Birds Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge
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U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Birds Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge Welcome to Birding at Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge is internationally recognized as ‘a birder’s paradise.’ Santa Ana’s 2,088 acres of subtropical thorn forest are home for numerous birds that are South Texas specialties. Both the Mississippi and Central flyways converge in this region adding the opportunity to see a wide variety of migratory birds. Many migrants depend upon this refuge as a place to escape harsh winters or as a rest-area while enroute to their seasonal destinations. Both migratory and resident species seen here allow birders to lengthen their ‘life-list’ whether expert or just starting out. Birdwatching at Santa Ana is best along the walking trails early in the morning or just before sunset. The best months for birdwatching are November through April. For more information, please contact our visitor Great Kiskadees./USFWS Common Name Sp S F W center staff. Good Birding! Ducks, Geese, and Swans Neotropical migrant landbirds are those Sp - Spring - period of spring ___Blk-bellied Whistling Duck* U C U O species of landbirds that nest in the migration (depending on ___Fulvous Whistling Duck* U O O O United States or Canada, and spend the species) from mid-February ___Gr. White-fronted Goose R - R O winter primarily south of our border to early June ___Snow Goose O - O O in Mexico, Central or South America, S - Summer - June to August ___Snow Goose (Blue Goose) O - O O or in the Caribbean. Many of them, F - Fall - period of fall migration ___Ross’s Goose - - - X including conspicuous or colorful hawks, (depending on species) from ___Canada Goose O - O O hummingbirds, warblers, and tanagers, mid-July to November ___Tundra Swan - - - X and less colorful but no less important W - Winter - December to February ___Muscovy Duck R - R R flycatchers, thrushes, and vireos, are ___Wood Duck X - X X experiencing population declines due to Abundance ___Gadwall C X C C widespread loss of habitats important A - Abundant: a common and ___American Wigeon U - C C for their survival. Pre-servation of many numerous species ___American Black Duck - - - X different habitats for nesting, wintering, C - Common: certain to be seen ___Mallard - - R R and migratory stopover sites is becoming in suitable habitat ___Mottled Duck* C C C C vital for the survival of many of these birds U - Uncommon: present, ___Blue-winged Teal C O C C but not certain to be seen ___Cinnamon Teal O - O O This list contains 403 species which have O - Occasional: seen only a few ___Northern Shoveler U - C C been observed at Santa Ana NWR plus 9 times during a season ___Northern Pintail U - U C hypothetical species, listed in accordance R - Rare: seen at intervals ___Green-winged Teal O - C C with the seventh edition of the American of 2 to 5 years ___Canvasback R - R R Ornithologists’ Union Checklist of X - Accidental: has been seen ___Redhead R - R R North American Birds, (1998) and its only once or twice ___Ring-necked Duck U - U U supplements through July 2008. Please ___Greater Scaup - - - X report sightings listed as ‘O’, ‘R’, or ‘X’ to * Nests on the refuge ___Lesser Scaup O - O U refuge staff. ^ Exotic or introduced species ___Bufflehead R - R R + Species of uncertain origin or ___Common Goldeneye - - X X How to use your checklist escaped captivity ___Hooded Merganser R - R R Seasons ___Red-breasted Merganser - - X Symbols used in this list are defined as Underlined bird names indicate South ___Masked Duck R R R R follows: Texas specialties. ___Ruddy Duck O R U U Italicized bird names indicate threatened or endangered species. Sp S F W Sp S F W Sp S F W Curassows and Guans Hawks, Kites, Eagles, and Allies (continued) Gulls, Terns, and Skimmers ___Plain Chachalaca * A A A A ___White-tailed Hawk R R R R ___Bonaparte’s Gull R - R R New World Quail ___Zone-tailed Hawk - X - R ___Laughing Gull O R O O ___Scaled Quail - - - X ___Red-tailed Hawk O - U U ___Franklin’s Gull O - O - ___Northern Bobwhite* U U U U ___Ferruginous Hawk - - - X ___Ring-billed Gull O - R O Loons ___Golden Eagle - - - X ___Herring Gull - - - X ___Common Loon - - X X Caracaras and Falcons ___Least Tern O O O O Grebes ___Crested Caracara O O O O ___Gull-billed Tern O O R R ___Least Grebe * U U U U ___American Kestrel U - U U ___Caspian Tern O - O O ___Pied-billed Grebe * C U C C ___Merlin O - O O ___Black Tern O R O - ___Eared Grebe O - O O ___Aplomado Falcon - - - X ___Common