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Fern Gazette FERN GAZETTE I INDEX! VOLUME 12 FERN GAZETTE - INDEX VOLUME 12 Aconiopteris 342 Arthromeris wallichiana 87 Acrophorus 315, 317, 318 Aspidium 247 Acropterygium 213 goeringianum 246 Acrostichum 185 sagenioides 315, 316 aureum 98 trifoliatum 318 speciosum 98 Asplenium 50,74, 80, 102, Actinostachys digitate 366 106, 115, 188,189, Acystopteris 304, 313 246, 286,287, 290, Adenophorus 340 304,308,327,331 Adiantopsis 327 adiantum-nigrum 5-8,16,17, 22, 24, radiate 323 78,80, 103-106, Adiantum 31, 36, 78, 215, 115, 116,136, 137' 221, 355, 365 143,144, 149, 152, capillus-veneris 11 ' 12, 1 5, 1 6, 252,255,259,306,363 23-25, 78, 81, aethiopicum 50 84, 151' 195, 263, x alternifolium 309 264, 309, 355, 359 anceps 157, 158 caudatum 50 bil/etii 214 edgeworthii 84 billotii 17, 116, 264, 331, incisum 85 332 latifo/ium 98 bourgaei 271-274 lunulatum 85 breynii 309 malesianum 211 bulbiferum 33 peruvianum 355-359 calcico/a 214 pseudotinctum 323, 326-328 ceterach 18, 19, 23;-25, raddianum 195 133, 136, 144, reniforme 156 152, 252, 255, stenochlamys 360 259, 302, 306, tetraphyllum 323 363 venustum 85 claussenii 324, 327, 328 Africa, Macrothe/ypteris new to, 117 coenobiale 214 Aglaomorpha 225-228 x confluens 252, 259, 301' ·pi/osa 227 302, 362, 363 Aleuritopteris 85 cunelfolium 5-8, 1 03-106 Alsophila 287 dalhousiae 87 bryophila 287 ensiforme 87 dregei 195 exiguum 87 dryopteroides 287 fissum 81 Amauropelta 160 fontanum 81, 271, 331 Ampe/opteris prolifera 87 foreziense 331 Amphineuron opulentum 98 fuscipes 214 Ant1mia 327,328 gemmiferum 193 dregeana 193 g/andulosum 81 mexicana 36 glaucophyl/um 98, 101 phyllitidis 323, 328 goeringienum 246 Angiopteris 51, 161, 162, 244 hostmannii 324,327 evecta 161, 162 incisum 105 smithii 161 indicum 87 Anogramma 78,80, 81 iahandiezii 272-273 leptophyl/a 75, 76, 78-81' 85 kobayashii 105-106 264 laciniatum 87 Ant associations with Bornean laetum 324 rain forest ferns, 243 /epidum 81 Antigramma 321' 326, 328 longissimum 98,100, 101 brasi liensis 323, 326, 328 lunulatum 194 p/antaginea 323, 326 marinum 12, 18, 19, Appearance and disappearance 23-25,136, 144, of a Oryopteris carthusiana 152, 252, 259, colony, 224 302, 306 Arabia, Psilotum nudum new to, 361 montanum 304 Arachniodes 130 mucronatum 324, 326-328 Araiostegia pseudocystopteris 86 nidus 97, 98, 100, 101 FERN GAZ. 121NDEX obovetum 331-333 latilobum 118 onopteris 5-7, 72,80, 103, megistophyllum 118 1 04, 106, 115, nigripes 87 116, 252, 259, niponicum 246, 247 262, 306, 309 var. metallicum 247 pellucidum 98, 101 var. niponicum petrerchee 80,81, 189 forma piety neuron 46 cristatoflabel/atum 247 prionitis 193 var. pictum 247 pulcherrimum 214 otophorum 130 rute-murerie 18, 19, 23-25, oxyphyllum 87 136, 137, 143, pectinatum 87 144, 149, 152, proliferum 87 153, 252, 255, rupestre 246 259, 302, 306, rupicola 87 363 schimperi 87, 156 rutifolium 193 yokoscence 246 sendersonii 193 Azol/a 230, 232, 240, x serniense 116 301, 367 scolopendrium 12,16, 17, 22-25, filicu/oides 301' 307, 363 115, 136, 137, pinnate 230-232 143, 144, 149- var. imbricate 230, 232 152, 252,255, BADRE, F. & PRELU, R. 115 259, 263, 301' BARKER, MARION 59 302, 306, 362, Belvisia 206 363 Berwic kshire, the ferns of, 133 septentrione/e 