Songbird Ecology in Southwestern Ponderosa Pine Forests: Forest Service a Literature Review

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Songbird Ecology in Southwestern Ponderosa Pine Forests: Forest Service a Literature Review Songbird Ecology in Southwestern Ponderosa Pine Forests: Forest Service A Literature Review This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Block, William M.; Finch, Deborah M., technical editors. 1997. Songbird ecology in southwestern ponderosa pine forests: a literature review. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-292. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 152 p. This publication reviews and synthesizes the literature about ponderosa pine forests of the Southwest, with emphasis on the biology, ecology, and conservation of songbirds. Critical bird-habitat management issues related to succession, snags, old growth, fire, logging, grazing, recreation, and landscape scale are addressed. Overviews of the ecol- ogy, current use, and history of Southwestern ponderosa pine forests are also provided. This report is one of the outcomes of the Silver vs ~hom'ascourt -settlement agreement of 1996. It is intended for planners, scientists, and conservationists in solving some of the controversies over managing forests and birds in the Southwest. Keywords: ponderosa pine, Southwest, songbirds Technical Editors: The order of editorship was determined by coin toss. William M. Block is project leader and research wildlife biologist with the Southwestern Terrestrial Ecosystem research work unit, Southwest Forest Sciences Complex, 2500 S. Pine Knoll, Flagstaff, AZ 86001. Deborah M. Finch is project leader and research wildlife biologist with the Southwestern Grassland and Riparian research work unit, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, 2205 Columbia SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106. Publisher: Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station Fort Collins, Colorado You may order additional copies of this publication by sending your mailing informa- tion in label form through one of the following media. Please send the publication title and number. Telephone (970) 498-1 71 9 DG message R.Schneider:S28A FAX (970) 498-1660 E-mail /s=r.schneider/oul [email protected] Mailing Address Publications Distribution Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station 3825 E. Mulberry Street Fort Collins, CO 80524 May 1997 Front Cover: Grace's warbler, pygmy nuthatch, and violet-green swallow. Artwork by Joyce Patterson. Songbird Ecology in Southwestern Ponderosa Pine Forests: A Literature Review William M. Block and Deborah M. Finch Technical Editors Contents Preface ..................................................... ii TheAuthors .................................................. iii Introduction .................................................. 1 Deborah M. Finch and William M. Block Chapter 1 Ecology of Southwestern Ponderosa Pine Forests .................... 3 ~illiamH. Moir, Brian W Geils, Mary Ann Benoit, and Dan Scurlock Chapter 2 Contemporary Human Use of Southwestern Ponderosa Pine Forests . Carol Raish, Wang Yong, and John M. Marzluff Chapter 3 A Historical Overview ........................................ Dan Scurlock and Deborah M. Finch Chapter 4 Songbird Status and Roles. ................................... Linnea S. Hall, Michael L. Morrison, and William M. Block Chapter 5 Effects of Urbanization and Recreation on Songbirds ............... John M. Marzluff Chapter 6 Effects and Interactions of Fire, Logging, and Grazing .............. Deborah M. Finch, Joseph L. Ganey, Wang Yong, Rebecca T: Kimball, and Rex Sallabanks Chapter 7 Landscape Dynamics and Considerations ........................ Kevin M. Rich and Patricia Mehlhop Chapter 8 Summary .....................................................145 William M. Block, Deborah M. Finch, Joseph L. Ganey, and William H. Moir Appendix: Birds Referenced in This Book. ..........................151 Thus, understanding the ecology of birds in ponderosa Preface pine forest, including their habitat requirements and popu- lation trends, is key to gauging health of this forested eco- system. The chapters presented in this document sum- Denver P. Burns marize what we know about ponderosa pine forest ecology as well as about the birds that inhabitat those for- As part of a settlement agreement related to the Silver ests. They represent a compilation of numerous indepen- us. Thomas (1996) litigation, the Rocky Mountain Forest dent studies and provide a springboard for the develop- and Range Experiment Station agreed to summarize the ment of new studies. The information presented herein current knowledge on songbirds inhabiting ponderosa may also be used to assess current management direction pine forests in the Southwest. This review represents the for these forests and to fine-tune