Past Grand Master Attends Inaugural in India M.W
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J Editor S. CARL HECKBERT. P.C.M.. Vermilion, Alberta Past Grand Master Attends Inaugural in India M.W. Bro. G. H. Crane-Williams, Grand of the Indian Army, bearer of many honours, Master of the Grand Lodge of Alberta 1945-6 civil, military and Masonic. is a much travelled gentleman and not long ago The Sovereignty of the State of Nampur was while paying a visit to Japan learned that the conferred upon the Nawab’s family by the Grand Lodge of India was soon to be inaugurated, Mughal Emperor, Mohammed Shah, in the dawn whereupon he altered his plans to the extent that of the eighteenth century and the recently in- he was an interested visitor when the ancient stalled Grand Master was one of the first among and impressive ceremonies of the formation of the territorial rulers to merge his state with the the Grand Lodge of India were carried out; he present democratic Republic of India. has thoughtfully forwarded a report of the pro- For the Constitution of the Grand Lodge some ceedings to the Bulletin and we are pleased indeed sixteen hundred Brethren assembled in the ban- to convey to our readers this sterling report for quet hall of the Ashoka Hotel in New Delhi their pleasurable reading. and all arrangements, precise and effective, lent Having in mind the necessity of utilizing dignity to the entire proceeding which had for column space to the best possible advantage it so long been in prospect as a means of corelating has been necessary to delete or alter certain the work of Freemasonry in India. of the information so kindly given us by M.W. On the altar were opened five sacred Books, Bro. Crane-Williams, but, in essence, we are the Square and Compasses laid upon the Bible. proud to give you an almost verbatim report Each was used when obligating officers according of one who quite evidently holds the member- to their respective exemplification of Faith. ship in Alberta in the highest esteem and The Grand Master Mason of Scotland, M.W. remembrance. Bro. the Earl of Eglinton and Winton assumed “The inauguration of a Grand Lodge of Free- the chair for the Consecration Ceremony, con- masons is an experience not often given to secration being made “to God and His Service Brethren and to witness the endowment of and in memory of the Royal Solomon. Appro- sovereign rights at the hands of illustrious priate passages were read from the Prophet Brethren from the Grand Lodges of England, Nehemiah and the Psalms, the assembled Ireland and Scotland is an entirely unique ex- Brethren joining in the recital. perience. It was my good fortune to be privi- The First perambulation was made by the leged to attend the Constitution and Consecration Grand Master Mason of Scotland who scattered of the Grand Lodge of India and I have the corn as a symbol of plenty and abundance, the pleasure to report herewith. Second perambulation was made by the Deputy After the British had relinquished control of Grand Master of Ireland, R.W. Bro. George S. all that constituted Hindustan, it was incon- Gamble, pouring wine, the symbol of joy and ceivable that so vastly important an organization cheerfulness, while the Deputy Grand Master of as Freemasonry, which had flourished since the England, the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Cadogan poured early years of the eighteenth century and had oil during the final perambulation, as a symbol attracted to itself thousands of the various peoples of peace and unanimity. The Ceremony of Con- of that great country should forever remain secration was then completed under the direction subiect to another Masonic iurisdiction. of the Deuutv Grand Master of Ireland who over the years India has produced Some recited the-Iniocation to God, during which the wonderful Masons, Hindoos, Islamites, Parsees, Brethren turned to the East. Sikhs and Pakistanis, as well as Britons and the The Grand Chaplain perambulated the Lodge ultimate formation of a Grand Lodge has long with Incense, censing the four Corners and the been in mind. Fortunately, through the years, Brethren, and then, in the name of the Grand there emerged a leader who, in his own person Lodges of England, Ireland and Scotland and by epitomised the ideal Grand Master, His Highness, command of their respective Grand Masters, the the Nawab of Nampur who is a Major General (Continued on Page 30, Col. 2) 29 April, 1962 GRAND LODGE BULLETIN (Continued from Page 29) EDITORIAI! Deputy Grand Master of Ireland constituted and Just two years ago, in this editorial column, formed the assembled Brethren into the Sovereign attention was directed to the extremely serious Grand Lodge~ of India. results possible to Freemasonry through the