms. Possibly have teachers rotate to one core room and allow the kids to stay in one room. A suggestion: To have smaller classrooms, Having children go to school part time, or 3 times per week (interlocking schedule), in order to have smaller class sizes.. I will only be comfortable with school if its safe for the children. I am only for returning to school if it’s as close to normal as possible. I hate the idea of face masks for students and teachers. It’s important to see a smiling face. I hate the idea of a sterile (un‐nurturing) environment because of strict social distancing measures. I hate the idea of no encore classes. The only change I feel is acceptable is temperature checks at entrance. No fever, school as normal. Fever...go home. Kids need to be social. The long term effects of social distancing is going to destroy today’s youth. They will be instilled with fear of others and forced to suppress their instincts to hug and show affection to their friends and teachers. Recommend coming up with 3 course of actions (COAs) ready to execute Depending on the current phase or conditions. With the understanding that at any time , we ask a nation or state, may have to fluctuate back and forth between the phases. If they COAs are established, we can keep our kids informed on what to expect within each phase. This way, it is readily adopted and understood by all depending on Phase/conditions. Similar to DoD threat level conditions that routinely fluctuate requiring personnel to pivot. Would love to discuss further if confusing and interested in expanding. My daughter only has 2 more years of high school. She has dreams of attending an Ivy League School for college and then continuing on at a Medical School to be a doctor. She has BIG dreams that she was certain she could obtain while she was going to school. During the online learning, although she did all her online schooling, she lost something. See my kid my be different, but she thrives on intellectual stimulus. She needs to be continually challenges and stretched. The fire for learning that has been burning so brightly for years because of the good schools and teachers she has had, has dwindled. She may not have communicated that to us, but it was so evident to her dad and I that the fire was not burning as brightly. She has worked to hard for her whole education because she felt it was important. She did express that she didn't feel like school was as important. She said her teachers didn't seem like they cared as much and felt like she was bothering them if she reached out to ask a question. I could have home schooled my children‐ we thought about it years ago before our oldest started school. We move a lot being military, so we also thought about online school. We chose public school. School, the place and the people, have made my daughter the success she is. My husband is retiring and we could have settled anywhere. We chose to stay here. We want the BEST for our daughter and it is IN York High School.... not online... It is very important for high school students to have social interaction with peers in person. Visitors limited and have to go thru health screenings/teachers as well. Don’t know how you’ll social distance unless you have a modified schedule. Please note that I have twins at Grafton so this survey is not a duplicate, though, my answers are the same on both surveys. If there is a hybrid or distance learning plan implemented, it will be difficult if children from the same household or childcare arrangement are placed on opposite schedules I work near my son’s school & often provide transportation for him because it’s on the way. I feel like your county is putting our children at a huge disadvantage by not going back to school in the fall on at least a hybrid basis. I personally am even willing to go as far as signing a waiver so the school system would not be responsible for transmission of Covid. I personally feel that my child’s mental and emotional stability is more at risk than the chance of contracting a disease that does not target the younger population strictly scheduled virtual learning does not work for ADHD students I really hope a hybrid model is avoided, please get our kids back to school, the health and emotional damage caused by by repeating the spring approach or something similar is far greater than the risk of returning to school Visitors/volunteers should be masked, symptom/fever check, hand sanitizer, and limited. Hand washing should be mandatory for all children multiple times a day. Children who are sick or have allergies should be masked. Let’s move on with life I am more concerned with my child's social isolation than the actual virtual learning. At least have optional club meetings. I am concerned about the policy on the number of days students can miss school. Before, I would send my kid to preschool with a little cold, but now I would keep him home. Days could add up quickly for parents doing the right thing and keeping their kids at home. Hopefully this gets addressed. I’ve been worried about my child returning to school and I hope there is an option or choice between remote learning and in class. I’d much rather her remotely attend this school year. I think if there is health checks kids should return to a normal school environment those with major health concerns can decide to do remote learning kids need to get back to a normal life and not have to live in fear there is enough in this world to be fearful of going to school and socializing with friends shouldn't be one or taken from them. Look at the attendance policy. If a student is sick, then should be held home for a 10 day period without affecting attendance. Virtually the biggest challenge was accessing the programs the teachers were using, and getting feedback from the teachers and the students progress. Per previous, assuming a hybrid model, we would very much like to see a superior technological implementation to make it easier for paren'ts / kids to manage their ENTIRE school workload. FWIW this has been lacking PRIOR to CV19 as well, but is now truly an immediate requirement. I've taken a number of surveys related to our children returning to school and my intentions have not changed. I think the kids belong back in school for as much of a regular schedule as possible. We're talking five days a week, 5‐7 hours per day. Everyone wants to talk about the physical health aspect of this virus. I think it's time we address the mental/emotional health toll it is taking. My son is an only child. We moved to VA from CA in Jan 2020. He had just changed schools when we went into lockdown. He only had a few friends. And then he was told he could not even play with the neighborhood kids. The mental and emotional hurt this FIVE year old has suffered is not acceptable nor is it being looked at when you consider "to reopen/not to reopen". Again, I say, have two tracks, one where the parents that choose to send their kids, can. And those that want to continue distance learning can. You will not please everyone by choosing one path. You probably won't even please a majority. But this idea of doing part telework or even all telework for kids is ridiculous. My son wears a mask. He HAS to as he lives with several HIGH risk people. He washes his hands. Knows how to properly use sanitizer. This can all be taught. I will say this survey didn't show its bias as much as others...so good for you. But you can tell you're still looking for specific answers to justify a decision you have already made. Case in point, question 8....my child has NEVER ridden the bus nor would he ever as we live close enough for him to walk. But there is no response for that now is there.... It is unhealthy to require someone to wear a mask all day. CO posining is a bigger concern that C‐19. I think if there is health checks kids should return to a normal school environment those with major health concerns can decide to do remote learning kids need to get back to a normal life and not have to live in fear there is enough in this world to be fearful of going to school and socializing with friends shouldn't be one or taken from them. Will not return if not normal. My child will not attend public school if any guidelines are in place as the governor is in planning. Just ridiculous. It would be great if virtual teaching is included, that it is something that students can answer online and do on their own instead of having parents print and lead instruction. I am very concerned with the progression of my soon to be 8th grader. Last year was practically a wash when it came to his education. Outside of math, I am very unsure of how much feedback and development/learning happened. He is not mature enough to be that self‐paced and since nothing was graded tough the entire back half of the year, he is going to be in for a wake up call when he moves into high school level courses. If virtual learning is happening, teachers MUST be more engaged in each child’s progress. That’s for allowing parents express our opinions. Based as of today, the numbers for Covid 19 keeps increasing throughout the Nation. I personally feel that the numbers will increase this fall as well as the winter months. My concern is that we are moving to fast with no proper protocols or vaccinations in place. Although I can measure my family’s attempt to follow the state guidelines, I can not speak on all families and how clean, the amount families traveling or how often they have been sick from this virus. Unfortunately, regardless of the state’s recommendation for schools to open up..myself and my wife have already agreed that we will use the best judgement of when my child will return to school. For my child to go back to school I personally feel the numbers will have to decrease dramatically and I just don’t see this happening. As I mentioned earlier, Nationwide the numbers just don’t look good. I work in the medical industry and if they aren’t allowing people to visit or even have procedures down or doctors appointments‐the best method is to have a home based internet interaction model for teachers to teach to kids to work from home from the hours 8am to 2pm. Again, thank you for allowing parents to give feedback on this. Again thank you!! Maybe a temperature screening when students and staff enter the school building or in their first homeroom class, to help prevent outbreaks in campus. Also even if you do decide to go online, please make sure the classes are offered in the same times as the classes in school would be and this will provide accountability and structure for children. Making children check on online modules on their time and answering assignments whenever they can will make them loose focus faster. Thanks for all you do, and taking our input as well I would suggest trying to keep household schedules together as much as possible. I am concerned if my children in two different schools have separate schedules. Also when children are in school have them participate in the cleaning protocols. To teach the necessity This is turning into a political tool! Open the schools! Test are not 100% accurate and hospitals are coding death incorrectly to receive money. I have first hand experience with a death due to an automobile accident and hospital trying to code as death to Covid.

Please consider utilizing middle and or high school buildings for elementary age kids to maximize social distancing. Elementary age kids cannot stay home by themselves for families who have to work and need face to face instruction. The continuity of learning plans were awful and did not challenge my 3rd grader enough. I had to provide my own lessons. Virtual lessons and accountability would be better and challenge the kids more. Masks all day will prove troublesome for my student. Consider shortening the school day and doing away with encore classes, and focus on core classes until school can resume on a more normal basis The summer academy is better than the last quarter, but still lags in simplicity and clear communication. The authors need to get back to basics and stop writing for themselves, but their audience. the use of PPE, 6 ft distancing, no access to socialize like lunch in the cafeteria are all major concern for the social emotional development of our children With upticks in cases around the country this week, it is difficult to make predictions for the fall but there is certainly hope for something close to business as usual. Assuming Champions is running, our child may take the bus Open the schools! This is ridiculous!! Life can not just stop! Keep things consistent . the use of PPE and 6 ft social distancing along with no cafeteria or recess is a major concern, that is not a healthy environment for our children to thrive but worried that my son does not have academic progress Students need to be in school. School, the place and the people, are instrumental to my daughter's future. My daughter is highly driven and very responsible. She did all the online learning, but she was upset that it wasn't for a grade. She wants feedback for her efforts. There were times that she struggled to learn a concept and felt bad for "bothering"her teachers. She felt that during online learning she could not ask for help if she did not understand a concept. My daughter also struggled emotionally. She loves her teachers and her friends. She missed the interaction with them. As a very involved parent, we will do what ever it takes to make sure our daughter receives what she needs to grow academically and emotionally. However, that means if I am at home trying to do that for her, how will I be able to my job effectively as a now "online teacher of 2nd graders?" My daughter needs to know that her education is IMPORTANT. She doesn't feel that way right now. She feels government and school leaders gave up on her education. I want to see my children back at school in the fall with a backup of a hybrid or distance learning if/when there are positive diagnoses & the school or classroom needs to be closed for cleaning or home quarantine. I am very confident that children need to go back to school. I believe majority of teachers and parents are ready for children to return school for a normal year with minimal restrictions. Those who are not comfortable should be responsible for finding education they are comfortable with. Kids need to be back in school. I feel very confident that children have a great need to go back to school to overcome negative emotions of isolation and keep on learning the old way rather then using technology at home. My biggest concerns aren't with what needs to be done to protect them, as I know that will be done. My biggest concern is that all the restrictions and regulations will limit their experience and opportunities. I have a 10th grader as well. It will be important to us to have the same schedule for highschool kids as a whole. To maximize regular,full instruction, i would like to see YCSD implement the following for Middle/HS students: 1) Remove block scheduling and return to "every class every day"; 2) Install video conference hardware/software in every classroom such that teachers will broadcast every class instruction every day; 3) Students return to in‐class instruction 50% time and online instruction 50% time for the full week (thus schools are only at 50% capacity any given day, and students are requided to participate in video class delivery on days when not on school premises.) 4) 20%‐30% of grade for quarter would be participation during online video class delivery; 5) Increase instruction day by 40 minutes (roughly 5‐6min/class) to account for "technical issues" . I know the YCSD is in a tough spot. Keep fighting the fight. Thank you for your hard work. I could arrange a pick up and drop off if the schedule was deconflicted from the highschool schedule so his sister can assist. It is important to resume life as normal as possible Health and well being of my child are the priorities. Stress on parents and children in 2 working parent homes. Thank you! I’d like the students to receive grades and be held accountable to complete their work. My children continue to struggle staying motivated to learn on their own. And I find it difficult to balance working from home with educating my children I am an educator as well (in another division), so I feel your pain as you plan for the upcoming school year. We have to worry about active shooters coming in to schools...and yet, we still go every day. I feel that COVID is similar. It is a scary and serious situation, but we have a few evidenced based strategies that we can use: frequent hand washing, sanitizer, masks/shields, students "nest" in one classroom for the day. In my opinion, it seems like we have more tools for COVID than an active shooter situation. For a shooter, we crawl under desks and lock the door; there are many casualties with active shooter situations as well. It is imperative to have full‐time school. I would offer that a Winter Break versus Summer break would be best going forward. The winter is virus season. It might make better sense to have a three to four month closure from Christmas break until Spring break. Additionally, I'm ok with full school. Taking temps in class as a "sign in" "attendance check" add‐on seems great. If kids are symptomatic, send them home as you would usually. I believe in herd immunity especially without a vaccine, a viable vaccine which is years to come. We don't need to shut things down, we just need to be sensible about the day to day operations and enforcing a zero symptom policy, quarantine if symptomatic. With with home. Don't overthink this GBES. Maybe hire a few extra nurses to help with training and taking temps, etc. Do not change anything else, please. This is ridiculous. If we do have a hybrid, I would expect remuneration and 1/2/less in taxes. I am concerned about mask use by students and staff. We need to move on with life. COVID does not impact the youth as assumed before. The recovery rate is 99%!!! This is ridiculous to consider any online learning for small children. NO THANK YOU Please go back 5 days a week Kids are continuing to fall behind academically and are not motivated to learn via worksheets and online modules Whatever platform is used to do online learning can there be training for parents also. I feel like I could better help my child if I understood no red ink, Quizz, Ed puzzle, teams... I had so many different places we were logging into I couldn’t keep them straight l. Thank you for your efforts during these unusual times. Please go 5 days a week! More teachers are needed to provide proper social distance and small class sizes. Discussion of budget cuts for schools and cutting more educational resources from an already fraught situation is negligent. I will refuse to send my children to school (ill homeschool) if these draconian prison like measures of 6 ft distance, no more than 10 per class room, dividers between desks, mandatory mask wearing is implemented. We have never succumbed to any of these ridiculous measures with the common flu (which so far has killed more people than this rona) to take the social aspect away from my children. I think for those that are so worried and do not want to return to school unless those draconian measures are implemented then they should be given the remote learning option. But for the rest of us, we should not have to succumb our children to misery and an enviornment that will honestly make them hate school. Please provide 6 feet apart conditions for inside her class and endorse no mask/no school policy. Parents have to work and the ones who do not work can not be engaged with their child all day to ensure they are doing online class work. The best way of doing online class work is not using Microsoft and going to Zoom or Google Meets and just have the teacher teach. If a child has a question they can raise their hand. This way parents can continue to work or take care of other children in the house hold. Please be cautious in decision making. I believe this is only the beginning of the virus. Thank you for your diligent efforts to protect our children. Children need to be in the classroom learning and carry on with school like normal I am in FULL support of being back like NORMAL this Fall. I want to best for our children With safety and education..I do feel both will be achieved by the children returning to school as they have known it to be..no matter how good a program at home could be..home is not school and therefore my child struggles at paying attention and having to desire to learn. He had his first year of school this past year and he LOVED what he got from actually going that he won’t get no matter how much I try to recreate that atmosphere at home..friends relationships and socialization. Instead just giving parents home school packet which is basically a guideline on what to do. It would be nice to have real work and work sheets that a child can follow and do each and everyday. I think the packets that were sent out during the spring pandemic was a failure because all the parents were expected to be a teachers suddenly which is impossible. The at‐home learning was a daily battle for us. I am concerned about doing that again when the grades will count as well as the toll it took on our family. She does better under a teacher's instruction and daily interaction with peers. Thank you very for taking the time to prepare and send this survey. I'm in the military and on my way back from a 20+ days of training, we were more than 40 students and we have more than 20 different instructors. Nobody got COVID‐19. This is how we did it: We got temperature checks once we arrived at the airport and twice a day, we got COVID‐19 tested like 4 days after we arrived. We and the instructors wore face mask all the time when in class, if anybody needed to remove the face mask for any reason we had to make sure we had at least 6 feet of social distance. My cell phone number is 757 349‐3475 if anybody have any additional questions. Please follow science, data and best health practices. Thank you. If a face mask will be mandatory at school, I prefer my child to learn online from home. I know these decisions are difficult So thank you! For single parent and disadvantaged households who will provide the supervision of the children that was normally provided during school hours? Will we get amnesty from work to homeschooling? Will school taxes be adjusted if facilities aren't being used? Will we get a stipend to cover childcare costs? Keep schedule as normal as possible my student would like to have grades if possible. Strongly believe clubs should continue even if via individual Teams Channel. Want consistent meeting schedule for online learning so as to avoid conflicts between classes which happened in Spring. PLEASE provide tech support so that choirs may continue, even if they must do so virtually. I work full‐time away from home and have multiple email accounts for work and personal use. I have a child in high school and elementary. There were way too many emails to keep track of from teachers and both schools this late Spring during work. Please minimize emails and the length of emails if children are to continue distanced learning in the fall. ork. Teachers need to update Aspen grades in a timely fashion Since Feb, my child didn’t get enough education bc of school fire incident at GMS. Feel like she didn’t learn enough and not sure if she is ready for high school. These kids need better educational plans IF school is doing online learning. Not many kids participated during this pandemic and I am very concern about it. Screening based upon family exposures would be very important to me. If a child is asymptomatic but exposed because a parent is a health care worker on a COVID‐19 floor of a hospital, THAT would be important to know and screen for. If we don’t hear that measures like that are in place, we will be very reluctant. Please let the athletic and band start back up school is more than academic We are isolating a segment of the population that is not getting severely sick or hospitalized and doing more harm than good by keeping them from their friends, classmates, and learning. The learning process for 4 th quarter was a disaster .. others schools within the Ycsd did much better than the ones my kids attended.. 1.5 hrs a week with a teacher is not ok .. daily structure from 10‐1 or whatever is better than what they did Being a military family, we have been stationed many places. One thing that surprised me upon my child attending Coventry, is the bus route/schedule. Pre‐Covid, every other state we have been, if your physical address is within 1 1/2 miles of the school the child is attending, they are not allowed to ride the bus. The child must walk/bike/scooter/have parent drop off/pick up. I feel especially in the Coventry neighborhood, where there are walking paths, cross walks, etc, the safety measures are already in place and most children live within a 1 1/2 mile circumference to be able to get themselves to school. I feel this should stipulation, or something very similar, could be implemented in the Fall and moving forward, even after a vaccine has been given. Not only does this type of option allow for self‐initiated social distancing, it also frees up the amount of kids on any given school bus and the busses do not have to be used as frequently. Again, this option is used in a lot of other states, and works well. Single parent households or disadvantage families will not be able to afford the care needed to watch children while at work. Will there be any assistance in providing supervision of children that was normally covered during school hours? Will we be granted amnesty from our jobs to provide that care ourselves? Will school taxes be adjusted if the facilities aren't being used? Almost every college around the country Has online learning. Most of these classes are identical to each other. With the highschoolers we should move to this same type of schooling.You have subject X then you have discussion all week long on the subject and you write a paper at the end of the week on the subject. I believe this gives us a great chance to give our kids a Headstart as they move towards college. Our schools are highly populated and there is no way we will be able to control independent spirited American students. Politicians do not have children in schools today, so it is easy for them to make these dangerous decisions. Until a vaccine is developed I rather my son be taught at home. He is scheduled for New Horizons which requires hands on training. This is a BIG disappointment if he can not participate in his future trade. I think the end of the 2019 school year went well, all things considered. Keeping our child engaged with school while at home was a challenge. They seemed to do fine when their was online instruction (ie. working with the faculty) but struggled to stay engaged when left with just the parents or to work alone. As a parent of 4, keeping my kids accountable for their work. One specific problem was knowing if my kids were completing their work. Teachers need to update Aspen grades in a timely fashion. Feel like my kid didn’t learn enough as a sophomore. And I heard many kids didn’t do any school work during this pandemic. Especially my kid attends GHS, it was a hard year since fire. They need to go back to school and get proper education is very important for them academically and emotionally!! Please let them go back‐ it is so vital for them If we adopt some sort of hybrid or online learning they absolutely needs to be more structure and schedule in place to ensure student accountability. I felt like my student did the minimum amount of work and spent little time studying. My student was not challenged. This is a significant contrast to her learning behavior prior to distance/online learning. An excuse I would often hear from my student is that a live class meeting is not mandatory and therefore she would not participate. I would welcome a hybrid online learning curriculum for my student if one could be implemented that is intuitive and engaging. I believe further details about the possibilities of each option would need to be provided to give parents a better understanding of the options we are "preferring". Example ‐ I amy be open minded to a hybrid option, if i understood what that entailed. However, not understanding the logistics of that option makes me hesitant to pick it. I would have preferred to see 3‐4 detailed options from beginning to end (including Transportation option, instruction, safety options, cleaning schedules, etc) to give a logistical and educated "feedback" opinion. Thank you for all you do! Will kids be allowed to wear there own PPE equipment. Will there be screen placed between each kid. I want to reiterate that either live or recorded instruction NEEDS to happen. This Spring ‐ there was support but no real instruction happening. That should not happen! There are too many tools (Zoom. Google Hangouts, etc.) that could be used to allow for instruction to happen. I do not want my children to go to school not being able to see smiling faces & being able to hug or high five their teachers. Both children are active & love recess & PE. I do not believe "well checks" are important because some people are not showing any signs apparently. We are not sure if homeschooling is the best option for us at this point either. Our children love school & love being with friends & teachers. Being in first grade I feel like she has not had the chance to experience much within the school. I feel she will be missing out. The kindergarten packet was a joke. I was not impressed at all. We did the best we could. Please dont send the children to school unless you have too Please do not risk our children’s lives with physically requiring them to return to school, without a proven effective vaccine in place. We live in a world of digital transformation, let’s leverage digital platforms during COVID and not physically return during Fall semester. Our students need to be back in school. They need to have access to their teachers, friends, and variety of classes My biggest concern if my military children and the decisions you make are based locally‐ my kids could move to a state who’s curve was pushed and engaged more than York district I think students should return to school as normal in September. We cannot sacrifice our children's education. They need to be back in traditional school I strongly encourage you to open schools in the fall for the families that want that option. The remote learning in the spring was a disaster. We cannot afford to have our children loose another valuable year of education. I'm sure for some students and teachers the at home learning worked, but for most it was useless. The kids did not learn or grasp concepts like they do with in person education. I believe that children should go to school Monday‐Thursday but half days. For one half go from 8:15‐12:15 than teachers and staff cleaned than let the other group of children go from 12:30‐4:30. Then no school will be on Friday allowing teachers the opportunity to grade papers and work on lesson plan as well as cleaned their classroom. Also on Friday the whole school can be cleaned. Also for children needing lunch the first group of children can take a to go lunch while the second group of parents have not already provided can eat lunch at school when they come in from 12:30‐:1::00. I would expect enforced ppe (mask) usage on buses I do not want my children to go to school not being able to see smiling faces & being able to hug or high five their teachers. Both children are active & love recess & PE. I do not believe "well checks" are important because some people are not showing any signs apparently. We are not sure if homeschooling is the best option for us at this point either. Our children love school & love being with friends & teachers. At this point I cannot answer because it really depends on the flexibility of my work. Please address the 9th grade transition to high school. Coming from middle school, I imagine it is similar, but high school should be a more advanced level, which might make the transition between academic rigor and accountability more difficult. Starting high school can be daunting ‐ please provide assistance for everyone. Most kids won't admit to needing/wanting help transitioning so it needs to be mandatory. Live instruction needs to happen ‐ the online independent work in 4th quarter in middle school felt very isolated.