management to more state-of-knowledge of songbird ecology in Southwestern effectively provide conditions to sustain populations of ponderosa pine forests. the native ponderosa pine avifauna well into the future. Ponderosa pine is the major forest type in the South- The information provided in this document represents west, encompassing over 3 million hectares. rhe forest belt independent contributions by biologists, ecologists, and extending above the Mogollon Rim is the largest contigu- social scientists that summarize and synthesize current ous ponderosa pine forest in the world. These forests have knowledge about ponderosa pine songbirds, including the been occupied by humans for thousands of years, during ecology and use of these forests. Because topics presented which time humans derived multiple benefits from a va- in these chapters were broadly overlapping, some redun- riety of resources. Not only have these forests provided dancy in materials present was unavoidable. I must also human needs, but they also provide for the needs of nu- acknowldge the valuable contribution of reviewers to merous plants and animals. improving this document. Peer reviews were solicited for &. A group of animals of particular interest are the song- each chapter, and the entire document underwent rigor- birds, which occupy numerous habitats and stages. Each ous blind review from three professional societies: Ameri- species uses a unique combination of habitat conditions, and can Ornithologists' Union, Cooper Ornithological Society, changes to the forest may influence that species' population and The Wildlife Society. Collectively, these reviews pro- status. To a certain extent, birds can act as indicators of envi- vided a quality check, and response to revew comments ronmental conditions. By examining trends in bird popula- resulted in a quality document. tions, one might hope to index forest health, and vice versa. USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech Rep. RM-GTR-292. 1997 ships, conservation biology, and the effects of land-man- The Authors agement practices on native wildlife. Brian W. Geils (chapter 1) is a research plant pathologist Mary Ann Benoit (chapter 1) is a zone wildlife biologist for the USDA Forest Service's Rocky Mountain Forest and for the USDA Forest Service, Region 3, on the Coconino Range Experiment Station in Flagstaff, Arizona. He has a National Forest. She earned a B.S. in biology from North- B.S. in wildlife biology from Utah State University; a MS. ern Arizona University and a B.A. in interior design from in forest science from the University of Idaho; and a Ph.D. Mount Vernon College. Benoit currently serves as the bi- in botany-plant pathology from Colorado State Univer- ologist and GIS/database manager on the West and East sity. Geils' current work addresses the impacts of natural Clear Creek Ecosystem Management Projects. Her re- disturbance agents on western conifers. His research inter- search interests include wildlife habitat relationships in ests include the ecological effects, spread, and intensifica- forested ecosystems, effects of forest management prac- tion of dwarf mistletoe, the distribution and epidemiology tices on wildlife, and geographic information systems. of stem rust in pine, and development of survey methods and spatial models for describing interactions among dwarf William M. Block (chapters 4 and 8) is project leader and mistletoe, stem rust, root disease, and other natural distur- research wildlife biologist of the Southwestern Terrestrial bance agents in coniferous forests of the Rocky Mountains. Ecosystem research work unit in Flagstaff, Arizona, and leader of the Mexican Spotted Owl Recovery Team. He has Linnea S. Hall (chapter 4) is assistant professor of wild- been with the USDA Forest Service's Rocky Mountain For- life biology/avian ecology in the Department of Biologi- est and Range Experiment Station since 1990. He received cal Sciences, California State University, Sacramento. Hall his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley in wild- received her Ph.D. in wildlife ecology from the University land resource sciences; his M.S. in wildlife from Humboldt of Arizona, where she studied the elegant trogon for her dis- State University; a B.A. in economics from California State sertation, and helped implement a monitoring program for University, San Diego; and a B.S. in wildlife from Michigan neotropical migrant birds on lands administered by the For- State University. His current research interests include, and est Service. Her research background includes publications he has published widely on, avian ecology, vertebrate-habi- in bird population trends and habitat use; ecology and physi- tat relationships, community ecology, threatened and endan- ology of rodents; and habitat use of amphibians and rep- gered species,
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