in- Labour continued without intermission and judicious use of careless remarks or immorally here followed the Ceremony of Installation of suggestive stories during refreshment periods fol- the Most Worshipful the Grand Master. The lowing Masonic meetings. It is a matter of the Installing Master was the Deputy Grand Master deepest regret that it is felt desirable, at this of England, the Earl of Cadogan; it being the time, to repeat a suggestion that dubious stories expressed wish of the Brethren, His Highness, have no place whatever at any Masonic meeting, the Nawab of Nampur, Grand Master Designate whether during the actual meeting or at a time was escorted into the Grand Lodge and placed in when the members relax to enjoy the fellowship position to receive the highest honour in the that.. is so closely joined to the precepts of the ~.~.rift of~~ the.~~. Masons~~ ~~- of ~~ India. After~~~~ readinr Order. from the Book of Chronicles, the Grand Ma& Doubtless thoughtlessness alone permits the Designate knelt for the recital of the following use of sueeestive stories at our eatherina and --prayer: this edit&ral is not intended in-any way to “Almighty Father and Supreme Governor intimate that there is any widespread use of of the Universe, Who has blessed and prospered such stories as an entertainment medium, but our Order in the years that are past, and not any single deviation from a strict code may have least in the devotion and high character of those repercussions of the gravest significance t? a who have presided over it, vouchsafe Thine Aid young Mason, or may have the result of lessening to this, our solemn assembly, and grant that this the love and respect for the Craft which is so Most Worshipful and distinguished Brother, who firmly in the minds of many who have enjoyed is about to be installed as First Grand Master membership for varying periods. of the Indian Craft, may he endued with wisdom, We are about to welcome a young man, a judgment and ability that he may he enabled to minister of the Gospel, into our Lodge: during perform the duties of his high office. Pour his initiation he will hear the beautiful words down upon him Thy Grace and strengthen him of a charge which, I am sure, will dispose him with Thy mighty power, that he, being loyally most favourably towards the Craft of his choice supported by the loving obedience of his Brethren, and it +c~~l&hea &y ind&f,+lu-ri*+ We=- nX%p3XltinW-WOB!43F of the Wer ing refreshment period some member or visitor and to the honour and gloxhyMost Holy were to stray into a field of anecdote from which Name.” no possible benefit might accrue hut from which, The Deputy Grand Master of England then rather, the candidate might obtain an altogether obligated the Grand Master Designate, investing incorrect impression of Freemasonry. him according to his new rank and placing him During the initiation ceremony a skilled Mason upon the Throne ; the appropriate proclamation will address the candidate in part in these words: was made by the Grand Director of Ceremonies, “As an individual I am further to recommend V.W. Bro. W. G. Douglas and the new Grand the practice of every domestic as well as public Master was saluted by the Eleven G or R. S. virtue. Let prudence direct you; temperance The Grand Master then appointed and in- chasten you: fortitude support you; and justice vested his officers, including a Deputy Grand he the guide of all your actions, and he especially Master, Three Assistant Grand Masters and four careful to maintajn in their fullest splendour Regional Grand Masters, the latter imperative those truly Masonic ornaments, benevolence and owing to the widely spread Jurisdiction over which charity.” You are doubtless familiar with the the new Grand Lodge extends. many other beautiful words of the charge to the The Representatives of the Grand Lodges newly made Mason, the Mason who will surely of Scotland, Ireland and England addressed the never he more impressionable than on the occa- Most Worshipful the Grand Master, fittingly sion of his reception into Freemasonry; in his expressing the goodwill of their respective Grand mind will he created visions of the beauty of Lodges and the vast concourse assembled for the Craft; to permit a careless word or remark the important event and in response, the Grand bordering on the profane to utterly destroy the Master said in part: image we so carefully seek to create would he “I joined Masonry over thirty years ago unthinkable and could he only the result of because I sincerely believed in its tenets and thoughtlessness, a thoughtlessness which has no principles. Ever since, I have constantly and place whatever within the confines of a Lodge of consistently tried to live up to its teachings; I am Freemasonry.