80, 264 BHAMBIE, S. & MADAN, serretum 324, 326, 328 PARKASH 215 splendens 193 BIDIN, A. 360 x ticinense 115 BIGNALL, ERIC 115 trichomenes 18, 19, 22-25, 8/echnum 1 02, 199, 294, 74, 112,.136, 326 137, 143, 144, attenuetum 149,152, 157, var. giganteum 194 252, 255, 259, austra/e 327 274, 302, 306, subsp. auricu/atum 324, 326 362, 363 brasiliense 324, 326, 328 subsp. quedrivelens 19, 112, 136, ensiforme 324, 328 144, 252,259, fraxineum 324 301' 306, 362, indicum 98 363 meridense 324 trojeni 116 occidentale 324, 327, 328 unileterele 87 orientate 98 veriens 87,90 punctuletum 195 viride 25,81,112, var. krebsii 194 252, 259, 260, spicant 20-22, 27, 305, 306 135-137, 145,148, X Asplenophyllitis jecksonii 105 150-152, 252, Athyrium 189, 246, 247, 255,261, 294, 286, 294, 304, 300, 306, 362 318 sylvaticum 195 engustisquamatum 118 tabu/ere 195 anisopterum 86, 91, 92 Bolbitis quoyana 275 drepanopterum 87 Bommerie 286,287,290- falcatum 86 292 filix-femine 11, 18, 19, 22, ehrenbergiane 287,290 25, 136, 137, hispida 287, 290, 291 143, 146, 148- pedata 287,290 150, 152, 252, subpe/eacea 287, 290 255, 260, 300, Borneo, A new species of 306 �nmstrom 3W Borneo, Asplenium pu/cherrimum flexile 308 new to, foliolosum 87 214 goeringianum 246,247 Botrychium 28, 215,217, var. pictum 247 221,222, 334 iseanum 246, 247 lanuginosum 84, 216,218, 365 FERN GAZ. 12 INDEX lun11ri11 15, 136, 140, sieberi 121-125, 127, 152, 252, 257, 128 305 subsp. tern11tum 84, 216, 218 pseudo vel/ell 123 British Isles, Asplenium x subruf11 85 confluens rediscovered in, 301, 362 tenuifoli11 121-123 British Isles, Dryopteris x vel/ell 121, 122 s11rvel11e new to, 178 viridis 195 British pteridophyte records, 305, 363 var. involut11 195 British record of Asplenium var. m/lcrophy/111 193 cuneifolium suspect, 103 Chemistry in fern classification, 283 British record,second of Christe/111 11rid11 98 Equisetum x font-queri, 61 dent11ta 87, 98 Burren, Ferns of the, 9 PllrBsiticB 98 BUSBY, A.R. 305, 363 subpubescens 98 Camptodium 275, 277, 278, China, First Pteridological 280, 281, 304 Symposium in, 119 Camptosorus 74 Christensenill 51, 162 sibiricus 105 /lesculifolill 51, 52 C11mpyloneurum 160 Chromosome count of l11p11thifolium 324, 327 Asplenium 11nceps, 157 phyflitidis 324, 327, 328 Chromosome count of Canary Islands,New Dryopteris Christenseni11, 51 hybrids from, 267 Chromosome count of C11rdiomanes 304 M11croglossum, 161 Cer11topteris 50 Chromosome count of Ceter11ch 274, 308 Osrrund11 vBcheflii, 360 cord11tum 193 Chromosome count of officin11rum 78, 79 Ph11nerosorus, 209 C-Giycosylxanthones in Chromosome counts of Tect11rill, 304 Paraguayan Ferns , 321 CHANDRA, SUBHASH 225, 275 Cionidium 304 Cheil11nthes 74, 85, 121- Classification of genera allied 129, 155, 274.. to T.ect11ri11, Commentary 324, 328 on· recent schemes of. 313 BlbomBrginBtll 85 Coniogr11mme 11ffinis 85 11nceps 85 caud11t11 85 var. brevifrons 85 COOPER-DRIVER, GILLIAN Bustrotenuifolill 122, 124, 125, A. & HAU FLER, 127, CHRISTOPHER 283 bergi11n11 194 Corfu, Fern-dominated wall CIIUdatll 121 communities in, 75 chlorophy/111 324, 327 CORLEY, H.V. & GIBBY, M. 178 concolor 324, 327, 328 Crepidom11nes insigne 86 var. kirkii 193 Crypsinus 206 contigu11 121 stenopteris 118 coriBceB 155 Cryptogr11mm11 