Shaver's Masonic Monitor Containing All the Exoteric Ritual of the Work And
B hkinonitor. Oi Oi 1 i 1 I 1 [ 91 )riiia al J ^& /^^t-^^^x^:^.*.,^ UNABRIDGED EDITION Shaver's masonic monitor, CONTAINING ALIi THE EXOTERIC RITUAL OF THE WORK AND LECTURES OF THE THREE DEGREES OF ANCIENT CRAFT MASONRY; TO WHICH IS ADDED THE ANCIENT CEREMONIES OF THE ORDER, AND THE RITUAL OF A DOD'tE OF SORROW. Compiled in Strict Confor-niity with THE WORK. WILLIAM M. SHAVER, Past Grand Master of the M.'.W.'.Grand Lodge of Kansas, COMPILER AND EDITOR. TENTH EDITION. TOPEKA, KANSAS: WM. M. SHAVER and A. K. WILSON, Publishers. 1907. M\N. Copyright, 1892, BY William M. Shavkr and Henry F, Toevs. Copyright, 1899, BY William M. Shaver and Albert K. Wilson. PRESS OF KETCHESON PRINTING CO. LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS. : OFFICIAL ADOPTIONS. KANSAS. 1893. At the 37th Annual Communication of the M.-.W.-. Grand Lodge of A. F. & A. M. of Kansas^ held at Hutchinson February 15 and 16. A. D. 1893, A. L. 5893, the following action was taken : M.-. W.-. David B. Fuller, Grand Master, in his annual address, recommended: " It is further recommended that ' Shaver's Monitor,' so-called be adopted as the Official Monitor of this Grand Jurisdiction." (See Proceedings 1893, page 168.) This address was referred to the Committee on Reports of Grand Officers, which reported relative to this recommendation: "That so much of said address as relates to the adoption of 'Shaver's Monitor,' so-called, be approved." This report was adopted by the Grand Lodge. (See same Proceedings, pages 196 and 198.) OKLAHOMA, 1894. At the 2d Annual Communication of the M.-.W.-.
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