Odoacer: German Or Hun?

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Odoacer: German Or Hun? Odoacer: German or Hun? Robert L. Reynolds; Robert S. Lopez The American Historical Review, Vol. 52, No. 1. (Oct., 1946), pp. 36-53. Stable URL: http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0002-8762%28194610%2952%3A1%3C36%3AOGOH%3E2.0.CO%3B2-Y The American Historical Review is currently published by American Historical Association. Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/about/terms.html. JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at http://www.jstor.org/journals/aha.html. Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is an independent not-for-profit organization dedicated to and preserving a digital archive of scholarly journals. For more information regarding JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. http://www.jstor.org Fri May 18 08:47:53 2007 HE history of the migrations which marked the downfall of both the TIiarn~nEmpire in the West and the I-lan Empire in China is still very obscure. "Nowhere, since the time of Alexander the Great, do we feel so strongly that the meagrencss of the scurces flouts the magnitude of the cvcn~s."' L'nfor~~~nately,tlie starting point, hence the guiding thread of all these migrario:ls. lics in Central Asia, ~vliosepolitical, cconomic, and cultural history will in most of its Jet&!s renlain to us a blank page. For even such remote and belated repercussions of Cen~rnl-.\siaticevents as took place within the view of the chssic world are 1:;1t diinly sho::.n to us in cursory, contradictory, and ofien unreliable sourccs. 'l'o be sure, nen. archae:)!ogical and philologicsl material has been piling up in the !st two or three <cores of years, ivhich has been used in a number ol valuabie studies. But little of such evidence is specific enough to contribute to the revision of the i;istories of individna! tribes. It is clear, ne\-ertheless, that non-Germanic steppc peoples and cultures must have !lac1 a deep influence on many groups wllicl1 mere denominated Gerinan by a bygone generation of historians :ind Two chief diliicultics arc encountered by anyone attempting to use the .+isiatic materials which 1brow light upon the history of the great migrations. In tlie first place, dcspite the archaeological and philological discovery of Asia. no one has yet appeared to draw together from the one hand ihe learning of I,-ral-Altaic pliilology and arc!iacology and hnl the other the written docu- ments 2nd monumenLs, the epics, sagas, and even the modern folklore, of the \vest. hicreover, tile afinities of the varied Asiaric peoples are still uncertain. It is still unclear whether tlie earliest Turks were ethnically more akin to the "Aiong~loid" or to tile "Caucasic" stocks (al~hou~hthe Turkish speech has al~aysbeen Altaic), and whether the leading tribe of the Hunnic conglomerate was Turkic or Llongolic. Even the identiiicaticns of the Hunni with the 'Dr. Reynolcls is professor of history in thc University of Wisconsin and Dr. Lopez L assistant proicswr ot h~story~n Yale Univers~ty. J. B. Uury, History 01 tlie Later I<nman Enrpire (2d ed., London, 1923), prciace. ZCj. Ucrnnard Salin, Die aiigei.n~anrsche Tl;re;.ornarireritry (Stocknolm, 1904); Ellis H. Minns, Sryrllinizs and Crerks (Cambridge, 1913); M. 1. Rostovtzeff, lraizruns and GI-ee/(szn Soztrh R~issra (Oxtord, 1922); j. M. cle Grout, Dze Liles~luiide Chinas (Berlin, 1926); A. A. Vasiliev, Tlrc Goths irz the Cr.zmea (Cambridge, Mass., 1936); Fretlerick J. Teggart, Rome and China (Berkeley. 1g3~).w~thbihliopraphy. 36 !iii~n;-nu and of the .Ivars with the Yuan-yuan are not definitely proved. U'e clo perceive that all these tri!~es n7ereso thoroughly commingled by inter- nlarri:i?e, migration, and conquest that we can scarcely speak of clear-cut et!l;uic border lines. At the most, we can speak of linguistic groups, as far as the :?siatic evidence goes. V,'ilcn we turn to the \Irestern source materials, we find that a rich secon- ti;:ry !it,:rature has already been crcated from such evidence alone.3 But it is a i~oticca!:le characteristic of most of it that the history of every group of inv:;dvrs of the [Yestern Empire-except for the Huns, the Avars, the Alans, arid a few such tribes-is reconstructed on tlie assumption that each such group was Germanic. This assumption is maintained not only when the weight rjf j)ililulogy and contemporary statement support it but when neither does, a p1;cnomenon which is apparently a consequence of