Tern - - R - ___Western Grebe - - - X ___Peregrine Falcon O - O O ___Forster’s Tern O R O O Pelicans ___Prairie Falcon - - - X ___Royal Tern - R R - ___American White Pelican R R O O Rails, Gallinules, and Coots ___Sandwich Tern - O R - ___Brown Pelican - - - X ___Yellow Rail - - X X ___Black Skimmer R R O R Cormorants ___Clapper Rail - - - X Pigeons and Doves ___Neotropic Cormorant U U U U ___King Rail R R R R ___Rock Pigeon*^ U U U U ___Double-cr. Cormorant O R U U ___Virginia Rail - - - O ___Red-billed Pigeon R R R R Darters ___Sora U R U U ___Eurasian Collared-Dove^ O O RO ___Anhinga U U O O ___Purple Gallinule* O U R - ___White-winged Dove* A A C U Frigatebirds ___Common Moorhen* C C C C ___Mourning Dove* C C C C ___Magnificent Frigatebird - X - - ___American Coot* C U C C ___Inca Dove* U U U U Herons, Bitterns, and Allies Cranes ___Common Ground-Dove* C C C U ___American Bittern R X R R ___Sandhill Crane R - R O ___Ruddy Ground-Dove R - R R ___Least Bittern* U U O O Plovers ___White-tipped Dove* C C C C ___Great Blue Heron U O U U ___Black-bellied Plover R - R - ___Ringed Turtle-Dove^ - X - - ___Great Egret C U U U ___American Golden-Plover R - R - Parakeets, Macaws, and Parrots ___Snowy Egret U O U U ___Semipalmated Plover R - - - ___Budgerigar^ - - X - ___Little Blue Heron U O U O ___Piping Plover X - - X ___Green Parakeet - R R R ___Tricolored Heron U R U U ___Killdeer* U C C U ___Canary-winged Parakeet^ - - - X ___Reddish Egret R R O O ___Mountain Plover X - - X ___Military Macaw^ - - - X ___Cattle Egret U R O O Stilts and Avocets ___Red-crowned Parrot R R R R ___Green Heron* U U O U ___Black-necked Stilt* C C C C ___Red-lored Parrot^ - R R R ___Black-cr. Night-Heron O - O U ___American Avocet O - O O ___Yellow-headed Parrot^ - - R R ___Yellow-cr. Night-Heron U U U U Jacanas Cuckoos, Roadrunners, and Anis Ibises and Spoonbills ___Northern Jacana R R R R ___Yellow-billed Cuckoo* C C C R ___White Ibis U O - - Sandpipers, Phalaropes, and Allies ___Mangrove Cuckoo - X - - ___Glossy Ibis - - - X ___Spotted Sandpiper O O O U ___Black-billed Cuckoo U - U - ___White-faced Ibis U O U U ___Solitary Sandpiper O O O U ___Greater Roadrunner* U U U U ___Roseate Spoonbill O O O O ___Greater Yellowlegs U O O U ___Groove-billed Ani* C C U O Storks ___Willet R - R R Barn Owls ___Wood Stork U O U - ___Lesser Yellowlegs C O U U ___Barn Owl* O O O O New World Vultures ___Upland Sandpiper R U R - Typical Owls ___Black Vulture U O U U ___Long-billed Curlew O - O O ___Eastern Screech-Owl* U U U U ___Turkey Vulture C C C C ___Hudsonian Godwit X - - - ___Great Horned Owl* U U U U Hawks, Kites, Eagles, and Allies ___Marbled Godwit R - R R ___Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl*R R R - ___Osprey O R O O ___Sanderling - - - R ___Elf Owl* C C R - ___Hook-billed Kite* U U U U ___Semipalmated Sandpiper O - O R ___Burrowing Owl - - X X ___Swallow-tailed Kite O - R - ___Western Sandpiper O - O O ___Barred Owl - - R R ___White-tailed Kite* U U U U ___Least Sandpiper U U U U ___Long-eared Owl R - - X ___Mississippi Kite U - U - ___White-rumped Sandpiper O - X ___Short-eared Owl - - X R ___Bald Eagle - - - X ___Baird’s Sandpiper O - O R Goatsuckers ___Northern Harrier O - O O ___Pectoral Sandpiper O - O - ___Lesser Nighthawk* O O O R ___Sharp-shinned Hawk U - U U ___Dunlin R - R R ___Common Nighthawk* U U U - ___Cooper’s Hawk C - U U ___Curlew Sandpiper X - - - ___Common Pauraque* U U U U ___Northern Goshawk X - X - ___Stilt Sandpiper O O O O ___Common Poorwill R - X X ___Crane Hawk - - - X ___Buff-breasted Sandpiper R - R - ___Chuck-wills-widow O - O - ___Common Black-Hawk X - X X ___Short-billed Dowitcher R R R R ___Whip-poor-will O - R - ___Gray Hawk* U U U U ___Long-billed Dowitcher U O O C Swifts ___Harris’s Hawk* C U C C ___Wilson’s Snipe O - U U ___Chimney Swift U O U - ___Roadside Hawk - - X X ___American Woodcock - - R R ___Red-shouldered Hawk* U O U U ___Wilson’s Phalarope O - O X ___Broad-winged Hawk C - U R ___Short-tailed Hawk X X X - ___Swainson’s Hawk C - U R Sp S F W Jays and Crows ___Blue Jay X - X ___Green Jay* C C C C ___Brown Jay - X X ___Tamaulipas Crow X X X X ___Chihuahuan Raven R - R R Larks ___Horned Lark O R O O Swallows ___Purple Martin O O O R ___Tree Swallow O - O O ___No. Rough-winged Swallow C - CR ___Bank Swallow U - U ___Cliff Swallow U - U R ___Cave Swallow U U U U ___Barn Swallow C - C R Chickadees and Titmice ___Carolina Chickadee X - - X ___Black-crested Titmouse* C C C C Verdins Clay-colored Thrush ___Verdin* O O O O © Allen Dale Nuthatches Sp S F W Sp S F W ___Red-breasted Nuthatch - - - R Creepers Hummingbirds ___Brown-cr.