My child will be dropped off at school every day before I go to work. I have done this for years. I believe that the school board and Magruder elementary is doing, and will continue to do, all that they can to safely manage our schools and educate our children. I will support whatever recommendations are implemented and will help in any way that I can. Thank you for all you do Regarding the bus, My children will ride the bus only if the bus has social distances from other kids. I wouldn't allow my children to ride the bus with a packed bus in case someone might be the carrier of COVID‐19 I would like more information regarding the bus and then I would feel secure in my answer The staff work very hard to communicate with the kids and it was upsetting to hear some students did no work when my child did most if not all her work. My address does not have a bus route, in regards to question 8. I wish that the guidance councilors were a little better about communication. I didn’t feel like my son’s guidance councilor was available we’ve emailed and called and never got responses I have always been supportive of YCSD; however, I now see how way far behind YCSD is compared to bordering cities. YCSD is not up to the advancement and use of technology. Something needs to be done. If traditional school will be enforced, what are the legal & medical guarantees that the school district will have in‐place to ensure my student's safety, health, and academic progress. The dependability of technology is a very big factor to consider in defining the instruction model selected. I have a concern about how realistic it is to expect children to properly use PPE (masks) and teacher bandwidth to police this We travel to see family over Christmas. Grandma is at high risk with Covid. Is it possible to do the 2 weeks before Christmas break online, so we can self quarantine? My main concern is that kids will be returning far behind where they should be and what is the plan to catch them up without hurting GPAs and the normal educational time frame. Without causing the kids to much stress and anxiety. If we do return to the classrooms, we need the attendance policy to be relaxed in keeping with the pandemic and illnesses. This will be a transition year from elementary school to middle school. I am concerned about making this transition smooth ‐ how will 6th graders be able to learn a middle school model if they are only virtually learning? Or how will they be able to keep up ‐ this will be a huge adjustment to having all classes with different teachers and lots of accountability compared to 5th grade. There needs to be some additional guidance for these new 6th graders and help adjusting to technology use, additional homework, and more independent learning. 5th grade's "extended learning plans" were mostly useless during 4th quarter ‐ this is going to be a huge problem heading into middle school. There was not enough direction and guidelines in place for the 4th quarter this past school year. I kept hearing email was coming out to state quidelines for 4th quarter work and never saw anything. I hear that those that didn't complete work, or participate in 4th quarter will be required to do work next year. Can you provide information about 4th quarter Modules? My son will be able to drive if given a parking pass. I prefer part time (half day or one week on/one week off) schedule with remote learning, but would also like the option being an at risk family to choose to do Virtual only if possible. There needs to be education to the counseling and teachers on how to manage children who are going to tease others who are out sick and there should be more flexibility in the school attendance policy. Now that families have been quarantined, even without the virus, there will be an increase in illnesses when they are around each other again in September which will cause a spike in illnesses. encouraging hand santizer & hand washing and mask if symptoms I am fine One of the hardest things this past spring was not being to see if my children's work had been received. Also, consistent software platform usage is key; too many platforms caused confusion. Make it easier on teachers to teach new material and communicate with parents. I know as a parent I had to resort to emailing teachers regarding work submittals. It would be better to check with my student on an online platform. If YCSD decides on an option where students return in the fall (full‐time, flex schedule, hybrid), families should be provide an equivalent option of distance learning for their children at home. We are concerned with how each family has chosen to respond to the pandemic. As much as I want my child to be back in school with her friends and teachers, I dont know how to ensure her overall safety. I know the school division is working hard to put a plan into place. But I do not know if I can put my child's life in the hands of others who chose not to follow the plan. Also, there is so much information on the news, social media, etc. of possible outcomes as of now and come the fall. No one has a crystal ball ‐ I would support virtual learning for students for the first quarter then reassess where we are at that time. This is her 1st year in a school, entering Kindergarten, and I would like for her to experience it like any other child starting school. With daycares and summer programs happening, I don’t see why we would overreact when starting school in the fall. More structured curriculum that focuses on learning new information. Last Spring was ONLY review. I would prefer remote learning ONLY if students will be learning new information. I just feel like if daycares and summer camps are continuing in Phase 2 and 3, we should learn from that and move forward with normal school as any other year. Frequent hand washing and hand sanitizing is also priority for me as well as the daily health screenings for students and staff. Remote learning from home will be a challenge for me, due to the fact that I have three kids and one computer. I would prefer to drive my children to school, but I have two that attend elementary school and one that attends middle school. I feel that the timing and distance doesn't allow for me to be able to drive all my kids to school. Would love to see us find a way to keep the kids connected to each other while still following safety guidelines. Kids missed their friends terribly at the end of the last school year. We have to work on a more thoughtful approach to the large classes we have in all of our schools. Classes of 15 or less would be best. Prior to my child riding a bus, I would like to know measures put in place to keep her safe If school does not open in person format I an not able to work and provide for family Heard Rumor Yesterday that Grafton HS will not be ready in Sept. Looking at Mid October. Please verify Rumor. When will decision be made and why haven't you made the decision yet? Make up you damn minds so we can move on with our Thank you! My child needs teachers to be accountable to and needs grades to count to motivate her to do the work. The distance learning in the 4th quarter was a disaster for her. Children NEED to be in school and participating in extra curricular activities for their mental health and growth and behavior. I am considering homeschooling if our children will be confined to one area all day and required to wear a mask all day. Please take into consideration the military children who will not graduate from Tabb but will move be moving into other states which never stopped instructional hours. My child learned nothing new for 4th quarter and was not given grades. How is all this going to translate when we move to another state? I believe hybrid learning and/or remote learning would be disastrous for my son's educational, physical and emotional well being. I would most likely pull him from public school and enroll him in private school! Will champions still be offered for kids in the morning? We are doing damage to our younger kids emotionally and limiting there interactions. My daughter cry’s every time she has to do a zoom meeting or can’t be with her friends. This has to end. The use of different sites by multiple teachers was a challenge for parents and students to be able to find class work and no clear direction from teachers. Between Aspen, zoom, the Citrix, teams, email and other platforms a lot of time was wasted and frustrations increased. If school do reopen how will classrooms, hallways, lockers, cafeteria, library, and other common areas plan on maintaining social distance? Concerned about gifted programming there should be screening into effect, for temp 99. and above, and other health issues example constant cough etc Please consider best practices for young children. I cannot bear the thought of my second grader having to sit and look at a computer and stay in the same room all day. I hope for a model close to normal. Maybe half day in school and afternoon assignments at home or something. I have no idea. Praying for you all as you make your decisions. I am concerned that there is not enough space to social distance and block scheduling of half of the students need to go 2 or 3 days out of the week while the other students rotate the other days. Training of an online platform is a must for YSCD moving forward in these uncertain times. More opportunities for the IB students with offline office hours for all teachers, counselors and I new ways of accessing one on one assistance on an online platform. Example; more virtual resources that our instructor driven not left up to student. Plainly put; my child felt abandon academically!! Felt as if her level of learning did not continue once othe one on one/face to face instructional setting ended. Ad a parent; I felt very ill‐equipped in helping support my child academically. I know this was an emergency plan and YSCD did the best within their means;. I guess my point is simply; we all must learn, move forward and better prepare for the unknown future with more access to online training for staff as well as on a parential level. Alone gets rusty with Physics after thirty plus years have elapsed!! Lol Thank you YCSD !! Live, learn and move forward!! The only class I’d be concerned my child could be very challenging at home would be chemistry. Lots of teacher availability would be helpful for that one. I answered the bus question based on the assumption that all seniors would have the opportunity for a parking space. Please open the school. My child receives IEP services which are impossible to duplicate at home. This is another reason we are 100% comfortable with returning to school. My5th grader has a 2nd grade sibling that is immunocomprimised, so we have greater concerns of her bringing something home. It’s also very hard to teach kids at home doing other activities If the remote learning is conducted like it was during the last semester all the kids will fail. Many teachers did not seem genuine and lacked participation with the kids. Zoom sessions were bypassed or many students did not participate or teachers were too vocal in their opinions of how things should be. Students should not be subjected to this. If a teacher has issues or complaints the students should not be their audience . I do not want my children to have to wear masks at school. I do not want to do at home learning. I do not want my child to have to have their temperature taken before getting on the bus. I am concerned that there is not enough space to social distance and block scheduling of half of the students need to go 2 or 3 days out of the week while the other students rotate the other days. Also there is no hotwater to kill germs for students to wash their hands. Parents will need support on how to encourage students to stay engaged and possible incentives (picking from a virtual treasure chests) offsite hybrid sessions options(libraries etc ) teaching assistants/resource teachers to help monitor/check on behavior or teaching at a designated location (before/after school tutoring) set up a parents volunteer mentoring parents how to establish a routine, reward system and teaching suggestions. Best practices from districts that have successfully launched on line learning My children had a hard time adapting to doing school work at home without their teachers readily available. I am very concerned about school being online in the fall. Students need to be back in the classroom. My child drives to school, therefore school transportation is not necessary. If technology and access to consistent technology is the key for success in this new environment we have to change strategies. Consider trying flipped classroom strategies so kids can be taught a lesson and then plan ‘study sessions’ based on what they have learned. Also there needs to be more and consistent instruction on how to use the software, who call when the student is having a problem‐ before they are awarded a zero or F. Students and parents cannot be left to fail while the computer system is supposed to be working properly. The opportunity created is huge but it’s do able. Has the schools system offered opportunities to teach families so teachers don’t have to provide instruction and tech support and discipline from a distance? If not why not? Are there opportunities for the pta to play a mo I am concerned at how students with special needs will be serviced if online learning occurs. Children needs social interactions with other kids and adults. There is no longer scientific justification to keep them isolated. Please let them habe a normal childhood. If we have the same bus driver then our kids would ride the bus. We love having Mrs Williams take our kids to and from school.(Kenneth Dr, Seaford VA). We would have checked the box multiple times for the 'More interactions online with teachers and classmates'. If hybrid model is done live instruction will be appreciated and my kids like the IXLs etc as supplements to instruction. My kids teachers adapted the YCSD learning plans for their specific needs which was helpful . Teachers that were flexible in thinking helpful I will not subject my children to the same attempt at education they endured in 2019‐2020. I applaud the schools attempts at such short notice however it was doing and not learning. Covid case numbers for under 15 are almost non existent... so why are we punishing the children for what isn’t statistically there? It seems that statistically the adults need covid protocols and not the children. I would like the option to remove my children from school for a year and have them left back until real common sense actions take place. The illusion that parents can all homeschool is not realistic. I suggest normal school, no distance or limiting protocols other than temperature reading and increased sanitizing. If they have a fever they go home. Restore all activities and assemblies.