tlie fact that when the 1)iul;~sri:igrescarch in the field was undertaken-to organize and to bridge the ,,,rat,,.. > E~PSin the surviving \iTestern sources-it was almost exclusively pro- rnoir:! ily Gcrmans. The eagrr nationalism of the rising German Reich turned their arcrntion to the task in the first place; the picture of the migrations which e~ncrgcclfroin their studies quite justified the zeal of their retrospective patrio; ism. W!x?tever 1n;iy have been the state of information two generations ago to s~pporttlicir assumption that the solution for doubts should be sought in a "Gcrm:lnicV direction, consideration of the import of the new materials from Asia suggcses tint a wider llrxizon shoulii now surround the interpretation of evcn tii.e n-cll-picked-over \Vestern sowces. Perhaps on re-examination these Lourccq caii bc iitttter fitted into those from Sc;~:dlRussia and Central Asia and can e:.en pro\.itlc clues to stcppc !li;:ory itself. IiTithsuch idea in mii:d, may we try sonic modest "c!lunk of history," giving it revisionist treatment, in a sort of experiment designed to test the possibilities of a "Hunnic" rather than a "Gcrmanic" approach? Despite our weakness in Ural-i\lt.iic and Scytho-Sarmatian materi-ils, i- does seem to US worth essaying, in connection with King Odoacer and the whirlpool of peoples in which he matie his ~areer.~ "T: basic general ~sorksare those of Eduard IVictersheim, Geschichte der L'ol~erwandrrr~ng (2d ed., Felix Ihlln, Leipzig. 1880-81) and Ludwig Scl;midt, Allkcnici:ie Grsrhichic drr gernit:::isihen Viilkev (hl~inchen-Berlin. 1909) and Geschzchtc der dclitsrhen Slanime bis zrrm :!rts~ai~gcder T*'ali\e~.wu~~derritig(Berlin. I 9 I 0-1 8) ; also Alfons Dopsch, Iliirtsclinjtlirhe and so:ialc G~a:ni!lcye~ider etoo:uisc!iei> Kzilttrt.entwic~lr~~ig(zd ed., W~en,1923-24); Torsten E. Karbtcn, Les iz:cirtir Gci.niaii?s (Paris. 1931 ); N. Ahe:g, h'ordisihe Owanientik in r,orgrschrcht- !ic/ier Zeit (Leiimg, 1931)~tvith bibliography. We are particiilarly indebted to Professors Sidney Fish, Ernst IIerzfeld, Karl Menpes, and .ifartin Sprengling, and to Dr. Orkhan Yirmibesh for [heir valuable sugges~ions,without which this paper could not have been written. It gou without saying that they cannot be responsible for the judgments expressed in it. 38 Robert L. Reynolds and Robert S. Lopez For the purpose we find in the ll'estern zources the names of a number of key persons: Odoacer; his father, Edicon; his son, Thelan or OLlan; his brother, Munoulplius. Bits of the careers of each are revealed. With their names were associated the tribes or groups of the Torcilingi, Sciri, Heruli, and Rogians, or Rugians, concerning whose histories there are also frasments of information. For philological work there are these and some othcr names.' The Torcilingi (some manuscripts carry the spelling "Turcilingi") are to us little more than a name. They appear in the extant sources only In the IIijtoriu hliscelfa of Landulphus Sagax they are listed with those nations which under Attila's command tool< part in the battle of ChlZlons. The state- ment is unconfirmed by other sources. V?liile tile iiistoj.ic~is itself a late and unreliable chronicle, it includes some materials from earlier and hctter sources ~vhichhavc iiot come don-n to us. In the list of Landulphus, t!le Torcilingi appear jointly with the S~iri.~ Tl~eTorcilingi are mentioned the other time in the account of Jorcianes- once more, jointly wit11 the Sciri-as forming the core of the tribes or mer- cenary bands of mliich Ocloaccr was the leader when he deposed Iiomulus Augustulus. Jordanes refers to the Torcilingi three times, but only and always in connection with a single event: Odo~er'sseizing of power over Italy. After that, we hear no more of the Torcilingi, not even in conilection with OJoacer's later career.' Furthermore, Jordanes is the only firsthand source calling Odoacer king of the Torcilingi; most oiten Ocloacer is called king of tlle Sciri or a S~irian.~Neither Landulphus nor Jordanes supplies a scrap of information as to the race, language, mode of life, origins, or earlier where- abouts of the Torcilingi. Nevertheless, the German scholars of the nineteenth century built up a pedigree and a Lebensraztnz for these obscure "ancestors." Since the Torcilingi were mentioned (in the fifth century) in company with the Sciri, it was de- duced that the two peoples had been neigtibors and kinsmen in the first cen- Jordanes, M.G.H., Artct.
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