746Th Test Squadron Celebrates Diamond Anniversary by Staff Sgt
PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID TULLAHOMA TN Vol. 66, No. 21 Arnold AFB, Tenn. PERMIT NO. 29 November 4, 2019 Replacing decades-old exhauster motors expected to increase reliability, availability for testing base wide By Deidre Moon ing five motors with three, each 10,000 AEDC Public Affairs horsepower,” he said. “These will sup- port three of the six compressors in B Exhauster motors near the Arnold Plant.” Engineering Development Complex En- Combined with the A motor re- gine Test Facility at Arnold Air Force placement project, this is a $32 million Base are being replaced after being in project. In A Plant, four motors will be service since at least 1958. replaced with two new ones, 38,000 The motors, referred to as the A and horsepower each. B exhauster motors, have been used to These exhauster motors not only sup- exhaust up to a combined total of 1,100 port engine testing for jet engine cells pounds of air per second during testing. J-1 and J-2, but also support testing at In the 61-plus years that the motors the J-6 Large Rocket Motor Test Facil- have been in use, they have supported ity, the H2 High Temperature Lab and the testing of numerous aircraft engines, the Propulsion Wind Tunnel Facility. including those used for the B-1 Lancer, “They’re integral to the entire base B-47 Stratojet, B-52 Stratofortress, C-5 and each of the Combined Test Forces Galaxy, F-15 Eagle, F-16 Fighting Fal- on the base because they all utilize this con, F-22 Raptor, F-35 Lightning II and exhaust plant,” Knauf said.
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