I don’t mind driving my daughter to school if that helps the bus situation I don’t believe any measures will be sufficient to prevent students from transmitting the virus. And I’m concerned that my child may bring it home to me and her dad. We are both immunocompromised and I am very concerned about her being asymptomatic but spreading it to us. Despite social distancing and precautions, kids will be kids. Unless there’s a large amount of staff to be able to control all their movement (Which is also increasing the risk for COVID by adding additional people) it’ll be impossible to prevent spread. In addition, school starts in the Fall, where viruses thrive better. There’s just a lot of uncertainty in general. no Strongly encourage students to return to school on a full time basis unless there is a significant increase in cases among school aged children. My thoughts we knew remote learning is possibly by laptop and online meeting. please plan to reduce the digital exposure hours. My child is immunocompromised, so I have greater concerns than most. I am their only family period I have 4 autoimmune disorders & plenty of stress due to life situations. I would likely not surive covid‐19 I also have changed my business to all renters who are working remote with proper PPE & strict guidelines in the B&B/long term rental now. They all are consistent income in order to survive financially we are still at a huge loss but safe and healthy. My long term renters may choose not to rent if they came here in the first place for a safe place with their autoimmune issues as well. I am caught between I don't want them to lose out on vet school at New Horizons yet things aren't getting better in the news so what do I do risk lose of home live in our car worse they end up in foster care due to dead beat dad that just got out of jail on bond until his 3 different trials one domestic abuse 2 DUI's? Who will care for my child if I die? The father isn't paying support or medical anymore anyway maybe a friend would take them in....I'm working with social services now to see what to do next. I don't want to take away their ability to be a kid go to vet school yet if I am gone they literally have NO parent no relative no one.. this is not an easy choice no matter how you look at it. I am concerned that there is not enough space to social distance and block scheduling of half of the students need to go 2 or 3 days out of the week while the otner students rotate the other days. Open the schools as normal! Let the families decide what is going to work best for them and then you help where you can. Our kids deserve more It would be helpful to know holiday dates ASAP for planning family events/visits next year. I believe in implementing proper safeguards and practices there should be no impediment Extracurricular and Senior activities are a must! The use and overuse of hand sanitizer in the classroom can trigger an asthma attack in those students who suffer from asthma and allergies. Some teachers were outstanding at engaging students and others did the bare minimum. A challenge is to set a standard of engagement between the teachers and students and then hold the teachers accountable. Provide weekly heads up to parents in advance of the week do parents can engage appropriately to hold their student accountable. Please get teacher input I would rather remote learning but just as if they were still in school having to show up to each class virtually. The emergency llan was a complete failure. Once the word got out that the teachers were not issuing grades, my high schooler did not care anymore. That was an epic fail on the school boards part Thank you for working.The situation is too unstable now. There is no mention of a mask in your Survey. In fact, wearing a mask is not the answer, but it is the most important and the most important thing to do in this situation. Not only students, but everyone. You must wear a mask. And you have to do what's in the Survey. Please take into consideration parents work schedules and the start/end times of online learning. Please consider to bring all kids back to school in a regular setting. There are numerous studies that does not support the current procedures dropped on schools without funding from the governor. Children are low risk for being symptomatic, and are not transmitting the disease as was originally thought. There are more and more evidence in the scientific jounals that it is not necessary to isolate them. There were always people who were more susceptible to aiborn disease and they were always the ones that needed to use extra precautions near other people. Please move forward with science. If any parent is worried about their child carrying or contracting anything in school, they can always homeschool them. There is also an option to simply ask all students to do antibody and swab test to see the true rate of already "immuned" kids or adults in our community (the same was a vaccination record is being asked on a yearly basis...). Thank you. If they will be doing half in school half at home, is the plan to have siblings going on the same day or opposite days? I feel opposite days would be best so parents can focus on teaching one child at a time. In the spring, the packets were confusing and just thrown together. There were links and websites just thrown at us making it all so overwhelming. There needs to be one central place for student/parents to go to for learning material. I tried emailing and asking questions for my daughter on multiple occasions but never heard back from her teacher. No surprise there, we have had problems with her attitude towards my daughter all year and the school did nothing. The 2nd year in a row she has been bullied at school and nothing has been done about it simply bc she is shy. Well no wonder. Thank you for your effort and consideration with this difficult matter. Schoolwork needs be graded. She drives to school. Those without WiFi should be given the priority for in school attendance. With the hybrid model it should keep the numbers in school low enough to help with social distancing. Also I’d possible AP classes ensure the Curriculum is taught to prep them for the ap exams. Parents will need support on how to encourage students to stay engaged and possible incentives (picking from a virtual treasure chests) offsite hybrid sessions options(libraries etc ) teaching assistants/resource teachers to help monitor/check on behavior or teaching at a designated location (before/after school tutoring) set up a parents volunteer mentoring parents how to establish a routine, reward system and teaching suggestions Interested in allowing marching band with social distancing protocols in place. Prioritize educational opportunities over accountability due to personal circumstances If the school district is concerned about the possibility of getting sued from a parent if their child gets COVID, why not provide a wavier at the beginning of the year. Those want that want to send their students back to school with it being just like it use to be should have that option, and others not send their kids to school. The amount of emotional and mental damage that we are doing right now is worse. If the kids go back to school masks should be required for ALL STUDENTS, staff, visitors. Everyone should wear a mask and properly. All schools and teachers should use the same learning platform if to strict or mask are required we will homeschool If there is going to be remote learning to any degree...1) Develop student/teacher schedule just like school was operating as normal (A/B day). Class is conducted off the schedule whether in person or remote. 2) Teacher and students log in and hold class IAW schedule, just as if in class (to include taking attendance). 3) Have one common collaboration platform for all teachers (Teams, Google Meet, Webex, etc); keep it standard...too much hap‐hazard this spring. 4)Decide on collaboration platform well in advance of school start and mandate a dry‐run day so teachers and students can work out issues...DO NOT wait until September. 5) AP classes should be held in person to the maximum extent possible, especially for Seniors and Juniors. These classes inherently demand more attention and focus ‐‐ e.g.:AP physics decidedly more challenging than Earth Science . 6) Would highly recommend teachers conduct ALL class at school and students have the option to attend in person IF that class is designated to be conducted remotely. 7) What is YCSD's operating and maintenance plan for school issued technology? It is a given that a small percentage of technology will be inoperable within first week of school...and that will only grow as student are by nature careless. What is plan to ensure cyber security and operating programs are updated? This is not just an educational issue but a taxpayer issue. I feel if the school takes extra precautions on cleaning this will help the spread of any germs, including the common cold. Please open schools in the fall with classroom learning. Its almost impossible for parents to teach their children while working full time. I cannot believe students were not graded on their work. There should have been more effort to conduct online lectures. The remote class has to be more organized with work & time. Students tend not to do & turn in homework if it's optional. I suggest making it all required so that student will do the work. Flexibility could only be granted to those families with special circumstances (when requested by parents). Thanks! Please open schools in the fall with classroom learning. Its almost impossible for parents to teach their children while working full time. All schools and teachers use the same platform Self learningwas a complete failure. Recirculating infected air inside buildings My child currently has a 504 in place and we are very concerned as to how this situation is going to continue to affect her. We have SO many worries and concerns. Equal access is the most important thing For my student. It often seems certain kids get all the attention or that technology isn’t equally available. For example laptops were handed out at some schools free WiFi ect. It shouldn’t be based on what I have or can pay they should all get the same opportunities and the school should provide the Info. Emails are not the most effective way for working parents . The school would email me the assignment and then I’d have to spend my entire evening getting my children to do and understand the work. If it’s not in person then instruction should be done on a schedule that closely resembles there regular day with teachers participating My kid needs to be in school, especially going into middle school. I don't think remote learning will benefit the kids, especially with socializing. Lack of fresh air inside buildings I think it’s equally important to have sports/ extracurricular activities as part of this plan. Safety first...make them learn at home until a medical solution can be found. Our child rides bus only to Extend. If schools reopen to any extent, opportunities to socialize safely and play/exercise outdoors is essential. Live sessions w/teachers (Core, Library, Music) were very important to my child's emotional well‐being as were live sessions with full class, interacting with classmates. We got plans from Extend to implement at home, but no interaction‐‐that interaction and stimulation would be beneficial for our gifted student. We need flexibility in scheduling any online learning.. My child has difficulty wearing a mask. He gets light headed. He will not be able wear a face covering for a school day. There needs to be grading and advancement of material. Resuming athletics is very important to my student's well‐being. Im a nurse and one of the most important this is hand washing, hand sanitizers, staying home when sick, cover you mouth and wash hands if you sneeze or cough. Taking temps at the door may prove to be unhelpful, I worked in a school and many parents gave motrin before school so they were fever free first thing in the am. Parents need to be held accountable and ensur I believe there is a lot of interesting resources on there internet to make online learning fun and engaging for kids. It requires a lot of planning from the teacher but it can be done (for example practice quizzes via Quizizz.com there the teacher can create a virtual classroom and create tests for kids and see their results, jeopardy labs.com where the teacher can create fun games based on what kids are learning, YouTube videos like Mathantics to explain math concepts in fun way,), there is just so much interesting resources that can make learning interesting. But with older teacher or teachers who do not want to advance into technology it will be very difficult. And if teachers will not want to work on it, kids will suffer. Last year my child has copies of packets for each subjects which were exactly the same from prior years and previous teachers which resulted with questions on the tests that were not covered my the teachers. I think virtual learning will take even more work for teachers, and if some of them struggled with technology already, it will be a disaster. I also think there is a lot of parents who might be willing to help creating some of technology materials if the teacher would like to work with them. It takes a village... Concerned with recirculating air in closed buildings significantly more thought needs to go into how to make online learning an actual learning for Seaford Elementary students Open windows to reduce recycled airflow It is too risky to send kids back to school...too many variables...online teaching has been done for years. Keep everyone safe; make them stay home and learn. I have 4 children and would really like school to continue as normal, with improved sanitizing. I don’t want my children to have more disruption and will take our chances with getting sick. I believe all our kids would do best to get back into routine, socializing and supporting each other If remote instruction must happen, it should be the teacher in the classroom teaching to the students linked in by technology. Same schedule as if they were in the school building. So the students are at their computers for the school day with the structure of the schedule. I believe there is an opportunity to adapt learning to the individual student. Though it maybe more teacher intensive, it may likely result in better results. Watching states reopen and having covid‐19 case numbers go through the roof (Texas, Florida, Arizona, California), it seems hard to believe that we are even heading toward opening up further and sending children back to school. I would love for my child to have a "normal" senior year, but not at the risk of more people getting sick. We need to have a vaccine first, not just throw everybody together and wait to see what happens. It is not helping our kids being at home. Most parents have jobs we still do even during a pandemic. We can’t focus on the teaching at home for 8 hours when we work full time. I am concerned mostly at the fact that York County has chosen to have its teachers write their own online curriculum rather than use provided curriculum written by online professionals offered FOR FREE by the state through Virtual Virginia. York County is one of only 3 districts in the state doing this, and have chosen to spend a large portion of tax payer dollars and teachers' time to "try to reinvent the wheel." Concern about college applications/acceptance and if this will negatively impact my seniors GPA and chance of a scholarship. YCSD needs to go back to school normally with enhanced hygiene and an online option for those at risk. Temperature checks at the bus Please open schools PERIOD! Guidelines should be followed by all and not be just for paperwork. Extracurricular activities are a must! What are other countries doing? How can we enforce social distancing? How can we help the little ones to use the PPE correctly? Is it safe to use it for long periods of time? I appreciate your efforts and know this is not an easy task. Covid 19 is a hoax and should be treated as such,it is a real virus but children should build an immunity to it just as they always to any virus As long as the protocols for social distancing is maintained along with cleaning and sanitization and a combination of school and remote work is available we are excited for the kids to return back All county schools should be consistent with everyone. Tabb teachers are more liberal than Grafton teachers is UNFAIR game. YCSD Superintendent is responsible for not establishing standards. My child lost grades and I am very dissatisfied with the way it was handled. We are very much in favor of our children returning to school full time. Our children have struggled with remote learning and we are not comfortable with remote learning for our children. They are too young to benefit from a remote learning style and need interaction and personal instruction from their teachers. They have not responded well to our instruction at home. We are most concerned with a lack of IEP services to help students who are most vulnerable. We are comfortable with returning to school full time. The "teaching" model used for the last couple of months of school was not acceptable in quality. It was vague, with lack of direction and did not take into account parent work. The zoom meetings were also not well done. I dont care if someone is naked in the background, video is essential for child bonding. 5 minutes of rule reading in the begining of zoom sessions just drains the energy out of the session. My concern is the children getting sick and bringing it home to their dad who is immune compromised because he has cancer. Disappointed in the way YCSD has handled the situation this past spring. I feel Hampton and NN schools systems were way more prepared and held their students accountable for work, assignments, etc. Hope that YCSD steps up their game this fall. The online system could benefit if all involved were trained and more experience on supporting a classroom via remotely. It was a new learning challenge for all, students, teachers and parents. Moving forward, preparing for the unknown with much needed training on an online platform. I think everyone did the best they could, given the circumstances. The students and staff are to be commended!! I myself was left lacking the knowledge needed to instruct on levels I have not done in over thirty years!! ENOUGH SAID!! Lol No masks! My husband and I both work full time so if there is virtual learning at home, I don't know if or when we would have time to help . Our hope is that all children that would like to return to school full time will be able to. I feel our child would get the best education being in the classroom with his teacher. I am completely in favor of returning to a school day that is about as "normal" as there was prior to the Grafton complex fire. to ensure that my children get proper education The corona is due to be quite severe come fall. I'm so concerned about my children going back. g schedules (at home and at school) for all students? Please open the school. We promise we’ll wash our hands My child struggled greatly with remote learning, he felt it was difficult to impossible to get help from teachers as he was doing work during the evening due to working days. With the fact that both my husband and I work FT and have not stopped doing virtual learning would be almost impossible for us to handle nor can I afford to quit my job to ensure that my children get proper education We are in walking distance to the school. My children have never road a bus for middle or high school. Just open the school as you normally would. Not worried about covid 19. I would plan on driving my child whenever I am available (most of the time, but something may come up) I would like to see LESS options for teachers to post work. Email, Aspen, Teams, Remind, etc. I would like emails from teachers to start with the class grade they are discussing. Multiple kids and not knowing each of their teachers it got confusing trying to sort who went to who. I strongly feel that if an emergency remote learning plan needs to be implemented it is ESSENTIAL that students are held accountable for their academics. Graded assignments and assessments are crucial to the motivation for students. I realize some students face unique challenges. Those could be addressed on a case by case basis. I also have a 10 year old attending school in Poquoson. Her father and I both work full time (he is a school teacher for Newport News schools). The school system needs to consider what parents are to do when they work full time and their kids have not returned to school yet. Who is supposed to direct their online learning? Are parents supposed to work full time and spend the rest of their free time tutoring their children in schoolwork? This needs to be all or nothing. Either all children return in the fall or none do. My child will not ride the bus due to the fact that I drive him daily because I work at Tabb. Please note, that many working teacher mothers are concerned moving forward with a rotation type of schedule that could leave our own children at home and in need of finding childcare. I hope this is considered as plans are being made to help accommodate us and our own children so we are not faced with a difficult decision to leave the profession if we cannot afford childcare. Thank you so much! If it is feasible and safe, learning at school directly with teachers would be best. However, if virtual learning has to take place, I think it would be helpful to kids to have a set schedule for learning with their teachers. Live, virtual learning I think was the most engaging and beneficial at least in 1st/2nd grade. I would like to understand why K‐3rd grade take priority and is there an option to having rotating schedules (at home and at school) for all students? We live in a society where so many people are focused on maintaining their individual rights and disregarding the impact of the disease. There are too many variables that are outside the control of YCSD and we can't rely on others to do the right thing and follow all precautions. While there are many elements YCSD is considering, the probability of asymptomatic students and teachers infecting others despite health checks. Human ignorance and folly should not be the cause of someone losing their livelihood or life. As someone who had a family member die alone in a hospital from Covid‐19, attending school face to face is not safe. I shared some of the same concerns with my other child, but I will repeat. I feel that it is difficult to fully answer in regard to my comfort level, as it would vary depending on the infection rate and trends closer to the start of the year. I know that much planning needs to happen in advance, but I would be more comfortable if infection numbers continue to decline and much less comfortable if they were to continue to increase. I also feel very strongly about the accountability of students this fall. Most students did not complete the assignments this spring because they were not accountable, and with 1:1 they should be able to complete them. Teachers are more than willing to work with students individually who have struggles, and kids need that accountability, especially in AP and advanced classes at the start of a school year. Thank you for being proactive. She has been accepted to SOA & will participate in marching band; we’re waiting on information from these programs. My child is a part of the York County School of the Arts program and goes to YHS. How will transportation change to and gram Bruton High School? totally afraid to take them to school Please, please seek medical professional guidance when it comes to opening the schools. I understand the majority of this county would like to “go back to normal”, but young people can get this virus. I worry about those with pre‐existing medical conditions. Also, will PPE be worn correctly? If the same parents, who do not believe COVID19 is real and can’t affect young people, send their kids to school, who will make sure they wear masks and make sure they follow CDC recommendations? Please do not require masks to be worn. I’m nervous for how these changes will emotionally affect students who aren’t good at expressing their feelings In school is fine if they do not restrict the students movement to other classes. It has been mentioned that students would be in a class all day with teachers moving in and out and some learning done in school but online. Also mentioned was that they would not leave the classroom and would eat lunch there. For me, this defeats the purpose of classroom learning and serves as only a place for the child to be. . I work in the healthcare industry and am privy to information that isn’t readily available to the public. As such, I don’t feel comfortable with sending my children to school where they are already susceptible to th I will not my son to wear face mask all day in school. If children will require wearing mask in school I would like parents have choice to keep child home to study online. However, I don't like my child study online. I would like school have consultation with pediatrician abut wearing mask before they decided if children should wear masks or not. like I said earlier better training for the parents , most of us are not trained or taught how to be teachers (teaching is a trade or a skill after all) what is second nature to an educator is not to most , also when YCSD purchased these programs they were given extensive training on how to use them from the software vendors and then that knowledge was passed on to the rest of the staff , we parents did not have that same opportunity, (of course this need could not be forecast when the software was purchased) I understand there is a big learning curve for everyone and there has also been hardware issues as well ( yes I had one of the "outdated" iPad and I know that issue was hard on everyone I was lucky enough to live next to MVES and was able to get direct help from one of your IT team Steve but he was stumped as well after three or four trips with the issue he kept the iPad and my daughter's login info as he had to make calls and do some research but he got it working ( I think canvas was locked to work on ycsd domains only but not sure) .. I think that my daughter would benefit and perform much better in a classroom setting with other children ,they learn better in a personal group setting with other students and the teacher , they learn from each other , learn how to think/problem solve in new ways or processes, conflict resolution(s) better socialization makes them more rounded people that we all desire them to be. If needed I would gladly assist her school in cleaning/ sanitizing free of charge either during or after school hours as I do know this is taking a toll on your staff members (and they could also give more attention to the students) My family doctor has been on education committees trying to address the upcoming school year and she told me that it looks like it will be kids every other day in the classroom something I don't like but if we must we must but I will gladly offer any services I can provide to help get the kids back to the "old normal" and I am sure many other parents would also There must be a more effective way to engage parents if home learning is happening again. The whole learning process was organized very poorly, but the lack of support for parents who were expected to do most of the teaching was very frustrating. The distance learning model does not work well for our family, and we worry daily that our children will not have their educational, social, and emotional needs met in a distance learning environment. Being taught by "Mom and Dad" is nowhere near the same as being taught by a credentialed education professional, and we worry that the great progress our children have made will be extinguished if they're not able to go back to school full time. As parents, we’re not able to work full time from home (as many parents are currently required to do), and focus fully on the educational needs of our children. Additionally, having children starting kindergarten and 3rd grade this fall, some of their most important/foundational school years, we are very concerned that a distance learning model (using technology to interact with peers and teachers) will not benefit them. They are not able or willing to do most of their schoolwork on an electronic device ‐ their attention spans do not allow it. We've also noticed a marked difference in their attitudes and behavior when they're subjected to increased amounts of screen time. We feel strongly that our children need to get back to a normal routine, normal education process, and normal interaction with other children. If it’s not currently being discussed, we would ask that YCSD consider allowing a choice for parents and teachers – those comfortable with returning to school can choose to do so, and those more comfortable with a distance learning model can choose that option. I would like to see the children return to school full time in the fall. I think frequent hand washing, social distancing, masks required when social distancing is not possible, etc. I do understand that an adjusted schedule may make sense as to keep class numbers lower may be necessary. I could understand alternating days at school and at home or something like that. York County has failed to model appropriate safety practices as outlined by the state. The division failed to set any safety standards in line with state guidance for graduation and end of year activities. Photos of school adminstrators and staff are all over social media showing absolute lack of responsibility and no regard for safety with lack of distancing and lack of face coverings. This negligance cannot continue. Our community deserves a school division that will act responsibly for the safety of our students Without knowing what it will look like in terms of safety protocols on the bus, I can not provide an answer as to whether we will allow our son to continue to ride the bus or not. Resuming school in person is very important to our family. Our children have struggled greatly with distance learning and need instruction from their teachers directly. Remote learning has not been adequate for our family. My main concern is my children getting sick and bringing it home to their father who is immune compromised from cancer. My daughter is currently in the summer school program and it is very difficult to keep her focused. Her teacher is doing the best she can, but their are many challenges. I would love to every student attend school M‐F with 2 session, a 8‐11 and 1‐4 session. Traditional row of desk A, B, A, B with A being for morning students and B for afternoon (allowing for social distance in classroom). I think only Reading, Writing, and Math should be taught this year. I work in the healthcare industry and am privy to information that isn’t readily available to the public. As such, I don’t feel comfortable with sending my children to school where they are already susceptible to the common “school germs” such as colds, flu, pink eye, ringworms, lice, etc. COVID‐19, unlike those listed issue, does not have a clear clinical treatment nor a comprehensive scientific grasp of this virus’s behavior and mutation capacity. School is not safe under those scientific truths. I think that it was hard to decide my comfort level with returning right now. It depends greatly on the way the situation looks at the start of the year, which is hard to predict right now. If the infection rates continue to trend down, then I am more comfortable, but if loosening restrictions causes an increase, then I am much less comfortable. As a parent AND a teacher, there are also a lot of concerns with scheduling a hybrid system, especially if my elementary schooler does not attend school on days where I, as a high school teacher, would need to be in the building. I would be OK with bringing him with me, as he's upper elementary, but I know this is a concern for those with younger kids. Teachers did not notify parents of student progress (or lack of) for 4th quarter. Although not graded, student learning could have been better supported at home if communication was made. (Grades posted to aspen, email or phone calls) My daughter is currently in the summer school program and it is very difficult to keep her focused. Her teacher is doing the best she can, but their are many challenges. I would love to every student attend school M‐F with 2 session, a 8‐11 and 1‐4 session. Traditional row of desk A, B, A, B with A being for morning students and B for afternoon (allowing for social distance in classroom). I think only Reading, Writing, and Math should be taught this year. Let's get the kids back to school For remote learning, have a small group of high performing, engaging teachers in each grade level craft the instructional videos for all/most topics that will be used across the entire district. Then have the rest of the teachers/parents teach around those videos in regular small group sessions and one on one engagements. Leverages the scalability of online learning, keeps it personal to students, and would hopefully keep teacher workloads more reasonable. Biggest c hallenge is getting kids focused online and motivated and also lack of personal time to assist them we do not use the bus as it is This spring was a joke. York county could have been like other cities and did online learning. This child has an 11th grade sibling who drives. IF his brother gets a parking spot, he will ride to school with his brother. He may have to ride home on the bus, occasionally, if his brother has an after‐school activity and he does not. Also, I believe the children need to go back to school and will gladly sign a waiver absolving YCSD of responsibility should anyone in my family catch the virus The lack of required learning for fourth quarter was a disgrace. Other systems were able to figure it out, but YCSD was not. The first few weeks that schools we closed, teachers should have called each family to determine what technology options were available to them. If families needed technology support (ie devices or internet access) the school should have worked with them individually to get it. Then LEARNING could have taken place. Instead, time was wasted ringing hands figuring out what should be done. The grade level packets were almost USELESS. YCSD MUST DO BETTER. Student accountability is crucial. If there are no expectations then students wont engage. Please keep on Mind that parents had additional supply costs due to the school closure ( printers, devices, paper etc). Please advise in advance if additional supplies are needed so we can budget accordingly . In relation to my earlier comment, that most work will be done in the evenings, will teachers be available during day and evening hours? I found the previous learning packets to be confusing and hard to follow. In my opinion a split schedule where school is MWF or TRSat would reduce class size and offer some precautions while still maintaining the normal school environment If the teacher could teach as if every student is in the class room live , splitting the classroom ( online/home) with the curriculum stems home no weekend per stubject , I think this would be most helpful in staying on top of any issues and test will all need to be In class. Assistants and subs will be needed to aid teachers in gather questions for out of class/ in class student for the teacher so all questions are addressed with everyone hearing the feedback. I work and will not be able to put my child on the bus I am not comfortable sending my child to a school where masks are required (it’s hard enough to be in the store for an hour in one, let alone all day)‐ the models I have seen with partitions and separation from others looks more like a mental health facility versus a school and am considering home school if this is what is decided. For us the biggest factor in whether we let our child attend in person is the prevalence of new COVID cases in the region. We do not have bus services for our school. I am concerned as I have set to begin my student teaching this fall, i don't know how that will work if the kids are at home. but it will not stop me from helping them succeed in school. We are fully committed to returning our children to a learning environment as normal as previous years, without cumbersome restrictions. The bar was set at the bottom this year. Not even a summer reading requirement which is designed for remote learning. We have told the students they are incapable of handling change. We need to set an expectation of at least some self‐sufficency with prevelant support and high expectations. We chose this district because it is supposed to be one of the best. I'm only seeing that it is the most conservative and unwillingly to go out on even the smallest limb to make the changes that are needed while continuing with a high expecation from the teachers and students. We must do better next year. My son is only three and cannot be properly supported with his IEP goals from home, he desperately needs to be in classroom I do not want my child returning to school if they are restricted to a few classes and are not able to have lunch,move around, and get info from various teachers. There was no mention/questions on the school schedule for the year or daily attendance requirements. Also, what protocols will be in place to ensure active (daily) engagement between teachers and students? Is there any consideration to changing the school year to an annual attendance like is being done in Hopewell, VA? What other/additional academic opportunities will be offered if a hybrid type schedule (to include elective or advanced classes)? My concern for the youngest grades is that they are not able to have the interaction and relationship building experiences through virtual learning that they do in person. I just would like to have a lest a 4 day a week Virtual learning with teacher and classmates . And assignments with the clear due date . Just like if they would be in school . I am concerned about the implementation of accommodations from IEPs in a remote learning environment. I am concerned about new horizons, which is really about hands on learning. I am concerned about students and teachers not taking risks seriously and teachers having to police kids for masks and social distancing. I am concerned about “canned” lessons emerging in canvas and individual needs not being taken into account. Thank you for asking about my concerns and thank you for working on this challenging project. At this time I would prefer returning to school as that is where he can be academically sucessful the most. His mental wellness as a social human is important too. I would be ok with re‐evaluating closer to the school year. I also recommend differet areas for lunch‐ outside is preferable when nice‐which may be an easy option to set up tables outside. Please don't put up barriacades between desks‐ this need to be a healthy, stable environment where we can reduce some of the anxiety and fear created by this pandemic into our youth.‐who are not susceptible to it nor is their evidence of their passing it on to adults Enforce kids staying home with any illness. Thx for allowing input. As a working parents, we cannot support a virtual/ online/ part time schooling for our child. Experience has shown that our son struggles greatly in this type of environment. The best and only option for our son is the return to full time, traditional school. Online school teaching. Is no different then in classroom teaching. But teachers have actually do something. We’re this spring they did nothing. York county did nothing and my kids have done nothing since school let out in March. I work full time and can not play teachers with crappy lesson plans. The teachers need to do something. I think staff temperatures should be checked daily if in school happens, but I do not agree to out my child through daily screenings. Kids should go back to sometime of normalcy, they are kids. I do no agree with kids wearing masks the whole day for school. Nor do I feel kids will be comfortable with this. Teachers have their hands full already trying to teach, adding this to teachers to make sure kids wear their masks or not touch each other is not going to happen. Kids are kids & let kids be kids if they go back to school. Younger kids will not understand this next step with no touching or wearing masks all the time. Thank you for providing this survey for families. Wish you the best in making future decisions to keeping our kids & teachers safe during this crazy time. I think our teachers did a fantastic job last school year with the at home learning platform. I was so impressed with their efforts and availability. I am concerned that my child will not hear clearly if the teacher is wearing a mask. I am baffled by how YCSD plans to teach an additional 15 weeks worth of curriculum this upcoming year using a hybrid model of instruction. I was explicitly told it was not possible to use technology to offer direct instruction to teach new concepts and material due to the risk of leaving some students behind. It is not lost on me the 180 YCSD has taken regarding this matter. My confidence level is near zero that YCSD can adequately educate my children during these extraordinary times. I ask that parents be given very detailed information every step of the way. I also ask that the district finds ONE platform for all teachers to use for all students when addressing education by technology. Based on the amount of money I had to spend on supplies due to the closure , I will NOT be purchasing school supplies for the classroom. Please advise parents in advance if devises / software need to be purchased so we can budget accordingly . Thank you ! Are the teachers getting a pay raise? With all that they have to do now and the possibility of teaching online as well, they deserve a raise. A properly educated child is a properly educated society. What additional efforts will be out in place for those kids immune compromised? My daughter walks to school. Thanks! My daughter is in summer school and far the model is working so much better with the structure of requiring my daughter to be in front of her teacher and a very structured schedule. This was not the case during the school year. If YCSD adapts a hybrid or virtual class please keep the same as the summer program. It’s engaging and requires less over sight from working parents. I hope we see a better plan than what played out with the fire, Q3, and Q4. Teacher engagement and ACTIVE instruction was lacking. Also, will the division be providing the technology students need for virtual instruction? Needs to be ACTIVE instruction and not independent assignments. I do not want my son to have to wear a mask all day. I don’t feel it’s healthy for him. Could plastic partitions be placed between/around the desks? That way they are protected from germs but can still see each other. We have to do better. YCSD failed our children in spring 2020. Thank you for reaching out to parents. I find it difficult to answer these questions in a non emotional way. I see where Florida is seeing increased covid numbers now that restrictions have been lifted. I hope that is not the case for Virginia as well. Please seek out advice from medical professionals in regards to this difficult decision. They are on the front lines and have the information/data to give unbiased feedback about the virus. Personally I feel like this is going to be a new normal. I would like to find a way students can still participate in clubs, sports all activities. However, I understand the is risk involved in that. We also can’t send kids out into the world with out the experiences and maturity that comes with life in a daily social setting. Giving students the opportunity to lead a club or participate in a play can make life long positive impacts on self esteem. Students sitting at home behind a computer screen getting frustrated because there is little to no instruction doesn’t give positive reflection. Saying all this I also know there are children and families that have greater risk, I myself have a child with type 1 diabetes. Her life can’t stop though, she still goes to work everyday. If there is going to be hybrid learning, I would like to see a physical activity log somehow. Like offer a reward, cord at graduation some to spark interest in getting out and moving. I'm sure school won't happen. which is total B.S. You guys cancel school for a dang rain storm. I have no concerns at all. Use hand sanitizer. Done. I cannot MAKE my child do the work at home. He hates school to begin with. If he’s at school I have a better chance of him doing the work. Nothing was accomplished in the spring for either of my kids. I don’t pay taxes to homeschool. The work that is sent online is something I could get online myself. My degree is not in education. If parents feel unsafe about this stupid virus, then you stay home and do remote learning. Let the rest of us get on with a normal life. You will cause my child to fall behind. I believe in establishing herd immunity. Stopping life is insane. Answer to Q8 subject to other variables (existence of extra curricular activities for example) We're all stir‐crazy, but I don't see how we could pull this off safely. I won't put my child, my family, and my community as risk by sending them into a school right now. Kids aren't going to follow the rules, teachers and staff will be at risk... it's not worth it. We have loved ones who have gotten sick and died from this virus. It's the real deal. What matters most is the safety of the people we love and the community. Kids often have mild cases, but sometimes they get very sick, and they can pass it to other people without symptoms. If I were a teacher I'd be terrified. I hate remote learning but it's better than being in danger. There should be a program for families who want to homeschool with support from the school. Please have the kids back in the classroom as much as possible. My son has had a very difficult time being apart from everyone. He lost motivation, and his schoolwork was of poor quality. A lack of socializing, support from teachers, and activities has been extremely difficult for him. If there is not a return to 100% in‐person schooling, and with no scary protocols, then we will disenroll him and choose to homeschool instead where we can give him the things he needs. Just go back to normal. This is a big load of garbage. I know Covid‐19 is scary, but with medical screenings and regular sanitation in place, schools should be able to open as usual in the fall. I am concerned that because of the lack reliable, trustworthy resources in regards to COVID19, parents will not take this virus serious, neither will their children, when they return to school. Will PPE be worn properly? Will hand washing and hand sanitization be done properly? Will parents influence the school’s decisions, or will medical professionals? What about the kids with medical co‐ morbidities? Children DO get COVID19. Can we please listen the experts in regards to the best possible ways to open schools, rather than those who “just want things back to normal”? Due to a high risk sibling, my child will be unable to attend in person until a vaccine or medical treatment is available. It’s unfortunate but realistic due to the risks involved. Although the hazards of wearing masks all day to prevent viruses the real dangers have not been considered. It has been proven using air quality testing that mask reduce the correct amount of Oxygen the body should receive. This causes headaches, fatigue or could lead to other health issues. We should treat C‐19 seriously as we should have all viruses with cleaning, sanitizing vigorously as possible daily. The early theories and estimations by the CDC that they have since backed off on in the recommended guidelines, DOE is going to follow the Governors orders unfortunately which is not being supported by the new data. Please also consider how many staff, students and their families have been affected by C‐19? The number is low and to ignore the dangers of all viruses but harshly react to one is unrealistic for continued success. PLEASE keep band, colorguard, Theater My child takes learning seriously and for that I feel very lucky. Trusting my 6th grader to be at‐home and learning online while both parents work is a concern. Having teachers and classes available outside of "normal" working hours would be a requirement in supplementing their education at home. I feel our children won’t get the education they deserve by only remote learning at home or even partial learning. Given how difficult it was with having three children all trying to share one laptop to do work online and be able to do all their class meetings online. It was very difficult. Not all parents, myself included, can afford multiple devices for their children to be able to do school work at home Updating learning platform to something more user friendly like Google Classroom Until we know more about what the virus will look like in the fall time‐frame, it is hard to make this call right now. A lot depends on what the virus does. Sports and such need to reopen as well Please consider opening up 5 days a week with in‐person instruction. My child needs it! I would like for the teachers to teach a planned school year worth of material with students attending daily half at home half at school. I would not like the school system to keep pushing off student learning objectives per academic year. Teachers can teach material live while half in class is there and the other is at home. Alternatively I class attendance with the students daily. That way if material was not mastered it would be caught within the next 24 hour and reinforced. I think subs or assistant teachers will be instrumental in helping to answer questions , gathering questions, clarifying information online I think the Hybrid (part in class/part at home) is best, but I feel the school year would need to be extended as well. (NO SATURDAYS) I don’t like the concept of an elementary schooler wearing a mask. I don’t think it is beneficial because they will still touch their faces and I don’t like the idea of not having clean circulated air for my child to breath. I also don’t like the concept of him not being exposed to any germs because that’s not how to build a healthy immune system. I think having strictly enforced guidelines about children at school with fever or symptoms such as cough or sneezing(unless a doctors note saying it’s allergies) would help in reducing the spread. I also think this all right now because of how the numbers have dropped. I do completely agree what happened in the spring and I think it saved lives. If the virus spikes again then do what is necessary to keep the spread contained. Waiting until there is a vaccine isn’t necessary because no one can make a child get the vaccine. My children have all their vaccinations. But I won’t be giving them the covid vaccine until it’s been around longer than a minute to see what the side effects are. What do experts say the long term effect of social isolation for children is? What about for their immune systems? Their development? Are we potentially creating a generation with emotional and mental problems? What about adjusting hours so half the students are in the classrooms at a time? Something similar to the Grafton fire solution. I am okay with classes opening up on time, so long as teachers have ppe, sanitizing is regular, and masks are worn by all students. As well has strict health screenings for fever/symptoms. I am not comfortable with my child wearing a face mask all day in school. Bus drivers would be required to sanitize their bus (seats, windows, contact areas) before each group of riders; High School, Middle School and Elementary School. As stated before the pivot that Yorktown school district made in the spring was dismal not effective and frankly give the teachers a license to be lazy it’s an embarrassment Would like more consistency among classes/teachers for parents to be able to track student assignments & progress. Also, it would be good to have assessments communicated to better understand our son's strengths and opportunities Please consider the additional supply cost parents had due to the school closures. I will NOT purchase additional school supplies for the fall ( that includes glue sticks, 5 million pencils and such ). Please advise in advance if certain supplies are needed to parents can budget accordingly . Thank you My son receives special education services. How is that going to work if we do online school again? My child rides the bus to & from school but for 2 years our bus has been notoriously late while on a regular schedule so this another issue that needs to be addressed My child is immunocompromised and will be unable to attend until a vaccine and/or treatment is available. I would like the School Division to enable grading the work of the students so that the kids feel responsible for their learning process. To be able to challenge them, more work has to be assigned to the students based on their ability so as to prepare them for the future academic challenges. I appreciate all the work that the staff and teachers have done this past few months to educate my kids. They have connected with the students and held them together, through fire and pandemic. A big THANK YOU to all of you. I feel like there should be more live class meetings with the teacher! With clear assignments and due dates for the assignments!Clearly laid out ,so there won’t be too much confusion. Of what needs to be complete . I dont know how students will be six feet apart in a normal classroom. I am concerned about bus transportation how is this going to be done safely. I am concerned how a hybrid/remote learning system can account for children who may not be able to attend school because of a cold/strep/other non covid illness. How Long will children be required to stay home. How will this impact learning. How will time/learning be made up? This is one reason I might err more to full online learning because if kids can’t come if sick with anything sniffles etc, their education is further impacted. If kids can’t come due to covid in their small group what type of plan is in place for their learning? Difficult questions with difficult answers. We are waiting to see the impact on infection rates as businesses reopen. We want to keep our child and others safe, but socialization, quality of instruction, a regular schedule, and accountability are important too. My biggest concerns as a parent of a rising K: 1) The social distancing measures. Will my wiggly K get enough unstructured play time with friends? Will they be punished for needing touch & close interactions? 2) If school starts in person and/or hybrid what are the chances the students will go to only virtual at some point in the year. My kid was CRUSHED when his Pre‐K was closed in March Most schools are giving parents the options for their children to be in school or to continue with remote learning. I hope that you give families that same option because as a parent I would rather my child stay home and continue to learn. I'm not comfortable what so ever with my child being in school. So I really hope you consider families who feel the same way. It is still a bit scary considering that there's no vaccine for the virus and my son has infant siblings at home. I'm worried that he could possibly catch the virus and bring it home. If school is set up with too many restrictions where it is isolating I will keep my child home for virtual learning I would like you to consider the teachers and adults working in the schools. While children aren’t as affected by the virus, adults are and they have families at home that want to stay safe from the virus also. The learning plans from last year were not acceptable. There was not clear objectives for the parents to guide the child and honestly it felt like a lot of busy work/waste of time. Additionally, there was new learning. In addition to feeling safe sending my child to a densely populated school during a pandemic, I need to be reassured there is a more structured, clear plan to continue to teach and challenge my child. My child is currently doing the virtual summer academy and I am pleased with how it is being implemented! It feels like based on what we know at this time, that students can return on a rotation basis to limit the number of students in the classroom at one time. Offering half day classes or every other half day classes to reduce the class time I believe would be a good option for elementary age students. When students are at home learning, we prefer having the flexibility to do the assignments as we can and time permits. For example, here's the lesson plan, here's the materials, here's what you need to cover and provide the days you would like them to cover it. I think for elementary students it is also important to include iPad learning on apps to help cover the topics. If they stay home to do work needs more structure and time manmgment my child would sleep all day then do work whenever If my child has to stay home Like every other day, I would like her to be able to watch her class lessons Live on her computer! If Covid‐19 spreads to my child, it would easily be transferred to three senior citizens living at our home. It seems difficult if not impossible for six year olds to practice social distancing all day. Furthermore, the virus is airborne and spreads easily in enclosed spaces. I support a half‐ day scenario that allows fewer kids in the classroom at any one time, even if it means we would need to provide our own transportation to and from school. Hybrid schedules could cause a major problem for our family, as all three kids could be on different schedules and both parents work. Please consider those types of situations when determining fall plans. Full Technology compatibility with all Apple IOS devices Depending on circumstance, riding home may be more important than riding to school. Depending if the Grafton Complex is open will determine if my child rides the bus. Am am most concerned about air quality in the schools and the use of physical distancing, masks required for all, and significant limits on the number of students in each classroom at one time. I feel the best method for middle/high school would be a hybrid model with limited numbers in each class and online learning options. I would like to see air flow/purification addressed in all classrooms. We need to know more about how long the school day would be, how long exposure to others would be how large the groups of students in contact with our child would be, whether students and staff would be required to wear masks at all times unless properly socially distanced, how changing classes would be handled (because that brings additional exposures to new faces and spaces The emotional and social connection of school is as important as the academics. I do not feel that online learning encourages the social and emotional side of learning. Pay for the teachers doing the teaching...the parents doing the teaching at home! My son is high risk and it concerns me for him returning to school Many of the answes to this survey are, of course, contingent on the enviornment at the time of school restart; i.e., if COVID cases surge we would more than likely keep our child home. Obviously, the safety of children is of primary concern. Our son needs the involvement and direction of teachers and does best in the structure and climate of an engaging and participatory classroom setting It has been proven that children under the age of 17 are not contracting COVID‐19 and are asymptomatic versus those over 65. It would be detrimental to children as well as society for them to not be in a traditional routine school environment. Furthermore, why are citizens paying taxes and their own technology fees to support a hybrid model? Also, childcare is at an all time minimum, dual income households will struggle to provide adequate education for their children so that their livelihood can be maintained. Please consider all working parents needs as well as students needs when devising a plan. Every other day will not work, nor will every other week. It is a bad set up for life it those are an option. Yes, change is the only thing that remains the same, but many of studies have proven that children thrive on routine. If the the choice is to continue online classes or a combination, please insure that the course work is graded. Somehow during this COVID related closer students were informed that the work done was not graded. If bussing becomes an issue, I can get them to school myself. Also, with the numbers of the virus showing at 0.0% for thiose under 18, I feel that the social distancing protocols should be monitored a bit more for the faculty and staff. I'm hopeful that middle school students riding the bus to/from school will be required to wear facial coverings while on the bus, if possible since a bus is such a confined space. As a Public Health professional, I am extremely dubious about in‐person learning in the fall. Unless things improve markedly over the summer, which is unlikely, I am not comfortable sending my child to a school building in the fall. I do not see a way that things could be de‐densified and sanitized to a point that it would be secure. Kids of this age (or any age) are not going to abide consistently to rules about masks and social distancing. It also puts teachers, staff, and administrators at risk. Children are not impervious to this illness, and can serve as asymptomatic carriers of the virus, taking it home to infect family members. I know we're all sick of it, and just want things to go back to normal, but we have to deal with what's in front of us. The virus can spread like lightning once introduced. All answers depending on if Grafton Complex will be guaranteed open at start of school year. Also, full curriculum and assignments should be available so students can work at their own pace and know what is expected for the entire course from day one. Again, as a parent of a special needs child, remote learning or hybrid model scares me that this school year may have little impact on him. He needs the routine of "going" to school and needs lots of one‐on‐one attention via his IEP. I know there are issues to consider this year but I do hope students with specials needs are strongly considered for in‐person instruction. Or in my son's case, as was March‐June 2020, it may be a wasted school year. ‐In classroom, students should not share supplies. ‐ if hybrid or all at home there must be more virtual meetings with teachers. 1x a week for 30minutes is not enough. Schedule needs to be set if hybrid or at home so parents can juggle multiple children and work scheduling. ‐ Concerns will elevate if MIS‐C increases in prevalence. Would like to know there’s a plan to move from full in class/ hybrid to full time at home if needed. That planning should not be done in the fly this year since there is time to prepare. like I said. Grading should be enforce and daily assistance should be recorded , homework should be send to kids, ishould be as in person classes, Kidd should be responsible amd accountable for grades and school work. The 4 th quarter non gradefor this past year was unfair for kids who put the effort and work hard all year Whatever learning module is implemented, I feel strongly that students need to be held accountable for the completion of assignments and effort placed in to completing assignments. We moved to York County mainly because of the great public school system. However, if students will not be back to school full time in the Fall, we will seriously consider switching back to a private school that will offer full in class schooling until the situation returns to "normal" within the public school system. The biggest issues I see are routine and accountability. I want my child to know that she needs to meet specific expectations and I want her to have daily classes like she would in school if she's doing the work online. I think without that teacher time, she will no be motivated or feel that she can reach out for help if needed. Thank you for working to create the best and safest learning environment for our children. Please build a Parent Advisory Council that is part of the planning team. A brief survey like this captures only feedback on what you ask, but there are other considerations. Give parents a chance to participate in the planning please. Also, please provide division guidance, and let each school implement the way that works best for them. Empower principals to make decisions that are locally appropriate. PLEASE LET OUR KIDS GO BACK TO SCHOOL! THEY NEED THEIR TEACHERS AND FRIENDS! ESPECIALLY ONLY CHILDREN OF SINGLE WORKING PARENTS!!! Last year we moved to York County mainly to enroll our children in a great public school system. We greatly value the classroom experience and want our children back in the classroom full time. I’m completely comfortable with my student going back to school with a normal schedule and all classmates. I cannot monitor my child’s work when I get home every evening. I don’t pay taxes to homeschool my child. This virus is ridiculous. IEP goals have been impossible to work on in the virtual setting I think i hybrid model is best. Maybe the students attend school once or twice a month. I do not want my child wearing a mask in school and I am in favor of teachers not wearing masks either. I do not feel well equips with time and patience to provide the extra attention that my child with a 504 plan needs. He needs constant reminders and Daily consistency to stay on track. I don’t think he will get that or the quiet space he needs at home with his young siblings who are also going to require parental Instruction. Having children in 3 different learning stages and a full time job is not possible. I am concerned about social distance. There is not enough space in a classroom for kids to be six feet apart and no sharing of materials makes no sense. I dont see how this is done unless there is some sort of alternating attendance schedule to lower the class sizes. Hybrid schedules would be very difficult for our family to manage. Both parents work and all three of our kids could be on different schedules, which would make childcare impossible. Please consider this when making future plans for the fall. The only real concern I have is mask wearing. It’s not healthy for anyone to wear a cotton mask all day and will be especially difficult for children. If that’s the plan, I’d rather they be at home. That will damage the mental health of the kids and lead to all sorts of other issues. And I’m speaking as a mom and teacher. Either 100% in or nothing. And this survey applies to my middle school student as well. He goes to GMS Please allow the parents to decide if the student should return and when. If hybrid learning is put in place, I would prefer to have it where all my children went to school on the same days if possible. I've always been a big supporter of public schools, but if we do not go back to 100% in‐person instruction, to include recess, lunch, and extracurriculars, I will be disenrolling my child and doing a formal homeschool program that can offer these things. I want to return to traditional instruction. Not concerned with COVId19. I feel like my 1st grader was not given enough interaction with her teacher. 15‐20 minutes once per week is not sufficient for early learning and that the rest fell on me to do. I am an essential employee and work full‐time as well as being a single parent. I did a lot more work for her education and know other schools who did a MUCH better job of helping kids through these challenging times. I was greatly disappointed. Children’s learning and progress can’t be accurately assessed through all virtual or hybrid leaning due to the different amount of time pattens are able to dedicate to the lessons. All answers depending on if Grafton Complex will be guaranteed open at start of school year. Also, full curriculum and assignments should be available so students can work at their own pace and know what is expected for the entire course from day one. In addition, having a student with sensory and social special needs, not thinking restrictions and PPEs will work, and how that would be of consequence to him. We feel that we are completely fine with all the kids returning to school the online route just does not work for large families who both work the virus fortunately has not affected Yorktown almost at all. I think people who are concerned or high risk should have some sort of online or packet program packets would be nicer I did like those because I could work with my kids when I got home, the online stuff is crazy too many websites hard to navigate We are pretty concerned about kids being in such close proximity to one another daily. Teachers too. While we realize school and life must go ion, one cannot hide from these serious concerns and high contagiousness this virus has. I hear parents saying “my child must be in school!” But, to what end? There is no logical way to properly keep the kids apart. On a bus? Where they are constantly double and triple routed? No way. If the county budgets to pay bus drivers much better, maybe some of the calling out sick issue will be resolved. Proper social distancing in a classroom where there can be 19‐25 kids? In a normal sized room, how would one keep them 6 feet apart? It doesn’t add up. I only point these things out as realistic points of consideration. I feel some parents are being difficult and not trying to take a step back for a big picture view of this entire situation. I worry about the teachers and administration. I very much worry about my child and the other kiddos too. I’m not sure there is a perfect solution for these strange times but I do feel my/our concern is valid and not overblown. I think I will be driving my child to school each day even though this will be a giant change to our schedule and not convenient at all. Still, his health and safety are my top priority. Because we both work full time, I will not be able to bring him home in the afternoons. I’m very worried about bus safety just given what the kids endure under normal times with unsafe over crowding on the buses as it is. I’m not sure what to do about that. Please know we empathize with your position and the weight of these decisions. We are pretty concerned as Covid is likely to stick around and even rebound in the fall/winter. We will wait to hear decisions and guidelines and hope & pray for the best. Thanks in advance for polling all of us. These children need to return to school, for a myriad of reasons (learning, social, support structures, etc). Daycares have implemented effective safety protocols...anything shy of full‐week, in‐person instruction would be a full breach of public trust by These children need to be in school. This “new normal” is only a political stunt that we should not fall for. Taking minimal guidelines to get these kids back in school and allow the parents that want to live in fear to keep their kids home. These kids need their The packets that were provided by Mt. Vernon in the first two weeks this last school year were great. They provided a clear understanding of what the student needed to accomplish each day, easing the burden of "lesson planning" on the parents. If the hybrid model provides a very specific work load for each individual day, it will SIGNIFICANTLY improve the parents' ability to encourage their child to complete their work. PLEASE do not do generic work plans where the parent has to decide from twenty vague lessons like these last couple of months have done. Clear direction, clear assignments, and teacher accessibility are critical to our children's success and our (parents) sanity. :) Thanks for all you guys are doing! Thank you for soliciting feedback!! Regular schedules with virtual classrooms using zoom could be another option Please allow them to return to school. My husband and I work full time and are not able to provide the necessary time and guidance to replicate what they would experience by attending school. Not to mention, we aren't teachers and we both work about 50 hours a week on average. We tried our best during the school year but I know we were not able to compare to the education the children would have gotten in school with their teachers. I am concerned because these are their formative years and I worry about the possible impacts of this disruption to their education. Thank you for your consideration! On of our primary concerns surrounds grading expectations. Our children did a great deal of the 4th quarter work but I know that many students did not. The students need clearly defined grading expectations and timelines. If we can go to Walmart with 300 people, the movies can open, 7/11 is packed , kids are playing together in groups of 25 or more in the streets and so on!! The kids can go to school this is ridiculous If possible could we consider the models currently being implemented in other countries. K‐2 & 11‐12 attending in person and other grades being virtual. To allow students to space out. I suggest to ease up on the attendance policy as many children will probably get sick more often. We don’t want to be penalized for attendance if the schools are going to be very meticulous about health screenings (which they should be). I don't feel like my child continued to learn from the time she was out of school to the "end of the school year". There was engagement from the teacher via Facebook, however, my child struggled with understanding the work and struggled because we are not teachers and don't know always know the right things to say or know how to explain the process. There is also a lack of time to sit down and work with her when we work ourselves. It's extremely challenging for her to be engaged at home. Now that she is back in a child care environment, she struggles even more because of the distraction. I do not feel comfortable sending my child to school if students, faculty, and staff are not required to wear masks, class sizes are not limited, and air purification systems are not installed. I am not a teacher & I am not qualified to be a teacher. I may have the knowledge that my children are learning, but delivering it to them is outside my wheelhouse. We are a family with two working parents. Sometimes we each have to work 60+ hours per week. Asking us to share the teaching responsibilities with the school system seems unrealistic. I feel that virtual learning should be utilized for short term situations. I fear that using it as a long term solution will damage my child's development Alternating schedules WILL NOT work for our family. This doesn’t seem to address gov school Please consider the schedules of multiple children from the same families. If you do end up going with a hybrid approach it would be easiest on working parents to have the same school/home schedule for all children in the family. Not super comfortable about riding the bus but we have no choice due to our work schedules. Hoping busses will be sanitized thoroughly every day. My daughter does not want to wear a mask in school My child won’t ride the bus only because I drive her, as we live out of YES zone My child is a licensed driver with a vehicle; provided he can get a parking spot, he will be driving to and from school. Also, I believe the children should go back to school, normally, and if necessary, I am happy to sign a waiver absolving YCSD from liability should we get the virus. If the situation with bussing students becomes a problem, I am able to take them myself. Also, the numbers are so incredibly low on those under 18 being affected, that it comes in at 0.0%. I would focus more on teachers and staff and their social distancing, etc. I know that some people are uncomfortable with the return to school, but I am not and would like for life to return to as close to normal as possible. Concerned about gifted programming for my student Bus monitors placed on buses so the can help put sanitizer on kids while before entering the bus and as well to whip down seats and disinfect the bus after and before each school pick as well as drop off. as long as the York County covid numbers stay low, there is no reason to not return to as normal school schedule as possible We are comfortable with sending our kids back to school in the fall. School back to normal or my kids won’t be there. It’s so important to us to have our little guy in the classroom with instruction as normal as possible! Thanks for all your hard work! If a child is forced to wear a mask, get temperature check, social distance which is impossible to do in all York county crowded schools, than those people need to stay home. My family and I want to live free and have normalcy. I am of the belief that it is time to put the kids back in school. Additional time at home is going to have my child fall behind. Do what's safest and best for our kids and the staff. As a parent I'm not remotely equipped to provide a complete education to my children without daily support and interaction from their teachers. Any plan that doesn't involve daily student ‐ teacher interactions is unacceptable. The pandemic Home schooling model in the spring did not work for our family. I have 3 school age children and it was nigh impossible to meet their social, emotional and academic needs during a pandemic. Parents are home and having to be a teacher and counselor. The social/emotional part of school has always been on the periphery and this was ever more apparent during home schooling. The learner plans this Spring, while better than nothing had too many options and were too vague. . We work best with a definite schedule and assignments that will be graded/ corrected/ retaught. Summer academy format has been AMAZING!!!! Social distancing measures for primary age children will do nothing but harm the children emotionally. A severe reduction in class size was already needed before the epidemic. Attendance policies need to be addressed ASAP as sick children need to be given more days off. Temperature checks make sense, but we need to keep in mind that parents will continue to medicate children to hide fevers. Teachers may need more discretion on when to send a child home. If extreme social distancing measures are set out, we will be sending in a notice of intent to homeschool. Please consider Europe's a/b WEEKLY schedule My daughter has asthma. This is concerning when it comes to COVID19. My sister had COVID19 and even though she stripped down and took a shower right when she returned home from work, my niece and nephew also got it. My sister isolated herself and her children left the home as soon as she had symptoms. The children’s symptoms did not appear until 7 days after leaving their home. So children DO get the virus!!! This virus is very real and especially scary for children with medical problems, especially asthma. I’m also worried that kids and teachers will not wear their PPE properly. I understand this community is anxious to return to normal as a the President wishes, but we need to listen to the medical professionals. Governor Northam is a great resource given than he is a pediatric neurologist. Please, please listen to all of us medical professionals rather than the President. Thank you. Love YCSD‐ thank you for all that you do If virtual learning is what is decided, will YC provide the appropriate technology that my child will need? If the protocols prevent or inhibit the social and emotional wellbeing of the children, I will withdraw my daughter from public school and opt for a more balanced homeschooling program that includes interacting with peers. If the parents are doing the teaching...what are the teachers getting paid to do? Also, will we be paid for our services of being the live in teachers? I was pleased with the level of involvement (weekly phone conference, etc) and quality of work provided by my student's teacher, but I was disappointed in the quality of the learning plans provided by the school system to be used by all kindergarten students. I feel the buses are already stressed out, often late and bus drivers are stressed. I would rather drive my daughter to to school that have an inconsistent bus schedule. I imagine that many more people will end up driving their kids to school. The school needs to be prepared with an efficient way for parent pick up and drop off. ( rather than a parent physically entering the school building to pick up their kids) I feel as though if proper precautions such as masks and limited contact are in place and students, teachers, and staff are properly trained, this could work. Obviously proper and frequent cleaning protocols would need to be in place. Everyone would need to take personal responsibility for their health and stay home if they have symptoms or are sick. Communication and education will be key!! I am very concerned that the kids are not actually learning. Kids need a teacher and need to ask and wrestle through questions. They need accountability and deadlines and good academic influence from their peers as well. I am concerned about my ASD child receiving the interaction and social support only in‐school learning can provide. Good Morning! First I would like to thank the school division for the consistency and hard work being put into meeting the needs of its student population. Second, I believe that it’s important that students have some form of class room time. Especially those students who have demanding schedules. Specifically advanced and AP courses. I hope that students can return on a alternate schedule of online and class room. And hopefully in the spring, we”ll have a vaccine that will allow full time in school instruction. As many covid19 individuals are a‐systematic I am NOT comfortable with my child in a classroom environment. Every year schools during the flu season are one of the primary locations were viruses spread. We have grandparents that are 84 and 79 yrs of age. Our family is very concerned regarding exposure unless there is a vaccine. Again teachers need to be accountable by actually teaching material. Not only sending work home. There needs to be live instruction either via internet or in physical school. If there is a schedule that meets 2‐3 times per week for 1.5 hours a day, I expect that to happen online too. Occasional mishaps are expected, but not doing any teaching where kids have the opportunity to ask questions isn't fair. I home schooled my kids for years. I never expected then to learn the material on their own. That is not teaching. Please address this when making school happen. Also please hold those students that are able/capable/interested to that standard. The standard for education cannot be the lowest common denomiter. If need to place students different categories please do so that my daughter will be educationally ready for college and college entrance exams. This is just as serious as the virus. The virus is no excuse to stop teaching. Was extremely disappointed in York county this spring. If I could, we would home school again but my daughter got into new horizons and i will not take that away from her. Thank you for listening. Very disappointed the YC did not hold the students accountable for the work that was assigned by notifying the students that 4th quarter would not be graded. At a minimum it should have been pass/fail. Not confident YC will have a plan in place to keep the students on track academically. Thank you all if your hard work during this unprecedented time! Please get them back to traditional school!!!My kid needs it. My daughter followed the program until she heard there were no grades and all of her friends stopped participating or didn’t participate at all. As much as I encouraged her to co to us the work by the last two weeks almost nothing was completed. If the school is going virtual there needs to be accountability for the students and consistency. Some teachers kept the A B schedule while others would load busy work on everyday. There definitely was a miscommunication among your staff and that showed they weren’t being monitored either in what work was being assigned. Also different teachers would take over certain weeks and the course load would change based on who was giving the English lesson for that week. I was disappointed for sure by this past springs lessons and I feel that a lot of kids have fallen behind and are expecting to follow that routine for the fall. My daughter would benefit by going to class with face to face learning. Even if it’s modified like the spring during the fire. She was in a classroom and able to ask for help with her teachers lessons. I disagree with full virtual but hybrid was successful for our family and we’d be open to that. And the SOLs should not be expected again this year. My child is an all A field hockey player who struggled emotionally at hone alone. I am concerned with mental health and suicide for other children who are not as gifted as her by not returning to a classroom. Most helpful for some students, esp those w/ 504, to be monitored more closely, to have confirmation when assignments are received or missing, for all teachers to use same platform and have calendar for classes of times, due dates, etc. Thanks for all you are all doing! We appreciate your hard work and dedication. I’d like to know that Busses will be sanitized every day. I’m not super comfortable with the kids riding the bus daily but we have no choice with our work schedules. I am a teacher and have students in the school division. My concern is balancing my job with the work load of my student. I also fear I will not be able to help her with two working parents in the house. Consistency with Cleanliness, handwashing, disinfection of classrooms and supplies. Flexibility with parents who Must work. Safety and health #1 priority in classrooms while still having interaction with teachers and peers. I'd like my child to still enjoy school in a safe way. Yes! Lack of communication with our family had been unacceptable and frustrating We have always done parent drop off, so our daughter has never had to ride the bus. This is my oldest daughters Senior year, I would like her to experience what I never did!!! I do not approve of wearing face masks!! These children need to return to school for a myriad of reasons (learning, social, support structures, etc). Daycares have implemented effective safety protocols...anything shy of full‐week, in‐person instruction would be a full breach of public trust by Thank you for allowing input from parents. My daughter is concerned about staying on track with her studies. My child needs interaction with other children. Kid need to be back in school, restriction free, kids don’t spread this virus. Mask wearing is a false sense of security. This “new normal” is nothing more than a political stunt, research countries that didn’t lock down... they past herd immunity and the country isn’t falling apart. If the hybrid plan is put in place for the fall, I hope it is possible for students in the same family to be on the same schedule if possible. I am a teacher in YCSD and it would be a nightmare to have each one of my children on a different schedule with me on yet another schedule. Luckily my children are older and can fend for themselves for the most part but if I had younger children it would be impossible if the family wasn't on the same schedule. If it is decided that children will go back in the fall I would appreciate if that announcement included information on the homeschooling process. My husband and I both have essential jobs and our schedules and workloads have changed drastically due to the pandemic. We have an at risk member in our home and it can be difficult as adults to ensure we are following guidelines and protecting our family. I think it would be nearly impossible to successfully execute a plan for hundreds of children to follow them. If a student needs in‐person help from a teacher (like meeting in school library or public library), it needs to be an option for 504 students that require extra time and/or explanations I would like to see social distancing on the buses. For my child, her transportation is limited to only riding the bus because of our work schedules. I understand concerns but not having kids go back full time to school doesn't take into account single parents or households with both parents working. My husband and I do not have the ability to take every other week (or constant periods of time) off. I will loose my job and refuse to do that. I will support any cleaning measures put in place but they need to go back to school. Distance learning is also detrimental to children with special needs. I hope that we don't let fear drive the decision making process. I hope that we remember these are children and need to be allowed to be children I do not want my child wearing a mask! Get these babies back in school!!! For any online content, there needs to be consistent tools across classes. Having each teacher do what is best for them in this virtual environment is chaotic. It is like getting 7 new bosses for a job you have had for years. Each new boss has their own ways of doing things, but then still having to accomplish the work that you've always had. There does need to be some flexibility for anything virtual, but my kids need the structure of something that is predictable for weeks in advance. I am most worried that this virtual environment isn't going to keep my daughter motivated. I've done online training myself, and it is difficult to stay engaged with no interaction. Return to IN SCHOOL classes. Kids need it. Please get back to normal as much as possible. All of the restrictions are nonsense Please consider social interaction is a priority for children development My daughter is asthmatic (moderate) as is my youngest son, their 78 year old grandmother lives with us, and I have multiple sclerosis which makes me immunocompromised due to the medication I have to take for the MS. The idea of my children returning to school terrifies me. My child has never ridden the bus, so this is no change for us. If my child has to wear a mask all day while at school they will not be attending in the fall and I will home school. If bus routes are an issue I am willing to drive my child to/from school. I feel like putting the children, teachers and parents in danger is highly disturbing. My child did well with the grafton online learning through the fire and the spring session. Please don’t put my baby and our community in danger because people fear technology. Essential workers like healthcare workers need to send their kids to school. We have no choice in working or not or having flexibility. We can’t homeschool and work. It is not an option. We rely on a before/after school program to get our child to and from school. Not knowing if this option will exist is a concern. Our essential jobs continued unabated during the lockdown meaning our kids did not learn very much. We are 1000% only comfortable with virtual learning. Hopefully via YC schools, but will be withdrawing our children to opt for virtual if traditional school comes back. Teachers and students should have the choice to go back 5 days per week. Technology should provide live classroom videos for any children choosing to stay home whether due to family decision or sickness. With this model, should the school need to close due to high number of cases of COVID, the technology for daily virtual instruction is already in place and a seamless transition. Daily temp checks and masks at the high school level should be mandatory. Please keep athletics, after school activities, and band. Please keep students in the classroom with traditional teaching. Please do remote learning this fall to make our young generation safe and secure. Everything else can wait until we find a vaccine/treatment. Please do not make parents go through e‐learning with these kids. They NEED to be in school!! Our kids need school more than 2 times per week! Promote carpooling within the communities. The busses were always recommended, now you can recommend carpooling Online learning is difficult for teachers and for students at all grade levels. Please come up with a plan that will keep staff and students as safe as possible while providing an excellent education. My son prefers to be at school fulltime. If he's half home/half school, then he prefers lessons at school with work being done at home on the off days. He does not want fully remote learning. He does not want to wear a mask in school. My son is on the VAAP. He needs to be in a traditional classroom to facilitate learning. He does not learn well without structure. The virtual learning situation has not been good. If learning is virtual next year, I want an IEP meeting to address how virtual learning benefits kids on the VAAP. Show me the data on this please . . If virtual learning is what is decided, will YC provide the appropriate technology that my child will need? I would love the kids in school everyday with masks socially distanced. They need to be in school everyday so no one falls behind. I have a rising 2nd grader and a rising Kindergartner. My Kindergartner is already very nervous about school and being in quarantine for several weeks + his preschool closing during the quarantine has made that even worse. He is extremely worried about starting school and I fear that not having a normal school environment (normal recess/ play time, music/art classes, P.E., not being surrounded by people wearing masks, etc.) will not be a good school experience for him to start off with. Please consider the parents like myself that ARE comfortable sending our children back to school with limited or no restrictions. This virus isn't going anywhere and our kids shouldn't have to suffer anymore than they already have. I do not support hybrid learning. We work full time and cannot homeschool our children Face shields would be good for the younger students We greatly appreciate the care and special attention given to this very difficult situation. Thank you for all you do to support the health, safety, and academic success of our children. Up to date accountability for students. Teachers teach through zoom with all students on a daily school schedule Students beginning a new school are coming into a very scary new environment. Adding face coverings, distancing, and taking away other events seems to make school a miserable experience vs a fun new one. Going into K is scary as it is. Adding in a full day of masks and distancing is a lot for a young child. I was told there may not be an orientation for tongathering size. However I am supposed to feel comfortable a few weeks later sending my children to school. The Kindergarten sign up was disappointing. No information and cold towards my child. All of this though nknfuakt of the school creates a very different school environment and it is going to be damaging to any child with anxiety. Start IN SCHOOL back...kids need it. Regarding live teams meetings/instruction time, improvements need to be made with scheduling times and conflicts. Question no. 4: most (if not all) options are important to me. Also, I am concerned about guidelines and safety measures being in place but being disregarded by people (there are always those who think they know better or don't need to adhere) so I'd very much hope things would be strictly enforced. I don't want to do this and my son would prefer to be back in school, but if it doesn't seem safe or measures won't be enforced... I'd rather there will be remote learning and I'd even homeschool my child. Question #4 assumes that we are concerned with implementing some kind of restrictions and required a selection. Some parents understand that this virus does not affect school aged children and do not want anything implemented. Having the option to return to a normal school year should be on the table. I felt this surevey was biased to only indicate that they we will not be back to normal. We should not except a "new normal". This pandemic does not warrant this level of action. Thank you. Please make sure students receive credit for work completed. Online and in class Please get this information out ASAP to provide parents enough planning time if they choose not to have the kids return to school Please get back to academic learning unlike how it was in the spring. I have another child in private school and they have less resources and did an excellent job providing daily instruction, schedules and grades. If private schools and colleges can do online instruction so can public schools with guidance and education from the top. One thing that would make me most comfortable with school returning would be if students who are at all sick would be able to stay home as well as their siblings, without falling behind in class(sufficient online resources to keep up) then return when completely better. My son is healthy and I have no concerns about his return to school. My son has ADHD and needs the interaction with his teachers. I do not agree with face masks! My response to the bus question and the hybrid vs daily school really depends on if us (the parents) have to return to onsite work and what child care options are available. If my kids are in a camp around lots of other kids then they might as well be at school around lots of kids. Ideally, if any form of hybrid learning would be implemented, I would imagine it to be a full time online virtual class with video where students are required to participate, expected full availability just like in the class and teachers are available to answer questions. What I have noticed during emergency COVID‐19 learning that because of lack of face to face contact and accountability (no grades), my child felt less and less motivated, especially when she saw she was only one of few that participated in some classes. Naturally that would not be the case now, however, I would prefer environment that is closest to regular class module. The classes that I think would be better suited for online learning (for most part) would be SOME electives (not requiring "hands" on such music or ceramics). Above all, I would hope that my child spends at min. 80% of her time in regular school setting. Hope that helps. Impecable job York County Schools for always keeping us in the loop and providing an opportunity for feedback! I would rather my child be in a classroom with peers rather than childcare. I am open to taking my child to school if it would help, instead of the bus, but I like to have the bus as an option. How will gifted services be affected. How will buses run? Less students to each bus? Clean and sanitized? Also if kids do go back to classroom setting will there be less students assigned to one class? Will masks be worn by faculty? Students? Honestly, I’m just as concerned about racial tension as I am about COVID‐19. My family dealt with a black principal trying to cover up the fact that my white son was threatened with being shot in the head by a black student and the principal never reported it to her supervisor. For question 8 parking permits should be issued for students that can drive themselves. Class sizes, bus rides, kids not wearing masks when they should be, well being of the teachers teaching the kids‐ stressed out and taking it out on students Virtual learning is very difficult for elementary students. They need human interaction and so much of their learning is social/emotional! Students shouldn't not be made wear masks for 8 hours a. My kids won't be. Strict PPE measures, such as wearing masks, putting barriers between desks will help in spreading virus. Stop being gullible with silly apps and online software for learning. Parents don't have the time or interest to keep up with 7 different sites or apps for learning/connecting with fellow students/teachers. Parents are not teachers. The kids belong in school. You as educational administrators have a responsibility and outright obligation to know the science of covid and advocate for the best course of action with the respective level of government. Please keep athletics, please keep students in the classroom with traditional teaching. Online classes would be amazing on one consistent platform. When we first canceled school different teachers were using multiple ways to connect with students. Some were via an app, Aspen and it was very confusing and difficult for my student to get into a routine. My biggest concern is that my child has a severe congenital heart defect and COVID could be possibly detrimental to someone with her medical diagnosis. If masks are required I prefer my daughter to just do online school If children return to school all schools should have a bike rack available so bikes are an option in place of buses. If a child has a cough/cold no fever should wear masks. Healthy children should not be forced to wear one. I don't want my child to suffer from hypoxia. I would prefer good online program that every child is accountable for and have to report teachers. Teachers should have small group sessions online and help each child with their strength and weaknesses I will not be sending my child to school in person until number of cases decrease/vaccine I strongly recommend that the school should provide LIVE online classes with teacher teaching but not just review. Online classes can have the same effects as F2F classes. The school should keep the same pace in the virtual form as in the schooling form. I know that my child learns better with in school instruction but I will not send her to school if there isn't any medical development with the virus. In September we will be continuing to deal with this issue along with other illnesses and I think it will be too overwhelming right now for inschool. As for the online learning, I think that having a zoom conference with teachers once a week would be helpful especially for those who may need help.I would also like for educators to remember that most families have more than one child so to give only needed work I have children going to 2nd grade as well that this applies too. I feel that we have enough to worry about school, but we have to worry about buses full of students. I dont understand how the school can practice social distance on the bus, at lunch, in the halls, or even in the classrooms with so many kids. I also have another child at Bruton HS who is going to be a senior this year. Enough damage has been done to these kids emotionally and mentally. They need to be in school learning, with friends, playing sports. Helpful to have teachers do a recorded assignment so it is their actual teacher vs watching videos. For seniors I would like the courses to be structured much like a college online class. First, I would like to thank all those who have and are working so hard to educate our children. You are so very appreciated! My biggest concern is that the kids are not truly learning in line. Not all personalities will dig into the material and teach themselves. Kids need a teacher so they can ask questions and work through material, they need structure to keep them working and they need deadlines and work toward them. I am very concerned because my kids told me they didn't learn *anything* from March March to year's end. Would you consider the students wearing face shields? I feel this would be a great option for safety. We cannot in good conscience send our kids to school in the current climate as we have a medically high risk individual in our house that our kids could easily infect. We would like the option to learn from home if possible and will have to pull our kids out of YCSD otherwise. We also would like to see an attempt to engage kids in the gifted program remotely by Teams next year. The mental health of young children is important, please open schools and consider reopening in August The lives of teacher, students, parents and administrators are more important than attending school in a physical building. There is enough technology for schools to proceed in a safe way via online synchronous and asynchronous learning. Teachers teach through zoom meetings on a school schedule with all students in attendance Some questions in this survey require an answer, but there is not a choice I want to give. Especially quesiton 4. I want my child to get a tradional education in Tabb Middle shcool, not hybrid, and not online. I don't need to see any of the actions listed in question 4 to be implemented to feel safe with my child returning to school as "normal". This isn't a matter of lack of child care, etc. I live in York County for my child to get a quality education and the best education that York County can provide. An online education and/or a hybrid education is not it. Please stand up to the governor and push back to get our schools open this fall Regarding live teams meetings or instruction time, improvements need to be made with scheduling times. We would have two or more teachers at the same time and had to choose the one to attend. Please do not attempt to move forward with not allowing our children to go to school. If the model needs to change ‐ then lets be creative in this area versus putting this pressure onto working families and isolation of our kids. THIS WILL CRUSH US. Please do all that you can to allow some form of band/chorus to continue. For some kids that is such an important part of their school experience that it will be a huge void. I know it won't be easy to do within guidelines but I hope every possible avenue is exhausted before those classes/activities are eliminated. Older child watches younger and must have both children on same schedule. I am a healthcare provider My son will have his license by the time school begins. Will there be more parking for students so they don’t have to be on a crowded bus, especially if he/she is taking a sibling to school with him/her? My daughter is starting middle school and I just don’t want her to miss this experience!! I do not agree with face masks. Kids need to be in school; Last year showed that they missed out on too much instruction and are already behind. If the classroom is well air‐conditioned, wearing mask might work for occasions that many kids do some activities. In addition, putting sneeze guard in all kids' desks will help in distancing kids. I know the idea is to open the schools safely. However, will the schools have the capability to keep the kids at a safe distance from other students? Will the classes be able to go to smaller sizes? What about the kids in middle and high school that have to switch classes, what will be the protocol in the hallways? I didn’t think about the protocols on the busses until this survey but that will be a huge concern as well. Will the bus drivers be able to make sure the kids are maintaining proper distance while also driving safely? There are a lot of unknowns at this time and again I know the school administrators are working to get things ready however these are some things that cross my mind. With the online school, will the teachers be more available to the students? I noticed some students had work that truly kept them engaged and things like that while other teachers were not available. It was as if they had already shut down for the year. I know that the virtual classes was new to everyone but the teachers are needed during this time for more of the student than the parents but when neither can reach them that is a problem and a source of frustration and additional stress that could have been avoided if the teachers were available during the office hours they posted. Also, teachers should not offer options such as Remind app if they are not using it or do not understand how to utilize this additional source I do not support hybrid learning at all. My husband and I work full time and cannot homeschool our children. Even of its every other day. This will not work for our family. He prefers not to wear a mask while at school Good luck with what you come up! Hard place to be in With all of the risk involved with returning to school, I believe that online live lessons will be best for the students. The worst thing done in the Spring though distance learning was telling the students, especially high schoolers, that it would not be graded. As a teacher, I fought tooth and nail with my high schoolers to do the work anyway. I would like to see universal platform which I'm assuming is Canvas as one place for all classes. I know teachers like flexibility but remote learning would make this much easier. I would like to thank all administrators and staff for all that they have done, even with the fire at Grafton. It was not easy making these choices and you will not make everyone happy The safety of all kids and staff is top priority Teaching lessons need to be recorded. To much background noise with other children asking random questions. Talking to other students. Record the lesson and hold a live for questions later. Sixth graders really need the structure of school in order to grow and learn, something virtual school can’t provide. They need other children and friends. Please stress to teachers the importance of making information easily accessible and streamlined for parents. All teachers should be using one platform to post upcoming assignments. Please just let the kids get back to school. Enough is enough. My son is in Special education and his progress has regressed because of social isolation and cannot be supported academically at home, he needs in school help. My child with be riding with others or eventually driving herself otherwise I have no concerns about her riding a bus My child has asthma. What are the options for those students that are immune compromised? If the number of cases start to rise, will he have the option to attend fully virtual? My child has an IEP and really struggled. He needs engagement and feedback, in person, with a teacher/teachers ‐ even if social distancing is required. My child drives so he won’t ride the bus. Let’s get these children back to school and just do extra sanitizing! If needed, the school year needs to be extended into the summer to keep kids on track. Trying to catch students up in the next school is not realistic and unfair to the kids. I will remove my son as I have heard MANY others will if they are not properly schooled in a school setting. I will look for a private school, and unfortunately this will affect taxes for the system. Children are NOT at a high risk and this is absurd to ruin their education for this. I would MUCH prefer at least a three day week school m‐w‐f for half the kids, and t‐th‐s for the other half and they attend 7‐ 4. This will bring the attendance on site down to keep less risk. I would like to know a plan ASAP so I have an opportunity to look at other schooling options. I will not be sending my child to school until number of cases decreases/vaccine I think that there is not enough information on how the virus affects children. Therefore, my child will not be returning in the fall unless there is a vaccine. Saying that it is unlikely that my child will die from this virus is not a good enough answer to take an unnecessary risk. I think there should be different options for different situations. Some parents need their children to go to school because they can't afford daycare. Some parents think that there child's wellbeing is more important than all other considerations I am not secure with the idea of my child riding the bus either way but due to my work schedule have no choice but to have her ride the bus. I would like it known that I am not comfortable without knowing what measures will be in place to ensure cleanliness Certain classes are difficult for online learning. Math especially can be difficult in a classroom setting and the virtual setting has too many unknowns that can disrupt the learning. Our kids need to have their core classes in a face to face setting. These kids have not been in such virtual settings and it’s a difficult environment for college kids let alone a 10 year old. my Child is special needs, I am afraid he will not get the help he needs and not understand the rules to follow to stay safe We have no alternatives for childcare should school not open This “new normal” isn’t backed by the recommended guidelines that state you should only wear a mask when dealing with a positive case of covid, these kids need to go back to school with little to no change to what it was before. Mask wearing is a false sense of security and does nothing. Herd immunity is what is needed, let these kids have their childhood! These kids need to go back to school full time! The social isolation for a child with an IEP is the worst part !! The emotional impact on the kids not being with their peers is harmful and devastating. They just want to be back in school. Don't tell parents you are going to socially distance the kids. That is going to be impossible during a month of fire and intruder drills Please please please, school needs to restart normally this fall. It will be such a disservice to these kids if they don't go back normally. My child will absolutely get behind without being in school every day. Cancel activities if you want, but daily learning needs to happen, in person. Motivation will be non‐existent Please do not provide your education via distance learning only. You will take major steps backward in the education of our children. It would be the second biggest mistake behind letting phones, BYOT into the classrooms. No face masks during the school day My son will go to Tabb. He is the only NON‐immune compromised/non high risk person in our household however requires the most supervision and guidance. My son is going to be going to the YMCA so they're going to bring them back and forth. My oldest watches my elementary child so having kids on same schedule is detrimental due to me being a healthcare worker My child rides bus to little log cabin.in after noon My child learns better with in school instruction, but I am so concerned about his safety. Please make it as safe as possible, I know you will and I have faith that you will all do your best to keep the students safe. Thank you for asking the parents and we really appreciate all of the time and effort you put into our schools and students! Most significant concern is childcare while at work or how I can take time off of work to be home with my child. Kids need to go back to school! My son misses school and his friends. This whole thing is really hurting children’s emotional states. Is Grafton complex guaranteed to be open, because that will determine whether my answers will hold or not. If my child has to wear a mask, I will be homeschooling. The point of kinder and preschool is to interact and you are taking that away. There is no reason for a 5 year old to wear a mask. I would really love it school could continue as previous, my daughters need to be around kid’s and play and have an Hands on environment to learn If bussing is an issue, you should have an option that states “I am willing, able to take my child to and from school” I would love to see a return to a full 5 days at the high school with live recordings of each class for anyone who chooses to learn from home. Let every family have a choice of in person or at home learning. This model would make us most prepared for any instance where the state is shut down again and everyone is forced to stay home at once. Teachers can teach from home via live lessons. Focus your efforts on making sure our technology is ready for all possibilities. I was highly disappointed with the way YC handled the distant learning. With a 1st grader the materials we received were less than helpful, vague, and frankly unhelpful to the point that I created my own curriculum (while working from home full‐time). I’m sorry to say this but it felt as if his teacher got a 3 month vacation, as we only had a handful of Teams meetings and a couple a phone calls. I requested a Facebook group be created for parents that wanted to be in contact with each other and this was refused. I sincerely hope traditional learning recommences in the fall, but if not, I hope YC closely monitors their teachers and what they are providing to their students. Perhaps use Hampton as an example ‐ teachers visited homes, had personal zoom calls with students, and had amazing online learning options. YC was a supreme disappointment, being that we moved here for the “great” schools. I think live zoom classrooms with a daily schedule where all students attend will be very successful I struggle to understand how the kids can social distance on the bus, in the halls, at lunch, even in the classrooms with 25+ kids. I have two children with IEP’s. This online at home education is not working for them. I do not like online learning at all. And if that is going to be a factor I just would not want to send my child to school. I need them in class five days a week Can all class work be through the same Website. As a family with multiple children at Waller Mill, it would be helpful to have them on the same schedule, if there is some hybrid type schooling implemented. The sooner we have information, the Sooner I can start working on child care if I need to do so. Allowing children outside to play recess, gym, social activities outside without masks is important. how would outside activities be done? my child will be attending in person classes at New Horizons in Hampton; transportation from THS to this facility is needed Work should be graded enough to document achieved progress/mastery Will the school be providing certified nurses on campus? What will lunchtime look like for students? What will usage of the bathrooms look like if students attend school. What guidelines are the schools following to reopen? The guidelines being set forth by the governor a preposterous at best. Much like the 2nd amendment issue, we need to do what is best for us, not for northern VA. We are not the same. Thanks! I understand how difficult these decisions must be and appreciate your sending out a survey to get our feedback! Thank you for all you have done and continue to do for the students SAFETY FIRST! Report cards that literally "report" nothing were a waste of taxpayer money, teachers need a "Covid Bonus!!", a homeschool option that follows SOL's and scope/sequence timeline of current grade levels but with flexibility and accountability through online testing, etc. would be awesome! Plans provided by my child's teacher would keep my child more engaged. The plans rolled out from the SBO were all over the place and not engaging. My oldest son will be a junior and will have his license to drive. Will there be more available parking so that students don’t have to be on a packed bus? What is the protocol for getting a parking pass? Let's get them back to traditional school!!! Incoming sixth graders really need the actual structure of school to help them grow and learn as a sixth grader. If school is completely virtual my child will be homeschooled. If remote learning, students need in depth training on use of chats within school application, such as pictures and messaging content. If it is an entirely remote program, I will likely opt to homeschool. I know these are incredibly challenging times for everyone but doing virtual classrooms are not impossible. My sons teacher literally stopped teaching this spring, she had 1 hr a week with them and the rest was left up to the parents. She had 1 hr a week with them.. if they taught small groups in school why wouldn’t we do the same in that environment. I registered him for summer academy because it looked much more interactive and engaging.. 3 hrs everyday. Please review existing home school programs and use their best practices I do not feel that children wearing masks and social distancing has any benefit. The science does not support this. W.H.O stating that asymtomatic transmission risk is low and CDC stating that surface transmission is unlikely. I feel that social distances would be more harmful in regards to child development. Thank you for working so hard on counties school issues! I do not envy the decisions you all have to make. I know you will do the best with what you have. Best wishes Get them back in school! Work done should be counted toward a grade in the course Why is this decision not made? Other states have moved out. We will NOT tolerate hybrid learning. We will homeschool before we allow YCSD into our home for government instruction. If YCSD continues down the path of liberal ruin, I will simply retire from the military and move home to a free and open state. We prefer the bus but don't HAVE to use it. We have flexibility to drive or carpool if needed. I suggest having families mark whether they would be willing to drive in order to leave bus spots for those who need them most, rather than just asking what we normally prefer or plan to do. I also wish you had asked what TYPE of hybrid model we would like. Every other week is the smartest to me, with half the kids one week and half the kids the next, like the military is doing in many offices. Every other day or half days keeps the same germs in the air. I also think if you split the kids, it should be by last name, to ensure families are together. (For families where siblings have different last names, just let the family pick which one to lead with and let them request their other kids go with that group as well). My neighbors want the alternation to be by neighborhood, but I think that would end up with a socioeconomic divide in the classrooms. Not sure that is wise. Though I understand the reasoning, so the kids' friends are at school and home the same time they are. This at‐home model cannot be done once parents return to offices full‐time Schools should not open until testing is 100 percent required for every individual coming into the test. Please have the students go back to school!!! They need the learning experience from teachers who can do that. Parents who work can't focus enough time on home school work. Open the schools please! Not a healthy leaning environment otherwise! My child is doing summer academy now and is currently struggling without constant teacher instruction. He does not work with me. If inline schooling. Teachers need to record the lesson alone. Then schedule lives later in the day. To much background and questions being asked durning a live teaching to get a good grip on a lesson. I'd like to know how lunches will be handled if the kids return to school. I would put all three of my children in PS if all school levels were hybrid ( mix of school and home instruction) I wish there was an option about nothing will make me feel uncomfortable‐ open as normal. Let's just open I think that the children’s temperature should be taken before they get on the bus by the bus driver and if driven to school by the family their temperature should be taken before entering the school. If there temperature is high they should have to be home schooled until diagnosed. I need to know what you're doing as soon as possible so I can make appropriate childrcare and work arrangements. I do not like the Remind app (prefer class dojo). I have to provide transportation for my child . I applied for a waiver and it was granted Children with disabilities often do not learn well outside of the class room setting or do not engage in virtual learning activities. Children are not going to follow social distance measures. It is imperative that we keep children safe as educated parents and teachers we have to recognize the severity of what this virus means. There are children with Asthma who are considered high risk. Opening schools when there is no way to TRULY enforce social distancing is reckless. We must work on online schooling models that will allow children to remain safe. If there are parents that do not mind risking their child’s lives then allow for both online and in school for those parents that’s are willing to risk it. But please do not put families that have children that are high risk in the position where they must either home school or risk their child’s life by sending them to school. We should act responsibly and wait for their to be a vaccination. We have means necessary to educate from home if virtual learning becomes necessary, however we feel that in‐classroom learning is the best and most effective way for our child to excel. We hope there will be an option for parents that prefer to keep their children home full time which would allow for fewer children per class and make sanitizing, social distancing, etc. easier and allow for families like ours to utilize in‐person instruction. Would the children be forced to wear masks? I don't want my child to pass out or suffer from hypoxia. Will students be allowed to walk in neighborhoods that were previously bus‐only? We live one block from GBES but my child was not allowed to walk home. Will additional safety measures be in place for children with lung disorders? My child has asthma and is prone to coughs and colds as is, however Covid could be very bad or deadly for a child with weakened lungs already. While I understand the need for caution, I believe that by not having at least some face to face in class instruction and socialization with their peers we may be creating increased isolation and frustration on behalf of our students. There should be a survey for employees too to see how they feel about returning. The spring semester has already placed my child behind even though I am attempting to continue learning through the summer. She is at a critical point in her education where certain skills need to be learned to allow her to be a successful student. I was disappointed with the learning given in the spring and felt it put more pressure on me to teach her and too open ended. Our family would like to schools to open in some fashion full or hybrid but for elementary we need to have face to face with our teachers. The public school system should NOT be implementing stringent social distancing and contact tracing. Covid‐19 is proving to have an average mortality that is OLDER than the average mortality of Americans generally. I am not at all comfortable with the imposition of top down mandates and the further isolation of our children. This is a further deterioriation of our public school system and will lead to less creative freedom, fewer opportunities for learning, and further isolation at an age that is already so fraught with uncertainty and emotional turmoil. Please reopen schools. Kids need to be in a classroom. Remote learning for core classes, especially math does not work. Please open schools as normal and allow parents who do not want their child to attend, to do so virtually. Most parents/kids want schools open! My kids never rode the bus so this is not due to the virus My family would prefer that masks are not required to be worn during the school day My children WANT to go back to school. My child has NF1 and I am very concerned with her returning to school in the classroom. Let the kids go back to school. They are getting the worst of all of this. No room, graduation vacations, seeing friends. Don't take school from them and don't make it like a prison either. Let them be kids If we home school it needs to be online wit GB the teacher providing reallassignments and feedback I would like the schools to function like they did before COVID. I want to keep my children enrolled in YCSD; however, we have a family member in the home who is high risk. We cannot send our kids out of the home to potentially become infected and bring COVID back into our house. I am hoping that YCSD will allow us to be enrolled and part of the curriculum from the safety of our home. I understand other children may want to go into the classroom but I am hoping classes can be live streamed and we can participate from a physical distance. If our children are not allowed to do this, we will be forced to home school. I have a heart condition that may require surgery. I’m terrified that even if my children don’t get sick, that they could bring it home to me and it could kill me. I feel like it is too early to determine my comfort level to allow my child to return to school. Things are changing daily. Come September, I may very comfortable, or I may be completely uncomfortable. Another survey should be sent in August. Also, if at home schooling or hybrid schooling is going to happen, standards and expectations need to be clearly explained to parents. We have no really means of ensuring our children are learning on grade level material at a rate that ensures they are successful at meeting the standards of learning. I would hate for my child to fall behind because the school decides the kids can't be graded or learn anything new, and I become the one responsible for teaching them the things they should know in 3rd grade. I do not want my child in a classroom situation at this time. She has lung issues and lives with a family member with a limited immune system, so at the very least I want there to be an alternative home learning situation for the at risk population. I do not agree with face masks in schools!! My young daughter needs interaction with her peers and school adults!!! I am concerned with extra curricular activities and sports. My child is a senior ‐ a series of ‘ last opportunities ‘... I appreciate what the school is For graduation but we cannot live in constant fear or we will never return. Back to school as normal is the best options. Implementing social distancing protocols is a waste of time because student are unlikely to follow them. face mask are a huge distraction. Absolutely no masks in the classrooms please let the kids wear masks and in the classrooms I think only teachers should switch not the students around the hallways cause we all need distance to do that. Thank you!! before/after school care (Champions) is vital to our family's needs. Champions also needs to be safe These kids shouldn't be forced to wear masks all day. It is NOt Good for their health, and it's unrealistic. Also, 10 kids on a bus at a time?! HOW?!!!! The “continuity of learning” from this spring was a JOKE!!!!!!! Most of our child’s teachers did NOTHING to teach students. The majority of my son's social contact has been through relationships in the band. Would like to know how that will possibly safely resume. SAFETY FIRST! There is no vaccine yet Report cards that literally "report" nothing were a waste of taxpayer money Reopen and stop with the stupidity. Regarding the bus question, his not riding is not really applicable as he will be driving his own vehicle. Please try to have some sort of in‐person instruction, and sports and clubs, if at all possible. The kids don’t get this time in their lives back, as of course you know. Thank you for doing this survey! Please open schools for fulltime in‐person learning (at least for grades K‐3.) My son is struggling to learn in home environment and needs to be back in learning environment My son is special needs. I am very wor My son is in the summer academy and while it’s not perfect. It’s 75% better then the way virtual learning was done at the end of the year. My only concern is I cannot sit with him 100% of the time and I don’t know that he’s completing the assignments and there’s no way for me to track that because once it’s sent you don’t know whether it’s been sent or not. I would say just open communication with the parents a little bit more so that we can verify but not have to stand over her child 100% of the time My daughter is enrolled under IEP. I am not sure where she will be enrolled. So, I have chosen mount vernon , as it is her home school district Let parents choose. If we are uncomfortable have an online school for the district. And open the schools up for those parents comfortable with kids going to school. This will reduce school crowding and provide flexibility. If strict social distancing and masks are required,I am strongly against sending my child to school If remote learning is done I would like my child to have my child’s classes done live online with teacher and children all attending at the same time, maybe even shorten the classes to 45min that way the classroom attendants can be cut in half to allow more classes often with less students. My child or I did not like the whole weeks of work given at one time during the last few months of school. If COVID‐19 is still around and harmful to others is there a way to possibly have alternate plans for the Magruder Elementary students and possibly making the high school do their school work virtually and breaking up the elementary and middle school students among the elementary, middle, and high school so they are able to properly social distance but it may require the school district having more teachers to accommodate that plan. I would like for high school students to have the choice to take online classes. I would be willing to drive my child daily to and from school I think it is vital that kids get back to school in the fall, in the classroom and not from home. They need the extracurriculars, the socialization face to face, and education is NOT the same online. Please do whatever it takes to make this happen. I think children with extra learning needs should have additional options. My son had adhd and does not do well at home learning. I feel that the middle school handled the online transition very smoothly while the elementary work was basically busy work. My sons teacher tried to keep them engaged with meetings but it was nothing school wise. Middle school teachers met and taught lessons. Elementary should have been the same. We decided to forgo the given packets and teach our son what was needed to complete the second grade and be prepared for third. I feel that if schools reopen, Social distancing on the school bus we be an issue due to buses are already over crowded, and having children being separated will become a mental and physical issue. I recommend that schools remain closed until this virus gets under control. Starting children back in school, and then if this virus breaks out again the children’s schedule will have to be rearranged again. I am very much open to as much online learning, with the ability to attend in school activities with smaller groups. My child misses her classmate so I don't want to see no in school interaction. I just want them limited to 2 or 3 times a week for a 3‐4 hours. Hybrid learning‐ ie half at school/ half at home is not very conducive nor will it be well received for employed parents who cannot work in home. And realistically working from hone does not give parents the ability to properly perform school and learning activities. Children will have a very hard time focusing if a distance learning model is used, especially children with IEP’s and disabilities. Daycare will also be a problem if both parents work. Children need to be in school with their teachers and peers. Homeschooling does not work for my child at all Children are in danger of dying, they are also 100% faster spreaders with all other cold, flu, stomach virus symptoms let alone a deadly virus this is just crazy to put them, staff and teacher’s at a risk. Not to mention how long do you think these kids will keep a mask on not a good call at all Canvas has been somewhat difficult to conquer this summer. My child is taking a graduation class over the summer because of not knowing what the 2020‐2021 school year will hold. I wish there could be some in class/hands on instruction if we do have to do school from home. Can we use an online public school platform like connections academy? As I stated before, as a 7th grade boy, my child doesn’t have the intrinsic motivation to complete work that is not graded or mandatory. It put a lot of pressure on me to get him to get the work done. (And I teach in the same school) He just didn’t have the maturity for this style of learning and was very uncomfortable with being on camera. ns or the masses, who have turned this into a political decision. Would prefer hard copies of material ie worksheets , books etc to be bulk on instruction This must END! This is politically motivated and is KILLING our children. Children can pass this as they would pass a flu. Democrats are DESTROYING OUR CHILDREN AND OUR COUNTRY!! They need to go back to school! Thank you for all you are doing! Sending the children back to school full time puts the vulnerable children who are protected by federal law to receive a safe education. Most special education students are immune compromised and cannot wear masks and do not understand social distancing. By putting neurotypical kids in school daily with SPED children, you are setting the SPED children up not only for failure, but to fall very ill. On top of that, school is the only place many SPED students receive must needed services like speech, occupational therapy and socialization. At the very LEAST, SPED students should go on a schedule where they are not around other children and are not at risk to catch the virus. Our children shouldn’t have to be contained to their homes when they are the most protected school enrolled population. Remote learning only works if you hold both teachers and students accountable. York HS should have had virtual classes like other schools and all work should have been graded. Please please please, school needs to restart normally this fall. It will be such a disservice to these kids if they don't go back normally. My child will absolutely talk behind without being in school every day. Cancel activities if you want, but daily learning needs to happen, in person. Please make sure Champions is open and available Please let these kids come back to school. They need in person learning and social interaction. I’ve noticed my child is very depressed and wants to see his friends/teachers. My children never rode the bus so this is not due to the virus If they do online schooling , use only one way to find all of the assignments If school was set up more like the blackboard models colleges use I would feel most comfortable. I would like to see the schools open full time, all day each day, Mon thru Fri for all students. I have a child who when she goes back to school in the fall, like so many young children, I fear the lack of socalization and all this one on one time is going to be a huge hurdle to overcome by the teacher. These kids need to be back in a learning environment. As a household of two working parents, who are now mandated to go back to work, I do not know how my child is supposed to virtually learn ‐ as this can't be done at daycare. By the time we get home in the evening, we do not have the time to take care of a complete day of school work that they should have rec'd during the day at school, for instruction. And with such a potential flippant schedule, daycare itself will be difficult to obtain. Kids needs socializing. They need to be back around other children and other adults, other than the ones they live with. Kids need trained professionals teaching them. It is EXTREMELY difficult for parents to be the teachers of all things academic, when a child is not accustomed to home schooling. It is a battle. Everyday. We are their parents, not their teachers for all things academic. Send all the kids back and ensure the teachers are properly equipped with PPE so that they can teach the kids and the kids can return to school. I would like to see a plan to support children with IEPs. My son will not learn anything if sat at home alone in front of a computer. I will keep my child home to complete virtual learning until number of cases decrease/vaccine I think if they do online learning the teacher should record a video instead of a live. Teach the lesson. Then schedule a live. To much background noise on loves even you have 30 kids watching it. I strongly oppose the use of face coverings for young students I prefer my child to do school online at home. I have stage IV breast cancer and I am on chemo. I am very high risk for COVID‐19. I need to stay as safe as possible I need to know asap if there will be a remote learning plan implemented, as I would prefer to do that instead of being forced to find a homeschool curriculum and withdraw from YCDD I highly agree with keeping students safe & out of the way of possibly catching the virus. There’s so much technology out here that can support students to do home school until a vaccine is found. Sending children to school is not only risking them but everyone else around them. Not all children are willing to wear masks & want to be children & play with each other & it’s sounding like schools are becoming a detention center by keeping them safe. I don’t feel safe & secure with sending them anywhere. I have two types of incurable cancer, I am high risk, husband had cancer, he is high risk. I am afraid to send my daughter back to school for her senior year. I need help and support for her to do online learning. I would possibly consider one class at school with tons of safety precautions. How can I find help with helping her? I have a child with NF1 and am very concerned about her and my 10th grader returning to school during the pandemic. I believe that especially for our youngest students some in‐person class time is necessary. I do feel that if all precautions are taken, especially social distancing, PPE, and cleaning that resuming in‐class instruction (even if shortened days) would be fine. Good luck! You will not make everyone happy! Peace Definitely need a remote learning plan for kids with health concerns. I am very much in favor of remote extended learning until a vaccine is available. As a single parent with both a rising 3rd and 4th grader, I would like to see the children on the same schedules. You could do evening and afternoon classes Working full time parents are struggling trying to grasp how to juggle homeschooling their children and having to physically go in the office to work. What is the plan for before/after care for working parents? We are a home with two working parents. We cannot afford to quit our jobs to home school our child. Child care will also be an issue if school is not operating on a normal schedule. Virtual learning is not ideal for young children, grades K‐5 (specifically grades K‐3). Promote carpooling to families if transportation is an issue. This is crap. The additional safety measured applied to bus travel would have to be detailed for better decision making. Teachers need to have considerable input and compensation for the extra time and energy they are devoting through this! Students should return to school as normal. High risk teachers should be offered alternative opportunities this year. Please send the children back to school fulltime for in‐person learning (at least K‐3.) There are SO MANY negative consequences of not doing this. PLEASE. Please find a way to offer band and color guard. They are very important. Please do everything you can to give those that do not want their kids around others the flexibility to do so! Please allow for school to be as normal as possible. Evidence has shown that Covid does not affect children overwhelmingly and 99% of deaths have been those over 60 and with underlining conditions and positive tests do not always result in severe illness. 80% of positive cases show mild to no symptoms so please do not prolong unnecessary precautions. Let things be normal please! Our child drives to school. He would need the bus for sports travel. One of my main concerns for this particular student is changed to the band program at Grafton. Not only is it a huger part of her academics and social activities, but she pans to major in music in college so this is not just a elective for her (and for many others). We would LOVE to see as much of a "normal" marching season as possible, and for band classes to not be affected in the fall if at all possible. My child is hard of hearing (completely deaf on one side) and relies on being able to see the lips moving of the people talking to know where sound is coming from. If school resumes in person in the fall will teachers be provided masks with a see through front to accommodate? IEP's are not being met. I would prefer the school to listen to doctors and health professionals and not just politicians or the masses, who have turned this into a political decision. I usually prefer buses, so I marked it, but I am perfectly willing to drive my kids if it frees up bus space for kids whose parents have no other option. We could also carpool with the families we already spend time around. I need to know asap if there will be a remote learning plan implemented, as I would prefer to do that instead of being forced to find a homescho curriculum and withdraw from YCDD I have a heart condition that may require surgery shortly. I’m very concerned that even if my children didn’t get sickA that they could bring it home to me without even knowing it. I do think a hybrid approach could work but I also think it is going to be a significant challenge. I do think the most effective approach is to use virtual live classrooms and a set schedule. Frankly it is no different than what I am doing for work right now. We are using Microsoft Teams and all the functionality available to us within the applications. My day is full of virtual meetings and I feel completely engaged. That is what I would want for a hybrid approach. I am not concerned in any way about COVID and school. I want to keep sports implemented for the kids and learning to be as normal as possible. As far as the bus goes our family is flexible and can make anything work out. . Take a look at the VA Constitution. 22.1‐28 VA code ‐Supervision of schools in each division vested in school board. The power to operate, maintain and supervise public schools has always been, within the exclusive jurisdiction of the local school boards and not within the jurisdiction of the State Board of Education. Bradley v School board. 2. Summer Slide: reading, writing, math skills 3. Disadvantaged: food, shelter, support from abuse 4. Internet and computers 5. Childcare for days not in school 6. Colleges and work in phase 3 back to normal 7. Playgrounds are open, recess should be reinstated 8. Magnet school: what are the benefits if plays, assemblies, etc. are taken away When parents are working from home or at work, we are not equipped to teach our children. My child had not motivation to complete work. She is ADD and had a very hard time organizing her time to get work done. She just checked out all together from school. What is going to happen to extra curricular like new horizon and SOA We cannot support Saturday school. I will have two children in school and if there is a hybrid model both will need to attend the same days because we both work. Us as parents have to work and cannot do online schooling. Please open the schools!! Please find a way to continue band and color guard. They are very important to my children. Open the schools!!! Let get back to life! We need this to happen before America collapses! My daughter is suffering being at home constantly, and greatly needs the community support of peers and teachers Let school school start as normal! Keep school sports and extra curricular activities If/When a vaccine is available, will it be required that students are vaccinated before attending in‐person classes (I'd hope so!)? If you’d like input from physicians who have kids in the community please reach out. I would like medically fragile children to have a fully on line option I want my child back in school, with reasonable mitigations such as more cleaning, and temperature checks. I did not choose the top three protective things in the second question because I don't believe it's necessary to have masks Fortune limit the class size or gatherings. I believe the children need stability closet to normal school. Even if that means teaching virtually like they would in the classroom. I feel the fall semester was a complete joke. He is a licensed driver and could have access to a car. The numbers show children are not dying of Covid so let them resume normal instruction Children don’t work well at home with parents Children aren't really impacted by COVID. But older people are. if you have older people at home maybe give their kids an online school Let the other parents send their kids to school. Let parents choose what is best. These kids need to be back in school have some normalcy! Please make sure champions is at least open Our kids need to be back in school. My daughter has struggled socially and emotionally because of this. Not interested in my child returning to a traditional classroom if they’re going to be forced to wear masks, sit in a plastic box I’m have no social interaction with friends If an online school option is not available we will seriously consider homeschooling. I am concerned about the quality of education that was provided during the spring shut down. It was far from adequate. Elementary schools must do a significantly better job than what was provided during the spring. TeamYCSD Survey Responses If you would like to provide additional input or feedback not covered in this survey, please let us know. A hybrid model such as half of the students go each day will cause childcare issues for me (and other staff.) There is no way to protect students and staff from getting and spreading this virus. I believe it is best for the division to focus on remote learning for the 20‐21 school year as we are unlikely to have a vaccine when schools reopen in September. If you’re on the committee that’s making the section on whether to reopen, I think you should ask yourself if you would vote to reopen if you knew that your child or loved on would lose their life. special ed students need in person small groups for socialization skills as well as academics If remote learning is the only option, as a Para‐Educator I would like to be utilized in instruction as I was in the classroom. Child care is a serious concern if a hybrid schedule is followed. If I am instructing 5 days a week, but my children are only going to school a couple of days a week; I won’t have anyone to watch my children the other days they are not at school. these are scary times and I do not envy our leadership right now. thank you for your tireless work and dedication to our staff and students. good luck with the plans to move forward into uncharted territory. Special consideration, in terms of social distancing and sanitizing should be given to staff who work closely with students who receive specialized instruction. Additional measures may be necessary to allow special education evaluations to occur. There should be an emphasis on social emotional needs of staff and students upon return to school to allow time for transition and relationship building in the school environment. Please note: Teachers need updated technology to teach remotely. Teachers could be at school in classrooms but students are not. The cleaning of the building is a BIG ISSUE. Maybe more staff are needed to clean more often and what are they cleaning with now. I know floors were never mopped and desks not wiped many times. Yes, cleaning is concerning. Concerned with students and adults not complying with adequate social distancing, proper hygiene, tight hallway travel, lunchroom logistics, restroom congregations, and keeping students and adults from entering into personal space and touching personal items. Concerned about social distancing on buses and time/route logistics. As a Para‐Educator, I would feel much more comfortable having students that need extra help come to me in a designated room than to travel out to so many different classrooms and being exposed to so many more people and environments. If schools open in different ways (ie kindergarten in class, 4th grade online, middle school hybrid), it will affect my ability to teach because of my own YCSD children at home. I strongly feel that if an emergency remote learning plan needs to be implemented, it is ESSENTIAL that students are held accountable for their academics. Graded assignments and assessments are crucial to the motivation for students. I realize that some students face unique challenges, this could be addressed on a case by case basis. I am concerned about how a hybrid model looks as a teacher. If I am teaching on an A day / B day schedule, I need to be able to focus 100% on the students in front of me. I can't also be holding online lessons or answering questions online while I have students in the room. Please consider possibly making one teacher per grade level a "technology" instructor. Maybe they teach science and SS content or other areas that v more readily lend themselves to virtual learning. I'm also super concerned for the amount of hands on teaching we have done in the past and the limitations that we may be given with limiting supplies. Your teachers are terrified about how this looks. Students must be held accountable for their work with grades. Pass/Fail is adequate, but without a grade, many students are completely disengaged. If we are not able to return in the fall and must go to a hybrid schedule, I would like to see that be as close to a regular 7‐class day as possible. In addition, if we end up having a Monday, Wednesday group and then a Tuesday, Thursday group, I would love to be able to teach live one day with half the class attending in person and the other half attending virtually. Then the next day, those groups would switch, however, I can continue my lesson. My biggest concern is accountability and students falling behind. I do feel like if there is flexibility for them to do either or, that would be perfect! A lot of students learns WAY better 1 on 1 verses in a classroom. While others may not have parents at home to help online & would benefit in the classroom. Give them the choice that's best for them & it would be a win win situation! In our specific department, it is imperative to work in close, visual contact with our students (Both staff and student's mouth and lips need to be clearly viewed). Specific PPE's would be necessary. With the possibility of learning in a hybrid or remote model again for next school year, one of my concerns is for the teachers. Will time and resources be available in order to prepare to teach remotely? Many skills are difficult to teach remotely especially in k‐2 with how individualized instruction needs to be particularly in reading. My worry is that teaching reading remotely will not help our students to become strong readers. Please consider a compassionate plan for staff children on days when they are not in the building learning so employees may still be productive at work. I’m concerned about students with learning differences and preK ‐ K students who need specialized instruction and can’t really social distance. Please start up as normal. Hybrid models reduce student to student contact but do not take into consideration that teachers/staff are still interacting with ALL students. I need more information about keeping faculty safe because the hybrid model does not do that. Very challenging to provide special education services online. Online learning does not have clear work hours, with needing to be available to help kids and families whenever they are available which is all day and evening. Challenging to get students involved or reach them. Thank you for all you are doing to keep kids and staff safe. Safety for all must be the priority! We must be realistic. It is extremely unlikely all children and all adults will correctly wear a mask, social‐distance, properly wash hands, and not attend school when ill. Temperature checks are misleading, and aspirin can influence the reading. Is YCSD going to take responsibility for an outbreak which can directly result in deaths in our community? There are no do overs in this situation. Please do not bring students and staff back into the school. I had a question and a concern. Question: what schedule will we be on? Will we still be on a rotating block schedule (longer classes every other day), or will we be on a condensed schedule (shorter classes everyday)? Comment: When I gave an EOY survey on online learning and modules, there were two main feeling expressed in the feedback. Students were either indifferent and/or overwhelmed by the sheer number/amount of assignments that they had to complete for seven different classes. In parent communication that I received, there were tones of exasperation and frustration (especially those with more than two children in YCSD) with accountability and trying to keep all the kids/students on track with assignments and trying to keep up with all of the emails, TEAMS messages and meetings, and phone calls. Thank you for providing an opportunity for employee input. If we return to school in a full‐time or hybrid model, I have no confidence in the school, or division, administration to enforce safety, PPE, and/or social distance policies nor to do what is necessary to ensure the safety of students and staff as we attend school. I am concerned, based on past behavior, that both school and division administration will refuse to administer consequences and/or uphold expectations at the slightest sign of resistance from parents. If students return with an alternating schedule then employees should as well To elaborate on #4, I chose the lesser of the options, because I do not fear coming back o a “normal” school building or classroom. Also, I would hope that there’d be an option for those with health concerns to receive at‐home instruction. I am mostly concerned with the lack of custodians in our schools. Our school is filthy and there needs to be major improvements. I did a webinar last year on the cleanliness of schools and NNPS were in the top 10 in the nation based on the equipment used to clean schools and increased staff. They also had an incentive program with contests on who could have the cleanest schools and the winner would get bonuses. Our custodians use old traditional mops with dirty water, etc. Surfaces are never cleaned and I feel this is one of the most important factor to take into consideration when returning. This is imperative for the health of our students

