Masonic Token
rt C OCT i MASONIC TOKEN WHEREBY ONE BROTHER MAY KNOW ANOTHER. VOLUME 5. PORTLAND, ME., OCT. 15, 1912. NO. 22. Asylum, 133, Wayne. Luther M Norris, Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Mas Published quarterly by Stephen Berry Co m; John S Collins, sw; Albert W Riggs, ter Mason degrees will be exemplified at a No. 37 Plum Street, Portland, Maine. jw; Frederick L Chenery, sec. convention in the evening, in the new Ma St. Aspinquid, 198, York Village. John Twelve cts. per year in advance. sonic Temple, by three lodges in the Seven C Stewart, m; Arthur II Baker, sw; War Established March, 1867. - - 46th Year. ren F Blaisdell, jw; Willie W Cuzner, sec. teenth Masonic District. Keystone, 80, Solon. Ivan L Ward, in; Constitution. Advertisements 84.00 per inch, or $3.00 for Myron C Jewett, sw; David S Tozier, jw; half an inch for one year. Perry S Longley, sec. Daniel Randall Chapter, No. 65, at Island No advertisement received unless the advertiser, Vassalboro, 54, North Vassalboro. Tho’s Falls, will be constituted Thursday, Oct. 17, or some member of the firm, is a Freemason in M Sedwick, m; Joseph Scott, sw; C Mau by Grand High Priest Chas. B. Dayis. We good standing. rice Wyman, sw; Melvin E Hutchinson, sec. cannot expect a large attendance at that far September. distant point, but the Aroostook compan Nezinscot, 101, Turner. Fred S Irish, m; Edward L Haskell, sw; Royal W Haskell, ions will be much interested. September comes with sapphire eyes sw; Royal W Bradford, jw; Donald C And hair of fine spun gold, She walks the fields in gorgeous guise Prince, sec.
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