308 d11lhousi11e 85 crisp11 136, 140, 152, dist11ns 121, 123, 124, 305 126, 127 Ctenitis 189, 275, 277, f11rinos11 85 278, 280, 281, fr11gr11ns 81 304, 313-318, grBciffimll 122, 123 320, 327 hirsut11 121 11piciflora 314 hisp11nic11 81 connexa 324, 326 inBequBiis dubia 316 var. buchllnllnii 195 eatonii 317 IBsiophy/111 121-124, 126, hypo!epioides 317 127 m11nnii 320 m11r11ntae 155 muluensis 320 microphy/111 36 rhodolepis 315 persic11 156 speciosissim11 317 pteridioides 156 subobscur11 320 pumilio 123 subincis11 315, 316, 324 shirley11n11 123 subm11rginalis 324, 327 Cten itopsis 315, 316 FERN GAZ. 12 INDEX Ctenopteris 337, 338, 340 truncatula 324 barathrophyl/a 118 Didymoglossum insigne 86 brooksiae 180 Diphasiastrum 74, 309 curtisii 338, 340 alpinum 136,138, 1 52 heterophyl/a 338, 340 252, 254, 305 longiceps 337-340 x issleri 136, 138, 1 52 rufidula 118 Diphasium 309 Culcita 186, 199, 299, Diplazium 189, 318 326, 300 328 coniifolie 299 ambiguum 324, 328 macrocarpa 299 angustisquamatum 118 Cyathea 186, 208 asperum 98 Jatebrosa 97, 98 cristatum 325, 326, 328 Cyc/ogramma 208 esculentum 98, 365 auriculate 87 expansum 324 Cyclopaltis 304 fuertesii 324 Cyc/ophorus dimorphus 119 latilobum 118 stel/atus 119 lobu/osum 87 Cyc/osorus 160,186, 208 megistophyllum 118 dentatus 87 po/ypodioides 87, 365 gongylodes 98 spectabile 87 interruptus 208 striatum 324 Cyrtomium 130 Dip/opterygium 186, 213 caryotideum 86 Dip/ora 188 Cystopteris 50,288,291,292 Dipteris conjugata 240 dickie11na 308, 309, 364 DIXIT,R. D. & DAS, ANJALI 182 fragilis 18, 19; 23-25, Doodia 123, 128, 199 74, 81, 136, 137, media 124, 127 143, 146, 149, Doryopteris 324 151, 152, 156, concolor 324 252, 259, 260, nobilis 325-327 263, 288, 306, pedata 327 308, 363, 364 var. multipartite 325 subsp. bulbifera 288 Drought tolerance in subsp. protrusa 288 Cheilanthes with special subsp. tenuifolia 288 reference to the gametophyte, 121 protrusa 74, 291 Drymog/ossum piloselloides 98,100, 101 Cytomorphology of Adiantum Drynaria 225-228, 244 peruvianum progeny, 355 glauca 119 Cytotaxonomy of Azol/a mol/is 87 pinnate, 230 quercifolia 38, 244 Danaea 51, 162 sparsisora 98, 100, 101, Daval/ia 53, 188, 304, 227, 2'44 313, 317 Drynarioid ferns, A new concept canariensis 72 of, 225 chaerophyl/oides 194, 195, 196 Drynariopsis 225--228 denticulate 96, 98, 100, Dryoathyrium 313 101 Dryopolystichum 314, 316, 317 pulcherrima 214 Dryopteris 27, 28, 36, 50 Davallodes 317 56, 74, 153, borneensis 317 183, 184, 246, Dennstaedtia 53, 188 247, 267, 294, flaccida 188 313-315,317, globulifera 324, 327 318, 343 obtusifolia 324, 326 a emu/a 21, 22, 135, scabra 86 136, 147, 152, Diacalpe 317 245, 252, 255, Dicksonia 186, 199, 317 261' 267, 270, Dicranog/ossum 204 300, 306, 307, Dicranopteris 40, 213 363 linearis 101 affinis 56, 1 56, 183, var. subpectinata 98 184, 252, 254, Dictymia 198, 199, 206 255, 260,267- brownii 197-206 270 300, 306, Dictyox iphium 304 307 Didymochlaena 304, 314-318, subsp. borreri 252, 261 326, 328 subsp. stil/upensis 249, 252, 261 FERN GAZ. 12 INDEX Ecology of Paraguay ferns, 321 x ambroseae 56, 178 Ecology of Phenerosorus, 209 erdechensis 183, 184 Edinburgh, Azol/a filiculoides in, 301 austriaca 11, 20-22, 25, EDWARDS, P.J.
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