This is a difficult situation and I will do whatever is asked and be 100% committed to ensuring our students’ success. Childcare and academic structure and literacy is a main concern of mine. I have a son that is going to be in first grade and is already behind. It is imperative students get back in to the classroom with their peers everyday with their teachers. I think it is incredibly selfish for there not to be strict guidelines in place relating to the wearing of PPE for anyone who enters the school building, including students and siblings. We know that the rate of transmission of Covid is 70% if the infected person is not wearing a mask and the uninfected person is. So you would essentially be putting teachers and other support staff directly at risk by not mandating that each and every person who enters the building be wearing a mask. Even grocery store employees are afforded more protections. Stores have the ability to deny access to anyone not wearing a mask. Yeah you don’t offer the same safeties and protections to your teachers? I think we should severely limit in person teaching until a vaccine is widely available. While the district may make every effort to do daily health checks, this should not be one more thing that becomes the teacher's responsibility. All students and staff should have a health certificate showing they do not have Covid 19 or tests negative after being positive. Asymptomatic individuals spread the illness ‐ not everyone presents as being sick‐ this alone puts teachers and students at risk. I am also concerned for the safety of all in this politically charged environment I think that students should have in school sessions for the core classes of History, Science, English, and Mathematics. Teachers that are in the higher risk category should have a plexiglass shield on their i‐stations. As a special educator it is unclear how my students needs will be met using the online learning model. Safety first I strongly believe we should start conservatively, possibly with PreK ‐1st grade‐ allowing us to troubleshoot and build upon success, adding on in stages. I would not want to be in a position where we start with large numbers and then have to scale back. That would be detrimental to students and families. If we can go back to school w Ss, please have plan to recruit more subs. It will kill morale if Ts have to cover classes or merge classes. Admin could help sub and SBO staff. If all the grades at the elementary level don’t return to school physically I worry about childcare for my son (will be in 4th grade) while I work. As a teacher, I’m concerned about how we will able to provide online and classroom instruction at the same time. That seems like a unbelievable amount of work added to our other demands we already have in the classroom. I am so stressed about the idea that I may have to do both at the same time. I really see the benefits of seeing students in person, however with the health issues and logistics issues, it seems more viable to begin school online. If that is the case, I think teachers really need some training on how to be an online teacher. This is not something we have ever learned, so we're going to need help. Differentiated help given that teachers are at very different levels in terms of their own comfort with technology. But we need to know best practices for teaching online. We need to learn how to connect, how to organize, how to hold students accountable, how to teach and keep them engaged. I certainly have ideas for how to do this, but I think we could use some professional development in this area. Regarding SBO employees, is there a plan for alternating days working remotely and physically in the office? If SBO employees are able to successfully work remotely, will that be an option to continue? I am a school bus aide My concern would be special needs student having to wear mask while attending school. This would be very difficult for many of the student that I work with. I have very little confidence in staff, students, and parents taking safety guidelines seriously. This is based on observations this spring of students gathering in groups throughout the shutdown, faculty not observing distancing at events nor wear face coverings, and what appears to be an over‐riding attitude in the area to return kids to school physically, regardless of the science and potential impact on others. I hope decisions will be made that reflect the desires of the majority, even if such decisions do not align perfectly with state guidelines. Smaller class sizes can be achieved with a Monday/Wed and Tues/Thurs schedule with Friday remote for all. Maybe consider splitting the alphabet to keep families on the same days. none Additional concern is for the students who may not have parent support or structure in place at home; thinking of those families who were hard to reach, especially those who were need in various supports ‐ free/red lunch, mental health services/supports, etc I would really like to be back at school teaching in my classroom next year. I can't imagine teaching kindergarten virtually. However, my main priority is safety and I will support the decisions you and our governor make. Have your temp .checked every day . None I have no confidence in administration that they will enforce saety policies and do what is necessary to keep students and staff safe if we reopen. They will bend the knee at the first sign of resistance from students and parents. No other comments at this time. As an elementary teacher, I am very concerned about students wearing masks if we return to school. I assume that we as teachers would be required to wear masks, but I believe students should as well. CHKD has determined that the appropriate age for a child to be required to wear a mask is 3, so I think we need to be telling students and families that they MUST wear masks. I don't think it's possible to fully stay 6ft away from each other always, even if that's the expectation, they're kids and mistakes will happen. Because we know this about children, they need to be wearing masks to keep everyone safe. If my students are not required to wear masks, I will be extremely uncomfortable going back into the classroom, especially if the expectation is that I am still leading small groups for reading and math. K‐2 need to have classroom instruction Want to make sure that teachers are well prepared to use Canvas in the Fall if we go virtual again or hybrid. the benefits of athletics, music, team‐building activities can't be understated. Please don't eliminate the arts, especially! It would be nice to go full year with more breaks ‐ this would help to catch up and maybe minimize the high risk times With live classroom meetings this past year I was told class could be very distracting with students playing with toys/pets‐we need to try to make parents/guardians realize this should be conducted as a classroom setting. My wife is very concerned; because of her previous medical problems, & was advised by her doctors to avoid or to take chances that could be detrimental to her health. She does not want me to Sub if they have not developed a vaccine for the Corona Virus! Mask wearing is critically important Please consider offering free or reduced childcare options for faculty/staff who have children Safety First for staff and students. My concerns with returning to work is that I have diabetes and high blood pressure. I do have my own office so I would mostly stay there and not out in the hallways etc unless I needed to go to the bathroom, printer or leave the buidling. I think somewhat large group meetings should remain through Teams at this time. Data indicates that COVID 19 does not easily pass between children; therefore, keeping kids out of school is not the best option. Working from home is challenging for students if there are no grades or accountability attached to the work. PLEASE make work grade‐able so that students are more inclined to do work. Courses such as math and science REQUIRE direct instruction; my high school student was not able to teach herself math via online modules during the learn‐at‐home spring shutdown, and now she is at least one quarter behind in math instruction. COVID 19 is not going anywhere; it is a virus that we will have to contend with forever going forward, and sitting sequestered in our houses is not the answer. Herd immunity is real and, as evidenced by Sweden, works. In addition, we have several friends/acquaintances who have had COVID, and they survived, did not require hospitalization, and are doing just fine. The grading must be punitive and cannot be optional I am concerned that paras can’t effectively do their jobs while maintaining social distancing guidelines, I’m concerned about staff’s ability to enforce wearing of masks, I’m concerned the school can be cleaned nightly as thoroughly as it would need to be, I have been a para in very crowded classrooms, so I’m concerned that being able to adhere to the MINIMUM of 6ft distance is not practical.

I am old school and feel that students need what a classroom provides routine, encouragement, the present of a teacher, and emotional support. I also worry about my ELL students facing the language challenges and lacking the resources then going dark because they are uncomfortable asking for help. Virtual learning removes a human connection that we crave and need. We could also group teachers who like to teach virtually with those who like the classroom. Thank you so much for doing what you can to keep families safe. For instruction, the virtual learning went well for some. There were some neat things kids accomplished. I learned a ton just from them! Some thrived with new opportunities that were different than the classroom. I think the struggle was that I could tell quickly there were not shared expectations between kids and schools. Due to a multitude of reasons, some families did not embrace digital learning. I think the expectations even varied by teachers at MES and within our division based on feedback given by parents. It was just tough to see multiple attempts of facilitation of online learning not embraced by families. It seems as if having something like Canvas will help streamline things. I think it's been great to practice with so far and I hope all of our teachers take up the voluntary training time being offered right now. Thanks LLCs! Additionally, I would be intrigued to see how we serve our SPED populations during a hybrid or at‐home learning model. I know following safety practices is something we all want, but ensuring the following of the IEP was something I saw many SPED in our county and other counties tirelessly working to follow. I think another thing that's considered is the role of TAs and Resource Team. All are great great assets to a team. They provide kids with fresh new lessons and perspectives. Their scheduled times are important for student progress, and I know this was tough not to have during the quarantine. The academic and social learning in most cases all fell on classroom teachers. Thanks all! The best learning for our students is in a classroom with proper hand washing and sanitizing. Having a virtual or hybrid school year will put even more stress on teachers, staff, our students, and families. Please consider us having as normal a school year as possible.

I will have childcare issues if students do not attend school in a regular school day. Also, I am concerned with the demands that hybrid or online work creates for our families. If we must go this route, please consider providing training, models, and ongoing support for delivering new instruction with little to no help from parents. As a teacher and parent of three K‐5 students I am extremely concerned concerned that we’ll all be on separate schedules. I have no idea how I would navigate this. It is my hope that we’ll all be back in school in the fall. My second choice would be for us to all be entirely remote. In that case there would need to be tremendous flexibility for teachers and students. I trust YCSD to make this decision, but so many of the possibilities are logistically very hard for working families. Question 7 is a terrible question with no good options. The best model of learning is for teachers to be able to be physically present with their students. If devices need IOS 12 or higher, co we have enough for all students? Either I or my spouse will be forced to abandon a career we love if school does not resume. School will need to be thoroughly cleaned every day. I think every effort needs to be made to ensure K‐2 learners meet daily at school. These children are learning to read, need daily practice, and are not independent. When we moved to online meetings, parents were present and children who were capable in the classroom sought parent assistance even if it was not needed. If nothing else, we need to try to attempt to bring our struggling learners back to school. I had a few students who did not attend class meetings and did not complete the learning packets while we were out of school. These children need to be in school next year! It will be extremely hard in a family with elementary school aged children and both parents working to support a hybrid environment or a staggered day environment. If we have to go back to work, our kids need to go back to school. I think we should be "all in" and return to our normal school days. When students/employees are they should stay home, like the policy we have in place. You have to hold students accountable or it won't work. Grades. maximum capacity numbers should be set for meeting rooms Much of my class is teaching hands‐on technical skills. Since our class sizes are too big to social distance successfully, it would not be possible. Trying to get students to wear masks would be a problem as well. The masks would carry more germs than not wearing one. The CDC’s recommendation for one student per seat on a bus is not possible either. It was hard to find bus drivers when things were normal. A few concerns that come to mind‐ 1)Teacher workload. For many teachers, the switch to Canvas teaching is a huge undertaking and will be extremely time consuming in the fall. How will parents and students be trained on this platform that teachers are not that familiar with themselves? Last spring, hours were spent daily trying to track down parents that were not having students participate, teaching parents how to access TEAMS, and then recording and documenting every piece of communication. Managing this was a full time job, and we weren't even doing the lesson planning at that point. Will it become the teachers' responsibility to train, assist, and track down the parents and students in how to use a platform that we ourselves are not totally comfortable with yet? If students come to school in shifts, will the teachers be afforded time to plan lessons? 2) Will teachers be provided laptops for school use? We have been advised in the past not to use personal devices for business, so I would hope that as students are receiving devices, that staff would be as well. 3) I cannot begin to imagine all that SBO has had to deal with in the past months, and I appreciate all that you are doing to find a safe and beneficial solution to this hopefully short‐term problem. I do hope that in planning, you will continue to realize that teachers always come through and do what is asked of them, but during this time, especially when many are dealing with their own pandemic related issues, staff wellness, physical and mental, should remain at the forefront. I think many may not feel comfortable sharing their concerns about returning to work for fear of losing their jobs. And on the otherhand, I think there are many that are just "over it" and don't put any stock in the "social distancing" guidelines. I hope that there can be a solution where students receive the education they deserve in an environment that is safe and healthy for all. Thank you.

I would like specific procedures in place. If a child or staff comes in sick. Where do they go in the school? Who do we notify first? How do we determine others exposed on a bus or bus stops? How do we limit staff and other students contact? Much be well thought out procedure based so there’s no guesswork. We want to feel confident we can protect our kids and each other I'm worried the students will not be accountable for their own work and will rely on others to do their work. You all have an enormous undertaking and it will not be perfect, but as long as you continue to seek input and revise as necessary to keep moving forward, I think we will all do well. We need to keep in mind being gracious, gentle, and flexible. These are huge changes for everyone, and while kids are super resilient, isolation can be a very slippery slope. I know you will all work collaboratively to keep student, staff, family and community interests at the core. I don't see how remote learning could work without childcare centers providing classrooms, monitors and computers. Older kids would fair better. I am concerned about students not wearing masks, not keeping them on, not washing their hands. I would like to see students in the classroom but in much smaller numbers. I am so excited that we will have 1 to 1 technology but I am concerned about that, particularly with the 6th graders. The learning curve with 6th graders would be great even if it was a normal school environment. Trying to show students how to use their laptops, all the different platforms will be difficult remotely. ost do not know Office 365, Teams. They don't know how to save files, upload documents. Most of my time this past spring was dealing with tech issues like this. And I they had already been in the class room for a good 6 months before schools closed. I hope YCSD doesn't use this opportunity to reduce staff and increase class size. Keeping in touch with parents of Pre‐K students was great and hearing about the students accomplishments was wonderful. But it is so hard to not be able to see the students and at h their progress. How will students access materials in the library/media center? If Grafton isn’t open yet, please make us all virtual Parents and families need to be held accountable for the work the students do or do not complete if we move to any sort of virtual learning. I had several students not participate whatsoever from March‐June and it was unacceptable. Difficult to answer questions because all students don’t have the same needs. Some need more emotional support others may need more parental support etc. I’m very concerned about our special education students if we do not return to the classroom this survey is hard to answer as most answers start with "it depends". For instance, how well will guidelines be followed? WIll the building be cleaned? will the building be ready to inhabit? Will students have what they need for online classes? will students be engaged and held responsible? will teachers, students, and parents get training in software and hardware necessary to be successful? see..it depends. Our household has two teachers working in different districts. I'm concerned of a higher chance of spread/exposure in our household/families and between our schools. I really would like school to start normally this fall. However, I know that many kids will not follow the rules, and, while I am healthy and do not feel greatly at risk, there are others in the building who are. This situation poses innumerable challenges, and I'm glad I don't have to make the decisions. It will be enlightening to hear what the parents have to say about their preferences. I'm out of that game, as my last child graduated in 2019 :) If we are going 1:1 then and we are not able to meet CDC guidelines to return to school, then I think it would be best if teachers were able to teach from their classrooms and students would be at home. I want to feel safe in the building with EVERYONE adhering to the PPE regulations. Some do not do it now. I want the students to be held more accountable whether material is graded or not. I would like to see teachers informed and feedback requested from teachers before parents and community. apparently only certain demographics are at significant health risk. Restrict those to remote learning, let everyone else come to school with a few precautions in place. I want everyone to be safe and emotionally stable. I want parents’ expectations to be realistic and believe teachers are doing their very best. Teachers shouldn't be expected to work more than 40 hours a week. If we have to prepare for face to face learning and online learning, teachers will need time built into the school day to plan and create resources. Teachers are spending hours troubleshooting and figuring out the new technology and that needs to be part of their normal 40 hours. I would like to see EVERYONE follow the rules and regulations that are implemented. I also want to feel safe teaching in an environment that is safe for both students and staff from the virus. Students must be held accountable for completing work. Having fourth quarter ungraded was one of the worst decisions in my opinion. Less than 25% of my students completed all of their modules, and 20% did not submit any work whatsoever. I wish students could see the intrinsic value in their education, but the reality is that they need grades as a primary motivator. Please consider the impact your decision will make on the achievement gap. Young children are not able to do online learning independently so what will happen to those students who have working parents who cannot assist them? How will be accurately measure student growth? If parents are both working won’t children have to be in daycare which exposes them in the same manner school does? If there are parents who want total virtual learning, could we cluster them with one teacher who will only teach online? It will be unreasonable to ask teachers to plan for both Full time virtual and full time in school instruction. I feel that if a combination of remote learning and in class instruction is going to take place, then it is going to be very difficult for one teacher to provide both modes of instruction to the students. I feel that some teachers would prefer remote teaching, and these teachers could provide this type of instruction, while the teachers who prefer in class instruction are responsible for that mode of learning. I also think it is going to be very difficult for teachers who are also parents to be responsible for their own children's learning as well. If teachers are supposed to develop and provide on line instruction, please make sure that there is adequate time allocated for planning during the school day. This is a tremendous task. There is no “good” solution. My thoughts and prayers are with you. There will be a great need for remediation in the fall. How about hiring retired teachers or certified substitute teachers on a part time basis to work with students who will have gaps in their learning. I would like to request that our YEA building representatives be involved in decision making. What is the plan for online curriculum teachers should not have to build their own content pages especially if they have more than one prep. A curriculum for each subject offered should be uniform across the county. For example all Biology classes should have the same content pages and modules through out the county. I feel that we are at a point that we could have students in the classroom. My concerns are with the child's social, emotional, and academics. I feel that students need to be in the classroom (elementary level) daily and if not they will fall too far behind! Due to insufficient Cox Cable bandwidth and Wifi service stability and lack of supplies, I need to teach lessons from my classroom should we return in the Fall using remote distance virtual learning/hybrid model. All my teaching supplies, materials and textbooks are located in my classroom and not sustainable to store items at my house. Please have support with YCSD staff in regards to information going out to families and holding parents accountable for their child’s online learning when given to their child. If we do go to a hybrid program I hope teachers are given adequate time to prepare before school begins and weekly. A hybrid schedule with a Monday/Tuesday and Thursday Friday group would give us a Wednesday deep cleaning/ planning day. I have many concerns for students returning to the classroom. 1. Substitutes, will there be enough subs when teachers are out on leave? During the normal cold and flu seasons, classrooms are frequently combined due to lack of subs. 2. Manipulatives, what would instruction look like with common classroom supplies. 3. Social distancing in the classroom. Classrooms are already cramped. I do not know what that would look like. 4. Cleaning, the custodial staff is already stretched then for the basic cleaning in the classroom/buildings. I can't imagine how they would be able to handle the deep cleaning. The list goes on and on Students need accountability for completion of assignments. Teachers should be allowed to assess student work on the traditional grade scale. After using Canvas for Summer Academy, I think that having to balance online learning along with in person learning will be very challenging for teachers. Childcare is a major issue in my household. We can not afford private childcare if my child and I are on separate schedules. Small childrens fear if all the ppe and social distancing is required Racial equality, address discrimination, with students & staff. Thank you for your thoughtful work on this wicked problem. There is a great deal to untangle! Kids are safe at school. We teach them there are 3 parts to their overall health/wellness ‐ physical, mental/emotional and social health. They need balance in all three ‐ in school instruction meets the needs of all three ‐ distance learning does not meet any of that for our kids, in fact; it affects all areas in some negative way. I am concerned about planning for in class and online learning that may need to happen simultaneously. Planning time needs to be provided within the teachers schedule to meet the increased demands for new teaching models. While I would like students to return full time, I think this is an opportunity to expose them to true virtual instruction with a hybrid model. I have concerns with keeping students accountable to social distancing and cleaning protocols with all 900 in attendance. I am concerned that we will spend so much time with safety protocols and conversations with families that it will detract from our focus on teaching and learning. Our teachers, students and families are going to need significant support this year to successfully launch our LMS, Mastery Connect and 1:1. I want to be sure we can give them our full time and attention to launch this the right way. In the end, perception is important and I want families and our staff to know that their health and safety is our greatest priority. But we’ve got to get them in school at least 2 days a week, and extended days if possible! Planning canvas courses and live meetings is an enormous amount of work and incredibly time consuming, especially when you factor in all the time spent troubleshooting with families and helping them become familiar with Canvas, Teams, Seesaw, etc. It is new to all of us and I just worry that teachers are going to burn out from the stress and lack of time. I see the amount of work we are putting into Summer Academy right now for only 1/2 day M‐Th and can't imagine doing that for full days M‐F and also planning for in class room teaching if we go with a hybrid model. There aren't enough hours in the day. Will clear window face masks be provided to accommodate staff and students with hearing impairments and speech delays? What is the term "routine cleaning" cover? Is staff required to clean and be supplied with disenfectants? Will PPE be enforced if mandated? If staff shows symptoms of COVID will they be asked to go home? Will other staff members be alerted to a "positive" COVID staff member? Will cubicles be draped in some manner? Will over 100 staff members be allowed in the SBO building at the same time? Will they kitchen/coffee areas be open to all? Will restrooms be open to public and staff? How will meetings with several staff be conducted and where? I prefer things go back to normal, if that isn’t possible, I worry about how hybrid instruction would look. I would need a lot of guidance and suggestions. It seems like we would be working around the clock creating almost everything from scratch to accommodate both. This is hard to envision and is therefore overwhelming. A concern with remote learning for students with disabilities (not in a special program but seeking an Applied Studies Diploma) require additional parental support to complete work at home. Some (not all) of the parents are unable to provide this support and dedicate the time due to work, stress, or numerous children with various levels of disability needs. Thank you for soliciting our input. My primary concern is student and staff safety. I am hopeful the division will adopt a plan that includes protocols that prioritize student and staff safety. The plans for the Spring were terrible for students who were advanced in reading and math. Stop dumbing down the curriculum! Concerned that students who do not complete assigned work will be given a free pass and not held accountable for their learning. YHS is ready to get the job done no matter what comes our way! As a retired para‐educator and now substitute, you should include those employees in any training to implement whatever model of instruction YCSD chooses. If we are learning new information online, grades need to be taken. As soon as grading was taken off the table, kids and parents disappeared. I would like the county to consider how difficult doing both online and in class would be on teachers. I would love to see someone implementing the online part while the classroom teachers focus on that. I also worry about teacher with children in school and how they will be able to instruct their children if both parents are working full time I selected online because the hybrid didn't work last year for Grafton...this is different because at least teachers were home on same days that students were...if we do alternating days, the teachers are still there while much of their class is learning online so they can't provide support without having to work extremely long hours, which will only make matters worse. My feeling is that it needs to be all in or all out...and if all in, safeguards in place to ensure safety of all. I don't know the best answer but I do know that a hybrid schedule will be very difficult...it was for Grafton after fire and this will be even more difficult than before. Thank you for listening.

Teacher me need professional development on best teaching practices for hybrid and online learning. Computers for at home use need to be provided to teachers. Access to get into the building to get books, texts, etc. Schools and the people in them are ESSENTIAL to families. The message we are sending to students right now is that student and families that education is NOT important. That missing days, weeks, months will not have an impact on learning. Keeping students out of school can ultimately change the trajectory or a child's life. Students are not in the constant state of learning at home. Even if they are online learning, you are asking teachers to do the impossible... keep 20 plus students engaged for a whole day of learning online. When I would have whole class meetings on Teams I would have 18 participants and I could only see half of them. How am I to ensure engagement when I can't see my students? Online learning will never equal what we do in the classroom for our students. That message that online learning is enough, is NOT okay. It tells students that "good enough, is good enough". When they come back into the classroom with habits they have developed from being home without engagement at the level expected at school, they will struggle. There will be push back, there will be problems for students and families again. Families are struggling‐ many of my students' parents reached out to me because they felt inadequate to implement a "school like "environment at home. These are parents that are professional, highly educated and they were in tears expressing to me that their child is not "okay" doing school at home. Students need the interaction with their teacher in person to develop the relationships that are needed for academic and social and emotional growth. How is a Kindergarten teacher to instill a love a learning in a 5 year old through a computer. We need to change the narrative that school (not online learning) is ESSENTIAL. We need to push back on the unrealistic mandates that are making the return to school impossible. So many kids will fall through the cracks if we continue with online learning. They will get lost... they could get hurt... they may not be eating...or worse. This is NOT okay. SCHOOL the PLACE and the PEOPLE are ESSENTIAL! Please find a way to open schools for our students and families this fall! Learning the online platform has proved to be a challenge for me, and many of my students. Canvas seems overwhelming to learn virtually. I am personally stressed about learning how to be an effective teacher. I also worry that many students will have a challenging time as well. Safety, is the biggest concern, and with a lot of handholding we will all figure this out. Thanks for asking and considering our input. Students should not be returning to school until it's safe for all. Everyone's health should not be at risk due to family convenience (lack of child care). Student & teacher masks should not be just encouraged, but made mandatory to keep everyone safe. This is a hard decision no matter what. I understand that learning is paramount, but so is safety and realistic goals. With schools closed in March so many students did not continue with learning and the education gap between peers is getting larger. Please consider how standardized tests cannot be the same in the coming year. Especially since there is still no way of knowing what this next year will even look like even if we do go back to “normal” in the classroom. You can’t cram all that missed time in, needs to be handled patiently and delicately. The biggest problem is that parents send their children to school sick all the time, which in‐turn will affect everyone in the classroom. If we do go back I feel strongly about the kids not being made to stay in their classroom all day. That is not right! All lot more behavior problems will arise if this happens. Online learning can be extremely demanding. More so than in the classroom. Teacher planning time is so important and should be a factor in hybrid learning plans. Also, 45 minute blocks/all classes in one day does not work for quality education. It's too rushed and removes any chance to really know your students. Directors and Associate Directors have individual offices. The rest of the employees work in cubicles. Is there any way to put up more barries to create safety barriers? We cannot control people walking through the aisles. Good luck with this decision. I am glad I am not responsible for this! I only worry about doing something different from neighboring districts since a lot of teachers have students in other districts. Thank you for your hard work trying to solve these issues! I fully understand that there is no perfect solutions, and that the enormous spectrum of concerns and beliefs among staff and families makes this particularly difficult. How many parents will complete their child’s class work if remote learning is used? I think a primarily online setting is best for students and staff if the in‐person setting has to be restricted. If all I am going to be able to do is stand in front of a classroom, not sit with students in small groups or meet with them at their desks, for example, then I can do my job of delivering instruction and feedback and supporting students as well virtually as I would be able to in the classroom. I am open to creative scheduling, but I want to make sure expectations for teachers will be realistic. If I am teaching both in‐person and online, the school division will need to be mindful of the time it takes to create content for the online environment. I think YCSD should prioritize content creation in Canvas and pay teachers to create that content, as WJCC has done. As a Summer Academy teacher, I am finding that having time for both learning how to do new things in Canvas and in my live sessions and time to create content is a real challenge, and I only have one small class. With multiple regular‐sized classes, this will take a tremendous amount of time, especially in the beginning. Very scared of bringing home illnesses or viruses to my husband with a serious health condition, as well as being immunosupressed, especially if the students are not required to wear masks Student accountability is weak in a virtual online set up UNLESS there is a united front from the school about when, how, where and what the student must master to receive credit in the course. It felt like the obligation to produce was on the Teachers not the Students during the shutdown. It is necessary to shift that monkey to the students. As a teacher I am very concerned with the hybrid model. I am most concerned with the workload. Teaching students in shifts during the day and then having to teach and help students who are online in the evenings is a lot of work and I feel it will become very overwhelming and we will lose teachers quickly. We have a very hard time getting subs in the building during a normal school year. This is a HUGE concern. The cleaning of the classrooms is also another big concern. Our classrooms are disgusting during the year. I'm sure not much will change. Even though the division is going 1 to 1... materials used in the classroom are going to be a challenge. Just thinking about the legalistic of materials, and even passing out papers, is very hard to see how that looks. I'm also concerned with disciplining students. If we need to keep space between us and them, this causes classroom safety concerns. Students must be held accountable through grades. Without them, work is not completed, which was evident in the Spring I am concerned, based on my experience in summer academy, that assessment will not provide reliable data because students are getting help with work that should be independent. My biggest concern is that students will fall behind and be unable to catch up. Most parents do well at teaching their student, but others do not have the means or resources to make this happen successfully. Even with outside support they do not provide instruction to their students. Many times the students not receiving instruction at home are the students that already struggle academically. I would love to say, “let’s all go back in the building” but I feel like the reality for younger children would be challenging and cause anxiety. I think if we can return close to normal that would be great but if we have to have a ton of health and safety procedures to worry about, it may take away from the learning and add additional stress to staff and students. It may be hrs to find an equitable way for all teachers and staff, like resource teachers to have the same work load. support staff involvement As a special education teacher, I would like clarification of my role during online learning. When working with different grade levels, we are stretched thin‐‐more so than the gen ed teacher, and it impacts us emotionally. We need sports These kids need physical education, sports and to be more active. They are too sedentary with all this online learning. I feel strongly that students should be in school with their teachers. We can maintain cleaning and safety protocols. There is no replacement for the classroom experience. 1. I would like the division to consider the workload for staff if we are going to have a use Canvas to provide daily instruction. Based on my experience during the emergency closing, it took me 2‐3 hours to prepare a 30 minute class meeting. 2. Instructional supplies for students. Students will need and supplies to complete and practice most learning activities. 3. Parent engagement. Please provide all parents with an opportunity to learn how to use the LMS and other district provided software. The above comments are based on needs to support teachers, students, and parents if school will be in a virtual setting. I mentioned in an earlier comment that if we went the hybrid direction, then having 1 teacher per grade level in charge of virtual learning instead of trying to do virtual and in person teaching. I feel that there is reluctance for someone to take the leadership roll in decision making relative to the opening of school for 2020 ‐ 2021. I do understand that a "wrong" decision may produce negative results and potentially harsh consequences for the decision maker. This is an important issue. Trying to govern by consensus is never effective in times of crisis. I feel like everybody is waiting for someone else to make the decision. I appreciate being able to give input via this survey, but i think the matter would be better handled by a few well informed people setting down and hashing out the risks, consequences and details. Thank you. 1. Concern for the adults 50+ or older adults who work in our buildings. The average employee age of employees in each building should be considered as a factor. We must consider the safety of our teachers and staff. If an outbreak were to occur, we will not have substitutes available who could step in to create and deliver this level of lesson planning and instruction. 2. The most vunerable learners may need face to face time or more individual instructional time. This can possible be achieved through live sessions. 3. If students are attending school (live) remotely during normal school hours, this will help to provide students the structure that they are currently missing. Research shows that students respond well to routines. In the spring, daily routines were left to the guidance of parents and families. This routine needs improvement and more guidance from the school division. It is easier to keep track of students when their is daily accountability rather than "log on and complete the assignments on your own time". 4. If students do return to the buildings, what will we do when students are without a mask? We must know that students will take the masks off or wear them incorrectly when they "don't feel comfortable wearing it". This will be a problem to enforce, as some people feel that it is their right to wear a mask or not. 5. I see students socializing in neighborhoods everyday. I am not sure that they are lacking connection with their friends becuase they are not in school. At the high school level, it is important that we consider that this age group can be resopnsible to learn remotely with some accountability and consistenty through scheduling. We should not make this decision without considering the danger that we will place our employees in if we were to open school as normal. 6. Bus transportation‐ How can we transport hundreds of students to school when capacity is limited 20 students or less per bus‐ due to social distancing. If staff is furloughed how would health insurance be handled.. would staff be able to access their retirement to help if they were to become furloughed for in school teaching limit the number of students in the classroom to allow for social distancing. Do not double up classes. Provide students or have access to materials that students do not have to share for non core courses. I drive a sped bus and I’m very concerned about face coverings on my kids. I believe some of my elementary students would be fine in them but the rest of them it wouldn’t work. The top priority for me is having a plan to address the social/emotional needs of our students and staff. I would support a hybrid model so instruction/directions could be given in person, but I am extremely concerned about the ability to conduct any in‐person safely. Canvas is a wonderful online learning platform, however, due to some family situations where both parents work, some students are not in an environment during the day that supports ability to access online learning. This has been my experience during the recent school closure. Another major concern is that students won't learn the material. They can find everything online, for example, they can type in a math problem and Google gives the correct answer with the work shown. Students will be cheating and not actually learning the material if we have too much virtual instruction. I feel very strongly that all students should return to the classroom in the fall. I think that the division really needs to accommodate staff with medical conditions that put them at risk ‐‐ while I have one of those, I think that I can personally make in‐person instruction work, but I think there are others who really could be in danger. I also think that the childcare issue is real. I, for example, would maybe be OK if we had in‐person days on the same days as the rest of the zone, but that might not work for all, and I'm not sure there will be enough options out there to accommodate. I also feel like my comfort levels varies with the trends in infection rate. So, right now, the trend is going down, so I am thinking it will be OK, but I also know that there have been some places where people have not followed mask requirements, etc and the rate has increased, and that's concerning. Although I feel students need to be back in the classroom, I hesitate saying this is the best option without knowing what protocols would be in place to protect the health and safety of both staff and students. I would need additional information in order to make that decision. Thank you for Dr. Shandor and the team that is involved in making the plan for the coming year. You are in our prayers. I am deeply concerned about the politicized nature of the response to COVID‐19. I am very concerned about the negative effect it will have on our students. We must protect, not only the physical health of our students, but the overall mental health and holistic well being of our students. If we fall behind in educating our students compared with neighboring states, it will hamper their ability to compete for jobs nationally. The sooner we are back in the traditional classroom setting without online learning the better it will be for students and their families as well as teachers and staff. We need to interact with each other in person for the best learning opportunities to occur. Serious considerations need to be addressed for staff members if a hybrid model is adopted. I am also concerned about the amount of work that will be put on teachers if they have to not only plan in class instruction but also online instruction. That will be double to triple the amount of work as we learn how to navigate Canvas. I work with children with disabilites...I do have concerns about virtual learning for my students. They need one one instruction and help The sooner we are back in the classroom, fully back, the better it will be for students teachers and families. If YCSD implements a hybrid or fully virtual learning model, teachers may need access to at home devices, in order to adequetly deliver instruction. The YCSD IIC team has provided excellent training opportunities for staff. Families will need to receive the same training. I strongly believe the mitigation of adverse impacts of modified instructional practices is, to a great extent, dependent upon comprehensive inclusion of all subjects and electives to the greatest extent feasible. I remain optimistic that the SBO’s previous efforts to successfully balance competing necessities will continue thusly, allowing continuity in delivering the best educational experience possible for the coming academic year. I am concerned how some special education services will be delivered given the nature of our populations. I am concerned about related services fit into this picture of instruction and the challenges service providers will face in trying to meet IEPs under all scenarios. I am concerned about some of our most vulnerable students who experienced difficulty benefiting from alternates types of instruction. The very nature of the services we provide include a great deal of hands on motor skill instruction and I don't know how we make that safe or effective given current guidelines or our students who cannot understand safety precautions. I feel that scheduling for a hybrid program will be extremely challenging and wondering if IEPs would need to be modified. I want to make sure that there is a way for voices to be heard regarding unique situations that don't fit norm. I want to make sure that the concerns of related service staff are addressed because we don't fit the same parameters as some other providers. I am not comfortable yet saying that the virtual platform we have choosen can be effectively used to implement virtual direct therapy sessions.

I'm very concerned about the ventilation system in the the building, condition of restrooms, and social distancing as we monitor students. If wearing masks is optional, how am I and my at‐risk family member protected? Re online learning: I like live chats, but if they are scheduled in the morning students don't show up. Please keep that in mind when scheduling. Family schedules have been disrupted and students are up late, if not all night. I feel the School Board should also look out for the safety of the drivers who transport students to and from by implementing safety shields to give the school bus operators a sense of security while driving students. I also feel that all school divisions should take in account the early start for high schools since it is dark and the mask and gloves are worn; (according to the C.D.C.) for the safety of all. We need to have the work count. We spend allot of time making modules to have 4th quarter not count. students gave up and we worked harder It is imperative the parents be provided technological support from the county aside from their teacher. My job is to teach students the curriculum of that grade level and not to be a technology teacher. The added stress this has put on teachers is not fair at all. We need to be valued and appreciated and the parents deserve to have the proper resources to be successful as well. The county also needs to reach out to teachers to find what apps they are using and would like to have purchased by the division. The fact that I have to find free apps to share with my families because the school isn't providing me with the resources I need to teach is unacceptable. These changing times call for a change in the way we allocate our money and having technology specialists and access to good apps is critical to the success of distance learning. I am curious what would happen if a teacher gets sick and is teaching remotely? What happens if technology doesn’t work correctly. What if a atudent needs remediation? My concern is if we go full virtual learning the children that need the individual boost will have a hard time receive this help. Para‐ educators need to be more involved during instructional time. Para‐educators need to have the same opportunity to websites/school technology as teachers and students. This past year I felt that the para‐educators were not involved the last few months.

Flexibility is crucial but we must also hold students accountable for actively engaging in their education. Even my high‐achievers did very little when they knew it would not impact grades. Protecting planning and assessment time for teachers is crucial especially because most of our teachers will be learning a new LMS and exploring new tools to use within it. For teachers with young children or their own YCSD students at home, flexibility in scheduling is helpful. Nothing was mentioned about transporting students on school buses The VA 135 page plan that was put out earlier was not disclosed here in this survey in any capacity to make teachers aware of any of the requirements and standards that MUST be met in order to open the schools. You miss an opportunity. What this purposeful? if you you should send out an email making parents and teachers aware of the requirements and how YCSD will meet them. I hope that whatever guidelines are set forth would be adhered to by all applicable staff. IE if mask wearing is required then all should comply unless can prove medical condition. Safety for staff and students is paramount. Plexiglass shields for in person very small group The goal should be to get into the classroom. You can hang signs on a door, and have manuals three inches thick but if there is no accountability it means nothing. It should be a mechanism, in place, for reporting your concerns anonymously so the individual is not "blacklisted" as a trouble maker! The kids need to get back in classes as they were prior to the chaos. Computer based learning is not a good substitute for a live classroom learning Depending on the model we adopt, I would like to see more teacher/student virtual live lessons. I beleive there should be a consistent and clear expectation for this frequency that is shared across all elementary schools. I have a unique concern with how we can best serve our Behavior Support students. I put I don't know for how I would like to start the school year in the fall as I am not sure social distancing protocols as provided in the CDC guidelines can be implemented affectively in a self contained classroom due to the nature and severity of some of their disabilities. I am incredibly concerned that we had students with true mental health crisis during this time. Our social worker was AMAZING but she is only one person and that put her at high risk. If we go online again there needs to be a contingency to support the emotional health of our students. I'm ready to be in my classroom! Given what we know about this disease and how it spreads, I just do not see a safe way to reopen schools in September. I think it would have been hard for any teacher to listen to Dr. Lane, the state superintendent of schools, explain how we’re going to reopen and be safe by ‘social distancing and placing student desks six feet apart, when possible’ without rolling their eyes. Our classrooms are nowhere near big enough to actually do that with more than about ten students, and moreover, that’s just not how kids work, at least not at the elementary school level. If the kids had the maturity and discipline to properly maintain appropriate social distance, half of our jobs would already be done. And I’m not putting that on the kids; it’d be ridiculous for us as adults to expect them, at their current developmental level, to act as they’d need to at school to literally prevent people from dying. They’re just kids talking to their friends, as far as they’re concerned; we simply cannot expect or enforce the required amount of diligence to keep our community safe. I understand that everybody’s tired of this and we all just want to get back to “life as normal,” but this situation is not normal, and if our desire to return to normal trumps our understanding of the way this virus spreads and we return to school, people WILL die unnecessarily. We have the technology and skills to prevent that while maintaining meaningful educational experiences for the kids. We should use them and save lives. Cost considerations for non‐licensed staff utilizing their own Intenet and devices. Lack of consistent high speed internet. Options for flexibility in scheduling reflective of needs of families with special needs. Childcare should be a strong consideration. Students in school half time and in some form of childcare other days will expose them to two separate environments. I experienced my granddaughter, stating kindergarten this fall, go from excitement about learning spin her PreK program to not wanting to do anything because she was not doing it with her friends. Students in all grades K‐12 need to socialize while they learn. Masks would not work if just staff wore them. People who work in schools tend to be very careful in regards to germs of any kind. Health screenings for all would be better. Technology hardware and staff development for ALL teachers but especially those that need it the most! Many of these answers depend on what the COVID‐19 case numbers are in the fall. I think traditional face is best, then a hybrid model, but if the numbers don't support it and we need remote learning, we need student accountability and we need to be aware of the extra time needed to prepare for lessons in these new formats especially for teachers with multiple preps or teaching singleton courses. As teachers, we need a consistent message. This last spring, we were asked to contact families and to let our administration know when students had "gone dark." However, a few weeks later, we were asked to stop contacting families and to not focus on whether or not students were completing work and to reduce our contacts with families. Also, it was difficult to keep students motivated to continue engaging in online instruction when they knew work was not being graded. Since it sounds like we are going to use an online curriculum format it would be nice if the curriculum could be the same for each teacher teaching a subject for example all Geometry teachers would give the same assignments and have the same content for students. Therefore it seems like their should be a team of teachers putting together a virtual class that the entire county can use and follow versus everyone having to create their own on Canvas. Please consider that the standard 8 days of sick leave may prompt sick teachers to continue to work while sick, or come back to school before 14 days have passed if exposed to Covid. Many of us cannot afford them financial burden of being docked pay because we are out of days. While in the midst of attempting direct instruction via Canvas during Summer Academy, I am already encountering challenges, even with a class size of 13. The lack of ability to literally see all students and get their feedback during a lesson and see their work, it is, so far the biggest challenge I am worried about come fall. Safety should be the number one concern. Safety for students and staff members. My concern is mixed with worry that we won't be able to provide what our students need and that most of the projected models I've read will create an unsustainable level of work and grading from hybridized classes. I want to work with my students, but teaching both platforms seems as though I'll never be able to make it through the grading to provide viable feedback to my students.

I think that if we need to, split the class in half where they what he the class LIVE from their device at home when they are not at school every other day. I work in transportation bus driver. How are we going to transport the students safely and effectively ? How do we make sure students don’t have a fever at the bus stop? Also parents must be present in case a child is ill and we need to social distant them. Thank you so much and I appreciate all the hard work you all are doing to make YC safe for students and staff. Take careful consideration for IEP 504 Ncode students to return. Online models are causing families stress. If the hybrid classroom is chosen to be in place, teachers need sufficient and adequate support in order to be prepare to teach in this type of new environment . I just want the people at the YCSD SBO that are making these hard decisions, to know that you are appreciated and trusted! Thank you for all that you do for our community I hope we are not just looking at 1‐to1 devices. Many students need hotspots to USE the devices! Childcare issues and the sanitation concerns are my biggest concern I do not believe teachers should be expected to use their own technology devices. Just as in the corporate world, your teachers should be supplied one to use if we are expected to work from home for some or all of the school day. If kids get the 1:1, teachers should as well for home use. This should also be updated equipment, not the out of date ones floating around the buildings currently. I am concerned that teachers will be expected to teach both in the classroom and online, but not be given additional time to plan for online learning during the work day. The Canvas training made it clear that preparing modules for online learning is very time consuming. Providing feedback for the online portion also takes additional time. I am concerned about the students being in the classroom all day (for lunch and resource classes). Elementary teachers use their classrooms for planning and PLC meetings and can't do that if students are in the room. Also, if students are eating in a classroom, who will supervise the students and will the eating surfaces be sanitized properly before a teacher returns from their lunch break? Also, recess is an important part of the day especially for the primary grades and how will that be managed? Summer weather limits the spreads of bacteria and viruses. The rates of infection we see now are minuscule compared to what will come in the fall and winter. If we are worried about how we expect students to stay caught up, we need to remember if they become infected, they will fall behind by weeks or even months. The same case is applicable to teachers. Safety should be our top priority, not economic status. IT staff need to be prepared to help students with non division provided technology issues. Many have apple products that have been ignored by the IT help desk in past years. IT support needs to not fall at the classroom teacher's feet, given we will already be implementing canvas. I would like to see half the student population in class (2 weeks in class/ having class everyday) and then (2 weeks) online. This is alternated between groups, while one set of students is online the other set is on class. Students can be grouped by class or by last name. There should also be a week or two break invitation each group for cleaning and sanitation. During this time all students are online learning. I think it is important to realize that support services will need to be provided per UEPs as well Biggest concern in remote learning is student accountability. We set a bad precedent last year with it that I am afraid it will be more of the same. I am very concerned about starting school in the fall. My program Project SEARCH is housed at Sentara Williamsburg Regional Medical Center where there will most likely be active cases of Covid‐19. I am worried I won’t be given a second thought as I don’t see how I could work my job as a job coach from home. I feel my voice won’t be heard. I don't know what daily health checks would involve but there is no way 1 nurse can screen all staff and students in a reasonable amount of time. I am most concerned about class sizes if we were to return to in person learning. This year I had classes up to 34 students in them and I don't see how it would be possible to reach every student effectively from a resource perspective with more limited class sizes.

I am for schools reopening when it is safe. I feel as though we need to follow state guidelines. I am disheartened to hear/read about so many Virginians who do not believe in science and don’t want to follow state guidelines. It is a temporary situation, sacrifices must be made from all sides, not just teachers. It’s going to be increasingly challenging to continue to do online learning for students with severe intellectual disabilities. I am worried about my health and the health of my students being at school. However, I do not think students in this population are gaining much from distance learning. In addition, they must have a care taker with them for the duration of their online lesson to help them use their device. I would be much more comfortable with in person instruction, if I knew my class and staff members could socially distance from the rest of the school. I.e. lunch in the classroom and no resource classes. I understand we cannot enforce families to social distance, however I think if everyone if the classroom were to maintain social distancing outside the class, inside the classroom we could essentially be a family unit of 8. A lot of focus on school districts have been on how to keep the students safe, but staff and teacher safety seems like an afterthought. As an instructor with a higher risk of complications due to Covid‐19, I am downright scared to go back to in person instruction if it will not be mandatory for all students and staff to wear masks. Even with daily temperature checks I would still hope for this mask requirement since they have found out that so many cases have been passed through asymptomatic carriers. working from home and than the building every other day will be hard because I have set up my Two computers at home and will have to lug them back each day Make YCSD Great Again ‐ Return to Normal School Operations I would like to see racial equalities addressed and I would like to spearhead the task force!! I believe that we are going to face additional increases in covid and that we will have to be flexible with our expectations . While my preference is the regular classroom , I suspect that will be a challenge. I realize that parents need our day care to do their own work. It’s going to be challenging. Staff to staff connection loss, team/family emotional support connection is needed to help us get through it together Please consider eliminating standardized testing so that we can focus on emotional support and differentiated instruction to meet the needs of all learners. If masks are required, I would prefer to wear the clear face shields. This way students are able to see a teacher's smile and read lips. This will help build relationships with new students. Another option would be to start the year with our old class to catch up on previous skills then start the new year with a new class after that. Student's work has to be graded to expect some work from them and increase accountability from them. With 1:1 technology access, expecting some effort from the students becomes feasible. I think on paper a hybrid schedule looks idea. For teachers, it is going to be extremely difficult. Managing online and in person instruction is only part of the time concern. Many teachers have children that are in school too. Scheduled will likely not all match up. Childcare and support for teachers and their families will he strained. Teachers are exposed to so many people even on a hybrid schedule and loved ones may work in the medical field (creating a perfect storm for large outbreaks). I’m also concerned about being able to get a substitute if I get sick or a family member gets sick. I appreciate you reaching out to staff. I am worried about teacher expectations and also have a student going into middle school and keeping up with her learning/ schedule in addition to work requirements. Student involvement in virtual learning during the shut down was inconsistent. They were not held accountable for not participating in class times or completing class work. Students and parents now have the attitude that online work/virtual class times are not required and not graded. Another concern is how parents of multiple children will be able to manage virtual learning.

I implore you to PLEASE consider the workload on teachers in a hybrid scenario. It's too much to teach in person and then turn around and have virtual work for students the next day. A high quality module (from Q4) takes about 6‐8 hours of work. If parents opt for virtual only for their child, can YCSD please consider enrolling them in a "vritual course" and have someone else handle the online work? Other states are offering this to keep teachers' well‐being in mind. Thank you for considering. I am very concerned about the safety of the students and staff. Health officals still do not fully understand the long‐term effects of the infection. If we are going to back into the building, I believe every item in question 4 will be essential to providing safety for our students and staff. Will educating students within the 4 walls of the school building be worth the possible long‐term (or life time) effects of contracting COVID ‐19? I just wonder if it is worth the risk when we could stay virtual until there is time to truely understand the risk. I am concerned with the younger students and them completing work on their own without parent support. I fear for the authenticity of their work when not in the classroom. Also with younger children (k‐2 especially) the need for small group reading time is crucial. It's not the same, or has the same effect over the computer. Teacher level of comfort with implentation of the plan essential. In addition, equity and expectations for all staff is important also. Teacher need to feel comfortable with and should be prepared to do both at anytime ‐ face to face/virtual instruction. Students should have graded assignments inorder to hold them accountable for their work. Students need to be held accountable for their work. Students need to be held accountable for their work. My biggest concern is childcare if students do any online but I have to work at the building. I'm also concerned about parents doing the assignment for the students or the students not completing the assignments at all Concerned about our K‐3 learning at home without proper support to help guide the learning Remote learning is very difficult to control and verify who is actually doing the work. Quite concerned about the spread of Covid19. Yes, it would be optimal for students to be in a traditional classroom. No, this may never again be the norm. Thank you, YCSD, for your never‐ending work to support our students. If we are not going back to the traditional classroom environment and we cannot return because of childcare issues, will the be options in our contract to take the year off without any penalty? I feel this should be an option for teachers with young children. I worry about going back into a classroom of 25 kids in a small space. At home distance learning provides infinitely greater opportunities for cheating and copying work. If we go for a significant part of the school year relying at least partly on virtual instruction, then state testing ought to be reexamined for its value and priority level, as actual learning cannot be accurately measured. A major concern for online/remote learning is the need to set high expectations for student accountability for engagement and learning, which was not done during the spring 2020 transition to online learning. I am also concerned about my ability as an educator to teach some students virtually and some in person. I am concerned about my ability to teach from home with 3 young children of my own at home. We can do this in whatever form YCSD decides, but we need to focus on what’s best for the majority of our students, vice having 5‐ 10% of the population driving policy for all. If we do not instill an atmosphere of academic rigor and accountability, we are (1) wasting our time, and (2) doing a disservice to the student population as a whole. We all know moving forward that education and our lives will be different. I struggled with my own child being engaged with virtual learning. I am confident that YCSD will look at each grade level of learning and put forth a plan that will allow our children to succeed. This might include half day Kindergarten to split the class but allow for social interaction that is so crucial to this age group.

Return to school and safety should not be politicized, but scienced based. At the graduation I observed many admin, staff and support teams not observing social distancing and wearing mask. I fear this behavior will be repeated in the fall. The social and political pressure to "fit in" will cause many people to not follow CDC and state guidelines. YCSD written policy will "check" all the boxes, but the application will fall short. If we are required to come back to school, routine COVID19 testing should be a key component. Screenings are helpful, but not adequate since people can be asymptomatic. As you know, you're dealing with people's lives. Online learning is not the problem students and teachers will rise to the challenge. School can not be optional. Students and parents need to be accountable . Safety also has to be a priority for staff and students. Exposure to the virus will be high when any number of students ate in the building. We have to be aware of this at all times. Online learning can work as long as YCSD pushes accountability on the students and their parents. Students that were not completing work were not being held accountable by the school or by their parents. This is not a teacher's responsibility, our job is to provide instruction, support, and feedback not to be cyber‐cops. Students should be allowed to return in‐person learning when safety can be guaranteed for everyone, including faculty and staff members, not just for the convenience of their parents. Please keep in mind that faculty will need new devices as well. In addition, I am concerned about the overall man hours expected by faculty moving forward. SA teachers have been working 10 hours days prior to the start of SA and they are the teachers that were specifically chosen to implement easily. I think there are a lot of teachers afraid to say they are uncomfortable with coming back to the building because they have fear of losing their job and that “it” is expected that teachers will just curtail their health concerns and just get to work. My concern with a hybrid or remote‐learning is that there needs ot be accountability for students attending the online sessions. Attendance or a participation grade needs to be part of it. In person instruction for all students is critical to prevent gaps in all aspects of childhood development. If this is not possible, please consider in person learning for our younger populations K‐3 as these are critical times in their academic, social, and emotional development. If we have to have a hybrid model, the work done at home must be graded. Students stopped working when they didn't feel that it would "count." Also, how to we make sure that students aren't cheating on assessments if done at home. I feel it will be important for the division to emphasize accountability as students will have the precondition of assignments not being graded as was the case fourth quarter. It will be a difficult habit for teachers to break on their own. I believe the division should also address racial equity as we return to school. As a Library Media Specialist, I am concerned about what my role would be or change based on the CDC guidelines for reopening. How will books be circulated? I teach six classes a day, how will you ensure my library is sanitized to keep everyone healthy? If I’m going into classes, am I possibly exposing six classes a day if we’re supposed to limiting contact. Obviously classroom instruction and safety is the number one priority, but it’s also important to consider what the resource teachers (Music, Art, PE, Library) will be doing to follow these guidelines. My concern relates specifically to the preschool program. As a medically at risk staff member, I do have concerns for the youngest of our populations adhering to social distancing protocols. In addition, while I would be wearing a mask, most of the littles would not be wearing a mask. They are also the children who are still learning manners (cover your cough, turn away when sneezing, use a tissue etc). Not only would that increase the health risks for the staff but for the children as well. It is also concerning to effectively engage this population in distance learning. Something to consider‐ I think the higher grades could teach more students if it is only virtual. For example I could teach 30 students rather than just 25 since I won’t be limited to a room. I believe we could help non‐tech teachers by allowing them to have smaller classes to help their comfort level. My classroom wasn't cleaned well before so very concerned it will be cleaned enough to keep teachers and students safe! Still so many unknowns! I think the district needs to purchase face guards or masks with plastic so kids can see teachers expressions. Definitely need to limit number of kids in classrooms! Parents sent kids to school sick all the time. There needs to be no tolerance for this! Runny nose, small cough STAY HOME!!!!!!!!! I know the information shows children aren't as at risk but many teachers are. Please protect students teachers and family members! If we are online, I would like to have some autonomy as if we were in the building and not feel completely micromanaged. I am concerned about student accountability and adherence to safety protocols for the school environment. Will a hybrid approach be considered for SBO employees? Many are successfully teleworking, while coming into the SBO when necessary. Protect the arts! Many, many students need Drama, Chrous, Band, and Art. It is the reason many of these students come to and enjoy school. Please do not treat these classes as inferior simply because they are not tested with an SOL. These classes are the 5 C's personified. Please take into consideration teacher planning. If we are required to do both virtual and in‐person, we will need time to post our online plans plus plan for our classroom. Thank you! Kids need to be in school!!! They can’t continue to learn virtually.... it’s not the same!! They need and want to go back. Teachers want to teach in a classroom! If students do not return to the building my position is not needed and I would prefer to be furloughed than paid to "work from home". If work from home is required YCSD needs to provide all needed tech including a phone I think we should be all virtural and not return in the Fall. Everyone says that we will have a Covid increase in the Fall/Winter and this way we will be in place instead of hurrying to start virtural again like we did in the Spring. I know this may be difficult with some families but this is the new world that they need to plan for. This way if numbers do not go up we can slowly start back later in the Fall/Winter. Based on the current data for VA and YCSD, I believe families should have the option with able to choose between 5day a week in school or distance learning for those who choose. Teachers should have the option.for masks and enhanced cleansing proceduresp We need to get back to school, I’ve had discussions with pediatricians, kids anxieties and depression are through the roof!! I’m ready to get back! I’ve been a YCSD nurse for 27 years! We’ve got this Please consider staff children and their care and safety during this time. If we have a rotation‐based schedule and are in the building, how will the students of staff members receive care? If there is a way to hold the parents more accountable I would love to see that. I understand the point of not “grading” the assignments in the COLPs, however some parents were going above and beyond to help their students continue with their progress and actively set up individual sessions with me etc. and others did nothing at all and as a special education teacher that is frightening to think about when it comes to student progress. I understand that the county cannot control the parent’s situations with work etc. however I would hope to see more accountability for making the students participating members of the classroom if we were to go to a hybrid model or fully online model. I worry that a hybrid model will put stress on families and staff as we attempt to juggle child care and work obligations. I also have concerns about the workload that teachers will incur with a hybrid model. On a personal note, I am worried about how teachers’ children will be impacted with a hybrid model. I am very excited for canvas and am very thankful to the county for purchasing that because Microsoft teams just didn’t seem to be a good fit. One thing I would love to get is prompt communication concerning what is expected of us teachers if we do go online and not in the school environment. Clear expectations of each teacher for their particular course so that we know what the expectations for the students will be. I think you so much for giving us the opportunity to give our feedback. I am particularly concerned about the interactions between teachers and our students with severe or multiple disabilities. While these students have the greatest needs, many of them are unable to maintain social distancing or engage in practices that would help to minimize the exposure to the virus. The teachers and students in this situation are more susceptible to contracting the virus. I am truly worried about them. Technology help for teachers, especially with the new devices. Would be helpful for teachers to be provided technology to successfully work from home. Many of our personal devices are not up to the capability standards to run these new platforms (Canvas, Teams, Mastery Connect). Also, what if our devices break? Would be expected to pay out of pocket to be able to teach virtually if that is what happens? If so, many of us cannot afford that, nor is it equitable. Returning physically to school with children who won't wear masks, won't social distance, need hand over hand help, and regularly come to school sick seems risky. Will it be enforced that children stay home if they are sick? How will sick leave work for employees if they are sick? MWF for one group, TR for the next group then switch the next week I would really prefer to have school in our classrooms because I feel it is what our students need to be engaged and learn in the best possible environment for small children with a teacher in person. I would love to see my students in person at least part of the time, but I do have some concerns about the health aspects of doing so. Also, I worry about the logistics and the time it would take teachers to implement what would be needed. For example, if I were teaching half of my students on Monday, the other half on Tuesday, and then we had Wednesday as a planning day, and then I saw half of my classes again on each Thurs and Fri (this is just based on what I've seen some other districts announcing), I'm concerned that I need to be prepared to teach in person, plus I need to develop additional activities for students to do online. I'm just not sure that one planning day would be enough to truly do all of those things well. We haven't been taught to be online teachers, so we'll be learning a lot as we go. And our current lessons won't work in a model where we're only with our students a few days a week. So we're going to have to revamp nearly everything. It's going to take time, and I'm concerned about when we're going to have time to work on all of this. I'm also concerned about how difficult the logistics of a hybrid plan would be. Also, does Grafton MS/HS have a building to return to yet? For the prior question, I wanted to select 4. The 4th option would be "daily health screenings for students and staff." The students that were most negatively affected in the spring were those that had little parent support. However, I do believe that if there was more accountability (ie‐grading) that those parents would have been more interested in connecting their children for learning. In addition, I know that many of the students (and parents) are now going to places that involve other people without appropriate social distancing. The best instruction, especially for the youngest students (K‐1) is in person, especially when teaching kids to read. Virtual learning is a challenge. I do worry if we try to put so much effort into in person instruction and/or hybrid instruction that if/when second wave hits or conditions worsen we will have to fall back on virtual learning. Therefore it may be wisest to put effort into making virtual the best situation for everybody and put our time/money/effort into making virtual be the best it can be. This is a very difficult situation and I know tough decisions will need to be made. Thank you! Please don’t eliminate any subject especially encore. Students need those outlets! Of course, my first preference is to have all students in class like normal but if that is not possible then the hybrid approach makes the most sense. If we were to implement a hybrid model, I think it is important to seek feedback from teachers on planning time. Assuming the hybrid model consists of both virtual and face to face lessons, teachers will need more planning time than traditionally given to plan and provide both virtual and in person feedback. This needs to be considered when creating master schedules, as one 45 minute planning period each day will not be sufficient.. In addition, if a student choses to be completely virtual, is the same classroom teacher expected to provide that instruction on top of the hybrid instruction offered to all students? I have 3 children in school, 2 elementary, 1 middle schooler, and a toddler that will need childcare. I'm concerned about having multiple schedules to manage while working full‐time. I am concerned about the amount of time required to implement a virtual learning experience. I don’t know how to design lessons for a virtual lesson and I am worried about the amount of time necessary to implement a virtual learning g experience. Honestly, I would live for everyone to go back to the school building and for things to return to “normal” however, that is not an option. A hybrid schedule causes me great stress as a teacher and parent as I am concerned about the workload it would create. Being at school all day and unable to help my own children with their work, leaving that to the evenings and still trying to find time to engage with students online. It’s seems to be an impossible task. This is why I feel that we should be 100% online or 100% in the building. No hybrid. Accommodations and adjustments for teachers who have children that do not attend York County schools Yes. I am concerned about students keeping masks on, washing hands etc. Also, while I am excited about the 1:1 technology, I am very concerned about teaching the students how to use their technology and the various platforms, particularly the upcoming 6th graders as they have very limited exposure to Teams, Aspen, Canvas Office 365 etc. Many can’t upload files, send emails in Office, save documents etc. It would be Will there be consequences for students/parents who refuse to adhere to safety protocols, especially since there are many faculty members who are in the high risk category More involvement of paras, and special education paraeducators!!!!!!!! Make sure to figure out a way to have athletics for all three seasons! I feel as though families and staff should be given the option of 1) providing online learning/instruction for students if it works with their schedule OR 2) come to the building to teach in person. I don't think teachers should be required to provide both online instruction and in‐person. There needs to be a balance. Some teachers may not have young children at home and be more willing to provide online instruction. hoping that school can return to normal in the Fall and reassess if needed I would support I am very concerned about child care. I have 1 school added child, and 2 younger children. Our daycare had furloughed their employees, with no signs of reopening. The few daycares that are open are filled. It will be near impossible to get my kids into daycare, especially the infant, if I go back to work. I am most concerned about English Language Learners and equity. 4th quarter was a joke overall, because not only were there no grades, but there was no penalty for not doing the work at all. I realize that we need to be flexible & help students with differing levels of technology, etc., but some students, even the AP students, told me they were not going to do the work because they didn't have to. If we are online in the fall, we need a better policy for getting the students to do their work. There needs to be more standardization of the assignments/ amount of time students should spend on each class Making it comfortable and easier for parents/students to use technology. Return to in class instruction only with no mask requirement We should go back to school as normal! We have to hold teachers accountable as much as students. Teachers need to be providing face to face contact if we are all remote learning. It should not be acceptable that some teachers are delivering and working more than others, simply because the physical presence of administration is gone. Our students deserve much more. Online learning can be successful, if we put in the effort.

The amount of technology‐no matter how good it is ‐ should not and cannot replace human interaction and relationships. This deeply concerns me. I think k‐5 students will learn best in person, but middle and high school students can learn using a hybrid schedule I appreciate the way that York County stepped up and helped all the students and staff through this hard times and kept us all informed. Canvas is a powerful platform! I think it will make a huge difference in what we're doing remotely and in the classroom. no solution is perfect but kids need to be cback in school somehow Thank you for thoughtfully and carefully moving ahead with a plan for YCSD. Not all teachers have technology; I am working on home internet, but do not have it yet. Thank you for considering teachers’ access to technology as well as student access For full or partial online learning, teachers will need a LOT of time for recreating their lessons. The usual time alloted in August will not do. Also, the understanding that most of us will be working, uncompensated, throughout the summer because we know we won't be given enough time. I believe that you all REALLY need to consider the health and mental wellbeing of your employees as well. Work has been nonstop, and we are not treated as professionals. We are under a lot of pressure, and we have lots of anxiety ‐‐ just like anyone else living in this pandemic. We work around the clock, and the tasks are continually adding on. It is important to consider the fact that we have families too. If we are not healthy, we can't do our best work. Before returning back to "normalcy," please consider the health and safety of all employees as well. The biggest hindrance with at home learning was the lack of grades. No grades, no work. I had students checking in but not bothering doing the assignments because there was no tangible reason to do it. They had their grades so why bother and stress with the "new" material. Thank you for considering all options while trying to create the BEST plan possible for all faculty, their families, and our students.